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Khulna University of Engineering and

Technology (KUET)

Feasibility study:
Waste Management development project of Khulna
City Corporation.

Prepared for: Prepared by

Khulna City Corporation, Khulna. Dept of Urban and Regional Planning

Endorsed by:

Prof. Dr
Dept. of Urban Regional Planning

The Khulna City Corporation Authority has initiated the waste management with related works of Khulna City
Corporation. The KCC Authority assigned the Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET) to
conduct a feasibility study of the proposed project. The Urban and Regional Planning Department of KUET
under the lead role of Prof Dr................................................. Has conducted this study. The proposed waste
management with related works of KCC will generate significant benefits for dwellers of Khulna City by
managing the all Kinds of generated waste. In addition to manage the flouting waste of the Moyur river & 22
canals, Kitchen waste I.e. Solid waste, Liquid waste, waste which seal trated the drain, Waste of faecal sludge,
re use of faecal sludge, making of Controlled waste dumping point, making of leached pond, making of
secondary transfer station, managing facility medical, trans portation & dosposal up of Solid waste, drain waste
liquid waste, floating waste, faecal slude redue time of waste transportation; Clay, mud, sealtrated drain
emptying facility, to create the water flow in the river & canal, Will get the benifit of the neighborhood people.
As a result water logging will reduce, waste will be managed in a better way, Ultimate sanitation system will be
improved.Finalty in line will the problems identified in the report the above maintained mitigation measures are
suggeted to increase the positive impacts of the Said project in Khulna City.

1. Background
Khulna is the third largest metropolitan City of Bangladesh. Khulna City Corporation (KCC) with an estimated
area of 45 KCC in the heart of Khulna metropolitan City region. Khulna is located in the southwestern
part of the country. It is bounded by Bhairab-Rupsha River on The western side, and by Moyur River on the
eastern side. KCC covers an area of 45.65 sq km. An “extended area of approximately 32.56 sq km surrounding

the cur rend City Corporation boundary could come under the KCC area in the near future. In addition, Unban
growth is also observed towards the southeast, beyond the boundaries of the KCC and “extended areas”,
facilitated by Khulna- Satkhira highway. Tis area is often referred to as “outer area, and covers an area of
approximately 47.56sq km. This outer area is not likely to come under KCC in the near future. by Khulna City
has experienced tremendous growth immediately after the independence due to establishment of numerous
industries including jute, hardboard, newsprint, salt, and match factory and shipyard. The growth was stalled
during entire 80s and 90s due to decline of many those industries of particularly Jute. However, after the 90s the
economy got momentum partly due to establishment and expansion of frozen food industries, Khulna
University, Khulna Medical College and Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET). Over the
last Two decades Khulna City region – KCC has been appeared as an important destination for employment
and livelihood, education and health, trade and commerce and administrative services.

Attractions of Khulna will be increased even more in the coming years for several reasons. For instance, in the
wider region of KCC there are special economic zone and country’s second largest sea port in Mongla which is
very close to Khulna City. Currently numerous mega projects are under way to ensure faster and smooth
connectivity of Khulna City with the capital city Dhaka via the Mawa point of the Padma. Long-awaited Padma
bridge is now more reality than ever. Khulna city region is now ready to exploit its strategic locational
advantage as it has strategic link to seaport (Mongla), airport (Jessore), river port (Noapara) and capital city
Dhaka and neighboring India. Moreover, Khulna city is getting special attention at national and international
level due to its strategic connectivity with some others mega projects such as coal based thermal power plant in
Rampal-Mongla, a large grain silo in Mongla, and revitalization of just industry in Khalishpur-Daulatpur-Atra
area, ship-building industry in Labonchara and Mongla area. Due to the development of this new economic
corridor, KCC has been experiencing tremendous growth in the fringe areas especially in the south-westem
fringe of the city.

The population of Khulna city became double by 20 years (from 1995-2015). New settlers find their residence
mostly in the fringe areas which are poorly developed. In most cases the agricultural lands, low lying areas,
natural drainage in and around the Khulna city are filled and gradually developed as part of urban build up
areas. In the similar fashion the natural canal which used to drain out the rain water and storm water are
occupied by land grabbers. As a cumulative outcome the water logging situation deteriorated. Low lying part of
the city experience regular water logging condition in the entire rainy season. Apart from the encroachment of
natural canal, the drainage system of the city also has been experiencing tremendous load due to densification
and growth of population. Huge population pressure and poor operation and maintenance resulted poor
performance of the existing drainages network. In newly expanded city areas thereno drainage facility at al.
Moreover due to change in climate, number of extreme pick weather events such as more than 100 mm rainfall
in just 12 hours has increased which creates prolong water logging situation in many parts of the city. Also
some parts of the Khulna city Experience inundation that relates to tidal influence in the revivers flowing along
the city. Most of the drains are filled up with floating materials and seallrated by sois. Moyur river and 22

canals inside the city is always filled up with water Hyacinth and floating waste. As a result water flow
becomes a barrier. KCC is a dense populated area. Every day huge amount of kitchen waste, construction waste
is generating. Due luck of awareness and also in sufficient secondary point & dustbin, people are throwing their
waste in the drain and road. Due to insufficient equipments/ vehicles waste collection time needed more. Not
only that there is no controlled dumping point. There’s no arrangement to manage properly the medical waste.
There is no incineration to burn the medical risk waste. Though KCC has a big natural faecal sludge treatment
plant in the south East Asia. But there is no sufficient vacutag. KCC is making manually briquettes by using
faecal sludge, saw dust, rice husk & molasses as a pilot scheme. To solve all kind of waste management
emplying/ cleaning the drain, create the incinaration facility of medical waste, making the controlled dump
point and to run the water flow of moyur River and inside canel, This proposed project is initiated.

2. The Assignment, Objectives and the scope

Honourable Mayor of KCC Mr Talukder Abdul Khaleque has already conceived to manage all kinds of
waste and related works such as kitchen waste, collection, drain cleaning works construction of secondary
transfer station, transportation &dumping of all kinds of waste in a short time, reuse of faecal sludge. Although
after in principle agreement over the Project Concept Notes, there was need for conducting the Feasibility study
before developing/ submitting the Development Project Proposal (DPP) as per decission after the IPEC meeting
Local Government Ministry. In line with te requirement of the planning commission, KCC has assigned the
Department of Urban and Regional Planning (URP) of Khulna University of Engineering and Technology to
conduct the Feasibility study for the project waste management and related works of Khulna city Corporation.

