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Student Teacher’s Name: Pedro Julian Amaya Muñoz - 91515095
Language Course: English IV
Journal entry dates from September 29 to October 26

The following chart gives account of my performance along my pedagogical experience as a training teacher in online environments with date
entries, link of the recorded videos uploaded in One Drive, and my reflections in regards of my strengths, weaknesses, aspects to improve,
feelings, observations, comments, etc.

# of Link to the video in Microsoft
Nr. Date Group Topic of Reflections about the lesson and observations
students Stream
In the first class, the subjects of comparisons were explained,
Comparatives and however, we also practice new vocabulary through oral interaction
1 09/29 A 6 13LxddVVM3nhydfScXqxlIsEQrqs 1:30:00
Superlatives and interactive exercises. The students participated and fulfilled the
development of the proposed activities.
In the first class, the subjects of comparisons were explained,
Comparatives and however, we also practice new vocabulary through oral interaction
1 09/30 B 5 1P1MdMyA1G_bm0m1mQ82RM 1:30:00
Superlatives and interactive exercises. The students participated and fulfilled the
development of the proposed activities.
In this second meeting, the students carried out exercises of reading
and listening comprehension, as well as reinforcing the grammar
contents related to Quantifiers: Too / Enough. The class began with a
conversation on cultural topics, of your taste, preference, and
interest. The topic was explained by means of a slide. Students
performed the listening activity through a song, the reading was
Quantifiers: Too /
recorded to check pronunciation, intonation, and rhythm. a workshop
2 10/01 A 6 Enough 1VDVo8lCUGZoeFunx9dGEMH4J 1:30:00
of grammatical exercises was developed to strengthen and mechanize
Relative Clauses TGLIabE8/view?usp=sharing
their knowledge.
# of Link to the video in Microsoft
Nr. Date Group Topic of Reflections about the lesson and observations
students Stream
In this second meeting, the students carried out exercises of reading
and listening comprehension, as well as reinforcing the grammar
contents related to Quantifiers: Too / Enough. The class began with a
Quantifiers: Too / conversation on cultural topics, of your taste, preference, and
2 10/02 B 5 Enough 1oh9RF1LRbgRY_uOu8p4l_wPit2 1:30:00 interest. The topic was explained by means of a slide. Students
Relative Clauses dCGYqr/view?usp=sharing performed the listening activity through a song, the reading was
recorded to check pronunciation, intonation, and rhythm. a workshop
of grammatical exercises was developed to strengthen and mechanize
their knowledge.
interaction: pair
The class was carried out in a very friendly, interactive and
pronunciation of
participatory environment where students practiced the correct
3 10/06 A 6 regular verbs in 1SZsdqLRXBAXHWO_EbsYwIjX4H 1:30:00
pronunciation of regular verbs in the past and then dramatized
past simple. 71Kdby8/view?usp=sharing
problems proposed in pairs taking into account real life moments.
Analysis of
Managing to improve pronunciation, accent and rhythm in orality.
common daily
interaction: pair
work, The class was carried out in a very friendly, interactive and
pronunciation of participatory environment where students practiced the correct
3 10/07 B 5 regular verbs in 1LRRas7QhBZZdV5AOXRk3krep1 1:30:00 pronunciation of regular verbs in the past and then dramatized
past simple. CkB1bXm/view?usp=sharing problems proposed in pairs taking into account real life moments.
Analysis of Managing to improve pronunciation, accent and rhythm in orality.
common daily
The students began the class with an observation of a short video
Pairwork and
about bullying cases, and later they were socializing through a
collaborative discussion questions based on experiences and problem situations of
discussing on real
19- everyday life. They also presented their comics by doing the oral
4 10/08 A 6 cases. Presentation 1:30:00
CHnv5rQSB8lNUXoI4yD2QksfhaI family description. A collaborative work organized in pairs was carried
of the comics
1vE/view?usp=sharing out interpreting the characters of common cases in different
(individual speech)
environments. Finally they took the Knowledge Quiz for the specific
– Quiz Unit 1.
level of English and for Unit 1 of the current course.
# of Link to the video in Microsoft
Nr. Date Group Topic of Reflections about the lesson and observations
students Stream
The students began the class with an observation of a short video
Pairwork and
about bullying cases, and later they were socializing through a
collaborative discussion questions based on experiences and problem situations of
discussing on real
10PnvAZDvjH- everyday life. They also presented their comics by doing the oral
4 10/09 B 5 cases. Presentation 1:30:00
gw_P2hWr9p2ShtTMb66c- family description. A collaborative work organized in pairs was carried
of the comics
/view?usp=sharing out interpreting the characters of common cases in different
(individual speech)
environments. Finally they took the Knowledge Quiz for the specific
– Quiz Unit 1.
level of English and for Unit 1 of the current course.
