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Updating Council and Storyteller Email Lists

First of all, remember that you need to make sure that a Council or Storyteller Email change
comes from a Chronicle Information Form. This is necessary to ensure that we are putting on
the correct people. A random email from someone claiming to be x or y Storyteller/CM
doesn’t cut it, it must be a Chronicle Information Form. This creates a Paper Trail that keeps
you safe from inadvertently adding the wrong email address.

1. Open up your Web Browser and type in the following on the address bar:

2. For Council Members, Click on Owbn-council. For Storytellers and Assistant Storytellers,
click on Owbn-st.
3. Type in the password. The password changes fairly often, and will be provided for use.
Click on “Let me in…” to continue.

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4. To add or remove a member, click on Membership Management.

5. There are two options: Mass Subscription, to add an email address, and Mass Removal,
to remove an email address

6. For adding emails, click on Mass Subscription. Choose the settings in the picture below:

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7. Type in the email address, one email per line. Use the Enter key to separate the emails.
Once all emails have been typed in, click on “Submit your Changes”.

8. Once the email is added, it must be labelled in order to keep track of which chronicle the
email belongs. This is a CRITICAL Step, as the identity of each email must be available.
9. Click on Membership List. This will list all members of the list, in alphabetical order.

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10. Click inside of the “Find member” field and type in the email address, and then click on
As an alternative, you can click on the alphabet below, according to the first letter of the

11. Type in the name of the Chronicle in the space underneath the email address. The format
of the Chronicle name should be as follows:
City, State, Country: Chronicle Name
This will allow for searches by city, by state, and by country. Make sure that you click on
“Submit Your Changes” so that the information is properly saved.

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12. To remove a Chronicle, click on Mass Removal.

13. Type in the email address, one email per line. Use the Enter key to separate the emails.
Change “send unsubscription acknowledgement to the user” to “Yes”.
Make sure you click on “submit your changes” to complete the removal.

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14. To Moderate or Block a user, click on Membership List.

15. Type in the chronicle name, email address, or location in “Find Member”. and then click
on “Search…”.

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 In the list, each checkbox has a specific purpose.

 unsub -- Click on this to unsubscribe the member.

 mod -- The user's personal moderation flag. If this is set, postings from them will be
moderated by the list administrators.
 hide – this conceals the email address from other users. Do not check this off.
 nomail – This option disables mail delivery. This can be done automatically by the
system if there are technical issues. An abbreviation will be given describing the reason
for the disabled delivery:
o U -- Delivery was disabled by the user via their personal options page.
o A -- Delivery was disabled by the list administrators.
o B -- Delivery was disabled by the system due to excessive bouncing from the
member's address.
o ? -- The reason for disabled delivery isn't known. This is the case for all
memberships which were disabled in older versions of Mailman.
 ack – This activates email acknowledgements of the member’s own own posts.
 not metoo – checking this option prevents the member from getting copies of their own
 nodupes – This options prevents duplicates of the same message.
 digest – This will send the member a single digest of all emails in a day at midnight,
rather than individual messages when sent. Please do not check this option.
 plain – Keep this checked.
 language – We don’t use this option, please ignore it.
16. When changes have been made, be sure to click on “Submit your Changes”.

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