For manage all Kinds of waste and related works, a feasibility study is a study undertakes to investigate
the suitable options for a project, to find out whether the project should be carried out, and which option is the
most viable the feasibility study is also used to determine the viability of the proposed items/ Parts for manage
all kinds of waste in the different form. The study should take account of ecological factors, social factors and
economic considerations.

Conducting a detailed Feasibility study is required before preparation of DPP of a project the objective
and scope of such a feasibility study is quiet wider, which includes
 detailed accounting of the organizational set up, and role and responsibility of organization initiating
the project.
 Need assessment of the projects considering multiple perspectives
 Comparison of priority project with alternate other one or two projects
 Economic and financial viability of the project
 social, economic and environmental impacts of the projects
 Suggested measure to mitigate the impacts of the projects/ project components.

Although the scale of the proposed project- waste management of Khulna City Corporation with related
works demands a detailed Feasibility Study but for three reasons a feasibility Study having narrowly focus and
limited coverage could be justified.
First, the DPP has detailed accounting of the Organizational set up (of KCC); Second, DPP nicely laid down the
foundation to justify the need of the proposed project/project components; third, both financial and economic
viabilities of the project in some details are included in the DPP. Apart from the above, obviously due to very
low budget and allocated time (2 weeks0 a full-scale Feasibility Study is avoided. this however will
compromise the quality of work in other core areas of the feasibility study.
Finally the current form of Feasibility Study will have the following objective
 To provide an analytically dense justification of the need of the projects/project components.
 To present (by referring back to the DPP) the financial and economic viability of the project/project
 To present sufficiently detailed yet concise accounting of the social impacts of the project/project
 To present sufficiently detailed yet concise accounting of the environmental/ecological impacts of the
project/project components.
 To Suggested measure to mitigate the impacts of the project/project components.
 To Suggested measure for long term sustainability of the project/project components.

3. Approaches and the Research Strategy

The whole task performed during the feasibility study could be broken down (work breakdown structure) into
the following set of works. The strategies employed to accomplish each of these task is presented in some
 As r rule DPP foll0ows Feasibility Study but for this case we had to the other way around. First by
reviewing the literature and similar projects implemented in the humid/sub-humid tropical/sub-tropical
Asia-Pacific region, the likely impacts of this proposed project/project components are listed down,
From this list we consulted within our self and with other relevant experts. We came up with a refined
list of impacts. In the subsequent phases we have tried to determine the scale of impacts on those
dimensions. To determine the scale and magnitude of those impacts we heavily drawn on expert
knowledge and previous experience of working with similar kind of projects.
 We have scrutinized all the project components. Components of similar scale and nature are broadly
group to reduce the number of groups to be considered for impact identification, analysis, evaluation
and mitigation.
 We have identified representative hotspot (very important)sites for Rapid Impacts Appraisal and make
inference for the entire area in KCC.
 We did reconnaissance survey before conducting a detailed inventory of likely impacts of the
project/project components.

 We have thoroughly reviewed the DPP particularly the economic and financial feasibility study part to
contextualize and adopt that findings in this Feasibility Study.

Furthermore, beneficiary interview and/or key informant interview (KII) are also conducted in some cases to
ascertain the views of important stakeholders as regards various impacts of the proposed project/project
components and the likely challenges that the project might encounter during implementation. Finally a
synthesized Feasibility Study report is submitted to the KCC

4. The KCC and the Description of the Proposed Project

4.1 Area of Khulna City Region

A map of Khulna City Corporation (KCC) and its surrounding areas

Muyur River

STS at ward no 21

Bastohara drain at ward no 9

Muyur River

Muyur River

Door to door collection and disposal to the nearby STS or dumping points.


Motiakhali drain

Motiakhali drain


Mathavanga Road


Mathavanga proposed land field (acquired)

4.2 Analysis of Population Estimates
In designing any service system for the general populace, it is imperative to have reasonable estimate of present
population. Based on the present population and population growth trend, projections of future population are
made over the project design period, It should be noted that the economic activities, natural calamities,
infrastructure development plan, etc influence population growth trend.

Khulna Municipality is one of the oldest municipalities in Bangladesh which was established in 1884. In
accordance with the Municipal Administration Ordinance of 1960 it was converted to Municipal Community
which was subsequently replaced by a Paurashava in 1972 according to the Bangladesh Local Councils and
Municipal Committees (Amendment) Order, 1972. It was declared as Khulna City Corporation in 1992. The
total population of the core city corporation area as stated in 2011 census is 663,342 (BBS, 2011).

Between 2001 and 2011, closure of a number of large jute mills, match factory and other industries in and
around Khulna City have led to mass exodus of people from core city areas, resulting in decrease of population
over this time period (Table 4.1). However, according to KCC, the scenario has changed over the last few years
resulting in significant increase in population.

Table 4.1: Distribution of population within Khulna Statistical Metropolitan Area (KMA)
Household population
Locality 2011 2001
2011 2001
Total Male Female Total Male Female
Khulna SMA 245824 253215 1046341 540100 506241 1172831 623723 549108
Khulna City
157261 170335 663342 345005 318337 770498 412661 357837
Other Urban 88338 82880 381613 194031 187582 402333 211062 191271
Gilatola Cantt 225 - 1386 1064 322 - - -
Note: 1. Househoid and population are decreased due to abolishment of industries and migration of population else where.
2. Gilatola Cantt. included with Khulna City Corporation in 2001.
3. Other Urban includes : Daulatpur (part) Thana, Khanjahan Ali (part) Thana, Dighalia Upazila and Rupsh Upazila.

Different estimates are available for present population and predicted future population of KCC and its
surrounding areas. As a part of the project aimed at improving infrastructure and strengthening the city
governments’ administrative capacities, a per-feasibility study was conducted by ADB for KCC. The draft final
pre-feasibility study report (Hifab, 2016) provides estimates of areas and population of KCC and the “extender
area”, as shown in Table 4.2.

