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US Ettore Alison Singer, Jenny Silos tors Lit Bryant, Ben Franeat Dads ‘Art dtors Danica Beret, Clare doje, Clare Shedsen, Michele Stapas ttriat Asitants Jessen Cau, Sarah Edwards ‘lstrators Edwood Burm Deis Joos, Clare Joye, enol Pork, Jemma Westing “Rudo Producer LizHarona Managing Edter Oona Mile Managing Art ator Ara Halt Projet Manager Chrisie Soyan Tack Designer Nate Godin Jacko Esto Claire Gol Jock Design Devloprant Manager Sophia MTT Produce Pre-Production Luca Fassinet Producer Mery Sater ‘rt iret Karen Sei Publishing Director Jonathan Met ok ingia Jacket Designer Surabhi Wath Managing Jackets Editor Salon Singh Serie TP Designer Hares Apparat Fist American Eton, 2016 Published inthe United Sates by OX Publishing “US Hudson Strat, NewYork, Now Yor 10014 Copyright © 2016 Doing Kindersley Limited IC Dision of Pongur Rencom House LLC Wei7ie19 2010987554321 n1-2e97e-sunyane ‘rights esered Wout iting the rights under the copyighl served above, no prt thispubieaton maybe reproaiced,sloredinorintrodoed int a rtres "steno inated in any frm of by any means (electron, ‘mechanical photocopying recorcing,o ater witht the prior ‘atten ersion lhe capri owner, Published in Great Briain ty Dering Kindersley Limite, ‘catalog record for hs toe le aval tem the Library of Congress ISON 79-1 4454-46954 DK books are avalable ot special dseoun' when purchased Inbik for sales promatns premiums, fd raising, or educator uss, For deta, contact DK Pushing Special Markets, 365 Hudson Stee, ‘New ork, New Yor 1006 ‘Specallesaheam Prints and bound in China [Mlimages © Dorin kndersey Lite Forturtherlermaton se: wndkimages com ‘AWoRLD OF iDEA: ‘SEE ALL THERE IS 7 KNOW Contents How the course works e Making conversation 2 New language Presenters Vocabulary Mestng new pple Newstil Using queston tage Action and state verbs 6 New language State verbsin continuous forms Vocabulary Action and state verbs New skill Describing states Using collocations 8 Newlanguage Collocations Vocabulary Beliefs and opinions NewskilTalkngabout your ite [BEES comptex descriptions 2 Newlanguage General and specific adjectives Vocabulary Personalities [New sill Ordering adjectives ‘Making general statements 6 Newlanguage Invoduciory"e" Vocabulary Talents and abies New sll Taking bout talents and abies Vocabulary Travel and tourism 30 Phrasal verbs 2 New language Phrasal verbs overview Vocabulary Travel [New sil Using complex phrasal vers [EI Narrative tenses 36 Newlanguage The past perfect contiwous Vocabulary Tiavel adjectives and idioms New sil Taking about a variety of past actions Giving advice and opinions o New language Modalsforavce and opinion Vocabulary Recommendations New tl Givingadvice and opinions Making predictions “4 Newlanguage Degrees of elnood Vocabulary Idioms about tine New kill Talking about posses 1B 2 “ [EBDD Vocabulary rami and reaionships Vocabulary Working New sil Taking notes 3 Using discourse markers 50, (IPE Job applications % New language Linking information New language Prepositions and gerunds Vocabulary Fay story Voeabulary Job applications Newstill Taking about reationships Newskil Witing a resumé and cover tor Past habits and states 54 EBS) Asking polite questions 30 New anguage ‘Used to and ‘would? Newianguage Diect and iniect questions Vocabulary Fal vales Vocabulary Job interviews Newstill Contating the pat wit the present Newall Asking questions politely ‘Comparing and contrasting 58 (BY comptex verb patterns 4 New language ‘Asa comparisons Newlanguage Vero +nfave / gerund Vocabulary Adjective-noun collocations Vocabulary World of work New kll Comparing and contrasting Newskil Using complex verb patterns ‘Two comparatives together @ BBS Double object verbs 98 New language Two comparatives together Newlanguage Double object ves Vocabulary Age and popuition Vocabulary New businesses New ill Expressing cause. effect and change New til Taking abou starting a business [EBD Vocabulary studying [BED Vocabulary Meeting and presenting 102 Taking notes Reflexive pronouns 708 New language Organizing information Newlanguage Reflexive pronouns Vocabulary Aczdemic life Vocabulary Workplace language Newskil Talking about workissues (HDDS speaking approximately 72 (BS) Meeting and planning 108 Newlanguage Generalization Newlanguage Combining verbs Vocabulary Approximate quanity phrases