In this class students participate in open questions about different
social and cultural topics as well as their tastes and preferences. On
Simple past. • Past the other hand daily activities are taken into account in their life
5 10/13 A 5 1UcL1qNKcdwweiChLVpltOeynoz 1:30:00
progressive routines. The topics are explained by means of slides and finally the
practice is done with interactive exercises and orally activities as well
as descriptions proposed in some situations using pictures.
In this class students participate in open questions about different
social and cultural topics as well as their tastes and preferences. On
Simple past. • Past the other hand daily activities are taken into account in their life
5 10/14 B 5 1rmFLPDu5hzMXFAjq3YNGLFAw 1:30:00
progressive routines. The topics are explained by means of slides and finally the
practice is done with interactive exercises and orally activities as well
as descriptions proposed in some situations using pictures.
The class begins with the explanation of the proposed contents, slides
Past perfect • Past 1LCYf4_bzIcbfDd2i-
6 10/15 A 6 1:30:00 are projected with examples and is practiced through participatory
progressive Ac3W9I0Xet9GpXZ/view?usp=sh
oral exercises. Students assume an attitude of interaction and interest
in the development of activities in the meeting.
The class begins with the explanation of the proposed contents, slides
Past perfect • Past are projected with examples and is practiced through participatory
6 10/16 B 6 1Lou0y2hPCcWAq8soZTCJMvBq 1:30:00
progressive oral exercises. Students assume an attitude of interaction and interest
in the development of activities in the meeting.
The explanation of the contents assigned for this meeting is carried
Regular and out. Students are very attentive to clarify doubts and solve questions
Irregular verbs in
1PWKGMNwgdGqq1Kr- and concerns, then speaking activities are carried out describing and
7 10/20 A 4 Past participle / 1:30:00
CQIlj8GLbXHjKudI/view?usp=sha comparing photos, on the other hand different problem situations are
Had/been + ING /
ring planted where students interact with each other in order to check
Used to
them the correct way of the pronunciation and fluency.
# of Link to the video in Microsoft
Nr. Date Group Topic of Reflections about the lesson and observations
students Stream
lesson The explanation of the contents assigned for this meeting is carried
Regular and
1ItUW6HyykXMv_iHnyBlYYRj6SU out. Students are very attentive to clarify doubts and solve questions
Irregular verbs in
bX3Jlx/view?usp=sharing and concerns, then speaking activities are carried out describing and
7 10/21 B 5 Past participle / 1:30:00
comparing photos, on the other hand different problem situations are
Had/been + ING /
planted where students interact with each other in order to check
Used to
them the correct way of the pronunciation and fluency.
In this encounter we work on the basis of regular and irregular verbs
Comparing cultures in past simple and participle, where students participate in exercises
and places. / projected taking into account the topics seen in the encounters such
8 10/22 A 6 Describe a place 1vJlPSMFnpt_CCURToAuOCWuM 1:30:00 as past tense. Interactive play is performed with some idiomatic
through different uUBG4-6a/view?usp=sharing expressions very common in daily conversations in English. Finally the
decades. project task is assigned for next meeting taking into account all the
guidelines that must sustain unit 2.
In this encounter we work on the basis of regular and irregular verbs
Comparing cultures in past simple and participle, where students participate in exercises
and places. / projected taking into account the topics seen in the encounters such
8 10/23 B 6 Describe a place 1:30:00 as past tense. Interactive play is performed with some idiomatic
through different expressions very common in daily conversations in English. Finally the
decades. project task is assigned for next meeting taking into account all the
guidelines that must sustain unit 2.
To be used to
(writing and oral
production) The class was carried out in a very friendly, interactive and
comparing participatory environment where students practiced the use of past
9 10/27 A 4 pictures. Linking 1:30:00 tense comparing pictures and then they´ve dramatized some
words (connectors situations proposed in collaborative teams taking into account real life
of sequence) events. Managing to improve oral and writing production.
interaction and
practical exercises.
To be used to
The class was carried out in a very friendly, interactive and
(writing and oral participatory environment where students practiced the use of past
9 10/28 B 4 11daJ384BkPbgFTsXDRGMxtOHT 1:30:00 tense comparing pictures and then they´ve dramatized some
oLI2Nmh/view?usp=sharing situations proposed in collaborative teams taking into account real life
pictures. Linking
events. Managing to improve oral and writing production.
words (connectors
# of Link to the video in Microsoft
Nr. Date Group Topic of Reflections about the lesson and observations
students Stream
of sequence)
interaction and
practical exercises.
