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Gaelic Dictionary.

— Dicioiiariuni Scoto-Celticum : ADictionary of the -Gaelic

I-aiivjnai;v, coinprisiu}»- an ainpl'? \'ocabiilary of Gaelic Words illustrated
by Snital>le Examples and and wilii Etymological Remarks
Plirases, ;

also Vocabularies of lùiglisli and Latin Words, with their Translations

into Gaelic an Introduction and a Coniiiendium of Gaelic Grammar.
; ;

Compiled and Published under the Direction of Tni%'d ^^ocikty

'1'.' Sc(iri,.v>Ji). 2 thick vols.. 4to, original cloth boards, uncut, very rare.
niackicoods , Edinburgh, 1828. 'ii

or Tin:










Edinburgh c^Duncak Stbfekson,
Printer to the University,



In the iiamo ol' tlic IIichland Society ol" Scotland,

I present to Youu Majesty the result of an undertaking already sanc-

tioned l)v Yoru Majesty's approbation, and which Youu Majesty has
deigned to regard as a laudable attempt to record and illustrate the Ab-
original Language of this portion of Your Majesty's Dominions.

In patronising and supporting a work of this nature, the ^Members ot

the Highland Society are persuaded, that they will not be thought to have

lost sight of those patriotic views and great public objects, for the promo-

tion ol' which their Association was originally formed, and in the assiduous
prosecution of which they have been signally encouraged and sustained by

Your Majesty's gracious Countenance and Protection. — I am,


Your Majesty's

Most faithful Subject,

And most dutiful Servant,



It is tit the rublic shouM bo infoniiod, by tlio IIigiii.and Society of Scotland,

that ill the prosecution of this uii(k'rtakiii<,^ their C'oimnittce have availed themselves

of the labours of those learned persons, whom, after much intpiiry, tliey conceived to

be best (pialiHeil for its various duties. The general conduct of the ^^'ork was in-

trusted to the Rev. Dr. John Macleod, Minister of Dundonald, to whose ability

luid learniiifj, the Committee have considered themselves bound to offer their tribute

of just praise. In the details of some of its departments, he was assisted by the

late Mr. Ewen Maclaciilan of Aberdeen, the late Rev. Dr. Alexander Irvine

of Little Dunkeld, and tlie Rev. Alexander Macdonald at Crieff. In its pro-

gress through the Press, it has been superintended and corrected by the Rev. Macin-

tosh Mackay, now Minister of Laggau ; and it is only just to add, that in its present

form, the Gaelic Dictionaiy is much indebted to his indefatigable labours, and that his

philological acuteness and learning have greatly contributed to render it more accurate

and complete.

July 7, 1828.
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VOL. n.



The hij^h antiquity of the Celtic |>eople and language, is a subject that has long attracted
the observation and inquiry of" the learned. Regarding the origin of the Celts, their descent,

and the connection of their language with those of other nations, several theories have been

formed, and ingenious conjectures hazarded. If antiquity of origin be an honour to a peo-

ple or a language, that honour doubtless seems fairly conceded to the Celts and their
tongue, by the very difierences that exist among the opinions and views of those, who have
treated on the subject : all moreover agree in assigning a high place to that antiquity.
Though it may seem questionable, if it be of use to the interests of science or the ad-
vancement of truth, to weary the understanding with speculations on the Origin of a

people, where certainty, which alone affords stability to opinion, is almost bevond hope
yet it cannot be doubted, that the Histoiy of a people, and the philosophy of their Ian-
guage, must ever be held as subjects of the deepest interest to mankind. For such a

study, the exhibition of a language itself, in the absence of surer records, affords the most
satisfactory materials, to inform the inquirer, and to guide the learned. The interest and
value of philological science are universally admitted ; but, for its pursuit, it is believed
that, a want has been long experienced by all Europeans, in the scarcity of materials
afforded them from the several dialects of the Celtic. While its traces are continually

met with in the structure of the modern languages of Europe, as well as in the more an-
cient tongues both of Greece and Rome ; little, generally, has yet been done, to exhi-

bit to the philologist what remains on record, or what yet continues to be spoken of the
Celtic language, in its various dialects.

The living dialects of the Celtic are, the Armoric or Bas Breton, the Welsh, the Irish,

and the Gaelic of Scotland : besides these also the Manks continues to be spoken ; but
this last may be considered as a mere local or provincial variety of the Irish and the Gaelic
of Scotland ; and, being confined in its use to one island comparatively small, it does not
appear to merit much separate consideration. The Cornish dialect has long ceased to

be spoken, and the memorials of it are scanty ; though, in so far as preser\ed, they ma-
nifest a close alliance, not only with the neighbouring dialect of the Welsh, but with those
of Ireland and Scotland.
Vol. I. S
Tlie Basque, a remnant of the ancient language of Spain, has been by some supposed
to be a dialect of the Celtic 5 but, by later writers, this opinion has been questioned.

Of some of the dialects above mentioned, viz. the Armoric, the Welsh and the Irish,

Vocabularies or Dictionaries had been for some time published ; while the dialect of Scot-
land or the Scoto-Gaclic, continued to be vmknown to the learned and to the public, in

any lexicographical form : two or three Vocabularies of it had indeed been published, but
on such a limited system and plan, as not to serve for the proper elucidation of the Celtic

dialect of Scotland. Under these considerations it occurred, several years ago, to some

members of the Highland Society of Scotland, that a Dictionary of the Scoto-Gaelic

would be useful and acceptable to the public and especially to the students of philolog)',

both in this country and on the continent of Europe. The Highland Society, though not
specially incorporated for the pursuit of literary objects, readily adopted the suggestion

thus brought before them ; and a committee of their number was appointed, to deter-
mine the general plan of the work, to engage compilers, and to superintend its progress.

It was the opinion of the Committee, that it would be inexpedient and at present imprac-

ticable to attempt the compilation of a General Dictionary of the Celtic language, in the
more extended sense of that name, comprehending all its cognate dialects. They saw
that such a Dictionary was one of the great desiderata, in the proper history as well as in

the science of philology ; but that it could ultimately be attained only by means of parti-
cular vocabularies and etymological investigations of the various branches from the general
stock. They confined therefore their object to the compilation of a Dictionary, which
might exhibit and illustrate whatever could be collected of the Scoto-Celtic language, either
from authentic literary compositions, or from the vernacular tiialect of the present Celtic

population of Scotland.
From this general view of the nature and objects of the work, it obviously followed, as

a primary rule in its compilation, that no words should be introduced into the Vocabulary,
but such as could be shown to have been actually in use in Scotland, either in writing or
in ordinary speech : yet in the progress of the compilation, it was found expedient to depart,
in a certain degree, from the strict exclusion of words not supported by such authority and
use. The close affinity, approaching to identity, of the dialects of Ireland and Scotland,
made it desirable to admit many words found in the Lexicons of the Irish, when they
appeared to throw light on the etymological composition of words in the Scottish dialect
of the Celtic, which otherwise could not be successfully analysed. Several terms for par-

ticular objects, now gone into disuse in the vernacular dialect of Scottish Highlanders or

changed for others, have been also admitted, especially when they alluded to historical facts

descriptive of Celtic usages and manners. But all words of this description, together with
such as were once certainly used in Scotland, will be found distinguished from the curr
rent and common words of the language as now spoken, by being printed in a smaller

type and marked with an asterisk. Such a distinction seemed advisable, in reference to

another material object in this compilation, that tlie Dictionary might be useful, not

only to tlif philologiiit aiul tlio fioiiiral siliolur, liiit aUu to thoM- natives ol Scotland o»

otlH'i>, will) mijifht tlosirt' to iKCdiiir ai( with tlio .sjniken language ol tin* nioJi-rn

lliglilainlois, or with the tew works niiiaining in the dialiet.

The ^tluk•llt III languages need scarcely be tolil, that an important part of the structure

ol' any ianguajjje, when written, is its system of orthograpiiy : and, in the (iaelic, it i^

ol more perhaps than ordinary conseipience, that the orthography should be as nuicli ni^

possible systematic and siniplilied. Its aiticidatious and sounds nw almost entirely diUt-rcnt

from those of any other among the modern or ancient tongues of Europe ; and though it

be not possible to represent sound, by any notation of letters, with suflicient accuracy and

plainness ;
yet the greatest facility attainable, in the absence of oral communication, is

artbixled by a regular system of such notation. It is in course of the use and cultivation

of languages by writing, that a system of orthography l)ecomes fixed, and properly con-
ventional. Sucii a benefit, has been denied by circumstances to the Scoto-Ciaelic ; its

written records being few, and the practice of writing it in latter times having been dis-

used, il" we except the few volumes that in recent years have, from time to time, been
given to the public, of the native poetry and songs ; wherein no system of orthography was
follow ed, because the reading or w riting of Gaelic was unusual w ith the compilers. This
deficiency was happily and in a great measure, supplied by the translation of the .Scrij>.

tures, and the publication of them in Scoto-Gaelic, by the Society in Scotland for
Propagating Christian Knowledge. The system of orthography followed there, adopted,
as it was, by natives of intelligence and learning in the Scottish Highlands, and improv-
ed by successive editions of the Scriptures, has been strictly adhered to in the present
work. But when there was found to have existed any remarkable varieties in the spell-

ing of a w ord, at diflerent times, or as spoken and pronounced in different districts of the
Highlands, these have been carefully enumerated ; and when they are w ideiy different

in the leading or characteristic letters, the varieties are inserted in their proper alphabe-

and a reference is made to the standard word, under which their explanation
tical places ;

may be found. A few deviations from the given standard will be discovered but ;

those who consult the work are referred to the synopsis of Grammar prefixed, where
it is hoped their propriety has been vindicated. It must also be observed, that the ad-

herence to a standard orthography refers to the word, as entered in its alphabe-

tical place in the Vocabulary or Index Verborum. In the quotations or authorities ap-
pended, it has not been deemed expedient, always to reduce the words to the same stiUid-

ard, but rather to leave them occasionally in the shape, in which they were found ; when,
by so doing, they could, through the medium of the accompanying translations, be made
intelligible to the reader.

In the execution of the task assigned to the compilers, it formed an important part of
their duty, to give, after the leading signification, the various derivative and secondary
meanings of each word : these have been given in English first, and next in Latio.
With a view of giving a more general interest and utility to the work in foreign countries,
the latter translation seemed essentially requisite. When a word is found to have dif-

ferent significations, these are distinguished numerically by figures ; and the authority,
when found in writing, follows each interpretation in its place. It is here willingly con-

ceded, that a strict etymological survey of the words in this work, may afford an apparent

gi-ound for questioning whether the primary and derivative meanings have had their pro-
per places assigned them. Besides however this being held by the compilers a mat-

ter of minor importance, while all the various meanings, in number, are attended to

it is true of the Gaelic language, and, to some extent, of every other, that the primary

meaning in use differs often and widely from the primary etymological meaning ; and
that the secondary meanings also have not multiplied in regular succession from
the primary, but have been adopted by accidents and circumstances, attendant upon
the manners and history of the people, more interesting to contemplate, than easy
to trace with any certainty and precision. In a language where literature has

abounded, and of which authentic records are preserved, these furnish landmarks to the
lexicoo-rapher and the etymologist, guiding them to the roots and true primary mean-
ino-s of words ; but as in Gaelic, where such helps are very scantily afforded, it is doing

the most that can well be achieved, to follow the order that is known in the practice of

speech, as to the more common, and the less common uses and meanings of words. The
various significations and meanings, when distinctly noted, though apparently departing in
theory from their legitimate order, will not, on that account be less useful to the phi-

lologist, in his endeavours to trace the connection of one language with another.
An important part of the present work has been, the selection of proper examples for
the uses of words, from genuine compositions in the Scoto-Gaelic tongue, and from the
phraseologies of modern speech. In every light in which the purposes of lexicography are

to be viewed, whether of a dead or a living language, it is the exhibition of such examples,

that gives to it confirmation and value. The aids that could be derived from written com-
positions were but scanty : these have, however, been explored with care. Among the

few printed volumes that exist in the language, besides the translation of the Scriptures,
the character of those volumes, and the materials of which they are composed, did not
always admit of their being used with propriety or advantage. They chiefly consist of

poetry, in fugitive pieces and on local subjects, which, however well understood by and in-

teresting to the natives of the country, would I'ender any attempt at their translation un-

availino-, if not ludicrous ; or would at least render necessary a periphrastic mode of trans-

ferring them into English and Latin, more fatiguing to the reader and cumbrous to the
work, than useful or profitable, in a faithful exhibition of the language. Nor need it be
concealed, that the humble origin of such works, and the limited knowledge of their
authors, untrained in the courtesies of politer literature, have rendered the breath-

ings of their muse, in too many instances, unworthy of record. That poetic genius
and fire were vouchsafed to the Scoto-Celts, is not meant to be denied : enough, it is

presumed, has been recorded in the present work, to vindicate the general character.

though we decline discussion on tin- amount, or the a^, oftheir poetr)'. It is native ge-
niusulone, that can surmount the forniidalilc disiidvaiitnges of situation and circuui stances ^

and it is language alone, the vehicle of sentiment, that can support genius itself, and help
to secure its unperishing reward. That the Gaelic language was equal to the task that ge-
nius imposed upon it, is suJhcicntly perceptible, even from the (piotations that are scatter-

tnl tlinmgh the lollowing wiirk : but, of which, circumstances already alluded to have li-

mited the luimber. At the commencement of this undertaking, it was expected that,

as a soiiice of authorities for illustration of the language, the ancient Gaelic Manuscripts,

Ix'longing to the Highland Society of Scotland, would be brought into iunnediate and im-
portant use. And it is but justice to the memory of a very learned and ingenious gentle-
man, the late Mr. Ewen Madachlan of Aberdeen, to state that, he bestowed much assiduous
labour on the deciphering of some of these, under disiidvantages which scarcely any thing,
but his ow n singular ardour, could have surmounted : he died before his task was com-
pleted ; and in him the Highland Society lost one of the compilers, to whom they
looked with much confidence and hope. The labour he bestowed was however in a great
measure lust, by its not having been so far advanced, as to be directly serviceable in the fur-
ther compilation of the present work. The business of paleography must necessarily be slow
and in the particular depaitment of the more ancient Gaelic writings, it has been very rare-
ly an object of study in Scotland, from the small number of manuscripts preserved. It may
also be observed, that the materials or contents of the manuscripts mentioned, so far as de-
ciphered, were not found to be of such a kind, as to make them desirable for authorities in
general, and they have therefore been comparatively but seldom appealed to. The titles

of several volumes, used for this puq)ose, are carefully noted at the end of each quotation.
Where any particular meaning of a word has occurred in a written work, and when the quota-
tion could not w ell be given, for reasons already alluded to, the title of the volume and the
particular page are specified. In producing authorities, or in supplying examples from the
phraseologies of modern speech, the compilers have been studious, rather to avoid, than to
multiply their quotations unnecessarily. It is true, that by deriving authorities from com-
mon speech, it would have been easy to illustrate every word by a quotation ; but the
nature of the work seemed to confine this demand for illustration to peculiarities

of phrase, of idiom, and of technical terms, elucidating the structure of the language.
Such as these have been recorded with care ; and where a word occurred, in the ordinary

use of which no special peculiarity was observable, and where no apposite example from
writings in the language could be found to illustrate its use, the term " Common Speech"
has been appended, as a guarantee for its wonted and ordinary use in the language ; and it

is hoped, in every instance, with sufficient accuracy and caution. In following out the ori-

ginal plan of the work, rendering the significations of Gaelic words into a literal transla-
tion in English and Latin, it became necessary to translate every quotation also into these
two languages : and into each of them the translation has been made as closely literal

or verbal as could be ventured upon, to convey the precise meaning in Gaelic, and
the peculiarities of its expression also, into the other two. It was seen that this method
and style of translation might be deemed by many objectionable, as unpleasant in itself

both to the eye and ear of the reader in English or Latin ; and by many it is considered

not the most successful mode of transferring the precise ideas of one language into ano-

ther, to attempt it by the most literal rendering : but, when a difference of opinion exists on

a practical subject, decision is necessary in making a choice. It appeared to the conductors

of the present work, that a closely literal translation promised the greater utility ; and to

the candid mind no farther apology for that choice is necessary. They are aware that, in

the Latin department of the translation, much offence may be given to the admirers of

that lano-uao-e ; and they are also conscious that literalism is closely allied to barbarism. But,

if even a charge of the latter be frequently incurred, they see no cause to repent a temerity,

that may be termed innocuous ; if, at that expense, the structure and character of the Scoto-
Gaelic, as a spoken and written dialect, have been more clearly elucidated for those, who
could not otherwise be furnished with so close a view of its peculiarities and usage.
Another important and essential department of the work was, to trace and indicate the
etymology of words. It was judged by its conductors, to be very inexpedient, to load the

work with etymological discussion ;

yet it seemed indispensable to its usefulness and inter-

est, that the etymology of the language, so far as it could be distinctly traced, should form

a part of the plan : how far, in this department, the compilers have succeeded in thro^nng

any additional light upon the structure and elements of the Gaelic, may be variously
appreciated. To subdue the excursiveness of fancy in an eagerness of etymological re-
search, has not been always found an easy task by those, who have given themselves with
any zeal to that interesting study. The original plan of the woi'k having restrained the

compilers from ample or lengthened discussion ; it was deemed advisable that, in noting
the etymology of words, they should confine themselves to the indication of such ety-
mons as were evidently and purely Gaelic : these will be found indicated within paren-

theses, and immediately following the insertion of the words in their grammatical struc-

ture. The compilers do not claim the merit of having pointed out the origin or struc-
ture of every word in their Vocabulary ; and they are sensible of being exposed to the charge
of having done so, in much fewer instances than might have been safely ventured. But, in
a language where etymological research has hitherto done so little, and where they were
left to the sole guidance of their own opinions upon this subject, they considei-ed it better

not to venture rashly beyond bounds generally obvious and allowed. Connected with the
etymological department, or rather forming a portion of the same subject, was the collec-
tion and insertion of corresponding words of the same apparent origin, in the other dialects

of the Celtic. It is well known to those who are conversant with philological science,

that the collecting of similar words in different dialects and languages, and append-
ing them, as either its kindred or descendants or parentage, to the vvord itself, is doing
but little towards the discoveiy of their actual origin, history and descent : with such
an attempt, however, the conductors of the present work had to satisfy themselves. To

do mojv, to go into tin- liistoiy of words, finiiiiu;^ a llit-oi y o( siipposttble dcMii-m and
origin, with any rcasonahli- apjaaii'iicf of tonsisti-ncy and Ktubility, would icquiic, not a

nii'if voilwl knowledge of other dialeets and languages, us derived from the liasty |k'-

riisal of their variouti lexieons ; but a minute and a eritieul ac(|uaint!inee with the lan-

guages themselves, as spoken or written, and an intiniaey with tiieir several histories ;

whieh it liills to the lot of very few, to have either leisure or opportunity or the mean»
of aequiring. It is only when furnislied with extensive knowledge, and liberal views of
the history, the strueture and the eharaeter of languages in general, that the etymo-
logist can approach his task with suitable preparation; and that his labours may serve
to delight, to instruct, and enlighten the \vorld. The conductors of this work, ackiiuw.
ledging that they did not aspire to such a degree of eminence, judged that they would
at least be meritoriously engaged, in throwing fiicilities in the way of the more learned and
acute i)hilologist ; and their labours will not have been lost, if they guide on his way the
pursuer of a more extensive and a higher career, in elucidating the liistory of the lan-
guages and nations of civilized Europe. Their principal care has been to discover and
select aHinities to the words of ihe Scoto-Gaelic, in the other dialects of the Celtic

especially in the Welsh, the Armoric and the Cornish. The close resemblance, in almost

all its words, of the Irish dialect with the Scoto-Gaelic, rendered it unnecessary, in their
view, to attend to affinities in the former. Nor have they confined themselves to

the dialects of the Celtic, in this department of bringing forward affinities : they could
not be insensible to the fact, that, with the dialects of the Celtic now spoken, much of the
(iothic stream of language has been mingled. While it was not their province to enter
upon the discussion, directly or otherwise, of the comparative antiquity, or the prevalent
claim to an after-influence, that cither of those fountains of European speech jwssess in
forming the other ; they viewed it as their business, in so far as lay within their reach, to

note the affinities with Scoto-Gaelic, which they were led to discover in the dialects of the
Gothic ; especially in the German, the Anglo-Saxon, the Scottish dialect of the Cìothic, the

Swedish, the Danish and the Icelandic. Striking affinities from the Eastern languages, the
Hebrew, Chaldee, Persic and Arabic, have also been sought for and are exhibited. In these
latter they are aware that, their investigations have been of a very limited nature ; and that,

in bringing forward the few facts they have produced, they have been taking but a glance at

one of the most curious, important and interesting subjects, that can ejigage the attention of

the philologist or the student of history. Tlie words from the sources last mentioned,

(piotcd as instances of a striking affinity, are generally exhibited in their proper charactei-s ;

and the student of Eastern languages is entitled to an apology, if he do not always find

the notation of these characters correct. Errors have arisen from circumstances, which, in
the printing of the present work, and the sources from which the compilers took their au-
thorities, could not easily be avoided : the sources also whence affinities have been derived,
are regularly noted, being chieHy the various lexicons to which they had access.
Tims, in each article or word, inserted in the Vocabulary of the first part of this

work, will be found, first, the word itself, with its leading inflections in abbreviated

form ; then its translation into English and Latin ; next, an example or authority, with

reference to the source in the language from which it has been derived, translated

also into English and Latin ; following which, are introduced, when necessary to be no-

ticed, peculiar and idiomatic phrases and compounds in the Scoto-Gaelic language, also

translated ; and in conclusion such affinities are appended, where they could be dis-

covered, as have been already mentioned. Though it is by study of the Grammar of the

Scoto-Gaelic, that a knowledge of the inflections and frame-work of the language is

alone to be satisfactorily learned, itmay here be expected that a few rules should be
o-iven, to facilitate the progress of those who desire to peruse the work. It is in declin-

able words, that difficulties will occur to the reader. He will find Substantive Nouns
entered in their simple or nominative form, followed by the terminational genitive form,
and nominative plural termination : where these inflections are irregular, they are entered

at length. Adjective Nouns are entered in their simple or positive state, followed by

their comparative degree, which is pointed out by its terminational form ; and where
these are irregular, they are also entered at length. Pronouns, whether irregularly de-
clined or indeclinable, are given at length in their several accidents. Of Verbs, the root

in Scoto-Gaelic being always found in the second person singular of the imperative
mood, they have been introduced in that form ; and the translations are given in the cor-

responding part of the English and Latin. The second person singular of the impe-

rative is immediately followed by the terminating syllable of the future indicative,

which joined to the imperative, first given, forms that other constituent part of the

verb ; and then follows the initial form of the preterit indicative ; which, substituted for

the simple initial form of the imperative, changes the imperative into the preterit tense

of the indicative ; Trom which three are formed in Gaelic, the other parts of the verb : when
these also are irregular, they are exhibited at full length. The indeclinable words of the

language demand no special instruction for a consultation of the work with advantage.
But it may here be advantageously hinted to the etymologist, that various enunciations, so

closely similar as to be only distinguishable by a native, are necessarily represented by

different combinations of consonants. Thus, of the consonants, dh and gh as well as ch

have but one guttural sound, approaching to the various sounds of the x of the Greeks.

And of the simple vowel sounds, it may be remarked that, a, o and u, when found in

terminational or penultimate syllables, represent generally but the same sound ; it being
one characteristic of the Scoto-Gaelic, that all penultimate and terminational syllables of
words are but lightly, if not imperfectly pronounced.
With respect to the fulness of the Vocabulary of Gaelic words exhibited in the first part

of the work, the conductors could neither expect nor the compilers engage, that it should be

free from many omissions. There are circumstances attendant upon different languages,

which, to the Lexicographer of any of them, are disadvantageous, serving to conceal from

his view imiltitudes of words and of terms; that, if known to him, would aniphfy and en-
rich the record of luiiguajie which he attempts to compose. Amonj» these disadvanta<;es, a

formidabk' one is, provincial phraseolofiy ; and the several pnivinces of a country have
usually their own peculiarities in the spoken \ ocabnlary : this is, to an unusual deforce, true

of the llij!;hlands ol' Scotland : and where literature and written record have done so little,

to elucidate or explain them, there is nothing that can supply a correct actiuaintance with
proviiiciiilisnis, but an extensive communication and local knowledjije. While the com-
pilers tlatter themselves, that the pains they have taken to accpiire an acquaintance with

these, have not been unsuccessful ; they are aware that, in every province of their country, a
reader of their work may find wantin-f in their A'ocabulary many terms and words wliicli

are familiar to himself. Of such, many mi-fht be valuable ac<juisitions to the ctymoloj^ist,

the philologist and the anticjuar)', and would contribute to the enriching of the work with
so many separate data, for reseaix-h and inquiry : the compilers have exerted themselves

to obtain a knowledge of them ; and, where they have failed, they trust that their omis-

sions will be viewed with indulgence. Of all the spoken modern languages of Europe, the
Gaelic perhaps ali'ords the greatest facilities in the fonnation of compound terms and
words^ and to such a degree does this facility exist, that a native is scarcely ever at a loss

to form a compound term for the expression of any rising idea. To one intimately ac-
quainted with the provincial peculiarities of the Scoto-Gaelic, it will even appear that
such peculiarities often influence the character by modifying the structure of compound
terms. That numbers of such have been omitted, will certainly be manifest ; but, with re-

spect to the general purposes of this work, the omission of such combined terms mav not
be much regretted : it is the omission of simple terms that is more to be deprecated ; and
the apology here offered, is one which the compilers can honestly make, that they have
not spared industry ^o avoid it.

The Second Part of the Work will be found to contain a full \'ocabulary of the English
language, from Todd's edition of Johnson's Dictionary. In the compilation of this
part, it appeai-ed, that the purposes intended would not be fulfilled, by presenting
a Vocabulary of English words, followed by their proper representatives in Gaelic ;

without advancing another step, to distinguish the various acceptations of the English
terra from each other ;
giving in its place, after each meaning in English, its correspond-
ing Gaelic term or word. The adoption of this plan has indeed served to increase the
size of the work, which in some respects may be viewed with regret ; but it is hoped,
that it has at the same time furnished the English scholar with an exhibition of the Gaelic
language, that has hitherto been unknown to him ; and in so full and detailed a manner,
as to make him still more fully and easily acquainted with its Vocabulary and phraseolo-
gy, than would have been possible even by the \'ocabulary and illustrations of the Eirst
Part of the work. In the atlhibiting of Gaelic words to correspond with the English, it

can scarcely be expected, that every word of the former language shall be found with per-
feet accuracy and precision, representing the same English word, by ^vhich it may have i)een
Vol. I. C
translated in the First Part. It is hoped that discrepancies are rare ; and the translation
of the En^lisli Vocabulary into Gaelic, being to the compiler a work more of memory
and of practical knowledge of Gaelic, than of study or research, tlie suggestions of memory'

have been adopted without fear of any considerable error ; and thus shades of difference
may frequently occur, between the meanings ascribed to a Gaelic word in the First and the
Second Parts. It must also be borne in mind, that in the work of a translation so minute
and particular as of the words of one language in detail into another, it Ls absolutely more
than can be achieved by the utmost faithfulness, on the part of the translator, to find
words in the one language, exactly corresponding to evei^ word and meaning of a word
that is of current use in the other. In the present work also there was added to this dif.
ficulty, the comparative want of copiousness, that must necessarily be supposed to exist in
the Gaelic language, so much less cultivated as it is, and unniodelled to the necessities, the

terras, phraseology and usages of the English, in arts, in sciences, in abstract discourse,

in disquisitions, in the style and habits of conversation and writing. The fulness that has

been o-iven to the Second Part, the English and Gaelic Vocabulary, has also regard to the

practical use of the Work to the student of Gaelic as a spoken and written language ; and
to such it is hoped an aid has been offered, which hitherto has been alnia^t wholly denied

to him.

The Third Part of the Work consists of a Latin Vocabulary, translated into Gaelic.

In this, it has been the desire of the compilers, to unite conciseness with accuracy and
sufficient fulness ; but it has not been here considered expedient to exhaust the Voca-

bulary of the Latin language. Many of its derivative and compound words, of its tech-

nical terms and of its foreign additions from other languages, have been omitted, as serv-

ino- none of the purposes for which this work is intended. In all the words judged neces-

sary to be inserted, the different leading significations have been regarded ; these are illus-

trated by the shortest possible explanation, and the corresponding Gaelic word or phrase is

o-iven in its place. The two latter parts of the work will, according to the circumstances

in which the reader is placed, help to conduct him at once to the Gaelic word in the First

Part ; under which all the necessary explanations are to be found.

The compendium of Grammar prefixed to the Dictionary will be found an abridged

transcript of that formerly published by Dr. Stewart ; the incontestable merits of whose work,

as a Grammar of the language, have been universally admitted. It was intended, that an Ap-
pendix should be added to the Dictionary, explanatory of names of places of Celtic origin,
both in the Highlands of Scotland and other parts of the kingdom : but it was eventually
found that such an addition would infringe upon the limits, that had already been prescrib-

ed to the work ; and that, to do justice to the subject intended, interesting and curious in

itself, a separate volume would be more appropriate : this, it is probable, may at some future
period appear, as a suitable comjianion to the Dictionarj',




THE Gaelic alphabet

a, b, c, d, e, f, g,
consists of eighteen letters
h, i, I, ni, n, o, p, r, s, t,

compounded with
the first
a preposition, the accent falls on
The other syllables are short and
Of these, five are vowels, a, e, i, o, u ; the rest con- unaccented and the vowels in that situation liave,

sonants. in general, the same short obscure sound. Hence it

Beside the common division of the letters into happens that the broad vowels, in these syllables, are
vowels and consonants, it is found convenient to often used indiscriminately.
adopt some further subdivisions. There is no quiescent final vowel.
The vowels are divided into broad and small. A,
o, u, are called broad vowels e, i, siiiall vowels.
Tlie consonants are divided into Mutes and Liquids:

A has three sounds.

They (1). The first is both long and short ; long, like a
Mutes, b, c, d, f, g, m, p, t. Liquids, 1, n, r, s.
in the English words far, star ; as ' àr' slaughter,
are also divided into Labials, Palatals, and Lingtials
àth' a ford, ' gràdh' love, sàruich' oppress : short, '

so named from the organs employed in pronouncing

like a in that; as cath' a battle, alt' a joi/U, ' '

them Labials, b, f, ra, p : PalataU, c, g : Liiiyuals,

' abuich' ripe.
d, 1, n, r, s, t.
(2). Both long and short, before dh and gh. This
Tlie aspirate h is not included in any of these di-
sound has none like it in English. Long as adhlaic' ;

burj/, adhradh' worship : short as ' lagh' a late, ;

' magh' afield, adliarc' a horn.

(3). Short and obscure, like e in mother ; as 'an' 'a'

vowels are sometimes long, sometimes the, ar' our,

' ma' if, and in the plural termination

All the
short. A
long vowel is marked with an accent,
a' ' an'.

especiallj- when the ijuautitij of the vowel de- E

termines the meaning of the word as bus' death, ;
' E has three sounds.
sail' l/ie heel, càraid' a pair,
' ris' again, ' mo' '
(1). Both long and short : long, like e in tchere,
more, ' Ion' a marsh ; which are distinguished by the there ; as '
è, sè' he, ' rè' during. This e is gene-
accent alone from ' has' the palm of the hand, sail' ' rally marked with a grave accent. Short, like e in
a beam, caraid' a friend,
' ris' to, Ion' the elk. ' met; as '
le' with, ' leth' half.
All the vowels, but especially the broad ones, have (2). Long ; as ' re' the tnooti, ' ce the eartA, ' an
somewhat of a nasal sound when preceded or tbllow- de' yesterday. Tliis e is always marked with an
ed by m, mh, n, nn. No vowels are doubled in the acute accent.
same syllable like ee, oo, in English. (3). Short like e in motlter ; as ' duine' a man,
In almost all polysyllables, excepting some words ' ceannuichte' bovgiU.
Vol. I.

1. Made up
of (2) c and (l)fl!." c very short, a
/has two sounds. long ; beann' a summit, pinnacle, ' feall' deceit :
as '

(I). Both long and short, like ee in seem : long as ; a short as ' meal' to enjoy,
; speal' a scytlw. '

min' smooth, righ' a king : short ; as ' min' tncal,

' Before a Lingual or a Palatal, not quiescent, the a
crith' trcmbliììff. frequently loses its sound, and only qualifies that of
(2). Short and obscure, like i in this ; as ' is' am, the following consonant. Hence,
art, &c. 2. Like (1) e : long, as ' dean' do; short, as fear' '

a man, bean' a woman.


O 3. Like (2) e: long, as ' easlan' sick; short, as

O has three sounds. '
fead' whistle.
(1). Both long and short : long, somewhat like o
After a Lingual or a Palatal, not quiescent, the c
in more ; as ' niòr' f/reat, ' or' ffo/d, ' dòchas' expec- loses its sound, and only qualifies that of the preced-
tation : short, like o in hot ; as ' mo' wy, ' do' thy,
ing consonant hence, ;

' docliann' harm. 4. Like (1) a: long, as ceàrd' an artificer ; short, '

Both long and short long, nearly like o in

(2). :
as ' geal' luhite.
old ; as lom' bare, toll' a hole .•_short
' as ' lomadh'
' ;
5. (3) a : short, as '
itheadh' eating, ' coir-
making bare, toUadh' boring. '
each' faidty.
(3). Both long and short, like (2) a long as : ;

foghlum" learniììg : short ; as ' roghuinn' choice, EI
' logli' to forgive. Tlie sound of made up of the sounds of
ei is either

U both the vowels, or like that of e alone.

1. Made up of (1) e and (1) i e long, i short, as .•

Uhas one sound, both long and short, like oo in

< sgèimh' beauty meidh' a balance.
; e short, as
fool: long; as ' w
fresh, ' iaraich' to reneiv : short;
2. Made up of (2) e and (1) « e long, i short, as


as ' ubh' an egg, ' urras' a surety.

' feidh' deer; e short, as
greigh' a herd, stud. '

Before a Lingual or a Palatal, not quiescent, the (

OF THE DIPHTHONGS. loses its sound, and only qualifies that of the follow-
ing consonant ; hence,
There are thirteen Diphthongs reckoned in Gaelic 3. Like (1) e alone ; long, as ' mèise' of a plate.
ae, ai, ao ea, ei, eo, eu ia, io, iu
oi ua, ui. Of ; ; ;
4. Like (2) e alone ; long, as ' eigin' necessity
these, ao, eu, ia, ua, are always long the others are :
short, as ' eich' horses.
sometimes long, sometimes short.

of (1) a long, and (1) made up Tlie sound of eo is either made up of the sounds of
The sound of «e is
both vowels, or like that of o alone.
e short. This diphthong hardly occurs, except in
1. Made up of (2) e and {l)o: every short, o
Gael' a Gaul or Highlander, and ' Gaelic' the
long, as ' beò' alive, ' eòlas' knowledge ; o short, as
Gaelic language.
'beothair lively.
AI After a Lingual or a Palatal, not quiescent, the e
loses its sound, and only qualifies that of the preced-
of «i is either made up of the sounds
The sound
ing consonant ; hence,
of both the vowels, or like that of the former.
2. Like (1) o ; long, as ' leòmhan' a lioii ; short,
1. Made up of (1) a and (I) i : the a long, the i
as deoch' dritik.

short ; as ' fàidh' a prophet ; the a short, the i short

as ' claidheamh' a sword. EU
2. Made up of (2) a and (1) i ; the a long the i
The sound of eu is like (2) e alone ; long, as ' teum"
short as ' saighdean' arroivs.

to bite, ' gleus' trim, entertainment..

Before a Lingual or Palatal, not quiescent, the i
often loses its sound, and only serves to qualify the
One of the most marked variations of Dialect oc-
curs in the pronunciation of the diphthong eu ; which,
sound of the following consonant. Hence,
instead of being pronounced like long e, is over all
3. Like (1) a alone: long; as ' fàisg' squeeze,
glaic a hollow, the North Highlands commonly pronounced like ia ;
failte' salutation : short ; as ' ' tais'
as ' nial, ian, fiar', for neul, eun, feur'. '

4. Like (2) a alone : short ; as ' airm' arms,
' gaimi' a call.
The sound of ia is made up of the sounds of both
AO the vowels.
1. The sound of «o is like (2) a : long, as ' caora' \. Made up of (1) i and (1) a; both of equal
a s/teq), ' faobhar' the edge of a tool, ' saothair' la- length, as ' fial' libercd, ' iar' teest.

hour. 2. Made up of (1) t and (2) a: of equal length, as

EA '
fiadh' a deer, ' ciall' common sense.

The sound of ea is either made up of the sounds of In '

cia' lohich ? ' iad' they : ia is often found like
both the vowels, or like that of one of them. (l)è.

U) t. Like (I) M.- long, •< dùii' ejptcùUwH, '

The sound of io is eitlier inadf up of tlie souimIs of Jitt ; iJiort, Hi ' fuil' Uuud, • muir' tlie jri.

both the vowels, or hke one of theui alone.

1. Made up of (O i and (3) o: i ìoiì^, o eliort, a&
or THE THlfUlliONOii.
diol' to /xn/, fior' ti^f ! • short, as * iolach' a xhuut,

ionusuidh' an uttiuk.

There are live Triph(l>o«g«, io eadi of which i is

Before u Lingual or a Palatal, not quiescent, the o
the last letter; uoi, eui, lai, iui, uai. lu tliese, the two
sometimes loses its sound, and only qualifies that of
firstvowels have the laiix; sounds and potverk ae
the following consonant ; hence,
when they form a Diphthong. TIk ' . ::ided '

i. Like (II I. • long, as • iodliol' an idol; short,

short; but before a Publal or a L .les-
as ' crlos' a girtUe, ' biorach' jioinMl.
cent, it loses its sound, and only ij... titt > t

Alter a Lingual or a I'alatal, not quiescent, the i

following consonant.
sometimes loses its sound, and only qualifies that of
the prifeding consonant hence, ;
3. Like u in gtiH, short and obscure, as » cionta'
1 Made up of ao and
I ) i as ' caoidli' Uunenta- .-

gnib, ' tiounJadh' to turn.

tioii, ' aoibhneas'_/oy, 'laolgh' caJres.
lU. 2. Like ao .• as '
caoincadh' wailing, < niaoile' baut-
The sound of in is either made up of tlw sound of
both tl»e vowels, or like « alone. EOI
1. Made up
of (1) i and (I) «; i short, i/ long, as L Made up of (2) eo and ( 1 ) i .-
as ' geòidh' ffeeae.
< tiiV icort/ii/
; u short, as iuchair' a ke;/. •
2. Like (1) «o ; as 'mcòir'^jifferg.
Al\er a Lingual or a Palatal, not quiescent, the i 3. Like (2) eo . as deòir' tears, treoir' ' '
loses its sound, and only qualities tliat of the preced-
ing consonant hence, ; lAl
2. Like (1) u long, as diù' worth, value ; short,
.• '

\, Like (1) la • as ' fiaire' more atcry.

as ' tiugh' thick, 'giubhas'yj'r.
Tliis triphthong is hardly now in use.
Tlie sound of oi is either made up of the sounds of I LI
both the vowels, or like that of o alone. L Like (2) iu ; as '
ciùil' cf music
1. Made up of (1) o and (U i o long, i short, as .•

« òigh' a tHrffÌH : o short, as ' troidh' afoot. UAI

2. Made up of (3) o and ( 1 ) i o long, i sliort, as .• L Made up of (1) ua and (1) i; as '
' oidhchc' iiifjfit. quicker.
Before a Lingual or a Palatal not quiescent, the t 2 Made up of (2) ho and (l) t ; as '_^cruaidh' hard,
loses its sound, and only qualifies that of the follow- ' fuaim' souiid.
ing consonant hence, ; 3. Like ( 1 ) ua.- as ' uair' time, an hour, •
3. Like (1) o; long, as 'moid' more; short, as if OH ear.
toic' trealth.
4. Like (2) o ; long, as ' fòid' a turf; short, as
' fois' rest.
Like5. (3) o: short, as ' coileach' a cocii, '
doire' ?
In treating of the consonants separately, it will be
wood. convenient to depart a little from the alphabetical
UA order of the letters, and to consider first the Labials,
The sound of ua is made up of the sounds of both next the Palatals, and lastly the Linguals.
the vowels.
1. Made up of (1) u and (1) a: equally long, as LABIAJLS.
' cuan' the sea, ' fuar' cold.
2. Made up of (1 ) m and (2) a ; as ' tuadb' a /uU-
cliet, ' sluagh' people. 1. Plain. Like/>jn English; as 'poll' a pool, 'pill'
UI Like ph or
2. Aspirated.
f in English ; as '
The sound
of w
is either made up of the sounds of phuiir of the pool, 'pliill' returiled.

both the vowels, or like tliat oi u alone.

1. Made up of (1) u and (1) i.- u long, short, as »" B
'sùigh' drain, dry ; u short, as buidiieann' a cont- \. Plain. Like b
: as baile' a towm,
in English
pany. '
beò' alire.
Before a Lingual or a Palatal, not quiescent, the 2. Aspirated. Like v in English as ' bbuail' ;

i loses its sound, and only qualitieò that of the follow- ilruck. In the end of a syllable, the articulation is
ing consonant hence, ;
sometimes feeble, and olten passes into the vocal
b 2

sound of M fij as ; in ' marbh' dead, 'garbh' roitffh, 2. Small: like ^ in give, fatigue ; as 'gin 'pro-
'dabhach' a vat. duce, ' thig' shall come, ' tilg' throw.
3. Aspirated, ^roarf .-
has no sound like it in Eng-
M lish ;
' ghabh' took, ' ghleidh' kept.
1. Plain. Like m in English; as 'mac' a son, 4. Small : Nearly like y in young : as ' ghin' pro-
cam' crooked. duced.
2. Somewhat like f in English, but 5. Gh in the end of a syllable, is often quiescent
more feeble and nasal as mhatliair' O motlier, ;
as ' righ' a king, ' tiugh' thick, fuigheall' remainder.
làmh' the hand. Tlie sound mh has the same rela-
tion to that of bh, as the sound of m has to that of
b. Sometimes, like bh it becomes a vocal sound like 1. Plain. Broad : nearly like t in tone, bottom ; as
a nasal^l ; as in 'damh' an ox, samhradh' summer ; '
tog' raise, ' trom' heavy, brat' a covering. '

and sometimes the articulation becomes so feeble as 2. Small : like ch in clieek, ckoose ; as ' tinn' sick,
not to be perceived as còmhradh' speech, domh- ;
' '
' cailltc' lost.
ain' rfeep. 3. Like h in house : as
Aspirared. thig' shall '

F come, throisg'/a«te(/, ' maith' good.


4. Quiescent ; in the middle of a polysyllable ; in

1. Plain. Like/in English ; as ' faigh' get, 'fòid'
the end of a long syllable and in certain tenses of a ;

a turf.
few irregular verbs when preceeded by d'; as ' snith-
2. Aspirated. Quiescent ; as ' flieara' O men. In
each' watery, sith' /leace, an d' thug e ?' did he give?
' '

fhuair' foimd, the aspiration is retained, aiid the
also in the Pronoun '
thusa' thou.
word pronounced as if wTÌtten huair. It is pro-

bable that it was originally written and pronounced

fuair'; that huair' is but a provincial pronunciation
to adapt the spelling, in some shape, to this
1. nearly like d in done ; as ' dol"
Plain. Broad :
and that
going, dlù" 7iear, close, ciod' what.
pronunciation, the word came to be \^Titten ' fhuair.'
' '

2. Small: nearl}- like _/ in June, jewel; as ' diù'

xoorth, maide' a stick, airde' height.
' '


D, after ch is commonly sounded like c, as bochd'
In treating of the Diphthongs (ai, ea, ei, &c.) no- poor, pronounced as if written bochc' '

3. Aspirated. Broad : like broad gh ; as ' dhruid'

tice has been often taken of the powers of certain
vowels in modifying the sound of the adjoining Con- did shut, gràdh' love. '

4. Small: like small ^^ ; as ' dhearc' looked.

sonants. This refers to a twofold mode of pronounc-
5. Quiescent ; as f àidh' a prophet, ' cridhe' the
ino- the Palatal and Lingual Consonants, whether

heart ; ràdh' saying, bualadh' striking.

plain or aspirated. The difterence between these
' '

two modes of pronunciation is, in some Consonants,

abundantly striking in others it is minute, but suf-
Rule. The consonants c, g, t, d, have their small
ficiently discernible to an ear accustomed to the sound, when, in the same syllable, they are preceded, or
Tlie one of these modes of articulation be- immediately fallowed, by a small vowel in all other
Gaelic. ;

situations they have their broad sound.

longs to Palatals and Linguals, chiefly when connect-
ed with a broad vowel ; the other belongs to them
when connected with a small vowel. Hence, the
former may be called the broad sound, the latter the 1. Plain. Broad: like s in sun, this; as '
small sound of a Palatal or a Lingiml. a scythe, ' cas' afaot, ' sùil' an eye, ' sgian' a knife.
These sounds are not distinguished in writing, but 2. Small. Like sh in shoto, rash ; as ' bris'
may be known, for the most part, by the relative si- break, ' sèimh' quiet, sniomh' ttvine, ' steidh' faun-

tuation of the letters. da tion.

3. in him ; as ' shuidh' sat,
Aspirated. Like h
C 'shrann' snorted. Before / and n, it is almost, if not
1. Plain. Broad: like c in conie, curb ; as cùl' '
altogether, quiescent as shlanuich' healed, 'shniomh' ; '

the back, cridhe' the heart.

twisted. S
followed by a mute consonant is never
2. Small : like c in care, cure ; as taic' support,
circe' of a hen.
3. Aspirated. Broad: like the Greek ^' as pro- Rule. S
has its small sound, when, in the same
nounced in Scotland, in y^u^a, ; as ' croch' hhnff, syllable preceded or follmced by a small vowel,
it is

' chaidh' icent. with or an intervening Lingual. In all other


eich' situations it has its broad sound. Except, ^is broad

4. Small : like % in yjuv ; as ' chi' shall see, '

in is' a>n.
' It is small in ' so' this, sud' yon. It is '

customary to give s its broad sound in the beginning

of a word, when the former word ends with r, in which
1. Plain. Broad: like 51 in go, rogue; as ' gabh' case the r also has its broad sound, as chuir sinn' '

to take, ' gloir' speech, ' bog' soft ux put, ' air son' on account.

Or L, N, R. as '
nigh' u\iìà, • bum' melodious, ' ciiirn' /inipt of
A between a consonant when plain, and
the sanif consonant wluii (itfiirtitetl, lias bfin easily Aspirated, lirttad : like n in no, on ; as iiuadh'
S. '

trateil llms lur. This dislinetion readily discovers it- feminine of nuadh' ntw, ' l'lui^g' bound, ' kliuàmh'

the pronunciation and orthography, tu\iM, Sean' old,'

chon' ofdotjs, dim' n poem.
' •
sell", not only ill

but also (as will be seen in its proper plate) through- 4. Small : like « in AcrM, tuar ; a» • nigh' icasktd,
It takes place unilorni-
' hliniomh' twiiled, •
coin' dogs, '
dàin' potms.
out the system of inflection.
ly in tliosc consonants wliich liavc l)een already con-
In ' an' when (bllov»ed by u Palatal, the n in pro-
sidered. Willi respect to the remaining linguals, /, «, nounced like ny in English as an gillc' ihc lad,

r, a corresponding distinction will be found to take

' an còmhnuidh' always.
place in their pronunciation, and likewise in the y, after a mute, is in a few instances pronounced
changes they suHer by inrtection. Tliis close corres- like r as iit mnaihan' women, cnatan' a cold, an ' '

pondence between the changes incident to /, «, r, and t-snàth' o^//ieyurw; pronounced mruthan, cratan,' '

tlie changes whicli the other consonants undergo,

seems to be a sutticicnt reason tor still using tlie
same discriminative terms in treating of their powers ;

tliough these terms may

not appear to be so strictly 1 Plain. Nearly like r in roar ; as '
ruadh' red-
dish, ' righ' a king, ruilh' run, • •
tòrr' a heap,
applicable to tiiese three consonants as to the rest.
' cewctSis' justice.
The powers of/, w, r, shall accordingly be explained
under the divisions pUtiii and aspirated, broad and 2. Asjiirated. Broad : nearly like tinal r in rear
' as car' a turn, ' ruitli' ran, '
niòr' great.
3. Small : has no sound like it in English ' a righ' ;

O king, ' seirbhe' satiety, ' mùir' gen. of mòr' great.


1. Plain. Broad ; lias no sound like it in English ;

' loni' bare, ' labhair' speak, ' mall" slow, ' alt' sijoint, Rl"LE, L, jV, If, have their plain sound when, in
' alt' a brook, a rod, 'dlù' near.
slat' ' the same syllable, they are immediatt ty prictdrd by a
2. Small: like // in million; as linn' an age, ' plain Liquid, or immediately followed by a plain Lin-
' Won Jill, pill return, slighe' a way.
• ' gual ; also in the beginning of certain cases and tenses ;
3. Aspirated. Jiroad : like / in looni, fool; as in all other situutioiis, they have their
labhair' spoke, lorn' feminine of ' lom' bare, ' mol'
' sound. They have their small sound when, in the
praise, dblù' feminine of
' dlù' near. ' same syllable, they are preceded orjbllowed by a small
4. Small : nearly like / in limb, Jill ; as a linn' ' votcel, with or without an intervening Liquid ; in other
bis age, lion' Jilled,
' ' mil' honey, ' dligheach' due, situations, titey have their broad souiui.

1. Plain. Broad ; has no sound like it in English ; H never used as an independent radical letter.

'nuadh' new, ' naisg' bind, ' lann' a blade, ' earn' a When prefixed to a word beginning with a vowel, it
heap of stones. is pronounced like /* in how ; as na h-òighean' the '

2. Small: like « in the second syllable o( opinion ; virgins, ' na h-oidhche' of tlie night.



X. HE parts of speech in Gaelic may be conveniently finite article corresponding to the English a or an.
divided and arranged as follows Noun, Ad- : Article, The inflections of the article are but few. "Diey de-
jective. Pronoun, Verb, Adverb, Preposition, Con- pend on the gender, the number, and the case, of the
junction, Interjection. Of these, the first five are de- noun to which it is prefixed. Hence the article is
clinable ; the other four are indeclinable. declined by gender, number, and case, as follows :

Singular. Plural.



an, a'
masc. S; fem.

The Gaelic Article ' an' corresponds to the Eng- Gett. an, a'
lish definite article the. There is in Gaelic no inde- Dat. an, a

In the singular, final n of the article is sometnnes

Names of the heavenly bodies; as '
Grian' sun,
apostrophe. (ìcalach' moon.
cut off, and its absence marked by an

The same liappcns to the initial a of the dative sui- Names of diseases ; as ' teasach' a fever, '
ghriùthach' the measles, ' a' blireac' the small-pox,
' bhuidheach' the jaundice, ' a' bhuinncach' a diarr-
hoea, &c.
Collective names of trees or shrubs arc feminine ;
as ' giùbhsach' a fir wood, ' iùbhrach' a yew copse,
seileach' a willow copse, ' droiglmeach' a tliorny


Noun is the Name of any person, object, or

A Diminutives in ag ; as ' caileag' a girl, ' cuacliag'

thing whatsoever, that we have occasion to mention.

a little cup.
Derivatives in achd ; as iomlanachd' fulness,
In treating of this Part of Speech, we have to con-

sider the Gender and the Declension of Nouns.

' doilleireachd' duskÌTiess, ' doimhneachd' depth,
' rioghachd' kingdom, ' sinnsireachd' ancestry, &c.
Abstract nouns formed from the genitive of adjec-
OF GENDER. tives ; as ' doiile' blindness, '
gile' whiteness, ' leisg'
laziness, ' buidhre' deafness, &c.

The following observations may serve to give some

Many monosyllables in tM followed by one or
more consonants are feminine as bruach' a bank, '
idea of the analogy of gender in Gaelic nouns though

' cruach' a heap, cuach' a cup, cluas' an ear, ' '

they do not furnish a complete set of rules sufficient
' gruag' the hair of the head, sguab' a sheaf, '

to ascertain the gender of every noun.

' tuadh' a Jtatcliet, ' tuaùi peasantry.
Almost all polysyllables, whereof the last vowel is
Masculines. Nouns signifying males are mascu-
small, except those in air and iche, already noticed,
lines ; as '
fear' a man, ' righ' « kinff, ' sagart' a
are feminine.
tarbh' a bull, cù' a dog.
priest, ' '
few nouns are of either gender Salm' a Psalm, ; '

nouns, signifying the young of animals of

Many '
belief, are used as masculine nouns in
either Sex, are masculine, even when the individual
some places, and feminine in others. Cruinne' tiie '

objects they denote are mentioned as being of the globe, ' talamh' the earth, land, are masculine in the
female Sex ; as ' laogh' a calf, ' isean' a chicken, nominative as ' an cruinne-ce' the globe of the earth.
' uan' a lamb, &c.
The same nouns are generally feminine in the ge-
Diminutives in an; as • rothan' a little wheel, nitive as ' gu crich na cruinne' to the extremity of
dealgan' a little pin, &c. the world. ' aghaidh na talmhainn' the face of the
Derivatives in as, which are, for the most part, ab-
stract nouns as ' càirdeas' friendship, ' naimhdeas'

enmity, '
ciùineas' calmness, ' breitheanas' judg-
liient, '
ceaxtas justice, ' maitheas' goodness, &c. OF DECLENSION.
Derivatives in ai?; ach, iche, which are, for the
most part, agents as cealgair' a deceiver, sealg- :
' '
certain changes significant of Num-
Nouns undergo
air' a huntsman, dorsair' a door-heeper, marcach' a ' '
ber and of Relation.
rider, '
maraiche' a sailor, ' coisiche' afoot-traveller, The forms significant of Number are two the Sin- :

&c. gular, which denotes one and the Plural, which de- ;

Names of such kinds of trees as are natives of Scot- notes any number greater than one.
land ; as '
darach' oak, giubhas' Jir, ' uinnseann'
The changes expressive of Relation are made on
ash. nouns in two ways 1. On the beginning of the :

Most polysj'Uables whereof the last vowel is broad, noun 2. On its termination.
; The relations de-
are masculine. noted by changes on the termination are different
from those denoted by changes on the beginning
Feminines. Nouns signifying females are femi- they have no necessary connection together the ;

nine ; as ' bean' a woman, ' màthair' a mother, ' bo' one may take place in absence of the other. It
a cow, &c. Except ' bainiomiach' or ' boirionnach' seems proper therefore to class the changes on the
a female, ' mart' a cow, capuU' a horse or mare, but '
termination by themselves in one division, and give
commonly a mare, which are masculine ; and cail- '
it a name ; and to class the changes on the beginning

in' a damsel, masculine or feminine. also by themselves in another division, and give
Some nouns denoting a species are feminine, even it a different name. As the changes on the termina-
when the individual spoken of is characterised as a tion denote, in general, the same relations which are
male ; as ' gabhar fhirionn' a he-goat. denoted by the Greek and Latin cases that seems a ;

Names of countries ; as ' Albainn' Scotland, sufficient reason for adopting the term Case into the
Eirin' Ireland. Gaelic Grammar, and applying it, as in the Greek
Names of musical instruments ; as ' clàrsach' a and Latin, to signify ' the changes made on the ter-
iuirp, ' piob' a pipe. ' mination of nouns or adjectives to mark relation.'

Acconling to this description oftlicni,there are four

cases in tiuelif. Thtie iimy be iiatued, like llie eor-
ffspoiiiliiii; eases in Luliii, llie Aemr/Ki/ur, tlie Giui-
rtfv, the Ikititf, ami the rcrri/ifc. The Nuiiiiiiative
isusitl when unv person or thing is nientioiKnl as the
suhjtH of a propiisition or question, or as the <(/j/*W of
an action or aHlvtion. 'Hie Genitive i'orre>|Kiiul» to
an English noun preeeileil by i>f'. The Dative is umiI
only atier a preposition. The Vo«.ativc is emploveil
when a person or thin;; is aililresseil.
The iliaiij;es on the bejjinninp of nouns are made
by aspirating an initial eonsonant that is, writing /i

atler it. This may be called the Asjiirotat t'orni of

tlie noun. 'I'he aspirated I'omi extends to all tiie cases
and numbers. A noun, uhereof the initial form is
by aspiration, is in the Priinari/ form.
not clianged
The of nouns mav be briefly stated thus.
A noundeclined by Number, Case, and Initial

form. The Numbers are two SiiujuUir and Plural.


The Cases are four ; Sominativt, Geuitivf, Dative,

and Vonitive. The Initial form is twofold; the Pri-
mary fonn ; and the Aspirated Jorm peculiar to uouns

beginning with a consonant-

In declining nouns, the formation of the cases is
observed to depend more on the last vowel of the
nominative than on the final letter. Hence the last
vowel of the nominative, or in general of anj' declin
able wortl, may be called the cluiractcristic vowel.
The division of the vowels into broad and anall sug-
gests the distribution of nouns into two Declensions,
distinguished b)- the quality of the characteristic
vowel. The first Declension comprehends those
nouns whereof the characteristic vowel is broad : the
second Declension comprehends those nouns whereof
the characteristic vo« el is small.
The following examples are given of tlie inflection
of nouns of the


Bard, rnas. a Poet.

Singular. PluraL
Xoin. Bard

Of monosyllables characterized by ea, some throw Plural Number.

away a and insert i ; as '
each' m. a horse, g. s.

eich' '
fearg' f. anger, g. s. ' feirge.' — Some change Masculine nouns which insert i in
the gen. sing, have their nom. plur. like the gen.
ea into i ; as '
breac' m. a irotit, g. s. '
brie'; ' fear'
m. a man, ceann' m. a head, end, g. s. ' '
sing. as oglach' m. a servant, g. s.
; '
òglaich' n. p. '

g. s. fir';
' òglaich' fear' m. a man, g. s. and n. p.
fir.' '
' cinn'; '
preas' m. a hush, g. s. ' pris' ' breac' f. the ;

small-pox, g. s. bricc'; ' cearc' f. a hen, g. s. ' circe'; '

Many of these form their nom. plur. also by adding a
' leac' f. a JJag, lie' Gleann' m. a vallei/, short «, or, an to the nominative singular. Other
g- s. ' '

adds e, g. s. ' glinne.' Some add a to the nomina- — masculine nouns, and all feminine nouns, have their
nom. plural in a, to which n is added, eupltoniw cau-
tive ; as ' speal' m. a scythe, g. s. speala.' Dream' ' '

sa, before an initial vowel.

f. people, race ; gean' m. humour ; have their geni- '

tive like the nominative. ' Gèadh' m. a goose, makes

g. s. ' geòidh.'
7. Nouns in eu followed by a liquid, change v into Particular Rides for forming the Nominative Plural
o and insert i after it ; as ' neul' m. a cloud, g. s. in a or an.
' eun' m. a bird, g. s.
neòil'; ' eòin'; ' feur' m. grass, '

g. s. ' feòir'; ' meur' m. ajinger, g. s. ' meòir'; leus' ' By adding a to the nominative singular; as

m. a torch, g. s. leòis.'
' ' Beul' m. the moicth, g. s.
' dubhar' m. a shadoiv, n. p. dubhara' ; rioghachd' ' '

' bèil' or beòil' ; ' sgeul* m. a tale, g. s.

' ' sgeil' or f. a kingdom, n. p. rioghachdan.' Under this Rule, '

' Other nouns characterized by eu add a for

sgeòil.' some nouns suffer a sj-ncope ; as '
dorus' m. a door,
the gen. as ' treud' m. a flock, g. s. treuda" feum' ' ;
' n. p. ' dorsa' for ' dorusa.'
ni. rise, need, g. s. feuraa' beum' m. a stroke, g. s. '
' 2. Nouns ending in / or nn, often insert t before
' beuma.' Meud' m. bidk, beuc' m. a roar,
' ' a ; as ' reul' m. a star, n. p. reultan' sail', f. a heel, ' '

' freunih' f. a Jibre, root, hardly admit of a, but have n. p. ' sàiltean.' So Ion' m. a marsh, n. p. lòin-
' '

their gen. rather like the nom. tean.'

8. ]Monos3'llables characterized by ia change ia 3. Some nouns in ar drop the a, and add to the

into ei ; as ' sliabh" m. a iiwor, g. s. ' sleibh' ; ' fiadh' nominative singular the syllable aich ; and then the
m. a deer, g. s. ' feidh'; ' biadh', g. s. ' beidh' final a becomes e, to correspond to the preceding
m. small vowel as ' leabhar' m. a book, n. p. leabh- '
or ' bidh' ; ' iasg' fish, g. s. ' eisg' ; ' grian' f. the ;

sun, g. s. ' greine' ; ' sgiath' f. a icing, g. s. ' sgeithe.' raichean'; ' tobar "m. siwell, n. p. ' tobraichean' ; Piuth- '

Except ' Dia' m. God, g. s. ' De' ; ' sgian' f. a knife, ar' f. a sister, from the g. s. ' peathar', has n. p.
g. s. ' sgine.'
• peathraichean' ; so ' leaba' f. a bed, g. s. '
leapa' n.
' Piuthar' leanabh'
f. a sister, has g. s. ' peathar' ;
' p. ' leapaichean.' ' Bata' m. a staff, n. p. '
m. a child, g. s. leinibh' leabaidh' or leaba' f. a ' ;
' '
' la' or ' latha' a day, n. p. ' lathaclian' or ' làith

bed, g. s. ' leapa' ; talamh' m. earth, g. s. ' talmh- ' can.'

ainn.' 4. Some add e or can to the

polj'syllables in ach
genitive as ' mullach' m. summit, g. s.
singular ;

' muUaich' mullaichean' ' òtrach' m. a dung-

n. p. ' ;
The Dative singular of masculine nouns is like the
hill, n. p. ' òtraichean' clàrsach' f. a harp, n. p. ;

nominative of feminine nouns, is like the genitive

; ;
' clàrsaichean' ' deudach'
m. the jaw, n. p. ' deud-
as tobar' m. a icell, d. s. ' tobar' ; ' clàrsach' f. a

aichean.' So ' sliabh' m. a moor, g. s. ' sleibh', with

harp, g. s. and d. s. ' clàrsaich'; misneach' f. courage,
t inserted, n. p. 'sleibhtean.' ' Sabhal' m.a.bam,
g. s.
g. s. and d. s. ' misnich.'
' sabhuil', n. p. ' saibhlean', contracted for ' sabh-
The Nouns form their Nominative Plural
Particular Rules for the Dative of Feminine Nouns. irregularlj' Dia' m. God, n. p. : dee' or
diathan'; ' '

' sgian' f. a kiiife, n. p. ' sgeana' or ' sginichean'

1 If c was added to the nominative in forming the ' sluagh' ra. people, n. p. ' slòigh'; bò' f. a cow, n. p. '

genitive, it is thrown away in the dative as slat' f. '

a rod, g. s. ' slaite" d. s. ' slait' ; ' grian' f. the sun, g.
s. ' greine' d. s. ' grein.' Geììitire. 1. Monosyllables, and nouns which form
2. If the nominative suffered a syncope in forming their nominative plural like the genitive singular, have
the genitive, or if the last vowel of the genitive is the genitive plural like the nominative singular; as
broad, the dative is like the nominative as ' buidh- ; ' geug' f. a branch, g. p. ' geug'; '
coimhearsnach' m.
eann' f. a company, g. s. ' buidhne' d. s. buidheann"; '
a neighbour, g. s. and n. p. coimhearsnaich', g. p. '

' piuthar' f. a sister, g. s. ' peathar" d. s. ' piuthar.' ' coimhearsnach.'

2. Pol3"syllables which have their nominative plu-
The Vocatii-e of masculine nouns is like the geni- ral in a or an, form the genitive like the nominative ;

tive ; of feminine nouns is like the nominative as ;

' leabhar' m. a book, n. n. and g. p. ' leabhraichean.'
bàs' m. death, g. s. ' bàis' v. s. '
bhàis'; '
cù' m. a — Wlien the nominative plural is twofold, the geni-
dog, g. s. ' coin' v. s. ' choin'; ' grian' f. the sun, v. s. tive is so too ; as ' fear' m. a man, n. p, '
fir', or
' ghrian'; '
gaoth' f. the wind, v, s, ' ghaoth.' sometimes ' feara", g. p. ' fear' or ' feara.'

CÙ' 111. a diHj, litis its {{.
' i-oii'; mora' f. a slitrp, FuniuUwn ufUut Cutr-s uf Suuiit vj' die Stwtut De-
g. p. •
caorac'li'; -sluagli' in. pn.>pU, g. p. • uluiij^li' or eientiun.
' slògli."

Singular Number.
Datit-r. 1. Tlie ilativi' plural is rornii-d i-itlii'r from

the nominative siiifjular or Ironi tlit' nominative plu-

General Rule fur the Genitive. 'I'lie genitive of
If the iioniinalive plural eiiils in a coiisoiiaiit,
polysyllables is like llie nominative of monosylluble»
ral. ;

is iiiaile by adding e to the nominative

tlie dative plural is I'ormed liy adding; «///« to the no- at eaiaid' ;

minative singular as ' erann' ni. a trrt, n. p. eroinn', 111. a friend, g. s. ' earaid' ;
aimsir' time,
' f. g. 6.
' aimsir"; ' tigh' ni. u /wiia; g. s. •
tighe"; '
ainiu' m. a
d. p. * erannaihh'; niae' in. a son, n. p. inic' d. p. '

'inacaihh.' —
It' the nominative plural ends in a vowel,
name, g. s. ' aiume' ;
' iin' ni. butter, g. g. '

the tiiial vowel is eliaiifjed into ib/i ; as tubur' a well, •

n. p. • tohraiehean', d. p. ' tobraiehibh.'

'2. Monosyllables ending in an aspirated conso- Partieular HuUsfur the Genitive.
nant, wliicli have their iioniiiuitive plural like the ge-
nitive singular, Ibrm their dative plural like tlie no- Feminine nouns in ad and air, frequently drop

minative plural ; as '

daiiih' an oj; g. s. and n. p.
the and add ueh ; if the nominative be a polysylla-

ble, ai is thrown away as lair" f. a >iutre,g. s.

' daiinh' d. p. dainih' not danihaibh' ;
* liadh' m. a ' làr- ;
' '

deer, g. s. and n. p. and d. p. • t'eidh.' ach' ' cathair' a seat, g. s. cathraeli"

So sluagh' ' ; f. '
; '
nathair' f.

m, pu>ptt; /lost, g. s. sluaigh', n. p. and d. p. slòigli.'

' '
a serpent, g. s. ' nathrach' ; '
lasair" a Jtante, g. s.

— Nouns ending in c/i, ol' three or more syllables,


To these add ' coir' i'. right, g. s. eòrach' '

form nominative plural,

their dative plural like the
ratlicr than in ibh ; as coimhearsnaeh' ni. a neigh- ' Monosyllables characterized by oi often drop
i and add a ; as feòil' f.Jlesh, g. s. '
bour, d. p. ' coimhearsnaicir rather than coimhears- ' feòla'. '

naehaibh'; ' Pliàiriseach' m. a Pharisee, d. p. '

phàir- 3. Monosyllables characterized by ui eliange ui

isich' rather than '

phàiriseaehaibh.' into a or o, and add a ; as muir' f. the sea, g. s. '

' mara'; full' f. blood, g. s.

fola' or fala'; druim" ' ' '

Vocative. 'I'he vocative plural is like the nomina- f. a ridge, g. s. droma.' Except sùil' f. the ege, g.
' '

tive plural, terminating in a, but seldom in an ; as s. ' sùla'; ' cuid'

codach' or ' cuid.' f. a part, g. s. '

' fear' m. a man, n. |). ' tir' or ' t'eara', v. p. •

t'heara' 4. A
few feminine polysyllables in eir form their
' òglach' in. a servant, n. p. ' ògluicli', v. p. '
òglacha.' genitive like monosyllables as ' suipeir' f. supper, g. ;

Except perhaps monosyllables which never form their s. ' suipeire.'

nominative plural in a, nor their dative plural in ibh 5. The
following dissyllables seem to have formed
as ' damli' m. an ox, n. p. daimh', v. p. dliaimh' ' ' their genitive like monosyllables, and then suffered a
' a shlòisjh.' contraction. Sometimes the cluu-acteristic vowel is
retained, and sometimes it is thrown away the final :

e of the genitive being converted into a, when requi-

The irregular noun ' Bean' f. a woman, is declined
site to suit an antecedent broad vowel.

Siìiguìur. Plural. Amhainn f. a river, g. s. aimhnc, co/i/r.yliramhainne

Norn. Bean Mnai, mnathan Aghainnl ^ .

Gen. Mna Ban Aghann / ^' "?""'' S' *• '"S'lnp' aghamne

Dot. Mnaoi Mnathaibh Banais a wedding, g.
f. s. bainnse, banaise
Ì oc. Bhean Mlinathan. Dùtliaichf.acoM«/ry,g. s. dùthcha, dùthaiche
Fiacail f. a tooth, g. s. fiacla, fiacaile
Gamhuinn ni.asteer,g. s. gamhna, gamhuinne
SECOND DECLENSION. Maduinn f. morning,g. s. inaidne, madainne
Obair f. work, g. s, oibre, obaire
Cealgair, masc. a deceiver.
6. The following nouns form their genitive by
Singular. Plural.
dropping the characteristic small vowel athair' m. ; '

Norn. Cealgair Cealgaire

a faliier, g. s. athar' màthair' f. a mother, g. s.

Gen. Cealgair Cealgair ' màthar' bràthair' m. a brotJier, g. s.


bràtliar' '
Dot. Cealgair Cealgairibh ' Cnàimh' f. a bone, g. s. cnàmha' uaimh' f. a '

Voc. Chealgair Chealgaire.

cave, g. s. uamha.' Mil' f. honey, has g. &
' '

Clais, fern, a furrow.


Singular. Plural. 7. A few monosyllables ending in a vowel have

Noin. Clais Claisean their genitive like the nominative ; as ' ni' ni. a thing,
Gen. Claise Clais ' ti' m. a person, '
re' m. the moon.
Dot. Clais Claisibh
Voc. Chlais Chlaise. Dative. The dative singular is like the nomina-
Vol. I. b

tive as * duine' m. a man, d. s duine', ' maduinn' is occasionally cut off, especially in verse ; as ' leab'

bed, ' teang' tongue, coill' wood,

' cridh' heart.
f. morning, d. s. ' maduinn.'

Vocative. The vocative singular is like the nomi-

native ; as '
caraid' m. friend, v. s. ' charaid'; màtli- '

air' f. motlier, v. s. ' mliàthair.' Of the Initial form of Nouns.

Plural Number. In nouns beginning with a consonant, all the cases

admit of the aspirated form. In the vocative singular
Nominative. — Getieral Ruk. The nominative plu- and plural the aspirated form alone is used ; except
ral is formed by adding to the nominative singular a in nouns beginning with a lingual, which are general-
or an, wTÌtten e or can to correspond to a preceding ly in the primary form, when preceded by a lingual
small vowel as 'plobair' m. a piper, u. p. 'pìobairean' ;
as a sheann duine' old man. Nouns beginning
— Some
; '

aimsir' f. time, season, n. p. ' aimsirean.' with s followed by a mute consonant have no aspira-
nouns suffer a contraction in the nominative plural ;
ted form, because s in that situation does not admit
as '
caraid' ni. a friend, n. p. ' càirdean'; nàmhaid' '
of the aspirate. In nouns beginning with /, n, r, a
m. an enemy, naimhdean'; ' fiacail' f. a tooth, n.
n. p. distinction is uniformly observed in pronouncing the

p. ' fiaclan.' initial consonant, corresponding precisely to the dis-

Particular Utiles. 1 Some nouns, whose last con- .
tinction of primary and aspirated forms in nouns be-
sonant is I or n, insert t in the nominative plural as ;
ginning witli other consonants. This distinction has
tuil' f. a flood, n. p. ' tuiltean';
' smuaia f. thought, n. '
already been fully stated in treating of pronunciation.
p. smuaintean';
' coille' f. a loood. n. p. ' coilltean'; '
The general use of the singular and plural num-
àithne' f. a command, n. p. àithntean.' The t is aspi- '
bers has been already mentioned. A remarkable
rated in • dail' f. a plain, n. p. ' dailthean ; ' sail' f. a exception occurs in the Gaelic. \Vhen the numerals
beam, n. p. ' sailthean.' '
fichead" tioenty, ceud' a hundred, ' mile' a thmesatid,

2, Some nouns in air, chiefly such as form their are prefixed to a noun ; the noun is not put in the
genitive singular in acli, retain the same syllable in plural, but in the singular number, and admits no va-
the nominative plural, and insert i after a ; as riation of case. The tei-mination of a noun preceded
by ' da' two, is the same with that of the dative sin-
Cathair, f. a .teat, g.s. cathrach, n. p. cathraichean.
galar, except when the noun is governed in tbe geni-
Lasair, f. aflame, g.s. lasrach, n. p. lasraichean.
tive case, and then it is put in the genitive plural
Nathair,f.aser/je7i<g.s. nathrach, n.p. nathraichean.
when preceded by ' fichead, ceud', iSrc. the termina-
a part, from the codach', has tion is that of the nominative singular; thus, 'da
So also '
cuid' f. g. s. '

codaichean'; 'athair'm. afather,n.p. 'aith- laimh' two hands, ' da chluais' tiuo ears, ' da fhear' <?w
the n. p. '

richean'; ' màthair' f. a mother, n. p. ' màthraichean.'

men, fichead làmh' twoity hands, ' ceud fear' a hun-

dred men, ' mile caora' a thousand sheep, deich mile '

To which add 'amhainn'f. a river, n. p. aimhnichean";

bliadhna' ten thousand years.
uisge' m. icater, n. p. ' uisgeachan'; cridhe' m. the
' cridheachan.'
heart, n. p.
following nouns form their nominative plural
irregularly ; ' duine' m. a man, n. p. ' daoine'; righ' '

ui. a king, n. p. 'righre'; ' ni' m. a thing, n. p. ' nithe'; CHAP. III.— OF ADJECTIVES.

cliamhuinn' m. a son-in-law, or brother-in-law, n. p.
' cleamhuan.'
An Adjective is a word used along with a noun, to
genitive plural of monosyllables
Genitive. The express some quality of the person or thing signified

and masculine polysyllables, is twofold, both like the by the noun.

Adjectives undergo changes which mark their re-
nominative singular, and like the nominative plural
ge- lation to other words. These changes are made, like
as '
righ' m. a king, g. p. ' righ' or ' righre.'

nitive plural of feminine polysyllables is like the no- those on nouns, partly on the beginning, and partly
minative plural only ; as amhainn' f. a river, g. p. ' on the termination and may be fitly denominated

aimhnichean.' ' Suil' f. the eye has its g. p.

' sùl'. by the same names. The changes on the beginning
are made by aspirating an initial consonant. The
Dative. The dative plural is formed from the no- numbers and cases, like those of nouns, are distin-
minative plural by changing the final vowel into ibh ; guished by changes on the termination. The gender
as ' cridhe' m. the heart, n. p. ' cridheacha', d. p. is marked partly by the initial form, partly by the
' cridheachai'Dh.' termination.
Adjectives whereof the characteristic vowel is

Vocative. The vocative plural is like the nomina- broad, follow, in most of their inflections, the form of
tive plural ; as ' duine' m. a man, n. p. ' daoine', v. nouns of the first declension and may be termed

p. ' dhaoine.' Adjectives of the first declension. Those adjectives

whereof the characteristic vowel is small, may be
Final a or e in all the singular cases of polysyllables called Adjectives of the second declension.


1. Comp.

Onliiud \umbers. The Pronoun «ibh' yuu, of tlie plural nuniber it

1 All iiiid riu-iir, ihr first man ; a' cheuil used ulniosl universally in uddreoiiiiip a siii^ile |>erMin
I'lilacli, tlie first ihmr. uf superior ritiiL, or of greater a^^e hIuIc lliu' thou, of ;

An ilura f'ojtr.
the hin^-ular number i« um-U in uddrei>»iiig an iiitenur
or an e(|ual. Hut the degree of scniorily or uf kupc-
S All (reus iViir, iiii tritlieunili tcur.
riority, vthieh 1« unden>tuod to entitle a |M.-r6(>ii to
4 An i-eutlininih lour.
this token of respicl, varies in ditf'erent parts ot' the
5 An cùi^i'iinili ti'Ur.
6 sèutlmilh I'eur.
Highlands. The Supreme Being i« alwayi> uddre»M.-d
7 si'iii'lidanih tear.
by the pronoun tu', or, lliu', thiju, of the bingulur

8 An t-ui'lulaiuh Ic-ar.
9 An naolliainh.
10 An diithcanili Tear.
Tlie Possesive Pronouns corres|Kiiid to the Person-

1 An t-aon I'licar ilcug.

al Pronouns ; and, like them, may be i allid tliiMr of
the 1st, 2d, and 3d persons
singular, and Ist, 2d,
12 An duni tear dcug.
and 3d persons plurid. They have an emphatic
20 Am licheadainli fear.
Form, which is made by connecting the syllable ta
21 An t-aon flicar lidioad.
with the possessive pronoun of the 1st, 2d, and 3d
22 An dara tVar ficlu'ail.
persons singular, and 2d person plural ne with tliat
31 An t-aon flicar deuj; tliar fliitlicad.

of the 1st person plural, and sitn with that of 3d per-

40 An da riiiclicadanili I'tar.
son plural. These syllables are placed immediately
60 An tri liclieudainli tear.
after the nouns to which the possessive pronouns are
100 .\n ceudauili tear.
prefixed, and connected by a hyphen.
101 An t-aon t'liear tliar clieud.
200 Am ticheadanili tear tliar clieud.
These Pronouns are as follows
200 An da clieudanih tear.

1000 Am inlleamh tear, &c. Simple. Emp/uitic.

The following numeriU Nouns are applied only to Singular.

persons. 1 . Mo, my, mo mhac-sa.
Do, thy, do mhac-sa.
2. T>\\\\ii, ttco persons. 7. .Seachdnar.
y \, his, a mhac-sa, or, san.
3. Triùir. 8. Ochdnar.
4. Ceatlirar. 9. Naoinear.
1 A, her, a mac-sa, or, san.

5. Cùigncar. 10. Deichnar.

6. Sèathnar.
1. Ar, our, ar mac-ne.
2. Bhur, 'ur, your, bhur mac-sa.
3. An, am, tJieir, an, am-sa, san.
If the noun be followed by an adjective, the em-
The Pronouns are, for themost part, words used phatic syllabic is aftixed to the adjective ; as '
instead of nouns. They ma}' be arranged under the Ìàmh gheal-sa' thy white hand.
following divisions : Personal, Possessive, Relative, The possessive pronouns, mo, do", when followed '

Demonstrative, Interrogative, Indetinite, Compound. by a vowel, commonly lose the o, whose absence is
The Personal Pronouns are those of the 1st, 2d, marked by an apostrophe; as m' ainm' my name '

' d' athair' thy father. ' Do', thus abbreviated is fre-
and 3d persons. They have a Singular and a Plural
Number, a Simple and an Emphatic Form. They are quently changed into, t'. The same pronouns when
preceded by the preposition ' ann' in, suffer a trans-
declined thus
position of their letters, and are written ' am, ad', one
broad vowel being substituted for another as ann ;

Simple Form. Emphat. F. ad chridhe' 'ann am aire' in my thoughts.

in thy heart,
1. Mi, mhi, I, me, Mise, mhise. The possessive pronoun a' Am, is often suppressed '

., f Tu, thu, thou, \ n^ ,,

altogether after a vowel as na sanntaich bean do

2. s -ri .1 \ Tusa, thusa. choimhearsnaich, no oglach,no bhanoglach, no dliamh,

Ihu, thee, j
E, se, he, no asal' covet not thy nciyhbours wife, or his man-
E, him, i
servant, or his maid-servant, &.Q. thus omitted, When
I, si, she, its absence is marked by an apostrophe before the
I, her, I initial letter of the following noun, ' no 'òglach, no
' bhanoglach'.
The word corresponding to the English
' fein'
Simple Form. EmpluU F. words self, subjoined occasionally both to the
own, is

1. Sinn, tee, us, Sinne. personal and possessive pronouns thus mi fein' ;

2. Sibh, ye, you, Sibhse. myself, ' mise fein' I myself ' thu fein' thyself, ' thusa,

f lad, siad, they, \ . , fein' tJtou thyself, or tJiy own self ; ' rao shiuagh ftin"
my own people.

Tlie other Pronouns are as follows Plur. Plur. Plur.

1. Tha sinn, Bha sinn, Bithidh sinn,
Relative. Demonstrative. Interrogative. 2. Tha sibh, Bha sibh, Bithidh sibh,
N. A, who, which, tJiat. So, this, tiiese. Co? who ? 3. Tha iad. Bha iad. Bithidh siad.
G.&D. An. Sin, that,those. Cia? which ?
Nach, who not, Sud, ud, yon. Ciod, creud, Negative or Interrogative Mood.
which not. wluit ?

Na, that which, Present. Preterite.


Indefinite. Compound.
Bigin,so»J«. E so, this one, m. E sud, yon om, m.

5?*? f I whoever. I so, this one, f. I sud, yon one, f.

Eile, other. lad so, these. lad sud, yon, pi.

^^'^y\ ea4:h,every.'E sin, thatone,m. Càch eile, </«e rest.

Cà.c\\,ot/iers,therest.ladsia, those, Cach a cheile,

Cuid, so7ne. each other.


The Verb in Gaelic, as in other languages, is de-
clined by Voices, Moods, Tenses, Numbers, and Per-
The Voices are two ; Active and Passive.
The Moods are five; the Affirmative or Indica-
tive, the Negative or Interrogative, the Subjunctive,
the Imperative, and the Infinitive. Many, but not
all Transitive Verbs have a Passive Participle.
The Tenses are three ; the Present, the Preterite,
and the Future.
The Numbers are two ; Singular and Plural,
Tlie Persons are three ; First, Second, and Third.
The distinction of number and person take place
only in a few tenses.
The inflections of Verbs, like those of nouns, are
made by changes at the beginning, and on the ter-
The changes on the termination are made accord-
itjf to onemodel, and by the same rules. But for
the sake of stating some diversity in the initial
chano-es, it may be convenient to arrange the verbs
in two conjugations : whereof the first comprehends
those verbs which begin with a consonant the se- ;

cond, those verbs which begin with a vowel. Verbs

beo'inning with/, followed by a vowel are ranged un-
der the second conjugation, along with verbs begin-
ning with a vowel.
The verb ' Bi' be, which is used as an auxiliary to
other verbs, is declined as follows :

Bi, be.

Affirmative or hidicative Mood.

Present. Preterite. Future.

Sing. Si7ig. Sing.

1. Tha mi, lam, Bha mi, I was, Bithidh mi, Iwillbe,
2. Tha thu, Bha thu, Bithidh tu,
3. Tha e ;
Bha e Bithidh se
; ;

Preteriie. ifever u*«hI. They are here given complete, bccau»e

ihi-ycorrespond to the auulugy of other verbb and ;

SÌHffuùlr. show how accurately the various modidcAtiou» of

'1 liliu mi air billi, J /uul been, \c. time may be eitpre»i>fd by the tubslaiitive verb it«elf.

Future. Example of a \crb of the in C'ouju(piùoii. ' Buail'

to strike.
J Bitludli lui air bid), I iiudl /uitt been, &<.-. ACTIVL VOICE.
Neffotit-e Mood. SIMPLE TENSES.

Si/iffiihir. Affirmative or Indicative Mood.

( nhcil mi air bitli, / /tare not been.

'"'_ - 2 Uobli mi air bitli, / /uui not beeu. Preterite.

(^;> 15i mi air bitli, I shall not havt been.
Subjunctive Mood. 1 Do bhuail mi, / strttck.

Bhuaii mi
Preterite or Pluperfect. 2 Bhuail thu,
3 Bhuail e
1 Bhithinn air bith, / should have been, &f. Plural.
1Bhuail sinn,
Future. 2 Bhuail sibh,
3 Bhuail iad.
3 Ma bhitlicas mi air bith, If I shall Itave been,&c,
Tlie present affirmative now for most part
• ta' is
written tha'. This is
' one of many instances where
1 Buailidh mi, / vcill strike.
there appears a propensity in those wlio speak the
Gaelic, to attenuate its articulations by aspiration. Ì Buailidh tu,
Another corrupt way of wTÌting ' ta' « hith has be- 3 Bualidh se

come common, This has probably taken

is ' ata'.
its rise from uniting the relative to the verb ; as an '

1 Buailidh sinn,
uair ata mi' ; instead of ' an uair a ta', &c. ' mar
2 Buailidh sibh,
a la', &c. Or perhaps it may have proceeded from
3 Buailidh siad, or, iad.
a too compliant regard to a provincial pronuncia-
Xegative or Interrogative Mood.
The preterite negative ' robli" appears to be made
up of the verbal particle ro', the same with ' do', '
and bha', tlirowing away the last vowel ;
' ro bha, '

robh'. Singular.
The verb and pronoun of the 1st person singular, '
1 Do bhuail mi, / struck not,
and 3d person plural, are frequently incorporated in- Ì Do bhuail thu,
to one word, and wTÌtten taim', / am, taid' t/iey ' ' 3 Do bhuail e ;
The present negative loses the initial bh after the Plural.
particles mur' if not, 'nach' that not ; n
' cha' not, ' 1 Do bhuail sinn,
is inserted, euphonite causa, betwixt the partifle cha' '
2 Do hhuail sibh,
and the verb as ' cha "n 'eil, mur 'eil, nach 'ell'.
; :> Do bhuail iad.
This Tense is often pronounced beil' after the par- '
ticle ' am' as ' am beil e' ? is it ?
; nach - Future.
Initial b of the future negative is aspirated after mur,
the particle cha' not; as ' clia bhi'.
&-C. Singular.
Initial bh of the preterite subjunctive, loses the as- 1 Buail mi, I will not strike.
piration after the particles ' ni' not, ' mur' if not, 2 Buail thu,
' nach' that not, ' gu' that, '
nam' if; as ' mur bith- 3 Buail e
inn, nam bitheadli tu'.
The subjunctive and imperative often suffer a con- Plural.
traction, by changing it/iea into io ; as '
biom, bios, 1 Buail sinn,
biodh' &c. 2 Buail sibh,
Some of the compound tenses of ' Bi' are rarely. 3 Buail iad.

Subjunctive Mood. Future.

1. Comp.
Bithidh mi ag bualadh, Itoill be striking, &c.
1 Bhuailinn, / would strike, Present.
2 Bliuaileadh tu,
3 Hluiaileadh e ; 2. Comp.
Tlia mi air bualadli, / have struck, &c.
1 Bliuaileamaid, Preterite.
Bhuaileadh sinn,
2 Bhuaileadh sibh, 2. Comp.
3 Bhuaileadh iad. Bha mi air bualadli, / had struck, &c.

Future. Future.

Singular. 2. Cotnp.
1 Ma bhuaileas mi, Jf I shall strike,
Bithidli mi air bualadh, I tdll Jiave struck, &c.
2 Bhuaileas tu,
3 Bhuaileas e ;
Negative Mood.
1 Bhuaileas sinn, Present.
2 Bhuileas sibh,
1 . Comp.
3 Bhuaileas iad.
Bheil mi ag bualadh, / am not striking, &c.

Imperative Mood.

1. Comp.
1 Buaileam, let me strike,
Robh mi ag bualadh, / was not striking, &c.
2 Buail,
3 Buaileadli e
1 Buaileamaid,
1. Comp.
2 Buailibh, Bi mi ag bualadh, I ivill not he striking, &c.

3 Buaileadh iad.
cha Present.
Infinitive Mood. 2 Comp.
&c. Bheil mi air bualadh, / have not struck, &c.
Bualadh, striking,
Ag bualadh, a-striking, striking. Preterite.
Air bualadh, struck,
Do bhualadh, 1 ^^^.^ ^^ 2 Comp.
A bhualadli, j
Robh mi air bualadh, / had not struck, &c.
Ri bualadh, at striking,
fce bualadh, ^cith striking,
O bhualadh, /roOT striking, &c.

2 Comp.
Bi mi air bualadh, / will iwt have struck, &c.

Affirmative Mood.
Subjunctive Mood.
1. Comp.
Tha mi ag bualadh, / am striking, &c. 1 Comp.

Bhithinn ag bualadh, / would be striking, &c.

] Comp.
2 Cotnp.
Bha mi ag bualadh, / was striking. Sec. Bhithinn air bualadh, / would have struck, &c.

Future. Xefjative Mood.

1. C'omp. Preterite.
Ma bhithcas mi ag bualadli, If I sltaUbestrikimj, &c.
1 Do lihuailt-adli mi, / uxis tiot stnuk,
2. Comp.
2 Do bhuailiadh tliu,
Ma bhitheas mi air bualadli, //'/ duiU have struck, &i\ 3 Do bhuuilcadli e ;

Imperatit-e Mood. 1 Do bhuaileadh sinn,
2 Do bhuaileadh sibh,
1. Comp.
3 Do bhuaileadli iad.
Bitlieani ag bualadh, Let me be strikitig, &i-.
2. Cmnp. niur,
Bitlieain air bualadli, Let me /uite struck, \c. Singular.
1 Buaikar mi, / sludl not be ttruch,
2 Buailear thu,
Iiifinitive Mood. 3 Buailear e

1. Comp. Plural.
Do ag bualadli, To he striking, &c.
bliith 1 Buailear siiui,

Air bith ag bualadli, Been striking, &c. 2 Buailear sibh,

3 Buailear iad.

2. Comp.
Subjunctive Mood.
Do bhith air bualadli. To have been striking, &c.


PASSIVE VOICE. 1 Bhuailteadh mi, / uould be struck,
2 Bhuailteadh thu,
Affirmative Mood. 3 Bhuailteadh e ;


1 Bhuailteadh sinn,

2 Bhuailteadh sibh,
3 Bhuailteadh iad.
1 Do bhuaileadli mi, / was struck. Future.
Bhuaileadh mi
2 Bhuaileadh thu,
3 Bhuaileadh e ;
I Ma bhuailcar mi. If I sltall be struck,
2 Bhuailear thu,
3 Bhuailear e
1 Bhuaileadh sinn,
2 Bhuaileadh sibh,
1 Bhuailear sinn,
3 Bhuaileadh iad.
2 Bhuailear sibh,
3 Bhuailear iad.
Imperative Mood.
1 Buailear mi, / shall be struck.
1 Buailtear mi. Let me be struck,
2 Buailear thu,
2 Buailtear thu,
3 Buailear e ;
3 Buailtear e

Plural. Plural.
1 Buailear sinn, 1 Buailtear sinn,
2 Buailear sibh, 2 Buailtear sibh,
3 Buailear iad. 3 Buailtear iad.
Vol. I.

Participle. Negative Mood.

Buailte, Struck. Present.

1. Comp.
COMPOUND TENSES. Ni bhcil mi buailte, / am not struck, &c.

Affirmative Mood. Preterite.

Present. 1. Comp.
Ni robh mi buailte, / was not struck, &c.
1. Comp.
Tlia mi buailte, / am struck, &c. Future.

1. Comp.
Ni bi mi buailte, / s/uzll not be struck, &-c.
Blia mi buailte, I was struck, &c.
2. Comp.
Future. Ni bheil mi air mo bhualadh, I/iave nat been struck, &c.

1. Comp. Preterite.
Bithidh mi buailte, / shall be struck, &c.
2. Comp.

Ni robh mi air mo bhualadh, / had not been struck, &c.

2. Comp. Future.

Singular. 2. Comp.
1 Tha mi air mo bhualadh, / have been struck. Ni bi mi air mo bhualadh, / sImU not have been struck,
2 Tha thu air do bhualadh, &c.
3 Tlia se air a bhualadh ;
Subjunctive Mood.

Plural. Preterite.
1 Tha sinn air ar bualadh,
1. Comp.
2 Tha sibh air ur bualadh,
3 Tha siad air am bualadh.
Bhithinn buailte, / woidd be struck, &c.

2. Comp.
Bhithinn air mo bhualadh, I would have been struck, &c.
2. Comp.
1 Bha mi air mo bhualadh, / had been struck, 1. Comp.
2 Bha thu air do bhualadh, Ma bhitheas mi buailte. If I shall be struck, &c.
3 Bha se air a bhualadh
2. Comp.
Pbiral. Ma bhitheas mi air mo bhualadh, IflshaU have been
1 Bha sinn air ar bualadh, struck, &c.
2 Bha sibh air 'ur bualadh,
3 Bha siad air am bualadh. Imperative Mood.

1. Comp.
Future. Let me be struck, &c.
Bitheam buailte.

2. Comp. 2. Comp.
Singular. Bitheam air mo bhualadh. Let me have been struck, &c.
1 Bithidh mi air mo bhualadh, / shall have been struck.
2 Bithidh tu air do bhualadh, Infinitive 3Iood.
3 Bithidh se air a bhualadh ;
1. Comp.
Plural. Do bhith buailte. To be struck, &c.
1 Bithidh sinn air ar bualadh,
Bithidh sibh air 'ur bualadh, 2. Comp.
3 Bithidh siad air am bualadh, Do bhith air mo bhualadh, To have been struck, &c.

EXAMPLES OF VEHBS OF THE SECOKD CONJUGATION. (Uid tu the I'ut. Subj. exu-pting only the Subjunctive
'I'l-nses alter ni, niur, naili, (;u, an, am.' In titit
ònluich, to appoiiU. (.'onjugutioii, ' do' alwuyti lust-» thi- u tu uvuid a hut-
tut : and the d in usiiirated iu iliv Attirui. and Sub-
ACTIVE VOICE. junct. Moudtt.


Preterite. Tutun'. OflJie TermiiuUioH,

Affinnat. Dh orduiih, ÒriluichiUli.

In all regular Verbs, the Terminations adjected to
Negat. D'òrdiiiili, Òrtluicli.
the Hoot are, strictly speaking, the aunt: lu Verb*
Subjuiut. Dli òrduicliinn, Dli'òriluiclicas.
characterized by a broad vowel, and in Verb» clia-
Iinperat. Òrduicheani. IiiJìhU. Orducliadli.
racterized by u small vowel. Hut wlare the first
vowel of the Termination does not currc«pund in
quality to the last vowel of the Root, it lm« become
tlie constant practice to insert in Llie Termination a
prdiiifhear. vowel of the requisite quality, in order to produce
Affirmat. Diròrduicheadli,
Aet/at. D'òrduiclieadli, Orduichcar. this correspondence. Thus a variety has been intro-
Suò/u)ict. Dh'òrduichteadli, Dli'ùrduichear. duced into the Tenninations even of regular N'erbs,
prejudicial to tlie unil'ormity of inflection, and of nu
Imperat. Orduichtlicar. Particijj. Orduichtc.
use to ascertain either the sense or the pronunciation.
In the foregoing examples of regular \'irb<, the com-
Folaicli, to hide. mon mode of Orthography has been lollowed but in ;

the following rules, the simple terminations only are

ACTIVE VOICE. specified.

Preterite. Future.
Affirmat. Dh'tliolaich,
Aegat. Dli'tliolaich,
Active Voice. — Simple Tenses.
Subjunct. DliTliolaicliimi, Dh'fholaicheas. The Tlieme or Root of the ^'erb is ahvays found
Imperat. Fulaichcatu. Iiifinit. Folachadh. in thesecond Person singular of the Imperative.
Preterite Affirm, and Negat. is like the Root,
and has no distinction of Number or Person. In
PASSIVE VOICE. most of the editions of the Gaelic Psalms, some in-
flections of the Preterite have been admitted, with
Affirmat. Dh'fholaicheadh, Folaichear.
good effect, from the Irish Verb such as, bhuaileas' '

Negat, D'tliolaicheadli, Folaichear.

/ struck, bhuahs' thou didst strike, bhuaileamar'
' '

Subjunct. Dli'tliolaichteadh,
Imperat. Folaichtear.
Particip. Folaichte.
ice struck, ' bhualleadar' they struck. — The Pret. Subj.
is formed by adding to the Root inn for the first pers.
The Compound tenses ma)' be easily learned from sing, and adh for the other persons. The first pers.
plur. also terminates in amaid.
those of the ^'erb ' Buail' in the first Conjugation,
being formed exactly in the same manner. The Future Aflirm. adds idh to the Root in the ;

Negat. it is like the Root and in the Subjunct. it ;

adds as. A poetic Future Tense terminating in ann

FORMATION OF THE TENSES. or onn, is frequent in the Gaelic Psalms as gair- ; '

ionn' will call, seasfann' will stand,

' do bheirionn' •

Of the Initial Form. «•(// ffive, &c. The Future has no distinction of
Number or Person.
An initial consonant is aspirated in the Preterite In the Imperative Mood, the second pers. sing, is
Tense, through all the Moods and Voices except in ; the Root of the Verb. The other Persons are dis-
the Preterite Subjunctive after the Particles iii, ' tinguished by these terminations 1st pers. sing, am, ;

mur, nach, gu, an, am.' An Initial consonant is oc- 3d pers. sing, adh, 1st pers. plur. amaid, '2d pers. plur.
casionally aspirated in the Future Tense, and in the ibh, 3d pers. plur. adh.
Infinitive and Participle, indicating their connection The terminations pecuhar to the 1st pers. sing, and
with the preceding word. plur. of the Pret. Subj. and of the Imperat. supply
In the first Conjugation, do' is prefixed to the
' the place of the Personal Pronouns ; as does also the
Pret. Aft', and Ncg. Active and Passive. However, Termination of the 2d pers. plur. of the Imperative.
it often is, and always may be, omitted before the The Injinitire is variously formed.
Pret. Aff. It is sometimes omitted in the Pret. Neg. General Rule. The Infinitive is formed by adding
in verse, and in common conversation In the se- adh to the Root ; as ' aom' Ixhc, incline, lufin. ' aom-
cond Conjugation, the same Particle '
do' prefixed
is adh'; ' ith' eat, Infin. ' itheadli.'
to the Preterite through all the Moods and Voices, 1. Some verbs suffer a syncope in the penult syl-
c 2

'able, and are coramolny used in their contracted Infin.

form : as Leighis, cure, Leigheas.
liifinit. Sguir, cease, Sgur.
Caomhain, spare, Caomhnadh. Siubhail, travel, Siubhal.
Coisinn, icin, Coisneadh, Cosnadh. Tachrais, wind, Tachras.
Yyiohvav, forsake, Diobradli. Tionndaidli, turn. Tionndadh.
Fogair, banish, Fògradh. To 'nm'is^, forbid, Toirmeasg.
Foghainn, suffice, Foghnadh. Tionail, gather, Tional.
Fosgail, open, Fosgladh. Tionnsgail, contrive. Tionnsgal.
Innis, tell, Innseadh.
5. The following Verbs in air add t to the Root
lobair, sacrifice, lobradli.
IVIosgail, Mosgladh.
Agair, claim, Agairt.
Seachain, avoid, Seachnadh.
Bagair, threaten, Bagairt.
Tionnsgain, begin, Tionnsgnadli.
Casgair, slaughter, Casgairt.
Togair, desire, Togradh.
Freagair, answer, Freagairt.
Observe, that Verbs which thus suffer a syncope lomair, use, lomairt
in forming the Infinitive, suffer a like syncope in the
Labhair, speak, Labhairt.
Preterite Subjunctive, and in the Imperative Mood;
Lomair, shear, Lomairt.
as innis', tell, Infin. ' innseadh,' Pret. Subj. ' inn-
Saltair, trample, Saltairt.
sinn, innseadh, innsearaaid,' Imperat. ' innseam, inn- Tabhairt.
Tabhair, give,
seamaid, innsibh'. Tachair, meet. Tachairt.

2. A considerable number of Verbs have their In- 6. These Monosyllables add sinn to the Root.
finitive like the Root, as Beir, bear, Beirsinn.
Caoidh, lament. Ol, drink. Creid, believe, Creidsinn.
Dearniad, neglect. Ruith, run. Faic, see, Faicsinn.
Fas, grow. Snàmh, sioim. Goir, crmo, Goirsinn.
Gairm, call. Sniorah, twine. Mair, continue, Mairsinn.
Meas, estimate. Saoil, think, Saoilsinn.
Tveig, forsake, Treigsinn.
3. Polysyllables in ch, whose characteristic Vowel
Tuig, understand, Tuigsinn.
is small, either throw it away, or convert it into a
Ruig, reach. Ruigsinn, or Ruigheachd.
broad Vowel, and add adh ; as
Infin. 7. These Monosyllables add tuinn or tinn to the Root.
Ceannaich, buy, Ceannachadh. Bean, touch, Beantuinn.
Smuainich, think, Smuaineachadh. Buin, take away. Buntuinn.
Can, say, sing. Cantuinn.
Most Monosyllables in sg, and a few others, fol-
Cinn, grow, Cinntinn.
low the same Rule as. ;
Cluinn, hear. Cluinntinn.
Fan, stay, Fantuinn.
Coisg, check, Cosgadh.
Gm, produce. Gintinn, or Gineamhuinn.
Fàisg, wring,
Lean, follow. Leantuinn,or Leanmhuinn.
Loisg, bum, Losgadh.
Meal etijoy. Mealtuinn.
Luaisg, rock, Luasgadh.
Pill, return, Pilltinn.
Naisg, bind, Nasgadh.
Seall, look, Sealltuinn.
Paisg, wrap, Pasgadh.
Blais, taste, Blasadh. 8. The following Monosyllables add ail to the Root.
Buail, strike, Bualadh. Cum, hold, Cumail.
Gabh, take. Gabhail.
4. Many
Verbs, whose characteristic Vowel is Fag, leave, Fàgail.
small, throw it away, or convert it into a
either Leag, cast doion. Leagail.
broad Vowel, without adding adh ; as, Tog, raise, Togail.
Infin. Tuig, understand. Tuigeil, or Tuigsinn.
Amhairc, look, Amharc.
9. These Monosyllables add amh to the Root.
Amais, hit, Amas.
Caith, spend, Caitheamh.
Caill, lose, Call.
Dean, to make, Dèanamh.
Ceangail, bind, Ceangal.
Feith, ioait, Feitheamh.
Cuir, put, Cur.
Seas, stand, Seasamh.
Coimhid, keep, Coimhead.
Fulaing, suffer, Fulang. 10. The following verbs form the Infinitive irregu-
Fuirich, stay, Fuireach. larly.
Guil, weep, Gul. Beuc, roar, Beucaich.
lomain, drive, loman. Blair, bellow, Bùirich.

Iiijin. up of the simple Tenses of Bi" and llie Infinitive '

Gi'um, low, Geumiiaii'li. preceded by the Prepooitiou air,' and llu- Pus»e!>sive *

(ihuulli, rry, (ilaoilliaic'h. Prunuuii curres|H>nding iu Person to the Pronoun,

CaibJ, listtii, Caisiliacliil. or to the Noun, which is the Komiiiative to tlie verb.
Eisd, listen, lusdi-ailul.
Marcaich, ride, Marc-aclid. L'SE A.SD IMPOHT OF THE MOODS AND TENSES.
Thig, come, Teaclid, tigliiiin.

Faigh, _/>«</, Fa^liail, fautainn. The Affirmative or Imtieutive Mood expreteeb af-
Eiric'h, rise, Kirigli. firmation, and is need in affirumiivi- prupusitions only ;

larr, rr</ueit, larraidli. as, ' do bhuail mi" / struck, '

bha lui a' bualadh' /
Taisf;, Itii/ up, Tasgaidli. utis striking.
Coidil, sleep, C'odal. The Xegatife or Interrogative Mood is used in
Fuaigli, seic, Fuagliul. negative propositions and interrogative clauses, after
Gluui$, iitoit, (iliiasad, gluasachd. the Particles ' ni" not, ' cha' not, nach' which
itot, Oiat
Tuit,/«//. Tuitt-aiii. not,not^ mur' if not ; also,
gu, gur' i/uit, an, am' ' '

Teirig, itrar out, Tfireacluluinn. whether used relatively or interrogatively; as, clia '

Teasairg, deliver. Teasairgiiii». d' fholaicli mi' 7 did nut liidi; mur buail sinn' if '

we shall not strike, nach robli iad' ttiut lltey were


Compound Tenses. not, gu robh iad' t/utt iheg were, am bu;ul mi ?'
' '

Tlie compound Tenses of order are made

tlie first
shall I strike />

It is used in the Future Tense after
' ged' although ; as, '
ged bhuail e mi', tfioiigh lie
up of the several simple Tenses of tlie auxiliary verb
strike me.
' Bi' be, and the Infinitive preceded by the Preposi-
tion ag' at.
' Between two Consonants, ag' com- ' The Subjunctive Mood is used in the Preterite,

monly loses the </, and is written a ; as, tha iad a' ' either with or without conjunctions; as, bhuailinn' '

dèanamh' they are doing. Between two \'owels, the / u-ould strike, ' nam, mur, nach, &c. buailinn' if,
a is dropped, and the g is retained as, ' ta mi 'g ;
unless, Sfc. I should strike. In the Future it is used
iarruidh' / am asking. When preceded by a Con- only after the conjunctions ' ma' if, ' o', o 'n, situx,
sonant, and tbllowed by a Vowel, the Preposition is and the Uelative ' a' expressed or understood ; as,
' ma bhuaileas mi'
written entire as, ta iad ag iarruidh' t/ifg are ask-
if I shall strike, am fear a bhuail- '

ing. Whenpreceded by a \'owel, and tbllowed by ' eas mi' the man tcJio will strike me, or the riuin iclmrn
a Consonant, it is often suppressed altogether ; as, I shall strike ; ' an uair a
bhuaileas mi' tra bhuail- '

ta mi dèanamh', I am doing. ' eas mi' the time [i'h] which J sfuill strike, i. c. when
The conij)oiind Tenses of' the second order are made I shall strike ; ' c'uin [cia ùinc] a bhuaileas mi'?
up of the simple Tenses of ' Bi' and the Infinitive irluit [(*•] tfie time [in'] which I stuiU strike? i.e.

preceded by the Preposition ' air', after. when shall I strike ?

The Imperative Mood expresses desire, whether

PASSIVE VOICE. purpose, command, or request as, buaileam' let ;

me strike, buailibh' strike ye.


Simple Tenses.
The Infinitive is, in all respects, a noun, denoting
The Preterite Affirm, and Negat. is formed from the action or energy of the verb, and commonly pre-
the same Tense in the Active, by adding adft. The ceded by a Preposition which marks the time of the
Preter. Subj. adds feW/i. action as, ; ag bualadh' at striking.
am bualadh' '

The Future is formed from the Fut. Act. by t/ie striking, i/ie tJireshing. It assumes a regular geni-

changing the Terminations in the Affirm, and Subj. tive case, ' bualadh' g. s. ' bualaidh' ; as '
into ar, (more properly far, as of old ;) and adding ' bualaidli' a threshing Jhor. The Infinitive some- —
the same syllable in the Negative. times loses the termination, and is regularly declined
The Imperative is formed from the Imperat. Act. in its abridged form thus, cruinnieh' assemble, inf. ;

by adding to tlie second pers. sing, tar, t/iar, or ar. ' cruinneachadh' per. apocop. cruinneach' g. s. '

The Participle is formed by adding te to the Root. • cruinnieh'.

There is no distinction of Number or Person in The Mood
has been denominated in the

the Tenses of the Passive Voice. present work, the present participle, from the consi-
Verbs which suffer a syncope in the Infinitive, suf- deration of its being regularly so used, preceded
fer a like syncope in the Pret. Aff. and Neg. through- by the Preposition ' ag' at, and preceded by air' '

out the Future Tense, and in the Imperative. after, regularly corresponding with the past partici-
ple, as used in the English and Latin languages as, ;

Compound Tense. ag bualadh' at striking, or striking ; air bualadli' '

after striking, or struck.

The compound Tenses of tlie first order are made Many words expressing state or action, take the
up of the simple Tenses of the auxiliary Bi', and ' Preposition ag before them, and may be considered
the Passive Participle. as present participle V'erbs, whereof the other pans are
The compound Tenses of the second order are made not in use ; as, ag atharrais' mimicking, ' ag gàir- '

eaclidaich' laughing, '
a' fanoid, a' magadh' 7nock- from this form of expression, that striking is tlie ac-
tion of different from the person struck.
some agent
ing, Jeering.
The Participle passive is an adjective, denoting It is equivalent to / Itave been struck, Je viens d etre
the completion of the action or energy expressed by frapiìè.
the verb as, arbhar buailte' threshed corn.

The Simple Tenses which belong to all verbs arc A set of Compound Tenses, of a structure similar
the Preterite or Future besides which the verb
; Bi' ' to these last, having the preposition ' ag', in place
to be, and the defective verb ' Is' I am, have a Pre- of ' air', is sometimes used, and in a passive sense,
sent Tense. denoting that the action is goiitg on at the time mark-
Tlic Present expresses present existence, state, or ed by the auxiliary ; as, ' tha "n tigh 'g a thogail'
energy. the house is at its building, i. e. a building; 'sea
' bliadhna agus da fhichead bha 'n teampuU
The Preterite Affirmative and Negative expresses so 'g a
past time indefinitely. The Preterite Subjunctive cor- ' thogail'
Jorty and six years was this temple in build-
responds to the English Tenses formed by the auxili- ing. Bha an crodh
' 'g an leigeadli' t/te cows were a
aries, trould, could, &c. In general it denotes that milking. So in English, the book is a-printing ; the
the action or energy of the verb takes place eventu- deed's a-doing now.'
ally or conditionally. The Pret. Aft', or Neg. is used
sometimes in this sense, like the English, when the IRREGULAR VERBS OF THE FIRST CONJUGATION.
Pret. Subj. occurred in the preceding clause of a sen-
nam biodh tus" an so, cha d' f huair mo Beir, bear.
tence ; as, '

bhràthair bàs' if thou hadst been here, my brother Active Voice.
had not \jvoidd not have^ died.
Preterite. Future.
The Future marks future time indefinitely. This
Tense is used in a peculiar sense in Gaelic, to signi- Affirm. Do fug,
fy that an action or event takes place uniformly, ha- Negat. D' fug,
bitually, according to ordinary practice, or the course Subjunct. Bheirinn,
of nature. Thus ' blessed is he that considereth the
; Imperat. Beiream.
poor' expressed according to the Gaelic idiom,
would be, ' blessed is he that trill consider &c. ' , A
wise son maketh a glad father,' in Gaelic would run,
a wise son u-ill make', &c. Your patient, I am '

' told, is in a bad way he neither enjoys rest, nor


takes medicine. Nay, his situation is worse than you
know of; yesterday, he became delirious, and is
now almost unmanageable he tosses his arms, and ;

endeavours to beat every one within his reach.' In
« Gaelic, will enjoy —
^l:ill take will toss will endea- — —
' vour.'
The Compound Tetises mark different modifications
of time, which will be easily understood by analys-
ing their component parts.
In the Active i^oiee, the compound tenses of the
first order denote that the action is going on, but

not completed at the time specified by the auxiliary

verb, or its adjuncts ; as, ta mi ag bualadh' / am '

at striking, i. e. / am striking ; ' bha mi ag bualadh

an de' / was striking yesterday.
Those of the second order denote that the action
is newly completed and past, at the time marked by
the auxiliary verb tha mi air bualadh' / am after

striking, i. e. I have stnwk, Jeviens de frapper ; 13ha '

mi air bnaladh' / icas after striking, i. e. / had
In the Passive Voice, the compound tenses of the
firstorder denote that the action is finished at the
time marked by the auxiliary verb ' tha mi buailte', ;

I am struck.
Those of the second order denote that the action
is newly finished at the time marked by the auxiliary ;

tha mi air mo bhualadh' / am after my striking, or
/ am after the striki?ig of me ; which has always a
passive signification ; that is, it is always understood,
fART 11.

through all the persons of the Pret. Aff. and Neg. It is remarkable, that in the Pres. Neg. the Verb

as thcab iad bhith caillte' they hatl nearly perislied.

' disappears altogether, and the Preceding Particle,
' ni, cha,
nach, gur', &c. and the subsequent Pronoun,
Is mi' / am, used in the Pres. and Fret. Tenses, or Noun, are always understood to convey a proposi-
wliich are declined as follows. tion, or a question, as unequivocally as though a Verb
had been expressed ; as ' cha tu' tfiou art not, ' nach
e ?' he not? is it not lie?
is am mise e?' is it /? '

Affirmative Mood. '

cha luchd-brathaidh sinn', ice are not spies. ' Am
Present. Preterite. mo thusa na Abraham ?' Art thou greater t/ian Abra-
ham ? gur coir ùruuigh a dheanamh' that
' it is pro-
per to pray.
1 Is mi, / am, it is I. Bu mlii, / was, it was I.

2 Is tu, Bu tu,


Plur. Anytransitive Verb may be so combined with a

Pronoun, either Personal or Possessive, that it shall
1 Is sinn, Bu sinn,
denote the agent to be also the object of the action.
2 Issibh, Bu sibh,
This may be called the reciprocating state of the Verb.
3 Is iad. B' iad.
It is decUned as follows :

Negative Mood.
Buail thu fein, strike thyself.

Sing. Si7ig.
Active Voice Simple Tenses.
1 mi, latn not, &c. Bu mhi, I was not, &c.
2 tu, Bu tu, Affirmative Mood.
3 e; B'e;
cha, Preterite.

Plur. Plur.
1 sinn, Bu sinn, Sing.
&c. Bu sibh,
2 sibh,
B' iad.
1 Do bhuail mi mi fein, Bhuail mi mi fein,
3 iad.
I struck myself.
2 Do bhuail thu thu fein,
Subjunctive Mood. 3 Do bhuail se e fein
Present. Plur.
1 Do bhuail sinn sinn fein,
Sing. 2 Do bhuail sibh sibh fein,
1 Ma 's mi. If I be, it be I. 3 Do bhuail siad iad fein.
2 's tu,

3 's e. Future.

1 Buailidh mi mi fein, I will strike myself.
1 s smn,
2 Buailidh tu thu fein,
2 's sibh,
3 Buailidh se e fein ;
3 's iad.

1 Buailidh sinn sinn fein ;
2 Buailidh sibh sibh fein,
3 Buailidh siad iad fein.
1 Nam bu mhi, If I uxre, it were I.

2 Bu tu,
3 B'e; Negative Mood.

Plur. Preterite.

1 Bu sinn, Sing.
2 Bu sibh, cha Do bhuail mi mi fein,
&c {
3 B' iad. / struck not myself.

The only form which this Verb admits

varieties of Future.
of, are the is' and
two syllables bu'. Each of these
' '

syllables commonly loses the vowel when it comes in
opposition with another vowel. 1 Bhuail mi mi fein, / shall not strike myself.
PABT II. or THE I'Anrs of speech.

Syb/tmetive Mood. Pretentf.

Preterite. 2. Comp.
Uha mi air mo, 4c. / hud struck mysttf.

1 Bhuailinn mi fèin, / tcouU strike mtfstlj.


Future. 2. Comp.
Bidh mi air mo, &c. / sluiU lune struck, Ai.
I Bhuaileas mi mi foiii, / sImU strike viyself.
Negative Mood.
Imperatife Mood.
1 . Comp.
Sing. Ni bheil mi 'g am. &c. J am mt staking ,ug»lf
1 nuaileani mi fèin, Let me strike myself.
2 Uuail tliu fein, Preterite.
3 Buaileadh se e fein.
1 . Comp.
Future. Ni robh mi g am, &c. / was not striking

1 Buaileamaid sinn fein,
'2 Buailibli sibh tein, 1. Comp.
3 Buaileadli siad lad fein. Ni bi mi 'g am bhualadh fein,
/ sliall not be striking myself.
Itffiiiitive Mood.
'g am bhualadh fein, striking myself. Present.
'g ad bhualadh fein, striking thyself.
2. Comp.
'g a bhualadh fein, striking himself.
Ni bheil mi air mo, &-c. J hare not
'g ar bualadli fein, striking ourselves. struck myself
'g 'ur bualadh fein, striking yourselves.
'g am bualadh fein, striking themselves. Preterite.
air nio bhualadh fein, after striking myself, &c.
gu mo bimaladh fein, to strike myself, &c. 2. Comp.
Ni robh mi air mo, &c. I had not struck myseJj.

Compound Tenses.

Affirmative Mood. 2. Comp.

Present. Ni bi mi air mo, &c. I shall not kave stnuk

1 Comp.
Sub/unclive Mood.
Tha mi 'g am bhualadh fein, lam striking myself.
1. Comp.
1 . Comp.
Bhithinn g am, &c. / would bt striking, &c.
Bha mi 'g am bhualadh fein, Iwai striking myself.
2. Comp.
Bhithinn air mo, &c. / wmld have struck, &c.
1. Comp.
Bithidh mi 'g am bhualadh fin, Future.
/ will be striking myself.
1 Comp.
Present. Ma bhitheas mi 'g am, If I shall be striking, &c.

2. Comp. 2. Comp.
Ta mi air mo, &c. / have struck myself.
' Ma bhitheas mi air mo, &c. Jf Ishall have struck, 4c.
Vol. I.

Imperative Mood. OF AUXILIARY VERBS.

1. Comp. It has been already shown how

bi' be, is used as '

an Auxiliary in the declension of all verbs. There

Bitheam 'g am bhualadh fein, Let me be striking myself. are two other verbs which are occasionally employed
in a similar capacity the one with an Active, the ;

other with a Passive effect. These are dean' do '

Infinitive Mood. or make, and ' rach' go.

The simple tenses of ' dean' combined with the
Do bhith 'g"am bhualadh fein, To be strihinff myself. Infinitive of any verb, correspond to the English
Air bith 'g am bhualadh fein, To have been sinking auxiliary do, did. It sometimes adds to the emphasis,
myself. but not to the sense. The following are examples of
this Auxiliary combined with the Infinitive of an

From the foregoing example it appears, that the Intransitive verb. ' Rinn
e seasamh' lie made stand-
Verb, in its reciprocating state, retains its original ing, i. e, he did stand ; ' dean suidhe' make sitting, i.

form throughout its several Moods, Tenses, and Per- e. sit down ; ' dheanainn gul agus caoidh' / would
sons. In the simple Tenses, the Personal Pronoun make weeping ami lamentation, i. e. / would weep and
immediately following the Verb is the Nominative to lament. The same arrangement takes place when the
the Verb. Tiie same Pronoun repeated is to be un- Auxihary is combined with the Infinitive of a Tran-
derstood as in the objective state. The word ' fein' sitive verb, accompanied by a possessive pronoun as ;

corresponding to the English self, accompanies the ' rinn

e mo bhualadh' he made my striking, i. e. Im
last Pronoun. made \_or caused'\ the striking of me, or he did strike
me ; cha dean mi do mholadh' / will not make your

praising, i. e. I will Twt praise you ; dean do gharadh' '

make your warming, dean do gharadh fein' make '


your own warming, i. e. xoarm yourself.
The Simple Tenses of rach', combined with the '

though they do not regularly

Intransitive Verbs, Infinitive of a transitive verb, correspond to the Pas-
admit of a Passive Voice, yet are used impersotmlly sive Voice of the verb as chaidh mo bhualadh' ;

in the 3d Pers. Sing, of the Passive Tenses. This

my striking went, i. e. came to pass, or happened, equi-
impersonal use of the Passive of intransitive Verbs is valent to, Iwas struck ; rachadh do mharbhadh' your '

founded on the same principle with the Latin Imper- killing would happen, i. e. you would be killed.
sonals coiicun-itur, pngnatum est, &c. which are equi-
valent to concuTsusfit, pugna facta est. So in Gaelic,
« / will move, 'gluaisfear leo' they
gluaisfear leam'
will move, ghuilfeadh leinn we did weep,
' fleb- '

atur a nobis'. ' Cha bhithear saor o pheacadh' there CHAP, V!.— OF ADVERBS.
wanteth not sin.
To the Class of Impersonals ought to be referred a The number of simple Adverbs in Gaelic is but
certain part of the Verb which has not yet been men- small. Adverbial phrases, made up of two or
tioned. It resembles in form the Put. Negat. Passive ; more words, are sufficiently numerous. Any adjec-
buailear, faicear, faighear', &c. In signification, it is tive may be converted into an adverbial expression,
Active, Present, and Affirmative. In the course of a by prefixing to it the preposition '
gu' to ; as ' firin-
narrative, when the speaker wishes to enliven his neach' true, ' gu flrinneach' {^corresponding'^ to \_what
style by representing the occurrences narrated as is'\ true, xara to aXtj^sc, i. e. truly.

present, and passing actually in view ; instead of the

Preterite Tenses, he adopts the Part of the Verb now Fa leth severally,
; individually.
described, employing it in an impersonal acceptation, Gle very.

without a Nominative to it expressed. One or two Gu beachd to observation, evidently, clearly.


examples will serve to exhibit the use and effect of Gu buileach to effect, thoroughly, wholly.
this anomalous Tense —
Shuidh an òg bhean air
' ;

Gu dearbh to conviction, truly, certainly.

sgeir, is a sùil air an lear. Chunnaic i long a' teachd Gu deimhin to assurance, assuredly, verily.

air barraibh nan tonn. Dh' aithnich i aogas a leann- Gu leir altogether.

ain, is chlisg a cridhe 'n a com. Gun mhoille gun Gu leòr to sufficiency, enough.

tàmh, buailear dh' fhios na tràighe agus faighear an

; Gun amharus ; %oithout doubt, doubtless.
laoch, 's a dhaoine m' a thirachioll'. In English thus : Gun chaird ; without rest, incessantly, without hesi-
The young woman sat on a rock, and her eye on
< tation.
the sea. She spied a ship coming on the tops of the Leth mar leth ; half and half,
waves. She perceived the likeness of her lover, and Le cheile with each other, together.

her heart bounded in her breast. Without delay or Maraon as oiie, together, in concert.

stop, she hastens to the shore and Jinds the hero,

; Mar an ceudna ; in like manner, likewise.
with his men around him. Mar sin ; a$ that, in that manner.

Mar so ; a; Oiit, tims. The Preposition ' ann'

often wriiten double
Mar sud ; as yon, in yon manner. ' aim an eolas' in kntnctal</e, ami an gliocas' in wtg-

Mu seach in rflurn, alliTiiately.

; tluiii. The liiial or ««
changed into tn belore a

Na, Nar; let not, used optativtly, or imperatively. luliiul, as •

ineasg' amotuj, aim am meadhun' in

Nach ; tiiat not, who not, not ? muUt. Before the Article or the Uelative, this Pre-
Ni ; not. position is written
alms', as anus an toi»each' in
' '

an cor anus am blieil e' tJte tvmlitiott

the bfifinnini/, '

i/i and in this situation, the letters unn

u'/iic/t Ite \s;
CHAP. VII.— OF I'HEPOSITIONS. are otUn dropped, and the « alone retained, a» b an '

toiseach' in the beyinniiuj.

The so called, are single
Prepositions, strictly
words, most of then» monosyllables, employed to The Preposition ' do', like iJie verbal particle, and
mark Relation is also expressed by combi-
relation. the Pos.sessive IVonoun of the same sound, loses llie
nations of words, which often correspond to simple o before a vowel, and the consonant is asjiirated,
prepositions in other languages. These combinations thus dh' Albainn' to SivtlunJ.
It is also jtreceded
are, not improperly, ranked among the prepositions. sometimes by the vowel a when it fullu»s a (uial
The following list contain, first, the I'rcpositions pro- consonant as dol a dh' Kirin' ;/oiiii/ tu Inland.

perly so called, which are all simple ; secondly, im- ' Do', as has been already observed, oHen loses the
proper Prepositions, winch. «Itli one or two excep- d altogether, and is written a ; as dol a Dhunèidin' '

tions, seem all to be made up of a simple Preposition goitig to Edinburgh.

and a Noun. The manner of combining these prepositions witli
nouns will be shewn in treating of Syntax. The
TROPER PREPOSITIONS. manner of combining them with the personal pro-
Aig, Ag, at. Mar, like to.
nouns must be explained in this plaoe, because in
that connection they appear in a form somewhat dif-
Air, on, or ajier. Mu, about.
Ann, i;i. O, \Ja,from. ferent from their radical form. Proper Preposition A
is joined to a Personal Pronoun, by incoqjorating
As, A, oui of. Os, above.
De, Ri, His, to.
both into one word commonly with some change on
Do, Koimh, the Preposition, or on the Pronoun, or on both.
to. before.
Eadar, between. Tar, Thar, over, across.
Fa, upon. Tre, i The following are the Prepositions which admit of
Fuidh, Fo, under. Troimh, > through. this kind of combination, incorporated with the seve-
Throimh, J r;\l Personal Pronouns.
Gu, Gus, to.
Gun, without, Seach, past, in comparison wil/i.
he, Leis, untfi, by.