Vocabulary Ofie tasks Newskil Talking bout numbers New il Taking prt in meetings (BBBDT changing empha: 16 (BS) Qualifying descriptions 1 Newlanguage The passive voice Newlanguage Non-gradable adjectives Vocabulary Online learning Vocabulary Qualiying words Newstill Charging sentence emphasis Newsill Adding dea to descriptions [BBD Things that might happen 20 RIED) Expressing purpose 18 New language “What if? “suppose‘in case" Vocabulary Exams and assessment New skill Talking about hypothetical tuations New language “inorder t0""50 that" Vocabulary Language of apology New sil Expressing purpose [EBB] Vocabulary Environmental concems 122 BIJ Vocabutary Media and celebrity 16 Conditional tenses 124 Reporting with passives 168 New language The thid conditional New language Fasive oiceor reporting Vocabulary Enicomental eats Vocabulary Reporting language "New ski Talking about an unveal past New sil Oisancing yours fom acts (ERED Past regrets 730 (MBBS) Making indirect statements 168 New language “Shovld have’ andoughtto have” New language Indvect statements Vocabulary Time markers Vocabulary Heng language New sill Expressing regret aboutthe past New sit Expressing uncertainty ‘Actions and consequences 134 BI Adding emphasis m2 New language Dependent prepositions New language Invesion fer adverbals Vocabulary Actions and consequences Vocabulary Nediaand lebcty ‘New sill Changing sentence tres New sil Adding emphasis ta statements [EEG Few or littie? 138 (RBG shitting focus 6 "New language "Fen" ile’ Yewerles* "New language Focusingwith causes Vocabulary Nature ané environment Vocabulary #hase for emphasis ‘New sil Desriing quantities New sk Shiting focus [EBEY Vocabulary Tadition and supersttion 144 (UNNPPY Vocabulary Crime and the law 180 (BT Past possibility 14s Relative clauses 18 "New language ‘Night/ may /coulein the past New language Relate causes ‘Vocabulary Uroan myths Vocabulary Crime and criminals New ski Talking about past possility New sll Specfyingand elaborating (BBB Speculation and deduction 150 More relative clauses 186 New language More ues for moda verbs New language Where, viven, where, whose Vocabulary Phrasal verbs with “out Vocabulary Courvoom phrases New sill Speculatng and making deductions New sil Using eave words Mixed conditionals 154 Modal verbs in the future 19 New language Mined conditional New language “Wil beable owl have to" Vocabulary Personality tats Vocabulary Legal terms "New sil Talking about hypothetical situations New sil Expressing future abity ard obigstion ‘Adding "-ever"to question words, 158 ‘Modal verbs overview 94 New language Words with “eved Vocabulary Chance and weather phrases New sil joining aclauseto asentence "New language Using modal verbs Vocabulary Modalyerbs New sil Asking offering and predicting New sl New lang Vocabula New sill 162 [GBD Vocabulary Customs and cultures 198 Vocabulary Art and culture Ba 164 Talking about groups 200 Leaving words out 736 Newlanguage Using adjectives a nouns New language pss ‘Vocabulary Counties and nationals Vocabulary Enertainment New sil Generalizing poly New sil Leaving out unnecessary words 168 ‘Old and new situations 204 ‘Substituting words 240 ‘New language “Be wed oan get used o" [New anguage Substitution Vocabulary Movingand ving abrosd Vocabulary Books and reading New sil Talking about ol ard new tuations Newskil Replacing phrases ww Articles 202 BY shortening infinitives 24 New language Arles New language Reduced ifiniives ‘Vocabulary Comony misspelled words Vocabulary Music and performance New sil Saying words with setters New sil Avoiding repetion v6 ‘Abstract ideas 72 Expressing reactions 288 New language Concrete and abstract nouns New language Informal ciscouse markers Vocabulary Education systems Vocabulary Advanced prefies Newstil Talking about abstract ideas News Stuctusing conversation 780 [HIE Vocabulary Technology andthe future 216 Getting things done 252 New language ‘Have / get something done? 1a Future hopes 28 Vocabulary Services and reais New language ‘Wish’ with “would or “could” New sil Oescrbing things people do for you Vocabulary Hopes forthe ute New sil Talking bout ture hopes and wishes ‘Complex agreement 236 New language Complex agreement ee The future continuous 720 Vocabulary Collective nouns NNewlanguage The future continuous wih “wil [New sill Using the correct agreement Vocabulary Polite