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University of New Haven

Canvas is a dynamic website students can use to access all aspects of their courses. This
interactive platform will allow students to view and upload assignments, message professors
and classmates, and access Zoom classes. Announcements

Class Tiles: Access the course To-Do: Task bar that shows
webpage(see page 2). Discussions upcoming assignment.

Tool Bar Items

Account Review and edit profile, make changes to
various settings, and access course

Dashboard Main page of the website. Let’s the student

access their classes and see upcoming

Courses Pop out bar to switch between registered


Groups Pop out bar to switch between groups of any


Calendar A monthly calendar that will display

assignments in a boxes corresponding with
their due date.

Inbox Receive and send messages to professors or


Follett Take the student to a secondary website to

Discovery purchase books for their classes.
Review grades and comments
Course Webpages: A specific webpage created by Professors for a on recently submitted
particular class students can access through Canvas. The Professors can assignments.
set up their course webpages in many ways, illustrated by the side-by-
side images. The tool bar, in orange highlight, houses different course
aspects, outside links, or 3rd party learning platforms. The course
webpages hold all the information students need to complete their
Tool Bar Items
Home Content varies on Professor’s set up.

Announcements A list of updates from the Professor.

Modules Access work the Professor has planned and go

through lessons.

Syllabus Read the course description, class expectations, and

grading breakdown.

Discussion Prompts that students can respond to and reply to

other classmates.

Assignments Access and upload assignments.

People Look up classmates and contact info.

Grades See individual assignment grades, overall grade, and

test out What If Scores (hypothetical scores
students place in to see the effect it would have on
their overall grade).

Zoom Access Professor’s office hours.

StudyMate Flashcards and quizzes to help students study.

McGraw-Hill 3rd part learning platform for additional assignments

and access to the e-text book.

Library Resources Example of an external link the Professor wanted

students to have.

Zoom Classroom Access the Zoom link for synchronic online classes (a
class set-up for professors and students to meet at a
scheduled time virtually).

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