Newsletter 4 December 2020

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Lord Aylmer School

NEWSLETTER #4 December 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians:
It is hard to believe that our calendars are open to the month of December already. As we begin to experience
more inclement weather, please be reminded that I will be communicating directly to our school community
through the REMIND notification service should we encounter any bus cancellation or school closures. We will
also use the same method of communication should there be a decision from the minister of education to close
our school due to COVID-19.

On behalf of the members of our amazing school staff, I would like to wish you and your family a safe and
wonderful holiday season, a Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukah to all who celebrate these traditions.


We held our Student Recognition Assembly on Dec. 1 for Cycles 2 and 3 and on Dec. 2 for Kindergarten and
Cycle 1. The school value on which we focused in November was “Compassion”. Congratulations to all who
received an award. We are very proud of our students’ efforts in following our school values. The value on
which we will focus in December is “Collaboration”. We wish to thank the classes of Ms. Isabelle, Mme
Melanie, Mrs. Brownlee and Mrs. Ensom for their presentations on how to be a more collaborative person.

Our Angel Tree initiative supports families from within Lord Aylmer School. This year things had to be done a
little differently. Lord Aylmer Home and School Committee is collecting donations using the link below until
December 7. Home and School Elves will then shop and wrap special gifts for the children from the receiving
families. Please consider donating to this worthy cause and help make the holidays a little brighter for some of
our families. To access the link, please click here . The
Home and School Facebook page will allow you to receive updates on the campaign by liking the page:


Lord Aylmer will be holding a drive-through food drive for the Aylmer Foodbank at the Senior Campus front
parking lot on Saturday, December 12 from 9:00 am - 1:00 pm. Please join us in this campaign by dropping off
non-perishable food items.

It used to be that washrooms, the school bus or a gym locker room were the key hot spots for bullying of
children and teens. At last year’s information evening that we held for parents on Internet Safety with Paul
Davis, he pointed to a major shift in society. Online gaming sites are now the “place” in which children are
most bullied.

While the number of reported violent incidents and bullying at Lord Aylmer School has been greatly reduced
this year, we have been receiving some requests to handle incidents involving cyber-bullying. We gladly do
what we can in these situations to intervene after-the-fact. However, a proactive approach is always better than
a reactive one.

One of the best ways to reduce or eliminate the potential for cyber-bullying for your child is to avoid online
games in which your child can connect with others. Some of our students are reporting that they play video
games with strangers without any supervision. In addition, the games they are playing are in many cases, not
designed for anyone under the age of 13 and in some cases, 18. If you permit your child to use gaming or other
online sites, try to familiarize yourself with the games or sites your child uses. If you are not certain about age
restrictions, you can verify online or on the cover of most store-bought game packages. Another way to avoid
cyber-bullying is to directly monitor what is being said to your child by being in the room to supervise
computer usage. Finally, Mr. Davis advised parents to impose conditions for use, including full access to any of
the child’s usernames or passwords for applications, sites and devices. As a parent, doing so is not a privacy
matter as much as one of safety. Hopefully, this information is useful as we head into a two-week holiday.


We understand that it can be stressful when parents and guardians receive a notification of a positive case at
school. Very soon, we will be sending out a document to update the information to our parents about the extra
steps for communication that we are taking at Lord Aylmer when we are advised by public health of a positive
case. We hope that this document will help answer some of your questions and ease any concerns you may


This is a friendly reminder for parents and guardians who are walking children to school to please wear a mask
or face covering when in close proximity to other families and to try as much as possible, to maintain a 2-metre
distance between yourself and other families at the drop off and pick up points. These areas can sometimes get
congested and we understand how difficult it can be to remember to follow the measures from public health.
We had reminded parents about this in August and September but had not for awhile. Recently, we have
received a few requests from parents/guardians to do so.

Please be advised that invoicing for school fees will be ready for parents in the new year. While some costs
were reduced this year for paper and agendas, supervision fees had to be increased significantly due to the need
to have two lunch recess periods. Please note that the admin team at the school, along with your parent
committee will be discussing the matter with school board officials to look at the situation for all schools who
have had to increase their supervision fees due to the pandemic.

