Commercial Dispatch Eedition 12-10-20

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Established 1879 | Columbus, Mississippi

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Thursday | December 10, 2020

City: Planned Hindu invocation a show of inclusion

Tuesday’s meeting may include first non- you, we believe in you.”
So he was excited to learn
Universal Society of Hindu-
ism in 2011, has said opening
Judeo-Christian prayer offered before council that Rajan Zed, president of the
Nevada-based Universal Soci-
prayers at state legislative ses-
sions and meetings of local gov-
BY ISABELLE ALTMAN bers to attend the meetings in ety of Hinduism, had reached ernments all over the country. person or over Zoom and say out to city officials request- Tuesday will be the first time
a prayer after Mayor Robert ing to say a traditional Hindu he has done so in Mississip-
Columbus Public Informa- Smith has opened the meeting prayer at the start of Tuesday’s pi, he told The Dispatch in an
tion Officer Joe Dillon has been but before the council has be- city council meeting — the email.
arranging for religious leaders gun discussing business. first time a religious leader not Dillon Zed “Although I have never been
— mostly local — to give the “I think it’s a good valuable from a Judeo-Christian denom- all beliefs,” Dillon said. “... He to Columbus, … it seemed fas-
invocation at the beginning of part of the meeting,” Dillon ination will have given the in- contacted us and (asked if he cinating to me,” he said in the
the twice-monthly city council said. “... These men and ladies vocation as far as either Dillon could) lead the invocation. We email. “I shall try to visit Co-
meetings since he began in his have to make some difficult or Chief Administrative Officer didn’t hesitate. We said, ‘Sure, lumbus in the future.”
position in 2016. decisions. … It is a time of en- David Armstrong know. we’d be glad for you to.’ Zed and USH work to pro-
Typically he arranges for lo- couragement, almost like when “I think it’s significant be- “I’m glad he’s coming,” he mote Hinduism and Hindu
cal pastors who have reached a team goes out and takes the cause it shows that Columbus added. “I’m glad he’s able to do values while also fostering di-
out to city officials or been field in a time of battle. This is wants to be all-inclusive and this.” alogue and understanding with
recommended by council mem- a time to say that we’re behind wants to encourage everyone of Zed, who established the See COUNCIL, 6A

City PACCAR plant recognized

reimbursed for 10 years in Golden Triangle
$242,951 from
Auditor’s Office
in ex-CFO
Rawle charged in June
for embezzling funds
between 2016 and 2018

The State Au-

ditor’s Office has
recovered almost
$243,000 for the city
of Columbus follow-
ing the arrest of for-
mer Chief Financial
Officer Milton Raw-
le earlier this year, Rawle
according to a SAO
press release.
Rawle, who worked for the
city between 2013 and 2019, was Courtesy photo
indicted in June for alleged em- Two associates assemble a MX-13 Engine at the PACCAR Engine Plant in Columbus. The plant employs about 550 people
bezzlement of almost $290,000 in and was drawn to the workforce in the Golden Triangle region when it opened 10 years ago, plant communications manager
city funds between 2016 and 2018. Mike Arzamendi said. Students at the three colleges in the area regularly work as interns at PACCAR.
The Auditor’s Office returned
$242,951.13 to the city earlier this
month. LINK COO: ‘To say that it’s become a part The factory has pro-
duced more than 250,000
City Public Information Officer PACCAR MX-11 and MX-
Joe Dillon and an SAO spokesper-
son said the city contracts with
of who we are would be an understatement’ 13 engines to date, accord-
ing to the press release,
a bonding company that paid the BY TESS VRBIN trucks is recognizing its first North and produced 12 engines
money to the Auditor’s Office, American engine plant after 10 years of per day when it opened but
which then returned the funds “manufacturing excellence and a strong now produces more than Arzamendi
to the city. The bonding compa- Femi Johnson initially INSIDE commitment to its community,” accord- 100 per day, plant commu-
ny then has the opportunity to wasn’t sure if PACCAR n OUR VIEW:
ing to a PACCAR press release. nications manager Mike Arzamendi said.
sue Rawle in civil court to get the would hire an internation- PACCAR
established Johnson described a constructive PACCAR is a global company with
money back on their end. al student as an intern.
The Nigeria native had aindustry
pattern of work environment in which the initial about 28,000 employees worldwide
The spokesperson said the city in anxiety about interning for such a large
heard from a classmate at the Golden and serving roughly 100 countries, he
may recover more money later
Mississippi State Univer- Triangle. company wore off quickly. said. Its truck companies, Peterbilt and
through other means, including
sity about the internship Page 4A “If you have questions, everyone’s Kenworth, have manufacturing plants
fines and court orders if Rawle is
and decided to apply de- available to help you,” she said. “You throughout the United States, including
spite her doubts. After interning at the don’t feel like you’re a little mouse. Ev- Kenworth plants in California and Ohio
Rawle’s case is pending in
Lowndes County Circuit Court. Lowndes County engine manufacturing eryone’s a big cat, basically.” and a Peterbilt plant in Texas.
He has been released from custo- plant in fall 2018 and summer 2019, PAC- The $400 million plant took three PACCAR chose to locate the engine
dy on $65,000 bond. CAR hired Johnson as a maintenance years to build and had about 75 employ- plant in Columbus over anywhere else
Conf lict disclosure: Managing reliability engineer in January, a month ees when it opened in 2010 at the Lown- in the country due to what it saw as a
Editor Zack Plair took part in ed- after she graduated from MSU with an des County Industrial Park on Highway promising workforce that was “ready and
iting this article. He is currently engineering degree. 82 west of Columbus, plant manager willing to step up to the plate,” Arzamen-
involved in legal proceedings with The Fortune 500 company that de- Andy Appel said. Now it has about 550 di said. Proximity to three institutions of
the city of Columbus. signs and manufactures heavy-duty employees. See PACCAR, 6A


1 What buzz-worthy TV show did buzz-worthy Saturday MEETINGS
singer Ed Sheeran make a buzz-worthy cameo on Dec. 11: Lowndes
■ Whoville Cruisin’: Cars, trucks, golf
in the summer of 2017? County School Dis-
2 In 2017, what restaurant chain announced the carts and gators are invited to deco-
trict board, 12:30
gradual disbanding of its longtime house band, rate “Grinch-style” and join this cruise
p.m., Central Of-
the Pizza Time Players? through downtown Columbus at 3:30
fice, 1053 Hwy. 45
3 What kids’ book-turned-streaming-TV series p.m. Meet at the Hitching Lot Farmers’
South, Columbus
Waverly Glenn includes volumes called “The Reptile Room” and Market, Second Avenue and Second
“The Wide Window”? Dec. 15: Lowndes
Fourth grade, Annunciation Street North, between 2-3 p.m. (No ve-
4 What current events online newsletter and app County Board of Su-
hicle to be driven outside parade route

69 Low 41
shares its name with fat-free milk? pervisors meeting,
5 Flipping what kind of common object and that is not street legal.) Main Street
High landing it upright became a playground — and Columbus, 662-328-6305.
9 a.m., Lowndes
Sunny County Courthouse,
Internet — sensation in 2016?
Full forecast on
page 3A.
Answers, 6B
Tuesdays in December LowndesCounty-
■ Holiday Fun at 501: Bring your Mississippi/
INSIDE lunch and enjoy sounds of the season
11 a.m.-1 p.m. at the Columbus Arts
Dec. 15: Colum-
bus City Council,
Business 5B Dear Abby 4B Council, 501 Main St. Drinks, live 5 p.m., Municipal
Classifieds 6B Obituaries 5A music and holiday fun provided. Free. April Walker lives in West Complex, facebook.
Comics 4B Opinions 4A Music by: Dec. 15-Jace Ferraez; Dec. Point. She enjoys spending com/CityofColum-
141st Year, No. 233 Crossword 6B 22-Suzuki Strings. 662-328-2787. time with family. busMS/


2A THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2020 The Dispatch •

Lawmakers act to avert shutdown,

buying time for COVID talks
One-week government-wide funding bill expected couragement from McConnell, but
members are claiming progress on
to easily pass before a deadline of midnight Friday perhaps the most contentious item,
a demand by the Kentucky Republi-
to avert a partial government shutdown can to award businesses and other
organizations protections against
BY ANDREW TAYLOR government shutdown. COVID-related lawsuits.
The Associated Press The measure would give law- “We’re trying to get a bipartisan
makers more time to sort through compromise along the lines of the
WASHINGTON — Still spinning the hot mess they have created for Gang of Eight framework,” said
their wheels on COVID-19 relief,
themselves after months of futile Senate Minority Leader Chuck
lawmakers grabbed a one-week
negotiations and posturing and re- Schumer, D-N.Y. “We need Leader
government funding extension
cent rounds of flip-flopping. McConnell to stop sabotaging the
on Wednesday that buys time for
more talks — though there is con- Top GOP leaders said the right talks and work with this gang of
siderable disagreement over who is people to handle endgame nego- eight, which is the most hopeful and
supposed to be taking the lead from tiations are the top four leaders of the only bipartisan group together.”
there. Congress and the Trump adminis- Senate Minority Whip John
Amid the uncertainty, the House tration, focused on a proposal by Thune, R-S.D., however, said the
easily passed a one-week govern- Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mc- only way to resolve the negotiations
ment-wide funding bill that sets a Connell to eliminate a Democratic is for McConnell, Pelosi and the
new Dec. 18 deadline for Congress demand for a $160 billion or so aid White House to take charge.
to wrap up both the COVID-19 relief package for state and local govern- “The bipartisan group provided
measure and a $1.4 trillion catchall ments. a good foundation kind of a place to
spending bill that is also overdue. Top Democrats. meanwhile, are start from. And hopefully, the ne-
The 343-67 vote sent the one-week placing their bets on a bipartisan gotiations are real negotiations on
bill to the Senate, where it’s expect- group of senators who are trying to what can ultimately pass the House,
ed to easily pass before a deadline iron out a $908 billion package. The the Senate, and get signed,” Thune
of midnight Friday to avert a partial bipartisan group is getting no en- said. “We need to get under way.”

Trump looks past Supreme Court loss to new election lawsuit

Texas AG’s suit demands that the voting in the four battle-
ly criticized Paxton. “I
feel sorry for Texans that
62 total Electoral College votes in Repeating many of
those claims, Trump law-
their tax dollars are being
wasted on such a genuine-
Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, yer John Eastman wrote, ly embarrassing lawsuit,”
“The fact that nearly half Wisconsin’s attorney gen-
and Wisconsin be invalidated of the country believes eral, Josh Kaul, said.
the election was stolen Seventeen states
BY MARK SHERMAN testing the Nov. 3 vote, should come as no sur- Trump won last month
AND MARC LEVY Trump has lost more than joined Texas in urging the
prise.” Biden won by more
The Associated Press 35 and the others are than 7 million votes and court to take on the law-
pending, according to an has a 306-232 electoral suit less than a week be-
WASHINGTON — Associated Press tally. vote edge. fore presidential electors
President Donald Trump The suit from the Texas “We will be INTER- gather in state capitals to
on Wednesday asked the attorney general, Republi- VENING in the Texas formally choose Biden as
Supreme Court to let him can Ken Paxton, demands (plus many other states) the next president.
join an improbable lawsuit that the 62 total Electoral case,” Trump said hours They are: Alabama, Ar-
challenging election re- College votes in Georgia, before the high court fil- kansas, Florida, Indiana,
sults in Pennsylvania and Michigan, Pennsylvania, ing. “This is the big one. Kansas, Louisiana, Mis-
other states that he lost, and Wisconsin be inval- Our Country needs a vic- sissippi, Missouri, Mon-
a day after the justices idated. That’s enough, tana, Nebraska, North
rejected a last-gasp bid if set aside, to swing the Dakota, Oklahoma, South
Legal experts dis-
to reverse Pennsylvania’s election to Trump. Pax- Carolina, South Dako-
missed Paxton’s filing
certification of Democrat ton’s suit repeats a litany ta, Tennessee, Utah and
as the latest and perhaps
Joe Biden’s victory. of false, disproven and West Virginia.
longest legal shot since
The high court has unsupported allegations Election Day, and officials
asked for responses by about mail-in ballots and in the four states sharp-
Thursday. Out of the
roughly 50 lawsuits filed
around the country con-

