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Power | How would you feel about working on a farm for a week? What would you find most challenging about it? ‘What do you think you might learn from working with ‘animals of on the land? List three things and share your ideas ‘with the class. Reo Read the article about Jamie's Farm quickly. What is the main purpose of the farm? Read the exam tip and complete the task ex | Read the text quickly. Then read the missing sentences and see Read the second paragraph of the article. What is the | general topic of this paragraph? A the teenagers | B the animals | | ¢ the farming methods used Now read the sentences in Ex 5. Which one applies to your ‘answer above? Check to see it fits grammatically as well. [ilread the article again. Choose which sentence A-G fits each gap (1-6). There is one extra sentence you do not need 'A For many, itis that lack of traffic noise that helps them to see things more clearly. B One ot how he fees different! © They would all play a full part in running the farm while at the same time learn more about themselves and how ey behave in a different environment. D The teens reall like the fact that avaliable to chat. This is one of the ways in which the farm organisers make sure they have the least impact on the environment. F But it's pretty certain they'll soon realise that helping an ‘animal to give birth or feeding a baby goat from a bottles, way more important. G Of course the river or the egg 1 boys descr 2 staff are, ways are fun times too, lke jumping in the prowing game. Find words or phrases in the article and sentences (A-G) in Ex:5 that mean the following. 3g into pieces (para 1) 2. not have something (sentences A-G) 3. something that a country or person has that they can use (para 2) important or noticeable (par8 4) 4 5s powerful efect (sentences A-G) 6 do something that you have been told to do (para 6) 7. the power to control (pare 6) 8 9 0 something that you want and plan to do (para 7) a statement that expresses your opinion (para 7) behaving in an angry and violent way (para 7) List as many of the experiences of life on Jamie's Farm as you can remember. Workin pairs and share your notes. ‘What other benefits might inner-city kids get from a stay con a farm like the one in the article? What about country kids living in the city? Discuss as a class. ypical mid-week morning on Jamie's Farm. One group 's, who would normally be at school at this time, are ¥y chopping wood outside ~ with an adult's help, of Eee Another group are cleaning out the animals’ living $= (coh, the smell), while a third group are going to dig the le plot. Their next break Is for lunch at 1 p.m. when $= wil all be eating together around the huge farmhouse Setchen table, birdsong. « @ they having for lunch? There will Zanic produce from the farm, fresh les and salads, and puddings using own fruit. | How else y manage to do this? Well, by raising B=, consuming solar energy, recycling Be 2nd using natural resources such as Becta: around the farm, = Lamie Felden, an ex-teacher, FSS H= with his mother, Tish Fellden, a eS ctherapist, decided to set up Jamie's == fis goal was to have a place in the ay where groups of inner-city kids come and stay on a weekly basis. Their hope was that any sS who were having emotional difficulties or problems at ¢ uld benefit particularly from the experience. = arival at the farm, the teens have mixed feelings, afraid of getting dirty; others are panicking because ‘9 definitely have to do without their mobile phones for "=== (one of the house rules), as well as giving up sugar. By looking after creatures in these small but eats ie’ = Jamie’s Farm = significant ways, they will learn how humans and animals are dependent upon each other for their health and happiness. These teens have little or no experience of country life. Most of them have never been in wide-open spaces where all you ccan hear is the wind blowing in your face and the sound of "You can just sit on the grass and think calmly about everything — all your troubles and your worries,’ sald Charlene (on a visit to the farm from Hackney In London 5 Ifyou catch one whole, you're in; if you catch one and it breaks, you're out! There are also horse whispering sessions, where the students can ‘communicate with the horses. Horses will ‘only obey someone who is speaking calmly and with authority, not with anger. This is an extremely valuable lesson to learn. ‘So how do the teenagers feel after thelr experience at Jamie's Farm? One girl ‘expresses her intentions: When I go home, I'm going to change my attitude ... I'm just going to try and grow up a bit more’. Vil stop and think before | act ~ | won't just say something that will cause an argument. I've learnt to calm. ‘down and be more aware of what I'm about to do,’ she claims. And one final comment sums up the ‘whole experience: "You can't be aggressive ee 3 The world around us GRAMMAR [ff Read the grammar box and match the Scamples (1-8) ith the rules (AH). 