Appilication of Statistics in Psychology

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Suppose that we wish to test whether a population mean is significantly larger or smaller
than 10. We take a sample and find X=9. Our alternate hypothesis is
a) μ<10
b) μ>10
c) μ≠10
d) none of these
2. for a particular hypothesis test α =0.05 and β =0.10. the power of test is equal to
a) 0.14
b) 0.90
c) 0.95
d) 0.25
3. When the null hypothesis is H0: μ =42 THE ALTERNATE HYPOTHESIS IS
a) H1 : µ≥42
b) H1: µ< 42
c) H1: µ=40
d) H1: µ≠40
4. For one tailed test, when α=0.05 the value of z is equal to
a) 1.645
b) ±1.96
c) 2.33
d) 2.58
5. A judge aquits an innocent person it is an example of
a) Type I error
b) Type II error
c) Correct decision
d) None of these
6. A good scheme of education is rejected by education department. It is an example of
a) Type I error
b) Type II error
c) Correct decision
d) None of these
7. Rejecting null hypothesis when it is false is a
a) Type I error
b) Type II error
c) Correct decision
d) None of these
8. Accepting H0 when H0 is true
a) Type I error
b) Type II error
c) Correct decision
d) None of these
9. Rejecting H0 when H0 is true
a) Type I error
b) Type II error
c) Correct decision
d) None of these
10. Accepting H0 when H1 is true
a) Type I error
b) Type II error
c) Correct decision
d) None of these
11. Chi square and the t distribution are both
a) Always symmetrical distributions
b) Used for hypothesis testing
c) Dependent on the number of degrees of freedom
d) Both b and c
12. The F ratio contains
a) Two estimates of the population variable
b) Two estimates of the population mean
c) One estimates of the population mean and one estimate of the population variance
d) None of these
13. If we have large enough sample size we will discard which of the assumptions associated
with ANOVA testing
a) The samples are drawn from the normal populations
b) Each population has the same variance
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above
14. If we want to test whether the proportions of more than two populations are equal we use
a) Analysis of variance
b) Estimation
c) The variance
d) Interval estimates
e) None of these
15. Which of these distributions has a pair of degrees of freedom
a) Poisson
b) Normal
c) Chi square
d) Binomial
e) None of these
16. The analysis of variance is used in testing
a) The equality of more than two population variances
b) The equality of more than two population means
c) The equality of more than two populations standard deviation
d) None of these
17. In a two factor experiment the F ratio is less than one when
a) Error mean square is greater than the mean square of each of the two factors
b) Error mean square is less than the mean square of each of the two factors
c) Error mean square is equal to the mean square of each of the two factors
d) None of these
18. In the ANOVA table when the computed F is less than one
a) We reject H0
b) We do not reject H0
c) The result is inconclusive
d) None of these
19. If a=4 and b=2 for a particular estimating line and the independent variable has a value
of 2 then the value of the dependent variable is
a) 8
b) 10
c) -1
d) 0
20. In regression problem the dependent and the independent variable are
a) Both fixed
b) Both random
c) Independent variable is fixed and dependent variable is random
d) dependent variable is fixed and independent variable is random
21. the slope of the regression line of Y on X is also called
a) regression coefficient of X on Y
b) regression coefficient of Y on X
c) X intercept
d) Y intercept
22. The value of r² for a particular situation is 0.49. what is the coefficient of correlation
a) 0.49
b) 0.7
c) 0.07
d) None of these
23. Which of the following statements is true for correlation coefficient
a) It is the mean of two regression coefficients
b) It is the G.M of the two regression coefficients
c) It is the sum of two regression coefficients
d) It is the product of two regression coefficients
24. If both regression coefficients are negative than the correlation coefficient will be
a) Negative
b) Positive
c) Zero
d) One
25. In regression analysis, the variable that is doing the predicting or explaining is
a. the independent variable
b. usually denoted by y
c.  the dependent variable
d.  none of the above

26. In the regression equation Y = a + bX, b is called:

a. Slope
b. Regression coefficient
c. Intercept
d. Both (a) and (b)

27. When the two regression lines are parallel to each other, then their slopes are:
a. Zero
b. Different
c. Same
d. Positive