Please visit our website to find out how to sign up for REMIND, if you have not already done so. Important
information is shared through this notification system. Some families have shared that they were no longer
receiving notifications. We are not sure of the reason but have found that deleting your registration and then re-
registering has fixed the error.

The next Lord Aylmer Governing Board meeting will be held virtually on Wednesday, December 16 at
6:30 p.m.


Our next PD day is December 7, registrations are now closed. Registration forms for the January 4 PD day will
go out on Dec. 8.
Please ensure children are dressed appropriately for the weather. Students will be outdoors as much as possible.
An extra pair of dry socks and mittens or gloves are recommended. Please label all clothing items.


You may recall that Lord Aylmer School held a “Loonies for the Legion” campaign during Veteran’s Week.
There was a positive response from the school community. Staff and families from the school raised $1000 for
the Aylmer Legion with funds going to support area veterans.

Mr. Christian Corriveau accepted the donation on behalf of the Legion. He is a veteran who has been active in
educational workshops leading up to Remembrance Day at the school over the past few years. His informative
video was showcased during Lord Aylmer School’s virtual Remembrance Day ceremony last week.
Staff approached the school principal about this fundraiser to help the Royal Canadian Legion in Aylmer in
light of the difficulties with in-person collection of funds this year. Teachers planned activities leading up to
Veterans Week to ensure students gained a better understanding of Canada’s involvement in past wars and

Shown here are Brady Mondor (student), Hunter Belanger (student) and Mark McDonald (teacher) presenting
the $1000 to Mr. Corriveau.


As we move into the last weeks before the holiday break, you can feel the excitement through the halls. Please
join us in the following optional Christmas/Holiday plans for both the Senior and Junior Campus.

Thursday, Friday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

December 10th December 11th December 14th December 15th December 16th
Kick off the Holiday Vacation! Hats off to the Cozy up by the Start relaxing early
Festival of Make this holidays! Shh… smartboard fire and wear your
Lights by vacation a stay- you can wear wearing your pajamas to school.
wearing blue & cation. Wear your your holiday hat best holiday or
white best beach holiday or crazy hair in ugly sweater.
gear. the school.
Dec. 4 Friday Subway Day
Dec. 7 Monday PD Day
Dec. 11 Friday Pizza Day
Dec. 12 Saturday Drive-Through for the Food Bank Sr. Campus Parking Lot 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Dec. 15 Tuesday Subway Day
Dec. 15 Tuesday Home and School Meeting Virtually 6:30 p.m.
Dec. 16 Wednesday Governing Board 6:30 p.m. Virtually
Dec. 17 Thursday Virtual Learning
Dec. 18 Friday Virtual Learning
Jan. 4 Monday PD Day


Pizza Day: Subway Day:
Dec 11 Dec 4 and Dec. 15

The next quarterly payment for pizza and subs is due on Thursday, December 17. Our Home & School Online
Shop is open to accept payments for both pizza and sub lunches. Find our Online Shop at:

Make sure to check-out our Home & School Facebook page at for our
upcoming fundraising events and monthly H&S meetings. Want to know more about our Home & School
volunteer organization? Make sure to check-out our Website at:


Purchasing gift cards for friends, family or teachers for the holiday season? Or would you like to send a simple
eGift Card to a fellow reader? Make sure to visit our Lord Aylmer Home & School website at for our many online fundraisers with our various partners. By purchasing your regular
items through our partner fundraising pages, you help raise money for our students and schools. Here’s what
we’ve got:

 Fundscrip ( Pay face value for your regular purchases of gas, groceries,
birthday gifts and more! Each purchase generates earnings for our H&S.
 Indigo eGift Cards ( You can buy a $25, $50 or $100 Indigo eGift
Card to purchase books online for your family- or to gift to a friend, family member or even your child's
teacher via email. Our H&S earns 20% in Indigo store credit!


Every Friday is Lord Aylmer School Spirit Day! Don't forget to wear your LA T-Shirt or Hoodie!! Looking for
Lord Aylmer gear? Check-out our Glam Shop for t-shirts and hoodies for the whole family at:

A new kinder or student to our school? Our Lord Aylmer School will be gifting your child their very own Lord
Aylmer School T-Shirt- so please keep this in mind when purchasing glam for your family.

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