Rotary Club of Patan Lalitdhara Souvenir Volume 31

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The Rotary Club of Patan
for its 31st CHARTER DAY
We also extend appreciation to the club for Its continued partnership with NYF in building
economic opportunities for the disadvantaged youth.
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Editorial 5

o Rotary International President’s Message 7
o District Governor’s Message 9
o President’s Message 10

Information on RCP
o Past Presidents- Rotary Club of Patan 11
o Executive Board Members (2016-2017) 12
° Club Activities of the Rotary Year (2015-2016) 13-17
o Grouping of Rotarians for FeLlowship Dinner 19
o List of Major Donors and MPHF5 25
o Committees for 2016-2017 26
• Members of Rotary Club of Patan 31-34
o Membership Development 1985-2016 3 5-36
a Current Members of RCP: 2016-17 37

- ~. q,4-~).43~ ~ 27-28
a - *. 1?I~ ~lItI[4 29
a Prajapati Education Endowment Fund (PEEF) - Rtn. Bijaya Mallapaty 38-43
a -~L31~TI~ 44-45
a ProtocolforKEEA - Rtn. Bijaya Mallapaty 46-47
Council on Legislation 2016 — Rtn. Tirtha M. Shakya 49-53
a GoodSaltandSoleforhealth — Rtn. Mi. Kayastha 54-5 5
a - ~R~5 t41~j~4I~~ 57
a * i~1vVI~ie ~ 58-59

Club Reports
a Photo Gallery 21-24
o Inner Wheel Club of RCP Report for the year 2015-2016 60-62
a Rotaract Club of Patan Summary Report of the 2015-16 63-65
a RCP’s Strategic Plan 2016 -2017 to 2020-2021 66-67
° Contributions to the Club Trust Fund 68
o RCP Annual Budget for Year 2016-2017 69
kagj~g 3~w4


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Dear Fellow Rotarians I would like to thank all fellow Rotarians of the
Rotary Club of Patan, the RCP families, well-wishers
I have a great pleasure to present the 31st Souvenir
and friends for their moral support and for providing
of the Rotary Club of Patan on behalf of the editorial
articles and write ups. On behalf of the RCP family
team. As you know the Rotary Club of Patan (RCP)
I would also like to thank business houses/firms for
has served the community since its establishment in
sponsorship of advertisements and other significant
1985 celebrating its 31st anniversary this year. Since
contributions to this annual Souvenir without which
its inception, the club is moving forward with new
this could not be published.
club leaders every year, creating a positive change
in communities in Lalitpur as well as several other I would also like to extend my appreciation as well as
districts of Nepal through its service projects. We deep gratitude to all my colleagues in the editorial
are confident that the continuity of the club with its board for their continuous advice, untiring support,
committed Leaders and members will certainly sustain valuable inputs and guidance.
our good will in the days to come.
Last but not the least. my heartfelt thanks go to the
I strongly believe that the annual ‘Souvenir’ would President Rtn. Bijaya Mallapaty and his leadership
serve as a good reference document specifically for team of the executive board and other committee
RCP Rotarians. It should encourage members for their members of Rotary Year 201 6-201 7, for all their help
meaningful participation and engagement to the Rotary in completing this Souvenir.
Year 2016-2017 theme of ‘Rotary Serving Humanity’,
Thank you
and continue to make the RCP ‘A VIBRANT AND LIVELY
CLUB’. In Rotary, we discover and celebrate our diverse
perspectives during club meetings, conferences,
service projects, fellowships and other social events.
As a matter of fact. Rotary Club is a unique platform
in fulfilling our commitment in doing good in the world Yours in Rotary Service
and this is every one’s goal in the Rotary.

The articles written by very experienced Rotarian

leaders, with valuable messages in this Souvenir will
certainly increase our Rotary knowledge. Let us
Rtn. Mahendra B. Thapa
make use of the valuable messages in this Souvenir
to upgrade the four pillars of successful clubs, i.e.
Membership growth, Service projects, Contribution to Souvenir Publication Committee (2016-2017)
TRF and Leadership beyond the club level, in a dynamic

r7c•Wtoiini ~rsciv~.

Kamalmoni Dixit Mohendra B.Thapa Shiva K. Pradhan

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John F. Germ
President, 2016-17

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Bijaya Mallapaty
Bhainse Pati Abash
Karyabinayak 2

Dear fellow Rotarian,

I want to congratulate you on your installation to the office of 2016-17 as


As a club officer, you can help strengthen your club raising awareness of

its work, gaining new members, and helping to carry out projects that have a
lasting impact. Your guidance and example are essential to keeping your fellow
Rotarians enthusiastic and engaged. Our success as a service organization begins
at the club level Rotarians are the foundation of everything that Rotary stands

foL Without active members like you, we would not be the organization we are

Congratulations again on your new position. I look forward to a year of great

accomplishments with your help, and of Rotary Sewing Humanity.


John F. Germ
2016-17 President, Rotary International

ONE ROTARY CENTER 1560 SHERMAN AVENUE EVANSTON. ILLINOIS 60201-3698 USA T + 1-847-866-3000 F + 1-847-328-8554~ ~W.ROTARY.ORG
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District governor’s

District 3292
Dear President, President Elect and entire members of RC Patan,
It gives me great pleasure in extending my sincere congratulations for your successful
tenure and accomplishments you made during the Rotary Year 2015-16. I am sure the path
you have shown by various innovative and diversified program implementation is worth
following by other Rotary Clubs to serve the humanity as appealed by RI President John F.
Germ in his annual theme.
I am glad to note that RC Patan is bringing out the special issue of Lalitdhara in the form
of Souvenir to celebrate the Rotary New Year 2016-17. Let me take this opportunity to
extend my sincere greetings to each members of the club on this occasion. I also would like
to wish you all a successful Rotary year ahead. As RI President John said in his opening
remarks, “A small opportunity will create huge enterprises” I would like to urge the club
and its members to explore a small opportunity for everyone in the community that you
are serving so that each one will be able create huge enterprises, which I am sure will
contribute in bringing significant change. The change eventually will be conducive to
break the barriers in increasing access to basic services like clean drinking water, hygienic
sanitation facilities, immunization to children and others, quality education and abundance
of income opportunity and so on. Furthermore, the change in the community will also allow
them to optimizing their potential to the fullest extent.
This year, the new strategy of the RI District 3292 Nepal and Bhutan has emphasized to
support the clubs for their strengthening. For this first of all we all must make change
in our own clubs. I am sure only the strong club will be able to maximize the number of
quality members, increase contribution to The Rotary Foundation, implement innovative and
diversified service projects thereby enhancing positive rotary image in general. I commit,
to be with you in your voyage to strengthen the club to optimize your capability to the
optimal extent, by translating our slogan District at your doorstep into action.
I urge to focus in club strengthening in this year’s plan of action, as you all know, In Rotary,
club strengthening is in the epicenter of all activities for overall impact at the community

Yours in Rotary

(Rtn. Jaya RL Shah)

District Governor 2016-17
President’s Message
Dear Fellow Rotarians,
It gives me great pleasure to have this opportunity to extend my best wishes to the
entire Rotary family on the occasion of the 31st Charter Day of the Rotary Club of
Patan. We are proud to have a strong and vibrant club, and acknowledge the hard
Sijaya Mallapcqy work and contributions made by the Rotarians of our club since its inception in
President 1985.

This year is a very special year for Rotary as the centennial year of The Rotary
Foundation. We celebrate it with added enthusiasm to further enhance the image
of Rotary and expand its outreach to do ‘good’ around the world. As founder of The
Rotary Foundation, Arch Klumph, has said: “We should not live for ourselves alone, but
for the joy in doing good for others.”

We are fully committed to bringing the Rotary Club of Patan to new heights, making
ourselves useful to other members and the communities we serve. ‘Fellowship’ and
‘Service’ are like two sides of a coin, both are equally needed for a successful club.
In the words of Rotary International President John Germ: ‘One good work at a
time each one of us can change the world Rotary provides the institution to
each of us to do ‘as much as we can’ and ‘as well as we can’ to contribute to Rotary
Serving Humanity — the theme of Rotary Year 2016-2017.

On behalf of the entire Rotary Club of Patan family, I would like to thank the
Coordinator and the Editorial Team for their creativity and hard work in bringing
out this annual publication, which not only provides interesting topical articles, but
also serves as the Club’s annual report with historical data and information. I would
also like to thank all the writers, contributors and advertisers to make this Lalitdhara
Souvenir worthy of its name.

Yours, in Rotary,

Bijaya Mallapaty
President (2016.2017)
Past Presidents of Rotazy Club of Patan

Late Rtn. 5.R. Sharma Rtn. B. R. Prasai Late Rtn. P. P. Prasai Late Rtn. HR. Bajrachaiya
1985-87 1987-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92

Rtn. B. B. Bajracharya Rtn. 5. 538 Rana Rtn. T. 14. Shakya Late Rtn. B.P. Dhital
1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97

Rtn. R.R. Pandey Rtn. T. Neupane Rtn. Kamal Nyachhon Rtn. Pushkar 14. Shakya Late Rtn. Narayan G. Halwai
1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002

Rtn. Yagya B. Shrestha Rtn. Siba B. Rajbhandaty Rtn. Dr. CF Maskey Rtn. Gyanu I?. Shakya Rtn. Ganesh R. Shrestha
2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007

Rtn. Keshab B. Mathema Rtn. Santa K. Shrestha Rtn. Dr. Prakash R. Regmi Rtn. 3. K. Tamrakar
2008-2009 2010-2011 2011-2012

Rtn. Krishna B. Basnyat

Rtn. Jeevan K. Shrestha Rtn. Khruschev Shrestha Rtn. Matsyendra L. Kayastha* Pta. Piyush B. Bajrachaiya
2012-2013 2013-14 2014-15 2014-15 2015-16
* President ad.
ub of Pan

Rotary Club of Patan

Ril Disctrlct 3292
C~ub No. 23126
Chartered on 29th August 1985


Rtn. Bijaya Maflapaty Rtn. Piyush Bajracharya Rtn. Chandra L. Kayastha Rtn. Gabriele Mallapaty
President IP President President Elect President Nom/nee
Director/chair-Service Projects

Rtn. Lalita Thapa Rtn. Dr. B. B. Sharma Rtn. Ganesh R. Shrestha Rtn. Mahendra B. Thapa
Vice-President Secretary Joint-Secretary Dfrector/Chafr-Club Adm.

Rtn. Mi. Kayastha Rtn. Dr. P. R. Regmi Rtn. Siba B. Rajbhandary

Director/Chair~Membership Director/C/iafr-Pub/ic Relation Dfrector/Chafr-TRF

fltri. Nirmal Pradhanang Rtn. Bharat N. Joshi

Director- Youth Service Rtn. Kedar B. Shrestha
Treasurer Sergeant-at-arms
flTVIfl fiflWA fljF A fl
in~ swnucz ILak
Rtn. PG. vi bujrudnarya
201546 iL~ LU 1111

President Secretary
Rotary Year2Ol5-16 Rotary Year 2015-16

Participation and Engagement of Members meeting and five Club Assemblies took place. The total of
49 regular meetings was held out of 52. Three meetings
The regular activities of Rotary Club of Patan (RCP) were
did not take place due to Dashain festival, RI visit in
carried out smoothly with full participation and support
Nepal and sad demise of PP Rtn. Narayan Govinda Halwai.
of aLl members despite the hurdles and difficulties due
During 49 weekly meetings, the total of 1012 Rotarian
to economic blockade. The club leader took initiative of
Members, 25 guests and 32 spouses attended. The total
engaging alL the senior members in sharing their rich
makeup during this period was 32. Despite the difficulties
experience being a Rotarian. This has revealed historical
of transportation due to economic blockade, the average
events and perspective of Rotary movements in Nepal.
attendance rate of the members during this years has been
All the members were actively involved in club activities
70°Io which is considered to be quite high among the clubs
through various committees.
in the district.
Special Meetings: Joint meetings, one with Rotaract Club
and another with RC Patan West were held in which the
PDG Rtn. Dilendra Shrestha delivered an inspiring talk
focusing on the importance of giving in Rotary.

Club Administration
Club Registration; Annual Budget and RI dues: With fuLl
support of club members, Club’s registration for renewal
was done on time. Similarly, the annual budget of the Club
and audit report was prepared and submitted on time. All Special efforts were made to ensure an effective and well
the RI dues were also paid in July and met the deadline. functioning of the club administration, e.g. preparing
Meetings and attendance: The club is led by the Board and sending agenda of the meeting in advance, inviting
of Directors of 14 members and its activities were carried spouses and other guests during the talk programmes,
out through six thematic committees and subcommittees. sending reminders the members of the meetings, changing
The total of 12 Board Meetings including a joint board the meeting venue from Saligram Apartment Hotel to
Potani v:
Dub of Pan

Summit Hotel to ensure better meeting room and parking The birthday fellowships were reduced from three to
space. two. Even the DG visits and Charter Day was celebrated
modestly. A joint fellowship, IPP fellowship and 5th
Enlarging Knowledge and Information Sharing
Monday Entertainment programmes were well attended
During this period, RCP had organized twelve talk
and cherished by the members.
programmes inviting 10 guest speakers. The Club Members
have had excellent opportunities to enrich their knowledge
and understanding on wide range of issues related to
health, education, disaster management, environment
and climate changes, natural resource management and
wildlife, culture and heritage.

25th Anniversary of PEEF

The RCP celebrated its 25 Years of club owned PEEF
project on 10 April 2016 at Yelamaya Kendra, Patan with
the presence of the DG Keshav Kunwar. The PP Rtn. Siba
Bhakta Rajbhandary coordinated the programme and
Membership provided a short introduction of the project. The Prajapati
Education Endowment Fund ‘PEEF was established on 20
In the membership front, RCP faced stack this year. The
members that grew from 39 to 44 in the previous felt July 1990 with a seed money of NRs. 32,000 from RCP
back to 39 again due to various unfortunate incidents. members Rtn. Matsyendra L. Kayastha and PDG Rtn. Tulsi
One couple member had to leave the club due to health Maharjan. The RCP started the scholarship programme from
problem, one member passed away and one member had 1991. To this effort the Past President Late Rtn. Prajapati
to Leave due to personal cause. However, efforts have been Prasai contributed and raised a lot of contribution to
made to fill in these gaps with new members, particularly bring this programme forward. The RCP recognized his
focusing on young and women members. A couple of contributions by naming the programme in 1998 (after
potential members have been invited in several meeting his death) as the ‘Prajapati Education Endowment Fund’
for them to acquaint with Rotary motto and activities. (PEEF), which has grown to 1.14 crore Nepalese Rupees to
date. Currently, PEEF supports some 550 students in 27/28
public schools, and has supported over 2,370 students
The RY 2015-16 could not be an exemplary year for
from grades 6 to 10. Rtn. Rajbhandary also noted the
fellowships. As it witnessed a number of unfortunate
highest single contributor Dr. Prabhu Prabhakar through
incidents that include the devastating earthquake,
followed by economic blockade by India, serious health Ms. .Jabina Rajbhandary with a contribution equivalent
problems of rotary leadership as well as sad demise of a to US $30,000 and special contribution of PDG Rtn. Tulsi
senior Rotarian, a number of scheduled fellowship events Mahaijan from RC Branchburg, USA, among others from
and family outings had to be cancelled. the RCP family & friends. The PEEF was recognized by the
District as a flagship scholarship project during the District Service Projects:
Conference held in Biratnagar and the South Asia Literacy During the RY 2015-16, the RCP had four ongoing projects
Conference heLd in Kathmandu. The excellent contribution (including the club owned service project) and three
of the Late Rtn. Narayan G. Halwai for managing the PEEF projects under Global Grant (GG). There are five projects
for a long time was also noted. under pipelines. The updates of these projects in gist are
The Head Masters and selected students of the schools presented below:
receiving scholarships from PEEP were also invited to this Prajapati Education Endowment Fund (PEEF): is a club
programme. They have expressed their appreciation for the owned flagship project in operation since last 25 years.
contribution made by this Fund. The endowment fund has reached to Rs. 1.14 crore. By
the end of rotary year 2015-16, it has supported 2,370
Community Services students from 29 schools from grade 6-10. The RCP
Health Camps: RCP in collaboration with Nepal Heart celebrated project’s 25 years of service on April 10, 2016
Foundation organized a health camp in Baphal, Lalitpur. in an event with the presence of DG Keshav Kunwar.
Dr. Rtn Prakash Raj Regmi coordinated the whole event in Primary Prevention of Rheumatic Heart Disease
which 200 patients were benefitted. Similarly in another (GG 1418219, US$31,000): The project started in
health camp in Dhading was organized in collaboration September 2014. The main objective of the project is
with RC Kathmandu North West in which 1800 children enhance the capacities of health posts, sub-health posts
were screened and 1500 children took echo test. and school based clinics in Lalitpur to treat children
Training for Health Workers: The members of the RCP with bacterial throat infection. Almost 150,000 children,
also took part in the training programme on Rheumatic between the age of 6-15, from Lalitpur District are
Heart Disease Prevention in which health workers and expected to benefit from this project. The international
school teachers were invited to participate. partners for this project include RC Delhi Chanakyapuri,
District 3292, District 3690 South Korea, RC Patan and
Post-earth quake support: RCP distributed clothes for
Nepal Heart Foundation.
earth quake victims in Helambu, Sindhupalchowk; Panga,
Vocational Education of 110 former “Kamlari Girls” in
Kirtipur; Bhattedanda and Dukuchhap in Lalitpur.
Western Nepal (GG1527136, US54, 099): The project
Honouring the senior citizens: The RCP was one of
started in May 2015. The main purpose of the project is
sponsoring clubs to an event in honouring of 150 senior
to support the former “Kamalari” girls and women to build
citizens of Lalitpur. The senior members of the Club their economic and social empowerment through skills
participated in the event. training and income generation activities.
Most of the project activities have been successfully participating in many of the community activities as well
accomplished within the project period. More than 100 as in district’s events. However, the one interact clubs of
girls have already been trained in different trades and Chandibhanjyang has not been very active this year. The
many of them have already started their own businesses. RCP is making extra efforts to activate its members and
RCs of Mississauga-Dixie; Mississauga; Mississauga their activities.
Streetsville; City Centre; Lakeshore; West; Credit Valley
A.M.; Meadowvale; Airport; District 7080 & the Nepal Award and Recognitions:
Youth Foundation have been the partners for this project. Vocational Awards: On the occasion of vocation month,
ICU Facilities in Cleft and Burn Centre (GG 1529621- RCP organized its annual vocational award ceremony on 22
US 100,853): More than USD 100,000 worth of medical February 2016 to recognize the individuals who have made
equipment was provided to the Nepal Cleft & Burn Center significant contribution to the communities and to the
lives to the people at Large. Three awards were selected
at Kirtipur Hospital to treat patients with severe burns
from field of education, health and journalism through
and cleft pallet deformations from across the country. The
fair and transparent selection criteria. They are Mr. Babu
official handover took place on Thursday, 2 June 2016
Kaji Khatri, Headmaster, Mahendra Adarsha H.S. School;
and was attended by Rotarians from Nepal and Italy. The
Ms. Shudha Vaidya, Metron of Kathmandu Medical College
project was supported also from 0-2072, Interplast, Rotary
and Ms. Srijana Duwal Shrestha, Sub-Editor, “Nari”
Clubs and Friends from Bologna, Italy. magazine.
The pipelines projects which are in the various stages
of approval process include Drinking Water and Income
Opportunities to earthquake victims in Chitawan Districts
(GG#164069); Education and Water Provision for Mirge
Village, Dolkha (GG#1541893); Water and Sanitation
for Earthquake affected communities of Dukuchhap and
Rhattedanda of Lalitpur; Micro-hydro project for Chepel,
Solukhumbu; and Support of the Hospital of Rehabilitation
of Disabled Children.