1 Ml stop and think before act=I wont just {ay something that wl cause an argument 2 tveleaint to calm down ana be more aware chat Ym about todo. 3A third group are going to dig the vegetable pt. ‘They will all be eating together et lunchtime. ‘There will be organic produce from the farm, Their next break is for lunch at 1 p.m. ‘What are they having for lunch? ‘When I go home, 'm going to change | my attitude avons FeroneeeN: [Co LLiLLCoLieiied tn future forms A present continuous for arranged future events B going to for future plans and intentions € will for predictions, quick decisions, promises, offers and warnings D will or certainty | E present simple for timetabled and scheduled events F future continuous for an action that will be in progress at or around a specific time in ‘the future G future time clauses (+ present tense with future meaning) with after, as soon as, before, by the time, in two days’ time, until when, while H phrases for talking about the future: be ‘about to, be due to, be likely/unlikely to What are your plans forthe weekend? Work ‘to do and one thing you hope won't happen. 40 in pairs and talk about one thing you're going [}2: usten toa conversation. What plans has the boy got forthe vening? Whats the git going todo? (ED 22 usten again and compete the sentences with the future forms the speakers use 1 The boy, _. (do) his homework all evening, 2 Thegit. (waten) 2 TV programme. 3 Their (start) making a pizza. [Ei choote the correct words to complet the sentences, 1 Tm going / 190 for 2 pln with some frends tomorrow. 2 Ibe pekng/ Il pick strawberries all dy Sturdy 3 intowo daytime | After two days, my cousin wl Be ating. 4 ttl willbe very hot terror 50 don forget your sunscreen Sassoon a ight fl/fl te animals come out of thei hoes. 6 Werner ely to / about to leave the house whan suddenly staresto ran ED) 22 tisten to tree peopl talking about an organisation called Eble ae ounce Who ls speaking each time: a studert, a representative from the organisation ora teacher? 1 2 ee 3 El} 2.4 complete the sentences with these words. Then listen again and check your answers. about are be defiitely going probably until wont 41 The people from Edible Playgrounds are... 2 We can't really start digging, toartive ‘they get here 3 twill... _make a huge difference to our school to have a garden. 4 They're. to show us how to grow vegetables at school 5 nnmasmnenenen WON'E want tO €at them anyway. 6 Maybe in 2 few months’ time, Il _. enjoying a plate of pasta with tomato sauce 7 We visiting another one tomorrow. 8 We warn the students that they... be ready for a few weeks. Speak up [Ey Workin pairs and plan a wlfeynature ti. Discuss suitable times | forthe tripand what youthinewillor won't appen, using sutable future forms, VOCABULARY food and transport (HED) 2.s workin pair and do the quiz. sten and check your answers. 1 Acountry... food and other products when itreceives ‘them from other countries. ‘A imports B exports 2. Which ofthe followings atype of crop? A steak B wheat © bread © customs: 3. Aconsumeris aperson who [A buys food and other products makes food and other products. © sells food and other produets. 4 youeat cheese but not meat, your dietis called ‘A vegetarian. B organic. © vegan 5 The,.,...jsthetime ofyearwhen farmers cutthe com or pickal the frat A season —_B harvest © calendar 5 Whatis coffee made from? A beans B leaves seeds: Read vocabulary box 1. Then complete the sentences using the correct form of phrases from the box. 11 think you've made a mistake. Your answer here doesn't 2. There are no eggs left, so we'll just have to pasta, 3 Im going to au for the environment by cleaning the beach. COVE YOU ne chocolate ifyou had to? couldn't! 5 snennYOU put the food in the fridge ‘vernight or it will go bad. re vocabulary | phrases with make and do ‘There are lots of useful phrases with the verbs make and do. I couldn't do without eating bread every day. It makes sense to conserve our water as much as possible. Make sure you don't forget to take your project to school! I'm doing my bit by making cards to raise money for the charity, I can’t have a dog or a cat, soll have to make do with 2 hamster. Write