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Assignment solution

Q. 1:
a. For a MOS transistor which is having the parameters: VT0= - 0.9V, 2ΦF=0.54V, process trans-
conductance=29 µA/V2, γ=0.12V1/2, λ=0.04V-1, is biased with terminal voltages V G=5V, VD=5V,
VS=3V, and VB=0V,
i. Determine the type of MOSFET.
ii. Mode of operation of the transistor.
iii. W/L , If the drain current is ID=0.76mA,
The type and the mode of the operation of the MOSFET can be determined on the basis of the V T
(threshold voltage). First, we will find the threshhold voltage which is given by the following formula
V T =V ¿ + γ √|−2 ∅ f +V SB|−√|−2 ∅ f| ----------------1

The value of V ¿, γ and 2 ∅ f are the given we need the value V BS will be find using this convention
V SB =V S −V B =3V −0 V =3 V ---------------------2
By putting the all value in equaton-1

V T =−0.9 v +0.12 √|−0.54 v +3 v|−√ ¿−0.54 V ∨¿

V T =−1.4467 V --------------------3

As VG ,V D AND V S are given we will find the value of V GS and V DS using the following formulas

V GS=V G−V S=5 V −3 V =2V -----------------------SEQ Equation¿ ARABIC4

V DS=V D−V S=5 V −3V =2 V -------------------------

SEQ Equation¿ ARABIC5

1-Determine the type of MOSFET.

To determined the type of the MOSFET we will compare the V GS voltage with threshold voltage
V T from the value on equation 3 and 4 , it is clear that V GS >V T , So this condition is valid and
MOSFET would be in on state when the type of the mosfet would be N-channel MOSFET.
2-Mode of operation of the transistor.
There are three mode of the operation of the MOSFET , cutt-off, linear mode and saturation
mode,for cutt-off mode V GS <V T , but in our case this condition is not satisfied , for saturation
modeV DS >V GS−V T , and for linear operation mode V DS <V GS−V T ,in our case
V GS−V T =2 V − (−1.444 )=3.446 V --------------------------
SEQ Equation¿ ARABIC6

From comparing the equation 5 and 6 , its clear that V DS <V GS−V T ,so the mode of operation of the
MOSFET is linear mode
3-Find W/L If the drain current is ID=0.76mA,

As we know that MOSFET is working in the linear region, so the general formula to calculate the
drain current I D the following formula is used
I D =k n ¿----------------------- SEQ Equation ¿ ARABIC7
By re-arrangint the equation 7 we can get the the value of as following

W ID 1
= X ¿¿
L k n (1+ λ V DS)

By putting the value of the all paramet the as given above the final value of the is following
W 0.76 mA 1
= X
L 29uA (1+0.04∗2 V ) 22
( 2V −(−1.446)¿¿ 2−
2 )
=4.9 6
b-Consider a MOS system with the following parameters:
Tox=500 Ao, ΦGC=-0.85 V, Na=2×1015 cm-3, Nox=3×1011 C/cm2, εox=3.97εo, εsi=11.7 εo Determine
threshold voltage under zero bias at room temperature. ?
To find the value of the threshold value for the MOSFET when bias is zero the following formula
is used
Q Bo Q ox
V ¿ =ΦGC −2Φ f − − ----------------------------------------------
C ox C ox
SEQ Equation¿ ARABIC8
First we need to find the all parameter of equation 8 , Φ GC is given we can find Φ f Using following

Φ GC =Φ f −0.55

Arranging the above equation we can calculate the value of Φ f

Φ f =ΦGC +0.55=¿-0.85+0.55=-0.30v---------------------4

Next we will find the other parameter which is Q Bo will be calculate using following formula

Q Bo =−√ 2q∗N a∗∈si∗¿−2 Φf ∨¿ ¿---------------------SEQ Equation¿ ARABIC10

The value of q= 1.6 ×10−19 C value N a ,Φ f and is given above the value of ∈siis given asbelow
∈si =11.7 ∈o

Where ∈o=8.85× 10−14 so the value of of ∈si =1.03 10−12 , so putting all value in equation 10
we will get the value of the

QBo =−1.98 ×10−8 --------------------------- SEQ Equation ¿ ARABIC11

The value of the C oxis calculted as

∈o x 3.97 ∈o 3.97 ∈o −8
C ox = = = =7.03× 10 --------------------------
t ox 500 A 500 ×10−8
SEQ Equation¿ ARABIC12

The final parameter Qox Is calculated as

Qox =N ox × q=3 ×1011 ×1.6 × 10−19

Qox =4.8× 10−8-----------------------------------SEQ Equation¿ ARABIC13

By putting the value of equation 9 ,11,12 and 13 in 8 we will get the value of the threshold voltage V ¿

−1.98 ×10−8 4.8 ×10−8

V ¿ =−0.85−2(−0.30)− −
7.03 ×10−8 7.03 ×10−8
V ¿ =−0.65 V

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