requess New sil Panning your career "50" and “such” 260 New language “So! andsuch or emphasis 190 ‘The future perfect 226 Vocabulary Medical science New language Thefuture perfect New sl Emphasizing descriptions Voesbulary Life plane New skl Making plans and predictions Using articles to generalize 264 New language Generic "het 194 ‘The future in the past 730 Vocabulary Exploration and mention "New language "Would and “was going to" Vocabulary Changing plans New sill Saying what you thought [New skill Using advanced articles Answers 268 Index 2% English for Everyone is designed for people who want to teach themselves the English language. Like all language courses, it covers the core skils: grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Unlike in other courses, the skils are taught and practiced as visually as possible, using images and graphics to help you understand and remember. The best way to leam is to ‘work through the book in order, making {ull use of the audio available on the website and app. Turn to the practice book at the end of each unit to reinforce your learning with additional exercises. Modules Ech units broken doom aitnumber The book's vided Learning point vey unt ino meen which shold be done ite ons The untrue hep Begin asummary of inode Youcan tate abesk on ouleep tack You popes, ray learing ater completing any mole, [Conditional tenses REE | Language learning Modules with colored vocabulary ae grammac Study these caeflly before moving onto theeverees, a uid a Woaanjaavoanen case ‘Audio support ost modules Exerelses oc with hve supporting audio white bckerunde recotdngsofratve Engen Contain eereses that help speakers to helpyou improve You practice your new your speakingana stening kl sha relntree bearing. Ice 800K Language modules Now language points are taught in carefully graded stages, stating with a simple. explanation of when they are used, then offering further examples of common Usage, and a detailed breakdown of how key constructions are formed, ‘Module number Every module Feidentifed with 2 unique eumber ‘Module heading The teaching oyu an Wack our progres and topiappess here along with easly locate ay eats aud, bre inteduction, 1 RE EANGURGE TWO COMPARA TOGETHER ze yt wt vt ‘roe “ 52 FURTHER EXAMPLES TWO CONPARATIVESTOGETHER ‘The worse the children behave, the angrier the teacher gets. i HW BO Jouderthe cat meows,the louder the dog barks. rl "153 HOW TO FORM TWO COMPARATIVES TOGETHER ioe ‘Vocabulary Toughout the book, vocabulary modules it the most use English words and phrases, with visa ‘cues top you remember them “write-onlines You ae encouraged to wie your ow ‘easlatons of English words create your own reference pages ‘The harder Itrain, the stronger | get. bs me at BFS Sample anguage New language points reintroduced in content. Colored highs make new consructons easy to spot and annotations explain them Graphic guide Clea, simple visual help to explain the meaning of new language focme and when ous them, snd ako set as an aid to learing and recall ‘Supporting audio This ymbo! Indeates thatthe model sentences {ested nthe module are avaiable ss do recordings. Formation guide Visual guides break don Engh grammar ino its simplest parts, showing you how to recreate even complex formations. Practice modules A Each exercise is carefully graded to drill, GRAMMAR VOCABULARY ri Saecgmgeris PRA Lecerirndcconine Ent and test the language taught in the In different contents, of key vocabulary, You a Corresponding couse bos units oa Working throggh the enrcses alongside mows vars mg the course book will help you remember Examine target language Practice producing written paud what you have learned and become In eal-tfe Engish contexts. ‘passages of English text. you more vent very orree inoduced surehne nae witha Symbolto deste which kl ae Se rsdn neh being pacheed| eee alestermstin —— sere trucn ty Meeticteam nie Saat teeaceacet wines vane ene Satine romana ode jounhteonea ods Se TR a Sample ser Theft ution a Sane mer eet ue I . fesenapae terest ° ‘KR nye ory te ok eve understand. —F OXF moter ernie ssi ce | Tre 05 santo dam Habe Adan Supporting aus This symbol shows Thee Riewicentoneceemae Tel 01 einen) snnmen Rattlenscdawncs es wi mor : | | exe ereoringgnptica ——_|epucator ig ‘Visual cues are given ‘Youare encouraged @23 RESFOND TO THE AUDIO, SPEAKING OUT LOUD USING SUBSTITUTION wiebyeuniend — fewmeynrasen EY | theses inthe book forte / — ———= eee a a - ’ Lstening exerci This © commtatswticovenee | © Yaaipitetste bd arcane er | ‘should listen to an audio we ae : tadkinotde tanner the . * ‘qoamenbonecte J pleawemnnns i Senin eercse i ybot tatty el you Gocnous genome Sroreateane, esau 10 tI =-—-.