Roleplay (speaking
situations). Modal
Verbs. Interactive Students participated in roleplays with some speaking situations
exercises by problems based on the contents working in class. The topics were
quizziz. Giving 1WYTGPrGO6MwwgLb3C- explained by means of slides and finally the practice is done with
10 10/29 A 5 1:30:00
advice through wZkVRq1aNwdK1L/view?usp=sh interactive exercises and orally activities as well as descriptions
pictures. Listening aring proposed in some comprehension skills activity. The feedback was
by video and taken by quizziz game through patter and structures references.
discuss some
questions. Kahoot
situations). Modal
Verbs. Interactive Students participated in roleplays with some speaking situations
exercises by problems based on the contents working in class. The topics were
quizziz. Giving 1X_zVQtEyryexrHHfPo7J9Vhj9Sp explained by means of slides and finally the practice is done with
10 10/30 B 6 1:30:00
advice through FstEZ/view?usp=sharing interactive exercises and orally activities as well as descriptions
pictures. Listening proposed in some comprehension skills activity. The feedback was
by video and taken by quizziz game through patter and structures references.
discuss some
questions. Kahoot
Pictures analyzing.
This class the students worked on present tenses using pictures in
Present tenses.
order to describe the events on requested on the photos. Then the
Power point
tutor ask them open questions about daily facts the do, the students
exercises. Idioms
answer them using some idioms and expressions in their oral
11 11/03 A 4 and expression. 1Ik0qSuq_exAHGD5NBKBIxRXCy 1:30:00
interaction. Finally they created some dialogues to discuss between
Describing a photo. HKhjaCN/view?usp=sharing
them related with the topics seen in the class by listening exercises
but the main idea was the real audio comprehension and what they
speaking by teams.
got in the understanding performance.
Listening exercises.
Pictures analyzing. This class the students worked on present tenses using pictures in
11 11/04 B 5 Present tenses. 1aErpUyKDQXJLijopDQPJYiit8YY 1:30:00 order to describe the events on requested on the photos. Then the
Power point UV011/view?usp=sharing tutor ask them open questions about daily facts the do, the students
# of Link to the video in Microsoft
Nr. Date Group Topic of Reflections about the lesson and observations
students Stream
exercises. Idioms answer them using some idioms and expressions in their oral
and expression. interaction. Finally they created some dialogues to discuss between
Describing a photo. them related with the topics seen in the class by listening exercises
Interaction but the main idea was the real audio comprehension and what they
speaking by teams. got in the understanding performance.
Listening exercises.
Future tenses.
Future simple.
The class starts with the future tenses explanations by showing some
Future continuous.
slides and giving important example in the functions and usages, then,
Future perfect. the students watched a short video to reinforce the knowledge and
Future perfect
12 11/05 A 6 1edSWYTTc7LJpqcNDZrWZ5EthS 1:30:00 the tutor ask them questions for future plans they might be got far
wxGWB2w/view?usp=sharing away. Students played a kahoot related on the contents worked in
class, and at the end some common idioms and phrasal verbs were
exercises by
learnt by slides and their meanings with also examples on them.
kahoot. Phrasal
The class starts with the future tenses explanations by showing some
Future tenses.
slides and giving important example in the functions and usages, then,
Future simple.
the students watched a short video to reinforce the knowledge and
Future continuous.
the tutor ask them questions for future plans they might be got far
Future perfect. away. Students played a kahoot related on the contents worked in
Future perfect
12 11/06 6 1f_94WPutMAOCXUY2AenJ- 1:30:00 class, and at the end some common idioms and phrasal verbs were
B continuous.
bfsspnUpAON/view?usp=sharing learnt by slides and their meanings with also examples on them.
exercises by
kahoot. Phrasal
Students start reading a text based on an important character and
answering the questions given to comprehend the main facts into the
activity. Listening text. Then students watched a video in order to interact in a
13 11/10 A 4 1qSxouOJuJB_BN0ZSetUsOtdtAP 1:30:00 discussion about the risks in amusement parks. Finally students
activity by a video.
rkFgcq/view?usp=sharing practiced vocabulary and the communicative skills by doing a song
Practice vocabulary
and develop a worksheet in an individual way and the tutor get
in a song
socialized it.
# of Link to the video in Microsoft
Nr. Date Group Topic of Reflections about the lesson and observations
students Stream

Students start reading a text based on an important character and
answering the questions given to comprehend the main facts into the
activity. Listening text. Then students watched a video in order to interact in a
13 11/11 B 5 1QUuNe35xePM5ScUtaKmdlikaI 1:30:00 discussion about the risks in amusement parks. Finally students
activity by a video.
hn6hkQm/view?usp=sharing practiced vocabulary and the communicative skills by doing a song
Practice vocabulary
and develop a worksheet in an individual way and the tutor get
in a song
socialized it.
