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Ateneo De Naga University

Naga City
College of Nursing

PROGRAM PLAN: __________

Submitted by:
ABLES, Julius Robert
ALAURIN, Kristeen Joyce
CANLAS, Alyanah Penelope
ENCISO, Ma. Ericka
PACIS, Aibee
RENDOR, April Joyce
SERRANO, Renie Augustine
VALLEDOR, Christine

Submitted to:
Mareneth Borromeo RN, MAN
Concept Teacher

I. Introduction
Ateneo De Naga University
Naga City
College of Nursing

As the unprecedented COVID 19 pandemic happened in an age where advancements in

technology have paved the way for boundless communication, several educational institutions
have quickly shifted from the traditional face-to-face classes to online or blended learning. With
this, several students and faculties are pushed to spend more time in front of their computer
monitor or laptops. This poses them into a higher risk of ergonomic injuries. Although the shift
of learning mode was quick, it does not mean that everybody was prepared for this sudden
change, especially the students who are used to having their traditional classes. As they try to
learn throughout this new normal, most of them are probably lacking in knowledge about
In India, 67% of students have reported to experience back pain, dry eye syndrome, and
insomnia due to incorrect ergonomics (Kanan Shah, 2020). throughout this pandemic, people are
advised to stay at home as they are safer there. However, if people, especially students. continue
to practice incorrect ergonomics at home then they are not safe from physical injuries. The goal
here is to promote holistic health, hence, there is a need to eliminate the risks for health and
prevent diseases brought by our practices during this new normal.
As the bone and joint health awareness month is celebrated this October, this program
specifically aims to educate the students of the Ateneo de Naga University - Senior High School
about proper ergonomics to help prevent hazardous risks that this new normal poses, and
improve their experience and performance in this new set-up.

II. Program Rationale:

Health education is one of the most effective and easiest ways in providing reliable
knowledge to improve the well-being of people. It allows knowledge to be transferred from a
credible source to a variety of audiences, thereby promoting independence. With this foreign
online setup, students are at great risk of developing problems concerning sensory, cognitive, and
musculoskeletal functions of the body. This online arrangement has become one of the primary
reasons of constant head, body, and joint pain to students as they are not aware of the laws of
ergonomics which is basically designed to (1) arrange workplaces in order to create a conducive
Ateneo De Naga University
Naga City
College of Nursing

environment and (2) adjust the anthropometry in its proper position. This program plan prepared
by the Group 1 of RR32 of College of Nursing will help the senior high school students of
Ateneo de Naga University to become educated about the laws of ergonomics. This will allow
them to understand the most appropriate biomechanics, social and applied psychology, and
environmental physics during an online class to prevent complications. Implementing this
program will help students become more comfortable and ultimately improve their performance
in the online setup

III. Goals and Objectives:

This program is developed to attain the goal of increasing the knowledge of Ateneo de Naga
University SHS students regarding the laws of ergonomics in online learning. At the end of three
hours of online session, participants will be able to:

● Discuss the 3 domains of ergonomics

● Enumerate at least 3 applications of ergonomics knowledge
● Cite at least 3 adjustments essential to maintain ergonomics.
● Identify at least 3 benefits of maintaining ergonomics
● Enumerate at least 3 common mistakes in ergonomics during an online setup.
● Identify at least 3 signs or symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Additionally, at the end of the seminar, the participants will be able to:

● Express desire to start producing a comfortable and conducive working environment

during an online class.
● Understand proper anatomical angles in preventing bone and muscle strain.
Ateneo De Naga University
Naga City
College of Nursing

IV. Activity/Program Outline


9:00 – 9:15 AM Registration
9:15 – 9:30 AM Prayer

Introduction of presenters and organizers

Statement of the program objectives

9:30 – 10:00 AM Discussion of first topic

- Overview of law of

- Importance of ergonomics

- Domains

- Common ergonomics mistake

10:00 – 10:15 AM Break
10:15 - 11:15 AM Continuation of discussion

- Review of musculoskeletal
function anatomy and

- Complications possible law of

ergonomics is not applied;
signs and symptoms

- Application of ergonomics in
online setup
Ateneo De Naga University
Naga City
College of Nursing

- Actual presentation of the

appropriate online setup.
11:15 – 11:40 AM Open forum
11:40 – 11:55 AM Posttest

11:55 AM – 12:00 NN Closing

V. Timeline


Selection of leader

Choosing the topic

Selecting of participants
October 17, 2020
Initial planning of activities

Creating of subgroups and assigning of

October 18, 2020 Individual subgroup tasks:



Creation of the official program plan

Creation of evaluation tool and posttest

questions, and registration form.
Ateneo De Naga University
Naga City
College of Nursing

Coordinating with the SHS department –

request letter
Submission of tasks to leader for reviewing
October 20, 2020
Polishing of outputs
October 21, 2020 Preparing materials for health teaching
October 22, 2020 Submission of final outputs to adviser
October 23, 2020 Polishing of final outputs
Implementation of health teaching

TBA Dissemination of pamphlet and infographic


VI. Resources Required

● Letter to SHS Department

- This refers to the letter to be sent to the director of Ateneo de Naga University
Senior High School asking permission to conduct this program.

● Infographic and pamphlet

- are the graphical outputs created by the organizers which contain the summarized
information from the health teaching to be sent to the participants for their

● PowerPoint Presentation
Ateneo De Naga University
Naga City
College of Nursing

- includes the information about the laws of ergonomics to be discussed during the
health teaching.

● Computer setup
- the organizer will present an actual computer or laptop setup as proposed in the
discussion for better visualization. This will include the proper distancing of
CPU, keyboard, mouse or laptop, books, water, and other essentials needed
during an online setup.

● Evaluation Tool
- The organizers will send an evaluation form via Google forms to the participants
to determine if the program objectives were met and to evaluate their learnings.

VII. Persons Responsible


Oversees all departments

Leader Sees to it that individual tasks Ma. Ericka Enciso
are done

Documents actions done.

Secretary Makes the letter for SHS Aibee Pacis

Provides the health teaching

Presenter Level 2 students
during the program proper.

Writers Responsible for making Julius Robert Ables

output and instructions
Ateneo De Naga University
Naga City
College of Nursing

Alyanah Penelope Canlas

(posttest questions, infograph,
pamphlet, and final program April Joyce Rendor
Christine Valledor

Creates the evaluation tool

Kristeen Joyce Alaurin
Evaluators Evaluates the attainment of
the program objectives and Renie Augustine Serrano
participant’s learnings

Responsible for final

Mareneth Borromeo RN,
Adviser checking of outputs before

VIII. Anticipated Results

For this program, the organizers expect at least 90% of the participant population to attend
the health teaching. The 5 chosen students during the live open forum portion of the program
will be able to answer the questions provided by the presenter. The organizers expect at least 5
participants to raise questions or provide insights obtained from the program. On the posttest, at
least 80% of the attendees will be able to obtain a 60% mark. At least 90% of the participants
will be able to answer the evaluation tool. After the program, the participants are expected to
apply learnings through the adjustment of their personal computer setup.

IX. Progress Notes

The evaluators will supervise and document the flow of the activity. With the help of the
facilitators and the leader, they will monitor the number of viewers and listeners for the program.
They will also collect and record the questions from the viewers/listeners. The table below will
Ateneo De Naga University
Naga City
College of Nursing

serve as a guide for the facilitators to measure and determine the progress of the activities toward
the achievement of the objectives.

For the viewers

Expected Outcome Target Indicator Formula to Measure


At least 90% of the Senior High School Number of enrolled numerator:

senior high school students of Ateneo de students who Number of enrolled
students will attend Naga University participated in the students who
and participate in the activity participated in the
activity activity


For the Discussion

Expected Outcome Target Indicator Formula to Measure

Establish an accurate Open consensus that consensus that

and informative everything that will everything that will
discussion be shared and be shared and
discussed during the discussed during the
program are factual, program are factual,
updated, and backed updated, and backed
up with evidence. up with evidence.

X. Implementation Plan

Priority Area: Higher risk for ergonomic injuries/Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs)
Ateneo De Naga University
Naga City
College of Nursing

Goal: The purpose of this evidence-based project was to provide a series of evidence-based
educational sessions on ergonomics to SHS students to enhance the awareness of risk factors of

Performance Measures: The organizers will send an evaluation form via Google forms to the
participants to determine if the program objectives were met and ergonomic questionnaires to evaluate
their learnings

Objectives: For this program, the organizers expect at least 90% of the participant population to attend
the health teaching. On the posttest, at least 80% of the attendees will be able to obtain a 60% mark. At
least 90% of the participants will be able to answer the evaluation tool. After the program, the
participants are expected to apply learnings through the adjustment of their personal computer setup.

