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44.4.13 1.0 mL/min (3.

45 Mpa; ca 500 psi); temperature, ambient (ca 23°C);

AOAC Official Method 977.20 detector set so that 380 mg fructose gives full-scale peak. Mono-, di-,
Separation of Sugars in Honey and trisaccharides are eluted from column in order of MW.
Liquid Chromatographic Method
First Action 1977 D. Preparation of Test Solution
Final Action
Weigh 5.000 g test portion in small beaker and transfer to 50 mL
A. Apparatus
volumetric flask with 25 mL H2O. Immediately dilute to volume
(a) Liquid chromatograph.—Equipped with isocratic solvent with CH3CN and filter through 0.45 mm filter, using clarification kit.
delivery system, manual injector, refractive index detector, and
recording/computing integrator. E. Chromatography
(b) Column.—300 ´ 4 (id) mm m-Bondapak/Carbohy drate
(Waters Associates, No. 84038). Inject 10 mL standard solution into chromatograph. Establish
(c) Test solution clarification kit.—Available in kit form from retention times, measure peak heights, and check reproducibility.
chromatography suppliers; 0.45 mm filters stable in organic solvents Repeat for test solution. Calculate glucose, fructose, and sucrose
are suitable. from integrator values or from peak heights as follows:
(d) Syringes.—10 mL (No. 701-N) point style No. 1, 2 ´ 0.020 in.
od, 25 gauge needle (Hamilton Co.).
Weight percent sugar = 100 ´ (PH/PH¢) ´ (V/V¢) ´ (W¢/W)
B. Reagents
(a) Mobile phase.—LC grade acetonitrile diluted with H2O
(83 + 17). Degas mobile phase daily by magnetic stirring 15 min where PH and PH¢ = peak heights (or integrator values) of test
under vacuum. solution and standard, respectively; V and V¢ = mL test and standard
(b) Sugar standard solution.—Place 3.804 g fructose, 3.010 g (50 and 100) solutions, respectively; and W and W¢ = g test portion
glucose, and 0.602 g sucrose into 100 mL volumetric flask, dissolve (5.000) and standard, respectively.
in 50 mL H2O, and add CH3CN to volume. Composition of standard
References: JAOAC 60, 838(1977); 62, 515(1979).
approximates 5 g honey dissolved in 50 mL aqueous CH3CN (1 + 1).
C. Operating Conditions CAS-57-48-7 (fructose)
Fructose, glucose, and sucrose are baseline separated and CAS-50-99-7 (glucose)
quantitated in 20 min under following conditions: flow rate, CAS-57-50-1 (sucrose)



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