three sentences about yourself, using phrases from vocabulary box 1, Work in pairs and share your ideas. [1 Read the text about food quick. What are ‘food miles’? Long-distance travellers’ bid you know that food fies? Te intetnational food trade is “increasing / gaining more rapidly than food ‘construction / production ise Does tis make / have sense? we might ask. The facts that consumers users nowadays want a variety of food to be Favailable / ready allyear round Not onl that most of out foods “exchanged / transported by plane, since other forms of transport are fast enough We may not else that things ike coffee tea, oranges and bananas travel thousands of miles to get to their destination. We often don't realise how tnuch foo our own county sels Imports fom ater countries. Locally produced food is fresher, tastier and doesn't create so many food mies, Lets ‘et lca as much fs we can although ts not necessary teat / do without coffee or bananas ust purchasing fod thats in*season market wll ea good start ead the text again and choose the correct words to Complete vocabulary 2 identical verbs and nouns Some verbs and nouns are spelt in exactly the same way but are pronounced differently. PREsent (noun) and presENT (verb) PERmit (noun) and perMIT (verb) [FIED 2.6 Read vocabulary box 2 and look at these words. In Which words does the stress move? Mark the syllable where You thik the stessis. Listen and check your answers. Verbs: answer comment, inerease, produce, purchase, transport. travel Nouns: answer comment, increase, produce, purchase transport travel Speak up Discuss which fruit and vegetables are grown a) manly in the summer ) mainly Inthe winter all ear round. game on fruit and veg memory game Take it in turns to say fist a fruit, and then the next person, ‘a vegetable. Continue round the class. | went to the market and | bought some... apples. 4) ‘Work in pairs and discuss the questions. +1 what environmental problems are important toyou? 2. Which ones Go you think young people are most concerned about? 3 What can young people do to try and help with these problems? Work in pairs. What do you think the words in bold mean? 1. Researching your family’s roots can be very interesting, 2. The conference was attended by all the most important peaple in the tech industry. 3. Ignoring something important won't make itgo away. 4. The workers protested against the changes by holding a six-week strike, 5 The government is considering banning the se of pesticides. I don't have the courage to give a speech to a large audience. ‘You will hear a student talking to her lass about a young environmentalist that she has studied, Xiuhtezcat! Martinez. Listen and answer the questions, 4. What job does he do? 2. Where does he live? 3 What important campaign did he win? exa sentence completion In this task you wll hear the exact word or swords that you need to write although you wil not hear them used in exactly the seme 1 | sentence as you see written. Usually only one | or two words are needed | Read the frst sentence in &x5 and listen to | | part ofthe recording again. Which word is | frissing from the frst gapped sentence? | ao short phrase. SPEAKING UP FOR NATURE ‘Abby was impressed by the fact that Xiuhtezcatl knows several . very well Abby admired Xiuhtezcat! for making a large group of people when he was six. ‘According to Abby, Xiuhtezcat! thinks of the natural world as a _ that we are given. Abby feels that young people of her like Xiuhtezcat! to speak for them. ‘Abby was amused by what Xiuhtezeat'’s younger brother did to protest against the * ‘and their lack of action. Abby wasn't aware of the fact that Xiuhtezcat’s ¢ sang with him. ‘The subject of Xiuhtezcat’s songs are the ”, are important for our times. In front of a need someone he thinks ‘Another example of how Xiuhtezcat! gets things done is when inhis he stopped the use of pesticides in the * neighbourhood. Abby was amazed that Xiuntezcat! did not depend on®, during his talk. Abby uses the word "to describe how she feels about Xiuhtezcatl Speak up Have a class debate on the following topic. Follow the steps below. powerful way to young people 1 Get into two teams and plan your arguments for one of the two sides. 2 Select one or two speakers for each side. 3 Have a class vote after each side has spoken Listen again and complete the sentences (2-10) with a word or USE OF ENGLISH 1 [i Read the grammar box. Choose the correct words in the sentences (1-4). 