Prep. Singular, Plural.

1st Petf. a/ Perf. MPerf. \st Perf. 2d Perf . 3d Perf.
m. aige,
agam, agad, at him againn, agaibh, aca,
at me. at t/iee. f., at us. at you. at them.
at Iter.

m. air.
f. oirrc.
Air; orm, oirbh,
m. ann.
Ann annam, annad, f
if. innte.
m. as.
As; asam, asad, I

(f. aisde.

f ni. dlicth.
De: dhiom dhiot,
(f. dh'i.
{dhomh, f m. dha,
Do; dhom, /
tf. dh'i,
Fo, Fuidh fodliam,
{m. fodlia,
f fuidhpe,
I'm. h-uige,
h-ugam, h-ugad, chuige,
Gu; j
chugam, chugad, f. h-uicc,

1_ chuice,

An, fprKative syllables «ignify wo/, or mon phrases are used as Conjunctions to con- M'liich

Di, «rviiig 10 cimnge the sigiiilicutioii nect eitlier words or sentences.

Ao, ta, fU, cas, i oi' tin- wonls to « liicli tlicy arc prc-
.\ch ; but.
Mi, lixi'il i"to its i-oiitrary as ' socair'
Agus, is ; and.
Neo, aii-sliin.air' ilintrrxs, wutni-
(^o(.«f, '
A gu because ihaL
thioiiu ;

ciontacli' ili-cliioiitaili' in-

m-is ;
' t/iiilti/, '
A gu in order that.
(.'hum as ;

nocent ; •
trcahli' lo iiilliiiite, •

A chum as nach iliat not. ;

UM uitcuUiviitnt place, u dtsarl ; '

Air chor as gu so that. ;

tight, cloit; ' uo-Jioiiaili" Util/i/ ; ' còir' jus-

.\ir eagal gu, i ,. ^. ,, ,

tice, '
eu-coir' injusti^t; ; ' slan' wluilc, in IV eagal t •'for '(ear that,' kn.
L) I
gu ;
health, '
ea-slaa' sick ; * caraiil' a friend, ' I'as-
Air son (;u, | , ,

caraiJ' an enemy ' buiillieaclias' yrati- - ^ hv reason that.

Uo bhngh gu
i-« 1 I I
; ) '
tutle, '
nii-blmidlioachas" inijrutitude ;
' claou'
Uheil fliius, 't I'hios ? 1« t/urre kiunvledge 'f is it known ?
awry, •
neo-ililaon' unòitissed, impartial
an expression of curiosity, or desire to know.
duine' a man, ' nco-dliuiiie" a wort/dess, Co, cho as. ;

unnatural crttUuie. Ged, giudh altliough. ;

An, Ain, inteusative, denoting an innnodcrate de- Ged tha, ge ta thotujh it be, notwithstanding. ;

gree, or faulty excess as, • tiglieanuis' do-

Gidheadh yet, nevertheless. ;

minion, ' ain-tigliearnas' tyranny ; troniaicli' '

Gu, gur that. ;

make heavy, an-tronuiicli' make very heavy, '

Gun fhios ; wiUioiU knowledge, it being uncertain
ayyravaie ; ' teas' heat, ain-teas' excessive '
whether or not, in case not.
heat ; niiann" desire, aiu-mhiaiin' inordi-
' '
lonnas gu insomuch that, so that. ;

nate desire, lust. Ma ; if.

Ais, Atli, again, back ; as, òirigli' i-isiny, ' ais-eir- '
Mar as, like ; as.
* igh' resurrection ' beaclid' rieto, ' atli-
Mar sud agus ; so also.
bhcachd' growtlt, ' atli-
retrospect; ' i'às'
Ma scadli, Ì .^ .^ ., .,
Ma ta ; j
'f"^' '-^ '' ^
*^' "'^"•
Bill), continually ; as, ' bith-dheanamh' doing conti- Mur ; if not.
nually, busy ; am bith-dheaiitas' incessantly. '
Mur bhiodh gu ; were it not that.
Co, Com, Comli, Con, togetlwr, eijualty, mutually ; as, Mus an, rau 'n before that, lest.
gleacadli' Jiyhtiny, co-ghleacadh' jiglUing '
Na ; than.
together; 'Wou Jill, ca-\\oi\'fulfil, accomplish; '
Nach ; tliat not.
ith" eat, ' coni-ith" eating to</cther ; ' radii'
Nan, nam ; if.
saying, comh-ràdli' conversation, .speech ;
No or.

trom' weight, 'co-throni equal weiglU, equity; O ; since, because.
aois' age,
' conih-aois" a cotemporary. '
Oir ; for.
Ini, about, round, entire ; as, ' Ian'
full, ' iom-lan' Os bàrr moreover.

quite complete ; ' gaotli' wind, ' iom-ghaoth' Sol, before that.
a whirlwind; ' slàinte' health, ' ioni-shlainte'
Tuilleadh eile ; further.
perfect health. Uime sin ; therefore.
In, or Ion, worthy ; as, ion-mholta' worthy to be '

praised ; ion-roghnuidh' worthy to be cliosen.


So, easily, gently ; as, ' faicsinn' seeing, ' so-fhaicsinn'

easily seen ; ' sgeul' a tale, ' soi-sgeul' a good
tale, gospel. CHAP. IX.— OF INTERJECTIONS.
Do, Impossible, or wit/i difficulty, evil ; as, ' tuigsinn
•understanding, ' do-tlmigsinn' ijnpossible, or, The
syllables or sounds, employed as expression»
difficidt to be understood ; ' beart' deed, ex- of various emotions or sensations, are numerous in
ploit, ' do-bheart' evil deed. Gaelic, but for the most part provincial, and arbi-
trary. Only one or two single vocables, and a few
phrases, require to be noticed under tliis division.

Och Ochan ! ! alas.

Ochan nan och ! alas Sf xoelladay !
Fire, faire ! what a pother

Mo thruaiglie my misery ! ) !
., •

Mo chreachadh my despoiling / j !

c » me .

Under this class of words, it is proper to enumer- Mo nàire try sliame, for shame fy ! ! !

ate not only those single Particles which are usually H-ugad, at you, take care of yourself, gardez-voia.
denominated Conjunctions ; but also the most com- Feuch behold lo ! ! !



Gaelic Syntax may be conveniently enough ex- Nouns beginning with a Labial or a Palatal.

plained under the common divisions of Concord and

Bard, mas. a Poet.
Sing. Plur.
N. am Bard, na Bàird,
CHAP. I.— OF CONCORD. G. a' Bhàird, nam Bard,
D. a' 'n Bhard. na Bàrdaibh.

Under Concord is to be considered the agreement

Noun ;— of an Adjective with Cluas, fem. an Ear.
of the Article with its

its Noun ; — of a Pronoun with Antecedent

its of a ; — Sing. Plur.
Verb with its Nominative ; — and of one Noun with N. a' Chluas, na Cluasan,
another. G. na Cluaise, nan Cluas,
D. a', or 'n Chluais. na Cluasalbh.

Nouns beginning with/.


Sing. Plur.
N. am Fleasgach, na Fleasgaich,
Article is always placed before its Noun, and G. an Fhleasgaich, nam Fleasgach,
next to it, unless when an Adjective intervenes.
D. an, 'n Fhleasgach. na Fleasgaich.

Fold, f. a Turf.
Sing. Plur.
Tlie Article agrees with its Noun in Gender, Num- N. an Fhòid, na Fòidean,
ber, and Case. Final n is changed into before a m G. na Fòide, nam Fòid,
plain Labial ; as, am baile' the town, ' am fear'
' D. an, 'n Fhòid. na Fòidibh.
the man.It is usually cut oflp before an aspirated Pa-
latal, or Labial, excepting fh ; as, ' a' chaora' the Nouns beginning with a Lingual.
sheep, a' mhuc' the sow, ' a' choin' of the dog.
' In
Dorus, m. a Door.
the Dat. Sing, initial a is cut off after a Preposition
ending in a Vowel do 'n chloich' to the stone.
; as, '
Sing. Plur.
A Noun, when immediately preceded by the Ar- N. an Dorus, na Dorsan,
ticle, suffers some changes in Initial Form 1. With : — G. an Doruis, nan Dorsa,
regard to Nouns beginning with a Consonant, the D. an, 'n Dorus. na Dorsaibh.
aspirated form is assumed by a mas. noun in the gen.
and dat. singular by a fem. noun in the nom. and
Teasach, f. a Fever.
dat. singular. If the s followed by
noun begins with
Sing. Plur.
a vowel or by a Liquid, instead of having the s as-
between the Article and the
inserted N. an Teasach, na Teasaichean,
pirated, t is
G. na Teasaich, nan Teasach,
noun, in the foresaid cases and the s becomes en-

to Nouns begin-
With regard D. an, n Teasaich. na Teasaichibh.
tirely quiescent. 2.
ning with a Vowel, tor h\% inserted between the Ar-
ticle and the noun t in the nom.
in certain Cases, viz. Nouns beginning with s.

sing, of mas. nouns, h in the gen. sing, of fem. nouns ;

Slochd, mas. a Pit.
and h in the nom. and dat. plur. of nouns of either
gender. Throughout the other sing, and plui'. Cases, Sing. Plur.
all nouns retain their Primary Form. N. an Slochd, na Sluichd,
The following examples show all the varieties that G. an t-Sluichd, nan Slochd,
take place in declining a Noun with the Article. D. an, 'n t-Slochd. na Slochdaibli.

Soil, feui. an Eye. 'an treas latlia' the third ilay ; iomadli duine' many
a man, gach eun g' a iii-ud' rttry bird to its nttt.—~

Sing. Plnr Exifpt such instances u» tin- following ltit;li Tcar- ;


A. iin c-Sùil, na Sùilean, lach a li-aon' King ChurUt the Firti,

High btu- '

G. na Sùla, nan Sùl, 'nia» u ciiig' King James tite Fifih.

D. an, 'n t-Sùil. na Sùilibli. 2. The posscDMve pruiiuuns *
uio, do', &c. are al-
ways placed hetort- ilu-ir iiuuns a», ' mo tikmh' my
AouHS begitmw'i wtlh u \ 'uiccl.
haiul — The
interrogative!, co, cia', &t. are placed

before their nouns, with the article intervening as, ;

'cia am fear ?' tchich man t

Ia$g, ni. « J-'in/i.
3. Some adjectives of one gyllable are usually
Sing. Plur. placed before their Nouns as, • deadh dlmine' <i ;

jV. an t;Iasg, na h-Iasga, guoil man, ' droch ghnionih'

a bad (ulion, bcann '

G. an Eisj;, nan las^, ' Such Adjectivl•^, placed before

sluagh', old iieuftle.
D. an, 'n lasg. na h-Iasj;aibli. their Nouns, oHen combine with them, so as to re-
present one complex idea, rather than two distinct
ones and the adjective and noun, in that situation,
Adharc, f. a Horn, ;

may rather be considered as one complex term, than

Sing. Plur. as two distinct words, and written accordingly as, ;

N. an Adharc, na li-Adhairccan, ' oigOiear' a young man, òg bhean' a young tn*- '

G. na h-Adhairc, nan Adharc, man, garbh chriochan' rude regions.


D. an, 'n Adhairc. na h-Adliaircibh.

Tlie Initial form of Adjectives immediately pre-
Though a Gaelic Adjective possesses a variety of
ceded by the Article, follows the same rules with the
Forms, yet its form is not always determined by the
Initial form of Nouns.
common use of the Article as a Defi-
Noun whose signification it modifies. The form of
Besides the
the Adjective depends on its Noun, when it imme-
nitive to ascertain individual objects, it is used in
diately follows the Noun, or only with the interven-
tion of an intensative Particle, ' ro, gle', &c. and
1. Before a Noun followed by the Pronouns so,
ud ; am man,
when both tlie Noun and the Adjective are in the
sin, or as ' fear so' l/iis '
an tigh ud'
Subject, or both in tlie Predicate, or in the same
ywi house.
clause or member of a sentence. In all other situa-
2. Before a Noun preceded by the ^'e^b Is and
tions, the form of the Adjective does in no respect
an Adjective as is maith an sealgair e' fie is a good

depend on the Noun ; or, in other words, the Ad-

huntsman, bu luath an coisiche e' he teas a siciji

jective docs not agree with the Noun.

3. Before some names of countries as righ na '
I. When an Adjective and Noun are so situated
Spàinne' the king of Spain, cliaidh e do 'n Fhrainc' '

and an agreement takes place between

related, that
he tcent to France ; but righ Bhreatain' the king of
them, then the Adjective agrees with its noun in
Britain, chaidh e dli' Eirin' he went to Ireland, with-

Gender, Number, and Case. A Noun preceded by

out the Article.
the Numeral da' two, though it be in the Singular

Number, takes an Adjective in the Plural as da ;


iasg bheaga' two small fishes. Tlie Initial form of tlie

Adjective depends partly on the Gender of the Noun,
partly on its Termination, and partly on its being
preceded by the Article.
The following examples of an Adjective declined
along with its Noun, exhibit the varities in the Ini-
tial form, as well as in the Termination of the Ad-

When an Adjective and the Noun which it quali- jective.

fiesare in the same clause or member of a sentence,
the Adjective is usually placed after its Noun as, ;
ceann Hath', a hoary head, duine ro ghlic' a very '

ioiseman. If they be in different clauses, or if the Fear mòr, mas. a great man.
one be in die subject, and the other in the predicate
Without the Article.
of a proposition, this rule does not apply as, is ;

'glic an duine sin' thai is a tcise man, cha truagh '

Sing. Plur.
leam do chor' / do not tliink your case unforlu/uite. N. Fear mòr, Fir mhòra,
1. Numerals, whether Cardinal or Ordinal, to G. Fir mhòir, Fheara mora,
which add, iomadh' many, gach' every, are plac-
' '
D. Fear raòr, Feoraibh mora,
ed before their Nouns as, tri làithean three days,
V. Fhir mhòir. Fheara mora.

With the Article. Plur.

Sing. Plur. N. Na Clàrsaichean fonnmhor,

N. Am Fear mòr, Na Fir mhora, G. Nan Clàrsach fonnmhor,
G. An Fliir mhòir, Nam Fear mora, D. Na Clàrsaichibh fonnmhor.
D. An Fliear niliòr. Na Fearaibh mora.
An Adjective, beginning with a Lingual, and pre-
ceded by a Noun terminating in a Lingual, retains its
Slat gheal, fern, a white rod. primary form in all the Singular cases ; for the sake,
it would seem, of preserving the agreeable sound aris-
Witlmit the Article. ing from the coalescence of the two Linguals ; as
' nighean donn' a hroion maid, instead of ' nighean
N. Slat gheal, Slatan geala,
dhonn'; a' choin duibh' of the hlach dog, instead of

G. Slaite gile, Shlatan geala,

' a' choin dhuibh'; ' air
a chois deis' on his right foot,
J). Slait ghil, Slataibh geala,
instead of ' air a chois dheis.'
V. Shlat gheal. Shlata geala.

n. A Noun preceded by an Adjective assumes the

ìVitìi the Article.
aspirated Form as àrd bheann' a high hill, 'cruaidh

Na Slatan geala. dheuchainn' a hard trial.

N. An t-Slat gheal,
G. Na Slaite gile, Nan Slata geala, 1. A
Noun preceded by a Numeral is in the pri-
D. An t-Slait ghil. Na Slataibh geala. mary Form ; as tri meòir' three fingers ; to which

add ' iomadh' many, ' gach' every ; as ' iomadh fear'
many a mail ; ' gach craobh' every tree. Except ' aon' —
one, ' da' tu-o ; '
ceud' first ; as ' aon fhear' one man,
' da chraoibh' ttco trees.

Òglach dìleas, ni. a faithful servant. 2. A Noun preceded by any

of the following Pos-
sessive Pronouns, ' bhur' your, ' an'
a' lier, ' ar' our,
Without the Article. their, is in the primary Form
a màthair' her mO" ; as '

ther, ar bràthair' our brother.

' When the Possessive
Sing. Plur.
Pronoun ' a' her, precedes a Noun or an Adjective
N, Òglach dìleas, Òglaich dhlleas,
beginning with a vowel, h is inserted between them
G. Òglaich dhìlis, Òglach dlleas,
as a h-athair, herfather, ' a h-aon mhac' her only son.

Z). Òglach dìleas, Òglachaibh dìleas,

The Possessive Pronouns ' ar, our, ' bhur' your, usu-
V. Òglaich dliìlis. Òglacha dìleas.
ally take w between them and the following Noun or
Adjective beginning with a vowel ; as ' ar n-athair'
With the Article.
our father, bhur u-aran' your bread.
N. An t_-Òglach dlleas, Na h-Òglaich dhìleas, 3. A Noun beginning with a Lingual, preceded by
G. An Òglaich dhìHs, Nan Òglach dìleas, an Adjective ending in n, is in the primary Form; as
D. An Òglach dliìleas. Na h-Òglachaibh dìleas. ' aon duine' otie man, ' seann sluagh' old

Clàrsach fhonnmhor, a tuneful harp.

Without the Article.
N. Clàrsach fhonnmhor,
G. Clàrsaich fonnmhoir, The Personal and Possessive Pronouns follow the
D. Clàrsaich fhonnmhoir, Number of their Antecedents, i. e. of the Nouns which
V. Chlàrsach fhonnmhor. they represent. Those of the 3d Pers. Sing, follow-
also theGender of their antecedent as, Sheas a' ;

bhean aig a chosaibh, agus'thòisich i air am fliuchadh
N. Clàrsaichean fonnmhor,
a deuraibh, agus thiormaich i iad le gruaig a
G. Chlarsach fonnmhor,
cinn'.The ivoman stood at his feet, and she began to
D. Clàrsaichibh fonnmhor,
wet them with her tears, and she wiped tJtem with the
V. Chlarsaiche fonnmhor.
Imir of her head. They follow, however, not the Gen-
der of the Antecedent, but the sex of the creature sig-
With the Article.
nified by the Antecedent, in those words in which Sex
Sing. and Gender disagree as an gobhlan-gaoithe mar an;

N. A' Chlarsach fhonnmhor, ceudn' do sholair nead dhi' fein' the siuallmu, too, hath
G. Na Clàrsaich fonnmhoir, provided a nest for herself. Gobhlan-gaoithe' a swal- '

£). A', 'n Chlàrsaich fhonnmhoir. low, is a masc. Noun, as appears by the masc. Article;

but u the diun that is ipokcn of, the refereare i»

it is jueiitly placed between tlie Nerbandil» Nounimtivt a» ,

made by the I'erstmal IVonoun of tlie feni. (.'oiuler. ' thuinig uii iiiiir' tttr huur u cuine ; uilhriM-ar iouiadli
' Til ^rioi'u» air u fireanailmdh li-iti a cluiiiii' M'lWum droeh ngcul' muHy an Sonic tiiiit-»^
evil tult «•(// U luld.
iijuiti/iixt hi/ her chililmt. (ilioias' is a niakc. noun '
; but more ruitl\, circumiitaiicei> ure expreMMrd In-tHrrii
hut a» W'ÌMlKin is hert> pcrsunilied as a reiimlc, llit- the N'erb and it> Noniiiiati«e uft rugadli diiuiiiiH-, un ;

regimen of the Possessive IVoiioun is adapted to diugh, auii uni Imile Uhuibhidh, an .^lalllllgllear, /iUrr
that idea. isbur» tu u», this duy, IJavufs town, the Sarwttr. m
II' the Anteeedent be a sentence, or elause oC u The Kelati\e« a' uhu, imili' who luit, urt ulwayi,
• •

sentence, the I'mnoun is of the 3d Pers. Sing. Mas- put before tin verb us am liar a thuit', tJf humh win,

culine as 'db' ith na bà caola na bit reanibra,

: fell ; ' am fear nacli dean beud', the $iutM vko udl ium
agus cha n-aithiiiihteadh omi e' ihe Iran itillle uU uji commit a fault.
tkf fai ctittlt; ami it nmltl tu>t If known hi/ them. poetry, or poetical htyle, Hlit-re iuxeruou ik al-

Antecedent be a collectÌNe Noun, tile Pro-

If the lowed, the Noiiiinalive is hoinetinies placed before die
noun of the 3d I'ers. Plur. as tlioir ùitline do 'ii t-
i» •
Verb ; as ' duimhiieaclid na talnihuinn ta li a làiiuh'
sluagh, d' eapil gu 'ni bris iadu »tc&i:\\' charge tlu peo- l/j his hand is the depth of the larth.
ple lest they bmik in. In those Persons ol' the \'erb in wliieli the termi-
An Interrogative combined with a Personal Pro- nations supply the place of the Personal Prunouiik,
noun, asks a (|uestion without the intervention of the no Nominative is expressed along with the Verb.
.'^ubstantive verb ; as co inise Y who [uni'\ 1 / ' co
The Infinitive often takes before it the Nominative
iad na daoine sin ? who {^are~\ thtm men '/ ' cia i of the .^gent in which case the Preposition
; do' ib •

a' clieud àithne?' which [(*•] t/w Jirst coininand- either expressed or understood before the Infinitive ;

ment / In interrogations of this form, the noun is as ' fcuch, cia meud a' mbaitli, bràithre do bhi 'ii an
sometimes preceded by the Personal Pronoun, and còmhnuidh ann an sUh ]' behold, how great a good His,
sometimes not as ' co e am fear?' w/io [»*•] the man /
; that brethren dwell in ptaiv Is e mi dli' fhantuinn .' '

'CO am fear ?' xchat man ? '

Co am fear ?" is evidently 's an flieòil, feumaile dhuibhse'
a 's my abiding in the
an incomplete sentence, like wluit man ? in English. flesh is iiwre iwedfid for you.
Tlie ellipsis maybe supplied thus; '
co e am fear a
ta thu ciallachadh ? wiio is the man whom you mean ì
This example may be
abridged into another common SECTION V.
interrogation, in which the Interrogative is immediate-
ly followed by the Relative ; as co a ta thu ciall- '
achadh ?' who \_is /le] whom you mean y" ciod a ta '

' tliu faicinn ?' wluU [is it~\ that you see ?
When in the same sentence, two or more Nouns,
applied as names to the same object, stand in the
In an interrogative sentence including a Personal
Pronoun and a Noun, as, 'co c am fear sin?' if the Noun same grammatical relation to other words it should ;

naturally be expected that their Form, in so far as it

be restricted in its signification by some other words
depends on that relation, should be the same in other
connected with it, such as the Article, an Adjective, ;

another Noun in the Genitive, or a relative clause ;

words, that Nouns denoting the same object, and re-
lated alike to the governing word, should agree in
then the Pronoun usually follows the (Jender of the
Case. This accordingly happens in Greek and Latin.
Noun, or the Sex of the object signified by the Noun,
In Gaelic, where a variety of form gives room for the ap-
if the Gender does not correspond to it as cc c am ;

fear a theid a suas ?' who is Uie man that shall ascend/
plication of the same rule, it has been followed in some
' CO i am
instances as ' Donncha mac Chailein mluc Dhomh-
boirionnach sin ?' who is tJiat woman 9 ' cia ;

J a' cheud àithne ?' which is tlie Jirst command '^ If — nuil' Duncan the son of Colin the son of Dorutld
where the words ' Chailein' and mhic' denoting the '
the Noun be not so restricted, the Pronoun is of the
masculine gender as ' ciod e uchd-nihacachd ?' what
same person, and being alike related to the preceding

is adoption ? ' ciod e ùrnuigh ?' what is prayer /

Noun mac' are on that account both in the same

Case. It must be acknowledged, however, that this

rule, obvious and natural as it is, has not been uni-
SECTION IV. formly observed by the speakers of Gaelic. For ex-
ample ; instead of ' mac loseiph an t-saoir' tJte ton of'
OF THE AGREEXfENT OF A VERB WITH ITS NOMI- Joseph the carpenter, many would more readily say
' mac loseiph
NATIVE. an saor.'

As the verb has no variation ofform corresponding

to the Person or Number of its Nominative, the con-
nection between a Verb and its Nominative can be
njarked only by its collocation. Little variety there- CHAP. U.— OF GOVERNMENT.
fore is allowed in this respect. The Nominative, whe-
ther Noun or Pronoun, is ordinarily placed after the Under this head is to be explained the Govern-
Verb ; as ' tlia lam, 'rugadli duine-cloinne'a ;/i<2»-
mi' ment of Nouns, of Adjectives, of Verbs, of Preposi-
child is horn. The Article or an Adjective, is fre- tions, and of Conjunctions.
Vol. I.
hrotìicr uaigh Choluim' Columba's grave.
' Except

when initial Lingual meet

a final and an as clana ;

DòmhnuiirZ>o?J«Ws descendants ; beinn Deirg' Dar- '


yos hill.

\^'hen both Nouns are Appellatives, and no word

One Noun governs another in the Genitive. The
intervenes between them ; the initial Form of the lat-
Noun governed is always placed after that which go-
ter noun follows, for the most part, that of an Adjec-
verns it as ceann tighe' the head of a home or fa-

tive agreeing with the former noun.

mily ; solus na greine' light of tiie stm ; ' bainne

Except. Noun denote an individual

If the latter
ghabhar' milk of goats.
of a species, that take the Article a before it
is, if it
The Infinitives, or present participles, of Transitive
in English, it is put in the />n;nan/yòr;«, although the
Verbs, being themselves Nouns, govern in like man-
former Noun be feminine ; as ' sùil caraid' the eye of
ner the Genitive of their object ; as ag cur sil' sowÌ7ig'

a friend, not ' sùil c/iaraid'.

seed, a dh' fhaicinn an t-sluaigh' to see the people, 'air

leughadh an t-soisgeil' after reading the gospel.

Although no good reason appears why this rule,
which is common to the Gaelic with many other lan-
guages, should ever be set aside yet it has been ;

set aside in speaking, and sometimes in writing


1. ^Vhen the Noun governed does in its turn go-

Adjectives of fulness govern the Genitive as Ian ;

vern another Noun in the Genitive, the former is of-

uamhainn' full of dread, buidheach bidh' satisfied '

ten put in the Nominative instead of the Genitive

with tneat.
first Comparative takes the Particle ' na' than,

2. Such expressions as the following seem to be before the following Noun ; as ' ni 's gile^ ha an
exceptions to the rule ; dithis mac', ' ceathrar mac',
sneachdadh' tchiter than the snow ; ' b" fhaide gach
' —
leanabaibh mac'. In the following similar instances, mios ha bliadhna' each month seemed longer than a
the rule is observed ; ' dithis mhac'; dithis fhear'. '
The same anomaly takes place in the regimen of The second Comparative isconstrued thus is ;

the Infinitive, as in that of other Nouns. Though an feàird mi so', / am the better for this ; bu nihisd''

Infinitive be in that grammatical relation to a preced- e bhuille sin', he was the

a' worse for that blow.
ing Noun which would require its being put in the Superlatives are followed by the Preposition ' de'
Genitive ; yet when itself also governs another noun or ' dhe' of ; as am fear a s àirde dhe "n triiiir' the

in the Genitive, it often retains the form of the No- man who is tallest of the three, the tallest man of the
minative. three.
The Infinitive not put in the Genitive, when pre-

ceded by a Possessive Pronoun, because it is in the

same limited state as if it governed a noun in the SECTION III.
Genitive Case ; as ' a chum am marbhadh 's na beannt-
aibh', to Mil t1w.m in the mmmtairis. Not 'marbha/dh',
which is the Case regularly governed by 'chum'. OF THE GOVERNMENT OF VERBS.
Co tha 'g iarraidh do niharbhadh' ? tvho seeketh to

killtkee? A
Transitive Verb governs its object in the Nomi-
When one Noun governs another in the Genitive, native or Objective Case as ' mharbh iad an Righ' ;

the Article is never joined to both, even though each they killed the king, na buail mi' do not strike me. The

be limited in its sigmfication ; as ' mac an righ' the object is Verb but never
commonly placed after the ;

son of the kÌTig, not ' am mac an righ' ; ' taobh deas a' between the Verb and Nominative. Sometimes its

bhaile' the south side of the toivn, not an taobh deas '
the object is placed, by way of emphasis, before the
a' bhaile'. For the most part, the Article is thus Verb as ' mise chuir e fls ann am àite, agus esan

joined to the latter noun. Sometimes it is joined to chroch e' me lie put again in my place, and him he
the former noun as ' an ceann tighe' ;
tlie head of the hanged.
family, an ceann iuil' the pilot.
' Many Transitive Verbs require a Preposition before
APossessive Pronoun joined to the Noun governed their object; Dòmhnull' desire Donald
as ' iarr air

excludes, in like manner, the Article from the noun ' labhairDòmhnull' speak to Donald; 'leig le Dòmh-

governing ; as ' barr-iall a bhròige' the latchet of his nuir let Donald alone ; beannuich do Dhòmhnull' sa- '

shoe, not am barr-iall a bhròige' ; ' obair bhur

' lute Donald; fiosraich de Dhòmhnull' inquire of

làmh' the work of your /mnds, not an obair bhur ' Donald.
lamb.' Bu' loas, requires the following initial Consonant

The Noun governed sometimes in the Primary,

is to be aspirated as bu mhaith dhuit" it mas good for
: '

sometimes in the Aspirated Form. you ; bu chruaidh an gnothuch' it was a hard case;

Proper names of the Masculine Gender are in the except initial d, and t which are not aspirated as ;

Aspirated Form as bràthair Dhòmhnuill' Donald's

; ' '
bu dual duit' it teas naturalfor you.
or SYNTAX. »
SECTION IV. fore the .Monosyllables ' an, am, a'. The correipond-
ing l'rt•po^ieionb '
a, gu, le, ri", olien taie an h before
an initiul \imel; an ' i U-Eiriu out of Jrrlund ; gu •

OF THE tiOVEHKMENT OF ADVEItBS. h-ealanih' mulily ; •

te h-eagal' withfr'ir.
Ihe Improper l're|>06Ìtiun8 govern the following
The collocation of Adverbs is for the most pari ar-
Noun in (lie Genitive
us uir feadh na lire' thrvtujK- ;

bitrary. out the latut an aghaidh an t-bluaigh' a/jaitut iht

; •

The Adverbs ' ro, plfi' irry, are place»! before I lie
jieo/jle; re na \\-uinu' during tJie time, it is mani-

Adjectives they niodily. and requia- the foliowiiif; fest that this Genitive is govi-rned by the
initialConsonant to be aspirated as ' ro blieag' ic/y ;
' teadh, agliuldh,
rè', &c. which is always includtxl in
little, ' gie gheal" t-ery tchiU: the Preposilion.
Thenegative * cha' tiot, when followed hy a word Prepositions are often prefixeil to a cUuse of a
beginning with a Labial or Taiatal, retjuires tiie sentence and then they have no ngimen as
; gu» ;

initial Consonant to be aspirated as cha niluir e' ;

am bòrd a ghiiilan' to carry the table. Luath dium •

it isHOt grttit ; ' cha bluiail nii' / u-ill tiot strike;

fuil a dhòrtadh' »wif} to xlied blood. •
An deigh an
cha chuala mi' / did nut hear ; but an initial Lin- obair a chrìochnachadh' after Ji/iijJiuu/ t/ie work.
gual remains uno^pirated as cha dean mi' / will : '

not do, cha tog e' lie icill itot raise, cha suirbhich
' '

iad' tliei/ will not pros-/>er. ^Vis inserted between cha' '
and an initial N'owel or an aspirated y,- as ' cha n-e'
it is tiot, cha n-C'igin' it is not necessary, ' cha n-fhaca
n)i' / saw not.
The Conjunctions ' agus" and, ' no' or, couple the
The Negative '
ni' requires h before an initial
same Cases of Nouns as ' air feadh chreagaii agui
'Vowel ; as '
ni h-iad' they are not, ' ni h-cudar' it may ;

choilltean' through rocks and woods; ag reubadh •

nam bruach nan crann' tearing the batiks and the


trees. When
two or more Nouns, coupled by a Con-
SECTION V. junction, are governed in the Dative by a Preposi-
tion, it is usual to repeat the l*reposition before each
Noun as air fad agus air leud' in length and in

OF THE COVERKMEKT OF PREPOSITIONS. breadth ; 'n an cridhe 'n an cainnte, agus "n am beus'

in tlieir heart, in ttieir speech, and in t/ieir beJuiriour.

The Proper Prepositions ' aig, air', &c. govern the ' Co', or
' cho', as, prefixed
to an Adjective, com-
Dative ; as ' aig mo chois' at my foot, ' air mo làìmh' monly requires the initial consonant of the Adjective
on my hand. They are always placed before the to be aspirated as • co mhaith' as good, co glirinn'
; '

word they govern. The following prepositions re- as Jine. But sometimes we find ' cho mòr' <m great,
quire the Noun governed to be put in tlie Aspirated ' cho buan' as durable,
&c. without the aspirate.
Form, viz. de, do, fuidh, fo, fa, gun, mar, mu, o,
The Conjunctions * mur' if tiot, gu, gur' thai, are '

tre". Air' sometimes governs the Noun in the As-

always joined to the Negative Mood as mur 'eil ;

pirated Form as ' air bharraibh sgiath na gaoithe"


on the extremities of the iciriffs of tlie wind. Gun' — mi' tf I be not ; < gu robh e' tiiat lie was. or n is M
' often inserted, citphotiite causa, between ' gu' and an
governs either the Nominative or Dative as gun ;
initial Consonant viz. before a Labial, m beibre a
; m
chrioch' witliout end. without uniler- Gun Palatal or a Lingual as ' gu-m faca tu' tiiat you sate;
standing. ' Gun chloinn'. * Mar', and gus' or ' gu'

— cheill'
' gu-n
dubhairt iad' that they said.

when prefixed to a Noun without the Article, usual- The Conjunctions ' ma' if,
' o, o'n' because, since,
ly govern the Dative case as ' mar nighin' as a ; are joined to the Pres. and Pret. Affirmative, and Fut.
daughter. ^lar amhainn mhòir' lihe a great river.
Subjunctive ; as ' ma ta e' if he be, o'n tha e' since '

' Gu crich mo shaoghail fein' to the end of my life- he is ; ma bhuail e' if lie struck ; o'n bhuail c' be-
' '

time. But if the Article be joined to the Noun, it cause lie struck ; ma bhuaileas tu' if you strike; ' o

is governed in the Nominative as mar a' ghrian' ;

bhitheas sinn' since we sluill be.
Uke the sun. ' Gus an sruth' to the stream. Gus a' '
' Nam, nan' if is joined only to the Pret. Subjunc-
chrioch' to tlie end. Eadar' governs the Nom. as — ' tive. The initial Consonant of the A'erb loses its as-
• eadar a' cliraobh agus a' chlach' between the tree and
piration after this Conjunction bithinn' if I
; as '
the stone. '
Eadar', when signifying between, requires xcere; ' nan tuiteadh a' cliraobh' if the tree sJiould fall.
the Primary Form ; as ' eadar maighstir agus muinn- ' Ged', or ' ge' alt/iougk, is used before the Present
tearach' between a master and a servant: when it sig- and Pret. Affirmative, the Fut. Negative, and the Pret.
nifies both, it requires the Aspirated Form as eadar '
Subjunctive; as ged tha e' though lie be ;
; '
ged bha '

shean agus òg' both old and young ; eadar f heara '
mi' tliough I teas ; ge do bhuail thu mi' though you

agus mhnai' bot/i men and tvomen. strttck tne ; ged bhuail thu mi' t/iough you stri/te rite;

The Prepositions as, gus, leis, ris', are used be- ' ' ged bheireadh e dhonih' though lie should give mt.



CHAP. I.— OF DERIVATION. Proper Names, thus from DòmhnuU' Donald, is ;


formed Dòmhnulladi' a man of the name of Macdon-


The Parts of Speech which are formed by derivation aid; from Griogar' Gregor, Griogaracli' a Macgre-
' '

from other words are Nouns, Adjectives, and Verbs. gor ; from Albainn' Sootland, Albannach' a Scots-
' '

These are chiefly derived from Nouns and Adjectives, ma7i ; from Eirin' Ireland, Eirineach' an Irishman.
' '

and a few from Verbs. 9. Collective Nouns in ach ; as from duille' a '

leaf, ' duilleach' foliage ; ' giubhas'^»-, '

ajir wood.
I. Nouns.
II. Adjectives.
Derivative Nouns may be classed as follows, ac-
cording to the varieties of their termination. 1. Adjectives in ach formed generally from Nouns ;

1. Abstract Nouns in as, formed fi-om Adjectives as from ' firinn' truth, firinneach' true, fait/ful ; from
or Nouns as from
; ceart' just, ' ' ceartas' justice '
sunnd' glee, ' sunndach' cheerful.
from ' diomhr.n' idle, vain, ' diomhanas' idleness, va- 2. Adjectives in mhor or or, derived from Nouns ;
nity. as from àdh' felicity, ' àdhmhor' happy, blessed ; from

2. Abstract Nouns in ac/td, formed from Adjec- ' feòil' flesh, feòlmhor' carnal.

tives, and sometimes, though more rarely, from Verbs 3. Adjectives in ail derived from Nouns ; as from
and Nouns as from naomh' ;
' /loli/, ' naomhachd' ho- ' fear' ?nan, ' fearail' manful j from ' caraid" a friend,
liness ; from àoxDha\\\ deep, doirahneachd' contrac-
' ' ' càirdeil.'
ted for domhaineachd' depth ; from righ' a king,
' '
4. A few Adjectives in to or da, derived from
'rioghachd' a kiììgdom. Nouns ; as ' fireanta' rigìUeous^ from '
3. Abstract Nouns formed from the Genitive of
Adjectives b}^ adding e ; as from ' dall' gen. ' doill'
Mind, ' doille' blinditess ; from ' geal' gen. ' gil' white, III. Verbs.
' gile' whiteness.
4. Abstract formed from the Com-
Nouns in ad, Verbs most part Transitive, and im-
in ich, for the
parative of Adjectives, and used in speaking of the plying causation, derived from Nouns or Adjectives ;

degree of a quality as gilead' whiteness, bòidh-

' ' as, from ' geal' ichite, gealaich' to whiten ; naomh' ' '

chead' beauty, doimhnead' depth. ' fwly, '

naomhaich' to sanctify.
5. Nouns in air or oir, ach. iche, derived, most of
them, from nouns, and signifying persons or agents ;
as ' piobair' a player on the pipe, from piob' a pipe ; '

' clàrsair' a player on the harp, from clàrsach' a ' CHAP. II.— OF COMPOSITION.
harp; marcach' a rider, from marc' a horse ; ath-
' ' '

ach' a man of terror, a gigantic jigure, from athadli' '

All compound words
in Gaelic consist of two com-
fear. ponent parts, exclusive of the derivative terminations
Diminutives in an, and in ag or og, formed from
6. enumerated in the preceding Chapter. Of these com-
Nouns or Adjectives as ' lochan' a small lake, from
; ponent parts, the former maj' be conveniently named
'loch' a lake ; from braid' theft, ' bradag' a thievish
the Prepositive, the latter the Subjunctive term. It
girl ; from ' ciar' dark -coloured, ciarag" a little dark- '
sometimes happens, though rarel}', that the the Sub-
coloured creature Tliese Diminutives are often form- junctive term also is a compound word, which must
ed from the Genitive of their Primitives as from ; itself be decompounded in order to find out the
' feur' gen. ' feòir" grass, ' feòirnein' a pile of grass. Root.
Some Nounsare formed in an, which are not Di- In compounding words, the usual mode has been,
minutives ; as from lùb' to bend, ' lùban' a bow.
to prefix to the term denoting the principal idea, the
7. Collective Nouns in ridk, derived from Nouns word denoting the accessory idea, or circumstance by
or Adjectives ; as from og' young, ' ' òigridh' youth, which the signification of the principal word is modi-
in the collective sense of the word ; from ' mac' a fied. Accordingly we find Nouns, Adjectives, and
son, ' macraidh' sons, young men. Verbs modified by prefixing to them a Noun, an Ad-
8. Nouns in ach, chiefly Patronymics, formed from jective, a Verb, or a Preposition.
In lonniiig compound MrorJ^ a Rule of very gene- ' Sgolt' a erark; crion' shrunk, dtetn/ed:
' '
ral application, is, that wii«-n tin- Subjunctive tenu a jit sure
in trood muttd by drought ur demy.
begins with a Consonant, it is aspirattit. Troni this t rioihun' boumli, m/iunt ; gurbh' rvugh ; gdrbti- ' •

Rule, however, are to be excepted, 1. Words begin- chriochan' ruJt iHouHtaimnu rrgiuiu.
ning with t lullowed by a mute, uliich never udniit
the aspirate 2. Words beginning » ith a Lingual
Adjeetireg rompoutulttl urith an Adjectirr.
when the IVepositivc term ends in u ; 3. A (ew oilier
inUaiKes in which tliere is an euphonic agreement ' Donn' brown; ' dubh' black; dubh-dhonn daik.
between the Consonants thus brought into apposi- broirn.
tion, which would be violated if either ol'thein were ' (iorni' blue ; dubh" • black ; dubli.;;hornr dark-blue.
aspirati-il. ' Briathr.i h', I'roin • briathar' <j u\/rd ; dea»' rtu-
These observations will be found exemplified in the dy ; deas-bhriathrach' of rttuty spnrh, tlutjucHl.

following Compounds. ' Seallach' (not in use) from K-allud>|^ "ght ; geur' '

sharp ; • geur-alieallach' sharp-sighted.

\ rrbs compotmded with an Ailjectivt.
\ouns coinpoumiixl tcitk a youn.
' Uuith' run ; ' dian' keen, eager; ' dian-ruitli' run
' Boart't/ne**, tqtàpage ;
' ceann" /uaJ; 'ccann-bhcart' eayerli/.
/inij-iiress, armonrfor the head. ' henn follow ; 'geur' sharp, severe ; '
geur-leaji' /*/•-
' Fàinne' a ring ; ' cluas' the eor ; ' duas-fhàinne' an secute.
ear-ring. Buail'
' strike ; ' trom' heavy ; '
trom-buail' tmilt
' Galar' a distemper ; ' crith' shaking ; ' crith-ghalar' sore, discomfit.
distemper attended trith shaking, the palsg. Ceangail' birul dlùth' close
; '
; dluth-cheangail' 6(n//
* Oglach' a servant ; ' bean' (in composition '
ban') a fast.
woman ; ' banoglach' a female servant.
' Fàidh' a prop/let ; ' ban-fljàidh' a prophetess.

Tigheam' a lord ; ' bain-tighearn' a lady. III. WORDS COMPOUNDED WITH A VERB PREFIXED.

Ailjecdves compounded with a Xottn. ' Fear', a man ; ' meall', deceive; ' mcalltair' a de-
Geal' ichite ; ' bian' th.e shin ; ' bian-ghcal' white-
' Sùil' the eye ; ' meall' to begttile ; <
meall-shCiir ati
alluring eye.
Lorn' hare ; '
cas' the Jbot ; cas-Iom' barefoot. '

ceann' the head ; ' ceann-lom' bare-headed.


' Biorach' pointed, sharp ; ' cluas' tlie ear ; cluas- ' IV. WORDS COMPOUNDED WITH A PHEPOSITIOS.
bhiorach' having pointed ears.
' Ràdh' a «7yi/j^ ; ' roirah' ie/J/re; '
Verbs compounded wit/i a Sbun. face, prologue.
' Solus' light ; eadar' between '
; '
eadar-sholus' twi-
' Luaisg' Tock or toss ; ' tonn' a w-ave ; ' tonn-luaisg'
toss on the waves.
cùl' the back cùl-sleamh-
' Minich' erplain ; ' eadar-mhinich' interpret.
' Sleamhnuich' slide ; '
; '

' Gèarr' cut; ' timchioH' about; ' timchioll-ghèarr'

nuich' back-slide.

Folaich' hide ; feall' ' deceit ; feall-fholaicli' lie in
'Lot' wound; ' troimh' through; '
troimh-lot' stub,
pierce t/trough.

II. WORDS COMPOUNDED WITH AN AJECTIVE PRE- Compound Nouns retain the gender of the princi-
FIXED. pal Nouns in their simple state.
Compound words are declined in the same mamur
Notins compounded with an Adjective.
as if they were uncompounded.
* Uisge' water ; ' fior' true, genuine : ' fior-uisge' In writing compound words, the component parts-
spring-water. are sometimes separated by a hyphen, and sometimes
' Airgiod' *i7i^er ; * beò' alive ; ' beò-airgiod' fpiick- not. Tlie use of the h_\i)lien does not seem to be re-
silver. giJated by any uniform practice.

A Brcitfi.,Book ot Judges.
ilrf.,Active Voice. Buch., \ Buchanan's History of Scot-

A. D., Anno Domini. Bucltan. Hist. Scot.,] land.

Adornn. Vit. St. Cotumb., Adomnan's Life of St. Co- Bullet., Bullet's Armoric Dictionary.
Adj., Adjective.
Adv., Adverb.
Aeol., Aeolic Dialect.
C(BS. Bell. Gall., Ca.'sar's Commentaries.
Aiiisic., Ainsworth.
Caltli. et Cool., Calt/ionn is Caolmhal, One of the
Air., Book ot' Numbers.
Poems of Ossian.
Allan,, German.
Camp., Campbell's Gaelic Songs.
^^^^^^^^^ Macdonald's Gaelic Songs. Caomh-mlial., Caomh-mltala, One of the Poems of
A y h \
A. Manlon. Gloss.,\ Glossary appended to said vo-
Cap., Chapter.
A. M-D. Gloss., ]' lume.
Carricth., (\irraig-l/tura,One of the Poems of Ossian.
Amos., Prophecy of Amos.
Cars. Lit., Carswell's (Bishop of Argyll's) Liturgy,
Anc. Brit., .\jicient British.
in Gaelic, An>i. 166G.
Angl., English.
' CarOumn, One of the Poems of Ossian.
Ajtg. Sax., Anglo-Saxon. ^ J-
Arab., Arabic.
Caih. LwL, Cath Loduin, One of the Poems of Os-
Aristoph. Nephel., Aristophanes.

^1^-' I Armoric Dialect. C/iald., Chaldee.

Clior., Chorus.
A/-t., Article.
Col., Epistle to the Collossians.
Art. m.. Article Masculine.
Coll., Collective Noun.
A. Sax., Antient Saxon.
Compar., Comparative Degree.
Augm., Augmentative.
Conj., Conjunction.
Aid. Gell., Aulus Gellius.
Coitj. iiUerroy., Conjunction Interrogative.
Coixl. et Cutii., Conlaoc/i is Cuthoiux, One of the
B Poems of Ossian.
Connal., Connalus.
Baron Sitpair., A
celebrated Gaelic Satire, so called.
CoHtr., Contracted.
Bdsq., Basque Dialect.
Corm., Cormack's Glossary of Irish Words.
Bait. Gloss., Baxter's Glossary.
Corn., Cornish Dialect.
B. B., Bishop Bedels Bible.
Cor., Epistles to the Corinthians.

N H 1 1
^"^ Breton, i. e. Armoric Dialect. Croat., Croatian.
Crom., Croma, One of the Poems of Ossian.
Beiff., Dutch.
C. S., Common Speecli.

Bez., Beza's Latin version of the Scriptures. D

Bianf., Bianfeidh, An ancient Gaelic MS. so call-
ed from its deer-skin cover. Col. Column. Dalm., Dalmatian.
Bibl. Gloss., Glossaries of Gaelic and Irish Bibles. Dalyell. AiUiq. Chart., Dalyell's Monastic Antiqui-
Bocfiart., Samuelis Bocharti Geographia Sacra. ties.
Boxhorn., Boxhomius's Lexicon. Dan., Prophecy of Daniel.
Br€h. Law»., Brebon Laws of Ireland. Dan., Danish.

Dan. Shot., Solomon's Song. Gaobiand., Gaol-nan-daoinc, One of the Poems of

Dat., Dative Case. Ossian.
Dav., Daviess Welsh Dictionary. G. n., Gaelic Bible.
Def., Defective. G. B. B., Kirke's Edition of Bishop Bedel's Irish
Def. art./.. Definite Article Feminine.
J)ef. art. m., Definite Article Masculine. Gen., Genesis.
Defective Verb. Gen., Genitive.
nèf. v.,

Demonst. prou., Demonstrative Pronoun. Germ., German.

Dem. pron. iiid.. Demonstrative Pronoun indeclin- Gilch., Gilchrist's Persic Dictionary.

able. Gill., Gillies's Collection of Gaelic Poems.

Deut., Deuteronomy. Gill. 3Iodh., Modha, an Irish MS. so called.

D'Herhelot., D'Herbelot's Bibliothcque Orientale. Glenm., Glenmassan MS., An ancient Gaelic one.
Diet, Dictionary. «a.,
(^ Book of Proverbs.
Dim., Diminutive. iTnatfi.,

D. 31'K., Donald MacKenzie's Gaelic Poem on the Gntomh., Acts of the Apostles.
Restoration of the Forfeited Estates in the High- Goth., Gothic.
lands. Gr., Greek.
D. ML., Donald MacLeod's Gaelic Poems. Gram., Grammar.
Dmn. Alb., Duan Albannach, in Colgan, and O'Con- Grant. Grant's Origin and Descent of
Diig. Buclian., Dugald Buchannan's Gaelic Hymns.
Grant, orig. Gael. a the Gaelic.

£ Hab., Prophecy of Habakkuk.
Hebr., Hebrew.
Eabhr., Epistle to the Hebrews. Hebrid., Hebrides.

^^'YJ' j Chronicles, Land n.

Eachdr., j
Hindost., Hindostanee.
Hist., History.
£^ccfes., Hist. nat. de Languedoc, Histoire Naturelle de Lan-
I guedoc.
Ecs., Exodus. Homer. II., Homer's Ihad.
Ed., Edition. Hooper's Anatom., Hooper's Anatomy.
E. g., Exempli gratia.
Email., Emanuel, Antient MS. so called.
Emph., Emphatic.
Eng., English. Iain Lorn., A
celebrated Gaelic Bard.
Eoin., St. John's Gospel. Ibid., Ibidem.
Eph., Epistle to the Ephesians. Id. q,. Idem quod.
Esec, Ezekiel. /. e.. Id est.
Est., Esther. lerem., Prophecy of Jeremiah.
Etrusc, Etruscan. Ihre., Hire's Suedo-Gothic Lexicon.
Euph. cutis., Euphoniae causa. Impers., Impersonal.
Ex., Exodus. Impr., Improper.
Ind., Indechnable.
Ind., Indicative Mood.
Intens., Intensive, or, Intensative.
Interj., Interjection.
"C"' V Feminine Gender.
Fern., j Interrog., Interrogative.
Fig., Figuratively. lob.. Book of Job.
Fing., Fingal, One of the Poems of Ossian. los.. Book of Joshua.
Flak., O'Flaherty's Irish Grammar. Ir., Irish.
Fr., French. Ir. Alph., Irish Alphabet.
Fut., Future Tense. Ir. Gram., Irish Grammar.
Isài., J
Isl., Icelandic.
Gael., Gaelic. ItaL, Italian.
Gael. Cat., Gaelic Shorter Catechism. lud., Epistle of Jude.
Gael. Trans. En. Lit., Gaelic Translation of English
Gael. MS. in Bibl. Jurid. Edinens., Gaelic MS. in
Advocate's Library, Edinburgh. Jam., Jamieson's Scotch Dictionary.
Gal., Epistle to the Galatians. Jam. SuppL, Jamieson's Supplement to Ditto.

Jer., Prophecy of Jeremiah. .V'L., .Nlacleod'g Gaelic Song».

Johns., JohiiBon's Kii^liKh Dictionary. .1/-/.. TiuHs., .MacLachlan'ii GaeUc Tranblution ol
Junes., Jones's Welsh Uietioiiury. lloiiiir» lliud.
Metiiph., .NIeluphoricttlly.
Melr., Melrical.
Mortl., Mòr-duòh, A poem of O&siun.
Kalm., Kiiliiuuk.
MS. ( 'ruiiuirt., M S. of Earl of Cromarty, id Advo-
cate's Library.
Kttit., Keutin-;'* MS. llislory of Ireianil.
MSS., Gaelic .^la^uscripts of Highland Society of
KM. Cot., Killiride Collirtion uf Caclic .MSS.
Kirk., \ Kirk"s X'crsinii of"the tJuelic Psalms,
Kirk. Siilm.,} 16J8. AUo his edition of Bedel's
Irish Hible,
A^, Nominative case.
A*. Mackoi., Kenuetli Mackenzie's Gaelic Songs.
Nah., Prophecy of Nahum.
Ai'aiit. tcnii.. Nautical term.

ytg.. Negative, negatively.

^°"'' °^ Nehemiah.
Larram., Larremmendi's Glossary of the Basque Nth m \
Dialect. A'. //..North Highlands.
IaU., Latin, Nion. Al. Jiuiulh., Mùiri nighean Alastair Jtuaidh, a
Lat. Barb., Barbarous Latin. Hebridcan Poetess.
Leab. Dcarg., Latbluir Dmrg. Red Book, Gaelic Nom. prop, viri., A man's name.
MS. so called. ^- T. ) XT a^ ^ i-
"" ics"i™*-'nt, Gaelic.
iV Test I
w ''
> Book of Leviticus.

Ltyes Male, Laws of King Malcolm. O

Lib., Liber.
O'B., O'Brien's Irish Dictionary.
Light., Lightfoot's Flora Scotica.
O'C. Ep., O'Connor's Epistle to Duke of Bucking-
Linn., Liima?us.
ZiV., Literally.
O'Conn. prol., O'Connor's Prolegomena to Rerum
LIh., Llhuyd's Archa?ologia Britannica.
Hibernicarum Scriptores.
Llh. App., Appendix to Llhuyd's Archaeologia Bri-
O'CUr., O'Clery's Irish Vocabulary, quoted bv
Lochab., Lochaber Dialect,
O'D., O'Dònihnuill's Irish New Testament.
Luc., Gospel of St. Luke.
Oighneam., uiyh-nam-niùr-shul. One of Ossians
Lmc., Lucretius.
Ludic,, Per ridiculum ; Ludicrously applied.
O'R., O'Reilly's Irish Dictionary.
Oran., Gaelic Song.

M OK. suppL, Supplement to O'Reilly's Irish Diction-

M., Masculine Gender. Oss., Ossian's Poems.
Macaulay's Hist., Macaulay's History of St. Kilda. Oss. Bruad. Malbh., " Bruadar Malmhint, One of
Macd., Alexander Macdonald's Gaelic Songs. Ossian's Poems.
Macdoug., Macdougal's Gaelic Songs. Ow., Owen's Welsh Dictionary.

Macfarlaae's GaeUc Paraphrases.

SfJZnespar., }
Macf. v., Macfarlane's Gaelic Vocabulary. P., Page.
^"'"^'^" Maclntyre's Gaelic Songs. Part. expL, Particle Expletive.
^Macititij 1
Pass., Passive Voice.
Macphers. Diss., Macpherson's Critical Dissertations. Pass., Passim.
Mai., Prophecy of Malachi.
Pead., Epistles of St. Peter.
^^^"''' Dialect. Pean. adh., Peaitaid ^Maimh, Adam's Punishment,
\ a Gaelic MS. so called.
Marc., Gospel of Mark. Pellet. ]
Marg., Margin. ^'-'^'^''^''^ Dictionaire Celtique.
Pellet'ier I
Mart. Uebrid., \ Martin's Description of the He- Pers., Persic.
Mart. West. Isl., brides.
J Perf.part., Perfect Participle.
Masc., Masculine Gender.
Pers. pron.. Personal Pronoun.
^***?^' °f Matthew. Pertltsh., Perthshire.
Matth \
PL, Plural number.
M'Crim,, MacCruimin, the celebrated Piper. PI., I
Plunket's Latin Irish Dictionary quoted by
M'Greg., MacGregor's Gaelic Songs. Plunk., ] LlJiuyd.
VoL-L f

PL Siqipl., Supplement to sniil Dictionary (juotetl S. D., Sean Dana, Smitli's Collection of Antient
by Llhuyd. Gaelic Poems.
Pike., Pike's Hebrew Lexicon. S. D. murg.. Marginal Notes in said Collection.
Pinkert.vit. Sanrt., Pinkerton's Vitae Sanctorum. Searm., Gaelic Sermons.
Plin. Hist Nat., Pliny's Natural History. jv Prophecy of Zechariah.
y j-

Epistle to the Philippians.
Seph., Prophecy of Zephaniali.
Philem., Epistle to Philemon. Seq., The following.
Plur. term. Plural Termination. Scrv. in ^n., Servius on the ^neid.
Pass. Pron., Possessive Pi-onoun. Seum., Epistle of James.
Pinkt. Enq., Pinkerton's Inquiry into the Early His- > Shaw's Gaelic Dictionary.
tory of Scotland.
Pol., Polish Language. Shahesp., Shakespeare.
Praes. ind.. Present of the Indicative. Schanscr., Shanscrit.
Praes., part., Present Participle. Short, Shorthouse's Gaelic MSS.
Pre/., Prefix. Sibb. Gloss., Sibbald's Glossary.
Prep., Preposition. Sing., Singular Number.
Prep, impr., Preposition Improper. Sken. de verb Signif., Skene de verborum Signtfica-
Pres. part, v., Present Participle of the Verb. tione.

Pret. Preterite Tense. Sm. Gael. Antiq., Smith's Gaelic Antiquities.

Pret. V. impers.. Preterite of the Impersonal verb. Sm. Par., Smith's Scripture Paraphrases, (Gaelic).
Pret. part.. Preterite Participle. Sm. S. D., Smith's Collection of Antient Gaelic
Priv., Privative. Poems.
Pron., Pronoun. Soph. CEdip. Tyr. Sophocles's Oedipus Tyrannus.
Prov., Gaelic Proverb. Span., Spanish.
Provin., Provincial.
Ptol., Ptolemy's Geography.
P. Turn., Gaelic Poems MS. collected by Patrick Stat. Ace, StatisticalAccount of Scotland.
Turner. Stat. Alex. II., Statutes of Alexander II. of Scot-
Pun., Punic. land.
St., Stanza.
Q St Fiec, St. Fiech, quoted by O'Reilly.
Stew., Stewart's Collection of Gaelic Songs.
Quod vide. Stew. Gloss., Glossary to said Collection.
Q. vide. } Stock. Clav., Stockii Clavis.
Subst, Substantive.
R Su. Goth., Suio-Gothic.
Suet. August, Suetonius Augustus.
R. D., Rob Donn's Gaelic Songs.
Sutherl., Sutherlandshire.
Peg. Maj., Regiam Majestatem.
Suied., Swedish.
Relat. pron.. Relative Pronoun.
Si/r., Syriac.
Rep. Append., Appendix to Highland Society's Re-
port on Ossian. T
Rich., Richardson's Persic and Arabic Dictionary. Tain., Tain bo Chuailgne, Ancient MS. so called.
Rich., \ Richards' Thesaurus of the Welsh Taisb., Book of Revelation.
Rich. Thesaur.,] Dialect.
Tart, Tartar.
Righ., Books of the Kings. Tern., Tighmòra, One of the Poems of Ossian.
R. M'D., Ronald Macdonald's Collection of Gaelic
'. > Epistles to the Thessalonians.
Rom. Epistle to the Romans. Teut., Teutonic.
Ross. Salm., Dr. Thomas Ross's Edition of the Gae- Thomson's Registr., Registrum Magni Sigilli, Edin-
lic Psalms.
burgh, 1824.
Russ., Russian. Tim., Epistles to Timothy.
Rut., Book of Ruth. Tit, Epistle to Titus.
Toland. Hist Druid., Toland's History of the Druids.
S Tuir., Lamentations of Jeremiah.

Substantive. Turk., Turkish.

Turn., Turner's Collection of Gaelic Songs.
Salm., Psalms.
Sam., Books of Samuel.
Sax., Saxon.
Sclav., Sclavonic. Vlphil., Ulphilae quatuor Evangeliorum versio Go-
Scot., Scottish, or Scotch. thica.

UrH^ Gaelif Prayer liook. Voc., \ocif. Word. Ih voc. Upon the Word
I'rn. Ufs., I'rayiT ascribctl to Ossiaii I «., Vocative Case.
I'ur., Aicxajtder Macdoiutld's Gaelic N'ocabularv.
Vol., Volume.
lor. Atit/L, Hiiglibli Word.
r., Verb. Viix. Gr., Grrrk Word.
I'., Verse. VoJC. IaU., Luliii Word.
I'. «., Verb .\ctive. Vt., Five Tales, Ancient Gaehc MS. so called.
v. a. et «., Verb Active and Neuter. Vl. Glott., Glossary appended to said .>IS.
v. a. el u. irrry., Irregular Verb, Active auJ Ncutt-r. Vuly , Vulgarism ; or, Commonly.

WdUiH. Cell. £ts., Valliincey's Celtic Essay.

Waeht., Wachter's Glossariuni Gennanicum.
^ allancey s Grammar.
VaiL Gra«,.,\ Willi., Walters's English and Welsli Dictionary.

Vallancey's Prospectus, Preface.

]\\l., WeMi.
\'aj/.^n.^:'pr.,} n: If.. West Highlands.
Trt. Script. Oiiiii., .\11 the .^iitient Gaelic Writers.
let. Glo&s. uptid nil., .Atiticnt Gloss, in Llhuyil's
v. irrtg., Irregular N'erb. Zevh.. Prophecy of Zechariah.'



A P.


A 9
a ; in
a, Ailm, a Fir tree
Irish %i.,

A Palm
tree : palma. Valian-
; Hebrew, M, a leader, i= assumed as the first
: A, relat.pron. gen,

qui, quae, quae.
hero who
et dai.

An.WTio, which, whom,
Laoch a thuit." Fing. I.
Heros qui cecidit. He/. A.
letter of the Gaelic, as of almost every other al- Gr. n, Ò. Hebr. H Aa.
pliabet : its sound also imitating the earliest utter-
A, pers. pron. Protfin. Vide E. " Co à ?" for " Co
ance of the human voice. The same figure S which
è P*" who is he ? quis est ille ?
is nowexhibited in the Syriac, Arabic, and Per-
A, Sign of the vocative vocativi eignum. " Èirich :
sian alphabets, as well as in the Oghum, or occult
a Chuchullain." Fing. I. 9. Rise, Cuchullin.
writings of the ancient Irish, may liave been its
Surge, Cuchullin. It is omitted before an initial
original shape.
A', art. (used before aspirated labials and palatals)
vowel, or Fli, initial, followed by a vowel. The
gen. ting. fern. Na. e. g. " A" chos the foot ; Persic ' when added to a noun, forms a poetic vo-
pes. " Na Coise ;" of the foot pedis. PL mas. : cative. It has the same effect in Arabic, if it pre-

etfem. Na. " Na casan ;" the feet pedes. The : cedes a proper name, when the discourse is direct-
absence of the definite, supplies the place of an ed to a person near at hand. Rkhardt. Diet, in
indefinite article, e. g. " Duine," a man. " An Voc. Aleph.
duine," tJte man. " Bean," a woman. '• A' bhean," A, ]X)ssesi. prot». (corresponding to tlie 3 pers. prvn.
tÀe woman. But the article is prefixed, and to be E or I.) His, her, its : suus, -a, -um, re/ ejus, il-
translated indefinitelj', as in French, when joined lius. Gram. " A
mhac ;" ids son filius ejus, :

to a noun in its genera), or most extensive signifi- tnasc. " A mac

her son filius ejus, fern.
;" El- :

cation ; e. g. " An duine :" man, in general man- ;

lipsed before an initial vowel, or Fh, followed by a
kind homo, i. e. genus humanum.
An gaol," vowel, e. g. " 'Uchd." i. e. A uchd his bteasl ;

love : amor. " Far an do mlieudaicheadli am pectus ejus, masc. " 'Flialt." i. e. A fhalt hi» ;

peacadh." Rom. v. 20. ^^^lere sin abounded. U- hair crines ejus, masc.
: In such cases, it* place
bi amplificatum est peccatum. Ir. ?t, et ?tn. is supplied by an apostrophe before the vowel.
Wei. Y, jTi, jT, yz, ys. Arm. An, ar. Corn. An. The fait, is prefixed with A- interposed as A :

Gr. Per». Vide Am, An, /(-uchd ;" her breast pectus ejus, fetn. After
i, i, ra. (^\ an. Ant, :

different forms of the article. prepositions ending in vowels, it is in both gender r»

Vol. I. A
" Le "chois,"
ellipsed, e. g. e. Lc a chois '^'th «. ;
' A BHOs,' adv. On this side hie, in hac parte. :

" Tha'n t'eathar a bhos." C. S. The boat is on

Ms foot cum pede ejus, masc. " Le cois," e.

Le a cois witli /(er foot cum pede

ejus, fern. :
this side. Cymba hie, vel in hoc littore est. Ir.

Ir. %, sometimes da, after a preposition, e. rj. ^ buf. Bianf. 11.

" Le iia chois." With his foot. " Le «a cois."' '
A ciiAoiDH,' adv. Ping. i. 475. Vide A choidhch.
With her foot. Manx. E. Arm. E. Corn. E or '
A cHiANAMH,' adv. little ago A
paulo ante liac. :

L Gr. o;, r„ 'iv, Pers. ^' on. Arab. L* ha. Sijr.
' A CHLisGEADH,' odv. (Clisgeadh), In a start, in-
et Chaid. n eh, H ah, NH .^. Hebr. i o, n o/(.
stantly: subito, citissime. C. S. A'ide Clisg.

A, in the above sense, precedes the present participle A CHOiDiiCH,' adv. (i. e. Gach oidhche), lit. Each
when used as an infinitive, e. g. " Los a bhual-
night, i. e. for ever : in omnes noctes veaturas, I.

e. in aeternum.
adh :" about to strike him ad eum percutiendum. :

" Chaidh a bhualadh :" he was struck percussus :

" O linn gu linn a choidhch."
" Los a bualadh :" about to strike her ad 5. Ed. 1753. Salm. ix.
est. :

earn percutiendam. " Chaidh a bualadli :" site From generation to generation for ever. seculo A
in secula sempitema. Ir. %i. CAiBce.
was struck : percussa erat.
A, conj. interrog. for Am, or An. " A bheil Dia ' A dh'aindeoin,' adv. In spite of: ingratus, invitus.
ann ?" Is there a God ? An est Deus ? Hebr. " A
dh' aindeoin co theireadh e." Motto. Gain.say

n ha, prefix interrog.

who dare. Dicant contra qui audeant. " A
dheòin no 'dh aiiuleoin." C. S. \\Tiether one will
A, Sign of the preterite. " Mar a dubhairt e :" as or not : volens nolens.
he said : ut dixit. " A dubhram." Salm. xxxix. '
A dh'easbhuidh,' prep. impr. (Easbhuidh), For
L I said : dixi. want of: inopiae causa. " A dh' easbuidh codail."
A, prep. 1. To ; ad. " A Dhun-eidinn :" to Edin- C. S. For want of sleep. Somno deficiente, rel
burgh ad Edinburgum. 2. At, in, in the act of;
: insonmii causa.
comraonlj' used as the sign of the participle present ' A DHÌTH,' prep. impr. For want of: inopià. " A
apud, in, in actu. " A' dèanamh ;'' for, " Ag dhith bidh." C. S. For want of food. Deficiente
dèanamh." In the act of doing : in actu faciendi. cibo, cibi inopià.
Vide Ag, et Aig. 3. About, going to : circum ' A DH'uiREASBHL"iDH."/>r(p. impr. Vidc A dh'eas-
ad (notione futuri temporis). " Dol a dhèanamh:" bhuidh.
about to do facturus. Lit. lens ad faciendum.
' A GHXÀTH,' adv. (Gnàth) Habitually, always : pro
4. For, as, in the place of: pro, ut, vice, in loco. more, semper. " Do ghnàth." Salm. passim.
" A
thiodhlac," i. e. Mar thiodhlac, vel An ' A LATH A 's a DH'otDHCHE." C. S. By day and
àite tiodlilaic. As a gift, or, in place of a gift night per diem noctemque.

pro munere, vel in muneris loco. ' A LÀTHAIR," adv. (Làthair), In view, to be found,
A', prep, (for Ann), In. " A' d' cheann." C. S. In evidently : in conspectu, in loco noto, dilucidè.
thy head : in tuo capite. " Tha e a làthair." He can be found, or, it is
A, prep. Out e, " Is mise an Tigheama
of: ex. preserved. Inveniri potest, vel conservatum est.
do Dhia, a thug a mach thu a tir na h-Eiphit, a '
A f.ETH-TAOBn,' adv. (Leth, et Taobh), Aside
tigh na daorsa." Ecs. xx. 2. I am the Lord thy seorsim. " Chaidh e a leth-taobh." C. S. He
God, who have brought thee out of the land of went aside. Ivit seorsim.
Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Ego sum '
A MACH," adv. (Magh), A-field, out, outward in :

Dominus tuus Deus, qui eduxi te e terra ^gypti, agrum, foris, vel ad foras. Vide Mach.
e domo servitutis. Vide As. Scot. Af, et AfF. '
A MHÀIN,' arfr. Only: tantum, tantummodo. "A
Belg. et Sax. Af. Lat. E, ex. Gr. A<p. ìnhàin ann an tir Ghosein, far an robh clann Is-
' A, s. m. or /. 1. A swan cygnus. Llh. et : raeli, cha robh clach-mheallain." Ecs. ix. 26. Only

CB. 2. The ascent of a hill mentis accli- : in the land of Goshen, where the children of Israel
vitas. wain, car, chariot
Vt. Gloss. 3. A were, there was no hail. Tantummodo in terra
plaustrum, vehiculum, currus. Llh. 4. Water: Goschenis ubi erant filii Israelis non fuit gran-
aqua, elementum aquse. MSS. Fr. Eau. do.
Germ. Awe, ach. Wacht. Goth. A, aa, ea, <
A MHÀN,' adv. Do^NTiwards, down : deorsum. (i. e.

eha, aha, au, haf. Gr. 'a, a, cumulus aqua- Am fan, Llh.)
" 'S gur e "n gaol, gun bhi pàidht' ;
rum. Arab. i__)^ ab. Pers. ^\ au, aqua.
" Thug a mhàn uani mo chlL"
Pun. J^ A, mons. R.D.
• A, adj. High: altus. Vt. Gloss. Pun. J<, A, And unrequited love has reduced my strength.
mons. (/«'/. worn down). Et amor non retributus, vires
A, particle, prefixed to words, will be illustrated by niihi sustulit, vel triWt.
the following phrases, in the alphabetical order of ' A MuiGH,' adv. (i. e. Anns a' mhagh), In the field,
their initial letters. out, without : in agro, extra, foris. C. S.
A BHÀRB.' adv. (Bàrr, s.) Besides : praeterea. C. ' A NALL,' Hither, to this bank, or side hue, ad :

S. hanc ripam, seu partem.

Tliaiiii^;; an f;orm-»liùileucli u iu>it |«irvum quodvi*. Wet. Ab, ap, el epa. IXtr. 1

• (ju Mòru imiii luull iJiruth fa l>liiuc." Ow. Ann. Mub.

Tern. viii. .»14.
Ab, I -A, -AciiAK, ». f». L A fattier : pater. 1«/-

Tlio blue-ejt^l (hero) came liilliiT lo .Mora oC .\ba, j tun. 'ì. Wdlun. 3. .\n
.K lord: duniinii!!.
»loM -tiuwiiig, noisy i-trt-aiiis. ^'lllit i-a-rulfus ocu- abbot abbas. : An ni subhach an dara \\-tthn I'li

IÙ hue ad Morain lartlortiiu riuentoruiu sub Ire- iii e dubhach an \-<dt eile. Prov. What makes
luitii. the one abbot glad, will make the other tad.

\ sios," («/«•. l'|i liitluT : 8iirsuiii litK'. '• Clia ililiif; Quodcunipie alteram abbateui litrtiticarit, ulleruni
a nioi na hliio» diiiis." I'lvr.
acli Nothiiif; «ill tristem erticiet. 4. A cause, matter, or bu»i-
come uu but »lutt i:>bi-lu\\. Sibil iiÀceiiilct nisi ness : causa, res, negolium. ••
Ab unacuil." (V.
quod iulrà «it. 141. .Matter of defence, or avail: res defeiisio-
' .\ SIS,' Ì tutr. Now : nunc, autem. " A liin bha nis. Arm, Abat. Span. Abud. Bast/. Aita.
• A sisK." \ 'n nalbuir ni bu slicòlta." Gru. iii. 1.
Arab. i__»< tJt. Syr. KIN uImi. JJAr. 2S ub.
7i</. 1783. Now the serpent was more subtle.
All signifying a father pater.
Serpens auteni erat astutior. Jr. <(i»o|r. :

• A NocHo,' tuli: To niglit luic noete. : An, pret. def. v. Is, for Bu, q. vide. ' Mar tib abli-
A iwchd is bròuuch do teabaidli." aist." V. S. As was customary. Sicut mos i-rat.
R. MD. 7. .\b, liuter/. Imj>lving reproach, or threatening.
To-niglit, sad isthy couch hac noctc, : triste est Ab, AB, 5 " Abf all) art." C. S. l"y For slianie! !

tuuni cubile. Or. Nk^. Lot. Nox. how dare you Apage proh pudor ! f !

.\ NUAs,' (/</(•. Down: deorsum, è supra,
{i. e. As • .\b, adj. Good bonus. IV. Gloss. :

an ionad sliuas I'roni the place above). " Agus

; Abaciiadii, -aidii, s. m. et pres. part. v. Abaich.
bha sliabh Shinai uile lb dheataich, do bhrrgh gu'ii C. S. Vide Abuchadh.
d' thainig an Tighearn a nuns air ann an teine." Abaciid, -AN, S.f. Aba), An abbey ccsnobium. I :

Eci. xix. 18. And mount Sinai was altogetlier on JJSS. ^'ide Abaid.
a smoke, because the Lord had descended upon it Abaciid, s. f. i'ld. (Abuich, a/lj.) Provin. Vide
in fire. Mons autem Sinai fumabat totus, prop- Abuicheachd.
terea quod descendcbat super eum Dominus Ueus • .\bact, s.f. Ironical joking: jocus simulatus.
in ipso igne. MSS.
« A Nl'LL,'
adr. Thither, across, to the farther side: Abadii, -aidh, -kas', s. m. 1. A syllable: syllaba.

'.\nunn,'J ilhic, ad alteram vel adversam par- " AbatJJi an letli fhocail."' C. S. lit. The utterance
tem. " Shiubhail dùbhradh nan torrunn a null.' of half a word tlie least portion of a word: verbi

Tern. viii. Ò3I. The gloom of thunders has rolled vel vocis minima pars. 2. A satire, or lampoon :

to the other side. Recessit illuc tonitruum obscu- carmen maledicuni. O'Ji.
ritas. Jr. %<. noij. Abaicii, -idh, Dii, V. a. et n. C. S. Vide Abuich, r.
' A Again rursus, iterum. " A its thài-
Rts,' adv. : Abaicii, -e, atl/. S. Vide Abuich, adj. C
nig focal an Tighearna do m' ionnsuidh." Esec. Abaid, -E, -EAN, s.f. (Ab, et Aite), An abbey:
xvi. 1. Again the word of the Lord came unto cocnobium. " Triall chun ua h-afniid." Stew. 485.
me. Iterum verbum Dei vcnit ad me. /r. Walking towards the abbey. Progrediens ad cte-
nobium. Arm. Aba-ti. i. e. Gael. " Tigh aba."
An abbot's house, or dwelling. A/i{/l. Abode.
AA RiTHiST,' adv. Provin. Vide A fis.

STEACH," adv. (i. e. Anns an teach). L In; Span, et liasq. Abdia. Pers. .sLj? (ditul, i. e. a
within in the house. Intus, in domo. " A bheil
liouse, or dwelling.
iad a steach f" C. S. Are they within ? An sunt » Abaid, -e, -can, s.f. A birth-day : dies nataiis.
illi intus, vel in domo? 2. Into in. •' Do rach- :
Vt. Gloss.
am orrasan a steach." Salm. cxviii. 19. I will go A.BAID, -E, -EAN, «. /. A hat, or cowl : pileus.
into them. Introibo eas. JJebrid.
'A STIGH,' adv. (i. e. Anns an tigh). 1. In the ,A.BAiDEACHD, «. / i/td. (Abaid), An abbacy coe- :

house, in, within: in domo, intus. C. S. 2. Into: nobium. C. S. Arm. Abadaeth.

in. C. S. Id. q. steach, 2. A Abailt, -e,, s.f. Macinty. et Turn. Vide Ab-
» A's T-oiDHCHE,' (i. e. Anns an oidhche). In the aid.
night noctu.
: llius, we say : " A's <-shamh- Abair, i;. Put. Their Pretpr. Thu-
a. et n. irreg. :

radh ;" " a's <-flioghar ;" " a's ^-earrach." C. S. bltairt Pres. part. -liàdh.
: Say, pronounce, utter:
In the summer ; "in the autumn ; in the spring. die, enuncia, efter, effare." Na U-alxiir ach beag
In aestate ; in autumno ; in vere. 's abair gu maitli." Prov. Say but little, and say
'A suAS,' adv. C. S. Vide Suas. well. Die pauca tantum, et die bene, vet, ad rem.
'A THioTA,' adv. Quickly: mox, statim, puncto tem- Manx. Abyr. Wei. Ebru. Eng. Jabber. IJtlr.
poris. C. S. Vide Tiota. "I^T dabar, locutus est.
'A THuiLLEADU,' adv. Morc, moreover praeterea, :

insuper. C. S. Arm. Abouala. • Abairt. s.f. et pret. part. r. Abair. 1. Speakiiig,

Ab, -A, -AN, s.f. An ape siniia. C. S. Vide Apa. ;
or speech sermo. LUt, 2. An idiom
: idi- :

It anciently signified, any little animal : animal oma. Yidi. 3. Education educatiu. OR. 4. :

A 2
Politeness : civilitas. Lih. O'R. et O'B. Arab. Abhacas, -ATS, ». »n. Derision, diversion: ridicu-
lum, ludibrium.
itwlc abiret, a word, or idiom.
" Nar n-aobhar spòrs' is abhacais,
• Abairt, s. f.
Accoutrements : apparatus. 17.
" D' ar n-eascairdibh gu leir." Salm. Ixxx. 6.
Gloxs. Vide Beart.
Abaltachd, Abultachd, *. /, tW. Ability ; facili-
A cause of merriment and derision to all our ene-
mies. Causa jocorum ludibriiquc omnibus hosti-
tas. Lì'ìì. 163.
Descent, sun-setting : descensus, bus nostris.
• Abaoi, s. f.
Abhach, -aiche, adj. Humorous, joyous, pleasant
solis occasus. MSS. Wei. Aballu, to fail, to
jocosus, festivus, lepidus. C. S. Id. q. Abhachdach.
perish ; Aball, inopia Abwy, Abo, a carcase ;
• Abhach, -aich, -aichean, or Abh'chdan, s. m.
cadaver. Dav,

Abar, -air, s. m. MSS. Vide Abairt.
A dwarf, or sprite : nanus, lemur. Sh. Arab.
• Abar, -air, -can, ^t. m. A
marsh, a boggy i^\jiks ahkan, naturally bad : ^>^ abher, a
piece of land : palus, huraus uliginosa. O'B. great devil jjoXxt abkes, an animalcule.

Vide Eabar. Abhachd, «. /. iwrf. (Abhach). L Humour, pleas-

Abarach, -aich, .«. m. C. S. Vide Abrach. antry, harmless gibing festivitas, facetiae, jocus

Aba RACK, \^ -AiCHE, adj. (Abair), Bold, courage- sine felle. " Ann an teaghlach a Mhor-fhir fi
Abarrach, J ous audax, alacer, strenuus. Stew. 2.
àbhewhd." Maci?it. 21. In the chieftain's family
• Abaram, [Jr. pres. iiidic. act. of v. Abair), con- with pleasantry. In adibus principis cum festivi-
tracted Abram : so, " Abrar" for Abairear. tate. 2. Joy, frolic, sport, diversion lusus, ob- :

" Ris an abrar Chaos." MSS. Which was lectamentuni, laetitia.

called Chaos. dixere Chaos. Quem " Nach d' thàinig fathast mu'n chàs ud,
Abartach, -aiche, adj. (Abair). 1. Fluent in " Na dheanadh abhacM ihoirt dùinn." Macinl. 71.
speech, talkative eloquio promptus, loquax, di-
That nothing yet to give us joy has arisen from
cax. " Bu diichas dorah bhi abartach." Oran. that catastrophe. Quod nihil nondum evenerit ex
Eloquence is my
Eloquium nascendi birthright. eo casu, ad Isetitam reddendam nobis. 3. Valour,
jure meum Bold, impudent, forward : au-
est. 2. heroism : virtus bellica. R. M'-D. 63. Hunting,
dax, impudens, confidens. " Chunnaic mi san àite sport venatio. C. S.

sin, ni abartach gu leòir." Stmv. 49. I saw there,

Abhachdach, -aiche, adj. (Abhachd), Jocose, mer-
a thing suflSciently impudent. Vidi isthic negoti- ry, joyful : jocosus, laetus. " Gach creutair a' tog-
um impudens satis. ail an cinn gu h-àbhacìidach." A. M'D. All crea-
Abartachd, iW. Ì «. m. et /. (Abartach). 1. A tures lifting their heads with joy. Quodque ani-
Abartas, -Ais, J form, or mode of speaking : nor- mal IfEtè caput attoUens.
ma loquendi. C. S. 2. Loquacity : garrulitas. Àbhachdail, -e, adj. C. S. Vide Abhachdach.
Provin. Àbhachdas, -ais, s.m. (Abhachd), Sportive exulta-
• Aber, m. (Ath, et Bior),
s. confluence of wa- A tion ludibunda exultatio. Macf. V.
: •

ters an entrance to a river, whether at the

Abhadh, -aidh, -ean, s. rti. I. A fold, hollow: sinus,
mouth, or sides of it aquarum confluens ac- : ;
plicatus. Sh. 2. A sack-net rete sacco simile. :

cessus, vel aditus ad fluminis aquas, vel ad os- Macf. V. 3. A flying camp castra expedita. Vail. :

tium vel quacunque parte velis. " Abir." Gr. in voc. 4. A dwelling, abode domicilium. O'P. :

Orig. Gael. Retained in the names of places, 5. A satire, lampoon carmen maledicum. O'P.

Aberdeen, Aberdour, ^ierfeldy, &c. Likewise • Abhadh-chiùil, -aidh-chiùil, s.f. (Àbh, et Ceòl),
a prefix to the names of several towns and vil- A musical instrument instrumentum musicum. :

lages in the East. D'Herbelot. Wei. Aber, " Fhuair mi dhomh fein fir-chiùil, agus mnài-
casus fluvii. Dav. Com. Abir, Aber, Havre, chiCiil, agus aoibhneas chloinn nan daoine mar
entree ou embouchure de riviere oii la mer en- a ta àbhaidh-chiùil, agus sin do gach gnè." Eel.
tre. Pelletier. Span. Abra, baya. Maris sinus. ii. 8. marg. I gat me men singers and women

Hebr. "^.V abar, transiit. Arab. j*£- ybr, the singers, and the delights of the sons of men, aa
musical instruments, and that of all sorts. Com-
banks, or margin, of a sea, or river. paravi mihi cantores et cantatrices, denique de-
• Abh, -a, s. m. Skill, dexterity : peritia, solertia. licias filiorum hominis symphoniam, et quidera
MSS. omnimodam. Vide Inneal-ciùil.
Abh, -A, -AN, s. m. C. S. Vide Tàbh. Abhag, -aig, -aig, et Abh'gan, s. m. et/. A ter-
Abh, s.m. ind. The barking of a dog latrafrus ca- :
rier :catulus venaticus, qui subterranea investigat.
ninus. Gr, al, al, Vox ficta, e sono latrandi. " Theid miol choin ann an tabhun leat
• Abh, -a, «. m. Water aqua. " Abh-shruth." :
" 'S bitlh abhaig air an lorg." Campb. 174.
C. S. A current, or rivulet : flumen, rivulus.
Hounds along with you will urge the game, with
Wei. Aw, a fluid, a flowing. Arab. i__>l ab, terriers following on their track. Canes tecum la-
trantes, prsedam urgebunt, catulis venaticis eos in-
water. Pers. ^ au, water.
• Abhac, -aic, Abhcan, s. m. A dwarf: nanus. dagantibus. Arab. 1^ aio «'o, a dog.
Bibl. Gloss. Abhagas, -ais, -asan, s.f. A false suspicion, a fly-

Abhac, -aic, -AN, C. S. Vide Abhag. ing rumour : falsa suspicio, incerta fama.
S' «im on blimtht-aiiili nihòr iha 6liua», .V BIIÀN, o^. DuN-nwards : deorsuni
(ihribh aiiui l^lml^ nr ii-tibfui<;att." Turn. 273.
t hu 'a am »u, a bhàird, du dhan,
It is from Che miglitv juil(;e on hl(-li wc olmll re- No gu buidhe a hhàit te funii."
" Ttm. n. ijf^
i't-ÌM' till' rt-(riliuliuii ut° our uiiiliuriluMt- huriuisi'. No «easun this, (> bard, for song, nor to bit down
A iHttfiiie jmlicf >|ui ca-li» est, c'oiiipi'iit>u(ioiit-n) with melod\. Noil est lenipu» hoc, () barde, CJir-
ac».i|)ifiiiu* j>ri) iiOiitru talsn Ruapiciunc. Aniò. minis, nee ud sedeiidum deorsum cuni cautu.

jÌjìL»' ahiulis, news.

Abiiah, -aih, -as, *. iti. Ii. M-D. 17. \'ide Aubhai
Abiiahacii, -aicii,« »«. jy.S'.V. Vide Aubluirracl'.
K BH.ils, Otic. Tern. i. 28.S. Viile .\ hliàn.
Abhainskacii, -^ìCìiK, tiff/. \'idf Ainiliiii'iich.
.\iillAitAilli>, jt. y! ind. ( Aobliar), A cuum-, causa-
tion : causa, causatiu. •• .-iUtaruclul n»"aitx*id." Ii.
Abiiais, ì -k, -eas, «._/! Habit, cusioni : nios, con-
Abhaist, siictudo.
.!/• Cause of
/J. my wo. Causa doluria mei. Id. 4.
" C'hu W iononn 's blii mar b' àbhaist dhomh
" Aig .Abiiasthac -AiCH, *. m. The barking of a dog
II, :
bniifjlie iloin'-flirò,
lutratus caniiius. Sh.
'• na làii-daimh,
l;"iir uiii bi
" Ni 'ii dùmhair unns a' chcò." Maciitty. 43.
AaiiAHsAiit, -EAN, *. til. C. S. Vide Aibliistear.
Abiicaio, -e, -ean, t.f. ( Abhachd), .K jest, hariiiless
Far otherwise 1 was wont to be, in the hill of the
gibing, pleasantry jocus, facetiie, jucosa dicaci-
eireling grove, wliere the full {frown stags amor-
tas, liilaritas. " Beul na U-aò/ictiide." C. S. Tlie
ously sported in the mist. Longè aliter in nemo-
ris rotundi jugo versabar, ubi ingciites in vapore
mouth of pleasantry. Os facetiarum. Sp(m. Jue-
go. Jiaii(/. Jocoa.
daniic anioribus indulgebant.
Bha fonn mo dhùiii air treith a dh'flialbh,
Abiicaideach, -eiche, ailj. (Abhcaid), Jocose,
sportive, humorous festivus, facetus. C. S.
Ga mhùchadh mar b' abhais 'i"i a m' bheul."

/'(«7. iv. 100. Abiicaideachd, «. J', iitd. (Abhcaidheach), Merri-

I hummed, as I was wont, a song on (the deeds of)
ment, pleasantry : faceiia', lepos. C S.
• Abhdiiac, -aic, s. m. Lordly courage virtus ve!
Fuit materies mei carminis de
departed chiefs.
principibus qui abierunt, suH'ocata, ut erat solitum,
aroinius principis. Sh. Id. q. .abhachd, 3.

in meo ore. '• D' abhais," vet T' àbhaist." C. S. Arab. iSjJLks. abkeri, excelled by none a lord. :

Thy custom, or habit: tua consuetudo. Ir. ?tbA|f, chief, conmiander prince])s. :

Chald. im davish, consuetudo. Arab. absh, Abh-labiiracii, -aiche, adj. Mute, dumb mu- :

tus, elinguis. .SVi. Vide Amhlabhra.

proprium, decens, dccorus. Abiilas, -ain, -ax, s. m. A wafer: crustulum fari-
Abhaiseach, I -EicHK, adj. (Abhaist), Customa- narium. " Agus a bhlas mar ab/duiii air an dean-
Abhaistkach. J ry consuetus. :
anih te mil." Jics. xvi. 31. And tlie taste of it was
'S neònach learn an tràsa,
like wafers made with honey. Et fuit ejus sapor
" Rud tlia abhaisteach le fir phòsd'." Stew. 49. vclut epychyti ex melle facti. '• Ablilan coisrigte."
Surprising to me now a thing customary with
consecrated water ; the Hos., or bread.
married men. Mirum hodie raihi quod consuetum in the Eucharist. Crustulum consecratum, Hostia,
est maritis.
seu panis Eucharisticus.
Abhaiseaciid, ) $.f. ittd. (Abliaiseach), Custom- Abhlan, -ain, s. /n. C. S. Vide Annlan.
Abhaisteachd, Ì ariness: consuetudo C. S. Abhlar, -aik, -airean, *. »1. C. S. Vide Amhlair.
AbHAL, 1 -AIL, -AILL, Bt AbHLAN, S. m. Ct f. 1. Abiina, gen. et dat. of Abhainn, q. vide. " Gabhaidh
Abhall, I An apple: pomuro. C. S. Vide Ubhal. gach strut!) a dh' ionnsuiiUi na h-abhna." Prov.
2. An apple-tree : raalus.
Every brook runs to the river : unusquisque rivus
Bu tu m" abhaU a's m' ùbhlan,
currit in fluvium.
" '
S bu tu m' ùr ròs an giiradh." Turn. 238.
Abiika, ì -aid, et -aidh, -ean, ». m. An ere-
Tliou wast ray apple-tree and ray apples, and my
Auhkad, > lid palpebrit. " 'S teangaidh aiArcT

budding rose in the garden. Fuisti malus mea, Abhkadh,J dh'iomraicheas. Prov. The eyelids '

atque mea poma fuislique rosa raca tlorescens in

palpebrse Icqui possunt. Wei. Am-
have a tongue :

horto. 3. An
orchard : pomarium.
' A chraobh a b" àird' dhe 'n abhal thu !" rantau. Arm. Abrant. Gr. Ot^j;. Pers. «wl
Stw. 231. abru, an eye-brow. Arab, ^jj' aaref, having fine
The tallest tree of the orchard wast thou Celsis- ! eyes.
sima arbos ex pomario, tu ! 4. Tlie wood of the Abhran, m. Provin. Vide Oran.
-ain, -an, s.

apple-tree lignum ex arbore pomifera.

: S. C Abhras, -Ais, «. m. 1. Spinning: lanilicium, netio.
Wd. Afal, Afall, et AvalL Arm. Aval, et Aval. Macf. V. 2. Flax, or wool linum, vel lana. ' S :

Germ. Apfel A. Sax. Apple. mòr le doimeag a cuid abhrais." Pror. The lazv
Abhallach, -AiciiE, adj. C. S. Vide Ubhalach. woman thinks her wool too bulky raulier ignava :

Abhall-fiadhaich, Ì «. m. C. S. Vide Ublial- lana." sua- cumulum dolet. Yarn licium. OR.
3. :

Abhall-fiadhain, j fiadhaich. 1 4. Manual produce : quicquid manibus fabricatum.

Abhall-ghakt, 1 -AIRT, -oiHT.-EAN.s.m. (Ablial, I
O'K. Gr. Ej^;, lana ; àSgoi, mollis, delicalus, (de
Abhall-guort, j et Gort), An orchard pomari- :
vestibus). Pers. J:.j\ erish, ct fjj.j,\ arith. The
um. Marf. V. I
warp of cloth.
ABnnASACii, -Aiciin, mìj. (Abhras), Abounilhig in The Lochabrian bird, i. e. Cameron of Lochicl
wool, manufacturing wool Innà abundans, lanain : willcome, and will not waste the night in sleep.
oi)crans. " Suil am pòr ahhrasuch ceirsleagacli Veniet ales Abriensis, neque noctem somno conte-
duhli Omii. Th;it «ool-spinning, ckie-bearing,
! ret ille.
black-looking brood Istam lanificani, glonios ! Abrach, -aich, s. in. A Lochaber man Abriensis. :

portantem, nigram progenieni ! " Bu mheasail na h-Abraich 's an am sin. R. M^D.

ABiinASAicHE, -EAN, s. ;?). veiy. (Abhras), A carder 277. The Lochaber men were then in high esti-
of wool, or flax : qui vel qua; lanam vel linuni car- mation. Abriensis tunc temporis lionore proesta-
iTiinat. bant.
Abhron, s. w. A caldron
• : lebes. Vt. Gloss. Abrach, -aiche, -aichean, «. /. quern, i. c. A
Abiirus, -uis, S. Vide Abbras. C " Bra' Abrach," Lochaber quernA mola trusa- :

Abhsadh, -aidii, -ean, s. «;. The slackening of a tilisAbriensis. ProvÌ7i.

sail veli laxatio Naut. term.
" Gu bheil fras Abran, -ain, -an, s. m. An oar-jiatch on a boat's
shalachd'arn-ionnsuidh; thugaibh ni/Mrtf///." Ora». gunwale : lignum remo
suppositum. " Cochull
A foul shower impends slacken sail. Spurcus im- ; bhac air ahranuibh." R. M^D. 123.
(a h-) Oar-
ber nobis impendet laxate velum. ; dust thick on her gvmwale slips. Scobe remorum
ABiisponAG, -AIG, -AN, s.f. The stomach of a cow: oroe ligneola conteguntur.
bovis omasum. " Sanntach air abJisporaig cruidh." • Abran, -ain, -an, «. m. An eye-brow: supercilium.
Oran. Eager for cow tripe. Cupidus bovini o- Vallan. Celt. Es. 73. Vide Abhra et Fabhra.
masi. Arraon, -agin, «. 7». April : 3ISS. " Mios
• Abhstaltach, -aiche, adj. Effectual : efficax. Llh. a' bhraoin." Mac/. V. The month of small show-
Abhuinx, Aibuxe, Aibiinean, Aibhnichean, s.f. ers mensis lenium imbrium.

A river " Far an taine 'n abhuinn '% ann

: fluvius. Abrar,/m^ ind. pass, of Abair. It shall be said di- :

ismòafuaim." Pror. 33. Wlicre the river is most cetur. " Cha'n abrar," It shall not be said : non
shallow it makes the greatest noise. Ubi minimè dicetur. " Cha 'n abrar lacob nut tuilleadh. Gen.
altus sit amnis, ibi maximè sonat. Vide Amhainn. XXXV. 10. Thy name shall not be called any more
Abhuist, -e, -ean, «. f. A custom cousuetudo. : Jacob. Non vocabitur deinceps nomen tuum la-
" Agus bheir thu cupan Pharaoh 'n a làimh, mar cob.
a b' àbhuist duit foimhe, 'nuair a bha thu a' d' Absdal, ì
, > -ail, -oil, -an, Vide Abstol.
ghille-cupain aige." Gen. xl. 13. And thou shalt Absdol, j
deliver Pharaoh's cup into his hand, after the for- Absdolach, -aiche, adj. Vide Abstolach.
mer manner, when thou wast his butler. Porriges- • Absoloid, -e, s.
f. Absolution : absolutio. Urn.
que poculum Pharaonis in manum ejus, secundum 32.
rationem pristinam, quum esses a poculis ejus. Id. Abstol, -oil, -an, s. m. An apostle : apostolus.
q. Àbhaist. N. Test, passim. Vox Gr. AiroSTokoc.
Abhull, -uil, -bhlan, s. m. JR. 3PD. Vide Abhall. Abttolach, -aiche, adj. (Abstol), Apostolical : a-
Abhus, -uis, -an, s. m. 1. A wild beast: fera. postolicus. C. S.
MSS. Vide Àmhas. 2. A stall for cattle. SL Abstolachd, s.f. ind. (Abstol), Apostleship : mu-
ferox. Heb. D131* nus apostolicum, apostolatus. " Abstaltachd." Llh.
Arab, (j-y"^ ahwes, fortis,
A ghabhail cuibhrinn de'n fhrithealadh agus de'n
ebhus, prffisepe. abstolachd so." Gnhmh. i. 25. To take part of
- Abile, s. m. (A, a hill ; et Bile), A wooded hill
this ministry and apostleship. Ut accipiat sortem
mons sylvestris. Vallan. in Voc. Punic. ì^ a, ministerii hujus at apostolatus.
mons. 7^3N f^^^t mons sylvestris. Abuchadh, -aidh, s. m. et pres. part. v. Abuich.
Ablach, -aich, -aichean, s. m. or/. (A, vel Ah, Ripening, act, or state of ripening : maturescens,
^D. et Luach). 1. Carrion, a mangled carcase :
niaturescendi actus, vel status.
caro morticina. " Gur e abhul an lis so,
" Gus am fàsadh tu d' ablach gun deò." " Tha mise 'g a iargan
Macinty. 58. " I gun abuchadh meas oir',
Till thou wouldst become lifeless carrion. Usque " Ach air briseadh fuidh ceud bharr." Stew. 445.
quo caro morticina.
fieres 2. Any thing worth-
It is the apple-tree of tliis garden that I lament
less : C. S. Scot. Ablach, a term of
vile quid. its fruit unripened, it has been broken in bloom.
contempt. Wei. Aball, defectus : Abo et Ab- Malum hujusce horti doleo, fructu ejus immaturo,
wy, cadaver. Chald. PÒ'yi ìiabloth, foeditas. K^23 ipso flore, est fracta.
Abuich, -e, adj. Ripe maturus. " Thug a bagaid-
nebela, cadaver. Arccb. *ij^ aileh, a fool.
ean a mach dearcan abuich." Gen. xl. 10. The
Ab-mhathair, -ar, -thraichean, *./. (Ab, et
clusters thereof brought forth ripe grapes. Matu-
Màthair), A
mother-abbess mulier ccenobii antis- :

Wei. Addfed. Dae.

ras botri ejus protulerunt uvas.
tes. 3ISS.
Arm. Abigh. C(ym. Avez. Angl. Harvest. Hfòr.
Abrach, adj. Lochabrian, of or belonging to Loch-
'2,'H eb, fructus recens.
aber Abriensis, Abrianus.

" Thig an t-eun Abrach, Abuich, -idh, dh, v. a. et n. 1. Ripen, cause

" 'S cha choidil e 'n oidhche." Turn, 164. to ripen : matura, maturitatem aifer. C. S. 2.
Ripi-n, l»ocome rl|H? : inaliirescc. C S. Cr.'liZii, I
not regret my
Aniator juveniA, domuni
lou. re-
juientus. IMr. 30N "*'*. proUuxit truclum pri- diture, non legrè feret infurtuniuin meiuu.
iiium t>t preccoieiii. 3'3N "'"*. «pita cum i-uUno. Acainkai II, -KiciiE, adj. (Acainl, I'lttintive, pain-
Abvuhkacud, i»<t,\ s.M.ct f. (AbiiÌL'li), Itipi-nesii, ful, sickly : irger, dulens.
AoiiriiKAD, -Ein, J
«U-fjroi' of ripciuss; iniiluritas, " Hidh truagh air fiadh na li-àraich,
matiiritalis pniiius. '•
Wi abiiiilttiut fju'ii roUli am " S gearaii crUJleuch iicaÌHetu-h." Turn. 34.
bàrr" C S. However ripe the corn niav lia\e There shull lie «retdud niuanliig tliruughuul the
been. Qiiuntutnvis iiiatura- fiieriiit Iniges. field of battle, and painful, sickly lamentation.
• Abuirt, s.y! (Abair), Speech, coiivensation ser- : Erit per pru-lii campuni, iniserabili» luctu» tristi-
nio, c>t>llo(|uiiiiu. " Ku illièan siad an iibuirt sin tiam arterens, a-graque plorutiu.
eaturra." Toin. 37. Tlius tliey conferred. Ita AcAiNUH, -E, *./. C. .S. Vide -Acanaich.
colloquebantiir. Id. tj. .\bairt. ACAIR, -E, et AcKACIi, pi. ACHAKIIK.AN, S.f. I.
• .\biilta, ik/J. .\ble, strong capable : habilis, for- .\n anchor ancliora.
gabhail orra bhi tilg-
" .\'

tis, vahdus. JJA. U't/. Abl. Span. Abil. cadh a mach acraic/iean a toiseach na luinge."
/>i/. Habilis. Aiiff/. .\l)le. Gniom/i, xxvii. 30. Under colour, as il they would
• Abultachd, x./.itut' MSS. \ide Abaltachd. have cast anchors out of the Ibreship. Simulautes
Ac. -A, -AN, et -ANNAN, *./ Vide Achd. se anchoras extensuros e prora navis. 2. .An acre
• Ac, ». m. 1. X re('u«al, denial repulsa, recu- : jugerum. C. S. 3. A rick of corn acervus e :

messis frugibus factus. Provin. Ir. ?tt)coiJiP.

satio. iul/. Vide Ag. Arah. ijie aiA, split- Manx. Anker. Wei. -Augor. Arm. Eor, Enhor.
ting, olx ak/i, disobedient. '2. Speech, tongue: Basq. Aingura, Angura, et .Acra. Span. Ancora.
oratio, lingua. S/i. 3. A son :tilius, i. e. mac, Spelm. Gloss. Com. .\nkar. Fr. .Aucre. /to/.
by the elisionof m. -Ancora. Gr. Ayxujo. Arab, jUicl aAar, areas,
Ac, 1^ />"?>• conjoined with jM-rs. (.Vig, et
AcA, " plots of ground. Pers. jSii\ ankar. Heb. njK
lad).With them apud : illos, illas, ilia. Tha
acar, agricola.
aca," C. M. Thev have est, : vel sunt illis. " Agus
l)iodhuachdranachd aca." Gen. i. Sfi. And let AcAiR-pjioLL, -LiLL, m. (Acair, et Poll), An an-

ihem have dominion. Atque dominatio sit illis. choring place, or birth statio navium. C. S. :

• Aca, inter/. (Faic), See, behold " Aca, -AcAN.AiCH, -E, s.f. (.Acain), Grief, a complaining,
ecce. :

an làmh, a Chu Chuailgne." i't. Behold the sobbing dolor, mceror, actus suspirandi vel ge-

hand, Cuchullin, of Cuailgne mendi. " Co na daoine b' àill m' acanaich ?" Rep.
Ecce Dianum, !

Cuclmlline, Cuailgnienseni
Append. 232. Who are the men «ho wish to par-

• Aca-damh, /. An academy : acadcmia. O'B.

ticipate in my grief? Quinam illi sunt qui mecuni
dolere volunt ?
^'ide Acaidli, an abode, and Damh, a learned
man. Pott us, vox Gra-c. vel Lat. .AcAKACH, -AiciiE, o^'. Mcrciful, mild: misericors.
.\CA1D, -E, -EAN, s.f. A pain, hurt, stitch
mitis. Macf. V. Wei. .Achar, atfectionate.
dolor, :

laesio, pleuritis. H. JI'D. 126. Vide Aiceid.

AcARACHD, s.f. ind. (Acarach). 1. Moderation,

ACAlDEACH, -EicHE, adj. (Acaid), Painful, sickly, respect : modus, respectus. Stew. Gloss. 2. Gen-
groaning dulens, aeger, valetudinarius. Macf. V. tleness,compassion mansuetudo, misericordia.


Acaideach, -eich, s. m. An inhabitant incola. :

" —Sni acarachd ri truaghan bochd,
" Is dionar 'anam
MSS. leis." Ross. Salm. Ixxii. 13.
• Acaidh, -e, -ean, s.f. (Aig a thigh), An a-. And shall have compassion on the poor indigent
bode, habitation domicilium. O It. one, and his soul shall be protected by him. Mi-

" Achaidh," whence D'achaidh home. q. vide. sericordiam adhibebit in miserum, ejusque anima

servabitur ab illo. 3. Doubt, remissness: ha?si-

AcAiv, -E, -IS, s.f. A sigh, moan, complaint sus- :

pirium, questus, geraitus. tantia, dilatio. R. M'D. 82. et 95.

" Tliàinig osag an crònan an uillt, .AcARAN, -AiN, m. Lumber: instrumenta domes-

'• 'N a lùib bha acain tica ponderosiora. Provin.

a bbròin. S. D. 83.
A blast came in the roar of the torrent , in its
AcARSAiD, -E, -EAN, S.f. ( Acair-àitc), A harbour
bore the wail of portus, statio navium. Vac. 6.
eddy it grief. .\ura venit inrauco
murmure lyniphae ; attulit sinu tristificum gemi-
AcARTHA, s.f. ind. Profit, fitness, convenience:
tum. Wei. Acceni. Germ. Ach, dolor. Fr. Ac- commodum, congnientia. Provin.
cent. Span. Acenta. Gr. ' Kyjo;, dolor gravis AcARTHA, ) -AICHE, odj. MSS. Id. q. Acar-

" .Kyjo/Mou, ingemo sub pondere.

Ìfcò. OK acA, elieu
Ac.ARTHACH, J ach.

.AcARTHACHD, S.f. ind. 3ISS. Vide Acarachd.

Pers. j^l^bj? azkan, grief, anguish.
AcASAN, prejK conjoined with pers. pron. pi. Empli.
Acain, -idh, dh, r. n. 1. Sigh, or moan suspira,
of -Aca, q. vide.
genie. R. M-D. 239. 2. Regret fer a?grè, vel
AcASTAiR, -AN, S.f. An axIc axis. Voc. 94. :
• Accomar, adv. (An comas). 1. In hand, under
Fhleasgaich òig tha dol dachaidh
subjection, at one's mercy, or disposal in ma- :
" 'S tu iiach acain mo chall." R. D. nibus, sub arbitrio. MSS. 2. L'sed in ancient
Youthful wooer, horaewardi returning thou wilt
writings also for faicea/naid, let us see thu», :
" Tiagam ass, ol Oilliol, con accomar na miol- • Achaidli, g. m. Sh. Vide Dachaidh.
choin occ tofonn." Bianf. 41. col. 1. i. e. in AcHAiN, -AIDH, DH, V. a. et «. Proviti. Vide Ath-
modem orthography, " Tiugainn as, os Oilioll, chuingich. " Tha mi guidhe' 's ag achain ort." I
"s gu 'm faiceamaid na miol-choin a' tathunn." exhort and intreat you. Te hortor et obnixè rogo.
away, says Oillol, that we may see the
Come AcHAiM, -E, -EAN, f. "Ac/uiin dian ;" earnest

hounds urging the game. Eamus, inquit Oillo- supplication : preces vehementes. Provin. Wei.
lus, ut canes praedam urgentes conspiciamus. Achan, Achwyn. Vide Athchuinge.
AcPHUiNN, ) -E, -EAN, s. f. Generally used in a col- • .\chamair, abridged : curtus, con»
-e, adj. Short,
AcFcrNN, / lective sense, for apparatus, imple- tractus. 3ISS.
has also been used adver-
ments, appendages of any kindapparatus, instru- : bially, as most adjectives
are, with or without
menta, armamenta cujusvis generis. " Acfuinn the particle ffu, prefixed. Vide Athchuimir.
gunna. Macinty. Si. gun lock : scloppetarium A * Achamaireachd, s.f. ind. (Achamair), Abbrevia-
instrumentum. '• Acfuinn luinge." Gnionih. 27. tion : contractio. LIA.
19. A rigging:
ship's armamenta navis. " Ac- AcHANAicH, -E, -EAN, s. f. Vidc Athchuingc.
fuinn fighdeadair." Voc. A weaver's heddles in- : Wel. Achwyniad, a complaining.
strumentum textoriura. " Aefuinn shùl." Voc. ACHARRADH, -AIDH, -AIDHEAN, S. »!. 1. A dimi-
Eye-salve : collyriura. " Acfuinn shuaite." Voc. nutive being homuncio. C. S.
: 2. dwarf : na- A
Ointment, or salve : unguentum. Pers. ^ . ^Aa.j nus. 3. sprite A larva. C. S. :
" Acharradh
akhten, to weave. crion." C. S. withered elf. A Pumilio arefactus.
AcFHuiNNEACH, Ì -EiCHE, odj. (Acfliuinn). 1. Well- AcHASAN, -AiN, -AN, s. w. Vide Achmhasan.
AcFUiNNEACH, j furnished bene instructus. R. :
AcHASANAicH, -iDH, DH, V. a. Vide Achmhasan-
M'D. 92. 2. Able, potent, sufficient : habihs, va- aich.
» Achd, adv. Llh. Vide Ach.
lens, idoneus.
" Shiùbliladh e gu làidir, luaineach, -AcHD, Regular termination of substantive nouns
" Eutrom, uallach, acfhuinneach, formed from adjectives thus, Naomh, adj. holy : :

" Fichead mile anns an uair, sanctus. Naomh-ncW, s. holiness sanctitas. La- :

" 'S bu shuarach an t-astar leis." M'Greg. 121. tine -as nominum terminatio. Vide etiam -Ach.
He thought walk strongly, swiftly, lightly, cheer-
to AcHD, s. m. -an, -annan, A manner, method,
fully, potently, twenty miles an hour, and would case, state, condition : modus, status, conditio, ra-
count it a trifling journey. Vadere voluit, strenuè, tio. " Air aon achd." Salm. xvi. 10. In any
velociter, leviter, hilariter, poteuter, viginti millia manner: ullo modo. " Gach achd." Salm. i. 21.
passuum quaque bora ; leveque iter ferebat. Ir. In every respect, altogether : omni modo, prorsus.
^cti7uit)5i6. " Achd air n' achd." C. S. By all means : quo-
AcH, Ah ah !. Germ. Ach. Steed. Och.
iiiteij. !
que pacto. Arab. <X=l1 akhz, a way of life, habit.
AcH, But except ast, at, autem, sed. " Eigh-
idh mi

gu b-àrd, ach cha 'n 'eil breitheanas ann."

Achd, s. f. ind. pi. -an, A decree decretum.

" Achd Pàrlamaid." C. S. An act of Parliament

16b. xix. 7. I cry aloud, but there is no judgment.
senatus consultum.
Clamo altè, sed non est judicium. Ir. ?Cc&, ?icc. " Fhuair sinn righ a Hanobher,
Heb. nX ach, sed. " Sparradh òirnne le h-achd e." P. D.
-Ach, Having habens. A termination of adjectives

formed from substantives thus, Mulad, *. sorrow :

We got a king from Hanover
an act has imposed ;

tristitia. Mulad-ccA, adj. Having sorrow, sorrow- him upon us. Regem ex Hanoveria nacti sumus,
juris consultum imposuit eum nobis. Afiffl. Act.
ful ; dolorem habens, i. e. tristis. Gaol, s. love
Gael-acA, adj. Having love Gr. -ayj>i, -oyjn;, -axo;,
Achdaich, -IDH, DH, V. o. (Achd), Enact, decree :

fer legem. " Do h-achdaicheadJi fòs." Urn. 4. It

ly.oi. Lat. -acus, -icus and similar adjections in;

has been further enacted. Adhuc decretum est.

the various languages of Europe. Gr. 'iyy, habeo,
Heb. T^nti achach, conjunxit, consociavit.
anchor anchora. A. JYPD. 149. Vide Acair. 2.
-a, -an, s. m. A mound, bank

Ach, moles, ripa. :

An anker: amphora. A. M'D. 192.
Sh. Lat. Acta. Gr. Axrri, as in Homer II. II.
AcHDARR, -A, Ì adj. Methodical, expert, skilful or- :

394. /isy' lay^o'j, us Sri x.ù/J,a Axr» iv iJ-^'l^?. Gael.

dine progrediens, vel secundum ar-
Mar ghaoir thig 'o shumbaid cuain, a bhuaileas le tem, gnarus. " Nach aciidarr an duin' e !" W. H.
neart an tràigh. M'L. Trans
How skilful a man he is ! Quam gnarus est ille !
Aciiadh, -aidh, -aidhean, -aidhnean, i. m. A A
* Achdran, -ain, Ì -aich, extra-
*. m, foreigner :
field ager, arvum. " Oir feuch, bha sinn a' cean-
» Achdrannach, neus, peregiinus quis. Llh.
gal sguab 's an achadh." Gen. xxxvii. 7. For be-
AcHDuiNN, -E, -EAN, s. f. Report App. 206. Vide
hold we were binding sheaves in the field. Ecce,
ergo nobis colligantibus segetum fasces in agro.
•• Achadh nam Bard."
A'cHEUD, The first: prima. " A'ckeiid bhean."
Bardfield ager poetarum :
The firstwoman prima muher. " A'cheud àith-

and many other names of places. Scot. Akjre.

ne ;" The first commandment priraum prseceptum. :
Germ. Auw, auwe. Heb. iniit achu, graminetum,
"rnì^ echad, unus. Arab. i>c»l ahad, one. Gael.
pratura. "Gen. xli. 2. 18.
'• A'rkeud aoii>
chc iiK'i|>i«iiU ago. lid. ttTin AcHBAKNAiCH, -iDii, x>n, I. a. EoUiigte : irrcti,

f/kitlrsli, iio\ iluniuiu. impedi. Ex tu^,

AciiLAiu, -BAK, *./. A dia*o or purbuit
-K, : cur- • AcliMtl, t. HI. .\l\ ail{{el : ttJlgelub. Uh.
fcU», iiiittlutio. Si. Gr. ixf'^ turtxt. Htb. • Aeht, \ide .\eh, ctutj.
in pvnitioruiii reoetiituiu ubi^un. • Aeht, \iJe Aehd, ». m.
T^fiA acMid,
• Achta, Ltb. \ iile Aehd.
AcHtADrr, -Ainii, s. in. Fishing, fishery, art ot'fisli- • Aelituin, vide Aehdiiieh, lyrt.

ing pisiiitiini. Sh.

AciiuiNiiE, -EAN, *./. \idc .\theliuinge.
• Achlaii, s. III. l.ami-ntation lanicntatio, plora- :
• Acmhaing, x./. I'uissaiiee, wealth poteisliu, di- :

tiis. " As anil sin do roiisail toirrsi apis trom

vilia-. Vide .\efuiiin.
aclihiii li-ith air li'ilh." \'t. til. Tlu-ii thi'V la-
• Aciuhuingeaeh, adj. Rich, plentilul, puiiisaiil ;

nii'iiti'il with ilfi'p moans on oai-h siili'. Tunc di\es, ubuiiduns, poleiu». Z,//i. Aide Acfuinn-
utrinque sc docliTunt.
lanii-ntis ct goniitibus
AcHLAls, -AlsK, -KAS, s.f. 1. An arm-pit : axilla. Acmhuing,

s.f. Power, ability, address : poien-
Voe. 15. " Fo 'achlais." C. S. I'niliT liis arm :
tia, vires, dexteritas. I't. 13'J. Vide .Ae-
sub axilla. l*j;urativiOy, Any hollow, or shelter :
sinus, ti'pnt-n, totaincii, pra'siiliuiii. " Hàliiili
• Aeinhuing, -ich, -idli, dh, v.u. Overeoiiie : since.
{fa 'n suioinh ami an (wlilnis nan ard flionii." Ji.
JV. 1.S8.
M'D. 151. Oars twisted in the hollow of lofty • Acohhar, s. m. 1. Covetousness cupiditas. :

waves. Kemi in altoruin Huctuuin lateribus dc- " Ba mhor uli acobhur im gach ni." liunif. 4.
Her covetousness extended to every object.
" Tlia'n stri-sa inu iathadh nan earn,
Nihil non aftcctabat ejus (Mevjr) avaritia. 2.
" An achlais dhubh mhall nan ceo."
A wish, desire desideriuin, cupido. '• Ni

Tern. viii. 29-2.

\\-acvbhar leain do theachd." Kilo. Cvl. col.
Hovering round the rocks, they contend in the 30. 1 have no desire for your coming. Te
shelter of the dim slow mists. Certant circa Hexus
saxetorum, in axilla atrà tarda nebiihu-um. W'tl. absentem non dcsidero. Pers. jlij' azgliar,
Achles, a place of succour, refuge achesa, to suc- : avaricious, ignoble, mean. Hti/. "13?> agar.
cour, iicrm. Achsil humerus. T-V. Aissille.
collegit, congessit, computavit.
Am^I. Saj.. Achsle, eascle, exla. Anc. Brit. As-
• Acobhrach, adj. (Acobhar), Covetous, desirous,
gile. Arab. (joIX^lI ikhlas vel (Milag, true love, avaricious : cupidus, avarus.
friendship. Jleb. T^H azzil ; p^n luilck, suspiri- • Acomhal ( A chomhdliail ), »./. An assembly: con-
um rilTSM u:HuUi, the arm-pits.
; ventus, coetus. Llh. Arab. ,iLo\ ihbal, arriv-

ACHLASAN, -Ai;*,*. >». (Ex Achluis). 1. Anything ing, meeting.

carried under tlie arm quicquid sub : axilla porta- • Acomol, V. a. Assemble, accumulate convo- :

tur. 2. An infant : iiifans. C.S. Arab.' \jo\y^\ ikh- ca, accumula. Sh. " Is i mo airle daibh
ol se, naini eirinn, do acomol co haoniii for ligi
lasaii, achlasan, sincerely. Hebr. p7n lenirc.
Fearg inliic Uoigh." Tain, 3. My counsel to
you is, said he, tliat you cause the saints of
S. hypericum. Light/.
Ireland to assemble round the tomb-stone of
ACHLAisicii, -iDH, Dii, r. a. (Ex Achlais). Put un-
Fergus the son of Roich. Meum consilium
der thy arm, cherish axillae tuae suppone, fo\ e.
vobis est, iiiquit, ut omnium Hibemiae sancto-

AcuMHASAX, -Ais, -AIN, g. ill. Keproof: reprelien- rum ad Fergusii tilii Roichii tumulum conven-
sio. " Mar ao tluiair achmliasan." Gen. xx. 16. i
tum indicatis.
Tlius she was reproved. Sic reprehcnsio illi data
• Aeon, -oin, -can, s. vi. A refusal, denial : recu-
satio, negatio. Sh. Gr. Axut, nolens. Vide
AcHMHASANACH, -AiciiE, adj. Reprelicnsive : objur-
gatorius. Maif. Sh. Vide Acobhar.
• Acor, *. UI.
ACH.MHASANAICH, -AIDH, -DH, V. a. (Ex Achmh-
\'ide Acrach.
• Llh.
.\coracli, ad/.
asan). Reprove, rebuke : reprehende, objurga. • m. Llh. \'ide Acair.
Acra, «.
AcRACu, -AiCHE, atlj. Hungry: fainelicus. Salix.
AcHMASAXAiciiE, -EAN, A ccnsor, one who s. »1.
evil. 5. Id. q. Ocrach.
reproves : qui reprehendit.
C. S.
AcwAicH, -iDH, DH, v. Q. (Acair), Anchor: ancho-
• Achmhaingidh, L'm. 17. Vide Acfuinneach.
ram jace. Acraichte, part, moored, anchored. C. S-
ACHMHASAicii, 1 -IDH, -AIDH, DH, f. a. Rebukc :
AcKAN.NACH, vidc .-Vchnuinach.
AcHMHAs, j objurga. Vide Achmhasauaich. AcRAiCHEAN, ^/. of Acair, q. v.
AcHRANSACH, -AicHE, (ui/. (Ex Ath ct Craim), In-
AcRAs, -Ais, »•. //(. (Ath et Craos), Hunger: fames.
tricate, what retards progress, throws one behind,
inedia." 'S inaith an cocaire 'u t-acras." Prof.
or confounds him perplexus, iter iinpediens, rc-
Hunger is a good cook inedia coquus optinius. :
trorsuin agens, confundens. S/i.
Ir. Achranii, a
Hfh. T*nn^ achavon, posterior postrenius.
" Tim acras omi," " Tha mi air acras. S. C
I am hungry " Bha e 'n d6igh sin air

"' esurio. :

V^L. I. B
acres." Matt. iv. 2. He was afterwards an hung- -ADAIH, termination of pret. of verbs used imperson-
retl. Postea esuriit. Ucb. ^2 eres, venter. Arab. ally, e. g. labhradair : locutum est.

vilj.S>l iftras vel airas, giving pain. Vide Oc- Adamant, -aint, g.f. An adamant stone: adamas.
" Rinn iad an cridheachan mar chloich adamaint."
AcRASACn, ati/. vide Ocrach et Ocrasach. Zech. vii. 12. Ed. 1801. They made their hearts
Vt. 93. Gleiim. 17. Vide Aca. as an adamant stone. Corda sibi adaraantina finxe-
• Acu,
AcuiNN, s.f. Macd. 141. Vide Acfhuinn.
AcuiNNEACH, adj. Macd. 140, 170. Vide Acfuinn- • Adamh vel Adumh, «. m. An atom : atonius.
" Am fual 's am faicear moran adaimh, sin
Acus, conj. for Agus, q. v. clach anns na h-àirnibh re h-àm sir fliada.
• Ad, pers. pron. Thou : tu. Vail. Gram. 80. Re- Betli.MS. 59. The urine which appears full
tained in oblique cases with a preposition
of minute particles, indicates the residence of
preceding it as, " Annorf," in thee
; in te. :
the stone for a long time in the kidneys. U-
" Asad," (" Asadsa," emph.) from thee : ex te. rina athoraasa per multum tempus lapidem in
" Asads' a Dhe do dheanam bun." Salm. xxxi. renibus significat. Vox Gr. Vide Dadum vel
1. In thee, O God, do I trust. Ex te, Deus, Dad.
Adamhairich, v. a. Play, sport lude. Sh.
confido. Heb. riX att, tu (foem.) nnK attah, • :

. Adbal, adj. Gil. Modli. 32. Vide Adhbhal.

tu (masc.)
Adbhans, s. m. Adhbhanns, -nnsa, s.f. An advance
A'd', contraction for Ann do, in thy : in tuo. More or hostile charge impetus, in proeho. Macdon. 151.

correctly written, " Ann ad." Vide Ad. Vox AngL

Ad, demonst. prcn. for Ud, that; id. Macd. 120. « Adbhath,/>re<. def. v. Died mortuus est. " : Mo
Od. Hebrid. chridhe si um chliabh adbhath." Ve. 57. My
Ad, pos. pron. Thy or thine The possessive
: tuus. heart has died witlùn me Cor mihi in pectore
pronouns, ' nio, do,' when preceded by the pre- emortuum est. " Adbhath Laoghaire iartan."
position, ' ann,' in, suffer a transposition of their Bianf. 6. Laoghaire immediately expired. Le-
letters, and are written, am, ad,' one broad vowel '

garius confestim animam efflavit. Arab, djl.»

being substituted for another; as, " ann ad chridhe,"
fat, death. Heb. ^2^i abad, periit.
in thy heart in corde tuo. Gram. 70.
" Agus
• Adbheart, (a dubhairt, pret. aet. v. Abair), Said :
beannaichear ann ad shliochdsa uile chinnich na
dixi, &c. " Adbheart sè." He said : ille dixit.
talmhainn." Gen. xxii. 18. And in thy seed shall
Vt. 97. 176. 2. For '
thug,' tulit, pret. act. v.
all the nations of the earth be blessed. Et bene-
Beir. " Adbheart (Oscar) àra niòr air churaJdh
dictas fore in semine tuo omnes gentes terrae.
agus air chath-mliileadliuibh Lochlann." Vt.
Ad, Aide, Adan, -achan, s.f. A hat : pileus, ga-
176. Oscar made a prodigious carnage of the
chiefs and heroes of lyochlin. Oscarus ingen-
" Fhuair sinn ad agus cleòchd,
" Cha bhuineadh an seòrs ud dhùimi." tem stragem ducibus et forlibus viris Lochli-
niorum tulit.
Macinty. 18.
• Adbhocaid, s. m. An advocate causidicus, pa-
We got (each) a hat and cloak, such dresses to us
tronus. Voc. 44. Um^ 46. 58. Vox Aug.

are foreign. Galerum et pallium adept! sumus, " Adbiur mo

» Adbiur, V. n. I swear : juro.
gestamina nobis ignota. Vox Angl. Hat.
sgiath." Bianf. 30. I swear by my shield.
• Ad, s. m. Water aqua. Sh. :

" Ad chualaim, ad Juro per meum scutum. " Adbiursa me dhee."