Hunter Biden tax

probe examining
Chinese business

Justice Department is in-
vestigating the finances of
President-elect Joe Biden’s
son, including scrutiniz-
ing some of his Chinese
business dealings and oth-
er transactions, a person
familiar with the matter
told The Associated Press.
The revelations put
a renewed spotlight on
questions about Hunter
Biden’s financial history,
which dogged his father’s
successful White House
campaign and were a fre-
quent target of President
Donald Trump and his al-
lies. They also come at a
politically delicate time for
the president-elect, who
is weighing his choice to
lead an agency that is ac-
tively investigating his
The tax investigation
was launched in 2018,
the year before the elder
Biden announced his can-
didacy for president. Hunt-
er Biden confirmed the
existence of the investiga-
tion on Wednesday, saying
he learned about it for the
first time the previous day.
“I take this matter very
seriously but I am confi-
dent that a professional
and objective review of
these matters will demon-
strate that I handled my
affairs legally and appro-
priately, including with
the benefit of professional
tax advisors,” he said in a
The Dispatch • THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2020 3A


pot thrown into
prison in footballs
Contraband included 38
cellphones, 20 pounds of
tobacco, 4 pounds of marijuana
and 7 pounds of chicken wings

LEAKESVILLE — Corrections officials at a

South Mississippi prison say they confiscated doz-
ens of illegal cellphones and pounds of marijuana
and barbecued chicken wings, some of which were
concealed inside footballs and thrown over a prison
The footballs and other packages cleared South
Mississippi Correctional Institution’s double
18-foot-high fences around 1:30 a.m. Monday and
were detected by the prison’s sensing technology,
officials said in a press release.
The contraband was split into 25 packages,
which included 38 cellphones, cigars, 20 pounds of
Yue Stella Yu/Dispatch Staff tobacco and rolling papers, 4 pounds of marijuana
Kelly Cheatham, right, shops for Christmas gifts with her two daughters, Kate, left, 4, and Annabelle, 3, recently. and 7 pounds of barbecued chicken wings.
The gifts are for her daughters’ teachers and family members, Cheatham said. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Superintendent Andrew Mills said Security
her family will not have big gatherings this year, she said. Chief Michael McLendon spotted the vehicle car-
rying the items. A search is underway by state and
local law enforcement.
The inmates found connected with the smug-
gling attempt will lose eligibility for early release

Mississippi governor defends

and accumulated earned time, officials said.
Deputy Commissioner of Institutions Jeworski
Mallett said trespassing on prison grounds is illegal.
He said the Department of Corrections is cracking

hosting parties amid virus

down on contraband using new technology and are
developing plans to re-open perimeter guard towers
with marksmen armed with high-powered rifles.
Mississippi Department of Corrections Commis-
State reported more than 2,700 new confirmed and a maximum of 250
sioner Burl Cain said gang leaders use contraband
“as a way to control other inmates.”
coronavirus cases Wednesday, the most ever in a single day Mississippi report-
ed more than 2,700 new
“We’re choking off their operations they’ve used
for decades to control prisons,” he said. “Now we’re
BY LEAH WILLINGHAM the parties to tours that were invited to a gover- confirmed cases of coro- installing and using the latest security systems,
The Associated Press/Report have been happening nor’s Christmas party navirus Wednesday, the drones overhead, and cameras and scanners every-
for America during the pandemic. No happening Wednesday. most ever in a single day. where.”
more than 10 people are The governor also invit- Before that, the record
JACKSON — Missis-

Log on.
allowed on each tour of ed lawmakers to separate was 2,480, reported Dec.
sippi Gov. Tate Reeves the historic home, and parties next week. 4. Mississippi has also
on Wednesday defend- masks are required. Reeves has often told exceeded past records
ed his decision to hold “What I think we are people not to host gather- for the number of patients
Christmas parties at the doing by offering the ings as the virus spreads. hospitalized with corona-
Governor’s Mansion, de- public the opportunity He issued a new executive virus in recent days.
spite repeatedly warning to, for instance, tour the order Wednesday that re- Reeves said he did not
residents to avoid social Governor’s Mansion, is stricts social gatherings know how many people
gatherings as coronavi- to offer a sense of normal- statewide to 10 people were invited to the Gov-
rus cases surge. cy,” Reeves said during a indoors and 50 outdoors
ernor’s Mansion parties,
The Republican gover- news conference. when social distancing and he did not specify
nor said he invited family, Reeves, who became is not possible and has how many he plans to
friends and state officials governor in January, said issued a mask mandate host.
to the multiple parties, he canceled many social for all Mississippi schools
but he expects many will events for the year, includ- and in 61 out of 82 coun-
choose not to attend. ing a 16th birthday party ties in the state with the
The front part of the for his oldest daughter highest number of new
Governor’s Mansion is a and an open house tradi- coronavirus cases.
museum that is open by tionally held the first Fri- The new executive
appointment only, and day of December. order additionally limits
the Reeves family lives In a story first report- schools’ indoor sporting
in a private portion in the ed by Mississippi Today, events to four spectators
back. Reeves compared elected officials said they per student participant

Road; complete shop; owner ■ Cuthberston; 840 Timber-
Lowndes County ■ Thomas Morris; 19 Buck creek Dr.; remodel s/f resi-
Dec. 9, 2020 Egger Road; construct storm dence; Rhett Construction
■ Shelton Properties; 4869 shelter; owner ■ Donald Blackmon; Fire
Hwy 12 E; remodel s/f resi- ■ Heather Griffiths; 10153 Tower Road; construct s/f
dence; owner Hwy 12 E.; addition to s/f resi- residence; owner
■ Gary and Wendi Franks; 327 dence; McNees Construction ■ Joyce and Worrell Aitches-
Pritchard Ln; addition to s/f ■ Welch; Windy Ridge Circle; on; Maddie Cove; construct
residence; owner construct a/f residence; Clardy s/f residence; Andrew Hill
■ Darrell Bradley; 1691 Kidd Home Development Construction

The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Thurs. Fri.
Major 8:56p 9:48a
Minor 3:48a 4:56a
Major 9:22a 10:14a
Minor 3:46p 4:23p
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

The Dispatch
The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS Phone: 662-328-2424
POSTMASTER, Send address changes to:
The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 Website:
Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc.,
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703
Report a news tip:
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager


PACCAR established a pattern of industry in the Golden Triangle

widely accepted variation of thing from wood products to steel to missed as a coincidence. on those who work in economic devel-
something novelist Ian Flem- aerospace, pumping millions of dollars But then, in 2007, PACCAR an- opment in the area.
ing once wrote goes, “Once is into the local economy through taxes nounced its plans to build a $400-mil- “The plant is an ‘anchor facility’
chance, twice is coincidence, three and, of course job. With about 550 em- lion facility in Lowndes County. That’s that means more to the region than
times is a pattern.” ployees, PACCAR is one of our largest the “three” in the equation, establish- just an economic driver, said Macau-
On Wednesday, PACCAR celebrat- industries. ing a pattern that could be used to lay Whitaker, chief operating officer
ed a milestone not just for its Colum- It’s easy enough to consider PAC- recruit other industries to what was for the Golden Triangle Development
bus facility but for the entire company. CAR on its merits alone until we suddenly perceived as a booming area LINK.
Ten years ago in Columbus, the truck consider what the arrival PACCAR for industry. That’s three major indus- “I think we’d have a really hard time
manufacturing giant first began pro- would ultimately mean to our larger tries in four years. The boom was on. thinking of the Golden Triangle with-
ducing engines to equip its well-estab- industrial base. Other industries soon followed and out PACCAR in the future,” she said.
lished line of heavy-duty trucks. American Eurocopter (now Airbus) the industrial footprint has expanded “To say that it’s become a part of who
Starting with just 75 employees was the “one” in the equation, opening to West Point (Yokohama Tire) and we are would be an understatement.”
with operations beginning a year later in 2003, and could have been seen as Oktibbeha County and its new indus- Technically, for the last 10 years,
than planned because of the Great something of an outlier in the largely trial park. PACCAR has been building engines in
Recession of 2008, Columbus PAC- undeveloped area of west Lowndes In many respects, the arrival of Lowndes County.
CAR has since become one of the key County. When the late John Correnti PACCAR established the pattern that Historically, it has helped build far
pillars of Lowndes County’s economic opened steel manufacturer Severstal would be used to promote the industri- more than that.
powerhouse, which now includes a (now Steel Dynamics) in 2005, it was al growth we see today. It has become an icon for industrial
wide range of manufacturing — every- the “twice,” and could have been dis- It’s significance is certainly not lost development in our region.


Letter from home

oming home for
the holidays and
working from my
old home — the only
one I knew until college
— for the rest of the
year, I’ve been recon-
necting with my home-
town and my memories
of it. The haze of my
early childhood often
takes shape in the form
of a castle. Demonstra- Andrew Colom
tion Elementary school
felt like that to me as a kid. Besides the downtown
YMCA, my twin brother and I spent more time
growing up on 11th street south, opened in 1929,
the first department to integrate on MUW’s cam-
pus, and a place of magic, than any other place
outside our house.
The Magnolia Bowl, now overgrown with
grass, once felt like a great coliseum. My middle
school years, I went to see my older cousin run
through tackles from the stands of that bowl,
smoked my first cigarette to impress an older
girl, saw my brother stalked by a very angry
classmate determined to fight him, and ate the
trifecta of concessions: popcorn, hamburgers, na-
chos. The best concessions were at Propst Park. I
played terrible baseball there, mostly striking out
and waiting for fly balls in the outfield that rarely
came. I dropped the few that soared my way. In
those years, there were no soccer fields near the
We’re a republic, not a democracy
Farmer’s Market welcoming visitors into town, so
baseball and soccer were shared at the Propst lo-
cation. I remember spraining my ankle, wearing

