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Động từ có 2 âm tiết => trọng âm thường rơi vào âm tiết thứ hai

 Ví dụ: begin , forgive /, agree

 Một số trường hợp ngoại lệ: answer , open , visit..

2. Danh từ có 2 âm tiết => trọng âm thường rơi vào âm tiết thứ nhất

 Ví dụ: father , table , sister , mountain ,…

 Một số trường hợp ngoại lệ: advice , machine, mistake..
*Chú ý: Một số từ 2 âm tiết sẽ có trọng âm khác nhau tùy thuộc vào từ loại.
Ví dụ: record, desert sẽ có trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ nhất nếu là danh từ: ; rơi vào âm tiết
thứ 2 khi là động từ
3. Tính từ có 2 âm tiết => trọng âm thường rơi vào âm tiết thứ nhất

 Ví dụ: happy , busy , careful lucky ...

 Một số trường hợp ngoại lệ: alone , amazed …
4. Động từ ghép => trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ hai

 Ví dụ: become ,understand overflow ,…

5. Danh từ ghép: trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ nhất.

 Ví dụ: doorman , typewriter , greenhouse
6. Trọng âm rơi vào chính các âm tiết sau: sist, cur, vert, test, tain, tract, vent, self

7. Các từ kết thúc bằng các đuôi : how, what, where, …. thì trọng âm chính nhấn vào
âm tiết thứ nhất

 Ví dụ: anywhere, somehow ,
8. Các từ 2 âm tiết bắt đầu bằng A thì trọng âm nhấn vào âm tiết thứ 2

 Ví dụ: about , above alone , alike , ago …

9. Các từ tận cùng bằng các đuôi , – ety, – ity, – ion ,- sion, – cial,- ically, – ious,
-eous, – ian, – ior, – iar, iasm – ience, – iency, – ient, – ier, – ic, – ics, -ial, -ical, -ible,
-uous, -ics*, ium, – logy, – sophy,- graphy – ular, – ulum , thì trọng âm nhấn vào âm
tiết ngay truớc nó

 Ví dụ: decision , education , librarian , experience , society popular , biology …

10. Các từ kết thúc bằng – ate, – cy*, -ty, -phy, -gy nếu 2 âm tiết thì trọng âm nhấn vào
âm tiết thứ nhất. Nếu từ có từ 3 âm tiết trở lên thì trọng âm nhấn vào âm tiết thứ 3 từ
cuối lên.

 Ví dụ: Communicate , classmate , technology emergency , certainty biology

11. Các từ tận cùng bằng đuôi – ade, – ee, – ese, – eer, – ette, – oo, -oon , – ain (chỉ
động từ), -esque,- isque, -aire ,-mental, -ever, – self thì trọng âm nhấn ở chính các
đuôi này :

 Ví dụ: lemonade Chinese , pioneer , typhoon whenever

12. Các từ chỉ số luợng nhấn trọng âm ở từ cuối kết thúc bằng đuôi – teen. ngược lại
sẽ nhấn trọng âm ở từ đầu tiên nếu kết thúc bằng đuôi – y

 Ví dụ: thirteen fourteen twenty thirty

13. Các tiền tố (prefix) và hậu tố không bao giờ mang trọng âm , mà thuờng nhấn
mạnh ở từ từ gốc – Tiền tố không làm thay đổi trọng âm chính của từ

 Ví dụ: important - unimportant, perfect - imperfect , appear - disappear

Hậu tố không làm thay đổi trọng âm của từ gốc:

 Ví dụ: ‘beauty/’beautiful, ‘lucky/luckiness, ‘teach/’teacher

14. Từ có 3 âm tiết

a. Động từ
– Trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2 nếu âm tiết thứ 3 có nguyên âm ngắn và kết thúc bằng 1 phụ

 Ví dụ: encounter ,...
– Trọng âm sẽ rơi vào âm tiết thứ nhất nếu âm tiết thứ 3 là nguyên âm đôi hay kết thúc bằng 2
phụ âm trở lên.

b. Danh từ
- Đối với danh từ có ba âm tiết, nếu âm tiết thứ hai có chứa âm /ə/ hoặc /i/ thì trọng âm sẽ rơi
vào âm tiết thứ nhất.

 Ví dụ: paradise , pharmacy controversy , resident …

- Nếu các danh từ có âm tiết thứ nhất chứa âm ngắn (/ə/ hay/i/) hoặc có âm tiết thứ hai chứa
nguyên âm dài/ nguyên âm đôi thì trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ hai.

 Ví dụ: computer potato . banana , disaster

c. Tính từ
- Nếu tính từ có âm tiết thứ nhất là /ə/ hay/i/ thì trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ hai.

- Nếu tính từ có âm tiết cuối là nguyên âm ngắn và âm tiết thứ hai là nguyên âm dài thì trọng
âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ hai.

 Ví dụ: enormous ,annoying
15. Trọng âm không rơi vào những âm yếu như /ə/ hoặc /i/

Mỗi cái thì sẽ có những trường hợp ngoại lệ.

Khi học 1 từ mới thì ta nên dùng từ điển để tra và ghi lại phiên âm của chúng. Sau này khi gặp
lại từ đó ta có thể dễ dàng làm.

Luyện tập nhiều là được.

Câu bị động trong tiếng Anh: định
nghĩa, cấu trúc, cách dùng và bài tập
bởi Step Up | Blog
4.8 (95.54%) 112 votes

“Oranges are bought in supermarket by Jane”

“Apples are being washed in the yard by my mother”
Đây dạng mẫu câu bị động trong cấu trúc ngữ pháp tiếng Anh. Đối với người học ngoại
ngữ, từ vựng và cấu trúc là hai phần bắt buộc phải học để có thể sử dụng thành thạo
ngôn ngữ này.
Hôm nay, Step Up sẽ chia sẻ tới bạn kiến thức về công thức, cách dùng, bài tập thực
hành về câu bị động nhằm giúp bạn tránh nhầm lẫn khi chuyển đổi từ thể chủ động
sang bị động nhé. Cùng lấy giấy bút để note lại ngay nào!
Nội dung bài viết [ẩn]
 1. Định nghĩa câu bị động
 2. Cấu trúc câu bị động
 3. Các bước chuyển câu chủ động sang bị động trong thì tiếng Anh
 4. Một số dạng trong câu bị động tiếng Anh
 5. Một số cấu trúc câu bị động dạng đặc biệt thường gặp
 6. Phân biệt cách dùng by và with
 7. Bài tập câu bị động trong tiếng Anh và đáp án
1. Định nghĩa câu bị động
Câu bị động (Passive Voice) là câu mà chủ ngữ là người hay vật chịu tác động của
hành động, được sử dụng để nhấn mạnh đến đối tượng chịu tác động của hành động
đó. Thì của câu bị động phải tuân theo thì của câu chủ động.
2. Cấu trúc câu bị động
Câu chủ động: Subject + Verb + Object
Câu bị động: Subject + Verb + By Object
Ví dụ:
– My mother is washing apples in the yard.
Mẹ tôi đang rửa táo ở ngoài sân.
– Apples are being washed in the yard by my mother.
Táo đang được rửa ở ngoài sân bởi mẹ tôi.
3. Các bước chuyển câu chủ động sang bị động trong thì tiếng Anh
3.a. Các bước chuyển đổi sang câu bị động
Việc đầu tiên mà bạn cần phải làm đó là xác định tân ngữ trong câu chủ động đồng thời
chuyển thành chủ ngữ cho câu bị động.
Sau đó, hãy xác định thì trong câu chủ động rồi bắt đầu chuyển động từ về thể bị động,
chuyển động từ thành dạng “tobe + Ved/P2” cũng như chia động từ “tobe” theo đúng thì
của câu chủ động, giữ nguyên cách chia dạng số ít, số nhiều theo chủ ngữ.
Cuối cùng, nếu chủ ngữ trong câu chủ động xác định thì hãy chuyển thành tân ngữ
trong câu bị động đồng thời thêm “by” phía trước. Các chủ ngữ không xác định thì có
thể bỏ qua, ví dụ them, people…
Ví dụ:
– I planted a flower plant in the garden.
Tôi đã trồng một cây hoa ở trong vườn.
– A flower was planted in the garden (by me).
Một cây hoa được trồng ở trong vườn (bởi tôi).
Cấu trúc bị động với các thì trong tiếng Anh
Thì Câu chủ động Câu bị động

S + am/is/are + P2 + by O
S + V(s/es) + O
Hiện tại đơn => Oranges are bought in supermarke
eg: Jane buy oranges in supermarket. 
Jane mua cam ở siêu thị
Cam được mua ở siêu thị bởi Jane

S + am/is/are + V-ing + O S + am/is/are + being + P2 + by O

Hiện tại tiếp diễn eg: Jane is buying oranges in => Oranges are being bought in super
supermarket.  by Jane. 

Hiện tại hoàn S + have/has + P2 + O S + have/has + been + P2 + by O

thành eg: Jane has bought oranges in => Oranges have been bought in supe
supermarket.  by Jane. 