• Ad, old sign of prefer, act.
Bianf. 31. I swear by my gods. Per meos
chualamar." Vt. 38. I have heard we have ;

deos juro. Heb. "^^2'^^^ aedbor, I shall speak.

heard : audivi, audivimus. Ha). T\V>, etk, a syl-
' Adchuas, -chualas. Was heard auditum est. :
lable prefixed to the future Hithpahel of regu-
" Adchiias umorra do Aedh mac Ainmhireach
lar Hebrew verbs ; as, ^^njnXI ve-eth-chaddel,
Galium Cille do thoigheachd chum na dàla."
agus-ad-chaidi] mi : and I slept : et dormie- Bianf. 23. 2. It was also heard by Aedh, the
bam. son of Ainmhireach, that Galium Gille was
Adad ! interj. Hah ahah atat " Their
! ! ! Màiri an come to attend the convention. Aedus autem
sin adad." Song. Mary then says adad: tunc Ma- Anvireci fihus certior factus est, Columbara
ria inquit atat. Killensem ad coetum venisse.
Adag, -aig, -agan, s./. 1. Com shock : frumentide- • Adcoda. 1. Was enacted : decretum est. Brefi.
missi cumulus. Voc. 94. Arab. ij>.^iX^s\ akdas, Laws. 2. Will get adipiscar. " Do gheibh."

shocks of corn. 2. A haddock : asellus marinus.

Vt. Ghss.
• Adfed, adj. Chaste : castus. i. e. Geanmnuidli. Vt.
Voc. 71.
Adagach, adf. (Adag), Full of com shocks : aristis Gloss. Arab. {.J-Ss. afeef, castus.
in cumulos congestis abundans. Macdoug. 119. • Adfed, I r. a. Reported (Do innis): dixi, -isti, &c.
Adagan, -ain, s. m. A little cap: pileolus. C. S. • Adfet. j Vt. Gloss.
• Adaimh, v. n. Confess confitere. Ui7i, 26. Vide : • Adfhuar, adj. (Àdh, iiitens. et Fuar), Very cold :

Aidich. gelidissimus, valde frigidus. " Sneachd ««^/(««(V

è«i> oidhche." i't. 45. Hie excessively cold flag of France waved in their lop*. ClaMeni iia-
snow itlone night. NW-jis uuius prtt^ilida iiix. viuiii multaruni cons|iexi, cum treniitu ad litiu»
N'ide Adii, /Mirt. jiroNeetani, gruviter uuubtir, tardmitcii lueruiit ; big-
• Adii, s. m. (lufjh, dli{;lie), A law : lex, jus. JJ/i. iia (iailii'u in inulis earuiu.
Abii, -aiuii, *. w. IVosperilVi (;ood luck, Iclicity, Adhaiskaciiij, t. f. tml. (lix arjr.) Slowness, tardi-
blessedness : res prospera-, honte, t'clices, lijiisti- ness tarditas.
: i S. '.

U«. " 'Sniòr m\

a tli' air uii òfj-fliear."
1-àdli AuiiAi., -All., -KAN, *. /«. A flesh hook: fuscina,
MacÌHti/. 1 1. tìrcal is the prosperity ol' the youth. creagro. IJh. et ('. S.
Multuni liiuslitatis evenit ju\eni. St'earrailh iiu • Adhall, adj. Uull, deuf Ikebes, burdun, i. e. :

ealaidh." I'ixh: Cìi>ud luck is better than skill, Adh-dhall. Sh.

or art ; sors prospera superat (xvitiani, AUt artein. .\dhalrach, «. m. A nourisher nutritur " Marbh :

Id. q. Ài;h. Maulscachlaiii tliiar gu thigh, Ad/udraiJi uall-
Adii, particle in composition, marking intension, in- ach uisnighe." fid. Mud/i. liii. alt), Maol-
crease ol' jHiwer or iiiHuence, moral or physical. seachlin died in hishouse, the supporter own
" I'uar, cold tVij^idus (i<//il'huar, very cold per-
; :
of the j)oor and wretched.
Obiit .MaJM-ucliliiiu»
friffidus, valde I'rij^idus inòr, great muf^nus : : ; sua' donii, iiutritor pau|)eruni et aWicioruiii.
à<//i/nhor, hu{;e, awtui ingens, imnianis, tcrribilis.
; Adiialta.n, s. m. (Adhall) A dull, stu|)id fellow ho- :

In more ancient writings, frecjuently written AJ. mo crassi ingenii. Sh.

Adiialthacii, -AiciiE, otlj. ( AdlialtKi»). Vide Adli-
Araii. ^) mid, power, strength, vigour. Gr. dòi;i, altranach, adj.
vehcmcnter. Ueit. "ny adoud, which means in AuHALTKAiciiE. Vide Adhaltranach.
Piliel, to erect, to sustain, or support.
Adiialtranach, -aiche, <«//. (Adhaltrannas). 1. A-
dulterous, guilty of adultery adulterii coitscius, vel
AoH, s. m. Glenm. 17. Ri-port. A/ip. 314. Vide Agh. :

conscia, adulterinus. " 'Dia ginealach olc agus

AdHA, *. TO. I
^'"*- ^*^- adhaltranaih ag iarruidh comliaraidh." Matt. xii.
Adhaichean,;)/. I

Adhach, «rf;. \ide Aghach.

3il. An evil and adulterous generation sceketh al-
Adhach, a<^'. Happy, lucky, fortunate : felix, faus-
ter a sign. Gens mala et adulterina signum requi-
rit. 2. Born in adultery adulterio geuitus. " Mac
tus, fortunatus. Morf. \'ide Aghach. :

Adha-ceir, *./ 1. The fat of liver: pinguitudo he- adhaltranach." C. S. A son born in adultery.
patica. Filius adulterio genitus. 3. Lascivious, alluring.
('. .*». 'J. Fish, or train oil : oleum ex je-
core piiicium tractuni, oleum cetaccuni. Lascivus allicens. " Rosg eatrom adJuiltrach iona
C. S.
Prorin. From Adha et Geir. cheann." IV. 94. A vivid, lascivious eye in his
• Adliaigh, Night iiox, ' Do ghahhadh leo long-
head. Oculus vividus, amorem concilians inerat
phort innte an aijhaidh sin." IV. 10. capite ejus.
they encamped that night. Illic ea nocte cas-
Adhaltranach, -aich, s.m. (Adhaltrannas), Ad
tra metati sunt.
adulterer adulter, ma-chus.
Cuirear an t-ad/--
altranach agus a bhan-adhaltranach gu cinnteach
• Adhailg,
s.f. The will, desire voluntas, cupido. :

Llh. gu bàs." Lev. xx. 10. llie adulterer and adulte-

' Adliair, gen. of Adliradh, q. v. " Bile magh Adh-
ress shall surely be put to death. Omnino niorte
plcctitor adulter et adultera.
air." A
tree in the plain of Adoration. Ar-
bor in Adorationis campo. O'Con. Pro/. 26.
Adhaltranas. Vide Adhaltrannas.
Adhairceach, -eiche, adj. Vide Adharcach. I'oc. Adhaltrannas, -ais, s.m. etf. Adultery: adulte-
139. From Adharc. rium. " Luchd adhaltrannais." -V. T. Adulterers,
Adhairceas', of Adharc, q. v. Horns: cor-
(literally, men of adultery) adulteri. '•
Na dean :

nua. " Adhaircean fad' air a chrodh a tha fada adhaltrannas." Ex. xx. 14. Do not commit adul-
uainn." Proi: Strange cows have long horns. Ne
tery. scortator. i'ox Lat.

Boves longinquae longa habent cornua. AdHALTRAS, -ais, 1 ,.- , . lu ,

„„ . ;- V ide Adhaltrannas.
Adhairt, s.f. A. M'D. 81. Vide Aghairt. Adhaltrus, . ,
-lis, j

AoHAis, s.f. itid. Leisure, ease : otium. " -Dean

• .\dliamhnan, -ain,«. m. Adomnan, a man's name :

air d' adhais, ann a Adomnanus, nomen viri.

's 's luaith'." Prov. Be slow,
(cautious), you come better speed.
• Adhamhra, adj. Glorious eximius. Vt. 92. :
shall Caute
Ex Adh, inteiis. et Amhra.
age, sic citius eris. Pers. JL)Lm\ asaish, case; • .\dhanihrach, -aiclie, adj. Blessed beatus. Sh. :

iiix»*' aheste, slowly. used adverbially.

Adhaiseach, -eiche, adj. Slow, tardy: lentus, Adhann, -aink, et aidhne, *./ Macf. Vide Agh-
cunctabundus, tardus. ann.
" Chunnaic mi cabhiach ro mhòr, Adhann-uisge. Vide Agliann-uisge.
" Gu gàireach gabhail gu tir, • Adliann, s.f. The herb colts-foot : tussilago. Lh-
" Bu luchdmhor, Ian adliaiseack iad. \'iàe Galan greaimach, Galan greannchair.
" Suaicheantas Francach na'n crainn." 5'<eK».289. • Adhannadh, «.y! Kindling, inflaming actus in- :

1 efipied a fleet of many ships, noisily advancing to flammandi vel accendendi. '• Is e an ceudna
land ; heavy laden and full slow were they the : modh an greasachd, agus an adhamtadh nan
daine. Bianf. 13. 2. It is tlie principal mean Adhartaich, -idh, dh, v. a. Vide Aghartaich.
of urginj; and intìiiminjj mankind. Priniaria ra- Adhartak, -aik, s. m. dim. of Adhart, a httle bol-
tio est qua homines iirgentur et accenduntur. ster: pulvillus. Voc. 87. " Adiiartan do fhion-
Ex Aodli. tire, i]. v. nadli ghabhar." 16.
1 Sam.
pillow of xix. A
• Adlianta, mi/, ^^'arln, hot, exasperated : callidus, goat's hair vilJorum caprinoruni pulvinar.

acccnsiis. /,/;. Adhartas, -ais, *. m. Vide Aghartas.

• Adhantachd, s. /. Blushing, kindling : rubor. • Adhartha, adj. Aerial reus. Ex Adhar. :

OH. " lobairt a dhcanamh do na deibh adhartha."

Adhar, -a!r, «. tn. The
or sky : aer, cceluni.
air, 17. 140. To oft'er a sacrifice to the aerial
" Ueulta 'g am falach san ad/tar, gods. Diis aereis hostias immolare.

" Ho' cheumaibh flathail na g^eine." • Adhas, -ais, s. m. Prosperity, good : bonum, res
S.D. 182. prosperse. VaU. id. q. Adh.
Stars hiding themselves in the skj-, before tlie Adhastar, -air, -ean, s. m. Vide Aghastar.
mighty steps of the sun. Sidera se condentia in • Adhbha, -aidhbh, -aidhbhe, s.J'. An instrument,
coela, ante solis praivalidos gressus. Id. q. Athar. esjiecially of music. " Gun deachaidh an
• Adhar, s. ?h. Snow, frost : nix, gelu. Li/i. ffe7i. chraiseach tres an aidhbh chiiiil agus tre uchd-
Aidhre, whence. Eighre, Oighre, et Leac-oigh- bliruinne an oirfidich." Glemn. col. 90. Till
re, q. V. the javelin at once transfixed the musical in-
Adharacii, -aiche, cufj. (Adhar), Airj', aerial, glo- strument, and the breast of the musician. Us-
rious : aerius, illustris. Macf. que quo hasta citharam simul ac citharaedi pec-
Adharachd, *./. Airiness: anioenitas. adj. 'E.-x. tus trajiceret. Id. q. Abhadh.
Adharail, adj. Aereal aereus. Ex Adhar. : • Adhbha, s. m. Vide Adhbhadh.
Adharag, -aig, -an, s.f. An aerial being aethe- : • Adhbhachtach, -aiche, adj. Gross, fat : crassus,
rea. pinguis, obesus. Llh.
Adharc, -AiRC, -EAV, s./. Ahorn:cornu. " Seach- • Adhbhadh, -aidh, -a, s. m. habitation, fortress, A
ainn mo chluas, buail m' adharc." Prov. Pass palace doniicilium, arx, palatium.
: " Agus
my and strike my horn. Omitte meam aurem,
ear, rug leis do
aite, agus da adhbìiaidìi fein iad."
et percute meum comu. " Adharc mo shlàinte." Vt. 196. And he took them to his own place
Saint, xviii. 2. Tlie horn of my salvation. Cor- and dwelling. Eosque ad suum locum et do-
nu meae salutis. Manx. Erk. Sclav. Rug. Dal- micilium attulit. Arab. iUl abad, abode.
mat. Roagh. Pol. et Croat. Rog. Boh. Roll.
Adhbiiail, -AILE, adj. (Adh, T^rf/".) Vast, huge,

Arab. <—Jjj rawk, and <—3;* yrh, an origin, root, Adhbiial, J temble vastus, ingens, terribilis.

or stock. " Cinn Leviàtain àdhbhail nihòir

Adharcach, adj. Horned coniutus. " Agus is :

'S tu fein do bliris is phronn."

fearr leisan Tigheama so, na damh, na tarbh òg a Salm. Ixxiv. 14. Ed. 1753.
tha adharcach." Salm. Ixix. 31. Tliis also shall Thou broken in pieces the heads of
(thyself) hast

please the Lord better than an ox or bullock that huge Leviathan. Capita ingentis Leviathan tu ip-
hatli horns. Hoc etiam melius videbitur Jehovse, se fregisti et perfregisti. 2. Awful, wonderful,
fearful terrificus, mirabilis, horrendus. " Aig
bove, juvenco cornuto. :

Adharcag, -aig, -an, s.f. 1. A little horn: corni- an eatualaing àdhbhail." Em. 2. Seeing

culurn, dim. from Adharc. 2. A lapwiug epops. :

the awful danger. Cernentes terrificum pericu-
Provin. luni. " Adhbhal meud na cathrach sin." Em. 1.
Adharcail, adj. Horny, full of horns: cornutus. The greatness of that city was amazing. Miranda
fuit urbis iUius " A dliràgon' adhbhal
Ex Adharc.
Ad ha roan, 5. »j. A Lap-wing uabhasach." Salm. cxlviii. 7. Ed. 1753. Ye mon-
Adharcan-luachrach, epops. Z)«rf. xiv. 18. strous and fearful dragons, ^^os portenti, hor-
Adharc-fhùdair, s. f. a. powder horn: cornicu- rendi dracones. Arab, .^t^l aghwal, daemons, ser-
lum pulverem sulphureum continens. Macf. more
pents, di-agons. ,i^' ehtal, or most terrible,
Adhart, -airt, s. m. A bolster: pulvinar. " A-
na leap- dreadful, horrible.
gus clirora Israel e fein air cei^nn-adhairt
ach." Ge». xlvii. 7. And Israel bowed himself •
Llh. Vide Adlibhal.
upon the bed's head. {lit. the head-bolster of the • Adhbhalmor, \
bed.) Tunc incui-vavit se Israel ad pulvinar, vel » Adlibhalthròcaireach, adj. Abounding in mercy :

cervical lecti sui. misericordià abundans. Urn, 31. Ex Adhbhal

Adhart, -airt, s. m. Progress, front, van, advance et Tròcair.
progressus. " Tliig air t'adhart." C. S. Come « Adhbhantrireach, -triuireach, s. m. sort of A
forward : veni hue. Vide Aghaidh et Aghart. music in tliree parts, or sung by three voices
Adhartach, -aiche, (u^. R. M^D. 350. Vide niusica Tripartita, vel concentus vocum triuni.

Aghartach. Llh. in voc. Vide Abhadh et Triùir.

Adhahtachd, s.
f. ind. A. Macdon. 122. Vide Adhbhar, -air, s. m. A cause: causa. Salm. et
Aarhartachd. G. B.B. passim. Kmt. p. 163. Mde Aobhar.
A nil là ADII
ADiiBHAnACii, atfj. V»\im\ : causalif. Vide Aobh- ironiin, Kfpcli mortuuni luurn ; nemo ex nobit m -

arach. piilchruiii suuin occluiU-l libi, quo luinut (uum

Adi<bhaka<-hd> *. / CauMiion: i-ausatio. ViJe morluum 8e|H'lias. Arab. (_9yJlc tduk, death.
AuilLARiii, iidj. or fierf. part. Uuried : sepultii».
• AdlilitwrHH, t. m. Cardtsi wool lumi eamiiiuiiu.
" .^gus mar bin chunikaic mi u« h-aiiijjidli cM-
\'ult' Ablirat.
Liicir." licci. viii. lU. And so 1 IMW tli« wicked
• A JhbharriK-h, «. m. A Ii0|tetul yoiilli i add^scfnii
buried. Atque ita aiiiniud\erti iuq)roboi> M-|>tr-
i>|HM IjoiiiP. \'ide Aobliarrarli.
• AdiiWmrsach, ». hi. A coiiiIht of wool or rt«x :

Adidoighe, (AdluJI) Duhiese, keaviuecs hi-

i.J". :

tpii lanam vel liiiuin camiinat. \ii\t Abhra-

betudii, crassities. " Do gluihli udhloighe u-
guk aiibhainne an baineach." IV. 47. Lassi-
• AdlU'lilath, -aith, *. m. A lawful sovereign : rix
tude and weakness seized tlie female ttectl.
le^tiinus. UA. Àdli K Flath, q. v.
Lassiludo et languor oquani inva»erunt.
• AdhllHiar, -unirc, mfj. Kxcessively cold ; liigi-
• .'Vdhm, s. III. Knowledgi; scientia, cognitio.

disiiimus. •• CricK-huibh
adhfhuar oirear glilaiia
na li-Albann." IV. 73. 'llie vcrj' cold, puru- SM, Arub. /^L«il idiiiaii, exercise, continual

ftirfxl coiitincs of Albiu. K.\ Adh, ìhUiu. it practice ; 1»-:^^ 'Jf'"» intelKgeiit, discerning,
discreet. \'ide L'igheaui.
• .Adh-fhuiUliinhaireachd, »./. Abomination abo- :

minatio. UA. (Adh, iittena. ct Fliuatliamliair-

• Adimia, ailj. Expert : periius. Uh. Vide Teò-
• Alidtliuatlimhar, adj. rripbtful, dismal, hideous,

• Adhmadh,
.,^, ^ jj videMaide.
horrible, odious liorrificus, fitilus, tcrribilis,
: j

" Do shireadnr fòs draoithe an

• Adlunall, adj. Unsteady, feeble : instabilis,
homiidus. J^
• .'Vdhnihal. debilis. •• C'eithir cheud is ceirt
domhain, o thur^abliuil greine pu fuiiinisidh, )

fliichc do cheudaibh nochuir udhndud, isead do

ag iteananiii am fof;hluma, naili do ranpodar
in a fhulang." Gleiim. bH. Four hundred and
criocha adiifhuathmJuira Ifrind." 17. 7. 'lliey
repairi-d succossivt'ly to all the magicians in
a full score of hundreds of warriors who were
not unsteady, formed the defence (of his king-
the world, from the rising to the setting of the
sun, to perfect themselves in the science, till
Quadringenties et vicies centcni miUtes
at last they touched on the dismal boundaries
regnum) tutabantur.
Ikaud instabiles (ejus

of I Icll. Omnes terrarum orbis magos, a solis Adiimiiol, -aiuh, dh, v.u. (Adli et Mol), Extol:
laudibus etfer. " Adhmholaidh ni'anam an Tigh-
ortu ad occasum, studiis intenti adierunt, ustjue
quo horrendos fines inferorum attingcrcut. Ex earn." B. B. My soul shall magnify the Lord.
Adh, inteiix. et Fuathndior, q. v. Magnihcabit aninia mea Dominuiu.
Adhlac, -aic, -aidu, a-, in. et/. etpras.part.
Adhmholt, ) adj. et part. Highly to be praise-I,
Adhmhoi-ta, J renowned: venustus, luagnopere
Adiilac.adii, J f. Adlilaic, A
burial, burying: se-
pultUTd, funus. *' Thugaibh dhomh sealbh àit- laudandus. '• Ceud dib gon mbratuibh corcra,
adJtlaic niaille fibh." Ge/*. xxiii. -t. Give me a
d'fliearaibh àille adhmlwUu." Gleiim. ìò. A hun-
possession of a burying-place with you. Date iiiilii dred of them w ore mantles of puq)le, graceful and
possessionem sepulchri (loci sepulture) apud vos. renowned warriors. Centum eorum pallia cocci-
" Le h-wJJJacadh asail adidaicear e, air a tharruing nea gestabant, venusti et illustres viri.
air ialbh, agus air a tliilgeadh an taobh a mach do
Adiimhoh, -oir£, adj. (Adh, iiUent. et Mùr). ^ ide
ghcatachan lerusaleim." Jer. xxii. I'J. He sliall Àghmhor.
be buried with the bur}ing of an ass, drawn and Adhmhorachd, s.f. Vide Aghmhorachd.
cast forth beyond the gates of Jerusalem.
Adhna, AiuiiNL, a. 711. An advocate: patronus,
tura asini sepelietur, tractus et projectus ultra por- cuusidicus. Voc. 44. Utò. 7IM udlton, sustvntator.
tas Hierosolymee. Ir. Adhlacan. Mcuuc. Uan- • Adlmac, s.m, A Ì All forms
burial : sepultiira.
luckee, Oaiduckey. • Adhnacnl, IV. 140. > of
Adhlacanacii, -aich, *. m. 1. burier of the A • Adhnach, Tain. } Adhlac.
dead, an undertaker : qui mortuos sepelit. Sli. • Adhnadh, -aidli, ». m. 1. A» advocate patrc- :

i, A
grave-digger tumulorum fossor. O'R.
: nus, causidicue. Voe. 163, 'i. Encouraging,
' Adhlaic, -e, s.f. The will or desire voluntas. : recruiting animans. refocillans.
" Ro bhaoi
Uh, Vide Adliailg. an macaomh ag adhnttdh a adiaif." IV. 140.
Adhl.aic, -idh, dii, pras. part. Adhlac, or -adh, The son was cheering up his father. Filius
f. a. Bury sepeli.:" Ann an roghainn ;u- n-àit- exhilirabat patrem. 3. Kindhng («J' a tire)
eachan-adhlaic, adidaic do mharbh cha chum : actus accendendi ignem. Ho h-«M««</A
duine 'nar measgne 'àit-adhlaic uait, gu d'mharbh teinnti leo." Vt. To. They kindled fires. Ac-
ndhltK ann." Gen. xxiii. 6. In the choice of our cendebant ignes.
sepulchres bury thy dead none of us shall w itli-
• AtUmair, n. f. (Àdh,/>r(t>. et Naif), X'illainy : sce-
hold from thee liis sepulchre, that thou mayest lup. IJh'.et OB.
bury thy dead. In lectissimo sepulchrorum iios- • .\dhnaire, .\ghaidh, Nàir\, t. 1 Sham*, a
( f. •
blushing face-: pudor, facies rubore suffusa. Testament, where the particle, a, is for most part
OR. 2. modestia, Voc. 34.
Modesty : separated from the verb. Vide lliubhairt.

Adlinaireach, -eiche, adj. (Adhnaire), Bashful, • Adubhram, -ais, -amar, -adar, / said, ihou, we,
modest verecundus, modestus.
: tlieynmd: Dixi, -isti, -inius, -erunt. Ir. pret.
Adhnaireacud, s. f. (Adhna), Pleading: Causa- verb. Abair, frequently used as the last mention-
runi dictio. Voc. 10 1.) ed, in Scots Gaelic. Salm. passim.
• Adhuarach, adj. ( Adh, intens. et Nàrach), Causing Ae, n. pi. AiNEAN, s. m. Tlie liver: hcpar, jecur.
shame pudorem efficiens. " Do h-imdhear-
" Agus an scairt a ta os ceann nan àinean." (ae,
g&dh go \i-adhiiarach uinie." Vt. 14. He marff.) Ex. xxix. 13. And the caul that is above
blushed all over from a sense of shame. Pro the liver. Et reticulum quod est super jecur.
pudore, totus rubore suffusus est. Manx. Aa, aane. Wei. Avu, au. Com. Avy.
Adhrach, -aiche, lidj. (Adhradh), Reverend, reli- B. Br. Avu, afu, au. Gr. àroc.
gious, worshipping, pious : venerans, religiosus, • Ae, adj. one unus. " For cech ae" i.
: e. " Air
pius, colens. cheann gach aoin." Bianf. 38. 2. On the
' 'S buannaichibh gu rioghail adhrach." head of each one. In capite cujusque. Some-
A. Macdon. 147. times written nae. " vii. miolchoin islabrad-
Continue ye loyal and pious. Fideles regi piique aib airgid agus ubhall nòir eadar cech nae."
pemianetc. Bianf. 38. 1 Seven hounds in silver chains,

AonnADAiR, s. m. (Adhradh et Fear), A worship- and an apple (ball) of gold in the interval be-
per : cultor, (numinis). C. S. Span. Adorador. tween each pair. Septem canes argentea vinc-
Basq. Adoratzallea. " Adrhamire," ab obsoleto ti catena, singuUs aureis pomis, binos dirimen-

Gallico " arrdmir," jurare " arahum," locus con- ; tibus. Vide Aon.
secratus. Vide Spelm. Gloss. • Aedach, Biaiif. 16. 1. Vide Aodach.
Adhradh, -idh, s. m. (Adh, Ràdh), Worship adora- : • Aedhar, i. e. Adhar, q. v.
tio. Vide Aoradh. Aeir, (gen. of Aer,) s. m. Macdon. 157. Vide
• Adliram, pr. ind. v. I venerate worship veneror : Adhar.
colo. '•
Adhraibhs' è gu ceart." Salm. ii. 11. • Aen, m^. One: unus. Glenm. 17, 26. Ir.MSS.

Ed. 1753. Worship ye him aright. Recte colite passim. Id. q. ae.
eum. More frequently in Scots Gaelic, " Dean • Aenachd, s. /. ind. Society, union, communion :

adhradh," make adoration, i. e. adore adora. : societas, consortium, unitas. " Aenachd mhac
• Adhrus, vide Adhradh. " Do adlirus an Tigh- Dhe." Bianf. 28. The society of the sons of
earn." B. B. I worshipped the Lord. Ado- God. Societas filiorum Dei. Id. q. Aonachd.
ravi Dominum. • Aenosd, s. f. A church a;des Deo sacra, Vt. :

• Adhuathmhar, adj. Vt. Vide Adhfhuathmhar. Glos. Heb. Vi^tt atiash, societatem uniit.
• Adhuathmharachd, s. Horror, abomination.
f. • Aenta, s.f. Unity, harmony of sentiment : uni-
Ex adj.
tas, Concordia. " Aenta bhràithreil." Bianf.
• Adhudh, (Teine Chriosa), m. A circle-fire
s. :
Fratema Con-
38. 1. Brotherly harmony.
ignis circularls. Martin, West Isl. Lih. Vide
Aodh. • Aer, s. m. Air : aer. Air, brightness : splen-
- Adhuigh, s.f. 1. Night nox, (oidhche). Bianf.
dor, luciditas.Macdon. 180. Macfarlane's par.
22. 1. Fif. 11. 2. (for Aghaidh), a face: fa-
37. 6. B. Br. Aer. Span. Aire.
Wei. Awyr.
cies. Urn. 152. Gr. mojg. ^ Basq. Airea. Fr. Air. Gr. An^. Ch. 'H^X-
• Admhall, -aille, adj. Llh. et Urn. Vide Adh- Heb. "I1i<. Vide Adhar et Athar.
mhall. • Aerdha, adj. Airy aereus. LUi. :

• Adrai, Adraigh, v. n. He arose : surrexit. Vide • Aerdhaite, adj. Sky-coloured : coeruleus. Llh.
(Aer et Daithte.)
• Adrirae, adj. (Ad, sign.pret. et Reim), Foresaid :
Vide Aos, Aois. MSS.
• Aes.
ante vel supra memoratus. " An innsibh " Pars mundi meridio-
Afric, s. f. Africa. C. S.
mhara Toirrian ainis indibh adrime. St. Fiec.
nalis,ab antiquis Celtarum philosophis, sic dicta,
Stroph. 6. In the isles of the Tyrrhene seas quod regio simiarum esset." Vide Wachter in voc.
he resided, as I have said. In insulis maris Ag, -aidh, dh, v. a. Hesitate, refuse cunctare, re- :

Tyrrheni permansit, ut supra dictum est. cuse. Macf. " Cha d ag mi 'dheanamh." C. S. I
» Aduan, -ain, s. m. A stranger advena. " O :
hesitated not to do it Id facere non cunctatus sura.

bhiodar aduain san tir." Short. 114. For they

Ag, s. m. ind. A doubt, hesitation dubium, cunc- :

were strangers in the country. Quippe hospi- tatio. " Da nair phill e san ag." Sm. 237. Twice
tes (vel adveni) in regione erant. Wei. Adfan, Bis in dubio revertit. A-
he returned in doubt.
rab. f—3ys- aivh, delay, procrastination.
• Aduath, s. m. (Adh, Fhuath), Horror. ZM.
• Aduathmhar, vide Adhfhuathmhar. Ag, prep. sign. pres. part. " Ag eirigh." Fing. i. 4.
• Aduathmharachd, s.f. Vide Adliuathmharachd. Rising surgens, in actu surgendi.
: Wàe Aig.
Adubhairt, Ir. pret. act. verb. Abair, and used in • Ag, prep. With, or at cum, ad, in actu. LIA. It

the earlier Scots editions of the Psalms and New conjoins witli pronouns variously. Vide Aig.
Ag, dimin. ttrmn./rm. {ò^, beag.) A» ; " Nif^lican." Agahrach, -aiciik, adj. (tt(^r) Ckiuiiitg : qui \iik-

a fjirl : put-lla :
uioiiug," i. e. " iiigh«-uii-U); :" dicat.
a little girl : puellulu. JA or ak luv uriciilul .\GAHrAcii, -Alt HE, («^'. (aguirt.) Litigiou» : liliuiii

cupidui,. Mrtiij)/i. Ilevengeful, vindictive viiidielitr

diiiiiiiitive temiination». Pm. J Ht.

cupiduK. ••
Tha e mo 'b ayartiuh." ('. S. He i»
• Aga, pf*p- Cunjuiiii'd nidi |ir(>iiuuiis, |ifrsoiial,
too litigious. Litiuiii niiuU cupidttii eat.
poiiiieiuiivt', ami ri'liilivc, tor, aig a, aig an, aig
Agaktas, -ais, t. m. (uguir.) A claim, exaction,
am. " All li u^ii lihfluiiliil soaclul »l)ionula " Le li at/arUiM
|iroM'cution : viiKlicatio, assertio.
D6." li. li. Ill- who has tin- stviii s|iirits ot
geur." Jhtgd. ItucluiH. With severe exaction.
God. Qui liabi't sqiti'iii 6|)iritut> Ufi. MSS. Cum dura exactiuiie.
ptusim. Agahthacii, udj. \'ide Agartacli.
Agad, ì (Aig, thu, anciently, ad,) prep, conjoinetl
Àgii, Aigii, s. m. 1. Prosperity re» «ecundir. " Dh' :

AcADs' Ì with 2d piTs. proii. sing.

. With i'irich aoilihneas air Oscar an ùigh." Finy. i\. 217.
Agai)S.\,j /^ tliif, ill tliv possession: ti'Oiiin,

Joy arose on the illustrious Oxctir. Illustri (Waro
apud vcl penes tc. " bluil thu iif/tul I'eiii ?" Am orla est la'titia. 2. Delight, pleasantness delicia; :

C. S. Are you in your senses ? nam lui eompos ainwnitas.

es.' " Fuirich (It/ad tein." C. S. Stand ott", Sta " Mar mhile sruth bha toirin an t-sluaig1i,
procul, absiste. " N' tim tachairt an Cona an àigli." Finij. ii. 1 43.
AuAlBii, Ì (-"'gi -sibh,) prtp. conjoined with 2d
As a thousand streams was the noise of the people,
Agaibiis", |- ,1 pers. pron. pi. With you pe- :
when they (the streams) meet in delightful Cona.
AcAiBiisE, ) •r''j nes, vel apud vos. " Biodli Iiistar mille rivoruni fuit sonus agniinis, tempore
agaibh tiosj" Salin. jv. 3. Have you a knowledge, concursus eorum (rivorum) in Cona ama-nitatis.
or know ye. Sit apud vos cognitio, noscite. " An
tigh agaibhse." C. S. Your house. \'estra do- Gr. Avyr,, splendour àyahi, bonus. Pers. yS au;;

nius. C/uild. 23^< iiffa/i, juxta. prospera fort una.

A(;n, AiciiiE, -ean, *. w. ct J'. 1. A hind: cerva.
Agail, adj. (ag, subst.) Doubtful : dubius. Murf. " Glan Chuthonn' air t»")ir nan at/k ciar." Con. et
h. *i.5Ari)Ail. C'lit/i. 98. Fair Cuthuna pursuing the brown hinds.
Agaisn, Againne, (aig, -m\n,) prep, conjoined with \'enu8tam Cuthonam cervas fuscas agitanteni. 2.
1st pers. pron. pi. With us penes vel apud nos.
A heifer : juvencus, vitulus, -a, -triraus, -trima.
Mac/. " ruadh gun ghaoid." Ex. xix. 2. A red
Agair, -idh, dii, contr. Agraidii, v. a. Claim, heifer without blemish. Juvencam rufam integrani.
crave : sue, accuse : assore, Hagita, lege age, ac- In common speech it is often a|>()lied to cattle two
cusa. Macf. Chald. Ijyi (i(/ar, mercede conduxit. years old, without regard to gender. " Agh al-

AcAlRT, s. of preceding verb.

m. ct prcx. jMirt. luidh." .S7(. A buttaloe, i. e. a wild cow bos fe- :

Claiming, pleading, pursuing, blaming, accusing rus. li'cl. Ewig.

y^\ aitu, a deer. Pers.
actus asserendi, causam agendi, reuni accusandi, Agiiacii, udj. (Agh.) Abounding in hinds, heifers,
sustendi. (li. M'D. 57. Macdoug. 102.) &c. plenus juvencis, hinnulis. R. M'D.

• Agall, -aill, s. m. Speech sermo. LIh. et O'R. :

À(iiiAcii, -AIC1IE, adj. Warlike, brave, fortunate:
Span. Acallar. Arab, ij \S\
('^"'^^ speeches. bellicosus, fortis, felix. Mde Adliach et Adlimhor.
AcALLADit, ) -AiDK, «. »(. (agall,) Conferring, ar- Arab, tfjp' akuxt, potentissimus.
Agallamii, j guing, speaking, speech locutio, col- :
Aghaidh, -nean, s.f. 1. Tlie face, or countenance :

loquium, sermo. " Abradh neach agaibh re Earc facies, vultus. " Cha 'n fheud thu m' aghaidhs'
mac Chairbre teachd a mach do m' agallamhsa." niaicinn." Ex. xxxiii. 20. Thou canst not see my
Vt. 58. Let one of you tell Earc the son of Cair- face. Non potes videre faciem meam. 2. The
ber to come out and speak with me. Dicat ves- face, or suriace : superficies, facies. " Chrith
trum aliquis Erco filio Carbriada;, ut prodeat mecum Cromleac air aghaidh nam beami." Fing^ i. 95.
locuturus. " 'G eisdeadid agallaidh do bheoil."
Cromla on the face of the mountains, trembled.
Stew. 330. Listening to the words of thy mouth. Tremuit Cromla super facie montium. " An Agh-
Sermones a te prolatos audiens. Gr. ayyi/.u, an- aidh :" in the face of, against : contra. " Guia
nuncio. Ir. ^t^AllAri), ^jAllAirij. an aghaidh gona, agus beime. beam an ag/taidJi
Agam, Ì (Aig mi, aig niise,) prep, with 1st IV. 98. Tlirust for thrust, and blow for blow.
Agamsa, empL f pers. pron. sing. With me, in my Vulnus pro vulnere, et ictus pro ictu. " Air. Agh-
possession mecuni apud me. " Tlia leabhar ag-
aidh," C. S. forward antrorsura. " Cuir an agh-

am." S. C
I have a book. Liber est mihi vel aidh." C S. oppose: prohibe, oppone. 3. An at-
penes me. " Is mor thugam, "s is beag agam." " Thug iad an aghaidh air Lugh-
tack impetus.

Prm: 44. Much I brought and Little I have. na." I't. 93. They attacked, or made an attack,
Multum attuli, parum habcu. on Luglina. Inipetum fecerunt in Lugiiam. Ir.
• Agamh, s. m. Doubt. Vide Ag, s.
• Agamhail, adj. Voc. 131. Vide Agail. ?licc. Arub.j\x\ aghas, a beginning; *^j' aigidi,
Agarach, -aich, *•. m. (agair,) A pretender, chiim- faces. Hindost. ifS\ aga, age, before, in front.
er : simulator, assertor. Sh. y'allan. pros. prej'. 15.
AoHAiDH-SHNEACiiDA, s. f. ( AgliaiiUi, siicaclitl.) Face • Ai, s.f. 1. A cause, controversy: causa, dis-
of snow. Agandecca. Ai/hciidlt sliiimcltdn 's luhie
ceptatio, lis. Llh. O'H. 2. request peti- A :

gl»>ir." Fing. iii. 121. Agandecca of stift est speech. tio. Vt. Gloss. 3. Instruction discipUna. V/. :

Agandecca mollissime loquens. " Agliaidh-'n t- Gloss. 4. A cygnus, olor. Llh. O'R.
swaii :

sneaclul." Firu/. iv. 130. 5. A herd, sheep arnientum, oves, Grex ovi-

Aghaistiuir, «. /. (Aghaidh-stiùu-.) A halter: la- um. Llh. O'R. C. Increase : incrementum.

queus. Macf. Vallan. prosp. jyr. 70. 7. Land possession :

AoHANN, gen. Aigiine, Aighnean, et -an, s.f. agri possessio. O'li.

Aotlh), A pan : sartago, alienuni. " Agus ma 's tabh- • Ai, frequently put in ancient MSS. for Aoi, e. g.
artas-bidli air a dlieasachadh ann an aghann a bhios " Aibnus," for Aoibhneas.
a' d' thabhai-tas." Lev. ii. 5. And if thy oblation • Aibghidheadli, s. m. Maturity : maturitas. Beth-
be a meat offering baken in a ])an. Quod si mu- 43. Vide Abuchadh.
mis ad sartagiueni coctuni sit oblatio tua. Hebr. • Aibgliitir, s.
f. The Alphabet
: alphabetum.
13h> agan, crater. Chald. p^i aglian. " Nir leigh siumh riamh aclid a aibghitir nama
roimhe sin." Bianf IG. He had never before
Agiiann-siiilidh, a dripping pan: vas ad liqua-
read but his alphaliet. lUe nihil unquam an-
men cai'nium assatarum excipiendum aptum. C. S.
tea legerat prseter alphabetum. Wei. Egwydder.
Aghann-uisgiche, A watering pan vas irrigatio- :

Chald. y^ ab, pater, et 1I3J gitar, literae, i. e.

nis. C. S.
Aghart, -airt, -an, s. m. (aghaidh, thabhairt.) 1. literai'um pater. Vallan.
Progress, advance : progressus. " Air d' aghairt Aibhdu'seach, Miss Brook, p. 301. Vide Aibh-
is buail." Tern. iii. Advance and strike. Perge, seach
et feri. 2. A
bolster : pulvinar. " Agliart a bhàis." AiBHEALL, -ILL, -ANj s- f ProvtH, A coal of fire :

C. S. The bolster of death. Morientis pulvinar. pruna. An ember : favilla. Vide Eibheall.
• Àghas, -ais, s. m. Good : ^ bonum- Vallan. Cell. Aibhearsoir, s. m. Vide Aibhistear.
Es. 88. Mde Àdh
Àdhas. et AiBHEis, s.f. The sea mare. "
1. sparras a: A
Aghastar, m. Vide Aghaistiuir.
-air, -ean, s. chaol bhàrc 'giùbhsaich 'n aodunn aibheis." R.
• Aghbhal, (u^. Vide Àdhbhal. M'D. 150. Tliat shall impel the slender bark
• Àghmhaireachd, s.f. Vt. 138. Vide Aghmho- with pine-oars, in the face of the raging sea. Ac-
rachd. turi tenuem ratem abiegnis remis, in undam im-
Àghmhor, (Àdh, mòr.) adj. 1. Glorious, awful, mag- mane furentem. 2. The great void, the atmos-
nificent : illustris, magnificus, verendus. " Agh- phere vastum inane, coelum. " An aibheis uile

mkor ana am moladh." Ex. xv. 11. Ed. 1807. Ian bhòchdan." J?. M'D. 163. The whole atmos-
Reverendus laudibus. Id. q.
Fearfi-il in praises. phere full of gobhns. Totus aer lemuribus sea-
Àdhmlior. 2. Prosperous, happy prosperus, felix. : tens. Id. q. Aidhbheis. Wei. Affivys. Eng.
" àghnibjor do leanas an tain." Vt. 92. Renown- Abyss. Sjjan. Abisrao. Gr. xZusaoi. Basq. A-
ed for conquest, I pursued the game. Clarus vic- pita.

toria pecudum praedas agebara. Arab. js.\ agherr, Aibheiseach, adj. Vast, void, immense, ethereal,
atmospheric : vastus, immanis, vacuus, aereus.
splendid, noble.
" Tàirneineach aibheiseach rèith oidhche, 's teine
Àghmhorachd, s. f. ind. (Aghmlior), Prosperity,
dealain." R. M'D. 150. Through the long night
auspiciousness felicitas. Camp. 82.

ethereal thunders roared and fire bolts flashed.

« Aghnaidlie, s. m. Llh. Vide Adhna.
• Agbnas, -ais, -ean, s.m. (Adlma), Pleading: cau-
Totam per noctem, " crebris micat ignibus aether."
sae dictio. Sit.

Àgh'or, -oirb, (Agh-mlKw). Vide Aghmhor. Aibheiseachadh, s. m. (Aibheiseach), Exaggera-

» Aghuidh, s.f. Vt. 93. 9a Vide Aghaidh. tion: exaggeratio.

Agra, Agrai>h, -aidh, -aidhean, s. m. C. S. *Aibhbd, Aibhinn, adj. Bia*^. 29. 2. Vide
Vide Tagradh.
• Aibhirsear, s^ m. Sataa i Diabolus. Macf. Vide
Aguinn, Aguinne, (Aig-sinn). Macdon. 115. Vide
x\gaÌHn, Againne.
Aibuiseach, adj. LUu Vide Aibheiseach.
Agus, cmij. And : et, ac, atque, que. Frequently
AÌBIIIST, s.y. An old ruin aedes in ruinas prolapsae
contracted a's, 'tis, 's. The custom of writing is,
" Cha b' àibhist fliuar e mar a nochd." Sm. s. d. 49.
instead of a's, 'tis, has been persisted in fi-om time
immemorial (Vide MSS. passim), though evident- It was not a cold ruin, as to night (it is.) Non
fuit prolapsa in ruinas frigidas,. sicut hac nocte est.
ly improper. Manx. As. Wei. A, ae, ag. Com.
Ha, a. Armor. Ha, hak. Hebr^ "T5^ obad, periit.
Aha Aha inter/. Salm, xxxv. 25. Heb. r]^ii
! ! Aibhistear, -ir, -an, s. m. The Devil: Diabolus.
" 'M bainn an aibhisteir threin." Turn. 43. Into

exinde. " Ah- the bonds of the mighty Devil. In servitutem

• Ahaithle,jorpp. immediately after :

aithle na laoidlie sin." Vt. 8. Soon as these magni Diaboli. Arm. azrouant. Pers.jii^^ ajder,
verses (were repeated). Statim irt (pronuncwti a dragon.
sunt) hi versus. • Aibhle, s.f A spark : scintilla. " Aibhle, Aibh-
AlC 17 Aic:

li." Bimif. 30. AraL. ^ysi^ aAÀwela, sparks AicziDEACH, •DlciiE,a/^'. (Aiceid), Subject lo inward
of fire flyinj; about. pains, sickly : intcrnis duluribun ubnuxiui.
" Aoi» uuTÙirticA thinii." A. M'J). 174.
.^IBIINEAN, />/. of .\bhuinn, q. v.
• AiblineiiÀ, -is, t. m. Glettm. 2(5. Vide Aoibhneas. Sickly, lutiii-opprL-Bsed old age. Scniuui argruni,
AiBiisiciiEAN, t. f. }À, Itivi-rs: ainiies. Voc. I'i. duluribuk graxutuiii.
\'ide Abhuiiin.
• .\iceBÌun, (.\ige sail). Contact with him or it :

• .-Vibhrcann, t. m. A castrated buck goat : liirrus proxiinitus ulicui, e. g. " Ann aictnùuu." Um.
emasculatus. S/i. (Lochaò. Eirionnach.) Scot. m. Ncur bini : juxta ilium.
AlCIIEADli, •ElDll, jr. m. 1. Denial: negatio. " Se n
• .\ibbsv -si, 1. A sprite, apparition: spec- t-àieJuaiiA niaith dara punnc is àirdi- 'n an lagh."
trum, visio. lit Ciloss. '2. A diminutive be- G. P. A strenuous denial is the next liiglii-»t (be«()

ing : animal panum. O'Jf. \'ide Taiblisc. |K>int of law. Slrenua negatio est alteruui li-gib gra-
• Aibhseuch, lu/J. Vide Aibheiscach. vissimum principium. 2. An equal par. " Ctka :

AlBllsEACH ADII, -AlDll, s.m. or//r.^irf.ofr. Aibhsich, 'n 'eil 'ùicluxidh ri iliaotuinn." C. S. \U& equal
E.vajrj^eration, exaggerating exaggeratio. C. S. :
is not to be found. Par ei non potest inveniri.
• Aibhset, /r. r. 'fliey went away abierunt. St. :
AlCIIEADli, or ÀiciiEiuii, -AiDii, Dn'-, f. a. Deny:
nega. " Dh'aicheaiUi Peadar." Eoin. xviii. 27.
Fiec. 33. i. c. Cluiidh siad.
Peter denied. Petrus negavit. " Dh" àicheidh."
AiBHSicii, -iDii, Dii, r. a. (Aibheis), Exaggerate:
exaggera. " Ilia thu 'g aiblustachadh, mo bbeart- R. MD. 49. " Dh' iucheadh." Gen. 18. 15. Wei.
ais." C. S. You exaggerate my riches: meas di- Naccau. Dav.
vitias nimis ampliHcas. AiCHEADii-cREiDiMii, «.»1. Apostac}' fidei abne- :

AiBiDiL, »•./' 1. llie alphabet alphabetum. Voc. :

gatio vel derelictio. Macf. Voc.
162. 2. A charm for distempers in cattle: car- AiciiEALL, AicHiOLL, *. wi 1. Achilles, tlie hero

men raagicum quo morbi pecudum sanari ar- of the Iliad. " Sliuidhicheadli Cliiron amis na
bitrantur. Hibrid. C. S. rannaibh airson a bhi 'n a oidi aig Auhtall mac
• .\ibreann, «._/^ .\pril: Aprilis. For. 102. Aib- Pheil." Goel. MS. in Biol. Jurid. Ediiteiis. Chi-
reann. The star .4(4. Vallan. Ce/^ £*. p. 1 41 ron was placed among the constellations of tlie
Vide .\braon. sphere, because he was the foster-father (tutor) of
• Aicdlie, s.f. A veil : velum. Uh. Acliilles the son of Peleus. Chiron inter ccelestia
• XicAhe, prep, (do reir), According to : secundum. sidera locatus est, quippe qui Achilleni Peliden
LIh. disciplinis instituisset. 2. Prowess, valour virtus :

bellica. " Na dealbha Ac/iil/e." Sm. Em. 393.

Aic, AiCE, Ì (Aig, prep, conjoined with i, %d.

AiCE SE, emph.) pers.prvn./.) with her: penes il- llie emblems of prowess. Virtutis beliicae signa.
1am. Vox Gr. Kyjȣji. ChaM. VlD' iadiot, potens.
AicE, s.f. Proximity: juxta positio
hence, Taic, :
Able, potent, mighty, fierce:
Taice. " Am aice." C. S. : juxta me.
Near me fortis, potens, vaJidus, ferox. Sh.
AiCE, (Faice), s.f. A
lobster's hole, a crab hole
AiCHEAMHAiL, -AMHLA, S.f. A reprisal talio. :

foramen astaci vel cancri. Uh, " Faice giomaich." «' Nach robh ad' chairdean an taic riut,

Hebritl. " Na
bheireadh aiclieamhail diubh."
• Aice, s.f. A
leading : deductio. " An aice." Macinty. 70.
Urn. 132. " An taice." Short. 158. Vide
That of thy friends there were not near thee, who
Vide Fajcheachd.
would make reprisals upon them. Quod ex amicis
• Aiceachd, s.f. A leading deductio, actus du- :
tuis non aderant, qui talionem facerent illis.
cendi. Bianf. 16. 2. Vide Faicheachd.
AiciiEiDii, r. a. Deny nega. Provxn. A'ide Aich-

• Aicead, i. e. Fhaic iad. " Ne axcead in vii. ar-

reo brebhithu." Einan. Tliey never see the
seven stars (in Ursa Major). Stellas septem
AicHiMHEiL, AicHMHEiL, S.f. Vidc Aicheamhail.
(in ursa majore) nunquam conspiciunt.
ÀicnsHEUN', -EiN, -AX, ». w. Denial: negatio. Vide
• Aiceapta, s.f. reUgious worship acceptus Deo :
Àicheadh, *.
cultus. " Feachtus dosun aig German og
AiCMSHEU»?, -AiDH, DH-, v.a. Deny: nega. Vide
deanamh aiceapta." Biaif. 17. 1. He (St Co- Aicheadh.
lumba) was engaged with German in religious
AiciD, -E, -EAX, *./. Vide Aiceid.
worship. Die simul ac Germanus sacra facie-
AiciDEACii, adj. Vide Aiceideach.
baut. • Aicidhid, *./. Sickness : aegritudo. Llh. Id- q.
AiCEiD, -ciDE, -CEIDEAV, S.f. A pain in the chest
or side, a stitch acutus lateris vel pectoris dolor.

" Aiceid ro bhuan nach leighis gu bràth." R.

• Aide, s.f. A veil : velmn. Vide Aicdhe. HAr.
M-D. 194. A lasting pain, that will never cure. ^y' iachil, coraplecti ; ^JV aglial, volvit.

'• Do
Dolor indesinens, immedicabilis. Gr. àyo;, dolor, • Aicme, s.f. A kind,
tribe : genus, tribus.
tristitia ày(jh;, gravis molestia.
; " Aiceid chrith- b' aicme lùthmhor aig congnamli
eanach." A palsy: paralysis, i. e. A shaking chlanna Moirne. Short. Many valiant tribes

distemper. were aiding to the sons of Moma.

Vol. I. C
• Aldheitighe, adj. Very ugly: valde deformis.
Multx valldsc pentes IMomic-nsibus
opem fere-
(Àdh, intens. ct Eitigh, Ugly). Sh.
Vide Aitim.
bant. Macdo». 210.
Hebr. ^3« AiDHiREACH, adj. E. M'D. 8. et 74.
• Aicne, s.f. Nature natura. : Sfi.
Vide Aidhearach.
àcttn, form, dispose, arrange, establish
I shall AiDHLiNN, dat. of Adhal, a hook hamus, q. v. :

fut. kal; verb p3 ciai,

formo, dispone, apto. • Aidhmhil, -idh, dh, v. a. (Adh, Mill), Spoil, de-
Inheritance, patrimony : hereditas
/ " D'eagla do aidh-
• Aicre, s. stroy pcrde, omnino dele.

patrimonium. Sfi. Vide Coir. mhi'llte." B. B. For fear of thy destruction ne :

idem. It.
• Aid, adj. Equal, the same ; «qualis, omnino pcrdaris. (Aidhmhilltidh, B. B.)
Gloss, • Aidhmhilleadli, s. m. et pres. part. Consuming,
Aid, s. 1. Cold : frigus. 2. A portion, or part
confusion: actus disperendi, confusio. TV. 19.
portio, pars. Vt. Gloss.
, . -j " Bhur 'naidhmluUeadh." B. B. Your con-
AiDE\cn', Ì .Aiv>u,s.m.oTprcs.part.otverb.Aid- fusion : pemicies vestra.
AiDEACiiADli,! ich, q.v. 1. Confession: confessio. Aidhmhillte, perf. part. verb. Aidhmhill, Con-

'S ionann tosd is akleacJiaM."
37. Silence Pm: sumed : exhaustus, consumptus. Llh.
is equivalent to confession. Silentium confession!
AiDHMiULLTEACH, -EicH, s.m. 1. destroyer, spend- A
sequale est. " Dean aideachadh. C. S. Make vastator, nebulo. C. S. 2. beast that A
thrift :

confession confitere. 2. Acknowledgment of sub-

steals from the pastures to feed on
the growing
mission ditionis agnitio. " Aideachadh umhlachd.'
: Hebrid. Pecus e pascuis agris, furtim sege-
acknowledging of subjection agnitio
C. S. An :
tes invadens.
servituti». . Aidhne, m. Llh. et Voc. 42. Vide Adhna.
ÀiDH, gen. of 3Iacdon. 49.
Àdh, q. v. • Aidlineasoir, s. m. (Aidhne et Fhear), An oppo-
• Aiclhbh, dat. of Adhbha, an instrument. nent adversarius. Sh.

• Àidhbheil, adj. Huge, vast, enormous, terrible, • Aidhniche, «. m. A

pleader : causidicus. Llh.
dreadful immanis, vastus, terribilis, horrendus.
Id. q. Adhna.
" Sblainge aidbhle theine." Vt. 34. Huge flakes . Aidhniorachd, s.f Business of an advocate :

of fire: scintillarum vis ingens. Id. q. Adhbhail. ficium causidici. Sh.

• Aidhbheil, s.f. I. A wonder : miraculum. 2.
. Aidhnios, s.f (Adli, law; et Fios), Pleading,
A boasting : jactatio. Llh. OR. reasoning causae dictio, ratiocinatio.
Vastncss, terriblcness im-
. Aidhnis, v. a. Debate, plead : age causam, ratio-
manitas. From Aidhbheil, adj. cinare. " Aidlmis do chiiis red chomliarsain.
AiDHBHEis, S.f. Vide Aibheis. B. Debate thy cause with thy neighbour.
AiDHBHEisEACH, adj. Vide Aibheiseach. Causam tuara age cum proximo tuo.
Aidhbhle, pi. of Aidhbheil. Vt. 34. TV.
• • Aidhthe, s.f pi. Instruments: instrumenta.
Sparks, coals scin-
• Aidhbhle, pi. of Aibheall. :
tillae, prunae. Bimf. 59.
AiDicii, -IDH, DH, V. a. et n. 1. Confess, make
' Aidhbhlich, -idli, dh-, v. a. Aggrandize : auge confession : confitere. " Ach ma dh' aidicheas e
supra modum. Gleum. 29. •pheacadh." A. Macd. 193. But if he confess his
• Aidh-bhrugh, s. m. Bewitching, fascination : o- peccatum suum confiteatur.
At 2. Pro-
culorum fascinatio. O'R. et Sh. fess, acknowledge : agnosce, profitere. " Ann ad
• Aidhbhseach, adj. Vast, capacious vastus, ca- :
uile shligliibh aidich e." Gnath. iii. 6. In all thy
pax, ingens. Vt. 16. " 'S maith mo churach vils In omnibus tuis ag-
ways acknowledge him.
aidhbhseach ur." Miss Brooke. Good accom-
nosce eum.
modation is my capacious new boat bene ap- :
AiDicHTE, ^re/.pcrrf. of r. Aidich, q. v.
tata est mea capax nova scapha.
AiDMHEACH, R. 3LD. Vide Aideachadh.
• Aidheadh, s. m. Death : mors. Email. AiDMHEACHADH, vide Aideachadh.
AiDHEAM, (Àdh-fhuaim), s.f. A joyous carol :
AiDMHEALACH, -ICH, -EAN, s. iH. (Aidmheil), A
titiae cantus. professor. Sh.
" Sud i n aidheam, so' i 'n aidlieam." Clior.
• Aidlimheam, i: n. I confess : confiteor. Salm.
AiDHEAN, ji/. of Adh, q. V. Maciììtì/. 122. Adde-
xxxii. 5. Wd. Addef, to acknowledge :

AiDHEAXS, -INN, s.f. A kettle : cacabus. Voc. 89.

HAr. rTTiri hodah, confessus
fiad, confession.
Vide Aghann.
AiDHEAR, -IR, «. «Ì. Joy, gladness: laetitia, gau- est ; ab rrr yadah. projecit. Vide .\idich.

dium. " Dhiiisg an aidlwar re faicinn an righ." Confession,^ profession

Aidmheil, -e, -eax, s.f :

Sm. S. D. 219. Their joy awoke upon beholding

confessio, professio. A. Macd. 174. 176.
Orta est viso rege, laetitia.
the king. iis,
Aidmheil -idh, dh-, v. n. Salau 11. 3. Vide Aidich.
AiDHEARACH, -EiRiCHE, adj. (Aidheaf), Joyful : lic-
Vide Aidmheal-
Aidmheileir, s. m. Matf. Voe.
tus, gaudio perfusus. 3Iacinty. 15.
ach. s. m.
AiDHEARACHD, iììd. (Aidhcarach), Joy, merri-
Aidmhich, -idh, DK-, V. a. et n. \ ide Aidich.

ment laetitia, gaudium.

AiDMHiCHTE, Macf. Vide Aidichte.
» Aidlieir, (Adheir), gen. of Adhar, Air : aer. Blame culpa. Vallan.
• Aifir, *.
f. (Aifir, v.) :

" An eunlaith ta san aidheir shuas. " Saim. viii. 8.

Celt. ÈS. 79.
Ed. 1753.
AKi 19 AIG
• Alfir, V. a. Rlanie, reproach : culpa, viiupera. su|)€Toceanum tenebroeum mrbulotum. IfW. Eigi-
Nar at/rickt Din onii." Tain. 1. monj. i. t-. a»M, eigioiu B. Brrt. JiìKii. 6V. lUta»,. Pert.
Na h-a(;nuih Uia omi. Lrt nut lioil bluiiie
LT'^'LjJ' tiikeiiiun.
me. Ne niilii Deus vilio veriat. lil. ij. Agair.
AloKANSAiii, -Aiciif. eulj. (,\igneiidli). I. High-
Per*. •'_)' u:ar, repruacli, censure ; \ji\ o/ra, mettled, spirited ulucrr, animutus, vividub.

blaming, repreheiiJinj;. Artib. \jj>i\ ifhra, or " I'.uch liuru»uch tiuii bnum,
" Caol mlmingeuch, uujrtmnach, brògacli.'
ajìam, reproach, calunuiy. /M. ^SN rphrr,
Fing. i. 36».
cinis, syniholum levitaiis, calaniitutis, niu'sitia'. Tliecune-necked, ihin-mani'd.liigh-mettled, ttrong-
AlFRiss, yen. or dtit. o( houfed, snorting horse. Equus ubiique-cerxiceiii
AiFRioNN, -BiNSE, or -HISS, (Xcamh-raiui), Tlie curvans, sonitum naribuii etHans, uiigustf-jubatue,
Catholic mass or form of public norsliip mi»sa, :
alacer, coniipes.
orjtiones publica* Uomunensiuni. \'t. littì. Biaii/.
" S uiyaiiiiuu-h fear eutrt)m." 3Incinh/. 78,

Spirited is the liglit-footed (stagl. N'ividus est

17. 1. S/iort. 15. 1. Anib. ij-f.ji^ ii/riaii, benedic-
(cervus) pedibus celer. 2. Courageous auden^. :

tion. Pcrg. ^JJ,fi^ aferin, praise, glory, bkssing. fortis. " Na U-aigtaiiiiuic/i cliumpa thaobhglieul."
C/uiU. p'lDK "pfiriun, thronus. A. M-Don. \26. The courageous, robust, tair
AiG. prrp. (youths), .\udentes, validi, pulchri yuvenes).
1.At, near, close by apud, ad, prope, :

juxta. •• Aiij
an dorus." C
S. At the door. Ad
AlCEANSACii, -Aicii, «./. L'nc fille de jove. '• Oran

tores. 2. By reason of, on account of: propter

na h-uif/eannuich." Macdon. 1U5.
causa. " Aiff ro nilieud 'aighir 's a sliòlais." S. 1). • Aigeanta, [ffen. of Aigneadli). Vt. 14.
.\iGEANTACii, -AiciiE, adj. \'ide .Aigeannach.
9. liy reason of his great joy and satisfaction.
Causa Isetitite ntagn» sua> et oblectationis. 3.
AlGEASTACllD, n.f.iiid. Couragc, liilarity audacia, :

" fortitudo animi, alacritas. Voc. 32.

Signifying possession penes. : Bha ait/ duine
.\igeidighe, adj. Acid, acetosus.
imiidh dithis nihac. Luc. xv. 11. A certain man
• Beth. 43. 49.
.\iGEis, vide -Vigean.
had two sons. Duo filii cuidam honiini erant.
.\ÌGii, gen. of Agli, s. m. " Diarmad an aigh^' Tan.
4. Joinetl to the infiiutive or present participles of
verbs beginning witli a vowel. ••
Aig inieachd." v. 222. Diarmad of good fortune, or the excellent
C S. Walking, «-walking ambulans literally, : ;
Diarmad. Dermid
AlGIIEAK, pi of .\gh,

at the act of walking in actu ambulandi.

: In this q. v.

use of the preposition, it is conunonly «Titten .\iGHEANs, -NE, «./. Vide Aghann.
'• ag," though erroneously, when the verb begins AiGHEAR, s. ni. Joy: la?titia. ' 'yi aig/war i

with a small vowel. Bel'ore participles and inKni-

mo shòlas."
Mucinty. 7. My joy and my delight.
Lstitia mea, et nieum gaudium. .-tighear nan
tives beginning with a consonant, commonly writ- '•

ten a. " a" labhairt," speaking: loquens. iCel.

teud." /?. 356. MD.
The joy of (arising from)
music. La-titia ex symphonia orta.
Ach, ag. Street Aga, to have. GotJi. .\.cgan, to
have. Gr. 'Eyù, habeo.
AiGiiEARACli, adj. (Aighear), Jojful Isetus. Mac- :

inhj. 132.
(.\ig i), prep, connected with Sd
AlGE SAX, emph. perg. pix»i. sing. m. With him :
Aighcarach), Merriment,
s. f. iiid.
gaiety hilaritas, festivitas. C. S.
penes ilium. Basq. Euqui. :

• -Mge, adj. Brave, valiant : fortis, strcnuus. IV.

AiGHiHEACH, flf^^'. Jojful Isctus. Vide Aighearach. :

• Aighmheil, s. in. Fear timor. " Ni h-aig/im/ieil

Gloi. :

AiGE.ACii. s. m. 1. A young horse: equuleus man- duibh." IV. 128. Ve need not fear. Non est
nus. Mac/. 2. An entire horse, stallion : equus
quod tinieatis. \'ide Eagal.
• .\ighneach, adj. Liberal generosus. Ihian ita
integer, non castratus. \'ide Òigeach.

h-Eirionn. line 67.

AiGEAL, -IL, s. m. The deep: profundum maris.
" Aigeal nan gleann." Hist, of Ftmls, 133. • .Aighnios, s. tn. I. A pleading: causs dictio.
bottom of the vallies vallium pars ima. " Tluiit 2. Reasoning, arguing ratiocinatio, discepta-

tio. Ll/i. Id. q. Aidhnios.

n\ aigneadh 's an aiyeal stuadhach. Eep. 111. My • Aightlie, gen. of .Aghaidh.
mind suidc into the depth of waves. Anima mea IV. 34. 67.
• Aigid, s. Sourness, gall acor, Bianf.
in profundum maris fluctuosi labitur. Gr. Aiyia'/.o:. f. : fel.

" 41. 2.
Tl.i>xi.isytii aiyiaw.;," pelasgi maritimi. Htbr. 7J^}
agal, gutta, quam congregavit.
AiGiLEAK, -AS, -EiK, *. »). A tossel, Or ear-ring:
inauris, stalagmium, stiria. Macf. v. " Aigileaji
AiGEALACn, -Aicn, s. »). (.Aigeal), A sounder of sreinge broiliich." A tagor horn hung to the
the deep. Profunditatis explorator, i. e. Bolis. breast. Stalagmium vel cornu pectore appenden.-.
G. S. Hebrid. .\igeach. Sh. Heir. 7'pi» aigile, inauris.
AiGEALLADH, -AiDii, s. m. Siew. 330. Vide .\- AiGiLEiSEACH, adj. (Aigilean), Full of pendents or
lace : plenus inauribus ornatus stalagmiis, &c.
.\iGEAN, -Eiv, g. til. The ocean oceanus. B. B. :
• Aigill, -idh, dh-, f. a. .Address compella. •• A- :
" Shuidh air an aipeiH dorcha tiugh." SmU/is
gus do oi]^// iad mar so." IV. 10. .And thus
Par. i. 2. Sat on the dark misty deep. Sedebat
thev spoke. Et sic locuti sunt.
C 2
AlGINNEACH, Ì Aileadh, -idh, s. in. An impression impressio, vesti- :

AiGioNNACH, > adj. Vide Aigcannacli. gium. " Mar faic mise aileadh nan taimgean 'n a
AlGIONTACII, ) làmhaibh. Eoin. xx. 25. Except I shall see in
AiGioNTACHD, vidc Aigeantaclid. his hands the print of the nails. Nisi videro in ma-
AiGNE, «.»1. Mind, temper: mens, indoles. Id. q.
nibus ejus vestigium clavorum. Arab. i__aXc ulib,
Aigneadh. making an impression.
AiGNEACH, -NICHE, cuij. (Aigne), Liberal : genero- Aileag, -eig, -an, s.f. Hiccup singultus. Voc. :

sus. L/L et Stew. 291. 30. Wcl. Ig. B. Bret. Hcug. Hebr. j'?;; ghilleg,
Aigneadh, -idh, -idiiean, Mind, intent, thought
mens consilium, cogitatio. " Agus do bhuaidh- balbus, balbutiens. Arab. 0^»=» Itelak, a sore
readar m' aigneadh agus rao chiall." Vt. 15. And throat.

my mind and reason were overcome. Et devicta Aileagail, s.f. (Aileag), Yexing : status laborandi

fuere mens et consilium mihi. singultu. C. S.

AiLEAN, -EiN, -EiN, s. m. A grccn, a plain, or mea-
-AIL, (contraction of Amhuil). termination of ad- A
jectives changes into -eil, -oil, -uil, as preceded by
dow : granimetum, viretum. Macf. v. 2. pi. Orts,
kindred vowels. " Amhuil, or Samhuil," is the stubble : fragmenta, stipularum radices. Voc. 94.

Lot.; simils. Hebr. y*)i eil, planicies.

Ail, s.f. The will : voluntas. Beth. 44. " Mu 's AiLEANTA, adj. (Aileadh), Fragrant: suaveolens.
ail leat." If then wilt. C. S. Vide Àill. Macinty. 45.
•Ail, s.f. stone: lapis.A Vallan, Prosp. Pref. AiLEAS, «. m. Provin. Vide Ailgheas.
70. " Ail saibliris." precious stone : lapis A AiLEASACH, -AiCHE, adj. Vide Ailgheasach.
pretiosus. Vallan. Celt. Es. 87. Retained in • Ailgeas, «. m. Desire. Beth. 57. Vide Ailgheas.
compounds. Arab. (svJlJi elka, furious, impatient.
Ail, gen. of À1, q. v. • Ailghean, adj. Soft, smooth, tender : mollis, Ise-
• AjI, s.
f 1. A prickle : Llh. aculeus.
2. A
stag: cervus. Vallan. Prosp. Pref. 71. 3. vis, tener. Llh. Pers. jùpJI algune, rose-co-
Arms, weapons : arma, tela. O'R. loured.
Ailgheas, -is, s. m. 1. Pleasure, will, power: volun-
» Ailbh, s.f. A flock, a herd, a drove : grex, ar-
" Garbh thonna fo ailgh-
tas, arbitrium, potentia.
mentuni. O'P. Vide Seilbh.
AiLBHEAG, -eig, -AN, S.f. A Small ring: annulus. eas m' an cuairt." Tern. viii. 43. Huge waves all
P. M'D. 161. Vide Failbheag. around at his command. Undae ingentes sub ejus
arbitrio in circuitu. " Ceannaich mar t' fheum, "s
AiLBHEAG-CHLUAisE, s. f. An eai'-ring inauris. :

Voc. 20.
reic mar t' ailglieas." Prov. Buy as you must, and
AiLBHEiNN, Salm. cxiv. 8. Vide Ailbhinn. sell as you can. Ad necessitatem eme vende ad ;

AiLBHiNN, s.f. 1. A flint : silex. Macf. V. i. e.

potentiam tuam. 2. Fastidiousness, pride : fasti-

Ail, stone theine, of fire. Accordingly, the com- dium, superbia. " Folaichidli tu iad ann an diorah-

mon Gaelic term for flint is, Clach-tlieine, i. e.

aireachd do làthaireachd o ailgheas dhaoine." Saim.
fire-stone : lapis igneus. 2. For Failbhinn, from xxxi. 20. Tliou shalt hide them in the secret of
Failbhe, the aerial space. " Gaoth an ear bho 'm thy presence from the pride of men. Abdes eos
ailbhinn chiùin." P. M'D, in abdito praesentiae tuae, ab elationibus virorum.
East wind from mild
aethereal space. Eurus ab ccelo sereno. " An deòir Gr. A>jc, satis. Arab, vie alis, avaricious, fret-
a' sile' mar bhoinne na h-ailbhijin. Sm. S. D. 73. ting, impatient.
Their tears flowing like the drop of the sky la- : Ailgheasach, -Aicu,adj. (Ailgheas), Fastidious: fas-
chrymae suae manantes, at pluvia cceli. 3. The tidiosus. " tabhair gu h-ailgheasach, àiteagach

sea : pelagus. " Ailbhinn mara." C. S, The riùm." P. B. Fastidiously and scornfully she re-
deep. Span. Altaniar. plied tome. Fastidiose et fastose mihi ilia respondit.
* Ailcne, i. e. Cloch. Vt. Gloss. AiLGHios, -is, *. }n. Vide Ailgheas.
AiLDE, Ì s.f. ind. Beauty : pulcliritudo. Vide ÀiLGHiosACH, adj. Vide Ailgheasach.
ÀiLDEACHD, j" Ailne et Ailneachd. • Ailim, verb. I pray, intreat oro, posco, supplex

ÀiLE, s. m.
Macf. v. Vide Àileadli. Wei. Awil. peto. " Ailim tròcuir na Trionoide dfaghbhail
B. Bret. Avel. Lat. iEolus halo, to breathe ha- ; ; do m' anniuin." Vt. 1 14. I pray that I may re-
litus, breath. Gr. AioXo;. Hebr. et Syr. Avel, abel. ceive for my soul the mercy of the Trinity. Ut
AlLEACH, adj. (Aile), Airy, well aired amoenus, : accipiam in animam meam misericordiam Trinita-
apricus. C. S. B.
Bret. Avelec, aveloc. tis, oro.
AiLEACHD, s. m. ind. S. D. 242. Vide Aileadh. AiLioNTA, adj. Airy, of the air : aereus. Voc. 135.
.AiLEADH, -IDH, s. lu. 1. Tlie air, or atmosphere : AiLis, -E, -EAN, «.
f. 1. A defect, fault, blemish,
aer: 3Iacf. V. 2. Ascent, sense of smelling : o- stain : " Cha robh ailis ort ri ghràitin."
dor,>,odDratus. Salm. cxv. 6. Vide Fàile. 3. A. MD.122. No blemish hadst thou to be told.
Wind, or breeze : ventus, aura. " Neart an ò(7- Tibi vitium non erat, quod dicatur. 2. Reproach :

idh." S. B. 94. The strength of the breeze. Venti calumnia, imputatio. Id. q. Aithis.
vel aurae vis. TVel. et Armor. Awel. Arab, hour- • Ailitir, .«./. (Eile, Tliir), Pilgrimage: peregrina-
va et haule, ventus. tio. Bianf. 14.
Àill', «./. Vide Aille, Àilno. galians sluill ccaitrr (destroy) i(« beaut). Cur-
ÀiLL, t.J'. Dtsirr, will : i-ujiido, voluntas. •• Le 'ni ruinpt'iit 1 uigttlienses pulclintudineni ejus.
b' titU iir cuuiuil Mliòr blicinn. .S'. 1). j.S.
i> Who "
Aii.LKAU -Kiu, j>. M. Degree uf beauty : gnulu» pul-
HOidil Mi&li (o dcuin us I'roui Murvcii. Qui nos chritudinis. C. S.
(irohibiTV villcut u .Mor\i-iic. ••
Au itill li-ul f" It. AlLLtAii, .biG, -AN, «.y". A (ail one: mulier lonno-
M'D. 17. Uu you wish? An est voluntas tilii ?
visnei' " 'L) c b' àill leibli ?" \N'hut is your will? —" An sin HiuuireUA uu àUUuy bhròitach.

Quid vultis ? " Ui'untnr à<// d(.-'n {i(;inn." J^mmi. S. D. 153.

II. I. Let williu^ntss be nmdi- ofneces.'iity. ^'o- There was the mournful fair one found. Illic re-
luntus tint c.\ iiiifsstati'. •• Mar is àiU Ic Diu." periebutur fomiosa queribundu.
Prxiv. \'2. .\s it pli'ust'tli (lod. Siiut Deus velit. AlLl-tAOAN, -Ais, -AN, «. lit. I. ,\ jewd, gem;
•• An an a^huidli na tairbhc." /Vor.
liUl Inclina- gemma. " Ailhtiffain glè riomhacli." Mucinti/. 45.
tion opposed to pn.)lit. Contra conunoduni studi- .\ very beautiful jewel. Cieniniu valde nitida. 2.
um. •• AiU air uuill." Will ye, iiill ye velis, nolis. : A favourite, a deiu- friendgraliosus, corus ami- :

Ni li-<»i//eani." I «ill not nolo. li.Hrtl. Alia, ni : cus. Air son an àilUtigain phriseil." itactiUy.

alia. IMr. 7N' i/<i<i/, voluit. 71. On account of the valued and dear friend.
• Aill, ni/j. Another alius. Bianf. 32. 2. " Ar :
Causa aniici cari et a>stimati.

aill." Other: alius. I't. G.' 6. " Feachd ^P° All the foregoing articles beginning with Ailie

n'aiU." Formerly olini. MSS. passim. Ir. :

f. are derived from .\luinn, beautiful ; tvinp.
Àilne, often pronounceil as if written Aiilne.
«S>ile. ilel, AM, aillt. An». All. Gr. A>.-
AiLLEA(iAN, -AiK, s. III. Tile root of the ear: auris
>.o;. Chald. ^\77^ /uiJak, procul distitit, rerao-
radices. Macdoui). 105. \'ide Faillean.
tus fuit.
.\iLLEALACiio, S.f. iìid. Camp. 173. Vide .\ilne-
•Aill, acf/. Noble: nobilis. i't. Gloss. Arab. aclid.

ali, high, sublime, grand; J house,

• .Aillean, s. m. 1. A
causeway via strata. LUi. :

^J^ I a/,
2. .\ pet, beau, mhiion: corculum, delicatulus,
race, dynasty. Pers. ^\ al, high. Ileòr. rÒv bellulus. Sh.
alah, ascendit, clevatus fuit. AiLLEASACHD, S.f. iìuL Bashfulness : verecundia.
• .\ill, s.f. A
rock, a steep bank waslied by water : Macf. V.
rupes, ripa aqu;v contigua. " Mullach na li- AiLLEAXx, -i\K, S.f. Elecampane: inula, enula
aille." Top of the rock : suruuia rupes. Llh. cani|)ana, helenium. C. S.
Bibl. Gloss. Pern. ^\ al, a ditch, wall, ram-
AiLLEANiA, adj. Macf. V. Vide Aluinn.
AiLLEAs, *. Macinti/. 81. Vide .Àilgheas, .\ill-
part. Arab. vW alhab, precipices ; ^\ ell,

Camp. 174. \'ide .\ilgheasach.

making a sound like water in its course. Htbr. AiLLE.WT, adj. Ueserved, shy, distant : tacitumus,
7^Vi eial, robur, vires, potentia. aditu difficilis. A. Mdcttoii. 90.
• Aill, s.f. 1. A journey, course : iter, cursus. S/i.
AiLLEis, s. m. A favourite: res gratiosa. A. Mac-
2. A turn : conversio. Sh. 3. A place, stead :
don. 47.
Jocus statio. Sk. 4. A bridle : frenum. AiLLEOHT, adj. (Aill, Àrd), High-rocked : altas ha-

Sh. " Aill so." Valkm. Celt. Es. 88. Go, ,

bens rupes. R. 118. MD.
here : vade, hie. Gr. Ei>.iui, cogo, circuni- .\iLLGHios, *. wi. Macdoug. 96. Vide Ailgheas.
AiLLi, vide Aillidli, adj.
ago ; i4>jiyji, circumvolvo. Arab. ^\ ell, going • Ailli, «./. Sltort. 94. A'ide Aill, s.
quick, hastening ; * L^< aljam, bridle, rein ;
• Allibus, s. ill. A salmon : salnio. IV. Glots.
'ijo'S\ ilaset, turning about. JItbr.
.AiLLiDH, adj. Beautilul, exquisite : pulchcrritnus,
^'X eil,
venustissimus. Pi/iff. iii. 47. Temora. iv. 389. /?.
M-D. 4. *'. D. 43. Pers. u/, beauty of person.
• Aill-bhil, s.f. A bridle-bit lupatum. Z.///.
Id. q. Aluinn.

AiLL-BHRLACiiACH, adj. (Aill et Bruach), Hav-

ing steep or rocky banks : ripis pnjeruptis munitus.
-AiLLioxAiR, «. m. A caterer : opsonator. loc 46.

Sh. " Na h-aill-bhruachaich." Tlie Allobroges, \ '

\ ind. Vide Àilleachd.
disjoined from the Helvetii by the Rhone, and in-
habiting along its lofty banks. Cas. Belt. Gall.
AiLLSE, «.y; 1. A fairy, diminutive creature larva, :

i. 6.
lemur, nanus. Sh. 2. A canker : rubigo. Sh. 3.
Delay mora. Sh.
AiLLE, S.f. ind. Beauty : pulchritude. " Deoir na h-
AiLLSEACiiADH, -AiDH, s. 1)1. Exaggeration : es:ag-
aille." Fi/iff. iv. 6. Tlie tears of beauty. Lachry-
gcratio. \'ide .\ibhseachadh.
ma; pulchritudinis. Arab. iVe ala, glory, sublimi- AiLLsEAG, -Etc, -AX, S.f. A Caterpillar : volvox, e-
ty, dignity. Id. q. .\ilne. ruca.
, C. 5.
AiLLE, <K^'. Most beautiful
pulcherrimus. Fing.'i. AiLLsicH, -iDH, DH-,
f. fl. Exaggerate: exaggera.
225. Vide Aluinn, adj. camp. Ailne. Provin. Id. q. Aibhsich.
AiLLEACHD, «./. i;«/. Beauty: " Sgap- ÀiLLTEACHD,
pulcliritudo. *./. /?. M'D. 29. Vide Àilneacbd.
aidh an Fheinne 'ailUaclid:' S.J). 91. Tlie Fin- A\i.LTtiì., adj. Terrible: terribilis. Ibc. 142. Vide
Eillteil et Oilltioil. Arab. 3yf>' aliwul, most dread- AiMCiiEiST, s.f. P. M'D. 54. 107. Vide Imcheist.
ful. AiMCHEisTEAcii, adj. P. M'D. 64. Vide Imcheis-
Aii.M, -E, .«./ 1. Tlicelm: ulimis. Voc. A fir-tree. teach.
OF/. A palm-tree. i'«l'- 2- A helm: guber- AiMEASGuiDir, adj. Bawdy : obscoenus. Provin.
iiaculuni navis. B.JI'D.ìòi. VoxAnff. 3. ITie Vide Aimsgith.
letter A : litcra A. " Ailm na li-aonar tarsna a AiMii-DiiEOiN, vide Aindcoin.
AiMHEAi., -EiL, s. ?H. Vcxation, grief, dismay: do-
nuas." Vnllan. Gram. 5. Arab. «Jx Ham ; sci-
lor, animi perturbatio. " To" aimheal 'us fo' sgios."
ence. Vtillan. Pros. Pre/. 59. 6C. Salm. xliii. 5. In dismay and weariness. In ani-
Aii.MEAC, -EiG, -AN, s.f. An clni, a )'oung elm-tree :

mi perturbatione et fatigatione. Arab. 3'>Èl agh-

ulmus. Voc. 65.
AiLMii, -E, -EAN, s.f. A flint-stone: silex. Voc. 55. wal, calamitates ;
^iLol imlal, wearied out, long
Arab. *i.c alcm, a boundary stone. and tedious ; i^l ibla, fatigued, emaciated, worn
AiLMSE, -EAN, s.f. Mistake, crror sphalma. 3Iatf. T'. :
out with cares and misfortunes; J-aj^ ebil, sad.
ÀiLNE, arij. Most beautiful pulcherrimus. Compar. :

of Àluinn, q. v.
Hebr. 72ii abhal, luxit, in luctu fuit ; ^D^J amal,
AiLNEACUD, vide Ailleaclid. languidus fuit. Id. q. Aithmheal.
ÀiLNicn, -iDii, DH-, r. a. Beautify: pulchrum redde.
AiMHEALACH, -AiCHF, adj. (Aimheal), Vexing, un-
^ C.S. easy, vexatious : angens, dolorem efficiens.
ÀiLNicnTE, pcrf. paH. Adorned : ornatus. Span.
AiMHEALTACii, adj. Vexed, galled vexatus, vehe- :

Alino. menter iratus. Turn. 74. Id. q. Aimhealach.

AiLP, gen. of Alp, q. v.
AiMHFHEOiL, s.f. (Aimh, adj. et Feòil), Proud flesh
AiLPEAN, -EiN, Alpin Alpinus. " Alp, signi-
s. »1. :
caro fungosa. Vide Ainfheoil.
fie, dans la langue des Turcomans un brave et va-
AiMHGHEUR, adj. (Am, priv. et Geur), Edgeless :

liant capitaine." D'Herbelot.

obtusus, retusus. Voc. 140.
AiLPEANACH, -EisiCH, s. m. A Hiac Alpine : Alpi-
AlMHGHLic, -E, adj. (Am, priv. et Glic), Foolish, un-
nus, Gregorianus. Vt. 162. " Tha thu arsuigh,
wise : insipiens.
" Dh'ios an Ailpeinich ghlain, Tliou art old, un-
aimhghlic, liath." Urn. Oss.
" Do'n f hull rioghail gun smal." P. M'D. 95.
wise, and grey (headed). Es tu annosus, insipiens,
To the noble MacAlpine of the untainted blood of canus.
kings nobilis Alpenides, illimi e sanguine reguni.
AiMHGHLiocAs, -Ais, s. m. Folly : stultitia. Glenm.
ÀiLT, -E, adj. Noble, stately, grand, charming, high :

nobilis, magnificus. excelsus, amoenus. Llh. P.
AiMHi, adj. A. Macdoìì. 76. Vide Amhaidh.
3LD. 4. In page 236, the quantity is distinct- AiMHLEAs, -Eis, S.m. Aimh, /wiV. ct Lcas). 1. Dis-

ly marked. In the sense of high, it may be " Car d' aimhleis ort."
aster: damnum, clades.
pronounced short. Gr. AXòiu, I adorn. Arab. Damnum eveniat tibi.
Prov. Evil betide thee.
Xr>5!i alàhet, shining, flashing. Pers. ^i al, beauty 2. Danger : periculum. " Cha tuig aniadan 'aimh-
leas." Prov. A fool sees not his danger. Stultus
of person. Arab. ^? all, God, the Greatest and suum periculum non cernit. 3. Injury, harm in- :

Best. Heh. bVi el, Deus. juria. " Rinn e aimhleas orm." C. S. He did
* Ailt, s. m. pi. Joints : artus. Llh. for Uilt, q. v. me an injury. Fecit injuriam in me.
AiLT, s.f. 1. The impression or print of a wound. AiMHLEASACH, -AicnE, adj. Hurtful, ruinous, mis-
cicatrix. C. S. 2. A
house : domus. Vallan. Celt. chievous : noxius, calamitosus. " A' labhairt nithe
aimhleasach' ." Salm. xxxviii. 12. Speaking mis-
Es. 49. et Llh. Vide Athailte. Arab. Sxi) \ ilaat,
chievous things. Noxia verba loquentes.
marks in the face. ignavus, segnis.
« Aimheasg, adj. 'Lazy, slothful
* Ailtsgeine, «. /. A sharp knife : acutus culter.
(Here Aimh appears rather re-

Vt. 22. 41. 109.

Vt. 86.
dundant than privative.) Vide Leisg.
À.ILTEACII, a/fj. P. M'D. 237. Vide Fàilteach.
Beauty, comeliness: pulchri-
AnriiLEATHAN, -AiNE, adj. (Aimh, priv. et Leathan),
ÀiLTEACHD, S.f. hid.
Nan-ow, angustus. Voc, 134.
tudo, decor. P. M'D. 44. Vide Àilleachd.
* Ainihleisge, Laziness, indolence ignavia,
* Ailtire, s.m. (Ailt, joints, et Fear), carpenter, an A s.

f. :

architect: faberlignarius, architectus. Vt. Gloss.
AiMHXE, vide Amhainn.
« Ailtnighe, adj. Sharp : acutus. Vt. Gloss.
AiiMHSEACii, -EicH, ctdj. (Amhainn), Full of rivers:
- Ailtreachas, Vide Altmmas.
s. m.
fluviis abundans. i?. i»/'Z>. 119.
Aim, privative particle, or prefix. Vide Am, An, prir.
AiMHNEART, -EiRT, s. ?«. Vide Ainncart.
AiMBEART, -BEiRT, s. /. (Aim, priv. et Beartas),
Poverty, want paupertas, egestas.
: A. 3I^Don. AiMHNEARTMHOR, adj. (Wmh, pHv. et Neartmhor),
Feeble debilis. Vt. 122. 184.
205. " Cha tuig òig' aimbeart." Pror. Youth :

• Aimhneas. 3Iacf. Par. Vide Aoibhneas.

will not understand (foresee) want juventus eges- :

AiMHNicnEAX, pi. of Amhuinn, q. v.

tatem non pracvidebit. Aimbeart et Aimbeartach,
AiMiiREA, s. f. Vide Aimhreidh.
also signify, miscliief and mischievous.
AIM '23 A IN
AlMHREIOll, -EIDHE, »./. (Aimll, prif. PI Rèiilh), cah lemperie». .Vur^: V. I(W. Am«er. Ant. .Ka\-
DUordcr, cxinl'uslun perturbutio, i-oulusio. •• Tlii-
^ibli, railiaiimiil iio*,

a^us (.uiri'uniuiii uii i-aiiiii(

»er. Anib. _,L«i amar, lime, a sign or mark ; •«
an mmhrrulk." lint. \i. 7. lio It», li-l us
«ill air
riHr, time ; j^a* atr, time, an age. Ex Am tt Sior.

go down, anil llicrt: confound llii-ir lun(;uu(;e. A- AlMslHEiL, wlj. (AiiuiJr),

I. Teui|>ural : terii|K>-
^e. desccnduiuus, et contundanius ibi eenuoncin ralis. •' Oir tlm nithe a iliitliear aitnumi."

eoruni. 2 Cor. V. IH. I'or the thing» ilmt «re »etii are
• Ainihreidhe, s. f. 1. Ddiles, straits, fasuu-sscs teiu]>orul. Nam qu* ceniuntur, tein|>ur<(ria sum.
nii^ustia- iiiuniincntu. 'i. Itescntnienls, ijuiir- 2. Seasonable teiupei-tivus. C. S.
: Mr/. Ain-
rt-Is, intricacy : ira-, sinmltatcs, pcqiicvitas. semwl.
Lnib. Dntn/. v. I'l. AiMsiOKRTiiA, «<J^'. Vide Ainibireil. I'ur. 181. IFt/.
• Ainilireidheaui, verb. GUnm. 02. \'idc Ainili- Amseriad, timing.
reitich. AlMslTii -E, -EAN, «. M. (.\imsitlieadli), Minhance,
AiMiiREiT, -E, -EAS, *./. (Aindi, prie. et llèit), the missing of an aim: surs ad\ersa, aberratiu ti
1.Contusion, disorder: confuiiio, rixa. Maciiitt/. scopo. C. .S'. Arab. L»^? iiiisa, vel amtm, Ining
153. Maaioug. \b'2. 2. Disanrccnient, quarrel,
discord : disscntio, jurgium, discordia. " Duis-
AlS, prif. part, or prtfiu: Vide Am, An, />r<c.
gidh I'uatli aimlireiUtin." Prov. Hatred stirs up • Ain, «. Ml. Vide Ainn, Ainne.
strill's. Odium jurgia movent. • Ain, t./. A year: annus, i'tdl. Retained in
AiMHiiEiTEACii, -EiciiE, [adj. ( Ainiljrcit), Quarrel-
some, contentious: rixosus cuntentiosus. •• Bean
compounds. Gr. A/a», an age. Arab. ^^^ an,
aimhrtitetu-h." Giiatli. 27. 13. A contentious wo- time; «Ix aum ; ^^\^\ atcaun; ^Lil ei-umn
man. Mulier contentiosa.
^\ aiiti or anoo ; tsò\ai>e; all signifying time.
AiMiiHEiTii, vide Aimhreidli.
AlMiiKEiTicii. -iDii, DH, f. (i. (Aimll, priv. et Reit-
Ain, -e, s.f. Heat " àin an latha."
: calor, aestus.

ich), Confound, entangle, put through other con- :

C. S. The Merldies, acstus diur-
heat of Jay.

funde, inipedi, implica, invohe. C. S.

nus. " ain na geala-glu-eine." Stetc. 160. The
heat of tlie bright sun. .Esius lucidi solis, Arab.
AiMiiRiAR, -EiR, »•.;«. (Ainih, y>ric. et Riar), Mis-
management : mala adniinistnitio. Proriii. Uc ana, aestus, labour.
AlMiiuiociiD, s. III. (Aimll, prif. et Kioclid), Dis- • Ain, adj. Honourable, praise-worthy, respectable
guise: obtentus. P. Turn. iòì. honorandus, laudandus, spectabilis. Stetc. 560.
AlMHRiocHDACii, atij. ( Aimlirioclid), Assuming a Gr. AiiMZ, laus : .Kni'ji, laudo. Pers. ,.^ an.
falsam sumens tiguraiu.
false figure :

beauty, any thing elegant, excellent Arab.

AiMiD, Mar/. ì'. ^'ide Aniaid.
AiMiDEACH, a(ij. R. M-D. 19ii. Macdoug. 57. Vide Lic^jj inaiu, a conspicuous part of the heaven»-.
Amaideach. • Ain, s.f. Vide Aithne.
Ai.MiDEACHD, *./. R.M-D.'iOi. Vide Amaideaclid. Ain, prefix. Vide An.
AiMiDEAG, »'./. Vide Amaideag. • Ainbheach, adj. Abundant, manifold : abundans,
AiMsicHTE, adj. (Aimh, prii-. et Shhichte), Bold, multilarius. Lih.
resolute, dauntless : audax, intrepidus. .Steic. AiKBiiEus, -A, -AK, s.m. (Ain, prir. et Beusl. Im-
Gloss. morality moruni pravitas. C. S.
: nv/. Anlbes.
AiMLiSG, -E, -EAX, s. f\ 1. Confusion, calamity: Aisbiieusach, -aiche, adj. (\[n, prii: et Beusach',
confusio, calamitas. Macf. V. ••
Conan aimtisg Immoral : depravatus.
na Feinne." Prov. Conan, the disturber of the AisBHFHEAs, s. m. Um., 68. Vide Ainfhios.
Fingalians. Conan Fingaliensium perturbator. 2. Aisbufeile, s.f. (Ain, priv. et Fèile), Impudence,
Mischief: malum. " Ball aimlisg'." C. S. A stinginess, rudeness : impudentia, asperitas, moro-
mischievous person or thing. Maleficus. Arab. sitas, moruu rusticitas. C. S.
^iLo? imlagh or amlagh, mocking, scoffing, laugh-
• Ainbhflieirg, s.f. (Ain, auffm. et Fearg), Rage
ira, furor. Urn. 80.
ing at ; ^y^^ ghlemles, wicked, bold ff^^ ghendaj, ;
• Ainbhleitheach, adj. Rude, ignorant : incomptus
an inconsistent, variabie, capricious man. Llh.
AiMLiSGEACH -EiCHE, adj. (Aimlisg) Mischievous: Ais'BiiFJiEiLEACii, otlj. ( Ainbhfèile). Impudent im- :

calamitosus, maleficus. C. S. pudens.

• Ainireig, Bianf. 831. Vide Aimhreidh. AiSBiiFHEOiL, S.f. Vide Ahifheoil.
AiMRiD, (uij. Barren: sterilis. Macf.v. Vt.3. Gin. AlXBHFHIACH, -EICH, -AX, S.IU. (Am, priV. et 1-iUcil',
xi. 30. Arab. C>\j^S amrat, barren, desert. Hebr.
Debt deliituin, xs alienum. '• Diolaidh saothair

ainbbfliiaili." Prov. Industrj' pays debt. Solvit

T'lpS amrid, deficere vel desciscere faciani.
indu!itria xs alienum.
AiMSEACH, adj. Vide Amaiseach. • Ainblilliial, adj. (Ain, priv. et FiaJl, Ungener-
AiMsiDH, Salm. xxi. 8. Vide Amais. ous illibcralis. IV. 125.

AiMsiR, -E, et -EACH, -EAX, A-./. (AmetSior). I. • Ainbhiliior, adj. (Ain. priv. et Fiorl, Untrue
Time, season: tempus. iMaij'. V. 2. Weather: non verus. Gil. Modh. t. 360.
• Ainblifhios, s. m. L. Dcarg. 54. Urn. 130. AiNDEOiNEAcn, 1^ -AICHE, odj. (Aindeoin), Reluc-
Vide Aintliios. AiNDEONACH, J taut. Unwilling: nolens, invitus.
• Ainl)liniiosach, adj. (Ainblifliios), Rude, ignor- " On chaidh na mionnan aindeoineach a tharruing
ant, headstrong, resentful : rudis, ignarus, per- asmo chom." Oran. Since the unwilling oaths
tinax, nioleste fl-rens, iram fovens. MSS. were extorted from my breast. Quando jusjuran-
AiNBHiT», s. m. Stew. 160. Vide Ainniliidh. da invita a meo pectore extorta fuerunt.
AiNBHTiiEACH, -EicHE, ttd/. Stomiy procellosus. : AiNDEOiNEACHD, -nEONACHD, s.
f. tnd. (Aindeon-
TV. H. Vide Anfadhach. ach). Unwillingness, reluctance, obstinacy : re-
AiNBi, ) adj. (Ain, pi'iv. et Bi), Odd, extraordi- pugnantia, pertinacia.
AiNBiTU, j nary, out of tlie way inusitatus, iuso- : AiNDiADiiACH, -AiCH, s.m. (Ain, jsni». ct Diadhach),
litus, avius. A. Macd. liS. 1. An atheist: atheus. 6'A. 2. An ungodly person.
• Ainble, s./. Naughtiness, badness, maHce: ne- " 'S geàrr comunn nan aindiadhach." Prcm. Short
quitia, nialitia, pravitas. Llh. is the union of the ungodly. Brevis est concordia
• Aincheard, Ì s. m. (Ain, />Wr. or aiuim. et impiorum.
» Aincheardach, } Ceard), buffoon, an ingeni- A AiNDiADHACHD, s f. ind. ( Aindiadliaidh), Ungodli-
ous fellow, an impostor : sannio, homo callidus, ness, atheism : impietas, Dei abnegatio. C. <S'.
versipellis. Lih. et O'R. AiNDiADHAiDH, adj. Impious, ungodly impius, ini- :

Aincheardach, -aicue, adj. (Aincheard), Jocose, quus, Deuni abnegans. " Tliug Dia mi thairis do
humorous jocans, lepidus. " Le 'n teagldaich
: 'n aindiadhaidh." lob. xvii. 11. God hath deli-
mhoir bha aincheardach." Turn. 216. With their vered me to the ungodly. Dedidit me Deus iniquo»
numerous festive household. Cum magna familia AiNDiADHAiL, vidc Aindiadhaidli.
quae lepida erat. 2. Jesting, buftbon-like : salsus, AiNDiADHALACHD, S.f. iììd. Id. q. Aindiadhachd.
scurrilis. Blacf. v. AiNDÌLEAS, adj. (Ain, priv. et Dileas), False, not
Aincheas, ì -eis, -eist, s. m. (Ain, intens. et Ceist), trusty, unfaithful : falsus, perfidus. C.S.
Doubt, dilemma, danger dubium, hae- : AiNDiLSEACHD, } s. yi ind. 1. Unfriendliness: be-
sitantia, periculum. Tain. 10. " Aincheasa." Bianf. AiNDisLEACHD, j ncvolentias defectus, inimicitia.
23. " Gun aincheasa." Without doubt : sine du- C. S. 2. Unfaithfulness : infidelitas, perfidia.
bio. OCmin. Prol. ii. 61. Voc. 36.
» Aincliial, -eil, s.f. (Ain, priv. et Ciall), Peevish- AiNDiÙTD, -E, s f. (Ain, priv. et Diuid), Boldness,
ness, frowardness : morositas, protervitas, per- obstinacy, impertinence : audacia, pertinacia, im-
vicacia. Sh. pudentia. C. S. 2. Obduracy in sin, final impe-
• Ainchiallach, -aiche, oflj. (Aincliial), Testy, pee- nitence. Animi ad peccandum obfirmatio. O'B.
vish : niorosus, difficilis. Sh. AiNDiùiDEACH, -EICHE, odf. (Aindiùid), Obdurate,
• Ainchialtachd, vide Ainchial. pervicax. C. S.
obstinate, petulant

AiNCHis, -E, s.f. (Ain, 2yiv. et Cis, vel Ceannsachd), AiNDLiGHE, (Ain, priv. et Dlighe),
s. in. trespass, A
A curse, rage, fury execratio, ira, furor. Prmin.
: an unjust law
noxa, crimen, iniqua lex, £/m. 131.

AiNCHLisTE, adj. (Ain, priv. et Chs), Slow, tedious O'Cmn. Prol. ii. 91.
lentus, moleste tardus. Praviti. AiNDLiGHEACH, -EICHE, odj. (Aindliglie), Lawless,
» Ainchliu, s. m. A peevish person : homo morosus, transgressing: sons, exlex. Voc. 185.
aditu clifiBcilis. Sh. AiNDLiGHEACH, -icH, s. vfi. (Aindlighc), A trans-
•Aindeagdha, adj. Very hostile : infestissimus. gressor :peccator. C. S.
Glenm. 85. * Aindligheadh, -idh, s. m. B. B. Vide Aindlighe,
AiNDEALBH, s. m. An unseemly figure, a distorted « Aindreannda, adj. Immoderately furious : furio-
picture : species informis : pictura distorta. Vt. sissimua. Vt. 95. 96.
Gloss. AiNDREAS, Andrew : Andreas, viri nomen.
s. m.
AiNDEALBHACH, -AICHE, (Aindcalbh), Unseemly, Eoin. i. Anndra.
4. vtdg.
deformed : informis, aspectu foedus. C S. * Aine, s.f. Experience, good skill : peritia, expe-
• Aindear, s.f. Vide Ainnir. rientia. " Le lorguimh aine." Tain. 37. With
AiNDEAS, ( Ain, ^mt'. et Deas), Awkward,
-EisE, odj. trained bands: cum expeditis agminibus. Gr.
unprepared, unsuitable: inhabilis, imparatus, in- Arab. \.^\ enha, intelligent
Am, A/ms, laus.
commodus. Sh. et C. S.
• Aindeise, s.f. (Ain, priv. et Deas), AiBiction, (jmUjI ainas, knowing. Id. q. Aithne.

calamity : afflictio, calamitas. B. B. Aineach, s. m. Horsemanship : ars equstris. Ex


AiNDEiSEAL, -ALA, adj. (Ain, priv. et Deiseal), Un- Aithne et Each. Llh.
propitious, unprepared : infaustus, imparatus. C. S. * Ain-eachd, s. m. (An, Eùchd), Misapplied prowess,

AiNDEisEALACHD, s. /. ind. (Aindeiseal) Want of a casualty fortitudo male adhibita, casus.


preparation, or luck : neghgentia, incuria, infelici- Glenm. 39. 92.

tas. C. S. AiNEADACH, -EICHE, adj. Vexing, galling : Provo-
AiNDEOiN, s.f. ind. [A\n, priv. et Deoin), Compul- cans ad iram, exacerbans, vexans. C. S. " An,
sion : corapulsio. Vt. 25. 26. Macdmi. 153. " A èudach." Over zealous.
dlieòin no dh' aindeoin." C. S. W^ith, or against AiNEADAs, -Ais,s. m. (Aincadach), Vexation : exa-
one's will : volens nolens. cerbatio, vexatio. C, S.
AIN 25 Al\
AtNBAL, vide Aineol. AlNFIIIOS.iCII, 1^ -AICHE, lulj. (Ain, priv. Fio», «
AiSEAMii, -tiMii, <. «M. A fla», bliniish : deffctug, ri- AiNritiuiiHACii, J Fiusrtichl, Igaonuit: iguaru». I'uc.
nia, viliuiii. " CVilidh «fire aÌHtrimA." I^rvt: Ixtve 140.
conceals a bli'inisl». (."iirita» cilut dcl'cclum. MV/. AisMiiitiN.N, -EAS, t.f. {.Kitu priv. el Firina), Un-
truth: wendaeium. IV. 71.
Anaf, a bifiuish. Anili. >-.JL-^ ^ "J'H'f>, btraiigv ;

AiNKitituil, I
-AiLiii:, aiff. (.\iii, j/rir. ct Fiù),
t_>UX>l cauiab, blemishes, or scan>, Aim iiiLc.liACil, j NotHurlli: indignuii, vilut. C >S'.

AiNfAMHAcn, -AiciiK, w//. (Aiiieumli), Blenii&lied AiNMiiLiiiiEACiiu, s.f. ittd. (.\iiitiuugluich), Un-
viliosus, la-siis. JJJi. et I'oc. IfV/. Anasus. wurtliiness : indigiiilaii. C. «S'.

ÀlNEAS, pi. of Ae. 'llie liver : liepar, jecur. /?. • Ain-tlmail, s.f. |.\inn, t. et Fual), A cliambor-
M'D. 3'iO. "' saigheud truiinli
lius an d'tlu'id pot luatula.
: Vm: 87.
iàinettn." Miieiiiti/. G. I'litil an arrow pass through • .\iiitiiie, t-ullrrt. iiotiri, m, or/. Foreigner» : AUe-
diy liver. ^\i)tei{uaiu sugitta tuuiii jecur ]>enetra- iiigeiue. 0'J{.
vcrit. • .\iiigeas, s.
f. A curse : inalediciio. Shurl. p.
AiNEART, s. m. Uh. Vide Ainneart. 99.
ÀiNKARTAicii, -E «. /. Yawiiing actio : liiandi. Aing'eachd, vide Aingidheaclul. Salin. xviii. 23.
C. S. AiNGEAL, -IL,/>/. -IL, -CLE, -CLEAN, «.m. (Ain, ÌnUrnt,
•Aineas, s. m. Acquaintance agnitio, familiari-
: et Geal). I. An angel, messenger: angelus, nun-
tas. Vt. 1>. Glenm. 42. Vide .\ithne. tius. " Agus Hiuair aingeal an Tighearn i làinili
• Aineas. ^S'Aort. 349. 351. Vide .\oibhncas. ri lobar uisge san niàsach." Gen, xvi. 7. And
Ain'eas. Macinty. 192. Vide Ainteas. the angel of the Lord (bund her by a well of water
Aineas, -eis, s.f. (Ain, iiitetu. et Teas), Passion, in the wilderness. El angelus Jehovae earn invenit
turj': iracundia, furor. ^Itrrf. V. prope fontem aquarum in deserto. 2. Fire, light,
Aiseasacii. -AicnE, adj. (Aineas), Passionate, furi- sunshine : ignis, lux, radii solis. Llh. et Sh. 3. \
ous: ad iraui proclivis, furiosus. Mmf. V. coin: numisma quoddani. Short. 150. JUaiu:.
AlS'EASGAiR, €uij. Vide Ainsheasgair.^ Ainle. nv/. Angel. Arm. Aiil. Ji. Hr. AnkeWitr.
AisiiFEACiiD, «./. iW. ( Ain, ^n'f. et Eifeachd), In- Span. Angel. Husq. Aingerua. Fr. Ange, an an-
sufficiency ; inefficacia. C. S. gel. Wei. Ufel, Uwel, ignis. Scotcli. Ingle, fire.
• Aineogail, s.f. (Ain, ititeiis. et Eagal), Astonish-
Gr. Ay/fXc;, nuntius. Arab. 3-=?' "j^> death, des-
ment stupor, : torpor, pavor. I of. 164.
AiSEOL, -OIL, *. m. (Ain, priv, et Eòlas). 1. A tiny ; ^^2^1 ittjtla, or aiiijela, an apparition, ap-
stranger : hospes, peregrinus, locorum imperilus. pearance. Sdavoniau. Aggie. CItald. f/il3K an-
" Cha fhaic aineoi, o'n lear, no o "n fhàsach."
gel in, angels.
^'.D. 43. The stranger, from sea or mountain,
AiSGEALACH, ) -.\icn, *./. Numbness, die numb :
will not behold. Hospes ab mare vel monte non
AiNGEALACHD, J torpedo digitorum. Provin.
videbit. 2. A strange place: locus ignotus. ""Strom
AixGEALAG, -AiG, S.f. Vide Aingilcag.
geùm bà air a h-aiiieol." Prov. Deep is the cow's low
AlN'GE.\LTA, vel AiNNGEALTA, -EILTE, ad/. I. ^la-
on strange ground. Profunde niugit bos in pere-
" Oirthir aiiitoil ard chreagach." R, licious, vindictive : malignus, vindictae cupidus.
grino solo.
i?. iV-D. 294.
2. Perverse, peevish, froward, fret-
M'D. 122. A high, rocky, strange shore. Littus
ful pervcrsus, morosus, jirotervus. C. S.
peregriuum altis cum rupibus.
AisGEALTACHD, ^ -AIS, S.f. Frowardness, malig-
AiNEOL.\CH, -AiCHE, adj. (Ain, /Mil', et Eòlach), Ig-
" Agus bha mi baoth agus arn- Ais'GEALTAS, j iiity : protervitas, malitia, ma-
norant ignarus,
" Ann an
lignitas. aiiigealtachd nan aingidh."
edach." Sulm. Ixxiii. 22. Poolish was I, and ig-
Gnàih. ii. 14. In the frowardness of the wicked.
norant. Turn brutus eram et ignorarem. 2. Un-
known ignotus. '• S fearr an t' olc èolach no 'n
In pen-ersitate pessimorum. '•
Tha ainrfealtacfid
'n a chridlie." Giiàdt. vi. 14. Frowardness is in his
t' olc aineolach." Prov. The known evil is better
heart. Perversitas est in ejus corde.
than the unknown. Malum notum malo ignoto
praestat. Wei. Annealus.
• .Aingeis,
s.f. A curse : maledictio. Llh. Arab.
AiSEOLAS, -Ais, s.f. (Ain, priv. et Eòlas), Ignor- (ji^ir ankeis/i, negligent, filthy.
ance : ignorantia. " 'S trom an eire 'n t-aineo- AixGHEAx, -EiN, S.f. (Ain, inteni. et Gean), Ex-
las." Prov. Ignorance is a heavy burden. Grave cessive love : nimius amor. Sh,
onus est ignorantia. Wei. Anneal). AiNGHEARRADH, -AiDH, m. (Ain, intens. el Gearr- s.
AiKFHEOiL, -EOLA, S.f. (Ain, //Wf. ct Feòil), FVoud adh), A short cut brevius iter. Sh.:

flesh caro fungosa.

: " Làn ahifheoil." A. M-D. AiKGiDH, -E, ad;. 1. Wicked, impious ; nefarius, malig-
46. Covered over with proud flesh. Came fun- nus. " Na h-ainffidJi." The wicked : nefarii, ma-
gosa obtectus. ligni. G. B. et Salm. passim. 2. Used substan-
• Ainfhioghair, s.f. Vt. Gloss. Vide Aindealbh. tively. A wicked man vir improbus, malignus. :

AlSFHiOK, -A, ad/. (Ain, priv. et Fior), Untrue :

baud verus. C. S. G. B. et Salm. passim. Ard}. ^Ijijt inka, pri-

Wei. Anwir.
AisFHios, -A, «. TO. (Ain, priv. et Fios), Ignorance: vately hatching mischief against another ; {Ji^ '—Cut
ignoratio. P. Turn. 441. Wei, Annysg. anktsk, filtliy.
Vol. I. D
AiKCiDHEACHD, «. /. ind. (Aingidh). 1. Iniquity, AisioMADACHD, S.f. ind. Superfluity: redundantia.

wickedness: nefas, iniquitas. " Cha labhair mo as.

bhilean aingidheachd. lob. xxvii. 4. lips shall My AiNioMADAiDir, adj. Superfluous redundans. C. S. :

not speak wickedness. Non sunt locutura mea la-

AiNiRiCH, -E, s. m. Provin. Vide Eanraich.
" A- Aixis, s.f. Anise: anisum, herba. .BeiA. 48. Voc.
bia iniquitatem. 2. Wrath, rage : ira, furor.

gus lion aiitffidheacM iomthuathacha ainiarmar- 59. Span. Anis. Basq. Anisa. Arab, ^_^^^*»*j^
tacha Oilealla." Vt. 11. And Oileal was filled anetsoiu
with boundless and most furious rage. Incensus AiNiÙL, s.f. Vide An-iùl.
est Oilealus furore iniraodico et rabidissimo. AiNLE, gen. of Anla, a man's name: wi nomen.
AiNGiL, Angels: angeli. Pean. Adh. ct St. Macpiwrson's AUtJios. et Glenmas.
Fiec. 7. Vide Aingeal. AisLE.\G-MHARA, S.f. A sca-maTtin : hirundo mari-
AisGiLEAG, -EiG, s.f. The plant Angelica : angeli- na. Voc. 75. et yiacf.
ca, herba. C. S. • Ainlean, -idh, dh, verb. (Ain, intens, et Lean),
Aixgle', -an, vide Aingeal. Persecute: persequere. Vl et Llh.
AiNGLiDH, adj. (Aingeal), Angelic: angelicus. A. • Ainleanach, adj. (Ain, intens. et Lean), Persecut-
Macdon. 108. Bianf. 27. 2. Wei. Angyliadd. ing, oppressive persequens, opprimens. MSS.

AiNGLlDHEACH, adj. Vide Ainglidli. AiSLEANMHUixN', S.f. Persccution persecutio. Vide :

AiNGLioNTA, R.M'I>.22l. Vide Ainglidh. Geur-leanmhuinn.

AixiARMARTACH, -AiCHE, adj. (AiD, irìtens. et lar- AixLEAS, -Eis, s. m. (Ain, priv. et Leas), Slander,
martach). Most furious immane furens. " As ann
disservice, mischief of any kind calumnia, incom- :

sin ro ionnsuidheadar an dias deagh laoch sin a niodum, malum cujusvis generis. Llh. et C. S.
cheile, agus fearuid gleadh fuileach faobhrach fo- Vide Aimhleas.
bhurtach ainrair ainiarmartach re roile." Vt. 96. AiNLEATKoM, -uLM, s. wi. (Ain, infcns. et Leatrom),
Tlien these two famous warriors approached, and Oppression, injustice : oppressio, injuria. Hh.
made a bloody, keen, quick, hostile, and most fu- AlNLEATROMACH, -AICHE, adj. Highly injuTÌous :

rious attack upon each other. Tum illi duo in- iniquissimus.C. S.
clyti bellatores alter ad alterum adierunt, inter se- AiSLEOc, -oiG, -AN, s.f. A swallow : hirundo. Voc.
se impetum feceruntque cruentum, acrem, citum, 75.
infestum, furiosissimum. AiNM, -E, -EAN, -EAXXAN, s. m. (An, Fliuaim, vide Gr.
Ainiceam, verb. (Ain, intens, et Teich^ q. v.) I Orig. Gael. 56.57.) Ir. pi. ^r)n)OT)bo, ^ijitjotitjA.
shun, avoid, defend : vito, fugio, defendo. Llh. A name nomen.:
t-ainm gun an An tairbhe."

Arab. cL^aJi ciika, removing quickly, repell- Prov. The name without the substance, or gain.

ing; iliu! inkaz, separating one thing from

Nomen sine re. " C ainin e ?"'
What is his name?
Quid nomen est illi ? 2. Character : existimatio,
another. Hebr. n''Jil heniach, omnino reliquit,
fama. "
S' fhasa deadh ainm a' chall no 'chos-
omisit. nadli. Prov. A good name is more easily lost

ÀisiCH, -E, s./ Panting: anhelatio. C. S. Hebr. than gained. Facilius amittitur fama honesta quàm
^3^< ànàch, suspiravit ; HnjK àtmchàh, anhelitus. paratur. JIaru: Ennjin. Wei. Enw. Gr. O\oiut.
Arab. _;t emh, vel
AiN'icH, -IDH, DH, V. o. Vide Aithnich.
breatliing hard.

Ostiak. Nemen. Pers. pU nam. Vallan. Celt. Es.

* Ainicthe, s.f. (Ain, intens. et Nigh, q. \\\ Puri- AixMCHLAR, s. ttt. (Ainm, et Clàr), A ca-
-AIR, -AN,
fication, release : purificatio, manumissio. B.B. talogue : Matf. V.

L-Jiyl enijli, vel anik, beautiful, excellent,

AiNMEACHADH, -AiDH, «. m. OX pres. part, of Ain-
niich. A naming : actus nominandi.
good ; UJiJi enkiya, vel a?ike-a, clean, pure " Gach lus a dh'fheudainn mmmachadhy

csuL«£ ame, genuine. Hebr. T\\p2ii anakheh, ab- Macinty. 49.

Every herb I could name. Quaeque herba quam
solvam, mundabo.
nominare possem.
AiNiD, -EicHE, adj. Vexing, galling : dolens,
Ì AiNMEACHAS, -Ais, s. »1. (Ainm), mere naming, A
AiNiDEACH, mcerens, afHictans. " Cha b' aiiiid nothing but the name merum nomen, nomen sine:
sud uain." Titrn. 63. Our wanting of that would re, umbra rei. C. S.
not grieve us. Id deficere nobis non afflictaret. AiN-MEALACHD, iW. (Ainmeil), Celebrity: fama
Arab. <Xaˣ anid, obstinate, stubborn, contumaci- illustris,famae splendor.
" *as " Se 'n leomhan righ nan aiamhidh'n
ous, refractory ; > anit, perishing, perdition ;
" Air 'ainmealachd a's 'urrantachd."' Titm. 33.
>Xaˣ anid, not knowing where to go. Tlie lion is king of beasts, from his celebrity and
• Àingin, s.f. (Ain, intens. et Eigin), Disaster : ca- strength. Leo rex est ferarum e fama illustri et
Glenm. 92.
lamitas, clades. robore.
AiKiocHD, « m. Cruelt}-. Vide An-iochd. AiNMEANNACH, o<5>. Nominative-: nominati^TJS.
AisiocHDMHOR, ocij. Vide An-iochdmhor. AiNMEANXAiCHE, s. denominator. 7«. A
AiNioMAD, -AID, s.f. (Ain, iiitens. et lomad), Too AiNMEici, -MEic, vide Ainm'nic.
much nimium, redundautia. C. ^.
: AiNMEiL, -E, adj. (Ainm), Celebrated, renowned:
Ctìlcber. " DirHias iud «in 'man daoino ireuna, a AiNMiiifiiiEACiiD, «. /. iHi/. Aianiliidli), Drutidiijr(

l)liao shfuil iiaii Juoiiiilili «""/"'•i/. (Irtt. \i. 4. "

ItnlaA, naturu brlluiau. Mttrf. ì'.

'nioso bi'iuiiif iui|,'lilv iiK-Hi "I'll wiTi- oiolil, men • .\iiiiiihiii, uilj. (.\in, ^/nr. et Mm), Rough, fierce :

of nnoMii. li ticliuat |K)ti-u(iii6Ìuii viri, qui I'ucruiit ui>|H-r, ferux. \'t. 5tf.

Pert. (S^^
• Aiiujiluiite, ^. of Aiiimhidli, q. v. JietJiuiHi C'u-
jam oliin viri cflebrt's. tuituee.
AlNMÈiK, > -K, «./. (Ain, ;»nf. fl Mì'iii). 1. IViilo,
• .\iiuuliire, s.f. Fury ; furor. Vt. 184.
AlNMÈms, j hauj>litiiu'»ii, am>puncv, ^^owurdlK^s :

' Do
" Af;us cuiridh mi
• .\iniuhireacli, ) Feruciouk wlj.
frrox. :
«uperbia, lastus, pen iTsitas.
• Ainniliirigb, J
chuuidh fulha agus triutha mar
crioch air ai/t-iiitiH nun uuiblirt'adi. " /«ji. xiii. li.
shamhud leoglutinn luinn tuu-uiumhinyh.' IV.
Ed. ISO I. And 1 will cause the arrogance of tlif
liS4. lie ap|>roached, and went amongst tliem
proud to cease. Fac-iain ut cosset tkstus 8U|M.*rbo-
as a hungry, ferocious lion, li» udpropin-
rum. 2. Tury : furor.
quawt, et i\it per uiedios, sieut e^urieii» mbi-
•• Toirt gu r n ionnsuidh le U-aitifncin."
dus li'o.
*'. /). 37.
AiN.MiiiREACM, -vitfS./. Vidc Anabhiofach.
Adv'ancing towards us with furj'. Adpro{)in(|uans
AiSMiiissE.\cnD, s.f.iuJ.{\'it\,prir. et Misiieachd),
nobis cum furore.
AiNMEiNE.^cii, -EiciiE, odf. (Ainmèin). 1. Perverse,
Pusillanimity animi exiguitas.
: S. C
.\lNMI,\SS, pi. -MIASSA, i. til. (Aiu, OUff. CI Mi-
froward perversus, proter\us.

aim), Lust libido. A. Maedoii. 145.

: Id. q. Aiu-
An cridli 'ta iargidt ditimciiteach."
Salm. ci. 4.
Ais-Mic, adj. Rare. Maciiity. 74. Vidc Ainm'nic.
Tlie heart that is froward aiid perverse. Cor quod
AiN.Mlcii, -iDii, uii, V. a. Name: nomina, nonien
protervum, per\ersuni(|ue est. 2. Ilhberul, chur-
ini])one. " Aiiiiiikft do thuarasiial dhomh, agus
lish illiberalis, inclemens, durus.
: " Ach bha an
duine a ghniomltaraibh."
blieir Bii dliuit c." Gen. xxx. 28. Name thy wages,
aiiimeiiieac/i, agus olc 'n
and I will gi\e it thee. Definitam mercedem tuam
1 Sam. XXV. S. nuity. IJut the man was churlish
and evil in his doings. Sed vir durus et malis ac- impone mihi, et dabo. iVel. Enur. Per$. ^U
tionibus deditus. 7iam.
AisMiiEAs, -Eis, «. m. (.\in, itUens. et Meas). 1. Re- AisMicHTB, j>er. part. Named: nominatus. C. S.
compense retributio, remuneratio. Sh. 2. Pomp,
: AiNMio, atlj. .*>!eldom, rare: rarus. Macinty. 157.
ostentation pompa, venditatio, jactantia. C. S.
: Onsiaii. passim, ^'ide Ainm'nic.
Ais.MHE.\SACii, -AiciiE, odj. (Ainmlieas). 1. Proud AlSMiNiG, adj. Vide Ainm'nic et Ainmig.
spirited ; fastosus. S. 2. Huge, unnieasur- C Ainm'nic, AiN.MXiG, (i.e.Ain, minic), o^/. et (uA;. Sel-
abJe immanis, immcnsus. O'R.
: dom, rare, not often: rarus, raro, non sspe. " 'S
AiNVHEASARDHA, -ARRA, Off/. {A\n, prir. et Meas- aiiim'nic gu m' aisling fein thu. Ossian. Bruad. "

ardlui), l^rodigious, immoderate, intemperate im- :

MuWh. Seldom art thou (present) to my dreams.
maiiis, vastus, immodicus. " Agus do ghabh Raro tu (ades) ad insomnia mea. Vide etiam
fearg ainmheaMrdlia e." Vt. 47. And immoder- Mord. ii. 45. Mavdoug. 158.
ate anger seized him. Furore iramajii completus AiXMNiciiTE, adj. Voc. 126. Vide Ainmichte.
est. Als.MNicliTHE, -EAS, 5. ;n. Assignee: assignatus. Sh.
AlN.MIIE.^S-ARDIIAClID, -ARDHAS, -ARR.ACIID, -AR- • Ainn, Ainne, s.f. A circle, a ring, a cup circu- :

RAS, s. m. Pro^ligiousness : immanitas. Ll/i. lus, annulus, poculum. Sh. et O'R. Fr. An-
AlNMHÈls, vide Ainnièin. neau, a ring ; anne, a year. Arab. ^ . ^jj aiu.
Aix.MiiEixNEACH, i't. 51. Vide Ainmelneach.
an eye, or fountain. Aide Fàinne.
AiSMHi.\s\, *. m. Vide Anamhiann.
AiKMHiANSACH, -AiCHE, oiij. Lustfui, Ic'cherous :
AiKSDEON.\cnADii, -AiDii, s. «1. Compulsion : com-
libidinosus. " Ainniiannach." A.M'D.iSS. Id. q. pulsio. Glenm. 89.
Anamhiannach. « Aiuneadh, s. m. Patience : patientia. Sh. et O'R.
AiNMHiDE, -EAX, ». HI. A rash fool : stultus praeceps AiNSEAL, -EiL. s. »(. A common fire : focus. Macinty.

vel temerarius. Provin. Id. Amaid. Pers. 115. Scot. Ingle. Vide Aingeal.
AisxEAMii, -EiMiiE, o^". 1. Rare: rams. 8. Sel-
ìiSÌòS enfede, a loquacious fool, a babbler.
dom : rarus.
AiSMHiDEACHD, s. f. iiid. (Ainmliide), Rash folly: " A Ghealmlun a 's àiUidl) snuagh
stultitia prsBceps. ' Ghatli soluis a 's aiiineamh an cos."
AisMiiiDH, -E, -EAy, s. m. A brute animal bestia, :
Fing. ii. 489.
brutum pecus. " Caoraich agus buar uile, agus
mar an ceudna ainmh'ulliean na macharach." Salm. Galvina of loveliest countenance, thou ray of light,
viii. 7. Ed. 1807. All sheep and oxen, yea, and
seldom (found) in the cave. Galvina cujus forma
est venustissima, radie lucis quae est raro in ca-
the beasts of the field. Greges et armenta omnia,
etiamque best!» agrestes. WW. Anifail. Arm. verna. Arab. «
' •^ ^ ajnth, foreign, strange.
Aneval. Lot. Animal. B. Bret. Aneval, anevel. AlNXE.\MHACH, -.AICHE, <ufj. Id. q. Ainneamh.
Span. Alimand. Ba$q. Alimania. Arah. tSy^ AiNSEAMHACHD, S.f. iitd.
Ainneaniii), Rareness:
amaici, foolish. raritas. C. S.
D 2
AiNNEAMHAG, -Aio, s. f. A phoEnix, i. c. a rare AiMSEiRCEALACHD, *./. ind. Uncharitablcness, want
one. Matf. V. of affection amoris absentia, inhumanitas. C. S.

