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Serving to elderly:

Older people are one of the most vulnerable groups in society, not only because they

have irresponsible institutions in terms of retirement and access to quality health care, but

also because they are subject to violence from younger people, including family


According to a statistical article in 2017, Singapore had the lowest fertility rate in the

world, with only 0.83 children per woman. By 2035, about 32 percent of Singaporeans

were estimated to be 65 or older (Hirschmann, 2020). This reflects the need to improve

services for older persons considering the reality that most of the population will be in

this segment soon, leading governments around the world to take early action, and

Singapore is no exception.

Singapore is a country that has a high percentage of older adults, so it is very

important that the government provides them with a good quality of life. Rappi, apart

from being an innovative company, is a company that is dedicated to helping make

human life easier.

When observing the cultural dimensions of Hofstede, specifically the masculinity

index (MAS), it becomes evident that this country is a female society whose central focus

is quality of life. Therefore, we believe that Rappi should include in its services a service

that benefits the elderly because they are a population that is more likely to be hurt when

they leave their homes to buy basic necessities.

The Singaporean government, within its multiple aids, offers this population a

consensus card to receive discounts on transportation and access to activities carried out

for this specific segment. Our idea is that every time an elderly person makes a purchase
through Rappi when cancelling their order, they show the government card to receive a

discount on their purchase, this causes that within the platform there is a loyalty on their

part, due to the ease of use and the benefit it provides.

Step by step

1. Contact the Singapore government's statistics department to determine the elderly


2. Once the survey is done, through the department of statistics, conduct a survey to

find out how many older adults have the government card.

3. Conduct trainings, either virtual or face-to-face to teach them how to use the

platform and how to make the discount effective.

4. Finally, according to the age of the older adult, the value of the discount will be

estimated. For example, if this person is 60 years old, he or she will be given a

10% discount, if he or she is 70 years old, 20%, and so on.


Digital marketing:

Recommendation will be that Rappi implement digital marketing, since the objective of

this is to have a relationship with the client, offering a personalized service to their

interests or needs, placing the selling client at the same level and the results can be

measured from according to usage statistics.

digital marketing in its entirety is the promotion of products, brands or services through

one or more forms of electronic media such as the internet, social networks, cell phones,
platforms, among others; Therefore, it is important to create the existence of the Rappi

brand in the different online platforms so that it can achieve the recognition that the brand


In the century in which we live, business opportunities in the digital system are infinite,

and it is only because of the fact that Rappi is a platform that only uses digital media and

its focus is to be able to obtain new consumers every day the brand is required To use

online tools and look for new alternatives to make themselves known without having to

use traditional advertising, this opens the door for digital marketing.

Digital marketing is important for Rappi since all the information that exists around the

brand will make the consumer more or less willing to become the final consumer, so a

digital marketing strategy will be essential to position the image of the brand and

increase its visibility.

It is important that Rappi needs to stay on the internet and it is necessary that it adapt to a

constant update in order to be able to adapt to the technological advances that the most

developed Asian countries constantly suffer, and among these is Singapore. But to

achieve this it is important to have a good digital marketing strategy. (Storm, 2020)

For the implementation of digital marketing, steps:

1. The first step: for digital marketing to be successful for Rappi is to carry out an

exhaustive study of the strategies to be implemented and to know each of the tools

found in digital marketing.

2. Second Step: Collect qualitative and quantitative information about the target

market, including age, gender, occupation, interests, location, defining the target

audience that Rappi wants to reach, to define the personality of the consumer by

implementing different tools that provide reports of marketing.

3. Third step: establish the competitors, to know what type of strategies they are

implementing, how they are oriented and how effective they have become to make

the competitors recognized.

4. Fourth step: implement tools with high quality content that benefit the expansion

and make Rappi known, determining the aspects that attract more traffic to the

website, reinforcing presence in different media such as: social networks, blogs,

advertising on different sites web, positioning the brand in search engines, in order

to position itself against other companies.

5. Fifth step: analyze free measurement alternatives offered by search engines, for

example, Google has a tool called Google Analytics, which provides traffic

reports, social networks, among others, measuring the impact and efficiency of

search campaigns. digital marketing that Rappi is implementing and will serve to

know the return on investment (ROI) and in this way Rappi will know if it should

allocate more budget.

Production/ sourcing / distribution:

Exclusive distribution:

We know that Rappi is a company that oversees the distribution of products, whether it is

food, supermarkets, technology, pharmacy, among many others. Therefore, Rappi is charge
of reuniting the producer with the buyer and is charge of the distribution of the product,

taking it, the buyer in good conditions, we know that Singapore is one of the richest countries

in the world, which, spite of small population, has one of the highest GDPs in the world,

Likewise its GDP per capital also, so it is a market that has possibility of buying luxury

products such as the Colombian emerald which is one of the most desired in the market and

more in the Asian market because of purity and color that stands out over other emerald

countries, clothing brands such as Silvia Tcherassi or Estaban Cortázar, so focusing on an

exclusive distribution to Singapore would be very profitable with Colombian products of high

quality and would have a great boom in this country. Singapore's flourishing financial

markets, its renowned private banking and high quality of life continue to attract high net

worth individuals from neighboring countries with a total of 188,000 millionaires and 37,600

newcomers arriving or becoming or new riches a percentage of 18% higher than cities like

Hong Kong or New York (CNN,2018), not necessarily our target market should be

billionaires as on average a Singaporean has a GDP per capital of $64. 581 USD per person

surpassing the GDP per capital of countries such as France or Germany which are some of

the highest for our exclusive and quality products such as high purity coffee, exotic fruits,

high quality leather goods and natural cosmetic products that in spite of not having exorbitant

costs many times in Colombia are not very consumed because their prices and difference in

income compared to other countries with people of greater economic power, Where you

could have a great objective market that is directed with some "exclusive" products to the

population of Singapore like the ones already mentioned and others that are really exclusive

like the emerald, jewelry made in Colombian handcrafted gold with precious stones that are

abundant here, art, clothing designs, exclusive textiles and leather based manufactures that

offer exclusivity to a population that really can acquire it, the strategy is to look for who

offers and produces those goods in Colombia and who would buy them in Singapore.
Step by step:

1. Make the section in the application called exclusive choice where the person will find

the different products in the jewelry section, the jewelry in the fashion section,

fashion and properly with the others.

