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Quiz #7 Electrical Activity of the Heart and ECG

1.​ ​Match the events Column I with the phases of the fast response action potential in Column

Choices: PHASE 0 – 4

·​ ​L-Type Calcium Channels are open = ​PHASE 2

·​ ​Delayed Rectifier K+ Channels are open = ​PHASE 3

·​ ​Transient Repolarization=​ PHASE 1

2.​ ​Match events in Column I with phases of slow response action potential in Column II

Choices: PHASE 0 – 4

·​ ​Slow diastolic depolarization = PHASE 4

·​ ​L-type calcium channels are open = ​PHASE 0

·​ ​Funny Na+ channels are open = ​PHASE 4

3.​ ​Match characteristics in Column I with type of action potential in Column II


​·​ ​ ​Occurs in primary pacemaker cells = ​slow response

· Occurs in ventricular muscle = ​fast response

· Occurs automatically = ​slow response

4.​ ​The SA node is the primary pacemaker because of

A.​ S
​ ynaptic transmission

B.​ O
​ verdrive suppression

C.​ ​AV nodal delay

D.​ O
​ rthodromic conduction

5.​ ​Ions are conducted through the cardiac muscles more specifically by

A.​ C
​ hemical transmission

B.​ E
​ lectrical transmission

C.​ ​Synaptic transmission

D.​ A
​ ll options are correct

6.​ ​AV Nodal delay occurs to ensure proper

A.​ F
​ illing of the atria

B.​ T
​ iming of the action potential

C.​ ​Filling of the ventricle

D.​ D
​ epolarization of muscles

7.​ ​This will decrease the firing of the SA node

A.​ B
​ eta blockers

B.​ S
​ ympathetic stimulation

C.​ ​Circulating catecholamines

D.​ M
​ uscarinic receptor antagonist
8.​ ​This is an effect of the parasympathetic on the slow response action potential

A.​ L
​ ower threshold

B.​ D
​ ecreases slope of phase 4

C.​ ​Increases slope of phase 4

9.​ ​An ECG has sinus rhythm if this/these is/are present:

A.​ R
​ -R interval is regular

B.​ 6
​ 0 – 100 bpm heart rate

C.​ ​All options should be present

D.​ 1
​ P wave before each QRS

10.​ ​In the 6 second method of estimating the heart rate in an ECG, the QRS complexes are
counted in:

A.​ 6
​ seconds

B.​ 0
​ .04 seconds

C.​ ​10 seconds

D.​ 3
​ 0 seconds

11.​ I​ n estimating the Mean Electrical Axis, these two leads can be used:

A.​ A
​ VR and aVL

B.​ L
​ ead III and aVL

C.​ ​Lead II and aVR

D.​ L
​ ead I and aVF
12.​ W
​ hich age group normally has right axis deviation?

A.​ 1
​ – 3 months

B.​ M
​ ore than 3 years

C.​ ​1 Week – 1 month

D.​ 3
​ months to 3 years

13.​ R
​ epresents the Physiologic delay due to conduction through AV Node

A.​ Q
​ T interval

B.​ P
​ R interval

C.​ ​PR segment

D.​ S
​ T segment

14.​ W
​ hich information is not directly gathered from the ECG?

A.​ S
​ ize of the atria and ventricles

B.​ P
​ lasma electrolyte imbalances

C.​ ​Contractile performance

D.​ A
​ natomic orientation of the heart
​Quiz #8 Mechanical Activity of the Heart

1. In which phase will systolic pressure be reflected?

2. In the diagram above, which phase utilizes the greatest amount of ATP?

3. Atrial systole occurs in which phase?

4. This phase marks the start of the diastole
5. Phases that comprise the systole
6. Which phase is preceded by the QRS complex of the ECG?
7. When heart rate increases, contractility also increases. This is known as the

a. Bainbridge reflex
b. Baroreceptor reflex
c. Bowditch phenomenon

8. Ejection fraction is normally

a. Less than 50 percent

b. More than 55 percent
c. Less than 55 percent

9. The following will increase right ventricular preload EXCEPT

a. Increased venous pressure
b. increased ventricular compliance
c. increased heart rate
d. increased atrial contractility
10.End diastolic fiber length
a. Preload
B. Afterload