• Ainnear, -ir, s. Glenm. 27. Vide Ainnir. * Ainsgeach. Vt. 192. Vide Ainsgianach.
AiNNEART, -EiRT, *. »). (Ain, iiìietts. et Neart), Vio- AiNSGEAN, -EiN, *. wi. {Aìiì, priv. s. ser\'ile, et Gean),
lence force, oppression : vis, violentia, oppressio. Bad temper : mala vel prava indoles. C. S.
" Fear ainncart nam bantracli." li. M'D. 49. The AiNSGEANTA, -EiNTE, f«^". (Ainsgcan), 111 tempered:
oppressor of widows. Viduarum oppressor. Wcl. indole pravus, durus. C. S.
Anncrth. AiNSGEiN, -E, s.f. A sudden movement, starting fit,

AiNXEARTACH, -AiCHE, Oppressive,

adj. (Ainncart), rage, fury : motus subitus, irae paroxysraus, furor.
violent, tyrannical : violentus, truculentus, tjTan- Z>. M^L.
nicus. Macf. V. et Steio, 2. AiNSGiAN, «. «I. (Ain, priv. et Sgean), Fury : fu-
AiKNEOiN, E. M'D. 170. Vide Aindeoin. ror. Sh.
AiKNiGHTE, adj. (Ainneadli, «.) Made patient, or Ainsgianach,! -AiCHE, adj. Furious: furibundus,
tame cicur, niansuefactus. Sh.
AiNSGiANTA, j indomitus. Ll/i. et Stetc. Gloss.
• Ainnimh, *./. A wilderness solitudo, eremus. :
AiNSHEASGAiB, -E, adj. (Ain, priv. et Seasgair),
Sh. Without favour or protection ; rude, compulsive
• Ainnine, s.f. (Ain,/)m'. et Inntin), 111 will : ma- sine refugio ; rudis. C S.
levolentia. Llh. AiNSHEASGAiREACHD, S.f. ind. Rudciiess, violence
Ainnir, -e, -ean, *./. A
virgin, a blooming maid: inurbanitas, violentia. C. S.
virgo, formosa puella. Fing. i. 638. Madnty. 9. AiNSRiANTA, adj. (Ain, priv. et Srianta), Unbridled,
" Ainnir àillidh nan rosg ciar." Carthon. 79. debauched, obstinate infraenis, vitio demersus,

Lovely maiden of the auburn eyelids. Filia pul- contumax, corruptus, depravatus. Sh.
chra ciliorum fuscorum. AiNSRiANTACH, -AiCH, *. w. libertinc : homo dis- A
Ainnireac'h, adj. (Ainnir), Like a beauty: velut solutus. Sh.
pulchra puella. C. S. AiNSRiANTAs, -Ais, s.M. Libertinism : dogmatum
AiNNis, (Ain, intens. et Eis), Poverty, want
s. f. et morum licentia. Sh.
Paupertàs, inopia. A.3ID. 32. R. M'D. IIL Ai'STEASs, adj. (Ain, !«fe«*. et Teann). 1. Bound:

" Cha n 'eil aire ann gu aire na h-ainnis." Prov. constrictus. 9. Very stout, bold: strenuissimus,
No poverty is like entire want. Nulla paupertas audax. Llh.
ultimae egestati sequiparanda est. Wei. Angen. AiNTEAs, -EIS, s. m. (Ain, intens. et Teas). 1. Ex-
Gr. AiayXri. cessive heat, inflammation nimius calor, phlogo-;

AiKNis, Ì adj. Needy, poor : egenus, sis. Llh. 2. Impetuosity, keenness, or violence

Ainniseach, -iche, j pauper. of manner : vehementia, violentia. " Gus an caill

" Oir tha mi aimbeartach gu beachd, e cuid de 'awrtta^." Ai>/'Z>. 191. Till he shall
" Is tha mi ainnis lom." Salm. cix. 22. have lost a part of his violent manner. Quoad
For I am poor indeed, and I am needy and un- amiserit vehementiae partem.
protected. Nam pauper sum equidem, et egenus AiNTEASACH 1 -AICHE, C/^'. (AuitCas). LVioICDt-

AiNTEASACHAiLjJ ly hot : nimium fervidus. C.S.

sum, et minime defensus. Arab. yMAÀj^l ijnis, a
2. Fiery, impetuous : iracundus, indomitus. Stew. 2.
timid, stupid fellow, slow man ; VaÀ£ aniz, unfor- AiNTEASACHD, Ì s. f. ind. (Aintcasach), Fe-
tunate. Hebr. ""jy ani, pauper ; lùyH anash, seger, AiNTEASUiGHEACHD, J vcrishncss : febricitatio. Sh.
AiNTEisT, s.f. (Ain, priv. et Teist). 1. False wit-
infirmus fuit.
ness : falsum testimonium. 2. bad character A
Ainniseachd, s.f. ind. (Ainniseach),
nury paupertas, penuria. Macf. V.
Poverty, pe- mala fama. S. C
AiNTEiSTEiL, -E, adj. (Aintcist), IH famed, uncredi-
AiNNiuiGH, -ean,s. 7». A sigh, sob suspirium, : sin-
table famosus, infamis. C. S.

gultus. Pers. ^:^^\ enjugli, a sigh, sob.

N. H. AixTEiTH, adj. (Ain, intens. et Teith), Scorching,
• Ainniiiid, adj. Prodigal : prodigus. Beth. 57. inflamed : ardens, vehementer inflammatus, cali-
» Ainnsein, adv. " Ann an sin." Tliere : illic, ist- dus. C.S.
hic. Vt. 43. AixTHEASACHD, S.f. Vide Ainteasachd.
Ainnteas, -eis, s. m. P. M'D. 120. Id. q. Ain- * Ainthinne, s. m. Vide Athainte.
teas. AiNTiGHEARN, -A, s. 7». (Aiu, inteìis. ct Tighcam),
AiNRiocHD, -AN, s. w. {Am,priv, et Riochd), A pitiful A tjTant : tjTannus, oppressor. Macf. Par. 22.
condition, or appearance miser status, vel misera : 23.
species. C. S. Vide Ànrachd. AiNTiGHEARNACHD, S.f. Vide AIntigheamas.
AiNRiocHDAiL, -E, adj. (Ainriochd), Shapeless, ill AiNTiGHEARNAiL, -E, adj. TjTamiical tjTannieus. :

formed, disguised : informis, fucatus.

C. S. AiNTiGHEARNAs, -AIS, s. 7)1. TjTann}', opprcssion :

AiNSEARc, -EiRc, S.f. (Ain, priv. et Scare vel Seirc), t3Tannis, oppressio. Voc. 38. Prov. 81.
Hatred odium. Llh.
: Wei. Anserch. AiNTioMA, s.f. ind. (Ain, priv. et Tioma), Intrepi-
AiNSEiRCEACH, Ì -iCHE, -E, adj. Malignant, unfeel- dity, valour : animus intrepidus, fortitudo. C. S.
AixsEiRCEiL, j ing, uncharitable ; malignus, sen- AiNTioMAiL, -E, adj. (Aintioma), Intrepid, valiant
su carens, inhumanus. C, S. intrepidus, strenuus. C, S.
AiKTioMALACUD, »./. ind. (.iintjonuul), Intrepidi- • Airbhe. «./. 1. Ribs : c-om». ZM. Vt. S7. 2.

tj' : aiiimus inlrepiilu*. C A'. .A story : Tabula. OH. 3. An emolument,

AisTHtiv, (i<^. (Aiii, M«/o««. ft Tn'unK Uungovern. profit, produce : emolument uin. (V. ìi^. HukC,
able, very iKiwertul : iiidoniitui», valiilist>àmut>. L'rii. 'I'uirlihe, fiirniatnni ex an {.tiiriJie.
147. etlÀ. • Airbheueh, <ulj. Uibbed, turrowed : curtatue,
-AiK, i>>ininun tenuimitiun of nouns : it changes into «triatus. IMi.
eir, ir, or, oir, olynion being " Ifiir," a
uir, its • Airbheaeh, «. />/. Itibs : costje. Gltnm.&9.
nimii t'lV ; miulitgous to or, cr, ir, ur, of the Lutiu. AlUBHEAHT, -KiHT, «. »1. (Air, et UeaTt). 1. Meaning,
Air, prrp. 1. Dii, upon: super. '• A stileiigh mar a leading idea sensus, inteqireiandi subeiiliuiii,

gliiublitis air seòr-blieinu." /V«</. i. ViK. His spear cogitatio primaria. JJh. 'i. Lauding actio du- :

as tJie lir-treo on (lie mountain-rock. Hasta sua cendi, ductus. JJh. 3. PracLÌbiug ; cxercitatio.

initar pini super juguni niuntis. '2. Of, concern- Tain. 40.
ing de. • Airbheart-bhith, «. »1. Life: vita. Llh.

• Is uir do clieartas thig mo bheu), AiRBHEAUTAcii, -AiCHE, ailj. (.AirbliettTt ), Sagaci-

Is air do chliii gaeh trùtli." S<iJm. xxxv. 28. ous: sagax. i^itew. 2.
My lips shall always speak of thy justice, and tf AiHBiiiKNEACii, -EicnE, o^i/. Honourable, venerable
thv praisi'. Lingua niea enunciabit tie justitia tua, honorabilis, venerandus. Urn. 5.
et </f laude tua, toto die. 3. lor, on account of: .\inc, -E, -EAN, s.f. An ark, chest, large granary :

ob, propter. '• Air an aobhar sin." C. S. vt G.Ii. area, cista, ingens granarium. C. S. Scot. Arc.
For that cause. Ob cam causam. Vide .\ir son. Wei. et Arm. Arch. Genn. Arche. Hebr. onx
4. On, upon, by ; denoting an oath, or assertion argaz.
per ; niodo asserendi vel jurandi. " Agus niion- AiRc, -E, «. /. Distress, want difficulty, poverty,
naichidh tu air 'ainm." Deitt. vi. 13. And thou niolestia, difficultas, paupertas, egestas. " S mairg
shall swear by his name. Kt per nomen ejus ju- a shlneadh lànih na \\-airee do cliridlic na circe."
rabis. " Air m fhocal." C. i>. Upon my word. Prov. It is ill with him who holds out poverty's

Per meum dictum. 5. On, or upon, denoting hand to a hen's heart, i. e. the illiberal. Male
time : in sicut tempus; adhibens. " Air an la evenit illi indigam ad cor gal-
qui tcndit manum
sill." C. S. On that day. In ea die. (i. Includ- linaceura, i. c. qui ab honiinc non niunitìco opem
ing in itself the simie meaning as if joined in its expectat. " Gun aire' Salm. iv. 7. Without
1st. sense with the objective pronoun t : vim ean- want, i. e. abundantly copiosc. :

dem adliibens, quasi, cum è,proii. conjunctum foret. • Airce, adj. Sudden : subitus. Vt. Gloss.
" Tha eagal air." C. S. (Literally, fear is upon AiRCEACH, -EicnE, adj. (Aire), Indigent, poor, dis-
him.) i. e. He is afraid, he fears. Timor est su- tressed egenus, pauper, afflictus. C. S.
: 2. *.
per eum, " Tlia niulad, sgios, ocras,
i. e. timet. An indigent person : inops. O'H. 3. (j^irg, r.)
air." He is sad, fatigued, hungry.
Mocret, fa- A plunderer pnedator. O'R. :

tigatur, esurit. Tlie same idea is differently ex- AiKCEAs, -Eis, *. HI. (Aire), Scarcity, poverty, indi-
pressed, by altering tlie regimen of the preposi- gence inopia, paupertas, indigentia-

tion ; thus, " Tlia e air mhulad, air sgios, air " Cuiridli 'n talamli gun airceas dhc bàrr."
ocras." Literally, he is upon sorrow, upon fatigue, Stew. 458.
&c. llle est sub mcerorem, S:c. i. e. mceret- The earth shall plentifully yield produce. Terra
Thus, air, signifies also a claim of debt " locadh copiose efFundet messim. Id. q. Aire.
e na bheil agam air." S. Let him pay what C • Airceadol, s. m. A
rhythmic history : carmen his-
he owes uie. bolvito quod milii debet. 7. With, toricuni, O'Con. Prol. ii. 61.
accompanied by : cum. '• Oidhche bha mi 'n a AiRCEAG, -EiG, S.J'. mansion: A river near Locheil's
theach air mliòran bìdli, s air bheagan eudaich." amnis villam Locheliensem praetertìucns. R. M-D.
Gram. I was a night in his house icilA plenty of 317. 357.
food,and icilJi scanty clothing. Per noctem fui AiRCEiL, -E, adj. (Aire, s.) Poor, pauper. Id. q. Air-
domo, cum multo cibi, et cum veste levi.
in ejus ceach.
Denoting measure or dimension. " Da throiiUi AiRCEis, -E, -AN, s. m. stopper for a bottle : utris A
air àirde." C. S. pe- Two feet in height. Duos seu lagena; epistomium. C. S. Diminut. Arc, quod
des in altitudinc, i. e. altus. Conjoined with per- vide.
sonal pronouns, air forms ort, oirre, orra, orm, • Airceisin, adr. Therefore,on that account ideo, :

oimn, oirbh, q. vide. Manx. Er. Wei. At, er. proinde.Glenm. 71.
Corn, et Arm. Uur. (Ll/i.) Fr. Sur. Gr. T^rfs. • Aircheadal, *. m. Doctrine, prophec)' doctrina, :

vaticinatio. " Aircheatul.". Glenm. 24.

lot. Super. Pers. jj^ ubur.
Air Ais,' adi: Back retrorsum. :
" Air chor." Gen. AiRCHEALLA, 1 -AiDH, ». ni. (.\irg, r. et Ccall). 1.

xx^•ii. 1. So that. Adco ut. " Air adhart." For- AiRCHEALLADH, J Sacrilegc : sacrilegium. O'B. 2.
ward: antrorsum. Theft: furtuui. Llli.
Air, -iDH, DH, V. a. 1. Number, count: numera. • Aircheana, .\irchean, adv. (Air, et Ceann). From
'• jiribh
a baidcala." Salm. xlviii. 12. Tell ye thenceforward: illinc, antrorsum. Vt. Gloss.
the towers thereof. Turres ejus enumerate. 2.
• Aircheann, *. »1. 1. border: niargo. O'R. 2. A
Plough ara. ^'ide Ar. :
End : finis. Eman. et B. B. •• Aircheann
tire." Tlie border of a country : ora vel finis devise an expedient to put it into my possession.
regionis. Gt. A^>i», iuitium. Quod consilium caperet, ad earn mittendam in po-
Ato CHIONN-, ndv. To the end that, for the use or testatem mihi.
puqwse of: ut, usque quo, causa. C. 5. AiRDCHEANN, ». m. Vide Ard cheann.
• Aircill, «. /. Lying in wait actus auscultandi
: • Àirdchios, s.f. (Ard, et Cis), high tribute: in- A
vel audiendi furtim. Bianf. 63. Wlience gens tributum. " Agus tainig na sheirbhiseach
Farcliluais, q. v. do airdchios. B. B. And became a servant
Aircill, -idh, dh, v. a. Lie in wait: listen secret- luito tribute.^ Et factus fuit tributarius.
ly : insidiare, audi clam. Sit. AiRDE, s.f. ind. (Ard), Height, altitude, eminence,
• Aircinneacii, s. m. Chief of a clan : phylarcha, highness altitudo, eminentia, celsitudo. Macf. V.

familioE princeps. S/i. Aral». ^^L^l arkan, " Togaidh se 'n aird' a ris." Salm. cxlv. 14.
He shall again raise up. Rursus irriget.
columns, supports, props ; (_o>^i;' arhm, ÀlRDE, adj. cornp. of Ard, Higher, highest altior, :

chiefs, princes. Gr. A.^yyv, a ruler, prince. altissinius. " Agus bithidh a righ ni 's àirde fia
AiRCHiosACH, -AiCHE, cuij. Greedy, gluttonous: edax, Agag." .iir. xxiv. 7. And his king shall be higher
than Agag. Erit rex ejus altior quam Agag.
voi-ax. Sh. Hebr.]t}^'}iiarcis/i, diligenter acquirens
' An ti a's àirde." He that is highest. Altissi-
tt'DI racash, acquisivit. nius.
• Aircis, s.f. L A meeting : occursus. "Do chuir ÀiHDEACHD, s.f. ind. (Ard), Highness, greatness:
se aircis orra." He sent to meet them : misit Celsitudo, eminentia. Macf. V.
obviam " lona aircis." To meet him.
iis. Llh. AiRDEAD, -EiD, s. m. (Ard), Height: altitudo. R.
Ei obviam. Fl;. 142. 2. Abide: corium. S/i. M'D. 128.
3. Rigour: rigor. Beth. 55. Air deireadh, adv. Behind: post, pone. B. Bret.
AiRCiSEACH, -EiCHE, odj. (Airc), Difficult, strait; A-rdran.
hungry difficilis, arctus ; famelicus. Sh.
: ÀiRDEALACHD, s.'f. ind. (Aird, s.) Ingenious con-
AiRCLEACH, -EICH, s. m. (Aire, Laocb). cripple LA ; trivance : inventio sagacitatis. C. S.
homo claudus. " An daJl air muin an aircteich." ÀiRDEiL, -E, adj. (Àir<i, s.) Inventive, contriving:
Prov. The blind on the back of the lame. Cae- ad inveniendum sagax. S. C
cus super dorsum claudi. " Ceann uidhe nan aire- Aird inbhe, s.f.Ì7id. Macf. Par. 6. 12. Vide Ard-
leach. R. 3LD. 35. The resting place of the lame. inbhe.
Locus quietis claudorum. 2. Any disabled or AiRD-NA-MURCHANN, S.f. Proper name, i. e. " Aird
slovenly person. Homo infirmatus, mutilatus, vel nam mòr-chuan." The promontory of vast seas.
sordidus. C. S. Vastorum fluctuum promontorium. Ardiiamur-
Airc luachrach, vide Dearc luachrach. chan A. Macdm. 135. 138.
in Argyllshire.
AiRD, a<]j. Often prefixed to words whose first vowel • Airdreachd, s. m. (Ard et Reachd). 1. Supreme

is small, but ard when the said vowel is broad, law surama lex. 2. A synod synodus. Sh.
: :

having the effect of an intensive particle. » Airdreanna, s.f. (Ard, adj. et Reann, or Rean-
ÀiRD, -E, -AN, s.f. L A
height, or promontory: nag, s. q. v.) Constellations : stellae congestae,
locus editus, jugum montis, promontonum. coeli sidera. MSS.
o àird' nan sliabh." Fing. ii. ao. • Àirdreim, s.f. (Ard et Reim), High style, mag-
From the height of hills. Ab summo clivorum. nificpnce magniloquentia, magnificentia. Sh.

" Aird na murchann." Tlie promontory of Ardna- 2. Flights in poetry, rant : furor poeticus, am-
murchan in Argyllshire. Found in many names pullae. OR.
of places in all parts of Scotland. Vide Appendix. AiRDRiGH, s. m. Vide Ard-righ.
2. A
quarter of the heavens, a point of the com- AiRDsiioiR, s./. The east: oriens, plaga orientalis.
pass, a cardinal point : regio vel cardo cceli. " An Voc. 185. i. e. " An aird an ear." Wàe. Aird, ».
aird an ear." The east. Oriens, regio orientalis. Aire, s. /. hid. 1. Heed, notice, attention, caution,
" Na ceithir àirdean." R. M'D. 156. The four watchfulness :
" Thoir an
notitia, cura, attentio.
cardinal points of the compass. Quatiior regiones aire."C.S. Take heed cave. 2. Mind, intention, :

coeli. " As gach aird." Vt. 155. From every design mens, consilium. " Ciod è th' air t' aire ?

quarter. E
quaque regione. Os aird." A. Mac- " MTiat are you about, what do you mean? Quid
don. 148. Openly in publicum. 3. A condition,
tibiiis? Arah. ( J;Lc arif knowing, perceiving,
state conditio, status.
" Ciod i 'n aird air ?"
a penetrating, intelligent man. Pers. C_-7;t arik,
C. S. Miiat is his condition ? Quae conditio est
illi ?Happiness, comfort
4. felicitas, solatium. : lying awake. Hebr. '^ er, vigilans ; TVH^ ariah,
' Gun aird gun àiteach gu robh siad." quia animal visu acerrimum. Stochii. in voc.
Salm. xl. 15.
nX'lN ereh, I shall notice.
Without comfort or dwelling let them be. Sine
solatio aut habitatione sint. 6. Preparation, a AiREACH, -EiCHE, adj. (Aire). 1. Attentive, cau-
plan, order, device, expedient praeparatio, ratio, :
tious: attentus, cautus. Maif. V. 2. Subtle:
ordo, consilium. " Gu 'n deanadh e aird air a subtilis. Llh, 3. Violent, hostile : violentus, hos-

cm a' m charaibh." Maciiity. 9. That he would tilis. Sh.

XlRBACll, -ICH, *. nt. (Ariiiih, I'.). fow-lieitl, A dux. " Aireaftat/k buidline." Bian/. 99. I.
pTizier armcntariii», |>U5ior iiuiiiluim«. C'ratU. 'JH.
The leader of a pany. Dux ntaimt mili-
till a iliuir a tliigli uincÀ." J'nx'. To «tinl but- tuiii.

ter to a </nuier't houm.'. Mittt-rc butjrum uil • Ai/eaxff, t. m. (lioii^c). 1. 'llie apple of ilie eye :

pupillu «cull. JJÀ. 'i. Sight visus. UA. :

doiuum jH-cuarii. Arab. 4—3;* urrk, tlie briid-

• Aire-coli, (N ulluucey'ii name for the antient I^i^h),
mg of cattle.
probably, • uiricli, mi aodliaire coitclmui,"
» Aireach, s. in. A siiielil : «t-utuni. IV. Glots.
common Bhepherd» : puntort-s contueti.
(l-'rt>m Fairi-, s.
anati-h or );uaril).
6'r. Afyut.
• Aia'-sin, (k/c. 'rhcreu|>on : exmde. Tain. I.
• Àircacl), iiilj. Nobli' : iiobilis. A/i.
• Airfear, fur -Viruilieur. \'ide Air, rl Aireaiuh,
Tho uaiiic "]V^N itricK-h, designates a king,
Gen. xiv. 9. Arab. *—Ji/j* arik, of iioble AiRFiD, -E, «./. (.\ircanih, *.) Harmony : concenluf,
blood ; ( Jjl* on/, a liead man Va^< ; ariui, syniphonia. AI^S.
AiiiKiDEACii, -EiciiE, adj. Harmonioub, uiuuiimous
ilui'fs oftlic pivplo 'llie aiiL-ieiit Irisli distin-
common musicus, harmonicus. Steic.
mnks of nobles from
puishetl six the
1. The king. S. Aireach
AiHEiDEAcii, -icii, «. ;/i. A musician: mubicae pe-
people; namely,
ritus. GU-ntn. 90.
foirghill, a noble judge. 3. Aireach treise,
ennobled in war. 4. Aireach àrd. 5. Aireach
AiKFiDEACHD, s. f. xiul. Harmony: hannoniu, con-
centus. Sh.
deise, from his lands, (i. Uo aireach, I'roni his

cattle. 7. Oc aireach, from his elofjuence and AiKFiDEADii, -iDii, «. »1. Music musica. : Sh.
• Airg, sv m. A prince ])rinceps. i. e. " : Na grada
learning. SA.
AlREACiiADii, -.MDii, s. m. (Alrearh), Attention: flatha." The degrees of nobility : nobiliiati» gra-

attentio. " Na 'aireachadh." C. S. In his atten- dus. IV. Gloss. Arab. l.=»j' arha, chieli of the
tion, or on his guard ; cavet, vigilat. Id. q. Tair-
people : t^_^^^s,S erkuu. chiefe.
Attentive: camus. Id. • Airg, Spoil, plunder, drive away
-idli, dli, r. a.
AiREACiiAiL, -E, adj. (Aire), :

spolia,pradare, age pra-dam. •' Do

Aireach, adj. h-airge-
AiHE.\ciiAs, -Ais, i. m. 1'. Feeding of cattle : pas- adh a chrioch gu lom agut^ gu Icir Ico." Gltnin.
tio amientorum. C.S. 2. Office of a herdsman :
11. The confines (of that district! were utter-
res armentaria. C. S. 3. Pastoral life : vita pas- ly laid waste by them. Kegionis fines ab illis
toralis.Macf. V. •' Chuir e a chrodli air aireach- penitus vastatic sunt. Htbr. JVt harag, vita
as." Prov. He has sent his kine a grazing ar- :
menta sua ad pastuni relegavit. • Airgeadh, s. »i. Qt pres. part. A rifling, consum-
• Aireachd, ) s. / A band, a company coctus, :
ing : expilatio, actio pradandi. Bibt, Gloss..
• Airead, conventus. Biaiif. 'i'i. '2.
J • Airgciriie, s.f A cow-calf: vituKis bovinus. IV.
• Aireagal, -ail, *. m. house or habitation A : do-
micilium. Vt. 122. Airghe, s. /. A herd
• armentum. Llh. pi. :

• Aireal, s. in. A bed : cubilc. Ll/i. Kalm. Ara, Airgheadha, herds.: armenta. B. B.
a bolster. Vull. Cdt. Eg. 88. AlRGHEALLADH, -AIDH, *. ;«. CaUSCofwOe: luCtUS.
AiREAMH, -EiMn, s.f. (Ath, riamh, reiterated scries), Provin. Wei. Argyllaith,
A number Humerus. " Aireamha." Numbers,
• Airghean, s. m. A symptom sympioma, sig- :

numbering actus vel ars nuinerandi. liibl. pas-

num. " Airgheanna bàis." IV. 140. !>}inp-
sini. jV«/jx. Earro. IF e/. Eiriv, number. Gr.Aoi^/j.o;.
toms of death. Symptomata mortis.
ÀiREAMU, AiRMiiEiDH, Du, V. a. (Aireamh, s.). Num-
• Airgin, -idli, dh, r. a. Vide Airg. i-.
ber, count nuniera. " Co : dh' àiniiAeas duslach
AiRGioD, -ID, s. m. 1. Silver: argentuni.. •• Cha
lacoib ?" .iir. xxiii. 10. NVho can count the
dean sibh maiUe riumsa diathan airyid." Ex. xx.
dust of Jacob? Quis numeret pulverem Jahacobi?
23. Ye make with me goils of silver.
shall not
iVd. Adriv, Si/r. CIV
arum, coacervar», in cu-
Ne facite mecum
deos argeiiteos. 2. Mone\', in
mulqm toUi. general, of whatever kind pecunia. " 'Se gaol :

AiREAMii-To.MitAis, S.f, Mensuration, mathematics: an «i>9(</ freunili gach uilc." 1 Tim. vi. 10. The lovf
ars dimetiendi ; mathematice, mathesis. of money is the rout of all evil. Auior pecunia- est
AiREAMHAcii, -AicH, s. «1. A numerator, account- radix onuiium malorum. " Airgiod aiseig," C. S.
ant : numerator, qui^ numcrat. Sh. Ferry-money. Naulum. " Airgiod beò." Voc.
ÀiREAMiiAcn, 5. Quicksilver. Argentum viviun. " Airgiod
adj. (Àireanili), Numeral: numcra-
caguilte," '• Airgiod tinntein," " Airgiod toite,'
. lis.

AiREAMiiAciiD, Numbering, numeration I'oc. 44. Hearth-money. F"ocariura " Airgiod

S.f. ind. :

numeratio, ars numcrandi. S/i, cinn." Id. Poll-money. Capitatio. " Airgiod
• Airean, «. /«. (Air et Aon), A goadsman : ara- laimhe," •' Airgiod ullamh." C. S. Ready money.
tor Pecunia panata. " Airgiod ruadh." Voc. 06. (Li-
qui ducit boves vel equos. loc. 95. et
MSa. terally, red money). Copper : a>s. " Tinneas air-
• Aireanach, «. nt. A beginning, a leader: initiuni, gid." l-oc. 27. Silver squincey. Cynanche ar-
" Tha mi 'n airkige." C. S
Manx. Airgid. Wei. Ariant, B. Bret.
leighind." Bianf.
Archant. Fr. Argent. Gr. A^u^;. I am in a In angustiis sum.

AiROiODACii, -AiCHE, adj. (Airgiod), Monied, 6il- Air leth, adv. Apart : seorsum. Wei. Arlechu, to
very: pecuniosus, argenteus. R. M'D. 119. ct seclude.

C.S. AiRLBOG, -Eoio, -AN, S.f. (Ard, et Lcag). 1. A

» (Airg, v.) Robbery latrocimuni. fling, jostling, toss : saltus, jactus, conflictus. Sh.
Airgne, s. f.

Glenm. 20. 2. A high flight, a project: altus volatus, moli-

Airgneach, adj. Boisterous, enraged : turbulen-
« men. O'R.
tus, furibundus. Sitort. 107. 158. AiRLiCH, -IDH, DH, V. o. Vide Artluich.
• Airgtheach, -thoir, s. m. (Airg, v.) robber, A • Airlicthe, perf. part. Lent mutuo datus. Uh.

spoiler: latro, vastator. 17.61. 109. AiRLiG, -IDH, DH, V. a. C. S. Vidc Airlcag.
• Airid, adj. Vt. Gloss. Vide Àraid. AiRLiGEACH, -ICH, -ICHEAN, s. m. A lender : qui
AiRiDH, s.f. ind. Merit, desert nieritum. " Maith :
mutuo dat. Lllu
an airidh." C. S. Good desert. Meritum (bo- AiRLis, stf. Vide Airleas.
num). " 01c an airidli." Prov. 41. Bad desert. AiRM, s. plur. 1. Arms : arma. \lde Arm. 2.
A place locus.
: «' Go h-oirnj." Vu 78. Glenm,
Meritum (malum). Arab. SjS arek, more, or most 10. M^here : ubi.
worthy. AiHM-CHRios, -IS, s. m, (Arm, et Crios), A military
Airidh, Worthy, deserving: dignus, me-
adj. 1. belt :baltheus militaris. Uh.
rens. " Ro-airid/i." Salm. xcvi. 4. prose. Very • Airmeart, -eirt, -an, s. m. An order, custom
worthy. Valde dignus. " Cha 'n airidh mi." ordo, consuetudo. Llh.
Cfetu xxxii. 10. I am not worthy. Non dignus • Airmghein, a<^". Well born bono genere natus.Ltt.

sum. 2. Excellent, famous : eximius, clarus. ÀiRMHiCH, -IDH, DH, V. o. Vide Àireamh, f.

^ Mac/. V. • Airmidinn, *./. Honour, reverence, worship : ho-

Airidh, -e, -eaw, pt .T>Hvp\ir. s.y. 1. A shealing, a nor, reverentia, cultus dei. Bianf. 31. 1. 28. I.
hill grazing, or summer residence for herdsmen • Airmidneach,
adj. Venerable, respectful vene- :

and cattle pascua montana, vel habitacula aestiva

: debito honore prosequens, in aliquem
armentariis et pecoribus. " S' trom leam an àh-- Bianf. 15. 2. 27. 2.
idJi." R. D. Dull to me is the shealing. Moesta AiRMis, -IDH, DH, V. a. Hit, aim, find, discover,
mihi habitacula aestiva. 2. A level green among light upon : coUinea, ad metam dirige, inveni, de-
hills: montanum viretum. R. M^D. 116. tege, deprehende. Ross. Salm. cxix. 143. Id. q.
• Airidhe, s.
f. 1. Spectres, visions : larvae, le- Amais, et Eirmis.
murcs. Vt. Gloss. 2. Preparations: appara- AiKM-XEiMHNEACH, (Arm, et Nimhneach), Of
tus convivii. Bianf. 65. envenomed arms : arma venenata ferens. " JEul
' AiRiDH-GHAOiL,' o<^'. Lovely: amabilis. (Lite- euchdaeh airm-neimhneach mac righ Alban." Vt. 73.
rally, worthy of love) dignus amore. Voc. 142.
: The heroic JE'vù, of envenomed arms, the son of
' AiRiDH-MHAGAiDii,' adj. llidiculous ridiculosus. : Albin's king. Fortis ^iilus, arma venenata ferens,
(Literally, worthy of derision). Voc. 132. filius regis Scotorum.
• Airigh, Uh. et Urn. Vide Araid. AiRMSEACH, -iCHE, adj. (Airmis), Quick, expert,
• Airigh, (thoir an aire), v. a. Observe observa. : good at finding, or aiming : expeditus, solers, gna-
Fi. 81. Airighsid, Bianf. 25. 1. rus, qui facile repent, vel bene collineat. R. M'D,
Airigheachd, s.f. (Airg, s.). Speciality, sovereign-
» 153.
ty specialitas, summa potestas. Llh.
: AiRM-THEiNE, s. m.pL (Arm, et Teine), Fire-arms:
AiRiLLEACH, -EiCH, s. 7». (Aireal), sleepy person A arma ignivoma. Llh.
homo somniculosus. C. S. AiRM-THiLGiDH, s. in. pi. (Arm, et Tilgeadh), Mis-
AiRis, s.f. Vide Aitliris, s. sive weapons missUia. :

AiRis, -iDH, DH, V. a. S. D. 181. Vide Aithris, i". ÀiRNE, s.f. Vide Àimeag.
AiRiSEACH, -iCH, -ICHEAN, s.m. Vide Aithriseach, *. ÀiRNe', for ÀlRNEAN, q. V.
• Airle, s.f. Counsel loan consilium mutuum.
; : ; ÀiRNEACH, CK^'. 1. Kidneyed: renibus plenus. Voc.
Uh. Retained in Comh-airle, i. e. Taking 57. " Pònair àimeach." Kidney beans fabse. :

counsel together. Arm. Alli. 2. Valiant strenuus. R. M'l). 5.


• Airleach, s. m. Skirmish : velitatio. Bianf. 35. ÀiRNEACH, -ICH, s.f. Murrain in cattle: lues pecu-
1. dum. 3Iacf. V.
« Airleacthach, adj. Willing to lend : dare mutuo • Aimeachd, s.f. A deer forest cervorum saltus. :

volens. Llh. Vt. Gloss.

AiRLEAGADH, -AiDH, -EAN, s. m. Loan: mutuum. Llh. •Aimeadha, s. m. The seed of shrub trees semi- :

AiRLEAG, -AiDH, DH, V. a. Lend: da mutuo. Voc. na fruticum. Sh. et O'R.

151. •Airneadhach, adj. Shrubby fiTiticosus. Sh. :

AiRLEAS, -Eis, -IS, s. Til. Earnest, pledge arrhabo, : AiRNEAG, -BIG, -AN, S.f. A sloe prunum sylvestre. :

pignus. C. S. Aries (Scots law). B. Bret, Arres, Voc. 65. Wei. Eirinen. Bar.
aires. AiRNEAGACH, -AICHE, adj. (Aimcag), Full of sloes:
AiRLEic, -£, S.f. A Strait : angustise. Macf. V. " Air- prunis sylvcstribus abundans.
ÀlRN'EAH, I. pi. \'Hle Aru.
AitKÌri^ìì," Riking again, i e. ratuirectton : re-

AiRSiis, s. /. md. 1. House fumiruro: siiptlUx.

8urT«ctio. Vide Alh. H'rL Ai». Arab. o«A,
A. MDun. 175. a. Catcle: iinm-iita. Ciwip. \)^.
diminishing ;
ym,t oiAm, rtH-eding.
B. Brrt. Aniiei.
Iron instrunu'iitji or tools; • Aisc, -e, I. Tres|NiM
jr./. peccatum. Sh. 2. :
AlHsi:is-iAHi'isN, *./.
iiistruiiH'iita I'frrt'u. B. Bret. Amuz houarii. A reproach opprobrium, convicium. SA. 3.

Chastisement casiigiitio. Sk. 4. Damage

AiK NKO, adv. {\\T, prep, et Keo, neg. purt.) Elsf, : :

ulio(|uin, secus.
detrimentuiii. À'A.
othi'r«i*f : ulili-r,
•' loiulaiii blfiigli ti b' àill It'iuii uuit,
.\isciiiiMuii, -inn, uii, r.n. (Ai», et Ceura), Retire,
•• Osciiir mm iirm tiu)l)irnuli iriiuiilli,
withilruw recede, te recipe, vel subduce. .VA.

do .\lsDit, prep, (conjoined with 'id pert, pron.f. ting.)

Air ««>, till t-slfa^h nui 'rn bluil lànili,
•• Toilliilli illiuit {fu ({rail ilo bliài." A'. D. 45. Out of Jier, or it, Jem. : ex ilia. Macf. V. VÌde
An exiliangc of spi-ars I dosirc from thi-e, Oscar As.
of shaqt-etlgfil, tenipcred, weapons tiiAfrtt'ise, the ;
AisDiiEALRADii, -AIDII, «. /fl. (Ais, et Dealradh),
spear thv hand (;rasps shall quickly procure thee thy Catoptricks. O'R.
deatli. IVrniutationein liastaruni, peto ab te, Os-
• Aisdreoir, s. m. ( Astar, et Fear), A traveller : via-

care arnioruni ncutoruin duronnn, aliter, hasta circa tor. Vt. 109.

quani est niaiius tua, cito tibi niorteni parabit • Aisdridh, s.f. A translation, digreesion : transla-

tuoin. tio, digressio. S/i. et O'R.

• Airdlte, adj. Bad : malus. Vt. Glost. AlSEAD, -EiD, »•. WI. Delivery, childbirth : puer]>t-

• Airrdhea, Implements of destruction: tela

*./>/. rium. Macf. V Pers. i^j\ azail, set at libert).
exitialia. Glemn. 94. Htb. Ttyi* asliàd, effudit.
AiRSNE.\L, -EiL, -AN, >«. Vide Airtneal. »'.

AisE.AD, -AiDH, DH, V. p. To bc delivered: partu li-

AiKSNEALAcii, (idj. Mac/. V. Vide Airtnealach.
berari. " .\gus dh'aiseadadh mise niuille rithe
Air sos,/)r»y). For, on account of: propter, causa,
" Air son nam tirean." Giiàth. ii. 7. san tigh." I Righ. iii. 17. .\nd I was delivered
pro. Tor
the righteous. Pro rectis, vel causa nxtorum. of a child with her in the house. Et peperi apud
AiRTEAL, «./. A. M-Don. -£9. R.MD.MH. Vide eam in domo. Wei. Esgor. Dav. Ow. Hebr.
Airtneal. "TCTN àshàd, effudit.

AiRTEALACH, adj. R. M'D. 334. Macdoug. 56. Vide AisEADADH, -.AIDH, s. iH. et pres.port. Vide Aisead.
Airtnealach. .\isEAG, -EiG, -AN, s. m. fcny : trajectus. Mac/. V. A
• Airtegiol, a', m. An article : articulus. A. MD. R. M'D. 133. 273. Germ. Asche, genus navicu-
87. Vox Aug. la;. Ascus, a ferry-boat scapha. Spelm. Glost. :

AiRTEis, Ì «. wi. (Art, Teine), A pebble, flint-stone : AisEAL, s.f. Vide Asal.
AiRTiNE, ) lapillus, silex. /?. M'D. 34. • Aisealbha, s. m. (Ath, et Sealbh), Restitution:
• Airtire', *.y! Beth. II.
Arteries: arteria. restitutio. Vali. Gr. 57.
Airtneal, -eil, Weariness, fatigue lassi-
*•. in. I. : AiSEAN, -EiN, s. m. Gen. ii. 22. Ed. 1783. Vide
tude, defatigatio. Macf. 2. Sadness, languor, W Aisne et Asna.
depression of spirits : languor, tristitia, aninii de- AisEiRiGH, s.f. ind. (Ais, et Eirigh), Resurrection :

jectio. '•
Co dli' innsoii.s airhwnl na Feinne ? S. D. resurrectio. '•
Na Sadusaich a their nach 'eil
73. Who shall tell the sadness of the Fingaliai.s? aiseirigh ann." Math. xxii. 23. The Sadducees
Quis narrabit tristitiani Fingaliensium ? " Dol mu who say that there is no resurrection. Saducjei
'n cuairt 's e fuidh airtneal." Stew. 39. Wander- qui dicunt non es60 resurrectionem. Arab, ji'r^
ing, ill dejection of spirits. Errans, et ille sub de-
jectione aiiinii.
heshr, resurrection ;
jÌi. fvJL^ t/aumurites/ir,

Airtnealach, -aiche, adj. (Airtneal), Weary, de- Gael. " Am na h-aiseirigh." The day of judgment.
pressed, sad, melancholy : fessus, tristis, moestus. • m. Death mors.
Aisi, s. : Uh. App. Vide Bàs.
3taef. V. AlsG, -EAS, s.f.
-E, I. A requst petitio. Sh. •>. :

•Airtneamh, -eimh, s.f. (Art, et Neimh), A sol- A spot, blemish macula, nienda. Sh. 3. A gift

dier's whet-stone cos miiitaris. Uli. :

munus. " Aisge leannanachd." C. S. A love-
Ais, ade. Back, backwiu-ds retro. Always con- : token, or pledge. Donum vel pignus amoris.
joined with the preposition air, i. e. '• air ais." • Aisgeadli, «. w. A desire petitio IV. 89. Ais- :

" Tri ceunian air 'ais, dh' aom Foldath." Tern. v. geadha, pi.
309. Three steps backwards, Foldath retreated. AisGEiR, -E, s.f. (À, a hill, et Sgeir), A rocky moun-
Tres passus retro inclinavit se Foldatlius. Pronouns tain, a ridge of high mountains saxosus mons, :

possessive are placed as adjectives between the altorum niontiuiii dorsum. Sh. (.\ remarkable ridge
preposition air, and ais ; thus, " air m' ais," " air of rocks, so called, to the westward of N'orth L'ist.
" air bhur 'n ais."
d' ais," •'
Thainig mi air ni" Wei. Esgair. Ow.
aw." C. S. I came back, I returned. Reveni. Aisgidli, A
' s.f. present, gift : munus, donum.
" Imich air d' ais." Keturn, go, back. Redi. Uh. " An aisgidh." Alb. " A nasgaidh." Matth.
Lsed also as an inseparable prefix, and signifying X. 8. i. e. " Ann an aisgidh." Freely, as u
again: re, iterum. " Eirigh," Rising: surgens. present : gratuito, sine mercede.
Vol. IL
Aisic, -IDH, DH, Ferry: transmitte, niitte
r. a. 1. AisNEis, -E, -EAN, S.f. ]. Rehearsing: enarratio.
trans fretuiu maris, vol anincin. S. 2. Restore C : Glentn. 87. Tattle : gerra-, nuga;. C. S. " Do

redde. " Aisig dhonih gàirdeachas do shlàinte." aisneise." Indescribable : inenarrabilis. Glenm. 42.

Salm. li. 12. Restore to iiic the joy of tliy salva- AisNiciiEAN, /?. ilf'Z). 80. 174. Vide Aisne.
tion. Redde niilii gaudium salutis tuae. Aisrk' for AisREAN, pi. of Aisir. Tern. ii. 306.
- Aisgeach, adj. Crafty : subdolus, versutus. LUi. 334.
et OR. AisRiDii, *./. Tern. vii. 120. 372. Vide Aisir.

AisiGTE, per/, jjart. v. Aisig. Restored, ferried: res- Ais-siTH, S.f. Vide Aisith.
titutus, transmissus. C. S. AisT, \prejK Salm. Ixxviii. 15. £d. 1753. Vide
AisiL, -E, -EAN, s.f. An Axle axis. Voc. 94. " Ta-
AisTE, j Aisde.
runn aisil." A linch-pin enibolium, rotae paxillus.
AisTEACH, -icH, -ICHEAN, s. m. A gay diverting
Ann. Ael, ahel. Fr. Axe. Germ. Axe, et Achs. fellow vir lepidus, jocosus, facetus.
: C. S. Gr.
hsrmc, venustus, urbanus.
Arab. 3-^' c^'h firm, radical, permanent. Chald.
Aisteachan, s. pi. Sports, diversions, jests : joci,

VdK asal, axis. ludi, oblectamenta. Llh.

AisiNN', s.f. vide Aisne, et Asna. • Aisteidh, s.f. The hatches of a ship navis fori, :

AisiNNLEACHD, S.f. Mocf. V. Vidc As-innlcaclid. vel tabulata. Sh. et OR.

AisiNNLEACHDAcn, odj. Macf. V. Vide As-inn- • Aistrioch, adj. (As, et Direach), Inconstant : in-

leaclidach. constans. MSS.

AisiR, -SRE, -SREAN, S.f. A passage, pass, path, de- • Ait, «. /. Furze : genista spinosa. Llh. Wei.
file : transitus, semita, angustise. " A chiabh 'na Aith. Ow.
gagan 'an aisre na. gaoith." Te/n.iv. 181. His locks Ait, s. m. Llh. Vide Aite.
as a twisted bush, in the path of the wind. Capillus Ait, 'Aite, ad^. 1. Joyful, glad : jucundus, hilaris,
ejus in morem nodi in semita venti. Arab. jj^\ asir,
" Neach ta mar nuadh fhear-pòsda teachd
a footstep; j^ià' azhur, roads through deserts. " O sheòmar fèin a mach,
Hebr. '''W)H ashri, steps. " 'Ta ait — Salm. xix. 5.
AisiTH, s.f. hid. {Aix\,priv. et Sith), Strife, conten-
One who is as a bridegroom coming forth from his
tion : lis, contentio. 3Iacf. V. chamber, who is joyful. Qui tanquam est sponsus
* Aislear, s. m. (Ais, et Lear), A spring-tide : elu- prodiens e thalamo suo, qui laetatur. 2. Causing

vio, altissimus maris aestus. Llh. laughter, or merriment risum vel laetitiam mo-

AisLETH, ^rep. A. M'D. 118. Vide As leth. vens. " 'S ait learn do sgeul." S. Thy tale C
* Aisleine, s. (Aisi, et Leine), A shroud ami- :
gladdens me. Narratio tua me laetificat. " Sean-
culum ferale. Llh. app. marg. i. e. " Bàsleine."
chas ait." C. S. A
diverting story. Narratio
lepida. " Aid, en Arabien signifie fete." D'Her-
AiSLiNG, -E, -EAN, S.f. A dream : somnium. hclot.

" Bha 'smuainte mu Chrothar nan dan,

' ÀiT-ADHLAic,' s. »i. Gen. xxiii. 4. A burial ground :

" 'An ciar ainisir nan aisliiig mall." locus sepulchorum.

Tern. ii. 299. Aitchim, verb. I pray, beg : precor, supplex oro.

Her thoughts were of Crothar of songs, in the Sh. Gr. AiTiu, postulo.
dusky season of slow dreams. Ejus cogitationes
• Aitchimeach, -eich, s. m. petitioner : supplex. A
erant de Crothare carminum, in fusco tempore
somniorum lentorum. Aite, pi. -ean, vel Aiteachan, dot. -ibh, -ach-
AiSLiNGicH, -IDH, Du, V. n. (Aisling), dream: som- AiBH, s. m. A
place locus. " An sin sònruichidh

Sh. mis dhuit d' an teich e." E.t\ xxi. 13.

'aite Then
will I appoint thee a place whither he shall flee.
AiSLiNGiCHE, -EAN, s. iti. A dreamer somniator. :

" Feuch, tha 'n t-aislingiche so a teachd." Gen. Tunc constituam tibi locum quo confugiat ille.
" An aite." Instead of: pro, vice, loco. Gr.Avri.
xxxvii. 19. Behold, this dreamer cometh. Ecce,
venit hie somniator.
aite," i. e. Co aite. Where ? Ubi " Aite- .•'

* Aislingeadh, pr.part. somnians. Llh. Dreaming :

comhnuidh." Gimth. iii. 33. " Aite-tàimh." lob.
AisNE, -EAN, -icHEAN, dof. pi. Aisnibh, s. f. A xxxvii. 8. A dwelling : domicilium. " Aite-suidhe."
rib costa.
: " An aistie a thug e o'n duine." Gen. Voc. 97. A
seat sedes. " Ai, lieu, en vieux Fran-

ii. 22. The rib which he had taken from the man. cois Aid, signifie aussi, habitation ; de la, cedes

Costa quara sumpserat de homine. 3Ianx. Asney. Latin." Bullet. B. Bret. Atil, terre chaude, culti-
vee et fertile. Gael. " Aite sil." Chald. I^K
Wei. Asen. Oic. Arab. Uui asna, the middle, or
athar, locus. Arab. g,j^ \ aimyet, repositories.
interstice : g5V>à? asla, ribs.
Aite, camp, of Ait, q. v.'
AiSNEACH, Ribbed : costatus. R. HthD.
adj. (Aisne)
• Aiteac, adj. Ancient antiquus. : Vail, in Voc. Lot.
282. Macdoug. 7.
* Aisneadli for Aisnean, Ribs: costae. Plur. of Attavus.^raft. iJùac atih. Ch. p^r^y attik.

Aisne. R. M'D. 353. AiTEACH, -ICH, s. ?«. (Aite). 1. Agriculture: agri-

* Aisneas, s. m. Bianf. 26. 2. Vide Aisneis. culture.
*' Dl>(.>anainii aitrm-A u-ttnuitn, - Cha iTiUg mImmJk ma icmm «ct.
" Is iToWwlkHime ffcuf uia chrò dJuiit.' - Ubctf an iktk iimihmàk €im»ik <fi»<M.

Mttrttttj/. 104. Ji
I would eutlùitte imiHÌ», amt »rt miULÌnp i-attli- a- Never riauU thaw or aun aane up<."

rouiui the lolil to ihcf. Agrum cokreni, bo\i-»- sllilll eX|>el tli\ liuor-trOM. Ni-i- rrm<.

iiui- lactaria!> a;;«iv«i ad wptuiu tibi. i. An in- (otlort «olia tibi Mip»-vr>.
habiuuit : iiuttla. tus. i. .\ pruul, (.-uu\,i
•• 'l^ha liitH-h liinso-tomiin lo glieill. convincens ar{:viiui-iitaui. .NA. -\llij;uu. 1 i.xi:i-

•• an lnnis Ion Oiuirfr»?."

tiu'n tlis*; >'. />. 165. |
vmce. OR. Hdtr. QM at. lente, avtiitm.

Tiie inhabitant» of Iniston* urr in terror, (hat tlxnr ÀlTEAR, -IK, -AN, ( .Vitfliiar I, A hu<bafMÌu)aii '

Isie sliall &ÌIIÌL into the dit-p. liKt»la' Inistora I

Agricola. C. S. /^ijay. .\it/uriia.

sunt in timore, ne in>ula eorum uitf|rat sub ar»iuor. ,
AlTEARACHD, *./. ind. |Àitear>, Agriculture: agricul-
Moro tK^quentlr in the plursiL > Luclid àÌK^ach- I

tura. Baaq. .\churt2a.

aiiUi." N'idi- Aitt-achadh. AlTEAS. -Eis. t. m. (Ait. at^.) Joy: hrtitia.
ÀlTeAOll, -icii, \ .«. M. VI pr. jmrt. r. Aitich, | " TTia aitcat, mhic duibhre nan sj^eur,"
ÀlT«ACHADii, Inhabiting: incolen«. •• A-
-Aii>H, j

" A' losgadh air m" anatn gun glirtmim."

gus uilf liu lul-<j<inif^A<ii(M nuni bailiean." Trm. vii. in.
"ìò. And all th^ inhabitants ot° the tunits. Et Joy, thou son of the darkness of the skv (a gho^t^
onines iuix>lii- o|>pidonim. i

bums on my soul without a pK>om. fest lirtttia.

AiTtAi H, -icH. »-. M. (ÀiteV A habitation : habitatio. fili obscuritatisccclorum, exanlv
Air oeul aoi bheil an àùtaeh tuar f niiuu sine telricitale. " .\tus
Tern. vii. S04. numens, signifie sain et joveuv !

On lite cloud, is their cold habitation ? Super nu- vieux Francois, sain, joyeux, bien di»put>e. buUri.
be an est eonini habitatio trifiida ? A I Tc HEAL, -iLE. odj. (Ait, GeaH, Bright, jovou» ni- ;

ÀiTEACHAN, -AiN. *. m. [dimin. of Aite), A little tidus, la-tus. R. 97. MD.

place locus exiguus. R. M'D. 2S4.
: Sometimes • Aith, adj. Quick, sharp promptus, acer. Uh. :

also mom. plur. oif Arte. " Go aith," udr. Quickly : ccleriter. Uk. Vide
AlTEACHAS, -Ais, «. m. 1. An inhabiting, dwell-
ing comnwratio, dotuicilium. C. S.
: 'i. A colo- .\iTH, An iterative particle, and prefix, equivalent
ny colonia. C. S.
to the Latin and English Re. sometimes thus
AlTE.\GACU, -AicHK, o(^. Inditferent, scornful: in- written, when used before a small vowel, but more
differens. frigidus, fastidiosu». • Labhair i gu correctly Ath, q. v.
h-àiieaffoch." Steic. 260. Scornfully she spoke. • -Aithbhear, *. wi. Blame, reproof: vituperatio.
Fastidiose locuta est. reprehensio. B. B.
AiTEAL, -EiL, *. «I. Juniper: juniperus. '* Le eibh- • Aithdhreachadh, $. m. (Ath, et Dreach^, Refor-
libh do'n aitcaJ." Salin. cxx. 4. With coals of Ju- mation reformatio. Voc. 163.

niper. Cum pruiiis juniperorum. • Aithe, Revenge: ultio. LUi.


AiTEAL, -EiL, -AN, »'. »1. 1. A colour, gloss : co- ' Aithe, Keen, sharp
atij. vehemens. acutus. :

lor, fulgor. '• -4«/to/ an òir." Jf.M-D. 133. The ••

Chloidhmhe aithe." Vt. 95. Sharp swords :

colour, or gloss of gold. Color, vel fulgor auri. acuti gladii. JVel. Aith. Che.
2. A
glimpse, a transient view coruscatio, brevis :
AiTHEACH, -icH, i. /fi. False assertion, a lie. " Thug
conspectus. '• Aon aihai de 'ghaol." It. .V'Z). m thu an l-aithtach." C. S. Thou liest : dedisti men-
33. One transient view of my love. Unus brevis dacium. Stt)t. Haith. Aith, Jam. Eng. Oath.
conspectus amoris niei. 3. .\ sun-beam jubar. :
Atha. Athe. Spdm. Gloss. Vide Eithich.
•' Aiteal na maidne." 5. D. 61. The morning AiTHEACH, -ICH, s. iH. 1. A giont gigas. * Is agus :

sun-beam. Jubar matutinuni. 4. breeae au- A :

sin do fhiafraigh an t-aitAeach do Choinchulaimi
ra. creud sin do ni, a tliir bhig?" i't. 19. And then
" Do dhàn mar aiteal an earraich, the giant asked Cuchulin, wliat wilt thou do, little
Dol thaJris air sealgair 's a chruaich." man? Et tunc percontatus est gigas Cuchulin,
Fiiig. V. 502. quid fiicies, homuncule ? 2. A sow or boar sus. :

Thy song, as the breeze of spring passing over the Ll/i.

hunter ui the rock. Carmen tuum instar aurx AiTiiEAMH. -EIMH, >. /. A fàthom hexapus. :

veris, euntis supra venatorem in pra>cipitio. 5. A I or. 121. Hear. 7V2H ammah, cubitus.
very small portion, or quantity pars minima. .V. H. :
AlTHEAN, s. m. The liver: jecur. lu-. 16. Vide
Arab. ^\i^S itfal, reddening, as at sun-set. Ae.
AiTEALACii, -AiciiE, a<^'. (Aiteal, 1.) Bright, shining :
AiTUEANT.\, pi. of Aithne. q. \.
radians, coruscus. I or. \ò'ì. • Aitheanta, s. pi. Short. Sol. \ide Athaiiiu.
' Aitealluidh, «./. I'm. ìò'i. Vide Itealaich. • Eit- • Aitheanta. aJj. Uh. \"ide Aithnichte.
eaUuidh. B.B. • .\itheantas, -ais, s. Ac"quaintance cognitio,
f. :

AiTEAMH, -EIMH, *. m. 1. A tliaw : nivis resolu- familiaritas. BM. Glots. \ide .\ithne, et
tio. Aithneachadh.
E 2
AiTHEARNACH, -AiCH, «./ (Ath, et Eòma), Land AiTHis, or Athais, *./. Vide Adhais.
ploughed for a second crop : ager aratus in alte- • Aithisc, -e, -ean, s.f. Biawf. 31. 2. 41. 2. Vide
ram frumentationem. Lochab. Hebrid. 2. Land Aitheasg.
where barley has been the last crop : ager hordeo AlTHISEACH, -ICH, -ICHEAN, *. m. JR. M'D. Vide
8atus, anno priore. N. H. Athaiseach, *.

. Aithearrach, Vt. 108. et KiSrr. 6. Vide Athar- AlTHISEACH, adj. Vide Athaiseach, adj.
rach. AlTHISEACH, adj. Macf. V. et Stew. 31. Vide Adh-
• Aitheas, m. Glenm. 11. 7. Vide Athais.
s. aiseach.
' Aitheasach, adj. Impetuous: vehemens. Vt. 16. AiTHisEACHADH, s. in. Vide Athaiseachadh.
164. AiTHisG, -E, -EAN, S.f. A repoit, intelligence: nun-
• Aitheasg, -isg, s.m. 1. Words, speech verba, : tium. Vt. 12.
sermo. " Ro-innis Eghan ail/ieagg ighine Chuinn AiTHisicH, -iDH, DH, V. a. Vide Athaisich.
doibh." Vt. 83. Evan told them the words of • Aithle, -ean, s.f. An old rag : pannus. Llh. et
Constantine's daughter. Evenus iis filiiae Con- Voc. 187.
stantini sermonem retulit. 2. commission, A • Aithle (Athailt), s. f. A
trace, vestige : vesti-
mandate mandatum. " Raidheas a aitheasga
gium. " A
h-aithk," Immediately : e vestigio.
abfiaghnusi nan allmhorach." Vt. 85. He an- Glenm. 11.
nounced his commission to the foreigners. Pe- AiTHiis, -E, -EAN, S.f. Disgrace, reproach dede- :

mandata exponit.
regrinis cus, opprubrium. A. 31'!). 211. VOti alacà, H^
AiTH-EisDEACHD, s.f. iitd. (Ath, ct Eisdeachd), An he became corrupt. Vide Aithis,
appeal : appellatio. C. S. AiTHLiSEACH, -iCHE, adf. (AithUs), Reproachful,
• Aitlifear, s. m. A reproof: reprehensio. B. B, disgraceful : contumeliosus, dedecorus. C. S.
» Aithfir, verb. Vide Aifir. AiTHMHEAL, -MHEUL, s. »1. Vide Aimhcal.
Aithghe, gen. of Aghaidh. Vt. 43. AiTHMHEALACH, adj. Vide Aimhealach.
• Aithghear, adj. vel Aithgheir, Very sharp acu- :
• Aithraheas, & m. The ebbing of the sea reces- :

tissimus. i. e. " Ath-gheuraichte," Sharpened sus maris. Sh.

again : iterum exacutus. Vt. Gloss. AiTHN, -IDH, DH, V. a. Command, charge, order
AiTHGHEARR, -A, et -lORRA, adj. (Ath, et Geàrr), praecipe, manda, jube. " Agus dh' àithn an Tigh-
Short, concise, quick : brevis, succinctus, citus. eama Dia do "n duine." Gen. ii. 16. And the
" Tha i air a cur sios gu h-ait/ig/iearr." Bom. xiii. Lord God commanded the man. Praecepit Jeho-
9. It is brifly set down summatim coraprehen- : va Deus homini. Jr. ?t^cT)e. Bd^r. 02H anas,
ditur. " Ùin' aithghearr." C. S. short time A he compelled, he forced, he urged. B. Bret. Atis,
breve terapus. 2. Metaph. Passionate : iracundus.
instigation Atisa, pousser a faire quelque action.
" Duin' aithghearr." C. S. passionate man A Bullet.

vvc iracundus. " Oir bhrosnuich iad a spiorad,

• Aitlm, adf. Vide Àin, ad;'.
air chor as gu do labhair e gu h-aithghearr le
Aithn'chear, impers. form otv. Aithnich, q. v. i. e.
'bhilibh." Salm. cvi. 33. Ed. 1807. For they pro-
Aithnichear._ Ross. Salm. Ixxvi. I.
voked his spirit, so that he spoke unadvisedly with
ÀlTHSE, pi. AlTHEANTA, et AlTHNTE, -AN, s.f.
his lips. Cum exacerbantibus illis spiritum ipsius,
ut locutus est inconsiderate e labiis.
A command praeceptum.: " Oir an àithne so tha
mise ag aithneadh dhuit an diugh." Z)«rf. xxx. 11.
Aithghearr, -iorra, s. in. Abbre\iation, short
For this commandment, which I command thee
way, or time : compendium,'breve iter, vel tempus.
this day. Nam praeceptum hoc, quod ego prae-
Macf. V.
cipio tibi hodie. " M' àitheanta." Gen. xx\'i. 5. My
AiTHGHEiNTE, perf. part. (Ath, et Ginte), Regene-
commandments praecepta mea.
rated : renatus. Vm. 86.

AiTHXE, s.
f. (Ath, Ni), Knowledge : cognitio.
AiTHGHEi'R, adj. Bianf. 58. Vide Aithghear.
" S' aithne dhuit."Salm. cxxxjx. 1. Thou know-
AlTH-GHIN, AlTH-GHINEAMHUINN, S.f. VoC. 163. " Cha 'n aithne dhomh."
est. Cognitio est tibi.
\'ide Ath-ghin.
C. S. I know not. Nescio, cognitio non est mi-
AiTHGHiORRA. 1. od/. comp. of AithgheaiT, q. v.
hi. " An aithne," Town of knowledge, i. e. A-
2. «. The shorter way via brevior. Llh. App. :
thens Athenae.
: Gr. A^wjj, JNIinerva, the goddess
AiTHicH, pi. of Aitheach, q. v.
of knowledge scientiae dea.
: Gael. Ban-dia na
AiTHiNE, AiTHiNNE, -EAN, S.m. (Ath, Theine). 1.
h-aithne. It. ?ticT)e. Manx. Enney. Germ. Ann-
A firebrand: torris. Llh. 2. Charcoal: carbones
Kaim. Anni, I understand.
en, animo presentire.
lignarii. Sh.
' Aithir, s.m. Vide Aighear.
'Madnty. 25. Arab, l^? enha, extremely intelligent.
• Aithir, s.f. B. Vide Nathair. B. AlTHXEACH, -ICH, -ICHEAK, -IXN, S. »». (Ath, et
• Aithreach, adj. R. HibD. 37. Vide Aighearach. Neach). A
stranger, a guest (Literally, a super-
• Aithios, s. m. Vt. 105. Vide Aithis. numerary) : advena, hospes.
AiTHis, -E, -EAN, s./. 1 A check : repulsa. Sh. 2.
" Anns an tigh bu mhòr seadli,"
Afiront, abuse ; contumelia, convicium. Macf. V. " Leis nach dragh aithnichean." Macinty. 40.
In the house that was greatly esteemed, where
Id. q. Athais. Gr. A-ix^i, pudor. Arab. (j«*j'
strangers were not counted a trouble. In dcMuo
abis, rebuking, reproving.
rujus exi«tiinatio magna fuit, ubi adveiia? iion nio- AiTiiitEACHAN, -AiN, -AN, «. IN. (.\itlirfacluiei, A
Icstia. •• Aitluui-Juiui." %ii>iton> : ho»|JÌli-6. Mtu;)'. |K-niteii( : |Krnitenti. Mai^'. V.
v. AiMiHLAi iiA!>, -Alii, (. m. R qiefl lance : po-nitt-niut,
AlTityiKACHADH, -AIDH, t. tH. el prtTt. ptirl. I. Ailll- reKÌpÌMenlia. " 'S anuiidriich a bhi cuir a uuuh
nich. 1. Knowing: iii'liis i-ogiiofcc'cmli. " A illi' airgid a cliruniiach ailMmtrkm»." Prov. It iit

ottAmtichiuih fjliiKuis. " (iiuUh. i. 'i. To know wis- loolihh to expend money on the purclutèìiig of re-
iloni : itupit-ntiuin kiiri'. 'i. A small (|iiuntitv |>u- : pentance. InMpieiii, t s( |>ecuniaiii lurgiri ad \kx-
killuni, uJiquuntuluiu. " Aidineudmdii," (no uir- ikiteutiuiii emcndum. Mitiis. ArrVA.
eud s gu 'm luiceaith lu). ('. .V. • Aithrcad, i. m, (Athair, et Ru<i), .K patriniouy :

AiriiN-KACiiAiL, -v.,mlj. (Aiilineachadli), Intelligent, patrimoniuni. Vim: 164.

discerning intelligrns, «igiix. Proviii.
• Aitlu'eas, t. Hi. Healing, curing actio medriuli, :

AiTiiNEACiiD, s.f. iiui. (Aiilinc, «.) 1. Knowledge, cunttio. Sh. et O' U.

discernment cognitio, judicium. R.M'D. (i-t-.
: 'Z. AlTlim, *. m. A. AI-D. 131. 193. \'ide Aithreaclia».
Hecognizing ugnitio. S4i-u\ 606. : .\iTiiHicHE, s. pi. Fathers: patres. Gitiumh. 7. ol.
AiTiisEAUAiL, -E, iitij. ( Aitlincudli), Recognizing, •' Aithrichean." Macinty. 143. \'ide Atliair.
kind qui agiHiscit, amicus, benignus. U. M-D.
• Aithridhe,
s.f. Pears, griefs, sadness, repentance :

'2^S. 'i. Knowing, tiuuiliur: dignoscens, fumilia- lacrvma', dolores, tristitia, jneiiitenlia. .S'/i.

ris. Mart', v. • Aithridlieach, attj. (.\itliridhe), Sorrowful : ptMii-

AiTiiXEADAiR, -E, -EAS", (Aitluic, ct Fear), One who tens, mu'Stus. L'rn. 31.
knows, or is conversant : qui dignuscit, vel probe AiTHRis, ».
f. A shaq> point: acuta cu8pie. LUi.
callct. Mm/. V. Wei. Athrin, a conflict.
AiTiis'EADii, s. tH. Uh. Vide Aithne, «. • Aithrir, s.f. Bianf. 53. Vide Oirtliir.
AiTHNEAMSA, r. i.e. .\ithnicheamsa, I know scio. : AiTHRis, -E, -EAN, S.f. 1. Rccital, rehearsal, re-
Sm. 242. Vide Aithnich. port, narration : recitatio, rumor, narrutio. LUi. et
AiTHSEiL, -E, «4/. .(Aithne), Knowing: sciens, cal- C. S. Imitation
2. imitatio. ^'ide Atharrais.

lidus. C. S. AiTHRis, -IDH, DH, V. «. 1. Rehcarse, declare: re-

Aitun'uhear, r. Is known : cognoscitur. Vide Aitlm'- cita, enarra. " Agus dh' aithris e na nithe sin uile
chear. 'nan eisdeachd." Gen. xx. 8. And he told all
Aitiis"giiinn, r. (properly Dh'aithnichinn), I would these things in their hearing. Et prolocutus est
know scirem, scire posseni. Muaioug. 63.
: omnia verba ha;c ipsis audientibus. " Aithri*
AiTHKicH, -iDH, Dii, V. a. (AitJme) Know, recog- bheulain." Provin. A mocking, a ludicrous re-
nize : nosce, agnosce. echoing of another's words. Irrisio, ludicra alie-
" Cha 'n aithnich sealgair ar 'n uaigh," ni sermonis imitatio. 2. Report, allege falsely :

" Cha bhi ainm dhuinn am fuaira nam fonn." falso die, vel cita. N. H. Uebr. àràs/i, ore ^^H
Fing. vi. 248. protulit.
The hunter shall not know our grave to us there ; AiTHRisEACH, -ICH, -icHEAN, s. III. (Aithris), A re-
shall be no name in the voice of song. Haud a tale-bearer narrator, gerro. C. S.
later, :

noscet Venator sepulelirum nostrum, nee intererit AiTHRisEACH, -EicHE, adj. (Aithris), Widely cele-
nomen nostrum sono carminum. " Hh'aithnich mi brated : ubique Celebris. P. M-D. 86.
cruth mo ghaoil." S. D. I recognized the form AiTHRisEADH, -EiDH, «. »1. (Aitliris), Tautology
ofmy love. Agnovi formam dilecta mei. B. Bret. super\acua vocum repetitio. Macf. V.
Aznaw, aznaut, aznawdu, knowing. AiTiCH, -IDH, DH, r. a. et «. (Àite). 1. Inhabit, dwell
AiTHKMCHiss, *./ Vide Aithneach. cole, incole.
AlTHSiCHTE, adj. et perf. part. v. Aithnich. 1. Known :
" Air gach aon neach a dli' àiticlieas
liotus. Gen. xlv. 1. ti. Plain, inaniiest : clarus, " Fad iomal crich gach tir." Sulm. Ixvii. 7.
manifestus. Ann. Aimat, Aznat.
C. S. Upon every one that inliabits the confines of every
AlTHRE, s.m. Repentance: pocnitentia. " AitJire
ind. land. Super eos qui omnes terrarum fines incolunt.
chum na beatlia." Gaei. Cat. Repentance unto " Gach neach a dh'àitich colunn riamh." Dug.
life. Pocnitentia in vitam (setemam). Vide Aith- Buch. All who ever dwelt in a body. Omnes
reachas. qui unquam in coqjore habitabant. 2. Till, delve,
• Aithre, *. m. or f. An ox, bull, cow taurus, : plough, cultivate : ara. ' jitich am fonn." C. S.
bos, vacca. Sb. Plough, cultivate the land. Agrum cole. 3.
• Aithre, Macinty. 162. Vide Aire. Moor a ship : locum cape pro navi •'
Dh' àitich
AlTHREACii, -E1C11E, odj. (Aithre), Penitent, sorry: an long." Tern. vii. 353. Tlie ship anchored. Lo-
poenitens, dolens. " "S aithreach leinn." C. S. cum cepit navis.
We are sorry. Pu;nitet nos. " B' aitJireach leis an AiTiDH, -E, adj. Moist, damp : humidus. A. MD.
Tighearna." Gen. vi. 6. It reijented the Lord. Voc. et C. S.
Poenituit Jehovara. AiTiDHEACHD, S.f. xitd. (Àitidb), MoistuTC, dump-
Aithreach', ì ,,. , ness humiditas, humor. C. S.
. . . .
, :

AlTHREACHA, "'^ ^"'^"^•'^•

AiTiM, s.f. ind. A
generation, race, tribe, people :
AiTHREACHAiL, -E, odj. (Aithrcach), Penitent: poe- proles, soboles, tribus, populus. •• Aitim Uhriog-

nitens. Murf. V. Id. q. Aithreach, adj. air mui colg cruaidli. ' Lis/uore JUS. The Mac-
(ìWgor tribe of hard tempered swords. Tribus ties. Macdon. 64. Vide ÀI. 2. A tribe, genera-
Gregorida gladioruni durorum. Sa/m. jxiss. " An tion : tribus, prosapia. .SV«/-. 377. " Thig sgrio»
aitim," " An drong," '' Am dream." air àlach iia niallachd." Prov. Destruction shall
AlTioi., -II., \s.m. Juniper: juniperus. Fbf. 63. come on the race of the curse. V'eniet clades in
AiTioNN, -IN\. Scot. Etnacli.
( Vide Aiteal. prosapiam imprecationis. 3. levy, or set A
AiTREABH, -EiBH, s. M. V. /. (Aite), A buildinj:, ordo, sodalitium. R. 124. Macdoug. 82. MD.
dwelling: Jcdes, atrium, aedificatio, Iiabitaculiini. " Alach fàmh." set or bank of oars. A Ordo re-
Tor. 83. /?. .V'D. 100. Generally applied in a col- morum. " Aluch thairngean." set of nails. A
lective sense, to a number of buildings. " Aitreahh Ordo clavorum. 4. Activit)-, alacrity : agilitas,
aingeal geal." 17. 79. The dwelling of bright alacritas. <S7;. et O'R. 5. A request : petitio.
angels. Habitaculuni angeloruni candidorum. Wei. Voc. 164.
Athref. Hchr. mtj? azarah, atrium. Alachag, -aig, -agan, ». /. A peg, pin, hook :

" A- paxillus, spina, uncus. Ma(f, V. Id. q. Ealachainn.

• Aitreabli, -aidh, dh, v. n. Dwell : babita.
gus do aitreahh Joseph sa Negipt.'" B. B. And Alachain, 1 -E, -EAx, s. m. A keeping place, a re-
Joseph dwelt in Egypt. Et Joseph habitavit Alachuin, J
positorj' : repositorium.
" 'S bhiodh an alarhui/iean Ian.'* JI'Greff. 141.
in j^gjfpto.
AiTREABHACH, -AiCH, «. m. (Aitreabh), An inhabi-
And would be full. Plena es-
their repositories
sent repositoria eoruni.
tant incola. B. B.

AiTRE.\BHACH, -AicHE, (Aitreabh), Habitable:

•Alachd, s.f. Vide Ablach.
habitabilis. Sh.
»Alachda, s. m. Burying, or burial : sepultura.
AiTREABHAiL, -AiLE, otij. Full of policy : politicus,
17. Glos. Vide Adhlacadh.
tempus serviens. P. Turn. iii. 4-18. Aladh, -AiDii, s. m. 1. Nursing: actus nutriendi.
A.n:v.v.A^HTA,perf.part. Inhabited habitatus. " So- :
.S7(. 2. Wisdom, skill, craft : sapientia, peritia,

aitreabhta." Habitable : habitabilis. Beth. 43.

astutia. Sh. 3. adj. Speckled, variegated : ma-
AiTREACH, -EicH, s. »(. A farmer: agricola, colo- culatus, variatus. Sh.
nus. Sh.
' Aladh, s. in. 1. A lie, malice mendacium, ma- :

AiTREAMH, Macinty. 40. Vide Aitreabh. litia. Sh. 2. A wound, scar, ailment vul- :

* Aitreoir, «. m. Vide Aitreabhach. nus, cicatrix, dolor. Beth. 54.

Bill. Gloss.
Al, -ail, s. m. 1. Brood, or \oung of any kind • Aladhadh, {jil. of Aladh), Wounds : vulnera. IV.

proles, propago, soboles cujusvis generis.


Tog dhinn a mhuc "s a cuing,

* Aladh-ghorm, adj. Speckled, azure spotted : cce-
" 'S a \ì-àl breac, brothach, oirceanach." ruleus-maculatus. 17. 104. from Aladh, adj.

A. 31 D. 135. et Gorm, adj.

Take away from us, the swine and her yoke, with Aladhnach, adj. (Ala, 6.) Crafty, comical : as-
tutus, comicus. Sh.
her speckled, filth)-, swinish brood. Tolle nobis,
porcam et jugum ipsius, et propaginem maculatam Alaich, -idh, dh, v. a. (Al, s.). Bear, produce,
scabiosam, suillam. " An deigh nan caorach a bring forth, multiply gigne. pari, auge. " "S luath :

bha trom le h-al^' Salm. Ixxviii. 71. Afler the a dh' alaich iad." C. S. Soon have they multi-
Cito aucti sunt. 2. Nurse, nourish: nu-
ewes big with young. A tergo fcetarum ovium. plied.

2. A race, generation progenies, avorum series. :

tri, ale. Sh. Germ. Alen, gignere, alere. Gr.
" Cuiridh iad an Ay.oeui.
ceill 'fliireantachd do "n al fi

teachd." Salm. Tliey shall declare his

xxii. 31.
' Alaich, -idh, dh, v. a. 1. Salute, hail : saluta,

righteousiiess to the coming generation. Annun- salve. Sh. 2. Invade: invade. OR. 3.

ciabunt justitiam ejus populo nascituro. IVel. Al,

Praise, magnifj' : lauda, laudibus efFer. O'R.
ael, a product, a brood. Oil: B. Bret. Ala, ve- " Alain, Ì adj. Vail. Gr. 61. Macdon. 15. Vide
ler, to calve. " Je pense q' ala signifie, seule- ••
Alainn, j Àluinn.
ment, en general, faire un petit." Pdlet. Lat. Alo, Alainneachd, vide ÀiUeachd et Ailneachd.
Alastair, -AR, *. «(. Alexander: nomen viri. Gr.
Gt. Kkòit^, augere. Arab. ^1 al, progeny, descen- AXaffriis, Alastor, nom.prop. viri.
dants. * Alb, "s. m. Height altitudo. Sh. : Vide Alp.
* Al, s.f. 1. A rupes, lapis. Sh. et
rock, stone :
Alb', "1
Alba, Albainx, «._/'.( Alp, et Fhonn, i.e.
O'R. Vide Alcluyd, App. 2. Fear: timor. Alba, > The country of heights editorum lo- :

Sh. et O'R. 3. A
equus. Sh. 4. Nur-
horse :
Albaixk, 3 corum regio.) Scotland: Scotia, vel
ture, food : Sh, et O'E.
nutrimentum, cibum. Scotia Albiensis. Buch. i. 15. 16. in nom. Alba. Gen.
B. Bret. Al, pien-e, rocher Al, aliment Al, : :
Albann ; dat. Albuinn, with an but we
art. fern. ;
cheval. Pellet. often take Albainn for a notn.
• Ala, s. m. 1. Nursing actus nutriendi. Sh. :
" Ard cheannard sliil Alba nan sonn."
2. adj. Speckled, spotted : maculatus. Sh. et O'S. Fing. i. 128.
3. A trout : salar. .Sh. 4. A wound : vulnus. Prime chief of Scotland's heroic race. Summus
.S'^. 5. Wisdom : sapientia. Tall. Celt. Bs. 79. dux sobolis Scotia: herouni.
6. A
swan olor. Vail. Celt. Es. 79. Vide Eala.
" Dùisgibh, chlann Alba nam buadh."
Àlach, Àlaich, -ean, s. m. 1. A brood: puUi- Mord. i. 74.
Awake, sons of vii-iuriou« St-oeland. Ex|M-rgÌM:i- Imc illuc eundi. M<ui. \'. 'S duilich learn fliin
liliiii tilii Sfotii»' wiloriiirum. " Mailuiir AlUu." do sgrltib air ijliiòiin. Oirin. 'l'ìty t'Xcur»iuii ol
(im li-Albai>ii). .V<u>»ti/. I. I'ln- l.<>Hliiml>, m low Mundering is painful lo me. Digrestiu erraudi
i-omilrv Soodaml. ol' Ht'(;io caiii|H-!>(ri« Scutiif. tuik doleii» ciil niilii. Gr. A/J-tfLcu, balio.
Mr/. Alban, iht- utmost liniil or u|i|K-r part. " Alb, .\LLAbA.\Ai II, -Aiciie, adf. (AllabttJil, Wandering:
Alp, nionta^iii'." Tous le« temu-s ^rrans. (
le iiu'iiie <jii' '. .S.

ijdi out sl<;iiitii' nioii[a<;iii-, out aussi sìgiiitiè {n'u»tl> • Allabliiiir, «. /. (.\lli, el I.abhuir), Ix'liu : \o<.i»
haul. linUet. imago. IJA. itpp.
Al.BANAtii, Ì 1. (i<^'. (.\lbai, Scottish: Sco- ' .\llabhar, uitj. (Alla, tulj.) Strange, wild, u\age :

Albannacii, -Aim, -i.t.m. A Scotsman j ticus. : pere^jfrinus, ferus, agrestic. Sh.

Scotus, Scotus Albit'iisis. " (iaidlical Albamuicli." .Alla-ciilo, ». HI. iW. Troubled llli^l : nebula pertur-
A Scottish Ciaul, or C'l'll Scoto-Ciiclicus. "tiuidli- : bata.
cul Kirioiuiiicli." Hibi'nio-dàilicus. Gitiiit. 203. " Tuirling, .\rdain, o 'n aUa-theo,
'• Hiacl "s a mliaireas Alhtiiiiuiicli, ••
Tuirling o d' neoil an coinne' i' arma."
•• Bidh iomradh ort air bhuil." li. M-J). 40. S. D. 124.
.\s long as .><cotsmen remain, thy name shall be Descenil, .Ardan, from tlie troubled mist descend ;

on reconl. Quamdiu permancbunt Scoti, de te from lliy clouds to meet thy armour. Uesctnde,
tama crit in momoria. Ardan, e nebula perturbata, desccnde, a iiube tua,
• .\lbard, »•._/". A halbert : bipennis vel liusta mi- ubviain armis tuis.
lit aris. L/h .\lladii, -aidh, «. m. 1. Excellency, fame, renown :

.\ld, m. Ttiii. iii. 299.

«. \'ide .\llt. excellentia, fama, celebrita». " 'S e do cheud chliii
.\ldain, *•. m. TriH. viii. SOtf. \'ide Alltan. t' alladh." Prur. Your first character is your re-
A LEAS, adv. •' Cha ruigear a Uas." There is no nown. Keputatio prima tua, est tua celebritas.
need : non opus est. Used adverbially for " Leas," 2. Bad report, defamation mala fama. :

q. V. " Cluinnear 's gach àite mu 'r timchioll

• Alg, 1^ adj. Noble nohilis. Sh. " lonnaii :
' 'Ur 'n alladh 's 'ur iomradli aig cus." B. L>-
• Algach, I alg agus uasal." AVn/. 1. '• Alg" and In each place around you will be heard, with too
" Uasal" are synonimous. Idem est, " A)g," many, your bail character and report. Ubique
et " Uasal." '• Innis alga'."
The noble island, circum vos, autlieter mala fama, reputatioque ve»-
i. e. llibemia. Llh. et Vallan. Wei. .Alcun, a tra apud quani plures. Chald. ,1w alah, laudavit.
sovereign chief: dux summus. Ow. Span.
Algo, alguno. Gr. A^Xao;, S)>lendidus.
.Allaidh, -e, adj. pi. .Allda. 1. .Savage, wild, I'ero-
cious : sylvaticus, ferus. LUt. et Ma(f. V. '• Mad-
• Algachd, s.f. (Alg), nobility nobilitas. Sh. :

adh allaidh." \ wolf: lupus. Damliau tdlaidli."

' All, adj. Great, prodigious : magnus, immanis.
Sh. et A'rti/. 81. Wd. Al, power: potestas. C. S. A spider : aranea. 2. I*roud, liaughty :

superbus, elatus. • Dainh a chinn aUaitUu" Alac-

Al, adj. excellent eximius. Oic. B. Bret. .\l, :

inti/. 80. The haught}-headed stag. Cemis elati

haul, eleve. Vide Bulktt in voc. Arab. ^\ capitis. 3. Terrible : terribilis.

all, god ; iV« ala, glory, sublimity, dignity " Tha Treuuraor a' teachd le lainn tliana,

^j3t£ ala, high, sublime, eminent, grand. Heltr.

" 'S le sgèith allaidh g am fuadacli." S. D. 7.
Trenmor advances with thin blades and terrible
bit el, fortis, Deus. shields, to put them to flight. Adventat Trenmo-
• .\11. s. m. A nobleman's hall aula principis. : rus cum acutis ensibus, scutisque terribilibus, ad
Sh. et OB. " Mac .\lla," Echo, e. Son of i. eos fugundos. Wei. Alluidd, foreign, barbarous.
tJie Hall. OB. Vide All, a rock, et Talla. Allda, a foreigner.
• .\ll, -aille,
g.f. A rock, cliH': rupes, cautes. -\llail, -e, adj. (Alladh, or All, adj.\ 1. Far-
" Mullach na h-ailk." To)) of the rock. Ru- famed, illustrious, noble : undique celcber, illustris,
pis cacumen. Sh, OB. et JISS. if'el. .AUt, a nobilis. ullail a chinn niliòir." A. M'D.
'• Callum
cliff, hill side : rupes, collis. Arab, «xlc aid, liard.
15. The Malcom Keumore, (i. e. oi
tlie Milcolumbus illustris magni ca-
large head).
• .All, adj. i. e. Eile : Another, a foreigner : alius, a-
pitis. 2. Proud, haughty superbus, fastosus. ;
lienus. Sh. Wet. .^11. B. Bret. All. Gr. A/.-
" Marbhaisg air na f'earuibh òga,
•• Bhios
gu stròdhail, òl'or, allail." Oraii.
• Alia, «. m. Tlie most high : altissimus (Deus).
Ill betide the prodigal, carousing, haughty youtlis.
Sh. et O'B. Arab. <^^^ aali ; "^Saala, most Va illis, juvenes qui sumptuosi, perpotautes, tiis-

high. Vide All, great. tosi sunt.

Alla, Fame: fama. Vide .\lladli.

• .\llamh, adj. Vide Eidamh. A.MD. 126. Arab.
All A, Wild, fierce: fcrus. B.B.
adj. '• Coin alla l»Jx aliiii, onmiscience.
fagail a chuairt." Ossiati. Fierce dogs leaving Allamhadadh, -aidii, h. m. \ wolf: lupus.
the chase. Canes feri venationem relinqucntes. " Chual' an X-allamluidadJt 'n fhuaim.
Vide Allaidh. " 'S e tearna' nuas gu mort na h-àraich."
All.\ban, -ain, s. m. Wandering: actio errandi, .y. D. 258.
The wolf heard the sound, as he descended to the Allt, Uillt, *. »1. A brook, rivulet : rivus.
slaughter of the plain. Audivit lupus soniturn, et " Agus toirm nan allt mu cheann." d"
illedescendens ad occisionem campi. Fing. ii. 7&,
• Allan,) adv. In former times olim. Bianf. : And the noise of brooks around thy head. Et ri-
• Allann, / 14. 1. Vide Allod. vorum fremitus circa tuum caput. " Toirm an
• Allanair, adv. i. e. " A laimh an ear." Em. iiillt." C. S. The murmur of the brook. Rivi
L. 1. From the east: ex oriente. fremitus.
All ANT A, a<^'. Ferocious: ferox. R. M^D.ib. Id. Allt, | adj. Savage, fierce : sylvaticus, ferus. Bianf.
q. AUaidh. Allta, i " Deargan aUt" A falcon : falco. Wei.
• Alias, s. m. Sweat sudor. Urn. 125. 64. Vide
: Allda, a foreigner ; alltud, another land, a stran-
Fallus. ger. Che.
• Allbhruachach, -brudliach,
m. (All,*. etBruach), s. Alltachd, s. f. ind. (Allt), Savageness : feritas.
An AUobrogian
Allobrox. Casar. passim.
: Sh.
Vide Aillbhruachach. Alltan, -ain, -an, s. m. (Allt, «.) little brook A
Allbhuadhach, -aiche, adj. (All, adj. et Buadh- rivulus. R.M'D. 120. Macdoug. 140. 221.
ach), Triumphant, victorious triumphans, victo- : • Alltuidh, adj. Vide Allaidh.
riis clarus. Stew. 1.
'^•^•^8- Vide Allaidh.
Allcuuir, s. 7)1. (All, Eile, et Cuir), Transposition : IlluIgh;}-'^
transpositio. Sii. Alluinn, adj. Vide Aluinn.
Allda, adj. Vide Allaidh. Alm, Ailm, s. 7/!. Alum alumen. : Voc. 55.
• Allghloir, f. Jargon, gibberish
s. : serrao abso- • Alma, s.
f. Cattle armenta.
: " A thainig
nus, barbaries. Sh. timchiol na h' alma." Glenm. 82. Bianf. 53.
• Allghort, s. m. An orchard : pomarium. Vide Who came around the cattle. Qui armenta
Abhallghort. circumvenerunt.
Allmaireach, M. s. A foreigner: peregrinus. Llh. Almadh, -aidh, s. m. (Aim), A tincture of alum
Vide Allmharach. aluminis tinctura. C. S.
• Allmaireachd, s. f. i. e. Laomsgaireachd. Vt. • Almaine, s. tn. (Al, 1. et Mèin), The rock of
Gloss. riches: saxum divitiarum. O'Con. Ep. "72.

Allmhaidh, -e, adj. Fierce : ferox. • Almha, s.f. Glenm. 88. Vide Alma.
" Co dhiongas 'an còrag sluaigh," »Alon, s. m. (Al, Sh. 1.) A stone: lapis.
" Annailt allmhaidh, eif idh, oniaidh ?" A LOS, adv. et prep. about per, cir- By means of, :

Rep. App. 256. cum. A los falbh." C. S. About, or intending

Wlio shall the conflict of hosts, subdue the
in to go. Circum eundum, iturus. Vide Los.
fierce and hardy bands of war ? Quis inter impe- Alp, Ailp, -a, s.f. 1. A height, or eminence: lo-
tum copiarum, domitabit, belli catervas, feras, di- cus editus. Macph. Diss. 116. 2. Any gross
ras, audentes ? lump : quilibet crassus acervus. O'B. O'R. Sh.
Allmhara, adj. (Thall, et Muir), Fo- " Alpa." Mountains
montes. : " Sliabh Alpa."
Allmharach, -aiche, J
reign, fierce, wild, savage : The Alps : Alpes. Llh. " Gallorum linguae, alti
peregrinus, ferox, sylvaticus. Macf. V. montes, Alpes vocantur." Servius. ad Georg. 3.
Allmharach, -aich, s.m. (Allmhara), foreigner: A Virg. Wei. Alp, a craggy rock. Ow. Germ.
peregrinus. " larmad nan allmharach." Salm. Alp, mons. Wacht. Ilal. Alpestre, wild, mountain-
xrai. 45. The remnant of strangers : residuum ous, rocky. Arab. «-J 5 alb, a collection, a crowd ;
Allmharrachd-mharachd, s.f. ind. (Allmhara),
i_iL^i albab, small heaps of sand. Hebr ^^ el^h,
Barbarity feritas. Sh. et Macf. V.
: a thousand, an immense collection.
• Allod, adj. Ancient : antiquus. O'B. " An Alp, -aidh, dh, v. a. Ingraft, join closely together :

nallud" adv. Formerly,"ancientIy olim, anti- : insere, compinge. N. H.

quitùs. B.B.pass. " An " allod," A iialltid." Alpadh, -aidh, s. m. et pres. part. (Alp, v.) 1.
Kirk. Salm. pass. Lot. Allodium : Ancient, An ingrafting, or joining together : actus inserendi
or independent possession of land : Spelman- seu compingendi. "
Tha iad air an alpadh i' a
nus inter Allodium et Feudam rite statuit dif- cheile "
N. H. They are closely joined together.
ferentiam. Hebr. "1711 heled, setas decurrens. lUi sunt arete conjuncti. 2. Dovetail, a term a-
Vide etiam Fòd. mong joiners : compages, cardo, apud lignarios.

^^^°"" Xadj. N. H.
Allonta,j -^
Alt, -uilt, s. m. 1. A joint : artus. Voc. 16.
•Allraon, s. f. (Thall, et Raon), foreign ex- A " Tinneas nan alt." Voc. 26. The gout arthritis. :

pedition or journey profectio, sive iter in lon- : "As an alt." Gnàth. xxw 19. Out of joint: laxa-
ginquam regionem. Sh. tus. 2. An article : articulus. O'R. 3. A part
Allsaich, -aidh, -dh, v. a. Suspend, respite: sus- or section of a book : pars, vel sectio libri. O'R.
pende, procrastina. Macf. V. Hence allsadh and 4. An edge ; acies. " Faobhar." Vt. Gloss. '•
abhsadk, a sea term for shortening sail. Vide Abh- tain." A razor : cultor tonsorius. 5. Nursing
sadh. alendum, nutritio, nutricatus. Remaining in the
composite lerm, Vo-att, ij. v. (irnn. All, miultus, each generous Med. Numx cujuiM|ue emiiiii g*.
et aleii, nutrire. t». A i-oiiilitioii, kiuIi- : coiiili- iierobi.

tio, sliitUK. " Air aJt." C S. In loiulition, or Althumaciiauii, m. et/nvf. ;Mr(. r. Altrumjiich.

order in statu.
: 7. A liifili pluce, or exiiltiilioii Nursing actio nutriendi. C. S.

locus iilltus, exallatio. S/i. MV/. Allt, u illH', .\ltkumaicii, -Aioii, 1)11, v.a. Nurse, chrrisli nu- :

the siile ut' u lull rupes, useensus uiontis. Oir.

: tri, fove. C. S. Id. ,,. Altrum, v.
8. A leap: sallus. U'lt. Gr. A>.r6ya/i*a^t, in Altuuman, -ain, ». m. (.\liruni), A nurbliiig deli- :

terrain desiluit ; AXro, suliit. 9. A valley : vallis. cat us puer. Jiep. Aft/j. H2.
SM. et Hii/lft. iMt. Alius, liigli, or deep. 10. .\i.THUMAS, -Ais, (Altrum), Nursing: actio nu-
*. in.

An uetion, deeil, liiet : t'ueiuus, res laelti, iieliu. triendi. •• Leanabh a chur air idlruiiuu." C. S.
S/l, II. .\ method, order: modus, ordo. " Tim To send a child a-nursing. Mittere iufanteni (c
" aU air u dheanundi." S. There is a method C domo parentum) causa laclandi.
of doin^ it. Est modus id fiieieiuii. 1'2. Time, • Altughadii, .-. m. Llh. \'ide Altaeluuili, 2.
(ortler of events) tempos. O'/f.
: 13. .\n edifice : Aluinn, -e, et ÀiLNF, adj. 1. Exceedingly fair ;

O^diticium. (///. H. Noble, i. e. •• uas;d,"

ml/. handsome, lovely pulcher, cicgans, speciosu», dc- :

nobilis. IV. Ciloss. 16. (uit: soon: niox. <S7(. et corus, amabilis, aniu-nus.
OH. " 'Ceud lailte', thuirt eeaimard naji triatli,
AtTAciiADn, -Ainu, -ean, .?. m. (sometimes Alt- " Air siol àluinn nan caol ghleaim."
aiclie). I. Articulation of the joints : articulutio, Fing. i. 101.
artuuni motus. \'ide Altaich, 1. 2. Grace be- A hundred salutations, said the leader of heroes,
fore or atier meat benedictio niensic, vel gratia-
: to the fair race of jiarrow glens; Centies salus, ait
rum lor. 119.
actio. •'
.Mtachadh beutlia." A sa- princeps lieroum, semini specioso angustarum val-
lutation, awelcome. Salutatio, gratulatio. " 'S ann lium. 2. Glorious illustris, gloria insignis. Em. :

do "ii làiiiih glilaiii bu choir iiUachadli." Prov. Manx. Aalin. Wei. Dillyn. B. Bnt. Alen.
It is the clean hand, that ought to welcome. Jus Am, jxiss. pron. Their eorum. '• fearg." Gen. : Am
gratulandi ad purani manum pertinet. \'ide Alt- xlix. 7. Their wrath furor eorum. (uschI before

aid), 2. a labial,) U. t\. hi\, poss. pron.

ALTAtcii, -IDH, Dii, r. a. 1. Articulate, move the A'm', for " Ann mo," " Ann am. " Vide Ann.
joints: artus move. Vide Alt, 1. 2. Macf. V. Am, conj. interr. Whether ? An I-' nuni ? (used before
Salute, welcome saluta, 'gratulare.
: " AltuUh- a labial). " Am bheil sin fior ?" C. S. Is tliat true ?
ibh beatha a cheile le pòig naomha." 2 Cor. xiii. An est illud verum ? Id. q. An, couj. inter.
12. tiuirff. Ed. 1807. Greet one another with a Am, pos. jrron. for Mo. " Ann am tliigli. " C. S.
holy kiss : salutatc alii alios osculo sancto. Vide In my house : in mea domo.
Arab. UuJI
Am, for An, art. m. The. Fr. Le. Gr. i, r., re,
Fàiltich. altika, an interview ;
f 'v*!' (used before a labial). ••
Am bràthair." The bro-
altizam, embracing ^liXll tdtisam, a kiss.
; ther frater. :Fr. Le frère. " Am fear."' The
Altair, -oiR, s.f. An altar: altare; gen. Altarach, man : vir. Fr. L homme. Am, is also used be-
Altrach, Allaire «. pi. Altairean, Altraichean.
; fore a labial, as an oblique case of the relative
" Agus thog Noah altaii- do "n Tighcarn." Gen. pronoun A. " An duin' aig am bheil ùghdarras."
viii. 20. And Noah built an altar unto the Lord. C. S. The man who has authoritj'. \\x apud
Extruxit Noah altare Jehovae. Ma/a: Altar. quern auctoritas est.
He/. Allor. Fr. Autel. Germ. Altar. SjMi/i. Am, privative jxirticle, or prefix. Similar in effect
Altar. Basfj. Aldarea. to the English in-, un-, the Latin in-, and the
Alt-cheancìal, -ail, s. m. (.\lt, et Ceangal), Ar- Greek «, privative. Used before a labial, inflect-
ticulation, inosculation anastomosis, articulatio, : ing hito aim, before a small vowel and frequently ;

artuum comniissura-, item vcnarum et arteriarum. into amh, and aimh. ••

Bcartach," Rich dives. :

Sh. " .4i/Hbeartach, Poor: pauper. Sometimes, though


Altracii, gen. of Altair, q. v. more rarely, it is found to have the effect of an in-
Altrach, -aich, -ean, s. m. fosterer: alter, qui A tensive particle. Vide An, priv.
fovet. Sh. et OH. Am, A
' *. /. mother: mater. Valla», in ioc.
• Altradh, s. m. A'ide Altrum.
• Altraghadli, s. m. Vt. Gloss. Vide Altachadh,
Arab. ^\ am. Hebr. DN em. Chald. QK am.
1. Am, part. expl. Used before a labial. Vide An,
Altrum, -aidh, dh, v. a. Nurse, nourish lacta, :
part. exj)l.
" Thoir an leanabh so leat, agus
fove, ale, nutri. Am, prep. In; in tfie, or, in a: In. for " Ann am."
akrum dhomhsa e." Ecs. ii. 9. Take this child (used before a labial). " baile," i. e. " Ann Am
away, and nurse it for me. Abduc puerulum hunc, _
am baile." In a town. In oppido. \ide Ann.
et lactate eum" Dh' altrumadh." Gnàt/i.
mihi. Am, -a ma, -amannan, «. m. 1 Time, in general, past, .

viii. 30. Was fostered nutritus erat. : or present tempos. :

Altrum, .ui.m, *. m. Fostering, nourishing, nursing •• 'S taitneach sgeul air am a dli' fhalbh."
tovendum, alendum, " IMuini'-<(///Mj;« gach pòir Fing. iii. 3.
uasail." A.3I'D. 103. The nursing mother of Pleasing is a tale of the time that is gone : gra-
Vol. I. F
ta est pneteriti temporis historia. 2. Season, con- lum, pemicies, impcdimentum, mora. Sh. Hebr. ^V
venience, opportunity: liorii, occasio. ^ " fear Am a/nal, molestiam attulit.
a ni obair san am, bithidh c na ieth-tliam])." Prov.
Amail, -idii, dh, v. a. (Amail, s.) Hinder, stop, in-
He wlio works in season, shall be half at rest. Qui terrupt: impedi, intcrpella. Macf. V. Gr.'AfiiT:-
faciei operam hora (propria), per dimidiuni (temi)o-
Xaduw, certare.
ris) requiescet. Arab. f^ys.\ ahwam, years, times ; Amais, -idh, dh, v. a. (Amas). 1. Aim, hit: col-
linea, incute. " Cha
'n amais i na cruachan."
w>Ls am, universal. Hdtr. m"' iom, tenipus.
Macinty. 30. It willnot hit the stacks. Acervos
• Am, adj. Soft, moist : humidus, mollis. <S'/*.
non incutiet. 2. Find, light upon : inveni, reperi.
• Am, s. m. A circle : circulus. MSS. ^\'hence,
" Ge
b 'c neach a dli amaiseus orm." Gen. iv. 14.
.4»», time, season, q. v. See also An, et
WHioevcr shall find me. Quicunque inveniet me.
Ainn. Wei. Am. Lftt. Am, round, about ;
" Is sona an duine a dh' amaiseas air gliocas."
whence, " Uime," circum. Wei. Amran, a
Gnath. iii. 13. Happy is the man who finds (lights
circular division It appears to have signified
upon) wisdom. Beatus est homo qui consequitur
a river, in the more ancient dialects whence ;

(reperit) sapientiam. Provin. Eirmis, q. v.

Aman, Amon, and finally Amhainn. Lat. Am-
Amaiseach, -eiche, adj. (Amas), Hitting weU, tak-
Baxt. Gloss.
ing a sure aim bene coUineans. C. S.
A MACH, adv. (Magh), To without foras. " 'S :

Amaladh, -aidh,

s. 711. (Amail). 1. A stop, hind-

furas a chur a mach, duine gun teach aige fein."
erance impcdimentum. Macf. V. 2. Involution
: :
Prov. It is easy to put out of doors, a man who
involutio. A. 3LD. 20. Vide Amladh.
has no house of his own. Facile est aedes non ha-
" Cuir a mach." Hold
Amal, -ail, -aill, s. m. A swingle-tree projec- :
bentem foras ejicere. " Amuill."
" Dol amach." Behaviour mores torium. Macf. V. Horse collars,
forth prefer.
: :

the harness : lielcia ephippii, phalerae. Vail. Celt.

(fere mali). " Ar amach." Rebellion: rebellio.
Gen. xiv. 4. marg. " O sin amach." Thencefor- Es. Kalmuc. iEmell, a saddle. Arab. y^s». hand,
ward: exinde. Ir.& &o-\r> a rtjAC. " Tighinn a a burden.
mach, Tigh'n a mach." Increase, product in- :
Amanxa', Amanxan, ])l. of Am, time. Macf. V.
crementum, sunima. Manx. Magh. Amanta, adj. Seasonable : tempestivus. Vide A-
1 -ain, -ana, s. ?n. A fool stultus. "An
Amad, :
mail, adj.

Amadan, j t-amadan cha tuig e so." Salm. xcii. 6. Amantachd, s.f. ind. (Amanta) Seasonableness
The fool understands not this stultus non intel- :
tempestivitas. C. S.
* Amar, *. m. A general : dux, imperator exerci-
ligit hoc. Manx. Ommydan. Arab' C^^,^»^
tus. plur. Omra. Vail. Pr. Pr. 75. Arab.jM\
ahmuk, a fool : stultus.
i^^l ameer ool oomra, a chief general. Hin-
Amadanach, -AiCHE, o^^'. (Amadan), Foolish: sto-
lidus. C.S. dost. Amar.
Amadanachd, s.f. bid. ( Amadanach), Folly : stul- Amar, -air, -an, vel Amraichean, s. m. 1. A
titia. Llh. trough alveus, aqualiculum. " Agus dh' fhalmh-

Amadak-mòintich, s. m. A dotterel : avis fatua, uich i a soitheach san amar. Gen. xxiv. 20. And
morinellus. Voc. 76. she emptied her pitcher into the trough. Et de-
Amaid, -e, -ean, s. m. et /. 1. A fool : stultus, -a . plevit hydi-iam in aqualiculum. 2. channel : al- A
fatuus, -a. Vide Amad, Amadan. 2. Folly ! veus, fossa.
" 3Iar bhuinne shruth 'n amar cumhann."
stultitia ;
pro Amaideachd, q. v. Arab. iLoLc am-
S. B. 183.
maf, themob tlV >.t, ~» Iiemit, extreme rage.
As the rapid torrent in a narrow channel. Sicut
Amaideach, -^ichÈ, adj. (Amaid), foolish: stolidus, torrens in canali angusto. 3. mill-dam claus- A :

fatuus. " Se mac amaideach dubhachas a mhàth- " Amar aibhne." Voc. 6.
trum molare. N. H.
ar." Gnàth. x. 1. A foolish son is the heaviness A river channel alveus (fluminis).
: " Amar
of his mother. Filius stolidus est mcestitia matris
bruthaidh." Air. xviii. 27. wine press : torcu- A
lai\ " Amar fiona." Taisb. xiv. 20. wine A
Amaideachd, s. f. (Amaideach), Folly stul-
ind. :
press vinarium.
" Amar fodhairt." Voc. 48.
" Tha fios agadsa, a Dhe, air m' amaid-
titia. " Amar fuinidh." Ex. xii. 34. kneading trough : A
eachd. Salm. Ixix. 5. Thou, O God, knowest my mactra. " Amar mùin," " Amar fuail." Camp.
folly. Tu novisti, O Deus, stultitiam meam. 155. A urine trough, a chamber pot : matula.
Amaideag, -eig, -am, s./. (Amaid), A foolish wo- " Amar sll." Voc. 85. A manger : praesepe.
man foemina insipiens. C. S.
" Amar baisdidh." Sh. A baptismal font : lava-
Amaideas, -eis, s.f. Id. q. Amaideachd. C. S. crum sacrum. Swed. Embar, a vesel. Gr. A/xjTo^a,
Amail, -e, adj. (Am), Seasonable: tempestivus.
Macf. V.
Aij-^oivj;. Arab. Ju^S anbar, repositories. Hear.
• Amail, adj. Broken, lost fractus, perditus. Llh. : ion hamar, fovea. Gr. Afui;, vas urinarium.
et Sh. Amarach, -aiche, adj. (Amar, «.), Chaimelled : in
Amail, -e, -ean, s.f. Evil, mischief, hinderance : ma- fossas ductus. C. S.
Amas, -Ais, «, «N. 1. Ilininp. markinp, finding:
Arab. Ifjxvcl n/ma, bruti»h ; j*^^ akmù, ver)
actio leriendi, !>i'optiiii aiiiiipfJiili, inveiiu-iuli. ••
Ub. Wi-ll ha»t thou hit. sour ^y*£ umatn, foulisli, siUy.
maiih t anuu." S. JJ. ;

Bene lollineaati. 3i. Chance lor», casus. * Clia Amiiail, odf.

Vide .\iidmil.
robh aim C. <V. It was only a chanie.
acli tuitat." Amhailteach, >ide Amimilteach.
h'on tantuni erat. " Air umas." IV. VS. In quest A Mil AIM, adt: Only tanlùm, aoluni. Ou. pattm.

of, to tind. Ad quoilvis quterenduni vcl invenitn- '• Cha 'n e o njutm." Not only non feolum. :
dum. Arab. (^>«x ainsft, an undesigned blow ;
C. S.
Amhaisk, -aimhne, Amhanx, Amhna.ji/. Aimh-
^L«f amauj, an aim, or murk-
-NE, AlMHSiCHEAN, t.f. \ river amni». Ltt. et :

Amasoiidii, l.lVofaiie: pn>fanus. Sh. 2.

-K, <M^'. Voc. ti. •• Agus gliciWi an t-iasg a ta sail a kainn m
Helter-skelter : sursum-deor»uin. nullo ordinc. »V/f. bàs." Ecs. vii. 18. .\nd the ti«li tliat is in the
'• Duiii' amuutftiidh." C. S. \ light-headed [ht- river shall die. Et pisces qui sunt in amni mo-
son. Vir instabiUs. 3. Mischievous : mulelicus. Manx. Aon. HW. .Mon, avon.
rientur. Com.
Marf. V. 4. Impure, obscene: iuipurus. Matf. V. -'\vaii. Arm. .AJbn, avon. Germ. .Km. { n'aeAi.)
A.viAsGL'iDiiEACMD, ». f. iiHÌ. Auuuiguidh), IVoikne-
ness, impurity :

impietas. inipuritas. jUarf. K. Lat. Amnis. Htbr. fj? aitt. Pen. ^j^ ^ uU-
A MEASG, Am measg, //ntyj. \'ide Measg. hind, the river Indus. " Avinne," a river in Lan.
Am feadii, AM FAD, odf. WliiUt, as Ion» as dum, : guedoc ; aiwl Avon, .\inon, names of riverg in se-
quamdiu. Am fltiM a nihaireas a glirian a^s a
veral |Kirts of Britain. \'ide Ap()endix.
ghealach." S<Um. xxii. 5. As long as the sun and Amhairc, -idh. dh, r. n. Look, see: vide, aspice.
moon endure. Quamdiu sol et luna erunt. Sa/ni. ix. 13. '• Amhairc romhad mu'n toir thu
Am feasd, adr. For ever: in a'ternum. '• Tog iad leum." Proi: Look before you leap. Priusquam
feasd." SaJin. xxxiii. 9.
ctiH Lilt them up lor ever. prosilies, circumspice.
Extolle eos us4]ue in seculuni. A .MHAIRG inler/. Woe! Va; !
! S. past. MS
Amh, AiMHE, tidj. Raw, unsodden crudus, incoc- : Amiialtach, -AiCHE,flK^'. V«ting : exacerbont. Vide
tus. •• Na ithibh u bheag dheth am/i." Ex. xii. 9. .\inihealtacli.
Eat not ot" it raw. Ne comedatis ex ta rnidmii. Amhaltas, -.\is, s.»». Vexation: exacerbatio. Mde
'ì. Raw, unskilful : rudis, im|M>ritus. Aimheal.
•'Comliara' dubh i>ach 'eil gu niaith, • Amhan, i. e. Uamhann, «. m. Fear : timer. Vat/.
" Air lleasgaich amh air feadh a' so.' Celt. Es. 88. KedmHc. Ainae, I fear. Gr.
R.D. -Vvc;, terribilis.
An evil sign that is not good, of raw ^ouths here- • .\ndian, »•. ;«.Vide Omhan.
about. Signum malum, et non bonuni de inipe- .\ MILLS', adv. Down, downwards: deorsum. Gram.
ritis adolcscentibus circiter hajc loca. 3. Bad, 122. Vide >niàn.
naught)- pravus. :Sh. 4. Dull, lifeless inani- : • Amhanchall, s.f. Tlie letter X. FlaJi. et Vail.
mus, inanimatus. X. U. a. Unripe, bitter, sour Gram. 6. 16.
immaturus, amarus. acidus. O'R. et C. S. Manx. • Amhar, m. Music musica, melos. Sh. et VaU.
*-. :

Aw. Wti. Amrwd. jDor. Gr. dticz, crudtxs. 62. Sifr. .\mra : cantus, musica.
• Amh, i. e. Anihuil, Anihluidli, adr. Even so Amh.\r, s. m. A malt vessel: vas ad brasium ca-
etiam sic, ita. Vt. 11. 13. piendum. Sh. A'ide Amar. a trough.
Amh, -.*iMH, «. »1. The ocean : oceanus. Mxuf. V. Amharc, -aic, s. m. et pres. part. v. Amhmrc. 1.
Vide Tabh. Seeing cernens. actus videndi, vel ceruendi. " Ag

Amh, i. m. A fishing net : rete piscatorium. Uh. et amharc tliar ceathacli uan gleanntai." S. D. 85.
Turn. 69. 212. Vide Tabh. Looking across the mist of the glens. Cemens
• Amh, i. e. With, about cum,
Maille ri, i>rei). : trans caligincni vallium. • Ilia fios agam gur
circum. TV. 13. Gr. '.\,aa, uuà cum. bean mhaiseach thusa i\ amharc on.'' Gen. xii. 11.
A.MHACH, -AicH, -ICHEAK, *. /. A neck collum. : I know thou art a fair woman to look upon. No\ i

" Agus mar fuasgail thu e, an sin brisidli tu 'andi- mulierem pulcliram aspectu, (ad te viden-
te esse
adi." Ecs. xiii. 13. And if thou wilt not redeem dam). 2. The rizzi/, or mark upon a gun. by
it, then shalt thou break its neck. Quod si non which its aim is directed. Scloppeti scutula.
redimes, decollabis ipsum. •• Ainhach
tliearainn. '• Cluddh e san anJtarc." C. S. He levelled his
Voc. 7. A neck of land, an isthmus lingua ter- : piece, he took aim. Scloppetum ad metam direxit.

ra, isthmus. Gr. Kjyr,\. Arab. (_j^l ajtcak,

Amh.\rcach, -aiche, adj. (Amharc), Watchful, vi-
gilant : vigil. C. S.
Amuarcaiche, -EAx, .t. m. (Amharc», A spectator:
• -A.mhadh, *. m. (Amh, adj.) Rawness: cruditas. spectator, testis. SJiort. 94.
Uh. Amu.vrra, adj. (.\mh, adj.). Sour-tempered : diffi-
• -Wiaich, -idh, dh, Profess : declara. Bibl. Gloss. cilis, torvus, morusus. Sleic. 293.
Vide Aidich. Amhartax, -.\in, .». M. Luck, fortune : fortuna. sors
Amhaidh, E, a4>\ (Aiah, adj.), Sour, sulky, sullen, secunda. Marf. V.
surly, unamiable tetricus, torvus, inamabilis. C. S. Amhartaxach,
-.\iche, ad/. (Amhartan», Lucky,
fortunate : sccundis rebus frucns, fortunatus, felix. Amhlaidh, adv. Camp. 79. Vide Amhluidh.
Macf. V. Amhlair, -e, -ean, s. m. A dull, stupid, or ignor-
Amharus, -uis, s. m. Suspicion, doubt: suspicio, ant person an oaf, a dullard homo crassi inge-
; :

dubium. nii hebes, brutus.

" Cha 'n eòl do'n amidair,
" Bha anihanis an righ mu 'cholg." Fing. iii. 70. agus cha tuig an t-amadan so." Salm. xcii. 6. A
Tlie king suspected his fur^'. Fuit suspicio regis brutish man knoweth not, neither doth a fool un-
do ejus furore. " Gun amharus." C. S. Surely, derstand this. Vir brutus non agnoscit, et stultus
without doubt. Profecto, sine dubio. Wei. Am- non aniniadvertit hoc. Gr. A/j,Z>.ij;, obtusus, hebes.
mau, doubt ; ammehuijs, doubtful. Otc. Amm- Amhlaireachd, s.f. ind. (Amlilair), Stupidity, silly
heus,Dav. B. Bret, Ar\-ar, doubt, suspicion. play : stupiditas, lusus inanis. C. S.
A.MHARtrsACH, -AiCHE, atij. (Amharus). 1. Doubt- Amhluadh, -aidh, -ean, s. m. Dismay, confusion:
ful dubius.
" Deasboirearhd amhantsach." Rom. animi perturbatio, confusio. " Bhean e riut, agus
xiv. 1. Doubtful disputation. Altercatio discep- tha thu fa amhluadh." lob. iv. 5. It touched thee,

tationnm. Na bithibh amiionisach." Lite. xii. 29. and thou art troubled. Attigit te, et perturba-
Be not of doubtful mind. Ne estote vos suspenso ris. Hebr. boy amal, molestiam attulit.
animo. 2. Suspicious suspiciosus, suspicioni ob- : Amhluidh, adv. As, like as: ut, velut.
noxius. Macf. V. " Mar chraoibh is amhluidh bitliidh sè."
Amharusachadh, -aidh, s. m. et pres. part, of v. SaJm. i. 3.
Amharusaich. Doubting dubitatio. C. S. : He shall be as a tree. Velut arbor ille erit. Id. q.
Amiiarusaich, -idh, dh, v. a. et 7i. (Amharus), AmhuU.
Doubt, suspect dubita, haesita, suspicare. C. S.
• Amhnar, adj. {Amh, priv. et Naire), Shameless:
but more frequently, " fuidh amharus." " Bha impudens. Sh. et OR.
iad fuidli amharus." Gniomh. v. 24. They doubt- • Amhnas, adj. formidable : dlrus,
1. Direful,
ed : haesitabant. fomiidandus. 17. 92. 101. 105. et ZM. 2. Im-
• Amhas, s. 711. 1. A man of quality : vir supe- pudent impudens. Sh.

rioris ordinis. Glenm. 23. 2. A fresh, active • Amhnus, adj. Intrepid, formidable intrepidus, :

formidabilis, i. e. Dana, no ghc. Vt. Glost.

man : homo integer, acer. Sh. Perx. jy^S
Gr. A/vo;, terribilis.
amuz, learned, skilful. Arab. ij<-*.=>-' ahmes. • Amhra, s.m. 1. A dream: somnium. Vail. pr.
Strong, bold ;
(j«ijJLe ambes, a strong man. pr. 62. 2. A poem, song poema, cantus,

cantilena. Bianf. 27. 1. " Amhra Chaluim

Hehr. yOK amatz, fortis fuit.
chille." The song or vision of Columba. Can-
Amhas, -ais, -an, s. m. 1. A wild, ungovernable
ticum, seu visio Columbae. O'C. Ep. 55. Syr.
man, a madman indomitus, homo
: homo ferus,
insanus, furiosus. Steu: Gloss. 2. A wild beast Amra, cantus, musica. Pers. ^SJi aram, a
fera, bellua. " Tigh nan t-àmhas." Sgeul. The dream. Arab. ^\}^ awrad, continual praise.
den of wild beasts : latebra ferarum. • Amhra, adj. 1. Good, noble eximius, nobilis. :

Amhasach, -aiciie, adj. (Amh, adj.) Dull, stupid :

Llh. 2. Prosperous, lucky felix, fortunatus. :

hebes, crassus, stupidus. Sh. O'R. 3. Dark, gloomy, obscure tenebrosus, :

Amhasag, -aig, -an, s.f. (Amhasach), A silly woman: caliginosus, obscurus. Sh. et O'R. 4. Won-
muliercula, mulier levis, vel futilis. Llh. et Sh.
derful : mirabilis. O'R. /4ra^. jj-«? e»H>, king,
Arab. iJHt^S ahmak, a fool.
emperor, nobleman. Chald. "Vyn amar, prae-
Amhasg, s. m. Stew. Vide Amhas, a madman.
Amhfhortan, -ain, s.m. (Agh-fliortan). 1. Luck:
Amhra, s.m. ind. Hilt of a sword; manubrium. Sh.
sors secunda. Hebrid. 2. (Am, j»m'.) Misfortune:
et OR.
sors adversa. N. H. • Amhradh, s. m. An elegy, mourning, lamenta-
Amhghar, -air, -ean, s. m. Affliction, tribulation,
tion : elegia, luctus, lamentatio. Sh. Vide An-
anguish angor, afflictio, aerumnae.
" Bliruchd cuimhne na bha,
Amhran, -ain, -an, «. m. A song canticum. Stew. :
" Mar thuil air àmhghair Shorglain." S. D. 239.
256. Vide Òran.
The remembrance of the past, rushed as a flood Amhrath, s. m. (Amh, ^n'r. et Rath), Misfortune:
upon the anguish of Sorglan. Irruit recordatio
infortunium. Vide Anrath.
praeteritorum sicut diluvium in afflictionem Sorglani. « Amhsan, -aine, s. m. A habitation domiciliiun. :

Amhgharach, -aiche, adj. (Amhghar), Afflicted, Vt. 118. 72.

sorely troubled : afflictus, graviter vexatus. Sh. • Amhsan, s. m. The bird gannet Lightf.
• Ainhlabhair, "l adj. [Axah, priv. et Labhair. 1.
Amhsgaoileadh, -idh, *. 7«. (Amh, intens. et Sgaoil-
• Amhlabhar, ( Dumb: mutus, qui loqui nequit. eadh), A flux, diarrhea, looseness : ventris proflu-
Amhlabhrach, f Llh. et Sh. 2. Thick-spoken :
vium, diarrhcea. Llh. et C. S.
• Amhlabhra, verba preecipitans. O'R.
J Amhtha, s.f. A corn kiln. Hebrid. Vide Ath.
Amhlag, -aig, -an, s.f. Vide Abhlan. Amhuil, arfr. As, like as, even as: velut, sicut, tan-
• Amhlag, Amhlagadh, Vidg. for Adhlac, Adhla-
quam, aeque ac. Oss. passim. " Amhiiil mar Nim-
cadh, s. m. Burial : funus, obsequiae.
rod an sealgar cumhachdach." Gen. x. 13. Even
as NimroJ the mighty liunier. Tunquam Nimrod • Amm, tfrb. To refuse ; reousare. Uh.
potfiis vt'itutiuiif. Ainhuil, retaiiu-il in the Irisli Am MÀIHEAIII, adv. (Am, art. et Maireatli), 'lo-

(lialfct, in llii- tiTiuiiiulion of udjtvtÌM's, contracts iiioriow : era». Jict. ix. ò. \'ide Màireaili.

in Sruiu-Ciut'lic into ui, uil, cil, it, oil, nil. Duine, • Aninuii, lulj. I'oriuidable : formidabili». Jiiaiif.

a man : »ir. munly (orlis, strt-imus. Ir.

Uiiiiwi/, ; 3. It it. Glott.

X^ufiM'Ainii|l. Amhuil iinil Amliiuitlh uix> um-iI, • .\inodli, udt: i. t-. Air Mhodli. So that: itit ut.

but im|>ro|>i-rl_Yi uu lulji-ctivcii. N'ide Samliuil. IV. 3:i. Vide Modh.

Wei. Evcl. And). ^\ iijel, yes, just so ;



»1. " Dh'-

i. e.

Aiiiuil. u<{f'.

I'm. IT.
am»il, n'sentlihuicos, equals. amoileadh." Was insulved iniiilicabatur. ;

ÀmhI'ilt, -e, -ean, »'._/'. An antiek; an odd, fanci- Amkaiciie, -EAN, s.m.r.f. (Aniar), One tluit works
ful, or wild gesticulation ; buHbonery ; an odd u|i- about troughs; a trull qui apuil lollicias uperatur; :

pearance : gesticulutio Icvis, licta, vel fujiaticu scortum. " A/iiraicJu; cuagach a inhùin." M'Uhi-
scurrilitas ; iusolens species. Fear nun àmliuilt."

C. S. A man of tricks, a buH'oon an amusing ; Amhaiciieas, pi. of Amar, q. v.

person : vir ineptiarum, sannio, oblectator. A.MHAiDH, -E, -EAN, *. /. (Amar, *. et Fraidh). 1.

A.Miii'iLTEACii, -Eicii, «. lit. (Amliuilt), An antick, A cupboard vasarium, cella penuaria.

: Voc. Ho.
a buffoon histrio, scurra. C. S.
: Properly, a recess in a cottage wall, done o\er
À.M1U iLTKACn, -EiciiE, adj. (Amhuilt), Ludicrous, with wicker-work, as still seen in many parts of
odd ludicer, levis. C. S.
: tlic Highlands. Vide IVaidh. " Bhuail iad a
Amiiuinn, Aimiine, Aimiiniciiean', Aimhnean, ceann air an amraidJi. Prov. They have struck
$.f. A
river fluvius. Vide Amiiaimi.
: her head against the ambry. Illiserunt caput ejus
A.MHLINN, -E, -ean, s.f. A fumuce, oven: fornax, in vasarium. (Spoken of a well fed servant maid).
clibunum. " Ni tliu iad mar àmhuinn." Salin. Wei. Ainiari, abacus. Dav. Scot. Aumrie. Eng.
xxi. 9. "lliou shah make them as an oven. Ta- Ambry.
cies eos ut fornacem. Wd. Ettyden. Dav. Scot. • Amri, s.f. A kneading trough: alveus pistorius.
Oyne, une. Lat. Ahenum. Sweil. Ugn, onin. Vail. pr. pr. 70. Ègjfpt. Amre, the kneading
Goth. Auhn. Gr. .Kiùu; ardens. Ucbr. vcl CKvld, of bread. \'ido Amar.
TITIN atJiuii. • Amuich, adc. Urn. 18. et Llh. Vide Muigh.
Amhvltas, -ais, «. HI. Vexation : Ira cum dolore et • Ainuid, -eadha, *. m. A spectre, ghost : spec-
pudore. Vide Aiuiheal. trum, hirva, lemur. " Ro eirigh Meadlibh go
• Amhus, -uis, s. m. pi. A hero : vir strenuus. ro mhoch do lo, an la soin, agus do dhearc

Arab. (j~^=»' ahices, bold, intrepid uaithe air fad na faithche, agus ad chonnairc
Vt. 95. ;
na b-amuidead/ia adiifhuathmhara, iongantacha
Heòr. yUH amatz, robustum esse ; O^DM (sin).' IV. 8. Meva, having arisen \ery early
amatzim, robusti, validi. on that day, and having looked around her, all
Amhus, adj. Restless : irrcquietus. Sh. et O'i?. over the field, beheld those frightful and strange
A.MHUSG, s. m. Vide Amhus et Tamhusg. ghosts. Excitavit se Meva, prima luce, eo
• Amir, s. m. ^'ide Aniar, et Amhra, I. adj. circumspexitque per omnem campura,
die, vi-

Amlach, -aiciie, adj. Curled : crispatus, con- ditque larvas eas horrendas monstrosas.
cinnatus. Toe. 13. et R. M'D. 179. " Le d' A MUIGH, adv. Out: extra, foris. \'ide Muigh.
phaidiribh do 'n or amlach." Oran. With thy Amuis, -iDH, DH, r. a. Vide Amais.
clusters of curled gold. Cum tuis auri crispati Amul, -UIL, Vide Amal.
*. «i.

racemulis. • Amus, m. i. e. " Og tliigheania.

