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Form for the description of the Music

Technology portfolio

Fill in this form and send it as an attachment together with the digital documents
that you submit for your application.

A) Portfolio content:

B) Description of your work:

Copy, paste and answer the question 1) to 4) for each of the pieces presented in the
portfolio. Note, that the Entrance Examination Board appreciates a description in
which you clearly and precisely describe your own role in relation to the other team
members and their roles in the project.

1) The authors and team members, their roles in a few words

2) What was your role more precisely? (max. 1500 characters including spaces)

3) In which ways you see that this work represents your production and your
skills? (max. 1500 characters including spaces)

4) Your evaluation of the work (max. 2000 characters including spaces)

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