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Salber Project on Africa

You and your group will explore the various regions of Africa. You will have at minimum two
class periods to research your topic in class and add it to your Passport through Africa.


A. East Africa
B. West Africa
C. Central Africa
D. North Africa
E. South Africa
F. History of Africa

Minimal Requirements:
O Each student will create a tangible Passport
O Passports will include
O All countries in the given regions and their capitals
O Three distinguishing facts of each country
O The topography of the entire region
O The climate for the given region
O The Lifestyle and dominate culture of the region
O The group will choose one item to explore in depth
O War
O Art
O Music
O Approved Topic
Each Group will develop a kahoot of 10 questions and 2 open ended questions

I expect creativity in this assignment. You have the option of creating your own idea of what you
want in the passport. Please note that the information above would be the minimal
requirements. Please go above and beyond.

The History of Africa is not included in the Passport. This is an opportunity to

investigate a topic you have found to be interesting.

At the end of each class you will complete a Self-Assessment

• Self-assessment – Grade yourself based on your work today
Time Management 4-3-2-1
Working with others 4-3-2-1
Quality of work 4-3-2-1
• Give a one sentence explanation for each of your grades
Country Fact Sheet – Answer these if you are stuck. Optional

1. What is the name of the country you have researched?

2. What is the capital of the country?
3. On which continent is the country?
4. What are its neighboring countries?
5. What is the population of the country?
6. What currency is used in the country?
7. What is the official language(s) spoken in the country?
8. Who is the current leader in the country?
9. Describe the flag of the country. If possible, sketch the flag.
10. What are some of the national holidays celebrated in the country?
11. What are some examples of traditional foods eaten in the country?
12. What other facts have you learned about the country?

Possibilities for difficulties – Creative writing (for above and beyond).

After learning about the country _________________________, write a personal narrative
describing what your life would be like if you lived in that country. Talk about where you live,
your school, and what you like to do for fun. Include interesting facts that will help explain life
for individuals your age in that country.

Other options include

o Student made recreation of artifact or art
o Student video of cultural dance
o Student video of play or reenactment of event of that region
Africa Passport Rubric –

  Does not Meets Exceeds

No Evidence meet standard Standard Standard

Contains all
countries in the
given regions and
their capitals
distinguishing facts
of each country
The topography of
the entire region        
The climate for the
given region        
Examine lifestyle
and dominate
culture of the
Explores an area of
the region in depth        
Authentic and

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