28. The correlation coefficient is the _______ of two regression coefficients:

a. Geometric mean
b. Arithmetic mean
c. Harmonic mean
d. Median

29. When bXY is positive, then byx will be:

a. Negative
b. Positive
c. Zero
d. One

30. The range of regressioin coefficient is:

a. -1 to +1
b. 0 to 1
c. -∞ to +∞
d. 0 to ∞
31. The graph showing the paired points of (Xi, Yi) is called:
a. Scatter diagram
b. Histogram
c. Historigram
d. Pie diagram

32. If both variables X and Y increase or decrease simultaneously, then the coefficient of
correlation will be:
a. Positive
b. Negative
c. Zero
d. One

33. If X is measured in hours and Y is measured in minutes, then correlation coefficient has
the unit:
a. Hours
b. Minutes
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. No unit

34. The correlation coefficient between X and -X is:

a. 0
b. 0.5
c. 1
d. -1

35. If byx= bxy =1 and Sx=Sy, then r will be:

a. 0
b. -1
c. 1
d. Difficult to calculate

36. In correlation problem both variables are:

a. Equal
b. Unknown
c. Fixed
d. Random

37. A coefficient of correlation is computed to be -0.95 means that:

a. The relation b/w two variables is weak
b. The relation b/w two variables is strong and positive
c. The relation b/w two variables is strong and negative
d. Correlation coefficient cannot have this value
38. The value of the coefficient of determination ranges between
a. -1 to +1
b.  -1 to 0
c.  1 to infinity
d.  0 to +1

39. A statement about a population developed for the purpose of testing is called:
a. Hypothesis
b. Hypothesis testing
c. Level of significance
d. Test-statistic

40. The alternative hypothesis is also called:

a. Null hypothesis
b. Statistical hypothesis
c. Research hypothesis
d. Simple hypothesis

41. A rule or formula that provides a basis for testing a null hypothesis is called:
a. Test-statistic
b. Population statistic
c. Both of these
d. None of the above

42. The probability associated with committing type-I error is:

a. β
b. α
c. 1 – β
d. 1 – α

43. Level of significance is also called:

a. Power of the test
b. Confidence coefficient
c. Level of confidence
d. Size of the test

44. Which of the following is composite hypothesis?

a. μ ≥ μo
b. μ ≤ μo
c. μ = μo
d. μ ≠ μo

45. The range of test statistic-Z is:

a. 0 to 1
b. -1 to +1
c. 0 to ∞
d. -∞ to +∞

46. The purpose of statistical inference is:

a. To collect sample data and use them to formulate hypotheses about a population
b. To draw conclusion about populations and then collect sample data to support the
c. To draw conclusions about populations from sample data
d. To draw conclusions about the known value of population parameter
47. A passing student is failed by an examiner, it is an example of:
a. Type-I error
b. Type-II error
c. Best Decision
d. All of the above

48. The dividing point between the region where the null hypothesis is rejected and the
region where it is not rejected is said to be:
a. Critical region
b. Critical value
c. Acceptance region
d. Significant region

49. Which of the following is not true of parametric statistics?

a. They are inferential tests
b. They assume certain characteristics of population parameters.
c. They assume normality of the population.
d. They are distribution-free.

50. A collection of statistical methods that generally requires very few, if any assumptions
about the population distribution is known as:
a. Parametric methods
b. nonparametric methods
c. semi parametric
d. none of the above

51. Which of the following tests would be an example of a nonparametric method?

b. Student's t-test
c. Chi-squared test
d. All of the above

52. If you have nominal data which nonparametric statistic should you use?
a. Chi-square
b. Spearman's rho
c. the t-test
d. Wilcoxon

53. If you have independent samples of ranked data which nonparametric statistic should you
a. a one-way ANOVA
b. the Chi-square
c. the Spearman rho
d. The Mann-Whitney U

54. A nonparametric version of the parametric analysis of variance test is:

a. Kruskal-Wallis Test
b. Mann Whitney Wilcoxon Test
c. Sign Test
d. Wilcoxon Signed rank test

55. When ranking combined data in a Wilcoxon signed rank test, the data that receives a rank
of 1 is the:
a. lowest value
b. highest value
c. middle value
d. This can vary according to data

56. A nonparametric method for determining the differences between two populations based
on two matched samples where only preference data is required is the
a. Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test
b. sign test
c. Kruskal-Wallis Test
d. None of the above