11 We had such a / aso dry summer last year, the flowers died! 2 Cities would be such / so nice places to lve if they were greener, 3 There weren't such a lot / enough bins for rubbish 4 The island was s0 | too far away to see the penguins clearly 0, such, too, enough 1A 0+ adjiadv (+ thot) He was s0 passionate about it that he was able to speak out B such (oon) (+ ad) + noun (+ that) ‘That was such a difficult thing for him to do. other commen phrases: so much/so manylsuch a ot of «noun (+ that) Wes incredible to have such alot of confidence at that age! D too adj/adv (+ to-nfritive) They were too important to ignore E other common phrases: 20 much/too many + noun (+ tosnfinitive) Sometimes it requires too much effort to make a change F (not +) ad\/adv + enough (+ torinfntive) Most kids are not interested enough to make difference. G (not) + enough (+ adj) + noun (+ to-infinitive/thot + clause) He was so fed up with people not taking enough action that he decided to goon strike Zl complete the conversation wth these word or phrases There are fo you donot need enough so somany somuch suchalot such an too ‘A: How about starting a campaign to get cycle paths in our town? There’, ‘traffic i's impossible to ride my bike to school! 2B: Yeah, | know. But I don’t think there’d be?., interest. A: OK, but | our parents waste’... ‘of time in the mornings taking us to school. 'm sure they'd be giad if we went by bike, Hang on a minute. Can we have a reality check here? What about ‘those cold, dark mornings when your hands are frozen to hold the handlebars? If you campaign for this, ou might be * unpopular that none of the students wil talk to you! [As OK, How about campaigning for a pool at school instead? B: Now you'r taking! Read the exam tip and complete the task. exam tip: open cloze Read the text through quiekly before you try to think ofthe missing word, Make sure the word fits the whole sentence, not just the gap itself. Look at gap 1 in x 4. What type of word comes after the gap? Do you think the answer isso or Such? Too oF enough? Think about the grammar rules that you have learnt. [i Bicomplete the article with one word Imeach geo. Good news! ‘Ayaan lives in a small village in Somalia, a country that often suffers from a lack of rainfall The village is * high up on a hill that they have no water supply. Three times a day, the girls and women carry water 5 from the river on their heads or backs, sometimes in twenty-kilo containers! ‘It $BKES UPB no ig part of the day that had to leave school when | was eight,’ Ayaan explains. ‘My mother had too? work to do and she needed help.’ Unfortunately, the dirty river water causes so diseases that there are often ‘enough medicines for those in need. However, help is in sight. A charity is * to build a water pump that will bring clean water from a well to the village. ‘This ? next year, I'll possibly *... drinking water from a tap in my village — it will be like a dream come true!’ Speak up Work in pairs and dscuss these problems. Cen you think of any possible solutions? 1 The‘e is to0 much traffic in your town or city centre 2 Young people aren't involved in improving the place where you lve. 3 Thesyarid Gro Nd us USE OF ENGLISH 2 [Hl can you think of an anima species that Isendangered? How would affect the ervironment I those animals dsappeared? You are going to listen toa conversation about wolves. Worn pairs and answer the questions. 1 Where do wolves ve? 2 Are they endangered? Why? 3. Dowoles Ive on ther own on groups? i} 3.10 stent the conversation and check your SnswerstoEx2, FEDED 2.11 Read the vocabulary box Listen tothe Conversation agein and listen or the phrasal verbs inthe box. eR oletoleli lola ig phrasal verbs Phrasal verbs consist ofa verb and one or two particles, chop down, clean up, cut down, die out, get (a message) across, kill off, throw away ‘A huge number of plastic bags are thrown away each year. All of these verbs take an object except for one. Which is it? Choose the correct phrasal verb to complete the sentences, Do you think the information s True (T) or False (F)?