Table 4.2 : Area and population of KCC and surrounding areas (Hifab, 2016)
Administrative Unit Area ( Pouulation
Total Project area 125.77 799,113
KCC area 45.65 663,342
Daulatpur Thana 13.05 105,860
Khalishpur Thana 12.26 165,299
Khulna Sadar Thana 11.59 224,444
Sonandanga Thana 8.74 167,739

Extended area 32.56 67,466
Outer area 47.56 68,305

The draft pre-feasibility report (Hifab, 2016) used the approach adopted in the “Feasilility Study and
Formulation of Wastewater Management Plan for khulna City (Wastewater Master Plan)” (ADB, 2016), which
in turn was based on the JICA study for the Khulna Water Supply Project 2009. It should be noted that since the
JICA study was done in 2009, it used the 2001 census data as the base. The JICA study used decreasing
pouulation growth rate based on the 2001 census population of the KCC (see Table 4.3), whereas the KCC
projections used a higher and constant population growth rate of 3.07 percent (ee Table 4.3). The Khulna
wastewater master plan (ADB, 2016) adopted in the JICA population projection as it seemed more reasonable
then the KCC Projections.

It is important to note that although the Wastewater Management Master Plan (ADB 2016) was prepared in
2016 when Census 2011 data were available, the document used the 2001 Census data, and used 2001 as the
base year for population projection (instead of 2011). Therefore, in this study, a fresh projection was made
based on the Census 2011 data for Khulna city, with 2011 as the base year and using the growth rate similar to
those used in the JICA study. Table 4.3 provides a comparison of JICA population projections, KCC
projections and projections made in this study. It is clear that population projection using the JicA study (based
on Census 2001) and the KCC projections.

According to KCC, a number of large-scale jute mills, cement factories, LPG Plants and other industries have
been constructed in and around khulna City. In addition, economic activities have received a tremendous boost
from the on-going Padma Bridge construction activities on the anticipation of possibilities for new business
opportunities. Also, the activities of Mongla port have increased significantly. These have increased the
population of Khulna at a much faster rate than anticipated earlier. Thus, population projections should be done
considering these factors.

Table 4.3 : Comparison of population projections of Different Studies for the KCC Area
JICA Projections KCC Projections Projections made in this Study
(ADB, 2016) (ADB, 2016)
Year Population Annual Year KCC Annual Year Projections Annual
Gr. Rate projections Gr. Rate based on Gr. Rate1
(%) (%) Census 2011 (%)
2001 7,70,498 -- 2001 7,70,498 -- 2011 6,63,342 --
2009 9,57,252 2.75 2011 10,42,544 3.07 2017 7,66,127 2.43
2010 9,82,715 2.66 2017 12,49,936 3.07 2021 8,39,408 2.31
2015 11,08,060 2.43 2021 14,10,643 3.07 2026 9,38,187 2.25
2020 12,42,092 2.31 2031 19,08,709 3.07 2031 10,46,030 2.20
2025 13,88,258 2.25 2041 25,82,632 3.07 2036 11,63,418 2.15
2030 15,47,835 2.20 2051 34,94,502 3.07 2041 12,90,816 2.10
2035 17,21,538 2.15 2046 14,28,662 2.05
2051 15,77,358 2.00
Population projections were made using Census 2011data and the JICA growth rates with 2011 as the base year.

According to KCC, the present (2017) population of the KCC area (including extended and outer areas) is about
1.50 million. This estimate is on the higher side; even higher than the KCC population projection made in the
khulna Drainage Master Plan (ADB, 2016) with an Annual Growth Rate of 3.07%.

4.3 Generation and Characteristics of Solid Waste

According to the official records of KCC, the present (2017) generation of solid waste in KCC area is 450 tons
per day (TPD). This has been calculated based on an estimated population of 1.5 million and solid waste
generation rate of 0.30kg/capita/day. Of the total waste, about 20 TPD is generated at industrial sources, 15
TPD comes from street sweepings, 6 TPD is generated from slaughter houses, and about 1 TPD comes from
healthcare facilities. The KCC Conservancy Department reports that with an estimated collection efficiency of
70%, total daily collection of solid waste is 300 tons/day from 1,240 collection points and 62 Secondary
Transfer Stations (STS). The entire collected sludge is currently being dumped at the Rajbangh-1 disposal site.

There is limited data on data on characteristics of solid waste generated in Khulna. Table 4.4 summarizes the
important characteristics of solid waste generated in KCC area.

Table 4.4 : Characteristics of solid waste generated in KCC area (Hifab, 2016)
Item % Contribution
Food & Vegetation 78.9
Paper and paper products 9.5
Plastic and polythene 3.1
Textile & woods 1.3
Rubber and leather 0.6
Metal and tins 1.1
Glass and ceramics Brick, concrete and stones 0.5
Brick, concrete and stones 0.1
Dust, ash and mud products 3.7
Others (bone, rope, etc.) 1.2
Total = 100
Moisture Content 68%
Density (loose) kg/m3) 566
Density (compact) kg/m3) 875

4.4 Land Available for Processing and Disposal of Solid Wastes

KCC has land at two different sites for processing/ disposal of SW. KCC has an 25 acre land at Mathabhanga.
However, the present solid waste study considers the sites that are already in hands of KCC that include:

(1) Rajbandh-1and Rajbandh-2 sites, and
(2) Scholua site,
(3) Mathabhanga.
All sites are located outside the boundary of the KCC; Rajbandh-1 site is located on the southwestern side,
while the Scholua site is located on the northwestern side. The Rajbandh-1 site covers an area of 19.283 acres,
plus an approach road covering 0.736 acres. As noted earlier, almost the entire solid waste collected by KCC is
currently dumped at this site. The Scholua site covers an area of 16.792 acres, with an approach road of 0.232
acres. KCC used to dump a small portion of the collected solid waste at this site, which has now been stopped.
An incinerator for incineration of hazardous healthcare waste has been installed at this site; but it is not

Rajbandh-2 site having an area of about 5 acres is located close to Rajandh-1 site. Part of the site was
previously used for solid waste dumping. Currently no solid waste is dumped at this site. A part of the site is
currently being used as a treatment plant for fecal sludge, operated jointly by the KCC and SNV, an
international NGO. About 2 acres of land is currently available for utilization at Rajbandh-2 site.