4-. i't. Glois. "

Amladh, -aidh, -eak, s. m. et pres. part. v. Amail. A noble youth juvenis nobilis. :

1. Entangling: impediendum. 2. stop ,hind- A • Amus, s. m. An ambush, surprise, violent onset

rance mora, impedimentum. C. S.
: Gr. 'A/i;>.>.a, insidia?, consternatio, vehemens impetus. O'R.
.\ij.ujjx.iai, certare.
; A.MusACH, -AicH, -EAN, «. »». (Amaiscach, adj.) One
Amlag, -AiG, -an, s.f. curl, a ringlet: cincin- A who keeps his appointment : qui adest horà consti-
nus. MacJ'. V. tuta. 07?. et C. S.
Ajv!L.\gacii, -aiciie, adj. (Amlag), Forming ring- Amusadh, -aidh, *. »j. et pres. part. off. Amais,

lets, curled cincinnos fingens, crispatus. Mac/. Ì \

: Aiming, levelling at actus coUineandi, vel dirigen-:

Am-lubach, -aiche, adj. (Am, inteiis. et Lùb), di ad scopum sitpius, " Ag amas,"

Curling : crispans, crispatus. As, prep, (for Ann an), In tlie. " An carraid nan
" Mar dheàrsadh na greine t' fhalt, ceud." JPi'iff. i. 136. In the strife of hundreds.
" Am4ubach, cas-lubach, àr-bhuidli." In conflictu centuriarum. " An dlomhanas." JSccl.
Hep. 110. vi. i. With, or in, vanity : in vanitate.
As the beams of the sun thy hair, waving in au- -as. Termination of nouns singular, implying the
burn ringlets. Ut fulgor solis, coma: tua;, cris- diminutive of that to which it is annexed as, ;

pantes, undatae, subflava-. Balg, a bag; saccus : Balga;i, a little bag; saccu-
• .\mm, adj. Mischievous, bad : pervitiosus, malus. lus Cnoc, a hill
: coUis : Cnocfl/*, a little hill

Ll/i. colliculus.
AN 46 AN
-AN, Plural termination of nouns: an elision of n, loseph sios do 'n Eiphit." Oen. xxxix. 1. And
or an, is made eiiph. cmis. ; as, " Aithriche," for Joseph was brouglit down into Egypt. Joseph
" Aithrichcan." Some nouns admit of a double deductus fuit in iEgyptum. Vide Gram, page
" Ainmeatifian." Vide Gram. 151. 4'. After the preposition " ann," and before
plural termination as,

Chaldeorum im, Hebra;- a noun, " Ann an ùite foluichte," In a. secret

Eadem est ac y in, ;

place. In loco secreto. But if the noun follow-

orum; et ^1 a», Persaruni, plur. term,
ing the article " an," be also followed by another
« An, i. e. Aon, adj. One unus. Lift. :
noun, and article, in the genitive case, the former
An, defart. m. Tlie: Fr. Le. Used, 1. Before pa- retains its definite meaning. " Ann an tir na
latals in the 7U>m. sittg. " An cù," tlic dog canis ; :
h-Eiphit." Gen. xli. 55. In the land of Egypt.
Fr. le chien. pnionih," the deed ; factum
" An :
In terra iEgypti.
Fr. le fait. Gen. et dot. a', 'n : palatals being An, poss. pron. pi. (corresponding to 3d pers. pron.
aspirated in the oblique cases, when preceded by pi. m. etf.) Their : eorum. " An cuid." TTieir
the art. mas. " Cas a' choin," the dog's foot riches, or property. Eorum divitia;, vel res fami-
pes canis. " Tliug mi eisdeachd do 'n ghuth." liaris. " Cha do thilg do chaoraich an uain."
" Dh'eisd mi ris a' ghuth." I listened to the Gen. xxxi. 88. Thy ewes have
not cast tAeir
voice, Auscultavi voci. 2. Before Unguals in the lambs. Oves tua; non abortivere. Manx. Yn,
iwm. gen. et dat. sing. " An lion," the net ; rete : nyn. Wei. Eino. Dav.
Fr. ic filet. " Ceann an hn," the extremity of An, rel. pron. gen. et dat. m. et f. Whom, which,
the net : finis retis. " A
dli'ionnsuidh an lin." that : cujus, cui, quera, quorum, quos, &c. " An
Towards the net erga rete : sometimes contract-
: duine aig an d' fhuaradh an cupan." Gen. xliv.
ed, 'n. 3. Before a vowel in the gen. et dat. sing. 17. Tlie man with whom the cup was found.
" Toil an athar." Tlie father's will : arbitrium pa- Vir penes quem inventus est scyjihus. " An
tris. " tabhair e x'is an oglach dliileas." He teachdaireachd leis an d' thàinig mi." <S'. The C
spoke to the faithful servant. Dedit verba servo message with which I came. Mandatum quod at-
fideli : frequently contracted, 'n. 4. Before fli, tuli (lit. cum quo veni). Contracted 'n after a pre-
in the geii. et dat. sing. " Làmh an fhir do 'n position ending in a vowel. " 'S iad so na daoine
d' thug mi gràdh." The man's liand whom I lov- o 'n d' fliuair mi solas." Tliese are the men from
ed. Manus viri cui dedi Vide Ant. amorem. whom I received consolation. Hi sunt viri a qui-
An, def. art. f. The: Fr. La. Used, 1. Before a bus accepi solatium.
lingual in the 7iom. et dat. sing. " An doimhne An, conj. interrog. " An tu e-san .'" Art thou he ?
mhòr." The great deep ingens profundum. " A- : An tu ille ? " An cù do sheirbliiseach ? 2. High.
gus thubhairt a' bhean ris an nathair." Gen. iii. 2. viii. 12. Is thy servant a dog? An canis (est)
And the woman said unto the serpent. Et dixit servus tuus ? Wei. Ai ? Lm. An ?
mulier seipenti Gen. na. " Ceann iia nath-
(illi). K^, prefix, or inseparable preposition). 1. Privative:
rach." head: serpentis caput. 2.
Tiie serpent's vim privandi adhibens. " Moch,"' early matuti- :

Before a vowel, in the 7iom. et dat. sing. " An nus. " Anmoch," late serus. " lochdmhor,"

òigh." The virgin : virgo. " Direadh suas ris an merciful : misericors. " ^«-iochdmhor," unmer-
àirde." Ascending upwards to the height : sursum ciful : 3Ianx. An. Wei. An. Lat.
progrediens erga jugum (montis). Gen. na, with In-, Eng. In-, Gr. A, àv, priv. 2.
un-, priv.
h- interposed. " Dorchadas na /i-oidhche." The Intensive : vim intensionis adhibens. " Teas,"
darkness of the night. Obscuritas noctis. 3. Be- heat calor.
" ^?wteas," excessive heat : iiimius
fore fh, in the iiom. et dat. sing. " Bu mhòr an calor. " Dan," bold : audax. " An-Akn," pre-
fhearg a ghlac e." Great was the anger that seiz- sumptuous nimis audax arrogans.
: 3. It is fre-

ed him. Gravis fuit ira qua; iniit ilium. " Thoir quently found having the same acceptation as the
urram do 'n fhirean. Reverence the upright man. adjective " olc," or " droch," placed before its
Reverere ilium qui rectus est. Vide Na, art. adjunct: pravitatem nonnunquam designat. "Fo-
An, art. m. et/. Besides the common use of the ar- cal," a word: verbum. " y4?ifhocal," a reproach:
ticle as a definitive, to ascertain individuals ; it is con^-icium. " Cleachdadh," a habit mos, con- :

sometimes differently applied ; as, 1. Before a suetude. " ^«acleachdadh," an evil habit mos :

noun followed by the pronoun, so, sin, or siid. pravus. In these several acceptations, it inflects
" Faic an cam so, agus faic ati carragh so. Gen. into ain, ana, an', ann, am. aim, aimh. Its most
xxxi. 51. Behold this heap, and behold this pil- common acceptation is the privative.
lar. Ecce cumulura hunc, ecceque statuam banc. An, jxirt. eapl. Placed before tenses of verbs hav-
2. Indefinitely before a noun preceded by an ad-
; ing an initial palatal or lingual. " Gus an deòn-
jective, and the verb is. " Is mòr a?i teaghlach uich e so." C. S. Till he have granted this.
a th'aige." He
has a large (numerous) family. Usque quo concesserit hoc. Contracted 'n, when

Magnam familiam habet. " Is maith ati sealgar the preceding word ends in a vowel.
e." He is a good hunter. Peritus venationis est * An, s. m. 1. A
circle : circulus. Egypt, ]^t on,
ille. 3. Before some names of countries ; as, or unpointed, an, the sun. 2. planet : A
" Tha e 'chòmhnuidh 's an Fluainc." He lives planeta. Vail. Celt. Es. 38. 3. Time :* tem-
in France. Habitat in Gallia. " Agus thugadh pus. " An t-OM." B. B. 3Iatth. ii. 1. The
li4ulhl, Dffeiid, deliver, wi>e protege, ddciide,
time: lem|His. Ar. ,^S nM, lime. 4. tulj. True:

exinie, 6erv«. ''

U<* umuxtU ne mi." SaJm. xviii.
Virus. I >. Glon. It /JÀ. Pleasant
Ò. aJj. ; ju. 17. Jilt. 1753. He «aved, or drlivia^ed «le. Eri-
euiulus. £JM. 6. tit{/\ Pure: purus. SM. 7. puit me.
luij. SwUt: veJox. /L/A. 8. <«i^. Nohle : iio- AsACAiKsr, -E, *. /. (AU| /»«/'. et Cainnt I, 111 lan-
blli». IM.jd- Ana. IV. '.to. i». <«//'. Still, ijuiit :
guage, reproaelie» : eonviriu,
traiu|uillus, inimotiis. /,//(. 10. Water: ui|iirt. •• Ma ghiulan c
fuidhid inhòir,

Z7>t. 11. A lie: ineixlaciuiu. A'A. Vi. wlj. " Geur-4</i-'(Vuii/i/i/ pheaeaeh Iruadh."
Evil: nuilu.s, pravus. AM. l.S. A of ves-
kiiul Matf. Par. xii. 6.
sel : vaii (jiioililaiii. /.//(. 14. A man: vir. U'R. If be bore w itli much patience thi; bitter rej>roaeli-
AsA,j>njij; (eiipli. caus.^ for \u, jinjix, (j. v. Used es of «Tctched sinners. Si tulerit, magna cum |>u-
before a labial or palatal. tientia, acerba convicia peccatoruiii iiiÌMTorum.
• Ana, jJ. of An, Noble. JV. 95. AxACAiNNiEACii, -tRiii;, iidj. ( Aiiacaiiiiit |, Re-
•Ana, .V.HI. 1. Hielies: divitiie. JJ/i. '2. A sil- proachful tbul-mouthed
; inaledicus. C. H. :

ver eup argenteuni poeulum. S/i.

: 3. Conti- • Anacair, «. »<. LUt. et VuU. Vide Anshocair.
nuanee of fair weatber: ea>li sereni diuturni- AsACAiTii, -IDH, DM, f. «. (All, tilt, et C'aitlil, Mis-
tas. S/i. £(/yjtt. Ani, fairness, beauty. i'alL spend, «aste prodige, disperde. C. S.

fir. pr. 70. Anacaitiieacii, ticiif. -iciitAS, *'. in. A spend-

ANAB.\isTK.\eii, -icii, s.m. (An, />nV. et Baisteaeh), thrift nebulo prodigiis. Voc. 33. Id. cj. Ana-

An Anabaptist: Anabaptista. Voc. 163. eaitliteach.

An'abauk, ì -uiiakk, -uiiakra, s. in. (An, AsACArriiEADn. | -eidii, -eimm, «. /«. Extrava-
AsABAKHAS, -Ais, > iiU. et Dàrr), Excess, su))er- Anacaitiieamii,! gance, profusion: prodigentiu,
Anabakuaciid, ) fluity: exccssus, niniiuni. Z>«y. luxus, profusio. i'oc. 38.
Buch. Anacaitheixich, *.
f. Provin. Vide Anacaith-
ANABAnRACii, -BiiAKnACii, -AiCHE, adj. (Anabarr), eadh.
1. Exceeding, excessive niniius, nioduni super- : AxACAiTiiTEACH, -EicnE, adj. (An, iiUeng. et Caith-
ans. " Agus le fuatb aiuilxirraefi, tlia iad 'ga ni' teach), Prodigal, lavish, riotous: prodigus, profu-
flmatliaebadh." Saiiii.s.\\. li). prose. l£d. 1807. sus, luxuriosus. Macf. V.
And they bate me with excessive (cruel) hatred. AkaCAITHTEACH, -CAITHTICHE, -AN, »'. »«. A
Odio violento oderunt me. 2. Redundant, super- spendthrift, squanderer : nepos, nebulo. Macf. I .

fluous re<lundans, supervacuus. Macf. V.

: • Anacal, -ail, s.m. 1. Defence: defensio, pre-
Anabas, -ais, s. III. Refuse, offscouring purga- : Llh.
sidium. 2. A quiet person : homo t)uie-
meuta, sordes. •• Mar uiuibus nan uile nitlie gus Sh. et OR.
au liV "n diugh." 1 Cor. iv. 13. As the oftscour- An'aceaht, -EiRTE, adj. (An, priv. et Ceart), Un-
ing of all things unto tliis day. Tanquam omnium just, partial : iniquus, injustus. Joe. 129. t-t

ramentum nunc usque. Macf. V.

AsABEACHDAiL, -E, (idj. (An, tiUeiis. et Beachdail), Anaceahtas, -ais, s. m. (Anaceart), Injustice, in-
Haughty fastosus. C. S.: jurj' : injustitia, injuria. Voc. 35.
AsABEAciiDALACHD, «. /. iiid. (AnabeQchdail), Anaceist, -e, s.f. (An, inteiis. et Ceist), Difficulty :

Haughtiness : fastus. Voc. 36. difficultas. Vide Aincheist.

AsABHioRACH, -AicH, s.f. 1. A centipcd, poison- • Anach, s. m. (i. e. A' nighe) Washing actio la- :

ous insect : centipeda, insectuni venenosuni. 2. vandi. LUt.

\Miitloe : paronychia. O'R. et C. S. ' Anachain, -e, -ean, s.f. (i. e. .-Vn Deuchainn),
Anablas, (An,/>rif. et Bias), Insipidity:
-ais, s. III. Danger, misfortune periculum, infortunium. :

saporis defectus, insulsitas. Alacf. V. 2. bad, A Sh.

or bitter tase gustus ingratus. A. M'D. 190.
: • Anachan, -ain, s.m. (Aithne, et Aon), One that
" Anablas cainnte." C. S. Bitterness of language : keeps in the way qui servat iter. Sh. :

verboruni aspcritas. • Aiiachd, s.f. (Aonachd), Quiet: quies, tran-

Ana-braise, s. f. ind. (An, inteiis. et Brais), 1. quillitas. /,//(.

Immoderate keenness nimius ardor. Voc. 37. "2. : • Anachrach, -aiche, ad/. (Ain, inteiis. et Cràdh),
Lust: libido. A. MD. 146. Full of pity : misericors. ò'/i.

Anabuich, -e, adj. (An, />n'i'. et Abuich), Unripe: ASACHRADIl, -AIDH, -EAS, S. »1. (An, illtellS. et
immaturus. Sahn. Iviii. 8. Ir. ?li)Abui6. Gr. Cràdli), A wTetch, object of pity: miser. S/t.
Air,tt:, impubes. • Anachras, -ais, a-. »i. Pity, compassion : miseri-
AxABUiciiEACHD, Ì *• /• Unripencss : cruditas. cordia, miseratio. .S'^.

As-abuichead, -eid, j Macf. V. • Anachdrach, adj. R. M'D. 301. Vide Ansho-

Ana-buirt, -e, s.f. (An, inteiis. et Burd, vel Burt), crach.
Madness, frenzy : insania, furor, rabies. Bibl. AsA-cisNTEACH, -EiCHE, odj. (An, fric. et t'imi-
Gloss. teadi), Uncertain : incertus. C. S.
AsACAiL, -E, s.
f. 1. Quietness tranquillitas. : Anacladh, -AIDH, «.»1. et prcs. part. v. Anacail,
Macf. V. 2. Preservation : conservatio. Llfi. Protection, defence : tutela, prtesidium. C. S.
AxACtML, -iDH, DH, r. a. {J)d. contracted Anac- ASACLEACHDADH, -AIDH, -EAN, *. «1. ( .\ll. priv. et
1. Inexperience:
Mi/CTM. et Cleaclidadh). imperi- Ana-cuimse, s.f. ind. (An, intens. et Cuimse), Vast-
tia. C. S. 2. A bad custom, or habit : depra- ness, immensity immanitas, immensitas. Matf. V. :

vatus mos. C. S. Ana-cui.mseach, -eichk, adj. (Anacuimse), Vast,

Ana-cleas, -eis, -ak, *. m. (An, pre/, et Cleas), immense, enormous, beyond measure ingens, im- :

A bad, or wicked deed: malum factum, scelus. manis, enormis, modum excedens. Macf. V. " Neo-
C. S. Vide CIcas. chuimseach." Unsteady, not aiming well : levis,
Ana-cneasda, a^'. (An, /jrir. et Cneasda), Uncha- non recte C. S. collineans.
ritable, dishonest, unfeeling, inhuman, cruel, dan- • Anacul, m. (.^n, intens. et Ciil), Defence
-uil, s. :

gerous, froward : crudelis, frauduientus, sensu ca- defensio. Vt. 129. Vide Anacail.
rens, inhumanus, periculosus, pravus. Voc. 142. et Ana-culach, -aiciie, adj. (An, priv. et Culach).
C. Vide Cneasda.
«S". 1. Lean macer. Voc. 137.
: 2. Ill-looking, ill-
Ana-cneasdaciid, s. f. ind. (Anacneasda), Inhu- clothed deformatus, male vestitus. C. S.

manity, cruelty, dishonesty, frowardness inliu- : Ana-cùram, -aim, s. m. (An, priv. et Cùram). 1.
manitas, crudelitas, improbitas. " Ana-cneas- Negligence, carelessness negligentia, incuria. C. S. :

dachd, i. e. Aingealtachd, coirbteachd. Gnath. Id. q. Neo-, Mi-, churam. 2. (An, iìiieììs.) Exces-
vi. I4. marg. Ed. 1807. sive care, anxiety nimia cura, solicitudo. Sh. :

Ana-coireach, adj. vide Neo-choireach. Ana-cùramach, -aiche, adj. (Anaciiram), Negli-

Ana-cothrom, -oim, s. m. (An, priv. et Cothrom), gent, careless neghgens, socors. C. S. :

Disadvantage, injustice incommodum, iniquitas, :

> Anadh, -aidh, s. m. (i. e. Fanadh), Delay : mo-

injuria. A. 3fD. 147. ra. St. Fiec. 32.

Ana-cothromach, -aiche, adj. (Anacothrom). 1. Ana-gairios, -is, s. m. (An, priv. et Galnos), In-
Disadvantageous incommodus. C. S. 2. Un-
: convenience incommodum. C. S. :

just iniquus. C. S.
: Ana-gairiosach, -aiche, adj. (Ana-galrios), In-
Ana-creideach, -ich. 3Iacf. V. Vide Ana-creid- convenient: incommodus. Voc. 134.
mheach. Axa-gealtach, -aiche, adj. (An, priv. et Gealt-
Ana-creidimh, s. m. (An, />ni'. et Creidimh), Infi- ach). Fearless, intrepid : intrepidus. C. S.
delity infidelitas.
: Voc. 35. Wei. Anghredini- Ana-geillidh, -e, adj. Huge, monstrous immanis.

aeth, unbelief. C.S.

Ana-creidmheach, adj. (An,priv. et Creidmheach). An'a-geilt, s.f. ind. (An, priv. et Geilt), Courage,
1. Infidel: infidelis. Voc. 185. 2. s. -mhich. An bravery animi fortitudo, virtus. C. S.

unbeliever, an infidel : infidus. C. S. Wei. Angh- An-àgh, -aigh, *. m. (An, priv. et Àgh), Misfor-
redadyn. tune infortunium. C. S.

Ana-criosd, m. (An, priv. et Criosd), Anti-

-a, s. An-aghaidh, s.f. ind. (An, priv. et Aghaidh), Con-
christ : " 'S e so an t-anacriosd, a
antichristus. fusion of countenance vultus perturbatio, pudor. :

tha 'g àicheadh an Athar agus a IMTiic." 1 Eoin. " An-aghaidh on \" C.S. Shame befall you Pu- !

ii.22. Tliis is the antichrist, that denieth the Fa- dore afficiaris.
ther and the Son. Hie est antichristus qui negat Anaghlas, -ais, s.f. (An, intens. et Glas). I. Hog-
Patrem et Filium. Wei. Anghrist. wash culinae purgamenta. 2. Milk and water

Ana-criosdachd, s.f. ind. (An, priv. Criosdachd). aqua lacte commixta. C. S.

1. The pagan world orbis ethnicus, regiones pa-
: Ana-gheur, -EÒIRE, adj. (An, priv. et Geur), Blunt:
ganae. C. S. 2. Heathenism : religio pagana. obtusus. Voc. 131.
as. Axa-ghlaodh, -aoidh, s.m. (An, intens. et Glaodh),
Ana-criosdail, (An, pm'. et Criosdail),
-AI1.E, adj. A clamor ingens. Llh.
loud shout :

Unchristian Christiano indignus. C. S.

: Ana-ghleus, s. m. (An, priv. et Gleus), Disorder,
Ana-criosdalachd, s. /. ?«rf. (Anacriosdail), Cru- mischief: confusio, scelus. " Phiuthar lùdais
elty, barbarity : saevitia, feritas. C. S. 'chaidli gu \\-ana-ghleus ; 's ioma seanchas th' agam
Anacriosduidh, -ean, s. m. (An, priv. et Crios- ort." A. M'D. Sister of Judas, who departedst
duidh), An infidel, a pagan infidelis, paganus. : into mischief, many are the tales have of thee.

C. S. 2. adj. Unchristian, unworthy of a Chris- Soror Judae quae abisti in malum, multa narratio
tian : Christiano indignus. C. S. est mihi de te.
Ana-cruas, -ais, s. m. (An, intens. et Cruas), Ava- Ana-ghleusta, adj. (An, priv. et Gleusta), Dis-
rice : avaritia. Sh. et O'R. cordant ; discors, confusus. C. S. Vide Gleus-
Ana-cruinn, -ne, adj. (An, priv. et Cruinn), Not ta.
round non rotundus. C. S.
: Wei. Anghrion. Ana-ghlic, -e, adj. (An, priv. et Glic), (More fre-
Ana-cuibheas, -eis, s. m. (An, intens. et Cuibheas), quently, Neo-ghlic), Unwise : imprudens, insi-
Immensity imraanitas. C. S.
: piens. C. S.
Ana-cuibheasach, -eiche, adj. Vide Anacuimse- Ana-ghliocas, -ais, s. m. Imprudence : impruden-
ach. tia. T'bc. 35.
Ana-cuimhne, (An, priv. et Cuimhne), For-
s.f. ind, Ana-ghlòir, -e, s.f. (An, priv. et Glòir), 111 lan-
getfulness C. S. B. Bret. Anwunha.
: oblivio. guageconvicium. C. S.

Ana-cuimhneach, -eiche, adj. (Anacuimhue), For- Ana-ghlòireach, -eiche, adj. (Ana-glilòir), Re-
getful : obliviscens. C. S. B. Bret. Aniounech. proachful probrosus. S. : C
Anagiilonnacii, -aiciik, mlj. (All, ÌHteMt. et lìlonn), Anal, .Vtj/m. cxxxv. 17. Ed. 1753. Vide Aiiail
Ki'iiDwiu-tl lur valour: bfllo ilarus. Sine. Arm. Aiiuhit, lu breathe, or blow.
AKAt.iiNÀiii, -A, s. m. {Ati, priv. it (iimtli), An ill Anaiaiii, of .\iuiil, Urvudi
</r«. : lialitui. H. M-Ji-
habil inos deuravatuii. C. S.
Viiti- Aiiagiiùlli. 301. MartHly. IbO.
Anaoiinai'iis, -aiths, ». m. (An, priv. vt (ìnùth»). Analaicii, -iuii, uh, r. h. (Aii«ii|, Ureallie : «pint.

Ill Imbits: «ifimivuti iiions. H. Ml). ISH. C. S. Mr/. Aiudl.c.

Anaoiihins, -v., lutj. (All, /irir. i-i (ìriiiii), liicoiii- .\ KAi adt. Over liiilu-r, lo
I., tliio side: UM{ue hui
iiiii-t, ini-lt'piiit : iiiali- coinpiK'tui), iiii'uiu|itus, inc- trans hue, ad Imiic p.trltiii.
•• Thaiiiig I'card
lifpjns. ('. A". Wei. Aiigliryno. o Alb' a ludl. I'iny. ii. S83.
An'aci.adii, -aidii, s. m. Prolectiun : pntsidium. Ferduth came from Albin hither. \ eiiii I'erda ab
R.M-n. 71. 83. Via.' Aiiuiludh. Alba hue. \'ide Null.
AsAiiLtiMA, («//. Spiritless: ignuvus. C. S. Vidi- .\k-.\m, »'. HI. priv. el Am), An uiii>ea»uiiablc

Ulciii^ta, I't Cili'us, time : tenipus incoiigruuin. C. S.

AsACii.ic, Vide Anaghlic.
aiij. Amam,, pi. Anaman, Anamanna, t, m.
Anaglkx-as, -Ais, s. m. Vide Ana^^lilioeos. 1. The soul : aniina. " Oir iha saorsu an atuima
.\s.\-t;NÀTii, -A, s. m. Irrejjiiliirify ub regulii decli- : luachmhor." Suliii. xlix. 8. prune. I'or the salva-
natio. Miwf. \'. Vide Ana^hiuith. tion of their soul is precious, list eiiiiii cam re-
.Ana-i;nàtii Acii, -aiciik, tulj. (.\n, />n'r. et Giiùth- demptio eorum. 2. Mind animus.
aninia' :

ach). Unusual insolitus. Mavf. V. :

" Tha solas air m' aiuim sail stri.
Ana-c.nèitiikil, -e, adj. (An, priv. et Gnèitheil), Ftuff. iii. 171.
Pernicious cxitialis. dirus. C. S, Vide Gnèitheil.
: My mind rejoices in the fight. Kst la-titia meo
Ana-ik)Iukasacii, -AICIIK, («//. Inconvenient: in- aninio in certaniine. 3. Life : vita. " An creu-
convenicns, inconimodus Mac/. V. ^'idc Ana- : tair gluasadach aims Gen. bheil uiiam beù."
gairiosuch. 2U. inarg. llie moving creature that hath life.
-Asj-agracii, -AiCHB, adj. (An, intens. et Agarrach), {liter.) Animal movens in quo vita est. 4-. A term
Quarrelsome, litigious, oftensive : rixosus, litigio- of affection compellatio anioris.
•' 'aiiam M
A. M-D. IG"^.
sus, molest us. tlui." C. .S'. My life mea vita tu. 5. Life, cou- :

Ana-uuàuii, -àidu, s. III. (An, intens. et Gràdli), rage vis, audacia, fortitudo. C. S. •• Anani fàis,"

Doating love aiuor delirans. O'R.

" Anam lasmhor." lor. C8. 95. 'Ilie vegetative
-Asa-grAuiiacii, -aiciie, adj. (.\n, iiiteits. et Gràdlj- soul. Vis, vel principium vegetandi. '• Anam
aeh). Loving excessively vehementer anions. :
" mothachail." i'oc. 2. The sensitive soul. Ani-
C. S. mus seiisifer. ' Anam reusonta." Alatf. ì'. The
.\nail, Analach, Anaii.ean, «. /. (.An, art. et reasonable soul. Animus ratione pra-ditus. Muhjc.
Aiie, V. Aileadh). 1. Breath: halitus, spiritus. Anuyni. Wei. Enaid. U. Bret. LneU', enev, e-
Salm. cxxxv. 17. " 'S blàth auaU na màtliar." nem. Gr. An/Mc. Arab. *U^ aiuim, angels, dae-
Prof. Kindly is the mother's breath. Uiatus est
anhelitus niatris. " Leigibli
2. A rest : requies.
mons, genii. Hebr. ejjj< anaph, spiravit. Pert.

bhur 'n iiiiiiil." C. S. Rest yourselves. Quietein et Arab. ^^\^jan, the soul ; lAA^ ja/uin, souls.
capite. Maiij.: Ennal. Wei. Anale, aiiadl. B. Anamad.ach, -aiche, adj. (Anam), Lively, active:
Bret. Anadlu, alann, alazn. Lat. Anlielitus. Gr. vividus, agilis, alacris. Macf. V.
A»£,a«;. Uebr. r^JX anaph, spiravit. Ana.madaich, -e, -ean, s. f. Dying convulsions:
As-AiMsiR, -K, -EAX, *'. /. (An, priv. et Aimsir), morientis spasmata, vel palpitatio. C. S.
Unmeet time tenipus incongruuni. : Wei. Anam- Asamadail, -e, adj. ^'ide An'madail.
ser. Asaman, -aik, -anas, «I. (dim. Anam). Ò-. 1. A
An-aimsireil, (An-aimsir), Untimely, un-
-e, adj. little animulus. Macf. V.
soul :2. A darling, a
seasonable : intcmpestus, intempestivus. Wei. dear soul caruin caput. " M' anaman." C. S.

Anamserawl. My darling mi animule. :

AsAiSN, vel -uiNN, -E, -EAN, s.

f. Tlic top of a Anam.\nta, -ainte, adj. (.Anam), 1. Lively, ac-
house-wall : summus paries, corona. C. S. tive : vividus, agilis. Matf. V. 2. Courageous,
An ÀIT, \prep. In place of, instead: vice, pro. bold : fortis, intrepidus. Stew. 2.
Ak àite,J •• Alt àit droighne fàsaidh an giuthas." Ana-measarra, adj. (.-Vn, priv. et Measarra), In-
/»•«1. Iv. 13. Instead of the thorn shall grow the temperate, licentious : inteiuperatus, licentiosus,
fir-tree. Loco virguiti assurget abies. Ir. %U) improbus. Mac/. V.
A\z\, per sync. ?tpci. Gr. Am. Ana-measahrachd, *. /. ind. (Ana-measarra), In-
• Anaipclie, adj. Beth. 56. Vide Anabuich. temperance : intemperantia. Macf. V.
An-airc, -e, s.J'. (.An, iwtois. et Aire), Necessity: Ana-mèin, \ -E, *. J'. Frowardness perversitas. :

necessitas. C. S. Gr. Amyxr,. Ana-mèisn, j Vide-Ainraèinn.

.^.N ÀihD, adi\ Upward, aloft : sursum, sublime. Asa-meikeach, I -EicnE. adj. 1. Perverse: per-
C. S. " A "nàird." Gram. 122. Ana-meinneach, j versus. 2. Bold, fierce, furi-
-An-Àireamuta, (An, priv. et Aireamh, v). In-
adj. ous audax, ferox, furiosus. Steic. 2.
: \'ide Ain-
numerable : innumerus. C. S. Wei. .Aneiri, ct meineach.
Aneirif. .AK-.\MaARUS, -Uls, -AN, s. III. (An, iiUeim. et Amh-
Vol. L G
arus), A wrong suspicion, distrust : diffidentia, ni- jusvis rei.C. S. 2. Tempestuous weather : cceli
mia Macf. V.
suspicio. intemperies. C. S. 3. Exposure to the blast : ad
Ak-amharusacii, -aiche, adj. (An-amharus), Sus- auram nudatio. C, S.
picious, mistrustful : suspicax, diffidens. Macf. V. An-athach, -aiche, adj. (An, priv. et Athach),
Ana-mhiann, ì -an, s. m.ind. (An, intens. et Miann). Bold, courageous : audax, aniraosus, intrepidus.
Ana-miann, / 1. Lust: libido. " Uimc sin thug C.S.
mi thairis iad do anamhiann an cridhe fèin." Salm. * An-athlomh, adj. (An, priv. ct Ealamh), Indo-
Ixxxi. 12. So I gave them up to their own hearts' Vt. 76.
lent: ignavus.
lust. Quapropter dimisi eos ad libidineni animo- An-ath-oidhch, adv. (Pronounced, An athaich). 1.
rum eorum. 2. Sensuality : voluptas corporea. Tomorrow's night crastina nocte. " Thig
: mi
Macf. V. 'ti-ath-oidclic." C. S. I sliall como to-morrow's
Ana-mhiannach, 1 -aiche, Off;. (Ana-miann). 1. night. Veniam crastina nocte. (Literally, the
Ana-miannach, j Lustful : libidinosus. Vide next night). 2. Used substantively, for the twi-
Ainmhiannach. 2. Sensual : voluptarius. Macf. V. light, or evening. Vide Ath-oidhch.
• Anamhla, ad/, (i. e. An-amhluidh), Unlike, ano- * Anba, 1 adf. Prodigious : immanis. Glenm.
malous dissimilis, anormis. Vail. Celt. Es. 68.
: *An'bail, J 96.
• An-annag, adj. Impure impurus. Vt. Gloss. : * Anbas, s. m. A deadly terror : terror immanis.
An-aobhach, -aiche, adj. (An, priv. et Aobhach). .£?«. cc. 1.
L Cheerless, sad: moestus, tristis. » Anbfolta, s. m. Rage : ira. Vt. 72.
" An-axjbhach gun solus do chiuil-sa." * Anbhaine, -ne, s.f. 1. Ecstasy : extasis, a sensi-
S. D. 283. bus alienatio. Vt. 18. 2. Weakness languor. :

Cheerless, without the light of thy music. Mces- Vt. 47.

tus, sine luce musicse tuse. 2. Unlovely, unami- * Anbhainn. Urn. 67. pi. of Anbhann, quod vide.
able inamabilis. Steiv. 293.
: Vide Aobhach. * Anbhainnigheadli, v. Vt. 1 10. Vide Anfhannaich.
An-aoibhidh, adj. vide An-aobhach. » Anbhann. adj. Vt. 112. Vide Anfhann.
An-aoibhinn, -e, adj. (An, Aoibhinn), Mourn- » Anbhannachadh, s.f. Voc. 160. Vide Anfhann-
ful, unhap])y, sad : mcestus, infelix, tristis. achadh.
" 'S iad an-aoibhinn air son mhic Duibhne." Anbhar, ì ^ ^^ Excess, excessus. P. M'D. 68.
S.D. 117.
And they mournful for the son of Duino. Et Anbharra S
^"^^- 49- '^'^e Anabarr.

illi tristes causa filii Duini. An-bhas, -ais, s. m. (An, intens. et Bàs), A sudden
An-aoibhinneach, \ -EiCHE,«7«^'.(An,;t>n«.et Aoibh- death : mors subita. Sh.
An-aoibhneach, J Woful, sorrowful,neach), An-bhàthadh, -idh, s. m. (An, intens. et Bàthadh),
unliappy: tristificus, dirus, illaetabilis. Macf. V. A
deluge diluvium. Sh.:

An-aoibhneas, -is, *. m. (An, priv. et Aoibhneas), An-bheus, s. m. (Ainbheus), Immorality; mail mores.
Woe, sadness, sorrow tristitia, miseria. C. S. : Wei. Anfoes. Vide Beus.
An-aois, -e, s. f. (An, priv. et Aois), Non-age * Anbhfairme, s.f. Fainting, weakness: anirai de-

aetas impubis.C. S. liquium, labefkctio virium. Vt. 105. et Llh.

An-àrd, adj. (An, intens. et Ard), Very high, lofty: * Anbhfann, Ì adj. Feeble : infirmus. Llh. Vide
valde altus. Macf. Par. 27. 10. 28. 1. » Anbhfhanna, J
Anart, -airt, -an, s. m. Linen : linteum. " Gheibh * Anbhflioltach, -aiche, adj. (Anbfolta), Resentful,
sinn anart is eudach." Macinty. 7. shall get We pernicious, murderous : moleste ferens, iratus,
linen and clothing : acquiremus linteum vestitum- perniciosus, exitialis. Vt. 105.
que. " Bidh pailteas anairt aig an deadli shniomh- An-bhiorach, adj. (An, intetis. et Biorach), Very
aiche." Prov. The good spinster shall have abun- pointed, or cone-shaped : maxime cuspidatus, vel
dance of linen. Multum lintei erit bonae lanificae. conicus. Sh.
" Anart A
shroud : linteum sepulchrale,
bàis." » An-bhodh, *. m. (i. e. An mhodh), Falsehood :

vestes " Anart bùird."

ferales. Table Unen mendacium. Llh.
mappa, torale. " Anart canaich." Fustian : xyli- * An-bhorb, ad^. (An, ùUens. et Borb), Furious,
num. Voc. 91. " Anart flnealta." Fine linen, furiosus. Llh.
cambric linteum tenue, sindon. Manx. Aanrat.
: * Anbhrith, s. m. Broth : jus camium. " An-
Anart, -airt, s. m. (An-àrd), Pride, disdain : su- bhruidli." £e<^. 42. 46. et Ztt. Vide Eanraich.
perbia, fastus. C. S. An' bhroid, ì -e, *. /. (An, iniens. et Bruid), Ty-
Anartach, -aiche, adj. (Anart), Disdainful : fas- An' bhruid, j" ranny: tyrannis. Llh. et Voc, 38.
tosus. AJkf'Z). 41. Anbhruideach, -ich, s. m. (Anbhruid), A tyrant
A nasguidh, adv. (i. e. Ann, an Aisgidh), Freely, tyrannus. Voc, 39.
as a present : gratuito, sine mercede. Macf. V. Anbhruidich, -idh, dh, v. a. Tyrannize: tyran-
Vide Aisgidli, et Aisg. num age. Sh.
Anasta, adj. Stormy : procellosus. Sh. Sebr. t:>JM *Anbhuain, «./. Agony: cruciatus. i7r«. 64.
anas/t, afflictus fuit. »Anbhuaineach, -eiche, adj. Dismayed, full of an-
Anastachd, f. ind.
s. 1. shattering, A guish perturbatus onmino, doloribus vexatus. Vt.

or ill-guiding of any thing : quassatio, affictio, cu- 62. Glenm. 38.

Anbhuil, Confubion, dismay:
-e, «./. confusio, an- hottibu» hodie. h. ttoioj; «»)iu. Matot. Au
gor aninii. C. S. ill. MV/. lledd^-w. B. Brtt. Hirtou, iMrbcioM.
• Anbhuiiine, t. f. \Veakii*w «Wbilitas. : NiUc Ft. .Aujounlhui.
Aiitliainne. A.v-iJi luiit, ».y: L'ndutifulness : contumacia. Vide
• Aiibhuiiineachd, t.f. Weakness: debilita». I'ur. etium Aindlighe.
ItiS. ^'idl AnrhaiiHif'. An-di.u.iieagh, -kuiiE, adj. (An-dliglieK L'nduti-
An-blas, «. m. Vide Aimblas. ful, illegal : contumax, itiiquuii. OK. Vide etiam
AsibKAisE, s.f. Vide Ana-braise. .\iiidligheacli.
An'buibte, s.f. Vide Ana-buirt. As-DLioHEACH, -ICH, t. «K. Voc. 163. Vide Aiu-
A.M'cAiNNr, .«./. Ill laiit;ua^'e : convicia. Marf. Par. lUiglieacli, s.

12. 5. Vide .\na-caiiiiit. As-odcMAS, -AIS, g.m. (.\n, prie. et UòcllU^'l, De-
.\v CEi'D, tiitmfrxii ruif. 'Hie first (masc.): primus. spair : desperatiu, spei abjectio.
A' iheud." The first (Jim.) : prima. Chald. " Na ineatliadh nis anHÌochat t.\m\.

TH chad. Matj. Par. xii. lb.

AscH.\irii, -iDii, Dii, v.a. Uh.
Vide Anacaitli. Let not now despair wither us. Ne maceret nunc
An'chiskteacii, arlj. Uncertain: incertus. Vide spei abjectio nobis.
Ana-cinnteach. Ax-DÙcii.\sACH, -AlCHE, <idj. (An, itUeru. e\
An'chleachdadh, -aidii, -aidheak, s.m. Vide Dùcliasach). 1. Without hope: exs|H-8. C. H.
Ana-tleaelidadh. 2. IVesumptuous arrogans. Voc. 164. :

An'chle.\s, -Eis, -w,

Vide Ana-cleas. s. m. Ax-DÒic.n, -E, -EAX, s.f. (.\n, priv. et Dòigh), A
Am'chreideamh, -creideimh, s. m. Vide Ana- bad state incommodus status. C. S. \'ide Dòigh.

creidimh. An-dòlas, s. in. (An, iiitats. et Dòlas), Excessive

As'cHRL'AS, s. m. Avarice : araritia. Vide Ana- sadness nimia tristitia. C. S.
: Vide Dòlas.
cruas. Axdràsd'-a,) adv. (i. e. An truth s-o). Pnmn.
As'cHÙRAM, ». m. Vide Ana-cùram. AsDRÀsTA, J
Now : nunc. " An'dràsta 's a
• Andach, *. »i. Anger : ira. Sh. rithist." Prorin. Now and then subinde. :

• Andagh, j. peccatum. Uh.

m. Sin : An-di-.\lachas,'ì -AIS, s.m. Degeneracy: generis
As-D.\N', I -À1XE,
<uij. (An, intms. et Dan), Pre- Ax-DCALCHAS, > labes. C. S. \'ide Dualachu*,
Ak-d.\s.\,j sumptuous, tool -hardy nimis audax, : Ax-DÙCHAS, ) et Dùchas.
arrogans, insolens. Macf. Pur. 18. 3. Ax-DUTHASACH, -AiciiE, odj. (.Andùchas), Degene-
An-DÀSACHD, I7«/. 1 Fool-hardiness, arro- rate dcgcncr. C. S.
: \'ide Dùchasach.
An-dàs.\das, -ais, J gance, presumption : nuuia As-DUixE,j:>/. Ax-DAoixE, s. m. (An, pref. et Duine),
et stultaoudacin Voc. 163. 1 . A
wicked man : homo nefarius. '• 5lar an-duin
An"-d.\oise, pi. Ross. Salm. xxxix. 8 Vide An- mallaicht' mheasadh e." Matf. Par. vi. 6. As an
duine. accursed, wicked man he was esteemed. Ut vir
As DÈ, adr. Yesterday heri.
: " Air a' bhò 'n dè." nefarius (et) scelcratus habebatur. 2. An insig-
Gtn. xxxi. 2. marff. The day before j'esterday nificant person, an idiot : homo inutilis, insipiens.
two days ago : Nudiustertius. Ir. ^tpe. Pers. Kirk. Salm, xxxix. 8.

CSÌ dee, yesterday.

As È? interr. form prws. ind. defect, t. Is. Is it? Is
it he?
Estne? Estneille? " An ì ?" Is it she?
As-dealbh -a,an, s.m. (An, priv. et Dealbb), An Estne ilia ? Vide Is, r.
unseemly form forma aspectu foeda.
: Vide AN-E.4GAL, -AIL, *. m. (An, priv. et Eagal), Fear-
Dealbh.' lessness : animi fimiitudo.
Ax DiiGH,\prep. After: post. Macf. V. et Gram. Ax-EALAMH, -AiMHE, adj. (An, priv. et Ealamh),
An DEIS, j " Agus a» deigh mòrain do làthaibh, Indolent, inactive : ignavus, iners. C. S. Ir. %i)-
Jiosruichear iad." Is. xxiv. 22. And after many AlU\rtJ.
days they shall be visited. Et post multos dies Ax-EALAXTA, adj. (.\ji,prie. et Ealanta), Inexpert:
visitabuntur (desidcreiitur 5ei). " An deigh sin,"
imperitus. Id. q. Neo-ealanta.
ode. aftenrards: postea. " An deigh so," liere-
f. Old. (An-ealanU), Inex-
after, fiom this time: posthac, ex hoc tempore.
As-EALAXTAs, -AIS, j pertness : imperitia. C. S.
C^ S,
Ax-EAXRAISD, -E, s.f. (An, i/i/e/w. et Aonrais), A
An-dèistiks, -e, s. f. (Ain, inteits. et Deistinn),
storm : procella. Prov. 46.
Squcamishness fastidium, nausea. 3Iucf'. V.
Ax EARAB, adv. Two days hence: perendie. C. S.
Ax-diadhach, -.\ich, «. m. Vide Aindiadhach.
An-diadhachd, 1 s.f. itid. Macf. V. VideAindiadli-
Ir. til) ]A|tcfiA, AD o^njcjòeAii.
Ax-EARARAis, adv. Tììiee days hence tribus ab
Ax-diadhalacud, ^ achd. :

hinc diebus. Provin.

An-diadhaidh, -e, adj. Macf. V. Vide Aindiadli-
Ax-EARBSA, *•.
/ iiid. (An, priv. et Earbsa), Dis-
trust, mistrust: diffidentia, suspicio.
Ax DiuGii, adv. To-day: liodie. i'oc. 32.
Ax-EAHBSACH, adj. DistTustful Macf. V.
" Na biodh solas air nàimhdibh an diugh."
: diffidens.
Ax EAR-THRATH, adv. Gram. Vidt- An earar.
Tern. i. 121. • Aneas, adv. (i. e. JIu Dheas), Southward ad
Let not enemies rejoice to-day. Ne sit solatium

meridiem. Em. m. 1.

G 2
An-easgaidh, -e, adj. (An, priv. et Easgaidh), La- • ^nfhocain, s.f. Peril : periculum, discrimen. S'h.
zy : piger. Vl. 46. An-fhocal, -ail, s. m. (An, pref. et Focal), Re-
An-eibhinn, -E, w^". Sad: tristis. Beport. Ap. 331. proach : convicium, opprobrium. " Tha 'n an-
Vide An-aoibhinn. shocair 's an t-anfhocal aige." Prow. He bears
An-eibuneach, -eiciie, ad/. Woeful : dims, lugu- the loss and the reproach (Scot, the skaith and the
bris. Vide An-aoibneach. scorn). Damnum et opprobrium sunt illi.
An-eibiineas, -Eis, «. »1. Woe: tristitia. Vide An- An-fhoighidin, -n, s.f. (An, priv. et Foighidin),
aoibhneas. Impatience impatieiitia. Prov. 46.

An-eifeachd, s. ill. hid. Inefficacy : efficaciae defec- • Anfliolta, s. m. Affront, insult : contumelia, op-

tus. Vide Aineifeachd. probrium. Vt. 182.

An-eifeachdach, -aiche, adj. (An, priv. et Ei- • Anfliorusda, adj. (An, priv. et Fursasda), Not

feachdacb), Ineffectual : inefficax. C. S. easy : liaud facilis. Not easily conquered

An-eireachdail, -e, adj. (An, />ru-. et Eireachdail), non facile vincendus. Vt. 95.
Unhandsome, ungenteel invenustus, indecorus, : An-fhosgladh, -aidh, -ean, s. m. (An, itUens. et
illiberalis. Vide Eireachdail.
C. S. Fosgladh), A
chasm : hiatus. Sh.
An-eireachdas, -ais, «. m. Unseemliness indeco- : An fhuachd, -a, s. m. (An, intens. et Fuachd), Ex-
rum. C. S. Vide Eireachdas. cessive cold algor, rigor. C. S. B. Bret. Anouat.

• An eubhachd, .?. Vide Aineifeachd. An-fhulan"gacii, -aiche, adj. (An, priv. et Fulan*
f. ind.
• Anfa, s.f. Bibl. 'Gloss. Vide Anfadh. gach). 1. Impatient: impatiens. C. S. 2. In-
Anfach, -aiche, adj. (Anfadli), Overflowing: ex- sufferable intolerabilis. C. S.

undans. Llh. An-fhurachail, ì -e, acl/. (An, priv. et Furachail,

Anfadh, -aidh, s. m. (Usually pronounced, On- An-fhurachair, j -air), Unobservant, inattentive
fhadh, q. V.) Wind, a storm, a tempestuous noise, inattentus. C. S.
sound of the waves ventus, procella, strepitus
: An-fhurachas, 1 -AIS, s. m. (An, priv. et Fur-
fragosus, sonitus undarum. Vt. 74. 99. Sianf. An-fhurachras, J Inattention
achras, -chas), In : in-
20. 2. " Anfadh maith." C. S. Good lungs. Hebr. observantia. C. S.
«' An-FHURAS, -Ais, s.m. (An, />m'. et Furas), Impa-
Bpft atiaf, spiravit ; unde Arab. >- >1 anf, nasus
tience : impatientia, Macf V.
(joUil avfas, halationes spiritus. As-FHURASACH, -AICHE, (An, priv. et Furas-
Anfadhach, -aiche, adj. (Anfadh), Stormy : pro- ach), Impatient, restless: inquietus. C. S.
cellosus. Llh. An-fhurasda, adf. (An, priv. et Furasda), Not
• Anfara, Anfus, remain raaneo. Llh.
v. n. I stay, : easy : dilBcilis. C. S.
Urn. et B. B.Vide Fan. " Anfhusgais, s.f. Impatience : impatientia. MSS.

• Anfas, s. m. Fear, dread timor, metus. Sh. : • Anfus, V. Vide Anfam.

An-fhad, adj. (An, intois. et Fada), Too long : ni- • Ang, s.f 1. Rank dignitas. Sh. : 2. Renown,
mium longus. Macf. V. fame, reputation fama, celebritas, reputatio.

Anfhadh, s. m. Vide Anfadh. Sh. et O'R. 3. Danger, peril : periculum, dis-

Anfhainne, -eachd, s.f. ind. (An, ?jito;5. et Fann), crimen. O'R. 4. A string : funiculus. Sh. et
Feebleness, weakness, infirmity debilitas, infirmi- : OR. 5. A twist, or turn : tortus. Sh. et OR.
tas. Macf. Id. q. Anmhuinneachd. Ang, adj. Great magnus. Sh. et O'R.
: Wei.
Anfhann, -a, adj. Weak,
(An, intejis. et Fann), Ang.
feeble infirmus, debilis. S. D. 289. Id. q. Anmhunn.
: • Angach, longach, adj. Nailed, or clawed
i. e. :

Anfhannachadh, -aidh, s.m. et. pres. part. v. An- unguibus instructus. Sh. et O'R.
clavis vel
fhannaich. Weakening labefactatio. Macf. V. : • Angadh, s. »j. The gusset of a shirt. Sh. et O'R.
Anfhannaich, -idh, dh, v. a. Enfeeble, weaken : camisÌEB interserta particula. Ainsw.
labefacta, debilem effice. 3Iacf. V. Vide An- An-gairios, s. m. Vide Anagairios.
mhunnaich. An-gairiosach, adj. Vac. 134. Vide Anagairios-
An-phabsuing, -e, adj. (An, j»nV. et Farsuing), Nar- ach.
row angustus.
: C S. » An-gairm, s.y. An appellation : appellatio. Llh.
An-fheilidh, -e, (Xn, priv. et Feilidh), 1. In-
adj. • Angangach, «. m. A snare insidiaB. Llh. :

hospitable inhospitalis. C. S.
: 2. Fierce, lower- - Angar, -air, s.f. Anger, passion ira. " Thuirt :

ing sylvaticus, ferus, torvus.

" B' an-fheilidh a Oscar 's e gabhail angair." Laoidh an Tàil-
chith 's a choltas." S.D. Fierce was his rage, and leir. Said Oscar, his wrath kindling. Dixit
appearance. Ferus fuit furor ejus, et vultus ejus. Oscarus, et ille irascens. " 'T 'angar." Mac-
An-fhiachail, -e, adj. (An, priv. et Fiachail), Mean, inty. 13. " Tha angar a's duilichinn, san am
low abjectus, ignobilis. C. S.
: so air iomadh fear." Macinty. 156. Displeas-
An-fhios, s. m. Vide Ainfhios. ed and sad, at this season, are many. Iras-
An-fhìrinn, s.f. Vide Ainfhirinn. cuntur, dolentque hoc tempore multi homines.
• Anflilath, -a, s. m. (An, pref. et Flath), A ty- Vox. Angl.
rant : tjTannus. Vt. 85. An gar, adv. Near, close by prope. Vide Gar. :

» Anfhobhrachd, s.f. A skeleton : sceletos, ossium • Angar, s. m. 1. A stall for cattle stabulum, :

humani corporis compages. S/i. bovile. Sh. 2. An anker dolium. O'R. :

ANCATIILOSNACII, •AK'lllt, lUi/. (All, ml. (iulll, t. .\n'man, ji. m. Vide Anamaii.
I't Loiin, (hIj.), lilillcrini- :
t.|iltiKli-iii>. >A. Akmam A, (MJ/. Vide Anunuintll.
f. (An,
An uiiihorile iTiiiiila. SÀ. • Aiimaoin, *. iittrnt. et Strile,
• Aiij;ioire, 1 *. /n. :

• Aiigiruire, it U/l. O'r. Amj^iij^nr.],. futiiu (^reut riehe» ; lib, ingeiileb divitiir. JJh.
' Aiiinuoib, «•. «. (\'ide Fail), We may btay : iiia-

lb she? Is neuinub. l)u 'n a$iaimuMt an iioehd." I /. HH.

\n I? form, jinrs. iiul. v. Is.
utlerr. it

she? esliie illul'' Chald. ^J'N ''"". ilaiK'i' N iili- Should we bluy tu-iiiglil. Si liac iiocte iiia-

ls.r. neaniub. i. e. Nu in lununiuid an iioclid.

Ak-iahiiti's, -IMS, ». HI. (.\ii, prrj. el lur^tus). 1. A.n'mkasahiia, adj. N'ide .\iia-ineai>arra.

A « roiij; ilcsiro : libiilo, pravu i'ii|)i(l(). C. S. 2. An'mein, s.f. \'ide Aiiu-iiieiiin.

All uiircasoimblc (U-niuiid : jwslulutuni illfgiti- Akmeinseacii, -aiciie, adj. .Strw. 42. \'idc Aiii-

niuni. Mticf. V. nieineach.

An-iociid, s. m. iiui. (An, priv. et loclid). 1. I'n- An'miiians', U/i. Vide Anamhiann.
kiiuliu-ss, crui'lty : inluimunitiis, iTiidelilus. C S. Ak'miiiasnacii, ai(/. \'ide Ana-iniaiinacli.

2. Oppri'ssioii : o|)|iri'Ssio. ^lurf'. I '.

As-.Mlloi)li, «.(.\n, priv. et Modli), I)i»re-
III. iiid.

.AS-IOIIIDAB, Ì -A1KK, -OIHK, (ulj. (All, prif. et spect coiitemptqs, detpectiis.

: Viile Mi-mhudli.

AN-iociiDMiion, loeliiH, Cruel, uiikinil

iiiliuiiiu- :
• Amnhoin, s. m. et prts. part. (i. e. I'aiituinn),
iius, erudelis. " Is aii-ioilulmhor (ruucuiitilis nan Ueiiuiining, staying : manendum. IV. 24. H6.
aiiigidli." (!iiàt/i. xii. 10. Tlie leiuler mercies of • An-mhor, adj. (.An, intens. et Mòr), i.e. Ko iiiliòr.

the wicked are cruel. I'rudeles sunt niiseratiuiie!> Very great : imniaiiis, ingens. " Gu li-an-

iniproborum. nihor," Exceedingly inimanè. Lih. :

A Nios, </</(•. Up, up hither: sursuni, sursuni hue. AsMiioKACii, adj. Slew. Vide .Annihurrach.
•' Is tliog tu e a nios." Boss. Siiiiii. Ixxxvi. 13. Anmiilinn, -E, \ *'• y- Weakness, infirmity, (ol-
.And thou hast raised it up. Et excitasti earn. Anmhuinneacud, j tener of the mind) debilitas. :

Gr. Aiu. inlirmitas, (sxpius animi), " An sin thubliairt

As-iosAL, -ÌSLE, adj. (An, priv. et losal), Not mean : m' aiiniliuiimeaclid." Salni. Ixxvii. 10.
niise, is e so

nun liumilis. C. S. prose. (•' Annihuinn, nutr.) Then I said, this is


my infirmity. Tunc «livi, hoc esf intirniilas inea.

Manjc. Anooinid. If <7. Anwynt.

• Aniudach. ad/. (.A.niùid), Depraved : ilepravatus. Anmhunn, -l'INNE, adj. Weak, feeble, infirm: debi-
S/i. et ON. lis, invalidus, infimius. " Agus faicibh am fear-
• Aniuid. s.f. (An, prir. et Fiù), Error, depravity: ann ciod e, agus an .sluagh a tlia 'chomliiiuidli
Error, pravitas. S/t. et O'Ji. ann, am bheil iad làidir no anni/tiinn." .Yir. xiii. 18.
-\n-iul, s.f. (An, pri'c. et IÙ1). 1. Want of guid- And see the land, what and the people that it is,

ance, or command absentia ductus vel niandati. :

dwell therein, whether they be strong or weak.
C. S. 2. Bad instruction, or guidance eruditio :
Et consideretis terram qualis sit, turn pojiuluni
vel nionstratio mala. C. S. 3. Error of judgment, qui habitat in ilia, utrum fortis sit, an debilis.
indiscretion: arbitrii erratic imprudentia. C. S. ;
Manx. Anooin. if el. Anwyn, unimpassiuiied. Oir,
As'-iULMHOR, -oiRE, ad/. (An-iùl), ^'oid of con- Anmhu-Vnaich, -iDii, DH, c. «. Enfeeble debilita, :

Vide Iiil, et lùlmhor. iniirma. " Agus anmhunnaichidh e na daonie

duct consilii expers. C.
: ò'.

• Anius, »". i/i. (An, inteits. et I'ios), A soothsayer treuna." lab. xii. 21. He weakeneth (the strength
augur. .S7(. OB. et L//i. of) the mighty. Et validos debilitat.
Anlamii, -AiMii, -EAK, S.f. Misfortune: infortu- An.miiliìhach, -aiche, a((/. (.An, intens. et Murr-
nium. Proviii. Vide Amhluadh. ach). Valiant : strenuus. Steir.
Ak-làn, -LÀNiicnTE, adj. (An,/>nr. et Làn, Làn- Anmoch, -oiche, adj. (.An, prir. c-t Moch), Late:
Incomplete imperfectus. C. S.
uichte), :
serus, vespertinus.

An-laoch, -AOiCH, s. m. (Aji, intens. et Laoch), " Gu aomadh nan neul anmoch." S.J). Hi?.
An exasperated warrior, or hero bellator, vel :
Till the falling of the evening clouds ad irruen- :

heros accensus. dura nubiloruin vespertinorum. Manx. Anmagh.

" Tlia Tual-arma san dus na chreuchdaibh, ' S fheàrr eirigh moch, no suidhe anmocli." Prov.
" Ga lèire' fo chasaibh nan un-Uioili." Better to rise early than to sit up late. Praestan-
S.n. 217. tins est mane surgere quani vesperè (ad multani

Tual-arma lies in the dust, in his wounds, trodden noctem) vigilare.

under the feet of exasperated warriors. Tual-ar- Anmoch, -oicn, *-. m. Evening vesper. :

ma jacet (est) in pulvere, vulneribus suis, calcatus " Is binn gutli Laoire san anmoch." S. D. 280.
(sub pedibus) bellatorum accensorum. Sweet is the voice of Lora at even. Canorus est
As-LuciiDAicii, -IDH, DH, v.a. (An, iiitens.vt Luch- vox Lone ad vespereni.
daich), Surcliarge, overload: onus injustum im- • An' nioiche, s.f. .Mental absence, forgetfulness :

pone, nimio onere prenie. C. S. oblivio, error non attendentis. B. M-D. 233.
As' M.\DAicii, s.f. Vide Anamadaich. (Properly, An-niothachadh I.
An'madaii., fH^'. (.Ajiani), Lively, spirited : vividus, Anmvixneach, -EicHE, a<^'. B.MD.òì.tH. Vide
alaccr. Maciiih/. 36. Ainmeinneach.
Anhunvach, -aiche, adj. (Anam), Lively: vividus, Annad, (conjoined with 2d pers. pron. sing.) In thee
aniniosus. i?. J/'Z). 64. in te. " Deanadh iadsan uile aoibhneas a chuireas
• Anmunnach, -aiclic, adj. (for Anmoch), Late, in an dòigh annad." Salm. v. 11. Let all those re-
tlie evening : sero, vespere. " Musgainneach joice that trust in thee. Litcntur illi omnes qui
, anmunnach." Early and late : maturus et se- in te confident. Emph. " .4?inadsa."
rus. MSS. • Annadh, s. m. Delay : mora. Sh. i. e. Fanadh.
An'k, prefix, Frequently for the intensive or negative Annaibh, prep, (conjoined with 2d. pers. pron. pi.).
prefix An ; as, " Ann-deiseal," for Aindeiseal. In you : in vobis. Gal. iv. 9. Emph. Annaibhse.
Ann, pre}}. \. In. Always followed, in construc- • Annaid,
s.f. A church templum. Sh. Various :

tion, by " an," before an initial vowel, palatal, or places in the Hebrides and opposite continent
lingual and by " am," before a labial. " Ann
; so called, and supposed to have been dedi-
an ait àraid." In a certain place in loco quo- : cated to the goddess Annat. Wei. Annedd. '

dam. " Ami an gàradli Edein." In the garden • Annaid, s.f. A j-ear : aimus. Flah et Llh.

of Eden in horto Hedenis.

: " Ajin an dùthaich Annainx, prep, (conjoined with \st. pers. pron. pi.)
chèin." In a distant country : in regione longin- In us : in nobis. Emph. " Annainne." " Uime
qua. " .47m am beul dithis no triùir a dh' fhia- sin tha bàs ag oibreachadh annainne, ach beath
Huisibh." In the mouth of two or three witnesses : annaibhse." 2 Cor. iv. 12. So then death worketh
In ore duorum vel trium testium. Before the pos- in us, but life in you. Itaque mors quidem in no-
sessive pronouns, an, and am, are omitted ; as, bis agit, vero vita in vobis.
" Ann am chridhe." In my heart in corde meo. : Annaladh, -aidh, s. m. 1. Aji age, or era : ae\Tira,
" An>i do bheachd fein." In thy own estimation seculum.
in tua opinione. Ann, is often suppressed and ;
" 'S an deiche' 's an cuig' bliadhna,

0;«, or an, onl)' written. " Ajn beul dithis no " Seachd ceud-deug sin do 'n annaladh"
triuir a dh' fhianuisibh." 2. Including in itself R. MD. 72.
the same meaning, as if joined with the objective In that fifteenth, and seventeen hundredth year of
pronoun è. Vim eandem adhibens, quasi cum è the era. In eo quindecimo et septingentesimo anno
pro», conjunctum foret. " Cha 'n 'eil coire sam aevi (Christiani). 2. A Calendar calendarium, e- :

bith a7!n." There is no fault in him. Nulla culpa phemeris. C. S. Fr. Annal, potius vox Ang.
est in eo. " Do chuir mo chridh' a dliòchas ann." Aiis AM, prep, (conjoined with 1st. pers. pron. sing.)
Salm. xxviii. 7. My
heart put its trust in him. In me : in me.
Confidebat meus animus iti eo. 3. Used without " Mliosgail mo thrioblaid is mo bhròn,
the object ; denoting existence essentiam deno- :
" Anyiam gu mòr a stigh." Salm. xxxix. 2.
tat. " Tha mi ann;" " Tha thu ann." I am, Mydistress and sorrow were greatly awakened
I exist thou art, thou existest sum, existo ; tu
; : within me. Mea molestia et tristitia mea, excita-
es, existis. " Tha fuachd ann." There is cold bant (sese) vehementer in me. Emph. " Ann-
frigus est. " Tha amhainn ann." There is a ri- amsa." Vide Anam.
ver amnis est.
" An ann ?" Is it ? estne ? < Annamach, -aich, s. m. for Ainmeachadh. i?.
" S ann." Yes : est. " Cha'n ann." It is not MD.235.
non est. " Nach ann 9" Is it not ? nonne est ? AxNAMH, -A, adj. Rare rarus. Provin. " B' ann-

" Ni h-aiin mar sin." Gen. xix. 18. Not so ne : amh do shamhla 'na "m measg." R. M-D. 40. Rare
ita. " Bha la eil' ann." Proi: 12. Another daj- was thy match among them. Tuus compar rarus
hath been : alius dies fuit. " Rinn e mis ann am erat apud eos. Id. q. Aineamh.
athair (contracted, a' m' athair) do Pharaoh, agus • Annan, A name for Ireland : nomen quoddam
a' m' thigheam os cionn a thighe uile, agus a' ni Hibernias. O'R.
uachdaran ann an tir na h-Eiphit uile." Gen. xlv. Annas, -ais, -an, s. m. (An, priv. et Nòs). 1. A
8. He hath made me a father to Pharaoh, and rarity, novelty res rara.
: " b' annas an leithid —
lord over all his house, and a ruler in all the land san fhonn." Steiv. 67. Such (as those) were a
of Eg}'pt. Constituit me patrem apud Parhonem, rarity in the land. Similia erant res rara in re-
et dominum toti familiae ejus, praefectumque in uni- gione. 2. A
darling deliciae. C. S.

• versa terra ^'Eg}-pti. 4. Denoting emphasis cum : Annasach, -aiche, adj. (Annas). 1. Rare, novel:
emphasi dicitur. " Is
ann a thachair e gu gu maith rarus. Macinty. 2. Delightful gratus, suavis. :

•dha." It hath (trulj-) well befallen him. Bene as.

(quidem, scil.) evenit illi. In all the uses of the Ann-athach, adj. Steic. Vide An-athach.
preposition, particularly before possessive pronouns, Ann-fhocal, -ail, s. m. (Ann, prep, et Focal), A
it contracts into a'. " A' m' thigh," " a' d' thigh." word of course solenne verbuni, verbum pro more

In my house, in th)' house in domo mea, in domo : dictum, res obiter dicta. Llh.
tua for, " ann am thigh, ann ad thigh."
; Con- Annlamh, s.f. 1. Perplexity: inopia consilii. R.
joined with personal pronouns, ann, forms Ann- M'D. 240. 2. Grief, vexation dolor, angor. R. :

am, annad, innte, annainn, annaibh, annta, quae 3I'D. 305. Id. q. Amhluadh.
\ide. Vide etiam Anns. Manx. Aj-n. Wei. Yn. Annlann, -ain, s. m. (An, infens. et Lòn), con- A
Swed. On. Arm. Een. Goth. And. Germ. In. diment, whatever is eaten with bread; used particu-
Lat. Ital. et Belg. In. Gr. Ev. larly, for dairy produce condimentum, obsonium.
• Dh' fltogiuiclh i lUionili Ikd w» t-siUnliiauUi j
Then were we iriuuiphanily glad in lum. luni
" 'Chuutoil atmiaÌM riuia anui." i» fuiiiiuu ill illo Utli cum vietorÌA.
MtU'ÌHty. 110. AsNsfiiiHAn, i 'AID, -AK, t. M. (Aa, prtj. et

SufRcifiit was slie throunliout the buinmer in sup- .Ksssv'w AU, Prvvm.\ Spiunul), devil: diciiioii. A
|ilv iiif willi ni-cfssiiry I'oinl. SuHiiiicl per a-»lu- C. .V. HW. Aiiybpryd.
tfiii ml siip|H-(i'iuluiii piiiii.-ni ul>Mmiuiiiqu(- iiiilii. Anki', \prrp. (loiijdined with
Th<; Eiiglisli liinguu{{t' t°urni^l>tli no (criii t'tpiixu- Aknta.J In theui in illiii. :

ill nic'Uiiiiij;
" Aruii ib uiiuluii,"
; bi-iii^ in Ciui.'- " —— a chuiri-iu tuuu' a dltòi^h.

lii- put lur ull kiiidsi ut' iii-<.'csi>ury luoU. W'll. SaJm. cxxxv ÌH.
Enllyii. Vho shall put his trust in them. Qui coiitidrt ifi

An Nocau, adix. To-night : liac noctc. Vide Noclid. illis. Fmpli. " Aniitasun."
An'sos, -ois, «. «I. WAv Annas. • Anntar, s. m. The contlict uf deaili : conflictue
Annracii, «. «I. Vidi' Aiirudi, »•. morientis. MSS.
Anskacii, udj. ^'idt• Aiiracli, oilj. Aknti.aciii), s. m. ind. (An, priv. et Tlachd). 1.
• Annradli, s. m. A chid': primx-ps. Vt. 41. 191. Uudeiiess, indecency : feritas, rusticitub, indeco-
Ansuauii, -Aluii, «.im. \'idu Aiinidh. rum, n. MD.
119. •/'di. 2. DUpleasure, dis-

Anxhanach, adj. Stormy: procellosus. Vide An- gust otfensio, liistidium. C. S.

: 3. A nuisance :

rucli. nocunientum. A'. //.

Annkath, -aith, s.m. Vide Anrath. Ann TOIL, 4-./: A.M'D. 172. Vide An-toil.
Annkathacii, («//. Vide Anratlmch. AssTMO.M, udj. Vide An-trom.
Ass-Kic;ii, *. «I. (.\ii, intern, ti Uigh), A t_\Tant : ty- Anntbomaciiauii, s. III. \'ide An-tromacliadh.
ninnus. IV. Anstkomaicii, -iDii, UH, r. o, God. Cat. et BM.
AxN prep. I. In the: in. Improperly written for
s.\, Vide An-tromaich.
Anns a. " Ann sa bhaile." In the town : in ur- As-OBAiii, -oiBRE, ». /. (.\n, ^r. et Obairl, Idle
bc. " Ann san tigli." In the house : in donio. work superv-acaneum opus. C. S. Wei. Anober,

2. " Ann&u, f. Ann sa," In him : in eo. a trifle anoberi, a mere notliing.

Asss, prep. In, in tlie : in. "Anns gach beul." An-oikchkas, -is, «. HI. (An, priv. et Oircheas),
Fiiig. 93. In every nioutli :
i. in quoque ore. Want of pity immisericordia. C. S.

" Amu a bhaile." Giuilli. i. 21. In the town in : An-oircheasacii, -aiche, adj. (An-Oircheas), Pi-
uppido. " Anns na miosaibh. Jvb. xxix. 2. In '
tiless inimisericors. C. S.

tlie months in mensibus. : Ann et Anns, prep. • Anois,

\ adi'. Now nunc. Salm. cxvi. 4. Ed.

have the same signitication but, " Ami," and ;

• Anoise, 753.
j 1 Wàe Nis, Nise.
" Ann an," are used when the word they go- Anra, SinUh 71. 130. Vide Ànradh.
vern is indefinitely miderstood and " Anns, ; Ànkacii, -.\icii, -ean, s. m. 1. A wanderer, u

anns an," invariably precede a noun in its deti- stranger : erro, hospes.
nite signitication. " Ann an òran," in a song. " Cha 'n aitlmich an t-ànrach vx uaigh."
' Anns an òran," in tlie song. " Anns," is fre- .V. D. 85.
quently contracted 's, and " anns an," wTÌtten Tlie stranger shall not know my grave. Hand
" san ;" " san òran," for, " anns an òran." agnoscet hospes sepulchnun meiun. 2. A forlorn,
Anssa, compar. (irreg. from lonmhuimi, ad/.)
adj. distressed person miser. :

More more beloved carior, amicior. " B'

dear, :
" 'S i do ghnùis do an ànrach a glirian.
annsa I would prefer
learn." C. S. vellem potius. : Hep. App. 228.
" 'S annua domh Cathbaid is 'niuii." Thy countenance to the forlorn is the sun. \'u\-
Fing. i. 272. tus tuus est misero ut sol. 3. A rumier cursor. :

Dearer to me is Cabad and his race. Carior est Vt. 107.

Ànbach, -aiche, Forlorn, miser, derelictus.
ad;. I.
mihi Cabad et ejus sanguis. Arab. LaJl ansa, the
" 'Sruthan ànrack na h-aoise." .S". />. TTie for-
most excellent, selected. lorn stream (tears) of old age. Misera? lachryiiia*
AsKSA, Ì «. m. or /. Love, affection, at- senectutis. 2. Flowing, undulating: tiuitans, undans.
Annsachd, > tachment amor, gratia, deli- : " Tha t' fhalt ànracà air tuiim 'g an luasgadli.
Annsadh, -aidii, 3 ciae. A". D. 5.
" Og treun a thug run agus annsa, Thy flowing hair is tossed on the waves. Crines
" Do gheal-làmh nan rosga caoin." undantes tui super fluctus jactantur. 3. Stormy :

Tern. ii. 315. procellosus.

A valiant youth, who bestowed his affection and " Bu trie a sùil air a chuan ànrach." S. I). 61.
love upon the white-handed (maiden) of kindly Of\en was her eye turned towards (upon) the
looks. Juvenis strenuus qui desiderium et arao- stormy ocean. Stepe erat oculus ejus in altuin
rem dabat candidse manui ciliorum benignorum. procellosum. 4. Disastrous: infaustus. Maiinti/.
Annsan, prep, (conjoined with 'id. jiers.pron. sing, Potius Anrathach, q. vide.
m.) In him in illo. : .\nraciid, \pl. -ah, s. m. A diminutive, ill-look-
" an sin do bhi — A>-RACHDAN, j ing person: homuncio cum rultii
" Sinn annsan ait le buaidh." Salm. Ixvi. G. deformi. C. S. Id. q. Aijiriochd.
AsBACHD, s. »1. iiui. (An, inicns. et Rachd), Violent An-soairt, -e, s.f. (An, intens. et Sgairt), A loud

«eeping, or wailing vehemcns Actus. Sk. : cry, or scream ingens clamor. S. D. 53.

Anhadii, -AiDH, .v. 7». 1. A wandering, a sojourn- An-sgairteacii, -eiche, w/j. (An-sgairf), Shout-
ing: erratic, peregrinatio. ing loudly, screaming ingentem toilens clamo- :

" Mac Monia a 'ni nieadhon 'ànraidL" rem, ejulans. S. C

S.B.òì. Ansgeulach, at^. Aonsgeulach.
Morna's son in the midst of his wandering. Fi- An-shannt, -a, «.»1. (An, priv. et Sannt), Dyscra-
lius Mornae in medio errationis. 2. A sea-storm, sy :depravata cupido, vel impotentia. C. S.
a tempest procella, tempestas. Vt. 23.
: 3. Dis- Wei. Anhaiont.
tress, misfortune : calamitas, infelicitas. C. S. Po- An, -shocair, 7>/. -cran, s.f. (An, priv. et Socair).
tiiisAnrath, q. v. L Pain, distress, difficulty, trouble : dolor, a£3ictio,
• Anradh, s. m. A boon, a petition bonuni, pe- : res adversa;, molestia.
titio. Glenm. 31. " Feuch air mo phein is m' anshocair."
An raoir, adv. Last night: hesterna nocte. " A- Salm. XXV. 18.
gus chronuich e thu '« r«oj>." Gew. xxxi. 42. And Look upon mine affliction and pain. Aspice la-
he reproved thee last night. Et reprehendit te borem meum, et afflictionem meam. 2. Uneasi-
hesterna nocte. ness, restlessness, disquietude solicitudo, inquie- :

Anrath, m. hid. (An, priv. et Rath). 1. Misery,

s. tudo. " Si
fhoighidin mhaith a chlaoidheas an

hardship res arduac, difficultas. Matf. V.

: 2. A anshocair." Prov. Patience wears out disquie-
tempest procella. 7?. M'D. 22. 3. A degree in
: tude. Patientia (bona) content inquietudinem.
poetry : ordo poetaruni. Vide Llhuyd voc. m Anshocrachd, s. f. ind. Sfiort. 90. (Anshocrach).
OUomhan. 4. A wandering : erratio. Potius An- Vide Anshocair.
radh. Wei. Anrhaith, distress, pillage. Anshocrach, -aiche, adj. (An, priv. et Socrach).
An-rathach, -aiche, adj. (Anrath), Disastrous, 1. Painful, distressing, troublesome, difficult: do-

unfortunate : sinister, infelix. Macf. V. lorem, afflictionem, afferens, molestus, difficilis.

An-riadh, -eidh, (An, intens. et Riadh), Usury C. S. 2. Uneasy, disquieted : solicitus, inquietus.
usura, foenus. Voe. 38. C.S.
An-riadhair, -e, -ean, (An, intens. et Riadhair), * Anshogh, -oigh, s. m. (An, priv. et Sogh), Mi-
An usurer : fcenerator. C. S. sery, adversity : miseria, res adversa?. Sh.
An-riaghailt, -ean, s.f. (An, priv. et Riagh-
-e, " Luchd anshòigh" The afflicted : dolore op-
ailt), Confusion, disorder : confusio. C. S. pressi.
An-riar, -reir, s.m. (An, intens. et Riar), A wrong An sin, adv. There : illic. " Tha iad an sin."

gratification : prava libidinis indulgentia. C. S. C. S. They

are there. Illi sunt illic. 2. Thi-
Anro, Ì s. m. Bibl. Gloss. Vide Anradh, ther : "
illuc. A
mhàin na tabhair mo mhac an
Anrodh, oiDH, j et Anrath. sin a ris. Gen. xxiv. 8. Only bring not my son
Anrodhach, -AICHE, adj. (Anrodh), Afflicted: af- thither again. Tantummodo «e reducas filium
flictus. Vide Anrach. meum illuc. 3. Then, at that time : Tunc, eo
• An roir, adv. Macf. Vide An raoir. tempore. " An sin dh' àicheadh Sarah." Gen.
• Ansadhail, adj. (An, priv. et Sàthail), Miser- xviii. 15. Then Sarah denied. Tunc Sara negavit.
able miser. Glenm. 54.
: (Literally, not sa- Ir. ?l^t)^eiT). Vide Sin.
tisfied). An so, adi\ 1. Here : hie. " Tha mi an so." ('n
Ansamhlachd, s.f. ind. (An, pnv.Samhlachd),
et so). C. S. Here I am. Hie sum. 2. Hither
Incomparability : rei natura quae comparari nequit. hue. " Thig e an so." C. S. He will come hi-
C.S. ther. Veniet hue. Pr. Ici. Pers. L^Vaj? an/a,
An-samhluichte, adj. (An, priv. et Samhluichte),
Incomparable : incomparabilis. C. S. there ; ^*>^} ansu, hither, illuc ; LsvÀjI enja, in

An-sannt, m. ind. (An, inteiis. et Sannt), i. e. Ann-

s. this place ; j^«*àj1 insu, hither.
saoghaltachd, Covetousness : avaritia. C. S. Anspiorad, -aid, s. m. Vide Annspiorad.
An-sanntach, -aiche, adj. (An, intens. et Sannt), An-struidhear, -eir, -ean, s. m. (An, intens. et
1. Covetous : avarus. C. S. 2. Gluttonous : vo- A waster, a prodigal
Struidliear), : nepos, nebulo.
rax. Llh. Macf V.
An-sanntach, -aich, s. m. (An, ititens. et Sannt), An T-, def. art. m. Tlie : Fr. Le. Used, 1. In the
A gormandizer : Helluo. C. S. 7iom. sing, before initial vowels. •' An <-athair."
An-saoghalta, adj. (An, intens. et Saoghalta), The father Le : père. 2. Before initial s, followed
Worldly, covetous avarus. Macf. V. :
by a vowel or liquid, in the gen. et dot. sing.
An-saoghaltachd, s. m. ind. (An, intens. et Saogh- " Cruthachadh an <-saoghail. The creation of the
altachd), Worldliness, covetousness : avaritia. world. Forniatio orbis terrarum. " Labhair e fis
Macf. V. an <-sluagh." He spoke to the multitude. AUo-
An-seirc, s.f. Vide Ainsearc. cutus est multitudinem.
An-seirceil, adj. Vide Ainseirceil. AiiT-, The: Fr. ha.. Used, before ini-
An-sgàineadh, -eidh, -ean, adj. (An, intens. et tial s, followed by a vowel, or a liquid, in the nom.
Sgàineadh), A chasm hiatus. Ll/i. :
et dat. sing. " An <-slaim." The booty prseda. :
Fr. I^ proie. '•
Bhuin f ri» an /-«ail pliorl. He ' (viii. 20. Aggravated : valde grave factum, agra-
hath (uuclicii the sore lief I. Atligit lulcem lene- valuin.
ruiii. CcH. " Na. " I'bhai im bùIu." "Hie " .\nthomaicii, -ioh, dh, r. a. (An, imietu. et Trom-
apjile of the eye. l*upilla oiuh. ttich), Aggrataie: aggrava. G. U. cl S. C
• Aiituii, All l-aiisoii>, An t-annsoiii, at/v. Jr. ttn- Antiii'ai AM
a, lutj. (An, priv. et Truucaiitii), Unpi-

c.\m, t(i) r-Ainrtn. In llie time, in that time :

lying, unmerciful iminÌM-ricurft, inhunmnuii. C. S.

tempore, in illo tempore. IV. 7. 78.

in Anthi'acani Ai 111», t. f. iml. (.\n,pnr. et Truacan-
• .\n!arriiÌMf;, s.f. (An, iw/r/w. et Tarruing), Strife: tachd). Want of feeling, or conipaiiiiion iinmi»e- :

lis. IM. ricordiu, inliumanilai-. ('. .V.

As-Tll.\i'.\iDii, -E, a<lj. (An, /mr. et Tupaiilh), Slow, Anthuas, -l'ais, I. III. (.Kn, priv. et Trua«). C. S.
inactive, eti'eniinate : tanlus, impromptus, tlelicu- Id. (|. Antruacantachd.
tus. C. S. iff/. Anhappus. \'iile TapaiiUi. An-l'abhah, -AlH, s. III. (An, priv. et I'abhar), Af-
An-tiorh.\il, -e, atij. {An, priv. et Tiorrail), Tem- fability, want of pride: morum cumita», urbuiii-

pestuous procellosus. S.
; C tas. C. S.
.\N-TioHitAi.Acin), s.f. iiut. ( Antiorrail), Badness of An-laibiireacii, -EicHE, adj. (An, pnr. et Uaibh-
climate : ca-li intemperies. ('. A'. reach), (ientle, humble, kind, not liaughty niitir, :

An-tlaciid, s. m. K. M'D. '2'2. Vide .^nntlachd. blandus, niininie fustusus. O. S.


An-tlaciidmhok, -oihe, m^'. (.\n-tlaclid), I'nhand- As-t'AiR, -E, s.f. (An, priv. L-t Uair). 1. An evil

some, indecent : invcnustus, indecorus. A. M'D. 41. hour ; hora infausta. C. S. 2. Bad weather ad- :

AN-Tot;KAi)ii, -Ainii, -EAN, *. »1. (.^n, tiite/is. et versa cceli tempestas. C. S. Gr. 'Aiwjja, intera-
Togradh), .\ criminal propensity, concupiscence: pcsfivitas.

prava cupido, libido. Mac/. V. et N. T. passim. An uair, adv. (An, art. ct Uair), When, (used rela-
An-toil, -e, *./. (An, |frf^; et Toil). 1. Self-will: tively) quando, quum.
" An uair a chunnaic e
pertinacia. S. B. Vide Fein-thoil. 2. Unwilling- iad." C. .S. When he saw tliem. Quum vidit
ness : repugnantia. C. S. COS. (lit. the hour).
An-toileach, -EiciiE, adj. (An, prrf. et Toileach). As-L'AisLE, s.y. iW. (An, ^'r. rt Uaisle). 1. Mean-
1. Per^e^se penersus, pervicax. Urn, 6.
: Un- ness illibcralitas. C. S.
: 2. Baseness turpitudo. :

willing : invitus. C. S. Llli. App. Vide Uaisle.

Aktoilealachd. An-l'Aisle, adj. conip. of Anuasal, q. v.
f. ind. (Antoileil), Wilfulness,
obstinacy : pervicacia, contumacia. C. S. • An-uallach, *. m. Vide Eallach.
Antoileil, (An, inlcns. ct Toil), Wilful, ob-
-e, adj. • Anuallaich, -idh, dh, r. a. Overburden : injus-

stinate : pervicax, contumax.

C. S. to onerc preme.
An-toilich, -iDii, DH, v.o. Lust after : concupisce. A NUAS, adv. Down, downward deorsum. '• O :

IJh. ncamh nan speura nuas." Salm. xxxiii. 14. From

• Antoilidhcnchd, s.f. Concupiscence: concupis- heaven downward. E ca'lis deorsum. ^'ide Nuas.
centia. Uh. An-uasal, -uaisle, (An, priv. et Uasal), Mean,
• Antoirdliear, «./. The east : oriens. itf^fS". Vide base : ignobilis.

An ear, oir, sear, soir.

" Paisgt' ann an trusgan an-uasal."
• Antomhaiil, s. Gluttony : voracitas edacitas. Macf. Par. i. 4.
*//. et OR. Wrappedin mean clotliing. Indutus vestimento
•Antonihaltair, s. m. A glutton lurco. Uh. :
Vide Uasal.
As TRÀT1I, adc. (An, art. et Tràth), When, the Anuinn, s.f. Macdoug. 65. Vide Anainn.
time when : quum, quo tempore. Salm. pass. A NULL, adv. Vide A nunn.
Ami. Andra, as long as. An-lmhlachd, s. f. ind. (An, priv. et Umlachd),
An-tuAtm, -a, s.m. (An, priv. ct Tràth), A wrong sea- Disobedience inobcdientia. C. S.
: More fre-
son tempestas inopportuna. Ì all. Gr. 57. et C. S.
quently Eas-umhlachd.
An-tràthach, -AiciiE, adj. (Antràth), Unseason- A NUNN, adv. Over, thither, to the farther side : hinc
able, abortive : intempesti\'us, abortivus. C S. trans, vel ad alteram ripam. Llh. App. et C. S.
Ak-treibhdiiireacii, -eiche, (An, priv. et adj. Ir. 'H,x)or)r}. Vide Nunn.
Treibhdliireach), Insincere C. S. : insincerus. An uraidh, adv. Last year: anno superiore. Macf.
An-treibhdiiireas, -Eis, s.m. (An,/im'. et Treibh- V. i. e. " An uair a chaidh." Tlie time that is

dhireas)), Insincerity : insinceritas. C. S. gone : tempus quod praeteriit.

Ak-tròcaireach, -EICHE, adj. (An, priv. et Trò- Ao-, prefix, priv. (or inseparable preposition), Not
caireach). Unmerciful immisericors. Stew. 291. : non. Equivalent to the Eng. In-, -un the Lat. ;

An-tròcaireachd, s.f.ind. (An-tròcaireach), Un- Li- and the Gr. 'A, privative.

mercifulness : inimiscricordia. C. S. • Aobh, s. 111. Similitude. Sh. et O'R.

An-trom, -lime, (An, intens. et Trom), Griev- adj. AoBHACH, -AicHE, odj. 1. Chccrful. joyous, glad :

ous, burdensome
valde gravis, ponderosus. Macf. : serenus, la-tus, hilaris. Macf. V. 2. Beautiful,
Par. 20. 4. Wei. Androni, heavy with young. pleasant, lovely pulchcr, decorus, amccnus.

Antromachadh, -aidh, »\ in. (An, intnis. et Troni- " Mar ùeart na gaoithe,
achadh). Aggravation actus aggravandi, exagge- :
" Leagadh coilteach Whorbhaim aobhach."
randi, accumulandi. " Air aiUromachadii." Gm. Rep. App. 220.
Vol. I. H
Ai the strength of the wind, which lays low the The liver hcpar. OR. Vide Ae.
: 8. A

woods of pleasant Morveni. Ut violentia turbinis sheep ovis. OR. Gr. Oi'i. 4. Hugh ; Dio-

Siemens sylvas Morvcrna; amoenac. flèfer. ^nX genes :\Hugo ; Diogenes. C. S.

AoDHAiR, ) -EAN, «. JM. (Aodh, 3. ct Fcor), A
ahab, dilcxit. Arab. L^J abha, more, or njost
AoAHAiRE,/ herdsman, a shepherd, pastor, (pro-
beautiful. priè ovium). " Aodhair IsraciL" Hah». Ixiii. 1.
AoBUACHD, »•./. ind. (Aobhach), Cheerfulness, glad- Shepherd of Israel ; [pastor Israelis. Gr. Oviti,
ness, loveliness : hilaritas, Lctitia ; venustas, amce- custos. [Hcbr. -yiy ad/iar, ordinavit. CAald. NTU?
nitas. C. S. edera, grex. Vail. Pr. Pr. 10.
AoBHAR, -AIR, -EAN, s. 7)1. A causc, or reason : cau- AoDHAiHEACHD, s.f. itid. (Aodhair), A shepherd'c
sa, ratio. R. M'D. " Agus b' e so an t-aobhar
3. office : pastoris munus. Macf. V.
mu 'n do tliog e a lamb an aghaidli an righ. • Aodliar, s. m. Air, sky : aer, «ether. P. Turn.
1 Righ. xi. 27. And this was the cause why he 442.
lifted his hand against the king. H.-ec autera oc- • Aodhar, s. m. (Aodh, 1. et Àr), A fiery desola-
casio fuit qua sustulit nianuni contra regem. " Ao- tion : ignea vastatio. Sh.
bhar-ghàire." C. S. cause of laughter diver- A ; AoDHLAMAiD, -E, -EAN, s. 711. (Foghlumach), A
sion a laughing-stock
; causa ridendi, ridiculum, : learner : discipulus. " 'S nach robh e fiamh 'na
ludicrum. " Air an aobhar sin." G.£. passim. aodhlainaid." Macinty. 185. And that he never
Therefore, on that account itaque, idcirco. 3Ianx. : was a learner. Et quum nunquam discipulus fuit,
OjT. Ao-DioN, s. 711. Ì7ìd. ( Ao, priv. et Dion), Leakiness :
AoBHARAcn, -AicHE, odj. (Aobhar). 1. Causal rima;, fissurae, aquae influendum. Wei. Agen, a
causalis. 3I'L. 2. Reasonable: rationalis. " Gnionih chink.
aobharach." C. S. A reasonable deed, or rational Ao-DIONACH, -AICHE, odj. (Ao-dion), Leaky rimo- :

act. consentaneum.
Factum rationi sus. Macdoug. 77. Wei. Aenawg, full of clefts,
AoBHARACHD, s. f. bid. (Aobhar), Causation: cau- leaky.
satio. And frequently used for Aobhar. " Ao- Ag-dòcha, adj. (Ao, priv. et Dòcha), Less pro-
bharachd ni' airtneil."' C. S. The cause of my bable magis improbabilis. C. S.

sadness. Causa mei doloris. Ao-DÒcHAS, -Ais, s. 711. (Ao, priv. et Dòchas), De-
AoBHARRACH, -AiCH, s. m. (Aobhar), Elements, spair desperado. Macf. V. Id. q. Eu-dòcbas.

materials elementa, rudimenta, materies.

" Ao- Ao-DÒCHASACH, -AICHE, odj. (Ao-dòchas), Full of
bharrach duine". S. C
3'outh : adolescens, ju- A despair : exspes. Macf. V. Id. q. Eu-dòchasach.
venis, (in.) " Aobharrach còta." Materials for a AoDRAMAN, -AiN, «. 771. Vide AotToman.
coat : materies tunicae. AoDuxN, s. f. £. M'D. 36. Vide Aodan, et Eu-
• Aobhdha, adj. MSS. Vide Aobhach. dan.
AoBHRACH, Turn. 209. Vide Aobharrach. •>Ao-fhuathmhar, ad;. Detestable : detestandus.
AOBRAN, ) AOBKAIN, AoBRAINN, AoBRUIN, Ao- Llh. Vide Adhfhuathmhar.
AoBRANN, BRuiNN, /)Z. -AN, s. 711. Ah ankle ta-
>• : AoG, -IG, s. »1. 1. Death mors. :

AoBRUNN, 3 lus. Voc. 16. et Macdoiig. 164. Wei. " Tharruing an t-aog,
Fern. B. Bret. Uvem, iifern. Gr. Spu^v. Basq. " A
shaoU air bhur gniiisibh." A. M'D. 146.
Abrona. Death has drawn his likeness upon your counte-
Ao-cosLACH, Ì -AICHE, adj. (Ac, priv. et Coltach, nances. Depinxit mors similitudinem suam super
Ao-coLTACH, j vel Coslach), Unlike, different : dis- \niltus vestros. Id. q. Eug. 2. A skeleton ossa :

similis, dispar. R. M'D. 117. sine came. Macf. V. 3. (Used adjectively, of in-
" Ao-caltach do ghleus fi triath Mhòrbheinn." animate objects), Stale, withered marcidus, flac- :

Cro77i. 103. cidus, arefactus. C. S. Wei. Angeu, death. Dav.

Unlike the chief of Morven, (is) thy manner. Dis- AoGAiDH, Ì -E, adj. (Aog), Ghastly, death-like: pal-
par principis Morvenae est mos tuus. 2. Unlikely, AoGAiL, J lidus, macilentus, quasi moribundus.
improbable : iniprobabilis. C. S. Vide Coslach, 3Iacf. V.
et Coltach. AoGAis, prep. e. g. " A h-aogais," Without : sine.
AoDACH, -AICH, -AicHEAK, s. 7». Cloth, dress : pan- " As 'aogais," Without him sine : eo, illo. " As
nus, vestis. Macdon. 158. Vide Eudacb. a h-a<^ais," Without her sine : eà, illà. C. S.
AoDAicH, -IDH, DH, V. o. Clothe : vesti. Vide Eu- Vide Aogas.
daich. AoGAs, ) -Ais, -AisG, s. »1. Countenance, appear-
AoDAN, -AiNN, -AN, s. /. face : fkcies, frons. A AoGASG, j ance, likeness vultus, facies, species. :

.S. J). An cron a bhios san aodan cha'n fhao-

" A. M'D. 146. et Maci7ity. 210. " S cosail 'aogas
dar 'fhalach." The blemish in the face is not to ri Diarmad." S.D. 116. His counfenance is like
be hidden." Culpa in facie, non celenda est. Id. unto Dermid. Vultus ejus est similis Dermido.
q. Eudan. Gr. E/xo;, similis.
f. Front Stall of a bridle AoGASACH, -AICHE, odj. (Aogas), Seemly, pretty:
capistrum. Voc. 92. decorus. Macf. V.
• Aodh, s. m. 1. Fire : ignis. Vt. Gloss. Gr. AiSu, AoGNACHADH, -AiDH, s. 771. Or pres. part, V. Aog-
uro. HiTìd. Ag. ChaM. TlX aodh, torris. 2. naich. 1. Becoming lean as death : marcescens
quMÌ moribundus. C. S. i. Withering, fading : AoiinMiArii, •EiriiB, lut;'. (Auibh), 1. Pleaaani.

martens. ( S. '. clu-trful : uinit-nun, jucundus. " 'Hiuil um> ruuiii

AotiNAiiii, -AiuH, UH, e-. H. 1. Hcconie
(Ao};). dhuniliKU una uii ioiiudaibti aoilJinrath. '
Salui. xvi.
lean, ur puie, as ileutli : niunesce, pullcM'f, qimsi (i. My
purtiun ha» litllen to nie in pleauiil plact-t.
inoribundu!). A. M-D. 50. Hti. V. \\ iiher, ludc : Sors inea aeiidit niilii in locis amo-iii». 2. Joyful,
i-onsenesce, exiiresce. (,'. A'. glud. luippy ftlix, lulus. • Agus chuidli Ilauuui

AouNAU'ii, -Aiuii, uii, r. (I. (.•\opl, Kmaciate, make a niiuli air an lù sin iioibhiuach." Hit. v. 9. And
loaji, or pull': iMuaiia. Alacdoup. i>I. et Alurf. I'. lluniun Hent forth on that duy juyful. luque
AooNt'iuii, (Ao^t.
-t^tulj. 1. Kinui'iati'il mucilon- : egressus est Human die illo, la-tus.

tus. JUiu-ttom/. 130. 'i. Fri^litlui hurrihcU8. S. : C AuiBiiNEAs, -Kis, jt.m. (Aoibh), (iladnes6, joy: gau-
Aocus, -L'ls, *. »1. S. 1). tSi. To. Vide Aogas. diuni, la'titia. " Ki mi tiuiUmras u^us gairdeacims
• Aoi, s. m. vt f. (Aois). I. An ajie a-vum. : annad." Salm. ix. 2. I « ill be (;lad and rejoice
Scot. Av. iir. KiMy Ail. Hind, Aeu, Aoo. ValL in thee. La-taltor et exultubo in tc.
Pr.Pr.TX. Vide Ac, one. 2. A stranger, jfucst • Aoide, s.f. 1. Youth: juventas. IV. Clot*. V.
advena, liospes. "S7/. et O'R. Vide Aoidli. 3. A web : tela. Sh. \'ide Eudach.
Atrade, or handicruii ars. Sh. 4. A law :
• Aoideach, adj. Youthful : juvenilis. .Sh, et O'H
\e\. IJh S V r.,lo cai.on. C. A caUM-, . ZM AoinEAG, -AU\, -EAS, S.f. A hair-Iau.', fillet : vitta,
controversy lausii, lis. iJh.
: 7. A confedera- funiculus crinalis. Sh.
cy, compact : fceilus, aniicitia. Sh, et O'H. • Aoideanach, adj. (.Aoi, honour, et Dean), Will-
8. A flock of sheep : grex oviuni. Uh. 9. A behaved: benenioratus. Sh. Also, improper-
sheep: ovis. Uh. 10. A swan: cvgnus. LIh. ly, for Ao-dionach, untight, leaky. OJi. 11. The liver: jecur. Jitth. 9. • Aoideogam, rer^. I bind the liair crines colligo. :

Vide Ae. 12. A possession : possessio. Sh.

OK 13. A hill : inons, collis. Sh. 14. A AoiDii, -E, S.f. 1. An aspect aspectus. Macf. V. 2. :

place, a region : locus, regio. O'H. 15. An Affability comitas, urbanitas. C. S.

: 3. A mur-
island : insula. OH, Sh. et OB. 16. Ho- mur stre])itus. " Cuthonn 'n an aoidh le 'guth

nour, respect : honos, observantia. Sh. et O'lt. Cuthona in midst of their

bròin." Coid. Ci/lh. 13.5.
17. Knowledge, science : scientia. Sh. et O'H. murmurs, with her voice of sorrow. Cuthona in
18. Instruction, discipline: disciplina. Sh. et eorum murmure cum ejus voce luctus. 4. A
O'H. 19. Descendants, a tribe posteri, tri- : resort locus frequentandi.
" Aoidh chàirdean."
bus. O'H. 20. A request, petition rogatio, : Hebrid. The resort of friends. Locus qucm amici
petitio. O'H. fi-equentant.
• Aoibh, adj. Neat nitidus, elegans. 17. Gloss.: AOIUH, -E, -KAN, -EANNA, S.tH. I. A gUCSt hoSpcS. :

" Ceann uidhc nan aoidhean." C. S. The hospi-

ct Llh. Arab. Lgj? eòha, vel abha, more, or
most beautiluK table receiver of guests. Benignus receptor hos-
A pitum. (Aoi, knowledge!, A
Vide Uidhe. 2.
AoiBH, -E, s.f. courteous, civil look : urbanus,
skilfulperson homo pcritus. .S7(. :

vel comis aspectus. Sh. Arab. ,JL^' abhal, \el AoiDHEACH, -EicHE, adj. (Aoidh, 2.), Affable, Cour-
ihhal, encouraging, caressing ;
^L^l ibhaj, glad- teous, hospitable : affabilis, benignus, hospitalis.
ness, joj', cheerlulness. C.S.
• Aoibh, {pi. of Aoi, 14.), s.f. Territories: fines. AoiDHEACH, -icH, *. m. Vide Aoidhe.
Vt. 91. AoiDHEACiiD, S.f. iiid. (Aoidheach), Entertainment,
• Aoibheamhuil, mij. (Aoibh), Grateful, satisfied : lodging, hospitality hospitium, hospitalitas. Uh.

gratus, voluptate pcrfusus, satiatus. Sh, Vt. et C. S.

AoiBHlSN, -E, adj, 1. Pleasant, comely aniccnus, : AoiDHEALA, <w^'. Maciitti/. 2Ì. eomp. of Aoidheil.
decens. Llh. 2. Jojful, glad Ixtus, gaudens. : AoiDHEALAciiD, f. iìtd. (Aoidheil),
s. Kindness,
courtesy, urbanity, hospitality benignitas, urba-
Vl 13. Arab. ^ . yj^\ abayan, orebin, most beau- :

nitas, hospitalitas. et Voc. 33. Macf.
Aoibltiol), adj. Giddy ineptus,
Aoidheil, -eile, (Aoidh). 1. Kind, courte-adj.
• : levis, vcrtigine
ous, affable benignus, blandus, affabilis. C. S.

corrcptus. 5//. et OH. Arab. ^^ aval, spe 2. Handsome, beautiful speciosus, deeorus, puJ- :

defecit ; hinc ),S}\ awal, negligentefe. Hdrr. cher. H. M'J). 74. 3. Hospitable hospifaUs. :

ViN Unde Macinty. 158.

evil, stultus. evil, et d'evil, An-
glorum. AoiDioN, s.m. Vide Ao-dion.
AoiBHiR-ÀLuiNN, s.f. Evir-AUin: nomen mulieris.
AoiDioNACH, adj. MaodoKff. 77. Vide Ao-dionach.
Ossian. Vide Aoibh, et Àluinn. AoiDNEAN, pi. of Aodan, A face ; Aoidnibh.
AoiBHiR-cHAOMiiA, s.f. Evir-coma nomcn mu- :
H. MD. 215.
lieris. Ossian. Vide Aoibh, et Caomh. • .'Voife, s. f. Cuchullin's wife, the mother of Conn-
Aoibhle, s.f. A sign, token, lach. FV. Ì30.
• omen : signum. Llh.
Aoibldigh, -idh, dh", v. a. Ao\r\. adj. Sweet, pleasingly mournful dulcis, aaoa-
' Mark, explain an :

omen : omen declara, procura, expone. Llh. biliter lugubris. A, M'D. 98. Arab. ìS-a aiy, hav-
ing sweet voices. Hebr. TO^ yqM» P™ anxietate (Tu) ipse lacerte, nate ignobili herba, propter m-
tyram mancam tuam, meles oblidam fauces tibi. !

Aoib, -E, EAN, Sheet, or bolt-rope of a sail sinus, :

AoiGH, s.f. Vide Aoidli. fimbria, ora, seu margo vcli. " An taod aoire."
AoicHEALACHD, s. tfid. A, M'D, 188. Vide
f. R.M'D. The sheet. Funiculus quo velum trans-
Aoidhealachd. " Fear gealtach s'an aoir." Prov. A ti-
AoiGHEiL, -EALA, odj. MacdoTt. 90. Vide Aoidh-
morous person to hold the sheet, i. e. Cedere res
arduas timido homini.
• Aoilbhreo, s.f. (Aol, et Brugh, 4.) A lime-kiln: • Aoire, s. in. A farmer, ploughman : agricola, co-
fornax calcaria. Llh. et S/i.
lonus." " Lod mòr mac an aoire," (character
• Aoileach, ,«.;». 1. gazing-stock A : ostentus,
in a tale). Mighty Lodo the farmer's sod.
opprobrium. S. B. 2. Dung : fimus. Kirk.
Magnus Lodo agricola: filius.
Sabn. Ixxxiii. 10. Vide Aolacli.
Aoiheaciias, -ais, m. Satire: satira. Llh. s.
• Aoileann, s.f. Macf. V. \'\àe Faoileann.
• Aoireachdainn, s.f. Exclaiming against, blam-
Agin, gen. oi Aon, q, v. And sometimes prefixed
ing actio reclamandi, culpandi. Provin. Sh.

for Aon, in composition, to words whose first vowel

Aoireadh, -idii, -idhean, s. m. Macdon. 45. Vide
is small.
• Aoin, s.
f. 1. A rush : juncus. Llh. 2. Ho- • Aoimeadh, i. p. Fnasgladh. Vt. Gloss.
nour honor. O'R.
: 3, A fast jejunium. :
AoiRNEAGAN, -AiN, s. m. A wallowing : volutatio.
Vide Aoine. " Bha e 'ga aoimeagan fein." Marc. ix. 20. Ed.
AoiNE, s.f. ind. 1. A fast jejunium. Sh. O'R. et :
1807. He wallowed himself. Erat volutans sese.
C. .S". Gr. Avia. Hebr. TV^a aniah, tristitia, mce- • Aoirein, s. m. A ploughman : arator. Sh. et OR.
ror. Chald. '^'ì^ oni, jejunium, afflictio. Hebr.
• Dug. Btichan. Vide Oidlieirp.
Aoirip, s.f.
nJX aiiah, luxit. 2. Friday: Dies veneris, vel
Aois, AosA, *. /. 1. Age: aetas. " Agus
-E, et
jejunii. C. S. " Aireamh na h-aoine ort." A bha Noah cuig ceud bliadhna dh' aois." Gen.
form of execration. Infaustus sit tibi dies veneris. V. 32. And Noah was five hundred years of
• Aoine, s.f. Skill Vide Aithne.
: peritia. age. Et Noah fuit quingentos annos atatis. 2.
AoiNE-NA-CEusTA, S.f. Good-fridaj Dies crucifixi- : Old age senectus. " Och 's trom an iarguinn
: !

onis. Vail. Pr. Pr, Vide Ceusta. an aois." S. D. 202. Alas old age is a grievous

AoiNEADH, -iDH, s. 111. A Steep promoHtory pro- : affliction. Heu ! gravis afflictio est senectus. 3.
montoriimi praeruptum. Macdaug. 179. An age aevum, seculum. " O aois gu h-aois."

AoiNEAGAN, -AiN, -AN, s. fit. Mocf. V. Vide Aoir- Salm. xli. 13. From age to age. Seculo in se-
neagan. culum. Ir. ?lef Manx. Aesh. Wei. Oes. B.

» Aoinfheachd, adv. At once: semel. Vt. 101. Bret. Aes, ais, es, hoazle. Corn. Uz. Fr. Age.
• Aoinfhear, s. in. (Aon, et Fear), One man vir :
Gr. Ero;, annus aim, xvam. Chald. KDK asa,

unus. " Art aoinfhear mac Cuinn." Art, or senex.

Arthur Enner, son of Constantine, a celebrat- Aois, s.f. pi. People, community of any particular
ed king of the Irish Gaidlieal. See his history. kind, designated by its adjunct. (Fr. Gens.) Vide
Vt. 71. Aos. " Aois ceòil, no ciùil." Musicians : mu-
AoiNFHiLLTE, od/. Vide Aon-fhillte. sici. Llh. App. " Aois-dàna." Poets : poetae.
AoiNFHiLLTEACHD, s. f. ind. Voc. 33. Vide Aon- Macf. V. et Llh. App. " Aois-fann." Weaklings :
fhillteachd. infirmi. Llh. App. " Aois-gràidh." Lovers : ama-
• Aoinghein, s. m. An only son : unigenitus. Urn. tores. Llh. App. " Aois-galair." The sick aegri. :

150. Vide Aon-ghin. Llh. App. " Aois treabhaire." Husbandmen : a-

AoiN-iNNTiNN, s.f. Vide Aon-inntinn. gricolae. Llh. App. " Aois uallach." Hobgob-
AoiN-iNNTiNNEACH, ojdj. Stew. Vide Aon-inntinn- lins : larvae. Llh. App.
each. AoisiD, s.f. R. 7. 175. M'D.
Vide Faoisid.
AoiN-MHÈiN, s. /. (Aon, Mèin), One mind : una Aois-iiATH, Hoary, aged canus, senex. " 'San
adj. :

mens. Urn. 58. 71. dorus chòlaich e bard aois-tiath." S. D. 287. In

• Aoinni, «. m. i. e. Aon, ni. One thing : una the gate, he met a hoary bard. In porta, obvenit
res. Urn. 18. cano poetae.
AoiNSGEULACH, odJ. Mocf. Par. V. 13. Vide Aon- Aol, Aoil, s. m. Lime cabc. Macf. V. " Aol gun :

sgeulach. bhàthadh." Quick-lime calx viva. WeL Aul. :

AoiR, -IDH, DH, V. a. (Aoir, s.) Satirize, lampoon Gr^ T>.7), materies ; I>.-mc, limus.
prosequere. Macf. V. et C. S.
satiris Aol, -aidh, dh, v. a. (Aol, s.) Plaster, or cover with
Aoir, -e, -ean, s.f. {Aor, s.) satire, lampoon: A lime calce obduce, vel obUne. C. S.

satira,carmen maledicum. AOLACH, -AiCH, s. m. Dung : fimus. Macf. V. " An

" Fhior dhearc luachraich 'chinnich a lus, t-aolach."G. B. The entrails containing the
" Mu t-aoir bhacaich, tachdam thu, bhruic." ordure of an animal. Wei. Aul, dung. Hei»'.
A. 199. MD. Pers. jji.^J ahish,
Thou very lizard, who
hast grown from weeds, for rÒìi alach, fcetidus factus est.

thy lame satire, thou badger let me strangle thee. ! contamination.

AOLADAIR, -B. -EAM. «. m. (AoUdll, ct It'ttr), A • Aon, «./. A country regio. Sh. :

plasterer qui calce obducii. Atotf. I • Aouae, «. m. Tin, lead »taiuiuni, plumbum. ;

AoLADii, -Aiuii, «. u>. cl firrs. part, i'.Aol, 1. A Artth. .\iuil. ChaUL-yyUuhUch. Wdl. Frut.
loalinj! of lime: euJiis Ceilorium. Munlouij. IW. J'lrj. iy.

•i. The uit, or ur( of pluiileriiig : uctio, beii urs AoNAcii, -Auii, -CAN, s. m. I. A ttet-p, a liill

ealce olKlutcmli. ( S. '. pra-eipiliuui, muiir.

• Aoluin, i. III. Ix'uniiii); : iloi'triiia. A'/i. et OV/. " Dhuiiieub mu '11 aoiiach gu Uir." Fing. t tt9.
\'iile OiU'uiiihuiii, el Fo^liiiini. That closes entirely round the hill. Uute cUudit
• Aoluiiiiche, »•. III. A .sliuleiu : disei|)uliis. SJi. et circum niontem onmino. Hthr. "^JJi iinoth, per-
07/. \iile Oileuiiiliiiueli, et l-"o(^lilum«eli. pendieulum. 1. An uneulti\ui<.-d heutli, or high
• Aoluiiiieli, -iilli, illi, Kiiiieale : eilueu, erudi. SA. ground. ('. A'. 3. I'anting lor breath ilia ducrnk. :

\itlc Oileanilimiicli, et ri>(;lilum. Fr. Allan, pains Ahaner, to labour. ChaJd. et


AoLAis, -K, «./. Indoleiiee : igiiavia. C. S. Ihbrul. He/ir. p3K aiieA ; njN aitn-h, to moan.
AoLAisDEAcii, -EiiiiE, lulj. (Aolais), Luzy : socors, .\oNACii, -AUII, s. m. 1. A fair: mereatura, luer-

ignavus. Voc. 1-U). catus. MSS. 2. .\ great assembly ingenis ho- ;

• Aolani, (uij. \'icle Fogliluim. niinum coetus. If. 17.">. " Mòr«t;/««/r na eanihiui."
• Aolamh, .v. m. Sh. et OK. Vide Ollamli. Gtenm. 44. The great assembly of Hallow tijlc.
• Aoloni-tigli, i. e. Tifjli-fojililuim, «. m. A eol- Uretus magnus temporis hieniulis. Probably Iniin
lejje : collefjium. \ all. Pros. Pr. Gtì. fairs and assemblies being held on high and uncul-

AoL-ciiLACii, -AiciiK, -AN, tivated grounds.

f. (Aol, et Claeli),
liiue-stone: caL\ uun coniiiiiuuta, uut usta. H.M'D. AoNACiiADH, -AIDH, «. »1. Kt prts. part. V. Aonaicli.

347. 1. Uniting, joining close, the act of uniting con- :

AoLMAXN, -AiN\, *. 111. Oiiituient, oil: uiiguen, junctio, actus conjungendi. C. S. 2. Galloping,

oleum. Macinty. 207. running swiftly eelc-r fijcK'stris vel pedestris cur-

AoL-riiLÀsDA, s. m. (Aol, et Plàsd), A Uine-plaster 8US. Maif. l\

caleis cement um. Voc. .S.S. AoNAciiD, s.f. iiid. (Aonaich), Unity, concord : iini-
AoL-siiLiKN, -LiHNE, »'. til. (Aol, ct Sòm), A lime- tas, concordia. Voc. 103. " Comhnuidli a ghabh-

kiln : tbrnax eulcaria. Hh. ail cuideachd ann an aonackd." Sulm. cxxxiii. 1.
AoL-Ticii, -EAN, »•. III. (Aolain, et Tigh), A col-
-E, To dwell together in unity habitare una, in con- :

lege collegium. Sh.

: cordia.
AoM, -Aiuii, DH, r. n. et «. 1. Incline, bend: in- AONADH, -AIDH, S. ÌH. for AONACHADH. " K' an
clina, dertecte teipsum. Oss. pass. 2. Descend coimhthioual fia bitheadh m' onoirsa air a h-*«>«-
descende. '• Dh'nom na suinn o chruaich nam adh." Gen. xlix. 6. Unto their congregation let
beann." Fiity. i. 86. The heroes descended from not mine honour be united. In ca-tum eorum ne
tlie height of the mountains. Descenderunt he- adunator gloria mea.
roes a pra;ci|)itiis montium. 3. (Fig.) Persuade : AoN-ADHARCACH, Aicn, s. m. (Aon, et Adluu:cflcli),
persuade. Maef. V. A unicorn nionokeros. Joò. xxxlx. 9.

AoMA, s. III. S. D. 118. Vide Aomadh. AoNAGAiL, Ì *./. iW. A wallowing, weltering: vo-
AoMACU.\DH, I -AiDH, s. til. et pres. part. 1. In- AosAiRT, j lutatio. Mac/. V.
AoMADH, j clination, the act of inclining, or AoNAicH, -IDH, DH, V. a. (Aon), Unite: conjungc,
bending inclinatio, actus inclinandi vel deflec-
: aduna. " Aonaich mo chridhe." Saiin. Ixxxvi. 1 1.
tendi. Oss. pass. 2. Declivity : devexitas, decli- Ed. 1807. marg. Unite my heart. Adunu ani-
vitas. mum meum. IVei. .\naw. Ii. Bret. Unia.
" Sheas iad air aomadh nan sliabh." Fing. i. 97. Aon A IS, S.J', ind. A want, or deticiency egestas, :

They stood on the declivity of the hills. Stete- defectus. Provin. Tha aoiiais iomadh ni orm.''

runt illi super declivitate olivorum. C. S. I am in want of many things. Inopia mul-
AoMACHDAiL, -E, {adj. (Aomadh), Tending to in- tarum rcruin est mihi. More frequently used as a
cline, or bend proclivis. C. S. : preposition, conjoined with the preposition '• as."
AoMAicii, -AiDH, D», V. Q. Incline: inclina. Muc- " As aonais do chuideacliaidh." C. S. Without
doiig. 200. Id. q. Aom. thy aid. Sine auxilio tuo. " As t' aonais." A.
• Aomilleadh, «. m. Mde Aidhmhilleadh. M'D. 122. Without thee: absque te. " .\s m'
AoMTA, AoiMTE, perf. pari. v. Aom. Inclined, bent: aonais." C. S. Without me: absque me. ViUg.
indinatus, flexus. S. D. 3. Aoghnuis, et lùnais. Id. q. Easbhuidh.
AoK, adj. 1. One unus, unicus. " A h-uon." : AoNAR, adj. (Aon), Alone: solus. '•
Cha 'n 'eil e
Gen. 3. 1. One unus. " Air a h-aoii." Camp. : maith gu'm biodli an duine 'ha aonar." Gen. ii. 18.
35. For one : de uno. 2. Excellent, noble exi- : It is not good that the man should be alone. Kon
mius, nobilis. Ll/t. " An t-aon ungta." Messiah. est bonum horainem esse solum. '•
'I"ha mi 'm

Manx. Un. Wei. Un, yn, hyn. Corn. Uyn-yn. aonar." C. S. I am alone. Sum solus. Alway*
Arm. Yunan. Germ. Ein, eine. Fr. Un, une. used with possessive pronouns.
Jtal. et Span. Uno. una. Lat. Unus ; anciently, AoNARACH, -AiCHE, odj. (Aonar). 1. Lonely, soL'-
CEnus. Scot. Yin, een, ane, ae. Eng. An^ one. tary, retired solitarius, desertus. Slcu: 202.
: 2.
Cr. "El. ChuUl. HT\ hada. {Jig). Melantlioly, sad nicest us, lugubris. C. S. :
AoNARACiiD, ».f. ind. (Aonarach).
1. Solitude, re- " Agus bha lacob 'na dhuine aon-fhiUte." Gen.
tirement : solitude. C. S. 2. Singularity : inso- XXV. 27. And Jacob was a plain man. Et Jaha-
lentia. Ll/i. cob fuit vir integer.
AoNAUAV, -AiN, -AN, «. »i. 1. A Solitary person, AoN-FHiLLTEACHD, K. f. ind. Aon-Fliilltc), Can- (

one left alone, or forsaken : homo solitarius ;

qui dour, singleness, simplicity : equanimitas, simpli-
relictus, (lestitutus fiiit. Mac/. V.
citas, integritas.
" Nach do chleachd bhi na aonaran critheach." AoN-FHLATii, s. m. ind. (Aon, et Flafh), A mo-
S. D. 201. narch rex solus imperans. Sh.

Wlio was not wont to be a trembling forsaken one. AoN-FHLAiTiiEACHD, *./. ind. ( Aon-fhlath), A mo-
Qui non solebat esse derelictus, tremensque. 2. narchy unius imperium.
: Voc. 43.
.4 hermit, recluse : eremita, anaclioretes. AoN-FHLAiTHEACHDAiL,a/^'.(Aonfl)laitheachd), Mo-
" Amhuil aonaran liath nan creag, narchical sub uno degens magistratu, ad unum

" Le 'aire leagt' air saoghail dhorcha." magistratum pertinens, ad unius imperium refe-
S. D. 252. rens. Macf. V.
As the hoary hermit of the rocks, his mind intent AoN-GHiN, adj. (Aon, et Gin), Only begotten uni- :

on dark worlds. Sicut eremita canus saxetorum, genitus.S.I).2l5.

cum animo ejus occupato de mundis tenebrosis. AoN-GiiNÌiTHEACH, adj. (Aon, et Gnèith), Homo-
AovARANACH, -AicHE, adj. (Aonaran), Solitary, geneous ejusdem generis. Steie. et Macf. V.

lonely solitarius.
" Biodh an oidhche sin aonar- AoN-GHRÀiDH, s. m. ind. et/. (Aon, et Gràdh), A
anach." lob. iii. 7. Let that night be soUtary. beloved object delicia, corcnlum. Sibl. Gloss.

Sit nox ilia solitaria. AoNGHUTHACH. -AICHE, adj. (Aon, et Guthach),

• Aonradha, ad/. Lonely solitarius. Lift. : Consonous consonus. Stew. :

• Aon-bheannach, -aich, s./. (Aon, et Beannach, s.) Aox-iNNTiNN, s. /. ind. (Aon, et Inntinn), Unani-
A unicorn : monoceros. Voc. 80. niit)' unaniniitas. Macf. V.

AoN-BHiTM, s.f. ind. (Aon, et Bith), Co-essentiality: AoN-iNNTixNEACH, -EiCHE, adj. ( Aon-inntinn), Of
co-essentialitas. OR. one mind, unanimous unanimis. Macf. V. :

AoN-BHiTHEACH, adj. (Aonbhith), Co-essential : e- • Aonmhadh, adj. (Aon) The first: primus. Uh.

jusdem naturas particeps. Alb. An ceud, m.; a' c\\eud, fern.; sometimes, An
AON-CHAITHREACH, -EICH, -EAX, S. M. (Aon, et Ca- t-aonamh, aona. " An t-aona rann deug." Eleventh
thair), A fellow-citizen : civis. Llfi. " Luchd aon- verse undecimum carmen.

chaithreach." Fellow-citizens : cives. Llh. AoN-MHAiDE, s. m. ind. (Aon, et Maide), simul- A

AoN-CHASACH, ad;. (Aon, et Cas), One-footed, taneous pull in rowing ictus remorum. " Fuaim :

single-stemmed : unum pedem vel caulem ferens. an aon-m/iaide." C. S. Uebrid. The sound of the
Macdon. 52. oars in rowing. Sonitus ictus remorum.
• Aon-chonuibh, s. m. pi. Vide Aon-chu. AoM-MHARGADH, -AiDH, s. w. (Aon, et Margadh),
AoN-CHRiDHEACH, adj. (Aon, et Cridhe), One- Monopoly: monopolium. Voc. 119.
hearted : concors. Stew. AoNRACAN, -AIN, -AN, s. m. (Aonar), A solitary
• Aon-chu, m. (Aonach, et Cii), A war-hound
«. : person, a widower: vir solitarius, uxore viduus.
canis bellicus. " Aon-chu arciseach Eirionn.'' OR. et a S.
Gil. modh. 322. The ravenous war-hound of AoNRACASACH, -AICHE, odj. Llh. Vide Aonaran-
Ireland. Canis bellicus vorax Hibernia?. " Aon- ach.
chonuibh." voc. pi. R. M-D. 6. War-hounds : AoNRACANACHD, S.f. ind. Llh. Vide Aonarachd.
canes bellici. AoNRACANAs, -Ais, s. »i. Llh. App. Vide Aona-
AoNDA, adj. (Aon), Particular : specialis, unicus. »S'^. rachd.
AoNDACHD, s. f. ind. (Aon), Unity : unitas. Voc. • Aonrais, s. f. (Aon, et Fras), A tempest : pro-
163 et Vt. Gloss. R.M'D. 156.
AoN-DATHACH, (Aon, et Dath), Of one colour:
odj. AoNRANACH, -AICHE, ojdj. (AoDar), Desolate : deso-
unius coloris. Macf, V. latus. Voc. 164.
AoN-DEALBHACH, -AICHE, (AoD, et Dcalbh), Uni- AoNRANACHD, s. f. itid. (Aonraoach), Desolation
form, consistent : unius formae, sibi constans. vastitas. Llh.
Mac/. V. AoN-RiGH, pi. -RE, -EAN, «. m. (Aon, et Righ), A
AoN-DEUG, A H-AON-DEUG, adj. Eleven : undecim. monarch rex solus imperans. A. M'-D.

A. M'D. 55. Gr. ''E\ièiy.a.. AoN-SGEULACH, -AICHE, adj. (Aon, et Sgeul), With,
AoNFHEACHD, adv. (Aon, et Feachd), Together, at or of, one accord, harmonious, unanimous cum :

once siniul, pariter. Macf. V.

: uno consensu, concors, unanimis.
AoN-FHiLLTE, adj. (Aon, et Fillte). 1. Single, con- " Ait, aon-sgeulach, niarbh is beò." S.D. 270.
sisting of one fold, or plait simplex, cum una : The living joyful, the dead harmonious. Loeti vivi,
plica factus. MacJ'. V. 2. Simple, unwise sim- : Concordes mortui.
plex, imprudens. " A thoirt geire dhoibhsan ata AoNSLoiNNEADH, -EiDH, s. w. (Aon, et Sloinncadh),
aon-fhillle." Gnàth. i. 4. marg. To give subtilty one surname : idem cognomen. Llh.
to the simple. Ad dandam astutiara fatuis. 3. AoNT, ) s. f. ind. 1. Consent, assent: consensus,
Candid, plain, honest : integer, planus, sincerus. AoNTA, i assentio.