2. Carry out quantitative and qualitative data with the due studies and surveys and

objective market, of the population of Singapore that will acquire these goods,

income, in which they spend their money, age, occupation, gender and the due studies

of who will acquire these exclusive goods.

3. Also, to realize the due market study, who offers these products in Colombia to take

them towards Singapore and to do his due delivery to the persons of Singapore that

acquire them.

4. Carry out the due costs of export from Colombia and import to Singapore, papers,

permits and care so that the product arrives in perfect conditions as Rappi usually

does, for which Rappi would do the due function that has always made the delivery in

this case of exclusive products.

Clearly it is a very ambitious proposal that is not seen much in Colombia that someone

delivery a jewel in gold and emeralds to the door of your house, but in Singapore a market

with such income is more than necessary and profitable, more in times like these that it would

be complicated to go to a jewelry store or to come to Colombia to buy such goods, this

market will also include the luxury goods of Singapore that will be to an only click of



Subsidies that can be applied:

Singapore the second place in 2020 to do business. Credits to foreign investors, simple

regulatory system, tax incentives, a high quality industrial real estate park, political stability

and absence of corruption make Singapore a very attractive destination for investment. The

country has one of the best regulatory systems in the world for the payment of taxes (it is fast

and cheap) and for making contracts. In 2019, the procedure for construction permits was

facilitated (Santander,2020), basically the perfect place to do and develop business according

to ratings and investigations that give it a triple A rating and a low risk apart development as

easy to obtain credits and apply for government tax subsidies.

Singapore is a country open to foreign investment and offers tax advantages from which

companies can benefit after registering with the Economic Development Council. The

government continuously provides the national economy with public investments. As an

example, transport infrastructure projects or programs to stimulate transfer to the economy of

the future. In 2017, the government mobilized more than USD 8 billion (about 2.5% of GDP)

to improve productivity and stimulate innovation in 23 associated industries in growth sectors


Besides, a recent research by the World Bank (WB) established that investing in

Singapore was very attractive on the basis that foreign direct investment obtained the best

conditions for doing business. According to WB specialists, investing in Singapore offered

incentives for companies to launch and operate new projects, based on facilities in the tax

regulatory framework, easy access to credit and the great protection that FDI received (WB).

As we can see, the government of Singapore supports foreign investment that supports the

internal growth of the country and looks to the future with billions of dollars. Rappi is a

company that looks to the future of home based goods, as an application that has a great

variety of products just a click away, the inclusion to the economy of immigrant population
and with few opportunities and constant developments that look to the future as the

development of homes via drone and super-fast deliveries, these factors make Rappi a

company worthy of applying for a subsidy of these.

Step by step:

1. Present the business model and how it will benefit the country by entering and

developing in this new economy.

2. Register in the economic development council program that is on the website of the

government of Singapore to obtain a subsidy for innovation and economic growth.

3. Demonstrate where the obtained subsidy will be implemented and how it will

generate faster processes and faster deliveries in the economy of Singapore.

4. Make the due development that will generate profits and more competitive and

technological processes in the company.

The subsidy is a super benefit that helps us with the due development of the business and

would generate a greater capital that would be directed to new technologies and in general to

the development the business.

Human resources:

Workers with dignity:

We know usually the people who develop these types of jobs are people or low income or

immigrants or both in general people who may come from places where the opportunities

they were given were not many and that their skills are often not valued simply because they

look different or are from other territories, Rappi wants to change that by implementing and

developing a loyalty of workers with the right incentives and resources, we can be included in

the economy of a country and can start to work and then have more opportunities to grow as
people and give perhaps was never given to them, the inclusion to this new economy or to the

active economic population in general.

We want to provide spaces where workers can take their proper breaks, eat, pray, rest or

simply need to go to the bathroom with air-conditioned sites and the proper measures to rest

and feel better to continue working, including a small site to perform their rituals regardless

of race, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

On the other hand, we know that Rappi's staff and their income depend on how many

deliveries they make and how fast or productive they are, so the more deliveries with quality

and qualifications their have, they will have a proper remuneration with many deliveries and

five-star ratings will go up from copper to silver and finally gold, this will represent a higher

income for each address and a higher remuneration that will serve to improve their quality of


Step by step:

1. Getting the places to rent, where the workers' space will be located

2. To adapt the place with air conditioning and to have the necessary cubicles for

each promised activity.

3. Conduct constant surveys to rate the worker's performance with clients.

4. Review each worker's information, to verify how many benefits they get.

This situation will provide confidence to each of our workers which will allow a pleasant

work environment, which makes the work more productive, avoiding constant layoffs which

would generate additional costs to the company.


Hirschmann, R. (27 de 04 de 2020). Statista. Retrieved of Aging population of Singapore -

Statistics & Facts:



Storm, M. (20 de 02 de 2020). WebFX. Obtenido de WebFX:

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