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Translation of False Friends

and Phraseologisms

Learning objectives:
1. Distinguish between absolute and partial false friends.
2. Identify the main causes of false friends.
3. Suggest some tips for rendering false friends properly.
4. Determine the difference between free word combinations and phraseological
5. Bring arguments in favour and against the usage of each translation technique
for rendering phraseological units.

1. Analyse the following words from the semantic point of view:

a) find out the differences of their meaning in English and Romanian/Russian,
if any;
b) provide examples (context) supporting your arguments.
A. abandoned, having been deserted or left. "an abandoned car"/ unrestrained;
uninhibited. "a wild, abandoned dance"
ability, possession of the means or skill to do something."the manager had lost his
ability to motivate the players"/talent, skill, or proficiency in a particular area.
"a man of exceptional ability"
actual, existing in fact; real."the estimate was much less than the actual cost"/existing
now; current."using actual income to measure expected income"
absolve, declare (someone) free from guilt, obligation, or punishment."the
pardon absolved them of any crimes"/(in church use) give absolution for (a sin).
"she asked the bishop to absolve her sins"
absolvent, a person who absolves
abstract, existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete
existence."abstract concepts such as love or beauty"/a summary of the contents of a
book, article, or speech."an abstract of her speech"
agency, a business or organization providing a particular service on behalf of another
business, person, or group."an advertising agency"/action or intervention producing a
particular effect."canals carved by the agency of running water"
argument, an exchange of diverging or opposite views, typically a heated or angry one.
"I've had an argument with my father"
a reason or set of reasons given in support of an idea, action or theory.
"there is a strong argument for submitting a formal appeal"
apparition, a ghost or ghostlike image of a person.
"a headless apparition"
a remarkable or unexpected appearance of someone or something.
"an apparition of the Virgin Mary"
attitude, a settled way of thinking or feeling about something.
"he was questioned on his attitude to South Africa"
truculent or uncooperative behaviour.
"I asked the waiter for a clean fork and all I got was attitude"
baron, a member of the lowest order of the British nobility. Baron is not used as a form
of address, barons usually being referred to as ‘Lord’. an important or powerful person
in a specified business or industry.
"a press baron"
budget, an estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time.
"keep within the household budget"
"a budget guitar"
camera, a device for recording visual images in the form of photographs, film, or video
"she faced the cameras"
calculate, determine (the amount or number of something) mathematically.
"the program can calculate the number of words that will fit in the space
available"/intend (an action) to have a particular effect.
"his last words were calculated to wound her"
career, an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life and with
opportunities for progress.
"he seemed destined for a career as an engineer like his father"
move swiftly and in an uncontrolled way.
"the coach careered across the road and went through a hedge"
certificate, an official document attesting a fact.
provide with or attest in an official document.
"the amounts earned have to be certificated by employers"
character, the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual.
"running away was not in keeping with her character"
a person in a novel, play, or film.
"the author's compassionate identification with his characters"
chemist, a shop where medicinal drugs are dispensed and sold, and in which toiletries
and other medical goods can be purchased.
"antihistamine tablets are freely available in chemists"
a person engaged in chemical research or experiments.
"chemists have developed catalysts that can turn low-grade fuels into petrol
crayon, a pencil or stick of coloured chalk or wax, used for drawing.
"a red crayon"
draw with a crayon or crayons.
"Will crayoned a picture on a legal pad"
delicate, very fine in texture or structure; of intricate workmanship or quality.
"a delicate lace shawl"
easily broken or damaged; fragile.
"delicate china"
deposit, a sum of money paid into a bank or building society account.