11. Nontetanizability of the cardiac muscle protects it from fatigue. This is mainly due
A. limited entry of calcium ions
B. slow conduction of action potential
C. full relaxation between contractions
D. ​prolonged refractory period

12. Similarity of cardiac and skeletal muscle cells in that both have
A. extensive T tubules
B. extensive sarcoplasmic reticulum
C. thin and thick myofilaments
D. triads

13. Catecholamines will promote contraction by increasing PKA which phosphorylates:

A. phospholamban
B. Troponin I
D. all of these options are correct

14. This increases Ca++ levels within the cytoplasm of the cardiac cell
A. Na+/Ca++ exchanger
B. ​ Inhibition of Na+/K+ pump
C. Sequestration of Ca++ by SERCA
D. ATP-dependent Ca++ pump

15. Which has a greater workload?

A. left ventricle
B. right ventricle

16.Cardiac output is increased when

A. contractility is decreased
B. end diastolic volume increases
C. ​end systolic volume is increased
D. afterload increases

17.Which has a longer duration?

A. Systole
B. Diastole

18. Which point will increase if afterload increases?

A. Point 2
B. Point 3
C. Point 4
D. Point 1
19. Which point represents the greatest muscle length?
A. Point 3
B. Point 2
C. Point 4
D. Point 1
20. In which segment will there be isotonic shortening of cardiac muscle cells?
A. ​ Segment 2 to 3
B. Segment 4 to 1
C. Segment 1 to 2
D. Segment 3 to 4

​Quiz #9 Peripheral Vasculature

Fill in the blank. Predict if the variable will increase, decrease, or not change.

● Increase
● Not change
● Decrease

1. A decrease in the arterial compliance will ______ pulse pressure.

2. A decrease in CVP will ________ cardiac output.
3. Adding a vessel in the serial circuit will ______ total resistance.
4. If large arteries are compliant, it will ______ the workload of the heart.
5. A decrease in surface area will ______ velocity.
6. An increase in hematocrit will ______ flow.
7. Persistent bleeding will _____ mean systemic filling pressure.

8. Most of the blood volume is found in the venous system due to high:
A. resistance
B. compliance
C. surface area
D. pressure gradient

9. It is the main regulator of blood flow:

A. arterioles
B. cardiac muscle
C. aorta
D. capillaries

10. Which will likely increase diastolic blood pressure?

A. arteriolar vasoconstriction
B. decrease venous return
C. negative inotropy
D. higher cardiac rate

11. Which of the following vessel arrangements will likely have the highest total
resistance across the circuit?
A. 5 point serial arrangement
B. 5 point parallel arrangement ​LOWEST
C. 3 point serial arrangement
D. 3 point parallel arrangement

12. Most important factor that can affect the resistance to the blood flow:

A. Viscosity of the blood

B. Changing laminar to turbulent flow
C. Length of the vessel
D. Radius of the vessel lumen

Predict the change that will happen to venous return based on the following changes or

● Increase
● Not change
● Decrease

13. Activation of sympathetic discharges.

14. More positive intrathoracic pressure
15. Infusion of IV fluids
16. Presence of varicose veins

17. Lowest pressure is normally found in:

A. capillaries
B. venules
C. right atrium
D. left ventricle

18. Which of the following is the reason that prevents backflow of blood in the veins?

A. Presence of valves
B. Smooth muscles in their wall
C. Larger diameter of vessel
D. Increase capacitance of veins

19. In laminar flow, least resistance is found in which part of the tube?

A. At the start of vessel

B. Periphery of the lumen
C. Center of the lumen
D. At the end of the vessel

20. The low velocity found in capillaries is due to:

A. Thin vessel wall

B. High cross-sectional area
C. Narrow caliber of the vessel
D. Lowest pressure in circulation

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