What Are The Different Opportunities and Challenges of Media and Information For The Following

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What are the different opportunities and challenges of Media and Information for the following

 Education
 Society
 Economics
 Politics

Opportunity is a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something.

for example you have the opportunity to get education , to represent your City in a national event or to
represent the Philippines in an international event so that is opportunity

There are four opportunities and challenger here in economy education social and political

 Education media and information have made a radical impact as let us read that
Learning has never been easier and at the same time more complicated than it is today in the
age of media and information. Example is the multimedia has been used also in learning so we
have tackled this previously multimedia is a form of communication that combines different
content um different content forms such as text audio video images and animation now in uh
social opportunity
 Social - media of today is playing an outstanding role in creating and shaping of public opinion
and strengthening of society so the best example here is the social Networking site the social
networking sites allow users to connect to other people in social media we can share our
experiences and it can actually inspire other people depending on purpose and because people
are using social media such as facebook Instagram twitter google plus we have now the
opportunity to access data just by searching .Opportunity we can also promote new products or
services and social media to boost our sales this way people will find it easy also to buy
something they used or they need they need because it is online and when we buy and sell
online it's easier.
 The economy in media and information entities such as the news industry like GMA, CNN,
MANILA BULLETIN or DAILY INQUIERER , they provide information and monitoring to the
economic policy development process by providing MEDIA what news and updates so they help
to the development of our economy especially in terms of good governance and investors also
monitor the media for them to decide what is best for their business and where can the
businessmen post their advertisement so as you can see here the news industry film production
entertainment programs print broadcast media internet advertising and public relations all of
these play a part in our economy because it involves money industry and trade
 Political - candidates and their supporters constantly post their views on facebook and twitter
each party has its own pages from which it broadcast propaganda . Political candidates now can
always reach their potential and targeted voters in the near future by my election now so it
allows the politicians to communicate faster and reach citizen in a more targeted manner that
and up on social media they used to go house to house or the candidates and national
candidates will go for l travel to Mindanao but now it made for them it is easier now because of
social media but today in a matter of in a matter of seconds we can already read the news via
breaking news or flash report in on facebook so it's very quick and the political candidates can
use it on their advantage when during the campaign

Here main four main challenges of media and information

 illegal content is any type of content that could be damaging to young on very young people

and then the

 cybercrime is a criminal activity or a crime that involves the internet

 copyright infringement is the use of works protected by copyright law without permission you
use you use the works of other people without their permission that is copyright infringement
 then identity theft or the use of someone else's identity to gain financial advantage

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