Collaborative Partnership
RC Patan also supported the initiatives of Rotaract Club
of Patan to organize Blood Donation programme in
‘Kamalmani Educational Excellence Award’ (KEEA)
Jawalakhel, Lalitpur. RCP actively participated in the
The ‘Kamalmani Educational Excellence Award’ (KEEA)
event both through financial support and blood donation.
distribution programme was organized on 10 April. The
A joint meeting was also held during this year. In many
KEEA was established with an endowment fund from GSR
of the regular meetings, the leadership of Rotaract Club
Rtn. Kamalmani Dixit to the RCP in 2012. The idea was to
attended with their members. There has been a very good
support the RCP’s flagship PEEF programme by awarding
interaction between the Youth Service Committee Director
the best all-round student among the recipients of PEEF
of the RCP and the Rotaract member of this club and
scholarship with a certificate and a cash award. In 2014,
receiving advisory support on a regular basis.
Rtns. Ganesh R. Shrestha and PDG Tirtha M. Sakya committed
Similarly, RCP has been supporting three Interact Clubs. annual contributions to the second and third best students.
Two interact clubs: one in Sunakothi and the other one Given the popularity of this award and to motivate the
in Pragati school, Kupondole have been quite active and
students to do better, KEEA was further expanded in 2016
to 10 students (one 1st award, three 2nd awards and six Mr. Ukesh Thapa, Shree Mahendragram S. School, Tikathali;
3rd awards) with commitment of annual contributions Ms. Rasmi Tamang, Tn Padma Vidyashram, PuLchowk; &
from Rtns. Matsyendra and Chandralekha Kayastha, Bijaya Ms. Pabina K.C., Shree Ganesh LowerS. School, Dhukuchap;
Mallapaty, Lalita Thapa, Sharda Prasai, Gautam Shakya, and 3rd Awards to Mr. Anjali Maha~jan (in absentia), Shree
Nirmal Pradhanang and Siba B. Rajbhandary. Balkumani S. SchooL,Sunakothi; Ms. Puja Shrestha, Shree
While the PEEF is principally a need-based scholarship, it Krishna H.S. SchooL Dhapakhel; Ms. Saraswati Ghale,
incLudes reward to motivate ‘merit’ with a higher amount Patan H.S. School, Patan Dhoka; Ms. Ruth Rai, Adarsha
of scholarship for supported students who pass with Saul H.S. School, Bungamati; Ms. Muna Rasaili, Shree
‘distinction~ The KEEA further adds to motivate these Mahendra Bhrikuti S. School, Ekantakuna; and Mr. Dinesh
students to excel by this kind of recognition. This is the K.C., Lubhu Secondary SchooL Lubhu. These initiatives are
first year for the RCP to celebrate the KEEA distribution expected to inspire the students to perform better.
with a Large number of recipients in the presence of the
Participation in District Events
Head Masters or their Representatives from all the PEEF
Most of the RCP members took part in several events
supported schools and the Rotary family.
organized by the District. Sustainable Immunization
Support Fund, ICMs on Rotary Image, Literacy as well
as TEACH programme, New Membership orientation
programme, DTAS. Fourteen out 39 members are supporting
the District through various committees.

Awards were handed over to the following students by

respective contributors together with the DG and the
RCP President: 1st Award to Ms. Prayatna Shrestha,
Adharsa Kanya Niketan, Mangalbazar; 2nd Awards to

we are all able



LI Li -

fl 0

kiln. Bijaya Bajracharya Rtn. Lochan Gyawati Rtn. Ramesh L. Naskey

Rtn. Dr. Bishwa B. Sharma Rtn. Dr. Shivaji B. Sitwat Rtn. Padam L. Naharjan
Rtz. Gabriele Mailapaty Rtn. Dr. Nabat Pajiyar Rtn. Keshab B. Mathema
‘Rtn, Kamal M. Dixit Rtn. Shiva K. Pradhan Rtn. Dr. Prakash R. Regiui
i. Bijaya Mallapaty Rtn. Bharat N. Joshi Rhi. Tir.tha N. Sakya
Rtn. Chandralekha Kayastha Rtn. Ganesh R. Shrestha Rtn. Santa K. Shrestha
Rtn. Kedar B. Shrestha Rtn. Siba B. Rajbhandary Rhi. Puskar N. Shakya
Rtn, Piyush Bajracharya Rtn. Sharada Prasai Rtn. Kamala Maharjan
Rtn. Jamuna K. Tamrakar Rtn. Krishna B. Basnyat Rtn. Jeevan K. Shrestha
Rtn, Kamal B. Nyachhyon Rtn. Dr. Anna TJprety Rtn. Nirmal K. Pradhanang
Rtn. Matsyendra L. Kayastha Rtn. Kiran Shrestha Rtn. Kiran Thapa
Rtn, Rabendra R. Pandey Rtn, Yagya B. Shrestha Rtn, Nahendra Singh Rawal
1Rtn. Gautam R. Shakya Rtn. Dr. Mukti N. Shrestha RUt, Shiv Prakash Khemka
~Rtn. Mahendra Thapa Rtn. Lauta Thapa
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Recognation of Charter Member and with more than

25 years service.

Under 6G1635438 holistic community development

Project planning visit to earthquo/ce affected villages
project site visit in Chandibhanjyang, Chitwan District in Bhottedanda, Lalitpur District

Review of Prosthetics and Orthotics services in Nepal

5upport services provided to participants of
with support of Intern ational Consultant
tailoring: fashion designing under GG 1527136


Distribution of certificate to the participants RI President Rabindran’s visit to Nepal during District
under GG 1527136 Rotary Foundation Recognition Programme

Sweater Distribution to 1000 students in earthquake Project planning visit to earthquake affected village of
affected villages of Dolokha District Jolku, Dukucchap in Lalitpur District

Group photographs after the certificate distribution Dignatories, Guest & Participants attending the
ceremony 66 1527136 30th charter day ceremony

Group photograph after the certificate distribution V/s iting Rotarian from RC of Neuberg, Germany
ceremony PPRHD

Distribution of supplies to the participants First Lady 14s. Ram ila Bajracharyo honoring the
under 66 1527136 first lady of the district Ms. Durga Kun war

Rtn. Dr. Aruna Upreti reading a poem at

Birthday Fellowship
H.z. ~zZZJ
DG Jaya R L Shah with the newly inducted members
Rtn. Mahendra Singh Rawal & Rtn. K/ran Thopa
List of Major Donors and MPHFS

PP Rh. Hatsyendra L. Kayastha PP Rh. Siba B. Rajbhandary Mn. Kamal N. Dixit Rtn. Rabendra R. Pandey Rh. Tirtha M~ Sakya
Major Donor Major Donor Major Donor Major Donor Major Donor

Rh, Ganesh R. Shrestha Rh. Br, Prakash B. Regal Rh. Bi]aya Nallapaty Rh Gabriele Hallapaly

Rh. KaJar B, Shrestha Rh. Br. Bishwa B. Sharina Rh. Piyush B. Bajrachaiya Rh. Lalita Thapa

Rh. Joanna K. Tamrakar Rh. Padarn L. Hahaijan Rh. Karnala Haharfan


Rh. Puskor H. Shakya Rh. Kamal B. Hyachhyon Rh. Bharat N. .7oshi Rh. Shiva K. Pradizan

Rh. ShardaPrasai Rh. Jeevan K, Shrestha Rh. Hahendra Thapa Rh. urinal K. Pradhanang
Club c,iPatan

Comndllees for 2O1G~2O11

( Club Administration - Rtn. Mahendra Thapa, DirectorlChairperson 3
Rotary Info/BulletinlSocial Media: Fellowship I Programsi Club Assembly:
Co-ordinator - Rtn. Gabrieie Mafiapaty Co-ardinator Rtn. Kedar B. Shrestha

Members - Rtn. Kamaimani Dixit Members - Rtn. jamuna K Tamrakar

- Rtn. B4aya Ma!lapaty -Rtn. Kamaf 8. Nyachhyon
- Rtn. Chandraiekho Kayastho -Rtn. 8(jaya Bajracharya

[ Membership — Rtn. Matsyendra L. Kayastha, Dire ctor/Chairperson 3

F’ Club Menton
Rtn. Kamaimani Dixit
,J ~
[‘ Mentors:
Pandey, Rim Krishna a &snyat &
Rtn. Keshab 8. Mathema
‘] ~‘
PDG Rtn. Tirtha M. Sakya, Rtn. Rabendra R. I I
,J L~
Orientation and Training:
Rtn. Lalita Thapa
Rin. Mahendra Thapa

( ImagelPublic Relations - Rcn. Prakash R. Regmi, Director/Chairperson 3

MedialRotary Image: Special Events (mcI. 4 way test) Lalitdhara Souvenir:
Rtn. Tirtha Man Sakya Rtn. Kamaimani Dixit Co-ordinator Rtn. Mahendra B. Thapa

Rtn. Santa K Shrestha

Rtn. Puskar M. Shakya Members - Rtn. Kamal M. Dixit
Rtn.Jeevan K Shreshta
Rtn. Mukti N. Shrestha Rtn. Nabaf Pajiyar & Rtn. Rharat N. Joshi

Rtn. Kiran Shrestha Rtn. Shiva Pradhan Rtn Shiva K Pradhan


Service Projects -Rtn. Gabriele Mallapaty, DirectorfChairperson 3

-, PEEF: RCP Representatives to: Community DevelopmentlRCC:
Coordinator- Rtn. Chandroleitha Kayastha Nepal Orthopaedic Hospital: RCC, Sunakothi Coordinator

Programme Manager Rtn. Padam L Maliarjan

Rtn. Jeevan K. Shrestha Rtn. Bijaya Mafiapaly
Finance Manager- Rtn. B~aya Mallapaq’
Rtn. Piyush a Bajracharya RCC, Chandibhanjyang Coordinator
Distribution Manager Rtn, Canesh R Shrestha,
Members: Rti~. Siba & Rajbhandary (Fund-Raising), Rtn. Prakash ft Regmi
_., Rot Matsyendra L Kayastha & Rtn. Sharada Prasai

~‘ Earthquake Committee: Disability Awareness: Polio Plus:
I Coordinator Rtn. Matsyendra L Kayastha
Coordinator - Rtn. Rabendra ft Pandey Coordinator - Rtn. Prakash It Regmi
Members: Rtn. Lachan Gyawafi, Rtn. Members -Rtn. Shivaji Siiwai
Gabrieie Mafiapty, Rtn. Ganesh R. Members Rim Gautam Shakya
- Rtn. Aruna Uprety
Shrestha, Rtn. Siba a Rajbhandary, Rtn. Rtn. Bishwa 8. Sharma
- -Rtn. Kamala Maharjan
L~iyush Bajrachaiya, Rtn. Labia Thapa

Youth Sensico ntn. -iirrnal B. Pradhanang, Director J

[Interact Rtn. Chandralekha Kayastha
& Rtn. Kamala Maharjan [ Rotaract: Rtn. Shiva K Pradhan &
Rtn. Ganesh R. Shrestha

The Rotcrj Foundation - Rtri. Siba S. Rajbhandary, Director/Chairperson_3

Members: Rtn. Bishwa B. Sharma,
Rtn. Ramesh Maskay &
Rtn. Gautam R. Shakya

Sergeant-at-Arms ~ Fellowship ~o-ordinator-- fltn. Kedar D. Chrestha

•‘The Club President Series as Fx-officio Member of all Committees”
Ik~.[?) I t~~& 14fl h i~J1I I$,C~b~IR’ 3-~4~JJ~ Sfl~.k≥
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f Patan

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~C~ffl Z~i ~ R~V ~p15mI *~5T ~vk q~t~ ~j fk~ ~
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Of the things we think, say or do: -

1. Is it the TRUTH?

2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?

