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ee ea ee ‘About the Course co Unit 3 - Week 1: Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics Cours oxting Assignment 01 Norsemmtemtcte a rami peter uw on 2020-02-12 2550 1 SS area ar ce aaa oon 7 +) Viscous Burger's equation is, 1 point (Computtionl Fis Dynamics tee tarleators of OD sirenon eat arte Sauer Aaagrment rors. The momentum equation for low Reynolds number flow (Re <1) can be written as. J point 224.9. im) =—vp Wot ite Enos 22 < eps 9-0 Wook &: Parabotic Equations: = ” Ce ik pte tne By a= Weer: staby Ane “2 Boy Wook: ery ream to, ror neuen formation seams ees Aner: Wok MAC Aston Beep von ot 1 rnte Yume 5) Continuity equaton for incompressibl ows in Cartesian co-ordinate fri © too Method = ae Wook 12: SIMPLE orton xi te, sneer icome. Wo «The boundary condition given in the diagram is pom al=4. Wim ne bomasry conden te, sneer inicome. ‘Accentes Ares: Neumann bounce cartons 5) Steady heat conduction equation with heat generation in solid body is which type of equation”? 1 point Fourier Biot equation Laplace equation Poisson equation TTiicomi equation t,o anomeric. Accents Aree: Poisson equation 8) Winer of ese witn the post processing catagory in CFD? 1 point Dating bouncy eonton ( genaaton sce ene: 7) Which of these can be taken as Dirichlet boundary conditions forthe variable ¢@ at a specitied boundary ? 1 point o=0 tesserae ‘Aecentes Aree: e 15) What isthe aw govrring momentum equation? 1 point Now's frat iw of motion Foti of temodnamies Secon ia of erodes te, aomeriaincae. ‘Accented Aree: 1) Navior stokes equation anon linear partial ferential equation, the order ofthe equation ie (answor should bo ‘ven in number) ests Aras tipe nama 1 poo “01 Total number intial and boundary conditions required for sohing the equation <= = 2 are___fanswer shouldbe in umber) te, anomeric. ‘Aecente Anawer: (ipo: neers + pom

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