a long sleeved neon t-shirt as a very aggressive arring some a Presidential election: Why? For one thing, Congress-
goalie. bombshell, expect state judges, federal men and state legislators are
Teenage Driving: I spent the free time of high Joe Biden to be judges, state represen- elected themselves. It would be bad
school driving and listening to music. The sense elected President of the tatives, state senators, politics to infuriate millions of vot-
that you could go anywhere listening to your United States on Mon- governors, secretaries ers. This is true of both Democrats
music, a national rite of masculine passage, held day, December 14, when of state and Congress- and Republicans.
power over the Columbus of my youth differently. the Electoral College men. Trump just didn’t have the po-
There was more restlessness to the driving. We meets. The United States is litical capital to make this happen
drove out to empty farm fields late at night and We all know that one of the oldest sur- on run-of-the-mill election fraud
had long conversations about where we wanted President Trump is viving republics in the evidence.
to go and what we wanted to do. We all placed crying fraud and trying world. There is a reason Most losers in Presidential elec-
excitement outside our home. We were searching to get the powers that be for that. Our Consti- tions understand this and concede,
for something we assumed we could never find to overturn the popular Wyatt Emmerich tution is rock solid. saving the country time, effort,
here, or maybe we were posturing. Those opin- vote. Indeed, a popular Our founding fathers money and angst. But not Trump.
ions are so certain for such uncertain years. vote can be overturned anticipated Presidential He has every right to sing “My
Columbus had soul night Sundays at Skate in many ways, per our Constitution. election disputes. There is an elabo- Way” on his birthday, but that’s
Zone, the best party in town. Too often, that joy But Trump has failed to muster the rate process to ensure stability and not going to change the rock solid
dissolved into fights in the parking lot. That same firepower necessary to make that accountability. stability of our nation’s election
joy, breaking the monotony of a small town life, happen. No doubt there is fraud in every process.
by a concert or birthday party at the Columbus Remember that we live in a election just as every man is full of So what are we to make of all the
Fairgrounds, seemed to follow the rule that de- republic, not a democracy. In a sin. Who hasn’t heard of “get out wild accusations of fraud posted
layed pleasure becomes negative quickly. Those democracy, the people vote on laws. the vote money”? Indeed, ballot to the Internet? As a journalist for
fairground parties often genuflected between In a republic, people elect represen- harvesting is legal in 26 states. decades, I am used to wild accusa-
pleasure and trouble, pleasure and trouble. tatives who vote on laws. There’s a (This needs to change.) tions. The main thing journalists do
People living in houses in every neighborhood difference. Over the years, our elections, is vet wild rumors from real news.
in this town raised me. I walked around East We should all be glad we live in a like everything else, have improved In the days of traditional mass
Columbus with crews of guys, drove out to New republic, not a democracy. Trying to and advanced. Still, a low level of media, such rumors were vetted
Hope to make out with a girlfriend every other use mass votes to run a country is fraud remains. This fraud surely early by professional journalists
night, hit a home run right after my brother play- a recipe for disaster. For one thing, increased in this election because and never gained mass media trac-
ing baseball on the southside, but lost a couple of voting is often ripe with fraud. of the expanded mail in voting due tion. The Internet changed all that.
fights in front of Charlie Brown gym. My brother That’s why our founding fathers to COVID. Any blogger with a smartphone can
and I threw one house party, for our senior year set up the Electoral College. It cre- Trump would have us believe post whatever.
of high school. The whole house and lawn was ates a check and balance to direct this fraud cost him the election. This is fine if the reader has the
filled with students from Heritage and CHS, elections. Maybe so. And you can bet if the necessary skills to be a skeptic
laughing and drinking from red cups together. To be sure, as confidence in Democrats out “ballot harvested’ editor. Unfortunately, most peo-
I remember talking to an older kid from the mass elections has increased over the Republicans this election, the ple don’t but think they do. Mass
neighborhood who had graduated and gone off to the years, our Electoral College Republicans will be trying to turn distribution of outlandish rumors is
college, walking from his house on the south side now relies on the popular vote that around in four years. Such is a direct result of the fact our nation
to mine to join the party. to make their decision. But the the nature of politics. now has half the number of profes-
Thoughts of the past are not my forte. Nos- ultimate call is still made by the There are two reasons Trump sional journalists compared to 20
talgia feels melancholic because of the inherent Electoral College. has failed in overturning the years ago. That’s a tragedy.
sadness of time lost. There’s also innocence to The Electoral College itself popular result: First, the evidence In addition, the targeted nature
nostalgia. The tragedies of memory can be dulled has checks and balances. State of massive fraud was too weak. of ad tracking promotes “splinter
with time and the small moments of happiness legislatures ultimately control Second, he didn’t have the support media” instead of “mass media,”
amplified. Maybe I recall my home to understand the electors. Current law allows of the powers that be to make it further amplifying the crazy ru-
the importance of community labor. This atmo- the electors to vote based on the happen. mors in the echo chambers.
spheric energy of relations that builds or destroys popular election results, but the Judges, governors, Congress- Wyatt Emmerich is the editor and
us as individuals; however, we as individuals state legislators have the ability to men and state legislators have the publisher of The Northside Sun, a
choose to react to it. I was given a blessed com- rescind that power. power to overturn the popular vote, weekly newspaper in Jackson. He
munity. Many other institutions are in- but they are not willing to go down can be reached by e-mail at wyatt@
I walk around town now and see children volved in certifying and validating that road for Trump.
growing up, creating memories to reflect on in
their futures while I reflect on their future and
my past. Make Your Voice Heard
Andrew Colom is a Columbus native now living Write The Dispatch:
in Detroit, Michigan.
The Dispatch • THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2020 5A

COMMERCIAL DISPATCH Zion Gate M.B. Church. 6-8 p.m. Wednesday, She is survived by Aberdeen is in charge In addition to her
OBITUARY POLICY Carter’s Funeral at the funeral home. her husband, Elisha of arrangements. parents, she was pre-
Obituaries with basic informa-
Services of Columbus Otts Funeral Home of Jethrow; daughter, Mr. Taylor was born ceded in death by her
tion including visitation and
service times, are provided is in charge of arrange- Sulligent, Alabama, is Tiffany Hayes; step- May 7, 1943, in Monroe husband, James Robert
free of charge. Extended obit- ments. in charge of arrange- children, Ronnie D. County, to the late Bar- Taylor; and son, James
uaries with a photograph, de- Mrs. Griffin was ments. Jethrow, Reginald M. ton Ray and Tommie Robert Taylor Jr.
tailed biographical information born Dec. 2, 1926, in Mr. O’Mary was Cunningham, Sherman Reeves Ray. She was She is survived by
and other details families may Artesia, to the late Ezell born July 13, 1958, in Jennings, Cassandra formerly employed as her children, Steven
wish to include, are available and Lucy Fulton. She Lamar County, Ala- a homemaker and was Michael Taylor of Aber-
for a fee. Obituaries must be
Jethrow-Brown, Marlan
was formerly employed bama, to the late Roy M. Jethrow and Tere- a member of Hamilton deen and Anthony Tay-
submitted through funeral
homes unless the deceased’s with Motley Elementa- O’Mary and Willie Mae sa Hughes; and three Open Door Worship lor of Columbus; and
body has been donated to ry School and Palmer Barnes. He attended grandchildren. Center. eight grandchildren.
science. If the deceased’s Home for Children. She Sulligent Schools and
was a member of Zion was previously em-
body was donated to science,
the family must provide official Gate M.B. Church. ployed as a truck driver
Shelby Taylor
proof of death. Please submit ABERDEEN — Shel-
In addition to her and a mechanic.
all obituaries on the form by Jean Taylor, 77, died
parents, she was pre- In addition to his
provided by The Commercial
ceded in death by her parents, he was pre- Dec. 8, 2020, at The
Dispatch. Free notices must
husband, Echols Griffin ceded in death by his Care Center of Vernon.
be submitted to the newspa-
Sr.; children, Echols wife, Linda Lee Otts Services will be at 1
per no later than 3 p.m. the
day prior for publication Tues- Griffin Jr. and Lucy O’Mary; and siblings, p.m. Friday, at Hamil-
day through Friday; no later Griffin; and 11 siblings. Charles O’Mary, ton Open Door Worship
than 4 p.m. Saturday for the She is survived by Michael O’Mary and Center, with Shane
Sunday edition; and no later
her children, Eunistine Roger O‘Mary. Ray officiating. Burial
than 7:30 a.m. for the Monday
Parsi of Las Vegas, Ne- He is survived by will follow in Pleas-
edition. Incomplete notices
vada and Worthy Good- his daughter, Diane ant Grove Cemetery.
must be received no later
en of St. Louis, Missou- O’Mary; and siblings, Visitation will be one

James Ables
than 7:30 a.m. for the Monday
through Friday editions. Paid ri; five grandchildren; Kenneth O’Mary, hour prior to services
notices must be finalized by 3 and 12 grandchildren. Wanda Allen, Barbara at the Worship Center.
p.m. for inclusion the next day Goode and Yvonne Tisdale-Lann Memo-
Monday through Thursday; and
Timothy Leech Shirey. rial Funeral Home of James Whit “Slick” Ables,
on Friday by 3 p.m. for Sunday
JACKSON — Tim- Pallbearers will 92, of Mayhew, Mississippi,
and Monday publication. For
more information, call 662- othy Leech, 49, died be Justin O’Mary, died November 30, 2020, at
328-2471. Dec. 2, Josh O’Mary, Jason Vanderbilt University Medical
2020, at his Barnes, Heath Mosley, Center in Nashville, Tennessee.
residence. Kevin O’Mary, Jim- He was born March 5, 1928,
Joyce Gardner Grave- my O’Mary, Harold in Vicksburg, Mississippi,
COLUMBUS — where he attended public
side Cantrell and Mark
Joyce Ann Gardner, 69, schools. After graduating from
services O’Mary.
died Nov. 30, 2020, at Carr Central High School, he
Baptist Memorial Hos- will be at
11 a.m. Alesia Hayes-Jethrow joined the Mississippi Army National Guard
pital-Golden Triangle. Leech in 1947 and began his long association with
Graveside services Friday, in COLUMBUS — Ale-
Sandfield sia “Lisa” Hayes-Je- the military. He was a sergeant when called to
will be at 11 a.m. Fri- active duty in January 1951 for the Korean War
day, in Union Cemetery, Cemetery. Visitation is throw, died Dec. 5,
from 2-6 p.m. today, at 2020. during which he served in the 14th Infantry
with the Rev. Joe L. Charlie Upton Regiment. He attained rank of master sergeant
Peoples officiating. Vis- Carter’s Funeral Ser- Memorial services Incomplete
vices. Carter’s Funeral will be at 2 p.m. Thurs- and earned the Army Combat Infantry Badge,
itation is from 2-6 p.m. 2nd Ave. N. Location
Services of Columbus day, at Lee-Sykes Korean Service Medal with two bronze stars,
today, at Carter’s Fu- and the U.N. Service Medal. After active duty,
neral Services. Carter’s is in charge of arrange- Funeral Services. Billy Swedenburg
ments. Lee-Sykes Funeral Private Family Services: he continued with the guard and was battalion
Funeral Services of Friday, Dec. 11 • 11 AM commander with the 114th Artillery unit at
Columbus is in charge Mr. Leech was born Services of Columbus Main Street Presbyterian Church
July 29, 1971, in Colum- is in charge of arrange- Burial Greenwood then served in the Army Reserve,
of arrangements. Mayhew Cemetery retiring with rank of major. He was proud to
Mrs. Gardner was bus, to J.W. Leech and ments. Friday, Dec. 11 • 12 PM
Lucy M. Leech. Mrs. Hayes-Jethrow Friends are welcome.
have served in the infantry and artillery. He
born Feb. 10, 1951, in 2nd Ave. N. Location was reassigned in 1989 as lieutenant colonel
Detroit, Michigan, to He was preceded in was born Feb. 14, 1963,
death by two sisters. in Columbus, to the late in the Mississippi State Guard. In 1997, having
the late Carine Perkins attained rank of colonel, he was honored by the
and John Henry Hub- In addition to his Sarah Lou Hayes and
parents, he is survived Ollie Jennings. State Guard’s second brigade for his many years
bard. She was a mem- of military service. He was a life member of the
ber of Stephen Chapel by his children, Timea In addition to her
Leech, Brandon Leech parents, she was pre- VFW and American Legion.
M.B. Church.
both of Warren, Ohio, ceded in death by her Slick had a lifelong passion for motorcycling
In addition to her and began his law enforcement career in
parents, she was John Frost of Arling- son, Erick Hayes; and
ton, Texas and Tiniqua one grandchild. Vicksburg as one of the city’s first two motorcycle
preceded in death by policemen (with Paul Barrett) and later as a
her step-father, Eddie Williams of Kenton,