9.f?qj ~~ff?
3, Will it build GOODWILL and ~*?tN1~cN TUft5r~?f?
* 1~ ~
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all
concerned? ‘~‘.*g~ ~i~B-tI’~ W9t ‘v-li ?f?
~t ffl-1~≠ ~ ~ I ~g* q ~4i~ cli 4~ ~9~I cNI4ct?’I ~l1* ‘~4iN~ \3~ict1
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~ 9~ Dopamine, Selenium, Endomorphin g ~-~? øI’~Sc~ ~~PI WEE~ cjtfi4q,’I C~4IL4I~tIlI *i81 34WR 1:T@I
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~na tTft~ I ~ g~ ~qr< W~E1T
I H 4
!i ~t~’L
Members of Rotary Club of Patan


Bajracharya Bijay (MPHF+l) Joshi Bharat Narsing (Mfl-IF+ I)

Classification: Financial Analyst
Classification: Gemologist
Premier Finance Co. Ltd.
Add: Gems jewellary Industries (P) Ltd.
Add: Manbhawan, Lalitpur
Ph: (R) 5521525, (0)5529452
Ph: (R) 5521126, (0)5521223
Born: 23 Aug Wed: 2 Mar
Cell: 9851023195
Serv: P.VP.D.
Born: 16 june; Wed: 25 Feb
join: 1986
join: 2003
Spouse: RAJANI
Spouse: MEEBA
Bajracharya Piyush B. (MPHF+3) Kayastha Chandralekha (MPHF+4)
Classification: Ayurvedic Medical Practitioner Classification: Architect
Add: Piyushbarshi Aushadhalaya Add: Mr. & Mrs. ML Kayastha & Associates Pvt. Ltd.
Res:jwagal, Kopundol-lO. Lalitpur Ph: (R) 5520624, (0)5521279
Ph: (R) 5529640, (0) 4223960 Cell: 9849450309
(M): 9851013388 Born: 4th May; Wed: 7th july
Born: 12th Dec. Wed: 27 Feb join: 2008
Serv: D.S.. M (CLC) Serv: D, S. VP
join: 2005 Spouse: MATSYENDRA
Spouse: RAMITA E-mail: kayasthacl©
E-mail: piyush.bajra©

Kayastha Matsyendra Lal (MD)

Basnyat K. Bahadur (MPHF+2) Classification: Architect
Classification: Insurance Add: Mr. & Mrs. ML Kayastha & Associates Pvt. Ltd.
Add: Sagarmatha Insurance Co. Ltd. Ph: (R) 5520624, (0)5521279
Res: Manbhawan, jawalakhel Cell: 9851021458
Ph: (R) 5533341, (0) 4412367 Born 25th May; Wed: 7th july
(M): 9851024313 join: 1984
Born: 8 july Serv: CS, 0, DAC
Past President join: 2000 Spouse: CHANDRALEKHA
E-mail: E-mail:

Dixit Kamalmani (lID) Khemka Shiv Prakash

Classification: Senior Active (Stelic) Classification: Elect & Electronics Business
Add: Madan Piraskar Pustakalaya Add: Anand Bhairab Marg, Gyaneshwar
Shree Durbar Tole, Lalitpur Ph: (R) 4436305, (0)4110860
Ph: (R) 5536338, (0)5521014 Cell: 9801025886
Born: 2 Sep; Wed: II june Born: 12th Feb; Wed: I 1st Dec
join: 1986 join: 2016
Serv: D; Sgt, DAC, CM Spouse: PREETI
E-mail: E-mail:

Gyawali tochan (P1*) Maharjan Kamala (NPHF+2)

Classification: General NurselMid-Wife
Classification: Trekking Agent
Add: lchakhel Panga, Kirtipur-l2, KTM
Add: Nepal Trek House
Ph: (R) 4331236, 4227863
Ph: (R) 5521311. (0)5522871
Cell: 9721322858, 9841348337
Born: 12 Nov Wed: 30 jan
Born: 29th May; Wed: 29th April
join: 1986
join: 2014
Serv: Sgt
Serv: M (CLC)
C~~b of

Members of Rotary Club of Patan

Mabarjan Padam Lall (MPHF+2) Pajiyar Dr. Nabal (PHF)
Classification: Commes & Nabi Aids Classification: Memory Trainer
Express, Electronic Engineer Mind Power Development Systems P. Ltd.
Add: Ichakhel Panga, Kirtipur-12, KTM Add: Koteshwor, Kathmandu
Ph: (R) 4331236, Cell: 9841348337 Cell: 9844117444, 9843566999
Born: 13th Feb; Wed: 29th April Born: 23rd Nov; Wed: 3rd Feb
join: 2003 Sent: C (CLC) Join: 2012
Spouse: KAMALA Spouse: Er. BINA
E-mail: E-mail:

Nallapaty Bijaya (MPHFI-5) Pandey Rabendra Raj (MD)

Classification: Development Management Classification: Airline GSA
Add: Bhainsepati, Lalitpur Add: Central Park, Orchid Tower, No.701, Bishal Nagar
Ph: (R) 5592541 Ph: (0) 4220759, 4009087
Cell: 9803683969 Cell: 9851020174
Born: 9th May; Wed: 14th May Born: 14th Dec; Wed: 18th Feb
join: 2008 join: 1990
Serv: D, 5, VP, DCWDSC Serv: D. VP, P AG, DPC, DAC, M (CLC)
E-mail: E-mail:

Mauapaty Gabricle (MPHF+S)

Pradhan Shin Kumar (MPHF+ I)
Classification: Health Services Management
Classification: Photo Lab
Add: Bhainsepati, Lalitpur
Add: Tulsi Home, Samakhusi, Kathmandu
Ph: (R) 5592541
Ph: (R) 4357784
Cell: 9803683970
Cell: 9851046308
Born: 17th Dec; Wed: 14th May
Born: 2nd May; Wed: 19th Fhagun
Join: 2008
Join: 2009
Serv: D, S. VP, DPRRCR-3, WB
Serv: D, JS
Spouse: BIjAYA
Spouse: TIKA

Pradhanang Nirmal K. (MPHF+ I)

Plaskay Ramesh Lal (MPHF+l)
Classification: Communication/Navaids/
Classification: Aeronautical Engineer
Surveillance Engineer
Add: Vinayak Colony, Bhainsepati, Lalitpur
Add: KA-4/158 Dhobighat, Lalitpur
Ph: (R) 5114120
Ph: (R) 5524956. 5554965
Cell: 9851030200
Cell: 9851055321, 9801055391
Born: 12th June; Wed: 6th March
Born: 18th Feb; Wed: 5th March
join: 2015
join: 2014
Spouse: SHOBHA
Serv: D
E-mail: ramesh.maskay©
Spouse: BIJAYA
Mathema Keshab B. (MPHF+2)
Classification: Social Development
Prasal Sharada (MPHF+I)
Add: 21128 Dhokadol, Sanepa. Lalitpur
Classification: Travel Agent
Ph: (R) 5529385
Add: Natraj Tours & Travel (P) Ltd.
Cell: 9841282851
Ph: (R) 4229277, (0) 4169001
Born: 2djuly; Wed: 30th Nov
Born: 14th June; Wed: 1st Feb
join: 998
join: 1999
Sery: D, VP, PE, P
Serv: D, SG
Spouse: SHANTI Member E-mail:

Nyachhyon K. Bahadur (MPHF+l)

Rajbhandary Siba Bhakta (MD)
Classification: Heavy Textile Manu~cturer
Classification: Social Development
Add: Himal Tents (P.) Ltd.
Add: Imperial Court, Sanepa, Lalitpur
Ph: (R) 5526070, (0) 5522202
Ph: 5526856
Cell: 9851023354
Cell: 9841214856
Born: 15th Jan; Wed: 15th Feb
Born: II June; Wed: 8th Mar
join: 1986
Join: 1998
Serv: D, T, P
Sent: D, S. PDS, DT, AG, DPC, DGSC
Spouse: MITHILA;
Members of Rotary Club of Patan
Shrestha Ganesh Raj (MPHF+8)
Rawal Mahendra S. Classification: Rubber Recycling
Classification: Civil Aviation Expert Add: Pashupati Rubber Industries
Add: Imadole, Lalitpur Res: Sinchahity, Lalitpur
Ph: (R) 5202755 Ph: (R) 5003780, Cell: 985 1021440
Cell: 9841250339 Born: 22nd Nov; Wed: 7th Jan
Born: 5th Oct; Wed: 26th Nov Join: 993
Join: 2016 Serv: 5, T, D, 5, VP, P. CC, DEC, AG, DWCDSC,
Spouse: AMBIKA M (dC), CT
E-mail: Spouse: BIJAYA LAXMI
Regmi Dr. Prakash Raj (PIPHF+7)
Classification: Cardiologist Shrestha Jeevan Kumar (MPHF+ I)
Add: Lalitpur Heart Clinic Classification: Civil Engineer
Res: Dhobighat, Lalitpur Add: Chakupat, Lalitpur
Ph; (R) 5525536, (0) 5536474 Ph: (R) 5260059
Cell: 9851051170 Cell: 9851045085
Born: 2 I st Ashad; Wed: 2nd Baisakh Born: 6th May; Wed: 23rd June
Join: 1990 Serv: D, 5, VP, P
Serv: D, DAC, DICRACC Spouse: GUNU
Spouse: UPASANA E-mail:
E-mail: -

Sakya Tirtha Man (MD) Shrestha Kedar Bhakta (MPHF+3)

Classification: Legislative Drafting Classification: Past Service
Former Chairman, Public Service Commission, Add: Kupondol Heights, Lalitpur
Chief Secretary, Govt. of Nepal
Ph: (R) 5522207, 5524605
Add: Hakha Tole, Lalitpur
Cell: 9849850226
Ph: (R) 5522467. Cell: 9851026534
Born: 18th Jan; Wed: 15th Feb
Born: 2lstJuly; Wed: 14th Feb
Join: 2006
Join: 1988
Serv: D, VP. P, AG, DC, DG, DCC, DAC
Spouse: SHANTA
E-mail: tirtha.sakya©

Shakya Gautam Ratna (PH F) Shrestha 1-Ciran (PH F)

Classification: Himalayan Handicrafts Classification: Steel Manufacturing
Add: 1154 Durbarmarg, Kathmandu Add: Bhainsepati, Lalitpur
Ph: (R) 5260382, (0) 5260320 Ph: (R) 5591382
Cell: 9851037915 Cell: 9851043924
Born: 26th Feb; Wed: 10th Falgun Born: 10th July; Wed: 13th Feb
Join: 2014 Join: 2007
Spouse: M0TI SHANTI Spouse: DHRUBA
E-mail: E-mail:

Shakya Pushkar Man (MPHF+l) Shrestha Dr. Mukti Narayan (PH9

Classification: Carpet Export Classification: Vet. Doctor
Add: Man Bhawan, Lalitpur Add: Vet. Clinic, Pulchowk, Krishna Galli
Ph: (R) 5523492 Ph: (R) 5260846, (0) 5524236
Cell: 9851074020 Cell: 9851000104
Born: 14th Jan; Wed: 27th Feb Born: lstJuly; Wed: 19th Sept
Join: 1993 Join: 2008
Serv: T. 5, D, P,AG, DPC, DMDRSC Serv: D
Spouse: RITA Spouse: PRAVEENA
E-mail: E-mail:

Sharma Dr. Bishwa B. (MPHF+3)

Shrestha Santa Kumar (MPHF+3)
Classification: Psychiatrist
Classification: Liquor Manufacturer
Add: 43/5 Kitabi Galli, Dilli Bazar Ktm-33
Add: Island Jungle Resort
Ph: (R) 5574249 (0) 4467967
Ph: (R) 5521745(0)4229116,4225615
Cell: 9851025579, 9803295575
Born: 5th Nov; Wed: 3rd May
Born: 2nd June; Wed: 26th Jan
Join: 1992
Join: 2010
Serv: JS, D. VP, PE, P. DAC
Spouse: ARUNA
Members of Rotary Club of Patan
Shrestha Yagya Bahadur (PH F) Thapa Lalita (MPHF+3)
Classification: Revenue Consultant Classification: Management Specialist
Add: Chakupat, Lalitpur Add: Civil Home-Il, Bhaisepati, Sainbu-4
Ph: (R) 5260853 Ph: (R) 5592259
Cell: 9849674267 Cell: 9851072937
Born: 8th April; Wed: 19th Feb Born: 19th March; Wed: 29th April
Join: 1993 Join: 20(2
Serv: P.D, SVT Serv: D, S
Spouse: MERRY Spouse: KIRAN
E-mail: E-mail: lalitathapa I

SiIwaI Dr. Shivaji Bikram (PHE) Thapa Mahendra B. (MPHF+l)

Classification: Consultant Cardiologist Classification: Agriculture Economist
Add: Kumaripati, Lalitpur Add: Shrutinagar. Bagdole, Lalitpur-4
Ph: (R) 5541399
Ph: (R) 5542829
Cell: 9841580576
Cell: 9801022997 Born: 15th Jan; Wed: 14th April
Born: 6th Aug; Wed: 14th Feb Join: 2008
join: 2010 Serv: 0, RT, DTCSCR-3, DT, S (CLC)
Spouse: ROSHANI Spouse: LALITA
E-mail: E-mail:

Tamrakar Jamuna Krishna (MPHF+2) Uprety Dr. Aruna

Classification: Forest~’ Classification: Women & Reproductive Health
Add: Binayak Colony. Bhainsepati Add: 43/5 Kitab Galli, Dliii Bazar, Ktm-33
Ph: (R) 5114099 Ph: (R) 5574249
Cell: 9851001408 Cell: 9849817371
Born: 17th Feb; Wed: 21st April Born: I st Dec; Wed: 26th Jan
Join: 2000 Join: 2013
Serv: D, 5, VP, PN, FE Spouse: BISHWA
Spouse: MEERA E-mail:

Thapa Kiran
Classification: IT System & Software Engineer
Add: Civil Home-Il, Bhainsepati, Lalitpur
Ph: (R) 5592257
Cell: 9841268078
Born: 2nd Mar; Wed: 29th April
Join: 20(6
Spouse: LALITA

Basant Ale Magar

Office Secretary, RC Patan
Cell: 9813268214
Rotary Club of Patan
Membership Development 1985-2016
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1 AcharyaClirnnjibi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16
2 Acharya Knshna 1 1 2
3 AcharyaShreedhar 1 1 1 11 11 ii 1 1 1 1 1 14
4 AmatyaRamthhayaM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9
5 Baidya Subash Gopal I 1 1 1 4
6 BajrachalyaBijay 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 .1 32
7 BajrachanjaHomRaj 11111111111 11
8 BajrachaiyaPiyushBajra 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13
9 BasnetKnshnaBahadur 111411l11111111j 117
10 Basnet Punch Bahadur 1 1 1 1 1 5
11 BasnetSiddhi Man 1 1 1 3
12 Deep Dhruba K 1 1
13 Ohakalyogendra Purush 1 1
l4Dhitta[Vishnu i111141j4111I 13
l5DixitKama[mani 11111111111111111141111111111111 32
16 Gin Ashish 1 1
17 GinKanti I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 10
l8GyawahBachan iiiiliijtll 13
19 GyawahchandraS I it]. 1 1111 Sir 41 1 1 1 4 I 1 1 1 1 30
20 GyawabLochan 1 1111 1 14 1~ Ii Iii 1 Ii ~I I ui 311 1 11 I 1 32
21 HaiwaiNamyanG 1111 111 1 11 1 iii ii 1111 12 11111 1 30
22loshi8haratNarsingh 32251 11121111 15
23 JoshiHanBhakta 1 1 1 1 6
24 JunejoAnwarAhmed 1 1
25 Kayastha Chandra[ekha 1 1 1 1~ 1, 1 1 1 1 9
26KayasthaMatsyendraLalllllIliiLlIlllllIl111211111liIli 32
27 Kohb Rabindra Kumar 1 1
28 Kohti Reema 1 1 2
29 KshetryBhimBahadur 111.1 11111111.111 15
30 KunwarYadav 1 1
31 LakheSureshchandra 1 1 1 it 3111 11 11 1111 11 111.1 1 1111 1 29
32 Lamichhane Keshab 1 1
33 Leunte[ Basudev 1 1 1 3
34 Mahaijan Kamata 1 1 1 3
35MaharjanPadmaLal 11111.11 11111113
36MainahBiswaK 11111111111 11
37 MaftapatyBijay 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9
38 MattapatyGabnet 1 1 2 t 1 1 2 1 1 9
39MaskeyChandraP. 111111 111111 12
40 Maskey Ramesh Lat 1 1 2
41 MathemaKeshavBhakta iiSjSj~S~111~I,I111j11JI 20
42 MatheniaNandaramB 1 1 I 1 1 1 1
43Neupanelutsi 1~ti11I1 ~ 28
44 NyachhyonKamat I ~ 321
45 PajiyarDrNabal 1 1 1 1 1
46 PandeyRabendraRaj 41211 11~1 ~4 It 31.114141111 ~ 111 28~
47 PaneruSom 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 7f
48 Poudyal Han Prasad 1 1 2
I 49 Pradhan Dr Prachanda 4 1
50 Pradhan Katpana 1 1 2
51 PradhanKnshnaB 1’ 1 1 1 3 1. ~ 1 1 10
52 PradhanMadhavLal 1111111411 10
53 Pradhan Mahesh Lat I 1 1 3
54 Pradhan Prafutta Man I 1. 1 3
55 PradhanSatya i i i i i 1 6
~O N Co C~ 0 — e.J Ph < Ifl 40 P~. CO Oh 0 rI Chi Ph * In 40 r— cc a. 0 ~-l (‘1 Cfl * In 40 N Yrs.
CO CO CO CO O~ Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 rq rl ri r4 r r
SN Name --.
—_ —..
Ph *


