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BSA 32

Chapter 10

Assignment :

1. Define ERP.
ERP, or enterprise resource planning, is modular software designed to integrate the main
functions of an organization's business processes into a unified system.

An ERP system consists of software components, usually called modules, that each focus on an
essential business function, such as finance and accounting, HR, production, materials management and
customer relationship management (CRM). Organizations only use the modules they need to run their
particular business.

2. Define the term “core applications” and give some examples

Core Applications are those applications which support the company's day-to-day activities
operationally. If these applications fail, the organization will fail as well. Such as Business planning,
production planning, management of shop floors and logistics.

3. Define OLAP and give some examples.

Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) is a software category, allowing users to simultaneously
analyze information from various database systems. It is a technology which allows analysts from
various points of view to extract and view business data. For example, decision support, modeling,
information retrieval, what-if analysis.

4. What is bolt-on software?

Bolt-on software is software that can be easily attached to a client project, for example, a website.
The term “bolt-on” is similar to the term “plug-and-play” that is used to describe pieces of software that
are easily integrated into other larger systems. Some might also call these “add-ons.”
5. What is SCM software?
The software tools or modules used in the execution of supply chain transactions, the
management of supplier relationships and the monitoring of related business processes are supply chain
management software (SCMS).

6. What is a data warehouse?

In order to provide meaningful business insights, a Data Warehousing (DW) process is used to
collect and manage data from various sources. Data warehousing is a business analyst's dream—all the
information about the organization's activities gathered in one place, open to a single set of analytical

The decision support database (Data Warehouse) is maintained separately from the organization's
operational database. However, the data warehouse is not a product but an environment. It is an
architectural construct of an information system which provides users with current and historical
decision support information which is difficult to access or present in the traditional operational data

7. What is the big-bang approach?

In the "big bang" approach, on the same day, everyone in your business will start using the
system (go live). You're taking all the modules live at once in short. It'll be like turning your old system
off and then starting up your new system immediately.

8. Describe the two-tier client server model

A two-tier client/server is a type of multi-tier computing architecture in which an entire
application is distributed as two distinct layers or tiers. It divides the application logic, data and
processing between client and server devices.

9. What is the client-server model?

The client-server model describes how a server provides resources and services to one or
more clients. Most servers have a one-to-many relationship with clients, meaning a single server can
provide resources to multiple clients at one time.

10. What is data mining?

Data mining is a method used by businesses turn raw data into useful information. Businesses can
learn more about their customers and create more efficient marketing campaigns, increase revenue and
decrease costs by using software to search for trends in large batches of data. Data mining relies on
efficient collection, storage, and computer processing of data.
Data mining processes are used to build machine learning models that power applications
including search engine technology and website recommendation programs.

11. Why does data need to be cleansed?

It avoids big mistakes and errors that are inconsistencies as multiple data sources are pulled into
one dataset. It will make everyone more effective by using software to clean up data. Less mistakes
mean happy clients and fewer unhappy workers. Other advantages of using data cleaning are improved
efficiency and better decisions.

12. What are the basic stages of the data warehousing process?

modeling data for the data warehouse,

extracting data from the operational databases,
cleansing the extracted data,
transforming data into the warehouse model, and
loading the data into the data warehouse database

13. What are the three key internal control concerns for managers and auditors regarding ERP roles?
• The creation of unnecessary roles

• The rule of least access should apply to permission assignments

• Monitor role creation and permission-granting activities

14. What should management do to assess the potential benefits from implementing an ERP?
Management first wants to know what they want and need from the ERP in order to determine
benefits. They should develop key performance metrics that reflect their goals, such as reductions in
inventory levels, inventory turnover, stock-outs, and average order fulfillment time. They should set up an
independent value appraisal committee to report to top management in order to track success in certain
key areas.
15. Internal efficiency is cited as one reason for separating the data warehouse from the operational
database. Explain.

There are radically different structural and organizational criteria for transaction processing and
data mining systems, making it impossible to hold both operational (current) and archive data in the same
database. Transaction processing systems need a performance-supporting data structure, while data
mining systems need data structured in a way that allows for broad analysis and identification of
underlying trends.

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