Billy Swedenburg
Ohio; siblings, Gloria detective. He then served the police department
Perkins. at Rolling Fork before joining the Mississippi
She is survived by Fite of Elizabethtown,
Kentucky, Tanyu Leech Highway Patrol, stationed at Greenwood. He
her siblings, Eddie Mae Billy Max Swedenburg, the youngest son of was nearly killed in the line of duty in 1959 when
Stephenson of Titus-
Lee of Columbus and Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Pennington Swedenburg, struck at night by a hit-and-run vehicle while
ville, Florida and Kellen
Transella Hill. was born in Millport, AL on May 6, 1941. His writing a citation for a speeding trucker. He
Leech of Washington,
DC; and seven grand- family moved to Columbus four years later. He spent months recovering from a broken pelvis
Ada Valentine children. attended the public schools in Columbus and and the head and internal injuries sustained. He
COLUMBUS — Ada graduated from S.D. Lee High School in 1959. He retired in 1986 after 32 years, having served as a
Valentine died Dec. 9, enjoyed his school days and developed lifelong public relations and safety education officer and
2020, at Baptist Memo-
Shareka Lanier relationships with many of his classmates. Billy as director, motor vehicle inspection/implied
CARROLLTON, consent division. He was a member of the board
rial Hospital. was an active member of Main Street Presbyterian
Ala. — Shareka Renaye of the Mississippi Retired Public Employees’
Arrangements are Church for over 50 years. He believed his
Lanier, 31, died Dec. 4, Association.
incomplete and will be greatest accomplishment was his three precious
2020, at DCH Regional He was a proud mason and a member of St.
announced by Carter’s daughters of whom he was very proud. He was
Medical Center of Tus- David’s Anglican Catholic Church in Mayhew,
Funeral Services of gifted in many areas and was an experienced
caloosa. where he was a member of the vestry.
Columbus. craftsman. He grew up working at his father’s
A home going cel- He married the light of his life, Idabelle Fox
sawmill and later became a successful farmer,
ebration will be at 11 Wilkerson, on August 3, 1974, in Starkville. They
E.J. Turner a.m. Saturday, in the
a beekeeper, a builder, and owned and operated
shared 46 wonderful years enjoying outdoor
STEENS — E.J. Swedenburg Trucking, LLC. After retiring, he
James and Lola Laven- activities, good food, travel across the U.S. and
Turner, 75, died Dec. spent most of his time traveling and building
der Memorial Chapel of Europe, concerts, gatherings of veterans’ groups
10, 2020, at her resi- furniture as gifts for his family and friends. He
Lavender’s Funeral Ser- and other associations, Mississippi State men’s
dence. especially enjoyed entertaining and cooking for
vices. Burial will follow and women’s athletics, church, friends, family,
Arrangements are guests in his home and Honey House. Billy was
in Mount Olive Baptist and each other. He retired from riding his Harley
incomplete and will be known to be a fair, honest, humble, and loyal
Church Cemetery. when he reached 80. He and Belle were with
announced by Lown- man. He was also known for his sense of humor
Visitation will be from family and friends in Nashville for Thanksgiving
des Funeral Home of and quick wit.
2-5 p.m. Friday, at the when he became suddenly ill.
Columbus. Mr. Swedenburg passed away on December 8,
funeral home. Laven- He is survived by his wife; son, Robert
2020. He was preceded in death by his parents
der’s Funeral Service of William Ables; daughter, Betty Ann (Al) Young;
and by his older brother, Wallace Swedenburg.
Beulah Griffin Aliceville is in charge
He is survived by his wife of 59 years, Bess grandchildren, Kris, Keri, Bobby, Blake, Amelia
COLUMBUS — Beu- of arrangements. and Billy; seven great-grandchildren; nephews,
Yelverton Swedenburg; his daughters, Margaret
lah Mae Griffin, 93, Jack and Tim and niece, Susan; his former wife,
Ellen (Joey) Jackson, Julie (Bo) Kennedy and
died Nov. Tommy O’Mary Janie Mills; seven grandchildren, Brittany Vera Ann Miles; and his companion, driver and
30, 2020, at BEAVERTON, Jackson (Brad) Mallette, Boyd Jackson, Stanley friend Curtis Jones.
her resi- Ala. — Tommy “Gary” (Mary Ellen) Kennedy, Penn Kennedy, Whit He was preceded in death by a son, James
dence. O’Mary, 62, died Dec. (Bailey) Mills, Bess Mills and Maggie Mills. Whit Ables, Jr.; his parents, Jackson Henderson
A private 6, 2020, at North Mis- Memorial Gunter & Peel Funeral Home Ables, Sr. and Vera Margaret Dove Ables; and a
graveside sissippi Medical Center & Crematory is in charge of arrangements. A brother, Jackson Henderson Ables, Jr.
service will in Florence, Alabama. private family funeral service will be Friday, Slick was a unique, gregarious individual who
be held Griffin Funeral services December 11, 2020, at 11:00 AM at Main Street never met a stranger, knew and was respected
Friday, are at 3:30 p.m. today, Presbyterian Church with Rev. Todd Matocha by leaders from all walks of life, and could
with James at Otts Funeral Home. officiating. The interment will immediately remember and relate fascinating and humorous
A. Boyd officiating. Vis- Burial will follow in follow at 12:00 PM in Mayhew Cemetery where experiences, from his childhood to the very
itation will be from 11 Mt. Hebron Cemetery. friends are welcome. end. His signature greeting, both to long-time
a.m - 1 p.m. Friday, at Visitation was from Pallbearers will be Allan Brewer, Willie intimates and new acquaintances, was “Have you
Brown, Billy Ray Cummings, Trip Hairston, met me?” He undoubtedly met St. Peter with that
Justin Harris, Ray Kilpatrick, Bo Richardson, line.
Clay Richardson and Danny Williams. Funeral services will be graveside Saturday,
Honorary Pallbearers will be Rudy Caldwell, December 12, 2020, at Memorial Garden Park,
Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine faces Ben Chilcutt, Leonard Diachirra, Frank 9036 Oktoc Rd., Starkville. Time of the service
will be announced later. The Rev. Michael Traylor
last hurdle before US decision Ferguson, Howard Fisackerly, Nick Hairston,
Clayton Richardson, Buford Sharp, Charles and the Rt. Rev. Presley Hutchens will officiate,
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS before a U.S. decision to Walker and Jack’s Coffee Club. and the Mississippi Highway Patrol Honor Guard
begin shipping millions of In Lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to will assist.
WASHINGTON — Pfiz- doses of the shot, which Pallbearers will be Frank Wilkerson, Bill
Mayhew Cemetery Fund, PO Box 13, Mayhew,
er’s COVID-19 vaccine fac- has shown strong protec- Wilkerson, Bob Ables, Kris Matthews, David
MS 39753 or Main Street Presbyterian Church,
es one final hurdle as it rac- tion against the coronavi- Smith, Curtis Jones, Robert Benoit, and Al Young.
PO Box 26, Columbus, MS 39703.
es to become the first shot rus. Memorial donations may be made to St.
greenlighted in the U.S.: a The FDA panel func- David’s Anglican Catholic Church, P.O. Box 33,
panel of experts who will tions like a science court Mayhew, MS 39753; or Itawamba Crossroads
scrutinize the company’s that will pick apart the data Ranch, 716 Airport Rd., Fulton, MS 38843.
data for any red flags. and debate — in public and You can leave the family a condolence at: www.
Thursday’s meeting of live-streamed — whether Sign the online guest book at
the Food and Drug Admin- the shot is safe and effec-
istration’s vaccine advisory tive enough to be cleared 716 Second Avenue North • Columbus, MS Paid Obituary - Welch Funeral Home
panel is likely the last step for emergency use.
6A THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2020 The Dispatch •

Tess Vrbin/Dispatch Staff

Models of the PACCAR MX-11 and MX-13 truck engines are on display at the Communiversity on East Mississippi
Community College’s Mayhew campus. Proximity to three institutions of higher education was one reason PAC-
CAR chose to open its first North American engine plant in Lowndes County 10 years ago, according to a press
release recognizing the plant for “manufacturing excellence and a strong commitment to its community.”

Continued from Page 1A
higher education was also “It’s worked very well, Triangle community, in- ly hard time
a draw. and we’ve continued our vesting in organizations thinking of
The plant has about investment in those rela- like United Way and the the Golden
40 interns per year from tionships long past the ini- Columbus Arts Council. Tr ia ngle
MSU, mostly engineer- tial search (for a location),” The plant is an “anchor without
ing students like Johnson, said Tim Olson, the public facility” that means more
while accounting interns relations manager for Pe- to the region than just
the future,”
come from Mississippi terbilt. an economic driver, said
University for Women In addition to its contri- Macaulay Whitaker, chief she said. Whitaker
and maintenance interns butions to the local work- operating officer for the “To say that
come from East Mississip- force and economy, PAC- Golden Triangle Develop- it’s become a part of who
pi Community College’s CAR has an established ment LINK. we are would be an under-
Mayhew campus. presence in the Golden “I think we’d have a real- statement.”

Continued from Page 1A
other faiths, according to tian, Jew, non-Christian, I’m not sure Pierre Beard told The Dis-
Zed’s website. whatever, Hinduism, Bud- it’s a good patch he is aware Zed will
In a press release is- dhism.” thing to be giving the invocation
sued Wednesday, he said “This is a free country do,” Ward but declined to comment
he will recite an ancient and all re- 6 Council- further. Ward 1 Council-
Sanskrit prayer from ligions are man Bill woman Ethel Stewart did
Hindu texts containing a c c e p t e d ,” Gavin said. not return messages from
the oldest religious scrip- said Ward “... Usually Gavin The Dispatch by press
tures in the world still in 3 Council- the invoca- time.
use. Following the San- man Charlie tion is related to Southern Conflict disclosure:
skrit prayer, he’ll trans- Box, who traditional values and so Managing Editor Zack
late them into English, said he sup- Plair took part in editing
forth, Christianity, and
all over Zoom, since the ports Zed Box Hinduism is a different this article. He is currently
meeting will be virtual to saying the religion. So I don’t know involved in legal proceed-
help curb the spread of prayer. “We have no right how it’s going to be re- ings with the city of Colum-
COVID-19. to refuse anybody that re-
“Reciting from Bhaga- ceived by the public.” bus.
quests. I’m a Protestant
vad-Gita, he proposes to Ward 2 Councilman Jo-
(Christian), you know,
urge council members seph Mick-
but he would be welcome
and others present to ens said
just like we have Hindus
keep the welfare of others he would
and Muslims … in our
always in mind,” the re- own legislature nation- like to have
lease said. ally. … He’s just like any more in-
Ward 5 City Council- other preacher that would formation
man Stephen Jones said come.” on Zed and
it will be a good oppor- Still, at least one coun- his beliefs
tunity for the people in cil member is worried before of- Mickens
Columbus to be exposed about how the public may fering any
to a faith and a culture view a public meeting opinion on the prayer, but
they may not know much invocation from a belief stressed that it’s up to the
about. system so different from mayor and his administra-
“I think it says a lot the professed faith of the tion, not the city council,
about Co- majority of citizens. who gives the invocation
lumbus and at meetings.
“I don’t think we can
I think it’s Ward 4 Councilman
legally deny him, … but
very inter-
esting, and
it may even
make peo-
ple go out
and learn Jones
a little bit
more about different cul-
tures,” he said. “Whether
they believe in it or not, it
might make people want
to Google it or learn a lit-
tle bit more about it.”
Both Jones and Dil-
lon said there are likely
members of the Colum-
bus community who fol-
low the Hindu faith, and
this prayer just shows the
council represents every-
“They represent ev-
eryone of all colors, all
beliefs, no matter what
our differences are, and I
think this is a great exam-
ple to show that they real-
ly mean it and they follow
through,” Dillon said.
All city officials and
c ou nc i l
The Dis-
patch talked
to pointed
out the city
can’t legally
bar a reli-
gious leader Armstrong
from giving
the opening invocation
based just on their faith.
“Anybody’s welcome to
come speak to us. All reli-
gions are welcome,” Arm-
strong said. “We don’t
distinguish Judeo-Chris-