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* In

CO Co Co Co Co 0’ 0’ 0’ Oh 04 Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 rI .-I .-i .1 rl Club
56 PradhanShivaKumar 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8
57 Pradhananga Nirma[ — V 1 2
58 PrasaibhismaR 1111111111111 1111111 20
59 PrasaiPrajapati 111111111111111 15
6OPrasaiSharda I 11111111111111111 18
61 RaiMadanK 11 11111111 1111 14
62 RaiMajor8iswaNath — 111111 iIT
63 Rajbhandan0m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8
64 Rajbhandary Dhruba N S 1 1 2
65 RajbhandarySibaBhakta 111111 1111111111111 19
66 Rajkarnikar Sanu nani :1: 1
67 RanaJagdishSJB 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7
68RanaknshnaJung 11111111111 11
69 RanaSagarS3B 1 1 111 1 111 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 19
7oRanaShreedharSJB iiiiiiiiiTiiiiaiijiTif 22
71 RegmiDrPrakashRaj 111111111 111111111111111 24
72 ShahRish, I 11111 6
73 Shakya Gautam 1 1 1 3
74 ShakyaGyanu 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 17
75 ShakyalndraB 1 1 1 1 1 5
76 ShakyaKarnaB 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7
77 ShakyaNarendraNS 1 1 1 T — —

78 ShakyaPadmaRa] 1 1 1 3
79 ShakyaPuskar 1 1 11 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 25
SoSliakyaSiddhiB 11111111111 11
81 ShakyaSudanR. — 1 1 — 2
S2ShakyalirthaMan 1111111111 111111111111111111111 31
83 Sharma Bliarti 1
84 Sharma Dr. Biswa Bandhu 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7
85 SharmaSurendraRaj 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 8
86 Sherchan Dhan Bahadur 1 1 2
87ShilpakarMotiL 11111111111 11
88ShresthaBihanK 11111111111 11
89 ShresthaDinesh 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8
90 Shrestha Dr. Amina 1 1 1 3
91 Shrestha Dr. Chandra B. 1 1
92 Shrestha Durga Lat 1 1 1 — 3
93 ShresthaGaneshRaj 1111111111111111111111111 25
94ShresthajeevanKumar 11111111111 11
95 ShresthaKedarBhakta 111 11111111111 14
96 ShresthaKhruschev 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 13
97 ShresthaKiran 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9
98 ShresthaDr.MuktiNarayan —— — 1 1 1 1 1 1111 ~
99 Shrestha Preni Bahadur 1 1 1 1 1 5
loOShresthaRenu 11111111111111
101 ShresthaSantKumar 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 26
102 Shrestha Thapa Arti 1 1 1 1 4
103 ShresthaVagyaBahadur 1 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22
104 Sitwal Dr. Shivaji Bikram 1 1 1 1 1 5
105 Subedi Madhusudan 1 1
lo6TamrakarjaniunaKdshna 111111111111111111 18
lo7ThapaDhruba 11111111111 111 14
108 ThapaLalita 1 1 1 1 1 1 6
109 Thapa Mahendra B. 1 1 1 1 1 1 6
110 Thapa Nagendra 1 1
lllThapaRamSingh 11111111 111 11
112 Upadhyay Sushit 1 1
113 liprety Dr. Aruna 1 1 1 1 4
114 Thapa (iran 1 1
115 Rawal Mahendra Singh 1 1
116 Khemka Shiv Prakash I I
Total 27 26 29 31 28 30 37 38 39 42 41 34 38 38 39 40 41 42 44 43 38 40 39 60 43 65 39 41 41 42 44 41

Rotaiy Club of Patan
Current Members: 2016-17
~O F— Co 0 0 rI CM CO * LII ‘0 F-. CO 0 0 — CM CO < La o F-. 00 0 0 rl CM CO ‘t tO’0 C
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1 BajracharyaBijay 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~1 L 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MPHF+1 32 23Aug

2 BajrachaiyaP8ajra [till 11 1 MPKF÷3 13 l2Dec
3 BasnyatK Bahadur 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MPHF÷2 17 BJuly
4 DixitMamatmarn llll1l1111l1111l11l 1 Il11llllMajDon322Sept
5 GyawatiLochan llIlllllllllllllllll 1II1I11I1PHF 3212Nov
6 Joshi BharatNarsing 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MPHF+1 15 lSJune
7 Kayastha Chandratekha 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MPHF+4 9 4 May
8 KayasthaMatsyendraLatllllllllllllllllillllIlllltlllllMaJ000322SMaY
9 Khemka Shiv Prakash 1 1 12 Feb
10 Mahaoan Kamata 1 1 1 MPHF+2 3 29 May
11 MahaijanPaderniat 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MPHF.2 13 l3Feb
12 MatlapatyBijaya 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MPHFi-5 9 9May
13 Maltapaty Gabnete 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MPHF+5 9 17 Dec
14 Maskay Ramesh [at I I MPHF+1 2 12 June
15 MathernaKeshabB 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MPHFi-2 20 2Juty
16 NyachhyonKBahadur 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 111 1 1 11 Ii 1 111 1 1 MPKF+1 32 lSJan
17 Pajiyar Or Nabat 1 I 1 1 1 PHF 5 23 Nov
18 PandeyRabendraRaj 11111111111111111 1 11 11.111111 MajDon 28 l4Dec
19 Pradhan Shwa Kurnar 1 1 1 1 .1 1 1 1 MPHF÷1 8 2 May
20 Pradhanang Nirmat K 1 1 NPHF÷1 2 18 Feb
21 PrasaiSharda 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1. 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NPHF.i-1 18 l4June
22 RajbhandaiySibaBhakta 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1. 1 1 1 MajDon 19 liJune
23 Rawat Mahendra Singh 1 1 5 Oct
24 RegmiorPrakashRaj 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 11 1 111 1 1 MPHFi7 24 3OJune
25 SaI~a Gautam 1 1 1 PHF 3 26 Feb
26 ShalqiaPushkarMan 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1 1 1 1 MPHF÷1 25 l4Jan
27 SakyaTnthaMan 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MajDon 31 2lJuty
28 SharmaDr B Bandhu 1. 1 .1 1 1. 1 1 MPHF+3 7 2lune
ZgShrestha6aneshRaj i1111111111111111 1\1I111LMPHF+82522N0V
30 Shrestha Jeevan Kuniar 1 1 1 1. 1 I 1 1 1 1 MPHF+1 11 6 May
31 Shrestha KedarBhakta 1 1 .1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MPNF÷3 14 l8Jan
32 Shrestha Kiran 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PHF 9 lOJuty
33 ShresthaflrMuktiNarayan 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 PIlE 9 lJuty
34ShresthaSantaKumar l1111111111111lll1 1II1IIIPIPHF+3265N0v
35 ShresthaYagyaBahadur 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I PHF 22 BAprit
36 Sitwat Dr Shivaji B I 1 1 1 1 PHF 5 6 Aug
37 ramrakarJamunaKnshna I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 I 1 1 MPIIF+2 18 l7Feb
38 Thapa Kiran 1 1 2 Mar
39 Thapa Lalita 1 1 1 1 1 1 iIPHF÷3 6 19 Mar
40 ThapaMahendra 1 1 1 1 1 1 MPHF+1 6 l4Apr
41 UpretyDrAruna 1 1 1 1 3 iDec
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/ kotar3t< Club’ Of Patthz (RCP) ‘ A


‘/4 <‘ANNUALIEPORT<AS 0?! <JUNE 20W ‘<‘ 44<. /

/ ‘ 2 ‘<S’ / <‘4 /4 <4 / / / A <<<4 / / ‘ / ‘ ‘<- aya U

/ 1 ‘4 ‘4 7< / President & PEEF FJn<ance Manager

Introduction pointed out that a long-term mechanism was needed to

Since its establishment in 1991, the Rotary Club of deal with the PEEF’s dependence on fluctuating interest
Patan’s (RCP) flagship programme, the Prajapati Education rates and that reporting to its expanding donor base
Endowment Fund (PEEF) has successfully expanded into needed to be simplified. The Operational Fund had
a relatively large programme with its Trust Fund reaching been decreasing due to reduced interest rates while the
11.57 million Nepalese Rupees (NR5.). In the Rotary Year scholarship amounts needed to support every student
2015—2016, some 480 public school students of lower had been increasing due to continuing inflation. The
income families in 27 schools of Lalitpur District will Trust Fund is invested safely in fixed deposits with
receive scholarships totalling NRs. 907,500 to support their only the interest generated from it used to provide
education from grade 7 to 10. scholarships to the students. However the income
generated from the interest is no longer sufficient to
Following the RCP Constitution and By-Laws, a PEEF cover the scholarship amount as originally thought.
‘Management and Operational Policies’ (PEEF MOPs) was
established by the Rotary Club of Patan in December 2013. The (iii) Based on the situation analysis, a survey was conducted
PEEF MOPs separates the Trust Fund from the Operational Fund within the Rotary Club of Patan to gather important
and outlines the policies and procedures of its management, participatory feedback from all members. The survey
criteria for support, investments and financial management feedback confirmed that the scholarships provided
mechanisms, and administrative responsibilities. have been highly appreciated by the students and
that they have helped needy students in continuing
A key to the continued success of this flagship programme with their education. It also iterated that the RCP
of the RCP is that the entire RCP family takes ownership wants this flagship programme to continue with the
of it. In addition to a dedicated committee managing this participation of all, or a maximum number of its
programme, the RCP family volunteers its valuable time and members. With reference to the challenges, the survey
resources during the annual student selection and funds came up with a set of strategic recommendations to
distribution in the assisted schools throughout the Lalitpur revise the management and operational policies of the
District. PEEF. Following a thorough review process by the PEEF
The Rotary Club of Patan gratefully appreciates the Committee, the RCP Board and the full ‘House’ approved
contributions and continued support from all of its donors major changes in the management of the PEEF. Key
and well-wishers. changes with major impact are highlighted below:
This Annual Report captures key actions taken during Expand investments of the ‘Trust Fund’ from the
the reporting period 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2016, and current ‘Commercial Banks only’ to national level
provides a summary, together with an attachment, showing ‘Development Banks’ and Financial Companies, which
all PEEF contributors and contributions. are controlled by the policies of the Central Bank of
2015—2016 Report
o Raise permanent contribution for the sponsorship of
(i) The RCP family was shocked by the sudden passing away
a child to NRs. 50,000, and increase contributions to
of Past President and Programme Manager of the PEEF,
the PEEF Operational Fund to have a good reserve.
Rtn. Narayan Govind Halwai, on 11 January 2016. An
active member of the Rotary Club of Patan since 1986— o Towards qualitative support of a student, gradually
1987, his dedication to social work is an inspiration increase annual scholarship amount, while reducing
to us alL Rtn. [lalwai took charge and devoted time, the number of students and schools supported
energy and efforts to ensure sustainable results. His based on affordability. This year, the scholarship
tireless and committed work since the inception of amount per student was increased from NRs. 1,500
PEEF in 1991 has been instrumental in bringing PEEF to NRs. 2,000, with an additional NRs. 500 given to
achievements to their current level. meritorious students obtaining 750/0 or more marks
in their final examinations.
(ii) A situation analysis of the PEEF programme was
conducted in March 2016, the year of its 25th o In view of the reduction in number of students,
anniversary. The analysis investigated the programme’s reporting to donors will not be [inked to individual
successes and strengths, as well as future challenges. It students. The PEEF Annual Report will indicate
original contributions and number of students was NRs. 1,013,018 while total expenditure was NRs.
sponsored by each donor. The reporting mechanism 956,570.
is also being reviewed to continue the programme (vii) Balances as of 30 June 2016 (Statement in annex):
with no administrative costs.
Trust Fund NRs. 11,567,358
(iv) In April 2016, PEEF celebrated its 25th anniversary with
Operating Fund NRs. 538,513
an advocacy programme highlighting its achievements
over the past 25 years. The speakers included a Looking ahead
representative of recipients of the REEF scholarship
with a success story from a first-prize recipient of the With strategic shifts in the PEEF programme, the coming
Kamalmani Educational Excellence Award (KEEA), and a years will be crucial in institutionalizing REEF programme
headmaster from a REEF-supported school. management and operations while continuously reviewing its
practicality in the evolving context of the public education
(v) An expanded Kamalmani Educational Excellence Award system in Nepal. The Rotary Club of Patan is confident that
(KEEA) programme complements the PEEF programme the programme will continue with its original mandate to
by awarding 10 merit students from among the 27 support public school students from lower-income families
schools supported by PEEF. The headmasters of the 27 to improve their education. The REEF Committee Members for
PEEF-supported schools were invited to a joint event 2016—2017 in the Rotary Club of Patan are as follows:
awarding the KEEA students and celebrating the 25th
anniversary of the PEEF programme. Rtn. Chandralekha Kayastha, President Elect: Coordinator
(vi) 2015—2016 Income and Expenditures: During this Rtn. Padam Lall Maharjan: Programme Manager
Rotary Year, contributions of NRs. 290,924 to the Trust Rtn. Bijaya Mallapaty: Finance Manager
Fund, NRs. 259,575 to the Operational Fund, and NRs.
Rtn. Ganesh R. Shrestha: Distribution Manager
117,655 for annual scholarships were received. This
year, the largest contribution was brought through Rtn. Siba B. Rajbhandary: Member - Resource Mobilization
Rtns. Matsyendra L. and Chandralekha Kayastha, while Rtn. Matsyendra L. Kayastha: Member
the largest all-time total contribution continues to be
through Rtn. Siba B. Rajbhandary and family. Rtn. Sharada Prasai: Member

Excluding contributions to the Trust Fund, which can’t Ex-Offlcio Members:

be spent, 2015—2016 total income to the Operational President, Treasurer and Chairperson of Service Projects
Fund, including interests earned on the Trust Fund,

Is. Juna Maharjan

Auditor. BRS Neupane & Chartered Co., Nepal

Sp~ on behaLf of the recipients of the PEEF schoLarship. A portion

of her is reproduced beLow:

~am really thankful to the Rotary Club of Patan for helping me to reach the current
~-position that I am in. I am from a middle-class family, and am now studying to
become a Chartered Accountant (CA) in Nepal. I passed my School Leaving Certificate
~SL~ from Shree Bal Kumari Higher Secondary School of Sunakothi, Lalitpur. In our
uu~y, nie governn . provides free education up to primary Level in public schools. After primary level, a
minimum fee is charged to students, but many families struggle to pay even that minimum fee. In such an
environment, the Rotary Club of Patan has helped many students to complete their studies. I am also one of these
examples. I received a PEEF scholarship from the Rotary Club of Patan from class 7. After receiving the scholarship,
I gained the courage to study more and get higher marks. I passed my SLC with distinction and, as a result, I
received a good scholarship far my higher-level studie3 in DAV College, where I was ranked number one in the
entire college in the management faculty. After that, I joined Shanker Dev College to pursue my bachelor-level
studies. Simultaneously, I took CA classes in ~AI instilute. After studying for three years, I completed my BBS
in the first division and was ranked first in the entire college. Now I am a final year student of CA. Behind these
achievements, there is a big contribution from the Rotary Club. I hope that the Rotary Club of Patan will be able to
continue to give scholarships to many more students in need of financial assistance to go to school and improve
their learning, just like it helped me. Finally, I want to give my heartfelt thanks to the Rotary Club of Patan.
Prajapati Education Endowment Fund Contribution to Trust Fund (As of June 30, 2016)
in NRs.
%~Wj~ ~ ~ WÜ1V&t

