Civ Pro Attack Outline

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SMJ (assess for every claim filed in fed ct!) 3) If NO: state v. fed. interest?

No countervailing
Diversity Jurisdiction (DivJ) – §1332 fed, apply state (Hanna 1, RDA)
PERSONAL JURISDICTION General 1) Complete Diversity Rule: π ≠ ∆, all πs citizens a. Twin Aims: forum shopping &
1) ∆ has continuous and systematic contacts with the of diff. states than ∆s inequity b/c of citizenship (Erie)
forum (“at home”) (GY, Daimler) 2) Diversity of Citizenship b. State law is bound up w/ rights obligations
Specific a. Individual: US citizen and where of parties = substantive
1) Served with process in forum domiciled (physical presence in state + c. Constitutional interest? (Byrd)
2) ∆’s agent is served w/ process in forum Intent to remain)
3) ∆ is domiciled within the state b. Corp: dual citizenship – PPB (nerve
4) Consent to PJ - express, implied, waived center) + state of incorporation PLEADINGS Complaint –
Statutory Test 3) Amount in Controversy >$75K RULE 8
1) Is there a Long-Arm Statute? a. Cannot aggregate if multiple parties unless 1) Grounds for SMJ
a. BULGE: if w/in 100m of ct. if joined under joint claims 2) Short/Plain statement of the claim
14 or 19 Fed. Question Jurisdiction (FQJ) – §1331 a. Twiqbal: π must plead facts (allege)
2) Statute for PJ over tortious act? 1) Case arises from under fed law supporting a plausible claim;
a. Where mfr’d v. where injured 2) Well-Pleaded Complaint Rule b. Factual allegations as true; fraud or mistake
Constitutional Test a. Is the Cause of Action st. or fed.? allegations needs more facts
1) Tag “Transient” Jurisdiction (Burnham) i. If fed. = FQJ, If st. = go to (b) c. Judge uses judicial xp, common sense
a. traditional basis of presence b. State CoA incl. fed. ingredient? 3) Demand for relief sought
(Pennoyer) is enough for PJ i. No = no FQJ, Yes = FQJ Response – RULE 12
b. Traditional AND International Shoe is c. Matter of fed. concern? Within 21d, unless waived = 60d; 90d (R4)
necessary (O’Connor) i. Actually disputed/substantial? Methods of Response
International Shoe Standard ii. Affect balance b/w fed. & st.? 1) Motion to Dismiss (RULE 12(B))
1) Minimum Contacts Supplemental Jurisdiction (SJ) – §1367 1) a. Defenses
a. Purposeful Availment Does §1367(a) grant SJ? 12(b)(1) Lack of SMJ - never waived
i. Reached out to forum in some way; a. YES if claim arises from same (b)(2) Lack of PJ
invoked benefit/protection of laws case/controversy; or, “fed hook” (b)(3) Improper Venue
b. Claim arose from contact in forum b. Unless (b)  (b)(4) Insufficient process - prob w/ doc
c. Need more than Stream of Commerce 2) §1367(b) takes away SJ = NO SJ (only in (b)(5) Insufficient service of process-not
i. Seek to serve (i.e., ads, designing product) diversity cases): properly served
(Asahi: SOC+) a. π claim against party joined by R:14, (b)(6) Failure to state a claim
d. # of contacts vs. quality of contacts 19, 24 – 20, 23) (b)(7) Failure to join party under RULE 19
i. Cannot be based only on purchases b. Claims by R:19 compulsory πs  NOTE: 2-5 must be in first response or waived; 1,
and sales; physical presence c. Claims by R:24 intervener πs 6-7 anytime
2) Fair Play and Substantial Justice Removal – §1441, 1446, 1447 b. Answer
a. Foreseeable: reasonably anticipate to be 1) All ∆s must agree i. Must respond to claim
haled into ct. 2) ∆ cannot remove if it's a diversity claim in 1. Admit, deny (explicitly stated)
b. Burden on ∆ to show inconvenience state of citizenship (needs SMJ) 3) ∆ 30 days 2. Lack of knowledge = denial
c. ∆ burden, state interest, legal sys. to remove, runs when served 3. Failure to deny = admission ii.