- sh - Audio English for Everyone features extensive supporting audio materials. You are encouraged to use them as much as you can, to improve yourunderstanding of spoken English, and to make your own Accent and pronurication more natural. Each file can be played, paused, and repeated as often as youtlike, until you are confident you understand what has been said. Iter to an aad rackin gre to JY ans the questions athe eerie, SUPPORTING AUDIO Thissymbalindiates that er audio rmatoral ie avaliabe fr you aster {oafer completing the module LUsTENING EXERCISES ‘hiseymbolincextes tat youshoul Track your progress The course is designed to make it easy to monitor your progress, \with regular summary and review modules. Answers are provided for every exercise, so you can see how well you have understood ‘each teaching point. ‘Checiss Every nit ends with a cect where youcan creck off the new ls you hae leaned Check bones Use these boxes tomurk the stllsyou fee ‘comiotabe with Go backane review anything you fee! you need practice futher Review modules ftheend of goupofunits youl finda more etaed review module, summarizing te language you have leaned. —_— oe a | Sheeennemmoie Enea | Answers Find the annversto every ree printed at tha back of he book ‘Audio Tis symbol Indias that ne answers an aso belitened to Exerelze numbers [Nate these numbers tothe unique denier tthe top et comer ofeach erie. fi i i ¥ " Making conversation \ietos have vasious foms inthe present tense, including gf Newlanguage Present tenses | continuous and perfect. You need to understand these Ala Vocabulary Meeting new people differences when making question tags. Be Newskill Using question tags 1.1 KEY LANGUAGE PRESENT SIMPLE AND PRESENT CONTINUOUS: I'v PRESENT SIMPLE PRESENT CONTINUOUS The present simple refers to something ‘The present continuous refers to something that happens in general ora par of thatis happening right now and will daly routine. continue or alimited amount of time. lusually cycle to work, but today |’m walking instead. i & HH. Ry 1.2 REWRITE THE NOTE, CORRECTING THE HIGHLIGHTED ERRORS HiJasé, Teey Is ony frst day OE!" -=—=~— té—~S737373CTCtFl 1.3 KEY LANGUAGE PRESENT PERFECT AND PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS | FECT PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS PRESENT! Use the present perfect to talk about the recent past or general experiences in a lifetime up until now. Use the present perfect continuous to tak about an action that stated inthe past, but is continuing until now or has present results, I've just started a newjob. ve been meeting new people all week. j HM oR “) 4") 4 FILL IN THE GAPS BY PUTTING THE VERBS IN THE PRESENT PERFECT R THE PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS, *) ae 1 _have been waiting (wait) for a bus all morning, but | still haven't seen (not see) onet o (read) for hours. My eyes (start) hurting. © Has the mail (arrive) yet? | (expect) letter all week aa Omyteg (hurt) allday, but | {not see) a doctor yet. @ Have you (see) my keys? | (look) for them for ages. H @ Have you (hear) about Carl? He (decide) to move. . eo. (finish)! | (write) this essay for ages. @ Have you ever (visit) France? We (look) at brochures, oe: {try) to reach Tao all day, buthe {not answer) yet. ) 4 \ “ | B Ifthe main clause of the sentence is positive, the question tags negative, and vice versa, In most cases, the question tag.uses the verb "do" Ifthe main verb is*be? *be is also used in the question tag. Ifthe main clause 1.5 KEY LANGUAGE QUESTION TAGS Question agate smal questions added tothe } endo ttment infra one ‘You licc meeting new people, don't you? You don't like meeting new people, ‘0 01.7 ¢ The negative question tomer tine / a) working tomorrow, arch ‘tI? George isn't working today, © )\? ft See sate ofthe sentence You have met the new boss, haven't you? a contain an axiary Fa hemes We shouldn't interrupt him, should we? I nt €& tag uses this verb pa Fg 1.6 MATCH THE STATEMENTS TO THE CORRECT QUESTION TAGS Nina's always late for work, Care