S + Ved + O S + was/were + P2 + by O
Quá khứ đơn eg: Jane bought oranges in => Oranges were bought in supermark
supermarket. Jane.

Quá khứ tiếp S + was/were + V-ing + O S + was/were + being + P2 + by O

diễn eg: Jane was buying oranges in => Oranges were being bought in supe
supermarket.  by Jane. 

Quá khứ hoàn S + had + P2 + O S + had + been + P2 + by O

thành eg: Jane had bought oranges in => Oranges had been bought in super
supermarket.  by Jane.
S + will + V-infi + O S + will + be + P2 + by O
Tương lai đơn eg: Jane will buy oranges in => Oranges will be bought in superma
supermarket.  Jane.

Tương lai hoàn S + will + have + P2 + O S + will + have + been + P2 + by O

thành eg: Jane will have bought oranges in => Oranges will have been bought in
supermarket.  supermarket by Jane. 

S + am/is/are going to + V-infi + O S + am/is/are going to + be + P2+ by O

Tương lai gần eg: Jane is going to buy oranges in => Oranges are going to be bought in
supermarket.  supermarket by Jane. 

Động từ khuyết S + ĐTKT + V-infi + O S + ĐTKT + be + P2 + by O

thiếu eg: Jane should buy oranges in => Oranges should be bought in super
supermarket.  by Jane.

3.b. Một số lưu ý khi chuyển sang câu bị động trong tiếng Anh
Như bạn thấy câu bị động được chuyển từ câu chủ động sang vì vậy rất dễ gây nhầm
lẫn khi bạn chia động từ cũng như xác định chủ ngữ chính, vậy nên khi chuyển sang
câu bị động hãy chú ý một chút những phần sau nhé:
Nội động từ không dùng ở dạng bị động:
Ví dụ: cry, die, arrive, disappear, wait, hurt… Jane’s foot hurts
Trường hợp trong câu chủ động có 2 tân ngữ:
Các bạn có thể chọn một trong hai chủ ngữ làm chủ ngữ chính cho câu bị động (ưu
tiên tân ngữ chỉ người) hay có thể chuyển thành 2 câu bị động.
S + V + Oi + Od
Oi (indirect object): tân ngữ gián tiếp
Od (direct object): tân ngữ trực tiếp
=> Chuyển sang câu bị động sẽ có 2 trường hợp sau:
– TH1: lấy tân ngữ gián tiếp lên làm chủ ngữ cho câu bị động
S + be + P2 + Od
– TH2: lấy tân ngữ trực tiếp lên làm chủ ngữ cho câu bị động
S + be + P2 + giới từ + Oi
Ví dụ:
He gave me a banana yesterday.
(me là tân ngữ gián tiếp còn an apple là tân ngữ trực tiếp)
=> Bị động: 
TH1:   I was given an banana yesterday.
TH2:   A banana was given to me yesterday.
Ví dụ:
Someone broke the mirror of his motorbike.
→ The mirror of his motorbike was broken.
Trong câu chủ động có trạng ngữ chỉ nơi chốn, khi chuyển sang câu bị động thì bạn phải
đặt trạng ngữ chỉ nơi chốn trước by + tân ngữ.
Ví dụ:
Jin bought oranges at market.
→ Oranges were bought at market by Jin.
Đối với những câu chủ động có trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian, khi chũng ta chuyển sang câu bị động
thì đặt trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian sau by + tân ngữ.
Ví dụ:
Jane used the computer ten hours ago.
→ The computer was used by Jane ten hours ago.
Nếu câu chủ động có cả trạng ngữ chỉ nơi chốn và trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian, khi chuyển
sang câu bị động thì tuân theo quy tắc:
S  + be  + Ved/P2  + địa điểm + by + tân ngữ  + thời gian
Ví dụ:
Ms.Lan threw the garbage in front of my home last night.
→ The garbage was threw in front of my home by Ms.Lan last night.
Khi chủ ngữ trong câu chủ động là phủ định như no one, nobody, none of… thì khi
chuyển sang câu bị động, ta chia động từ bị động ở dạng phủ định.
Ví dụ:
No one can wear this blue dress
→ This blue dress cannot be worn.
Trong 1 vài trường hợp to be/to get + P2 sẽ không mang nghĩa bị động khi được dùng để:
– Chỉ tình huống, trạng thái mà chủ ngữ trong câu đang gặp phải
Ví dụ:
Adam got lost his wallet at the library yesterday.
– Chỉ việc chủ ngữ trong câu tự làm hành động
Ví dụ:
My mother gets dressed very quickly.
Mọi sự biến đổi về thời cũng như thể trong câu đều nhằm vào động từ to be, còn phân
từ hai thì giữ nguyên.
 to be made of: được làm bằng (chất liệu làm nên vật)
Ví dụ: This table is made of wood
 to be made from: được làm ra từ (nguyên vật liệu bị biến đổi khỏi trạng thái ban đầu để
làm nên vật)
Ví dụ: Chair is made from wood
 to be made out of: được làm bằng (quá trình làm ra vật)
Ví dụ: This egg tart was made out of flour, butter, sugar, eggs and milk.
 to be made with: được làm với (chỉ một trong số nhiều chất liệu làm nên vật)
Ví dụ: This fish soup tastes good because it was made with a lot of spices.
4. Một số dạng trong câu bị động tiếng Anh