A. Contributors with Sub-TotaLs under the RCP Initiators

1. Rtn. Piyush Bajrachanja 30,000 - 75,000 45,000 120,000 4
2. Mr. Mandar Bajracharya, USA 24,860 — 24,860 2
3. Ms. Sabita R. Bajracharya, USA 15,000 — 15,000 1
Sub-total Rift. Piyush Bajracharya 30,000 - 114,860 45,000 159,860 7
4. Rtn. Krishna B Basnyat 3,000 15,000 5,000 20,000 1
5. Late Mrs. Yasodhara Basnet 15,000 15,000 1
Sub-totaL Rtn. Krishna B. Basnyat — 3,000 30,000 5,000 35,000 2
6. Rtn. Chandra Shekhar Gyawali 5,000 — 5.000
7. Mrs. On Oswin, Bachan 8. David Oswin’s friends 75,000 — 75,000 5
8. Mr. Takashi Kawasaki, Japan 60,000 — 60,000 4
9. Dr. lur. Karl-Heinz Loderle 82,386 — 82,386 5
Sub-totaL Rtn. Chandra S. GyawaLi — 222,386 — 222,386 14
10. Rtn. Karnalmani Dixit 108.500 — 108,500 7
11. Spouse Anju Dixit 20,000 20,000
Sub-total Rtn. Kamalmani Dixit — — 108,500 20,000 128,500 7
12. Rtn. Late Narayan Govind Halwai 70,250 10,500 80,750 5
13. LW Munu Rajkarnikar 15,000 — 15,000 1
14. Mrs. Neeru Shakya 15.000 — 15,000 1
15. Rtn. Prahad Manandhar 15,000 — 15,000 1
16. Rtn. Suresh + Dr. Indira 30,000 — 30,000 2
17. Late Harkha Maya Rajkarnikar 100,000 — 100,000 5
18. Mr. Manish Rajkarnikar, USA 57,500 — 57,500 4
19. Mrs. Heema Rajkarnikar Joshi, USA 15,000 — 15,000 1
20. Mr. & Mrs. Manish & Srnriti Rajkarnikar, USA 30,000 — 30.000 2
21. Mrs. Shubha Rajkarnikar Shrestha, Australia is,ooo — 15,000 1
22. Anju, Saurav, Melbourne Friends, Australia 30,000 — 30,000 2
23. Mr. Darshan Shrestha, Australia 15,000 — 15,000 1
24. Mrs. Smrity and Mends, USA 15,000 — 15,000 1
25. Mr. S. Muramoto, Japan 10,000 — 10,000 1
26. Rtn. Jim Sinclair, USA 14.497 — 14,497 1
Sub-Total Rtn. Narayan G. Halwai — — 447,247 10,500 457,747 29
27. Rtn. Matsyendra Lal Kayastha - 45,000 205,000 45,000 250,000 12
28. Rtn. Chandra Lekha Kayastha 15,000 15,000 15,000 30,000 1
29. Late Krishna Lal Kayastha 15,000 15,000 15,000 30,000 1
30. Late Amrit Kumari Kayastha 15,000 15,000 15,000 30,000 1
31. Mr. Manish Kayastha 15,000 60,000 15,000 75,000 4
32. Late Nanda Lal & Chiniya Devi Kayastha 15,000 — 15,000 1
33. Late Mr. & Mrs. Singha B. Kayastha 15.000 15.000 15,000 30.000 1
34. Mrs. Prathana S. Kayastha 15,000 . 15,000 1
35. Mr. & Mrs. Kanhaiya 8. Rohini Kayastha, USA 15,000 15,000 15,000 30,000 1
36. Mrs. Mousam K. Adcock, USA 64,575 32,725 27,275 60,000 2
37. Dr. Bruce Adcock, USA 17,700 12,300 30,000 1
38. Mr. Rayhan K. Adcock, USA 15,000 15,000 30,000 1
39. Late Krishna B Gongol 10,000 20,000 10.000 30,000 1
40. Late Bhumati 0. Gongol 10,000 20,000 10,000 30.000 1
41. Mrs. Megha K. Joshi 20,000 . 20,000 1
42. Rtns .Matsyendra & Chandralekha Kayastha 10,000 50,000 10,000 60,000 2
43. Ms. Diya K. Adcock 20,000 10,000 30,000 1
44. Mr. Pranish L. Kayastha 30,000 20,000 50,000 1
45. Mr. Jitendra & Deepa Amatya 30,000 - 30,000 1
Sub-totaL Rift. Matsyendra & Chandralekha - 244,575 625,425 264,575 890,000 35
46. Rtn. Padma Lal Mahaijan 20,000 — 20,000 1
47. Late Sanu Mahaijan 15,000 — 15,000 1
48. Late Mrs. Lanthakuwn Mahaijan 15.000 — 15.000 1
49. Mr. Pascal Mahaijan, USA 15,000 — 15,000 1
Prajapati Education Endowment Fund Contribution to Trust Fund (As of June 30, 2016) ~
:6;%Wr~*t:~~~, ~ A4d2CI5/1C?tt~S~
~ flust Fund i Tthle Op hind ftustlwtd I TIme 00 LaS Total ~

50. Mr. Pankaj Mahaijan, USA 15,000 — 15,000 1

51. Mr. Poonam Mahaijan, USA 15,000 — 15,000 1
52. Ms Ayumi Ishikawa Mahaijan, USA 20,000 — 20,000 1
53. Mrs Emi Kawasaki Mahaijan, USA 15,000 — 15,000 1
54. Ms. Mijuki I. Mahaijan 20.000 — 20.000 1
55. Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Kristine - 52,880 — 52,880 2
56. Ms. Anye Mae Mahaijan 30,000 30,000 — 30.000 1
Sub-Total Rtn. Padma L. Maharjan 30,000 — 232,880 — 232,880 12
57. Rtn. Gabriel Mallapaty 30,000 - 30,000 2
58. Rtn. Bijaya Mallapaty 55,000 . 55.000 3
59. Ms. Smriti Mallapaty, USA 15,000 15,000 30,000 1
60. Mr. Ajaya Mallapaty, USA 30,000 30,000 60,000 2
61. Mrs Use Hahn, Germany 15,000 15,000 30.000 1
52. Mrs. Manuela Mucke, Germany 15,000 - 15,000 1
63. Late Dilli R. Uprety 15,000 - 15,000 1
64. Mr. Roraj Pradhananga. USA 62,750 - 62.750 4
65. Mr. Bhawani Sapkota, USA 30.000 - 30,000 2
66. Mrs. Sujala Pant, USA 15,000 - 15,000 1
67. Mangala and (Late Shive) Pradhananga, USA 105,000 57,876 162.876 6
68. Mrs. Surabi Bhattarai, USA 15.000 - 15,000 1
69. Ms. Katherine piedra, USA 15,000 - 15,000 1
Sub-TotaL Rtns. Bijaya & Gabriete MaLlapaty 417,750 217.876 635,626 26
70. Rtn. Keshav B. Mathema 66.000 — 66,000 4
71, Mr. Chris & Mrs. Kathleen Davis, USA 126,902 — 126,902 8
72. Mick Symonds Foundation, USA 366.000 — 366,000 20
73. Mr. Varun Mathema, USA 30.000 — 30,000 2
Sub-total RIo. Keshav 8. Mathema — — 588,902 — 588,902 34
74. Rtn. Rabendra R. Pandey 15,000 — 15,000 1
75. Khagendra Piyush Education Guthi 15.000 .- 15,000 1
76. Rtn. Robert Rose & Anne Gina. USA 15.000 — 15,000 1
Sub-total Rtn. Rabendra R. Pandey — — 45,000 — 45,000 3
77. Late Krishna 8th + LW Sulochana Pradhan 15,000 — 15,000 1
78. Mr Mahesh & Mrs Sandhaya Pradhan 15.000 — 15,000 1
79. Mr Sarosh 8 Mrs Rajshree Pradhan 15.000 — 15,000 1
80. LW Sulochana Pradhan 20,000 — 20,000 1
Sub-totaL Rtn. Krishna (Late) 8 1W SuLochana — — 65,000 — 65,000 4
81. Prajapati Foundation 100.000 100,000
82. Rtn. Sharda Prasai 150,000 — 150,000 10
83. Late Prajapati Prasai - 14,000 — 14,000 1
84. Mr. Andre Gilloz, Switzerland 453.290 — 453,290 30
85. Mr Georges A Cuendet, Switzerland 381,227 — 381,227 25
86. Ms Veera 8 Mr C Trachaz, Switzerland 573,473 — 573,473 38
87. Mrs. Ines Ramaut, Belgium 28,488 — 28.488 2
88. Mr Patric & Mrs Martine, Belgium 13,972 — 13,972 1
Sub-Total Rtn. Prajapati (Late) & Sharda Prasai — — 1,614,450 100,000 1,714,450 107
89. Rtn. Siba B. Rajbhandary 8 Family 163,795 10,000 173,795 11
90. International Ladies Bridge Club 30,000 — 30.000 2
91. Late Shailendra Kumar Upadhya 15,000 — 15,000 1
92. Late Mohan Narayan Shrestha 15,000 — 15,000 1
93. Dr. Shushila Pradhan 30,000 — 30.000 2
94. Rtn. Dr. Tulsi L Mahaijan, USA 40,709 — 40,709 2
95. Mrs. Mary Pradhan, USA 38,290 — 38,290 3
96. Mrs Deepa Hada Rustum, USA 46,920 — 46,920 3
97. Mr. Yakshya B. Malla, USA 15,094 — 15,094 1
98. Late <uI Narayan Mahaijan, USA 139,625 139,625 10
99. Mr. Obi 8 Mrs. Vibha Joshi, USA 14.400 — 14,400 1
f Patan

Prajapat’i Education Endowment Fund Contribution to Thist Fund (As of June 30, 2016)
100. Late Krishna Manandhar, USA
~/4~%4 ‘ ~M.
455,950 I - 455,950
in NRs.

1~iT Late Had Bhakta Dongal, USA 148,000 — 148,000 10
102. Mr. Dillon Lal, USA 12,010 — 12,010 1
103. Friends of Nepal, New Jersey, USA 52.550 — 52,550 3
~ Mrs. Prayog Man Pradhan, Australia 15,000 — 15,000 1
iä~E Mr. Grijesh Man Shrestha 15,000 — 15,000 1
106. Mr. Jarod Lal, USA 15,000 — 15,000 1
Th7E Mr. Everest Bhakta Rajbhandary, USA 34,501 — 34,501 2
108. Late Laxmi Maya Mahadan, USA 37,550 — 37,550 2
iö~E Dr. Roji Rajbhandary, USA 15,000 — 15.000 1
11W Friends of Nepal, New Jersey, USA (For Sankhu) 180.000 — 180,000 6
111. PDG Rtn. Amitav Mukeijee, India 39,500 — 39,500 3
112. P06 Rtn. Shekhar Mehta, India 25,000 — 25,000 2
113. Rtn. Sushan Sola, USA 35,248 — 35,248 2
114. Mr. Keith Smith, Australia 95,525 — 95,525 6
115. Ms. Linda Starodub, USA 17,033 — 17,033 1
116. Mrs. Richard C. Goldman, USA 7,547 — 7,547 1
iii Dr. Prabhu Prabhakar, USA 520,905 421.970 2,364,202 421,970 2,786,172 98
IThE Wen-Chinan Yang Memorial Scholarship, USA 148,000 — 148,000 10
iW~~ Ms. Mithila Rajbhandary 30,000 30,000 — 30,000 1
120. Mr. John Person, do Dr. Tulsi Mahadan, USA 30,000 30,000 30,000 1
ñï Ms Sulochana, do Dr. Tulsi Mahaijan, USA 110,924 110,924 110.924 3
Sub-Total Rtn. Siba B. Rajbhandary 140,924 4,432,373 431,970 4,864,343 223
122. Rtn. Dr. Prakash R. Regmi 45,000 — 45,000 3
123. 1W Upasana Regmi 15,000 — 15,000 1
124. Ms. Jigyasa Regmi . 30,000 — 30,000 1
Sub-Total Rtn. Dr. Prakash R. Regmi - — 90,000 — 90,000 5
125. Rtn. Puskar Man Shakya — 20,000 20,000
126. Mrs. Teresa Cruz, Portugese Consular 112,767 — 112,767 7
127. Ms Rita Jefer Weber, Switzerland 11,000 — 11,000 1
128. Mr. Andre 0e Jonckheere, Belgium Consular 10,000 — 10,000 1
Sub-total Rtn. Puskar N. Shakya — — 133,767 20,000 153,767 9
ii~E Rtn. Ganesh Raj Shrestha 78,000 15,000 93,000 5
130. Mr. Yadav Kunwar 75,000 — 75,000 5
131. Mr. Bijay Math Bhattarai 15,000 — 15,000 1
132. 1W Bijaya Shrestha 15,000 — 15,000 1
133. Ms. Ujala Shrestha 15,000 — 15,000 1
Sub-TotaL Rtri. Ganesh R. Shrestha — — 198,000 15,000 213,000 13
i5~ Rtn. Kedar B. Shrestha 15,000 20,000 35,000 1
135. Indra-Jawahar Sahyog Guthi 15,000 - 15,000 1
136. Mrs. Jawahar 0. Shrestha 15,000 - 15,000 1
137. Mr. Season Shrestha, USA 10,388 10,388 1
138. Mr. Prem R. Mahat, USA 10,388 10,388 1
139. Mr. Rajendra Shrestha, USA 10,388 - 10,388 1
140. Dr. 8 Mrs. Sanjib 8 Soni Shrestha, USA 25,158 - 25,158 2
141. Dr. Sanjeeb Shrestha, USA 60,000 - 60,000 4
142. Mr. 8 Mrs. Keshav 8 Ram S.Shrestha, USA 15,000 . 15,000 1
I~iE Mr.& Mrs. Shreedhar 8 Sudeshna Shrestha, USA 18,773 - 18,773 1
144. Mr. & Mrs. Bharat 8 Baijanti, USA 14,770 - 14,770 1
i~S Mr. 8 Mrs. Anuva 8 Kraig Bonzek, USA 14,770 - 14,770 1
146. Mr. Raj Shrestha 14,770 - 14,770 1
147. Mr. 8 Mrs. Nabin 8 Agnes Shrestha, USA 14,770 - 14.770 1
148. Mr. 8 Mrs. Bikash & Bijaya Shrestha, USA 7,161 - 7,161
149. Mr. & Mrs. Pankaz 8 Monika Shrestha, USA 14,770 - 14,770 1
150. Dr. Sabin Shrestha, USA 14,770 - 14,770 1
Sub-TotaL Rtn. Kedar 8. Shrestha 290,876 20,000 310,876 20
151. Rtn. Dr. Mukti N. Shrestha 20,000 — 20,000 1
152. Anne Prabina Shrestha 45,000 — 45.000 3
Sub-TotaL Rtn. Dr. Mukti N. Shrestha — — 65,000 — 65,000 4
Total of A 290,924 257,575 9,842,416 1,160,921 11,003,337 558
Prajapati Education Endowment Fund Contribution to Trust Fund (As of June 30, 2016)
in 111k
~ - Stfwed
I Tume OpFund flvst Zuñi IZiá~SSrind Total
B. Individual RCP Contributors
1. Rtn. Bijaya Bajrachrnya 1,000 - 1,000
2. Rtn. Suresh C. Lakhey 77,000 - 77,000 5
3. Rtn. Tulsi Neupane 15,000 - 15,000 1
4. Rtn. Kamal B. Nyachhyon 15,000 . 15,000 1
5. Rtn. Shreedhar Shumsher JBR 15,000 - 15,000 1
6. P06 Rtn. Tirtha M. Sakya 15,000 - 15.000 1
7. Rtn. Or. Biswa B. Sharma 15,000 10,000 25,000 1
8. Rtn. Jeevan & 1W Gunu Shrestha 2,000 20.000 2,000 22.000 1
9. Rtn. Khruschev & 1W Kalpana Shrestha 20,000 10,000 30.000 1
10. Rtn. Kiran Shrestha with Arti, Usha, Abha 15,000 . 15.000 1
11. Rtn. Santa K. Shrestha 25,111 . 25,111 2
12. Rtn. Jamuna K. Tamrakar 79,500 6,000 85,500 5
13. Rtn. Nirmal Pradhanang (Memmy: Kieth Smith) - 5,000 5,000
14. Mr. Son Paneru 20,000 - 20,000 1
15. Mr. Shreedhar Acharya 71,000 - 71,000 5
16. Mr. Chirinjibi Acharya 15,000 . 15,000 1
17. Or. Chandra R Maskey 15,000 . 15,000 1
18. Or. Prachanda Pradhan 30,000 - 30,000 2
19. Mr. Shisma R. Prasai 15,000 . 15,000 1
20. Mr. Madan Rai 15,000 . 15,000 1
21. Mr. Gyanu R. Shakya 15,000 . 15.000 1
22. Mr. Karna B. Shakya 15,000 . 15.000 1
23. Mr. Moti L. Shilpakar 13,000 13.000 1
24. Late Mr. Ram S. Thapa 15,000 15.000 1
25. Late Rtn. Vishnu P. Ohital-6000, Mr. Cm RajbhandaTy-6000
Rtn. Siddhi B. Shakya-3000, Mr Sagar Shunshere
JBR-5000, & Mr. Ohruba Thapa-1000 21,000 - 21,000
TotaL of B - 2,000 572,611 33,000 605,611 36
C. Other Contributors
1. Alan Cope, Isle of Man, UK~ 1000; Rtn. Oenik Jrak, Belgium - 1000;
Rtn. Shiyo Kaju Netsu, Japan . 5000; & Mr. Ohruva B. Raut - 1000; 8,000 — 8,000
2. Govinda Pratistham 15,000 - 15,000
3. Inner Wheel Club of RCP 240,000 - 240,000 16
4. Rtn. Gale Jones, USA 14,807 - 14,807 1
5. Late P06 Rtn. T. Manekshaw 25,001 - 25,001 2
6. Saheed Dharma B. Mathema 15,000 - 15,000 1
7. 1W Brinda Rana 20,000 - 20,000 1
8. Rotary Club (FUKUI), Japan 35,449 - 35.449 2
9. RCP including Vocational Fund 439,074 - 439,074 29
10. Samjhouta Nepal 340,000 - 340,000 22
Total of C - - 1,152,331 - 1,152,331 75
Grand TotaL A.B+C(ALL TF and One Time Op. Fund) 290,924 259,515 11,567,358 1,193,921 12,761,279 669