they? J @ | They aren't very welcoming, ¢ does he? ) © | He should tryharderto betfiendly, Chas she? } © | She hasn't made many friends here, ¢ isn't she? © | He doesn't lke going to new places, ¢ wouldn't they? ) © | They're so happy to be here, < aren't they? } © | They would behere iftheycould, shouldn't he? ) ”) C_ iV i 1.7 KEY LANGUAGE INTONATION WITH QUESTION TAGS Ifthe intonation goes up atthe end of the question You'd like to move offices, wouldn't you? 12g itisa question requiring an answer. {J am asking whether or not you would like to move offices] —— SS at the end of a question tag, You've already met Evelyn, haven't you? the speakerisjust inviting the listener to agree, [J already know you've met Evelyn} “ ry 1.8 LISTEN TO THE SENTENCES 1,9 ADD QUESTION TAGS TO THE: AND MARK WHETHER OR NOT SENTENCES AND SAY THEM WITH AN ANSWER IS REQUIRED BOTH TYPES OF INTONATION (You came here last year, didn't you? , . } ‘Answer required [4Answernot required |] Clara doesn't still work for the same ea | company, does she __? | Ni @ You moved to the other side of town, didn'tyou? Answer required [_] Answer not required [] o «) People don't have their own office — © They haven't treated you very well, have they? | space here, 2 — ‘Answer required ["] Answer notrequired [] od © Youre staying with your dad tonight, aen'tyou? | | © | you ave been introduced to Mr. Answer required [_] Answer not required [| Thomas, ? ae © You bought something for dinner, didn't you? ° Answer required [_] Answernot required [1] Youd like to come to dinner with us 2 © You don't have any money fora taxi, do you? alltonight, __? Answer required [_] Answernotrequired [—] ° Oscar and Kate aren't here yet, ——_—_——" \\@ | ” ” c resenttenses [] Aa Meeting new people L] Be Using question tags © Maria doesn't seem to like Sue, does she? ‘Answer required (-] Answer not required (] We Action and state verbs ‘Verbs that describe actions or events are known as of New language State verbs in continuous forms. “action” or “dynamic” verbs, whereas those that describe Aa Vocabulary Action and state verbs states are known as “state” or “stative" verbs. He New skill Describing states 2.1 KEY LANGUAGE ACTION AND STATE VERBS. ‘Action verbs can be used in simple and continuous forms State verbs are not usually used in continuous forms. tion sare a Iread every day. lown two cars. @ i lam reading right now. @ ; at Tam owning two cars. @ «) 2.2 KEY LANGUAGE USING STATE VERBS IN CONTINUOUS FORMS: Some verbs canbe both action and state verbs. When these verbs are describing an action, they can be used in continuous forms eTON SSS lam thinking about taking up fencing. [think fencingisa great sport. [Right now, fm considering taking up fencing] {in my opinion, fencing isa great sport] This soup tastes disgusting! ) The chef is tasting his soup. [The soup has a disgusting flavor] {The chef is testing the soup's flavor] (ther sate verbs canbe ued continous forms, Thy keep thei statve meaning, but emphasize a change, development, or temporary situation, ~ CONTINUOUS FORM SIMPLEFORM Areyou feeling better today? How do you feel You seemed sick yesterday. about Modern art? “) 16 2. 7a He we Osher She's @ Sorry, Sorry © That} That] O rare tm ra aaa as 3. MARK THE SENTENCES THAT ARE CORRECT Jos for * He's wanting to buy a house. a © Jess is having a great time at the party. (] | He wants to buy a house. ar Jess has agreat time at the party. @ She has long, wavy hair. a © That milk is smelling dreadful, go She's having long, wavy har. a That milk smells dreadful a @ Sorry, 'm not believing you. a @ I'm thinking about going home soon. [] Sorry, | don't believe you, Qo | think about going home soon. o — © That jacket fits you very wel. a @ Iim slowiy realizing the problem here. [1] That jacket is fitting you very well. [] I slowly realize the problem here. [1] | rarely think about the past. a © Youseem unhappy.canihelp? rs. @ I'm rarely thinking about the past. C1 You're seeming unhappy. Can |help? ”) - — Rey 2.4 FILL IN THE GAPS USING THE WORDS IN THE PANEL a Hi sara, Lam te writing about Gavin. | think there's something wrong. (’m wot a __ that it’s anything serious, but he doesw't oe sport] his new to be his usual happy self. Maybe he’s wot Iwwell iw et Jo. t was going to that the three of us go out for a driv, or or) perhaps you would a meal. Let me know what you think