"cash funds which are an alternative to bank or building society deposits"
put or set down (something or someone) in a specific place.
"he deposited a pile of school books on the kitchen table"
place (something) somewhere for safekeeping.
"a vault in which guests may deposit valuable property"
brevet, a former type of military commission conferred especially for outstanding
service, by which an officer was promoted to a higher rank without the corresponding
"a brevet lieutenant"
disposition, a person's inherent qualities of mind and character.
"your sunny disposition has a way of rubbing off on those around you"
the way in which something is placed or arranged, especially in relation to other things.
"the plan shows the disposition of the rooms"
domestic, relating to the running of a home or to family relations.
"domestic chores"
a person who is paid to help with cleaning and other menial tasks in a person's home.
expedition, a journey undertaken by a group of people with a particular purpose,
especially that of exploration, research, or war.
"an expedition to the jungles of the Orinoco"
promptness or speed in doing something.
"the landlord shall remedy the defects with all possible expedition"
engaged, busy; occupied./ having formally agreed to marry.
"Keith and I had got engaged four months before"
indifferent, having no particular interest or sympathy; unconcerned.
"he gave an indifferent shrug"
neither good nor bad; mediocre.
"a pair of indifferent watercolours"
industry, economic activity concerned with the processing of raw materials and
manufacture of goods in factories.
"new investment incentives for British industry"
hard work.
"the kitchen became a hive of industry"
intelligent, having or showing intelligence, especially of a high level.
"Anna is intelligent and hard-working"
medicine, the science or practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease
(in technical use often taken to exclude surgery).
"he made distinguished contributions to pathology and medicine"
a drug or other preparation for the treatment or prevention of disease.
"give her some medicine"
misery, a state or feeling of great physical or mental distress or discomfort.
"a man who had brought her nothing but misery"
nickel, a silvery-white metal, the chemical element of atomic number 28./ a five-cent
coin; five cents.
"a button the size of a nickel"
office, a room, set of rooms, or building used as a place for commercial, professional,
or bureaucratic work.
"an office job"
a position of authority or service, typically one of a public nature.
"the office of chief constable"
pace, a single step taken when walking or running.
"Kirov stepped back a pace"
speed in walking, running, or moving.
"he's an aggressive player with plenty of pace"
passionate, having, showing, or caused by strong feelings or beliefs.
"passionate pleas for help"
arising from intense feelings of love.
"a passionate kiss"
rector, (in the Church of England) the incumbent of a parish where all tithes formerly
passed to the incumbent./ the head of certain universities, colleges, and schools.
scandal, an action or event regarded as morally or legally wrong and causing general
public outrage.
"a bribery scandal involving one of his key supporters"
superb, very good; excellent.
"a superb performance"
impressively splendid.
"the Bey of Tunis was building himself a superb mausoleum"
secretary, a person employed by an individual or in an office to assist with
correspondence, make appointments, and carry out administrative tasks.
"she was secretary to David Wilby MP"
the principal assistant of a UK government minister or ambassador.
"Chief Secretary to the Treasury"
talon, a claw, especially one belonging to a bird of prey.
"the mouse wouldn't have stood much chance against the peregrine's talons"
the part of a bolt against which the key presses to slide it in a lock.
traffic, vehicles moving on a public highway.
"a stream of heavy traffic"
the messages or signals transmitted through a communications system.
"data traffic between remote workstations"
ulcer, an open sore on an external or internal surface of the body, caused by a break in
the skin or mucous membrane which fails to heal. Ulcers range from small, painful sores
in the mouth to bedsores and serious lesions of the stomach or intestine./ a moral
blemish or corrupting influence.
"he's a conman with an incurable ulcer called gambling"
zone. an area or stretch of land having a particular characteristic, purpose, or use, or
subject to particular restrictions.
"a pedestrian zone"
an encircling band or stripe of distinctive colour, texture, or character.

