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Quality Function Deployment (QFD)

and Prioritization

4 3 0 0 W i l s o n B o u l e v a r d , Su i t e 3 5 0
Ar l i n g t o n , Vi r g i n i a 2 2 2 0 3
When designing a new product or enhancing an existing
product line, designers and engineers are regularly con-
fronted with a series of high impact decisions regarding
alternative design concepts, prioritizing often competing
customer requirements, establishing performance targets,
and adopting processes to systematically deliver qual-
ity products to the end users. These systems engineering
decisions often require value tradeoffs among product
characteristics that in the end must meet the real needs
of the customers.

International Quality A common problem in performing these decisions is that they involve cus-
tomer requirements which are usually vague and non-technical, and mul-
Function Deployment’s tiple technical experts who are working with extremely complex and often
(QFD) Akao Prize® breakthrough technologies. The ability to capture, interpret, and translate
customer needs into actionable goals has become a key competency for even
the smallest product development organization but there are a number of
S e p t e mb e r , 2 007 process issues that must be addressed:

• Analytical tools require significant expertise

• Increased cost of evaluations

• Undefined requirements increases time to market

• Relationships among competing and/or conflicting features must

be quantified

• No standard processes exist to facilitate decision making

Solution Overview
As markets have become more sophisticated and moved from product
focused development to solving market problems, the competitive advantage
moves from those who can apply “economy of scale” in the production of
products to those who can deliver “economy of scope” to meet current and
future customer needs.

This paper describes an analytical approach for using Quality Function

Deployment and Decision Lens software to capture customer requirements,
translate them into definitive design and product specifications and effec-
tively prioritize them by leveraging the collective wisdom of Subject Matter
Experts (SME) within the working group. This approach combines the QFD
framework needed to structure the product planning and design process;
and the power of Decision Lens decision making platform to enable working
groups to effectively capture and collaboratively prioritize customer attri-
butes, focus research and engineering efforts on addressing high priority
challenges, and uncover the underlying performance and value drivers among
the myriad of factors involved in the product development and delivery. Decision Lens Proprietary Information, Copyright 2010 Page 2

Decomposing the Problem The first step is to get the key individuals (customers,
operators, subject matter experts) together to elicit cus-
Yoji Akao defines QFD as a method for developing design
tomer attributes (requirements and perceptions) which
quality aimed specifically at delivering value by convert-
are then gathered, analyzed and categorized and detailed
ing customer requirements (“voice of the customer“) into
in the QFD “House of Quality” (HOQ) framework shown
functional and technical specifications to be met by the
in Figure 1.
new system or product design.


Customer Customer
Requirements Perceptions

Engineering Target Values

Figure 1: QFD – House of Quality (HOQ) Framework

The House of Quality acts as a comprehensive matrix Note: Several HOQ frameworks can be devised to address
for documenting customer communications in terms different aspects or perspectives within the planning &
of their spoken and interpreted requirements and the design scope (e.g. customer wants vs. market segments,
accompanying market and customer perceptions from customer wants vs. critical operations factors, critical
benchmarking or survey data. Each attribute is then success factors vs. alternative strategies).
mapped to appropriate technical specifications and
Once the customer attributes have been detailed and
performance targets. The interrelationships section pro-
organized, the next step is to begin to prioritize the attri-
vides a means for traceability among the customer attri-
butes in the context of larger system or product objec-
butes to identify where overlaps and dependencies exist
tives. Using Decision Lens software to enter the high
among the technical requirements.
level criteria, the team might create a list such as this:

Figure 2: Criteria Framework Decision Lens Proprietary Information, Copyright 2010 Page 3

While it is possible to collect preliminary criteria infor- indicates that the two factors being compared are
mation asynchronously, it is essential that criteria be equally important or preferable. This pairwise approach
finalized in a same time setting. Because of the technical allows evaluators to compare tangibles to intangibles on
complexities involved with today’s products and tech- a reliable scale.
nologies, face to face collaboration is preferred to take
To identify and define the relationships between market
full advantage of the Customer / SME group dynamic.
problems and operational objectives, we engage decision
Distributed collaboration is beneficial when developing
makers to use their knowledge, experience, and intuition
recommendations, data collection, and other types of off
and apply their judgment in comparing the elements of
line analysis. The top level criteria that
the decision with respect to a goal or stated purpose.
will be used in Decision Lens are a product of both top
These comparisons or tradeoffs form the basis of exami-
down strategic focus and the bottom up organization of
nation for determining the relative importance of the
customer attribute categories.
system design objectives. The sharing of perceptions
Since categories can drill down several levels, very and observations of the assembled expert panel will be
complex models can be built. By using the HOQ to docu- recorded in the form of priorities as well as a qualitative
ment the customer needs and relating them to objective recording of areas of consensus and disagreement. This
engineering characteristics, effective and informed is not necessarily a consensus driven process, however;
tradeoffs can now be made to differentiate customer it is intended to be an information sharing application
needs and uncover underlying performance drivers. to self-educate and determine what is most important
within the decision before we look more closely at the
Prioritization of Customer Attributes strengths and weaknesses of the alternative options.
Deriving the top level criteria weights is accomplished Documentation of the reasoning supporting the selection
by comparing the evaluation criteria to one another process will be used to justify the decision recommenda-
in a pairwise fashion, measuring proportionality by tions to others.
using a Ratio Ruler. The middle point on this ruler

