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Yuliana Garcia Naranjo

cc. 1006538778

Level B1 Modulo 1

 Exercise 5. Home remedies

 Exercise 6. Reading e-mail messages

 Exercise 11. Understanding phrasal verbs in context.

Level B1 Modulo 2

 Exercise 9. Talking about actions that are not necessary.

 Exercise 11 & 12. Understanding necessity and obligation

Level B1 Módulo 3

 Exercise 3. Infinitive after certain verbs

 Exercise 7. Infinitives after adjectives

 Exercise 11. Understanding important decisions.

 Exercise 12. Understanding a text about study abroad.

Level B1 Módulo 4

 Exercise 9. identifying verbs followed by gerund or infinitive with a change in meaning.

 Exercise 11. Understanding qualities and skills employers look for.

4. Read the following questions and answer them in the forum:


• What is your job?

• Where do you work? Describe your place of work.

• What responsibilities do you have at work?

• Describe your activities at work. Do you like your

job? Yes, No. Why?

• Describe your skills and weaknesses for this job.

• What was your first day at work like?

• Do you have or know about any superstition in

your business/work/office?


• What do you study?

RPT: study psychology

• Where do you study?

RPT: At the national open and distance university UNAD

• What is your favorite subject?

RPT: Sigmund Freud

• What are your responsibilities at the University?

RPT: Deliver well-crafted jobs

• Describe your activities at the University. you like

your career? But because?

RPT: Yes, because it is a career in which we can help improve other people's lives.

• Describe your strengths and weaknesses for this job.

RPT: Abilities

I have the capacity for observation.

Ethical and moral integrity.



I do not have the facility for oral language

• How was your first day at the University?

RPT: It was very important and exciting.

• Do you have or know of any superstitions in

your school / university?

RPT: none

Position: Professional in Psychology

Salary: 2,000,000 to 2,500,000 Monthly

Responsibilities: Diagnose emotional and psychological

disorders, intervene and advise the
community of interest according to
therapeutic techniques.
Selecting the right staff is key when looking
for a new hire, but many times it is possible
to train workers so they can move up or
perform other functions within the company.
 Provide professional support in the
orientation, organization and development of
activities and programs of the processes of
Social Care and Prison Treatment of the
private population in accordance with the
guidelines issued by the Directorate of Care
and Treatment.
design and implement training programs for
staff development..

Qualifications/Skills needed: Continuous Learning Skills; Orientation to

results; Orientation to the user and the
citizen; with an administrative approach
knowledge in labor legislation, hiring,
selection, recruitment, social security

Company Information:  Prevention Integral En Salud Ips S.A.S

Location: Puerto Gaitán goal.

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