1. Câu bị động với các động từ có 2 tân ngữ như: give, lend, send,
show, buy, make, get, … thì ta sẽ có 2 câu bị động.
Ví dụ:
He sends his relative a letter. 
→ His relative was sent a letter.
     A letter was sent to his relative
2. Câu bị động có động từ tường thuật như: assume, think, consider,
know, believe, say, suppose, suspect, rumour, declare, feel, find, know,
S: chủ ngữ; S’: Chủ ngữ bị động
O: Tân ngữ; O’: Tân ngữ bị động
S + V + that + S’ + V’ + O …
=> Cách 1: S + be + Ved/P2 + to V’
     Cách 2: It + be + Ved/P2 + that + S’ + V’
Ví dụ:
People say that Adam is very rich.
→ Adam is said to be very rich.
→ It’s said that Adam is very rich.
3. Khi câu chủ động là câu nhờ vả như: have, get, make
S + have + Sb + V + O …    
–> S +  have + O + P2 + (by Sb)
Ví dụ:
Marie has her daughter buy a cup of coffee.
→ Marie has a cup of coffee bought by her daughter. 
S + make … + Sb + V + O …
=> Sb + be + made + to V + O …
Ví dụ:
John makes the hairdresser cut his hair.
→ His hair is made to cut by the hairdresser.
S + get + Sb + to V + O…   
–>  S + get + O + to be + P2 (by Sb)
Ví dụ:
Julie gets her husband to clean the kitchen for her. 
→ Julie gets the kitchen cleaned by her husband. 
4. Khi câu chủ động là câu hỏi: Thể bị động của câu hỏi Yes/No
Do/does + S + V-infi + O …?
=> Am/ is/ are + S’ + Ved/P2 + (by O)?
Ví dụ:
Do you clean your classroom? 
→ Is your classroom cleaned (by you)?
Did + S + V-infi + O…?
=>Was/were + S’ + Ved/P2 + by + …?
Ví dụ:
Can you bring your workbook to my desk?
→ Can you workbook be brought to my desk?
Modal verbs + S + V-infi + O + …?
=> Modal verbs + S’ + be + Ved/P2 + by + O’?
Ví dụ:
Can you move the table? 
→ Can the table be moved? 
Have/has/had + S + Ved/P2 + O + …?
=> Have/ has/ had + S’ + been + Ved/P2 + by + O’?
Ví dụ:
Has she done her homework? 
→ Has her homework been done (by her)? 
5. Câu bị động với các động từ chỉ quan điểm, ý kiến như: think/ say/
suppose/ believe/ consider/ report…
Ví dụ: 
People think she bought the flower in the opposite store. 
→ It is thought that she bought the flower in the opposite store.
     She is thought to have bought the flower in the opposite store.
6. Câu bị động với các động từ chỉ giác quan như: see, hear, watch,
look, notice,….
S + P2 + Sb + Ving. (nhìn/ xem/ nghe… ai đó đang làm gì)
Diễn tả hành động đang xảy ra bị 1 hành động khác xen vào hoặc việc ai đó chứng kiến
người khác làm gì và chỉ thấy 1 phần của hành động. 
Ví dụ:
He watched them playing basketball. 
→ They were watched playing basketball. 
S + P2 + Sb + V. (nhìn/ xem/ nghe… ai đó làm gì)
Ai đó chứng kiến người khác làm gì từ đầu đến cuối.
eg: I heard her cry.
→ She was heard to cry. 
7. Khi câu chủ động là câu mệnh lệnh
Khẳng định: 
                           V + O                     Let + O + be + P2
Phủ định:
                           Don’t  + V + O                Don’t let + O + be + P2
Ví dụ:
Do the exercise!
→ Let the exercise be done!
Don’t leave her alone!
→ Don’t let her be left alone!
* Câu mệnh lệnh chủ động cũng có thể chuyển thành bị động với SHOULD trong một
số tình huống:
Ví dụ:
Don’t use the telephone in case it breaks down.
–> The telephone shouldn’t be used in case it break down.
5. Một số cấu trúc câu bị động dạng đặc biệt thường gặp
1. Chuyển câu chủ động có sử dụng to-V thành bị động: S + V + Sb +
to V + O  
* Cách 1: Nếu tân ngữ sau to V trong câu chủ động cũng chính là chủ ngữ trong câu bị
S + V + to be + P2 + (by Sb)
Ví dụ: 
I want you to teach me    
–> I want to be taught by you.
* Cách 2: Nếu tân ngữ sau to V trong câu chủ động khác với chủ ngữ trong câu bị
S + V + O + to be + P2 + (by Sb)
Ví dụ: 
I want him to repair my car    
–> I want my car to be repaired by him
* Cách 3: Có thể dùng Sb trong câu chủ động làm Chủ ngữ của câu bị động: 
Sb + be + P2 + to V + O
Ví dụ:
People don’t expect the police to find out the stolen money.
–> The police aren’t expected to find out the stolen money.
2. Cấu trúc: S + V1 + V-ing + O + …    
=>  S + V + (that) + O + should be + P2 + …
eg: She suggests drinking wine at the party.
–> She suggests that wine should be drunk at the party.
3. Cấu trúc: S + V1 + Sb + V-ing + O    
=>   S + V + being + P2 + O
Ví dụ:
She remember people taking her to the amusement park.  
-> She remember being taken to the amusement park.
4. Chuyển câu chủ động dùng động từ nguyên thể không có to sau
các V chỉ giác quan thành câu bị động, đổi V thành to V khi chuyển
sang bị động:
S + see / taste/ watch / hear / look / catch … + Sb + V + O
=> S + be + seen / tasted/ watched / heard / looked / caught  … + to V + O
Ví dụ:
I sometimes see him go out.    
-> He is sometimes seen to go out.
5. Chuyển câu chủ động có V-ing sau các V chỉ giác quan sang bị
động, khi chuyển sang bị động, V-ing vẫn giữ nguyên là V-ing:
S + see / taste/ watch / hear / look / catch … + Sb + V-ing + O
=> S + be + seen / tasted/ watched / heard / looked / caught …+ V-ing + O
Ví dụ:
I see him bathing her dog now.         
-> He is seen bathing her dog now. We heard her singing loudly .            
6. Cấu trúc bị động với câu giả định: It + be + adj + to V + O
=> It + be + adj + for + O + to be + P2 ….
Ví dụ:
It’s very difficult to study Japanese.    
-> It’s very difficult for Japanese to be studied.
7. Cấu trúc: It + be + my/ your/ his/ her/ their/ our… + duty + to-V + O
=> I/ You/ He/ She/ They/ We + be + supposed + to V + O
Ví dụ:
It’s their duty to do this job.  
–> They are supposed to do this job.
8. Mẫu câu chủ động với “to let” khi chuyển sang bị động nên được
thay thế bằng dạng bị động của ALLOW + to V:
S + let + … + V        
=> Sb + be + allowed + to V …
Ví dụ:
She let him enter the room.
–> He was allowed to enter the room.
9. Cấu trúc: Sb + need / deserve + to V + Sth + …
=> Sth + need/ deserve + V-ing …
Ví dụ:
We need to water the flowers everyday.
–> The flowers need watering everyday.
6. Phân biệt cách dùng by và with
Nếu là người hoặc vật trực tiếp gây ra hành động thì dùng ‘by’, gián tiếp gây ra hành
động thì dùng ‘with’
Ví dụ:
The rabbit was shot with the gun.
The rabbit was shot by the hunter.
7. Bài tập câu bị động trong tiếng Anh và đáp án
Bài tập câu bị động:
Bài 1: Chuyển các câu sau sang câu bị động
1. Emma ordered this air ticket for her mother.
2. She lends her friend his new dress.
3. He left his relatives seven million dollars.
4. The shop manager handed these gifts to the customer.
5. The board of directors awarded the first prize to the outstanding employee.
6. Has she sent the christmas cards to her family?
7. We gave Anna some apples and some rose flowers.
8. My father moved the fridge to the second floor.
9. My mother bought some cups of coffee to the visitors in the kitchen.
10. The manager didn’t take the note to the assistant.
Bài 2: Chia dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc
1. Brian had his car (repair) ………….. by a mechanic.
2. John got David (type) ……………… his paper.
3. We got our house (paint) ……………… last month.
4. Dr James is having the students (write ) ………………. a composition
5. Laura got her transcripts (send) ………………. to the university.
6. Daniel is having his hair (cut) ………………… tomorrow.
7. Will Mrs. Ellen have the porter (carry) ………………. her luggage to her car?
Đáp án:
Bài 1:
1. This air ticket was ordered for Emma’s mother.
2. Her new dress are lent to her friends (by her).
3. Seven million dollars was left to his relatives (by him).
4. These gifts were handed to the customer (by the shop manager).
5. The first prize was awarded to the outstanding (by the board of directors).
6. Have the christmas cards been sent to her family?
7. Ann was given some apples and some rose flowers (by us).
8. The fridge was moved to the second floor (by my father).
9. Some cups of coffee were brought to the visitors in the kitchen (by my mother).
10. The note wasn’t taken to the assistant (by the manager).
Bài 2:
1. repaired
2. to type
3. painted
4. write
5. sent
6. cut
7. carry

account for: chiếm, giải thích

allow for: tính đến, xem xét đến
ask after: hỏi thăm sức khỏe
ask for: hỏi xin ai cái gì
ask sb in/ out : cho ai vào/ ra
advance in : tấn tới
advance on : trình bày
advance to : tiến đến
agree on something : đồng ý với điều gì
agree with : đồng ý với ai, hợp với, tốt cho
answer to : hợp với
answer for : chịu trách nhiệm về
attend on(upon): hầu hạ
attend to : chú ý
to be over: qua rồi
to be up to sb to V: ai đó có trách nhiêm phải làm ǵì
to bear up= to confirm : xác nhận
to bear out: chịu đựng
to blow out : thổi tắt
blow down: thổi đổ
blow over: thổi qua
to break away= to run away :chạy trốn
break down : hỏng hóc, suy nhược, a ̣ khóc
break in(to+ O) : đột nhập, cắt ngang
break up: chia tay , giải tán
break off: tan vỡ một mối quan hệ
to bring about: mang đến, mang lại( = result in)
brinn down = to land : hạ xuống
bring out : xuất bản
bring up : nuôi dưỡng ( danh từ là up bringing)
bring off : thành công, ẵm giải
to burn away : tắt dần
burn out: cháy trụi
back up : ủng hộ, nâng đỡ
bear on : có ảnh hưởng, liên lạc tới
become of : xảy ra cho
begin with : bắt đầu bằng
begin at : khởi sự từ
believe in : tin cẩn, tin có
belong to : thuộc về
bet on : đánh cuộc vào
call for: mời gọi, yêu cầu
call up: gọi đi lính, gọi điện thoại, nhắc lại kỉ niệm
call on/ call in at sb’s house : ghé thăm nhà ai
call off = put off = cancel: hủy bỏ
care for :thích, săn sóc
catch up with : bắt kịp
chance upon : tình cờ gặp
close with : tới gần
close about : vây lấy
come to : lên tới
consign to : giao phó cho
cry for :khóc đ̣i
cry for something : kêu đói
cry for the moon : đ̣i cái ko thể
cry with joy : khóc vì vui
cut something into : cắt vật gì thành
cut into : nói vào, xen vào
G Get through to sb : liên lạc với ai
Get through : hoàn tất ( = accomplish ) , vượt qua = get over
Get into : đi vào, lên ( xe)
Get in: đến, trúng cử
Get off : cởi bỏ , xuống xe , khởi hành
Get out of = avoid: tránh né
Get down : đi xuống, ghi lại
Get sb down : làm ai thất vọng
Get down to doing : bắt đầu nghiêm túc làm vịêc ǵì
Get to doing : bắt tay vào làm việc ǵì
Get round…( to doing) : xoay xở , hoàn tất
Get st across : làm cho cái ǵì đc hiểu
Get back : trở lại
Get up : ngủ dậy
Get ahead : vượt trước ai
Get away with : cuỗm theo cái gì
Get over : vượt qua
Get on one’s nerves:làm ai phát điên , chọc tức ai
Give away : cho đi , tống đi , tiết lộ bí mật
Give st back : trả lại
Give in : bỏ cuộc
Give way to : nhượng bộ , đầu hàng( = give oneself up to ), nhường chỗ cho ai
Give up : từ bỏ
Give out : phân phát , cạn kịêt
Give off : toả ra , phát ra ( mùi hương , hương vị)
Go out : đi ra ngoài , lỗi thời
Go out with : hẹn ḥò
Go through : kiểm tra , thực hiện công việc
Go through with : kiên trì bền bỉ
Go for : cố gắng giành đc
Go in for : = take part in: tham gia
Go with : phù hợp
Go without : kiêng nhịn
Go off : nổi giận, nổ tung , thối giữa ( thức ăn )
Go off with = give away with : cuỗm theo
Go ahead : tiến lên
Go back on one ‘ s word : không giữ lời
Go down with : mắc bệnh
Go over: kiểm tra , xem xét kĩ lưỡng
Go up : tăng , đi lên , vào đại học
Go into ; lâm vào
Go away : cút đi , đi khỏi
Go round : đủ chia
Go on : tiếp tục
Grow out of : lớn vượt khỏi
Grow up: trưởng thành