In addition to these sites, the KCC has acquired 25 acres of land at Mathabhanga, which will be available for
solid waste treatment and disposal in the next. Which proposal is proposed in this project.

As a part of the present study, a detailed topographic survey was carried out at each of these three sites
currently available with KCC for solid waste management (SWM). Figures 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4 show maps of the
Scholua site, Rajbandh-1 site and Rajbandh-2 sites, respectively. Figure 4.3 shows that dumped solid wastes are
already occupying a large part of the Rajbandh-1 site (7.02 acres, bounded by dashed line within the site in fig.

Survey map of Scholua site; total area of the site is about 17 acres

Survey Map of Rajbandh-1 site; total area of the site is about 19 acres; part of the site (shown by dashed
line) is already covered by dumped solid waste.

Survey Map of Rajbandh-2 site; total area of the site is about 5 acres; A fecal sludge treatment plant has
been established at one corner of the site.

4.5 Selection of Solid Waste Treatment and Disposal Options for KCC

4.5.1 Introduction
In assessing recycling/ treatment/ disposal options for solid waste of Khulna city, the following criteria have
been kept in mind:
(1) Conservative in land requirement;
(2) Potential for full/partial cost recovery;
(3) Environmentally and socially acceptable;
(4) Less GHG emission;
(5) Potential for scaling up;
(6) Complimentary to Gob’s policy and strategy for SWM and climate resilience; and
(7) Composition of waste material and seasonal variability.

The following sections briefly discuss the different recycling/ treatment and disposal options, identifying their
major advantages and disadvantages in light of the above criteria for Khulna city. Section 4.6.3. Presents the
recommended options considering of the criteria mentioned above. This chapter also presents an plan for
phased implementation of the recommended options, and an implementation model for effective management
of solid waste in Khulna city.

4.5.2 Sanitary landfill

Sanitary landfill is a common and possibly the oldest scientific disposal option of solid waste, Typically a
sanitary landfill involves placement of solid waste in layers and compaction, covering (usually with soil) the
waste at the end of day’s operation, provision for venting of landfill gas or gas-to-energy-recovery, and
provision for treatment of landfill leachate. A sanitary landfill was constructed at Matuail, Dhaka and it is
currently in operation.

This technology, when used as the disposal option for the entire solid waste (without any recycling/ treatment),
suffers from a number of drawback including: (1) Very high land requirement; (2)Potential for groundwater
contamination from landfill leachate, particularly for high water table areas like Khulna; (3) Adverse social and
environmental impacts, including those associated with leachate and landfill gases, and spreading of diseases;
(4) Escape of landfill gas (GHG) into the atmosphere.

The very high land requirement is a major drawback of this option, which negates its application for the Khulna
City Corporation (KCC). Besides, this is also not a preferable option due to its adverse environmental and
social impacts.
The high organic content of the solid waste generated in Khulna makes it suitable for a rage of treatment
options (e.g., aerobic composting, biomethanation, as discussed below), which are much more preferred to the
landfill option from resource recovery, land requirement, social and environmental perspectives,

4.5.3 Composting

It typically involves aerobic decomposition of biodegradable organic matter by the action of bacteria, fungi and
other organisms. The organisms typically utilize about 30 part of carbon for each part of nitrogen. Municipal
solid wastes usually have initial C/N ratio close to 30:1, making them ideal for decomposition, Composting
requires about 25 m2 area per ton of solid waste (only for windrow formation for 21-day composting and
maturity yard for 30-day stabilization) (CPCB, 2016). Additional area is required for machinery, packing and
storage. Facilities are also required for recycling and treatment of leach ate and sanitary landfill for rejects (e.g.,
inerts, sludge from treatment). Figure 4.5 Shows flow diagram for windrow method of composting.

Flow diagram of typical windrow method of composting

Composting of solid waste has several advantages. Compost is particularly useful as organic manure; optimum
when compost is used in conjunction with chemical fertilizer. Composting minimizes or avoids GHG emissions
from anaerobic decomposition of organic waste, Composting increases design life of other waste management
facilities (e.g., landfills). Management of leachate becomes easier for landfills that do not receive organic waste.
High organic content (>70%), high moisture content (∫70%), and favorable C/N ratio of solid wastes generated
in Khulna (as well as in other urban areas of Bangladesh), make them very suitable for composting. However,
production of quality compost from mixed solid waste, and marketing of produced compost (Including
obtaining license/ permit for marketing) are major challenges.

Composting technologies can be classified into the following general categories:

(1) Windrow composting;
(2) Aerated static pile composting;
(3) In-vessel composting;
(4) Decentralized composting (bin and box composting); and

(5) vermi-composting.

Table 4.5.1: (Gol, 2016) Provides a brief overview of different composting technologies.

Table 4.5.1: Summary of different composting technologies (Gol, 2016)

Parameter Composting Technology
Windrow Aerated Static Pile In-Vessel Vermi-composting
General Simple technology for Effective for farm and Large-scale systems for small-scale
large-scale application municipal use commercial
Amount of input waste 1 to 500 tons 1 to 500 tons 1 to 300 tons Up to 50 tons
per day to be treated
Land requirement 5 ha for 500 TPD, 5 ha for 500 TPD 4 ha for 500 TPD 2 ha for 50 TPD
including buffer zone
Time 8 weeks 5 weeks 4 weeks 8-10 weeks
Ambient temperature Not temperature Not temperature Not temperature Temperature sensitive
sensitive sensitive sensitive (20-40˙C)
Energy input Moderate Moderate (2-3 hr High Low
Financial implications Moderate Costly Very costly Moderate
Odor and aesthetic Odor is an issue if Moderate but controls Minimum None
issues turning is inadequate can be used.

4.6 Waste to Energy (WtE) Options

4.6.1 Thermo-chemical Treatment of Solid waste
This process involves thermal decomposition of organic matter to produce either heat energy of fuel oil or gas.
The thermo-chemical conversion processes are useful for wastes containing high Percentages of organic non-
biodegradable matter and low moisture content. The main technological options under this category include: (1)
Incineration; and (2) Pyrolysis/ gasification.
The desirable range of important solid waste parameters for technical viability of energy recovery through
thermo-chemical processing (Gol, 2000) is presented in Table 5.2.

