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P. 229, ex.

1. We had to hurry.

2. It was dusky haze and voiceless soft air around

3. Disappointed, puzzled people walked around everywhere

4. Nikolai fell asleep, becoming crooked in awkward, funny position on the way

5. The window was empty, but a moment later the darkness behind the door broke
and a woman's quick footsteps were heard.

6. She was so filled with sentimental pity so it seemed that there would not be life
without this pity

7. The newspapers reported that Luzhits had got neurasthenia not getting decisive

8. First of all his life dawned from this side and it relieved his return

9. He remembered that it was impossible to indite

10. His mother talked neither his rusticity nor his any pain points after those day

Ex. 7

1. However, real miracles were waiting for them before long. The landlord was
opening one of the doors of the stone shed and at this moment the fairytale of Ali
Baba and the forty robbers came true fully.

2. This professor was not a typical, because he had a real talent to give lectures that
was growing day by day

3. At the same wide table employees were silently opening new parcels that had
just been delivered from customs. They were picking out of parcels dainty chilled
violets, that smelled of aura.

4. The summer coffee shop was not closed for the winter, and then its aim became
a strange mystery.

5. The system of streets was rapid and every street located under each other, so
basements of houses looked at the garrets of neighboring ones.

6. The room had a small balcony that looked out on the neighboring kitchen
garden, where an old car, removed from the axles, had been transformed into a
7. Nearing the university we could see the street, which became more crooked and
narrower downhill

8.  In Russian to lie means to bear too much rather than cheat. In this sense lies and
the arts

9. The palaces of Venice can be called mansions, but no words can describe the
carpets of colored marble, lowered into the night lagoon, as in the arena of a
medieval tournament.

10. Passers-by passed over the hump-back bridge. Long before Venetian's
appearance the frequent clatter of her shoes on the flagstones of the quarter warned
about her coming

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