interest, shared substantive policies 4) Lawsuit is removed to embracing fed. ct. Affirmative defenses (RULE 8): raise
Electronic (Website) new matter or inject new fact (SOL,
1) Active, conducts business = PJ VENUE RJ/CE)
2) Passively in market, only info ≠ PJ In- Venue in Div/non-Div cases – §1391 1. Must plead or waived
Rem/QIR(1&2) 1) where any ∆ lives if all ∆ in same state SLIME – Rule 11: sanctions; signed
Attach as PJ basis must do at beginning; 2) where substantial part of event occurred pleadings (attorney screws up: stupidity,
QIR2 DNE, attach must relate to property 3) FALLBACK: where any ∆ is subj. to PJ laziness, ignorance, malice, evasion) Amended
(div); or where any ∆ can be found (non) Pleadings – RULE 15
4) “residency” 1) π can amend once before ∆ response
NOTICE – RULE 4 a. individual: domicile 2) ∆ can amend once w/in 21d of answer
Served by person non-party at least 18 Must b. corporation: wherever subj. to ct. PJ 3) If no right to amend, ct. may freely give
be served w/in 90d w/ process: summons + Transfer – where there is PJ over ∆ §1404 – 4) Relation Back: amend after SOL run, “same
complaint Serving an Individual 1) initial venue is proper T/O” test, proper ∆ should have known
Personal Service 1) Take transferor (ct. #1) ct.’s laws, choice of law (Krupski v. Costa Crociere)
2) Substituted Service travels w/ proper Atlantic Marine
a. Dwelling/usual place of abode 2) Discretionary: convenience of parties,
b. Suitable age/discretion, resides there witnesses, and interest of justice JOINDER
3) Serve ∆’s agent §1406 –initial venue is improper/no PJ (assess SMJ for every claim filed in fed ct!) Proper
Serving a Corporation 1) Take transferee (ct. #2) ct.’s laws Parties
1) Officer or managing or general agent 2) Only transfer where PJ/app. venue Permissive – RULE 20(A) – IPJ/SMJ/V?
Ct. can serve however/wherever state ct. can 3) Ct. can dismiss/transfer to proper 1) Parties joined as πs/∆s if
Waiver of service Forum Non Conveniens 2) Assert right to relief that arises from same T/O
1) π can request ∆ waive service 1) Properly filed but the ct. dismiss b/c more or series of T/O
2) ∆ must have good reason to not waive or else appropriate venue (convenience) 3) At least one common Q of law/fact  NOTE:
pays cost a. State to other state, US to foreign misjoinder ≠ dismissal; ct. should sever (R21)
3) If waived = 60d to respond to complaint instead Compulsory/Necessary – RULE 19
of 21d, 90d if outside US Notice must be Necessary/indispensable/required party? 1) No
reasonably calculated to inform D – newspaper complete relief w/o absentee
= last resort (Mullane) ERIE DOCTRINE 2) Absentee interest would be impaired
Fed. ct. should apply state. substantive law 3) Absentee interest would be subj. to
1) Conflict between st. and fed. law? multiple/inconsistent obligations
2) Valid fed. rule on point? (Hanna 2, REA)  NOTE: joint tortfeasors not necessary!
a. YES: use fed. procedural law Joinder feasible?
1) IPJ ok? Retain SMJ? (check DivJ) 1) Prejudice: mandatory, NO notice, 3. permit responding party to produce specific
a. YES: party must be joined NO opt-out; incompatible standards for info
2) NO: does court dismiss/proceed? ∆, limited funds (small pool of $) 4. deny discovery info entirely
a. Prejudicial? Adequate judgment? Most 2) Injunction: mandatory, NO notice,
5. order costs shared or shifted to requesting
imp’t: will π have remedy? NO opt-out; decl. relief benefits all πs
3) If party determined indispensable and can’t be 3) Damages: notice, opt-out; common Q
joined, then court dismiss (rare) predominate individual questions; class is
3rdP Practice Impleader – RULE 14 – --- SMJ or superior method to resolve suit B. Limits on Scope of Discovery
SJ a. Notice: class rep must give notice to all Burden/proportionality vs needs for case: fact
1) 3P∆ may be liable for all/part orig. π’s claim members reasonably ID-able specific and case-by-case.
against orig. ∆, file complaint b. SMJ: look @ rep for AIC, citizenship
2) Timing: w/in 14d, or need ct.’s permit Google example of limiting discovery through
3) SJ governs for 3P∆ to 3pπ (orig ∆) rule 26(b)2(C)(i). Courts can condition
4) π against 3P∆? NO SJ (R14 not ok!), needs discovery on expense allocation.