- 1 Trees are thrown away / chopped down, tomate space or cate 2. Wolves have killed off leaned up the brown bea, 2 Insome cies ducks have footpaths or Cuce lanes This ges the message across / throws away the message that they news protecting 4 les possible that elephants wil kl off die out inte wie, § Wieneed to throw away / clean up plastic from the oceans. [El auic read the article about wolves caving Yellowstone Part. Work in pars and describe what happened when the wolves returned Read the exam tip and complete the task exam tip: multiple-choice cloze ‘When you look at the options, think about 2) meaning, b) context and c) words that {go together. Look at question 1 in Ex, Can you immediately delete any of the options because of their meaning in the sentence? In ‘the context of the whole sentence (possibility inthe past), which others can you delete? ‘Which words go with ‘highly’? Choose your answer. (0) Ditead the article and decide which answer (A, 8, Cor D) best fits each g2p dig ise? oo ee) et By the 1930s, there were na more wolves in Yellowstone National Park. it seemed highly *... that they would fever came back. After they diseppeared, animals such as the elk (a type of deer) moved around less and ate all their favourite plants and trees, Because of this the number of beavers, whose oe habitat is the river, were hungry and they nearly However, since 1895 when the grey wolf was brought back to the park, there have been many positive + Firstly, the wolves started hunting the elks, so plants started to graw ‘again, songbirds returned and the number of beavers increased This experiment was a success and a number of ‘scientists are currently getting that message ?.... to tthe public * the grey wolf is not an endangered species everywhere, it will definitely have a safe home in the park nd the ecosystem of the park will remain healthy! A strange ——B unsure € unlikely doubtful 2 A ordinary —B natural © physical «=D usual 3 Ausedup —B killed off_-——C cleanedup BD died out 4A results B aims € goals conditions 5 A widely B rapidly € largely D unusually 6 A main B chief € large D huge 7A around Bin © across Don 8 A Although —B However. Since D Because Speak up Ifyou could only save one af these endangered animals, which would You choose andy? Isthere one that ts more Important to save {han the others? Work in pars and share your ideas glanttortoise rhino sloth whale crocodile dolphin elephant =) Have you ever done any volunteering work to help, ‘the environment? Which would you prefer to do: help to protect wildlife or help to clear rubbish from local areas? Read the task about organising eco-friendly 2ctivities. Match the activities in the task with the possible answers (A). Rote Etec ‘A realising how much litter people throw away BB understanding how older animals are dependent on us for their care cogrsing the importance of protecting wild species DD learning about the consequences of keeping creatures cages IE thinking about the importance of not using pesticides F improving knowledge ofa less wellknown species IG redicing the amount of plastic that is used # ' 4 considering the importance of freedom for animals. periencing the hard work involved in manual labour fort needed to care for covering the time an animals $5] 22 Listen to two students discussing the task. Which of the ideas from Ex 2 do they mention? (17 Ei) ead the useful language and listen again. Which phrases do the speakers use? Ey Read the exam tip and complete the task. would be a useful thing to d ring up rub 1 think ‘some people might prefer to go fruit-picking ©) Ehwerkin pairs and discuss the question inthe taskin Ex. Use ‘he ideas (AJ) to help you and add any other ideas of your own. "17 Now aiscuss which two activities you think students would find most interesting, ive reasons for your answers, Use phrases from the useful language in your discussion. 1) Work in pairs. Turn to page 173 and follow the instructions ©) Workin groups and discuss the questions 1 Isthere any pollstion in the area where you ive? the situation getting worse or better? 2 How importants it to feel @ connection with nature andthe worl we lve in? Give reasons for your answers 3 The world around us WRITING Power up Look at the photo which shows a kind of hotel. ‘What is the purpose of the hotel? Plan on \ Match the problems (1-4) withthe possible solutions | (A-D). Problems © tts acing tobe ctu o grow enough food fr everyone | Some animals an insects ae in danger of cing out | We may run out of tfordeble oi as a souroe of ener. |) More peooie in the worl wil produce more rubbish Jutions Gone ead the article bout bugs quickly, What ideas does the aie cares writer mention? home or at school, and make bug hotels. Bugs and other interesting things | Everything will be recycled and re-used ae teu, 4 ®) torte ‘Are youa bug lover ora lover of nature generally? Well, | -sottre wet be so much ‘then perhaps its time te consider how you can help. ue heard about some great ideas that are simple to © Wecan sar garden and prod ue heard abot sme great ideas thet re Fs and also eat only seasonal vegetables. do. for example, inorder fo protect the insect life in our gardens, we can make a bug hotel. Doesn't that sound fun? One school in