Annual Contributions Balance as of 30 June 2016

1. Rtn. Chandra S. Gyawali 30,600 Trust Fund : 11,567,358
2. Khagendra Piyush Edu.Guthi, c/a Rtn. R.R. Pandey 18,360 Operating Fund : 538,513
3. RC Branchburg, USA 68,695 TotaL : 12,105,871
Total: 117,655

RotanfClub ofPd*cnx43

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- Rin. Bijaya Mallapaty
Background: support the RCP’s flagship PEEF Scholarship Programme,
Rtn. Kamalmani Dixit donated NRs. 100,000 in August motivate students to do better, and improve the Rotary
2012 to the Rotary Club of Patan (RCP) to establish a Club of Patan’s public image. The third award ceremony in
Trust Fund to honour the best-performing student from April 2016 awarded 10 students for the first time.
among those receiving scholarship support from the RCP’s In June 2016, Rtn. Kamalniani Dixit contributed additional
Prajapati Education Endowment Fund (PEEF). The interest NRs. 30,000 making a total contribution of NRs. 155,000
earned from the Trust Account would provide the financial to the RCP Club Trust Fund, which will cover the first prize
means to confer the Rtn. Kamalmani Dixit Educational of NRs. 12,000 annually. All sponsors, including 6 new
Excellence Award ‘KMDEEA’ of NRs. 5,000 annually. Three sponsors who have committed to contributing annually
students were selected for interview and in December from 2016 are listed below:
2013, the best all-round student among these three
students received the first ever KMDEEA. Sponsors:
Subsequently, in February 2014, Rtn. Kamalmani Dixit
announced an additional contribution of NRs. 25,000 to
this Trust Fund and requested to raise the award from 2) R
NRs. 5,000 to NRs. 10,000 per year. The RCP endorsed
this request and decided to include the total amount of
funds (NRs. 125,000) into the existing Club Trust Fund. To 3) R ?s. 5,000
expand this award, Rtn. Ganesh R. Shrestha and PDG Rtn. Chandi - _ontribution)
Tirtha M. Sakya provided additional annual contributions 4) Rtn. Bijaya L. Mallapaty NRs. 5,000
of NRs. 5,000 and FIRs. 3,000 respectively for the 2nd and
(annual contribution)
3rd best students. The second award ceremony took place
in December 2014, which awarded three students. 5) Rtn. Tirtha Man Sakya NRs. 3,000

The RCP members very much appreciated this award (annual contribution)
programme, as it allowed them to meet with well- 6) Rtn. l.alita Thapa NRs. 3,000
performing students among the PEEF scholarship (annual contribution)
programme recipients. Therefore, in October 2015, it was
7) Rtn. Sharda Prasai NRs. 3,000
decided to further expand the award programme to reward
10 students based on merit from among the students (annual contribution)
sponsored by the PEEF. The additional 9 prizes (3 second 8) Rtn. Gautam Shakya NRs. 3,000
prizes of NRs. 5,000 each and 6 third prizes of NRs. 3,000 (annual contribution)
each) would be given through annual contributions from
9) Rtn. Nirmal Pradhanang NRs. 3,000
(annual contribution)
In 2016, the award was renamed Kama[mani Educational
Excellence Award (KEEA). The expanded KEEA awards will 10) Rtn. Siba 3. Rajbhandary NRs. 3,000
(annual contribution)
Award Modalities: The RCP Interview and Selection Committee will comprise
of the Coordinator of the PEEF (RCP President Elect), the
Annually, ten top-scoring students in the final examination
RCP Secretary and the RCP Chairperson of the Service
of grade IX from 10 different schools supported by the
PEEF will be pre-selected. All 10 students will be called for
interview and categorised as: one best all-round student, The award ceremony, which would also be an advocacy
three second-best students and six third-best students for event to enhance the public image of Rotary/Rotary Club
appropriate cash awards and certificates. of Patan, will be held at an appropriate date before the
The minimum marks scored must be 65°/s. More than one end of December every year. All of the Headmasters from
the PEEF supported schools (currently 27) and the 10
student can only be selected from a school if there are not
enough candidates obtaining scores above 5501o from 10 students will be invited.
separate schools.

Rotary I)
The Object ofRotary is to encourage and foster the idea of service as a basis of worthy enterprise
and, in particular, to encourage andfoster

The developer ofacquaintance as an opportunity for service;

High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition ofthe worthiness of all useful
occupations; and the dignifying ofeach Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society;

The application ofthe ideal ofservice in each Rotarian ‘c personal, business and community 4fe;

The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a worldfellowship
of business and professional persons united the ideal ofservice.
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Tie Council on Legislation is to the RI Bylaws and does not and to agree to disagree but not take
I usually held once in 3 years at express the Committee’s opinion it personally or carry it home. Council
a site determined by the RI Board regarding the merits of the proposal. Chairman introduces the enacting
of Directors. This year (2016), the Compromise proposals are labeled of Co—chair, Secretaries and bylaws
Council on Legislation was held on with Compromise Legislation above committees. And address burning
10-15 April in Chicago, Illinois, USA. the Council number. issue like attendance, litigations,
It was attended by 530 representatives The proposers’ statements of Purpose membership, RI Dues and many
from all the districts in the world to and Effect and the Financial Impact more.
debate, discuss and electronically statements from the general secretary The enactments/resolutions were
vote for the submitted Enactments, are printed below each item of adopted, withdrawn, rejected or
Resolution by any or all districts. legislation. The statements of Purpose referred to board and postponed
All items of legislation are divided and Effectare drafted by the proposers indefinitely are as follows.
into two types: enactments and of the legislation and have not been ENACTMENTS ADOPTED
resolutions. A proposed enactment edited for accuracy. The Financial
seeks to amend the RI constitutional Impact statements are drafted by Council No. Title
documents. Constitutional documents the general secretary and reflect any 16-0 1 To provide for written board
include the RI Constitution, the RI estimated increase or decrease in meeting minutes
Bylaws and the Standard Rotary Club revenues and/or expenses that will 16-02 To provide that the club
Constitution. Allenactments reference be incurred by implementing the treasurer shall be a member
the 2013 Manual of Procedure proposed enactment or resolution. of the board
page numbers of the constitutional Enactments categories in the area
document(s) they propose to amend. 16-05 To provide for committees in
of Club Administration, Avenues of clubs
A proposed resolution is any item Service and Object of Rotary, Club
that does not seek to amend these Meetings, Attendances, Membership, 16-06 To define the purpose of
documents but other RI policies and RI Officers and Elections (RI Rotary clubs
procedures. President, RI Directors, Governors 16-07 To remove admission fees for
At the top of each piece of legislation and Miscellaneous), Legislative club members
is a Council number (for example, procedures, The Rotary Foundation 16-10 To amend the second Avenue
16-01). Items of legislation proposing and Rotary International. of Service
changes on the same topic may have The COL representative is required 16-21 To allow for flexibility in club
similar or identical titles. to undertake and complete online meetings and attendance
Also at the top of the legislation is training and training in Regional
Rotary Institutes from this year 16-26 To amend the provisions for
the name of the proposer(s). Some canceling a meeting
items have more than one. This occurs otherwise RI will not bear the
when multiple proposers submit travelling cost and other expenses of 16-27 To revise attendance
identical items of legislation that representative. requirements
are then combined. It also occurs The Inauguration of Council on 16-30 To revise attendance
when proposers of similar items Legislation 2016 on lOApril, afternoon provisions to allow for both
agree to join a piece of compromise was business like. RI President in person and online meeting
legislation recommended by the K.R.Ravindran highlighted the spirit participation
Constitution & Bylaws Committee. behind Council on Legislation. He 16-34 To amend the provisions for
This recommendation is pursuant requested all for the healthy debate excused absences
16-35 To amend the provisions for for litigation-related actions Withdrawn
excused absences and to amend the provisions
16-08 To revise the provisions for
16-36 To allow for flexibility in for repeated election comp
Club admission fees
membership and classification laints from a district
16-09 To revise the provisions for
16-38 To revise the provisions for 16-82 To remove the distinction Club admission fees
membership between traditional Clubs 16-14 To add a fifth part to the
and e-Clubs
16-40 To alLow Rotaractors to be Object of Rotary to encourage
active members 16-83 To provide for a minimum a new generation of global
number of charter members leaders
16-47 To amend the provisions for
for new Clubs 16-16 To add a fifth part to the
honorary membership
16-84 To revise the Board’s Object of Rotary to include
16-48 To amend the provisions for
authority to change district New Generations
suspension of membership
boundaries 16-19 To amend the Object of
16-50 To amend the provisions for Rotary
16-86 To provide when districts
suspension of membership 16-22 To allow Clubs flexibility
and their boundaries are
16-51 To amend the provisions for established in structuring their weekly
transferring and former meetings
16-87 To allow districts to add a
Rotarians 16-23 To allow Clubs flexibility in
geographical name to their
16-54 To amend the duties of the choosing a regular meeting
district number
president schedule
16-88 To revise the provisions for a 16-24 To provide that Clubs shall
16-55 To provide for a non-voting district to adopt its annual meet at least twice per
member of the RI Board statement month
16-57 To revise the qualifications 16-89 To sanction those who 16-25 To provide that Clubs shall
for membership on the improperly administer the meet twice per month
nominating committee for district fund 16-27 To revise attendance require-
president ments
16-90 To provide for a membership
16-61 To revise the procedures for committee of RI 16-28 To revise attendance require
selecting directors-nominee ments
16-91 To amend the terms of
16-62 To amend the provisions reference for the Audit 16-29 To revise attendance require-
for selecting the director- Committee ments
nominee by nominating 16-31 To amend the provisions for
16-93 To amend the terms of
committee procedure attendance
reference for the Strategic
16-63 To amend the qualifications Planning Committee 16-33 To amend the provisions for
for membership on the extended absences
16-96 To amend the subscription
nominating committee for Withdrawn
requirements for the Rotary
director 16-34 To amend the provisions for
magazine and regional maga
16-71 To amend the provisions zines excused absences
regarding concurrences to 16-35 To amend the provisions for
16-99 To increase per capita dues excused absences
16-105 To provide that the RI Board 16-37 To allow for flexibility in
16-72 To amend the provisions
shall establish the dates membership
regarding special elections
for Club reports and RI per 16-39 To revise the provisions
16-74 To amend the provisions for capita dues regarding membership of
selecting the vice-governor alumni
16-106 To revise the publication
16-76 To amend the provisions for requirement for legislation 16-42 To revise membership criteria
selecting the vice-governor 16-43 To amend the provisions for
16-113 To provide for a Council on
16-77 To amend the provisions for Resolutions qualification for membership
selecting the vice-governor 16-46 To amend the provisions
16-114 To providethatrepresentatives
16-81 To authorize the RI Board to shall serve for a term of three for the classification of
suspend or terminate a Club years members
16-52 To amend the provisions 16-119 To request the RI Board to resolutions meeting To revise
for transferring and former consider designating May as the procedures for selecting
Rotarians Celebrate Women Month Council representatives and
16-56 To amend the rules for Rejection members of the nominating
selecting the RI president- committee for director To
16-03 To provide that the secretary-
nominee allow districts to add a
elect shall be a member of
geographical name to their
16-64 To amend the qualifications the board
district number To amend the
for membership on the 16-04 To revise the provisions for subscription requirements f
nominating committee for Club officers or the Rotary magazine To
16-11 To amend the third Avenue of increase per capita dues To
16-67 To amend the qualifications Service waive per capita dues for
for membership on the one of the members when
nominating committee for 16-12 To remove the fifth Avenue
of Service two married people are both
director members of the same club
16-70 To revise the Club voting 16-13 To amend the fifth Avenue of To amend the provisions for
provisions when selecting a Service additional dues To provide
governor nominee through a 16-15 To add a fifth part to the that each Club pays dues for
ballot-by-mail Object of Rotary to include a minimum of 10 members To
16-75 To amend the provisions for the development of service provide for the distribution
selecting the vice-governor and leadership in youth and of minutes for the Council
young adults on Legislation To provide for
16-78 Toamendthevotingprocedures
16-32 To amend the provisions for the Council on Legislation to
at a district conference or
district resolutions meeting making up an absence meet every four years To hold
16-45 To provide for a new category the Council on Legislation
16-80 To revise the procedures for in August, September, or
selecting Council represen of membership: associate
membership October and to revise the
tatives and members of the timetable for submitting
nominating committee for 16-53 To encourage Clubs to search proposed legislation To
director for qualified members amend the process for
16-85 To revise the Board’s 16-58 To increase the term of office selecting representatives
authority to change district for RI director to three years to attend the Council
boundaries 16-59 To revise the qualifications on Legislation To amend
16-92 To amend theterms of reference for director the process for selecting
for the Audit Committee and representatives to attend
16-60 To revise the qualifications
to eliminate the Operations the Council on Legislation
for director
Review Committee To request the RI Board to
16-65 To amend the qualifications consider designating May as
16-94 To amend the terms of for membership on the
reference for the Strategic Public Image and Awareness
nominating committee for Enhancement Month
Planning Committee director
16-95 To amend the terms of 16-121 To request the RI Board to
16-66 To amend the qualifications consider establishing an
reference for the Strategic for membership on the
Planning Committee Environmental Preservation
nominating committee for Awareness Day
16-101 To adjust per capita dues director
based on the Consumer Price Referred to Board
16-68 To revise the procedures for
Index selecting directors-nominee 16-17 To amend the Object of
16-107 To provide for a second vice- To revise the qualifications Rotary
chairman of the Council on for governor-nominee To 16-18 To amend the Object of
Legislation eliminate the vice-governor Rotary
16-112 To restrict legislation to position To amend the
voting procedures at a dis 16-20 To amend the Object of
enactments Rotary
trict conference or district
Postponded Indefinitely graduate students in areas 16-133 To request the RI Board
16-41 To revise membership criteria not related to the areas of to consider lowering the
to prohibit those who have focus maximum ageformembership
never worked from becoming 16-149 To request the RI Board to in Rotaract to 25
members consider acknowledging the 16-134 To request the RI Board to
16-44 To amend the provisions for role and responsibilities of consider raising the Rotaract
composition of clubs district secretaries age limit to 35
16-98 To support the reduction of 16-151 To request the RI Board to 16—137 To request the RI Board
greenhouse gas emissions consider reminding Clubs of to consider establishing a
their autonomy 21st Century Rotary District
16-108 To revise the process for Museum
consideration of legislation 16-157 To request the RI Board
to consider providing all 16-140 To request the Trustees to
16-115 To provide that a Rotarian district conferences with a consider establishing a new
shall not attend more than video message from the RI type of grant
two Councils on Legislation president
as a representative 16-145 To request the Trustees to
16-160 To request the RI Board consider adding protection
Resolutions to consider proposing and empowerment of youth
Adopted legislation to the next as a seventh area of focus
16-118 To endorse and affirm that Council on Legislation 16-153 To request the RI Board to
the eradication of polio is a to revise the corporate consider suggesting the
goal of the highest order of governance structure position of Club productivity
Rotary International 16-172 To request the RI Board to officer
16-126 To request the RI Board consider not recommending 16-154 To request the RI Board to
to consider supporting commercial or licensed consider encouraging the
the prevention of sexual branding materials when a use of local language when
mutilation free option is available conducting Club business
16-132 To request the RI Board Rejected 16-156 To request the RI Board to
to consider revising the 16-87 To allow districts to add a consider allowing districts
membership age limits for geographical name to their to decide if they would like
Interact district number a president’s representative
16-136 To request the RI Board to 16-120 To request the RI Board to to attend their district
consider promoting Rotary consider designating May as conferences
Cards Public Image and Awareness 16-l6lTo request the RI Board to
16-139 To acknowledge the Enhancement Month consider establishing a
centennial anniversary of 16-121 To request the RI Board to nominating committee for
The Rotary Foundation consider establishing an zone coordinators
16-141 To request the Trustees Environmental Preservation Rejected
to consider amending the Awareness Day 16-163To request the RI Board
terms for Foundation grants 16-122 To request the RI Board to to consider forming an
to permit the purchase of consider including Preserve e-district for e-Clubs
equipment for pre-or post- Planet Earth as an official 16-165To request the RI Board to
surgical care units program of RI consider comparing the
16-142 To request the Trustees to 16-128 To request the RI Board to expenses of RI to other
consider allowing district consider adopting Rotarians organizations
grant subcommittee chairs Against Malaria as the next 16-167To request the RI Board
to monitor and review online worldwide program for to consider reducing
grant applications Rotary reinstatement fees and
16-144 To request the Trustees to 16-129 To request the RI Board to surcharges for Clubs
consider reinstating funding consider recognizing Rotary 16-169 To request the RI Board
for scholarships to support Clubs to consider allowing
translations of Rotary into structured program of RI boundaries of Zone 20
approved Languages 16-173 16-132 To request the RI Board 16-164 To request the RI Board
To request the RI Board to to consider revising the to consider creating
consider subsidizing the membership age limits for mechanisms that can make
training registration fees Interact RI self- sustaining
for the governors-nominee
training seminar 16-135 To request the RI Board 16-166 To request the RI Board and
to consider establishing the Trustees to consider
16-177 To request the RI Board to Rotaract e-Clubs investing in microfinance
consider adopting electronic and community development
voting prior to the Council 16-143 To request the Trustees to
consider making planet earth institutions
on Legislation
a new area of focus 16-168 To request the RI Board to
16-179 To request the RI Board to consider recognizing Hindi
consider initiating a study 16-146 To request the Trustees
to consider making as an official language of
to establish a new type of RI
membership: supporting grandchildren of Rotarians
membership eligibleforRotary Foundation 16-170 To request the RI Board to
award programs consider allowing for the
16-180 To request the RI Board to use of the previous version
consider recognizing Friends 16-147 To request the RI Board to
consider ending the governor of the Rotary emblem
of Rotary
selection pilot in India 16-171 To request the RI Board to
16-181 To request the RI Board consider promoting a new
to consider urging new 16-148 To request the RI Board
to consider revising the Rotary image based on
Rotarians to attend new modernization, faith and
member training assistant governor selection
criteria in the Rotary Code of investment in public image
Withdrawn Policy 16-174 To request the RI Board to
16-119 To request the RI Board to 16-150 To request the RI Board to consider making the Rotary
consider designating May as consider defining a quorum Leadership Institute a
Celebrate Women Month for ballot by-mail votes training program of RI
16-123 To request the RI Board to 16-152 To request the RI Board 16-175 To request the RI Board to
consider raising awareness to consider including all consider allowing Probus
of environmental issues aspects relating to Rotary’s members to attend the RI
16-124 To request the RI Board image within the terms of Convention
to consider developing reference of the club public 16-176 To request the RI Board to
programming in the areas of relations committee consider allowing members
water quality enhancement, 16-155 To request the RI Board of Inner Wheel to attend the
sanitation and hygiene to consider encouraging RI Convention
16-125 To request the RI Board to Rotarians to adopt a simple 16-178To request the RI Board
consider including the fight method to open and close a to consider making the
against violence towards meeting by a declaration of Council on Legislation
women among the goals and the chair more efficient, less costly
objectives of the RI Strategic 16-158 To request the RI Board and more technologically
Plan to consider using video oriented
16-127 To request the RI Board to presentations at district (The Council on Legislation 2016 was
consider reinstating the conferences held on 10-15 April 2016 in Chicago,
RI statement on drug and 16-159 To request the RI Board Illinois, USA. PUG Tirtha Man Sakya
alcohol abuse prevention in to consider encouraging represented RID 3292 Nepal and
future versions of the Manual the use of electronic and Rhutan in the CoL.)
of Procedure musical equipment at Club
16-131 To request the RI Board to meetings
consider officially recog 16-162 To request the RI Board
nizing Rotary Kids as a to consider redrawing the