Hand down to = pass on to : truyền lại ( cho thế hệ sau,,,,)
Hand in : giao nộp ( bài , tội phạm )
Hand back : giao lại
Hand over: trao trả quyền lực
Hand out : phân phát(= give out)
Hang round : lảng vảng
Hang on = hold on = hold off : cầm máy (điện thoại )
Hang up ( off) : cúp máy
Hang out : treo ra ngoài
Hold on: cầm máy
Hold back : kiềm chế
Hold up : cản trở / trấn lột
Jump at a chance /an opportunity chộp lấy cơ hội
Jump at a conclusion : vội kết luận
Jump at an order : vội vàng nhận lời
Jump for joy : nhảy lên vì sung sướng
Jump into ( out of) : nhảy vào ( ra)
Keep away from = keep off : tránh xa
Keep out of : ngăn cản
Keep sb back from : ngăn cản ai không làm ǵì
Keep sb from = stop sb from: khiến ai ngừng điều gì đó
Keep sb together : gắn bó
Keep up : giữ lại , duy trì
Keep up with : theo kip ai
Keep on = keep ving : cứ tiếp tục làm gì
Knock down = pull down : kéo đổ , sụp đổ, san bằng
Knock out : hạ gục ai
Lay down : ban hành , hạ vũ khí
Lay out : sắp xếp, lập dàn ý
Leave sb off = to dismiss sb: cho ai nghỉ việc
Leave out = get rid of: rời bỏ, từ bỏ
Let sb down : làm ai thất vọng
Let sb in / out : cho ai vào / ra , phóng thích ai
Let sb off : tha bổng cho ai
Lie down : nằm nghỉ

Live up to: sống xứng đáng với

Live on : sống dựa vào
Lock up: khóa chặt ai

Look after : chăm sóc

Look at ; quan sát
Look back on: nhớ lại hồi tưởng
Look round : quay lại nh́ n
Look for: t́m kiếm
Look forward to ving: mong đợi , mong chờ
Look in on : ghé thăm
Look up : tra cúư ( từ điển, số điện thoại )
Look into : xem xét , nghiên cứu
Look on : đứng nhìn thờ ơ
Look out : coi chừng
Look out for : cảnh giác với
Look over : kiểm tra
Look up to : tôn trọng
Look dowm on : coi thường
Make up : trang điểm, bịa chuyện
Make out : phân biệt
Make up for : đền bù, hoà giải với ai
Make the way to : tìm đường đến
Mix out :trộn lẫn , lộn xộn

Miss out : bỏ lỡ

Move away: bỏ đi, ra đi

Move out : chuyển đi
Move in: chuyển đến
Order SB about ST: sai ai làm gì
Owe st to sb : có được gì nhờ ai
Pass away = to die: chết
Pass by : – go past : đi ngang qua , trôi qua
Pass on to = hand down to : truyền lại
Pass out = to faint : ngất
Pay sb back : trả nợ ai
Pay up the dept : trả hết nợ nần
Point out : chỉ ra

Pull back : rút lui

Pull down = to knock down : kéo đổ , san bằng
Pull in to :vào( nhà ga )
Pull st out : lấy cái ǵì ra
Pull over at : đỗ xe
Put st aside : cất đi , để dành
Put st away : cất đi
Put through to sb : liên lạc với ai
Put down : hạ xuống
Put down to : lí do của
Put on : mặc vào ; tăng cân
Put up : dựng lên , tăng giá
Put up with : tha thứ, chịu đựng
Put up for : xin ai ngủ nhờ
Put out : dập tắt
Put st/ sb out : đưa ai / cái gì ra ngoài
Put off : trì hoãn
Run after : truy đuổi
Run away/ off from : chạy trốn
Run out (of) : cạn kiệt
Run over : đè chết
Run back : quay trở lại
Run down : cắt giảm , ngừng phục vụ
Run into : tình cờ gặp, đâm xô , lâm vào
Ring after : gọi lại sau
Ring off : tắt máy ( điện thoại )
Save up : để giành
See about = see to : quan tâm , để ý
See sb off : tạm biệt
See sb though : nhận ra bản chất của ai
Send for: yêu cầu , mời gọi
Send to: đưa ai vào ( bệnh viện , nhà tù
Send back : trả lại
Set out / off : khởi hành , bắt đầu
Set in: bắt đầu ( dùng cho thời tiết)
Set up :dựng lên
Set sb back: ngăn cản ai
Settle down : an cư lập nghiệp

Show off: khoe khoang , khoác lác

Show up :đến tới
Shop round : mua bán loanh quanh

Shut down : sập tiệm , phá sản

Shut up : ngậm miệng lại
Sit round : ngồi nhàn rỗi
Sit up for : chờ ai cho tới tận khuya
Slown down : chậm lại

Stand by: ủng hộ ai

Stand out : nổi bật
Stand for : đại diện, viết tắt của, khoan dung
Stand in for : thế chỗ của ai
Stay away from : tránh xa
Stay behind: ở lại
Stay up : đi ngủ muộn
Stay on at: ở lại trường để học thêm
Take away from : lấy đi, làm nguôi đi
Take after : giống ai như đúc
Take sb / st back to : đem trả lại
Take down : lấy xuống
Mistake sb for sb else : nhầm ai với ai
Take in : lừa gạt ai , hiểu
Take on : tuyển thêm , lấy thêm người
Take off : cất cánh , cởi tháo bỏ cái gì
Take over : giành quyền kiểm soát
Take up : đảm nhận, chiếm giữ (không gian)
Take to : yêu thích
Talk sb into st : thuyết phục ai
Talk sb out of : cản trở ai
Throw away : ném đi , vứt hẳn đi
Throw out: vứt đi, tống cổ ai
Tie down : ràng buộc
Tie in with : buộc chặt
Tell off : mắng mỏ

Try on: thử ( quần áo )

Try out : thử…( máy móc )
Turn away= turn down: từ chối
Turn into : chuyển thành
Turn out: hoá ra là
Turn on / off: mở, tắt
Turn up / down : vặn to , nhỏ ( âm lượng )
Turn up: xuất hịên , đến tới
Turn in: đi ngủ
Use up : sử dụng hết ,cạn kiệt

urge sb into/ out of : thuyết phục ai làm ǵì/không làm gì

Wait for : đợi
Wait up for: đợi ai đến tận khuya
Watch out /over: coi chừng, cẩn thận

Wear off : mất tác dụng , biến mất , nhạt dần

Wear sb out: khiến ai đó kiệt sức
Work off : loại bỏ
Work out: tìm ra cách giải quyết
Work up : làm khuấy động
Write down : viết vào

Question 1 : Fill in the blanks with the corect preposition .

1. The internet provides us _____ a lot of useful information.
2. I was pleased to hear _____ you after such a long time.
3. We are looking _____ a better way to reduce water pollution.
4. Don't be nervous _____talking the exam .I am sure you will pass.
5. My parents saw me _____ at the airport yesterday.
6. The festival will start ______ fifteen minutes.
Answers: 1. The internet provides us __with___ a lot of useful information.
2. I was pleased to hear __from___ you after such a long time.
3. We are looking __for___ a better way to reduce water pollution.
4. Don't be nervous __about___talking the exam .I am sure you will pass.
5. My parents saw me ___off__ at the airport yesterday.
6. The festival will start ___in___ fifteen minutes.

Question 2 Choose the best answer

4. ..............the time you get to the theater, the play will have finished.
A. until B. in C. by D. on
5. ........ you have no key, you will have to get back before I go out.
A. although B. provided C. As D. unless
6. She had changed so much that ......... anyone recognized her.
A. almost B. hardly C. not D. nearly.
7. Our football team lost ...... three goals to nil.
A. with B. by C. to D. in
9. Her father won’t ..... her drive his car
A. allow B. let C. leave D. permit
12. She wondered ...... her father looked like after so many years away.
A. now B. whose C. that D. what
16. The bottle in made ....... a flower pot.
A. of B. in C. like D. from
17. Jack is often late ....... his homework.
A. for B. in C. with D. about
18. The coat reaches ...... the knee.
A. below B. under C. down D. down to.
20. .......... the weather, arrived a bit late.
A. for B. because C. through D. On account

Answer : 4. B 5. D 6. B 7. B 9. B

12. . D 16. D 17. A 18. A 20. C


Khi nào có thể lược bỏ đại từ quan hệ WHO ,WHICH ,WHOM…

- Khi nó làm tân ngữ, phía trước nó không có dấu phẩy ,không có giới từ (whose không
được bỏ)
Ví dụ:
+Here is the laptop which I bought.= Here is the laptop I bought
+This is my book , which I bought 2 years ago.
Trước chữ which có dấu phẩy nên không thể bỏ được .
+This is the house in which I live .
Trước which có giới từ in nên cũng không bỏ which đựơc . +This is the man who lives near my
house. Who là chủ từ ( của động từ lives ) nên không thể bỏ nó được .