Tina = = i hint suggesting prefer siting) P state vers in continous forms [] AmActionandstateverbs [] fp Describing states 1] W Using collocat Collocations are often formed of two words, but ‘can contain more. Using them will make you a more fluent English speaker. ions af New language Collocations ‘Aa Vocabulary Beliefs and opinions Bre New-kll Taking about your ite 3.1 KEY LANGUAGE COLLOCATIONS Collocatons are pairs oe orgs of werd He has a low opinion of the film. @ that naturally go A rr 5 togetherandsound He has a light opinion of the film. “ight” to experionced ma ae arcane ce todos ntsound rd pat opmans 00% There was light rain forecast today. @ There was low rain forecast today. © “Low can hve asi meaning ot? butdoesnt colo ae ~*~) 3.2 FILL IN THE GAPS USING THE WORDS IN THE PANEL TO CREATE MORE COLLOCATIONS Itis (extremely wilikely —__) that there will be a happy ending. close ) @ She doesn'thave any [__ ~__ family } left, only an uncle, career © Sometimes the only solution isto [ your best } and hope. went @ All their lives they appeared tobe [ - ~~ married ) . ci © Unfortunately the financial cris [Tuinedhis —SS=*) happily @He first (into business ) when he was only 17. @ Looking at old photographs can | stir up 7 memories a — _ — clearly @ ican | distinctly meeting him 20 years ago. re Ibe © Looking at them, the difference in age is [_ visible } iil “ | L : _ - ») 18 es ver «) READ THE ARTICLE AND NSWER THE QUESTIONS Lara Estelle has recently died. True [1] False (77 @ Larawas a famous fashion designer. true [) False (1 @ The author's mother does not like Lara Estelle’s music. true [) False [1] @ The author's father was a soccer fan. True (1) False (1) @ Lara became famous in the 1980s. True (J False () @ steven was Lara's second husband. True [] False () © Lara and Steven are no longer married. True [] False () @ The authors father has forgiven Laranow, True False C) CULTURE AND ARTS ___. | a LIFE, LOVE, AND LARA ‘era Estelle celebrates her 70th birthday today [ise nage nob Ine younger dae are “the Shas" Estelle was ays he noe ow did secrete schg senttion? Opinions are Some people say that he es brillant muskian witha cose fashion sense. Others bles he asthe ce oe ofthe ty ost dramatic sporting tps My parent views on Lace Estelle are poles apt and therefore peal of may of thee generation, My mothers nce Lats asic and wed thas te some platinum whitebait dark sunglass she ly fats however, remembers 1380 tnd his avorite soccer tam ong inthe fl game ofthe esos Hest rly believes hat Lan «used Dut City tls. Bt ow coulda singer cise such cna? Thequaly of herman tee matter of pinion, bin 97 Lara vs atop-aling dee Shere her firsthand Steven nee 3.4 MATCH THE DEFINITIONS TO THE COLLOCATIONS Dan Cyst player acktge atone ther corer With wea they wert engaged Lan td steven tht ore see forks ther wedding mathe the some day asthe ago ne than He oped ge isa popul: ble mong Cy fae that ei eam a bee Jones id not play The sng divorsd yet ter snd ip. never wor any wophicn ag, Toi yy tates Lara's. anit ir Steven and Lara were manied in 8 glamorous ceremony in 1070, a subject on which people hold different views (opinions are divided _} ot completely opposed } (_ apopular belief @ (___anopinion held by a lot of people {a matter of opinion e | “people hold differing points of view (_ firmly believe) © [-tohoida song opinion that something strue _) (poles apart 3.5 READ MARIAM’S BLOG AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS USING FULL SENTENCES ‘What is Mariam's profession? Mariam is a wildlife phategrapher. @ Where is Mariam from? @ What subject did she study in college? ABOUT ME | 1 was born ina small town in nestharn France and went to cole in Scotland to study architecture, Wile at college joined he photography ob. We used to go ld wpa tosarazng paces and @ Whatimportant turning point inher ife {met my husband, the landscape eee ose BEAM hotographorJuian Davies, while petograpting dpi ro a boat. During yt ar "awe magazine published a number of my : an Ae ae Certrnng pont forme | @.D0 Mariam and Julian have children? | ha. ater we graduated, Julan and ! became resiance thotogrephers. We were based in Europe whe our tn oye were growing up, but since they both graduated © Were are they planing wo wavel nen year? ler your we have started exploring and photographing furor afeld Wo spent sore tine in toa this