" Tha mi toirt uotit ilo ii' a tlia thu V fùilh. ceptation. Sec exnmples in me. Aois. /V. fftn*.
Ji. J). " A»s ciuil," «. w. fit. MubicuuiK mukici; organib :

1 vii-lil a^ftt-m to mImc you sav. 1V«-1>ih> aKSt.-u(iu- nmsicib moduUiilium choru». IV. 14. " Aus
iiciii fi i|iiikI ilui», i. f. iiSM'iitioi- mis Mrbi^. V?. deuuta," .MiiluiniCK, t-s|H.'Ciallv «rights ur mason»:
A li'iisc : liK'tHioiiis coilicillus. Miuf. \'. 8. A arlitices, pnt-Mriini t'ubri, ligiutrii, \el lupicida-. litU.

\i)tc: «urtrnfciuiii. C. S. i. A liceusc : priviie- Glut.

^lUiKi (lipluiim. O'H, AosAiL, -E, uJj. (Aus, Age). Vide Aosmtior.
• Aoiiiu, «.«I. (Aon, ct Tamil). !• A bachclor : AosALACiiu, (.f. iiid. (Aosail). Vide Aosnihoriiihd.
cu-lil)3. ^S7(. :J. C'clibuc-y : cii'libuliis. ^'/i. • Aosar, m. (Ao», et 1 ear), God
jr. lJeu^. h. :

.Kovr.KCii, -AiiiiK, (ulj. (Aoiita). 1. Accessiiry :

^^rA|i. JitruM-. .iisur, l>eU9. .Sutton. Auyutl.
coiiscius, criiiiiiiis |)urti(.°e|>s. A'A. '^. WiUillg : vo-
cap. 97. Pcr$.jj\ atar, ignicolis Deuji. Arab.
liMis. H. MD. 323.
AoNTACiiADii, -AiDH, »•.«<. et //MX /*<»/. f. Aontaicli, j^\ asliar, Hasliing, shining, glaring, a» liglit-

An assoiitin-;: asst'iisus, oonsuiiMiii. " Tliii>; i air uiug. Ilindoott. j^f) cu/ivur, {jo<l. J/ebr. "iC*K
aonUu-JuuUi." Ciiuith. vii. 'i\. SIk- caused him to as/uir, benedixit. i'alt. in voc. Aos, et Aukar.
yield. Eu cum ad Hexit const-utii-iidum.
Aos'ab, adj. Ancient, aged. Vide Aosmhor.
AoNrACiiu, s.f.imi. (Aontacli), Aci|iiiesccnce : os-
Aos-ciiiABii, -A, -AK, s. f. (Aos, Age, et Ciabh),
sentio. lUienii- voluiitati submisiiio. O'H. et C. S.
• Aontadh, *. w. it. \idf Aont.
A hoary lock : cana cajsaries. C. S.
AosDA, adj. (Aos, Age), Ancient, aged: vetustus,
• Aoiitadliach, uilj. I'm. H3. \'ide Aontach.
grandjcvus. " An d6igh dhomhsa fas aosdo." Gai.
AoNTAiCH, -IDH, Dii, V. ti. 1. Coiisent, assent, ac-
xviii. J2. After I have become old. Postquuni
quiesce : asseniire, acijuicscc. " Na aoutairh
facta sum grandarva. " Aosda nan làithean." JJan.
tluisa k'o." Gnàth.
Consent thou not (witlii. 10.
vii. 9. Ed. Ib07. The ancient of days. Antiquum
tliem). Ne acqiiiescito (cum illis). '• AoiUaichidh
sinu leibh." Gen. xxxiv. 15. We will consent unto
AosDACHD, s.f. hid. (Aosda). 1. Age : senium. C/I{.
you. Acquiescemus vobis. 2. Obey obedi. Hh. :
ct C. S. 2. Antiquity : antiquitas. S/i.
• Aontanach, adj. Solitary soliturius. Uh. :

Aos-DÀN, -DANA, «. «I. pi. (Aos, et Dan), Bards

Aos-TiciiiEACHD, iiui. ) i. m. (Aon, et Tigh), A

poetiE. Sibl. Glos.

AoN-TlciiEADAs, -Ais, '-
cohabiting commoratio :

AoN-TiciHEAs, -Eis, in UBU domo, cohabita-

Aos, -DÀKA, s. m. A bard: poeta. R. M^D. 67.
tio. Sh. et C. S.
Aos-DEAKTA, s. 1». (Aos, Ct Dcanta), A raeclianic :

artifex. Jiibl. Gloss.

AoN TOIL, -E, s.
f. (Aon, et Unanimity, a-
" Ciod
Aosu-sHLiL, s.f. Aged-eye: oculus senilis.
preement, consent : unaiiimitas, consensus. Urn.
a clmnnaic le d' aosd-shùil thall ?" Fing. V. 305.
NMiat hast (thou) seen with thy aged eye, in the
• Aontuigh, r. Urn. S6. Vide Aontaicli.
distance ? Quid visum est a tuo senih oculo ex ad-
AosuiciiTE, adj. et pret. part. v. Aonaich, United :
adunatus. Steic.
Aos.MHoiREACHD, S.f. vid. (Aosmhor), 1. Tlie proper-
• Aor, m. ,?. A
curse : imprecatio, anathema. O'R.
tiesof old age : senii natura. Macf. V. 2. Anti-
Utbr. T1X artir.
quity antiquitas. Macf. V.
AoRABH, -AiBH, jt. »1. (Ara, Reins), Constitution,
Aosmhor, -oire, adj. (Aos, Age, ct Mòr). 1. Aged:
mental, or bodily constitutio, temperatio, (sive
granda?vus. " Nach toir urram do ghnùis an aos-
corporis vel aiiimi). " An eucail a tha 'm aor-
mhoir," Dent. xx\iii. 50. ^\^lo shall not regard
aibhia." Macgr. 207. The intirniity which is in
the person (countenance) of the aged. Qua; non
ray constitution. Intirniitas qua- inest nieo animo.
suscipiet personam senis. 2. Ancient antiquus.
" Tha droch galair iia 'aoraibh." C. S. bad A Macf V.

distemper lurks in his constitution. Gravis morbus

• Aosta, adj. Uh. Vide Aosda.
inest coqiore ejus.
• Aos-teas, (i. e. Aois an teasa : the time of heat
AoRADH, -AiDH, ». m. Worship, adoration, the act of :

worshipping adoratio, actio adorandi.

llinn e
tempus caloris). Summer : aestas. Vail. Ctlt.
Es. 75.
aormlli." lob. i. 20. He worshipped adoravit.
1. A bell
• Aoth', s. m. campana, uola. Sh. et
Hebr. ipy atliar, supplex oravit.

OS. 2. A crown diadcma. Sh. et OR. :

AoRuiBii, s. m. Stetc. 32. Vide Aorabh. • Aoth, adj. Small exiguus. Llh. :

• Aos, Aois, s.
f. Age : aetas. Voc. 104. Vide • Aothachd, s.f Kinging of bells campanaruni :

Aois, age. " Aoseta." An old man : senex. Uh. concentus. Sh. et O'R.
• Aos, s. m. Fire, the sun, God : ignis, sol, Deus. • Aothadli, adj. Clean, pure mundus, piu-us. Sh. :

Germ. As, homo divinus, equidem Deus. et OR.

Whence, Aisa, Esus, et Hisus, in ancient my- AoTROM, -LIME, adj. (Ao, prif. et Trom). A. M'l>-
thology. Cliald. HZ'Vt es/ia, fire. H^. VH es/i, Vide Eutrom.
ignis. Hinc A?igl. Ashes. Vail. Pr. 9. AoTROMACUADH, «. ttu et pres. part. Vide Eutrom-
Aos, *. »1. pi. Aois, A community : societas. In the achadh.
earlier «Tilings, aos, and aois, seem to have been AoTROMAiCH, -IDH, DH-, V. a. Vide Eutromaich.
indiscriminately used, in a singular or plural ac- AoTHoMAN, -AiN, -AN, s. Vide Eutroman.
AoTRoMAS, -Ais, s. m. Vide Eutromas. slaughter of Christians. Ne sinas cacdem Christi-
Apa, ])l. -sf, *. /. 1. An ape simia. Mac/. : V. 2. anorum. Wei. Aer, slaughter, battle. Shanscrit.
{Jig.) A shameless woman : mulier impudica. A. Ari, enemy. Gr. 'Agni. Hebr. rHK arah, discerp-
M'D. 41. Maiu: Ape. Wei. Ab. Germ. Affe, sit.

an ai)c. • Ar, s.m. 1. A chain, bond, tie : vinculum, cate-

• ."Vpacliadh, s. m. et pres. part. Vide Abuchadli. na. Sh. et O'K. 2. A guiding, conducting :
Apac;, -aio, -am, s.J". (Apa). 1. A little ape: simia ductus. Sfi. et O'R. S. lliose slain in battle:
pan'a. Voc. 78. 2. " Apag ghòithleumach," A qui cxsi praclio. O'B. 4. A plague : pestilen-
prating woman : mulier garrula. C S. tia. O'E. 5. adj. Bound, chained : catenatug.
• Apaieh, -idh, dli, v. n. Vide Abuicli, r. O'E. 6. con/. For, because : nam, quia. MSS.
Aparain, i.e. Aparrain, s. in. pi. Aprons: prsE- Vide Air.
cinctoria. C. S. • «. m. plur. of Ar, Slaughter.
Ara, Vt. 98.
Aparr, -a, adj. 1. ncxterous, expert expeditus, : Ara, -ank, -ainn, pi. Aihnean, s. f. A kidney
gnarus. " Laoch aparr." R. D. A dexterous ren. " An da ara." Ex. xxix. 13. The two kid-
youth : juvenis expeditus. 2. Quick, nimble ci- : neys ambo renes. " Maille ri reamhreachd air-

tus, agilis. N. H. nean a" chrithneachd." Devt. xxxii. 14. With the
Aparan, ì -ain, -an, s. »!. An apron: praecincto- fatof kidneys of wheat. Cum adipe renum tri-
Aparran, J rium. A. M'D. Vox Angl. " Laogh a h-àrann." C. S.
tici. Her beloved
Aparsaig, -e, -ean, s.f. A knapsack, or havre-sack Vitulus renis suae, i. e. filius deliciae matrÌ8.
sarcina. Vox Angl.
C. S. 2. reins, ner\es ner\i. " Agus flrinn 'ria crios

• m. St. Fiec. 20. Vide Abstol.

Apstal, «. m' a àirnibh." Isai. xi. 5. And faitlifulness the
• Apuich, Apuigh, -idh, dh, v. n. Vide Abuich, v. girdle of his reins. Et fides cingulum feminum ip-
Ar, prep. Vide Air, prep. sius. Manx. Aarey. Wei. Aren.
• Ar,
s.f. Loins lumbi. Bibl. Ghss. Vide Àra,
: • Ara, s.f. The loin lumbus. Sh. :

a kidney. • Ara, s. m. 1. A
page, footman : pedissequus.
-AR, termination of verbs, impersonally used. " Gluais- 2. A
charioteer : auriga. Glenm, 48. Genit.
fear, or gluaisear leara." I will move : movebitur Araidh, Aruidh. Biaif. 29, 1.
niecum, i. e. movebo. Vide Gram. 115. • Ara, s. m. A
conference : colloquium. Uh. et
Ar, pran. pass. Our : noster. " Araon sinne agus Sh.
ar fearann." Gen. xlvii. 19. Both we and our • Ara, s. m. bier A
feretrum. Sh. :

land : et nos et agri nostri. It takes n, before a • Araba, prep. For the sake of : gratia. Llh. et
vowel " Ar w-athair," Our father : pater noster.
; Vt. Gloss.
'Ar, prep. " A
h-aon 'ar fhichead," Twenty-one, Arabhaig, -E, AN, S.f. Strife, contest, argument
(literally one over twenty) : viginti unum. Vide tending to quarrel certamen. C. S.
: lis, rixa,
Tliar, Thair, prep. Arach, adj. (Ar, slaughter). Slaughtering : interfi-
• V. def. Quoth
Ar, inquam, -is, -it. " Ciod is
: ciens plurimos. Stew.
no sneachd .' ol Fionn
gile Flrinn ar an : — Arach, -aich, -aichean, s.f. (Ar, slaughter), A
Inghean." Steio. 546. What is whiter than field of battle acies, proelii campus.

snow ? quoth Fingal : Truth, quoth the maid- — " Nach seachnadh le d' dheòin an arach." S. D.
en. Quid est candidius nive ? inquit Fingal : (Thou) who wouldst not willingly shun the field of
Veritas, inquit virgo. Id. q. Ol, Os, Osa, Ars, battle. Qui non vitares sponte tua proelii cam-
Arsa, q. vide. pum. " Sleagh nan arach." S. D. 107. Battle-
Ar, «. m. ind. et pres. part. v. Ar. ] . Ploughing, the spear hasta. :

action of ploughing. " Bha na daimh aig ar." • Arach, s. in. 1. A plough-share vomer. Llh. :

lob. i. 14. Ed. 1807. The oxen were ploughing: 2. Utensils for ploughing arandi instrumenta. :

(quum) boves ararent. 2. Ploughed land arvum, : Llh. App.

solum ar&txxm. Grant. 55. Wei. Ar. Scot. Erd. Arach, -aich, s. m. et pres. part. v. Araich. 1.
Angl. Sax. Eard. Germ. Erde. Sieed. Mria, to Maintenance, nursing, rearing, training : nutritio,
plough : Arf, plough-land. Gr. Eja, terra. Arab. sustentatio, educatio. Macf. V. 2. Restraint li- :

mitatio. Sh. 3. Strength, power, authority vires, :

\ja) ara, spacious open places, tracts of country.
auctoritas, potestas. Vt. 17. C'hald. "^Ty arach,
Arab, (joj^ aras, ploughing. Hebr. y'^^< aretz, ordinavit, disposuit. Hebr. TVM^ drdch, promotus
terra. est eundo.

Ar, -aidh, DH-, V. a. Plough: ara. " Mar bitheadh • Arach, s. m. 1. tie, bond, collar A ligamen, :

vinculum, collare. Sh. 2. Fishing ware : in-

sibh air ar le m' aghsa." Breith. xiv. 18. Marg.
Ed. 1807. If you had not ploughed with my strumenta piscatoria. Sh. Hebr. "7^^ arach,
heifer. Nisi arassetis vitulà meà. Wei. Aru. aptavit, disposuit.

Germ. Eren. Su. et Goth. lEria.. Isl. Eria. Maso Àrachas, -ais, s. m. Insurance tutamen. Macf. Vr :

Gotli. Arian. Scot. Ere, Are. Lat. Arare. Gr. Arachd, s.f. A mansion, dwelling: domicilium,

'Agow, aro ; 'Ajoff/c, aratio 'A^orsgov, aratrum. ;

habitaculum. Vt. 10. Vide Aros.
Ar, -aire, s. m. Slaughter : ca;des. " Na fuiling ar Arachdach, -aiche, a^^'. (Arach, 3). Manly, power-
nan Criosduidh." A. M'D. 120. Permit not the ful : virilis, validus. Steio. Gloss.
• Aracoir, $. m. An iiisurtT qui lutamen aJver- : miliari». " Aran bodaich air bothar." Sk. A
sus ilmiiiia |inr«ia(. SA. et O'Ji. rustic's conversation on ilie liigh way. Ku»tici
' Araiul, -uiJ, *. m. A ivll, grotto cclla, »|Hlunca. : collocutio in itinere.
.sA. Ahanai II, -AKHE, (MJr. (Aran), Full of bread: |M»ne
• Arailain, t.f. A dt-sk, pulpit : abacuii, pulpituin, abundans, victu copiosus. A. M'D. 61.
rosiruui. S/i. i-l ON. Ahann, t.
fjotitu Arainn, vel Aihne, tftit. Aha,
• AnuUi, «. m. A page: |KHÌis£et)uus. IV. 37. Vide A kidney, q. v.
Ara. .\i(ANSAcii, -sniiSE, t.f. A bridle-rein: habena.
Ahaoii, -aidh, •aidiiean, »•. wi. S/i. \'ide Fàradh. \ W. 92.

•Aru-t'hlusga, iii. A running of the reins re-

»-. : Ahaos", adv. (Air, prrp. et Aon, wf/.), 1. Together :

num U/i.
liquet'actio. una. " Bheir an Tighearn solus d' an sùilibh
Àraic, *. »M. Vide Araiehd. araoit." Gitùth. xxix. 13. The Lord lightenetli
Araicii, -idii, dii, v. a. Hear, educate : nuiri, ihIu- both their eyes, lehova illuniiiiat oculu^ arabo-
ca, ale. .V«<y: r. C/uihl.miiamf/i. //«*r. nmK runi, (lit.) dabit luceni oculis eoruni uiui. '4. ronj.

aruc/ui. Both : et (et) answering to " atjux," in the fonntr

Àr.\ichd, -e, -kak, t. «I. A present, a gift : donuni, clause of a sentence.
niunus. A'. H. " Is grain le Mi&faraon
Àraiciiu, ,v. «I. iW. A tit, or deserving object res : An duine fuileachdach '« an ti.
vel persona uierens, vel digna. •• Na 'm b' àraiclul Chum cealgaireachd do chlaon."
a b' flieòrr a bhiod)i ann." CiiiitjJ). tìC. II' it were Salm. V. 6. tiutr.
an object more worthy. Si res dignior csset. God abhors, both the bloody man, and him who
Àkaichdin, -e, -ban, »". «I. A. M-D. 107. Dim. of has gone aside into hvpocrisy. Deus abominatiu'
Aruichd, ij. v. ct virum sanguinarium, et hominem qui abiit in si-

Araiceil, -E, a<j>'. Valiant: strenuus. /?<>/>. .<4/)/j. 339] mulationem (pietatis). Id. q. Faraon.
Araid, adj. Certain : quidani. Mwiiit. IGG. et G. B. • Aras, -ais, -an, *. m. i'all. Celt. Es. 13. et
" Duiu' araid." A certain man '• Gu
quidam. : Short, ll-t. \'ide Àros.
h-araid." adt: Especially, particularly : prasertini, Arasach, mIJ. Vide Arosach.
speciatim. C. S. Àrasach, -aich, -AtCHEAX, s.m. Vide Arosach,*.
AKAiDEAcn, -EiCHE, adj. Macint. 93. Vide Ar- • Arasg, -aisg, -an, s. m. A word vocabulum. :

raideach. IM.
Araidh, -EAK, «. w. I. hero : heros. O'Con. Prol. A • Arba, conj. Nevertheless : nihilominus. Uh. et
ii Cautioner, or security praes. C. S.
57. 2. : MSS.
Ahaidh, Sa/in. xxxi. 11.
adj. Vide Araid. • Arba. m. A chariot currus. V'all. Pr. Pr. 90.
*-. :

• Araill, adj. The other : alter. Vt. 96. 121. iFel. \'ide Carbad.
Arall, another. • Arbhach, \ -uich, -aidh, «. m. (Ar, «.) Havock :

Araire, -ean, g. m. (Ar, r. et Fear), A ploughman: • Arbhadli, j cajdes. Lilt, et MSS.

arator. Grant. 55. Wei. Aradior. Arm. Arer. Gr. Arbuaitichtf, (Arbhar, et Àitich), Arable,
\iorr,;. producing corn arabilis, fruges edens. C. S.

Ar-amach, s. f. ind. 1. Rebellion : rebellio, insur- Arbhak, -air, s. m. (Ar, r. et Bàrr), Corn fruges, :

rectio.Turn. 209. 2. Treason : proditio. Macf. V, scgetcs. '• Dcasaichidli tu arbhar." Salm. Ixv. 9.
Arak-aix, s. m. 1. Bread panis. " Tabhair : Thou preparest corn paras frunientum. Gene- :

(Ihuinn an duigh, ar n-aran làitheil." Mattfi. vi. 11. rally applied to growing com. Manx. Arroo.
Give us this day our daily bread. Da nobis hodie Wei. Arddwr, arator. B. Bret. Arazr, arar, corn.
nostrum paneni quotidianum. 2. Livelihood: vic- Gr, 'AfKsa, arniii.
tus, qua?stus. " cur seòl air aran dhuinn." • Arbhar, *. m. (Ar, s.) An army : exercitus. UIi.
Slew. 137. Providing a livelihood for us. Com- et 3ISS.
parons victura nobis. " Aran-coirce," (core, N. H.) Arbharach, -aiche, adj. (Arbhar), Fertile in com:
Oaten-bread panis avanaceus. '•
: Aran-cruith- fertilis frugibus. Macf. V. et Macinty. 14.
neachd," Wlieatcn -bread panis triticus. " Aran : • Arbharachd, (Arbhar), Embattling of an
donn, Brown-bread
' panis plebeius. " Aran : array ordinatio exercitus acie dimicaturi. Sh.

eòrna," Barley-bread panis hordeacus. " Aran : Arbhartachadh, s. m. et pres. part. v. Arbhart-
seagaill," Rye-bread panis secalicus. " Aran : aich, A
dispossessing, the act of ejecting from
milis," Ginger-bread : panis zinzibere conditus. lands ejectio, actio ejiciendi e.x agris. Prorin.

Aran Mouldy bread panis tabescens,
liath-tuis," : Arbhartaich, -idh, dh, f. a. (Tliar, /wrp. et Bàrr),
vel mucidus. " Aran làthail, làitheii," Daily bread Dispossess agro ejice, possessionibus exue. Pro-

panis quotidianus. " Aran peasrach," Pease- vin.

bread panis e piso confectus. " Aran taisbeanta,"
: Arbhartaichte, adj. etperf. part. v. Arbhartaich,
Shew -bread panis propositius panis faciei. Bez.
: ; 1. Expelled, ejected from lands ejectus e agris. :

Manx. Arran. ìì'el. et Arm. Bara. L/U. Arans, Hinc 2. Confiscated: confiscatus. •• Gach fear-
ploughing. Gr. 'ajoìiv, arans, 'A^ov, panem. Hil/r. ann arb/iartaicht' a bh' ann." Macinty. 143. All
m3 bara, esca, cibus. the forfeited estates. Omncs agri confiscati (qui
• Aran, s. m. FamiUar conversation : collocutio fa- erant).
I adj. Auburn ; subfuscus, fulvus. A. Manns. Ard. Arm, Ar'ch, ardd ; huge great. Llh.
iDU,]" 3J'D. QQ. et R. MD. Vide Orbh- Lut. Arduus. Gr. " l^hrp, altè.
uidli. Akd, AiRP, ÀrDA, -an, -AlBH, «. w. Oss. pass.
Arc, s.f. Vide Aire. Vide Aird, -c, s.
• Arc, s. »1. A dwarf": nanus. " Arc beag." Vt. Abdachadh, -AiDH, s. wi, <ii prcs. pwTt. v.Axòixv^.
Gloss. A dwarf: nanus. 1. Exaltation, promotion, elevation exaltatio, c- :

• Arc, s. »1. oxf. A bee, a wasp : apis, vespa. Sh. vectio, elevatio. " Àrdaclutdh nan amadan." Gnàitt.
et OR. iii. 35. The promotion of fools. Evectio stulto-
Arc, -airc, lizard
s.f. A
lacerta. Sh. " Arc- : rum. 2. The act of elevating, or raising. Actus
Juachracli." Macf. V. Vide Dearc-luaclvrach. eleva4idi, evehendi. C. S. Vide Àrdaich.
«Arc, Impost, tribute: portoriuni, vectigal
*. /. Ardaich, -idh, dh, v. a. (Ard, adj.), Exalt, pro-
tributuni. Sh. et OR. mote, raise, elevate, extol : evehe, eleva, extolle,
' Arc, «. m. 1. A pig ])orcellus. " Arc muice."
: altum, sursum leva.
effer in " Ge b' e neoch a
Vull. in Voc. Son of a sow filius suis. 2. : db' àrdaicheas e fein." Matt, xxiii. 12. Whoso-
bear ursu vel ursus. VaU.
: ever shall exalt himself. Qui sese extoUet. " Àr-
• Arc, s. m. A son filius. Vail, in Voc.
: daichidh mi e." Ecs. xv. 2. I will extol him. Ex-
Arc, -a, -ainn, s.f. Vulva vacciuea. S. C altabo eum. Bez.
" Arc,
s.f. Femen, verenda. " Arc fuail no tionn- Ard-aigneach, -eiche, adj. (Ard, adj. et Aigneadli),
dadli brama." Hist. Feuds, et Vail, in Voc. Magnanimous magnanimus. " Ach roimhe sin,

Arab. tjLSsj? erhab, niuliebria. Hebr. '^^^^ bha daoine àrd-tdffncach.'' Rep. Ajjp. 41. But
previous to that (period) men were magnanimous.
yarach, femur, membrum virile.
• Arc, s. m. A collection : coUectio. Vt. Gloss.
Ante (tempus) homines erant magnanimi.

Arc, 1 -AN, -N, s. m. 1. A species of fungus, on Ard aigne, ì -eidh, s. m. Magnanimity: mag-

Àrca, j decayed timber. C. S. 2. A cork suber. :

Àrd-aigneadii, J nanimitas. S. D,
Camp. 160. Ard-aingeal, -eil, -OLE, -ean, -il, 8. m. (Ard,
adj. et Aingeal), An archangel : angelus primarius.
Arcaibh, The Orkneys: Orcades. A. M'D. 112.
(i. e. Arc, or Ore tlmhh, vel Tluimh). Vide Tabh. Smith. Par.
» Ard-allata, adj. ( AUanta), High-famed : percele-
Arcan, -ain, -an, *. m. Turn. Vide Aircein.
Arcan, s. 7)1. Vide Oii-cein, et Uircein. bris. Em.
Arcanach, -aiche, adj. Arcan, Full of corks Ard-amas, -ais, s.m. High aim, or mark, L e. ambi-
suberibus plenus. Macdmig. 119.
tion : ambitio. B. Bret. Ardames. Vide Ard, et
• Arc-aodhaire, s. m. The bear's guard, or herds- Amas.
man arcturus. Llh. Gr. 'Agy.ri^oc. Àrdan, s. m. (Ard, adj.),
-ain, height, or emi- A
« Arcc, s. m.

hero heros. Gil. Modh. 49. :
nence collis, locus edition
: S. 2. Pride, haugh- C
tiness superbia, animi elatio. Macf. V.
: 3. An-
» Ar-cheana, a<ft'. Hencetbi-tli exinde. Gleiim.n. :

ger, wrath : ira, indignatio.

Ar-choin, s. m. pi. Llh. Vide Ar-chu.
" 'An àrdan faoin bha 'anam mòr." Fing. in. 236.
Àr-chu, -choin, -coin, -conaibh, s. )7i. (As, s. et
In unavailing wTath was his great soul. In ira de-
CÙ), 1. A
chained, fierce dog canis ferus, cate- :

natus. Llh. 2. A
blood-hound canis sagax, in- :
bili fuit animus magnus ejus. 4. A man's name :

dagator. Llli. TFe/. Argi, dog of war.

viri nomen. Fing. i. 441.
Archuisg, -e, -ean, s. f. An experiment : experi- Ardanach, -aiche, adj. (Ardan), Proud, haughty:
mentura. O'R. et S. C superbus, elatus. Llh,
" An teanga bhruidhneach ardanach."
» Ai'ciseach, adj. Ravenous vorax. Gil. Modh. 322. :

Arc-luachrach, -aich, s. /. Llh. et Macf. V. Salm. xii. 3. »>efr.

Vide Dearc-luachrach. The tongue that speaketh proud things: lingua

" Arc muice, *. ?n. (i. e. Uircein muice). Son of a
sow, a pig : filius suis, porcellus. Ll/i.
* Ardanair, i. e. Ard-onoir, ». f. High honour
Arcuinn, -e, s.f. A
cow's udder: vaccae uber. "Ar- magnus honor. Vt. 126.
cuinn mairt." A. M'D. 142. Ard-aoibhneach, adj. (Ard, adj. et Aoibhneach),
« Ar CÙ1, adv. Behind a tergo. (Siepe For cùl).
Very joyful, exulting perleetus. C. S. ;

Kalm. Airkyl, I leave bdiind. Àhd-bheinn, -e, -bheann, -eanntan, s.f. (Ard-
Vail. Pros.
Pr. 86. Vide Cul. ven, R.M'D.ò.)(Àrd, mlj. et Beinn), lofty A
Ard, -ÀIRDE, adj. 1. High, lofty: arduus, altus, hill, or mountain mons excelsus. :
" Ann an niùch-
celsus, sublimig.
daibh nan àrdblieann.' Cmnp. 196. In the retreats
of the lofty liills : in recessibus celsorum montium.
" Sheas e ard am measg a' bhlàir."
Tern. iii. 294.
Name of a liill in Ossian.
L<rffcyhe stood in midst of the field. Stetit ille Ard-bhreixheamh, -eimh, -na, $. m, (Ard, adj. et
arduus in media acie. " Air na beanntaibh àrda. Breitheamli), A
supreme judge: summus judex.
Deut. xii. 2. Upon the high mountains super :
, Macf V.

excelsis montibus. 2. (Jig.) Mighty, great, noble,

Ar-dbhuachaill, -e, -ean, «. m. (Ard, adj. et
eminent, excellent validus, insignis, clarus, egre-
Buachaill), A principal shepherd: pastor supre-

gius, eximius. Oss.pass. 3. Tall: procerus. C.S. rous. C. S.

ÀHD-fiiAVTOiB, -r, -EAV, »'. Mr. (ArtI, wj/. pt Can- AcM), RuprenK' hi poui-r: poteBiaie «upremu».
(oir), Arch-thiiiitcT : chori pnefecHis, snnphoni-
.irtlm. an. ARD-DMORrs, \ .vrs, -ohsas, t. m. (Ard, *. et Do-
ÀnD-rUABRAiii, •AicHE, (K^'. ( Aixl, fwf/. H Cabracli), .Ard-uorls, J
nib), A lintt-l : superliniinare. Voc.
High-branc-ht-d procti* ramosus. Fini/.W. 195.
: 34,
Ànn-CHATIIAIB, -TIinACU, -TIIKAICIIEAS, «./. ( Alll, • Ard-canihuiiui, H>aniuinn, Tiic royal palace in Ul-

<u^. It Cathiiir). 1. A metropolis; urbs prsfti- ster: I'ltoniii- regium palatium. JuSS. Arab.
pua. Muff. I 2. A thinnc
'. solium rt-jris. O'U. :

t . s'yf} ^' urd-ciwan, u uiagiiiiicent palace.

S. All archbishop's sec sedi's archiepiscopulis. :

AHU-e.\&UL'Ui, -E, -EAN, <t. ffl. ( Ard, <«(/. Ct FanUiiig),

Àkd-cheaxs, -inn, s. m. (Àrd, attj.
An arch-bi^hop urc!>i-t-pi»copu>^. : IMt. et Um. 4.
Anhcsgub. Arm. Archencap.
Abd-cheassahd, -AiRD, -ARDAN, J ct Ceanii,
AitD-EASDiKiEAinD, *./. iW. (.\rd-eabbuig), Arth-
d'annaril), A supreme lieail, ii chief: supremuin
caput, princeps, praCectus. Salm. cv. ^'2. prose.
bishoprick : iu-chi-episcopatus. C .S.

AitD-cHEAKNAcii, -AiciiE, (id/. (Àrd, adj. et Ceann),

Àhd-Fhaclach,1 -AICHE, (Ard, adj. et Fo- adj.
AuD-FHOCLACii, j clacli), Subliiue, ^iu language):
Proud, haughty superbus, fostosus. Kirk. Sahn.

sublimis, (dicendi genere). A. M'D. 179.

xl. 4.
Àkd-ciieannas, -Ais, Ì s. m. (Àrd, adj. et Ceaiin-
Àrd-fhÀidh, -e, -e.\s, «. /». (.\rd, adj. tt Fùidli), A
chief prophet vates summus. Smith. Par. xx\i.Q.
Ahd-ciieannsal, -AIL, j as), supremacy: prima-
Ard-fheanc.ah, -air, s. Ill, (.Ard, adj. et Fea^garl,
tus. Salm. xix. \i. prose, ct Vt. 83.
(Used adverbially). 1. Late at even vespere. 2. :
ARD-rnni-MACii, -aiche, n<^'. (Ard, adj. ct Ceum),
Towards evening ad ves|)erem. C. S. B. Brtt. :
High-bounding: ahe rcsiliens. Oss. Vol.lW. p.
Abardad, abardiz.
• Ard-nicumaniiach, «. m. (Ard, adj. et Feumann-
Akd-ciieasx, -chink, -AiRM, «. «n. (Ard, o<J". Ccann,
et Arm), A chief general summus dux. C. S. :
ach), A liigh steward summus ceconomus.

Àrd-chìs, -k, *./. (Ard, adj. et Cis), Tribute tri- :

« Ajd-flieumannachd, *•. /. (Ard-fheumannacb),
butum. LUi.
Ard-ciilaciiaib, -E, -EAK, s.m. {kxA,adj.ei Clach-
High etcwardsliip : munus summi ceconomi.
.lir). An architect : architectus. C. S. Chaid.
Ard-fiiigsachd, s.
f. ind. (Ard, adj. et Fiosachd),
i»'?DnS ardic/a.
Vaticination : \'aticinium. Smith. Par. xlix. 2.
Ard-ciilachaireaciid, «. /. ind. (Ard, adj. et
Clachaireachd), Architecture: architectura. C.S.
Ard-fhlaitheachd, »./. ind. (Ard, adj. et Flaith- \

Ard-chliv, *. m. i/id. (Ad, adj. et Cliù), High fame :

Ard-phlaitheas, -ais, «. m. / eachd), Supreme
ingcns fama. C. S.
dominion : Vt. 74.
regia jMtestas.

Ard-ciikoc-faire, -chnuic-faire, *. m, (Ard, adj. Ard-fhlath, -aith, -an, *•. m. (Ard, adj. et Flath),

Cnoc, et Faire), A chief beacon specula, pharus :

A monarch, a prince, a chief: monarcha, princeps,
phylarcha. IV. 71.
praxripua. Llh.
Àrd-cholaisde, -ean, s.m. (Ard, adj. et Colaisde), Ard-fhoghllm, -uim, *. m. (Ard, adj. et Foghlum),
Auniversity: schola publica. Voc. 100. Vox Choice of erudition; disciplina perfectissima. (Li-
terally), High learning: alta scientia. C.S.
Ard-chomas, -ais, Comas), Su-
s. m. (.\rd, adj. et
Ard-fhuaimneach, -eiche, adj. (Ard, adj. et

preme power: summa potestas. O'R. Fuaimncach), High sounding altisonans. Tern. :

Ard-chomasac», adj. (Ard-chomas), Supreme: su- viii. 163. " Le ciombalaHh ard-fliuaimneach."
premam gerens potcstatem. C. S. Salm. cl. 5.
Ard-chomhairle, s. ind. (Ard, adj. et Comh-
Ard-ghaoir, -e, S.J'. (Ard, adj. et Gaoir), A loud

airle), 1. A
parliament: supremuni regni conci- noise or cr}- : ingens strcpitus, vel clamor. A. M'D.
lium. Maif. V. et O'R. 2. spiod synodus. A :
82, 1Ò8.
Macf. V. " Ard-chomhairt Eaglais na H-Alba." • Àrd-ghaois, -ean, s. f. (Ard, adj. et Gaois), A
liberal art ars hberalis. O'R.
C. S. General Assembly of the Church of Scot- _ :

land. CEcumenicura Consilium Ecclcsise Scoticac.

• Ard-ghaoiiire, -ean, s. m. (.\rd, adj. Gaois, et

Ard-cho.mhaiuleach, -eiche, -ean, s. m. (Ard, Fear), A

master of arts : artium magister.

adj. et Comhairleach), chief counsellor consul, A :

senator. C. S.
Ahd-ghaothach, -aiche, adj. (Ard, et Gaothach),
Ard-chiieagach, -aiche, adj. (Ard, adj. ct Creag- Windy: ventosus. R.M-D. 126.
ach). High-rocked : altis nipibus abundans. A.
Ard-ghlax, -aike, adj. (Ard, adj. et Glan), Illus-
splendens, illustris. Ihian. AW. St. 27.
, »D. 110. trious :

Ard-chuiseacii, -eiche, adj. (kià, adj. et Cùis), Ard-ghlaodh, -aoidh, s.m. (Ard, adj. et Glaodh),
Ranking high, noble, stiblime altus, nobilis. sub- :
A loud cry ingens clamor. Salm. lxx\Lii. 65.

• Ard-ghliaidli, s. m. pi. (Ard, adj. et Gleadhl, Fa-

limis. Maciitty. 197.
Ahd-chumhaciid, -an, s. m. (Ard, adj. ct Cumh- mous deeds pra^clara lacinora. Duan. Alb.

St. 7.
achd), Cliief power: summa potestas. O'R.
Ard-chlmhachdach, -aiche, ÀRO*CHLdiR, -E, s.f. (Aid, adj. et Glòir). 1. High
adj. (Ard-Chumh-
I 2
speaking, lofty style, bombast: magniloquentia, Ard-mhol, -aidh, dh, v. a. (Ard, et Mol), Highlv
altum diccndi genus, O'R. extol laudibus maxime effer. Salm. xxii. 26.

Àrd-chlòiheacii, -eiciie, aJJ. (Ard, adj. et Glòir), Ard-mhor'air, -aire, 1 s.m. (Ard, arf/. et Mor-
1. High sounding: sonorus. C. S. 2. Sublime: Ard-mhorfiiear, -fhir, > iliear, vel Mòr, et
sublimis. 3. Clamorous, bombastic : clamosus, Ard-mhormiiaor, -AoiRE, 3 Maor), An admiral,
ampullis deditus. O'JR. a lord president. " Ard-mhor'aire 'n t-sheisein."
Àrd-ghlonn, -an, s. in. (Ard, adj. et Glonn), A Lord President of the Court of Session. Senatus
noble exploit nobile facinus. Gil. modJi. 288.
: juridici Scotorum Pracses. Voc.
Àrd-ghlonnach, -aiche, (Ard-Ghlonn), Re-
adj. Ard-mhuingeach, -eiche, adj. (Ard, adj. et Muing),
nowned for bravery : reruni gestarum gloria clarus. High-mancd alte jubatus. Fing. i. 359.

iV.S'-S'. Àrdoch, -oich, a. 3I'D. 187. Vide Fardoch.
Àrd-ghniomh, -arra, -artiia, s. m. (Ard, adj. et • Ardog, -oig, or -aig, -an, «.
f. Voc. 16. Vide
Gniomli), A lofty deed : arduuni facinus. Fing. iii. Ordag.
500. Ard-olladh, -aidh, (Ard, adj. et Alladh), ì s. m.
Àrd-ghuth, -an, «. m. (Ard, adj. et Guth), A loud Ard-oi-lamh, -aimh, j 1. A chief professor (of a
voice magna vox. Urn. 42.
: science) summus professor. Llh. App. 2. Histo-

Àrd-ghuthach, -aiche, adj. (Ard-Ghuth), Loud- riographer royal historicus regius, praecipuus an-

voiced B. 3pl>. 122.

: clarisonus. nalium scriptor. O'R.
Àr-dhamii, -aimh, s. m. (Àr, v. et Damh), A plough- Ardor us, -uis, s. m. Vide Ard-dorus.
ox : trio. Llh. et OR. Ardrach, \^ -AicH, s.f. (Ard, adj. et Ràmh-
Àr-dhìth, -e, s. ?n. (Ar, slaughter, et Dith), War- Ard-ramhach, j ach). An oared galley : navigium
havock : bellica clades. 3ISS. remis instructum. Macdovg. 82.
Àrd-iarla, m. (Ard, adj. et larla), First earl
s. Ard, -rath, -a, s. m. (Ard, adj. et Rath), Sun-
supremus senior, vel comes. Gd. modh. 212. shine of prosperitylux fortunas secundae. Vt. 71.

Àrd-inbiie, -ean, 5. /. (Ard, fff^'. et Inbhe), High • Ard-reachdas, -ais, s. m. (Ard, adj. Reachd), A
rank, eminence, excellence nobilitas, honestus : sjTiod, convention, assembly : synodus, con-
locus. Gen. xlix. 3. ventus, concilium. Ll/i. et O'R.
Ard-isbheach, -eiche, adj. (Ard, adj. et Inbhe), Ard-riaghladh, aidh,\ s.f. (Ard, adj. et Riagh-
eminent, of high rank : illustris, loco clarus. Macf. Ard-riaghailt, ailte, j ladli, v. Riaghailt), Sur
Par. V. 1. preme rule summum imperium. " Ard-riaghla."

Ard-inntinn, s.f.ind. (Ard, e^//. et Inntinn), Haugh- ^ Bitati. Alb. St. 22.
tiness, aiTogance, pride : elatio, yel fastus animi. Llh. Ard-righ, m. 1. supreme
pi. -re', v. -ean, s. A
A RD-iNNTiNNEACH,-EiCHE,a<^'.( Ard-inntinn), Haugh- king : Deus. Dug. Bitch.
rex summus. 2. God :

ty, arrogant, proud : superbus, arrogajis, fastosus. Ard-rioghachd, s.J'. ind. (Ard, ad/, et Rioghachd),
Macf. V. Supreme dominion : summum imperium. Dearg.
Ard-iolach, -aich, 5. /. (Ard, adj. et lolach), A V. 56.
loud shout: acclamatio concitata. Sahn. c. 1. Ardroch, s.f. A.M'D. 183. Vide Ardr'ach, vel
Ard-labhar, ì -aiche, adj. (Ard, adj. et Labh- Ard-famhach.
Ard-labhrach, j rach), Loud-voiced, eloquent, Ard-sgoil, -e, -ean, s.f. (Aid, adj. et Sgoil), A
speaking) sonorus, altisonus, magni-
(in : college
collegium, universitas. Ll/i.

loquus, eloquens. R. M^D. 158. Ard-shagart, -airt, s. in. (Ard, adj. et Sagart),
Àrd-ìeumach, I^
-aiche, adj. (Ard, adj. et A
high-priest summus sacerdos. N. Test. pass.

Ard-ieumaxnach, j Leumnach), High-bounding: Ard-sheanadh, -aidh, 5. m. (Ard, ac^. et Sean-

magnos faciens saltus. Fing. i. 360. adh), A
general assembly concilium oecumeni- :

Ard-luathgiiair, -e, s. f. (Ard, adj. Luath-

et cum (ecclesice Scoticee). Voc. 110. 163.
ghair). Triumphant exclamation : clamores vel Ard-sheanaileir, -e, -ean, s. ;«. (Ard, adj. Sean,
plausus triumphales. Macf. Par. ix. 8. lììl, et Fear), A
generalissimo : imperator exerci-
Ard-mhaighstireachd, (Ard, adj. et s. /. ind. tus. Voc. 1. Vide Ard-cheann-airm.
Maighstireachd), Supreme authority summa po- : • Ard-shuidheadair, -e, -ean, s. in. (Ard, adj. Suidhe,
testas. C. S. et Fear), A president : praeses. O'R. Vide
Ard-mhaor-rìgh, s. m. (Ard, adj. Maor, et Righ), Ceann-suidlie.
A herald, pursuivant faecialis. Voc. 43. : Ard-shunntach, -aiche, adj. (Ard, adj. et Sunn-
Ard-mharaich, -e, -ean, *. 711. (Ard, adj. et Ma- tach). Highly cheerful : hilarissimus. A. M'D.
raich), An admiral : classis praefectus, thalassiar- 158.
cha. Macf. V. Àrd-thighearna, s. m. (Ard, ac^. et Tigheam),
Ard-mhath, -aith, s. m. (Ard, adj. et Maith), Su- A supreme lord : supremus dominus. C. S. Wei.
preme good : summum bonum. C. S. ArchdejTn.
Ard-mheanmnach, -aiche, adj. (Ard, adj. et Ard-thighearnail, -E,adj. ( Ard-thighearna), Lord-
Meanmnach). 1. Magnanimous : magnanimus. ly : nobilis, imperatorius. Voc. 181.
A.MD. 117. 2. Highly mettled : alacer. Steio. Ard-thighearnas, -ais, s.f. (Ard, adj. et Tigh-
Ard-mhìlidh, -ean, s. m. (Ard, adj. et Milidli), A earnas), Supreme authority) : summa auctoritas,
heroic chief: princeps fortissiiuus. Vt 104. vel potestas. C. S.
Àrd-thosvach, -Airiie, <u{/. (Àrd, 'W- Tonn), ti Arguinte,
• Argumentative : ratione iktluc-

Higli-billowtd : altos cicn» riuctu». H- -W"^- tuei, rutionibu» buD'ulius. I'm. 16.
Aru-iiihiatii, -llTH, ». »». ( Anl, <»((>. ft TriutlO, A .\huimaiu, -t, -KAN, $.f. 1. .\rgument argument, :

chifl", priui-« princeps, pliylarchu,

SniitA. Par. nitiiiciiiuliii. U. M-1). " Liònuiiui uio blieul te ti-
XXJLÌ. 1. arguuuiulMi." JUi. xxiii. 4. I would till niy mouth
Àrb-uachdabas, -AiN, «. /w. (Aril, <«//. ct L'ucli- with argumi-iits. Us meum impieri-ni urgulnenti^.
ilaraiOt A cliicl' ruler or sovereign : sunmius rex, 2. A quarrel, or bcold : rixa. A. M'D. 'i\'i. Vox
aut iniperator. Mac/. ì'. Aiigl.
Ahd-I'aciidahanaciid, s./. iiul. ( Aril, «K^. et Cutli- • Arid, adj. Certain, s|H-cial certui», : »pec-ialii>. St.

danui)i Cliiel" rule : sumiua puCesUis. S<iim. cv. J'lec. 24. 32. \'ide raid. A
A It is, \adv. Again: iterum. |V. 25. 26. Jr.
Ard-Ùgiidarras, -ais, *. III. (Ard, a<//. et Cgli- Ahithist, j lo m^ifce. Vide Ris, et Kithist.
darra^), Cliief authority : sumiim uuctoritas. C. iS. • Arladli, s. m. Kindling : actus accendendi, vel
Ardhcii, -iDH, Dii, I-. a. •Salm. xx. 13. Vide llannuas excitaudi. Eiiuiii. Wtl. Arlad, a *a-
Ardaicli. critice.
• .\reilo, tuij. Other, another: alius, alter. Vt. Arlas, -ais, s.f. (Adhar, et Lcus), A cottage cliini-
ncy : tugiirii caminus ; foramen in culmine ad fu-
Ah ¥£.\du, prep. (.\.ir,prep. et Feadh), Tlirough : per. muin eniittendum. Id. q. Fàirleus, et Fàrlus.
Vide IVadli. .\u LEAM, r. def. (Ar, r. <///. et Leam), Methinkt,
Arfhauh, -e, -eas, g.f. (.\r, slaughter, et I'aich), methought videtur, videbatur niihi.
" Ar tram
A of battle : campus pra-lii, acies. N. M-D.
field gu "n d' thainig neach 'am choir." £>iig. Bitcli.
88. Arach.
Id. q. Methought a man had come unto me. \'idebatur
Ah-fheah, -iR, ». »1. (Ar. i: et Fear), A plouglmian : milii aliquem xenisse in pra'sentiani meam.
•' Ar
arator. Grant, òò. Wde Araire. leaf, ar leis, ar leithe, ar leinn, ar leibh, ar leo."
• Arlud, prtp. \ide Ar leadli. IV. 8. 24. Videtur, videbatur, tibi, illi, nobis, vobis, iliis. Id.
Arfuntaich, -IDH, DH, t'. a. I. Disinherit solo : ij. Thar leam.

abige, exuc patrimonio. " Arfuntaichidh mi iad. • Ar leo, r. def. To whom belongelh : ad quos per-
./«>. xiv. 12. marg. I will disinherit them. Ex- tinet. LÀh. " Ag ar leo." B. B.
ha*redabo illos. '2. Fgrieit aniitte, perde. Mac/. : • Arleog, s.f. A'idc Airleog.
V. • Ar leoni. Vide Ar leam.
• Arg, s. «1. 1. -A champion: pugil. Sh. 2. A • Arlodli, «. in. Tlie harvest home : teria; ob col-
chief, commander : princeps, iniperator. Vail. lectas fruges. " Feisd an Arloidh. ' Vail, et
Celt. Es. CG. 69. 3. Learning: doctrina. Llh. Sh. Tlie harvest home feast.
4. fern. An ark, ship : area, navis. Vail. Pr. Arm, -armaibh, «. /«. (.^,
-AiR.M, pi. -airm,
27. 5. conj. Wliile : dum. Vail. Celt. Es. C8. slaughter, et L'idheam), 1. A weapon: telum,
C. Milk: lac. OB. instruraentum. " Gach duinc le V/ir/n-sgriosaidli
• .\rgair, -idh, dli, f. a. Keep, herd : armcnta pascc. 'fia 'làimh." Esec. ix. 1. Every one with his de-
.S/i. stroying weapon in his hand. Quisque cum in-
• Argani, v. Vail. Celt. Es. 66. Vide Airg, f. strumento suo lethifero in manu sua. 2. pi. Anns,
Argarracii, -aich, «. III. A claimant : assertor, vin- armour : arroa.
dex. " Thàinig an l-argarrach." HebrUl. The " Gach triath 'h mmx 'athar nam buadh."
claimant is come : venit v index. Potiu-s, agarrach. Fing. i. 87.
• Argloracli, adj. Llh. Vide Earr-ghloireacli, vel Each cliief (clad) in the armour of his illustrious
Ard-gWoireach. father. Quisijue princeps (indutus) aniiis sui pa-
Argnach, -aich, »'. m. (Air, q. v.) A robber la-
• : tris " Luidlieamsa 'io m' armaibh
tro. Ll/i. et S/i. gaisge." Let nie lie beneath nij iu-nis of
IV. 112.
• Argnach, -aiche, ad/. Loud, mighty : sonorus, valour. Recubem sub meis arniis fortitudini^.
ingens, vahdus. Short. 107. '< Gearradh arm:' Macinty. 187. .\rmori;d bear-
• Argnadh, -aidh, s. m. Depredation : populatio. ings : 3. sing. An army
sjTiibola heroica. exer- :

Ll/i, citus.C. S. " Tigh-arm." An armoury arma- :

• Argnadh, s. »i. Ingenuity : ingeniosum opus. I V. rium. Wei. Arf, arfau, Lkn: B. Bret. Ami, arme,
Gloss. Uh. et Pel. a weapon. Ant. Sax. Arwe. an ar-
• Argnoir, -e, -an, s. m. Vide Argnach, «. row. Genu. Arf, telum. Span. Arma. Basij.
• Argthoir, -e, -an, «. ;«. destroyer: vastator. A Annea, arms. Basq. Armero, armonim custos.
Arab, f >-•»* areinrein, a numerous army.
• Arguimeint, -e, -ean, s.f. An argument: argu-
- .Arm, 4-. in. I. Origin, root, stock : origo, radix,
nientum. C. S. Vox Angl.
• Arguin, verb. I lay waste: vasto, depopulor. IV. stiq)s. Artib. »^\ arum, stirps. VaU. pr. II.
25. 2. A father: pater. Val. pr. pr. U. Chald.
• Arguin, s.f. Argument : argumentura. loc. 99.
• Arguin iomlain, s.f. syllosism : svUogismus. A CMi aram, stirps. 3. God : Dcus. i'ol. pr.
Voc. 164.
<= pr. 37. 90.
Arm A, s. pi. S. D. 123. for Airm, pi. of Ann, quod Arm-lakv, «. »1. (Arm, et Lann), An armoury.
^^de. magazine armamentarium. Matf. V.

Armach, adj. (Arm), Armeil : armatus. R. M'D. Arm-lbòkach, -AICHE, adj. (Arm, et Leon). Stew.
•iO. Vide Arm-chreuchdach.
Armaciid, s. ' f. ind. (Arm), Armour : armatura. A. • Armoraich, m. pi. (Air, et Muiri, Maritime

M'D. \Ò2. people, inhabitants of Amiorica maris accolcD :

An.MADic, -AIDH, s. m. Oil, or buucr, for anointing Armorici. O'R. B. Bret. Armor. Gael, Thar
wool oleum seu butjTum quo lana inungitur.
: muir, i. e. bcvond sea trans mare. :

C.S. Arm rich, s. in. King at arms facialis. Rex armo- :

Armaich, -idh, dh, v. a, (Arm), Arm: arma, amia nun, pater patratus. Voc. 43.
capesse. " Dh' annaicJi e a slieirbliifich iunn- AuMTA. -TE, -THA, adj. {ct pret. part. v. Arm, imts.)
saichte." Gen. xiv. ii. He armed his trained ser- Armed annatus. I'V, 51.

vants.Armavit vernas suos instructos. Arm, -thaisg. -thasgiidh, *. /. (.\nn, et Ta«g-

Armaichte. adj. or peif. part. v. Armaich, Armed : aidh). An armour*-, magazine : armarium. Voe.
armatus. Jir. xxxi. 5. 116.
• Armail, -ala, «./. (Ann), 1. An armour}' : ar- Arm, -thigh, -b, -eax, s. tn. An armoury : armari-
raaiuentarium. UA. et Sibl. Gloss. 2. An ar- um. Bibl. Gloss.
my : exercitus. Llh. Vide Armailt. 3. Arms ' Arm, -thor, -thur. «. )». (Arm, et Tiir). An ar-
arma. Ll/i. ^'ide Ann. 4. ad/. Armed ar- : moury armarium. Short. JIS.

matus. Turn. 181. Vide Armaichte. ' Armuint, -idh. dh. Bless benedice. Sh. :

Armailt, -e, -ean, s.f. (Arm), An armj' exerci- : • Armuinte, adj. Blessed benedictus. Sh. :

tus. ' Agus bheir mi mach m' armailtean." Ecs. Armunx, -iixN', (Arm-shonn), 1. A handsome,,5. !/>.

%ii. 4. And I will bring forth my armies. Et brave man \tt forma et factis praestans. M^Grtg.

educaiu exercitus meos. ' Ce&rvn-armailte." Mac- 40. 2. A chief: princeps.

doitg. 33. general Adux, imperator (exercitus). :
" Abradh am filidh "na dhàn,
Armailteach, -eiche, adj. (Armailt), Trained to " Tha "n i-àrmunn do shiol aa Feinne."
arms, well armed, followed bj' armies armoruni : S. D. 164.
et belli peritus, bene armatus, anuatas duceiis co- Let the bard say in his song, the prince is of the
pias. Stew. 81. Timu 184. 243. et Camp. 174. Fingalian race. Dicat poeta in carmine suo, prin-
" Armain, s. m. Llh. ^'ide Armunn. ceps (hie) est ortus Fingaliensibus. 3. diief- A
- Armair, s.f. I. reproof: reprehensio. J5ii/.
') A tain, head of a clan : princeps, vel imperator gen-
• Amiaire, j Gloss. 2. A cupboard, closet va- : tis suae.

sariuni, cella.Vide Amraidh. OH. " — Choir dhachaidh gach armunn do' thir."'

Armalta, adj. Uni. 111.Vide Armaichte. Sfeic. 111.

Arm-chaismeachd, s.f. ind. (Arm, et Caismeachd), — Sent each chieftain home to his lands. Misit
An alann of battle proelii signum. A. M'D. 84. : domum quemque imperatorem (suae gentis) in ag--
Arm-chleasach, -aiche, (Arm, et Cleas), Exer- rum suum. 4. An officer praefectus imlitaris. (/R. :

cised in martial feats marte instructus, bello cla- : 5. A

hero heros. Jlacf. V. :

ms, amiorum peritus. Stew. • Arn, .«. m. A judge judex. Vt. Gloss. :

f. The loin, or flank lumbus. Uh. Vide

Arm-chliseach, -eiche, adj. (Arm, et Clis), Ebc- ' Arn. s. :

pert in battle : agilis in praelio. i?. M'D. 64. Ara.'

« Arm-chosal, s. m. Satan : Diabolus. St. Fiec. 19. • Arna. prep. i. e, " Air na," After his, or its. TV.
Arm-chreuchdach, -AicHE, adj. (Arm. et Creuch- 61.
dach). Inflicting wounds : %'ulniticus. MSS. • Amaidh,s. A bond, surety, a band syngra-
f :

Arm-coise, s. ni. (Arm, et Cas), Infantry : peditatus. pha, pries, vadimonium, vinculum. Sh. et &R.
C. S. -Arnuidh, adj. Fierce, impetuous ferox. Vt. 101. :

• Armed, .«. m. A primitive ancestor : princeps fa- Aroch, -oich, -oiCHEAN, S.f. Vide Arfhaicb.
mil iae auctor. Chald.
• .\roch, adj. Straight wetus. Sh. Hebr. rPTK :
II. Q^^i
araeh. iter fecit, notat motus directionem. Item
aram, stirps. Arab. ».t^j\ arum. Vide larmad.
TIN araeh, prolongatus vel protractus fuit.
« Arm-eineach,
adj. Destructive in war bello : Vide Direach.
qui multos interfecit. Stew.
clarus, Potius Aroch. -oich. s.f 1. A little hamlet: ricnlus. Sh.
Airm-neimhneach, q. v. 2. A summer grazing or residence : habitaculcm[j
Arm-ghonach, -AicHE, adj. (Arm, et Gon), Woimd- aestivum. Sh. Vide .\iridh. 3. dwelling do- A :

ing : vulnificus. Bianf. 49. micihum. A. M-D. 178. for Aros, q. v.

• .\niiliach, s.f. Slaughter : caedes. Llh. • Aroile, adr. One another invicem, alius alium,

Armhach, -AICHE, adj. (Àrmhach, s.) Destructive : alter alterum. Vt. 100. Vide Ceile.
exitialis. Unu 81. Aros, -ois, -osan, .<f.
7n.f. 1. A mamsion : domus.
Ar-mhagh, -aighe, m. (Ar, slaughter, et Magh), s. R. J/-Z*. 52. 2. A palace : palatium, aula. Macf
Field of slaughter caedis campus. Glenm. 90. : V. 3. Habitation, dwdHng, abode domicilium. :

* Armhaigh, s. m. A buzzard buteo. triorches. : habitatio, sedes.

Sh. '•
Mar cbeathach air aros nan os. " Finq. i. 363.
A» iiiiji on Uie dwi-IUnp of M»fi*. Vt nrbula in ARRAICIIDIK, -t, -EAN, f. / A. M'D. 187. Vidt
Imbiculioiie ivrvorum. 4. An U|)«rline"t : pars Ariiiclidiii.

i|U»tluni atliuui. Atar»$Uj/. til». •• Aro» nun Biol,


Ahuaid, t./. (•'. r. Ki an rulhudl, 1. A wundrrin^ :

Mirt. H sra port. Wei. Aro». /Mr. y\1tf nius, error \ia-. I'm. SI. 41*. 2. An error, vke : error,

Arab. ij~!/*' '"'"*'> "1"'"

\itiuiii. " Feur lun arraid." Stew. MO. A man
li'cto instnixit tloniuni.
sunk in vice. \'ir vjtio pletiut, \cl denit-niUi".
squares or courts in liousi-s.
AiiUAiD, adj. A. M'lX IWi. Vide .Wuidli.
.\boi>acii, -AUiif, (k{/. ( Aro»), 1. lliibitublu: babl- AiiiiAiULAi II, -EHiii., atlj. (Arruid, ».) Errulit, irrt-
(ttbUi*. Mot/. \'. 'i. Aboiuuliiig in liousc-s, or gulur, uaiideriiig : ermtieu», eiiomiiii, vaguii. Mtit-
JircUingj ubundinis ti'diliciis. C. S.
: inly. 81. 84.
Aho6ACìi, -au'II, -tAN, ». III. (Aro8), All inhubitajit Aruaiuii, <»//. 1. Particular, peculiar [ntrtieulari», :

incolu. Mae/. V. specialis. C. S. Vide Araid. 2. l'r<>|K-r, ex|H-di-

Ahpai:, -Aio, -AS, 6'.y! A luir|)y : biirpyia. foe. 80. ent decens, conveniens.
: S. 3. Worthy, trusl- C
• Arr, *. //(. A stag : cl•rvu^. IJh. wortliy dignus, liducia dignus. C. .S.
: \'ide Air-
• Arra, s. iH. iiui. Treai'liiry |K'r<icliu. Murf.
idh. Pers. Ssji urtk, fit, apt. Oudd. TIN ancli,

Ahraban, -ain, «. m. Distress, perplojcity, anxiety :

decens, conveniens, reciiim.
res adversa', difficultas, perlurbatio. .V. //. • Arraidh, l. in. pi. (Am»), Evii actiooa : eceleru.
Akrabiiaic, -v., -ean, s./ Strife, discord, u (]uancl: U'li.
lis, dissidium, jurf^ium. W. H. Id. q. Arabhaig. • Arraing, s./. A stitch, convulsions : laterum, vel
.^RHA-BiiALACii, -Aicn, s. m. (.\rra, ct Ualuch), A interaneorum dolor, convulsionts. LUi.
treacherous, emuit fellow : homo subdolus, vcrsu- Arral, -ail, s. in. Foolish pride, fastidiousness:
stulta superbia, fastus. '• (Jun urral gun dlieòlum."
tus, fallax. Mac/. V.
• Arrach, .v. iii. Vide Arrachd, .«. et Arroch, r. A. M-JJ. 29. Without pride or cenio-iousness.
• Arrachar, s. in. Steering, rowing gubcruatio, : Sine superbia et lualedictionc.
reiiiigatio. S/i. et O'JR. Arualach, -AK11E, tt^'. (Anal), Fastidious, seeking
Akrachd, m. v./. (An, prii: et Riochd), A
-AS', s. too much indulgence : fastidiosus. H'. H. H.
spectre, pigmy spectrum, larva, nanus. A. M'D.
: Bret. Ara-ous, querulous.
42. Arga, vocabuluni summee ignominiu;, corru- • ArrchogaiiUi, .v. m. The hound that tirst winds,
ca, iners, inutilis. Spcliii. Gloss. or comes up witli the deer : cauls qui primus
' .A.rrachdach, \ -aichc, ad/. Eftectual, manl}', puis- cervuni assequitur. Sli. et OH.
• Arrachda, ) sant : fortis potens, pollens. Ll/i. • Arroch, r. Govern, conunand : impera, rege.
IV. et BIÒI. Gloss. Short, yi. Gr. As^w, impcro.
Arraciioach, -aiche, adj. (Arrachd), 1. (Jliost- Ahkoil, adj. A. M'D. C7. Wàc Arronta.
like : spectro vel larva' siuiilis. 2. Unworldly :
• Arroiiuach, mlj. Becoming, tìt : decens decorum.
non mundanus. 358. S/iort. Stew. Gloius.
Arrachdak, -AiK, dim. of Arrachd, *-. i». A fairy : Arronta, adj. 1. Hold, daring, confident, high-spi-

lamia, s])ectrum. Sitort. 91. rited : uucUix, tidens, intrepidus, magnanimus. H.

AnuA-ciioLAs, -Ais, s.m. (Arrachda, udj. et Coslas), M'D. a. et Stew. Gloss. 2. Suitable, competent
Power potentia. P. Turn. 45C.
: congruus, conveniens. S/i. Jr. ?tn|ioi)c.
• Arradli, (Earradli), s. in. 1. Merchandise: mer- • Àrruig, s./. ^'idc Araichd.
ces, res qua: venduntur et emuntur. S. S. • Arruiseach, -eicla-, adj. Obvious : evideiis, moni-

2. An ornament : ornamcntum. S/i. et O'If. festus. S/t.

ARRAcnAiDEACH, -AiciiE, adj. Negligent: negli- Àrrusc, -Lisci, «. /H. Awkwardness, indecency: in-
gens. S/i. eptia, indecorum. Prvviii.
ArragiiAidhealacii, adj. of or belonging to Ar- Alls', Absa, i: de/. " Ars
Quoth : inquam, -is, <S:c.

gyle : Argathaliensis. A. M'D. CG. mise," Said I aiebam. " Ars tusa," Saidst thou
: :

ARRA-onLOjii ,-E, s. /. (Arra,*. et Gloir), Foolisli aisti. " Ars è ;" '• Ars esan," Said he : inquic-
prattle, triHing loquacity : garrulitas, sermones fu- bat, &c. " Ars' an searmouaiclie." Eccl. vii. 27.
tiles. Mar/. V. Saitli the preacher: inquit ecclesiastes ; used in —
ARRA-GHLoinEACii, -EiciiE, adj. (Arra»ghlòir), Non- tlie present tense : its more common use is the

sensical : stultiloquus. Mac/. V. past.

Ahraiceach, } -EU'iiE, -EiLE, adj. 1. Large, ample: • Arsudid, »•./. iiul. Llli. \'ide Arsaidhcachd.
Arraceil, i largus, amplus. licji. ajtp. 20G. 2. ARhAUAiu, -E, -EAN, *. III. (Arsiiclid, et Fear). An
Magnanimous, courageous fortis, intrepidus. " '.S : antiquary: luitiquarius, arclueologus. Vac. 164.
arraiceach treud na h-Alba." Macinli/. 147. Cou- AjiSAiUii, \ -x., adj. Ancient, old : imtiquus, longa;-
rageous are Albin's race. Intrepida est tribus Seo-
Ahsaigii,/ vus. Beth. A'i. ii. Arab. <Sy^ asn.
Arraiciidean, one who relates traditions.
s. m. pi. Jewels, precious tilings:
gemmx, res pretiosa. Mac/'. V.
Arsaidheachd, s./. ind. (Arsaidh), Antiquity, an-

Ahraiciideach,! -EiCHE, -EILE, adj. Vide Arrai- tiquities : antiquitas, arclutologia. Arab, jj^ wer,
Arraichdeil, j ceach. a history.
Arsaidhear, -in, «. »"• (Arsaidh, et Fear), An an- denotat. He escaped cffugit.
" Chaidh e as." :

" Agus ithidh iad iad fuigheal an ni sin a theid

tiquary: arclixologus. Marf. V.
Arsanta, ) -aiche, adj. Old, ancient: vetustus. as." Ecs. X. 5. And they shall eat the residue of
Id. q. Arsaidli. that which is escaped. " Absumentquc residuum
Arsantach, j
Voc. àb. (ejus rei) quod evasit. " Leig as." Let go : de-
Arsnaig, s.f. Arsenic: arsenica.
AnsNEUL, m. Macdmig. 45. Vide Airtneal.
-iL, s. mitte. " Leig as e." Let liim, or it, go : demitte
Arsneulach, -aiche, adj. Vide Airtnealach. eum vel id. " Cia .as?" adv. Whence? unde?
Arson, pr^. Vide Air son. " As an aghaidh," adv. To the face, outright
Arspag, -aic, -an. Tlie larger species of sea-gull in OS, coram. " As a cheile," adv. Loosened,
larus major. C. S. disjointed disjunctè, luxate
" Air chor as," adv.
Arsuidli, Ecs. X. 5. So that : ita ut. (Potius, a's, pro a-
\ ^ .._ ^.j; ^^^^ yj^g Arsaidh.
• Arsuign, j •' gus). Conjoined with personal pronouns As, forms ;

> Arsuigheachd, «. /. Voc. 163, Vide Arsaidli- asam, asad, aisde, asainn, asaibh, asda. Manx.
eachd. Ass. Wei. As, prefix, giving an idea of parting,
• Art, adj. Noble, brave : nobilis, fortis. Vt. Gloss. or separation. Oic. Arm. A from Corn. A, an, ;

' Art, .«. m. 1. A bear : ursus, arctos. Ll/i. 2. a'n from, from the.
; Lat. Ex. Gr. 'E|. Pers.
Flesh : caro. OR. 3. A limb : artus. Sh. et j\ az, from, out of; ^j' j' «2 an, from that. Jones.
O'B. 4. A house, tent domus, : tentorium.
Gael. " As an," out of the,
Ll/i. 5. A stone lapis. Llh. :
* As, s.f. An ass : asinus. Vide Asal.
• Artach, -aiche. 1. adj. (Art, 5.) Stony : lapi-
A's, conj. for Agus, And : et. (This is the true
dosus. Sh. 2. s. quarry: lapidum fodina. A orthography of agus contracted 'us also may be ;

Sh. Is, though in most frequent use, appears

» Artach, adj. Noble : nobilis. Vail. Celt. Es. 79.
to be improper.
• Art-chaileir, s.f. A quarry lapidum fodina. Llh. •' As feoil e." B. B. et
' As, verb. def. Is : est.
Artlaich, I -iDH, DH, V. 11. Overcomc, overmatch, Eòin. iii. 6. It is flesh : caro est. Vide Is, v.
Artluich, J nonplus supera, viribus vince, ad :
A's, V. def. (i. e. A, rel.pron. et Is, v. def. contracted 's),
incitas redige. " artluich e orm." DK
C. S.
\Miich is, or, are : qui est, vel qui sunt. " Tliriath
He has nonplussed me. Redegit me ad incitas, a's treine th' aig Cormac. Fing. i. 119. Thou
nie viribus superavit. who
bravest chief that Cormac owns {lit. is to
• Artragham, v. a. I do make : facio, efficio. Vt.
Cormac). Princeps strenuissime qui est Cor-
Aruinn, dat. of Ara, kidney. " Mu d' àruinn." A ' As, s.m. 1. Milk : lac. Sh. 2. Ale, beer :

Slacbdy. 60. Around thy kidneys circum renes :

tuos. cerevisia, zythum. Vail, in Voc. Arab. (j<.Lw.c

Àruinn, -e, -ean, s. f. forest properly a deer A ; asas, wine : (j«i^«*c asus, giving little milk. 3.
forest saltus, cervorum receptaculum. 3Iacinty. A
waterfall : O'R. Vide Eas. 4.
29. " Gheibhte bruic agus feidli air a h-àruinii."
An ear: auris. Vail. Celt. Es. S\. Gr. Oòs.
Stew. 409. Badgers and deer were to be found 5. As, asa, A shoe calceus. O'R. :(Quoting
in its forest. Meles cervique inveniri possent in book of Fermoy). Vide Osan 6. Drink po- :

saitu ejus. Arab. (jJ^* aryn, a forest, the haunt tus. O'R. 7. adj. Projected designatus. O'R. :

of a lion. * Asa, adj. comp. Easier : facilior. 3Iacinty. 20.

Arus, s. m. Short. 106. Vide Aros. Vide Fliusa.
As, jivep. 1. Out, out of: ex. " Agus ithidh iad *Asach. adj. (As, 5.), Shod calceatus. Llh. :

gach craobh a ta fas dhuibh as a" mhachair." Ecs. *Asach, -aich, s. m. A shoemaker sutor. Sh. et :

X. 5. And the}' shall eat every tree which grow- 07?.

eth for you out of the field. Et absument omnem 'Asach, adj. (As, 1.), Milky, watery: lacteus,
arborem quse oritur vobis ex agro. " A," for as, aquosus. Sh.
is commonly used before nouns with an initial con- Asad, "^
prep, conjoined with 2</. jaers. ;»rwi.
sonant. " À tigh na daorsa." Ecs. xx. 2. Out AsADs', >- sing. Out of thee ex te. Salm. :

of the house of bondage. E domo servitutis. 2. A&ABSA, emph.^ xxxi. 1. " ladsan a dh' earbhas
Including in itself the same meaning, as if join- asad." Saim. xvii. 7. They who trust in thee.
ed with the objective pronoun è : vim eandam Illi qui confident ex te.

adhibens, quasi cum è, pron. conjunctuni foret. Asaibh, "1 prep, conjoined with 2d pers.
" Cha dthug mi ni sam bith as." I took nothing AsAiBHs' >- pron. pi. Out o{ you: ex vobis.
out of it. Sumsi nihil ex eo. 3. Adverbially used AsAiBHSE, emph. ) Macf. V.
(without its regimen), denoting extinction extinc- : AsAiD, -IDH, DH, r.jB. i?. iTf'Z). 3 1 8. Vide Aisead, f.
tionem vel interitum denotat. " Tha 'n solus aii* AsAiD, -E, s. m. R. 3I'£>. 332. Vide Aisead, s.
dol as." Tlie light is gone out. Lux extingui- À.SAIC, Ì -A ixN, «./ Apparatus. .4. il/'Z?. 27. Vide
tur. " Cuir «* dlia." Destroy him, or it. Con- Às-AiN, J Àsuing,
Confice eum, vel id. " Dubh as." Blot out : As-AisN, Iprep. (conjoined with 1st pers. prmi.
dele. " Chaidh as dha." He perished periit. : AsAiNNE, emph. \ pi.) Out of us ex nobis. Macf. :

4. In like manner, used to denote escape : effugium V.

AsAiNVKAiu, -KicHE, (i>uiuetiiiit-> Asaigeach), adj. ecclesiastics. IfW. Atgeu, harm, dalua|;r. Pm.
(À«iiin), Well I'urnisht^l : bene iastructus. ( '. -S'.
azkaH, grief, auguibh.
AsAIH, -e, -KAN, «.y'. 1. Hariieii» : plialene. Macf.
AsCAoiNEACll, -EU'liE, otlj. (.\inttoin), Fiefct : fe-
V. Vide KaMiir. 2. Asanibueca, a certuiii pluiit
rox. .Sine. CluiUl. tJDS'H atknuiz, a war man.
asaruiii. I«". 59- Antb. it^-ikjt usirrt, ix beuht of AscAoiNEACiii), (Akcaoiiieach), Brutality,
*./. »»«/.

burden. M>6r. 110K «*<". ^ '"*•"'"'"• fercicity : sa-vitia, feritus. A. M'l). 132.
• Asaire, *• '«• (A», t. et Feitr), A blioe-moker : 8u- AscADiKTini, -lUH, UH, «. u. Ascaoifl, <.) Curse, (

tor. £Jh. exconununicate malediee, fulmiiie eccletùaiitico


AsAL, -AIL. s. m. An a«g aMiius. Llh. Goth. Asi-

e tidelium conimuuione ejice. Sh.

lu. I'IphU. B. Bnt. Ascn, asyn. CTuM. 'yny at- AsCAHT, -AlHT, s. m. Tow, coaTbe lint ktupa. C. S. :

*ei, piger. AsCNAUll, -AlUll, f. tn. Mounting, ascending: as-

censio, actio scandendi, ascendendi. > AtcmtdA
AsAM, Ì /"TP- (I'onjoincd with ist per$. pron.
AsAMs', siiu/A (-)iil ol" me: ex me. I'aU. thonn air an leirg." Stew. 556. Tlie aiict-ndiitg of
ASAMSA, emp/>.) Gr. lb. Miuf. I'.
billows upon the straiid. Ascensio tluciuum in
" Asciuidh claon," Oblique aocxTuion
1. A hose. Uh.
• Asan, i. m. \'ide Osan. 2. littus. :

ascensio obliqua. " Asnuidh dlreach," Kight as-

.\ staff: baculuni. I'u//. pr. pr. 7G. Per*.
cension : ascensio recta.
•Mjj' <iii:eiid, armour. • Ascnaim, r. n. 1 go, enter : eo, ingredior. >.
• .Asan, adv. e. .\n Sin),
(i. 'lliere, then: ibi, 192.
tunc. St. /'«r. "2+. B. Brtt. .K han, a hano. .A.SCU1L, s. m. R. M-D. 165. Vide Asgall.
• Asanta, i. e. Elas-aonta, «. /. Sedition : seditio. Asu A, prep. Vide Asta.
Sh. et OR. AsDAH, -AIR, R. M-D. 318. ^ide Astar.
• Asard, -aird, *. m. Debate disceptatio. Sh. et :
AsDAKACH, -AiCHE, oitj. Stcw. 154. Vide Asta-
• Asardoir, s. m. A litigious person homo htiuni :
A sEAOii, adi: Yes imo, iia. Vt. 13, 89. Vide

cupidus. Sh. et O' R. Seadh.

• .\.s-bhcanaih, s.f. Exception: exceptio. Voc.99. AsGAiLT, -E, -EAN, S.f. A retreat, shelter: recepta-
AsBHL'AiN, -E, s. If. Stubble: stipula. " Mar as- culum, refugium.
bhuain roiudi 'n ghaoith." Salm. Ixxxiii. 13. As " An asgailt bheaiin is choilltean aosda."
stubble before the wind. Ut stipula coram vento. S. D. 288.
Provincially, it also means tlie pasture or foggage In the retreat of mountains and aged woods. In
of a reaped com field. receptaculo montium et vetustarum sylvanim.
Asc, -Aisc, -AN, s. m. A snake, adder: anguis, vipe- Uebr. 7K'N ashl, a grove lucus. ;

ra. Macf. V. AsGAiR, -E, -EAN, S.f. (Aos, et Gair, r.) A chroni-
• Ascaim, r. I enquire, ask, beg : quaero, rogo, cle, record chronicon, annales.
: Chald. ITlitK
supplico. Sh. OR. et Vail. Celt. Es. 87. Sax. ascarah, recordatio. Vail, in Voc.
Askion. Kalmuc. Asoc, to ask. AsG.\iHT, s. m. MaciiUy. 93. Vide Ascart.
Asc A ILL, s.f. Vide Asgall. AsGAL, ì -AiLL, -EAN, s. m. 1. The arm-pit ax- :

• Ascairt, s. f. (As, prep, et Cairt), A budding, AsGALL, J

ilia. Uh. 2. An embrace amplexus. :

germinatio, gemmatio. R. M-D. 14j.

sprouting :
Stew. 176. 3. The bosom gremium. Macf. V. :

AscALL, -AiLL, (\i, pnp. et Call),

«.»1. 1. loss: A Wei. Asgell, a wing. B. Bret. Ascle, asgle. Germ.
damnum. Macf. V. '• Ascall carraich." Sttrw. 400.
Achsel, a shoulder. Arab. ^UÌjI asked, baggage.
Loss of cattle in spring. Clades inter pecora per
vim liiemis. 2. An onset, attack impetus. Macf. :
Hebr. b'^ti atzil, axilla.

K. 3. Flowing of the tide fluxus maris. Sh. et : Asguidh, adv. \'ide Nasgaidh, et Aisgidh.
ML. '21-2. AscLiLL, S.J'. R. M-D. 165. Wàe Asgall.
AscALL, *. in. Llh. Vide Asgall. AsGUL, -AL, -ALL, s. tn. A. M'D. 93. Vide As-
AsCALL, adj. Mangled laceratus. Macf. V. :

AsCAOis, -E, adj. (.\s, prep, et Caoin), 1. Unkind, Asia, «. /. Pars mundi orientalis, patria Deorum.
harsh inimicus, durus.
'• Breugan ascaoin." R. ^'ide yVachter in i'oc.
Af'Z). 318. Unkind falsehoods: mendacia ininii- .\s-iNXLEACHD, />/. -AN, {.\s,prep, et Innleachdl, A
ca. 2. Stubborn
contumax. '• Ginealach a<-
: destructive artifice : insidise. Salm. xxxv. 20.
caoin agus ceannarcach." Salm. Ixxviii. 8. Ed. As-iNNLE.\CHDACH, -AICHE, adj. ( As-innleachd),
1807. marg. A stubborn and rebellious genera- Plotting ruin : exitium meditans. C. S.
tion. Geueratio contumax, et rebellis. '• Caoin A sios, adr. Vide Sios.
ail ascaoin." Inside out versipellis. R. M-D. 14tì. : AsLACH, -AicH, -AicHEAN, «.»1. A request, tempta-
AscAOix, -E, s.f. 1. Unkindness, harshness, enmity : tion : petitio, tentatio, illecebra?. Llh.
inclementia, inhumanitas, inimicitia. R. M-D. 146. AsLACH, -AicH, -EAN, s. iM. 1. A bosom sinus, gre- :

2. A curse, excommunication maledictio ecclesi- : mium. Macf. V. " 'S trom 'acain air aslaich na
astica. Sh. et O'R. " Ascaoin eaglais," " Ascaoin- gaoithe." ò'. D. 296. Deep is liis moan on the
teas eaglais." R. M'D. Excommunication : dira; bosom of the wind. Gra*'e est suspirium ejus in
Vol. I. K
sinu venti. Entreaty, supplication : supplica-
2. AsTAiR, ) -IDH, DH, V. 71. (Astar, s.) Journey,
tio. 1 Bl'/fi. viii. 2S. marff. Vide Asluchadh. Astairich, j go a journey, proceed on your way :

AsLACHADir, -aidii, s. m. Vide Asluchadli. fac iter, progredere. O'li.

AsLAicH, -iDH, Dii, V. a. Vide Asluich. Astar, -air, s. m. 1. journey iter. A
" Agus :

As LETH, ^r^. In behalf, for the sake : vice, causa. chuir e astar thri làithean eadar e fein agus lacob."
Vide Leth. Gen. xxx. .SO. And he set three days' journey
Asluchadh, -aidii, s. in. et pres. part. v. Asluich. between himself and Jacob. Interposuitque iter
1 Entreaty, earnest supplication supplicatio, sup- : trium dierum inter sese et Jahacobum. 2. Way,
plex obsecratio. " Na foluich tliu fein o m' as- progress, speed, celerity cursus, progressus, (eun- :

luchadh." Salm. Iv. 1. Hide not tliyself from my do) festinatio, celeritas.
supplication. Ne abscondas te a niea depreca- " chuir e m' astar a' maillead." Turn. 7.
tione. 2. The act of entreating, or supplicating: It has retarded my speed. Tardavit meam celeri-
actio supplicandi. " Bha e 'g asluchrulh oirn." tatem. 3. voyage A expeditio, peregrinatio. :

C. S. He was entreating us : supplicabat no- Macgr. 28. Wei. Aystre. Lat. Astrum, quippe
bis. metitur cursum teraporum. Gr. 'Aotjij, 'Affrgoi..
Asluich, -idh, dii, v. a. et «. 1. Entreat, suppli-
Arab. ^^Mi\ astur, lines, rows. Chald. "1\"1DM
cate : ora, supplica. " Agus air an Tighearn
astir, Stella.
dh'asluich mi." Sali». xxx. 8. And unto the Lord
Astarach, -aiche, adj. (Astar), Journeying, speedy:
I made supplication. Et Jehovam deprecatus sum.
iter faciens, celer, expeditus. Macdoug. 205. et
2. Request, desire : roga, pete. 3Iacf. V.

costa. Plur. Asnadha. Glenm. 69. Short. liG.

AsTARAiCHE, -E, -EAN, s. ni. (Astar), A traveller :

viator. C. S.
Vide Aisne.
• Asnach, i. e. Aisnean, Ribs : costae. It. 3I'D.
• Astarthoir, s. m. (Astar, et Thoir), A porter :

bajulus. Llh.
AsNACHADH, *. m. et pres. part. v. Asnaich. A. M'D.
« Astas, s. m. A spear, javelin : hasta, hastile. Llh.
AsTA-SAN, prep. emph. Out of them ex illis ipsis. :
19. 189. Vide Asluchadli.
Vide Asta.
Asnaich. -idh, dh, v. a. et w. Vide Asluich.
As-oNOiR, s.f. Vide Eas-onair.
A STEACH, adv. (i. e. Anns an teach. In the house :

in domo). 1. Within intus, intra, vel in domo.

Asp, -a, -an, s.f. An asp, an adder vipera. :
2. To within, into in, ad intus. Vide Steach.
" Mar a«p 's a h-earr 'iia cluas." Kirk. Salm.
As-THARRuiNG, -E, -EAN, s.
iìid. (As, prep, et
As the adder that stoppeth its ear, (lit. its tail in
Tarruing), Abstraction abstractio. Macf. V. :
its ear). Quasi aspis obturans aurem suara, (lit.
Cauda ejus in aure). Vox Graca, vel Lat.
A STiGH, adv. (i. e. Anns an tigh). In, within intus. :

' Asparag,
C. S. Id. q. steach. A
s.f. Asparagus. Voc. 58.
AsRAN, -AIN, -AN, s. ill. A forlom object, a desti-
A SUAS, adi: Upward : sursum. More frequently
Suas, q. V.
tute wanderer homo miser, egenus, inops erro.

" Bu tusa athair nan àsran." Turn. 191. AsuiBH, \ prep,

coejoined with 2d.pers.pron.
AsuiBHSE, e?nph. j pi. Out of you ex vobis. Gram. :
wast the father of the destitute wanderers. Tu
128. Vide Asaibh.
eras pater miserorum erronum.
AsuiG, "i -EAN, s.f. Apparatus, one or more
AsRANNACH, -AicH, «. m. (Astar), stranger, guest, A AsuiNG, > instruments : apparatus, unum
tools, or
traveller, a way-faring man peregrinus, hospes,

viator, extraneus. Llh.

AsuiNN, 3 vel plura opificis instrumenta. Macinty.
58. 2. A weapon telum, ferrum. " B' olc an
Asrus, s.f. i. e. Aisir, A path, or way: semita,
àsuig e 's a chabhaig." Macinty. 4.

bad wea- A
via, exitus. Stetv. 574'. Plur. Asruisi, Vt. 98.
Vide Aisir.
pon it was in the strife (of battle). Fuit inutile
telum concursu (prcelii).
» Assain, s. m. pi. Plates, greaves : laminae, ocreae
militares. Llh. " Agus do bhadar assain AsuiNN, \prep. conjoined with \sf. pers. pron.
phrais air a luirgnibh." B. B. 1 Sam. xvii. 6.
AsuiNNE, e?n/?^.J pi. Out of us e nobis. Vide :

And greaves of brass were upon his legs. Et
tibialia chalybia erant super pedes ejus. Bez.
AsuiNNEACH, -EicHE, Well furnish-
adj. (Asuinn),
ed, or equipped bene instructus. C. S.
• As seadh, adv. It is so, yes sic est, ita est, eti-

am. St. Fiec. 1. 2. et 29. Improperly for Is

As ÙR, adv. (As, prep, et Ur, adj.), Anew, afresh,
recently: denuo, rursus, recentèr. Macinti/. 139.
seadli. Vide Is, v. et Seadh.
• Assuan,
At, s. m. ind. A swelling tumor,
: inflatio. Steic. 253.
s.f. Bill. Gloss. Vide Asbhuain.
At, -AiDH,DH, V. n. 1. Swell: turge, intume. " Ni
Ast', \prq}. (conjoined with 3d pers. pron. pi.) Out
AsTA, j of them ex iis. :
mo a dh'at do chos. Deut. viii. 4. Neither did
" thy foot swell. Nee pes tuus intumuit. Arab.
A' tearnadh asta beo." Salm. cxli. 10.
Escaping out of them with life, (alive). Effugiens kllxjt abt, swelled with drinking.
ex iis vivus. AtA, pres. ind. siòst. verb. Bi. Am, art, is, are
AsTAiL, -E, -EAN, s. f. A dwelling domicilium. :
sum, es, est, &c. Salm. pass, frequently contract-
Macdoug. 146. Wei. Adail, a building, edifice. ed 'tà. Vide BÌ, V. and Tha. Ir. Jcc<v. ChaM.
AlH 75 ATll
M'X aiti. Or. •iTUj. Ttrimii. ^t. perl. »in</. jmrt. pity : paree, uuberruere. " Blui nil g uthadk
mrti. el pas*. dlia." C. .S. 1 w a» iiwiug uf him, or it. Panc-
• Atath, t. m. 1. A rc<iuest : pt-titio. IV. iVi. bani illi.

2. (At, «.) Fcrinentulioii I'rnui'iitatio. Sh.

: Am, \
pi. -AN, -AKKAM, «./. A kill): clibanuni.
Ai ADII, -AlWii, »'. >u. ft pret. part. v. At. swell- A .\tiia, i Mtirf. r. " Deireadli na luinge, bàth-
ing : iailaliu, tiiiuor, iiitit) iiituiui'scciidi, vcl tur- adli ; deireadli iia Ii-<j//i«, lll^gudh." J'rot: The
f;iiidi. Trm. iii. 104. fate of the liliip i» kinking (/•' droMiiiiig) ; the fale
Ataich, -11)11, UH, V. ti. Eiitreul, rwiuest : ubiiixi- of the kiln, burning. Son» iiavi», luergtre, oun
ropu «upplcx |>ete. A. M-D. 187. •• Ajjus iln elibani, urere. " ^A-aòil." A liiiie-kibi : foriuix
gtubii Eimir a;;U!> im iiiiui uiU' iiga alac/i." IV. 'J'2. caleuria. '• At/i -chrvadim." A briek-kilii : Ute-
.•Villi Emir and all tlic luatruiis bt-piu to I'litnat raria. Gr. "Aii'a/, uro. Utbr. nx <uh. \ab in quo
him. Itaque Eiiiira et nuilii-n-s uiiinis faiKTuiit igiii.-< aeeeiiditur.
obsecrari' i-iiiu. • Atlia,
s.f. i. e. AiinKÌr. P. Turn. 450.
.\TAin. (i. f. Ilia iad), StI. pert. p/. pres. ind. r. Bi. Ath, -an, s. m. .\ ford vaduin. * Mar ^in bithidh :

Thcv aro : illi sunt. " lìii peur iitaid ag aniliarc nigheaua Mhòaib aig àthuibli Arnoiii." Iiai. xvi.
oriii." S<iliH. xxii. 17. Ed. 17Ò3. Intensely, they 2. So shall the daughter» of Moab be at tlie lords
are gazing upon me. Sediilo illi sunt intuentes of Arnon. Sic erunt tilia- Moabi ad vada .\mu-
in me. •• .\ taid." Ross. .Sal/n. ibid. nis. " Alha-c\\\U\\." Dublin Eblana. i. e. Hurdle- :

.\taig, -e, -eax, s.

f. A stake, or palisado : stipes, ford. \'aduin cratium. AW. Manx. Aagh. Pert.
vail us, sudes. C. S. iSJlit adauk, vadum. Germ. Ach, elementum
Atàim, Ì ('• p- Thà Mi), \st. pers. siiu). pres.
aqua' aeha, flumen. Wacht. Hindost. tJiah.
.Ktaimse, emph.f mm/, r. Hi. I am : sum. '^ Ataim

a' laghail euidich' uaith'." Ross. Salin. xxnii. 7. • Atha, s. III. 1. A blast of wind: flamen, fla-
I receive (lit. I am receiving) aid from him. Sum tus. O'R. Gr. 'An, flo. 2, The cud ruma. :

aecipiens, i. e. accipio, auxilium ab eo. Ll/i.

Atàim, s. III. nie name ol' God. .^•iiii. Pur. Ixvi. 7. • Athach, s. m. Desire, request : rogamen. Uh.
• .\taimlieaelid, s.f'. Hedeniption rcdemptio. Li/i.
WAe -\tach.
Ataireachu, s.f. ind. {.\t, v.). Swelling, raging ol" Athach, -aich, s. m. 1. A giant : gigas. S. D.
waters : maris, vel aquarum, iestus, fremitus, elatio. 186. Id. q. Aitheach. 2. Waves: fluctus. JJh.
Feucli, mar leòmhaii
thig e hios o atairtachd 3. \ space : spatium. Uh. Arab. »L=m1 akhah,
lòrdaiii. Behold, as a lion he shall
Icr. xlix. 19.
unpolished, rude men : isUas ataz, a bold, or
eome up from the swelling of Jordan. Ecce, qua-
strung man.
si leo, ascendet ex elationc aquarum Jardeuis.
Athach, -auhe, <k^'. (.\thadh, «.) Bashful, modest:
(supra altitudinem Bez.)
pudibundus Maef. I'. 2. Ashamed: pudore suf-
• Ataiseaeh, adj. Blasphemous Deo maledicens. :
fusus. C. S. 3. Terrible : terribilis. C. S. 4.
LIh. A'ide Athaiseach.
Sparing, pitying parcens, miserescens. C. S.
• Ataniaoid, r. i. e. " Tha sinn." are nos We :

Athadh, -aidh, s. III. et pres. part. v. Ath. 1. Fear,

sumus. la//. Gr. 82.
dread, timidity timor, pavor.
Atamaoidne, emph. i. e. '• Tha sinne." We are

" Thainig niise o na Fiannaibh,
nos sumus. Urn. 149. " Daoin' o chian a bha gun athadh"
• Ataoir, r. i. e. " Tlia thu." Tliou art tu es. :
M'Grtg. 116.
Vail. Gr. 85.
Atas, Ataidh, Tern, vii, 157.
I am
descended of the Fiiigalians, men, of old,
for fut. r. At.
who were fearless. Ortus sum (lit. veni), Finga-
• Atathaoi, i.e. " Tha sibh." You are vosestis. :

liensibus, hominibus antiquitus qui erant absque pa-

B.B. 2. Modesty, baslifulness
vore. modestia, pu- :
• Atchiu, ferb. i. e. •• Chi mi." I see : video.
dor. C. S. Reverence, homage reverentia, vere- :
Bianf. 30. 2.
cundia. R. M'B. 180. 4. Shame pudor. 5. The :

At-cuisle, a-, ni. (.\t, V. et Cuisle), Aneurism : a-

act of sparing, or pitying : actus parcendi vel mi-
serescendi. ^'ide Ath, i:
Ath, adj. Tlie next : proximus. '•
An ath uair."
Athaich, -idh, dh, r. n. C. S. Vide Ath, v.
C. S. The next hour hora proxima but more : ;
.Ath aich, «.to. />/. of Athach. 1. Giants: gigan-
frequently used as an iterative particle, or prefix,
tes. 2. Yeomen, husbandmen : agricolae. LIA.
indicating the repetition of its adjunct equivalent ;
'•Athaich-thuatha," i. e. '• Thuathach." The At-
to the Latin and Enghsh, Re. Lat. Ad. If V/.
tacotti ; northern giants gigantes septcntrionales. :

-At, ad. Arab. cÀe att, repeating over and over. OCmi. Prol. ii. 71.
Ath, -aidh, dh, v. n. 1. Flinch, shrink from re- :
• .\thaile, s.f. Inattention : incuria. Lib.
trocede, tergiversare. A. M-D. 142. • Xa seòid Athailt, -e, -eax, «. m. A scar: cicatrix. Voc. 25.
nach atliadh an cruadal." Oraii. The heroes who et Marf. V.
would not shrink (from) hardship. Strenui qui Ath-aixm, s. m. (Ath, et Ainm),
-e, -an, -aknak,
non retrocederent (ab) re ardua. 2. Hesitate, re- 1 . \ second name
agnomen. C. S. 2. A nick- :

fuse : hasita, aversare. A. M'D. 83. 3. Spare, name: nomen contumeUosum. C. S. IfV/. Adenw.
Athainne, ) s. m. (Atli, Thcine), pi. Embers that tliou didst retreat, and they reproach me.
Athaintean, j favillsc. ZM. et C. S. Homines Ilibernia! dicunt te fugisse ct mihi vitu-
Athainte, -ean, s. m. Afire-brand: torris. Vide perant. 2. Defamation : alienae fama: violatio.
Aithine. C.S.
Atiiair, -\r, pi. AiTHRiciiE, -EAN, *. m. A father: Atiiaisich, -idh, dh, v. a. (Athais), Reproach, re-
j)ater. prove, abuse, affront exprobra, rcprehende, con-

" Bi-sa mar d' athair a Ghaill." Tern. iii. 121. viciare, contumeliis affice. Sh. et C. S.
Be thou as thy father, O Gaul ! Esto tu sicut Athaisiciiead, s.y. Degree of rest cessatio. C.S. :

tuus pater O Galle. " Scan-athair," contracted • Athal, adj. Deaf: surdus. Llh. Vide Adhall.
" Seanair." A grand-father avus. " Athair : Athan, -ain, s. m. (dimin. ot Xxh), A little ford :

ceile," " Athair cleamhna," " Athair cleamhnuis." vadum cxiguum. Macf. V.
A father-in-law: socer. Vor. 12. ct Lift. " Athair ' Athiir, s. m. The dregs of a disease, an es-
baisdidh." C. S. A god-father pater lustricus, :
sence : morbi faeces, essentia. Arab. jUi'
susceptor. " Athair faoiside." Mac/. V. A father-
" Athair- aghbhar, dregs of a disease. VaU. Pros. Pr.
confessor sacerdos a confessionibus.

aigheachd." Sfi. et O'R. (Vide Faigh). " Athair-
dhiobhadh." Ll/i. (Vide Diobhadh). " Athair- Athar, The air, firmament ai;r, cce-
-air, «. m. :

luni expansum.Agus rinn Dia an t-al/tar."

mhaoin." Voc. 164. patrimony patrimonium. A :

Gen. i. 7. And God made the firmament. Et

" Athair an dlighe." Llh. A father-in-law socer. :

Wel.Tad. ^r/«.Tat. Germ.Teyte, abt, sette. Sa^q.

fecit Deus coelum expansum. Manx. Aer. Wei.
Awyr. Bar. Arm. JEr. Gr. 'Aiirì^. Chald. TIN
Aita. iMt. Attavus. Gr, Arra, tuto,, Pater. Ar<ù).
auyer. Hehr. lihJ aor, vel or, lux. Id. q. Adhar-
jMC atar, origo. Athar, gen. of Athair. G. B. pass.
Athair-ainmeach, adj. (Athair, et Ainm), Patro- Atiiar-amharc, «. m. (Athar, air, et Amhairc),
nymical : patronymicus. Voc. 164. Aeroscopy aeroscopium. Sh. et O'R.

Athaire, for Athraichean, pi. of Athair. Tern. Athardha, *. m. One's native country
* patria :

i. 415. terra. Bianf. 13. 1.

Athaireil, -e, adj. (Athair), Fatherly, like a fa- • Athardha, a<^'. Fatherly: paternus. Um.%\.

ther paternus, sirailis patri.

: Athar-eòlas, -ais, s. m. (Athar, air, et Eòlas),
" lochd athaireil." Macf. Par. xxiv. 4. Aeromancy. O'R. Gr. Atj^o/Mavrim. '

Fatherly compassion. Misericordia paterna. " Mac * Athargadh, 1 -aidh, s. m. (Athair), Adoption ;

niathaireil, is nighean athaireil." Prov. son A * Atharghadh,

J adoptio. " Ag ar leo atitargadh
mother-like, a daughter father-like. Filius similis na cloinne." B. B. Rom. ix. 4. To whom
matri, filia similis patri. pertaineth the adoption [lit. of the children)
» Athairgaibh, s.f. Importunity, solicitation : im- quorum est adoptio liberprum.
portunitas, solicitatio. «S7(. et MSS. • Athargadh, m. (Ath, et Ar, slaughter), A sharp

Athair-lusa, m. (Athair, et Lus), Ground-

-uise, s. engagement : acris pugna. Llh.
ivy hedera terrestris. O'R. et C. S.
: • Athargaibh, s.f. (Ath, et larr). Importunity, so-
Athair-thalmhainn, s.f. Yarrow, milfoil achil- :
licitation : importunitas, solicitatio. Sh.. et
lea millefolium. O'R. et C. S. OR.
Athais, -e, -ean, s.f. 1. A reproach: opprobri- Athair, -iùl, -iùil, s.f. (Athar, air, et lùl). Aero-
um. Macf. V. 2. A blaming, or upbraiding in- :
logy. O'R. Gr. '
cusatio, exprobratio. Glenm. ii. 71. 3. A rebuke: Atharla, s.f. (Athar-laoigh), A quey, heifer: ju-
reprehensio. Sh. Vide Aithis. venca. Macf. V.
Athais, s.f. ind. Ease otium. R. M'D. 84. Pro- :
* Atharmhactadh, *. ni. (Athair, et Mactadh), Par-

nounce, Adhais, q. v. Wei. Has. B. Bret. Haws. ricide : pan-icidium. Llh.

Fr. Aise, aisance.

Atiiar-mheidh, -mheigh, -ean, s.f. (Athar, air,
Arab. (ji*i aesh, luxury.
et Meidh), A barometros. Macf. V.
bai-ometer :

Athaiseach, -eiche, adj. (Athais). Slew. 289. Atharnach, -aich, s.f. (Ath, et Ar, r.), Second
Vide Adhaiseach. crop : secunda vel altera seges. 3Iacf. V.
Athaiseach, -eich, -ean, s. m. (Athais), An abuser,
Atharrach, -aich, s. m. (Ath, et Urra). 1. An
a reviler, an abusive person conviciator, qui ver- :
alien : ahenus. A. 135. M'D.
2. Used collective-
bis contumeliosis utitur. R. M^D. 6.
ly, for, the public, or all others than one's own re-
Athaiseach, -eiche, adj. (Athais). 1. Reproach- lations, or friends. " Cha 'n e maith an atharr-
ful contumeliosus. C. S.
: 2. Reviling : maledic- aich a th' air 'aire." C. S. It is not the public
tis insectans. Sh. 3. Rebuking: reprehendens. good that he intends. Non ille spectat ad bonuni
C. S. et OR.
publicum. 3. Alteration, change mutatio, varia- :

Athaiseach ADH, -aidh, 5. m. etpres.part. v. Ath-

aisich. Tlie act of reproaching, reproving, a-
tio. Provin. Arab. yiS akJiar, another. Hebr.
busing, or affronting : actio vituperandi, incusandi, "inN acher, alter.
vel conviciandi. " Agus a taid fir Eirion do radii Atharrachadh, -aidh, s. m. et pres. part. v.
gur ab ag teitheadh a tusa, agus ataid siad dom Atharraich. 1. Change: mutatio. " Riiisan aig
athaiseacluidh:'Vt. 2. The men of Ireland say am bheil atharracliadh giùlain na biodh gnothuch
*(?aa." GmitJi. XXIV. ai. Eli. 1807. Wiih Uit-in Ath-bul'aladii, -Ainii, t. m. et pre*, part. r. AlJi-
who are j;iven to chaiigf, iiitHldlc not. Cum ivini*' bliuuil, Ke-pen'U8Uon, re-itctiou vib reuliendi, re- :

ne i'oiiiniÌM.'eto te. H. Tlie act of ihuiigiiif;, ultt-r- |>cllrndi. C. S.

iiifj, or rfinoviiif; aitus inutaiiili, vcl niovt-iuli.
: ATH-bnL'AiLTEACii, oJf. (Ath, et Duailteadi), Strik-
MtMTf: r. tt <'. ^. ing again : qui reperculit vel ictuni ictu com|>en-
\tiiakhaciiaii., -Aii.K, fulj. ( .\l)iarrac'hudti). 1. sat. ('. A'.

Alteniativf, changing : altcnius, niutuu8, niulans. .\TH-iHAt^AiN, -luM, UH, (/u/. contraclt^ AthcKu-
.Vurf. ì'. '2. I'nsti-ady, given tu (.hongc incon- : gnaidh). Chew again, rumiimtc itirum uianduiu. :

staii.-i, niutabilbi, It'vis. C. S. runiiiui. C. S.

AtiiAHIIAUII, -11)11, Dll, V. a. (Aliu et Tar, r) 1. .\TU-rilAGSADII, -AIDH, ». M. et pttt. /iifl. r. Ath-
Chaiigv- : imita. " .\gus lili' utharraich c 't'Uilath." chagain, A chewing again iteruni niaaducaliu, :

(ifii. xli. 14. And hi- i-liungt-d his raiment. Mii- runiinatio. ('. i".

tjivitvi'sti's i. riit, rcmovi- omigra, t-mi-

suas. : Ath-chÀihuh, -idh, dh, r. a. (.\th, et Càirich),
praro tiic, nioxo. Mat/. Par. 3S. 4. ••
Uh' iif/i- Repair, mend : repara, resarci. ('. ,V. \'jde Càir-
arraich Abraiii a bhùth." Cen. xiii. 8. Abralium ich.
removed his tent. Movit Abnini tentorium suum. Ath-chaithte, -cHAiTE, odj. (.\th. It Caitlite),
Gr. "Eri^ii. Worn out, cast off: tritus, rejectus. (/«/. worn a
.\tiiaiikaichte, perf.part. r. Atharraich. Changed : second time).
mutatus. C. .V. Ath-chanaich, -AlDH, UH, f. o. Dtuj.liiuli. Vide
Athahrais, .\tiiarrais-bheui.aiv, s. f. (Ath, et Athchuingich.
Aithris), Mocking, mimicry ; foolish, or contemp- Ath-channtaireachd, s.f. (AUi, et Caim-
tuous repetition : luditicatio, sennonis per
alieni taireachd), A singing again, recantation : altera
siultitiam aut despectuni, iteratio. Voc 149. cantio, recantatio. Llli.
Atuak-thomhas, -ais, s.m. (Athar, air, ct Tomli- • Athcaoid, s.f. \'ide Aiceid.
as), .\erometr_v : Aeronietria. • Athchaoideach, atl/. Vide Acaideach.
Athar-tìr, I
-E, s. f. (.\tliair, et Tir), One's native • Atlichaoin, -e, s.f. (.Ath, et Caoin, r.) A com-
.\tiiar-tiiìr, country: patria terra. Biaiif.iii. \.
j plaint : que>lus. JLl/i.
Atii-biiArr, -a, s. m. (.\th, et Bàrr), A second Ath-chasadaich, -e, s.f. (.Ath, et Casadaich), A
crop altera niessis. C. S.
: second coughing : tussis iterata. C. S.
Atii-bhe.\chd, -.ak, »•. in. (Ath, et Beachd), Re- Ath-chasaid, -ean, *./ (Ath, et Casaid), A second
trospect, consideration respectus, cogitatio. Macf. : accusation : iterata accusatio. C S.
Ath-chasta, adj. (Ath, et Casta), Strongly twisted :

Ath-biieim, 1 -AN, *. m. (Ath, et Beuni), A second bene retortus, replicatus. C. S.

Ath-bheum, J
wound: alterum vulnus. Biu/i/. So. Athcheakgal, -ail, s. in. A second binding, or
I. agreement : iterata astrictio, renovatum pactum.
Atu-bheotiiachadh, -aidh, «. m. et pres. part. v. C. S. ^'ide Ceangal.
.\th-bheotliaich. Reviving, re-kindling, re-animat- Ath-cheannaich, -idh, DH, r. a. (.Atli, et Ceann-
ing animatio, in vitani reductio. Mac/. V.
: aich), Redeem, purchase again : redime, rursus
Ath-bheothaich, -idh, dh, v. a. (Ath, et Beoth- eme. " Ag
ath-cheannach na h-aimsire." Epti. v.
aich), Revive, quicken, re-animate : in vitari redu- 16. Redeeming the time : redimentes opportuni-
ce, renova, anima. '• Nach ath-bheothaich thu tatem. Vide Ceannaich.
sinn ?" .Saint. Ixxxv. 6. Wilt thou not revive us ? Ath-cheasnaich, r. a. (.Ath, et Ceasnaich), Re-
An non tu restitue nos vitae. Wd. Aduya. Fr. examine rursus examina. C. S.

Aviver. Span. Avivar. • Ath-cheileabrus, »-. m. (Ath, et Ceileabradh),

Ath-bheotiiachail, -.aile, adj. (Ath, s. et Beoth- second farewell : iterata valedictio. IV. 30.
achail), Reviving, quickening, cheering : exhila- Ath-cheimsich, -idh, dh. r.a. Jtecapitulaa- suni- :

rans, animans, Istiiicans. C. S. matira recense. (lit. retrace thy steps). C. S.

ATH-BHEOTiiAiCHTE,a<^". Ct perf.part. r. .Ath-bheoth- Ath-chl.\osadh, -aidh, -eas, s. m. (Ath, et Clao-
aich. Revived, quickened, re-animated : in vitam nadh), A second deviation iterata detlexio. Vail. :

reductus, renovatus, animatus. C. S. Celt. Es. 75. et C. S. Lat. .Acclino, I bend.

.\th-bhliadhna, s.f. ind. (Ath, et Bliadlina), Nex: Ath-chleamhnas, -ais, *. m. (.\th, et CUamhnas),
year annus proximus. Macinty. 105.
: A second afiinitv, or alliance : iterata aifinitas.
Ath-bhliochd, s.f. ind. (.\th, et Bliochd), A se- C. S.
cond milking : iteratio mulgendi. C. S. WeL Ad- Ath-chn.à.mh, -a, s. m. (Ath, et Cnàmhl, A second
tlith. digestion : altera concoctio. C. S. If'el. Adgnaw,
Ath-bhreith, «./. ind. (Ath, et Breith), 1. Rege- second chewing.
neration : regeneratio. N. T. pasxim. 2. A se- Ath-chneidh, -e, -ea.v, *. (Ath, et Cneidh). A /
cond judgment : iteratum judicium. C. S. Wei. second wound alterum vulnus. C. S.

Adlrawd. Ath-chogadii, -aidh, -eas, s. m. (Ath, et Cogadhi,

Ath-bhuail, -idh, dh, f. a. (Ath, et Buail), Strike Rebellion rebellio. Uh.

again : rursus percute. C. S. Vide Buail. Atii-chog, -aidh, dh, f. a. (.\th. et Cog), Rebtl;
• .AiJibhuailt, adv. Again : nirsus. S. D. 94. rebella. OR.
Ath-chomain, -e, -ean, s.f. (Atli, ctComain), 1. Formed, or shaped anew denuo fictus, vel fomia-

A second obligation : altera obligatio. C. S. 2. tus. C. S. 2. Disfigured, mangled deformatus, :

Requital, retaliation : conipensatio, ultio, talio. laniatus. C. S. Vide Ath-chum.

as. Ath-dhealbhadh, -aidh, .v. m. (Ath, et Dealbh,
Ath-ciiomair, -e, adj. (Ath, et Comair), Brief, V.) Transformation : forniae rautatio, metamorpho-
short : brevis, succinctus. " Ath-chomaire." Urn. sis. C.S.
17. Ath-dheanamh, -aimh, s. m. (Ath, et Dean, v.]

Atii-ciiomhairle, -an, s.f. (Ath, et Comhairlc), Doing over again : actus reficiendi, totum laborem
A second advice alteram consilium. C. S.: repetendi. C. S.
ATH-CHOMHAiRLicn,-iDH, DH, I'. «. (Atli, et Conih- Ath-dhìoi., -a, ^ s. m. (Ath, et Diol), 1.

airlich), Advise again rursus consule, vel monc. : Atii-dhìoladh, -aidh, f Restitution: restitutio.
C.S. Macf. V. 2. A requital, a recompense
compen- :

Athchomharaich, v. a. Ask : pete, roga. Vt. Gloss. satio. " Do reir an gniomhara, mar sin bheir e
Ath-chostus, -uis, s. m. (Ath, et Costus), After- ath-dhwladh." Isai. lix. 18. According to their
cost pecunia post erogata. Sfi. et O'i?.
deeds, accordingly he will repay. Secundum facta
Ath-chràdh, -àidh, s. m. (Ath, et Cràdh), Second eorum, plane secundum (ea) rependet.
pain, or torment dolor repetitus. C. S.
: Ath-dhìol, -.-iiDH, dh, v. a. (Ath, et Diol, s.) Re-
Ath-chhonaich, -idh, dh, v. a. (Ath, et Cronaich), compense, requite, repay : retribue, par pari refer,
Rebuke again rursus reprehende. C. S.
: repende. " Cha 'n tlian mi a' ni' thosd, ach ath-
Ath-chruth, s. 7ÌI. hid. (Ath, et Cruth), Change of dhiolaidh mi." Isai. Ixv. 6. I will not keep silence,
form, or appearance : immutatio figurae vel speciei. but will recompense. Non tacebo, at rependam.
C.S. Ath-dhreachadh, -aidh, s. m. (Ath, et Dreach, s.)
Ath-chruinnicii, -idh, dh, v. a. (Ath, et Cruinn- A shaping over again actus refingendi. Voc.

ich), Re-assemble: iterum convoca, rursus co-

1. 146.
ge. 2. Rally
C. S. aciem instaura. C. S. : Ath-dhruid, -idh, dh, v. a. (Ath, et Druid), Shut
Ath-chuibhlich, -idh, dh, v. a, (Ath, et Cuibh- again : rursus claude. C. S.
lich), Wieel back: revolve. C.S. Wei. Ad- Ath-eisdiìauud, s. f. ind. (Ath, et Eisdeachd).
chwlau. Vide Aith-eisdeachd.
Ath-chuimhne, s.f. ind. (Ath, et Cuimhne), Recol- Ath-fhàs, -àis, s. in. Second growth iteratum in- :

lection : recordatio. C S. crementum. C. S.

Ath-chuimhxich, -idh, dh, v. n. Recollect : re- Ath-fhàs, -aidh, dh, v. n. (Ath, et Fas), Grow
cordare, in memoriam tibi revoca. 3Iacf. V. again rursus cresce. Llh.

Ath-chuimir, -e, adj. (Ath, et Cuimir), Brief: bre- Ath-fheuchainn, -e, s.f. (Ath, et Feuchainn), 1.
vis. Short. 209. et Llh. A second trial : altera tentatio. C. S. 2. re- A
Atiichuinge, -ean, s. /. (Ath, et Cuinge), A re- visal recensio, castigatio. C. S.

quest, supplication, entreatj', prayer petitio, de- : Ath-fhuaraich, -idh, dh, v.n. (Ath, ct Fuaraich),
precatio, preces, supplex rogatio. " Athchuinge Recool refrigesce. C. S.

a bhilean cba do dhiùlt thu dha." Salm. xxi. 2. Ath-fhuasgladh, -aidh, *. in. (Ath, et Fuas-
Thou hast not withholden from him the request of gladh), Redemption redemptio. Voc. 163.

his lips. Petitionem labiorum ejus non recusavisti Ath-ghabh, -aidh, dh, v. a. (Ath, et Gabh), Re-
illi. " laiTam uime sin gu"n deanar athchniiige." take, resume : recupera, resume. S. C
1 Tim. ii. 1. I desire therefore that supplication Ath-ghabhail, s. m. et ji^rfs. part. v. Ath-ghabh,
be made. Adhortor igitur, ut deprecationes fiant. 1. A retaking, resuming actus resumendi, recu- :

Athchuingich, -idh, dh, v. n. Request, entreat, perandi. Vail. Gram. 57. 2. A retaking of spoil

supplicate supplex roga, supplica, obsecra. Urn.

: exuviarum recuperatio. OR. A ide Gabhail, s.
31. JNIore commonly, '• Dean athchuinge." Ath-ghair, -aidh, dh, v. n. (Ath, et Gair, v.) Call
' Ath-chuir,
s.f. Banishment ; exilium. Sh. again, repeat, re-echo : revoca, repete, vocis ima-
- Ath-chuii-, -idli, dh, v. a. Surrender, banish ginem redde. C. S.
dede, in exilium mitte, solo ejice. Sh. et O'R. Ath-giiamhnach, -aich, -ean, s. f. (Ath, et
Ath-chùiteachadh, -aidh, s. m. (Ath, et Cùit- Garahnach), A
cow having her second calf: vacca
eachadh), A
recompense : reparatio, compensatio. alteram habens vitulam, vacca quadrima. C. S.
Urn. 69. Ath-ghearr, -a, et -iorra, adj. Vide Aith-
Ath-chùm, -aidh, dh, v. a. (Ath, et Cum), 1. Form, ghearr, adj.
or shape anew denuo finge, vel forma. C. -S". 2.
: Ath-ghearr, -iorra, Vide Aithghearr, *.
s. m.
Deform, disfigure, cut in pieces : deforma, foeda, Ath-ghin, -idh, dh, (Ath, et Gin, v.) Rege-
v. a.
lania. Vl. 1Q6. nerate regenera, regene.
: " dh' ath-ghin sinne A
Ath-chumadh, -aidh, s. in. et pres, part. v. Ath- gu beo dhòchas." 1 Pead, i. 3. AMio hath begot-
chùm, 1. A shaping, or fonning anew actus de- : ten us again unto a livelj' hope. Qui regenuit nos
nuo fingendi, vel formandi. C. S. 2. Disfiguring, in spem vivam. Wei. Adgeni, to regenerate ;

deforming actus deformandi, vel deturpandi,

: foe- Adgen, growth, produce.
dandi. Vt. 104. Ath-ghineamhuixn, ì s. /. ind. (Ath, et Gin-
Ath-chùmta, adj. et pret. part. v. Ath-chùm, 1. Ath-ghintinn, Protw. J eamhuinn), Regenera-
A Til ì'.ì ATll
null : re),'eneraiio. MattJi. xix. iS. HV/. A»lgi-- .\TII-i.EAI>AICU, -IDIi, l>ll, r. a. (All), et LeùMlich),
iH-illiait. I. lU-foriu : emenda. C S. Vide Leawich. 'i.
Aiii-iiiiiSTE, lulj. ft ftrt*. part. e. Ath-ghiii, Uegc- Add to, refreJi, invigurute : «ubjice, retrea, mHAi-
iitTUttHl : regt-iieratus. C S. ei, Eitimula. C. S.
\i ii-i-.moHH.\, (hIj. S/iort.yi. Co;»/», of Atli-ghearr, Aiii-itAsAiLHis, -KAK, t. m. (Ath, et l-«^saichel,
i-( Aithnhfiirr, q. v. A reformer refuriiiator, ini>lauraiiir. ('. S.

Atii-uiiuihhau II, -luii, uii, V. (Ath, et Giorr-

ti. Arii-teiM, «. «I. \ ide Ath-leum.
uicli), t'urtuil, ubhrcviaic : curta, ubbrevia. Span. ATli-LEriiiib, -t, ».y: (Alh, et L«-it)iid), .\ requital
Achicar. talio. ('. S.
ATii-iiiu.AC, -Aiuii, uii, r. <i. (Ath, ct Glae, r.) Atii-lel'm, -eim, -ak, -ANNAS, i. fM. (Ath, et Leunii.
Take back : rct-upera, resume. C S. \'ide Glac, r. A second leap: ballus iteratuh. ('. .V.

Arii-r.ilL.w, -AiDii, 1)11, C-. <u (Atli, et (ilun), Ke- .\tii-liok, -Aiuii, UII, r. «. (Ath, et I.ion), Refill,
liiie, purity, strain : purilitu. purgu, pereolu, reco- replenish: reple. ^'. .V. HV/. .\dli-ii«i.
ijue. Jiilil. Gloss. Ath-IIosadii, -AIDII, png. /Mirt. r. Ath-tiun.
jr. HI. vl

Atii-i;iilanauiì, -aidii, ». m. et prts. part. r. Ath- 1. A replenishing

refilling, actus repleiidi. V. :

ghlaii, 1. I\iritìcaCÌoii, relining : puriticatio, pur- Re-inforcing, recruiting: actus supplendi, i-ompa-
gatiu, recoctio. C. S. 2. The act of purifying, or randi. Sh.
retiiiing actus puriticaiuli. vel purgandi. C. S.
: • Athlo,*. m. Rep. App. Vi\. i. e. .\th-latha, q. \.

Arii-cilLANTA, adj. et pcrf. jmrt. v. Atli-glilan, I'u- • Athloimhe, s.f. Dexterity: peritia, agilitas. Vi.
ritied, refined: purgatus, recoctus. C. S. 138.
Atii-oiilaodii, -AoiDii, s. III. (Ath, et Ghiodh), A Ath-loisg, -IDII, DIl, t'. «. et «. (.\th. et Loisg),
second call iterutus clamor. C. S,
: Burn again, burn thoroughly iterum incende, vel :

ATII-GIILAODII ARll, -IDII, DIl, f. II. (Ath, et ure ; perure. C. S. \'ide Uoisg.
Glaodhaich), Cry again, re-echo rursus clama, : • Athlomh, -a, adj. Vigorous, quick : agilis. alacer.
vocis imaginem redde. Ì '«//. et C. S. Vl. 95. \'ide Ealamh.
\Ti{-c.\ioisTK,\(i(lJ. (AtJi, et Gonta), Wounded Ath-ìorg, -ciru, (Ath, et Lorg), second
S.J'. A
Athuiiosta, j again: rursus vulneratus. C. S. tracking iterata investigatio. Turn. 66.

Ath-ghoikid, a(tj. (Ath, et Goirid), 1. Short: bre- Ath-lorgaich, -iDii, Dii, f. u. (Ath, et Lorgaich),
vis. C. S. 2. Used substmitively, " An t-alh- Retrace rursus investiga.
: S. C
ghoirid," The shorter way : via brevior. 3. Used Ath-ìosgadh, -AiDH, s. III. et prts. pari. r. Ath-
adverbially, •• Pillidh mi "n t-uth-t/lioirid," I shall loisg, A second burning, a thorough burning : us-
soon return revertam statin). C. S.
: C. S.
tio iterata, perustio.
Ath-iarraidii, ». ///. (Ath, et larraidh). Seeking Ath-mhalairt, s.f. iiul. (Ath, et Malairt), se- A
again, ini])ortunity : requisitio, solicitatio. C. S. cond exchange, a re-exchanging : iterata commu-
Ath-iakrtas, -ais, «. III. (Ath, et larrtas), A se- tatio. Llh.
cond request : iterata petitio, altera rogatio. C. S. Ath-mhaoix, s. f. (Ath, et Maoin), A second ad-
• Athlaghadh, x. in. (Ath, et Latha), Procrastina- vantage : alteruni commodum. C. S.
tion, procrastinatio, dilatio. L/Ji. Ath-.mulisstireas, -ais, s. in. (Ath, et Muinn-
Atii-làimhsich, -iDH, DH,'i'. o. (Ath, ct Làimhsich), tireas), A
second feeing for service, a second en-
Handle again retracta. C. S. : gagement with a master : iteratura famulitium.
Ath-là.\iii, -À1.MH, s.f. (Ath, et Lànih), second A C.S.
hand : manus proxinia. C. S. Wtl. Adlaw. • Athmhunadh, *. in. (Ath, et Muin, r.). Admoni-
Athlamh, -aimhe, aif/. (Ath, et Làmh). L//i. et A. admonitio. Vail. Celt. Es. 75.
tion :

MD. 30. Vide Ealamh. HV/. Alaf, expert, dex- Atlinachd, s.f. Burial
• sepultura. Tain. 3. :

terous. Arab. ^\ able. Chald.

Ath-xeartachadh, -aidii, s. m. et pres. part. v.
alii, o"?,"! Iialam,
Ath-neartaich, A
recruiting, reinforcing actio :

supplendi, vii-es recipiendi. Jlacf. V.

Ath-làx-mara, s. »1. (Ath, Làn, et Muir), Flux of Ath-xeartaich, 1^ -IDH, DH, V. a. (Ath, et N'ear-
the sea (next tide) : fluxus maris, xstus regressus Ath-xeartimcii, J taich). Reinforce, recruit: re-
proxiraus.Macf. V. para, instaura, vires adde. C. S.
Ath-laocii,) -aoich, III. (Ath, et Laoch, vel s. Ath-xuadhaciiadh, -ajdh, s. ni. et pres. part. r.
Ath-lath, J
champion, a youth fit for
Flath), A Ath-nuadhaich,Renovation renovatio. " Tre :

battle pugil juvenis pugna: aptus, ad arma pa-

: : ath-iiuadhachadh bhur n-inntinn." Rom. xii. 2. By
ratus. Vail. Celt. Es. 69. the renewing of your mind. Per renovationem
Ath-iatha, s. lit. (Ath, et Latha), A second day : mentis vestne. Wei. Adnewyddiad.
altera " Aji ath-tatha."
dies. The next day. Ath-xvadhaich, v. a. (Ath, et Xuadhaichl, Re-
Proxima dies. C. S. new: renova. " Air chor as gu 'n ath-iiuadliaichtar
Atii-leaghta, adj. (Ath, et Leaghta), Melted again: t' òige." Sulm. ciii. 5. So that thy youth is re-
rursus liquefactus. C. S. newed. Ita ut renovabitur pueritia tua. "W.
.\TH-fcEASACHADH, -AID», -EAN, S. III. (Ath, Ct Adiiewyddu.
Leasachadh), Reformation reformatio. Voc. 146. : Ath-xu.adhaichte, perj'. part, et adj. Renewed : re-
Glenm. 82. novatus. SmiOi. Par. Ixvi. 2.
AiH-onAiR, -oiBRE, -RiciiEAN, (Ath, ct Obair), tus, velconspectus ; respectus. Macf. V. 2. Se-
opera iterata. C. S. Span. cond-sight facultas inanium visuum. Macf. V.
Work done over again :

Vide Taibhs, ct Taibhsearachd. IVel. Adsylu.

Adobar. Basq. Adoba, emcndarc.
Ath-oidiich, (Pronounced Athaidi), adv. Next Ath-shealltuinn, pres. part. v. Ath-sheall, quod
niglit : |)roxinia nox. " An atii-oidltch" C. S. vide.

Tomorrow's night : crastina nocte. Ath-sheinn, -idh, dh, v. n. (Ath, et Seinn, v.).