57. The Spearman rank-correlation coefficient is:

a. a correlation measure based on the average of data items
b. a correlation measure based on rank-ordered data for two variable
c. either a or b
d. none of the above

58. In a Wilcoxon signed-rank test, the two samples each have n=17. The expected value of
T is:
a. 0
b. 145
c.   298
d.  300

59. For a Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test, the first and second samples have sizes 15 and 24,
respectively. The expected value of T is
a. 180
b. 300
c. 0
d. not enough information given

60. The level of measurement that allows for the rank ordering of data items is:
a. Nominal measurement
b. ratio measurement
c. Interval measurement
d. ordinal measurement

61. The labeling of parts as "defective" or "nondefective" is an example of

a. ordinal data
b. ratio data
c. interval data
d. nominal data

62. A goodness of fit test is always conducted as

a. a lower tail test
b. an upper tail test
c. either a and b
d. none of the above

63. The number of degrees of freedom for the appropriate chi-square distribution in a test of
independence is
a. n – 1
b. k – 1
c. the number of rows minus 1 times number of columns minus
d.  a chi-square distribution is not used

64. In order not to violate the requirements necessary to use the chi-square distribution, each
expected frequency in a goodness of fit test must be
a. at least 5
b. at least 10
c. no more than 5
d. the number does not matter