Figure 3: Pairwise Comparison to Establish Criteria Weights Decision Lens Proprietary Information, Copyright 2010 Page 4

This real-time criteria comparison process is very pow- engineer will better understand what the criterion means
erful because people are asked to justify why they think to the business user and how the user applies their value
Criterion A is strongly more important than Criterion B. trade-off in comparison process. This establishes better-
This helps all participants understand the problem quality and direct communication between the user and
better because they now have new information or have the engineer because both people have explicitly stated
clarified their stakeholder positions. For instance, the their position related to specific factors or attributes.

Figure 4: Resulting Criteria Priorities

Measuring Performance The process we are implementing is unique in that it can

accommodate both quantitative and qualitative inputs
Just as we can distinguish and measure physical quanti-
and merge them into a single overall measure to deter-
ties such as meters and seconds, we are able to do the
mine which customer needs are the most valued across
same with our perception of qualities when applying
the product objectives and design criteria. By develop-
measurement to customer needs. People have the capac-
ing and applying performance scales to the long list of
ity to experience a wide range of thoughts and discrimi-
customer needs / with respect to a weighted criterion,
nations which permit us to develop relationships among
we can systematically differentiate among alternatives
the elements of a problem and to determine which ele-
needs within the decision problem.
ments have the greatest impact. Decision Lens Proprietary Information, Copyright 2010 Page 5

Figure 5: Qualitative Performance Measure for “Integration with
Existing Systems and Business Line”

Because we save so much cycle time in other areas of Summary Performance Evaluation
the assessment process, we have the time to devote to
and Sensitivity Analysis
discussion, clarification, and consensus where needed.
When evaluators come to consensus using our method, The process of synthesis or the rolling up of results is
they are equipped with the tools (clear definitions, carried out automatically by Decision Lens software.
factor weights, and measures of performance) to When we break a large, complex design problem into
effectively roll-up individual evaluations and view small, manageable pieces and evaluate each piece on a
group consensus data. meaningful scale, we are able to develop overall results
that accurately represent the final scores of the customer
needs / product attributes within each top level criteria
and overall across the entire evaluation framework.
Outputs can be analyzed through various customer
segments and via different perspectives (e.g. internal,
external, financial…)

Figure 6: Performance Summary Output Decision Lens Proprietary Information, Copyright 2010 Page 6

Having a solid assessment approach is very important, tive the customer attributes are to changing priorities at
but the ability to explain it to the community of interest various levels. What Ifs can be simulated on screen to
is critical. Sensitivity Analysis permits the product team examine if the selection is sensitive to changes in a given
to anticipate questions and challenges, to see how sensi- area using Dynamic Sensitivity analysis.

Figure 7: Dynamic Sensitivity Analysis

Sensitivity analysis of the preliminary customer attri- Conclusion

bute prioritization will pinpoint where more careful data
This analytical approach which combines aspects of
collection and further investigation is needed. It will
QFD and implemented through Decision Lens software
focus evaluation team efforts in areas where time should
proposes a straightforward method for translating the
be spent, i.e., on issues to which the evaluation is highly
customer needs from vague non-technical statements to
sensitive. Conversely, it will also identify factors to
defined product attributes; measured and evaluated to
which the evaluation is relatively insensitive and there-
provide an objective balance between designer and cus-
fore do not require additional resources. Sensitivity
tomer. The outputs of the evaluation provide focus and
Analysis is particularly effective at helping to explain
differentiation among customer segments so the same
and communicate customer priorities to cross functional
product or service is to be shared among different users.
groups that may be further removed from the planning
and design decisions yet, can greatly influence the This process encourages active participation by all cus-
quality of the final product. tomer segments and working group members, without
the risk of one group asserting too much influence and
therefore putting at risk the satisfaction of other cus-
tomer groups. Each group’s contribution is measured,
transparent, and deliberately understood. Using Decision
Lens software as a platform for effective collaboration
and communication creates a synergetic interaction
among all stakeholders. Decision Lens Proprietary Information, Copyright 2010 Page 7

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