Table 4.5.2: Desirable range of important solid waste parameters for technical viability of thermo-chemical
treatment (Gol, 2000)
Solid waste treatment method Important Waste Parameter Desirable Range*
Thermo-Chemical conversion: Moisture content < 45%
- incineration Organic/Volatile matter > 40%
- pyrolysis Fixed carbon < 15%
- Gasification Total inerts < 35%
Calorific value > 1200k-cal/kg

* Indicated values pertain to suitably segregated/ processed/mixed wastes and do not necessarily correspond to wastes as received at the
treatment facility
Among the thermo-chemical processes, “incineration” is most widely used. Incineration is sometimes preceded
by what is commonly referred to as “pelletization or production of resource derived fuel (RDF)”. It is basically
a processing method for mixed municipal solid waste, which can be very effective in preparing an enriched fuel
feed for thermal processes like incineration or for use in industrial furnaces.

Incineration of municipal solid waste involves combustion of waste leading to volume reduction (90-95)% and
recovery of heat to produce steam that in turn produces power through steam turbines. The minimum
temperature for burning of carbonaceous waste to avoid release of smoke and prevent emissions of dioxin and
furans is 850˙C (CPCB, 2016). The efficiency of the technology is linked to the solid waste characteristics,
particularly moisture content and calorific value; moisture content should be <45% and calorific value should
be >1500kcal/kg(CPCB, 2016)

Apart from these requirements, CPCB (2016) has identified the following key criteria for solid waste
incineration projects to be successful:
(1) A mature and well-functioning waste management system has been in place for a number of years.
(2) Incineration is especially relevant for the dry bin content in a 2-bin system; for un-segregated waste,
pre-treatment is necessary.
(3) The lower calorific value (LCV) of waste must be at least 1450 kcal/kg (6 J/kg) throughout the seasons,
The annual average LCV must not be less than 1700 kcal/kg (7 KJ/kg).
(4) The furnace must be designed in line with best available technologies to ensure stable and continuous
operation and complete burn out of the waste and flue gases.
(5) The supply of combustible waste should be stable and amount to at least 500 tonnes/day.
(6) Produced electricity and/or steam can be sold at a sustainable basis (e.g., feeding into the general grid at
adequate tariffs). It is possible to absorb the increased treatment cost through management charges,
tipping fees.
(7) Skilled staff can be recruited and maintained.
(8) Since the capital investment is very high, the planning framework of the community should be stable
enough to allow a planning horizon j\of 25 years or more.
(9) Pre-feasibility study for the technology led to positive conclusion for the respective community.
(10) Strict monitoring systems are proposed and maintained.

The moisture content of solid wastes generated in the major cities of Bangladesh is typically very high, close to
or above 75%. The calorific value of urban solid wastes is also typically low. Ahsan (2005) reported a moisture
content of 68% for solid wastes generated in KCC, which is much higher than the desirable range (l.e., <45%)
for combustion/ incineration. JICA and DCC (2005) reported average calorific value for solid wastes in Dhaka
to be 550 to 850 kcal/kg. The calorific value of KCC solid waste is likely to be in the same range. These

calorific values (550 to 850 kcal/kg) are much lower than the desired range for thermal treatment, including

As noted above, moisture content and calorific value are two most important parameters for determining
suitability of solid waste for thermo-chemical treatment, including incineration. However, due to high moisture
content and low calorific value, KCC solid wastes are not suitable for thermo-chemical treatment. Solid wastes
generated in all major urban centers of Bangladesh are characterized by high moisture content and low calorific
value, and therefore this conclusion appears to be valid for municipal solid wastes generated in all major urban
centers in Bangladesh.

The scenario is not much different in the neighboring country India. In the absence of effective regulation and
control of rag-picking, waste burning and waste recycling activity, the left-over wastes at dumping sites in India
typically contains high percentage of inerts (>40%) and degradable organic matter (30-60%) (Gol, 2000). The
calorific value on dry weight basis of Indian Solid wastes varies between 800-1100 kcal/kg (Gol, 2000);
whereas the requirement for self-combustion is 1200 kcal/kg. The first solid waste incineration plant installed in
India at Timarpur, Delhi in 1990 has been lying inoperative due to mismatch between available waste quality
and plant design (Gol, 2000).

It should be noted however that composition of solid waste changes with changes in socio-economic condition.
Wiht improvement in socio-economic condition, lifestyle changes, which in turn changes the characteristics of
solid waste generated in a city. In some cities of India (e.g., Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad), characteristics of solid
waste have been reported to be changing in recent times, with fraction of food waste and moisture content
decreasing and calorific value increasing, making these solid wastes more conducive to incineration. As of
January 2015, five incineration plants were operational or under construction in India two in Delhi and one each
in Bengaluru, Pune and Hyderabad (Gol, 2016).
Major cities of Bangladesh could also witness such changes in the composition of sokid waste in the future,
which could necessitate re-evaluating the suitability of thermo-chemical treatment option of solid waste. But
under the present scenario, thermo-chemical treatment (Including incineration) does not appear to be a suitable
option for solid waste treatment in Bangladesh.

4.6.2 Biological Treatment of solid Waste: Anaerobic Digestion (AD) or Biomethanation

Biological treatment process is accomplished by allowing microorganisms to degrade biodegradable portion of
solid waste by creation environment conducive for growth of microbial organisms. Biodegradable organic
matter is broken down into gaseous products (CO 2, methane, etc.) and water, leaving behind carbon-rich
byproduct commonly referred to as “compost”.

In this process, the organic fraction of solid waste is segregated and fed to a closed container (digester) where,
under anaerobic condition, the organic wastes undergo biodegradation producing methane-rich biogas and

effluent/sludge. The biogas production ranges from 50-150 m 3/ton of waste, depending upon the composition of
waste (Gol, 2000). The biogas can be utilized either for cooking of rgeeration electricity. The sludge from
anaerobic digestion, after stabilization, can be used as soil conditioner. Figure 5.2 shows typical flow diagram
of biomethanation process.

Typical flow diagram of biomethanation process.

The desirable range of important solid waste parameters for technical viability of biomethanation (Gol, 2000) is
presented in Table 5.3.