Former Alabama, NY Giants coach Ray Perkins dies at 79

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS great class and integri- mer Crimson Tide star great conviction in said. “Just a year ago we Perkins had been of-
ty,” Crimson Tide coach receiver. terms of what you be- were celebrating him as fensive coordinator with
TUSCALOOSA, Ala. Nick Saban said on the Perkins won three lieve in and what you our SEC Football Leg- the San Diego Chargers
— Ray Perkins, the for- Southeastern Confer- bowl games at Alabama want to do to make a end in Atlanta, an honor before joining the Gi-
mer Alabama receiver ence coaches teleconfer- and was 32-15-1, but he situation like that work he was truly deserving ants. He was then-gen-
who replaced Bear Bry- ence. “He also went 5-6 in 1984. very favorable. He had of.” eral manager George
ant as Crimson Tide’s was a great It was the program’s lots of success where While he had only a Young’s first major hire
coach and started the coach and first losing season since ever he was. 23-34 regular-season and the two upgraded
transition with the New had a tre- 1957, the year before the “He was always one mark with the Giants, the roster and installed
York Giants that led to mendous school hired Bryant. He of the most well respect- he started a turnaround discipline.
two Super Bowl titles, impact on also served as athletic ed people in our profes- for the organization be- “I remember George
died Wednesday in Tus- the game, director during that pe- sion.” fore leaving. In 1981, saying, ‘He will make
caloosa. He was 79. and he was riod. An All-America re- Perkins led the team it very uncomfortable
The school an- a really, re- Perkins “I think he probably ceiver at Alabama in to its first postseason for our players to lose,”
nounced the death ally good handled the circum- 1966, Perkins played berth since 1963. New Giants co-owner John
Wednesday, and daugh- person and stance of the situation professionally for the York upset the defend- Mara said Wednesday.
ter Rachael Perkins a really good friend.” he was in taking over Baltimore Colts from ing NFC champion Ea- “Ray did a good job for
posted the news on her Perkins left a head for coach Bryant as well 1967-71. gles in the NFC wild- us and got us into the
Facebook page. No oth- coaching job with the as anybody in the world “We are deeply sad- card game before losing playoffs in 1981 for the
er details were immedi- NFL’s Giants to replace could,” Saban said after dened to hear of the in the divisional round first time in many years.
ately available. Bryant following the practice Wednesday. passing of coach Per- to a San Francisco 49ers During the 1982 season,
“He served the Uni- 1982 season. It was a “And I think it takes kins,” Alabama athletic team that went on to win which was shortened
versity of Alabama with dream job for the for- strong leadership and director Greg Byrne the Super Bowl. See PERKINS, 3B


indoor event
How MSU’s fifth-year seniors represent a
Because of rising
numbers of COVID-19
cases in the state,
Mississippi Gov. Tate
shift from the Bulldogs’ past to present
Reeves announced on
Wednesday a limit on
attendance at indoor
K-12 extracurricular
events, including sport-
ing events.
Attendance will now
be limited to the lesser
of 250 ticketed spec-
tators or four ticketed
attendees per student
participant. The previ-
ous cap was 25 percent
“All of these mea-
sures are important,
and I hope that the peo-
ple of Mississippi will
make an honest effort
to participate in slowing
the spread of the virus,”
Reeves said in a press
release Wednesday.

boys soccer
team backs
up top-10 Mississippi State athletics
Mississippi State linebacker Erroll Thompson (left) will be one of 10 members of the 2016 recruiting class to be honored on senior day
ranking Saturday against Auburn at Davis Wade Stadium.

BY BEN PORTNOY thought this day would come,” have endured as much head “It’s the kind of guy who by Jones said through an ear-to- coaching turnover as any his actions and by his words,
ear grin. “And now it’s here.” group in the country. on and off the field, are going
STARK VILLE — College For Jones, the 2020 cam- “The first couple of chang- to be the type to represent
The Starkville Acade- football is in a state of flux. paign has served as a com- es, it was more of a shock,” this team and this university,”
my boys soccer team In 2020 alone, 24 schools ing-out party of sorts. A four- Jones said in reference to Mul- Moorhead told The Dispatch
missed out on the play- hired new head coaches at star recruit, the Starkville len’s leaving and Moorhead’s of what he hoped for in a cap-
offs last season. the FBS level. This doesn’t native arrived at MSU with firing. “But as it goes on, we tain. “That was Erroll Thomp-
But the Volunteers include the swaths of assis- high hopes. But slated behind just kind of get used to certain son from Day 1.”
closed the year by beat- tants, graduate assistants and Jeffery Simmons, Montez things and certain schemes, Of the 10 remaining players
ing the two teams in other varying positions that Sweat and even Spencer on so we don’t really see too from the 2016 class, six have
their division that did shift with any regime change. the depth chart, he was used many surprises nowadays.” proved vital in Mike Leach’s
qualify for the MAIS At Mississippi State, just 10 in a more rotational role until Then there’s Thompson. first season in Starkville.
Division II postseason members of the 2016 recruit- this fall. Leach and defensive coordina- Thompson currently leads the
— Lamar School and ing class — Dan Mullen’s final Voted a captain by his tor Zach Arnett have quipped team with 73 tackles on the
Heritage Academy — in full group in Starkville — re- teammates ahead of this sea- there may not be anyone in year, while Spencer and Jones
their final two matches. main. Of those, players like son, Jones has proven a vocal the Southeastern Conference rank No. 1 and tied for No. 2
“We ended on a really Erroll Thompson and Kobe leader in and around the lock- who’s seen as many snaps as of defensive linemen in tack-
strong note,” Starkville Jones have been elevated to er room. In August, he was the linebacker, a two-year cap- les for a loss. Mitchell, the last
Academy coach John captains. Defensive end Mar- among the organizers of the tain. addition to MSU’s 2016 class,
Morgan said. quiss Spencer and receiver team’s walk out of practice Upon his arrival at MSU, ranks second on the team in
So far, this year’s ver- Osirus Mitchell have become and gathering at Unity Park Moorhead noted Thompson receiving yards and is tied for
sion of the Vols is pick- integral parts on defense and just off Main Street in pro- was among those players second with three touchdown
ing up right where last offense, respectively. test of racial injustice in the whose leadership qualities receptions this fall.
season’s team left off. Saturday, those left from United States. Standing at the shone through despite play- On the offensive line, Da-
Starkville Academy the 2016 class will take the center of Bulldogs in a huddle ing on a defense that boasted reuan Parker and Greg Eiland
is 4-0 and No. 10 among field against Auburn for one of at the park, he raised his fist three future first-round picks have served as stalwarts for a
Mississippi schools, per two final games in the maroon and bellowed, ““Black, brown, in Simmons, Sweat and Johna- unit that has been a revolving That’s and white before leaving with blue, whatever, it doesn’t mat- than Abram. Ahead of the cap- door throughout this season
not just MAIS schools, the memories and remnants ter. We love you all.” tains vote in 2019, Moorhead due to injury, COVID-19 pos-
either — seven of the of the Mullen and Joe Moor- But having committed to said he stressed to players itive tests and contact tracing.
nine teams ahead of the head eras coupled with the Mullen — who left after the it shouldn’t be a popularity Parker’s Pro Football Focus
Vols are members of recent developments of Mike 2017 season for the Florida contest, or who one enjoyed pass blocking grade also cur-
MHSA A Class 6A, the Leach’s tenure. job — and then subsequently playing video games with in rently sits tied for seventh of
largest public school di- “We make a lot of jokes playing for Moorhead — who their free time. He assumed SEC offensive linemen who’ve
vision in the state. about (being the older guys) was fired in January after just Thompson would be toward played at least 50 percent of
Morgan’s team sits day to day — just how old two years at the helm and de- the top of the list, but he wait- their team’s snaps this year,
directly behind No. 8 it feels and how when we spite a 14-12 record — he and ed anxiously at the result. The while Eiland has played the
See VOLS, 3B were younger guys we never his fellow 2016 classmates team followed suit. See MSU, 3B
2B THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2020 The Dispatch •

Surging NFC East might offer

solid playoff threat after all
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS streak is its longest since 2016, Meanwhile, the division lead
the last time the Giants made the for the Saints (10-2) has grown to
The NFC East suddenly doesn’t playoffs. With quarterback Daniel three games because they’re doing
look so bad, with the New York Gi- Jones expected to rest his injured the same thing they did last year:
ants and Washington tied for the di- hamstring another week, Colt Mc- win without Brees.
vision lead coming off road victories Coy should get the nod again after Teddy Bridgewater went 5-0 a
against teams that qualify for the beating Seattle for just his second year ago, and Taysom Hill has won
conversation about the Super Bowl. win in his eighth start since 2014. his first three starts since Brees
The Giants, who beat Seattle on Washington is on its third quar- left a 27-13 victory over San Fran-
Sunday, control their fate because terback in former starter Alex cisco on Nov. 15 with broken ribs
they swept Washington, and they Smith, playing for the first time in and a collapsed lung. New Orleans
could become the first team to two years after a career-threatening has won nine straight games since
make the playoffs after starting 1-7. leg injury. Smith has Washington a 1-2 start.
Washington is also 5-7 after hand- on a three-game winning streak, Atlanta (4-8) has been better
ing Pittsburgh its first loss Monday capped by a drive to a tiebreaking since getting buried by a 0-5 start
night. field goal late against the Steelers. that included the firing of coach
Those were the first two victo- Dallas (3-9) was all but removed Dan Quinn. Carolina (4-8) has
ries over opponents with winning from the conversation with its sixth been without star running back
records this season for the only di- loss in seven games, 34-17 at Balti- Christian McCaffrey for nine
vision in the NFL without a winning more on Tuesday night. The Cow- games because of ankle and shoul-
team. But the NFC East winner will boys have the worst record in the der injuries in coach Matt Rhule’s
get a home game in the first round of NFC, and the most realistic path to first season.
the playoffs, expanded by one team the playoffs would be tying the Gi-
in each conference. The altered for-
mat also means just one first-round
ants at the top with a season sweep NFC West
of New York, their opponent in the It’s still the NFC’s best division,
bye, currently held by New Orleans finale. but the struggles of the Seahawks
(10-2), the only NFC team to clinch and Cardinals have changed things
a postseason berth so far.
“I had a lot of questions obviously NFC North some.
The Los Angeles Rams have won
early in the year about things like Green Bay (9-3) has a three-
game lead over Minnesota with three out of four to get even atop the
confidence on the team and where NFC West with Seattle, which is 3-4
were we going, and really our mind- four to go and is currently the No. 2
seed in the NFC. Three of the Pack- since the first 5-0 start in franchise
set here is just go back to work every history.
week, and that’s what we’re going to ers’ upcoming opponents currently
have losing records. The Rams have the tiebreaker at
do this week as well,” first-year Gi- the moment by virtue of their 23-16
ants coach Joe Judge said. The Vikings (6-6) hold the last of
the seven playoff spots in the NFC victory over the Seahawks, so their
A division-by-division look at the rematch in the second-to-last week
NFC playoff race going into the fi- right now with a big opportunity to
of the season looms large. If Seat-
nal quarter of the season: put a tighter grip on that spot if they
tle wins on Dec. 27, the subsequent
can beat Tom Brady at Tampa Bay
tiebreakers of division records and
on Sunday.
NFC East New Orleans is also on the sched-
records with other common oppo-
Hopes are fading for Dallas and nents are a tossup right now.
ule, so Minnesota could be looking
Philadelphia after entering the sea- With three consecutive losses
son as the teams that figured to bat- at must wins against division rivals
and four in the past five games, Ky-
tle for the NFC East title. They have Chicago and Detroit, the two NFC
ler Murray and the Cardinals (6-6)
one win between them since the North teams with losing records at
suddenly find themselves as the
Eagles beat the Cowboys on Nov. 1. the moment. first team out of the playoff picture,
Philadelphia (3-8-1) doesn’t have The Bears (5-7) have lost six in losing at the moment to the Vikings
it easy trying to end a four-game a row since a 5-1 start, putting Matt on the common opponent tiebreak-
losing streak and is making a bold Nagy on the coaching hot seat after er.
move in that effort by benching the Lions (5-7) already fired Matt San Francisco, the defending
quarterback Carson Wentz in favor Patricia. NFC champion, hasn’t been able to
of rookie Jalen Hurts. dig out of last place in the difficult
The Eagles play the Saints at NFC South division the past two months. An up-
home Sunday, then visit Arizona What looked like a duel between lifting win over the Rams two weeks
to finish what could be a five-game the Brady-led Buccaneers and Drew ago was followed by a decisive loss
stretch against teams with winning Brees’ Saints for the division title — to Buffalo on Monday night. The
records if the Cardinals beat the Gi- and possibly that lone first-round game was moved to Arizona be-
ants on Sunday. bye — has faded with three losses cause of coronavirus restrictions in
New York’s four-game winning in four games by Tampa Bay (7-5). the 49ers’ home county.