Montreal did this and the We can use solar power and wind energy 1. All J ® ce pictures on their blog are relly cool. All you need are | eget eee some sticks and stones and fo build them up into 9 i small house. Then bugs will make it their home! med air for una ale nots eset some Tye also read about some brilliant environmental pointe that you could Inc organisations, Why don't you start a small group at your school? Maybe part of your school playground wildlife area so that Ova rete eT CL | ld become a garden or Se = teveryone can have hondson experience ef looking ‘We're looking for articles that give some positive after animals or growing vegetables. vice on how to help the nt oes CS a are Treally care about not using plastic packaging and not What ideas have you heard about and what are you eet csuaten So Ym not going te accept plastic bogs hoping to do yourself to get involved? How could i i rl vontt eave rhe taps ronsingl you do something to help? en We will publish the best articles in our next issue. So,in a few words, we should look after nature and use it wisely, not destroy it oe Seco An article needs tonterest the reader Read these ideas and i ‘then the article again. Can you find examples of these points Write on the article? An artilecanincude ome ofthe folowing + personal opinion + anecdotes (realife tries about the subject) + suggestions or advice to the reader + 2 personal experience of he subject. ghving examples + direct reference to te ceader 69. you + aninteesing tile + retoccal questions (sing 2 question instead of statement tonterest te reader [Ey Read the exam tip and complete the tas ce 15) ead the advert below and plan your article, Use the esdthe anguage box Fndsome amples hie nguageln 2 eadthe avert blow and Complete the sentences with phrases from the language box. Environmental organisations must work harder... people all over the world can have access to clean water. O/B wnte your article in 140-190 words 2 Trees are very important... keeping the atmosphere it clean Sove need to pote curfaestandnavuctnem al coun, MPFOVE | 3. The aim isto protect animals and sea creatures from hunting or] Swap your article witha partner. Ask them to read it ‘overfishing... enjoy them in the future. and see how many points from Ex 5 you have included, 4 Anew wildlife centre W3S OPENED nnn S@@bIFGS COUIE as well as words or phrases from the language box. nest therein safety ‘Also ask them if they found it interesting! 5 Alot of people are planting flowers in public spaces tteteern lorie! “© Read your article through again and make corrections If you need to. Reindeer girls ‘Work in pairs. Think of the main reasons why animals might migrate at different times of the year. Give examples. [ilwerch the clip. why do the reindeer migrate? [Bl waten again and answer the questions 1 Do Sami peopl ive in tents? 2. What do Elle and her family wear to keep warm on the migration? 3 What do the reindeer do during the summer on the sind? 44 How do the reindeer travel to!and back from the island? '5 According to the video, wht decision wil Elle have to make about her future? Project Research outdoor jobs where people help animals, small communities of the environment. Choose a job you would lke to create an advert for. 1 List the skills needed for the job and what kind of person you are looking for. What kind of job sit? + Isita physical job? «+ sit working with animals? + What skills or experience do you need? + Whyisit a good job? 2. Plan your advert. (eg. what information to include, what it looks ike, where the advert will be shown) 3. Create your advert. ‘4 Present your advert to the class. 5 Vote on the jobs the class would 48 INDEPE LEARNINC Skill assessment Think about these different areas of language learning, Put 1-3 ticks next to each skill area, ‘according to how you see your level at the moment (“vi being the highest and v being the lowest), Vocabulary Grammar Listening Speaking Reading writing ‘Work in pairs and compare your results. For any skill areas that have only one tick, discuss how improvements can be made and make 2 list for each ski Vocabulary: + Read more in English + Watch films and and other forms of the word. Look back at Units 1-3. Choose one exercise ‘that you liked for each skill area and see how much you can remember. Test each other on your favourite exercises! ‘Work in pairs and make alist of things you can do to help you improve in each skill area. ‘set yourself goals for improving in two areas where you had fewer than three ticks. list ‘and transport (oq) vn) o IT CHECK Phrases with make and do do my bit