Table 5.3: Desirable range of important solid waste parameters for technical viability of energy recovery (Gol,
Solid waste treatment method Important Waste Parameter Desirable Range*
Bio-chemical conversion: Moisture content >50%
- Anaerobic Digestion Organic/Volatile matter >40%
(AD)/ Biomethanation C/N Ratio 25 – 30
 Indicated values pertain to suitably segregated/ mixed wastes and do not necessarily correspond to wastes as received
at the treatment facility

High organic content (> 75%), high moisture content (∫ 70%), and favorable C/N ratio of solid wastes generated
in Khulna, make them very suitable for anaerobic digestion or biomethanation. Anaerobic digestion or
biomethanation of solid waste offers certain clear advantages over aerobic processes, in terms of energy
production, compost quality and net environmental gains, as noted below (Gol, 2000):

(1) Anaerobic digestion results in net production of energy;

(2) The quality of digested sludge (compost) is better, as nitrogen is not lost by oxidation;
(3) The totally enclosed system prevents escape of polluted air to the atmosphere; and
(4) The net environmental gains are positive.

4.6.3 Recommended SWM Options

The integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM) proposes a waste management hierarchy with the aim to
reduce the amount of waste being disposed, while maximizing resource conservation and resource efficiency.
The ISWM hierarchy ranks waste management operations according ot their environmental, economic, and
energy impacts. Figure 5.3 shows the most widely used integrated waste management hierarchy, which is
consistent with the “national 3R strategy for waste management” of Bangladesh Government.

Source reduction of waste prevention, is considered the best approach (tier-1); followed by reuse of materials in
their current form (tier-2); recycling and composting of organic matter of waste, resulting in recovery of
material (tier-3). The components of waste that cannot be prevented of recycled can be processed for energy
recovery (tier-4). Tier-5 is disposal of waste in sanitary landfill, which is the least preferred option.

The most appropriate system and technology for solid waste management of a city is chosen based on the waste
management hierarchy and local conditions. For example, if the land for composting organic material is close to
human habitation, biomethanation may be a preferred choice despite higher cost as compared to the composting
in the ISWM hierarchy.

Reduction and Reuse:

There is universal agreement regarding the importance of the first two tiers (i.e., the first 2Rs of the 3R strategy
– Reduce and Reuse) of the ISWM hierarchy. The KCC should make strong efforts to promote “Reduce and
Reuse” of solid waste by taking appropriate measures including awareness campaign, and introducing suitable
incentives for waste minimization at source. Efforts should be made to gradually promote “source
segregation” of solid waste (e.g., two-bag system).

Recycling and Composting:

The next preferred option in the ISWM hierarchy is “recycling and composting”. As discussed earlier, due to
high organic content (> 70%), high water content (∫ 70%) and favorable C/N ratio, solid wastes generated
within KCC are well suited for composting. Local expertise is also available for design and operation of
compost plants, and there are examples of good practices. Therefore, “composting” is certainly a very
promising option for processing of solid wastes in Khulna city.

However, certain issues need to be kept in mind while proposing “composting”. Land Requirement for
“composting”, e.g., 5 to 8 ha for 500 TPD solid waste (Gol, 2016) is relatively higher (compared to
“biomethanation” and “incineration”). In the absence of a detail feasibility study, it is not clear whether there is
market for the significant quantity of compost that would be generated through this process. There is need for
market identification and analysis. Odor nuisance is also an important consideration.

5. Components of the proposed project.

Project components are taken consider four sides with justification
(i) To collect the special equipments for managing the Solid Waste, drainage waste, Moyur river and
22 canal waste, faecal sludge and reuse of faecal sludge. Construction of vehicle parking building
for vehicles and equipments. Acquisition of lands for exlending the garrage, Medical waste
management, reuse of faecal sludge for making briquettes/ charcoal. STS making in the city area.
(ii) Construction of dumping point with keeping the proper dumping facility in acquirred 25 acres lands
of KCC at Mathvanga. Sub component in which are
 Construction of approach road
 Weighing facility
 Qtice building
 Disposable pond
 Leached pond
 Boundary wall
 Tree plantation
 Awareness build up part
 Leached treatment facility.
 Composed making bauly and other related works.
(iii) Equipment collection for floating waste maintenance works of 22 canals inside Khulna city.
(iv) For creating the waste collection facility from the marrow road area, To make this road RCC by
using the complete concrete mixing plant which is the instruction of Honourable Prime Minister
sheikh Hasina.

Table of Major components of proposed project

SL. Components quantity
01. Land acquision for different purposes (Land acquisition for extension of waste 35.90 acre
management garage, for making garage, STS, Solid, medical and faecal sludge
manage and for reuse of faecal sludge and solid waste,)
02. Solid waste loading, Transportation, dressing at dumping point.
(i) Refuse Truck/ Garbage compactor truck in 50 Nos. plastic containers in each 10 Nos.
(ii) Refuse Truck/ Garbage compactor truck including mechanical self loading 05 Nos.
system with 40 Nos. metatlic containers in each set.
(iii) Wheel loader 2-3 cubic meter bucket capacity 02 Nos.
(iv) Back hoe wheel loader 06 Nos.
(v) Rear Tipping Truck 7 ton capacity including 15 Nos. contains in each set. 07 Nos.
(vi) Skid loader 05 Nos.
(vii) Self loaded Truck 01 No.
03. Garbage vehicle parking building 2Stroid including basement with related facility. 17028.00
04. Feecal sludge management
(i) Vacutag 4000 lit 05 Nos.
(ii) Vacutag 2000 lit 03 Nos.
(iii) Vacutag 1000 lit 03 Nos.
05. Removal of floating waste and maintenance works of mayur river and canals
inside khulna Mahanagor.
(i) Under water acquatic weed harvester 01 No.
(ii) Heavy duty Amphibians floating excavator 01 No.
06. Drain cleaning works.
(i) Rubber protected chain compact excavator 07 Nos.
(ii) Jet Sucker machine 02 Nos.
(iii) 3 ton capacity low bed Trolley. 01 No.
07. Reuse of faecal sludge
(i) Carbonization machine, grinding/ milling m/c, charcoal/ briquittes making m/c, 01 set.
electrification, machine shade etc.
08. Narow road making suitable for waste collection
(i) Concrete mixing plant with related items 01 set.
09. Vehicles for the project implementation works
(i) Jeep 01 No.
(ii) Pick up 02 Nos.
(iii) Motor cycle 01 No.
10. Construction works
(i) Construction of STS 15 Nos.
(ii) Construction of dumping point including related facity at Mathavanga 25 acre 01 No.
11. Other waste related works
(i) GI net making 77 Nos
(ii) S.S railing 07 km
(iii) Manhole cover making 100 Nos.
(iv) Metallic garage shed 2235 sqm.
(v) Car parking tower 20–25 cars
(vi) Sprinker 04 Nos.
(vii) Ambulance 01 Nos.
6. Conclusions and Recommendations
6.1 Introduction