— RL(I P1. I.. Kayu~tticz

Alatural Salt is a wonderful thing with necessary quantities of manufactured salt. These preservatives can
I’S minerals for healthy living. It’s an important element cause swelling and, over time, major kidney, thyroid and
in keeping the proper mineral balance in our body. liver problems, as well as, hypertension, heart disease,
In fact, every cell in our body needs salt. Our bodies rely muscle cramps, water retention, edema, stroke, heart
on salt to keep good bone density, proper circulation and failure, and even major nervous system disorders such as
to stabilize blood sugar levels. But how could something anxiety and depression.
so wonderful and natural become a poison? Here are a few What was a natural, whole food has been processed into
common misconceptions and dangers of salt. a highly industrial, pseudo-food we have come to think
of as “salt” that has the potential to cause a myriad of
Salt vs. Naturally Occurring Sodium health problems.
“Table Salt” is a manufactured form of sodium called
Natural Salt has many health benefits since it contains
sodium chloride. Table salt is created by taking natural
many minerals and electrolytes. Nevertheless this should
salt (or crude oil flake leftovers) and cooking it at 12000
also not be consumed excessively as it is also mainly
Fahrenheit. Once the unprocessed salt is heated up to
sodium chloride. Low salt recommendation of 1500 mg of
this temperature, it loses the majority of the eighty plus
sodium amounts to 0.75 teaspoons or 3.75 grams of salt
important elements that are naturally occurring. Other
per day, while generally recommended 2300 mg amounts
naturally occurring forms of sodium are mined Himalayan
to one teaspoon or 6 grams of salt per day.
Rock Salts and many Sea Salts harvested and dried in the
sun. They are actually alkaline minerals that help keep us Instead of common table salt it is better to switch to
hydrated, balance our sodium-potassium ratios, as well as Himalayan Rock Salt (Sire or Sidhe Noon in Nepali,
fill the body with powerful electrolytes. They also contain Sendha namak in Hindi and Saidhava lavan in Sanskrit)
all of the trace elements needed for proper immune, thyroid for many health benefits.
and adrenal function. Natural forms of salt also boost the The many hues of Himalayan Rock Salts pink, red, white
creation of digestive enzymes and juices that allow us to and black are an indication of this salt’s rich and varying
extract and assimilate other vitamins and nutrients from minerals and energy-rich iron content. Himalayan Black
the food we eat. Salt (Bire Noon in Nepali, Kala Namak in Hindi) is more
sulphurous and used in chutneys, fruits and salads.
What Is In Table Salt?
Known as even “white gold” Himalayan Crystal Salt
Commonly purchased iodized salts, have sodium chloride contains the same 84 natural minerals and elements found
(about 97.5°/o) and synthetic chemicals (abut 2.5°/a) in the human body. Himalayan salt is the purest salt on
added to them. These chemicals include everything from earth with the following elements:
manufactured forms of sodium solo-co-aluminate, sodium
bicarbonate, fluoride, anti-caking agents, potassium iodide Iodine: Himalayan salts are rich in iodine, so it doesn’t
and aluminium derivatives. Table salt is coloured white by need to be artificially added in.
bleaching. Most table salt is not only unhealthy but can 80+ minerals and elements: Himalayan salts are mineral
sometimes be toxic. packed crystals which formed naturally within the earth
made up of sodium chloride and other trace minerals
The Health Dangers of Table Salt including: sulphate, magnesium, calcium, potassium,
Table salt causes the blood pressure to rise because the bicarbonate, bromide, borate, strontium, etc.
blood is attempting to move the toxic elements rapidly
away from the heart. This is why doctors will tell people These minerals in Himalayan Rock salt can:
with high blood pressure to avoid or minimize intake of o Create an electrolyte balance
sa It. o Increases hydration
Most packaged and processed foods contain large o Regulate water content both inside and outside of cells
o BaLance pH (alkaline/acidity) and help to reduce acid salt/sodium from the diet. While table salt could certainly
reflux have a negative effect and is best avoided, natural salt
a Prevent muscle cramping contains over 84 minerals and is incredibly nourishing for
a Aid in proper metabolism functioning the body.
a Strengthen bones Sole is a very inexpensive addition to a healthy diet and
a Lower blood pressure lifestyle and it is incredibly easy to make.
a Help the intestines absorb nutrients
How to Make Sole
o Prevent goiters
• Improve circulation Only ingredients are Himalayan salt and filtered water so
a Dissolve and eliminate sediment to remove toxins
the recipe is pretty simple. You’ll also need a glass jar with
a plastic or non-metal lid.
Reduce the signs of aging, and detoxify the body from
heavy metals. Fill the jar about 1/4 of the way with Himalayan Salt (Sire
Noon Or Sidhe Noon in Nepali)
One of the most bio-available way to absorb allthe benefits
of Himalayan Rock Salt is through Sole. Add filtered water to nearly fill the jar.
Put on the plastic lid and shake the jar gently.
What is Sole?
Leave it overnight to let the salt dissolve.
Sole (pronounced Solay): is essentially water that has
been fully saturated with natural salt. The term Sole comes The next day, if there is still some salt on the bottom of
from the Latin “Sol” meaning Sun. the jar, the water has absorbed its maximum amount of
salt (26°/o) and the
We’ve been told for years that salt can be harmful, so the
idea of drinking salt water may sound counter-intuitive, Sole is ready to use.
but it turns out that this concentrated natural salt solution If all of the salt is absorbed, add more salt until some
can have a variety of health benefits. remains.
Helps Hydration: Consuming a salt solution like Sole
How to Use Sole
helps the body re-hydrate.
Make the mixture as above and store at room temp. It
Helps the Body Detoxify: The minerals in Sole aid in the
will last indefinitely as salt is naturally anti-bacterial and
natural detoxification. Sole is naturally anti-bacterial and
can help remove bad bacteria in the body.
To use: Mix 1 tsp (teaspoon) of the Sole in to a glass
Boosts Energy: The minerals and stored energy in Sole
of water and consume every morning ( best time) on an
help boost energy throughout the day.
empty stomach. Do not use a metal utensil or spoon to
Improving Digestion: Sole stimulates the digestive measure or touch the Sole.(One teaspoon of Himalayan
system thus promoting food absorption. Salt Sole contains only about 412mg of unprocessed,
Improving blood sugar: Some people note improvements natural sodium).
in blood sugar levels. After that you should drink more water (one to maximum
Bone Health: Sole is naturally full of minerals and three glasses) making a maximum of one litre including
alkalizing, so it is helpful for bone health. Sole for good health.
Healthy Veins: By supporting the correct mineral balance Do not eat or drink anything for another 45 minutes for
in the body and blood, Sole can help reduce or avoid vein best effects.
problems like varicose veins. The benefits of the Sole therapy and Water therapy are best
Blood Pressure: Contrary to what we often hear, many realized when taken on an empty stomach. Alternatively
people notice a reduction in blood pressure from using you can also do the Sole therapy in the evening, but
Sole. you should keep this rhythm as the body maintains the
frequency pattern of the sole for 24 hours.
Weight Loss: By improving digestion and nourishing the
body on a cellular level, Sole can help promote weight Make healthy food a medicine
Disclaimer: The article is based on lot of extensive
Healthy Skin, Hair and Nails: Sole’s high mineral content Internet based studies and some personnel experience and
makes it great for healthy skin and for hair and nail the author will not be responsible for any use or misuse
growth. of natural salt.
It is interesting to note that the conventional treatment
for many of the above problems includes removing excess
Island Jungle Resort

Reservation Office
GPO Box: 2154, Durbar Marg, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel: +977-1-4220162, 4229116, Fax: +977-1-4225615/Tej: 078-545455 (CTR)1065-520125 (BMR)
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Pata n

Inner Wheel Club of Patan

Report for the year 2015-201u
Chartered on 6th June 1994
Club No, 4363 1W Win, ala Shrestha
-- President, Inner Wheel Club

Inner wheel club of Patan was established in 1994.

Our general meetings are held on the first Monday of every
month and our board meeting on the 15th of every month.
The meetings are held in the executive member house by
rotation. Following are the activities of the club.
Water project: During the earthquake several water
tanks were damaged which provided water to 450 people
to Tala Goht of Lele V.D.C. 6 Lalitpur. We are helping with
the repair work of these water tanks. Various Inner Wheel
Clubs of Strasburg district provided Rs. 5,00,000.

Monetary support for play ground fence to Udaya Kharka SS

clothes, Kitchen utensils, sanitation items, medicines and

also daily provisions.
Patan hospital faced water shortage during the
earthquake. The Club then provided water carton along
with biscuits and other eatables.
Uday Khark Madhyam Vidhalaya, Chapagoan was
provided with 50 plates, 50 glasses and a pressure
cooker. The students of class 1 to 3 were provided with
50 sweaters, stationary and eatables. Rs. 30,000 was
Baby sets and napkins for new born babies at donated for fencing the playground to ensure safety of
Maternity Hospital, Thapathali, the students.

Our second water project is in Godamchur in Lalitpur. In Patan, communitybased rehabilitation organization
In this area 1,500 households were affected due to damage students were provided educational material according to
of various physical structures like intake pipe lines, their skills.
reservoirs etc. which caused hindrance in water supply Two computers were made available to Sinchahiti
due to the earthquake. The Inner Wheel Club of Strasburg Pror Mahila Vidyalaya.
Tivoli, France provided Rs. 5,00,000. This club has been In Yashodra Bodh Madhyam Vidhyalaya, some students
supporting us in various water projects and often visit the were given sweaters.
site after completion. Members raised Rs. 1,00,000 by selling raffle tickets
Several earthquake victims have been provided which was drawn by senior Rotarian Kamalmani Dixit.

\Sflw~w; U~
School Sweater for grade 1-3 students at (Maya Kharka SSm Sogun Program at 3rd District Assembly,

Funds were also personally raised by members for various and alLother cLub members forworking hard and supporting
charitable activities. me with the activities of the club.

65 set of clothes and 45 blankets were provided for Our special thanks to Rotary Club of Patan for giving
new born babies in Maternity hospital, Thapathali. us space in their yearly souvenir and inviting us in their
club activities.
Our congratulations and best wishes to Bijaya
Lakshmi Shrestha for being elected as Chairman of Inner LastLy, I would like to wish a very successful tenure
Wheel District 350, Nepal. to our I.W. Club President Mrs. NirniaLa Shrestha.

I wouLd also like to thank all the executive members


Special Rotazy Month Observances

1 July: Start of new Rotary Officer’s year of 6 December: Disease Prevention and Treatment
service. Month
2 August: Membership and New Club Development 7 January: Vocational Service Month
Month 8 February: Peace and Conflict Prevention!
3 September: Basic Education and Literacy Resolution Month
Month 9 March: Water and Sanitation Month
4 October: EconomicandCommunity Development 10 April: Maternal and Child Health Month
Month ii. May: Youth Services Month
5 November: Rotary Foundation Month
12 June: Rotary Fellowships Month
Execgpjve ~o~12mittee

Brinda Rana Nani Shava Shakya

President Immediate Past President Vice-President
Tel: 984127645 Tel: 9841309385 Tel: 9851026534

Cunu Shrestha Mithila Rajbhandary Sulachana Pradhan

Secretaiy Treasurer International Club Service
Tel: 9841401076 Tel: 9841758531 Tel: 9849036722

Kamala Mahatfan Shanti Mathema 5hanta Shrestha

Executive Member Executive Member Executive Member
Tel: 9818920967 Tel: 9841188955 Tel: 9849850226

General Memb~

B~iya L. Shrestha Ma,y Shrestha Sulochana Nyachhyon Munu Rajkarnikar

Tel: 9851050963 Tel: 9849671500 Tel: 9851023354 Tel: 9841419342

Meena Shakya Chhaya Juwa Rajya L. Bajacharaya Moti Shanti Shakya

Tel: 9849137520 Tel: 9841735804 Tel: 9851098254 Tel: 9841254782

Rotaract Club of Patan

Sponsored by Rotary Club of Patan
Chartered on 30th June 1997
Sager Mahagan Summary Report of the 201 5 16 Rtr Rubina Shakya
President Secretasy

Installation of Club Officers Patan, Jawalakhel Manjushree and Patan South the
Rotaract Club of Patan organized the installation ceremony Rotaract Club of Patan organized a Zonal COTS on 1
of Club Officers on 2015-07-04. Rtr. Sudeep Shakya handed August 2015, Saturday. It was an opportunity to meet
over the Presidentship to Rtr. Sagar Mahaijan. President and know other club members and exchange the idea.
Rtr. Sagar Mahaijan introduced his Board of Directors on The facilitators were our own Rotaract district members.
this Installation Ceremony. Feedback from the participants were very positive.

