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What is Rule Lesson:

Very simply rule lesson can be defined as the following way-

Rule lesson means the lesson by which students learn about different kinds of rules.

According to Wikipedia,

“Rule induction is an area of machine learning in which formal rules are extracted from a
set of observations. The rules extracted may represent a full scientific model of the data, or
merely represent local patterns in the data.”

Types of Rule
There are two types of rule. These are

1. Relational rule
2. Procedural rule

Relational Rule:

Relational rule prescribe the relationships among two or more concepts. These relationships
are often described in the form of an if-than or cause –effect relationship.

Relational rule can also be represented with following terminologies--

Propositions, Principles, laws, theorems, etc.

Equation from mathematics and science are abbreviated forms of relational rules because
they state the relationships among two or more concepts. The examples of relational rules are
found in every subject like social science, language, arts etc. Some examples from different
subjects are given below:-

 Science—
Power= work/time
If certain amount of power is expended in a certain amount of time, if you have the
time and keep work constant you will double the power.

 Sociology—

“If a society undergoes industrialization, then the population will go


 Statistics—
“If the mean, median and mode of distributions are the same, then the
distribution is normally distributed.
 Economics—
“If demand increases, then supply increases.”

1 Md. Nururl Huda Chowdhury ,

Dept of CIT
12th batch
Procedural Rule
Procedural Rules mean those rules by achieving which learner will be able to complete
some procedural task. On the other hand it can be said the application of Relational
Rule. Suppose “I=V/R”, it is a relational rules of science. When a learner can realize
the rule very much perfectly, then it is relational rule. But when the learner will be
able to prepare an electronic circuit by using this theory it will be a procedural rule.
That’s why psychomotor skill related learning is also included with this rule along with
the subject matter. Some more examples of procedural rule:-

 Math—
Learner will be able to solve different kinds of complicated mathematical and
geometrical problem.

 Sociology—
Learner will be able solve social problem by using social theories.

There are two approaches for rule lesson instruction. These are –

1. Inquiry approach
2. Expository approach

Inquiry Approach—

An inquiry strategy for teaching rule lesson involves presenting learners with examples and
non examples of the rule application and encouraging the learners to discover the rules by
themselves. This approach is more learners centric.

Expository Approach—

The expository approach is more traditional. According to this approach at first the teacher
the will write the rule or theory on the board and then he will describe it in front of the
students. This approach is more teacher centric.


There are some steps to follow to teach relational rule lesson in case of both Inquiry
approach and Expository approach. These steps are described from below by combining both

2 Md. Nururl Huda Chowdhury ,

Dept of CIT
12th batch

Deploy Attention:

It means to bring the learner’s attention to centre point so that their attention is directed
towards investigating the relationship among the concepts which are related to today’s topic.
This is same for both approaches.

Establishing instructional purposes:

Instructional purpose will be different for two approaches. Such as

Inquiry approach-- “Learner will be able to solve the puzzle

Expository approach-- “Today you will learn how to determine the change in volume of a gas
when given a specified change in pressure.”

It is important to state the instructional purpose in the class room because it will help the
learner to be more attentive.

Arouse interest and motivation

Inquiry approach-- the approach it self promote motivation

Expository approach-- # by sharing student’s experiences

# by stating the application of the rule.

Preview lesson

Here preview of lesson means how this lesson will go on. It is different for two approaches.

For inquiry strategy this event will involve in giving direction to the solution of the puzzle
as well as an overview of how the entire lesson will progress.

For expository strategy the preview may involve an outline of how the lesson will allow the
learner to know the rule .


Recall relevant prior knowledgeIt is expected that the learner get the knowledge in the
previous classes about the concepts relevant to the today’s topic of relational rule. Teacher
will just recall the concepts in the class. For example the learners will learn the following rule

3 Md. Nururl Huda Chowdhury ,

Dept of CIT
12th batch
“If demand increases then supply also increases.” Here Demand and Supply are two major
concepts and the teacher expects the learner were taught about these concepts in previous
classes. So he will just recall the concept when he will go to describe the rule.

system is same for both inquiry and expository approaches.

Process information and Examples

It means what will be the process for providing information and giving examples regarding
certain relational rule. This process will be different in case of two approaches.

Inquiry approach—

Teacher will give some concepts and examples/puzzles.

Learner will try to find out relation among the concepts and discover the rule by themselves.

Learner will try to give example about the application of the rule from his practical life.
If he can not then teacher will give the example of the application of the rule.

Expository approach—

Teacher will stated the rule on the board.

teacher will explain the rule in front of the students.

Then teacher will rub the rule from the board.

Student will give example from their memory.