The major objective of the present assignment was to develop an effective conceptual solid waste management
plan for Khulna city. In order to achieve this objective, existing policies, acts, rules and regulations on solid
waste management (SWM) were thoroughly reviewed; available data system for SWM by KCC were also
analyzed in order to identify gaps in the service chain. Efforts have been made to estimate present and future
population and generation of solid waste for Khulna city. Land available for treatment and disposal of solid
waste at Rajbandh and Scholua sites of KCC was also carefully assessed through detail topographic survey. The
most important task of this assignment was to identify potential options for SWM including reuse, recycle,
treatment and recommend best possible options. In assessing recycling/ treatment/ treatment options for solid
waste of Khulna city, the following criteria have been kept in mind:

(1) Conservative in land requirement;

(2) potential for full/ partial cost recovery;
(3) Environmentally and socially acceptable;

(4) Less GHG emission;
(5) Potential for scaling up;
(6) Complimentary to GOB’s policy and strategy for SWM and climate resilience; and
(7) Composition of waste material.

Possible recycling treatment options including land filling, Composting and waste-to-energy options (including
incineration and biomethanation) were thoroughly reviewed in light of the above criteria. Among these options
compositing and biomethanation have been found to be the most suitable for solid waste recycling and
processing for Khulna city. Therefore , a combination of “ Composting” and “biomethanation” has been
proposed for the treatment/ processing of solid waste in Khulna city. Preliminary layout, design and cost
estimates of these recommended options for implementation at the available sites at Rajbandh and Scholua have
been made. A phased implemented plan and an implementation model for the recommended options have also
been suggested. It should be noted that collection, storage, transfer and transportation of solid waste have not
been studied in detail in this study. However, a number of issues related to successful implementation of the
entire chin of SWM (from generation-collection to final disposal) have been addressed in this study in line with
the national 3R strategy.

This Chapter summarizes the major conclusion from the the present study and provides some recommendations
for effective management of solid waste in Khulna city.

6.2 Conclusions

The major conclusions from the present study are as follows.

(1) Available estimates on present/future population and solid waste generation rate for Khulna city vary
widely. While a detail analysis of these estimates have been provided in the report, this study has
considered the present (i.e., 2017) total generation of solid waste (450 TPD) based on the population
(1.5 million in 2017) and solid waste generation rate (0.30 kg/capita/day) estimated by KCC.
(2) Due to high organic content (> 70%) and favorable C/N ratio, solid wastes generated within KCC are
well suited for composting; local expertise is also avail able for design and operation of compost plants,
and these are examples of good practices.
(3) The combination of solid waste, with high organic and water contents and favorable C/N ratio, is also
well suited for “biomethanation”, which is a very promising resource recovery option.
(4) A combination of “composting” and “biomethanation” is proposed for the treatment/ processing of
solid in Khulna city. The available land at scholua and Rajbandh-1 and 2 sites could be used for
processing of 700 tons per day (TPD) solid waste. For preliminary design, 50% biomethanation could
(5) Considering a population growth rate of 2.15%, it would take about 32 years from present day (i.e., up
to the year 2050) to reach the 700 TPD collection of solid waste. The available sites at scholua and
Rajbandh would continue to process 700 TPD solid wastes (i.e., beyond 2050) utilizing the installed

facilities for biomethanation and composting; at the end of their respective design lives, these facilities
need to be renovated or reconstructed as appropriate, for continued operation.
(6) The only facilities at the scholua and Rajbandh sites that would exhaust their capacities with time are
the landfills designed for receiving for “inerts”. When the landfills at these sites would become
exhausted, the “inerts” could be transported to the Mathabhanga site for land filling utilizing a small
part of the site.
(7) Considering the present level of manpower at KCC, and the constraints associated with increasing
manpower, it is important to consider involving the private sector in the operation of both composting
and biomethanation plants.
(8) There appears to be considerable for developing viable business based on the treatment products to be
obtained from the solid waste processing, l.e., compost and biogas. Involvement of the private sector
through the PPP (public private partnership) model should be carefully explored for taking advantage of
such business opportunities, which would also ensure financial/ economic viability and sustainability of
the proposed SWM project.
(9) A detail feasibility study (including environment assessment should be carried out to assess, among
other issues, the market of compost that would be generated through composting process; the feasibility
study should also look into the most suitable option (e.g., power generation, bottling of gas for cooking)
for use of recovered gas (methane) from biomethanation process.
(10) Collection, collection, storage, transfer and transportation of solid waste have not been studied in
detail in this study; there is however scope for improvement in these areas/ components of solid waste
management, following the 3R strategy of Bangladesh government.

6.3 Recommendations

For effective management of solid waste, especially for long-term successful implementation of the
recommended recycling- processing- treatment options , the following recommendations are made:

1. The KCC should make strong efforts to promote “Reduce and Reuse” of solid waste by taking
appropriate measures including awareness campaign, and introducing suitable incentives for waste
minimization at source. Efforts should be made to gradually promote “source segregation” of solid
waste (e.g., two-bag system).
2. Special attention should be given by the KCC to the following:
(a) Reduction in the use of polythene;
(b) Recycling of plastics;
(c) Recycling of Styrofoam;
(d) Recycling of paper and board;
(e) Recycling of garden or yard waste (e.g., through on-site and decentralized composting).
3. Special attention must be given to the disposal of construction/ demolition wastes that contains sand,
aggregates, plastics, metals, etc, which have detrimental effects on biomethanation and composting
processess, and would occupy significant land fill volume. Construction/ demolition wastes must
therefore be managed separately with greater emphasis on recycling, e.g., through utilization in making
bricks, pavement blocks, construction material, such as aggregates.
4. Informal sector plays an important role in the recycling of solid waste. KCC should take initiative from
CBOs and and NGOs, in ensuring health and safety of waste pickers, and finding better and alternative
livelihoods for them.

