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Survival Tu1616s

My German acquaintance pays for an extremely expensive sur- N6met ismerosdm minden 6vben befizet egy m6regdriryabtazihar
viving tour in Brazll every year, during which he is Ieft alone in tirl6l6si prSbfra, amelynek sor6n kiteszik ot az oserdo kozepdre,
the middle of the rain forest with a knife and a box of matches, adnak a kezebe egy k6st meg egy doboz gyuf6t, s fel kell talSlnia
and he has to make the best of the situation. Many have bit the magffi. Tobben otthagyt6k m6r a fogukat a nagy tril6l6sben.
dust already in the big survival. Erre gondoltam, amikor a hegytinkon l6v6 h6tv6gi hhzamba
This is what I had in mind when I was heading for my week- igye-keztem, a kulcsot viszont otthon felejtettem. Mindenk6ppen
end cottage on our hill, but left the key at home. I had to get into be kellett jutnom a hhzba, ezdrt egy pillanatra ugy lreztem
the house, at any rate, therefore I felt for a minute as if I was sit- magam, mintha a braziliai oserd6 kellos kozepdn tiln6k, s az
ting in the middle of theBrazil'ian rain forest and my task would volna a feladatom, hogy egy filctollal 6rtalmatlanftsak egy alig6-
be to render an alligator hannless with a felt-tip pen. tort.
Oops, did the felt-tip occur to me. I was meditating, and start- Hopp, jutott eszembe a filctoll. Tunodtem, s buherdlni kezdtem.
ed fiddling around. I tried the door that I do not use normally. Azon az alton pr6b6lkoztam, amelyen egydbk6nt nem szoktam
The tiny end of the key was peeping out from the inside. I pushed ffijdrni. A kulcs par6nyi v6ge beliilrol kandikSlt kifeld. A filctoll
the hollow end of the felt-tip pen on the end of the key with a tireges v6gdt hirtelen mozdulattal r6nyomtam a kulcsv6gre, s 6vatos
sudden movement and carefully turned it in the lock. Marvel of mozdulattal elfordftottam a zarban. Csod6k csod6ja, bejutottam.
marvels, I got in. Ugy gondoltam, imm6ron nincs ktilonosebb akad6lya annak,
No longer, I thought, would anything stop me from making hogy esti venddgeimnek vacsor6t k6szftsek. Sajnos kideriilt, hogy a
dinner for my guests. lJnfortunately it turned out that the survival tril6ldsi gyakorlatnak nincs v6ge. A konzerv paradicsom felnyit6sa-
practice was not over yet. While I was opening the canned toma- kor a tekeros konzervnyit6 csodot mondott, a regi-kdzi-egyforintos
toes, the tin opener failed, the old-manual-one-Forint coin broke. eltdrott. A nagy k6s, melynek hegydt beleutottem a konzervdoboz
The big knife while I stroke its point into the top of the tin tetej6be, megcsitszott, elv6gtam a kezem, s mivel 96z nincs a
slipped, I cut my hand. As there was no gauze in the Braztlian braziliai hegyi pinc6kben, elkotdttem averzo sebet egy tortilkozov-
mountain cellars, I tied the bleeding wound with a towel. And of el. No persze amikor a tortjlkozot leemeltem a fregolir6l, tfl mdlyre
course when I took the towel from the clothes dryer, I bent down hajoltam, s belevSgtam a fejemet a ki6ll6 hegyes csobe, orditottam,
too far and hit my head on a projecting sharp tube. I roared, and s arra gondoltam, mennyivel egyszenibb lenne, ha szeretn6k a
thought that it would be a lot simpler if my guests liked bacon. venddgeim a szalonnilt.
Soon after I leant heavily on the washbasin and it came off Nem sokkal azuthn, hogy r6teh6nkedtem a mosd6kagyl6ra, s
with a crash and I noticed that somebody - and again - put the az nemlk6pp leszakadt, illetve 6szrevettem, hogy valaki (m6r
matches upside down into the matchbox. I cooled off and asked megint) fordiWa tette be a gyuf6kat a gyufits skatuly5ba, lelo-
destiny, "*hy does not anyone pay me for holding my own in my hadtam, s art k6rdeztem a sorst6l: nekem mi6rt nem fizet senki
survival camps for decades?" azdrt, hogy 6vtizedek 6ta helyt6llok sajSt kis tul6l6 tdborairnban?

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