2 Translate the following sentences.

1) "It seemed... as if one were talking to a genial host" 2) "I used to receive
heartbroken letters from young men asking for advice and sympathy."
3)"Considerable sympathy was expressed for the mother of the deceased." 4) " too
have changed water into wine, and I have healed the leper and givensight to the
blind.” 5) He runs the shop, but the actual owner is his wife. 6) The Swan River
Restaurant is looking for a new chef. 7) He's not consistent: first he spoils
children, then he blames them for their lack of independence. The crop failure and
the consequent food shortage caused many deaths. 8) He can discriminate
between right and wrong. 9) We will have to pay a high price for our extravagant
use of energy. 10) Our gymnasium is getting new shower and locker rooms. 11)
This book gives you a lot of useful phrases for traveling abroad. 12) The
bacteriologist and physician Robert Koch was awarded the 1905 Nobel Prize. 13)
That was a sensible decision. 14) a) Pack the books in a wooden box. b) And this
is the box in which I keep your dear letters, c) They had a box in the second tier.
d) The rowdy gave him a box on the ear. 15) He ran away from home after an
argument with his father. 16) There is little prospect of success. 17) Eton,
Harrow and King's School. Canterbnrry, are famous public schools. 18) I like
toast and marmalade for breakfast. 19) The new housing estate will cost two
billion pounds. 20) He is a major in the British Army.

3. Translate the following phraseological units, identifying the method of

A. Like a bull at a gate; to suit one’s book; to take a knock; to play with fire;
to be born under a lucky star; to explain smth in a nutshell; to have a voice in smth;
to lose face; to throw to the wolves; to have all one’s buttons on; the green-eyed
monster; a black sheep; to cut the Gordian knot; to read between the lines; to speak
BBC; to sweep under the carpet; to burn one’s boats; to vote with one’s feet; ups
and downs; back and forth; cakes and ale, as busy as a bee.