Appendix A:

Primary and Secondary Solid Waste Collection by KCC

Table A1: List of NGOs/CBOs involved in solid waste collection in KCC area.
Working area Name of NGO/CBO/ private Types of involvement
(ward) organization
5,10,29 Leased by KCC Door to door collection and disposal to the nearby STS
or dumping points.
6, 20 (partly) Personally Door to door collection and disposal to the nearby STS
or dumping points.
9, 17, 19, 24, 28 Jonokallan Shamity Door to door collection and disposal to the nearby STS
(partly) or dumping points.
9, 14, 15 (partly) SPS Door to door collection and disposal to the nearby STS
or dumping points.
16, 17, 18 (partly) RUSTIC Door to door collection and disposal to the nearby STS
or dumping points.
25, 26 (partly) SIAM Door to door collection and disposal to the nearby STS
or dumping points.
6, 12, 24, 27, 28 Environmental Development Group Door to door collection and disposal to the nearby STS
or dumping points.
16 (partly) CHD Door to door collection and disposal to the nearby STS
or dumping points.
16 (partly), 17 Clanship Door to door collection and disposal to the nearby STS
(partly), or dumping points.
9 (partly) Sadischa Door to door collection and disposal to the nearby STS
or dumping points.
23 (half) Muktir Alo Door to door collection and disposal to the nearby STS
or dumping points.
Partly 16,17 Bonosaya Mohila Kollan Samiti Door to door collection and disposal to the nearby STS
or dumping points.
Partly 30 Personally Door to door collection and disposal to the nearby STS
or dumping points.
Partly 31 (Little) Karitash Door to door collection and disposal to the nearby STS
or dumping points.
Source: Conservancy Department, KCC, September 2019.

Table A2: Vehicles/equipment used for MSW collection and transport by KCC.
Vehicle/ Equipment Number of Vehicles Pay-load (tons)
Dump Truck 05 14.75
04 7
06 5
30 3
Container Carrier 02 2.5
02 1.5
Wheel loader 1
Back wheel loader 3
Chain dozer 1
Garbage loader 1
Prime mover with low bed trailer 1 30
Power tiller with trolley 1 0.25
Demountable container 50 5
10 3
Tri-cycle Rickshaw Vans 400
Tractors 1
Compact excavator-Typed wheel (small) 4
Vaccutag for fecal sludge collection 01 7000 L
02 2000 L
Skid loader 04
Road sweeping machine 01
Chain dozer 02
Source: Conservancy Department, KCC, September 2019.

Appendix B:

Related Policies, Laws and Rules

Table B1: Policies, Laws and Regulations related to Waste Management in Bangladesh
Policy/Act/Rules/strategy Year Description
Draft Notional Urban policy 2006 The policy has covered all aspects related to land and housing in urban areas.
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and recycling has been emphasized in this
National Renewable Energy policy 2008 This policy is promoting production of biogas and other green energy from the
wastes and also proving incentives such CDM to promote green energy projects.
National Agriculture policy 1999 According to this policy, the government will promote use of compost/organic
fertilizer amongst the farmers to improve the soil productivity and food security.
National policy for Water Supply and 1998 According to this policy, the government shall take measures for recycling of
Sanitation waste as much possible and use organic waste materials for compost and bio-gas
Urban Management Policy Statement 1998 Recommend the municipalities for privatization of services as well as giving
priority to facilities for slum dwellers including provisions of water supply,
sanitation and solid waste disposal.
The Environment Policy 1992 The Policy intends to restrict disposal of municipal, industrial or agricultural
wastes in any water bodies like rivers, ponds and drains. It also discourages open
truck transportation during daytime collection of waste.
Urban Management Policy Statement 1998 The policy considers the interest of providing economic, efficient and reliable
services; municipalities shall endeavor to contract out solid waste disposal, public
sanitation, drain cleaning and road maintenance.
Fertilizer Act 2006 Under this act, compost has been promoted and standard of compost has been set
by the government on 2008.
Biomedical Waste Management Rules 2008 This rule recommends source separation of hospital waste as well as separate
collection, transportation, treatment and disposal of all kinds of hospital and
clinical waste.
National CDM Strategy 2005 This strategy is promoting pro-poor CDM projects on waste sector by harnessing
carbon financing
Poverty Reduction strategy Paper 2005 Here EMS has been promoted. To improve the solid waste management situation,
(PRSP) special focus is given to segregation of waste at source along with the promotion
of recycle, reduce and reuse of industrial and other solid waste etc.
National Sanitation Strategy 2005 Its goal was to achieve 100% sanitation coverage by 2010. Here emphasis of
resource recovery and recycling has been given as top priority to improve urban
sanitation situation stead of disposal.
Dhaka Environment Management 2005 Waste recycling has been promoted, less land filling encouraged, EMS promoted
Plan among industries.
Solid Waste Management Action Plan 2005 Under the Secondary Towns Integrated Flood Protection (phase-2Project of Local
for Eight Secondary Towns in Government Engineering Department, GOB. This action plan is based on 4R
Bangladesh principle i.e. reduce, reuse, recycle and recover of the waste.
National Environmental Management 1995 This is a plan of the Government of Bangladesh (GOB), prepared by the Ministry
Action Plan (NEMAP) of Environment and Forest (MOEF) in consultation with people from all walks of
life. 3R is being promoted under the Sustainable Environment Management
Programme (SEMP) of NEMAP.
Private Sector Infrastructure 2004 This guideline of the GOB has recommended private sector investment in waste
Guideline management sector which includes all types of waste. It has also identified waste
sector as one of the priority sector for private investment.
Private Sector Housing Development 2005 This guideline recommends to space in new housing areas for waste recycling
Guideline specially composting and biogas generation.
Dhaka Declaration on Waste 2004 SAARC countries agree to encourage NGOs and private companies to establish
Management by SAARC countries community based composting, segregation of waste at source, separate collection
during 10-12 October 2004 and resource recovery from wastes with particular focus on composting.


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