Atii-phii,l, -iDic, DH, I'. 71. (Atli, et Pill), Return : Sing again : reci|ie, rursus cane. C. S. Wei. Ad-
revcrte. " Ath^hillidh e." Eccl. v. 15. He shall seiniais.

return : revertet. Ath-shuidheachadh, -aidh, s. m. (Ath, et Suidh-

Ath-philleadh, -eidii, 5. wi. et pres. part. v. Ath- eachadh). A

second settlement, or proof: pactum
phill. Returning, a return regressio, reditus. :
iteratum, probatio iterata. Sh. Vide Suidheach-
" Bhiodh 'ath-philleadh mar ghrian air fàire." adh.
.S". D. 3W. Ath-smaoineachadh, Smuainteachadh, -aidh,
His return would be as sun (shine) on the height. s. ?n. et pres. part. v. Ath-smaoinich. 1. Consi-

super clivum. deration, reflection consideratio, cogitatio. C. S.

Reditus esset tanquam sol (radii solis) :

Athraiche", Athair. S. D. 152. 153. 2. Thinking, reflecting, considering actus cogi-

\ pi. of

Athraichean, Vide Aithriche', et Athair. tandi, considerandi. C. S.

Ath-reiteachadh, -aidh, *. m. et pres. part. v. Atii-smaoinich, ì (Ath, et Smaoinich, vel Smu-

Ath-feitich. A reconciliation : conciliatio,C. S. Ath-smuaintich, j aintich), Reconsider, reflect,

Ath-reitich, -idh, dh, v. a. (Ath, et Reitich), ponder : rursus cogita, perpende, diligenter ex-
Reconcile : concilia, efRce concordiam, in gratiam pende. 3facf. V. Arab. ^^\x4>£>\ asmaani, pene-
redige. C. S. trating in mind.
Ath-roixn, -idh, dh, v. a. (Ath, et Roinn, v.). Sub-
rursus divide. C. S.
Ath-smaoin, Ì -E, -TEAN, S.f. (Ath, Ct Smaoin, vet
" Athrughadh,

\ s. m. removal : migratio. Ll/i. A Ath-smuain, j Smuain), A second thought: alte-

ra cogitatio. C. S.
" Athruigheadh, et Urn. 155. Vide Atharrach-
Ath-shnàmh, -aidh, dh, (Ath, et Snàmh), Swim
back, or again : rursus vel retro nata, nando re-
Ath-scrìobh, -aidh, dh, v. a. Vide Ath-sgriobh.
mea. C. S. Wei. Adnawf.
Ath-sgal, s.f. A second blast, a re-echoing, re-
Ath-stiùir, -idh, dh, v. a. (Ath, et Stiùir, v.), Re-
sounding: sonus repetitus, iterata vocis imago. Mac/.
conduct, rursus deduc. C. S.
(Ath, et Sgeul), A re- Ath-theine, />/. -thinntean, s.m. (Ath, et Telne),
Ath-sgeul, -eoil, s. tn. 1.

petition, or second telling : repetitio, iterata dic- A second firing, or volley of shot : iterata glan-
diuni e bellicis tormentis emissio. A. M'-D. 139.
tio. 2. Intelligence, news : nuntium. Macdovg. 99.
Ath-theòidh, -loh, dh, v. a. (Ath, et Teòidh),
Chald. ^yjH a.icel, intelligere fecit.
Ath-sgìos, -a, m. (Ath, et Sgios), A second fa-
Warm, or simmer (again) : iterum caleface, vel
coque. C. S. Vide Teòidh.
tigue : iterata fatigatio. Glenm. 49.
Ath-sgrìobh, aidh, dh, v. a. Transcribe: rescribe,
Ath-theòdhadh, -aidh, s. m. et pres. part. v.

rursus describe. " —

a dh' ath-sgriobh daoine He-
Ath-theòidh. A second warming, or simmering:
C. S.
iterata calefactio, seu coctio.
seciah righ lùda." Gnàth. xxv. 1. Which the men
of Hezekiah king of Judah copied out. Quae re- ,
Ath-theachd, s.f.ind. (Ath, et Teachd), second A
Wei. coming iteratus adventus. Macf. V.
scripserunt homines Hezeciae regis Jehudae.
Ath-theist, -e, -ean, s. f. (Ath, et Teist, se- A
cond testimony : iteratum fama; testimonium. Vail.
Ath-sgrìobhadair, -e, -ean, m. (Ath, Sgrlobh,
Es. 75. et C. S.
et Fear), A transcriber : qui exscripsit, vel con-
C. S.
Ath-thill, -idh, dh, v. a. (Ath, et Till).
Ath-sgrìobhadh, -aidh, -ean, s.m. etpres.part. Ath phill.
Ath-thilleadh, -eidh, s. m. et pres. part. v. Ath-
V. 1 A transcript, a copy excrip-
. :

Vide Ath pliilleadh.

tum, exemplar. C. S. 2. A transcribing, or co-
Ath-thinneas-cloinne, *. m. After pains : iterati
pying actus excribendi, vel conscribendi. C. S.

partus dolores. Macf. V.

Ath-shealbhachadh, -aidh, s. in. et pres. part. v.
Ath-shealbhaich. A
re-inheriting, a reversion ac- :
Ath-tiiionndadh, -aidh, -ean, «. m. (Ath, et

tus rursus occupandi, jus successionis. Macf. V.

Tionndadh), A second turning: altera conversa-
Ath-shealbhaich, -idh, dh, v. a. (Ath, et Sealbh- tio. as.
Ath-thog, -aidh, dh, v. a. (Ath, et Tog), Rebuild:
aich), Re-inlierit : rursus occupa (ut haeres). Macf.
rursus conde, refice aedificium. Macf. V.
Ath-sheall, -aidh, dh, v. a. et n. (Ath, et Seall), Ath-thogail, -e, -ichean, s.f. et pres. part. v. Ath-
Look again, re-consider respice. C. S. :
thog, A
rebuilding : iterata aedificatio. Macf. V.

Ath-sheallach, adj. (Ath, et Seall), Looking Ath-thòisich, -idh, dh, v. a. (Ath, et Tòisich),
Re-commence rursus incipe. C. S.
back : respiciens. Stew.
Ath-shealladh, -aidh, -aidhean, s. Til. (Ath, et Ath-threòraich, -idh, dh, t7. a. (Ath,etTreòraich),
Seall). 1. A second look, retrospect : alter obtu-
Reconduct : reduc, rursus deduc. Macf. V.
Ath-thrlas, -UAis, t. M. (Aih, et Tru»»l, Com- Atuiiob, -oikk, adf. (At, et Mòr), Swellii>g : tur-
paiùiiun : misericurdiii. I'uc. S:i. gid us.
ATii-Tmi»LicH, -iDii, Dii, r. a. (Ath, et Tuialidi), - . leuni 'na aonar aa diuan adkmÀor."
KrU|>M' rurtUK dcH-idf. Macf'. J'.
: S. D. 56.
ATii-nii'iTrAM, -KIM, t. m. {MK ct Tuiteam), A Bounding alone in the swelling; ocean. Retùlient
rt'liips«: itcratus lapsus. Miuf. V. solum in olio turgido.
ATH-rotiiiAK, -AiK, s. fH. (Atli, et Togliar), 1. A • Airach, t.f. IJh. Vide .\.nl-ramhacii.
re-nuuiurtng : ri'|>astiiuiliu. IlròrnJ. 2. A sec-oiul Atklas, -ais, *. m. H. MD. 251. Vide Ath-
bleaching: itt-ruta dcalbalio. C.S. S.Lav, (laud) tliruas.
remaiiuiig two ^i-ur» uiitillnl. Solum per duos Athlasach, -aiche, adj. (.\truiu), Compaaaionate
annos inarulum. A. M'l). 143. misericors. " Na h-aingil utruoMirk," Urn. The
Ath-i'aik, -e. s.f. Ath, mlj. it L'air), A second time
( : compassionate angels : aiigeli miserieordt-».
aliud tonipus, ultcruni tt-mpus. C. S. " An ath • Attaca, adr. (i. e. An Taice), Hani by : juxta.
uair." C. S. Tlie next time tempus proximum. : UM.
L';5ed adverbially, '• An ath uair a chunnuic mi e."' Atl'inn, -ean, /. /. A rafter, a pali«ado sudee,
-e, :

\Mien I a^jii> saw him cum iterum n idi eum. : vail us. C. S. Vide Ataig.
• .\thuamliur. (Mh, et I'amharr, vel
^ (uij. Atuinceas, Atiiceax, />/. of Atuinn, or .\taig, q. v.
• Ath-uanihurtha, ) Fuatlimhor.) Terrible, direful, • Audhacht, i. e. Bài>, Death mors. Uk. :

detestable fcedu.s hurribilis, abuminandus.

: ' Ausadli, -aidh, R.MD. 157. 160. for Abhsadh,
I Of. 1G4. ^'ide Fuathmhor, et L'amharr. A slackening of tlie sail : vel laxatio.
• Ath-uamhorthuchd, t. J', iiui. (Atliuamhar), Abo- For words begiiming with Al'; Abh, or, .\mu.
mination: detesiatio. \'oc. 104. may generally be consulted, the diphthong au
• Ath-uasgladh, s. m. Uh. Vide Atli-fhuasgladb. not being admissible in modem Gaelic ortho-
• Athuis, s. J. Vt. 71. Vide Atliais. graphy but as it frequently occurs in ancient

Ath-iracii.\dh, -aidii, s. in. et pnm. part v. Ath- maimscripts, as well as in several writings of
ùniich, A
renewal, a renewing renovatio, actus : later date, the two preceding words have been
renovandi. C. S. \'ide Crachachadh. presented in tlieir antiquated form, as an aid
Ath-lhaich, -IDH, DH, r. o. (Ath, et Ùraich), Re- to the student's rightly understanding this one
new renova. Alacf. V. \'ide Craich.
: of the many irregularities in orthography, that
• Atlaighe, t.
f. pi. (Ath, et Luaidli), Repeated must daily meet him in the course of his Celtic
praises : iterate laudes. 5/. Fiec. 25. researches.

THE second
Bb. 4 Irish, C, b,
of the Gaelic alphabet.
Beith : The birch-tree
kine. E^ce, autem, ascendenint ex anini septera
vaccae. Used only in juxta-position with an ad-
betulla. jective, or definite article sometimes, as the :

B", forBu, pret. of r. Is used before an initial vowel, : genitive singtilar of Bo, q. v. iVtl. Buch, buch-
or fh. " H
uamhasach an sealladh." Terrible od. Lot. ^'acca. Fr. \'ache. Htb. Tp^ bakar.
was the sight. Terribile fuit spectaculum. " H Chald. Oni
baham, pecuarius.
fheàrr t' ainm no d' ghniomh." C. S. Your name BA, adj. Foolish, simple, unwise : stultus, insipiens,
was better than your performance. Nomen tuuni meptus, fatuus. Macf. V. Wei. Baw, vile. B.
prsestantius facto tuo erat.
Bret. Baghenoda. Arab, yi baw, foolish. Vide
• Bà, adj. Good : bonus. Sh. Macf. et O'R. Arab.
Bath, Baoth.
Xt beh. • Ba'ain, r. a. Cut, or mow down : scinde, deme-
B.\ ! BÀ ! interj. A lullaby. • Ba ! ba .'
mo lean- te. Lih, \'ide Buain.
abh." Oran. Sleep my child. Donni par\'ule ! !
• Ba'an s. m. (Ba, «. et An, s. 13.), The matrix of
mi. Scot. Baw. Jam. a cow : vacca; vulva. Uh.
• Ba, s. m. Death mors. Llk. Vide Bàs. : Bab, -a, -as, or -.\sk.\n, s. m. 1. A tuft: crista,
BÀ, s.f. pi. BÒ. Cows, kine: vaccae. '• Agus, feueh cirrhus. W. H. 2. A tassel : omamentum pen-
thàinig a nios as an amhainn seachd ba." Geii. xli. 2. dulum, racemulus. W. H.
.\nd, behold, there came up out of the river seven • Bab, «. m. A babe, baby : in&ntulus- puellulus.
Vol. I. L
Sh. et O'R. Arm. ct Wei. Mab. Syr. Ba- cardo. " Bainn
bacan." C. S.
is Bands and
Arab. (j~^L; babii.t, infans.
hinges : vincula, cardinesque. 5. thowl, or pin A
in a boat's gunwale, to hold the oar in its proper
Babach, -aiche, adj. (Bab), Tufted, tasselled cris- :

ornamentis pendulis instructus. W. H. place scalmus, paxillus quo remus in suo loco
tatus :

retinetur. Hebrid. " CoguU ràimh air na bacaib/u'

• Babach, adj. (Bab, infans), Sweet, innocent. O'R.

Snppl. R. M'D. Oar-dust on the t/iowls. Scobs remo-

• Bàbachd,
s.f. (Bab, infans). Sweetness : dulce-
rum super scalmis. 6.. A
piece of timber on a

do. Llh. boat's gunwale, defending it from the friction of

Bab AG, -AiG, -AN, s,f. (dim. Bab), a tassel, or fringe: the oar in rowing : Ligneolum remo suppositum.
raceniulus, ornamentum pendulum. Macf. V. C. S. 7. A
bog, or marsh : gurges limosus. iV. H.
Babagach, -aiche, adj. (Babag), Having tassels, or 8. Apit, or ditch puteus, fossa.
: " Bac moine."

fringes : fimbriatus, racemulis vel ornamentis pen- N. H. A turf-pit. Scot. A peat-moss : fossa uli-

dulis instructus. Macf. V.

ginosa, unde fomites quidam museosi efFodiuntur.

Babaid, -ean, s.f. A tassel, tuft crista, cirrhus.

-e, :
9. Aprop, support, a fulcrum sustentaculum, :

fulcrum. O'R. 10. A spade, or shovel ligo. O'R. :

C. S. Bab. Id. q.
11. The notch of a spindle : crena fusi. Macf. V.
Babaideach, -eiche, adj. (Babaid). C. S. Vide
" Bac a chruachain," The haunch : coxa. " Bac
• Bàban, s. m. A
babe, bab)' infantulus.
-ain, -an, :
na righe," The hollow of the arm : flexura brachii.
" Bac na h-iosgaid." C. S. The hough, bend of the
Wei. Baban.
Sh. Htbr. nil babah.
Baban, s. m. Sh. et O'R. pi of Bab. q. v. hough : poples, vel poplitis flexura. 13. Drunk-

Babasach, -aiche, «(^'. (Baban), Tasselled: race- enness : ebrietas. Vail, in Voc. Vide Bach.
mulis vel ornamentis pendulis instructus. Sh. et Bacach, -aiche, adj. (Bac, 1.) Halt, lame: claudus,
claudicans. " Bu chosan mi do'n bliacach." lob.

Bàbhachd, s. (Bab, infans). 1. Irmocence xxix. 15. Feet was I to the lame. Pedes eram
innocentia. MSS. 2. Childishness, sweet- claudo.
ness : puerilitas, dulcedo. O'R. Bacadh, -aidh, -ean, s. m. et pres. part. v. Bac.
• Babhair, v. (i. e. Bhà Sibh), You were : eratis,
1. Aliinderance, or stop mora, impedimentum.:

fuistis. Llh. et Vide Bhà.MSS C. S. 2. The act of hindering, or stopping : ac-

Babhsganta, adj. (Baoth, et Sgèan, s.). Cowardly, tus impediendi, inhibendi. C. S.
easily frightened : timidus. C. S. Bacag, -AIG, -AN, s.f A
trip, or faU ; the act of

Babhsgaxtachd, s.f. hid. (Babhsganta), Cowardice, causing one to fall suddenly, or unawares : offen-
alarm trepidatio de siuncula, actus ahquem dejiciendi subito, vel per
terror from false : timiditas,
fraudem. " Feuch an cuir thu a bhacag orm."
inanibus. C. S.
BÀBHUN, -uiN, -an, bulwark, batim,
s. m. 1. A C S. Try if you can trip me. A'ideas an me de-
jicere possis. Wei. Bacluad, a hooking, or grap-
wall ai'ound a castle : munimentum, arcis murus.
" Thugaibh fainear a bàbhuin breagh."' pling.

Sahn. xlviii. 13. Bacaiche, s.f.ind. 1. Lameness: claudicatio. C. S.

Mark ye her beautiful bulwarks. Apponite ani- 2. adj.comp. of Bacach, q. v.
mum ad praemunitiones ejus omatas. 2. An in- Bacaid, -e, -ean, s.J'. a hand vessel for carrj'ing
ashes, coals, &c. situla quaedam ad cineres, vel
closure for cattle, a fold where cattle are milked :

sepimentum boum, locus in quo vaccae mulgentur. carbones deportandum. C. S. Scot. Bakie, backet.
Sh. et Macf V. Jam.
' Babloir, s. m. A loud talker, a blusterer : dica-
Bacail, -e, -ean, s.f. (Bac, v.), let, stop, hin- A
culus, gen-o, thraso. Llh. App. Potius vox derance mora, impedimentum. Llh. et Sh.

Angl. Babbler.
• Bacaiseach, adj. (Bac, «. 1.), Hindering: impe-
Bag, -aidh, bh- v. a. Hinder, restrain, forbid im- :
diens. Lih.

pedi, inhibe, veta. " Agus a nis cha bhacar dhoibh

• Baked pistus, coctus. Llh. " A-
Bacalta, adj. :

ni air bith, a smuainich iad a dheanamh." Gen. xi. gus anns a chleibhin uachdarach do bhi a nuile
6. And now nothing will be restrained from them short bidh bhacalta." B.B. Gen. xl. 17. And
which they have imagined to do. Jam autem non in the uppermost basket there was every man-

praecidetur illis quidquam (eorum) quae cogitave- ner of bake-meats. In canistro autem supremo
runt facere. (strues) esset e quolibet cibo opere coquinario.

Bag, -a, et Baic, -an, -annan, s. m. 1. hinderance, A Bacan, -ain, -anan, s. m. dim. of Bac, A hinde-
rance, q. vide. 1. A little bend, or bending par- :
impediment, obstruction, stop: impechmentum, mo-
va flexura. OB. 2. A projecting hillock
ra. Sh. O'R. et S. 2. C A
bend, a bending ground,
culus modice anfractus. C. S.
3. A door hinge

or hill : curvatura, flexura, cli\'us. " nunn A

air na bacannan." Oran. Over the hills. Trans cardo. OR. et C. S. 4. A tether-peg : paxillus

clivos. Germ. Backe, coUis. Gr. llayog, et inde

cui alligatur funis. OR. et C. S. 5. A spindle-
notch fusi crena.
: C. S. 6. A crooked staff
areopagus, collis Martius. Wacht. Scot. Bauk,
bawk. Angl. Balk. Span. Baque. 3. A crook, baculus cunus, htuus. OB.
hook pedum, hamus. Sh.
: et O'R. Wei. Bac. Bacan-doruis, s. m. A door hinge cardo januae. :

B. Bret, et Germ. Bach. 4. A door-hinge : Voc. 8i.

• Bacastair, -f, -t-an, t. m. A baker: i>i>lor. I'ue, Bachlagach, -aicub, adj. (BaclUiit;i, liraiic)i\.

17. (irriM. IkH-ken, btikor. Si<o4. UaMf r. ^«/»1. curled : frondusus, crt8|jatui>. " A diiablut bath-
• Bai-attaimtchil, »./. imi. The buki-r's irailc ; un Ltffitfk, dubh ntar aiu tilhcadt." Dòm. ShoL \. II.
pisluria. Proviti. llik lock* curli'd (bubliv), blitL-k as like raxen. Ca-
pilli ejus cribpii. ili» riiuiiubu<, nigri ut curvut.
' }!"'"'•
I *. iH. A captÌM' : captivus. JUL
• ) i. j. fJur. (liach, «. c( Loblutr, vel
IJac-bhohd, -C'ihd, s. m. Wiiul-ward siilc, or wea- • Huch-lulthru, | LuiUltru), I'lntulea iji tike face :
tlitr sicio of a bliip or boat. C S. B. Brti. Ba- ])uiituke iu lack huiuiais UKuuIeiiti. Sii. el W R,
pours, baborcl. Baciiuid, -e, t.f. The bosii of a sliield : umbo cly-
• Badi. <«i/'.
Loxiiij;: anvuM. MSS. Vide Bàigli- pei. Sk.
oacb. Bachuil, Bacchajialian
-e, ad Bac-
fulj. (Itach), :

• Bach, jt. m. 1. Druiikeiinos« : ebrietas. O'Ji. chum perlinens. M'D. Glott. A

^. A breach : ruiiia, leneKtm. LUi. Bacii-tiiin'neas, -Eis, g. m. (Bach, et Tiiinuabl, Sur-
• Bach, -aidh, bh, v. a. Make druiik, inebriate feit from Druiikeuuess crapula, cbriajidi liutidi- :

inebria. Sh. um. Macf. V.

• Bachaire, -e, -ean, m. (Ikich, et IVar), A ib-unk-
t. T. ( TliORMAN, ) -AIN, -UINN, S, UL, (Bach, Tof-
arxl: homo temulentus, i\\xiliacf/iiim colit. Plun. J
TiioRL'.s'N, j mail, vel Torunri), The noise
^~'\< bukri. of drunkards : ebriosoruni strepitus. Alacf. V.
Pers. iSj
Bachii.i., -lill, -an, »./«. ^'ide Bachall.
• Bachaireachd, s. f. iiid. (Bachaire), Drinking,
Baciu Li.ACii, -AK'HE. (ulj. Curled crispatus, cin- :

sotting : ebrietas, actus ebriandi. Sh.

cinnatus. Macf. V. \'ide Bachlach.
' Bachal, -ail, s. m. A curl cincinnus. O'i?. :
• Bachu*', -uis, *. »«. Bacchus. A. M'D. p. 87.
Bachall, -aill, .«. HI. (Bà, ct Cuaille), 1. sliep- A Bac-lamhacii, -AiCHK, od/. (Bac, «. 1. et Làmli),
herd's crook pedum. L//i. 'Z. : staff, a crosier A Disabled in llie hand or arm mauu vel brachio de- :

baculus, pedum episcopalc. 3. A twig, a rod :

bilitatus. Macf. V.
virga, vimen. C. S. 4. An old shoe veteranien- :
Bacracii, m. Name of Conchubar's Druid. Bxanf.

tuni. C. S. " Bacholl aodhaire." C. S. shep- A Bad, -aidh, bh-, v. a. (Bad, «.), Make into tufts, se-
herd's staff: baculus pastoralis. " Baciiall seal-
parate, divide into small heaps in crisis fornuun :
gaire," A hunter's staff: venabuluni. '• Bachall
redige. C. S.
iomaiiaich." Voc. 105. game-staff: clava lu- A Bad, «. ;«. pi. Bada. 1. A tuft, cluster, bunch:
Scot. A shinnv-club. \'ide Caraan. Wei.
Bagl. B. Bret. Bachol, bajol. Scot. Bauchle,
crista, racemelus, fasciculus. Macf. V. et C S.
'• /?«</ fuilt, .\ tuft of hair: crines.
'•Bad mul-
bachel. Jam. Lat. Baculum. Ital. Baleo, paleo.
laich." ,S'//. et Macf. V. 2. The hair on the up-
Germ. Balke, trabs. Gr. Baxr^oi. Cfiald. "y^S)
per part o\' the head : crines in sumnio capite. 3.
pelac. Hebr. 7pO maJtel. Pers. tlXsu bakht, a The top cluster summus racemul^s. Macf. V. :

club, mace. 4. A
thicket, a clump of trees, or slirubs ; a grove :

Bachaxta, adj. (Bà, vel Baoth, et Can, r.) Prating: dumetum, frutetum ; nemus.
garrulus. Slu ef'C. S.
" Gabh an t-aonacb mliic Airne, gu grad,
Bachastachd, " Gabh fradliarc air bad agus sliabh,'"
/. ind.
». (Bachanta), Garrulity,
prating : garrulitas. Sh. et C. S. Fitig. i. 335.
B.\cnAR, m. A beech mast, an acorn : glansquer-
s. Ascend the height, son of Arno, quickly
; surxev
nea. OP. " Cnò bhàchair :" mimosa scandens. A grove and around. Corripe clivuni, Hli Arni

species of nut often cast on the northern and west- velociter cape intuitum super nemus et clivum.

em shores of Scotland, called in Orknej* and Shet- In this sense, " Bad" forms the initial syllable of
land, the Molucca bean, supposed to be driven by many names of places in the north of Scotland.
the Gulf stream from the shores of America. 5. A jiarticular spot, or place : locus. " So am
• Bachar, *. m. The herb lady's glove : digitalis. bad an d'tliag mi e." C. S. This is the spot where
Uh. I leit it. Hicce est locus, ubi reliqui id. 6. Fa-
B.\ciiD, -AN, *. »1. Prorin. for Bac, q. v. miliarly used, as a piece, or portion pars, portio. :

Bachdan, -aik, -anak, Provin. for Bacan, q. v.

' Bad eudaich." C. S. piece of cloth por- A :

' Cha
• Bachia, s. m. 1. cup, chalice A
poculum, ca- :
tiuncula qua-dara panni. d'tliuair mi bad
lix. Sh. et O'R. 2. An arm-full fasciculus. Sh. :
dheth." I have found none of
Inveni nullam it.

Bachlach, -aicice, adj. (Bachal),

1. Curling, crisp- partem ejus (rei cujusvis). In this sense it is often
ed, concinnatus, crispatus. Stew. 330.
frizzled: a mere expletive, or emphatic term. " An d'fhuair
Llh. et O'R. 2. Throwing out sprigs, or shoots :
thu e ? Have you found it ? Invenistine id ?

surculosus, fibrosus. C. S. " Cha d'fhuair bad." I have not found it. Mini-
^'ide Bachlagach.
Bachlag, -aig, -ax, s. f. 1. shoot, tender root A :
me. i. e. liquideni non inveni. B. BreL Bod, bot.
surculus, radix tener. C. S. 2. (dimin. Bachal),
Germ. Bude. Htbr. 13 bad, singular VjJ badal, ;

little curl : concinnuFus. Macf. V. 3. Head of
to divide.
a staff: summus baculus. Marf. V. • Dud, Wind : ventus. O'J?. Pers. iL bad. Hebr.
' Bachlag, -aig, -an,
«./. lisp, or halt in speech: A ly^baad.
balbutio. Sh. et OR. Badach, -AiCHE, adj. (Bad). 1. Shagg)- : villosus.
L 2
C. S. 2. Abounding in groves, or thickets : ne- Bagach, -aiche, adj. (Bag,)
1. Corpulent, bulky

morosus. C. S obesus, crassus. 3Iarf. V. 2. Tight, neat : concin-

Badag, -aig, -an, s. f. (dim. Bad). 1. A small nus, compactus. A. JI'D. 3. (Bagh, a battle),
bunch, cluster, or tuft cristula, racemulus, fasci- : Warhke, fighting : belUcosus, pugnax. UA. et
culus. " Badag fliraoich." A heath-brush sco- : Sh.
pula ericea, fasciculus ericeus. 2. little thicket, A Bagaid, \ -E, -EAN, *. m. 1. A cluster, (as of
or grove : exiguum nemus. C. «S. Bagailt, grapes) : racemus, botrus. " Tha 'm
Badan, -ain, -an an, s. m. (dim. of Bad). 1. A bagaidean searbh." Deut. xxxii. 32. Their clus-
small cluster, or bunch corynibus, racemulus. : ters are bitter. Botri eorum sunt amari. 2. A
Voc. 69. 2. A
little grove, a tuft sylvula, fru- : cod, or husk, in which seeds are lodged legumen, :

tetum. Bibl. Gloss. " Mar bhadain nan geug." fructus involucrum. C. S. 3. (Jig.) crowd A
Carth. 254. As the branchy little groves. Sicut turma. C. S. Wei. Bagod. Ann. Bagat, multi-
sylvulae ramorum. tude sive hominum sive pecudum, hinc Bagaudee,
Badanach, -aiche, adj. (Badan). 1. Abounding ambactus, ambages. Wac/it. Hebr. "M^, baged,
in groves nemorosus. C. S. 2. Tufted, bushy
: vestis.
dumosus, sylvulis decerns.
Macf. V. Bagaideach, ì -eiche, adj. (Bagaid, vel Bagailt),
• Bàdar, Tliey were erant fuerunt. " Bhadair,"
: Bagailteach, j Clustering, husky : racemosus, si-
imperson. i. e. Bha iad." 3ISS. pass. " Bhàid C. S.
iad," They were : erant ; is stUl provincially re- Bagair, -idh, BH-, V. a. (fut. contr. Bagraidh), Threa-
tained. ten minare. " Bagramaid orra gu geur." GniomA.

BÀDH, -ÀIDH, -ANNAN, s. m. A bay : sinus. 3Iacf. iv. 17. Let us straitly threaten them. iSIinaciter
V. Id. q. Bàgh. A
common termination of the interminemur eis.
names of harbours the Hebrides, and along the
in Bagairt, -e, -ean, «.
f. et pres. part. v. Bagair, A
western coast of Scotland. a threatening minatio, comminatio. " Luchd
tlireat, :

• Bàdh, s. f. Love, friendship : amor, amicitia. bagairt fòimeÌTt. .Sa//«. xxvii. 12. Such as breathe
OR. Vide Bàigh. (threaten) cruelty. Qui (minantur) spirant violen-
• Bàdhach, -aiche, adj. Loving, friendly: amans, tiam. " Tha iad 'g am bhagairt, le bagraidhibh
amicus. Stew. Gloss. Vide Bàidheil, et Bàigh- beumnach." R. D. They threaten me with sev-
each. ere threats. Sunt comminantes mihi duris cum
Badhal, -ail, «. m. (Ba, adj. et Dol), A wandering comminationibus. Id. q. Bagradli.
erratio, vagatio. " Cù badhaiì." A strange dog • Bagais, ^ -e, -ean, s.f. Baggage: impedimenta,
Canis eiTaticus. Hebr. Sill bahal, festinavit, tur- * Bagaist, J scruta, -orum. Voc,
bavit. Baga^ta, adj. 1. Corpulent: obesus. Sh. et C.S.

Badhalach, -aiche, adj. (Badhal), Erratic wan- 2. Neat, tight, lively compactus, vegetus. Sfi. et

dering erraticus, circumvagus.

" Se donnal a C. .S". 3. Warlike bellicosus. A. 31 D. et SL

choin bhadhalaich a bhodhair mo dhà chluais." Iain. Bagarach, -aich, -ean, s. m. (Bagair), A threaten-
Manndach. The strayed dog's howling has deaf- er, one who threatens qui minatur. C. S. :

ened me (lit. my two ears). Ululatio canis erra- Bagarach, ì -aiche, adj. (Bagair), Tlireatening
tici obtudit aures meas (duas). Bagarrach, J minax. Macf. V. iVel. Bygthyiol,
Badhar, -air, s. m. Goods, merchandise: merx, bygylus. Bai:
quodcunque venditur. C. S. Angl. Wares. BÀGH, -aigh, -asxan, s. m. 1. A bay, or estuary;
BÀDHAR, -air, s.f. (Ba, s.), After-birth of a cow at sinus, £estuaiium. C. S. 2. A harbour : statio na-
calving : vaccarum vitulos parientium secundinae. vium. JIacf V. et C. S. Wei. Bach, Bachiad.
as. Bav. Sax. Byghan, to bend, a curvature. Butch.
BÀDHARAN, -AIN, -AN, s. 111. (Ba, udj. Fear, et -an, Bache, a baj'. Germ. Bug, sinus. Scot. Bight.
dim. term.) L An insignificant, puny being nanus, : Chald. n bagh.
emaciatus homunculus. C. S. 2. helpless wan- A Bagh, s. 1. m. A
promise, a bond, a tie, or
dering inops erratio.
" Bha e air bhàdharan." oligation promissum, vinculum, adstrictus.

C. S. He wandered without a friend, or guide. Sh. et O'R. 2. Kindness, respect, friendship :

Egens araico vet duce, aberravit. benignitas, observantia, amicitia. Sh. et O'R.
BÀDHARANAICH, s. f. iìid. Moving, Or creeping a- 3. Strength, power, virtue vis, efficacia. OR. :

broad, as a snail reptatio (limacis ad moreni). C. S.

: 5. A leaning, inclination, propensity : inclina-
BÀDHON, -GIN, «. in. Voc. 116. Vide Bàghan. tio, voluntas. O'R. 6. Victuals : cibus. In//.
Badhsgach, -AICHE, adj. (Baoth, et Sgàthach), Ea- Vide Biadh.
sily frightened, foolish facile conterritus, stolidus,
• Bagh, s.7n. A word : vox, dictio. Llh. Pers. j *^*; .

levis. C. S.
bagu, say thou. Vail.
Badhsgaire, -ean, s.m. (Baoth, et Sgathaire). 1. A
fool : stultus. C S. 2. A coward imbellis. C. S. :
* Bagh, s. m. Aproelium. Llh. et Sh.
battle :

Badhsgaireachd, s.f. ind. (Badlisgaire), 1. Folly :

BÀghach, -aiche, (Bagh), Kind, friendly, lov-

stultitia levitas. C. S. 2. Cowardice : imbecilli- ing : amicus, benignus, amans. Sh. O'R. et C. S.
tas. C.S. Id. q. Bàigheach, et Bàdhach.
Bag, -a, annaN, s. m. Vide Balg, et Bolg. Bàghach, -aiche, adj. (Bagh, a bay), Abounding
HAl 85 HAl
or harbours: sinuosus (ile ora maritiniu)
in bay«. BÀIDIIE1I., -E, adj. Vide Bàigheil.
C. S.
stutioiiibus naviuiii uplu». Baiunkin, -e, -ean, (. m. [dim. of Bad), A Mnall

HAtiiiAiHE, -EAN, *. m. Villi- HuiHllmirc. group, or cluster : raceniulu». Prwiii.

BaCIIAN, -AIN, -ANAN, *. H>. I. ('/<'«. of Bù(;li, a • Buidreai'h, t. f Vide Buidnag. .V.S'.V.

bav). A little buy, a crtfk : sinus nmris. H. }I-D. Baiuheao, -Eio, -AK, t.f. tatter, u patclied giu- A
2^8. i. A i-luirtli-yuril : c-a-im-tiTiuni, isi-|>ulchrf- nient : pannus laceralus, cento. (.'. S.
tuiii. Stnt: (15. Baioheauach, -aiche, iidj. (Btudreag), Hogged :

• Bufjhiucli, iitf/. viilf Bao^lialacli, paniiosus. C. S.

UAtii.Aiii, -AiciiK, ailj. \'iili' Haf;ailti'ai-li. BÀIUSE, s. m. itul. A muKician's fee : inusici remuiic-
Baouauii, -aii>h, p/. -Ainii, I't -aidiiean, ». III. et
ratio. C. S. et Mavittty. Pert. ^\j Uij, a tax.
prrs. part. v. Bapiir. A thrfati'iiinn : comniiimtio.
" A' Kph. vi. For- Baioeir, -e, -ean, «. m. (Bag-fliear), .K beggar .

li'ifjt'ailli illiibli Ixii/niiii/i." 9.

bcarin-; thri-ati'iiiii;; : rt'iuittt'iites (vobis) iiiinas. niendicus. Vuc. 40. Pers. j'^~ '.< bifatr, an idler,
am iMujraiUi." (hiioinh. iv. 29. Bo-
" Aiuhairc air
vagabond. Arab, j-*** fakyr, a poor man. Beg-
hold their thri'ati'ninj;s. Dispicc niiims eoruni.
liardi, Spelin. Gloss. Germ. I5eggereii, to beg., -an, *. /M. Villi' Ba^aiil, et Ba^ailt.
Baigeiueachd, «. y. iiul. (Baigeir), Beggary: nien-
Baibkil, -k, (ulj. (Bà. vt'l Baoth, et Beul), 1. Lying,
dicitas. C. S.
aililicteil to tables babbling niendax, niendaci-
; :

BÀIUII, -E, s.f. Love, kindness, attachment : amor.

lotjuus, labulosus. 2. Staniniering : balbutiens.
bcnignitas, amicitia.
('. A.
" "Nuair ghluaiseas iochd m'anam gu Uii^/i."
Baibki'lachd, «./. iW.
Lying, fables, (Baibeil). 1.
Oiyli-iuim. 150.
a habit ot" mentiendi lia-
lying: mendaeia, fabul.i",
vana locutio. C. S.
Wlien compassion moves my soul to kindness.
bitus. C. S. 2. Silly talk :

Cum niovet misericordia meum animuni ad benig-

Baic, gen. siiig. and sometimes mm. pi. of Bac, q.
BÀIGHEAC11, -EiciiE, odj. (Bàigli), Loving, attached,
• Baichbeurla, s.f. A solecism : soloccon. Lilt.
kind: amans, benignus. Sli. et C. S.
• Baid, *. «1. A sage, prophet, philosopher sa- :

BÀICHEACHAS, Ais, ) s. f. iiul. 1. Humanity, kind-

piens, vates, philosophus. Arab. sìLj b<ideli,
BAiGiiEACHD, ness humanitas, beiiignitas.
/- :

sors ; J^^ traw/, preilixit. Cluild. DHO l>u- Baighealachd, 3 f- *^'- ~- Grace, favour: gra-
tia. ZJ/i. 3. Frienship : amicitia. O'N.
diiii, harioli ; N13 Inida, pncdieavit. Shanscr.
BÀIGHE1L, -E, adj. (Baigh), Humane, favourable,
Budda, wise. Vail, in voc. \'ide Fàidli.
" Bha thusa bàiyheU."
kind humanus, benignus.

Baideal, -EiL, -AN, s. m. L A tower, a battle- Salm. Ixxxv. 1. prost. Thou hast been favourable :

ment turris, pinna; murorum. " Àiribh a baid-

fuisti benignus.
eala." Sidiii. xlviii. 12. Tell ye the towers there- • Baighin, s.f A waggon : currus, plaustruni. Lt/i.
of. Enumerate tuiTes ejus. 2. An ensign, a Vide Feùn.
standard : vexillum, signuni militarc. • Baighle, s.f. A fown : hinnulus. U/i. et MSS.
" 'Nuair nochadh tu do b/uiidealan." Bail, management, carefulness: parsi-
-E,s.f. Thrift,
118. R.MD. monia, curatio, administratio. " .\ni fear nach dean
\Mien thou unfoldedst the streamers (of thy fami- bail air beul a bliuilg, ni "n t-iochdar bad ris fein."
ly standard.) Cum proponcrcs signa militaria tua. Proi: He who spiaes not the mouth of
tlie bag,
i- {Jly-) The top, or u))per part of a hill, sail, or the bottom will spare itself, i. e. Qui non cito
any elevated object summum fastigium montis, :
parsimoniam adhibebit, sero, ad paupertateni redi-
veli, vel cujusvis excelsi. A. M-Don. Gloss. 4. A getur.
large, or sheeted cloud nimbus. C. S. " Baid- : • Bail, -e, -ean, s.f. 1. A place, residence: lo-
eal neòil." Salin. xcix. 7. Pillar of cloud nubila :
cus, domicilium. Sh. \'ide Baile. 2. IVospe-
columna. rity, luck : res prospera;, sors l«ta. .S'/(. et O'li.
Baidealach, -aiche, adj. (Baideal), 1. Towery, 3. An
allowance from a mill to the poor : do-
towering, cloudy : turritus, sublimis, nimbosus. natio molae pauperibus. S/i. et 0'J{. -J. A
C. S. 2. Ornamented with banners; bannered, sling: funda. 1'«//. Gr. Ba'/X, -'jj,javio.
poet: vexillis, instructus, MSS. . Vide Bàill.
Baidean, -ein, -axan, III. s. A
group, handful: Bailbhe, is.f.ind. (Balbh), Dumbness: ta-
turba, grex. " Baidean ghabhar." C. S. A flock Bailbheachd, j citurnitits. C. S. Muti hominis
of goats : grex caprarum. Id. q. Badan. status. Aiiisu:
BÀ1DH, -E, -EAS, s.f. 1. Id. q. Bàigh. Ll/i. 2. A B.\ilbiieag, -Etc, -an, s.f Acorn-poppy: papa-
wave : fluctus. Li/i. App. ver, rhiBas. Proviiu
• Bàìdlie, s.f. Gratitude, alliance, amity : animus • Bold, strong, strait : audax. fortis,
Bailc, adj.
gratus, amicitia. Llli. et .S7/. strictus, arctus.
Sli. If'il. Balch, proud.
Baidhe, s.f. (Baid), Predicting, prophesying:

Bailc, -e, -ean, s. f. 1. A balk, a ridge, a land-
actus vaticinaudi. Llh. mark Una, dorsum, margo, limes agri. J uc. 93. et

BÀIOHEACII, -EiCHE, adj. Vide Bàigheach. Lilt. 2. A strait : fretura. Lilt. 3. \ ligature :
ligamen. S/i. et O'li. 4. A flood, or inundation : rogatively : What do you wish ? quid vis ? quid est
torrens, eluvio. provoca-
3Iacf. V. 5. Defiance
tio. C.S. J fW. Baicli, Halcliis, haughtiness.
jussum tuum ? Arab. 3^ meil, ,, \'ì\m meilaun,
inclination, desire.
Bailceach, -eiche, nrlj. (Bailc), 1. Kidgy: jugo-
sus. C. S. 2. llainy [)luviosus. lUacf. V. 3. :
Bailleag, -eig, -an, s.
f. A twig, sprout, sucker
virga, germen, surculus, stolo. S/i. et O'R.
Proud superbus. C. S.

Bailceach, -eich, s. m. tall, erect man : homo A Bailleagach, -aiche, 1. Full of

adj. (Bailleag),
twigs, or suckers vimineus, surculosus. Sh.
rectus, procerus. Sft. et C. S. 2. A stout man : 2.

robustus. S/i. 3. s. f. A storm : procella. O'R.


{Jiff.) Cheerful, lively : Ixtus, vigens. C S.

Vide Bailc. Bailleartach, -aiche, adj. R. M'l). 29i. Vide
Bailceanta, a(I/. Boastful, defying: niagnidicus. Sfi.
* m. A boss, stud, little bubble, any
Baillein, s.
Baile, ju/. Bailtean, s. m. 1. A town oppidum. :

" Aig baile" Fing. thing round umbo, bulla, bullula, quodvis ro-
Marinty. 160. 477. At i.

tundum. Sh. et O'R.

home domi.
: " Chaidh e o na bhaiie." C. S. He
BÀILLIDH, -NEAN, s. ill. (Baile), 1. A bailiff, factor,
went from home : profectus est domo. 2. A vil-
or land steward in its proper modern acceptation,
lage, or hamlet : vicus, pagus. 3Iaef. V. 3. A :

a country magistrate, or judge in rural affairs :

clan, tribe gens, familia. O'R. In the first sense,

praetor urbanus, villicus., qui praeest rebus rusticis.

retained as a prefix to the names of various places
" Buinidh do 'n Biuiillidh mor cheartas,
in the British isles and on the continent. Vide
Appendix. " JBaiie dlona." C. S. " Baile daing-
" A
thoirt do gach neach thig 'h a ghaoith."

richte." G. B. A fortified, or fenced city oppi- :

dum prspmunitum. " Baik dùthcha," A country It belongs to the magistrate to administer ample
justice to all approaching him. Est magistratus
town, village, or farm pagus, rustica villa. " Baile:

tribuere plenam justitiam cuique illi appropinquan-

fearainn," A farm ager, prsediolum. " Baile

geamhraidh," A winter town, i. e. a strath resi-

ti. Fr. Bailli. Scot. Bailyie. Jam.
dence hiberna monticularum, vicus campestris.
BÀILLIDHNEACHD, s. f. ind. (Bàillidh), A bailiff-

" Baile margaidh," 1. A market town: empori- of a country magistrate : villicatio,

ship, the office
rure magistratus. Voc. 45.
um, oppidum nundinarium. 2. A burgh munici- :

" Baile mòr," A city, or Bailteach, -eiche, adj. (Baile), Abounding in

pium. Voc. 45. 81.
" Baile towns, villages, or hamlets ; oppidis, seu vicis fre-
large town urbs, oppidum magnum.
puirt," A sea port town oppidum maritimum. Wei. :

Baili, et Bala, Dai\ a court before a house. Germ.

Bailteachas, -ais, s. m. (Baile, et Teach), 1. A
country township agri domique ad unum pagum
Bau. B. Bret. Baili. Fr. ViUe. Lat. Villa. Gr.
pertinentes. C. S. 2. The planting of towns, co-
no>Ji. Arab. iXIj baled, a city, town, .i jL balid, lonization : actus constituendi colonias, colonia-
an inhabitant. rum collocatio. Macf. V. " Coimhcheangal bail-

Baileach, -eiche, adj. (Bail), 1. Thrifty, economi- teachais" A

political confederacy civitatum fcedus. :

cal, careful parsimonia utens, bene administrans,

C. S. 3. " Bailteachas mor," s. m. Affected state,
curans. Macf. V. 2. Proviii. for Buileach, q. v. pride, haughtiness : dignitatis affectatio, fastus,

Baileachadh, -AiDH, s. m. et pres. part. v. Bailich. superbia. C. S.

Vide Buileachadh. Bailtean, /j/wr. of Baile, q. vide. Arab. / . ^^JsXj
» Baileog, -oig, -an, s.
f. twig, sprout, sucker A bildan, towns.
vimen, surculus. Llh. Vide Bailleag. * Bainbh, s. m. A
little pig porcellulus. MSS. :

Bailcfhionn, adj. (Balg, et Fionn), Spotted in the * Bainchead, -aidh, bh-, v. a. Authorise : auctori-
belly ventre maculatus.
: tatera da. Sh. et O'R.
Bailich, -idh, bh-, v. a. Provin. for BuUich, q. v. * Baincheadach, adj. (Bann, et Cead), Authorised:
BÀILICH, s.f. Provin. for Bòilich, q. v. auctoritate munitus. Llh.
Bailire, *. m. A slinger : funditor, balearis. Vail. Baindeachd, s.f. Vide Baindidlieachd.
Gr. BaXku, jacio. BÀIN-DEARG, adj. (Ban, et Dearg), Flesh-coloured
BÀILISTEIR, -E, -EAN, s. m. A babbler: blatero, gilvus. Llh. et R. M'D. 120.
gerro, C. aS". Baindidh, -e, adj. (Bean), Modest, humble, unassum-
BÀ1LISTEIREACHD, S.f. itid. Senselcss talk : stolida ing modestus, humilis, verecundus. R.M'I). 110.

garrulitas, stultiloquium. MSS. Baindidheachd, s.

f. ind. (Baindidh), Modesty :

B'ÀILL, r. n. {contr. Bu, et Àill), Would. Baili pudicitia. C S.

leam, b aill leat, b'àiU leis, b'àill leatha, b'àill teinn, Bain-dia, -de, s.f. Vide Ban-dlà.
b'àiU leo.
b'àill leibh, I would, thou wouldst, he, BÀINE, i/ìd.'ì -EiD, s. m. etf. (Ban), Wliiteness, fair-
she would, &c. Vellem, velles, vellet, &c. Always BÀINEAD, J ness, or paleness of complexion : al-
followed by the preposition le. " B'àill le m' eas- bedo. C.S.
cairdibh mo shlugadh suas gach la." Saltn. Ivi. 2. » Baineach, s. f. (Ban, pref. et Each), mare: A
Mine enemies would daily swallow me up. Vel- equa. Vt. 47.
lent hostes (mei) devorare me quotidie. " B'àill » Baineachd, s. /. Woman slaughter mulierum :

leibh," (pronounced B aillibh). C. S. Used inter- csedes. Llh.

BAl 87 11 A
• Uuiiieanihuil, adj. Lth. N'ide Uanuil. BAis'.skE, jWM. of Bamuk, A wedding. 1«. 12.
IJAIStASAU, -Alii, -AK, *. / (Uàl», ft NlU». t.) A BAlNSiitiAi II, u<(^. (Buiuti»). 1. Fulluf wedding» it:*- :

It-rn-I : vivi-mi. Uh. lis implmlilius frequeiui. C. S. 2. Uetirrd, de60-

UAisniti!^ »./ (Ik-mi, rtifistl). Viilc Bmiais. lalf : Mililui'iUb. LJh.

• Uaiiit'liirins^'f, «. ./'. (Bun, nuorunn), Kpicfiie • BaiiiiiM-ucli, t.
f. A
field, blieep walk, Mihiiir\
gi-ndiT: griius cuinnuiiii-(Cìruiiiiiia(ìi.'oruiii). IJIi. place : ager, oviuiii pai>cuuiii, buhludo. OH.
' Uiiiiiritrt'a^rudh, x. iii. (Banii, fl IVcu^rudlil, A Baixxseaciiii, I. /. i/u/. (Banitib), Feasting: coiu-
Ik)iuI, or slipulatiim : syiigrupliuiii, paLtiu. LIh. messutio, epulutiu. Sh.
• Baintid, V. (\. e. Biiinidh iud), TIa-y blmll tuki' : • Baimisi-agliudh, jt. m. Desolation, destruction
lapient. JMi. devastatiu, pupulatio. LIh.
• Baing, adr. On a sudden : subito. IJh. i-t MSS. Bainxsicii, -iuii, bii-, v. u. Wacle : perde, vabta,
' Baiug. s.
J. A suq>ri»i-, sudden attack. Plur. consume. liihl. Glosn.

Bainj^fan. IJJi. ct MSS. Baixx-stubiiahd, -aiud, »•

/. (Bun, prrf. et Stiù-
• Bainglii-arailid, .«.
f. A goddess : Dea. LIh. bhard, rar Aiiyl.) A house-keepi-r, I't-inale econo-
BÀINIUH, Madness, rage, mist dispeiisatrix, tiimilia' curatrix. Itcctiu», Ban-
-E, ».
f. (Baotli, et Ni), :

Stiùbhard. C. S.
fury : insania, furor, rabies. Voc. 26. Hind. (oW BAlxxsTiLBiiAitUACiiD, s. f. iiul. (Bainnsiìubliard |,
The ottice of a house-keeper female economy ; :

Bainioxs, ailj. (Ban, pref. et Gin), Female, femi- munus familia* curatricis. S. C
nine foeniineus, niuliebris. Gen. vii. 2. ntary. Vi-
: BÀix-sPEiiiEA(i, -ah:, s.f. (Ban, Speireag), A spar-
de Boirionn. row-hawk : frigillarius. Plunk.
Bainions-ach.o*^". Female: femineus. Gen.'\.21.Ed. • Bainteoladh, s.f. (Baintelaighe, pi. Uh.) te- A
1783. Id. q. Buinionn. Vide Boirioimacii. iVtl. male thief, one that commits secret crimes
Ban\'w. surrcptrix, qiuv occulte peccat. Sh.
Bainio.snach, -Aicii, s.f. (Bainionn), (but WTÌtten Baixtigiieahxa, -AX, s.f. (Ban, />rf/; et Tigheam),
witli an article masculine). A female fcemina, fce- : A lady : domina. Salm. cxxiii. 2.
melta. Grutn. 47. \"ide Boirionnacli. Baixtreabii, ) -EiBii, -Alcn, [S.f. Ban, />r^/;
Baisionnas, -Ais, «. «I. (Bainiunn), Muliebrity: Baixtreabhach, j et Treabhach, vel Treabh), A
natura muliebris. Sh. widow: vidua. Voc, 12. et LIh. N'ide Baiitrach.
Baisiosta, a/^'. (Bainionn), EtTeminate: muliebris. • Bàir,
s.f. 1. A battle: pra-lium. Sh. 2. Game
Uh. et Sh. at hurling : lusus, ccrtamen jaculandi. O'R.
B.AiNis, -E, pi. Bainnse.\n, *./. Vide Banais. 3. A sea, wave mare, fluctus. S. D. C3. \'ide

BÀIN-LEIS, -EOis, -AX, s. III. MSS. Vide Bàn-leus. Bàirlinn. 4. Wheat : triticum. C'hald. 13
Bais-lighiciie, -ean, *. /'. ^'idc Ban-iighiche. bar, ager, triticum. ì'all. in roc.
Baixke, *•.Milk: lac. " Agus ghabh e
«1. I'W. 1. B.ÀIK, -E, s. in. 1. beaten path: trita via. !«. A
im agus bainne. Gen. xviii. 8. And he took but- 29. Commonly applieii to a path opened through
ter and milk. Accepitque butjTum et lac. 2. A deep snow semita per attain iii\em patefacta.

drop gutta, stilla. Provin.

: ^'ide Boinne, et Hence, " Fear briseidli bàire." M'L. hi. Applied
Buinne. ••
Bainne binndiche," *. ;«. Thickened to a chieftain, or leader in arduous enterprize.
milk lac spissatuni. " Baiime blàth," *. m. Warm
: Bàirc. MSS.
or new-milk lac tepidum, seu recens.
" Bainne • Bairche, s. m. battle A
pra'lium. LIh. :

briste," s. m. Curdled milk lac concretum, vel : ' Bairche, adj. Strong, brave : strenuus, fortis.
coagulatuni. " Bainne buaile," s. m. Fold-milk : LIh.
lac tepidum et recens. " Bainne cnàmha," s. m. • Bairchnc, .«. m. A
fight by women : mulienun
A fermentation of fresh, and butter milk, frothed pugna. Sh.
with the Loin'ui, or frothing stick. Hdirid. Scot. • Baircin, s.f. Sh. 1. ferret viverra. A : 2.Cross
Corstorphine cream. " Bainne goirt," «. m. sticks, or side timbers for a house : aedium
Sour milk, butter milk lac acidum, but)Tum se- : ligna lateralia. Sh. et O'P. X'ide Taobhan.
rum (in quo sensu usitatius, • Blàthach," q. vide.) • Bairdheis, s.f. (Bàrr, et Dias), An end, or point
" Baiime milis," *. in. Sweet, or new milk : dulce cacumen, acies, cuspis. LIh.
vel novum lac. •'
Bainne-noise," -nùise, Provinc. • Bairdheis, -idli, bh-, r. a. (Bardheis), Point,
i. e. " Ceud-bhainne," *. in. Beestings colestra. : sharpen into a point : acue, cuspida. Sh. et
" Bainne reamhar," s. in. .Sheep milk, boiled and OR.
curdled : ovinum lac coagulatuni. JJcòrid. •• Bain- Bairead, *./.
• bonnet, cap, head-dress A : gale-
ne-tàig," «. in. A
rain drop : stilhcidium, aqua plu- riculum, redimiculum. Uh. et Sh.
vialis guttatim cadens. C. S. BÀ1READH, -IDH, s. in. Provin. \'ide Bair.
Bainneach, -eiche, adj. (Bainne), Milky, abounding • Baireatrom, n/-^'. (Bàrr, et Eutrom), Light-headed,
in milk lacteus, lactis abundans. Voc. 135.
: quick, nimble: delirus, levis, vividus, celer. OR.
B.\i.s-xe-ghamhsach, -aich, *. m. Honeysuckle: • Baireise, s. m. (Bàrr, et Eas), The froth of
trifolium pratense. i'oc. G3. water : aquae spuma. LIh.
Baixxeak, adj. R. M'D. Id. q. Bainneach, (Bainn- Bairceasta, adj. Swift velox. Sh. :

I. A begotten
mlior). • Bairghin, s. m. (Bar, et Gin).
son: filiiis gcnitus. Sh. 2. A cake: placenta. Baisdeadh, /wM.^rf. Vide Baisteadh,
V. Baisd.
Sh. Lih. ct B.B. Bais, -e, s.m. Provin. Vide Bois, et Bathais.
BÀIRICH, s.f.ind. Lowinfi, bellowing, roaring: ac- Baiseach, -ICH, -ICHEAN, S.f. (Bais, Water), A
tus rugiemli, ijulatio, ululatus. A. M'D. Glosg. heavy shower dcnsus iraber pluviac. C. S.

BÀIRIG, -iDH, Bii, v.a. Bestow, confer: insunie, do- • Baiseal, s. m. Pride, haughtiness superbia, : fas-
Macf. V.
na,, confer. tus. LlJi.
BÀIBIGEADH, -EiDH, s. t». Bt pres. part. V. Bàirig, Baiseai.ach, -aiche, a<^". (Baiseal), Proud: super-
Bestowing : actus donandi. " 'S niaith a bhài- bus. Sh.
rigeadh." It is well bestowed : bene donatuni est. Baisfhionn, adj. Flesh-coloured, reddish : gilvus,

as. subrufus. Llh.

• Bairighean, «. m. floor, or A flat of gi-ound : pa- Baisgeanta, adj. Vide Boisgeanta, et Boillsgeanta.
vimentuni, area. Llh. Baisgeil, -e, adj. Cheering, rousing, loud, brisk, live-
• Bairile, s.f. A helmet galea. S/i. : ly : Vide Boisgeil.
• Bairin, s.m. A cake: placenta, i'a/l. " Bairin • Baisin, A basin poUubrum. MSS. (Com-
*. m. :

breac," s. ni. A sacred cake offered to the monly Basaidh). Vide Boisein.
moon at the autumnal equinox : placenta sa- • Baisleach, s. m. 1. An ox bos. O'R. (Breh. :

cra, luna; seu regina; coeli oblata, tempore au- latcs.)

tunmalis equinoctii. Wei. Bara, bread. Arab. Baisleach, -eich, plash of water : aqux asper- A
»IXS>jj sio. C. S. Vide Boslach.
barakut, benedictio. Vail, in Voc.
Baist, -idh, bh-, v. a. (Bais, water). 1. Baptize :
Hcbr. "J^^ barach, benedixit. baptiza. " Dh'flian e 'n sin maille riu agus bhaist
BÀIRLEIGEADII, -EIDH, -BAN, s. Til. Warning, sum- e." Eàin. iii. 22. He tarried there with them,
mons of removal monitio, charta qua quis agello
: and baptized, lllic raanebat cum eis et haptiza-
vel aedibus excedere jubetur. N. H. bat. Immerse, plunge into water in aquam
2. :

Bairlinn, s. /. (Bàrr, et Linne), A surge, billow, immergc. C. S. 3. Applied to the diluting of

rolling wave : fluctus, unda maris procellosi. Stew. strong liquors. De liquores generosos aqua tem-
Gloss. 2. Id. q. Bairleigeadh. perando utitur. " Uisge beatha gun bhaisteadh."
BÀIRNEACH, -icH, S.f. A limpet: lepas. Mac/. V. WTiisky unreduced. Aquavitae non temperata.
et C. S. Baiste, pret. part. v. Baist. 1. Baptized bapti- :

• Bairneach, -eiche, adj. (Bàir, a wave). Perverse, zatus. 2. Immersed, saturated, diluted immer- :

angry, untoward perversus, iratus, pervicax,

: sus, rigatus, temperatus. C. S.
stomachosus. Llh. Baiste, s. m. ind. " Eoin Baiste" John the Bap-
' Baimeachd, s. f. (Bairn), Judging : actio judi- Joannes Baptista. N. T.
tist :

candi. O'R. » Baisteach, s.f Rain pluvia. Sh. et Llh. :

• Bairn, -idh, bh, v. a. Judge : judica. O'H. Baisteach, -ich, -iCHEAN, s. m. (Baisteadh), A
• Baimich, -idh, bh, v. n. (Bairneach, adj.). Fret baptist baptista.: Na baistich." C. S. " The
stomachare. Sh. et OR. anabaptists, a denomination of Christians.
• Bairri-bhuaghbhail, s.f. (Bair, battle, et Buaidh), Baisteadh, -idh, s. m. et pres. part. v. Baist, I.
A sounding horn cornu sonans. Llh. Angl. : Baptism baptisraus. " A' tòiseachadh o bhaist-

Bugle-horn. eadh Eoin." Gniomh. i. 22. Beginning from the

• Bairrin, s. m. A mitre : mitra. £ibl. Gloss. baptism of John. Exorsus a baptismo Joannis.
BÀIRSEACH, -icHEAN, ccrtamen), scold,
S.f. (Bàir, A 2. The act of baptizing : actio baptizandi. " An
shrew mulier rixosa, seu contentiosa. Sh.
: tia chuir mi a bhaisteadh." Eoin. i. 33. He who
Bairseachd, s.f. hid. (Bàirseach), Scolding; a sa- sent me to baptize. lUe qui misit me ad baptiz-
tire rixa, satira. Sh. et O'R.
: andum. " Mullach do bhaistidh," Your forehead.
BÀIRSEAG, -IG, -AN, s. (dim. of Bàirscach), f A Vide Bathais. Wei. Bedyz.
youg scold puella vel muliercula rixosa. Sh. et
: Baisteir, -ir, -earan, s. m. (Baist, et Fear), A
OR. baptizer, baptist : baptista. C. S.
• Bairsigh, -idh, bh-, v.a. (Bairseach), Scold: rixare. Baistidhe', s. m. pi. Drops from the eaves of a
3ISS. house, rain drops stillicidium, guttae de suggrun-

• Bais, s.
f Water : aqua. Sh. et OR. Arab. diis decidentes. Provinc.

(j*i.:^Vj bajus, aqua fluens. Chald. y2{2 bezz, BÀITE, adj. ex. pret. part. v. Bath, I. Drowned aqua :

mersus. 3Iacf. V. 2. (Jiff.) Ovenvhelmed : op-

paludes. J 'all. Vel potius XS2 beza, palus.
\Vhence the E»ff. Wash. pressus, sicut dolore, vel tristitia.
" Is uime sin tha m'anam bait',
• Baisc, adj. Round : rotundus. .S7(.
" Gu cràiteach ann mo chom."
• Baisceall, «. jn. A wild person : homo ferus. Sh.
Saljn. cxliii. 4.
' Baischailc, BaischriaiUi, s.f. Ruddle, red earth
rubrica, rubra terra. 3ISS. Therefore my soul is overwhelmed grievously with-
Baiscmheall, -eill, s. m. (Baisc, adj. et Meall), in me. Itaque obrutus est spiritus meus graviter
in pectore meo.
A ball, a round mass : globus, massa rotunda.
Bàiteach, -ich, s.f. (Bath, v.) Soft, marshy ground
MSS. :

Baisd, -idh, bh, V, a. Vide Baist. terra paludosa. C. S. Span. Balsa. Basq. Basa.
Daiteacii, (IW, ct Àite«cli).
-eicii, 1. A fur- «. «H.
' Caoin mar bkalbk dliruchd mltaduinn bhèinih.
nifr itgricola. UA. i. A cup, jup poculuni. M.S.S.
: : Fittf/. iii. 4.
Hciu.v lUHÌaili, a ilo«n, u iiiiilihLill. Gr. Uara- Mild UH the (till dew uf placid morning. Blanda
m. C/kiltl. TTt22 UuuA, |ioiuluiii, paiina. ul tucitus ro» uuronf mitin.
B.MTtAi , -lu, *. »«. I. A buttle : pru-lium. C'. •S'. Balbiiaihu, «. /. ifx/. (Bolbh), Dumbness: statu»
\ ult' lidtuil. 'i. A hii}{f, stomiy cloud : nimbus, nuiti liomiiiis. C. .S.

ii'. MJ). \uic IJuiilcul. • Bulbhudh, -uidli, i. m. (Bulbh), Becoming mute :

Baiiealacii, -AiinK, iiilj. (Baidftil, vcl Htiiteal), 1. uctus obumtescendi. Uh.

Battailous, Mtlton : ttd dìiiiìcuiiduiii purutus. C. S. Balbhau, -aiu, -an, «./. A i)ebble lapillus, c*l- :

•i. Slit'cti'd, like clouds, or sails : sinuosus, instor culus. C.S.

vcloruin ^cl nuliiiuu pluviaruin. \ idc Buidculiich. Balbiiauach, -AtCHK, utij. (Bulbliug), Pebbly: ckI>
BAlTll, -E, ». _/i (Bath, («i(.) I. lolly: stultitia. C. culosus. C. S.
S. 'i. A lure, decoy : illecebni, O'li. \ ide Bath. Balbhas, -ai.s', -ah, s. hi. a dumb [lerson : homo
• Baitliis, «./. Uh. Vide Batlmis. mutus, elinguis, qui loqui ne<juit. .S7i. et C.S.
B.\1THTE, iulj. et jierf. part. \ ide Bàite. • Bale, titlj. Strong, mighty, great fortis, jMtens, :

B.ViTiK, ». w». pi. M^'H. ^'ide Bùtaclian, pi. of magnus. JJJt.

Bàta. Balc, -AiLC, s.f. 1. Id. q. Bailc. Macf. V. 2. .\

B.\iTiN, -E, -EAs°, g. tH, A small stick: baculus. crust, or hardness in the earth formed by the wea-
Dim. of Bata. SA. ther : durities, seu incrustatio terra', ca-li tempes-
B.\iTiNEACiiD, s.f. iiul. (Bata), Beating with a stick: tate eHecta. A'. H. et OB.
actio cailendi fuste. S. C Balcacii, -aiche, atlj. Splay-footed: valgus, pedi-
• Bal, »'. ill. A lord, the sun dominus, sol. i'all. : bus distortis, introrsum versis. C. S.
ÙI i'uc. H'el. Bal. a prominence. Hiòr. TJ^O Balcaiche, s.f. bid. (Balcach), A splay foot : pes
baal, dominus. Vide Beul. distortus. C. S.
Balach, -aich, Ò-. »1. 1. A lellow, a clown, a churlish Balcakta, adj. (Bale, adj.). Macf. V. Id. q. Bail-
youth homo vilis, rusticus, ditiicilis. C. S. 2.
: A ceanta.
sturdy fellow vir robustus. S/l. O'R. et C. S.
: 3. Balc-ciiasacii, -aicue, adj. Id. q. Balcach.
A young fellow : juvenis. C. S. 4. A giant gigas. : Balcmiior, -oiRE, adj. (Bale, adj. et Mòr), Great,
LÙt. Sh. et U'E. " balach," The pam, or Am coqiulent largus, obesus. Sh. et O'R.

jack, in cards pedissequus, tigura famuli chortulis

: • Balg, s. m. A
learned man vir doctus. : Vail, in
Bakuh beag," little fel- A Voc. Arab. IxXj balegha. cloijueut.
low : puerulus. •• Bàth-laoch," A foolish hero,
a bully : thraso. B. Brtt. Balch, mlj. rude Balg, Blilg, s. n> i- A bag bulga, saccus. C. S.

Provixtlally, a leathern bag, so distinguished

Beulge, et Beulje, s. a stupid fellon'. Latujiutl.
from Sac, and Poca. 2. Tlie womb : uter. C. S.
Bauch. Gr. Xlu>.'/M^. Arnb. fjlj baligh, an a- ^'ide Bolg. 3. (Jig.) A blister on tlie skin : pus-
dult. Pers. ^Ij
tula, pusula. bàlu, an ulcer, boil. Goth.
Balachail, -e, adj. (Balach), Clownish: rusticus. Balg. Llphil. 4. A
quiver pharetra. Vide Bolg. :

Mae/. V. Galli Bulgas saccules scorteos appellant. Wacht.

Balachax, -aix, -ak, s. m. (rf»/«i/i. of Balach), A in Voc. Wei. Biolg. Germ. Balg, venter, rotun-
boy, a young boy pucr, puerulus. :
ditas. Lat. Bulga. Gr. BjrXy/ò/o». HÀr. y^3
" 'N uair bha thusa a'd bhalachan faoin,
'• A' leantuinn air raon nan cluaran." Balg-abhrais, s. m. (Balg, et Abhras), wool- A
Tern. ii. 231.
bag saccus lanain continens. C. S.

^^^len wast a weakly bo)', pursuing the

Balcach, -aiche, adj. (Balg), Full of bags quiver- ;
thistles' (down) on the field. Quando eras tu pue- bearing sacceus, j)haretratus.
: " bhatgach." A
rulus vanus, sequens super agro carduos, (pappos
C. S. The small-pox variola;. " A bhalgach :

carduorum). " Bà-laochan." Tern. iv. 349.

f hrangach." C. S. The French-pox : morbus Gal-
• Baladh, s. m. 1. A fighting: actio pugnandi.
licus, lues venerea. Id. q. Bolgach.
Sh. 2. A smell odor. SA. et 07?. \ide :
Balgair, -E, -EAX, s. m. 1. fox: vulpes. C.S. A
2. An otter Intra. Hibrid. : 3. A dog canis. :
• Balaighe,
s.f. Profit, advantage, thrift : lucrum, y. H. An
4. impudent person : homo impudens.
commodum, frugalitas, parsimonia. Llh. " Balgaire balaich." C. S. A worthless fellow
Balaiste, -ean, s. m. 1. Ballast: libramentum. homo iudignus.
Voc. 112. '2. A balance: bilanx, statera. Voc. Balgax, -aik, s. m. (rfi";ni«. of Balg). 1. A little
119. Vox Aiujl. bag, quiver
satchel, : sacculus, pana pharetra.
Balaoch, m. Vide Balach, et Balachan.
-oicii, s.
B. M-D. A tubercle,
2. a blister : pusula.
Balbii, a^^. Bailbiie. Dumb, mute: elinguis, mu-
C. S.
tus, taciturnus. Bha mi halbh tosdach." Salm. Balgan-beice, s. m. A fuz-ball, the spongy musli-
xxxix. 2. I was dumb in silence. Mutus eram room fungus pulverulentus. Voc. 62.
(et) taciturnus. 2. Silent, still: Ucitus, quietus,
Balgak-seididh, m. (Vide Seid). A small pair

of bellows: follis. Dug.Bwhan.

Vol. I.
Balcan-snàmiia, (Vide Snàmh). The air
*. m. taculum. " Ball-bùird," " Ball-bùirste. C. S. A
bulb, in fislirs vrscia inflata piscium. C. S.
: butt, an object of derision: ludibrium, qui irriden-
" Ball-cluaise." Voc. 111. naut.
Balg-cii vsach, -aiche, (ulj. Vide Balc-chasach. du8 propinatur.
Balg-losguinn, s. m. mushroom: fungus. Po- A term. A sheet-rope, fore-sheet : veli pes, scu fu-
tius, Ballag losguinn. Vide Ballag. nis cxtremo angulo alligatus, quo adducitur
' Balc.-meadhoin,' m. (Balg, et Mcadhon), Tlie
s. vel remittitur velum. " Ball-coise." Voc. 105. A
waist, belly : venter, cinctura, media corporis pars. foot-ball :
" Ball-dimis, vel dimeas."
pila pedalis.
C.S. MSò'. An
object of contempt : ludibrium. " Ball-
Balg-saighid, s.m. Voc.WQ, Vide Bolg-saigh- deisc," C
S. " liall-diomhair." JJeut. xxiii. 1.
eid. 1. membrum virile. 2. useful instrument : A
Balg-seididh, s.m. A pair of bellow : foliis. Voc. utile instrumentum. Macinty. 4. " Ball-dòbh-
47. rain, vel Dùrain." Voc. 25. mole, a spot on A
Balg-shuileach, -eiciie, atij. (Balg, et Siiil), Hav- the skin : msevus, macula, nota. " Ball-dubh."
ing large, round, prominent eyes : oculos magnos, Voc. 98. A
blot : macula. " Ball-fanaid, vel
rotundos, prominentes, habens. C. S. -fanoid." Salm. xliv. 13. A mocking-stock.
Balgum, -uim, -ANNAN, «. /«. (Balg, et Tliaom), A " Ball-fochaid." lob. xii. 4. id. " Ball-ghalair."
mouthful of any liquid : haustus, sorbitio. " Bal- Llh. A plague : pestis, pestitentia. " ^à\\-gcnifa."
gum an da ghluig." C. S. great mouthful, A Voc. 65. A golf-ball : pila lusoria Anglorum et
swallowed down at two gulps nimia sorbitio. :
Scotorum campestrium. " Ball-làimhe." Voc. 105.

Arab. *ij bughum. Hebr. yh'2 balagh, degluti-

A hand-ball : pila palmaria. " Ball-langastaiche."
A. M^D. A towing rope, a tow-line, naut. term. :
remulcum. " Ball-leithir." C. S. leather-ball, A
Ball, -uill, s. m. Ballaibh. 1. An instru- pila coriacea. " Ball-magaidh." S. An ob- C
ment, member, limb instrumentum, membrura. : ject of mockery : ludibrium." " Ball-maslaidh."
" Ball cogaidh." C. S. A warlike instrument, Salm. xxxix. 8. id. " Ball-oibre." Macf. V. A
or weapon telum. Gr. BsXs;. " Ann ad leabhar
: working tool instrumentum operarium, " Ball-

sgriobhadh sios mo bhuill uile." Salm, cxxxix. 16. nasg, vel nasgaidh." Llh. O'B. et O'R. joint A
In thy book all my members were written. In artus. " Ball-otraich." Voc. foul spot : ma- A
libro tuo omnia membra mea scripta sunt. 2. A cula sordida. " BaU-sampuill." Macinty. bl. 1.
ball, or globe globus, pila. C. S.
: 3. place : A A spectacle of shame : infamise spectaculum, op-
locus. probrium. 2. An example exemplar. C. S. :

" Chi gaisgich "n ar dèigh am ball, " Ball-seirc." Voc. 20. A beauty-spot : macula
" Am mòr eagal m' an am u Dl«>an amatoria. Particularly that on the forehead of Der-
" Chi iad e mar àite fuaith ." Tern. li. 43fi. — mid, irresistible with the Fingalian ladles. " Ball-
Warriors after us shall behold the place, with much spòrsa." Salm. xliv. 13. " Ball-sgeige." C. S.
awe of the times of old ; they shall behold it as a Id. q. Ball-magaidh. " Ball-sgiorraidh." C. S.
place of terror. Cement bellatores post nos lo- A destructive implement : telum, vel instrumen-
cum, in magno metu circa tempus antiquum ; cer- tum exitiale. " Ball-sgòide." Macf. V. naiU.
nent illi eum sicut locum terroris. " Air ball," term. A sheet-rope : veli funis, qui pes appella-
adv. On the spot, immediately : statim, e vesti- tur. " Ball-sgot." Voc. 98. Id. q. Ball-dubh.
gio. Fr. Sur le champ. 4. A spot, mark : ma- " Ball-sinnsireachd. C. S. family instrument, A
cula, nota. C S. " Ball-otraich-" Voc. 17. 5. any old article of family furniture : instnmientum
A stripe : vibex, virga. O'B. 6. A rope, cable antiquum, vel familiae proprium. Scot. Heir-loom
funis, funis nauticus. nonnunquam etiam, membrum virile. " Ball-
" Cuir ball chuige mach mar theachdair." tarruing." C. S. A
tackle : navis armamentum.
193. A.M'B. PI. " Buill-tharruing." " Ball-toinnisg." C.S. 1.
Send him out a rope (from a ship) as a herald (of A forbidden tool : instrumentum vetitum. 2. A
mercy). Mitte funem ad eum (ex navi) sicut nun- detestable object res detestanda. C. S.
: 3. An
tius. 7. A
stud, nail bulla. " Sreathan òir ni : obstacle : irapedimentum. C. S. Wei. Pel, Pel-
sinn dhuit le ballaibh airgid." Dan. Sk. I. 11. len : globus, pila. Dav. Germ. Bal, boll : rotun-
Borders of gold will we make thee, with studs of dus. Ball, Globus. B. Bret. Bailie. " March
silver. Lineas aureas faciemus tibi, cum bullis baill." Gael. " Each ballach," spotted horse : A
(punctis) argenteis. adjuncts of The following equus variatus colore.
" Ball," take the plural, " Buill." " Ball-abha- Balla, pi. -ACHAN, s. wi. A wall : paries, murus.
cais. Hebr. x. 33. 7narg. " Ball-àbhachd." Salm. Voc. 83.
xliv. 13. A
mocking-stock ; ludibrium. " Ball- " Shuidli CuchuUin aig balla Thiira."
acfhuinn." C. S. A
tool, instrument, tackling Fing. i. I.
instrumentum, armamentaria. " Ball-aimhleis," Cuchulin sat at Tura wall. Sedebat Cuchullin ad
" Ball-aimlisge. C. S. An unruly member, in- murum Turae. " Balla dtona," " Balladh-dion-
strument of mischief: scelerum artifex. " Ball- aidh." A bulwark : munimentum. *Sa/;«. Ixxx. 12.
airm." Fing. iv. 68. A military weapon : telum. " Ball' aitribh." C. S. An edifice : aedificium.
" Ball-amhairc." Hebr. x. 33. A spectacle spec- : " Balla-tarsuing," s. m. A partition wall : paries
iiuergcriiiui. C. S. Wei. liull,a prominence; Ball Ball<iiritiieach, orf^. (UalUhrithi, Trembling.
wliac jclb out. Ow. li. JJirl. Uul angle, jKiiuli-
: tn-mebuitduH. t'. H.
Bui ; pierrt, roc. l\tUt. Ball-ciihi INN, tutj. (lull, et CruiiUi), Round limb-
B.\n..\i u, -.\li iiK. iitlj. (Bull». 1. iSiwtted, siKx-kleU : ed, round s|H>tted. ('. .V.

niuculoi>ui>. MiifJ. v. 'i. Sliuliic-il : bullututi, cla- • Bulloisgteuch, «. m. A lobster: ai>taru«. LM.
\U(u$. " Sgiulli UuiUach luiiii I'uuini àii\." Fiikj. • Bullsg, «. m. A blot, spot, freckle: macula, litu-
ii. 11'.^. Tl>e ^tLlll(lt-cl, louil-resoundiiig bliieKI : ra, lentigo. UJi. it OR.
chiieus uinbouigfrus sunoruiii ahoruiii. Ballsi.aike, -kas, «. m. A flighty, giddy, fooUbli
BaLLADH, -AIDll, -AlllAN, «. III. U\. 1|. BuUu. per«on : leviculus, inconstuns homo. C. &.
Ballau, -Alt:, -AN, t.f. 1. The skull: enuiiuni. BAi-LsciAiREAtiiD, S.f. Hid. Bullsgaiti ), Sallies of (

O'R. et C. S. i. An e(.'f;-sliell : o\ i pulauien. folly Kubitanea levitas. C. .V.


OR. ct C. S. 3. dim. oC Bull, a blot, a spot Ball-sciaiii, -i^rni, »./. (Ball, et Sgiathi, A bossy
macula, labes. C. S. 4. A spruce, neat little bliield : scutum umboniferum. '• rionnghul nam
woman : muliercula compacta. A. M'D. GIvss. buU-ttjiath." Fiiu/. iii. 12. Fingal of bossy shields:
" BiUlujj-bliuachair," «.
f. A mushroom : I'ungus. Fingal umboniferorum scutorum.
i'oc. •• Bullag-losguinn," s.f. A padduck-stuul, • Ballsgoid, s.f. A blister: pusula, pustula. Pro-

mushroom: I'ungus. Tw. 62. rim: \'ide Neasgaid.

DALLAlltE-BÙDllAlN, S. M, (Ball, SpOt, Fcar, Ct Balll'icii, -iDii, BI1-, f. a. (Ball), Spot, stain ma- :

BòdhtuO, A cormorant of the larger species, white- cula, infice. Uib/. Gioiis.
breasted : cor\us aquaticus major. Pruriti. • Balma, «. m. Balm: balsamum. Ltt. Vox Angt.
Ballak, -ais, -a\, x. hi. 1. A shell, covering: pu- \'ide Ballan.
tamen, tegmen. Uh. et C. S. Id. i\. Bullag. 2. • Bahnaich, -idl), bh-, r. a. Embalm : balsamo
A wooden vessel, containing two |>ints vas ligne- : conde. Uh.
um duos sextjirios capiens. W. 11. 3. Any large • Bal-seirc, *. »«. Lord of the feast, carver at a
tub : doliuni magnum quodvis. Hihrui. 4. Any j)rincc's table, herald, master of ceremonies.
small wooden vessel : vas ligneuni parv um quodvis. C/iald. 7i'3 liaal, dominus, et Iliy saru, convi-
N. U. Ò. A trough ulveus, canaliculus. I'oc. b9. : vium. i'al/. ill i'oc. Bal.
6. Achurn vas in quo agitatur tìos lactis. O'R.
: Balt, Blilt, Baltan', m. A welt, border, belt

7. A dug, an udder mamma, uber. Plunk. 8. : lacinia, ora, cingulum. Provin. Vide Bolt. Germ.
•' Bal-
Balsam, or balm opubalsamum. Proviii. : Belt, cingulum. Scot. Belt. Jam.
laii atli-bheothuichidh. " lialldii basmuinn," Re- " Baltach, adj. (Bait), Welted : laciniatus. " Bròg
viving cordial, or balsam potio cardiaca revivis- : blialtach." C. S. A welted shoe : calceus lacinia-
cens. C. S. 9. Broom genista. O'R. 10. The : tus.
operation of cupping cucurbitula. " Chuir iad : • Baltadh, Baltaidlie, pi. Welts, fetters, borders
baUan air." O'R. et C. S. They have cupped him : laciniae, compedes, orse vel fimbriie. Uh.
admoverunt cucurbitulas ei. '• Ballan-binndeach- BAN, adj. -BÀINE, 1. White, pale, wan albus, pal- :

aidli, -biiintiche," *".;«. A cheese-vat fomia casearia. : lidus.

Voc. 90. et C. S. " Ballan-nigheadaireachd," «. " Mar charraig ghil, tlia d' uchd tlàth,
»1. A washing tub : labruni ad lintea lavanda. Voc. " Air taobh Bràno nan sruth ban."
8. •' Ballan-seilcheige," «. »i. snail-shell lima- A : Fing. i. 224.
cis testa vel putamen. Ll/i. " Ballan-stiallach," As a white rock,
thy tender breast, by the side
s. m. A kind of pillory : columbar quoddam- R. of Brano of pale streams. Sicut cautes Candida
MD. est tuus sinus mollis in latere Braana- rivorum al-
• Ballardadh, A proclamation : edictum. Sh.
«. m. borum. 2. Light, in colour levis colore. C. S. :

' Ballard, -aidli, bh-, v. a. Proclaim edice. LUt. : Ucbr. 3n3 baliin, bright, sparkling. 3. Waste,
Ball.\rt, -.\irt, «. m. Noisy boasting, fuss about naked, vacant vastus, desertus, vacuus. O'R. ct

one's family jactatio ventosa, pra;cipue de familia'

: C. S. 4. True: verus. Llh. HV/. Banet, pro-
origine vel splendore. 2USS.
minence, et Ban, adj. conspicuous. Arab. ^ . yjL
B.\LLABT.\cn, m^'. 1. Noisy, turbulent : clamosus,
bain, distinct, clear, manifest.
turbulentus. ^lucf. V. 2. Boastful, family-proud
jactabundus, ob familia; originem. Provin. • Ban, «. m. A foot, or pedestal : pes, stylobata.
B.all' bhkeac, wij. (Ball, et Breac), Variegated, O'B. OR. et Sh. Vide Bun.
spotted variatus, maculatus. S. D. 232.
: Vide • Ban, A', m. Brass : its. LUi.
Ball, et Breac. Ban, gen. pi. of Bean, qd. vide. " B' iwigantach do
BALL-cnRiTir, s. f. ind. (Ball, ct Crith), A tremor dhòmhsa, a'
griidli toirt barracluJ air gràdh nam
of the limbs artiuni tremor, tre|)idatio.
: ban" 2 Sam. i. 26. Thy lo»^-- to me was wonder-
'• Fhreagair e fuidli bhall-clirith mar dhuilleach." suqiassing the love oi' women.
ful, Mirabilis fuit
S.D. 91. amor tuus mihi, supe«ms amori mulierum.
He answered, trembling as a leaf. Respondit cum B.ÀN, -ÀIN, s. m. left hand side of the furrow in
trepidatione, sicut folii. " Deanaibh gàirdeachas ploughing, discinguished from " Dearg," the red, or
ÌC ball-c/iridi." Salm. a. 11. Rejoice with tremb- right hand side. Pars sulci in arando, qu« est ad
ling : gratulare trepidè. la:vara, > Dearg" quae est ad dextram mauuni arato-
M 2
ris. " Each a bhàin each an dcirg." The near
's bidden to the wedding. Misitque servos suos ad
and off horse, i" ploughing. Equus, arando, e vocandum vocatos ad nuptias. " Banais-tighc."

parte sinistra, et e parte dextra. C. S. Vide Bàn- C. S. Tlie feast made for the bride when taken
aiclic. home : coena nuptialis. Scot. Infare. " Banais
Bam-, (a female, she). A prepositive in compounds, pheighinn." C. S. Scot. A penny wedding : nuptia;
often pronounced Bana, before labials or palatals, inter quas nummus ab hospitibus pro
but Ban, before Unguals. Particula pnepositiva, bono nuptorum. B. Bret. Banwys.
denotans vocem esse generis foeminei. " Faidh," • Banaiteach, i. e. Bunailteach, adj. Serious : seri-
a prophet : vates. " i?aw-fhàidh," A prophetess ns. Llh.
mulier vaticinans. " Gaisgeach," A hero, a war- Banal, -a, adj. Fing. i, 640. Vide Banail.
rior heros, bellator.
" jBaw-ghaisgeach," he- A Banalachd, zW. Ì s. /. (Banail), Female modesty :

roine : heroina, bellatrix. Banalas, -ais, j foeminina modestia. C. S.

Ban-aba, -achan, (Ban, et Aba), An abbess:
*./. Ban-altrum, -uiM, -AN, S.f. (Ban, et Altrum), A
abbatissa. Sh. et MSS. B. Bret. Abades. nurse nutrix. " Agus chuir iad air falbh Rebeca

BÀN-ACHADH, -AiDH, -NEAN, «. m. (Ban, odj. et am piuthar, agus a banaltnim." Gen. xxiv. 59.
Achadli), A waste field : ager inaratus. Vail, et And they sent away Rebecca their sister, and her
C. S. nurse. Dimiseruntque Ribkam sororem suam, et
BÀNACHADH, -AIDH, s. 7)1. Bt pres. part. V. Bànaich. nutricem ejus. " Banaltnim thioram." Voc. 47.
Wliitening : albescens. C. iS. Vide Bànaich. A dry nurse : nutrix non lactens.
* Bànadh. s. m. Wasting : actio profundendi. Llh. Banaltrumachd, ind.\s,f. (Banaltrum), Nursing,
BaN-ADIIALTRAICHE, ~i -ANNAICHE, -EAN, S. /. Banaltramas, -ais, j guiding nutritio. Macf. :

Ban-adhaltranach, > (Ììan,p7-ef. et Adhaltrach, V.

Ban-adhaltrannach, 3 &c.) An adulteress: adul- Bana-mhaighstir, -EAN, S.f. (Ban, ]}ref. Ct Maigh-
tera. " Sealgaidh a bhan-adhaltrannack air an anam stir), A
mistress hera. " Feuch, mar a ta siii-

luachmhor." Gnath. vi. 26. The adulteress will lean ban-oglaich air làimh a banamhaighstir." Salm.
hunt for the precious life. Adultera animani pre- exxiii. 2. Behold, as the eyes of a maiden upon
tiosam venatur. the hand of her mistress. Ecce, ut oculi famulae
BÀNAG, -AiG, -AN, s. f. (Ban, adj.) 1. grilse, a A ad manum herae suae.
young salmon salar, tru'tta, vel trocta. C. S. 2.
: Bana-mhalta, adj. (Bean, et Malda), Shame faced :

Any thing white ; a shilling : quaevis res alba, soli- pudibundus pudicus. Llh.
dus argenteus. Provin. » Ban-ara, s.f. A maid servant ancilla. Llh. :

Ban-aibhistear, -ir, -EAN, s. f. (Ban, pref. et Banarach, -aich, s.f (Ban, pi-ef. et Àireach), A
Aibhistear), A
she devil : mulier diabolica, furia, dairy or milk maid, a maid that milks cattle lac- :

Erynnys. C. S. taria, puella quae mulget vaccas, oves, vel capras.

BÀNAICH, -iDH, BH-, V. «. ct w. Wliitcn, grow pale : R.M'D. 118.
albesce, pallesce. " 'S tur a bhànaich a ghnuis." Banarachas, -ais, s.f (Banarach), A milk maid's
C. S. His face is quite blanched, or pale facies : office : lactariae munus. C. S.
ejus est perpallida. 2. Bleach : dealba. C S. Ban-asal, -ail, s.
f. (Ban, pref. et Asal), A she
3. Lay waste C. S. Hence Banbh, land
: vasta. ass : asina. Llh.
remaining unploughed for a year. Banas-tighe, s.f. ind. (Bean, et Tlgh), Female eco-
BÀNAiciiE, -EAN, s. Til. (Ban, s. ct Eacli), The outer nomy, house-wifery muliebris oeconomia, rei fami-

of two ploughing horses : exterior duorum equorum liaris administratio. " 'Sduilich fawo^-ft^r^edhean-
arantium. C. S. Vide Uraiche. amh air na fraidhibh falamh." Prov. It is difficult
Banail, adj. -E, -ALA, (Ban, jn-ef. et Amhuil). 1. to be a house-wife, i. e. to manage empty
well, in an
Feminine, modest : foemininus, modestus. " Beul house. Difficile est rem familiarem bene admini-
o' m banail fàilt." Steiv. 122. Lips of modest strare inter parietes vacuos.
address os fceminea; salutationis.
: Banbh, ì -ainbh, *. »«. 1. Land unplough-
" Solas baiiail nan daoine bh' ann." Banbhan, -AiN, j ed for a year: terra intra finem
Carthcm. 156. anni inarata. 2. A
pig porcellus. Llh. 3. An :

The modest joy of those who have been, (who are ancient name of Ireland : nomen quoddam anti-
departed). Gaudium modestum virorum qui fue- quum Hiberniee. MSS. pass.
re. 2. Beautiful, elegant venustus. Fing. i. 640. : Ban-bharan, s.f. (Ban, jorp/". et Baran), A baron-
Wei. Banyw. ess : baronissa, heroina. Voc. 41.
Banair, -e, -EAN, s.f. A
sheep fold, an inclosure • Ban-bhiocos, s.f. viscountess A
vice-comitissa. :

where sheep -axe milked : ovile, septum in quo oves Voc. 41. Vox Angl.
mulgentur. N. H. Vide Bannrach, et Mainnir. Bàn-bhroilleacii, -eich, s. m. (Ban, adj. et Broill-
Ban-àireach, -eich, s.f. Vide Banarach. each), Wliite bosom : candidum pectus. C. S.
Banais, -bainnse, pi. Bairksean, s.f. A wedding, Used adjectivcly, " Caoin chòmhnuidh nam bàn-
feast: nuptia;, festum, (preesenlm nup'tiale.) " Agus bhmilleach òigh." Tern. vii. 322. The peaceful
chuir e a sheirbhisich a ghairm na inuinntir a fhuair dwelling of fair bosomed maidens. Blanda habi-
cuii'eadh chum na bainnse." Matth. xxii. 3. And tatio candidis pectoribus virginum.
he sent his servants to call those that had been Ban-bhuachaille, -EAN, S.f. (Ban, pref. et Buach-
HAN 93 1]A\
aJlle), A itliephertlfM : lijtmiiia own vil [u-cudeii produced. Statu* laborandi nauteà marina, at
àUdi cu^uxiienii.
C. S. »ine vuniendo. .V. H.
BAN-BHLIU!>liAC'tl, -KUII, *. / (UlU>, /Jrrf'. trl UuiJ- • Baii-<.'liuii>lettaiuu.'h, t.f. A woman pi|>«f : libici-
seachli A wi(L-h, tonxrvAs : i>aga, M-ntftica. t'oc. cina. Uk.
3'J. • Banda, iidj. Female, modest : femininu*, modes-
Baxi', -a, -aknan, «. m. bunk: ai^entariu m-u A tu». M.S.S.
nuinniaria tulH-ma. " Carson nuch ilu cliuir ()iu • Banduilid, t.f. „ul. Banda |, Female fcoftness, (

mairgiiKl ilo n It/uiuc f" Luk. xix. 'H. Wlii-rt-tore weakness of woman niulierum moUitia vel in- :

didsc thou not ^Ivo my nioiii-y into the bank f hrniitas. Vt. Vide Buiiididheat lid.
Quart- igitur non ilcUiiiti p«cuniaiu uicuni ud incn- Basdaidii, -e, tulj. Marf. V. Vide Banda, et
saiu ? Vox Aiigl. Baindidh.
" Bandlia." IJh.
Bancaid, -eax, *./. A banquet; epulum. C. S.
-e, Ban-dalta, -At has, (Ban, /;rr/". et Dalta), A fos-
Genu. Uanket. Juil. Bunchctto. ter-daughter alunma. S. : C
Basc'-aih, »•. /11. A banker: numniarius. Voc.^T. BaN-DIA, </<•«. BaIS-UE, pi. -DÌE, et -diathaV,
Vux Ajitfl. «. A goddess: dea. •• Ach
/. (V>M\, prrf. et Uia),
Ban-chao, ) -aig, eak, s.f. A
dairy-maid : lac- mar an ceudna gu cuirear teunipull na Uiin-di
Basaciiau., f taria. C. S. Id. q. Banaruch. moire Diana an neo-phris." Guiomh. xix. "^7. But
Bak'-ciiaigeachd, *./. ind. (Ban'-chug). 1. The also that the temple of the great godde»s Diana
office,or business of a dairy-niuid : lactaria; niu- should be despised. Sed etiam ne magna; dea?
nus. 2. Pruvincially, used for the making oi any Diana.' templum pro iiiliilo reputetur.
kind of dairy produce. Bas-diabhol, *. /. -oil,
(Ban, pnf. et -abhla,
Bax-ciiahaid, -ÀIKDEAN, S.f. (^ax\, prff. ct Caraid), Diabhol), erynnys. C. S.
.\ fury :

A female friend, or relative niulier sanguine, al- : Ban-uiCchd, -as, s. (Ban, pref. et Diùc, rox f
iinitate, vel aniicitia conjuncta, attinis. Voc. 9. Atiffl.), A duchess: ducissa.
Goir do biuiii-rltaniid do thuigse." GiuUJi. vii. 4. Bas-dhaoith, ) -E, -EAS, S.f. (Ban, pref. et Druidh,
Call understanding thy kinswoman. Voca pruden- B.\n-drlidh, j" vel Draoith), A sorceress : vene-
tiani, atliuem tuani. Jr. JJad-cajia. fica. C. S. '• Ban-druagh. ' O'/i.
Ban'-ciiìile, «. /. (Ban, pre/, et Cèile), wife, A • Ban'-duileamhuiii, *.
f. A goddess : diva, dea.
s|)ouse, (female consort) : uxor, sponsa. C. S. Li/i. \'ide Dùilean,
Bas'-chliamiuisn, Ban" chl'eis, Ban'chleamh- Bas-fhàidh, (Ban, pref. et FàidhV A
-e, -EAS,
NAN". 1. A daughter-in-law nurus. Gen. \i. 31. : prophetess mulier vaticinans.
.\gus ghlac Mi-
2. Abrotlier"s wife fratria. C. S. 3. A wife's
: riam a' Ihanfhaidh, piuthar .\aroin, tiompan 'I'la
sister uxoris soror. C. S.
: 4. Any female rela- làimh." Ecs. XV. 20. .\nd Miriam the prophetess,
tion by marriage : affinis. C. S. Aaron's sister, took a timbrel in her hand. Ac-
Ban'-chliaraiche, -can, s.f. (Ban, et Cliaraiche), cepit quoque prophet issa, Miriam, soror .\haronis
songstress cantatrix. M.SÒ'. : tympanum in nianu sua.
Ban'-cuòcaire, -ean, s.f. (Ban, Còcaire), • fian-flieadanach, s.f. w-oman piper: tibicina. A
A cook-maid coqua. Voc. 47. : LUi.
Ban-choigreach, -rich, s.f. (Bim, pref. et Coig- Ban-fhigheach, -iCH, -icHEAN, S.f. (Pronounced
reach), .\ strange woman : mulicr aliena. " Chum Baincach;, A weaveress : textrix. Macinh/. Vide
gu 'n glèidh iad thu on bhan-choiyrkh." Giuith. Figh, r,
vii. 5. Tliat they may keep tliee from the strange Bas'-fhiosaich, -e, -ichean, *. /. (Ban, pref. et
woman. L't ser\ent te a muliere extent. Fiosaich), A gypsy, fortune-teller : pnestigiatrix.
• Ban-chointeach, *.
f \
waiting-maid : famula, c. s.
pedisscqua. Lilt. i. e. '' Bean choimheid- Bas'-fhlath, -aith, -eak, g.
f. (Ban, pref. et
eacitd" Flath), A chief's lady : domtna, uxor phvlarchae.
' Ban'-chonganta, «. f. A midwife obstetrix. :
Lih. L e. " Beaa-cìtòtììhitaidh." Vide Bean- Bas-fhlugsa, -phlusga, s. »1. Fluxus muliebris.
ghlùine. Lih. et Macf.
BÀN-CHRAic\EACH, -EiCHE, odj. (Ban, o/^'. et Craic- Bas-fhl'adach, -aich, m. (Bean, s. «. et Fuadaich),
neach), ^^^lite, or fair-skinned : albani cutem ha- Fornication, scortatio. Lih.
bens. C. S. Bas-fhladachd, *. f. A rape, (lit. running away
Bas-chruitire, -ean, *./. (Ban, />«/: et Cruitirc), w ith a woman stuprum. LUi. App. ) :

A woman minstrel : fidicina, tibicina, citharistria. Bas-fhuaighealaich, -e, -eak, s.f. (Ran. pref et .

Pluidi. Fuaigheal I, sempstress : sutrix.

.\ Vide F'uaigh, r.
BÀK-CHU, -CHoix, s. m.
(Ban, adj. et Cù). 1. A • Bang, s. III. 1. A nut nux. Sh. et OH. i. :

white dog canis : aibus. C. S. 2. An illustrious The touch tactus. Sh. et OR. 3. Hinder-

hero nobilis heros. MSS.

: 3. man's A name ance : impedimentum. Sh. et O'R. 4. A
Banciio: viri nomen. R. M-D. 129. reaping : messis. LIfi.
BAs-CHuiR, s.f. iiid. (Ban, luij. et Cuir),
Squeamish- Bang, -aidh, bh-, c. a. (Bang, «.), Bind, secure,
ness occasioned by a ship or boat's motion at sea ;
obtain a promise : illiga, necte, promissum, impe-
a degree of sea-sickness, where no eructation is tra. Protin.
Bangadh, -aidh, -ban, ». m. etpres.part. v. Bang, Banda. Uebr. riJ3 banet, a band. Pers. JO^
A promise : pollicitum. Pwvin. Lat. Pango, I bund.
bargain. Bann-bhràghad, -aid, m. (Bann, et -ean, s.
Bangaid, -e, -ean, s.f. Vide Bancaid. Bràghad), A cravat linteolum coUo circuravolu- :

Ban-ghaisgeach, -eich, -ean, s.f. (Ban, pref. et tum, collare. Voc. 18.
Gais"cach), A heroine, a female warrior : heroina, Bann-cheangail, s.m. (Bann, et Ceangal), An obli-
bellatrix. Llh. gatory band: chyrographi cautio. Voc. 118.
• Banghal, s. ?». (Ban, pref. et Gal, s.), Female Bann-dùirn, -e, s. m. (Bann, et Dom), wrist- A
heroism muliebris fortitudo. Ll/i.
band brachiale carpi omamentum. C. S.

Ban'-ghoistidii, -ean, s.f. (Ban, pref. et Goistidh), * Banna, s. A

band, or troop: cohors, tur-
A god-mother mater lustrica. C. S. :
ma, copiae. B. B.
BÀN-GHLAS, comp. BÀIN-GHLAISE, adj. (Ban, et Bannach, -aich, s. m. A cake placenta, panis. :

Glas), Pale, wan : pallidus. Voc. 153. Vide Ban, C. S. Scot. Bannock. Id. q. Bonnach.
et Glas. » Bannach, adj. Actual ipso facto, re ipsa. Lift.

Ban-ghrùdair, -e, -ean, (Ban, pref. et Grùdair). * Bannach, s. tn. A fox vulpes. O'B. O'B. et:

1. A female brewer: zylhepsa. C. S. 2. An

hostess hospita. Macf. V.
: * Bannachd, s.f. Subtlety: astutia. O'R.
Ban-iasgair, -e, -ean, s.f. (Ban, /we/; et iasgair), Bannag, -aig, -an, s.f. christmas cake. Scot. A
A female fisher piscatrix. C. S. :
A yule coll}TÌum, vel convivium Christi na-
cake :

Ban-iari.a, s.f. A roiintess : cnmitissa. loc. 41. talibus, aut calendis Januariis apparatum. " Bann-
Ban-iòmpair, -e, -ean, s.f. (&a.n, pref. et lompair). ag challainn." S. C
Vide Calluinn.
An empress: iniperatrix. Foe. 41. Bannag, -aig, -an, s.f. A corn-fan : vannus. Pro-
Ban-iofarnach, ì -aich, s.f. (^asi,pref. et lofar- vin.
-iFRiONNACH, >- nach, &c.), fury: erynnys. A * Bannaire, s. m. (Bann, et Fear), An ingrafter
-IUTHARNACH, 3 C. S. insitor. Llh.
Ban-laoch, -aoich, s.f. (Ban, pref. et Laoch), A Bannal, -ail, -an, s. m. (Bean, Thionail), An as-
heroine : herois, heroina. C. S. semblage, or crowd of women : mulierum turba.
Ban-leigh, -e, -ean, s.f. (Ban, et Leigh), A female R. 3I-D. " Bannal tuirseach." S. mourn- C A
physician : mulier, medicatrix, medicse artis perita. ful female group lugubrium turba mulierum.

Macf V. Ban-naomh, -aoimh, s. (Ban, pref. et Naomh), f

«. m. (Ban, adj. et Leus), A thin
Ban-leus, -LEÒIS, A female saint sancta mulier. C. S. Inde, Banff,

white cloud : tenuis alba nubes. C. S. Vide Ban, nomen oppidi.

adj. et Leus, s. m. Bannas, -ais, s. m. Roof of the palate : pallatum.
Ban-leòmhann, ) -AiN, s.f. (Ban, /jrcf. et Leòmh- Hebrid.
Ban-leoghunn, J
ann), A lioness : lea, leaena. Voc.
Bann-làmh, -àimh, -an, s.f. (Bann, et Làmh). 1.
79. A cubit cubitus, mensura.
: B. B. 2. A fathom :

Ban-lighich, -e, -ean, s.f. Id. q. Ban-leigh. orgya. Bibl. Gloss.

» Ban-mhac, s. m. (Bean, s. et Mac), son-in-A * Bannsach, s.f. An arrow: sagitta. Llh.
law gener. Lih.
Bann-siiaoirseach, adj, (Bann, et Saorsa), Licens-
Ban-mharcus, s.f. (Ban, pref. et Marcus), A ed, authorized : licitus, auctoritate munitus. Llh.
marchioness marchionissa. Voc. Vox Angl. :
Bann-shaor, adj. (Bann, et Saor), Free by law
Ban-mhaighistir, s.f. Voc. 40. Vide Bana-mhaigh- jure liber. Sh. et C. S.
stir. Bann-shaorsachd, s.f. ind. (Bann-shaor), Freedom
Ban-mhathair, s. /. (Ban, 2iref. et Màthair), A by law, license, patent : libertas jure parta, licen-
mother-in-law : noverca. Llh. tia, diploma. Sh. et C. S.
Ban-mhorfhear, 1 -iR, -ean, s.f. (Ban, et Mor- * Bann-shompla, s. m. An example exemplum. :

Ban-mhormhaire, j fhear. Sec), A lady, lord's

Sh. Vide Ball.
wife : domina ; senatoris uxor, domini honorarii vel Banntach, -aich, -aichean, s.f. (Bann). 1. A
dpiastae conjux. Too. 41. hinge cardo. C. S. 2. A bond, or obligation
: :

Bann, m. Bainne, Boinne, dot. Bainn, Boinn,

s. pactum. Macinty. Id. q. Bann.
pi. Bainn, Boinn, Banntan. 1. A belt, band:
Banntair, -air, -irean, s. m. (Bann, et Fear), A
cingulum, zona. C. S. 2. A chain, or cord vin- :
covenanter stipulator, contractor. Macf. V.

culum. Bann-taisbeinidh, s. m. (Bann, et Taisbeanadh),

" Na bobm a b aill leo iathadli òirn." Salm. ii. 3.
A bond of appearance vadimonium. Voc. 45. :

The cords (with) which they would wish to sur- Banntrach, -aich, -aichean, s. Vide Ban- f
round us. Vincula quse vellent obligere nobis. 3. trach.
A bond, or deed in law syngrapha. C. S. Scot. :
Banntrachas, -ais, s.f. Vide Bantrachas.
Band. Jam. 4. A proclamation edictum. S/i. :
Bann-tuathanach, -aich, -aichean, s.f. Vide
5. Death : mors. S/i. OB. et OR. 6. A ball Ban-tuathanach.
globus, pilus. Sh. 7. A hinge : cardo. 3Iacf. V. Ban-ogha, pi. -ACHAN, s.f. (Ban, pref. et Ogha),
et C. S. Germ. Bann, various senses. Vide Wacht. A grand-daughter : Neptis ex filio vel filia. Voc.
in Voc. Fr. Bande, Bandeau. Spa», et Basque. 9. Vide Ogha.
BAN 95 n.\()

Bas-oglacii, -Aim, s.f. (Ran, prtf. el Oglach), A anacli), A

woman-farmer, a farmer's wife inuliir :

maiii-siTvaiit 47. G. 1Ì. jmiss.

: oni-illa. I 'or. quie agrum cuiii, uxor ugriiuite. A/tii/. t'.
Bas--oiciih£, s.f. (B»i". prrf. el Oighre), An Ueirew : ' Udiiuglmdh, t. M. Waxing pule KtaiUb pallesceii- :

inulier Mac/. V. \\Ae t)ighrf.

\\>»!rvA. di. JiM. Glott. \'idc Buimicli.
13an-i"iimiosv>a, s.f. (Bun, prrf. i-t IVionnsu), A Baubii, -ibii, -AS, t. / (Bttoiii, Bluan), A sortin-ts,
|irini.'e«s : priacipissji, priiKÌpis uxor. loc. +1. emhaiitri-s», I'uiry woman vcnelicu, laiuia, eriipu-

• liajinicli, -uii'li, i. f. A !>liilt, ur smock : iuilii- sa, MarJ. \ . 'i. A furious, initx.'hievi>us, or mad
SÌUM1 aiulieri$. Sh. ct OR. woman mulier furiuta, iiiMUitt. C. S. " Uaobii

• Bunnruch, »./. 1. A slacpfold : ovile. O'T?. 2. cliutliuich," A fury erynnys. Fr. Uavarde. :

An ox-!>(ul[, or cow-house. Uh. Vide Molnuir, Baouiiaij, -Aio, s.f. j/iiiiiii. of Buobh. A. M-D,
Manruch. Baouiiaidii, ) -E, «<//. (Buubh). 1. Savage, fierce,
•Bminiiih, -iiUi, bli-, v. a. Pen, shut up : in aii- B.\oiJllAIL, J
direful atrox, ferus, dirus. :

gustuni sputiuni conchidc. 3ISS. ct Sfi. " Sleugli Dhiarmaid a' bualudh un luirc,
BAS-niuiHF, -HAS, x.f. (Bun, pre/, ct Kidire), A " Cluiiin a buillean truniu UtMuiidh."
knight's hidy : a lady-barouct baroni'tta, cquitis : S.D. 188.
uxor. I («•. Tlic spear of Dermid assails the boar ; hark, its
Ban-uicii, -v./. (Ban, pre/ et High). Vulg. Bàn- heavy direful blows. Ilasta Dermidi petit ajirum.
ruiiin. Gen. Ban'rigli'nnc. PI. Banrighinnean, Audi, ictus graves dirosque ejus. 2. Fierce, fool-
A queen : regina. ZWw. Shol. vi. 9. Ik///. Bàn- ish, mad ferox, aIuUus, iusanus.
: " Calh baobltuU
ruinnean. Uheirg." S. D. 2-Ì6. The mad contest of Dargo.
B.\n-ric.hix, -e, -ean, Stilm. xlv. 9. prose, ct Dù/i. Ferox certamen Deargi.
S/io/. vi. 8. Id. q. Ban-righ. Baodhalacud, s. /. ind. (Baobhailj, Direfulnet.s ;

B.\N'-$EALGAiR, -E, -EAK, «./. (Ban, pre/. Ct Scal- the quality of a sorceress : saevitia ; venefic» na-
gair), A huntress: venatrix. Co///, ct CutJi. 107. tura. C. S.
Bax-seirbhiseach, -Eicii, s.f. (Ban, et Seirbhisc- Baodii, -aoidhe, adj. Smith. Par. xiv. 2. Vide
ach), A wonian-ser\'ant anciila. S. : C Baoth.
• Ban-sgal, s. f. (Ban, prt/. et Sgal), woman: A Baouhaire, -ean, s. m. (Baodh, Fliear), A fool
mulier. Lffi. et S/i. stultus. Vide Baothaire, Baoth-fhear. Htòr.
• Ban-sgal,effeminate : mollis, muliebris. Ll/i.
"1^3 baglutr, brutus, stupidus. Arab. j*xj ba-ir,
Ban-snio.miiaicii, -e, -EAK, S.f. (Bail, et Sniomh- an ass.
aich), A
spinster: qua? net, lanitica. C. S.
Baodiiaireachd, s./. Vide Baothaireachd.
Ban'-stilbhakt, -aikt, -AS', s. /
(Ban, pref. et Baodh *isTE, s. ni. ind. (Baoth, Bhaisteadh), III
Stiubhairt. i'ox Angl.) Id. q. Boinn-stiubhard.
usage from bad we.ither : afflictio ex coeli aut ma-
• Banta, s./. A
niece: fratris vcl sororis filia. Uh. ris W. H.
BÀ.V-TALAMH, -LMHAiNN, s. Hi. (Ban, udj. et Ta- Baodhaisteachadh, -aidh, «./. Vide Baodhaiste.
lainh), lay ground : novale, ager incultus, campus Baodiiail, adj. Vide Baoghalta.
Voc. 93.
inaratus. Baodhan, -ain, -an, *. ///. A calf: vitulus. Vide
Ban-tighearn, -a, -xeak, s./. (Ban, //rf/". et Tigh- Baoghan.
earn), lady A
mulier houesta, domina. Voc. ìì.
• Baodrod, m. (Baoth, Throd), Scolding, a sa-
Scot. Laird's «ife. tire objurgatio, satira. O'P.

Bastrach, -AICH, -EAN, «./. 1. A widow : vidua. Baogadh, -aidh, s. m. A sudden stan impetus :

" Malluiclit gu robh esaii a chlaonas breithcanas

nervorum. Provinc.
a' choigrich, an dilleachdain, agus na bantraich." B.\ogh, -aoigh, *./. A she-devil, that haunts rivers
Deut. xxvii. 19. Cursed be he that per\erteth and rivulets empusa qua; tluvios et rivos infestat.

the judgment of the stranger, fatherless, and wi- MSS.

dow. Maledictus qui penertit jus peregrini, pu- Baogh AIRE, EAN, s. m. A fool stultus. Vide Baodh- :
pilli, aut vidua?. 2. s. m. A widower viduus. C. S. :
aire. Hebr. 1^2 baghar, stupidus.
\'ide Baintreubhach. Baogh.\l, -ail, -AN, s. m. Danger, peril pericu- :

Bantrachas, -ais, s./. (Bantrach), Widowhood: lum, discrimen. Sh. et C. S. Heir, Sl^ buhil,
viduitas. " A' caitheamli am beatha ann am ba/i-
frac/ias. 2 Sam. xx. 3. Living in widowhood a- :
Baoghalach, -AICHE, a<^'. (Baoghal), Perilous, dan-
gentes vitam suam viduitate. gerous: periculosus, pemiciei obnoxius. Maef. V.
Bantrachd, s. /. ind. (Bean), A company o( wo- ••
Baoghlach." S. D. 45. •• Baoghluidh.' LÌh.
men muherum consortium, vel eongregatio. Keat.
Baogh.*.lta, adj. 1. Sill}-, simple, foolish: rudis,
" Am measg tlo bhantraciid onorach." Saliii. xlv.
fatuus, ineptus. " A thoirt geire dhoibh^an a ta
9. Among thy honourable women. Inter hones- baoghalta." give subtilty to the
Giiàt/i. i. 4. To
tas mulieres tuas. (charas tuas, Sez.) simple : ad dandum astutiam fatuis. " A' deanamh
Ban-thàill, -e, -ean, (Ban, pre/, et Traill), A fe- a bhaoghalta glic." Sa/w. xix. 7. Making the sim-
male slave : serva. " Tilg a niach a' bhan-tràUl." ple wise. Efficicns ineptum, (esse) sapientem. 2.
(" A bhann-traill," marg.) Gen. xxi. 10. Cast out Eccentric, unsteady inconstans, levis. C. S.:

the bond-woman. Ejice ancillam. Baogh ALTACHD, s.f. ind. 1. Levity, folly, simplicity
Ban-tuathanach, -aich, «./. (Ban,/>re^. et Tuatli- levitas, stultitia, fatuitas. '• Cia fliad a gnidhaic'h-
eas sibh bao<jhaltachdf Gnàth. 22. How long i. terne. 4. Weak, soft:: levis, mollis. O'R. 5.
will yc love simplicity ? Quousque amabitis fatui- Youthful, light, giddy : jux'enilis, levis, inconstans.
ta<eni. 2. Eccentricity, unsteadiness : inconstan- C. S. {Indc etiam.) 6. Foolish, mad : stultus,
tia. C.S. insanus. C S. llebr. nn3 bahah, vacuus et ina-
Baoohan, -ain, -an, s. m. 1. A calf: vitulus. nis fuit.
" Baoghan an cois gach bo." .S". D. 269. A calf Baothail, -e, adj. (Baoth), Foolish: insulsus. C.S.
following each cow vitulus ad pcdem cujusque
Hind. iJjU buola.
vaccK. 2. Any thing jolly : quodvis lastum. C.S.
Baogiilacii, adj. S. D. 91. Vide Baoghalach.
Baothair, -e, -ean, s. m. (Baoth, et Fear), A fool,
an idiot, a blockhead stultus, insipiens, hebes.
Baogram, -aim, s. in. A flighty emotion: sublta

perturbatio de levi causa. Provin. Macf. V. " Baothan." OR. Arnh. jsXt bahir,
• Baoil, «. /
1. Water aqua. Sh. et O'R. 2. :

Madness, a mad fit insania, subitus insaniae :

Baothaireaciid, s.f.ind. (Baothair), Folly, fatuity:
impetus. Sh. et OR. Vide Boil. stultitia, fatuitas. C. S. Span. Boberia, Bobada.
Baoileag, -eig, -ax, s.f. The blae -berrj' vacci- :
Basq. Boberia.
nia, vitis ida;a. Lightf.
* Baothchaisgidh, adj. Riotous : luxuriosus, pro-
Baoireadh, -eidh, s. m. Foolish talk : voces ina- fusus. Llh.

nes. C. S. Baoth-chreidimh, s. m. (Baoth, et Creidimh), Cre-

Baois, -e, s.f. 1. Lust, concupiscence : libido carnis. dulity, superstition : C. S.
credulitas, superstitio.
Llh. 2. Levity, madness : levitas, insania. Bihl. Baoth-ciireidmheach, -eiche, adj. (Baoth, et
Gloss. Creidmheach), Credulous credulus. Llh.

« Baoischiol, adj. (Baois). Llh. Vide Baoiseach. Baoth-ghlòir, -e, s.

f. (Baoth, et Glòir), Foolish
Baoiseach, -EicHE, a(^'. (Baois), Lascivious: lasci- talk, rant, bombast : stultiloquentia, ampuUx.
vus, salax. Sh. C. S.
Baoisg, -idh, BH-, V. n. Vide Boillsg. Baoth-radiiach, -aiche, adj. (Baoth, et Radh),
Baoisge, e. g. " Clanna-baoisge," A patronymic of Speaking foolishly : stultiloquus. C. S.
the Fingalians vasconides, nomen patronymicum
Baoth-shùgradh, -aidh, m.
s. Profane jesting:
Fingaliensium. " Dan catha' haoisge." S. D. 20. profanae facetiae, lascivia. C. S.
* Bar, adj. Expert, excelling egreglus, peritus.
Tlie Fingalian war-song. Cantus militaris, seu :

adhortatio poetica ad dimicandum Fingaliensum. OR.

BaOISGEACH, 1 ir- T> -11 1
* Bar, s. m. LA son : filius. Vail. Sh. et O'R.
Baoisgeil, -E,
V lee BoiUsgeach.
° ° 2. A learned man : vir doctus. O'B. Sh. et
Baoisgeadh, -eidh, *. m. Vide Bòillsgeadli. O'R. Chald.i?-\2bara. Pers. ^j.para. 3.
Baoisleach, 1 -icH, -ICHEAN, S.f. (Baois, et Teach), A hero : heros. O'R. 4. A dart jaculum. :

Baoisteach, j A brothel ganea, lupanar. MSS. :

Sh. et O'R. 5. A crop, corn seges, frumen- :

Baoisteadh, -eidh, s. m. (Baois), Debauchery tum. OR. MSS. et C. S. Vide Bàrr. 6. A

MSS. top: apex. S. D. 45. Vide Bàrr. 7. The
Baoiteag, -eig, -ean, s.f. small white maggot A sea mare. O'R.
: Wei. Bar. Isl. Bar, frons-
alba vermicula. C. S. Hebrid. dis. Wei. Baruc. Arm. Bar. Lat. Far. Arab.
Baoithe, adj. comp. of Baoth, q. vide.
* Baos, s. m. Fornication : scortatio. jj barr, wheat. Pers. jJ ber, fruit. Syr. bar,
Llh. Vide
Baois. filius. Chald. et Hebr. 13 bar, fruraentum,
Baolach, -aiche, adj. Oss. Vide Baoghlach, et nN3 baar, clarus fuit.
Baoghalach. Bara, pi. -achan, -ANNAN, 5. w. 1. A barrow : ve-
Baosgant, -ainte, adj. Vide Babhsganta. hiculum. " Bara roth." C. S. A wheel barrow
Baosrach, -aich, s.f. (Baoth, et Fraoch), Frenzy: vehiculum rota instructura, manu trusatile. " Bara
insania. Sh. et C. S. làimhe." C. S. A
hand barrow. Voc. 95. 2.
Baoth, -aoithe, adj. I. Foolish, simple : fatuus, The act of going, or marching : actio vadendi. Sh.
ineptus. " Agus bha mi baoth agus aineolach." et OR.
Sahii. Ixxxiii. 22. I was foolish and ignorant. * Bara, v. To go, to march : vadere, proficisci.
Tuni eram ineptus et ignarus. 2. Profane, wick- Llh.
ed profanus, impius. Salm. xxvi. 5. metr. " Baoth-
: * Bàrach, gen. of Bàir, or Bar, The sea mare. :

abh." £d. 1753. '•

Baoibh." Ross. " Daoi." S. D. 189. " Mar Charraig-bhàrach." S. D.
Kirk. ibid. 3. Evanescent, fleeting : evanescens, 186. As the rock of waves: sicut rupes un-
fluxus. darum.
" Mar cheud bualadh baoth
òrd, a' Barag, -aig, s. m. Vide Barrag.
" Chaoir o'n teallach dhearg m'a seach." Barail, -e, et Baralach, pi. Baralaichean,
Fitig. 490. s.f. (Barr, et Aill), An opinion : opinio, sententia.
As an hundred hammers alternately striking from " Bidh m' fhocal cho àrd ri stoirm,
the red (hissing) forge, streams of fleeting (sparks). " Bidh 'm barail gur mile th" ann."
Instar centum malleorum excutientium fluxas Fing. xii. 206.
scintillas (aciem scintillarum) ab incude rubra, al- My word shall be loud as the storm, they shall
think a ihousuiul un- prt >< nc. Eril verbuiu ineum 47. GertH. Bttlbitr. Frm. Barbier. Lai. Barba
tt^uf oltuin ar pruct-lla, t-ril tHiruiii ii|>iiuo i-»»e Prrt. jJjJ brrtxrr. (St-d apud (iaelos, rtu Aiujl.)
iiiilliu qua; uiLiuiK. ••
'Dm mi 'in bunul." C. S.
BAHBAiiitAtiii), a.
f. inJ. (Barbair), Tlie barbers
I tliiiik exittinio.

-e, -KAN, (. M. A baiTcl : inodius, duliuni.

trade : «r» toiisoria. S. C
" Harailiemi." Mr/. Ikril. Fr.
Bahbahka, tulj. Iturbarout: barbarus. 1 Cbr. xiv.
C. S. .V. //.
\\. iiuinj. 6rr/«. Barbar. Gr. Vofta^i. Ckald.
"12 Itur, extra, ibris. Span. Barbaru. \'ide
Uahaisd, -k, i. «I. Borate horago, : lierha. Voe.
Uahalacii, yrii. tint/, of Uarail, iiiik' Of, orbi'- <ulj.

opinion conjccturul, suppositious

Bar-brag, -aig, «.m. Tangle-tops, a species of fucut
iungiji^; to ; ad :

opiuiuiicni vcl conjccturani pertineus. " Tlia mi cast ashore iii May alga latifolia in liitus mense

baniUiih," potius, burulachadli. C S. I am of opi-
• Barbrog,
«. m.
llie barberr)' bush
Prut-in. Ijimij hlaml, Hra^-airi-.

nion mca est seutentia, puto.

spina acida :

Baralaciiadh. -ajdh, s. m. t-t prts. oxyacantlia. Uh.

part. v. Bara-
BÀRC, f -AÌKc, -A, -ANNAN, «. »1. 1. boat, a skiff, A
laich. Conjecturing : actus conjiciendi, ariolmidi.
C. S.
BÀHCA,/ a bark cymba, linter. ;

" Chuiinas barca brtiil-gheal fo ra' robg,

Bakalaicii, -idh, BH-, r. u. (Barail), Guess, tliiiik,

" Mar clicathach air osaig a' chuain."
: conjice, cogita, conjecta, ariolare.
C *3.
On. Vol. III. 488.
white sailed boat appeared in my sight, like mist
• Barandiuil, \.adj. (Bàrrail), Excelling: eximius.
on the blast of the ocean. Visa est cymba (cum)
li. MI). 19. 2. *•./. MSS. for Barail, q. v.
albis velis sub meo oculo, instar caliginis super
• BaramliUuli, a<ij. Censorious : mulcdicus, censo-
flatum oceani. 2. .\ billow, glut of water: fluc-
rcni ngeiis. MSS.
Baramhluicii, idii, BH-, r. a. ^'ide Baralaich.
agmen aqutt. ,S'. D. 3. Much multum. OR.
tus, :

Baran, -ain, s. hi. (Bàrr, et Aon), baron : baro, A A book liber. OR. et OB. B. Bnrt. Bark.
4. :

dynasta. i'oc. 41. if'el. Barwn.

Germ. Bark, navicula. Hcbr. ^^^^ beruha.
Germ. Baron,
vir nobilis. Vide Ji'ac/it. iii Voc.
BÀRC, -AiDH, BH-, r. «. (Bare, 2.) Rush, burst
out irrue, erunipe. Macf. V.
Baranacud, *'./ tW. (Barail), A barony : baronia,

BÀKCA, «./. S.D. 115. Vide Bare, 1.

dynastia, satrapia. C. S.
DÀRCACH, -AicHt, iulj. (Bare, 2.) Ilusliing in waves
• Baraiin, .«. ni. (Bara, p.) A degree, step : gradus.
or torrents
UÀ. impetu ruens, velut amnis aut fluctus.

Barann, -Aiuii, BH-, f. at. (Warrant,

B1I-, -IDH,

Barannaich, Atu/l.) Assure, warrant:

f. ind. (Bare, 1.) Embarkation in :
confimia, assevcra, affirma. " Baranaichidli, vel navem conscensio. C. S.
Barannaidh mise." C. S. Ill wantuU, confirm :
B.\RCADH, -AIDH, s. til. et pTts. poTt. v. Bàrc. Rush-
ing or pouring impetuously actus irruendi, vel e-
confimio, do vel dabo fidcm. :

Bara.nt, -AN', m. A support, surety, reliance, safe

nirapendi velociter. " Muir mòr a bùrcadh mum
guard fulcrum, vadimonium, fiducia, tutamen.
cheann." Oran. huge sea pouring impetuously over
" Is tu bu bharuitt dòchais domh." Sabn. xxii. 9. ray head. Ingens ductus irruens in caput m'euni.
• Bàrcaidli, -idh, bli-, v. «. (Bare.)
Embark : navera
metr. Thou «ast the surety of my hope. Tu eras
tutamen tiduciae mihi. Vox Ajigl. warrant.
conscende. O'R.
B.^RANT.'Vcii, -AicHE, adj. (Barant), Confident, as-
• Barc-lann, s. m. (Bare, a book, et Lann), A li-
6ure<l, warranting confidens, certus, confinnans.
brary bibliotheea. O'B.