Ta sử dụng những cách sau

1) Dùng cụm Ving :

Dùng cho các mệnh đề chủ động

The girl who is sitting next to you is my sister = The girl sitting to you is my sister
2) Dùng cụm Phân từ hai :

Dùng cho các mệnh đề bị động .

The house which is being built now belongs to Mr. John = The house built now belongs to Mr.
(dạng 1 và 2 là 2 dạng vô cùng phổ biến)
3) Dùng cụm động từ nguyên mẫu (to Vinf)

Dùng khi danh từ đứng trước có các từ bổ nghĩa như : ONLY, LAST,số thứ tự như: FIRST,
He is the last man who left the ship = He is the last man to leave the ship.
-Động từ là HAVE/HAD
He had something that he could/ had to do = He had something to do
-Đầu câu có HERE (BE), THERE (BE)
There are six letters which have to be written today.
There are six letters to be written today.
Trong phần to inf này các bạn cần nhớ 2 điều sau:
- Nếu chủ ngữ 2 mệnh đề khác nhau thì thêm cụm for sb trước to inf.
We have some picture books that children can read.
We have some picture books for children to read.
Tuy nhiên nếu chủ ngữ đó là đại từ có nghĩa chung chung như we,you,everyone…. thì có thể
không cần ghi ra.
Studying abroad is the wonderful thing that we must think about.
Studying abroad is the wonderful (for us ) to think about.
- Nếu trước relative pronoun có giới từ thì phải đem xuống cuối câu. ( đây là lỗi dễ sai nhất).
We have a peg on which we can hang our coat.
We have a peg to hang our coat on.
4) Dùng cụm danh từ (đồng cách danh từ )

Dùng khi mệnh đề tình từ có dạng:

Cách làm:
-bỏ who ,which và be
Football, which is a popular sport, is very good for health.
Football, a popular sport, is very good for health.
We visited Barcelona, which is a city in northern Spain = We visited Barcelona, a city in
northern Spain.

Khi học thì ta học từ dễ đến khó nhưng khi làm bài thì ngược lại phải suy luận từ khó đến dễ.
Bước 1:
- Tìm xem mệnh đề tính từ nằm chổ nào
Bước này cũng dễ vì mệnh đề tính từ thường bắt đầu bằng WHO,WHICH,THAT…
Bước 2 :
Bước này chủ yếu là giảm từ mệnh đề xuống cụm từ, tuy nhiên cách suy luận cũng phải theo
thứ tự nếu không sẽ làm sai.
Ví dụ:
This is the first man who was arrested by police yesterday.
Mới nhìn ta thấy đây là câu bị động ,nếu vội vàng thì sẽ dễ dàng biến nó thành :
This is the first man arrested by police yesterday sai
Nhưng đáp án đúng phải là :
This is the first man to be arrested by police yesterday

Put the following sentences into the reported speech.

1. “Helen, would you like to come to my birthday party tonight?” said Mary.
2. “You’d better go and see the new film at the Odion, Bob?” I said.
I .................................................................................................................
3. “Don't forget to post my letter, Ann,” said my father.
My father ...................................................................................................
4. “Shall we go somewhere for lunch?” said one of the students.
One of the students ...................................................................................
5. My sister said, “How about eating out tomorrow night?”
My sister ....................................................................................................
6. “Would you like some more wine?” Tom said to me.
7. Tim said, “Shall I get you some cold water?”
Tim .............................................................................................................
8. He said, “Let's find somewhere for a drink as I’m tired and thirsty.”
9. She said, “If I were you, I wouldn’t buy that T-shirt.”
She .............................................................................................................
10. “Could you go out and get me a newspaper?” said Tom’s father.
Tom’s father.................................................................................................

Put the sentences into reported speech, using each verb below as a
reporting verb.
ask remind advise order warn
tell suggest urge refuse encourage
1. "Don't speak all at a time. Just one by one." the teacher said to the class.
2. "Please collect my jacket from the dry-cleaner's?" Mary to her daughter.
3. "If I were you, I'd wear a tie for the interview," said Richard to his son.
4. "Don't forget to type this letter right today," Mr Jones said to his secretary.
5. "Please, please send a donation. The children are dying," Bob said to the TV viewers.
6. The robber said, "Lie down on the floor, all of you."
7. "I'm sorry, but I can't marry you, Jack," Linda said to her boyfriend.
8. "Come on, make one more try, honey. You’ll succeed," said the mother.
9. "Please don't stay out late tonight as a new storm is going to set in at the time," said the
10. "Why don't we eat out tonight?" said one of the girls.
Put the following sentences into the reported speech.
1. “Helen, would you like to come to my birthday party tonight?” said Mary.
2. “You’d better go and see the new film at the Odion, Bob?” I said.
I .................................................................................................................
3. “Don't forget to post my letter, Ann,” said my father.
My father ...................................................................................................
4. “Shall we go somewhere for lunch?” said one of the students.
One of the students ...................................................................................
5. My sister said, “How about eating out tomorrow night?”
My sister ....................................................................................................
6. “Would you like some more wine?” Tom said to me.
7. Tim said, “Shall I get you some cold water?”
Tim .............................................................................................................
8. He said, “Let's find somewhere for a drink as I’m tired and thirsty.”
9. She said, “If I were you, I wouldn’t buy that T-shirt.”
She .............................................................................................................
10. “Could you go out and get me a newspaper?” said Tom’s father.
Tom’s father

 )He hasn't returned to his home village for 10 years

- It's ______________________________

2) Nobody informed me about the change of the plan

- I ___________________________________

3) Minh and his close friend are the same age

- Minh is ________________________________

Tìm chổ sai và sửa lỗi

1. That's Tony, whom father has just come back from the United States
2. If tourists didn't throw rubbish in the river, the water wouldn't be cleaner
3. Were that factory not close down, many people would not be out of wo
Reading 3: General training test IELTS
You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-14, which are based on Reading
Passage 1 below.


A Appointments
Please telephone 826969 (8.30am - 5.00pm: Mon - Fri). We suggest that you try to see the same
doctor whenever possible because it is helpful for both you and your doctor to know each other well.
We try hard to keep our appointments running to time, and ask you to be punctual to help us achieve
this; if you cannot keep an appointment, please phone in and let us know as soon as possible so that
it can be used for someone else. Please try to avoid evening appointments if possible. Each
appointment is for one person only. Please ask for a longer appointment if you need more time.

B Weekends and Nights

Please telephone 823307 and a recorded message will give you the number of the doctor from the
Centre on duty. Please remember this is in addition to our normal working day. Urgent calls only
please. A Saturday morning emergency surgery is available between 9.30am and 10.00am. Please
telephone for home visits before 10.00am at weekends.

C Centre Nurses
Liz Stuart, Martina Scott and Helen Stranger are available daily by appointment to help you with
dressings, ear syringing, children's immunisations, removal of stitches and blood tests. They will also
advise on foreign travel, and can administer various injections and blood pressure checks. For any
over 75s unable to attend the clinic, Helen Stranger will make a home visit. AII three Centre Nurses
are available during normal working hours to carry out health checks on patients who have been on
doctors' lists for 3 years.

D New Patients
Within 3 months of registering with the Centre, new patients on regular medication are invited to
attend a health check with their doctor. Other patients can arrange to be seen by one of the Centre

E Services Not Covered

Some services are not covered by the Centre e.g. private certificates, insurance, driving and sports
medicals, passport signatures, school medicals and prescriptions for foreign travel. There are
recommended fees for these set by the National Medical Association. Please ask at reception.

F Receptionists
Our receptionists provide your primary point of contact-they are all very experienced and have a lot
of basic information at their fingertips. They will be able to answer many of your initial queries and
also act as a link with the rest of the team. They may request brief details of your symptoms or illness
- this enables the doctors to assess the degree of urgency.

G Change of Address
Please remember to let us know if you decide to relocate. It is also useful for us to have a record of
your telephone number.




Meal Breaks
(minimum company guidelines)


0-4 hrs nil

4-6 hrs 15 mins
  6-8 hrs 30 mins
8-12 hrs 60 mins (taken as 2 x 30 mins)
12-24 hrs 75 mins (taken as 2 x 30 mins + 1 x 15 mins)

  Your section staffing board will show the times when these breaks are to be taken.

Please note
It is your responsibility to check that the total break time shown on the staffing sheets accurately
reflects the breaks that you take. Any discrepancies should be raised with your Staff Co-ordinator


Food handlers are those concerned with preparing and serving unwrapped food.
Food handlers should report any instance of sickness, diarrhoea and/or stomach upset experienced
either while at work or during a holiday to a member of the Personnel Management team. Any
infections of ear, nose, throat, mouth, chest or skin should also be reported to a member of the
Personnel Management team.
Food handlers need to have an annual dental examination by the company dentist. Alternatively, a
current certificate of dental fitness may be produced from their own dentist. This applies to all
permanent staff who handle food.


