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Words to know

Politics – This is the activities or any action held by any who hold power in a

Political Development – It is more controversial in normative terms and more difficult

to measure in empirical and operational terms.

Liberalism – It is a political doctrine that protects and enhance the freedom every
individual or it is based on liberty and equality.

Democracy – This is a government system in which the supreme power is vested in the
people and it is rule of the majority.

Constitution – It is a set of principles on how an entity is to be governed.

II. Brush Up
1. Describe briefly the political development in the country during the Spanish period.

The Spaniards governs us when they come here in our country, Filipinos lived in
settlements called barangays before the colonization of the Spaniards. But our
political system was developed when the colonization of Spaniards ends.

2. What is the connection of the Bourbon reforms with the Spanish Government in the
Philippines? Explain.
Bourbon Reforms is a set of political legislation by the Spaniards. It strengthens
the power between the authority of officials who rules our Government during
the Spanish Colonial. It also reforms were to stimulate manufacturing and
technology in Spain.
3. What is the significance of the Cadiz Connection to the Spanish rule in the
It is also known as Constitution of Cadiz, it proclaims freedom of every individual.
It gives a big impact in our country especially in our religion because most of the
Filipinos are Catholic which because of the influence of the Spaniards.
4. What is the effect of the Liberalism and Democracy to the political changes in the
Philippines during Spanish time?

It has a big effect, especially to the society itself. Because in Liberalism, anybody
can rule everyone because of every individual has its freedom to choose who’s
going to lead. Democracy can also affect not just the society but the country
itself, because only one person can have its permission to act or to lead
whatever he wants without the concern of anyone.

5. Explain briefly the impact of the Bourbon reforms to the political development in
the Philippines during Spanish rule.
Bourbon reforms play a big role in the political development in our country
during Spanish rule. We learned from them how government was composed.
III. React
1. The Spanish officials in the 19th century was concerned more of their personal
welfare than the welfare of the country.

Every individual was born being selfish. We have our needs and wants it
Spaniards may use their power for their personal use. So, for me, we really need
to choose a person who would lead our country that is concern in the welfare of
our country.

2. Liberalism demanded representative government as opposed to autocratic


Liberalism enhance the freedom of every individual. The problem is the system
that gives government the power necessary to protect individual liberty but also
prevents those who govern from abusing that power.
3. The Bourbon reforms were intended to stimulate manufacturing and technology to
modernize Spain.

The massive efforts of the Bourbon monarchs of the late colonial period to give
their Spanish-American empire a modern state apparatus, extract more
revenues from it, and defend it effectively from foreign interlopers involved an
unprecedented assertion of royal authority at all levels of government, including
the local one.

4. When Ferdinand VII returned to Spain in 1814, he was urged by reactionaries to

abolish the Cortez of Cadiz and all its works.

Courts was Constitution of 1812proclaimed solemnly on March 19, date in which

Ferdinand VII celebrated his accession to throne anniversary. t has 384 sections
divided in ten titles of brief effect, since in 1814 was abolished because it
penalized a shift from an absolutist monarchy to a constitutional court. In
American territories, the Constitution of 1812 was sworn in most of the places
that were still kept by the monarchy, resulting in the abolition of the
viceroyalties as ownerships of the absolute power once city councils and town
councils were settle.

5. Philip V of Spain, the first king of the House of Bourbon took measures intended to
counter the decline of Spanish power.

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