Giving questions
The students began the class with an observation slides about open
opinions. Song
questions and to know their points of view related on the happiness
feedback. Listening
value, and later they were socializing through answers some
questions based on experiences they´ve had. They also presented
14 11/12 A 6 exercises. 1KlGPBqQAIxppYIr0YrCzTCta874 1:30:00
their feedback on the song worksheet by doing the oral interaction. A
Socializing the 20ush/view?usp=sharing
collaborative work organized in pairs was carried out interpreting the
worksheet –
characters of common cases in different environments to check and
verify their comprehension English skills.
English skills.
Giving questions
The students began the class with an observation slides about open
opinions. Song
questions and to know their points of view related on the happiness
feedback. Listening
value, and later they were socializing through answers some
questions based on experiences they´ve had. They also presented
14 11/13 B 6 exercises. 1fs0DwuuWPdCRMU0bOZCb2nx 1:30:00
their feedback on the song worksheet by doing the oral interaction. A
Socializing the Pwu3bXUH9/view?usp=sharing
collaborative work organized in pairs was carried out interpreting the
worksheet –
characters of common cases in different environments to check and
verify their comprehension English skills.
English skills.
Final English The tutor explain all the criteria patterns of the final assessment test
Assessment test. carrying on all the contents worked them in all lessons meetings. Then
Use of language (all the tutor took enough time to review and check the English tenses
contexts of this and clarify the doubts by the students. Giving examples and asking
15 11/17 A 5 1gGsRTkUaf7rPIEIZYXohNssCb_ 1:30:00
course were questions about the topics seen in the speaking course. The students
checked them and get into the assessment final test and start reading carefully the
assess. instructions through a link sharing by the tutor in Google forms. Later
on, the students put in practice the knowledge and understanding
# of Link to the video in Microsoft
Nr. Date Group Topic of Reflections about the lesson and observations
students Stream
skills by taking the placement test with all the English skills aboard.
Finally, the students answered all the contents questions based on
the topics and patters references worked them during the speaking
course in order to improve the skills level and communicative
The tutor explain all the criteria patterns of the final assessment test
carrying on all the contents worked them in all lessons meetings. Then
the tutor took enough time to review and check the English tenses
Final English and clarify the doubts by the students. Giving examples and asking
Assessment test. questions about the topics seen in the speaking course. The students
Use of language (all get into the assessment final test and start reading carefully the
15 11/18 B 6 contexts of this 1:30:00 instructions through a link sharing by the tutor in Google forms. Later
course were on, the students put in practice the knowledge and understanding
checked them and skills by taking the placement test with all the English skills aboard.
assess. Finally, the students answered all the contents questions based on
the topics and patters references worked them during the speaking
course in order to improve the skills level and communicative
1. The students showed their videos project made by themselves and
after that the tutor ask the some questions in order to socialize the
information given on it.
2. The student compared pictures about describing different decades
Speaking final using the past tense, adjectives and comparison references and
exam (oral grammatical patterns.
production). 3. The student presented their video based on a future vacation plan
Comparing trip and what are they going to do in that place chosen by them.
16 11/19 A 7 pictures. Talking 1zQcs4QnFa4wgm6jf5cfFCjHhXc- 1:30:00 Them the tutor asked them some questions to feedback their
about life events in eT-rs/view?usp=sharing opinions on each one speech.
the past. Planning a 4. Finally, the tutor and the students shared their point of view,
vacation trip using constructive criteria and their own comments based on the dynamic
future tenses. of the course. (What was the most they really liked and disliked? And
if the course speaking lessons plans filled them up all their
expectations, wishes and also, what were they holding up for make
their knowledge growing up.
# of Link to the video in Microsoft
Nr. Date Group Topic of Reflections about the lesson and observations
students Stream
1. The students showed their videos project made by themselves and
after that the tutor ask the some questions in order to socialize the
information given on it.
2. The student compared pictures about describing different decades
Speaking final using the past tense, adjectives and comparison references and
exam (oral grammatical patterns.
production). 3. The student presented their video based on a future vacation plan
Comparing trip and what are they going to do in that place chosen by them.
16 11/20 B 7 pictures. Talking 1:30:00 Them the tutor asked them some questions to feedback their
about life events in opinions on each one speech.
the past. Planning a 4. Finally, the tutor and the students shared their point of view,
vacation trip using constructive criteria and their own comments based on the dynamic
future tenses. of the course. (What was the most they really liked and disliked? And
if the course speaking lessons plans filled them up all their
expectations, wishes and also, what were they holding up for make
their knowledge growing up.

Observations: The Tutor share with the students some questions in a word doc, in order to know their personal answers about the methods
of teaching and learning in this speaking course by recording an audio voice link.

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