Clasa A V-A Plan de Lectie Progress Check Units 1, 2

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DATE: November 25th, 2020

SCHOOL: Școala Gimnazială Iclod, Cluj
CLASS : 5th grade
TIME: 40 minutes- ONLINE lesson
TEACHER: Cristina Craciun
COURSEBOOK: Limba modernă 1. Engleză. Clasa a V-a, autori: Emma Heyderman ,Fiona Mauchline, Ana-
Magdalena Iordachescu Mariana Stoenescu, Editura Litera, București, 2017
UNIT: Progress check 1/ Revision Modules 1–2
LESSON: Revision Modules 1–2 / assessment test
TYPE OF LESSON: Lesson of verification and control of knowledge
MATERIALS/RESOURCES: Adservio, zoom, youtube video, word document(with the minitest), digital
2.1 prezentarea simpla a unei persoane/personaj
2.4 manifestarea disponibilitatii pentru partiticiparea la dialog
4.1 redactarea de mesaje simple si scurte
1. to activate previously acquired vocabulary and grammar structures;
2. to check students’ level of vocabulary and grammar assimilation for the assessed units;
3. to check students’ general progress in the use of the English language.
By the end of the lesson, the students will be better able to:
 O1: describe the way someone looks like (physical appearance)
 O2: use the verbs to be and have got - correctly
 O3: (after the test finishes) evaluate themselves based on the results of the test

Anticipated problems: I anticipate that the following may cause problems: poor internet connection and
the microphones or the web-cams may not work.

Stages Timing Interactio Activities Obs.
n Teacher Students
1. Warm up 4` T-Ss Teacher greets the SS Listen and draw
pupils, asks about according to
their mood and instructions, T asks
announces the few students to
revision lesson. show the drawing
T asks SS to draw a
circle and tells them
to draw a face with
blue eyes, long
brown hair etc
2. Lead-in 1` T-Ss T announces that Ss check if
the students' connection is ok
knowledge at the and share screen
end of the first works
module is going to
be assessed
3. Presentation 1’ T-Ss T gives Ss Ss pay attention to
explanations for the explanations anuale/engleza1/index.html
both activities and ask questions
spinwheel only if necessarry
( speaking) anfd
minitest (writing) T
gives extra work for
Ss who finish faster
( an exercise from
the coursebook)
3.Evaluation 9` T-Ss T presents wordwall Ss have 20 seconds
Activity 1 Ss-Ss “spin the wheel” each to respond a 6/i-have-got-i-havent-got-appearance
with the verb “have question, a student
got” keeps track of time
and sais time out

Activity 2 10’ Ss T shares screen with Ss work and let T
Individual the minitest and know when they
work asks students to finish.
work silently with
their cameras and
microphones on.
4. Feedback / Correct 10’ T-Ss T shares the screen Ss find out their
and shows the Ss results and the
the corrected test answers they’ve
with answers missed and correct
in their notebooks.
5. Homework 5’ T-Ss Assigns students’ Ss have to write
homework and down the
gives the necessary homework and send
explanations. The a photo with the childrens-songs/hes-got-the-whole-
teacher suggests a corrected test by world-in-his-hands/
nice song He`s got wtsapp or Adservio
the Whole World in
His hands

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