4. Analyse the following phraseological units. Identify the technique of

Romanian English
1 Vorba ceea: Dacă s-a As the saying goes: If
da baba jos din the old woman steps
căruţă, de-abia i-a fi out of the car, it will
mai uşor iepei. only be all the lighter
for the mare.
2 Fetele nu se aşteptau The girls would not
rugate, ca pe-aiurea, ci wait to be asked, as
fiecare desprindea they do elsewhere, but
mâinile a doi flăcăi... would each undo the
hands of two young
3 ...ştergeţi-vă pe bot just keep your
despre purcei, zise thoughts off the
Mogorogea cu ciudă. piglets, says
Mogorogea nastily.
4 ... fac ţuşti! din baltă ş-o ...I shot out of the water
iau la sănătoasa. and took to my heels.
5 Să nu mă faci, ia acuşi, Don’t drive me too
să iau culeşerul din hard or I’ll fetch that
ocniţă şi să te stick from behind the
dezmierd cât eşti de chimney and put it
mare! across you, big as you
6 Şi care săpau cu Some of us dug with
cazmalele, care cărau spades, some carried
cu tătăboanţele..., în stones in wheel-
sfârşit, lucrau oamenii barrows..., in short, the
cu tragere de inimă people worked with a
7 Însă de când mi-au But since my sons have
venit băieţii de la been back from school
învăţătură îmi ţin they keep the accounts
socoteala ban cu ban şi for me, every blessed
huzuresc de bine. coin, and I just take it
8 Ei, apoi! „Unde-o That’s done it! ”Strike
plesneşte mama şi a match and the house
unde crapă!” zic eu în is on fire”, I said to
gândul meu. myself analog
9 … acum ai vrea să-ţi … now you’d like me
dau şi banii înapoi, ori to give you your money
să-ţi fac pe loc altele back or make you a
nouă? Dar ştii că eşti new pair, would you?
ajuns de cap?! Not bad, that, I will
1 Şi din princina lui And what with that sly,
0 Pepelea de moş waggish old man
Bodrângă, Pavel mai nu Bodrânga, Pavel could
le putea dovedi din hardly get through the
cârpit; ba şi el, uneori, mending of them;
sărindu-şi din minţi, what’s more, he too,
îşi rupea ciubotele once in a while, taking
ferfeniţă. leave of his senses,
would make a mess of
his own boots. analog
1 Taci, măi, zic eu, ce Be quiet, man, and
1 mai vorbeşti în don’t be a fool, I said
bobote, că s-a mânia for he may turn nasty
omul şi s-a duce şi el and go back home like
acasă. the others. Neutral
1 ...dar... veţi fi auzit voi But you will have heard
2 că popa are mână de that a priest’s hand will
luat, nu de dat; el grasp rather than give
mănâncăşi de pe viu, away; thrives upon
şi de pe mort. the living and upon
the dead. Partial
1 Ţie, omule, zise mama, It’s easy for you to
3 aşa ţi-i a zice, că nu şezi talk,” said mother, “for
cu dânşii în casă toată you’re not shut up in
ziulica, să-ţi scoată the house with the all
peri albi. day long, and that’s
enough to make your
hair turn white.
1 Şi în ziua de Paşti am ”… on Easter Day I
4 tras un ”Îngerul a sang out such an
strigat” la biserică, de ”Angel cried aloud” in
au rămas toţi oamenii church, that the whole
cu gurile căscate la congregation gaped at
mine. Şi mamei îi me, and mother felt
venea să mă înghită de like swallowing me
bucurie. whole with joy.
Neutral vocabulary;
literal translation; full
1 …un băiat prizărit, …a puny, timid lad,
5 ruşinos şi fricos şi de afraid of my own
umbra mea; shadow! Full
1 Când ne-a fi mai rău, When we are at our
6 tot aşa să ne fie! worst, may it be ever
as it is now! Literal
1 Sai, Zaharie, că se face Up with you, Zaharia,
7 moarte de om în casa there’ll be murder in
asta..., zic eu this house…, I said,
tremurând ca varga shaking like an aspen
de frică. leaf with fright.
Partial tr.
1 Că, oricum ar fi, tot îs Anyhow, near is my
8 mai aproape dinţii shirt, but nearer is my
decât părinţii. skin. partial
1 Ducă-se dracului Damn that grammar!
9 gramatica! Mi s-a I’m fed up with it.
înăcrit sufletul de analog
2 Şi mama, Dumnezeu s- Mother, God rest her
0 o ierte, straşnic se mai soul, rejoiced greatly
bucura când se when visitors happened
întâmplau oaspeţi la to drop in and there
casa noastră şi avea was occasion to break
prilej să-şi împartă bread with them.
pâinea cu dânşii. partial
2 Gardul şi casa femeii The woman’s fence and
1 dărâmate la pământ, o house smashed to bits,
capră ruptă în bucăţi, a she-goat crushed to
nu-i lucru de şagă. pieces, that was no
2 Dracul mă punea să- ...the devil himself
2 mi bat capul de propting me to bother
gramatică?... my head over
grammar. partial
2 Cine oare mi-a făcut Whoever played that
3 şotia? Pe Zaharia şi trick on me? Zaharia
Nică îi aud horăind şi and Nică, I hear them
nu cred să fi îndrăznit... snoring and I shouldn’t
think they’d dare.
2 Şi încă se preface că There he is, pretending
4 doarme, ticălosul! Ia să- to be asleep too! The
l învăţ eu a-şi mai bate rotter! Let me just teach
joc de om! him to make a
laughing-stock of
2 Oamenii săriră buimaci, People jumped up on
5 care dincotro, crezând all sides, heavy with
că-i foc, ori ne taie sleep, thinking there
cătanele, Doamne was a fire or that the
fereşte!... soldiers were
murdering of us, God
2 Când mama nu mai Whenever mother was
6 putea de obosită şi se tired out and lay down
lăsa câte oleacă ziua, să a while to rest, we
se odihnească, noi, children would raise
băieţii, tocmai atunci the roof.
ridicam casa în slăvă.
2 Ia tăceţi, bre, răspunse ”Stop it, brothers,”
7 Zaharia; banu-i ochiul Zaharia replied.
dracului. ”Money is the very
2 Duceţi-vă pe pustiu, Go to the dogs, if you
8 dacă vă place! wish!
2 Ia ascultaţi, dascălilor: ”Look here, you
9 … cărăbăniţi-vă de la clerics; … get out and
mine, şi mă lăsaţi în leave me alone!”

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