Background: Dissemination of information regarding ergonomics, including relevant comparisons, or

about the rationale for the health intervention and how it works though health education. Work-related
musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) related to computer work have become a serious public health
concern. Researches revealed a positive association between computer use and WMSDs.

Activity: (See table below)

Coordinating Body: Click here to enter text.

Subcommittees: Click here to enter text.

Lead Implementer: ADNU BSN 2 Students

Activity 1: Registration 9:00 – 9:15

Activity 2: Introduction

Intermediate Steps Implementing Partners Timeline

1. Prayer 9:15 – 9:18

2. Introduction of presenters ADNU BSN 2 Students 9:18 – 9: 24

and organizers
Ateneo De Naga University
Naga City
College of Nursing

3. Statement of the program 9:24 – 9:30


Activity 3: Discussion

Intermediate Steps Implementing Partners Timeline

1. Overview of law of 9:30 – 9:37


2. Importance of Ergonomics 9:37 – 9:45

ADNU BSN2 Students
3. Domains 9:45 – 9:53

4. Common Ergonomic 9:53 – 10:00


Activity 4: Break 10:00 - 10:15

Activity 5: Continuation of Discussion

Intermediate Steps Implementing Partners Timeline

1. Review of 10:15 – 10:32

musculoskeletal function
anatomy and physiology

2. Complications possible ADNU BSN2 Students 10:32 – 10:42

law of ergonomics is not
applied; signs and symptoms

3. Application of ergonomics 10:42 – 11:00

in online setup

4. Actual presentation of the 11:00 – 11:15

appropriate online setup.

Activity 6: Open Forum 11:15 – 11:45

Activity 7: Posttest Evaluation 11:40 – 11:55

Closing 11:55 – 12:00 nn

Ateneo De Naga University
Naga City
College of Nursing

Resources Required: Letter to SHS Department, Infographic and pamphlets, PowerPoint presentation,
computer set-up, evaluation tool
Ateneo De Naga University
Naga City
College of Nursing
Ateneo De Naga University
Naga City
College of Nursing

XI. Evaluation
- Add here brief intro of evaluation, why the need for it
- Add Post test questions
- Add the Evaluation/rating of program form
Evaluation is one of the essential elements of the educational process. The program
evaluation has been described as the effort to determine whether program objectives have been
reached and the gathering of information to assess the efficiency of the program.

Post Test Questions

1. What are the three domains of Ergonomics (check all that apply)






2. The following are the signs or symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, except?

Numb hands

Aches or pain in the arms, hands or fingers

Frequent tingling or pins and needles

A weak thumb or experiencing difficulty gripping

3. Enumerate at least 3 common typing ergonomics mistakes during an online set up
Ateneo De Naga University
Naga City
College of Nursing

4. This workstation zone is reachable by extending your arms but without leaning or
bending at the waist. Good area for things you use frequently such as reference books,
notebooks or stationary you refer to often.

Primary Zone

Secondary Zone

Third Zone

5. This workstation zone is where you can easily reach just by moving your forearms
horizontally, with your elbows remaining comfortably near your sides.

Primary Zone

Secondary Zone

Third Zone
6. This workstation zone is reachable by extending the arms and bending or leaning at the
waist. Although you can reach this zone without standing up, it’s not comfortable to do
so frequently.

Primary Zone

Secondary Zone

Third Zone
7. The following are the common symptoms of repetitive strain injury caused by typing,

Weakness in the hands or arms

Chronically cold hands, particularly the wrist

aching or pain
Ateneo De Naga University
Naga City
College of Nursing

swelling, tingling, numbness

8. It is the month of Bone and Joint Health Awareness Month.

9. In choosing the right chair, you should be able to sit with your feet flat at the floor and
your thighs roughly parallel to the floor.


10. Under the Ergonomics of proper keyboard placement, "negative tilt" is described as,

keyboard should be placed just below elbow level.

arms should sit at or below a 90-degree angle.

elbows should be in a closed angle, at 90-110 degrees.

keyboard should be flat on the desk, or gently sloping away from you.

Evaluation Form for the Program

email (optional): _____________________________
name (optional): _____________________________
Grade and section: ___________________________

Please indicate your level of agreement with the statement listed below.
1- Strongly disagree 4 - agree
2-disagree 5 - strongly agree
Ateneo De Naga University
Naga City
College of Nursing

1 2 3 4 5

1. The course content delivered the program’s


2. The length of

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