dowithout make do with make sense make sure Phrasal verbs chop down clean up cut down die out get (@ message) across Killoft ‘throw away Environment ban (y) climate change (phr) endangered species (oh) @ impact (n) generation (r) litter (n) sift (n) ‘manual labour (ahr) ignore () natural resources (ohr) protest (v) packaging (0) roots (n) pesticide (n} significant (od) rainfall (0) speech (n) rainwater (n) strike (”) recycle ) travel solar (od) unusual (od) Other ‘world leader (n) affordable (od) extra ban () affordable (ad) chop (v) aggressive (ad) comment (n) authority (9) conference (n) consume () courage (n) hands-on experience (ahr) intention (n) organic (ad) the correct answer A, B or C. Negetarians don't normally eat A potatoes B paste steak All businesses try to make their products popular with... ‘A producers B consumers € factories They have grown these organic carrots without the use ‘A windturbines B beans __€ pesticides he continuous rain meant that the..., were completely ruined A crops B forests € deserts ‘Are you going to the youth ....on environmental issues? ‘A conservation B conference € strike 3.14 Listen to young people talking about environmental Choose two-word collocations from the Environment, ‘and Extra sections of the wordlist to describe what. are talking about. [02.15 uisten again and check your answers. [Ei complete the sentences with the correc form of ver from the Prroses with moke and do and Phrasal verbs section of the wordlist. 1 Id really tke to, cn to help the environment in some way. 2 Can you ‘that you turn off all the lights when you leave the house? 3 I've heard that alot of big animals Wil nmnalf WE don’t protect their habitats. ‘4, Countries generally should not be allowed to ses _.any more forests, 5 We canal a luxuries but 2 supply of clean water is essentia. 6 We should recycle plastic more. Most people just = after they use it 7 Pethaps if we ‘what we have and didn’t just buy more stuff al the time, we would all help a bit more. 8 We should start a campaign to. to more people about getting involved. ! ) 1 te | 2 | 3 What are you saying / going to say to Mike when you see him UNIT CHECK Review [DD choose the correct answers to complete the sentences. ‘This time tomorrow, Il be watching / ll watch the seabirds on Puffin Island! 1am telling /1l tell you what the trip was like when | see you. ‘this evening? 4 Sean is helping / helps to build an eco-friendly house during the holidays {As soon as the weather will get / gets better, Il start work in the garden. Lizzie is going to be / will be home by now. Let of her trip! {go and see the photos EVE3216 Listen toa gt talking about her plans for the holidays and Bnswer the questions. 1 when are the soo! hocays? 2 What wil Valentin be doing? 3 Who's going with he? 44 What she oping todo whl shes there? Rewrite te sentences using 0 ‘such; not enough or ‘oo! 4. The sea was ery clean and they could se lots of fis, The sea was they could see lots of fish, 2. It wes very hot and we just lay on the beach and went swimming, Iwas ‘that we just lay on the beach and went swimming 3 It rained a lot last week and the garden became a lake! We had last week that the garden became a lake! “4 There were ots of people in the city and only a few parks to walkin. There. in the city for people to walkin. 5 Our bags were very heavy and we couldn't carry Our bags were, carry them far. 6 The mice ran very fast and we couldn't catch them. The mice ran to catch them. 7 It was impossible to enjoy the city because of the poliution. Tet WAS sn pollution in the city, thatitwasipose te ry 8 The clothes had packed wouldnt th my suitase had packed ftin Tl complete the text with one word in each gap. | come from Northern Turkey which is stil a natural habitat for a number of wild, animals such as lynx, wolves and wild bears. I've * worried about the wild bears because they're an endangered ‘species, but I've just been doing a project about a new ‘wildlife corridor’ in the region. 2 is a protected area of forest land, about eighty-two kilometres long, the bears can move ‘around freely and safely. A research team FS GOIN nonmnnnn Attach WebcAMS (‘crittercams') to collars round the animals’ necks so they can check how the bears, Use the corridor. Then, as * as the bears ¢ bacicin the forest, the camera”, show them the bears’ movements. it's such ¢ ool way to see life from their point of view, isn't it? [El write short biog post about your plans for the holidays or the weekend, Use 3¢ many diferent types of future tenses as you can

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