Jenkins returns ‘home’

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 62 (solo or assisted), has football field. (He) helped
two interceptions, two us win a championship
NEW ORLEANS — sacks and four tackles for here. But, his leadership,
Saints safety Malcolm loss. both on and off the foot-
Jenkins doesn’t hide what The Saints gave Jen- ball field, I haven’t really
an emotional and nostal- kins a four-year contract seen that from a player in
gic week this is for him. worth about $32 million, a long time.
Now trying to win his with a little more than half “He cares about the
third career Super Bowl guaranteed. The Saints community that he’s liv-
and second with surging saw little risk in that deal, ing in or where he’s from
New Orleans, Jenkins considering their expe- and he always represents
is preparing to return rience with Jenkins. He that well,” Pederson add-
on Sunday to Philadel- was their first-round draft ed.
phia, where he also won choice in 2009 and spent Jenkins continues to
a championship with the his first five seasons in speak highly of Philadel-
Eagles and spent the pre- New Orleans before the phia. He grew up not far
vious six seasons. Saints lost him in free away in New Jersey and
“I gave everything I agency. now lives in the Philadel-
had to that city, the team, “Look, I trust the play- phia area in the offseason.
did everything the coach- er. I know the player. I’ve Early last June he was the
es asked me to do, did got a clear vision for him keynote speaker for the
everything to make the and had always regret- Philadelphia school dis-
players around me better, ted letting him out of the trict’s high school grad-
try to put my best football building. That was a mis- uation, which was held
out there and it just wasn’t take,” Payton said. “And virtually because of the
valued that much by those so, when the time came, I COVID-19 pandemic.
who make the decisions,” think I just sent him a di- “I love that city,” Jen-
Jenkins said Wednesday rect message and I think kins said. “Given myself,
when asked about leaving his response was, ‘Great.’ everything I’ve got into
the Eagles. “There’s a football el- that community, invested
“So, for me, it was just ement. There’s an intel- a lot into that community.
more of a principle about ligence element. Every And it’s given the same
respect. I really didn’t ounce of him, I like,” Pay- love back to me. So, that
care what the money ton continued. “And I say city holds a special place
was, but I wanted to see that not because he was in my heart.
what that respect factor part of our Super Bowl “Philly was me. It was
was and it wasn’t valued team, but man, he is good synonymous at one point
at what I thought, and so in the locker room, he is in time,” Jenkins added.
decisions are made and I someone I think that’s “So, it’s going to be very
end up at a place that val- got great experience now. nostalgic. I’ve definitely
ues what I bring that has But he was a smart play- been looking forward to
really had a history with er when he arrived and this game kind of all year.”
me and obviously has played very well as a nick- Now Jenkins returns
worked out.” el in Year 1.” with a club that has se-
Emphasis on “obvious- Now, it’s certain mem- cured a fourth straight
ly.” bers of the Eagles who playoff berth after win-
Jenkins was brought in express regret, particu- ning nine straight games
as much for his leadership larly the coaches who’ve and comes in with the
as his ability to play, con- missed his presence best record in the NFC.
sidering the mileage with during a difficult season He recognized the Saints’
which he returned to New — one in which a few more potential to win again this
Orleans in his 12th NFL victories could have made season, but also had other
season. a considerable difference reasons for going back to
Coach Sean Payton in an NFC East Division the Big Easy.
continues to rave about that has seen every team “There really wasn’t
Jenkins’ intangibles, struggle. many places I wanted
while New Orleans’ de- “Malcolm meant a lot. to go at this point in my
fense is ranked atop the He brought a ton — a ton career,” Jenkins said. “I
NFL. And Jenkins has — of leadership,” Eagles wanted to play for a team
been no small contributor coach Doug Pederson that I could contend with,
statistically. He is second said. “Obviously, his play that has a good locker
on the club in tackles with speaks for itself on the room and good culture.
The Dispatch • THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2020 3B

Big Ten audible: Ohio State will play for title vs Wildcats
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS COVID-19 issues. eight scheduled games to qual- “A lot of changes have hap- common opponents to decide
The rule change had to be ify for the championship game. pened since that (six-game) rec- among teams that are compa-
COLUMBUS, Ohio — The approved by the Big Ten Con- Ohio State — No. 4 in the Col- ommendation was put in place,” rable.”
Big Ten Conference dropped ference Administrators Coun- lege Football Playoff rankings Day said in a statement. “I know The ACC made a similar de-
its six-game minimum re- cil, which includes athletic and the conference’s only un- making this decision was not cision recently, guaranteeing
quirement for the league directors, senior women’s ad- defeated team — has missed easy, and I am thankful for the a league title game between
championship game Wednes- ministrators and presidents three games because of issues opportunity our players will Clemson and Notre Dame with
day, clearing the way for No. from all 14 schools. with the pandemic. now have to play in Indianapolis both teams also hoping for a
3 Ohio State to take on No.
“The decision was based on The latest was the annual as an undefeated East Division CFP berth along with a confer-
15 Northwestern in another
a competitive analysis which grudge match against Michi- champion.” ence champinoship.
chance for the Buckeyes to
burnish their playoff creden- determined that Ohio State gan, which canceled its trip to Though Ohio State is al- The Big Ten change was
tials. would have advanced to the Columbus because of rising ready in the top four of the CFP made at the expense of sur-
The Buckeyes (5-0) will try Big Ten football championship COVID-19 cases and players rankings, a win against North- prising Indiana (6-1), which
for their fifth straight confer- game based on its undefeated in quarantine. Falling a game western could be important in would have gone to the title
ence title when they face the record and head-to-head victo- short of the threshold set by seeding. The CFP selection game if the six-game rule had
Wildcats (5-1) on Dec. 19 in ry over Indiana, regardless of a the league, the Buckeyes would committee said it ranks teams remained intact. The No. 9
Indianapolis. Ohio State fin- win or loss against Michigan,” have been outside looking in. based on on-field performace, Hoosiers, who lost 42-35 at
ished the regular season with the Big Ten said in a statement. Ohio State Coach Ryan Day “using conference champion- Ohio State this season, had
only five games after Michi- The conference determined said he was “appreciative” that ships won, strength of sched- Saturday’s game against rival
gan had to pull out of Satur- before the season that teams other conference schools voted ule, head-to-head results and Purdue called off because of
day’s showdown because of would have to play six of their for the revision. comparison of results against COVID-19 issues.

Continued from Page 1B

due to a players strike, he announced “I always wondered whether he lat- five postseason berths, two NFC East I worked for him at the Giants and
he was leaving at the end of the year er regretted that decision,” Mara said titles and two Super Bowl victories in then he worked for me at the Patriots.
to go to Alabama, which he described about Perkins’ return to Alabama. his eight seasons as coach. He was a great guy.”
as his dream job.” “But he certainly left our team in “I loved Ray and he was a very Perkins also was the head coach
Bill Parcells replaced Perkins and much better shape than he found it in, close friend of mine,” Parcells said of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers from
inherited a team that had Lawrence including having Bill Parcells and Bill Wednesday. “I was very saddened by 1987-90. He later spent one season
Taylor, Phil Simms and Harry Carson. Belichick on his staff.” the news. He’s the only reason I was in leading the Arkansas State program
It went on to win Super Bowls after Parcells, the defensive coordinator pro football; he’s the one who brought before working as an assistant for sev-
the 1986 and ‘90 seasons. Perkins had hired, led the Giants to me into the league. He was my friend. eral NFL teams.

Continued from Page 1B

Tupelo and No. 9 D’Iber- and it’s coming together son, result being that with the big club. Morgan’s mental calen- So far, the Vols have
ville, and the only other fast. Cox and the Vols’ teams who surround the “I’m hoping to win it dar. done just that: They’ve
private school to make defense have combined senior with defensemen all,” he said. “We’ve got some passed their prelimi-
the top 10 was fifth- for clean sheets in three run the risk of a pass to So is Pierce, who said tough tests that are com- nary exams, including a
ranked Hartfield Acade- of the team’s four match- a willing Volunteer. Wednesday he’s hoping ing up, and I’m really 4-2 battle over Bayou on
my. The Vols even crack es; Pierce had three “If you want to get to be asked his “ring looking forward to it,” he Nov. 20 in Cleveland. Pil-
the top 100 schools na- goals in a 5-0 win over real crowded around size” for a championship said. low is next up, so that’s
tionally at No. 74. Byhalia on Monday; him and make sure he band. But he and Mor- Morgan said he thinks Starkville Academy’s
“To me, I think we’re Lepard had two in Tues- can’t do anything, I’ve gan both said the Vols when division play be- singular focus at the mo-
pretty deserving of day’s 4-0 shutout of East got other guys,” Morgan can’t afford to get a “big gins Jan. 4 against Heri- ment; but when the post-
it,” Morgan said of his Rankin Academy. said. head” too early with so tage Academy, Starkville season nears, the Vols
team’s ranking. “We’ve “It’s what we expect- Lepard, Stubbs and much in front of them, Academy will be able to will be ready to prove
looked really, really ed,” said Pierce, a se- several Starkville Acad- including back-to-back compete with the Patri- themselves.
strong. We’ve got a pret- nior. “We have a good emy players have been games against Pillow ots, Lamar and anyone “We’ve competed
ty complete team.” group of guys, we’re those guys for the Vols Academy and Nettleton else on the schedule. pretty well against the
The second-year close together, and we this year. A couple de-
know how to play.” on Monday and Tuesday. “I think we have or opponents we have, so
coach said the Vols fenders have found the The contest with the two more athletes than I’m confident that we
are “pretty danger- Pierce’s knowledge net, as have young play-
isn’t limited to soccer, Mustangs and a match- most of the teams that have what it takes to get
ous everywhere” and ers: Seventh-grader Na-
either. The kicker for up with St. Aloysius af- we go up against,” he where we want to be as
called them one of the than Miller had a goal
Starkville Academy’s ter winter break are long said. “It’s just a matter a team and get into the
strongest teams he has against Bayou Academy.
football team, he went since circled in red on of, ‘Do we execute?’” playoffs,” Morgan said.
coached. Morgan previ- “You want to have
ously spent three years 3 for 3 on extra points multiple weapons,”
in Texas, leading Bob in Saturday’s MAIS all- Morgan said. “We’ve
Hope School in Port Ar- star game — a harder got guys who will score
thur for one year and task than his hat trick on you wherever, so it’s
Brenham High School Monday because of tim- nice to have that.”
for two. ing and the full pads he
had to don.
But Starkville Acad-
For Pierce — used Championship hopes
emy looks good enough Though the Vols have
to leave those Lone Star to shuttling between
soccer (he played for three seniors — Pierce,
State teams behind in Stubbs and Jacob Crit-
the Texas dust. Solid the Oxford Rush club
team, part of Mississip- tenden — and a sizable
all around the field, the nine-man junior class,
pi Flood FC) and middle
Vols don’t have a dis- younger players like
and high school football
cernible weakness, and Miller have played a role,
— playing both sports is
that’s a rarity. too. Freshman Micah
nothing new.
“It’s really hard to King, starting at central
“I’ve been doing it all
find a team that doesn’t defensive midfielder, is a
my life,” he said.
lack something some- prime example.
Now, he’s doubled his
where on the field — is “It means a lot,” said
scoring output from this
not missing something King, playing his first
time last year, accord-
somewhere on the year of varsity soccer.
ing to Morgan. Defens-
field,” Morgan said. es have to make tough “Everyone’s way older
“But it seems like our choices with Pierce up than me — two years
guys really have every- top, the coach said. older than me. It’s wild.”
thing together.” “Either you’re going Still, King has man-
to give him space short, aged to learn from Lep-
Pick your poison or you’re going to give ard, Pollan and other
From Charlie Cox him space behind you,” players as well as Mor-
in goal to Isaac Lepard Morgan said. “You’ve gan and does a little bit
and Andrew Pollan in got to pick which one.” of everything — passing,
the midfield to Wilkes The coach said shooting and defend-
Stubbs and Brody Pierce Pierce is being used as ing — for the Vols. And
up top, Starkville Acade- more of a “builder” than already, he’s got lofty
my has plenty of talent, a pure scorer this sea- goals for his first season

Continued from Page 1B

fourth most snaps of anyone on MSU’s grabs, there’s a chance Thompson

offensive line this season despite be- finishes in the top 10 in career tackles
ing injured for a brief period early this at MSU, where he’d become the first
season. player since 2002 to join that list. But
A one-time Alabama lean, it was a perhaps more pressing is the legacy
tight finish for Thompson’s services that he and his fellow classmates have
during the 2016 recruiting cycle for left in the slew of two head coaching
Mullen’s staff. Last season, the Flor- changes, three staffs and the 31 wins
ence, Alabama, native explained how and counting MSU has accrued in
he chose MSU given his hope of carv- their time in Starkville.
ing his own path away from the watch- “Mississippi State means every-
ful — and at times overbearing — eyes thing,” Thompson said Tuesday.
of his home state. “Changed my life as a young man and
With two games remaining and a as a football player. It’s meant, really,
potential slot in a bowl game up for everything.”

