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English Worksheet Al- Hadi Al- Mohammadi School Grade Six : A , B,C,D

Unit 4: Get involved. Name: --------------------

VOCABULARY : ‫المفردات‬

P.B.P 48 + W.B.P 38 ‫ أن يتقن لفظ و يحفظ معنى و كتابة الكلمات‬: ‫النتاجات المتوقعة‬

Word English meaning Arabic meaning

1-Benerfit Be good for. ‫يفيد‬

2-Damage To make something worse. ‫ يخرب‬/ ‫يدمر‬
3-Encourage To help someone to feel able to do something. ‫يشجع‬
4- Environment All the things that make the world around us. ‫البيئة‬
5-Exhibition A group of interesting things in a place where people can ‫معروضات‬
see them.

6-Global About the whole world. ‫عالمي‬

7- Green Good for the environment. ‫صديق للبيئة‬
8- Inspire To make you feel you want to do something. ‫يلهم‬
9-Support To give help someone or something. ‫يدعم‬
10- Temperate Not very cold or very hot. ) ‫معتدل ( مناخ‬

Activity 1 : Complete the sentences using the correct word from the

1) Have you seen the ------------------- of the Japanese art at the


a- global b- exhibition c- green

2) Eating more fruit and vegetables will ---------------------your health.

a- benefit b- inspire c- support

3) Most of Europe has a ------------------------climate.

a- damage b- environment c-temperate

4) The money will go to -----------------conservations in Africa.

a-support b- inspire c- damage

Language in use P.B.P52 W.B.P41‫*** هذه المفردات تستخدم في‬

Word Definition Arabic meaning

Community All the people that live in one place. ‫المجتمع‬
Elderly Old ( person / people ) ‫كبير السن‬
Volunteer To offer to do something without being paid ‫يتطوع‬

Listening P.B.P 53 ‫*** هذه المفردات تستخدم في‬

Word Definition Arabic meaning

Charity A group of people who collect money to help people ) ‫خيري ( مؤسسة‬
who need it.
Form a band To start a small group of people playing guitars , ‫يشكل فرقة موسيقية‬
drums etc.
Raise money To get money to pay for something or for a charity. ‫يجمع النقود ( لألعمال‬
) ‫الخيرية‬
Reserve Arrange to keep something to use later. ‫يحفظ‬
Slogan A short phrase that is easy to remember , often ‫شعار‬
used by advertisers.

Speaking P.B.P 56+W.B.P 46

‫**هذه المفردات تستخدم في‬

Word Definition Arabic meaning

Bin bag A large , strong plastic bag used for rubbish. ‫كيس قمامة‬
Donate To give ( money , food , clothes , etc ),to help other ‫يتبرع‬
Rubbish Things that you throw away because you don't want ‫ نفايات‬/ ‫قمامة‬
Weigh To measure how heavy something. ‫يزن‬


P.B.P48+49+50 ‫ أن يقرأ الطالب القطعة و يجيب على‬: ‫النتاجات المتوقعة‬

W.B.P 39 ‫اسئلة استيعاب مختلفة‬

What Where When Why Who How How How much List Write Mention Find
‫ماذا‬/ ‫ما‬ ‫أين‬ ‫متى‬ ‫لماذا‬ ‫من‬ ‫كيف‬ ‫كم العدد‬ / ‫كم الثمن‬ ‫اعمل‬ ‫اكتب‬ ‫ اكتب‬/ ‫اذكر‬ ‫استخرج‬
‫كم الكمية‬ / ‫قائمة‬

Read the the story in your P.B.P 48 -49 then answer the
questions that follow

1) Where is the Eden Project?

a- British countryside

b- American countryside

c- Jordanian countryside

2) What are the highlights of the Eden project?

a- Rainforest biome only

b- Mediterranean biome only

c- Rainforest biome and Mediterranean biome

3) How can the visitors to the Eden Project get the discount?

a- if they arrive by car

b- if they arrive on foot, bus, or train.

c- if they arrive alone.

4) What is the aim of the Eden Project?

a- The aim is to encourage us to think more about our nature.

b- The aim is to damage our planet.

c- The aim is to destroy our environment.

5) The part of speech of the word (environment) is:

a- noun b- adjective c- verb

6) The part of speech of the word (global) is:

a- noun b- adjective c- verb

7) A word that means “be good for” -------------

a- inspired b- benefit c- global


P.B.P 50 + W.B.P 39 ) ‫ أن يتعلم الطالب بعض الكلمات المترادفات ( نفس المعنى‬:‫النتاجات المتوقعة‬
) ‫( إلثراء حصيلة الطالب من المفردات‬
. ‫أن يستخدم تلك المترادفات إلكمال الجمل‬

Synonyms ) ‫ (المترادفات‬Words with similar meaning

‫كلمات مختلفة في الكتابةو اللفظ لكن لها نفس‬

Delicious Huge Solutions Benefit Global Stroll create

)‫(ضخم‬ ) ‫(عالمي‬
)‫)لذيذ‬Tasty Enormous Answer Help Worldwide
Walk ) ‫(يعمل‬Make
)‫(حل‬ )‫يفيد‬/‫(يساعد‬ ) ‫(يمشي‬
Activity 1: What does the underlined word mean? Circle the correct

1) The bear is huge

a) enormous b) stroll

2) Cars don't benefit the planet.

a) global b) help

3) Let's make a picture together.

a) solution b) create

Present Perfect Continuous ‫المضارع التام المستمر‬
The Use: To talk:

a- an activity that started and is still continuing now.

.‫للتحدث عن شيئ يدأ و استمر حدوثه لآلن‬

Example : She has been studying since 7 pm.

b- a recently finished activity especially one that has a result.

.‫ نتائج ظاهرة‬/ ‫للتحدث عن أشياء انتهت للتو و لها أثار‬

Example : I have got paint on my hands because I have been

He , she , it , Has been working for 3 hours
) ‫(المفرد‬singular

‫ ( مع‬he , she , it , singular) ‫** في المضارع التام المستمر نستخدم الضمائر‬

( ing ( ‫ ( ثم فعل يضاف له‬been ) ‫( يتبعها‬has ) ‫الفعل المساعد‬

He + has + been + V+ing

I , we , they , you , Have been playing since 4 o'clock.
) ‫( الجمع‬plural

( I , we they , you , plural ) ‫** في المضارع التام المستمر نستخدم الضمائر‬

( ing ( ‫ ( ثم فعل يضاف له‬been ) ‫( يتبعها‬have ) ‫مع الفعل المساعد‬

We + have + been + V+ing

**Negative :
( have / has ) ‫ ( مع الفعل المساعد‬not ) ‫*** نستخدم‬
** She hasn't (has not) been planting trees.
** They haven't (have not) been helping their planet.

Subject + has/have (not) + been + V+ing

Keywords ‫المفاتيح‬

How long ………? For Since

‫للسؤال عن المدة الزمنية‬ ‫منذ ( للتعبير عن بداية المدة الزمنية و هي مدة ( للتعبير عن مجموع‬
)‫المدة الزمنية‬ ) ‫نقطة زمنية محددة بالماضي‬
** How long have you been exploring the rainforest?
** I have been exploring the rainforest since August.
** I have been exploring the rainforest for 5 months.

Activity 1: Put the verbs between brackets in the correct form

1) They ______________ for two hours.

a- have been talking

b- has been talking

c- been talking

2) She __________ at that company since 2005.

a- have been working

b- has been working

c- has been worked

3) How long__________ she ________in the office?

a- have, been waiting

b- has , been waiting

c- has, been waited

4) Peter and Molly have been _______ since 7 am.

a- studying

b- studied

c- study

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