Hiện Notepad
Questions 1-4

Reading Passage 1 has seven sections, A-G.

Which paragraph contains the following information?

Write the correct letter A-G in boxes 1-4 on your answer sheet.

1   what to do if you need help outside normal working hours
2   who to speak to first for general information
3   what happens when you register with the Centre
4   what to do if you need to cancel a doctor's appointment
Hiện Notepad

Questions 5-9

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1?

In boxes 5-9 on your answer sheet, write

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN If there is no information on this

5   You must always see the same doctor if you visit the Centre.

6   If you want a repeat prescription you must make an appointment. 

7   Helen Stranger is the Head Nurse.

8   It is possible that receptionists will ask you to explain your problem. 

9  You should give the Health Centre your new contact details if you move house.

Hiện Notepad

Questions 10-14

Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A-J, below.

Write the correct letter, A-J, in boxes 10-14 on your answer sheet.

 10   Temporary employees only working 3 hours should
 11   Employees who work 11 hours should
 12   To find out when to have their breaks, employees should
 13   Employees working with food must
 14   Food handlers who have been ill should
A talk to a staff co-ordinator.

B have two thirty-minute breaks.

C not take any breaks for meals.

D pay for any meals they have.

E get a single one-hour break.

F look at the section staffing board.

G lose pay for their break times.

H tell a member of the Personnel Management team.

I have an annual dental examination.

J consult their doctor.

You should spend about 20  minutes on Questions 15-27, which are based on Reading Passage
2  below. 

Bramley College International Scholarships

There are seven types of scholarship offered by Bramley College to enrolled international students to
assist with the costs of their courses. With the exception of applications for scholarship category E, all
newly-enrolled international students are automatically considered for these scholarships. The
scholarship is awarded in the student's first year as a credit to second semester course fees. In all
subsequent years, the scholarship is awarded as a credit to first semester course fees. The
scholarships are awarded once per year unless otherwise stated.
The scholarship categories are:

A One scholarship of A$2000 for the most outstanding students entering the Foundation Studies
Program from each of the following countries: Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand. An additional
six scholarships are available for students from other countries. These scholarships are offered
on two dates, to students in the March and June intakes of the program. Scholarships are
awarded on the basis of first semester results.


B Three scholarships providing 25% of course fees for the duration of the course to the three most
outstanding State Certificate of Education (SCE) students entering a Diploma or Certificate
program. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of the previous year's SCE results.


C Seventeen scholarships providing 25% of course fees for the duration of the course to
outstanding Diploma or Certificate students entering each Bramley College School: three each in
the Schools of Business and Engineering; two in the School of Applied Science; two in the School
of Environmental Design and Construction; two in the School of Art and Design; two in the
School of Social Sciences and Communications; one in the School of Biomedical and Health
Science; one in the School of Education and one in the School of Nursing. Scholarships are
awarded on the basis of first semester results.


D One scholarship of A$4000 per annum for the duration of the course to the most outstanding
student entering the Diploma in Communication. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of first
semester results.


E Nine scholarships of A$3000 per annum for the duration of the course to the most outstanding
students commencing any Advanced Certificate course. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of
Basic Certificate results (not SCE results). Note that applicants need to apply for this scholarship
on the Bramley College International Scholarship Application Form.

F One full-fee scholarship to the most outstanding student commencing a Diploma in Art and
Design (Photography) course. This scholarship is offered every second year, and is awarded on
the basis of results obtained in the Certificate in Design course.


G Four half-fee scholarships to outstanding students of Bramley College's Singapore campus for
the final year of the two-year Certificate in Business Studies to be completed in Melbourne,
Australia. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of first year results.

Questions 22-27
Using the Internet and CD-ROM databases in the Library

Bramley College now has full electronic information resources in the College Library to help you in
your studies. On CD-ROM in the library we have about fifty databases, including many statistical
sources. Want to know the average rainfall in Tokyo or the biggest export earner of Vanuatu? It's easy
to find out. Whether you are in the School of Business or the School of Art & Design, it's all here for

You can conduct your own CD-ROM search for no charge, and you can print out your results on the
library printers using your library photocopying card. Alternatively, you can download your results to
disk, again for no charge, but bring your own formatted floppy disk or CD-ROM. If you are not sure
how to conduct a search for yourself, library staff can do it for you, but we charge $20 for this service,
no matter how long or how short a time it takes.

All library workstations have broadband access to the Internet, so you can find the web-based
information you need quickly and easily If you are unfamiliar with using the Internet, help is available
in several ways. You can start with the online tutorial Netstart; just click on the Netstart Icon on the
Main Menu. The tutorial will take you through the basic steps to using the Internet, at any time
convenient to you. If you prefer, ask one of the librarians for internet advice (best at quiet times
between 9.00am and 11.30am weekdays) or attend one of the introductory group sessions that are
held in the first two weeks of each term. Sign your name on the list on the Library Bulletin Board to
guarantee a place, as they are very popular.

A word of warning: demand for access to library workstations is very high, so you are strongly advised
to book a workstation, and we have to limit your use to a maximum of one hour at any one time.
Make your booking (for which you will receive a receipt) at the information Desk or at the enquiry
desks in the Media Services Area (Level 1). Also, use of the computers is limited to Bramley students
only, so you may be asked to produce your Student Identification Card to make a booking, or while
using the workstations.


Hiện Notepad

Questions 15-21

Reading Passage 1 has six sections, A-G.

Which paragraph contains the following information?

Write the correct letter A-G  in boxes 15-21 on your answer sheet.

NB You may use any letter  more than once

15   It is awarded on results obtained in the SCE exam.
16   It is only available to students from the College's overseas branch.
17   It is not offered every year.
18   Students need to apply for it.
19   It is offered twice each year.
20   It pays 100% of the student's tuition fees.
21   It provides 50% of one year's fees.
Hiện Notepad

Questions 22-27

Choose the correct letter  A, B, C or D.

Write the correct letter in boxes 22-27 on your answer sheet.

To use the library printers, students must have.
 A  a floppy disk
 B  correct change in coins
 C  a photocopying card
 D  their own paper

To copy search results to a floppy disk, students pay.

 A  $20
 B  no fee
 C  a fee based on actual costs
 D  a fee dependent on the time taken


24. If library staff' search for information on CD-ROM, students pay.

 A  $20
 B  no fee
 C  a fee based on actual costs
 D  a fee dependent on the time taken


Students can learn to use the Internet.

 A  at all times
 B  in the first two weeks of term only
 C  Monday to Friday only
 D  between 9.00am and 11.30am only


To ensure efficient access to the library workstations, students should.

 A  queue to use a workstation in the Media Services Area
 B  reserve a time to use a workstation
 C  work in groups on one workstation
 D  conduct as many searches as possible at one time


At any one time, students may use a library workstation for.

 A  half an hour
 B  one hour
 C  two hours
 D  an unlimited time
You should spend about 20  minutes on Questions 28-40, which are based on Reading Passage
3  below. 


Greater efficiency in water use is needed to meet the growing demands of a changing world

Per capita water usage has been on an upward trend for many years. As countries industrialise
and their citizens become more prosperous, their individual water usage increases rapidly.
Annual per capita water withdrawals in the USA, for example, are about 1,700 cubic metres, four
times the level in China and fifty times the level in Ethiopia. In the 21st century, the world's
limited supply of renewable fresh water is having to meet demands of both larger total
population and increased per capita consumption. The only practicable ways to resolve this
problem in the longer term are economic pricing in conjunction with conservation measures.

Agriculture consumes about 70% of the world's fresh water, so improvements in irrigation can
make the greatest impact. At present, average efficiency in the use of irrigated water in
agriculture may be as low as 50%. Simple changes could improve the rate substantially, though it
is unrealistic to expect very high levels of water-use efficiency in many developing countries,
faced as they are with a chronic lack of capital and a largely untrained rural workforce. After
agriculture, industry is the second biggest user of water and, in terms of value added per litre
used, is sixty times more productive than agriculture. However, some industrial processes use
vast amounts of water. For example, production of 1 kg of aluminium might require 1,500 litres
of water. Paper production too is often very water-intensive. Though new processes have greatly
reduced consumption, there is still plenty of room for big savings in industrial uses of water.

In rich countries, water consumption has gradually been slowed down by price increases and the
use of modern technology and recycling. In the USA, industrial production has risen fourfold
since 1950, while water consumption has fallen by more than a third. Japan and Germany have
similarly improved their use of water in manufacturing processes. Japanese industry, for
example, now recycles more than 75% of process water. However, industrial water consumption
is continuing to increase sharply in developing countries. With domestic and agricultural
demands also increasing, the capacity of water supply systems is under growing strain.

