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Aaron Akin

Contemporary World Issues

1st Hour

Mr. Auwerda

Personal Investment Philosophy

So after reading and analyzing these four articles, I found them quite interesting

and useful. Some I considered to be better than others, but all of them were useful

nonetheless. Let's start with my favorite one, which was the PDF about Warren Buffett,

who I would say is the most well-known and smartest investor in my opinion. So let me

tell you what I like about him . With Warren Buffett, I like his outside of the box thinking

approach to things. He does not follow mainstream investing tips like most investors

would, rather he does things his own way and follows his own code which I liked. Now

Jim Cramer, I also really liked his article because previously as stated all of them are

very good, but I liked his because it was very simplistic and straightforward and almost

more of an aggressive approach. Jim Cramer takes advantage of age to make smarter

investments which I think is a good idea. One thing that stood out to me that I like was

his tip that said invest more aggressively when you are young. When it came to Dave

Ramsey, it's safe to say that his was not my favorite considering I like the idea of

investing young and more aggressively because I figure that is just a better strategy in

my opinion. Nothing really stood out to me because he was more conservative in his
manner. And last but not least Suze Orman, who had a very interesting approach two

investing. What I picked up from that approach was to take affirmative action, because

that seemed to be the highlight. Some of the key themes that were shared by these

investors, well most of them in exclusion to Ramsey, was to take advantage of your age

and invest aggressively. Ramsey more so said to invest more conservatively which

wasn't my favorite strategy. So oh, these investors mainly agreed with each other from

what I understand. I talked about this a lot and I definitely have a preferred side which is

the more so aggressive approach. And I feel as if most of these investors definitely did

prefer to take an aggressive approach, in exclusion to Ramsey. So if my own

investment strategy I am taking all of the great ideas that I liked from most of these

investors, and even though I wasn't too big of a fan of Ramsey, I did like a few of his

ideas. What I am taking from Ramsey includes the principle of getting out of debt, as

well as investing 15% and knowing your fees. What I am taking from Suze Orman is to

take affirmative action and jump on every opportunity you think is going to be

good.What I'm going to take from Kramer is his idea to invest your savings, and to

invest while you are young. I really like the idea of investing while you're young because

I think it is the best time because you are still young and have a lot of time to correct

any mistakes and learn, as well as the ability to save over time if that is what you want

to do. So last but not least, we have Warren Buffett who was my personal favorite. I like

Warren Buffett's idea of treating investment as a business. You should really treat your

investments as a business and watch the trends of the business and learn about it and

once you feel comfortable enough you can invest in it with full confidence. Those are
the main ideas that I'm taking from each of these very intelligent investors and turning

into my own.

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