65. A sport preference poll yielded the following data for men and women:
Favorite Sport
Gender Baseball Basketball Football
Men 19 15 24
Women 16 18 16
To test for similar sport preferences of men and women, the appropriate degrees of
freedom would be
a. 2
b. 5
c. 107
d. 108
66. Which of the following is the method of selecting samples from the population
a. Judgment sampling
b. Random sampling
c. Probability sampling
d. All of the above
67. In random sampling we can describe mathematically how objective our estimates are
a. Any population element has a known chance of being included in the sample
b. Every sample has always an equal chance of being selected
c. All the samples are of exactly the same size and can be counted
d. Both a and b but not c
68. The standard error of the mean for the sample size of two or more is
a. Always greater than the standard deviation of the population
b. Generally greater than the standard deviation of the population
c. Usually less than the standard deviation of the population
d. None of these
69. The dispersion among the sample means Is less than the dispersion among the sample
items themselves because
a. Each sample is smaller than the population from which it is drawn
b. Very large values are averaged down and very small values ae averaged up
c. The sampled items are all drawn from the same population
d. None of these
70. The central limit theorem assures us that the sampling distribution of the mean
a. Is always normal
b. Is always normal for large sample sizes
c. Approaches normality as sample size increases
d. Appears normal only when N is greater than 1000
71. The central limit theorem
a. Requires some knowledge of the frequency distribution
b. Permits us to use sample statistics to make inferences about the population
c. Relates to the shape of the sampling distribution of the mean to the mean of the
d. Requires a sample to contain fewer than 30 observations
72. In a normally distributed population, the sampling distribution of the mean
a. Is normally distributed
b. Has a mean equal to the population mean
c. Has a standard deviation equal to the population standard deviation divided by the
square root of the sample size
d. All of the above
73. The probability distribution of a statistic is called
a. Frequency distribution of a statistic
b. Sampling distribution of a statistic
c. Sampling of a statistic
d. Population distribution of a statistic
74. Standard error of a mean is the standard deviation of the
a. Population
b. Sample
c. Sampling distribution of means
d. None of these
75. A value calculated from the sample is called a
a. Parameter
b. Statistic
c. Mean
d. Proportion
76. A value calculated from the population is called a
a. Statistic
b. Mean
c. Parameter
d. Proportion
77. The F ration contains
a. Two estimates of the population variance
b. Two estimates of the population mean
c. One estimate of the population mean and one estimate of the population variance
d. Both a and b
78. If we want to test whether the proportions of more than two populations are equal, we
a. Analysis of variance
b. Estimation
c. The variance
d. Interval estimates
e. None of these
79. Which of these distribution has a pair of degrees of freedom
a. Poisson
b. Normal
c. Chi square
d. Binomial
e. None of these
80. The analysis of variance is used in testing
a. The equality of more than two population variance
b. The equality of more than two population means
c. The equality of more than two population standard deviations
d. None of these
81. In the ANOVA table, when the computed F is less than one
a. We reject Hº
b. We do not reject Hº
c. The result is inconclusive
d. None of these
82. The dependent variable in regression is also called
a. Regressed
b. Predicted variable
c. Response variable
d. All of these
83. The independent variable in regression is also called
a. Predictor
b. Regression variable
c. Explanatory variable
d. All of these
84. In regression problem the dependent and independent variables are
a. Both fixed
b. Both random
c. Independent variable is fixed and dependent variable is random
d. Dependent variable is fixed and independent variable is random
85. The coefficient of correlation will have positive sign if
a. X increases, Y decreases
b. X decreases, Y increases
c. X increases, Y increases
d. None of the above
86. The value of correlation coefficient lies between
a. 0 and 1
b. 0 and -1
c. -1 and 1
d. -2 and 2
87. Which of the following statement is true about the correlation coefficient
a. It is the mean of two regression coefficients
b. It is the G.M of the two regression coefficients
c. It is the sum of the two regression coefficients
d. It is the product of the two regression coefficients
88. If both regression coefficients are negative, then the correlation coefficient will be
a. Negative
b. Positive
c. Zero
d. One
89. If all points in the scatter diagram lie near a line, the correlation coefficient is
a. Linear
b. Inverse
c. Non linear
d. None of the above
90. In the case of correlation, both variables X and Y are assumed to be
a. Fixed
b. Unknown
c. Known
d. Random
91. The correlation coefficient r is independent of
a. Origin only
b. Scale of measurement only
c. Both origin and scale of measurement
d. None of these
92. If the movement of variables X and Y are in the opposite direction the correlation
between X and Y are said to be
a. Positive
b. Negative
c. Zero
d. -1
93. In a sign test for paired data, 800 students were asked to give ranks (on a scale of 0-10)
for their attitudes toward true/false and MCQs. When the sign was calculated for two sets
of paired data, 138 of the 800 paired responses received the value of 0. Does this mean
that 138 students
a. Did not like either type of test
b. Did not answer the survey
c. Ranked the types equally
d. Thought one of the types was perfect and the other was awful
94. What is the maximum number of runs possible in a sequence of length 5 using two
a. 6
b. 4
c. 3
d. 5
95. For a perfect correlation the coefficient of rank correlation would be
a) Equal to 1
b) Between 0 and -1
c) Equal to 0
d) None of these
96. For samples of size greater than 30 the sampling distribution of rank rank correlation
coefficient is approximately which distribution
a) T
b) Binomial
c) Chi square
d) Normal
97. What is the maximum number of runs possible in the sequence of length 5 using two
a) 6
b) 4
c) 3
d) 5
98. The value of correlation coefficient lies between
a) 0 and 1
b) 0 and -1
c) -1 and 1
d) -2 and 2
99. The correlation coefficient is independent of
a) Origin only
b) Scale of measurement only
c) Both origin and scale of measurement
d) None of these
100. If all points in scatter diagram lie near a line the correlation coefficient is
a) Linear
b) Inverse
c) Non linear
d) None of these

Answer key
Sr. no Correct Sr. no Correct Sr. no Correct Sr. no Correct Sr. Correct
option option option option no option
1 C 21 B 41 A 61 D 81 B
2 B 22 B 42 B 62 B 82 D
3 B 23 B 43 D 63 C 83 D
4 A 24 A 44 C 64 A 84 C
5 C 25 A 45 B 65 A 85 C
6 A 26 D 46 C 66 B 86 C
7 C 27 C 47 A 67 A 87 B
8 C 28 A 48 B 68 D 88 A
9 A 29 B 49 D 69 B 89 A
10 B 30 C 50 B 70 C 90 B
11 D 31 A 51 C 71 B 91 C
12 A 32 A 52 A 72 D 92 B
13 A 33 D 53 D 73 B 93 C
14 E 34 D 54 A 74 C 94 D
15 E 35 C 55 B 75 B 95 D
16 B 36 D 56 B 76 C 96 D
17 A 37 C 57 B 77 A 97 D
18 B 38 D 58 A 78 E 98 C
19 A 39 A 59 B 79 E 99 C
20 C 40 C 60 D 80 B 100 A

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