New Hope, Columbus volleyball name lyn Nettles, Kensley Woolbright and
Annie Woolbright earned first-team
10 to all-division teams billing, while Madyson McBrayer and
The New Hope and Columbus high Zoe Goodman made the second team.
school volleyball teams had a com- Columbus’ Makayla Rieves and
bined 10 players named to the MHSA A Ayanna Hargrove made the Region
Class 5A, Region 1 all-division teams. 1-5A first team, and Laila Sparks
The Trojans, who made the Class and Measia Holmes made the second
5A semifinals, had six players select- team.
ed; the Falcons had four.
New Hope’s Micaela Hudgins, Day- SOURCE: Dispatch Staff
4B THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2020 The Dispatch •

Smith, Pitts, Moore head SEC receiving talent still playing

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Alabama senior has suit last week. Three SEC receivers of Alabama receivers who to win a championship,”
even joined his quarter- Waddle was lost for the — Alabama’s Henry Rug- went on to become first- Smith, who already owns
The Southeastern back, Mac Jones, and season with an ankle inju- gs III and Jerry Jeudy and round picks. He has 80 the SEC career mark for
Conference, once known Florida QB Kyle Trask in ry on the opening kickoff LSU’s Justin Jefferson — catches for 1,305 yards receiving touchdowns,
more for churning out the Heisman Trophy con- against Tennessee. A dan- were among the top 22 and 15 touchdowns, in- said after the LSU game.
1,000-yard rushers, has versation. gerous punt returner, he players in the latest NFL cluding a highlight reel, “If I’m in the Heisman race
become a hotbed for elite “If you watch the was good enough to even draft after leaving early. leaping one-handed I’m in it. I’m not too much
receivers and tight ends games, I’d assume you overshadow Smith. No. 5 Texas A&M has touchdown grab against really focused on it, but I’m
flourishing in more wide- could see that DeVonta is No receiver is over- somehow remained in LSU when the ball ap- ultimately here just to win
open passing games. one of the best players in shadowing Smith now, playoff contention despite peared likely to sail out a championship. That’s the
DeVonta Smith is the country,” Jones said. especially after a monster losing or moving its top of bounds. reason I came back.”
piling up yards, touch- Pitts, the Gators’ mis- four-game stretch when six receivers. Quartney “From a great catch —The 6-foot-6,
downs and highlight-reel match-in-waiting tight he has 35 catches for 749 Davis and Kendrick Rog- standpoint, there’s a 246-pound Pitts has been
catches at Alabama. Dit- end, and Mississippi re- yards and 11 touchdowns. ers left early for the NFL highlight reel that goes so productive that the Ga-
to for Florida’s Kyle Pitts ceiver Moore have been He had 219 yards and draft after last season. on forever with Smitty,” tors’ tight end is a semi-
and Mississippi’s Elijah awfully good too. three touchdowns by half- Last year’s top receiver Jones said. finalist for the Biletnikoff
Moore. The SEC boasts sev- time against LSU. Jhamon Ausbon opted out Smith returned for his Award given to the nation’s
And that’s even minus eral of the nation’s top But as top-heavy as and two others had sea- senior year and even in a top wide receiver.
the huge amount of tal- targets, even if the pool the league’s group of re- son-ending injuries while shortened season is one “I would say the Bilet-
ent lost to opt-outs and of elite pass catchers has ceivers is, the collection Ainias Smith moved to receiving touchdown shy nikoff really surprised me
injuries, from Alabama’s thinned considerably. of talent that could be tailback. of Amari Cooper’s sin- because I always knew it as
Jaylen Waddle to LSU’s Chase, who won the catching balls this sea- The talent that re- gle-season school mark a wide receiver award and
JaMarr Chase and Ter- Biletnikoff Award after a son shows how many top- mains in the SEC has been set in 2014. He is making when I did see that I was
race Marshall Jr. record-setting 2019 sea- flight targets have signed impressive: a case for Heisman con- a semi-finalist, I was like,
No matter. Smith & Co. son, opted out before the with SEC teams in recent — Smith is threaten- sideration. ‘oh, ok. Kind of interest-
have picked up the slack. season. Marshall followed seasons. ing to outshine a number “Ultimately, I’m here ing,’” Pitts said.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: it feels like I may not going to die.
My fiancee, just be chasing At the very least, she likely
“Diane,” a dream. I worry has some form of dementia.
and her two sons that if I’m not We want nothing more than to
live in a nice enough, will I be protect her interests, but our
home. I also have enough when I hands are tied. We have all
a nice home, new- own a manor? spoken to her about the situ-
ly constructed. — IT’S COMPLI- ation, but she insists that no
CATED one is going to tell her what to
It’s located 1,200
DEAR IT’S do. Any advice would be greatly
miles away, near COMPLICATED: appreciated. — JUST TRYING
my parents, my I’m proud of you. TO HELP HER
son and my job. You are seeing DEAR JUST TRYING: Believe
ZITS Diane currently things clearly, me, you have my sympathy.
has no job nor which is unusual Instead of telling your mother
family within when emotions what to do, perhaps it’s time to
500 miles of her are involved. It reframe the conversation.
town. Her boys’ Dear Abby appears your Ask her what she would
father (whom she dream girl, the like done in the event of an
shares custody fair Diane, is emergency. Does she want “ex-
with) lives within 50 miles of attempting to blackmail you. If traordinary measures” taken,
me. My job and the custo- she can’t be the “lady of the such as CPR, and exactly what
dy arrangement for my son manor,” she’s not interested that means — a defibrillator,
preclude me from living where in uprooting her life. If you dialysis, treatment in an inten-
Diane does. give in to her now, do not do it sive care unit. Explain what all
Together, she and I would without an ironclad prenuptial of them entail in detail. You
agreement. Please stay strong, should also ask, in a separate
have three sons. The spacious
because if you don’t, you may conversation, if she wants “the
GARFIELD five-bedroom house I own is
regret it for a long time. state” to take a chunk of her
more than adequate. Diane DEAR ABBY: My sisters and assets and decide FOR her to
has made clear that if I sell my I are beside ourselves trying whom they should be distribut-
home and buy my neighbor’s, to deal with our 90-year-old ed, or whether she would prefer
which is a larger seven-bed- mother. She doesn’t live in the to make her wishes clear while
room manor, she will be on the same state as any relatives. she’s still able. Point out that
next flight. If not, she won’t She needs help paying bills, NO ONE lives forever.
leave. We could buy the manor managing money, personal If your mother is really as
with cash if I sell my home hygiene, taking medication demented as you fear she is,
and she sold hers and put her and understanding things she you may need the help of a so-
savings into the purchase, but reads. She refuses to give any- cial worker to ensure that she’s
she doesn’t want to use her one power of attorney over her getting proper care. Failure to
savings. finances or to create a health do that could be considered
Diane is my everything, but care directive. She claims she’s elder abuse.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Dec. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). been for you. Therefore, the
10). The resources you felt People need people. Therefore, exercise is useless. Keep going
were inaccessible to you before peer pressure is a very real and forward.
will become available in 2021. powerful natural force that, un- LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). A
Clubs and alliances will figure fortunately, people never really fact that just sits there being
into the action. It will feel mean- grow out of. The theme comes knowledge is not intelligence. In-
ingful to be a part of something up, and, depending on the telligence animates. It applies.
bigger. You’ll pass the tests situation, it may just be easier It is better to revel in the intelli-
of gatekeepers. Invigorating to succumb. gence of trees than to succumb
challenges await on the inside. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). to the coma of dead dogma.
Your work opens doors. Scorpio Lessons can be read, and that’s VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
and Capricorn adore you. Your an introduction. But for the Don’t waste your time doing
lucky numbers are: 49, 3, 31, education to really take place, what someone else can (and is
BABY BLUES 26 and 9. a lesson must be lived. People perfectly willing to) do for you.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). are changed not by information Once you realize where your
If you were a comedian today, but by doing. efforts and minutes can make a
then you’d be the kind that CANCER (June 22-July 22). difference, you won’t want to be
chides the audience with, “Is When you look back at paths anywhere else.
that all you got?” Actually, it’s not taken, you only see how LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
quite effective. People some- they worked out for other peo- Your unpredictability comes nat-
times need to be startled and ple. There’s no way of knowing urally today. Did you know that
led to appropriate reactions. what kind of fit they would have some people work to conjure
this? Because being hard to an-
ticipate keeps the competition
off-balance, it’s is an effective
strategy for business, sports
or love.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).
BEETLE BAILEY Other times, it was easy to fit
your talent to what the group
needed and wanted. Now, not
so much, perhaps because
the group doesn’t know what it
needs and wants. You’ll have to
poke around some to find it.
21). No one falls in love with
a game that they can win on
the first go-around. Pursuing
anything valuable means being
willing to fail. The more possible
it is to fail, the more exciting the
19). When someone pays
excellent attention to your
expressions, preferences and
needs, it may actually make you
uncomfortable, as you’re not
used to be so well-attended.
Soak it in anyway.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). For the most part, you’ll
love what develops organically
and be nonplussed by what is
manufactured or manipulated
into being. You admire the
effort, but the real deal is so
FAMILY CIRCUS much more impressive.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). You have a fan club of
sorts. You came by it honestly,
by showing up consistently
where you were needed and
wanted and honoring their
requests. Now, you’ll take
pleasure in the appreciation
generously bestowed on you.

Under attack
The Dispatch • THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2020 5B


McConnell Brothers Moving and Storage changes ownership

PLUS: New production company on-site for cus-
tomers and is
didn’t know
cupant of the former
Glo building on East
office allows the cyber
security solutions team
opens in Starkville; HORNE firm open 24/7.
“They do a
lot of outreach
Lampkin Street. HORNE
Cyber moved from the
to collaborate in an open
moves to former Glo building camera, in the com- Research Park in Octo- HORNE Cyber
action. munity,” Allen ber due to its gradual
office hours are Monday
BY MARY POLLITZ job is too small. Starkville, get said. “What growth in Starkville. “We look forward to through Friday from 8
ready. I’m going to The cyber security
a.m.-5 p.m.

continuing to provide Launching do is show business first opened
e have some new excellent service in Disclosure notice:
in February, what they in Starkville about five
owners of a tran- North Mississippi, West Mary Pollitz, the business
companies already do. years ago. The Starkville
sit and storage column writer, is employed
Alabama, our local com- can seek ad- Learning that office partner, Mike
business in Columbus. Mary Pollitz
munities and our military vertising and myself is very Skinner, said the new with McConnell Brothers.
McConnell Brothers
members worldwide,” he coverage from important. …
Transfer and Storage has
said. Lee’s Creative Studio. There are people that
a couple new owners but
Though not much will Lee Allen, the owner are genuinely good that
the transit company is
staying in the family. change, Thomas said he of the production compa- are doing their best to
The previous owner, does look to expanding ny, is currently working serve their community.
Kyle McConnell, retired McConnell’s freight remotely while searching When you see that, it just
and sold his business to hauling and warehousing for a location, but said he makes Starkville look a
his daughter, Suzy Mc- capacity. hopes to find one in the lot better.”
Connell Robertson, and Let’s keep on trucking. next few months. That’s the goal for
son-in-law, Chad Thom- Speaking of logistics, The Mississippi State Allen. He wants to create
as. The sale was finalized Double S Diesel Service University graduate said commercials for com-
Oct. 1. opened in October. he wants to simply tell panies to air on social
Thomas said, for the Owners Spence Wall- people’s stories with media, in the store or
most part, business will ingford and Blake Moore visual concepts. In fact, even on television. Es-
remain as usual. The provide on-site services though the production pecially during times of
Mayflower agent mov- for diesel semis, farm company has yet to COVID-19, people are so
ing company provides equipment, forklifts and launch, Allen started a separated and it’s getting
full-service moves for more. commercial for the local more and more difficult
household goods, storage The business is locat- Mom and Pop food truck. to reach people and to tell
and even local jobs. ed in New Hope but most While filming, he discov- those stories, he added.
According to Thomas, no services are provided ered someone’s story he There’s a new oc-