yaar, | Nut tae photographs in Japan and Korea next yer. a | 3.6 LISTEN TO THE AUDIO AND MATCH THE EVENTS TO WHEN, THEY HAPPENED os Fey .7, CROSS OUT THE INCORRECT WORDS IN EACH SENTENCE | Lisa was-receivingy received an email from her friend every-merning,/ this morning. © Lisa was going / went to Thailand 25 years since / ago. © Bill had taught / was teaching when Lisa arrived in Thailand, © Lisa and Bill were getting married / got married 23 years ago, on /in March © Lisa had been traveling / has traveled for 25 years before she returned. © Barbara has graduated / graduated from college previous / last month, ~) 3.8 USE “WHEN” AND “WHILE” TO DESCRIBE THE EVENTS ON THE TIMELINE, SPEAKING OUT LOUD DHIMOVEDITO CHINA) Gor MARRIED NTHADIA BABY] WROTE MY THESIS |STARTO Ns WALLBUSINESS! DN NK aa STUDYING FULL-TIME LUVING IN CHINA STUDYING PART-TIME | | Imoved to China while I was studying fidl-time, | got o got married a 1 \ @ twas tha baby. © wrote my thesis e @ twas I started a smal business. ”) locations [1] ‘Aaa Beliefs and opinions [] Be Talking about your ite C1 ie) Complex descriptions adjective, the adjectives usually have to go ina specific Aa Vocabulary Personalities order. There are several categories of adjectives, Bie New Skill Ordering adjectives 1 KEY LANGUAGE ADJECTIVE ORDER Opinion adjectives come before factual ones ina sentence, General eects se OPNIONADJECTES —FACTADJECTVE What a nice, friendly little cat! siege sin rie nap oticn Sateen ae satiosty eyecare Spal When you describe something using more than one OP New language General and specific adjectives “) 4.2 FURTHER EXAMPLES ADJECTIVE ORDER ‘@ tsa fantastic, exciting new movie. he He's a wonderful, kind old man, FPF whata horrible, ugly plastictable. fN.That's a lovely, stylish cotton shirt. «) 4.3 HOW TO FORM ADJECTIVE ORDER Like opinion adjectives, fact adjectives must go in a particular order, OPINION ADJECTIVES FACT ADJECTIVES He'sa ‘Swonderful, DD kind : *S man. Thatsa ‘lovely, stylish 9 “5 eotton > shirt 22 djectives 4.4 WRITE THE ADJECTIVES FROM THE PANEL IN THE CORRECT GROUPS. size SHAPE, AGE COLOR MATERU anal orange cruet elderly enormous round ‘silk green huge ol tenible moden -—-square-—=—=«expensive tast tiny ancient leather mettl ag asty awesome *) ”) = — Ea 5 WRITE THE ADJECTIVES IN THE CORRECT ORDER : (uncomfortable) {wooden} (horrible Wsa__ horrible uncomfortable ___waoden__chair. | don't want to buy it. hirt. a *) rude terrible @ I don't like him at all. He's a a ‘man. Let's not invite him to the party. (nice) young} (inteligent @ My mother thinks he's a . __ boy, (brown | [friendly | | sweet © Dad, look at this _ - puppy! Can we take him for a walk? [comfortable] wonderful Q Should we buy this ; sofa for the living room? We really need a new one. YL ee _ bs — 23 de o 4.6 READ THE PERFORMANCE REVIEWS AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS Performance Review: Jorge Perez. d Jorge is very hard-working and his confidence has grown considerably since he Joined the company last summer. He often looks beyond the immediate issues and is proactive in cealing with any potential problems before they arse. He has shown, himself tobe fair-minded, and he often helps others in his team, tn fac, he has proved that he has natural lat for ‘communication and leadership. We ate delighted that Jorge has recently started a leadership sills course, andl we will look to promote him when itis completed. Jorge has worked for the same company for several years. True (] False (1 Notgiven [] © The author is pleased that Jorge is taking a leadership course. True [_] False [1] Notgiven [] © Jorge is going to be promoted next month ‘True [| False [] Notgiven [| Performance Review: Maria Moran Given that Maria works inthe HR department, we were hoping that her ‘communication skills would have developed more, Calling one ofher colleagues Ybone-idle” during an appraisal is typical of her blunt approach. Fortunately the colleague {nquestion is broad-minded and accepted an apology. Despite taking part in several training opportunites, ‘Maria continues to take a narrow-minded approach to ther work, Her refusal to acknowledge other people's opinions can make her seem big-headed and arrogant. © Maria works in the Sales department. True ["] False [] Not given [1] © Maria has taken part in a number of training courses. True [] False [] Notgiven [| © Maria is fairly broad-minded in terms of her approach to work True [1] False [] Not given [1] 4.7 LISTEN TO THE AUDIO AND MARK THE CORRECT SUMMARY ‘A manager is talking to her employee, Paul, about his performance at work during the past year. @ On the whole, Paul hasn't really @On the whole,Paulhassettled © On the whole, Paul has settled settled in very well in his in really well in his new role. in really well in his new role. new role. He is hard-working, He isa hard-working and He is hard-working, but but needs to work on his popular member of theteam, needs to try to become team-building and but he needs to work on his, ‘more popular and improve ‘communication skills. [] ‘communication skills. [] his communication skills. | Gi | FeomvueEMIMOAZZOA nn | | 8 FILL IN THE GAPS USING THE NEGATIVE PREFIXES IN THE PANEL | | sran | “heywere realy rude and 10 friendly @ He gossips and is ___kind to his co-workers, — @ Her office desk and her work are __ organized, . @ His last employer said he was __ trustworthy. @ He makes mistakes because he’s ___ patient. Eber @ She doesnt realize how ___ sensitive she is. nore. Calling @ She's __loyal to the company. praisal is @ He's 25 now, but he’s rather _mature atwork a a @ Imafraid she's quite an ___efficient worker. im dis un in s nities, roach to oO = - 7 - 7 re opie /Aa| 49 FIND 10 ADJECTIVES IN THE GRID AND WRITE THEM Topas UNDER THE CORRECT HEADING GEXCELLENTONS POSITIVE ADJECTIVES NEBNLLNRTQEPV — Obelpid = NDEF JPOPULARD @ RINRERTIUTCO!I @ QUVUEPCAMDCAI ° EDI SLOYALIAECD 6 7 HZLTSLOZCOUTZ - EAVRTSVVJSNID_ negative aojectives LCMATUREGJKVI og yisiyat - PHITPAILLIEILES 4 FWCIMPATIENTD 4 UBCNAFGEIJDLM 4. —_ are LNQGARROGANTD ne role. — Oo t “) : _ 8 rove sO Making general statements Itis very useful to know how tosstart sentences with the gP New language Introductory" word “it” in English. You can use itis" at the beginning of Aa Vocabulary Talen and abiities ‘a sentence to make a general statement about something. Me New skill. Expressing general truths [5.1 KEY LANGUAGE INTRODUCTORY “IT” Certain set phrases beginning ‘tis can be wed at the = start of a sentence. “It"is the subject of the sentence, and ft ccan be used to express a general truth or belie "TT" CLAUSE INFINITIVE CLAUSE itis easy to make mistakes in a new language. ~ some "it elauses are generally folowed by ao init “IT CLAUSE “THAT” CLAUSE Itis a shame a so many people give up. Wt clases ar often followed by tha lass. *) [ 5.2 FURTHER EXAMPLES INTRODUCTORY “IT” It is important to be relaxed about making mistakes. % YOO tis essential to give yourself time to study regularly. = a + 2% t's true that being able to speak a second language is useful. It’s unlikely that you will be comfortable speaking aloud at first. Ya? It is difficult to remember new words if you don't write them down. —S *) 26 | |e Yr Fg FILL IN THE GAPS USING THE WORDS IN THE PANEL is __imaporteoné to_have the skils to communicate globally. @ With busy work and social lives, i's most people have little time to study. @ Languages are so useful. itis so few people learn a second language. @ Learning doesn't have to be expensive. Itis not spend lot of money, © Try internet study groups. Itis meet other language learners online. © Don't worry if you need time. It's you'll be able to speak fluently quickly. easyto _ashamethat __unilely that essential to dmporantte. —truethat “) 5.4 KEY LANGUAGE LEADING WITH AN INFINITIVE PHRASE When you want to The constuction witht atthe ‘emphasize the contents Fats ach mere common ofthe infinitive clause, 5 , youn put itat the It is easy to begin learning. front ofthe sentence, To begin learning is easy! Keeping it going is harder. ~ acing the fine clase atthe start wore partly well ith short sentonces, «) Fy 5.5. CROSS OUT THE INCORRECT WORDS IN EACH SENTENCE itis worth working hard. To / That /-¢give up now would be a shame. @ Remember, it’s important to / that /it be relaxed about making mistakes. @ With so many options, it’s no longer difficult to / that /it find language courses online. © To / That / It ake the exam now would be a waste of time, She hasn't studied at al @ 10 / That / Its unlikely that he will finish the class before the end of the year. @ Don't give up! It's true to / that /it the more you study, the better you will become. “) 27

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