Many experts believe that the best way to counter this trend is to impose water charges based on
the real cost of supplies. This would provide a powerful incentive for consumers to introduce
water-saving processes and recycling. Few governments charge realistic prices for water,
especially to farmers. Even in rich California, farmers get water for less than a tenth of the cost
of supply. In many developing countries there is virtually no charge for irrigation water, while
energy prices are heavily subsidised too (which means that farmers can afford to run water
pumps day and night). Water, which was once regarded as a free gift from heaven, is becoming a
commodity which must be bought and sold on the open market just like oil. In the oil industry,
the price increases which hit the market in the 1970s, coupled with concerns that supplies were
running low, led to new energy conservation measures all over the world. It was realised that
investing in new sources was a far more costly option than improving efficiency of use. A
similar emphasis on conservation will be the best and cheapest option for bridging the gap
between water supply and demand.

One way to cut back on water consumption is simply to prevent leaks. It is estimated that in
some of the biggest cities of the Third World, more than half of the water entering the system is
lost through leaks in pipes, dripping taps and broken installations. Even in the UK, losses were
estimated at 25% in the early 1990s because of the failure to maintain the antiquated water
supply infrastructure. In addition, huge quantities of water are consumed because used water
from sewage pipes, storm drains and factories is merely flushed away and discharged into rivers
or the sea. The modern approach, however, is to see used water as a resource which can be put to
good use - either in irrigation or, after careful treatment, as recycled domestic water. Israel, for
instance, has spent heavily on used water treatment. Soon, treated, recycled water will account
for most farm irrigation there. There are other examples in cities such as St Petersburg, Florida,
where all municipal water is recycled back into domestic systems.

Another way of conserving water resources involves better management of the environment
generally. Interference with the ecosystem can have a severe effect on both local rainfall patterns
and water run-off. Forest clearings associated with India's Kabini dam project reduced local
rainfall by 25%, a phenomenon observed in various other parts of the world where large-scale
deforestation has taken place. Grass and other vegetation acts as a sponge which absorbs rainfall
both in the plants and in the ground. Removal of the vegetation means that rainfall runs off the
top of the land, accelerating erosion instead of being gradually fed into the soil to renew ground
Global warming is bound to affect rainfall patterns, though there is considerable disagreement
about its precise effects. But it is likely that, as sea levels rise, countries in low-lying coastal
areas will be hit by seawater penetration of ground water. Other countries will experience
changes in rainfall which could have a major impact on agricultural yield - either for better or for
worse. In broad terms, it is thought that rainfall zones will shift northwards, adding to the water
deficit in Africa, the Middle East and the Mediterranean - a grim prospect indeed.

Hiện Notepad

Questions 28-34

Reading Passage 3 has seven paragraphs,  A-G.

Choose the correct heading for each paragraphs from the list of headings below..

Write the correct number  i-x, in boxes 28-34 on your answer sheet.

List of Headings

i American water withdrawal

ii Economic pricing

iii What the future holds

iv Successful measures taken by some

v The role of research

vi The thirsty sectors

vii Ways of reducing waste

viii Interdependence of natural resources

ix The demands of development

x The consequences for agriculture

28   Paragraph A
29   Paragraph B
30   Paragraph C
31   Paragraph D
32   Paragraph E
33   Paragraph F
34   Paragraph G
Hiện Notepad

Questions 35-40

Complete the summary below.

Choose  NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 35-40 on your answer sheet.

Individual water usage is rising dramatically as people living in industrialised countries become

increasingly 35   . As well as increased consumption per capita, the growing demand for

fresh water is due to a bigger global 36   than in the past. The only way to control this
increase in demand is to charge high prices for water while also promoting conservation measures.
Improvements in irrigation systems and industrial processes could dramatically increase the efficiency of
water use. There are examples of industries in some rich countries that have reduced their consumption

rates through price increases, the application of 37   and recycling. But in agricultural and
domestic sectors, the price of water is still subsidised so it is not regarded as a commodity that people
need to pay a realistic price for.

Other ways of protecting supplies are to reduce water loss resulting from 38   in the supply
systems and to find ways of utilising used water.

Longer term measures, such as improved environmental 39  would protect the ecosystem and
ensure the replenishment of ground water for future generations. Without such measures, future supplies
are uncertain, especially when global warming is expected to interfere with rainfall patterns and to worsen

the 40   already suffered by many countries today.

 28 Answer: ix

Locate   Giải thích    Report

Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage

Q28. A
List of Headings Per capita water usage has been on an
i.  American water withdrawal upward trend for many years. As countries
ii. Economic pricing industrialise and their citizens become more
iii. What the future holds prosperous , their individual water usage
iv. Successful measures taken by some increases rapidly.
v. The role of research ⇒ The reason for an increase in water
vi. The thirsty sectors usage
vii. Ways of reducing waste Annual per capita water withdrawals in the
viii. Interdependence of natural USA, for example, are about 1,700 cubic
resources metres, four times the level in China and fifty
ix. The demands of development times the level in Ethiopia.
x. The consequences for agriculture ⇒ An example of American water usage
In the 21st century, the world's limited supply
of renewable fresh water is having to meet
demands of both larger total population and
increased per capita consumption. The only
practicable ways to resolve this problem in
the longer term are economic pricing in
conjunction with conservation measures.
⇒ The water demand of population

 Let’s pay attention to the first two sentences, they are about the increase
of “water usage” and the drive behind it is “countries industrialise and their
citizens become more prosperous”. Next, the paragraph is about the
examples of American water withdrawals. The last two sentences are about
the future water demand of population growth
 In short, the development of countries in terms of industrialization and
population requires an increase in water demands⇒ Out of ten headings, ix is
the most suitable one for paragraph A.
 Carefully, the heading i is just a small example and the heading ii is a
detail in the paragraph, so they cannot be the main ideas despite being
mentioned in the paragraph

 29 Answer: vi
Locate   Giải thích    Report

Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage

Q29. B
List of Headings Agriculture consumes about 70% of the world's
i.  American water withdrawal fresh water, so improvements in irrigation can
ii. Economic pricing make the greatest impact. At present, average
iii. What the future holds efficiency in the use of irrigated water in agriculture
iv. Successful measures taken by may be as low as 50%. Simple changes could
some improve the rate substantially, though it is
v. The role of research unrealistic to expect very high levels of water-use
vi. The thirsty sectors efficiency in many developing countries, faced as
vii. Ways of reducing waste they are with a chronic lack of capital and a largely
viii. Interdependence of natural untrained rural workforce.
resources ⇒ Agriculture- the first economic sector
ix. The demands of development consuming a great deal of water
x. The consequences for agriculture After agriculture, industry is the second biggest
user of water and, in terms of value added per litre
used, is sixty times more productive than
agriculture. However, some industrial processes use
vast amounts of water. For example, production of
1 kg of aluminium might require 1,500 litres of
water. Paper production too is often very water-
intensive. Though new processes have greatly
reduced consumption, there is still plenty of room
for big savings in industrial uses of water.
⇒ Industry-   The second biggest user of water

 The paragraph is talking about two sectors, agriculture and industry which
need vast amounts of water in production.
 The word “thirsty” in the heading vi means consuming a lot of fuel or water
or being in need of water. So it can be concluded vi is the accurate answer.
 Carefully, the heading x does mention “agriculture”, but since the
paragraph is about agriculture and industry, x cannot be the correct answer

 30 Answer: iv

Locate   Giải thích    Report

Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage

Q30. C
List of Headings In rich countries, water consumption has gradually
i.  American water withdrawal been slowed down by price increases and the use of
ii. Economic pricing modern technology and recycling.
iii. What the future holds ⇒ Measures taken by rich counties to reduce
iv. Successful measures taken by water consumption
v. The role of research
vi. The thirsty sectors In the USA, industrial production has risen fourfold
vii. Ways of reducing waste since 1950, while water consumption has fallen by
viii. Interdependence of natural more than a third. Japan and Germany have
resources similarly improved their use of water in
ix. The demands of development manufacturing processes. Japanese industry, for
x. The consequences for agriculture example, now recycles more than 75% of process
⇒ Some examples of rich countries carrying out
(iv. Successful measures taken by the measures
some…..: heading có thể bị thiếu However, industrial water consumption is continuing
thông tin ) to increase sharply in developing countries. With
domestic and agricultural demands also increasing,
the capacity of water supply systems is under
growing strain.
⇒ The situation of water consumption in
developing countries

 The paragraph is mostly about measures (as marked above) and examples of
countries taking those measures to reduce water use
 From all connections shown above, heading iv is the most suitable one