US government, states sue Facebook for ‘predatory’ conduct

NY AG: Company ‘used its monopoly press conference, saying
Facebook “used its monop-
acquisitions years ago.
“The government now
power to crush smaller rivals and oly power to crush smaller
rivals and snuff out compe-
wants a do-over, send-
ing a chilling warning
snuff out competition, all at the tition, all at the expense of to American business
that no sale is ever final,”
everyday users.”
expense of everyday users’ The FTC fined Face- Facebook general counsel
book $5 billion in 2019 Jennifer Newstead said in
BY MARCY GORDON abusing its dominance in for privacy violations and a statement that echoed
AND MICHAEL R. SISAK online search and adver- the company’s response
instituted new oversight
The Associated Press tising — the government’s to a recent congressional
and restrictions on its
most significant attempt to business. The fine was antitrust probe.
WASHINGTON — The buttress competition since
U.S. government and 48 the largest the agency
its historic case against has ever levied on a tech
states and districts sued Microsoft two decades
Facebook Wednesday, company, although it had
ago. Amazon and Apple no visible impact on Face-
accusing it of abusing its also have been under in- book’s business.
market power in social net- vestigation in Congress Facebook called the
working to crush smaller and by federal authorities government actions “re-
competitors and seeking for alleged anticompetitive visionist history” that
remedies that could in- conduct. punishes successful busi-
clude a forced spinoff of James noted at a press nesses and noted that
the social network’s Insta- conference that “it’s really the FTC cleared the In-
gram and WhatsApp mes- critically important that stagram and WhatsApp
saging services. we block this predatory ac-
The landmark antitrust quisition of companies and
lawsuits, announced by that we restore confidence LOCAL GAS PRICES
the Federal Trade Com- to the market.” Source:
mission and New York The FTC said Face-
Attorney General Letitia book has engaged in “a COLUMBUS
James, mark the second systematic strategy” to
major government of- eliminate its competition, 1401 Main St.

fensive this year against including by purchasing

seemingly untouchable smaller up-and-coming ri- 1.92 MURPHY USA
1913-A US-45 N

tech behemoths. The vals like Instagram in 2012

Justice Department sued
Google in October for
and WhatsApp in 2014.
James echoed that in her
97 Alabama St.

Get promoted? Win an award? 1.69 MURPHY USA
1012 MS-12

Send us your business brief. 1.69 WALMART
105 Market St.

subject: Business brief 1.77 RACKLEY OIL

225 Industrial Park Rd.
Ads appear in The Commercial Dispatch,
The Starkville Dispatch and Online
To place ads starting at only $12,
call 662-328-2424 or visit

Apts For Rent: Other Lost & Found Pets

LEGALS Real Estate Merchandise MISSING OR STOLEN

grey pit bull with white on
chest & feet. Answers to
Call us: 662-328-2424 Ads starting at $25 Ads starting at $12 Storm. Reward if found.
Call 662−364−0478.
Legal Notices Lots & Acreage Firewood / Fuel
Pursuant to Miss. Code Ann. 1.75 ACRE LOTS Good/ FIREWOOD FOR SALE.

Need a new
Sections 23-17-1 et seq. Bad Credit Options. Good Various lengths.
(1972), the Mississippi Secret- credit as low as 20% down, 662−295−2274.
ary of State’s Office supply to
you the ballot title and ballot $499/mo. Eaton Land,
summary for Initiative Measure 662−361−7711.
No. 75. Furniture
Ballot Title Approx. 7 acres located West Point: Good cond,
Should Mississippi’s state and between Dale Road and GE Washer ($500) & GE
local public officials and U.S. Buck Egger Road. Access
Representatives and Senators Dryer ($125), microwave
be limited to serving two suc- off either road. $30,000. ($25). Call anytime, 662−
cessive terms? 662−549−0696 275−7679.


Ballot Summary Mobile Homes for Sale
Initiative Measure Number 75 Sporting Goods
seeks to amend the Missis-

2019 Clayton Mobile Home
Yesterday’s answer
sippi Constitution to limit ap- Sudoku is a number-
pointed and elected state and Brand new, never lived in. ED SANDERS GUNSMITH
local officials, United States Fully furnished, perfect for Open for season! placing puzzle based on
Representatives, and United RENTALS an older couple or person. Tue−Fri: 9−5 & Sat: 9−12 Sudoku
a 9x9 gridis witha several
num- 8 4 3 2 7 1 9 5 6
When looking
States Senators to two suc- TOWNHOUSES & APARTMENTS Attached front porch with Over 50 years experience!
given numbers.puzzleThe object 6 2 9 5 3 8 7 4 1

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

cessive terms in office. Ser- roof. May have to be Repairs, cleaning, refin−
vice prior to January 1, 2021
1 BEDROOM moved unless lease is ishing, scopes mounted & based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 7 5 1 9 4 6 2 8 3
would not be counted when de- grid
1 to 9with
in theseveral
for a new pet, empty spaces 2 8 4 7 9 3 1 6 5
approved by land owner. zeroed, handmade knives.
termining the number of suc- 2 BEDROOMS given
so thatnumbers. The
$40,000. 828−674−8659 Located: Hwy 45 Alt, North
cessive terms served by United each row, each 9 6 5 4 1 2 8 3 7
3 BEDROOMS object
column and each 3x3 the
is to place
States Representatives and of West Point, turn right on
adoption is 1 3 7 6 8 5 4 2 9
United States Senators. Yokahama Blvd, 8mi & turn
contains the1same to 9 number
LEASE, left on Darracott Rd, will
© The Dispatch

DEPOSIT Garage Sales see sign, 2.5mi ahead the empty spaces so
only once. The difficulty
3 7 2 1 6 4 5 9 8

always a that each row, each 5 1 8 3 2 9 6 7 4

shop on left.
Employment AND
CREDIT CHECK Two free signs
662−494−6218. level increases from
column and each
3x3 boxtocontains
4 9 6 8 5 7 3 1 2

good option.
Difficulty Level 12/09

Call us: 662-328-2424 the same number only once. The difficulty level
662-329-2323 Estate Sales
increases from Monday to Sunday.
General Help Wanted
2411 HWY 45 N New Hope Estate Sale
Tombigbee River Valley Ads starting at $12
COLUMBUS, MS 174 Virgie Drive
Executive Director Position Columbus, MS 39702
Fri. Dec. 11, 9am−4pm Five Questions:
Tupelo District Office Houses For Rent: North Sat. Dec. 12, 9−4 Good Things To Eat
Sun. Dec. 13, 1pm−4
1 “Game
Applicants should have a COLONIAL TOWNHOUSES. Mon. Dec. 14, 9am−1
Masters Degree from an 2 & 3 bedroom w/ 2−3 Selling contents of

of Thrones”
accredited university and bath townhouses. $650 to house, bedroom suites,
experience consisting of 5 $750. 662−549−9555. dining room suite,
years work experience in a Ask for Glenn or text. curios, TV’s,
related field or industry OR bookcases, Cub Cadet

2 Chuck E.
a Bachelor's Degree from Mobile Homes for Rent riding mower,
an accredited university 12’ x 20’ storage
AND experience consisting
3BR/2BA MH in New Hope. building, shop full of
of 6 years work in a re- $650 dep + $650/mo. No tools, fishing
lated industry. pets, quiet area. Leave full collectibles, windmill,
name & message, outdoor décor,
A qualified candidate that Christmas décor,
3 “A Series of
possesses adequate mana- power tools, hand tools,
gerial work experience but ladies clothes, linens,
lack some educational re- RENT A CAMPER! kitchen items,
quirements, will remain the CHEAPER THAN A MOTEL! swings, washer & dryer.
right of the Districts Board Utilities & cable included, Hundreds of items.
of Directors to amend the from $145/wk − $535/mo Just off of Old Yorkville
required educational quali- Columbus & County School Road. Photos @
fications. locations. 662−242−7653
4 The Skimm
or 601−940−1397. Stewart’s Antiques &
Application deadline Estate Sales
December 18, 2020 Benny Shelton
Columbus, MS
Find the perfect home.
5 Water bottle
Paper Applications must be 662−251−1515
received prior to December
18, 2020.

Service Directory
Apply to TRVWMD
ATTN: Jack Savely
P.O. Box 238
Pontotoc, MS 38863

Promote your small business starting at only $25

Rentals Carpet & Flooring General Services General Services Lawn Care / Landscaping


Ads starting at $25 & Bonded. Carpentry, minor LANDSCAPING L.L.C.
electrical, minor plumbing, Phone: 662−549−1878
Apts For Rent: North insulation, painting, demo− Landscaping, Property
lition, gutters cleaned, Clean Up, Plant Care,
FOX RUN APARTMENTS pressure washing, land− Bush Hogging,
1 & 2 BR near hospital. scaping, cleanup work. Herbicide Spraying
$595−$645 monthly. 662−242−3608. ACROSS
Military discount, pet area, 1 Company
pet friendly, and furnished
corporate apts. **HOLIDAY SPECIAL**
Lawn Care / Landscaping Painting & Papering symbol
5 Redress
ON SITE MANAGEMENT. 3 Rooms − $90 Mowing, cleanup, tree Special Prices. metal
Carpet−Rugs−Tile−Cars cutting, landscaping, Interior & Exterior Painting. 12 Temptresses
24−HOUR CAMERA sodding & bush hogging. 662−435−6528
662−356−6525 13 Citi Field
Ashleigh, 662−386−4446. UPHOLSTERY
Apts For Rent: West Call for more info! Automotive Services 14 Tastebud
662−722−1758 setting

15 Endive type
17 Bullring cry
General Services
18 Colorado
Apartments & Houses Bucket truck & stump
22 Strike setting
removal. Free est.
1 Bedrooms Serving Columbus 24 Put away
since 1987. Senior 25 Young fellow 2 Metal sources 21 Call for
2 Bedroooms citizen disc. Call Alvin @
26 Draw 3 Had a tem- 22 Guinness of
3 Bedrooms
"We’ll go out on a limb for 27 News item perature drop film
Furnished & Unfurnished
you!" 30 Was sore 4 Marked down 23 Hot flow
32 Gives a hoot 5 Regarding 28 Force unit
1, 2, & 3 Baths 33 Pi follower 6 Some strings 29 Casual top
Lease, Deposit 34 “Am I forget- 7 Writer Hem- 30 Museum
& Credit Check ting anything?” ingway focus 38 Music’s 8 Not pos. 31 Fondue stuff
327-8555 Bieber
41 Unspoiled
9 Bearded beast
10 Jargon suffix
35 Hill makers
36 Visionary
Apts For Rent: Other

The Military Square

42 Chaperone
43 Canary snack
16 “The Rise
of Skywalker”
37 Cuts off
38 O’Hare sight
39 Much of N.

Apartments are now 44 Sullies
accepting applicants! 19 Cook’s Amer.
We have 1, 2, and 3 45 Goes astray protector 40 Biol. or geol.
bedroom units available. DOWN 20 Huron

All apartments are newly 1 Citrus flavor
remodeled, and include: neighbor
New Washer/Dryer, New
Refrigerator, New A/C Unit!

Ads starting at $25

We also offer rent
discounts for:
−Active Military
Call us at: 662−205−0005

Read local.

Buy. Sell. Discover. In the Classifieds section.

On the web: • Or call: 662-328-2424

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