Chemistry 2 2nd

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Chemistry 2 Grade 12

Christian Roy R. Villacorte November 30, 2020

Sir. Ron Galvano


1. Entropy

2. Buffers

3. Chemical Equilibrium

4. Autoionization

5. Neutral

Activity 1: ACID OR BASE?

Acids Bases
Why do you think that these things are Why do you think that these things are
acids? bases?
 After the reaction, if the number of  After a reaction, if the number of
hydrogen has decreased that hydrogen has increased that
substance is the acid substance is the base

Acids: Bases:
Vinegar, Soda/Coke, Kalamansi/Orange Soap
,Shampoo, Toothpaste

Follow-Up Questions:

1. Based on what I have known the only base is soap and the rest are examples of

2. The common characteristics that the acid possesses are sour taste, Donates H+ ions,
Reacts with a metal to form hydrogen gas and Turns blue litmus indicator red.

3. The common characteristics that the bases possesses are usually soapy in nature,
bitter taste, increases the OH- concentration in water and Accepts OH- ions.
Chemistry 2 Grade 12

Christian Roy R. Villacorte November 30, 2020

Sir. Ron Galvano

Check you Understanding

1. C

2. A

3. B

4. A

5. A

The second law of thermodynamics is a general principle which places
constraints upon the direction of heat transfer and the attainable efficiencies
of heat engines. It is also known as the law of entropy and states that the
change of entropy is always positive.

Activity 3: RESEARCH
1. Buffer is really important in our body because it is a substance that prevents a radical
change in fluid pH by absorbing excess hydrogen or hydroxyl ions. When there is a
massive change in pH level, the buffer is a special solution that stops the massive
changes. And also when the pH level in our blood has changes, the buffer is there to
protect against it.

2. I can relate the second law of thermodynamics in our daily lives is that for example,
when a diesel engine turns a generator, the engine's mechanical energy is converted
into electricity. The electricity is still pretty concentrated, but not all of the mechanical
energy is converted to electricity. Some of the energy "leaks" away through friction and

3. Brønsted-Lowry theory describes acid-base interactions in terms of proton transfer

between chemical species. It is a reaction that involves the transfer of proton HCI +
NaOH → NaCI + H20.
Chemistry 2 Grade 12

Christian Roy R. Villacorte November 30, 2020

Sir. Ron Galvano

Post Asessment

1. A

2. C

3. A

4. B

5. D


1. T

2. Irreversible

3. T

4. First

5. T

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