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This chapter presents the theories that are used in developing the conceptual and

theoretical framework that substantiates the objective of the study.

Conceptual Framework

The figure below is an illustration of the conceptual framework selected for this study

using the Hermeneutic circle. As to Hermeneutics that was based on a holistic and cyclical

interpretation, Holistic, since any part of the text or message to be interpreted lies in the

condition of dependence on the interpretation of the whole; and Cyclical, because any

interpretation is based on the previous interpretation. The Hermeneutic circle reminds us of the

very circle of life, that is, in perceiving something we use our knowledge, experiences and

previous positions; and from there we begin to understand the new movement, and at the same

time, we interpret the phenomenon. In this framework, It shows the concept of the study;

Identifying the early motherhood experiences of teenage mothers in Barangay Balagbag, Milaor,

Camarines Sur during their antepartum, intrapartum and postpartum stage that will be done

through the use of in-depth semi-structured interview method. The data gathered will be

analyzed and each transcript will be reviewed to supplement the objective of the study, that is,

increasing the level of awareness to sex education and early motherhood experiences by the


Fig. 1. Conceptual Framework

(The Hermeneutic Circle)

According to Halling (2008), phenomenological analysis has three stage approach where

the researchers moves in a circular or moves back and forth between experience, abstraction and

reflection. It is a circular movement, where information is shared in between researchers and the

teenage mothers in Barangay Balagbag, Milaor, Camarines Sur. The first stage explores the

narrative description of the experience of the teenage mothers. We started by reading and

rereading the transcripts of the interview. The next stage identifies the themes that are common

to the phenomena through experience. Every researcher coded the interview data separately in

the early stage if our study. Thereafter, emergence of the themes were then gathered and

reviewed by the researchers for consensus. The third stage explores philosophical and

universal expressions of humanness within the experience by exploring what it is about

human nature and human relationships that create the meaning of the phenomenon for the person

(Finlay 2009).

Heidegger’s hermeneutic circle, every time the researchers to move back and forth

between the experiences of the teenage mothers during antepartum, intrapartum and postpartum,

a new general understanding is formed. It will continue its process until it is more stable and

researchers enter a common ground.

Theoretical Framework

The theory used in this study was Schlossberg’s Transition Theory that defined a

transition a transition as any event, or non-event that results in changed relationships, routines,

assumptions, and roles. It is important to note that perception plays a key role in transitions as

an event, or non-event, meets the definition of a transition only if it is so defined by the

individual experiencing it. In order to understand the meaning that a transition has for a

particular individual, the type, context, and impact of the transition must be considered.

Using Schlossberg’s Transition Theory, this study explored the lived experiences of

pregnant adolescents and teenage mothers coping strategies during their transition to

motherhood. There are 4-S’s of transition comprises Situation: What is happening?; The Self: To

whom is it happening?; Support: What help is available?; and Strategies. How does the person

Fig. 1. Theoreticall Framework

(Schlossberg’s Transition Theory)

cope?(Moran, 2017, p. 101). During the adolescent women’s transition to motherhood, they were

faced with these 4 S’s of transition (Anderson et al., 2012). For the purpose of this study,

participants narrated their experiences as teenage mothers who were transitioning from

adolescents into motherhood, what support was available to them and what strategies they used

to cope with their transition period.

Schlossberg’s Transition Theory 4 S’s framework illustrates that individuals who receive

support during their transition adapt better to their new Situation (Anderson et al., 2012).

According to McLeish and Redshaw (2017), Support is an essential element during pregnancy

and motherhood because women seek the encouragement of people around them. The extent of

social support available to the participants in this study depended on how their pregnancy

affected other relationships. Most of the people around these adolescent women were

disappointed about their pregnancies; parents felt their daughter had brought shame to them.

However, because of the love they, especially mothers and grandmothers, had for their daughter,

they willingly supported her emotionally, psychologically, and financially.

The early motherhood experiences of teenage mothers of Barangay Balagbag, Milaor,

Camarines Sur could greatly be associated with this theory that could be able to understand the

objective of this study.

Definition of terms

The following terms are listed in alphabetical order and are defined either operationally

or conceptually.

● Antepartum

- Conceptually defined as relating to the period before childbirth or parturition.


● Childbearing

- Conceptually defined as the process of giving birth to children .

● Early Motherhood

- Operationally defined as being a mother or giving birth at an early age and

assuming the responsibility of parenthood at an age of 19 or even younger.

● Intrapartum

- Conceptually defined as relating to the period of time during the act of birth.

● Lived Experiences

- Operationally defined as the experiences, decisions, and knowledge of teenage

mothers that they gain during the transition to motherhood.

● Postpartum

- Conceptually defined as to the time after childbirth.

● Teenage Pregnancy

- Operationally defined as the pregnancy under the age of 20 or 19 and younger.

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