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PT/TD Lab Overview

Identification: Mihai Cerghizan, e-mail:

Purpose: The purpose of this Lab is to get the students used with the XML (eXtensible Markup Language)
goal, its syntax, usage and main applications.
This Lab will provide the students with complementary information, adding to their previous knowledge on
this topic.

Working environment (IDE):

 Eclipse : version (Luna, Mars, Neon, Photon, …), variant (Java EE) – highly recommended!!!
 as alternative IntelliJ IDEA (Ultimate or Community Editions) might also be used.

 if you choose the 1st IDE please observe the requirement for version and variant); if not practical work
for some topics will not be possible!
 if you choose the 2nd IDE you’ll have to cope with on your own: I had no access to the Ultimate
Edition of this software.

Programming Language: Java

Libraries, packages and JARs: JDK 1.7/1.8, JDOM 2.0.6, Apache FOP, Apache POI, Saxon-HE, JAXB
 be warned that the presence of more recent versions of Java will possibly prevent proper use of some
of the libraries / packages!

Databases: SqlServer 2008+ R2 Express, MySQL or PostgreSQL, JDBC driver, eXist, …

Working methodology: In order to be able to cover as many topics as possible, I will introduce and discuss
a different one each week. Short notes will be provided (by e-mail) to guide the students’ study effort. Student
hands-on practice effort on PCs/laptops is expected! For the time being, please address your questions and
findings by e-mail. Also, in order to have the possibility of individual contact and direct, one-to-one
explanations, please send, ASAP, an identification e-mail, containing your last name, first name, group and
subgroup (allowing identification on the time table/schedule).

Training Material: the provided guiding notes will highlight only the main aspects of each topic.
References to XML standards, more detailed tutorials, as well as books will be provided. An individual study
effort is highly expected in order to cover, understand and learn these details!

Intermediate tests: Intermediate tests will be held to verify students’ knowledge progress. The tests
(consisting of a theoretical question and a practical exercise) will be scheduled at mid-semester and semester
end and will cover the previously presented topics. Their duration will not be more than 1 hour.

Examination: The final evaluation of the knowledge and preparedness of the students will be done in an
examination at the end of the semester. At least one question and a practical exercise in the final examination
for Translators’ Design will pertain to the topics presented/exercised during the PT/TD (XML) Lab sessions.
The final grade will be calculated as a weighted average of the PT/TD exam, PT/TD project and PT/TD
(XML) Lab grades. The percentages will be established by the main lecturer of the course and will be
published on the Web page in due time.

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