Induction ceremony Internal Club Officers’ Training

This year the Rotaract Club of Patan managed to welcome An internal COTS was organized for the club members to
10 new members to the Club. It is worth noting that out make them aware of their respective roles, responsibilities
of ten new members nine are girls. The new members and duties from general member to president. The
were inducted in one of the Club meetings in presence resource person was Rtn. Mahesh Bajracharya, Immediate
of President RC Patan Piyush Bajracharya, Director Youth Past President of Rotary e-club district 3292 Nepal, Past
Services Rtn. Nirmal Pradhanang, PDRR/PP Bikesh Raj President of Rotaract Club of Patan. The training duration
Bajracharya and PP Rtr. Shailendra Shakya. The new faces was for 2 hour and 30 minutes.
to Rotaract world are: Pranav, Panika, Prakriti, Salina,
First Aid Training
Kripa, Krisha, Sailee, Shraddha, Sapana and Kavya.
Organized jointly with RAC Patan Durbar Square
Club Assembly coordinating with RAC Itahari under same banner and
Regular Club Assemblies were organized by RAC Patan multiple venues, aimed at school going children so as
throughout this year. The directors presented their to educate them about first aid and its importance. The
planning for 4 months. The club assemblies were held program was facilitated by the Nepal Redcross Society
quarterly. Volunteers.

DRR Visit Joint Meeting/Google Search Training

Rotaract Club of Patan hosted official DRR VISIT on 7th RAC Patan conducted ajoint meeting with RAC Kathmandu
December, 2015 at Bluebird College, Kumaripati. DRR Samir Mid-town, RAC Sainbhu Bhaispati on 17th October, 2015 at
Nepal chaired the meeting along with OS Rtr. Han SatyaL Bluebird College, Kumaripati. After the meeting a “Google
President Rtr. Sagar, Secretary Rtr. Rubina and Treasurer Search Training” was conducted by Rtr. Kshitiz Tiwari,
Rtr. Rumika had internal formal session with ORR and OS from RAC Sainbu Bhaispati. The participants gained the
for 1 hour and later on with avenue directors. DRR and OS knowledge on how to effectively search “Google”. This
checked the club details and heard the project planning further increased the fellowship among our two club
of each avenue. ORR and OS suggested and shared ideas members.
planning for the betterment of the club. PP Bikesh Raj
Public Speaking Training
Bajracharya also attended the DRR visit and suggested for
the club. DRR and OS were given Token of Love and best With a view to enhancing public speaking capability, a
wishes for the successful tenure. “Public Speaking Training” was jointly organized by RAC
Patan, RAC Patan South, RAC Jawalakhel Manjushree
Zonal COTS and RAC Kathmandu. The Program was hosted by RAC
In joint collaboration with Rotaract Clubs of Himalaya .]awalakhel Manjushree and was organized at Future Star
School, Jawalakhel. Rotaractors of all four dubs actively Talk Program on “Being Good Rotaractors”
participated. Such a training program was assessed as very Rotaract Club of Patan and Rotaract Club of Patan Durbar
helpful in developing “Public Speaking” skilLs of the youth. Square conducted joint meeting on 30th April, 2016 at
Bluebird College in presence of District Leadership Trainer
3D Card Making Training
Rtr. Saugat Gautam and ZRR Rtr. Sudeep Shakya. Following
A 3D Card Making Training was organized. Rtr Rubina
the meeting a talk program was organized on “Being Good
Shakya taught the participants how to make 3D cards with
Rotaract Leader” which was facilitated by Rtr. Saugat
the use of chart paper and other materials. This program
was found very useful and many rotaractors participated
and benefitted from the program. Talk Program on “Self-discovery & Awareness Using
Curriculum Vitae Training Johari Window Model”
On 17th January, 2016 Rtr. David Shakya, PDRR/PP A talk program on “Self Discovery and Awareness using
of Rotaract Club of Himalaya Patan facilitated the CV Johari Window Model” was facilitated by Rtn. Anil
writing program. He taught proper and effective ways of Shrestha. He shared about knowing yourselves better
writing CV. with feedbacks and suggestion. Present were PP Rtn.
Mahesh Bajracharya, PP Rtn. Yugal Bajracharya, PP Bikesh
Club Twinning Bajracharya along with PP/PDRR Rtn Anil Shrestha. Among
Rotaract Club of Patan and Rotaract Club of Patan the guests were members from National Law College.
South signed a MOU on 12th September, 2015 as the
continuation of club twinning. The President of Patan Rtr. Clean-up Campaign
Sagar Maharjan and Rtr. Suzana Bajracharya exchanged Rotaract Club of Patan with other Rotaract Clubs jointly
the MOU signed Letter. There was maximum participation participated in a clean-up Campaign. Rotarct District
of both club members. Committee was the “Official Partner” of Clean up Nepal
campaign. All the Rotaract Clubs actively participated.
Breast Cancer Awareness Program
Rotaract Club of Patan and Nepal Cancer Hospital jointly “World Peace Day-2015” Celebration
celebrated ‘Breast Cancer Awareness Month’. Dr. Kapendra On the occasion of “World Peace Day 2015” the Rotaract
Amatya facilitated awareness program about breast cancer Club of ‘(ala, Rotaract Club of Patan Durbar Square, Rotaract
to thaina maa pucha (AAMA SAMUHA). On the occasion Club of Kathmandu Mid town, Rotaract Club of Bhaktapur,
5O°Io discount coupons were offered to the ladies for
Rotaract Club of Dhulikhel, Rotaract Club of Biratnagar,
checkup at Nepal Cancer Hospital, Harisiddhi. The program Rotaract Club of Biratnagar Down town, Rotaract Club
was highly interactive. of Dharan, Rotaract Club of Pokhara, Rotaract Club of
Butwal, and Rotaract Club of Ambarnath (International
Talk Program on “Causes of Diseases” Club) jointly organized a rally in remembrance of
Rotaract club of Patan organized classification talk on destruction of national heritage and for the memory
‘Causes of Disease’~ Rtn. Cardiologist Dr. Prakash Raj of the deceased during the Earthquake. More than 102
Regmi was the guest for the talk program. He explained rotaractors participated the program. Outside valley clubs
different causes of disease that we suffer. The main causes also organized. PP DRR, DRR, District representatives,
are genes, congenital period, lifestyle diet, behavior etc. rotaractors made the program successful.
He suggested to follow the healthy lifestyle.
Short Hiking to Chapakharka
Talk Program on “General Photography and Mobile Rotaract Club of Patan and Rotaract Club of Patan South
Photography” went to a short hike to Chapakharka on January 23, 2016.
The talk program was organized on general photography The members got a chance to interact with each other and
and mobile photography on 26th March, 2016 at Bluebird develop their friendship over the hike.
College. Anil Neupane, professional photographer who has
been in this field since long time and does post production
a) Joint friendship day celebration
and others, was the facilitator.The session was interactive
A joint fellowship day was celebrated together with
and interesting to the members.
RCA Himalaya Patan, RCA Patan South, RCA Jawalakhel

Manjushree and RCA Patan. There were solo and band with the Club Members. There was BBO, dance, fun to
acoustic performance. The program was fun-filled with the Dashain Season.
songs and dance throughout. d) Good Morning Tea Party
b) Music for a Cause A “Good Morning Tea Party” was organized on the
A MusicaL Program ‘Music For a Cause” was organized occasion of Dasain on 21st October, 2015 at Bluebird
where many well-known artists, like Ciney Gurung, College, Kumaripati.
Sabina Karki, Kramasha-Nepal, Chorus, Suraag, Ryan e) Halloween Dance Party
Ale, and others were invited. Rs. 40,000/- was Kathmandu Mid-town, Patan South, Kathmandu West,
collected from the event and was donated to the joint Durbarmarg, Kupondole and Thames Int’l, jointly
disable awaaz centre which helped the differently organized a “Halloween Party” on 31st October, 2015
abled children to build their building. More than 350 at Orange Restro, Lazimpat. The program was fun
people participated in the event to help the needy filled. As Di, Rtr. Pratik Man Singh entertained the
people. participants. There was face painting, scary idols, put
c) Dashain Fellowship all around the event place.
After the annual Good Morning Tea Party, this year as
well the Rotaract Club of Patan had Dashain fellowship

Board Members of Rotaract Club of Patan

for the Rota Year 201&17
S.N. Designation Name E-mail Tel (Mob)
1. President Mohini Mahaijan 9808806705
2. IPP Sagar Maharjan 9849715292
3. Vice President Rubina Shakya 9849871429
4. Secretary Jenish Shakya 9841553970
5. Joint Secretary Sajal Khadka 9849134951
6. Treasurer Salim Shakya 9803757808
7. Joint Treasurer Bibeen Shakya 9841553970
8. Director-Int’l Service Shailini Shrestha
9. Director-Professional Dev. Nistha Shakya 9813463625
10. Director-Club Service Panika Shakya
11. Director-Community Service Peshal Bhattarai 9801084772
12. Editor Rujen Shakya 9849702525
13. Sergeant at Arms Pranav Joshi
14. Webmaster Manish Krishna Malla 9803632631
15. Past President Sudhir Shakya 9841380792
16. Past President Prajwal Shakya 9843332124
17. Past President Sudeep Shakya 9851165253
Rotcuy ~iub of Patcn~
Strategic Plan 2016 2017 to 2020 2021
Purpose: 6. Invite engaging ‘Speakers’ to weekly club
Strategic planning is a tool to help us provide meetings;
long-term direction for our club and create a framework to 7. Encourage all members to register online in ‘My
establish a vision, mission, strategic goals, and strategies. Rotary’ and go paperless.
The annual goals of the RCP strategic plan are established
and revised in the RI website ‘Rotary Club CentraL
Goal H : Motivated Club Membership, with
Leadership Potential
Vision: Key Action:
To be a thriving group of professionals/community 1. Increase the membership by attracting quality
leaders and a service organization with continued community members;
support, and a growing membership. 2. Place a high priority in having females; young
Mission: professionals and spouses of members;
3. Encourage all members to participate in
To foster ‘service above self, to encourage fellowship
among members, and to support the development of humanitarian service projects and programmes;
programmes that lead to improved quality of life in our 4. Use the ‘mentor’ mechanism for motivation,
community and throughout the world. development and retention of members;
5. Maintain a vibrant club though engaging
Strategic Goats:
fellowship programmes;
• Effective functioning of the Club. 6. Encourage members to participate in district and
• Motivated club membership, with leadership potential. international activities and events.
o Conduct humanitarian service projects that serve the
Goat III : Conduct Humanitarian Service
community needs.
Projects That Serve the Community Needs
o Enhance public image of the Rotary Club of Patan.
Key Action:
• Increase Contributions to Club Funds and the Rotary
1. Undertake humanitarian projects and activities to
improve the lives in our community, considering
Goats / Strategies: all ‘Areas of Focus’ of the Rotary;
Goal 1 : Effective Functioning of the Club 2. Aspire to conduct activities in all five Avenues of
Key Actions: Service (Community Service; Vocational Service;
1 Timely payment of RI and district dues; International Service, Club Service and Youth
2. Sound financial management and oversight Service);
mechanism for good financial health of the Club; 3. Recognize outstanding vocational services
3. Timely renewal of Club Registration; through annual awards;
4. Maintain good historical records of the club, and 4. Improve educational standards of the community
ensure smooth hand over mechanism; through RCP’s flagship Prajapati Education
5. Conduct regular weekly meetings; Board meetings Endowment Fund ‘PEEP scholarship programme;
and Club Assemblies;
5. Recognize outstanding students receiving ‘PEEP 2. Publish ‘Lalitdhara Souvenir’ annually for public
scholarship through the Kamalmani Educational image and fund raising;
Excellence Award ‘KEEA’ programme; 3. Establish good contacts with Local media and
6. Increase collaboration with all partners to ensure their participation in major club events;
maximize Rotary’s Global Grant projects and its 4. Contribute stories/articles to Distnct and Rotary
outreach to communities; International publications and websites (GML,
7. Motivate and collaborate with Partners-in-Service, Rotary Showcase, and Rotary News).
including Rotaract, Interact and RCC to maximize Goal V : Increase Contributions to Club Funds
quality in delivery of service projects. and the Rotary Foundation:
Goal IV : Enhance public image of the Rotary 1. Encourage all members to contribute to the Rotary
Club of Patan: Foundation;
Key Action: 2. Set Annual target for the RCP’s Club Fund.
1. Maintain regular and effective communication
through weekly newsletter (Lalitdhara bulletin);
Facebook page updates, and occasional press

Rotary Foundation Global Grants

and the Areas of Focus
All Rotary clubs and districts are eligible to apply for global from the Rotary
Foundation to support sustainable activities with high-impact outcomes in
one or more of the six areas of focus.

Rotaty has selected these six areas to focus its efforts as these areas reflect
some of the most critical and widespread humanitarian needs:





con tributions to the Club Trust Fund
as of 30 June 2016
irat H. Joshi

Name Amount NRs. Name Amount NRs.

Rtn. Kamatmani Dixit 285,000 Rtn. ChandraLekha Kayastha 20,000
Rtn. Narayan G. Ha[wai 10,000 Rtn. Yagya B. Shrestha 5,000
Rtn. Dr. Prakasli R. Regmi 70,000 Rtn. Ganesh R. Shrestha 20,000
Rtn. Khruschev Shrestha 10,000 Rtn. Pushkar Shakya 5,000
Rtn. Matsyendra L. Kayastha 43,300 Rtn. Jamuna K. Tamrakar 20,000
Rtn. Bharat N. JosH 10,000 Rtn. Mahendra Thapa 5,000
Rtn. Lalita Thapa 38,000 Rtn. Jeevan K. Shrestha 17,000
Rtn. Siba B. Rajbhandary 10,000
Rtn. Rabindra R. Pandey 5,000
Rtn. Santa K. Shrestha 35,000
Dr. Amina Shrestha 16,000
Mr. Tulasi Neupane 10,000
Rtn. Keshab B. Mathema 5,000
Rtn. Piyush B. Bajracharya 35,000
Rtn. Gabriete MaRapaty 16,000
Rtn. Tirtha M. Sakya 10,000
Mr. Bhim B. Kshetry 5,000
Rtn. Bijaya MatLapaty 31,000
Rtn. Kedar B. Shrestha 15,000
Rtn. Padam L. Maharjan 10,000
Rtn. Shiva K. Pradhan 5,000
Rtn. Kiran Shrestha 30,000
Rtn. Krishna B. Basnyat 15,000
Rtn. Ramesh Lat Maskey 10,000
Rtn. Kamal Nyachhon 5000
Rtn. Som Paneru 27,500
Rtn. Bijaya Bajracharya 15,000
Rtn. Gautam Shakya 10,000
Leni c/o Rtn. B. Maliapaty 4,650
Rtn. Chandra S. Gyawah 25,000
Rtn. Bishwa N. Rai 10,000
Rtn. Dr. Aruna Uprety 10,000
Marie do Rtn. B. MaLlapaty 1,750
Rtn. Dr. Bishwa B. Sharma 25,000
Sub Total IndividuaLs: 990,200
Rtn. Nirrual Pradhanang 10,000
From other CLub Funds 238,451
Rtn. Sharada Prasai 20,000
Rtn. Kamala Maharjan 5,000 Grand Total 1,228,651
/ / /// / /


/C :J~qtaiyclubofPatan /

Annuqi Budget .Pqr Year\2Oi6-2O/17~ / /

Rotary Club of Patan Annual Budget for Year 201 6-2017


income Expenditure
. . 2016-17 - - 2016-17
Description (in NRs) — Dsscnption (in NRc)
1 Membership 1 R.l and District Dues
Membership Fee 38x22000 836.000 — RI dues 245.140
1x12500 12.500 — District Dues, Rotary news 101.860
Sub-Total RI and District Dues 347.000
New Members 2 44.000
Sub-Total: Membership 892.500 2 Club Operational Expenses
- 387.500
Charter night
— 100.000
2 Club Operation Auditors Fee
- 22.000
Attendance 146.000 Fees Office Assistant
— - 104.000
Advertisement Souvenir 125.000 Fuel
— 19.000
Interest Income 53.000 Printing Lalitdhara Souvenir
— - 75.000
Sub-Total: Club Operation 324.000 Hosting District Conference
— 30.000
Club Renewals
- 17.000
3 Sunshine Contributions 187.000 Sub-Total Club Oper. Exp.
- 764.600

3 Unallocated Souvenir ads.& nt. income

- 116.000

4 Social ActivitieslProjects
- Health Camp 25.000
- Support to Rotaract 10.000
‘ — — Vocational Award 5.000
Support-to Interact 10.000
Global Grants 20.000
— KEEA Programme 20.000
— Contigencies 15.000
— Othr Social Projects 82.000
— Sub-Total: Social ActivitiesiProjects 187.000

: Grand Total 1.403.500 Grand Total 1.403.500

Rtn. Bijaya Mallapaty Rtn. Bishwa B. Sharma Rtn. Bh~~IN. Joshi

President 2016-17 Secretary 2016-17 Treasurer 2016-17
Members of Rotary Club of Patan
Involved in District and District Committees RY 2016/2017
(Leaders Beyond Club Level)
Name of the RCP Rotauians
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