Focus Attention

It means where the learner should give more attention in the classroom at the time of
teaching a relational rule. This will be stated by the teacher. In case of relational rule
student should give more attention on how different concepts are being related, how the
change of one variable brings the change of other one, etc.

Employ learning Strategy

4 Md. Nururl Huda Chowdhury ,

Dept of CIT
12th batch
It means to use some sign or code for easy memorization of the rule. For example in
mathematics “BODMAS” (Brackets Order Division Multiply Add Subtract) is a learning
strategy to memorize the rule.


When practicing rules learners should practice at four levels.

First, they should practice stating the rule.

Second, they should practice recognizing the situation in which the rule is applicable.

Third, They should practice applying the rule

And finally learners should practice determining whether the rule has been correctly

This practicing style is same for both approaches.

Evaluate Feedback

Feedback varies for each type of practice. That means there is one kind of feedback for
sating the rule another type of feedback for recognizing the situation. It is similar for
other practices.

Feedback should provide information as to whether learner’s statements contain the key
concepts of the rule and relate these concepts appropriately. Feedback might also include
identification of any extraneous of incorrect information included in the statements of the


Summarize and Review

At the end of the class the teacher will summarize the topic of rule. The review may present
this rule in a graphical format.

Transfer Knowledge

It means, students should be encouraged to locate the situations in their lives in which the
rule’s application is demonstrated.

Remotivate and Close

Teacher will remotivate the students for their next class by keeping relevancy with today’s
class and close the class for today.

5 Md. Nururl Huda Chowdhury ,

Dept of CIT
12th batch

Performance assessment for a rule may include following types of items –

1. Stating the rule.

2. Recognizing the situation in which the rule is applicable.
3. Applying the rule
4. Determining whether a rule has been correctly applied.

Teacher will provide remedial teaching if necessary.


There are some steps to follow to teach procedural rule. But here we need not to consider any
kind of approaches like Inquiry and Expository .


Deploy Attention

Attention may gain by giving example and asking question that presents the situation which
is relevant to the application of the procedure.

Establishing Instructional Purpose

Learners may be informed of the purpose of the lesson both in terms of which procedure is to
be learned and its range of applicability.

Arouse Interest and Motivation

Learning procedural rule is mainly a motivating rule by itself. Because they allow learners to
complete task more efficiently and more reliably then they did using more trial and error
approaches before instruction.

Preview Lesson

In this phase teacher will explain how this procedural rule lesson will be learnt and how
many steps are involved in this procedure.


Recall relevant prior knowledge

Relevant prior knowledge that can support the acquisition of a procedure should be recalled
in the class.

6 Md. Nururl Huda Chowdhury ,

Dept of CIT
12th batch
Process information and examples

It means what will be the process of being informed regarding the certain procedural rule. It
involves some steps-

1. Learning to determine if the procedure is required

2. Learning to complete the steps in the procedure.
3. Learning to list the steps in the procedure.
4. Learning to check the appropriateness of a completed procedure.

Focus Attention

Attention should be given more on –

1. Recognizing the situation that requires a particular procedure.

2. What are the steps involved in the procedure.
3. How this steps are involved with the procedure.
4. What can be the sector for applying the procedural rule.

Employ learning Strategies

It means to set some strategies so that it helps to recall the procedure instantly. For example,
learner can use some sign or code for easy recalling (see ex. of relational rule). Or learners
may be encouraged to develop their own memories.


Practice session for procedural rule will be executed on the basis of the steps involved in
Process information and examples. These are-

1. Learning to determine if the procedure is required

2. Learning to complete the steps in the procedure.
3. Learning to list the steps in the procedure.
4. Learning to check the appropriateness of a completed procedure.


Summarize and Review

The teacher will summarize the whole lesson and take evaluation on the basis of today’s

Transfer Knowledge

It means, students should be encouraged to locate the situations in their lives in which the
rule’s application is demonstrated.

Remotivation and close

7 Md. Nururl Huda Chowdhury ,

Dept of CIT
12th batch
Teacher will remotivate the students for their next class by keeping relevancy with today’s
class and close the class for today.


The ultimate assessment for a procedure is the learner’s ability to apply the procedure in
diverse and difficult situation. So for assessing learner performance the designer will develop
some assessment items by which learner’s ability to apply the procedure will be measured.
On the other hand assessment will be executed on the basis of the following components-

1. Learning to determine if the procedure is required

2. Learning to complete the steps in the procedure.
3. Learning to list the steps in the procedure.
4. Learning to check the appropriateness of a completed procedure.

8 Md. Nururl Huda Chowdhury ,

Dept of CIT
12th batch
9 Md. Nururl Huda Chowdhury ,
Dept of CIT
12th batch
10 Md. Nururl Huda Chowdhury ,
Dept of CIT
12th batch

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