Dismissal – RULE 41(A) 1) Dismissal signed by
SMJ (“same T/O” as orig. claim) Intervention all parties 2) Ct. order (discretionary)
– RULE 24 3) π dismiss w/o prejudice once by notice of dismiss FRCP26(b)2(B)-- Protects parties against
1) Party assert or defend claim (check SMJ) before ∆ respond (answer, MSJ) Involuntary having to produce ESI they deem to be "not
2) Motion must be timely = not disruptive Dismissal – RULE 41(B) w/ prejudice if ct. decides; reasonably accessible." Courts consider: 1. is
3) Right: absentee legal interest impaired if not “on the merits” unless lack IPJ/SMJ, improper V, the info relevant 2. would it be burdensome to
joined; adequate rep? failed to join necessary party (R19)  happens if π produce it? Zubulake
4) Permissive: absentee claim/defense has at fails to move forward/prosecute; ∆ can MTD RULE
least 1 common Q of law/fact π Plaintiff 12(B)(6) Dismissal
Claim Joinder Permissive Claim Joinder – 1) Ct. does not look at evidence, only face FRCP26(b)(1): all relevant non-privileged
RULE 18 a. Claim where ct. might grant relief? materials are discoverable.
1) π can join all the claims (SMJ) b. Legally sufficient claim? 1. Attorney Client Privilege
∆ Defendant Claim Joinder Summary Judgment – RULE 56 a. between client and attorney
Counter-Claim – RULE 13(A), (B) – SJ? 1) Ct. looks at evidence
b. intended to be kept confidential
1) Compulsory – 13(a) 2) Moving party must show:
a. Against opposing party, no new party a. No dispute of material issue of facts c. for the purposes of obtaining/providing legal
b. Same T/O as π’s claim b. and entitled to JMOL assistance
c. Must assert or waive 3) Evidence provided by parties -applies to corporate entity not the employee
2) Permissive – 13(b) – IPJ/SMJ/SJ? a. Evidence acquired under oath
a. state any claim against opposing party b. Not include pleadings
b. R18 only works for party once they 4) Timing: any time except 30d after close of
successfully add claim via R13(a)/(b) Cross- discovery 1. Applies to any material prepared for
claim – RULE 13(G) - permissive 1) Against co- litigation or trial.
party (same side of “v.”) a. to assert priv and work prod must:
2) Same T/O as underlying dispute 1. expressly make claim
Interpleader – RULE 22, §1335
A. 2. describe nature of docs not
Stakeholder force all potential claimants into single produced/disclosed in manner that doesnt
case, party may file defensive if sued first (through Scope of Discovery: FRCP26(b1)- relevant info to
claim/defense of party; (Cormack) "admissible" reveal info that is priv -enable other parties to
R13 counter-claim)
not the standard. access claim FRCP25b(5)
1) Rule (narrow): complete div, no deposit, status
quo IPJ/SMJ/V, rare injunction Proportionality. No fishing expeditions. b. rules notes in "anticipation of litigation"---
2) §1335 (broad): minimal div, need deposit stake; majority approach is "because of litigation"
R26(c), Protective Orders: Target of discovery can
AIC>$500, §1397 for V, §2361 SOP, IPJ, and doesnt apply to subject matter of document but
seek based on relevance or other concerns. Needs
injunction possible reason for preparing it.
good cause to protect from undue
Class Action – RULE 23 Pre-reqs for burden/embarrassment etc. c. "Substantial need"=inability to obtain
certification: equivalent info without undue hardship
Applicable when discovery goes beyond scope.
1) Numerosity
2) Commonality Remedies:
3) Typicality 4) Adequacy Types (need at least 1. Keep info confidential
one): 2. Narrow Scope of req

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