 31 Answer: ii

Locate   Giải thích    Report

Keywords in Similar words in Passage


Q31. D
List of Headings Many experts believe that the best way to counter this trend is to
i.  American water impose water charges based on the real cost of supplies. This
withdrawal would provide a powerful incentive for consumers to introduce
ii. Economic water-saving processes and recycling. Few governments charge
pricing realistic prices for water, especially to farmers. Even in rich
iii. What the California, farmers get water for less than a tenth of the cost of
future holds supply. In many developing countries there is virtually no charge
iv. Successful for irrigation water, while energy prices are heavily subsidised
measures taken too (which means that farmers can afford to run water pumps
by some….. day and night). Water, which was once regarded as a free gift
v. The role of from heaven, is becoming a commodity which must be bought
research and sold on the open market just like oil. In the oil industry, the
vi. The thirsty price increases which hit the market in the 1970s, coupled with
sectors concerns that supplies were running low, led to new energy
vii. Ways of conservation measures all over the world. It was realised that
reducing waste investing in new sources was a far more costly option than
viii. improving efficiency of use. A similar emphasis on conservation
Interdependence will be the best and cheapest option for bridging the gap between
of natural water supply and demand.
ix. The demands
of development
x. The
consequences for

 The paragraph D gives more details in the measure of pricing as
mentioned in paragraph C. the word “charge” appears many times in the
paragraph to show how water is priced in some countries.
 From the connections shown, it can be concluded that heading ii is the
main idea of paragraph D

 32 Answer: vii

Locate   Giải thích    Report

Keywords in Similar words in Passage


Q32. E
List of Headings One way to cut back on water consumption is simply to prevent
i.  American water leaks . It is estimated that in some of the biggest cities of the Third
withdrawal World, more than half of the water entering the system is lost
ii. Economic through leaks in pipes, dripping taps and broken installations. Even
pricing in the UK, losses were estimated at 25% in the early 1990s because
iii. What the of the failure to maintain the antiquated water supply infrastructure.
future holds  
iv. Successful
measures taken In addition, huge quantities of water are consumed because used
by some….. water from sewage pipes, storm drains and factories is merely
v. The role of flushed away and discharged into rivers or the sea. The modern
research approach, however, is to see used water as a resource which can be
vi. The thirsty put to good use - either in irrigation or, after careful treatment, as
sectors recycled domestic water. Israel, for instance, has spent heavily on
vii. Ways of used water treatment. Soon, treated, recycled water will account for
reducing waste most farm irrigation there. There are other examples in cities such
viii. as St Petersburg, Florida, where all municipal water is recycled back
Interdependence into domestic systems.
of natural
ix. The demands
of development
x. The
consequences for

 Water wasted through leaks in pipes, dripping taps and broken
installations⇒ the first way is preventing leaks
 Used water being flushed away and discharged into rivers and seas⇒ the
second way is treating and recycling water
 From the analysis shown above, we easily recognize two ways to cut back
or reduce water loss/waste, so heading vii is obviously the correct answer

 33 Answer: viii

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Q33. F
List of Headings Another way of conserving water resources involves better
i.  American water management of the environment generally. Interference
withdrawal with the ecosystem can have a severe effect on both local
ii. Economic pricing rainfall patterns and water run-off. Forest clearings
iii. What the future holds associated with India's Kabini dam project reduced local
iv. Successful measures rainfall by 25%, a phenomenon observed in various other
taken by some….. parts of the world where large-scale deforestation has taken
v. The role of research place. Grass and other vegetation acts as a sponge which
vi. The thirsty sectors absorbs rainfall both in the plants and in the ground.
vii. Ways of reducing waste Removal of the vegetation means that rainfall runs off the
viii. Interdependence of top of the land, accelerating erosion instead of being
natural resources gradually fed into the soil to renew ground water.
ix. The demands of
x. The consequences for

 The paragraph is about the relation between environment, ecosystem and
water resources, particularly the effects of forest clearings and vegetation
removal on rainfall and ground water.
 The relation reflects the dependence of water resources on other natural
elements, so it can be concluded that heading viii is the suitable answer.

 34 Answer: iii

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Q34. G
List of Headings Global warming is bound to affect rainfall patterns,
i.  American water withdrawal though there is considerable disagreement about its
ii. Economic pricing precise effects. But it is likely that, as sea levels rise,
iii. What the future holds countries in low-lying coastal areas will be hit by
iv. Successful measures taken seawater penetration of ground water. Other countries
by some….. will experience changes in rainfall which could have a
v. The role of research major impact on agricultural yield - either for better or for
vi. The thirsty sectors worse. In broad terms, it is thought that rainfall zones
vii. Ways of reducing waste will shift northwards, adding to the water deficit in Africa,
viii. Interdependence of natural the Middle East and the Mediterranean - a grim prospect
resources indeed.
ix. The demands of
x. The consequences for

 As the keyword “agriculture” is only a little detail mentioned in paragraph, so
heading x cannot be the main idea of the paragraph
 At the same time, “research” and “American withdraw” is not mentioned in
the paragraph, so headings i and v cannot be the answer
 Since there are many clues such as “it is likely that, will..., a grim
prospect” to refer to “the future”, so it is obvious that iii is the suitable heading

 35 Answer: prosperous

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Q35. A
Individual water usage Per capita water usage has been on an upward trend for many
is rising dramatically as years. As countries industrialise and their citizens become more
people living in prosperous , their individual water usage increases rapidly
countries become
increasingly _____

 From the question, we can know that the word to fill in the blank is an
 All the keywords in the question appear to match very well with those in the
             + “people” refers to “citizens”
             + “rising dramatically” means “increases rapidly”
             + “increasingly” is paraphrased into “more”
 So obviously, the word coming after “increasingly” is “properous”

 36 Answer: population

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36. A
As well as increased In the 21st century, the world's limited supply of renewable fresh
consumption per water is having to meet demands of both larger total population
capita, the growing and increased per capita consumption
demand for fresh
water is due to a
bigger global___

 From the question, since there is an article and two adjectives in front of the
blank,  we can assume a noun should be filled in the blank.
 As shown in the passage, two factors affecting the fresh water demand are
larger total population and increased per capita consumption. Since the
question mentioned one factor which is  “increased per capita consumption”,
the other one has to be added is population. By paying attention to the word
“larger” (meaning “bigger”)
 So the answer to fill in the blank is “population”

 37 Answer: modern technology/ technology

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37. C
The only way to control this increase in demand is to In rich countries, water
charge high prices for water while also promoting consumption has gradually
onservation measures. Improvements in irrigation been slowed down by price
systems and industrial processes could dramatically increases and the use of
increase the efficiency of water use. modern technology and

There are examples of industries in some rich

countries that have reduced their consumption rates
through price increases, the application of____ and

 From the question, we can assume a noun should be filled in the blank
 By the keyword “rich countries”, we can easily locate the relevant
information in paragraph C
 From the question, “slowed down” is paraphrased into “reduced”;
“the application” means “the use”
 From these connections, we can easily recognize the answer is

But in agricultural and domestic sectors, the C

price of water is still subsidised so it is not With domestic and agricultural
regarded as a commodity that people need to demands also increasing, the
pay a realistic price for. capacity of water supply systems is
under growing strain.

 38 Answer: leaks

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38. E
Other ways of One way to cut back on water consumption is simply to prevent leaks .
protecting supplies It is estimated that in some of the biggest cities of the Third World,
are to reduce more than half of the water entering the system is lost through leaks
water loss in pipes, dripping taps and broken installations
from______in the
supply systems
and to find ways of
utilising used
 As paragraph D continues to talk about price increases as mentioned in
question 37, we follow the next paragraph, E to find other way to reduce water loss,
starting with the keyword “one way”
 From the question, we can assume a noun should be filled in the blank
 “the supply system” is a general paraphrase of “pipes, dripping taps and
broken installations” mentioned in the passage.
 “water loss resulting from” is another way to say “lost through” and the
word coming behind the phrase “lost through” is “leaks”. So “leaks” is also the
answer suitable to fill in the blank.

 39 Answer: management

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39. F
Longer term measures, such Another way of conserving water resources involves
as improved better management of the environment generally.
environmental______would Interference with the ecosystem can have a severe
protect the ecosystem and effect on both local rainfall patterns and water run-off.
ensure the replenishment of
ground water for future

 Since there is an adjective coming ahead the blank, we can assume a
noun will be filled in it.
 The word “environmental” mentioned in the question helps pinpoint the
relevant information in paragraph F.
 The word “improved” is a paraphrase of “better”
 From the passage, we can find the link “the better management of
environment”, and with the help the word “better or improved”, we can
easily conclude the answer is management

 40 Answer: water run-off/deficit

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40. G
Without such Global warming is bound to affect rainfall patterns, though
measures, future there is considerable disagreement about its precise effects.
supplies are But it is likely that, as sea levels rise, countries in low-lying
uncertain, especially coastal areas will be hit by seawater penetration of ground
when global water. Other countries will experience changes in rainfall
warming is expected which could have a major impact on agricultural yield -
to interfere with either for better or for worse. In broad terms, it is thought
rainfall patterns and that rainfall zones will shift northwards, adding to the water
to worsen the deficit in Africa, the Middle East and the Mediterranean - a
…………...already grim prospect indeed
suffered by many
countries today.

 From the question, we can see that a noun should be filled in the
 From the passage, reading the information relating to “countries”, we
can find out the word “adding to” meaning “increase in degree or level
of something” which is a paraphrase of the word “worsen”
 With the help of the article “the”, we can easily recognize the answer
which is “water deficit”

Great thanks to volunteer Linh Patimy  has contributed these explanations.

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