Mac/. V. BÀRD, -À1RD, />/. B.\iRD, et BÀRDA, bard, poet A

Baraxtaich, -idh, BH-, bardus, poeta.
f. a. Macf. V. Id. quod.
Barann, Barannaich. " Mòr-ghaisg an Righ 's Innse Fàilc,
'• Trà sguab iad an àrach le cheile,
-E, «<^'. (Barant), Warrantable: legiti-
mus. Lth. am bard."
" Sheinn S. D. 3.
Baran'tas, -a is, *. m. (Barant), warrant, confi- A The great exploits of the king and the men of
dence, reliance, security mandatum, cautio, fidu- Jnnis-faU, when they swept the field of battle to-
cia, securitas. C. S. " Baratitas glacaidh, »•. m.

gether, —
the bard sung. Magna gesta regis, et
C. S. A
warrant of apprehending mandatum :
(homines) Innis-fail cum vastaverint campum prce-
lii unii, cecinit bardus. Ir. Wei. et Arm.
quo quis in jus rapitur. Sixin. BaiTunto. Basq. Barrd,
Barruntca. et Barg. Scot. Baird. Jam. Germ. Bardi, canto-
Barasach, -AICHE, adj. R.M^D. 117. Vide Bar- res veteruni gallorum. Wacht. Hind. c:J^, Uiai.
B.\RD, -ÀIRD, s. m. 1. A dyke, or fence: septum, se-
• Barath, s. in. Lying in wait insidians. Sh. ct pimentum.
.V. H. 2. A. guard, or garrison val-
OR. lum, presidium. O'R.

• Barba, i. e. Buirbe, *./. Severity saentia, seve- BÀRDACHD,

4./. jW. (Bard), Poetry: poesis. C.S.
ritas. Llh. >•
Bàrdaidlieachd." X. H.
• Bàr-baile, x. m. MSS. Vide Barr-bhalla. BÀRDA1L, -E, a<^". (Bard), Poetical: poeticus. C.S.
Barbair, -e, -ean, «. m. A barber tonsor. Voc.
2. Satirical satiricus. Macf. V. Ir.
Vol. I. N
• Bardal, s. >». A drake : anas. S/i. et OR. aidh a bha 'iia laimh." Breith. vi. 21. Then the
BÀRDALACiiu, s.f. irid. (Bardail), The quality of angel of the Lord put forth the end of the staff that
poetry or satire : poeseos, vel satire natura. C. 6'. was in his hand. Tunc extcnsit angelus Jehova;
BÀRDAN, -AiN, -AN, s. )», dim. of Bard. smattcrer A extremitatem scipionis illius qui erat in manu ip-
in poctr}', poetaster : vilis poeta. Voc. 99. mus. 3. A
crop, the harvest, corn : raessis, fru-
BÀKDAS, -Ais, «. m. (Bard), lampoon, satire : car- A ges, far.
men maledicum, satira. Sh. " Bha barra troma tir' againn." Turn. 360.
BÀRD-C1ILUICH, -CHLUICHE, s. »(. (Bard, et Ciuicli), We had heavy land crops, i. c. abundant harvests.
A dramatist poeta dramaticus, dramatum scrip-
: Erant fruges copiosa; (graves), nobis, i. A battle-
tor. Voc. ment turris. R. M^D. Gr. Baf(?. 5. Scum, suet,

• Barg, odj. Red hot : CaVidens. Llh. Sh. Vail, et fat floating on the surface, cream : spuma, sebum,

'Ay> berrak, flashing, shim"ng, pinguitudo in superficie fluctuans, et aqua: innatans,

O'R. Arab. <
lactis flos. C. S. 6. Excess, overplus : excessus,
bright as lightning. Chald. et Hebr. pl'2 barak,
additamentum. O'R, et C. S. Hence " A bhàrr,
OS bàrr," prej). adv. et conj. Besides, moreover :
Bargan, -AIN, -AN, s. M. bargain: pactum. Voc. A praeter, pra;terea, insuper. " bhàrr air so." A
118. Wei. Bargen. Fr. Barguigner. Itai. Bar-
Besides this prater hoc. " Os bàrr, tha
C. S. :

gagnare. JjOw Lot. Barganniare. Potius Vox do sheirbhiseach a' faotainn rabhaidh uatha." Salr/i.
xix. 11. Besides, thy servant receives warning
Baroanaich, -idh, BH-, V. a. (Bargan), Make a from them. Insuper, servus tuus accipit raonitio-
bargain : paciscere. Provin.
• Bargha], s. m. (Bàrr), Branches : rami. Llh. in nem ab iis. B. Bret. Bar. Hind. jIj bar, verge,

voc. Caileadha. Gilch. «Sto^. Bar barley

; : \\OTae\ivn. Jam. Maso.
BÀRLAG, -AiG, -AN, S.f. 1. Tag, shrcd, tatter: A Goth, Bar. Arab. jj\ ebr, punctum alicujus rei.
rhacoraa, panniculus. C. S. 2. tatter-demalion A Pers. jlj barr, fruit, flowers, blossoms. Hebr. "12
homo pannosus. C. S.
BÀRLAGACH, -AicHE, ad/. (Bàrlag), Ragged, clout- bar, frumentum. Gen. xli. 35.
ed pannosus, pannis obsitus. C. S.
BÀRR, -AiDH, BH-, V. «. (Barr, s.) Vide Bèarr, v.
BAR-LINN, -E, -EAN, S.f. Vide Bàirlinn. * Rarr, s. ?n. A helmet : galea. Llh. app.
BÀRLUAUH, -AiDH, *. m. term in pipe music : A BÀRR-BALLA, s. 711. (Barr, et Balla), A bartizan :

vox qufedam de musica tibise utricularis. Mac- lorica, pinncc murorum. Voc. 83. Sometimes
Cniimin. Barr alone is used in this sense.
BÀR-MHOR, -oiRE, odj. (Bàn', €t Mòr), Branchy : Barra, s. m.
* 1. A
spike: ferri pars cuspidata,
ramosus. clavus ferreus major. Sh.
" Do dhearg bar-mhor am measg nam bad." Barra, s. >». ind. A
bar, court of justice ; forum,
Tem. vii.328. curia.
Thy branchy stag in the midst of the groves. Tuus " Cuime 'm biodh tu 'g am àicheadh,
cervus ramosus in medio sylw'iarum. " 'N diugh aig beulaobh a' bliarra ?"
•Bam, «. 711. A judge judex, Llh. Wei. Barn. : Turn. 366.
Barnach, -aich, s.f. S. D. 185. Vide Bàirneach. Why shouldst thou to-day betray (deny) me in
BÀRNAIGEADH, -EiDH, -EAN, s. 7)1. Warning, sum- presence of the court ? Quamobrem me proderes
moning : citatio, vocatio in jus. C. S. Vide Bàir- liodie in medio foro ? Potius Vox Angl. Bar.
leigeadli. Barra-bhrisgein, s. in. (Barr, et Brisg), 1. Silver-
Baroii,, s./. Foe. 31. Vide Barail. weed argentina herba. C. S. Sh. et Ainsw.
; 2.
Baron, -gin, s. 711. Vide Baran. Moor grass, or wild tanzy : potentilla, anserina.
Barpa, -ANNAN, s. m. A rude conical heap of stones Lightf
raised of old, supposed to be as memorials of the ' Barrabròige, s. tn. Barberry tree oxyacantha. :

mighty dead tumulus ex lapidibus extructus, an-

: Llh. Id. q. Barbrog.
tiquitus. Isl. of Shj. Angl. Barrow which Dr ; Barracaideach, -eiche, adj. Proud, saucy, loqua-
Johnson says is used in Cornwall, for a hillock, cious : superbus, petulans, loquax. A. M'D. Gloss.
under which, in old time bodies have been buried. Babrach, -aich, s. m. (Barr). 1. Top branches of
Ant. Sax. iSu^tij, to hide, or bury. trees : rami summi arborum. Mac/'. V. Hebr.
BÀRH, -A, s. tn. 1. The top or summit of any thing: mS ^^/'«'•«c/', floruit niìì pherach, tìos. 2. Birch:

cacumen, vertex. " O

bhàrr do chiiin gu sail do betula. S. C 3. Tow stuppa. Llh. :

bhiiiivn." Oraii. From the crown of thy head to Barrach, -aiche, adj. (Barr), Overtopping, exces-
thy very heel. Ab summo capite tuo, ad calcem sive superans, nimius. C. iS'.
: Heaped, as a ves-
tui (plants pedis). .S". D. 5. " Bàrr-gruaig, barr- sel, filled over the brim : cumulatus, acervatus (de
cinn." Poeticè. The hair : crines. Llh. " BàiT- vasibus nimium plenis). Macf. V. Scot. Bardach,
dliuinne." C S. A growing youth adolescens, : Bardy. Jam.
juvenis. Span. Barragan. Basq. Berreguin. 2. Barrachaol, -aoil, s.7n. (Barr, et Caol), A pyra-
A point, end, extremity, tip : cuspis, apex. " An mid : pyramis. Voc. 165.
sin chuir aingeal an Tighearnu mach bàrr a bhat- Barrachas, -ais, s. m. (Barrach, adj.) 1. Over-
15AK 99 BAR
|Jus: mlJinuncmum. LUt. 'i. (Ban-, et C«s, €u^'.) of Bàrr. i. A ra({g«d voverii^ : TMtit p«OfM>u.
curltil liuir ; nipilli iri!i|i»ai. Uh. C. S.
Bakkasv, «. m. .Stihn. xxij. 9. Vtdv Bdmiit.
niiuiuui, exii'ssus. Miicf. I', t-t '. .V Mori;
t. Uauh.\s, -Ai», «. m. Pruetti. Id. 4. BurrscltJ.

plu^. " £<irr«ifA</ i'òluis oirblu" ^/l'.) Mori' know BAHHAsAtii, -Auiit., lulj. (UlUTil^l, L>>*tiiif;ui»hed,
liiU'e"of jou, more uc'tjuaiiitaiKC- "with you : (tlic excelU-ul : pntclaru», tluMgut», vxtt^UM. Ji- M'D.
common salutation in drinking to, or |>ariing with 117.
a stranger). Plus notititt, vcl conniicnii voblsfuni. Baiiu'-iiiiailc, -LAN, s. m. (Uàrr, M Baik), Knta-
3. SiiptTÌority, niastcrv imvstantia, nuigisteriuni.
: bluture, u curnict-, urcKitnt\e : epl^l^llUIn, /o|>ho-
•• Tha Utrntc/ul nan ddii duit t"èin." riu, el corona, qua- Dunnnuruni tunt ornunieiitii co-
Fitu/. V. 47C, luniuuruni. I'oc. H3.
Ttie mastery of song is thine own. list niagistc- Bahu'-uiialla, -bhalladh, -aioii, «. m. (Burr, et
riuni earniinum tibi ipsi. Ballu, vel Balladli), Battlements, u purapel, u but-
Darhachdail, -e, ad/. (Harraih, adj.) Surpassing, tress : pinna;, lorii a, fulcruu, tuitrrkle>, crÌMua.
bold, bnive : superans, nudax, fortis. Marf. V. I oc. HS.

Bakradii, -AIDH, *.»!. 1. A Cropping: tonsio. CS*. BÀUR-BI11I-E, «. wi. (Bàrr, et Bile), A conute : co-
\'ide Bearradh. 2. A hinderance inipedinientura. : rona, project ura. Jtf.SVS'.

Sh. BÀitK-BiiL'llJllE, Vellow-iopped, yellow-headtd,


B.1RRA0, -AIG, -AN, «../^ (Bàrr). 1. Scum: spuma. or Itaired habens flavum caput, tlavum vertkeiu,

C. S. 2. Fat on the surface of water piuguitudu : Havos crines, tluvucuminatus.

summo? aqua? innatans. 3. A young girl puellu, :
" Togail an gorm sliiil tlàth,
puellula. Provin. 4. A knot nodus. O'B. 5. :
" U n leudau barr-bhuidJt uir sJiabli nam flatli."
A rod, switch : virga. C. S. (i. A stitch, oppres- Tvm. vii. 3à6.
sion in sickness: lateris, pectoris, vel intestinorum Raising their mild blue eyes from (beneath) their
dolor, afgritudinis oppressio. OH. ct Provin. 7. golden locks, on the field of heroes. ToUentes
Grappling, wrestling : luctatio, conflictus. Llh. 8. suos ca^ruleos oculos blaodos, a sum capillù ilava-
A posset calidum infuso viiio, cerevisia. Sec.
: lac cuminatis, super clivo priucipura.
coagulatum. Macf. V. 9. .\ thin pellicle collect-\ais-nan-co.v, «. m. (Barr, Braonan.
ing on the surface of boiled milk pellicula in : et CÙ), Tormentil, or septfoil : tormcBtilla erecta.
summa lacte cocio. ('. S. Scot. Brats. Ligktf.
• Barrag, -aidh, bh-, r. a. Grapple, embrace : am- Bàrh"caideach, -eiche, o/^'. a. M'D. Vide Barr-
plectere, contlictare. Ufi. et OS. acaideach.
Barrag-ruadii, -aidu, s.f. The herb, Glaucea. BÀRK-CHAS, -chaise, fK^'. (Barr, et Cas, adj.[. Curl-
Pi. Suppl. haired crines habens cijicinnatos. UJi.

Barraichte, adj. (Burr), Surpassing, excelling : su- ' Barr'chust, *. in. Pericranium. .S'/i. et OR.
perans, supereminens. Ann 's gach càs a bhiodh " Barr-de.\rg, -eirge, t.f. (Barr. et Deargl, Sea-
barraichte." Macinty. 64. excelled, on every Who gilly-flo« er, thrift : statice armeria. Liyhtf'.
trying occasion. In quaquc difficultatc, qui esses Barr-delbhaidh, s. m. (Barr, et Deubhadb}, .\

supereminens, Arab. gjU battlement : lorica muri. Bibl. Gloss.

haria, excelling in vir-
Barr-dhealg, -EiLG, -AX, if.
f. A liair-bodkin : a-
tue, or science. Pers. ^j^ Ixtny, best, worthiest.
C11& crinalis, discemiculum. C. S.
Barraidm, The island Barra Barra insula,
t.f. : Barr-dhias, -eis, s.f. (Barr, et Dias), The blade
i. e. •• The extreme point, or south ex-
Bàrr-ì," or point of a sword : lamina vel mucro gladii.
tremity of the island, viz. Long Island. Macf. V.
Barr.\idheachd, s. f. iiid. LUt. Vide Barraehd, Barr-dhriop.air, -e, -ean, A butler: pincema.
s. m. Voc. 46.
• Barraighin, s.f. A mitre : mitra, infula. Uh. • Barr-dog, s. m. A
box, pannier, hamper corbis, :

Barrail, -ALA, adj. (Bàrr). 1. Excellent : exi- cophinus, sporta. Uh.

mius, egregius. Macinty. 97. 2. Gay. sprightly, Bahr-eutroìi, -uimEj adj. (Biirr, et Eutrom), Nim-
generous laetus, hilaris, generosus. Maif. \
: '. ble, quick celer, vividus, acer. C. H,

• Barraist, s.f. Llh. A'ide Baraisd. B.ARR-FHioNN, ( Vulg. Barrunn), adj. (Barr, et Fioim).
Barr-a-mhìsleik, s.w. Bird's foot trefoil: lotus Wliite-headcd, fair-headed albos (non canos) ha- :

coniiculatus. Lightf. bens capillos. C. S.

'Barramhuil, at/j. Generous generosus. L/h. : Barr-gueal, -ile, adj. ^^'hite-topped : candidum
Vide etiam Barrail. habens jugum, vcl vcrticem. •• Mar thonna btirr-
Barras, -ain, -an-, *. m. (Bàrr). 1. A hedge, or ffheal a chuain mhòir." GaoLiaad. 11. As tlte
top.fence of heather, or thorns : sepimcntum ex white-topped waves of the mighty ocean. Sicut
erica vel spinis factum. '• Garadh-càil
air am bi tluctus surumis-dorsis-albis oceani magni.
barran." Macinty. U6. A kitchen-garden [Scot. B.arr-ghxiomu, s. m. (Barr, et Gniomh), Superero-
kail-yard), having a top-fence. Hortus olitorius gation operum superfluitas. I'oc.

cnm sepimento. 2. The eldcT-tree sambucus. : Bahr-ghniomhacu, -AicHX,m^. (Barr, et Gniomh),

MSS. 3. Mountain tops : montium juga. Plur. Supertluous : super\-acaneus. C. S.
S 2
c, \ -AN, s. m. (Bàrr, et Gucag),
-uic, which dieth of itself. Quod morticinum est. More
CHD, j"
blossom, flower-blossom: corol' frequently, " Faigh bas."
la, flos, flosculus. C. S. Basaidh, -ean, s. m. A basin pollubmm. C. S.

Barr'-gùg, -a, s. m. A
potatoe blossom : solani tu-
Fr. Bassin. Scot. Bassie. Jam. Hind. ^jwL
berosi corolla. C. S.
bastm, a vessel. Gilch.
Barr'-iall, -bill, -an, s.m.ctf. (Bàrr, et lall). I. BAsAiL, -E, adj. (Bas), Deadly : mortalis, lethalis.
A latcliet : corrigia, ligula.
Macf V.
" Bucuill a' dùnadh ar bròg ;
• Basal, m. 1. Judgment: judicium. Llh.
s. 2.
" Se 'm barr-iall bu bhòidliche leinn."
A judge judex. MSS.

Maciyity. 140.
BÀSALACHD, s.f. ind. (Bàsail), Mortality : mortali-
Buckles tightening our shoes ; the latchet we tas. Macf. V.
counted more becoming. Fibulae constringentes Bàs'ar, adj. Vide Bàsrahor.
calceos nostros, corrigire fuissent nobis magis de- • Bas-ascanas, «. m. The bass music
in : imus mu-
corae. Also, a leather thong, used for binding the sicae sonus. Llh.
2. Manacles manica. " Ghearr
shoe-latchets. :
Basbaire, -EAN, *. m. A fencer: gladiator. Llh. et
mi am barr-iall (a biiarr-iall) o 'làimh." Calth. et Steiv. Gloss.
Caol. 325. I cut the manacles from off his hand.
Bas-bhualadh, -biiualaidh, s. m. (Bas, et Bual-
Secui ego summa lora ab ejus manibus. adh), A palms in grief: manuum
striking of the
Barr-mhaise, s. m. (Bàrr, et Mais), A cornice: co- plausus, planctus. " Bas-bhualadh bhan 's glas-
rona, projectura. Voc. 83.
chomhartaich chon." Sgeul. The shrieks of women,
Barr-rochd, m. (Bàrr, et Rochd, Angl.),
s. The and the howling of dogs. Planctus mulierum, ulu-
broad-leaved tangle alga marina latifolia. : He- latio canum.
brid. • Basbruidheach, adj. Lecherous libidinosus. Llh. :

Barr-staimh, s. m. Provin. (Bàrr, et Stamh). Vide et MSS.

Barr-rochd. * Basbruidheachd, s.f. Lechery : libido, appetitus,
Barr-tàchair, s. tn. (Bàrr, et Tachar), Crop sprung obsccenitas. Llh. et MSS.
from seed left in the ground from the former au- * Base, adj. 1. Round: rotundus. Llh. 2. Red,
tumn : seges e semine in terra relicto a priore au-
or scarlet ruber, seu pceniceus. 3ISS.

tumno. C. S. • Bascach, -ich, -an, s. m. catch-pole, bailiff: A

Barr-thonn, -uinne, s.f. (Bàrr, et Tonn), A lofty Sh.
wave : fluctus altus. S. D. 8.
Bascaid, -e, -ean, s.f. basket : quasillus. Llh. A
• Barrugal chrann, s. m. Branches of trees : rami " Barbara de Pictis venit Bascauda Bri-
et C. S.
arborum. Llh. Wei. Basgawd, et Bas-
tannis." 3Iartial. Epigr.
BÀRUIG, -iDH, BH-, V. a. Stew. Gloss. Vide Bàirig.
B'aruille, s. 7)1. Voc. 90. Vide Baraill.
BÀS, -BÀIS, s. m. Death mors. " Cha'n eagal has,
Bascairm, «. m. A circle : circulus. Llh.

ach ruaig." Firig. ii. 103. Death is no ten-or,

* Bascall, -ill, -an, s. m. A wild man in the woods :
satyrus, sylvaticus. Sh. et O'R.
but defeat. Non est metus, mors, sed fuga. Germ. * Bascarnaich, -e, s.f. I. Lamentation lamenta- :

Bas, infra. Gr. Bixfoj, profundus. Arab. (j».L tio, ploratio. Llh. 2. Stammering : titubatio,

baas, adversity, calamity Arab, haesitaiitia. JJSS.

; ^^faiiz, death.
• Bas-cart, (Base, adj. et Cairt),
s. tn. Cinnamon :

j*^ liebaz, mortuus fuit ;

jIj? abaz, sudden death ; cinnamomum. Llh.
Jiji vazvaz, death. Vail. Hebr. ty^^3 baash, pu- » Bas-chailc, s.f. (Base, adj. et Cailc), Ruddle : ru-
brica. Sh.
truit ; U?3 bas, death.
Bas-chairnte, adj. Globular globosus. Sh.
» :

Bas, Boise, dat. Bois, pi. Basan, Basa, s.f. The

* Bas-chi-iath, s.f. Llh. Vide Bas-chailc.
palm of the hand vola. " Buailibh bhur basan,:
Basdal, -All,, s. m. Noise, glitter, gaiety of ap-
uile shlòigh." Salm. xlvii. 1. Clap your hands all
pearance strepitus, nitor, splendor speciei.
: W.
ye people. Plaudite manu, omnes populi. Wei.
Bys. Corn. Bez. Arm. Bez, a finger.
Basdalach, -AicHE, a<^". \. Gay, showy: laetus,
Bas, -ais, s.f. A wheel spoke radius rota. : Btbl.
speciosus. Macf. V. 2. Cheering : liilarans.
" Nuair thig a ghloine bhasdalach."
Bas, -ais, s. m. 1. Tlie hollow, or concave part of
Madniy. I5L
a club : clavas concavum. C. S. 2. Provincial, for
When the cheering glass comes (round). Cum ca-
Bathais, q. v.
lix vitreus (bibendi) (circum) venerit.
Basa, for Basan, Palms of the hands. Vide Bas.
Basdard, -aird, -ean, m. A bastard: nothus. s.
Basach, -aiche, adj. (Bas, a spoke). Streaked, va-
A. M'-D. Wei. Bas-tardd, low birth Basdarz, of ;
riegated: coloribus variatus. Maciitty. 119.
low growth, or base extraction. Vide Baxter in
Bàsachadh, -aidh, s. m. et pres. part. v. ^àsaxch,
Voc. Germ. Bastard. " Non inepte forsan vulgo
dying : moriendi status. Voc. 138.
a Basso, seu vili, humili, et art. genus." Leibti.
Bàsaich, -IDH, BH-, V. ti. (Bàs), Die morire.
: " An Basgaire, s.f. ind. (Bas, s. et Gaoir). 1. A mournful
ni sin a bhàsaicheas leis fein." Lebh. xxii. 8. That
clapping of hands lugentium plausus, planctus.
iS*. 2, i. c. " Sff«l |>i.>b»," Ti»» «ouiid of a war- «Aft, «AhA. If'rl. Bad. Germ. Bot. Ilal. Ba-
pipe : tibiit* bi'llicje soiius. Oran. it llo. Stvt. liuii. JaiM. Fr. Bateau. //. Brrt.
Bash-lI ATii, f. imi. (Httsi,
$. («i/. et
Luulh), Vcr- Bad, But. Dutrh B.K>t, buli-llus, batiola. Spr/m.
inillion : minium. Vim: bb. Gloss. Spun. Batel. Hihk/. Balelu. S/iatist-r.
Baslach, -aicii, -ean, t. m. (Bas), Ahundlul :
I'eda, a ship. Arab. »i^ wtda, Suaìì'» ark. C/uiùl.
quantum vula capit. C. S. Iil. q. Hoslach.
Tyn b(uid.
UÀs-iAcì, -AiGE, -AS, «. «I. (Bàs, et I^ig, ».), A place Bataciias, -ain,
ol" execution: locus supplicii. Sh.
-a.m, t.m. dimin. of Bala, A little
btuif: bacillum.
Uasli'a 111, -rAiTiiK, («//. (l$as, et Luatli, tulj.), BÀ r Acii AN, -Ais, t. m. el/, dimin. of BàU, (But read
(juiclv-lmiuled nianu proni|)tus. li. M'D.
wiili a masculine article), A little boat : navigiu-
BAsMiioH, -oiKE, (utj. (Bus, et Mar, <7</r.), Mortal, lum linter. C. S.
deadly, lalal niortalis, mortit'er, latalii».
: " Aig
Batadii, -Aiuii, t. m. et prts.part. v. Bat. " Fliuair
an bàsmhor air a teifjiieas." Taisli. xiii.
robli a tot
e 'bhatudh." ii'. 11. He lias got his cudgelling.
i'i. That had il^ ileiully wound healed. C'ujus Accepit fu>tuaruiii (suuiu). 2. Id. i\. But, s.
curata I'lierit plaga lethalis. " Air an aohhar sin
Bataii., \ -E, -i;an, »•. w. (fursan, Bit, (iliabliail).
na rioghaiclieadh am peacadli aim bhur corp baa- Batailte, A
j skirinisli, a tight: prorlium, certa-
tnJior." Rom. vi. 12. Therelbre let not sin reij;n men. " Arm ad Mucduuy. In
chulaidli bhutailtt."
in your mortal body. Ij^itur ne regnafo peccatum
thy martial garb. lu tuo vestitu milituri. 2. A
in vestro coqwre mortali.
threat, or threatening mina.-. LUi. Scot. Bataill. :

BÀS.MHOHAC1ID, s.f. i/«/. (Basiiilior), Mortality: nior-

Jam. Spun, et Basq. Batalla. Fr. Bataille.
talitos, " Chum gu bibàxmhorachd air a slugadh Bataui, -e, -KAN, /H. *•. 1. A cudgcller : qui fuste
suas te beatha." 'i Cor. v. +. That mortality may caedit, (in a low sense). 2. Xa idler : erro, cessa-
be swallowed up of lile. Ut tnortalitas absorbea-
tor. Ma<f. V.
tur a vita.
Bataireachu, s.f. ind. (Batair), 1. cudgelling: A
• Basoille «. »i. A vassal, a tenant : cliens, colo-
fustuarium. C. S. 2. Idleness, laziness: cessa-
nus. I Of.
tio, ignavia. C. S.
Basbaich, *./. htd. (Bas), A mournlul clapping of BATH, -AiDH, BH-, r. a. Drown merge. " Nacli :

hands, a wailing, sliriekiiig : lugentiura plausus,

tilgear a mach, agus iiach bàthur e, mar gu 'm b'
fremitus, planctus.
ami le amhainn na h- Eiphit ? A/nog. viii. 8. Shall
" is' a' hasraich"
it not be cast out, and drowned, as with the flood
" A'tJiomadli a h-osnaich air ceo." S. D. 131.
of Egypt ? Annon expelletur, et submergetur sicut
She wailing, pouring her groans on the mist. Ilia rivo .Tigyjjti? 2. Quench: extingue. .Vat/. I'.
in actu plangeudi, efiundens gemitus suos in ne-
Potius, Much, Coisg, q. V. 3. Die, perish, faint
morire, peri, languesce. Sh. Germ. Bad. B. Bret.
Bastalach, -AiCHE, adj. Vide Basdalach. Gr. BaTTi/, mergo
Buisi. ; Boulo;, ])rofuuditas ; Ba-
• Bassa, s. m. (Bus), Fate, or fortune : fatum, I'jf,proftindus.
fortune. LJh. m.
• Biith, s. 1. The sea: mare. Sh. et O'B.
Bastul, -fiL, s. m. Vide Basdal.
BÀSL'CliADH, s. m. et pres. jxirt. Vide Bàsachadh. Arab. a4>Ij baheh. 2. Thirst : sitis. i. e. Path-
B.\suicii, -iDH, BII-, f. «. Vide Bàsaich. adh. MSS. 3. Death, murder : mors, cieiles.
Bat, 1 -A, -AciiAN, s. m. A statF, baton, cudgel Llh.
Bata, j fustis, baculum. • Bath. Lih. Vide Bà, s.
" 'S ioma buacliaille air fuar clinoc," Bath, -ÀITHE, adj. Foolish, childish : stolidus, pu-
" Agus cuaille Ixit' aige." Turn. 26. erilis. C. S. Id. q. Baoth.
Many a herdsman on the cold hill, with his pon- BATH, -ÀITH, «. m. A fool, a simpleton, cliild stu]- :

derous cudgel. Multi arnientariorum super algido tus, ineptus, puer. " 'S furasd" am bath a mheal-
colli et grave baculum illis. " Sata laoich," A ladh. Profin. It is easy to deceive the simpleton.
hero's staff : fustis herois. H. Bret. Baz-loacc. Pel- Facile est decipere incptuni.
ht. Ir. ©AcrA. B. Bret. Baz. A/iffl. Siij:. Bat, BÀTHACH, -Aicu, pi. Baithchean, s.f. 1. AbjTe:
Batte. Germ. Batt. Fr. Baton. Eiiff. Bat. bovile. N. H. \'ide Bathaiche. 2. For " Bàith-
S/uikesj). K. Lear, Act i. Sce/te 6. Gr. Bare;. each," Marshy ground : humus paludosa. C. S.
Inde, liastinado. Hebr. 13 bad. BÀTHADH, -AIDH, «. «I. et prts. part. v. Bath. 1.

Bat, -aidii, bh-, r.a. (Bat, .«.), Beat, cudgel: pulsa, Drow ning mergendi actus. C. S,
: 2. A faint,
fuste aliquem caede. S. Germ. Battir. Fr. C swoon animi dehquium. Prvvin.

Battre, Boutir. But tare. Span. Botar. Ital. BÀTUAICHE, BÀiTHCHEAK, s. M. (Bà, et Theach),
BÀTA, w. et/. (Bead always with a mas-
-AiciiEAS', s. A byre a cow-house bovile. C. S.
: :

culine article), A boat cymba. " Stiùireadair a :

• Bathainte, pi. Cattle spoil ; pra^a bouni. JISS.

bhàta." Camp. 154. The steersman of tlie boat. (i. e. Bò-thàinte).

Gubernator cymbae. " Fear bata." A boatman :
Bathaire, -ea.v, s. m. (Bath, et Fear). Vide
remex. Scot. Batward. Jam. " J?à<'-aiseig. A ' Baodhaire. C. S.
ferry-boat: navigium, vectoria navicula.CVw. "Bàt' Bathais, -e, -ean, s.
f. fore-head
1. A
frons, :

iasgaich." A fishing-boat : navicula piscatoria. Ir. sinciput. " Agus ma tha 'na cheann maol, no 'fta
BE A 10« BEA
b/iatJtaù mhaoil, crcudid bliàn càil-eigin dearg." Behold TjTc nlsn pcce, Tyrum ctiam.
• 2. Per-
Lebh. xiii. 42. And if there be in liis bald liead, ception, feeling ; perceptio, sensus.
Quiim " Cha robh mi cho dorcha gun biieacha."
or bald forehead, a white reddish sore.
autem erit in ipsius loco culvo, aut in recalvo plaga Fing. iv. 15.
alba subrubida. " Bathais nighte," washed A I was not so benighted, and void of perception.

face. Scot. Bassnj't. Jam. 2. (jiff.) Fonvardness, Non fui ego ita obscuratus, sine visu. 3. An
ihipudence : audacia, impudentia, arrogantia. " 'S idea, mind, opinion, estimation cogitatio, mens, :

ann ai^ad tha 'hhathais / How very impudent thou sententia, arbitratus. " Tha e san aon bhcathd."
art Quam impiidens tu es C. S.
! Job. xxiii. 13. He is in one mind : est ille in
B.\THAiSEACii, -EiCHE, n(^'. (Bathais). 1. Of or be- una mente. " A reir mo bheachd.'^ C. S. In my
longing to the foreliead ad sinciput vel os, per- : opinion ad sententiam meam.
: 4. Ambition am- :

tinens. " IXvuemnoX-bhathaiseach." Lehh. xiii. 41. bitio. " Tha beaciid mòr ann." C. S. He is very
He is forehead-bald : recalvaster est. 2. Assum- ambitious. IMultum cupiditatis (honoris) inest illo.
ing, bold-fronted, impudent : aiTogans, frontis au- 5. Carriage, behaviour : gestus, mores. Llh. 6.
dacis. C.S. Sense^ judgment mens, judicium. " Chaidh e

Bathal, Vide Badhal.

-il, s. m. thar a bheachd, as a bheacM." S. He is out C
Bathar, -ain, «. m. Wares, merchandise merx. : of his senses, he is deranged. Ahenatus a sanitate
" Bathar òir agus airgid, agus chlach luachmhor." mentis est. 7. Conceit : nimia arrogantia. " Fein
Taisb. xviii. 12. The merchandize of gold, and bheachd." Voc. Self conceit : nimia sui arrogan-
silver, and precious stones. Merces auri argenti- tia. 8. An aim : collineatio.
que lapidumque pretiosorum. Id. q. Badhar. " Geur-shaighde laoich, 's ro chinnteach beachd."
" Bath-ghorm, (i. e. Liath-ghorm), *. m. A light Sahn. cxx. 4. metr.
blue CKruleum evanidum. Llh.
: Sharp arrows of the mighty, of surest aim. Acuta
BÀ-THIGH, s. m. or/. Voc. 85. Vide Bathaiche. sagitt<E robusti (wi) quarum certissima est coUine-
Bathlach, -aich, «. m. Vide Balach. atio. 9. Surety securitas, vadinionium. " Gu

* Bathlan, «. m. 1. Flux of the sea: fluxus maris. beachd," adv. Surelj-, evidently, clearly plane, :

,S7;. 2. A calm tranquillitas, malacia. Sh.: certè. Sahn. metr. pass. 10. A circle, ring cir- :

et OB. culus, annulus. Z./^. et Vet. Scriptor. omn. "Beachd

BÀTH-SHRUTH, -A, -AN, s. »1. A Calm Stream : aqua maraiche, A mariner's compass pyxis nautica.
' :

tranquilla, vel leniter fluens. Llh. I Of. 112. 11. A multitude multitudo. Sh. et :

* Batros, s. w. Rosemarj- : rosmarinum. Llh. OB.

B'i, for Bu È, 3d. pers. sinff. pret. iitd. irreg.v. Is. He - v. a. (Beachd, s.) Compass,
Beachd, -aidh, bh-,
or it was : fuit ille vel illud. " B'e sin ian-tas do embroilambi, amplectere. Sh.

cliridhe." C. S. That was the desire of thy heart. Beachdachadh, -aidh, s. m. et pres. part. v.
Id erat desiderium animi tui. Beachdaich. ^'iewing, considering : actus videndi,
' Be, s.f. 1. Life vita. Sh. et Llh. Vide Beatha.
: contemplandi. JIacf. V.
2. A wife, woman : uxor, feniina. Llh. et Sh. BFirHDAicH. -IDH, BH-, J', w. (Beachd). 1. Observe,
" Ri," Exist. Be, in the latter sense, relates attend animadverte. C. S.
: 2. !Mark, certify, as-

to Beatha, as Eve to the Hebr. chavah, vixit, sure nota, certum fac, confirma.
: " Cha bheachd-
and tcife, to vivo. aich sud a h-àite." S. D. 96. Eye shall not mark
Beabh, s. f. A tomb, or grave : sepulclirum, bus- its place. Oculus non notabit locum ejus.
tum. Sh. et OB. Beachdaichte, Beachdaich.
adj. et perf. part. v.

Beabhar, -ain, s. 7ÌI. A beaver: castor, fiber. Llh. Ascertained, certain certus. C. S. :

* Beacan, s. in. A mushroom : fungus. Llh. Beachdail, -e, adj. (Beachd). I. Judicious, obser-
* Beacama, s.f. A common prostitute: meretrix vant, prudent, attentive sagax, prudens, attentus. :

publica. Sh. et OB. C. S. 2. High minded animo elatus. C. S. 3. :

Bkach, -a, -an, s. m. A bee : apis. Llh. " Chuar- Circular» roundish circularis, subrotundus. Llh. :

taich iad mi mar hheachaihh." Sahn. cxviii. 12. et omn. Script. Vet.

Tliey compassed me about as bees. Circum- Beacudair, -e. -ean, s.yn. (Beachd, et Fear). 1. A
dederunt me tanquam apes. Germ. Bien. Sax. spy : explorator. Macf. V. 2. A critic : criticus.

Beo. ^-A. et OB.

Beachach, -aiche, adj. (Beach), Full of bees : Beachdaireachd, s.f. hid. (Beachdan), Criticism :

apum plenus. 3Iacf. V. O'B.

ars critica.
Beachaire, -an, s. m. A bee hive : alvearium. Sh. Beachd-àite, -ean, s. m. (Beachd, et Aite), A
Beachan, «. m. Vide Beach. watch-tower phams, specula. Macf. V. :

Beachan -chapull, -uill, s. m. (Beach, et Ca- Beachdalachd, s.f. bid. (Beachdail). 1. Circum-
pull), A wasp : vespa. Sh. et O'B. Properly, a spection, caution, attention : circumspectio, cau-
horse-fly : asilus. tio, consideratio. C. S. 2. Ambition, ambitio.
Beachd, s. m. pi. -A, -AN. 1. Notice, observation : Voc. 36. 3. Self-conceit : nimia sui arrogantia.
notitia, observatio. C.S.
" Gabh beachd air Tirus mar an ceudn'." Beachd-bhorb, -uirbe, adj. (Beachd, et Borb),
Sahn. Ixxxvii. 4. metr. Haughty fastosus, superbus. MSS.
Beachd-sceii, -EoiL, ». m. (Brtchil, M Sgeul), In- mannerly; inurbanus. Miuf. V. 3. I'tdiutiii-, ca-
tom»«tioi>: nuiitium. .Viu^'. V. pricious : insuUuti, inuroius, pritinak. I'. S. Ptrt.
flEAciiD-siiviLEArii, -EiciiE, oitf. (Beachd, et Soil),
tfjy Arr/i, de^iravitV.
Minuti-lv obsi-nant oculo» habeub peqietuò at- :

BEAUAIDHEACIIt), $. f. titd. IWaiUidhl. I. IniptT- (

tt*iit«»s. C. S.
tinence, impudrnce, l'orl»'a^dll^6^, jietubince awo- :
litAi iii>-siii'L, -A, .«. m. (Beaclid, et Sail), Obsena-
guiitia, ini|>udi-niiu. I'. S. 'À. liK-ÌMlity, rudme«A .

lioii, viiiou obsenantin, \'isio. Macf. Par. \\. 14.


rusticitHs. 8. l*eduiiir>, cuprtciouftne»» HimiIm-


ta*. morositus. ('. S.

«. m. et /<mi. part. v. UoaclMj-Muauiiiich. M«,*Jiia-
• Beadaidliean, s. m. I. A «coffer: irrikor. UJi.

tioii : (.'oiiU'iiuilatio, ai'lus iiii-tlitandi. m-cuiii vulvt'ii-

2. \ )iara!>ite: panisitus. Sh. Vide Ueiidit(ntJi-

di. •• Agus ciioidli Isiutc u iiiaih u Umu-iul-muiiaiii-

• I^adaiglie, i. m. A Hatten-r : adulator. Sh.
• Beailan, «t. ni. Calumny caluiniua, detraetiu.
tachaJh sail rtiuiclK' mu llicasguir." Gen. xxiv. ti3.

Aud \inixc went uut to iiu-ditato in tlie titld at tlie

• Beadiuiachd, t. f. Scurrility, caUimniuting ver- :

evtii tide. Et cfiri'ssus i-st Jititihak ad lueditaii-

benim opprobria, actio calumnaiidi k-u detra-
duiu in ugro, appeti'iitc vcspcra.
hendi. i/Ii.
-s.Mi'AiNTicii, -iDH, B1I-, V. 11. (Bcachd, I't Suuioin-
Beadahha( It, -AUiiE. adj. (Beadradh). 1. Frolic-
some, fond, sj)ortive la-tabundus, lascivuK, pro-
icli, if.) Meditate: nieditare, aiiinio volve, j)er-
cax. C. S. )!. Fam|>ered, indulged : delicatui-,
peude. '• Air t-oitlieantaibli hnwhd-smiuiinuhidh
Macf. V.
cui niinium indulgetur.
mi." Sabii. cxi.x. Ij. prose. On thy precepts I
Beadrach, -arii, »./. (Beadradli), A pla)ful girl
will iiKxlitate. De iiiandatis tuis tueditabor.
puella ludibunda. A. M'D.
Beacudta, tuij. (Beaclid), Certain, sure, accurate
cert us, persuasum liabens, accuratus. " Sgeula Beadradm, -aidh, «. ni. 1. A fondling, toying,
ai-t>n en\,jndi, niniiuro indul-
IxxwJidta. S. An C atturale Ucuiil noiiotlo a/>. .
plaj-inp, carfssinsT •

genai, ludendi, nugandi, ineptiendi. C. S. 2.

cunite diciu.
Foiulness, endearment : indulgeiitia, blandimenta.
Be.\cii-e.\c!i, -eiche, »./. wasp vespa. Miirf. V. A :

Macf. V.
Vide S|)eacJi. " Beach-eacli uihòr." hornet A
Bead-fhaclach,1 -aichf.o^^'. (Beadaidh, et Focal),
crabro. BiU. Giost.
-FllocLACil, / Impudently loquacious lo- :
Bfacii-i-ann, -a, -as, s.f. \ (Beach, Lann, et
quax cum impudentia. MSS. et C. S.
Beacii-thigii, -e, -ean, «. »1. ) Tigli), bee-hive A :
• BeadHioraobhadh, «. m, (Bead, a book), A regis-
al\eariuin. Voc. 77. Genn. Beute, alveus apuiu.
• Beaclilannach, s.f. .\ place for bee-liives
ter, commentary : actorum codex, commenta-
locus :

rius. S/i. et Oii.

ubi «istuiitur alvearia. Uh.
• Beachran, -aidh, bli-, c a. Grieve, trouble : an-
Beadlidh, adj. ^'ide Beadaidli.
Beaduidheaciid, x.J'. imL \'ide Beadaidheachd.
ge, niolestiu affice. Sh.
Vide Beud.
Beag, eomp. Lugha, adj. (Sometimes Bige), </cn.
' Bead,*./. Mac/. ì'.
•• IVuch
Bliig, Bige. Little parN-us. a nis, tli*
• Beatl, »."/». 1. A trick: dolus. Sfi. 2. Flatte-

'm baile ud am fogus gu teiclieadh d' a iunn».uidh,

ry : adulatio. S/t. 3. Pity : niisericordia. S/i.
agus e l>eaff; leigear dhomh a nis teiclieadh an
Vide Beud. 4. A book : liber. I «//. i/j Voc.
sud, (nach beaff e?) Gcti. xix. 20. Behold now
Bed. Pcrg. JkAj òeifi, a book, treatise. this city is near to flee unto, and it is a little one
Beadachd, s. f. ind. Macf. V. Aide Beadaidh- let me escape thither, (is it not a little one.- Ec- 1

eaclid. ce nunc civitatem istam propinquitatc sua coramu-

Beao.\c, \ -AiG, -AS, s.f. (Beadaidb), \n impu- dam ad fugiendum illuc, qua: est exigua; liceat noi-, J dent, or petulant woman mulier im- : hi nunc me eripere illuc, (nomie iila exigua.-*)
pudens vel petulans. C. S. " Beag nach," " 'S beag nach," Almost fere. :

Beada(;ak, -ain, -ax, «. in. (Beadaidli), An impu- • 'S beag nach fobh m' anani na tluiiuh gu tus-
dent, or trifling fellow, a puppy homo impudens, : dach?" Salm. xciv. 17. My soul had almost
ineptulus. dwelt in silence. Parum abest quiu liabitasset
" A b/ieadagatn duibh, anima mea silentio. " 'S ^«»47 orm thu." C. S.
Prab-shuil air chrith, I hate or despise you. Odi vel contemptui te ha-
Much a mo thigh."
R. D. beo. " li betig ortn coimlithional luchd uilc."
Thou black-headed, blear-eyed puppy, turn out of Salht. xxvi. j. I hate the congregation of evil

my house ! Tu niger ineptule lippe, exi domo doers. Odi congregationein maJeticorum. Used
mea ! '• Bendagan
baile mhòir." C. S. for- A substantively, in its aspirated form, and generally
ward cit. Audax
oppidanus. " Beadragan." N. with an article, signifying, aught, nothing: nihil.
H. •• Beadagan-ioiinsuiche-sgoileir," s. m. A pe- " Clia d" tluiair thu a' bheag." Sa/ni. xvii. 3. Thou
dant, a bragger of his learning granimatista, lite- : hast found notliing. Inveiiisti niliil, (/«/.) non in-
rarum venditator ineptus. Voc. venisti parvum.
Beadaidh, -e, adj. 1. Impudent, petulant: im- Be.\g, gen. Big, A Bhig, dot. Bheag, Beag, roe. .\.

pudens, arrogans, petulans. Voc. 140. 2. Un- hnic.p/. Bic, Acliild, infant : infantulus, recens
natus. " Am hefiff 's a mÒT." Taisb.w. 12. Small Bealach, -aich, -ean, s. m. 1. A pass, a defile,
and great : pairi ct magni. " Na bit/ 's na moir," a passage between two hills angustiae, fauces

pi. SaJm. cxv. 13. Pcrs. hech, a child, boy. ^ (montium) transitus inter niontes duos. Fing. i. 17.
Stew. 276. 2. A valley : vallis. C. S. 3. A gap,
Beagaciiadii, -aidii, s. m. etpres. jxirt.v. Beagaicli, breach hiatus, ruina. C. S. 4. A high way, road,

Diminishing, diminution actio minuend!, diminu- :

path via, semita, callis. <S7(.

tio. C. S. Wei. Bychanu. " Gun bheaktch ann d' an ceum."

Beaoaich, -idh, BH-, V. a. (Beag, adj.) Diminish :
Salm. cvii. 40. metr.
niinue. " A
reir lionmhoireachd nam hliadhna
Without a path for their foot-step. iSine calle pro
nieudaichidh tu a luach, agus a reir teircid nam
bliadluia Imu/aichidh tu a luach." Lebh. xxv. 16. vestigio eorum. Arab. I—Xcikj belak. ^^ belu,

7narg. According to the multitude of years thou wide open. *—*Jj

bcleh, a door, gate.
shalt increase the price thereof, and according to • Bealadh, m. Anointing : unctio. Llh.
the fewness of years thou shalt diminish the price Bealaidii, s. m. itul. Broom : spartium, scoparlum.
thereof. Pro multitudine annorum augebis preti- Voc. 63. Wel. Banal. Arm. Balan. Fr. Balai,
um (emptionis) ejus, et pro paucitate annorum mi- a broom, besom.
nues pretium (emptionis) ejus. Wel. Bychu. Span. • Bealbhach,
s.f. (Beal, the mouth), A bit, for the
Bague. Basq. Baguea. mouth capistrum. Sh.

Beagan, -ain, s. m. (Beag), A little, a few : paux- Bealbhan-ruadh, -aidh, s. m. A sort of hawk:
illum, pauci. " Beagan codail." Gnàth. vi. 10. accipitris species. Sh. et O'R.
A little sleep : parvum somni, (parvulis somnis, • Bealchaithteach, -eiche, adj. (Beal, mouth, et
Bez.) " Oir n 'eil bacadh air an Tighearn
cha Caithteach), Talkative loquax. Llh. :

saoradh le moran no le beagan." 1 Sam. xiv. 6. • Bealgach, -aiche, adj. (Beal, mouth). Garrulous,
For there is no restraint with the Lord, to save by prattling loquax, garrulus. Llh.

many or by fpw Nnn piilm est Jehovae impedi- o Beal-ehràdh, s. m. Llh. Vide Beul-gradh.
mentum quin servet multis aut paucis. rr'ci. vty- iiEALLTUiN, s./ (Vide Bcal, Bèlus), May-day: ca-
chan, et Bagad. Dav. Arm. Byhan. lendsB Mais veterum. Voc. 173. " Mios-foimh
Beag-chionta, -an, s. m. (Beag, et Cionta), A foi- bhealltuinn." Macinty. April Aprilis. In common :

ble, small fault imbecillitas, exiguum crimen, pec-

: speech, " Bealltuinn," is put for Whitsuntide, or
cadillo. C. S. the term of Wliitsuntide and " Latha Bealltuinn,"

Beag-chreidmheach, -eiche, adj. (Beag, et Creid- for May-day.

mheach), Of little faith, incredulous parum : fidens, " Beath' is calltuinn, latha Bealltuinn,
incredulus. C. S. " Gealltanach air blàths." R. D.
• Beagdhata, s. m. A stingy fellow : homo sordide Birch and hazel (trees) on May-day, promising
parcus, vel illiberaliter tenax. Sh. et OR. warmth. Betula corylusque calendis ^Iaiis indi-
Beag-eaglach, -aiche, adj. (Beag, et Eagallach), centes calorem. In reference to this term, and
Void of fear hber timore, impavidus. Llh.
: the customs anciently prevalent in Scotland, that
Beag-luach, )^
-aiche, adj. (Beag, et Luach), indicate its et3niiology, the following extract, from
Beagluachach, j Of little value: nuUius pretii. the Statistical account of the parish of Callander
Sh. et Voc. 141. in Perthshire, is inserted. Stat. Ace. Vol. XI. 621.
Beag-nair, -e, s.f. (Beag, et Nàir), Impudence, H- " The people of this district have a custom which
terally, little shame : impudentia. C. S. is fast wearing out, not only here, but all over the

Beag-narach, -aiche, adj. (Beag-nair), Impudent, Highlands, and therefore ought to be noticed, ae
shameless impudens, perfrictae frontis. Macf. V.
: long as it remains. Upon the first day of May,
Beairt, -e, -ean, s.f. Macf. V. Vide Beart. called Bel-tan, or, Bal-tein day, all the boys of a
Beairtean, «. /. pi. (Beart), Sluouds, parts of a township, or hamlet, meet in the moors. They
ship's rigging, vtdg. naut. term, rattlings : funes cut a table, in the green sod, of a round figure,
nautici. C. S. by casting a trench in the ground, of such circum-
Beairteach, adj. Provin. Vide Beartach. ference as to hold the whole company. They
Beairteas, -eis, s. m. Voc. 120. Vide Beartas. kindle a fire, and dress a repast of eggs and milk,
Beairtich, -ich, BH-, v.a. Macf. V. Vide Beai'taich. in the consistency of a custard. They knead a
• Beal, (i. e. Beul), s. m. 1. A mouth: os, (-oris). cake of oatmeal, which is toasted at the embers a-
2. An orifice, a hole : os, foramen. Sh. gainst a stone. After the custard is eaten up,
• Beal, Bel, gen. Beil, Bil, s. m. Tlie god Bel, or they divide the cake into so many portions, as si-
Bèlus retained in •' Bealltuinn," q. v. i. e.
: milar as possible to one another in size and shape,
" Teine Beil," vel " Bil," vel " Beil-teine," The as there are persons in the company. They daub
fireof Bel, kindled on May-day : ignis Beli, one of these portions all over with charcoal, until
calendis Mails accensus. M'Curt. O'B. Sh. et it be perfectly black. They put all the bits of
omn. Vet. Script. Gr. B^X, (Septiuigint.) do- cake into a bonnet. Every one, blind-folded,
minus, nomen idoli. Chald. 7i?3 bèl, called draws out a portion. He who holds the bonnet is
often in Gr. et Lat. Bj)Xos, Belus. Hebr. b}}^ entitled to the last bit. AVlioever draws the black
baal, dominatus est. bit, is the devoted person who is to be sacrificed
to Biial, wliose fuvour tlicy mean to implore, in
Bean bhràthar in ailuir." C. S. My pateriml
uncle» wile: " Bean brathai
niei uxor.
rtmliTÌiif; llif year |>riKÌuili\e ul' the »ui.lfimiitc of palril

mmt uikI bi»»i. llier* i» Imle doubt of tlu-se in- mo luhàthur." i'. S. My niutern»! uncle» wile:
huiimii sairihcfs liaMii^: been once oHeretl in this avuneuli mei uxor. " IWun chèile." C. S. A
ultliouf;li they 8|)oube " Bean cluiinidk." C. H.
country, as «f" "» '•> •''«•' tl"** ;
ii|M>ni>a, uxor.

now lMi^* Iroin the act of Miiriliiin^;, and only eoni- A fenmle relation, or immei>iik.e cognata. " Bean :

pel the iktmui to leap three times through

(/rtxrfrt/ cliioch," ttl •• ehiche." I .S. A wet nurse nulnx '. :

lactans. " Bean ehunianttt." I'oe. SH. A luirlol

tlie rtanies, with w liiih the ceremonies of the festi-
val are dosed. Smt. Beltane, Uellein. Jam.
scortum. " Bean shUh." C. S. A fairy, a Ikjry
• Ik-alluidh, mij. Dirty, nasty, greasy spurcus, : queen : laniiiui. Seat. Benbliie, Beiuiii. Jam.
soriiidus, squalidus. IJA. tiftp. Manx. Ben. H V/. Benw, et Bun. Gr. liavt. Ba-
• liealraidlieach, <ulj. (Heal, muutli, et ItàdJi), Fa- >r,x>;, wives. Goth, ^^'eu, a wife. Pert. p\ja
mous iiwlytus. U/i.
henanj. A princess, a lady.
• Ik-alrnidhieach, (Heal, et Ràdh).
»«//. 1. l^ratt-
Bean, -Aiuii, bm-, v. a. Touch, meddle witit : tangc,
ling. babbling, talkative loquax, garrulus. Sk. :

cape, attracta. " Clui Uitan sibh ris." Gen. iii. 2.

2. Id. q. BcalraiiUieach. Sh.
• Bealtuidh, Bealtan, «///. Dirty, nasty : sordidus, Ye siiall nut touch it. Ne attingatis earn.
squalidus, faxlus. LJh.
• Bean, tulj. Quick, nimble : vividus, velox. .Sh. et

• Bealtuidheachd. ». /. Filthlncss, uncleanness :

spurcities, impuritas. WR. " Bealtaidlieas." • Bean, s.
f. 1. A goat capra. Sh. et O'R.
: 2.

Llh. A step, degree gradus. Sh. OB. et JJh.


• «. m. A compact, agreement
Bealtaine, : pactio, Beanachas-tigue, s.f. \'ide Banas-tighe.
• Beanadh, v. a. 1. To take, belong capere, per-
compactum, foedus. Sh. et O'R. :

Bealtiinn, -e, Mde Bealltuinn. tinere. Llh. Aide Buin. 2. To reap, sliear :

Bealcidii, s.f. Vide Bealaidh. metere, demetere. OR. Vide Buain.
• Beam. s. m. JJh. App. ^'ide Beam.
• Beanadh, *. m. Dulness, bluntness inertia, cras- :

Bean. Mnà, Mnatha. dat. Mkaoi, Msaoidh, situde, morum duritas, hebetudo. Sh.
MiiSAOi. fof. A Bueak. Beanag, -.\ig, -an, */. dim. of Bean, a woman. A
Ban, Bhan. rfoA Msath- little woman or wife mulier cxigua, muliercula,
Mnathan, MsÀi. (/«1.

AIBH, MUNATHAIBII. VOC. A MuNATllAIBH, A pan-a uxor. C. S. Scot. Wifie, \Vifeakie.

Mhnathas, Beasailt, *. »1. et pres. part. v. Bean, Touching

S.f. A «ouiaii, wife:
niulier uxor.
'• Goircar hi-un clith." Gen. ii. 23. She shall be tangens. Voc. 158. Rectius Beantaiim, q. v.
called woman : vocabitur fcemina (vira). " Ma Be.\n.\ilte.ach, -eiche, adj. (Bcanailt), Toudiing,
thug a mhaighstir bean dha." Ecs. xxi. 4. If his tangent tangens. C. S.: Hence tlie mathemati-
master have given him a wite. Si dominus ejus cal terms, " A
bheanailteach," the tangent " ; A
dederit ei u.xorem. " Bean an tighc." Voc. 45. et chomh-bhcanailteach," the co-tangent.
• Beanamliuil, adj. Uh. et O' R. \'ide Banail.
C. S. The good-wife, a landlady. Mater-fami-
lias. " Bean baile." Macf. V. • Bean a bhaile." • Beanann, s. m. pi. Appurtenances, furniture :

C. S. Tlie lady of a place, or ilk. Domina loci, appendices, supellex. Uh.

vel praedii. •' Btan bainnse." Voc. 12. A bride :
Beaxas TIGHE, s./ (Bean, et Tigh), House-wiferj-
nova nupta, sponsa. " Bean bhochd." C. S. A familix curatio. C. S. N'ide Banas-tighe.

poor woman pauj)er mulier. " Bean choimhid-

• Bean-ehobhar, «./. Llh. N'ide Bean-chuir.

eachd," vel •• eomhaideachd." Voc. 47. A waiting- • Bean-chobhracli, adj. Horned comutus. Uh. :

maid, a bride's-maid ministra, pronuba. " Bean

• Bean-chuir, pi. of Beanchobl>ar, horn. •' Do A
chomliarba." A dowager vidua nobilis cui usus :
bheanimibh nam bo goireur beunchuir." Uh.
bonorum maritus concessus est. " Bean chuidich- Cow"s horns are termed " Beanchuir :" bourn
idh." C. S. •• Bean ghlùine." 3facf. V. et C. S. cornua appellantur. '• Beanchuir."
" Bean fhrithealaidh." loc. 52. A midwife: ob- • Beangan, s. m. 1. A branch ramus. Uh. Vide :

stetrix. • Bean nighe," vel " nigheadarachd." Meangan. 2. The tooth or fork of a tiident :

C. S. A washerwoman lavatrix. '• Bean nuadh

dens vel furca tridentis. " Beangain." B. B.
phòsda." -V. T. bride A
sponsa, nova nupta. :
Bean-iasc, !f./ A spawner, or female fish piscis fe- :

•• Bean òsda." Mac/'. I'. A female vintner, a hos- mina. A'ide Ban-iasgain.

tess copa, hospita.

" Bean shiùbhla." C. S. A Be ANN, gen. pi. of Beiun, q. v. " Mar thorc ciar air
woman in child-bed pueq)era. " Bean shniomh-
chruaich nam beann." Fing. ii. 151. As the taw-
aich. C. S. A spinster lanitica. " Bean thighe." :
ny boar, on the height of hills. Velut aper fuscus
Voc. 12. " Bean tighe." C. S. landlady, a A in prominentio montium. 2. *,/. Top of a moun-

good-wile, a matron sponsa, hospita, mater fami-

tain : montis cacumen. O'B, 3. horn cornu. A :

lias. " Bean tuath." C. S. (More frequently, " Beaniia na h-àltair." B. B. The horns of the
Ban-tuathanach, q. v.) A country wife : mulier altar cornua altaris.
: 4. A drinking cup : pocu-
rustica. »•
Bean uasal," " uaisle." Voc. 47.
pi. luni. Sh. et O'R, 5. A skirt, or comer : timbria,
A gentlewoman, a lady : fcemina honorata, domi- lirabus, angulus. " Mar bhròith lìn mhòir cean-

na. •• Bean phòsda." Voc. 12. A wife : uxor. gailte air a ceithir beanitaibh." Gniomh. x. II. Bd.
Vol. I. O
1807. As a great sheet knit at its four comers. son of William, son of Henry, son of David. Be-
Ut vas quoiklain linteum magnum quatuor extre- nedice, o Deus, regi Scotix, Alexandro fiho Alex-
mis devinctum. 6. A
degree, step gradus, gres- : andri,' &c. 2. Salute : saluta. C. <S'. Vide Beann-
sus. Sfi. ct (yR. 7. A beam : trabs. Oss. 8. A achadli. Maiuc. Bannce. Wei. Bendithio. Duv.
rock : rapes. Llh. 9. Regard, attention : respec- Arm. Binizien, Biniga, Binigal, Binighen. Fr.
tus, attentio. OR. Benir, Btnissant.
Beannach, -aiche, adj. (Beann), J. Skirted, horned, ^'&Aìiìi MCH1V., adj. ei pret. part. v.
Beannaich, Bless-
chequered; corner-ways: fimbriatus, cornutus, tes- ed: bcnedictus, beatus. " Is beannaichte an duine sin
selatus, angulo obverso. Macf. V. et Llh. 2. Point- nach gluais ann an comhairle nan aingidh." Salm.
ed, peaked, forked: cuspidatus, cacuminatus, bi- i. 1. Blessed is that man who walketh not in the
sulcus. O'R. counsel of the ungodly. Beatus est vir ille qui
Beannach ADH, -aidii, s. m. et pros. part. v. Beann- non ambulat in consilio improborum.
aich. 1. A
blessing, benediction, the act of bless- * Beannam, v. a. (Beann), I steal, thieve : furor,
ing : benedictio, actus benedicendi. " Feuch, a Sh. et O'R.
surripio. 2. To cornute ; alie-
nis, thug e teis mo bheannachadh." Gen. xxvii. 36. num lectum temerare. Hh.
Behold, now, he hath taken away my blessing. Beannan, -ain, dimin. of Beinn, A little hill: col-
Ecce, modo, abstulit benedictionem meam. " A' liculus. Macf. V.
moladh agus a' heammcluidh Dhe." Lv£. xxiv. 53. BEANNTA,BEANNTAr, BeANNTAIDH, BeANNTAINN-
Praising and blessing God. Laudantes et benedicen- EAN Beanntan, s.f. pi. of Bcinn. Hills, moun-
tes Deo. 2. Grace before meat mensa; consecratio. : tains : montes. " Agus chomhdaicheadh na beann-
" Thoir am beannachadh." C. S. Say the grace : tan àrda uile." Gc7i. vii. 9. And all the high hills
age gratias. 3. Used often in its first sense, as were covered. Et operti sunt omnes montes alti.
the form of salutation. " Beannachadh oirbh." Beanntacii, -aiche, axij. (Beannta), Mountainous
C. S. (lit.) Blessing upon you benedictio vobis, : montanus, montosus. Voc. 137.
salvete. " Cha do blieatinaich thu dha." Thou Beannuich, -idh, BH-. V. «. Salm. pass. Vide
hast not saluted hira. Non salutasti eum. " Beann- Beannaich.
achadh bàird." A poetic salutation salutatio poe- : Beannuichte, adj. et pret. part. Sahn. pass. Vide
tica.Wei. Bendyth. Vide Beannaich. Beannaichte.
Beannachd, j9Ì. -AN, s. m. 1. Id. q. Beannachadli. Beantag, -aig, -an, s.f. A corn fan : vannus. Pro-
2. A farewell valedictio. " Beannachd leat, Beann-
: vin.
achd teibh." C. S. Farewell vale, valete. 3. : Beantainn, Ì «. »!. Bean, Touch-
ct pres. part. v.
Compliments, expression of regard, or respect sa- : Beantuinn, j ing, the act of touching tactus, :

lutationes, urbanitatis ofBcia. " Beannachd uara." actus tangendi. " Uime sin cha do leig mi leat
C. S. My compliments : meae salutationes. Wei. beantainti rithe." Geti. xx. 6. Therefore suffered
Bandith. B. Bret. Benos. " Benos Doiie d'och." I thee not to touch her. Idcirco non sivi te tan-
God bless you. gere earn. " Tha e beantainn fiiim. C. S. It

Beannag, -aig, -an, s. f. (Beann). 1. skirt, A touches me tangit me.


plait,corner of a garment fimbria, sinus, ora ves-

: * Beanughadh, «. m. Recovering actus recupe-

timenti. C. S. 2. A
coif, a linen cap : capillare, randi. Llh. Apjj.
pileum linteum. Llh. et C. S. * Bear, s. m. Llh. Vide Bior.
Beannagach, -aiche, adj. (Beannag, 1.), Skirted, * Beara, s. m. A
judge : judex. Sh. et O'R.
plaited fimbriatus, sinuatus, plicatus. C. S.
: * Bearam, v. a. Llh. Vide Beir.
Beannaich, -idh, bh-, v. a. 1. Bless: benedice. * Bearan, s. m. I. A
youth : adolescens. Sh, 2.
" Agus bheantMkh Dia iad. Gen. i. 22. And God A
pin : aculeus. Sh. Vide Bioran.
blessed them. Et benedixit Deus iis. Fordun, » Bearbh, -aidli, bh-, v. a. 1. Melt, dissolve: li-

Scotichron. Lib. X. cap. 2. describing the so- queface, solve. ;S'/(. 2, Boil : coque. O'R.
lemnities and ceremonies attendant upon the co- * Bearbhadh, -aidli, *. m. et pres. part. v. Bearbh,

ronation of Alexander III. (Anno 1250), says A

seething, boihng, melting : actio coquendi,
" Ecce, autem, subito, quidam Scotus venerabilis elixandi, liquescendi. Llh.
canitiei senex, quamvis silvester et montanus, ho- Bearbhain, s.f. Vervain : verbena. Voc. 62.
nesto tamen, pro modulo suo indutus, et pallio * Bearbhair, s. m. A
refiner of metals : qui me-
scarletico co-opertus, morose satis genu flectens, talla defecat. Sh. et O'R.
materna lingua, regem, inclinato capite, salutavit * Bearg, s. m. I. A
champion : pugil. Llh. 2.
hujusmodi verbis, satis curialiter, dicens, Benach ' Anger ira. Sh.

De Righ Albane, Alexander, MacAlexander, Mac- *Beargachd, s.f. Diligence : solertia. Sh.
Wilham, MacHenry, MacDavid,' et sic pronun- * Beargna, s.f. Vernacular language : lingua ver-

ciando regum Scotorum genealogiam, usque in nacula. Sh. et O'R.

finem perorabat." The quotation, in modem or- Bearla, s.f. Vide Beurla.
thography, runs thus Beannaich, a Dhe, Righ
: ' BÈARN, -È1RN, -AN, S.f. 1. A gap, breach: hiatus,
Albainn, Alastar, MacAlastair, mliic Uilliam, mhic ruina. " Mar bitheadh gu 'n do sheas 'òglach
Eanruig, mhic Dhaibhidh. Bless, O God, the taghta Maois, fa chomhair anns a' bhèim." Salm.
king of Scotland, Alexander, son of Alexander, cvi. 23. Ed. 1807. " Bearrnadh." Kirk. ibid. Had
not Mo»es his rluocn unant Hood btfore him in Beahhtiiach, -aicii, -ak'Uean, I. m. <S'A. et O'P.
llie brcuih. Ni^i MkmIu liitlus niiiii»ltr i|)»ius \'idi- ht-arradair.
coustilissi'l in liialu (imi|itii«iii-, He:.) iKium 10. '^. Beauk'iiiaì., -aiu, -an, *./. (iWàrr), Aruor: i>u-

A iruiiiiy, trtviie : rinia, tiwura. C. A'. 3. A vucula. UJi. el i'uc. 48.

tVagimnt, iruiiib : rrapimntuni, luiia. C S. Beaht, UeAiHr, r( Ueahta, «./. 1. An engine,

Dkahn -aidii. -UH-, f. (I. (IWirii, «.), Muki.- brcaclicK, inuchine, frunu, apparutu»: nutchiiui, coin|Mt^es, tiir-
or jriips : porrumiH', cttice ut uditus patitiuiil. ina. niachiiiunuMiluni, u|ipuratii». Mat/. I'. •• linirt-

Mar/, y. fhighe." Vuc. 54. A weaver'b loom: juguin lex-

HeAKNAt 11, -Aic HE, (ulj. (Ikurii, ».), 1. Gapped, a- torium. " Zyn/rf-dlieiridli-diallM." Voe. \)i. A
bouiuliiij; in gups, ur broadies : ruinis ubuiidans. crupiK'r: poslileiia. " y/t«r(-uclida. I up. 92. A
C. <S'. 'i- Notciuil, broken-toothtnl, indented : poilrel : luitilena. 2. Appendages of any kind,
rrenatus, i>erratus, dentibus Iructii», denticulutus. rigging appendentia, navis armuinentu. C. S.
: 3.

C.S. Mode of doing any thing modus ageudi quodvii». :

BeÀRNAG, -aic, -an, *./. iliiniti. of Beùrn, ij. vide. C. S. 4. An act, a deed fucinus, factum. " Chum :

Bearna, -mhiol, -a, g./. ^Beàrn, et Mioi), A hare- a bhtarta iongantach a' dlieanandi uithniclit« do
lip : labruui tissuni. O'H. chlann nan daoine." Saliii. cxlv. 12. To make
BeAknam, -ain, s. til. 1. dim. of Beam, q. v. 2. known his wonderful acts to the sons of men.
A person with broken, or uneven teetli : cui frac- Ut faciant scita huminum hliis mirabilia facta ejus.
ti aut iiiequules sunt denies. C. S. 5. A bundle, truss : fasciculus, sarcina. O'U. ii

Beàbnas-bhìde, s.iii. (Beàru,ct Bride), Dandelion: C. S. Clothes G. : vestes. OB. Pers. i^ji
leontodun taraxaeum, herba. !So called I'roni its /ert, the warp. 7. A game at tables : tesserarum
indented le;il', and early api>earance in spring. Voc. lusus. O'R.judgment judicium. OB. 9.
8. A :

60. A covenant, agreement fcetlus, pactum. (JR. :

Beàkr, -aid», »"-, «• "•

crop, clip : decurta, denjcte, tonde, rade, abscinde.

*^ut short, shear, sliave,
10. A threatening: comminatio. O'R. A num- —
ber of proper names with this adjunct (Birt, bro-
" B/iairr e a clieann." lùò. i. '20. He sliaved his
tus), given by Wachter under the word Brafit,
head. Totondit caput suuni. clarus should rather be referred to Beart, as im-

• Bearr, wlj. Short : Brevis. Vt. Glons. Wei. plying activity, or power.
Byr. Beartach, -aiciie, adj. (Beart), Rich, wealthy :

Bearra, pi. -as, .t. III. 1. A cut, slice, segment dives, opulentus. " Na gabh thusa cagal 'nuair a
ctesura, scissura, I'ragmentum, segnientuin, assula. dh'fljàsas duine beartach." Salni. xlix. 16. Be not
C. S. 2. A
spear : hasta. V'li. 3. Short hair
thou afraid when one is made rich. Ne tinieto
breves crines. C. S. ^'ide Bearradli.
quum ihves evaserit quispiam.
Bearradair, -e, -ean, «. m. (Bearradh, et Fear). Beartaich, -iDii, BI1-, r. a. Equip, adjust, harness,
1. A
barber : tonsor. C. S. 2. shearer : mes- A arm, yoke instrue, appara, arma, boves vel equos

8or. C. S. 3. A wit : sanuio. Vide Beùrradair. " Biuartaich loseph a charbad. Gen. xlvi.
Bearbadaireacud, g./.i/id. Criticising, satirising:
29. And Joseph made read)' his chariot. Juuxit
actio censuram agendj, conviciandi. Mar/. V. itaque Joseph curruni suum. 2. Brandish, flourish,
Bearradax, -ais, -ax, «. III. (Bearr, v.). Scissors, play : vibra, agita, lude. Sh. et O'B. 3. Medi-
snuffers emunctorium. O'N.
: fbrfex, et C. S. tate meditare. ^SV*. et O'B.

Bearr.\dh, -aidh, s. III. et pros. part. v. Bcàrr. 1.

Beartail, -e, adj. (Beart), Well furnished: bene
Clipping, sliaving, shearing actio radendi, ton- :
instructus, habilis. C. S.
dendi. nietendi. C. S. 2. tripping along : actio A • Beartaire, -can, s. 111. (Beart, et Fear), bran- A
tripudiandi, levi passu progrediendi, Sli. et O'R. dislier : \ibrator. .S'/(. et OR.
3. A piece, shred, slice, segment : frustum, frag- ' Beartar, s. m. A shot, cast, stroke : ictus, emis-
mentuni, segmentum, assula. Uli. 4. A preci-
sio, teli. Llh.
pice, an abrupt ascent, accU\ity prscipitium. :
Beartas, -ais, Riches, wealth : divi-
s. tn. (Beart),
Oss. pass. Hence Berre (Fluvius BjTra-), " Le tiae, opes. " Mealltaireachd beartais." Matth. siii.
nom d'une riviere qui se jette dans I'etang de 22. The deccitfulness of riches fallacia divitia- :

Sigean environ à quatre lieues de Narbotine. Hist.

rum. Wei. PerthjTias, appurtenances.
Nat. de Laiigtudoc. 5. Tops, or cliffs of moun- • Beartha, adj. 1. Clean, nice, genteel mundus, :

tains, or rocks : juga vel cUvi montium et rupiuni. bcllus, elegans. Sh. 2. Sharp, piercing acer. :

Uh. " Dealan bearth'a." Oss. Piercing rays (of the

Bearraide.ach, -eiche, adj. Active, lively, nimble :
sun) penctrantes radii (sobs).
: 3. Boiled :

agilis, alacris, vividus. O'R. et Mar/.

coctus. Llh.
Bearrcasacii, -aiche, High-mettled: alaccr.
" Na h-eich bhearrcasarh." Macinli/. 36. The
adj. • Beartrach, s.
/ A
pair of tables, chess-board :

tabula lusoria, abacus tesserarius. Sh. " Clar-

high-mettled steeds : alacres equi. iomairt." LUi.
Bbarh-sgiak, -eike, -eas, s. III. (Bearr, et Sgian), • Beas, i. e. Beus, *. ni. habit consuetude. Uh. A :

A pruning-knife, a razor falx, novacula. Voc. 4i?. :

Be.^rrta, adj. el pret. part, i: Bearr, Shaved, crop- Pers. jj bez.

ped : tonsus, rasus, carptus, deceqitus. C. i>. • Beas, adj. Certain, correct: certus, accural us. i^/t.

O 2
• Beas, s. A speech, dialect : sermo, dialectus. maintain sustine, ale, pasce.
" Agus Iheatftaich
MSS. e iad." Salm. Ixxviii. 72. So he fed them : sic
• Beas-chon, -con, s. m. A syllogism : syllogismus. pavit eos.
Llh. Beath AICHEAN, Ì pi. of Beathach, quod vide. Gen.
• Beascnaghadh, s. m. An agreement, accommo- Beathaiche, j i. 25.
dation pactum, accommodatio, pacis concilia-
: Beathail, -e, adj. (Beath), 1. Lively, vigorous: agi-
tio. nil. lis. Voc. 133. 2. Vital : vitalitas. C S.
- Beascnaidli, -idh, bh-, v. a. Accommodate, agree Beathaib,s.f. Vide Beithir.
accommoda, assentire. O'JR. et O'B. Beathalachd, «./ ind. (Beathail), Liveliness, vita-
» Beasg, s./. A
harlot : meretrix. S/i. lity : C. S.
vigor, vitalis.
' Beastan, s. m. A grievance injuria. ZJh. : Beathannan, {pi. of Beatha), s.f. Victuals, kinds
• Beath, s. m. Lift. Vide Beith. of food, viands genera cibi. Voc. 21.

Beatha, -ANNAN, s.
f. 1. Life : vita. " Craobh • Beathmhan, s. m. bee : apis. Llh. A
na beatha." Gen. ii. 9. The tree of life arbor
• Beathodach, s. m. beaver fiber. Llh. A :

vita?. " Beatha shingilte," Voc. 12. A single • Beathra, s. m. Water aqua. Llh. :

life : vita coelibis. " Beatha mhanachail." Voc. • Beathrach, s. m. gen. of Beithir, q. v.

A monastic life : vita monastica. " Beatha shuth- • Beathrach, adj. 1. Of a seqicnt, dracontic ser- :

ainn," " Shiorruidh," " mhairionnach." Voc. 165. pentis, anguineus. 2. Of a skate : squatinae

Life eternal vita seterna. : 2. {Jig.) Food, suste- majoris. Provinc.

nance: victus, alimentuni. C.S. ^' Se do bheat/ia." • Beathraichean, p/. of Beithir, 1. Dragons: dra-

Fing. iii. 166. You are welcome: gratus adve- cones. MSS. 2. Thunder-bolts fulmina. 3. :

nisti. " Bhur beatha sa." Fing. iii. 60. You are Large skates squatince majores. MSS.

welcome : grati advenistis. " Uisge beatha." Wliis- • Bee, s. m. A beak, point, bill of a bird cus- :

ky, i. e. water of life aqua vitae. Wei. Bywy. :

rostrum avis. S/i. et O'T?.
pis, acies, Ti.Bret.
B. Bret. Buchez, et Bucheghez ; life, duration of Becco. Suetonius speaking of Antonius pri-
mus, {in Vitellio. cap. 18.) saj's, " Tolosae nato
life. Gr. Bio;, vita. Arab, et Pers. I^j beha,
cognomen in pueritia Becco fuerat, id valet in
beauty, elegance. Gallinacei rostrum." Scot. Beik, Jam.
Beathach, -aich, -aichean, s. m. 1. A beast, Becora-leacra, s. m. Common juniper : juniperus
any creature not human : bestia, bellua, animans communis. Lightf. Provin.
quodvis praeter hominem. C. S. 2. Sometimes Beic, -e, -eannan, s. m. A courtesy, an obeisance :

applied to persons as a term of affection, and also, poplitis flexJo, observantiae signum, salutatio. Scot.
of contempt. " A bheathaich bhochd." C. S. Poor Bek, Beck, Jam.
creature : miselle. " bheatiiaich mhiomhail," A BÈIC, -IDH, BH-, V. a. Provin. Vide Beuchd.
" Mhi-mhodliail." C. S. You impudent brute : Beic, -idh, bh-, f. /«. Courtesy pophtem flecte. C. S. :

bellua impudens. " Beathach oibre," A work Beiceadh, -eidh, s. m, et pres. part. Vide Beuchd-
beast jumentum.
" Beathach fiadhaich," A wild aich.
beast : fera. " Beathach calla," " No air a chall- Beiceasach, -aiche, adj. Skipping, hopping : exul-
achadh." Provin. A tamed beast : animal man- tans, subsultans. Macinty. 84.
suetum vel cicur. Wei. Beich. Corn. Byach. • Beich-airc, {i.e. Aire, Bheach, vel Sgeap), s.f.
B. Bret. Busc'h, Bisc'h. Fr. Bete. Scot. Baich, Abee hive alvearium. Llh. :

Baiche. Jam. Hebr. baham, pecuarius. DH^ » Beichneal, s. m. Gavel kind : portio vel pars as-

nQn3 behemaJi, pecus. qualis. MSS.

Beathachadh, -aidh, s. m. et pres. part. v. Beath- Beiceil, -il, s.f. (Beic, r.) An outer)', roaring, cry-
aich. A
living, maintenance, hvelihood : victus, a- ing : exclamatio, vociferatio. B. M^D.
limentum, nutrimentum, stipendium. " Agus bith- Beicil, s./. et pres. part.v.'&eic, Making obeisance,
idh e dhuitse agus dhoibhsan air son beathach- courtesying pophtis flexio, observantiae signum.

aidk." Gen. vi. 21. And it shall be to thee and Macf V.

to them for food. Et erit tibi et illis ad comeden- Beic-leimneachd, ì s.f. (Beic, et Leam), danc- A
dum. " Beatliachadh eaglaise," Voc. 165. be- A -LEiMRiCH, -E, J
ing, skipping : saltatio, sal-
nefice, cure, church living : beneficium vel stipen- tus. Sh. et 07?.
dium ecclesiasticum. B. Bret. Biwidighis. • Beid, V. i. e. 1. " Bitheadh iad," " Biodh iad,"
Beathachan, m. dimin. of Beathach,
-ain, -an, s. Let them be : sint, sunto. MSS. pass. 2.
A litle animal animalculum, bestiola. C. S. And
" Bithidh iad," They shall be : erunt. Llh.
also applied as a term of endearment, or contempt. • Beideadh, s. m. Patching interpolatio, actio as- :

" Mo bheathachan rùnacli." C. S. My Uttle sweet suendi pannos. Sh.

creature nieae deliciae meum corculum.
: Wei, Beidh, gen. of Biadh, Food. " Air son beidh." Gen.
Began, Bechan. i. 29. marg. For food pro cibo. :

Beathag, -aig, -an, s.f. 1. Rebecca : nomen mu- • Beidse, s.

f. Voc. 92. Vide Turas. AngL
lieris. Voc. 2. A bee : apis, (for Beach). Sii. 3. Voyage.
A beech-tree fagus arbor. Sh.
: Beil, -IDH, BH-, V. a. Provin. Vide Meil.
Beathaich, -idh, BH-, V, u. (Beath), Support, feed, Beil, for Beòil, gen. of Beul, A mouth. " Briatbra
mo S<tlm. xi\. U. Hie pure words oC plank of a bed : spoiula. C. S. it'el. et Ann.
glan lAeil.
my inuulli. Sennones puri oris niei. littiu-. Fr. banc. Jtcly. Bank. JJtin. IJoiic.

Bl!lL, 1. }>rrs. ÌHterr. fèrti. Hi. " Am Ifil mi ?" Stmt. Uarnk. luU. Baiicu. BaiL. Lut. Uaitiuii.
" Am bril tliu ?" " Am beil e i-*" Am ? Art I Anyl. IWnch. Gr. Ilayu.;. Germ. Bujik. AhijI.
thou ? Is lie ;* Sum lu- i* Es iic ? Est iic ? Ac. Siur. Bene. Sivt. Biuk, Benk. Jam. Pert. S^f
•i. neg. " Ni 'm bcil mi," " Ni 'm bi'il tliu," &c.
pemjh, a stick, a piece of wood.
1 am mit, thou art not, &c. : iion sum, noii es.
\'Klf «lit'il.
Bei.VN, -t., Jll. UkASSI AS, -AINNEAS, «./. 1. A llill :

Beil-bmkaiì, «. /. A corn-poppy: papavcr rlwus. mitiis. ••

Mur an ceo ilia thull tùi a Uirinu." Finy.
JUtirf. I' Id. q. Uuilbeag. i. 2S. As the distant mist un the
nebula quir hill. L' I

• -oaiu, -oamtu*, -eabliar, -eadar, Jr. est adverso super munte. 2. Head, lop, high place;
Dcil, -I'as,

prfs. ind, of tlic tirli. Hi. Am I ? art thou ? Sh. Hhui/d. makes it also a piiiiuule. " Brinn-

ari' «e ? arc ye ? are tliey i* Sum nc ? es Eaduiiin," The hill of Howth in Ireland nometi :

ne ? sumus ne ? estis ne ? sunt nc ? MSS. montis Hibernici. H «7. I'cn, head, top, liigh place.
Si-vt. Bin. Germ. Bein. Gr. Utio;, collis. Aruò.
• Bcileam, (i. r Beul, Blieum), «. hi. A taunt, re- Uj l)ina, an edifice, structure. / .
y^ Uui, M-para-
proach convicium, opprobrium. UA,
: Scot.
tion, distance, the confines between two countries,
Bcllum. or places. Hcl>r. ]7\2 /'«'''. the thumb or great toe,
• Beile,
s.f. A meal, mess of meat : cibi quantum generally rendered by the .Septuagint ax^^>, top, or
uno convictu sumitur, terculum. S/i. ct O'Ji. summit ."132 baiiah, extruxit
; f3 bein, betw een. ;

Beileak, -eis, s. III. 1. A little mouth: parvuni os. \'ide Beannta.

Mac/. i\ 2. Quick scoldiiij:, talk, or prating :
Beisneal, -eil, -an, s.f. 1. Binding of a sheaf of
verba rixosa pnccipitantia, );arritio. " Cum do
corn frumenti fascia.
: 2. A bundle sarcina, fas-

bhei/eaii."C. S. Hold thy prating desinc garru- :

ciculus. C. S. Germ. Bindel, Biindel, Biindlein.
litatenituam. Beiss'eis. Vide Binnein.
Beileasach, -AicHE, <K^'. (Bèilcan), Talkative: lo- • Beinneochuidh, i. e. Beaiuiaichidli, Shall, or will
quax, garrulus. MSS. benedicam, -es, &c. M.^S.
bless :

Beilgeag, -EiG, -AS, S.f. Small trout : trutta nii- A Beinn-shiakta, s. f. Name of a hill in Ardnamur-
nuscula. Profiiic.
chan, (consecrated hill). A. M-D. Gloss.
• Beille, s. m. A kettle, caldron : cacabus, lebes, Beih, -iDii, pret. Rug, v. a. irreg. Bring forth, bear,
ahenuni. Sh. OR. Llli. ct OB. produce cdc, pare, eniterc.
: " beirear mac Am
BilLEACH, -EicnE, adj. (Beilcan) Blubber-lipped: dhàsan a tha ceud bhadhna dh' aois ?" Ge7t. xvii.
habens labia crassa et prominula. Prori/w. 17. Shall a son be born to him who is an hundred
Beilleag, -EIG, -EAN, s. /. A rhind, outer-coating, years old? An parietur ftlius ei qui centum annos
tliinnest part of the bark cortex arboris exterior.
natus est ? " An sin rug an spreidh uile àl breac."

" Mar bheilleag air na h-eibhlibh beò." Dttg. Bu-

Gen. xxxi. 8. Then all the cattle bare speckt'd.
chaii. As the rhind of bark on the live coals : Tunc pepererunt pecudes omnes punctuhs resper-
velut cortex arboris exterior super prunas.
BilLLElN', g. m. Dug. Buclian. \'ide Beilean. sos foetus. Scand. Bera. Gr. *£s£. Pers.X» bar,
• Beim, (i. e. Ceum), «. m. step gradus. Uh. A : pregnancy. Ciiald. ")3y ibbar, gravidus.
BÈIM, s. m. SeUnu xxxviii. 11. £d. 17Ò3. Vide Beir, -idh, Bheir, pret. Thlg, et Rcg, r. a. irreg.
Beum. 1. Catch, lay hold of, overtake: prehende, assequere.
• Beim, s. m. 1 . A tribe, stock, generation : tri- " Beir orm." C. ."?. Lay hold of me, overtake me :
bus, stiqis, Help auxili-
prosapia. Ll/i. 2. : prehende me, assequere me. '• Agus i-ug e air ana
um, (i. e. Feum). MSS. 3. A beam, piece of an sliabh Ghilead." Geji. xxxi. 23. And he over-
timber : trabs, tignum, lignum. S/i. et O'R. took him in the mount of Gilead. Et assecutus
4. A
blemish, stain, spot macula. Llh. 5. : est eum Gilhadis.
in monte
(In this sense, the
Oppression, reproach : oppressio, opprobrium. preterite " liug," is always used). 2. Bear, carry,
Ll/i. bring " Beir chugam." C. S.
: fer. Bring near
BiiM-CHEAP, -IP, *. m. (Beim, et ceap), A whipping- me, fetch further hue affer. " Beir uam." C. S.

stock : cippus, numella, stipes cui verberandus al- Bear, carry away : auler liinc. Vide Tabhair, ct
ligatur. S/i. et OB. Thabhair.
Beimeach, -eiche, adj. Vide Beumach. Beirbhe, s.f. Copenhagen: Hafhia. '•
Baile nu
• Beimis, c. (Bitheamaid), Let us be : simus. Beirbhe 'n Lochlann." The town of Copenliagen
MSS. in Denmark. Urbs Hafnia, in Scandinavia.
Beimkeach, -eiciie, o^'. (Beim), 1. Id. q. Beumach. • Beirbhis,
s.f. (Beir, r.) Anniversary feast : vigil,
2. Talkative ; loquax. Flah. feria; solennes, vigilia. Sh. et Ò'B. " Beir-
• Beimnead, -eid, «. m. A furious smiter qui ve- : bhigliis." Uh.
hementer percutit. Llh. App. Beirm, -e, Barm, yeast, ferment fermentum,
*./. :

Bein, gen. of Bian, A skin. S. D. 168. cremor, spuma, flos cerevisiae. i'oc. 24. Wei.
Beisce, \ -EAN, -EAJJSAN-, S.f. 1. A bench scam- : Burm. Germ. Berm. Dan. Bonnes. A/igl. Sa.i.
Beisge, j num. Voc. 45. 2. l"he side bench, or Beorm. Angl, Barm.
• Beirr-sgian, «./ (Beùrr, et Sgian), A razor : no- " Tir nam beò." C. S. Tlie land of the living.

vacula. Uh. Terra viventium. " Air beotliaibh agus air marbh-
r. •

Beirsin s. /«• ct pres.part. v. Beir. Provin, Vide aibh." C. S. On the living and dead. Super vi-
Brcitli. vos et murtuos. Manx. Bio, alive. Wd. Bjnv,
• Bt'irt, *•/• !• Two
persons: duo homines. Sh. alive. Sax. Beo, ero ; Bi, live, exist. Ch. B/od,
2. Help, assistance auxiliura, adjumentuni. : vivo; B/o;, vita.
Plunk. Vide Beart. • Beo, s. m. Cattle : pecus. Llh.
Beiute, pret. part. v. Beir, Bom, brought forth: Beociianta, -ainte, adj. (Beo), Vigorous: valens,
partus, cditus, productus. Mac/. V. vigens, strenuus. Voc. 133.
' Bcirtich, -idh, bh-, v. a. B. B. Vide Beartaich. Beociiantaciid, s. f. ind. (Beochanta), Vigour,
• Beis, s.f. (Bais, water). Marshy ground humus : liveliness : vigor, vires. Voc. 133.
paludosa. MSS. • Beochonihan, «. m. A warren : vivarium. Sh.
' Beisgne, s.f. Peace, quiet : pax, quies. S7t. et OB.
Beist, -e, -ean, s.f. A beast, monster: bestia, bel- Beodha, adj. (Beo), Lively, courageous : animosus,
lua, portentum, nionstrum. O'B. et C. S. intrepidus. Voc. 133.
Beisd-dubh, -uibhe, s.f. (Beist, et Dubh), An ot- Beodh ACHADH, -AIDH, 1 «. »). etprcs.part. V. Beodh-
ter lutra. C. S.
: Beodhachan, -ain, j aich. Vide Beothachadh.
Beisteil, -e, adj. (Beist), Beastly, bestial : fcedus, Beodhachd, s.f. ind. (Beo), Courage, vigour: au-
belluinus, sordidus. C. S. dentia, virtus, magnanimitas. C. S.
Beistealachd, s.f. ind. (Beisteil), Beastliness: mos ' Beodhadh, -aidh, s. m. A stimulating,
urging on,
belluinus, spurcities, sordes. C. S. inciting : actus stimulandi, urgendi, incitandi.
- m. dimi». of Beist,
Beistin, *. little beast: A Bibl. Gloss.
Sh. et OB.
bestiola. Beodhaich, -idh, BH-, T. a. Vide Beothaich.
Beist-mhaol, -aoil, *./. (Beist, et Maol), seal A Beodhail, -e, adj. Vide Beothail.
vitulus niarinus. J'oc. 80. Vide Ron. Beodhalachd, s.f. ind. Vide Beothalachd.
Beith, ill. et/.
-e, s. 1. Birch, birch-tree : betula. Beodhanta, adj. (Beo), Lively animosus. C. S. :

" Am dlùth dosrach." B. 3f'D.

beifft Tlie thickly Beodhantachd, s.f. ind. (Beodhanta), Liveliness:
branched birch. Betula ramosa, densaque. 2. The vis, vigor. C. S.
second letter of the L-ish alphabet : secunda Hi- Beo-dhealachadh, -aidh, s. m. (Beo, et Dealach-

berniccE alphabetae litera. Wei. Bedw. adh), Separation with life : disjunctio viventium
Beitheach, s. m. Provin. Vide Beatliach. duorum. " Cha dean mi beo-dhealachadh riut." I
• Beith-eigneachadli, -aidh, s. m. Forcing of a wo- will not part with j'ou while alive non vivens a te :

man actio stuprandi. Tlie birch, among the

disjungar. O. S.
ancient Britons, was an emblem of readiness, or Beo-dhùil, -e, -EA>f, s.f. (Beo, et Dùil), living A
complacenc)' in doing a kind act. young A creature : animans natura, animal. Matf. Par. 37.
woman presented the birchen branch to her 7. (lit.) a living element.

lover when she accepted his addresses. Owen. Beò-eachdraiche, -ean, s.ot. (Beo, et Eachdraiche),
" Beitheamhain, pi. of Beach. Llh. Abiographer : vitarum scriptor.
Beithir, -beathracii, -beathraichean. 1. A Beò-eachdraidheachd, s.f.ind. (Beò-eachdraiche),
serpent : draco. MSS. 2. A thunder-bolt : ful- Biography : vitarum scriptio.
Beo-fhal, -ail, -ean, *. m. (Beo, et Fàl), An in-
men. MSS. Pers. Jjj bezer, light, splendour, a
closure : vivarium. Voc. 86.
raj% flame. 3. A huge skate : squatina ingens. Beo-ghaineamh, -eimh, s.f. (Beo, et Gaineamh),
Provm. 4. A bear : ursus, ursa. Bibl. Gloss. Quick-sands : s3Ttes. C. S.
' Beith-luisnion, s.f. The Oghum alphabet of the Beoghasta, -ainte, adj. Vide Beodhanta.
Irish ; so called from its fii'st three letters, Beo-ghriosach, -aich, s.f. (Beo, et Griosach), Hot
33, IE, OCv, Beith, Luis, Nion, sjTnbolically re- embers candentes favillae.
: T'bc. 3.
presented alphabetum Ogmicum. O'Flah.
Beo-iobairt, -e, -ean, s.f. A hving sacrifice : viva
» Beitin, s. m. The scorched, or frost-bitten grass hostia. Voc. 165.
of the hiUs granien montanum, sole arefac-
Beòil, of Beùl,
ffen. mouth os. A
" Teagasg :

tum, vel gelu adustum. Sh. et O'B. beoil." C. S. Oral doctrine : oris doctrina, seu
Beitir, -e, adj. Neat, clean, tidj' nitidus, mundus. :
disciplina ore tradita. Llh.
3Iacf V. • Beoilein, s. m. MSS. Vide Beilean.
• Bemis, (Beimis, i. e. Bhitheadli mid). We should
Beòir, -E, s.y. Beer, ale: cerevisia. I «•.24. " Beòir
have been fuissemus. B. B. et 3ISS.
chaol." C.'S. Small beer : cerevisia tenuis. " Beòir
BeÒ, adj. 1. Living, alive vivens, vivus. :
laidir." C. S. Strong beer : cerevisia generosa.
" Air gaoith cliithear suinn nach bed." Germ. Bier. Anffl. Sax. Beor. A/Uiq. Brit. Wei.
Fing. ii. 9L Bir. Boxhom. Lexic.
On the wind are seen heroes that live not. In " Beol, 3ISS. 2. A robber latro. Sh.
1. for Beul. :

vento cernuntur heroes baud vivi. 2. (comp. Beolach, Beo-laoch, -aoich, s.jn. A young hero,
Beòtha), Quick, lively: vividus, agilis. C. S. Used a lively youth : juvenis heros, adolescens alacris.
substantively, in the genitive and dative plural. Macf v.
Beo-LBatromacii, oiij. (HiH), ct Leatromaili), On BeuBAKACIIADII, -ÀIDH, ) I. Ml. et prtt. part. v. BeU-
llic i-vf ol' iu-lying : pufrjKTÌuni iiietan», lui I'ltlus liti HAS Ai uu, »./. imt. 1 boimich, A maugling,
in ttl>o vivit. Viile Lc-alroniuili. spoiling, roughly liandling : niutiUtio, corruptjo,
• Ik-uluiilt-as, -tùi, *• '». i>rul irailition : trudido coMbpurcaliu, luju-ra inaclatio. Murf. V.
\tTl)i« irailita. A'ni/. Id. i|. Ik-ul-uideas. Bei iiA.sAK II, -iuii, nil-, f. (I. (Beuban), Sully, tear,

HEO-LL'Arii, -LUAiTiiMi!, *. /! llot enibcFS : candcu- s|>oil, destroy : coiupurea, dilaL'em, p«irde, corruiu-
te* favilla-. C. S. pe. Muif. V.
Ueoli'm, -I'lM, t. til. (Hi-ol, et Ucuni). 1. A si-old, Belc, I
s. m. iiid. pi. -AN, A roar, yell : rugilu^,
ridicule jurgium, ridii'uluni. .-1. Al'D. (ilosn.
: rixu, Bei'ciid, j ejulatub, lonilruuni vel tiuctuuui bunilus.
"i. Censoriousni'M : nialedictio, procucilas. C. S. c. ò:
BKÒ-riiUAoiiAKi-, -Aiuc, «. III. (Ik'ò, I't I'Vudluiri'), Beuc, ) -AlDli, -Bii-, r. a. Hoar, yell: rug!, eju-
Lively [H-Tception vivida vtl lucida perci'ptio.
: Bei'CIID, j la, ulula. " Agus ghlaodli e le guth
('. .V. ùr<l, niHr a Utu/idan leòinhuiin." Taidi. x. 3. Ed.
BEO-riiHADiiARCACii, -AiciiE, otij. (Bò-niradhart), 1807. .And he criid MÌth a loud voice, as a lion
Quick-sigliteil : ncer visu. C. S. roaretli. C'laniavitque voce nm^'im, slcut leo ru-
Ueòsach, -AiciiE, (uij. iiriglit, glitceriug, brisk, dap- git. " Ge do b/ieiic na h-uisgeacha." .Suliii. xlvi.

per, spruce : clorus, radious, ugilis, bellus, tersus. 3. Tliough the waters roar. Quamvis aqua- fre-
UA. nuint.
Bkòsaich, -idii, BII-, r. a, (Beosach), Beautiiy, deck Beucacii, 1 -AICHE, adj. (Beuc), Roaring, bellow-
out oma, cxorna. A'A. et O'B.
: BeVciiuacii, j ing altc sonans vel rugiens, mu-

Beò-sgarauii, -AioH, «. ni. (Beò, et Sgaradli), A gicns, freniebundus.

divorce repudium. Miuf. V.
" Uh'tliuiliiig mi gaillean nan speur,
Beò-siilàinte, s.f. (Beò, et Slòinte), Livelihood, a " Air cuau beucaeh nan geur fliras."
life-rent : victus, qua'stus, annua pensio, annuus fing. i. 401.
alicui dum vivit reditus. Miuf. V. I have borne the inclemencies of the sky, on the
Beotiiacii. -AicH, s. iH. Vide Beathacii, s. »i. roaring ocean of biting showers. Sustinui ego
Beothaciiadii, -AiDii, «. w. ct prt'x. part. v. Beoth- tempestates ca'loruni, in oceano fremebundo aspe-
aich. 1. Vivifying, kindling, enlivening : actio vi- rorum imbrium. '• Mar leòinhann beucaeh." 1 Pead.
vilicandi,accendendi, aniniandi. 2. Sparks, or V. 8. As a roaring lion. Ut leo rugiens.
coals, by which a tire is lighted up : favillie, vel Beuc.\ich, Ì s.
ind. et pre», part. v. Beuc, A
pruna? quibus ignis accenditur. Voc. et C. S. Beuchdaich, j roaring, yelling, dismal cr)'ing : ru-
Beothachan-teine, s. m. A little tire: igniculus. gitus, ejulatus, ululatus, lugubris fletus. Macf. V.
C.S. Uebr. nja beclteh. Cliald. 03 bechi, fletus.
Beotiiaibii, da/. pL" A thoirt of Bèo, Living. Beuchdail, Bel'cail, -ail, s.f, Fing. i. 550. Id.
breith air bheothaibh agus air mharbhaibh." Gael. q. Beuchdaich.
Cat. To judge the living and the dead judicatu- : Beuchdaike, -an-, *. »1. (Beuc, et Fear), brawler, A
rus vivos et mortuos. vociierous blusterer: rabula vociferans, thraso. C.S.
Beothaich, -idii, BH-, f. a. (Beò, adj.) Enliven, Beud, pi. -."VN, s. m. 1. Mischief, hurt: malum,
rouse, animate, stir up : excita, refocilla. " Air damnum, detrinientum. " 'S mion gach beud gu
sgàtli t' ainme, beothuich thusa mise. Salin. cxiiii. " bàs aon-fliir." Eleg. on Macleod. Light is every
IL For thy name's sake do thou quicken me. loss, until tlie death of one (a Chieftain). Leve
Propter nonicn tuum, conserva me vivum. Bez. damnum omne nisi mors unici (primarii). " Is
" Beothaich an teine." Stir up, or kindle the mor am beud." C S. It is a great iiit)-. Multùm
fire. Accende, vel suscita sopitum ignem. Germ. dolendum Heùr. ITT^N tibadah.
est. 2. Infamy :

Baiza. infamia. " Druidear beul nam beud. Salm. c\ii.

Beotiiaiciite, petf. part. v. Beothaich. Animated, 42. Iniquity shall stop her mouth. Obdabitur os
kindled : aniniatus, accensus. Macf. V. infaraiarum. 3. A fruit : fructus. MSS. 4. A
Beothail, -e, adj. (Beò), Lively, vigorous, brisk : deed : factum. O'R. 5. An evil deed : malum
agilis, valens, animosus.
naimh- " Ach ata mo factum. .S'/(. 6. fate fatum. A :

dean beothaU." Salm. xxxviii. 19. But mine ene- " Is faiceam mo bheiul a'd tàimh." Fing. ii. lOH.
mies are lively. Inimici autem mei vivi sunt. And let me behold my fate in thy hand. Et cer-
Wei. Bywial, nam meum fatum in tua manu.
Beotualacud, *./ iiul. (Beothail), Vigour, liveli- Beud.ich, -AiCHE, adj. (Beud). 1. Hurtful, iniqui-

ness : vigor. C. S. tous damnosus, iniquus. Macf. V.

: 2. Mourn-
Beò-thorbach, adj. (Beo, et Torrach), Ready
he to ful, dismal : lugubris, tristis. C. S.
in: partui proxima, mox enixura (mulier). Macf. Beudachd, i. m. ind. (Beudach), 1. Hurtfulness,
: danumm, iniquitas, nefas. C. S. '2.

Beo-thuisl«ach, (-1HUISMIDHEACH, /r.), adj. Vi- Mournfulness, ilismalness luctus, tristitia. C. S. :

viparous : viviparus. C. S. Beldag, -.\ig, -as, s.f. A little, idle, gossip])ing wo-
' Bes, ang. And : et. Sh. et VetL MSS. man inepta, vagabunda, gurrula mulier. Maif. V.

Beuban, -ain, -asan, s. in. Any thing mangled, or Beudaich, -iDH, BH-, V. a, (Beud), Harm, injure:
^>oiled : res conspurcata, vitiata. H. C damnum infer. C. S.
Beud-fhoclach, -aiche, adj. (Beud, et Foclach), Beul chaireachd, s.f. ind. (Beul-chair), A pleasing
Scornful : contumeliosus. Macf. V. PVoperly, garrulity : jucunda garrulitas. C. S.
foul-nioutlit'd malcdicus.
: Beul-chràbhach, -aiche, (Beul, et Cràbhach), a<^'.
' Bciul-f'lioireobhadh, s. m. A commentary : com- Orally devout, pharisaical, hypocritical : ore pius,
nientarius. Ll/i. simulatus. Macf. V.
Beul, ffen. Beòil, BiiL, Salm. xix. 14.
Ge?ì. xxix. 3. Beul-chràbhadh, -aidh, tn. (Beul, et Crabhadh), .?.

«. 7». (Beath, et lùl), os. " Is tobar

The mouth : Mouth devotion, hypocrisy lingua; pietas, verbo- :

bcatha beul an fhirein." Gnàth. x. 11. Tlie mouth rum (non cordis) religio. Macf V.
of a righteous man is a well of life. Scaturigo vitte Beul-dearg, -eirge, adj. (Beul, et Dearg), Red-
OS justi. 2. An orifice, entrance, commencement lipped labra rubicunda habens. S. D. 308.

ostium, faux, ingressus, initium. C. S. " Beul Beul-dhraoitheachd, s.f. ind. (Beul, et Draoith-
bidh." Macinty. 98. A mouth os. " Beul bochd." : eachd). Incantation : veneficium, verbis conceptis
C. S. A pleading of poverty panperia qucrcmo- : incantatio. C. S.
nia, (lit.) a poor month. " Ì3eul ri," Near about Beul-dhruid, -idh, BH-, v.a. (Beul, et Druid), Stop
circiter. " Bctil an latha, no, na h-oidhche," Tlie the mouth, put to silence : os alicui occlude vel
beginning of day, or night : initium diei, aut noc- obtura. C. S.
tis. " Taobh beail an tighe," The front of the Beul-fiiarsuing, -e, adj. (Beul, et Farsuing), Wide
house aedium pars anterior. " Air bheul dol am
: mouthed : oris immanem habens rictum. A. M^D.
mugha," Fere perditus. Seami. Wei. Belli, an Beul-fhothargain, -fharagan, «. m.
• gargarism : A
outlet. Otc. Gr. BijXoc, limen. The Engl. Bill, gargarismus. Ll/t.
has the same origin. Beul-fhothraghadh, -fharagadh, s. m.
• gargling A
Beulach, -aiche, adj. (Beul), Fair spoken, talka- of the mouth gargarizatio. Llh. :

tive, flattering, fawning suaviloquus, loquax, blan-

: Beul-ghràdh, -àidh, s. m. (Beul, et Gràdh), Mouth
attachment, flattery : adulatio, verborura blanditiae.
diens, adulans. Voc. 31. Arab, j*^ belygh, elo-
Beulachas, -ais, s.f. (Beulach), Artful speaking :
Beul-maothain, s. 7n. (Beul, et Maothan), The pit
of the stomach scrobiculum cordis, os ventriculi,
dictio subtilis. C. S. Hind. Bol-chal.
etiam xephoidis. C. S.
Beulag, -aig, -an, [Lochab. Clàrag, -aig, -an), s.f.
» Beulmhach, m. O'R. Vide Beulannach.
(Beul), A fore-tooth : dens incisor. C. S. In
Beul-mheillireadh, -idh,

m. Flattery, famiing,
opposition to " Cidag," grinder A : dens mo- s.

soothing : adulatio, blanditias. " Le beul-miieillir-
idh smuchdach." A. M'D. 137. With snivelling
Beulas, -ais, s.f. (Beul), Prattling, babbling : gar-
flattery cum blanditiis mucosis.
rulitas, loquacitas. C. S.
Oral re-
Beul-mòr, -oìr, s. m. (Beul, et Mòr), Gunwale of
Beul-aithris, s.f. (Beul, et Aithris), 1.
a boat or ship cymbae vel navis margo. C. S. 2.
presentation, or repetition : recensio, imitatio quae
Oral tradition
Bung hole of a barrel or cask : doh spiraculum.
ore efficitur. C. S. 2. : traditio,
" A' coimhead beid-aithris Voc. 90.
doctrina non scripta.
nan seanair." Marc. vii. 3. Holding the tradition Beul oideas, -eis, s. m. (Beul, et Oideas), Tradi-
tion traditio. Voc. 164.
of the elders. Tenentes traditionem seniorum.
Beulan, -ain, -an, s. in. dimin. of Beul, A little
Beul-ràdh, -àidh, s. in. phrase, speech, dialect: A
Hence some derive
mouth os pai-vum. C S. Id. q. Beilean.
locutio, sermo, dialectus.
" Beurla," the English tongue.
Beulanach, -aich, s. f. (Beul, et Aon), A wave,
approaching from before : anterior fluctus. iF?.
Beul-raidhteach, -eiche, adj. (Beul, et Raidh-
teach), 1. Famous: inclytus. C.S. 2. Talka-
3PD. 162.
tive loquax. C. S.
Beulannach, -aich, s.f. (Beul, et Teannachadh),

Beul-snaipe, m. (Beul, et Snap, Aiigl.) The flint

The bit of a bridle : lupatum. LUi.
socket of a gun.
Beulaobh, s. m. ind. (Beul, et Taobh), Front, face,
presence: irons, facies, praesentia. Commonly used — Beul-thaobh, -aoibh, c. m. Vide Beulaobh.
Beum, gen. Beime, Beuma, pi. -an, -annan, s. m.
as an improper preposition. " Air mo bheulaobh,"
In my presence, before me ; coram vel prae me. 1. A blow, wound, gash, cut : ictus, vulnus, inci-

" Agus chuir e air am beulaobh iad." Gen. xviii. sura, plaga.
" Garbh-laoich a 's cruadalaich beum."
8. And he set them before them. Et apposuit
Fing. i. 26.
ilia coram iis.

Beul-àtha, A Mighty heroes of most courageous deeds, (lit.)

-ain, s. m. (Beul, et Ath), ford :

blows asperi bellatores, quorum est strenuissi-

fluminis vadum. (lit. mouth of the ford : os vadi).
as. raa plaga. 2. A gash, a gap : incisura, fissura.

Beul-chainnt, -e, s. (Beul, et Cainnt), Oral C. S. 3. An insult, reproach, invective insul- :

f. opprobrium, convicium. Sh. et C. S. " Beum

speech : sermo ore trailitus. C. S.
sgèithe." S. D. 389. Tlie smiting of a sliield, (a
Beul-chainnteach, -eiche, adj. (Beul-chainnt),
challenge to combat) percussio clypei, provoca- :
Talkative : loquax.
C. S.
tio ad certamen. " Beum-shùl," " Beum-sùl."
Beul-chair, -e, adj. Fair spokep, flattering: blan-
C. S. 1. Effect of an evil eye : oculorum fascina-
diloquus. Macinty. 97.
tio. " Nesfio »|uis ttiuTitg fasclnat ntihi oculus App. The vernacular diuleit of the Irish. Wr-
agnos." I'trj/. 'J. A dist-uiic ill ihf fjfs iii>litlml- : iiiu'ulus llibernurum MTiiio. Beurl' .\lbuniiaeli.
luia, uut inurbus ociiloruni. " Hcuiii tuulli- Marf. \'. Anglo Scottisli : dialectus Aiiglo-mo-
al." C. S. I. A biow or thrust in a wroiij» «lin-c- liia. " Beurlu teatluinn." S. Broad Scot» C :

tion : ictus l«vus. 2. A wniiin ilirtction sinistra : Si-otoruni aui>trulium senuo rusticanus. " Beurla
tlinttio. " Beuin-iiict'." A. Sl'D. 27. 1. dis- A na I'l'iniie," 1. The IVniun, Fingulian, or military
oixliT ill till' coiitiiif; i>t' till' visi'ira, si'irrhus : schir- dialect of the (iail : diulei'ius niilitum, bive (iaelo-
rlius, jHTitonilis. -i. A rupture: lu-rnia. ('. .V. ruiii LIh. App.
Fingalieiiiiium. '2. 'Ilie lawyer's
•• IWuin-soluis." X D. 11)8. A bi'uni uf liglil : Iribli dialectus juridica ilibernuruin. JJh. " Beurla

radius lui'is. " Ik'uin sK'ibhe." A'. Z). 89. A niuun- nam filidli." S. C
The poetic dialect jKH-taruui :

tain turrt'nt : torrens niontanus. " A dli' auii dialectus. " Beurla nan deaglmrsgar," ttt " nan
bheum." Cliiàlli. xxviii. 18. At one stroke, at once : eachdruichean." C. ,S. Tin- liistuiicul dialect :
uno ictu, seiuel. historicorum dialectus. " Beurl' an tuoibli deas."
B£i'M, -AiDii, BII-, r. a. (Beuni, s.) 1. Strike, cut : C. S. Broad Scots dialectus Scotorum australi- :

I'eri, seca. C. S. 2. {Jig.) Asperse, reproach, vili- urn. " Beurl' cagair." Vac. 99. Technical lan-
fy : alicui iiifiuuiaii) inter. C. S. S. Sound, re- guage: sermo technicus. " Beurl' eagair," no "Lai-
sound sona, resona, (()uiu uh ictu). " Seal mu 'n
: ilionn nan ceard." C S. The gibberish of tink-
do b/ieum an glog." Alan. O'l). Some time before ers : tiguloruni stribligo ; dialectus qua utuntur
tlic bell had rung antequani nola sonaverat. Scot.
: olluruin " Beurla Sha-
sartores circumforanei.

Berne, Jam. Pers. m^ bchem, anger, indignation. sunnach." Macf. V. Pure English, the court dia-
lect of Britain Anglici scnatus dialectus, lingua

Beum-ach, -ansacii, -nach, -.mche, adj. (Beam), " Beurla Shasgumiach."

Anglicana incorrupta.
1. Cutting, gashing, wounding; vehement: ca>dens,
Macf. V. " Beurla-thcibide." C. -S'. The medi-
lacerans, vuiniticus ; vehemens.
" Nànihaid btumnach cuain nan dàinih."
cal dialect : medicorum dialectus.
Beuulach, Belonging to the English
adj. (Beurla),
Fing. i. 268.
language Anglicanus. Macf. V.
The fell foe of the ocean of strangers. Hostis ^-ul-
Belk-ra, -rtha, -tha, adj. Vide Beurtha.
nificus occani advenarum. 2. Taunting, reproach-
Beuhrad.\ih, -e, -eas, s. m. (Beur, et Fear), A sa-
ful : convicians. C. S. 3. Resounding alte so- :
tirist poeta sat^TÌcus. C. S.
nans. C. S.
Beuktua, adj. 1. Genteel, clean : elegans, bellus,
Bei'madh, -AiDii, s. m. et prts. jxirt. r. Reuni, Strik-
mundus. Sh. 2. Well spoken facundus. Slew. :
ing, resounding actio feriendi, vuhierandi, convi-

Gloss. 3. Id. q. Beur, 3. Matf. V. Wei. Berth.

ciandi, resonandi. " Beuniadh gldag." Macf. Pily.
Prog. The ringing of bells : campanaruin sonitus. Pers. \jj berra, acute, sharp.
" A' heumadh to' stuadlia dubh." Carth. 131. Cut- Beuk-theine, *. /. (i. e. Bright fire : lucidus ignis).
ting (my way) through dark waves. Secans viam Name of a star : nomen sideris. Tern. vii. 269.
per undas atras. " An dubh bhàs a' beuniadh 'na Beus, -a, -an, s. m. 1. Habit, custom, morals, man-
'n ruaig." Tetn. i. 326. Black death cutting (them ners, behanour habitus, consuetudo, probi mores,

down) in their flight. Atra morte eos pcrcutiente morum gestus. 2. Virtue, amiableness virtus, ve- :

in eorura fuga. " Beuniadh sheòl.'' C. S. Furl- nustas. " Righ nam beusa mora." Carth. 34. Tlie
ing of sails vclorum contractio.
: king of lofty virtues : rex virtutum magnarum. B.
• Beur, -aidh, bh-, r. a. Mattli. i. 23. Ed. 1767.
Bret. Boas. Pers. jj bez, a habit.
" Beuradh," Uh. Bearing : parturiens. Vide
" Beus, «. »1. 1. Trade, art : quaestus, ars. MSS. 2.
Rent, tribute, revenue vectigal, tributum. O'B.
Beur, -eire, adj. 1. Shrill, sonorous : argutus, acu-

3. A belly : venter. O'B. 4. A bottle : uter, la-
" Chualas a guth gena. O'B. 5. Fornication : scortatio. O'B.
's e dubh is beur,"
Carth. 134.
" Baos." Uh. 6. bass, or bass viohn so- A :

nus gravissimus, hj-pate, infimus tetrachordi

Her voice was heard black (despairing) and shrill.
nervus, fides iiigens gravisona. Voc. 107.
Audita est ejus vox, atque ea atra et acuta. 2.
Prickled, indented : aculeatus, denticulatus. Arab. Jòj bezz, tuning a musical instrument.
" Ro' bheàrna beur nan neul." Cath. Lod. 37. Beusach, -aiche, adj. (Beus), 1. Virtuous, moral,
Through the indented openings of the clouds. Per chaste : virtutis compos, bene moratus, castas.
fissuras aculeatas nubiuni. 3. (Jig.) Acute, witty, " Chunnaic i 'n righ, 'n òigh bu b/teusach."
sarcastic: sagax, perspicax, satjTÌcus. " Aon fhear Fing. iii. 88.
beur 'ni rann dhuinn." Oran. A witty person to The virtuous maiden belield the king. Conspexit
compose a verse for us. Sagax qui facial vcrsum regem, virgo qua; erat bene morata. 2. Modest
modestus. C. S. Arab. Lmj besa, becoming fa-
Beurla, Ràdh), Speech, language,
s.f. iiul. (Beul, et
miliar, or habituated.
especially English sermo, lingua, pr^sertim An-

glicana. Uhuyd, supposes it derived from Parler, Beusaciid, s.f. iiid. (Beusach), Chastity, moral rec-
to speak. " Gnàth bheurla na h Eirionn." LIA. titude : castitas, probitas monmi. C. S.
Vol. I. P
BEnsAiCHEAD, -EiD, *. m. (Beusaiche), Degree of 1765. He abundant hearing to my cry.
will give

moral purity gradus puritatis, castitatis. C. S.

Dabit plenam auscultationem meae invocationi.
Beusail, -e, adj. (Beus). C. S. Id. q. Beusach. Bheireas, and Beiridh, are sometimes used for
Beusalachd, s.f. ind. Id. q. Beusachd. Bheir. Boss. Salm. liii. 6. vii. 9. et Bd. 1765. 1763.
Beusan, .<• '«• Habits mores. pL of Beus. " Deagh
: ibid.

b/ieusan." Good morals probi mores. C. S. : Bhi. 1. neg.fut. v. Bi. " Cha bhi mi." I shall not
" Droch b/ieusan." Bad morals pravi vel mail : be non ero. 2. pres. ind. " Do 6/i/," for " Tha."

" Ni h-amhluidJi sin do hid na daoine peacach."

mores. C. S. Pers, (o'^*^ besan, like, becom-
Not so are the sinful men. Non ita improbi sunt.
ing. 3. pret. ind. for " Bha." " Oir làidir orm do bhi"
Bha, pret. Was, were : eram, eras, &c.
indie, v. Bi, Salm. xviii. 7. For they were too strong for me.
Fui, &c.
-isti, " Agus hiia am feasgar ann, agus bha Nam robustiores me erant.
a' mhaduiiiQ ann, an trcas la. Gen. i. 13. (lit.) • Bhias, 3fSS. for Bhios, or Bhitheas, q. v.
And the evening was, and the morning was, the Bhid, and often " Do bhid," 3d. pers. pi. pret. ind.
first day. Sic fuit vespcra, et fuit mane die tertia. V. Bi, They were erant, fuerunt. i.e. " Bha iad."

Neg. " Cha robh." Intcrrog. " An robh ?" Vide " Roraham 's gach ait do bhid." Salm. xviii. 5.
Robh. Ital. -va, -vi, -va -vamo, -vate, -vano. ; metr. Before me in every place they were. Co-
• Bliàbhair, Ye were : eratis, fuistis, i. e. " Bha ram me in quocjue loco erant.
sibh." MSS. pass. Bhìm. and sometimes " Do bhim," ist. pers. sing,
• Bhadar, They were : erant, fuerunt. Voc. 1 87. pret. ind. v. Bi, i. e. " Bha mi," I was cram, fui. :

i. e. ', Bha iad," " Bhàid-iad," is provincially " 'N trath air a chich do bhim." Salm. xxxii. 9.
retained. [lit.) When I was upon the breast. Quando ad
Bhàin, adv. Tern. i. 283. Vide Bhan. ubera eram.
BhÀirnis, -e, s. f. Varnish: encaustum. " Tha Biuovu,pret.sulg.v.Bi. Salm. et G. B. pass. Vide
bhairnis air t' aodann cairtidh." R. M^D. Thy taw- Bhitheadh.
ny face is varnished. Est incaustum super tua fa- Bhiom. 1. Isf.pcrs. sing, jjret. ind. v. Bi, i. e. " Bha
cie fusca. mi," I was : eram, fui. Sometimes " Blii 'm."
• Bhamar, We were : eramus, fuimus. MS S. pass. " Do bhio7n mar aobhar fanaid." Salm. cxix. 5. I
i. e. " Bha sinn." was as a cause of derision. Eram ut causa irri-
Bhan, adv. Vide A bhan, et Mhan. sionis. 2. Used for the present tense. Salm. pass.
. Bhaoi, i. e. Blià. S. pass. MS Vide Bhi.
• Bhar, pass. pron. for Bhur, q. vide. Bhios, fut. ind. v. Bi. Salm. et G. B. pass. Vide
BHÀRR,^r(^. (Ban-, s. vel Bho, air, from upon). From, Bhitheas.
from off: de, e, ex. " Bhm-r na talmhainn." BmÒTAij, fi-equently Bhiodak. (MSS.) pret. etfut,
Gnàih. ii. 22. From off the earth : e terra. From ind. V. Bi. Vide Bhithear.
its etymon it must govern a genitive. Gr. riaja, Bhitheadh, pret. stihj. v. Bi, Would, or should be
which also governs the genitive. essem, esses, Sec. " Cha bhitheadh e maith air do
Bheil, prcs. hidic. neg. et interrog. verb. Bi. shon." C. S. It would not be good for thee.
" Bhàl sìth dhuit ri daoine on lear ?" Non esset bonum tibi. More commonly written
Fing. ii. 208. " Bhiodh," though less correctly. " Bhitheadh
Is therepeace to thee with men from the ocean ? mid," We
would be nos essemus. Commonly :

An est pax tibi cum hominibus ab aequore ? Some- wTÌtten " Bhitheamaid."
times preceded by am, and contracted li " Am Bhitheam, Is^ pers. sing. pret. ind. et si^. v. Bi.
bheil," "
a' bheil?" and by " ni," neg. Id. q. Bhiom.
" Ni bheil cuibhreach ami am has." Bhithear, pref. et fut. ind. (impers.) v. Bi. " Do
Salm. Ixxiii. 4. 7n€fr. bhithear," vel " bhiòtar," being commonly put for
There are no bands in their death. Non nexus the past tense, and " Cha bhithear," vel " bhio-
sunt in morte eorum. Sometimes " ni 'm bheil," tar," for the future tense. MSS.
and when preceded by the neg. adv. " cha," con- Bhitheas, fut. snbj. r. Bi. " Ma
bhitheas mi." C. S.
tracted " 'eil," i. e. " cha 'n 'eil." " Ta mi, agus If I shall be si fuero, si futurus sim.
" Fhad 's a
cha 'n 'eil ann ach mi." Isai. xlvii. 8. I am, and bhitheas deò annam fein." Fing. ii. 205. As long
tliere is none but I, (beside me). Ego sum, et as being remains to me. Quamdiu erit spiritus in
nuUus praeter me amplius. [lit.) Et nullus est at me ipso.
ego. Beileas, and Bheileas, are also used im- Bhithinn, 1st. pers. sing. pret. sub/, v. Bi, I would,
personally, preceded by a conjunction. Am or should be : essem. C. S. et Gram. 74.
bheil, a bheil, bheil, were formerly written, Ab Bho, prep. From A, ab, ex, de. Tlius, in the best

fuU, abfuilti, bfiiil. B. B. et Kirk. Salm. pass. dialects of the language, but commoly ^TÌtten
BHEIR,/«^ indie, v. a. Tabhair, Will give, or bring : " O." " Bho lochan nan nial." S. D. 34. From
dabo, -is, «Src. ; feram, -es, &c. Vide Tabhair. the lake of clouds. Ab lacu nebularum. Dr Stew-
" Bheiream." Fing. ii. 170. I give, would, or art in Ills Grammar has " ua," found also in ear-
should give : do, darem. " Do bJieir-ionn se sài- lier writings, whence the forms which this prepo-
èisdeachd do mo ghlaodh." Boss. Salm. iv. 3. et Ed. sition assumes, conjoined with personal pronouns,
niA 115 BIA
m. uam, uat, e« unit ; uuiilir, et uainiii-, uaibb, " Biadh «iubliail." i'ot. 9i. Proritioni for a jour-
utitim, uatli', but loiuiiiouly i>roiiuumvil,
uadlia. ney: viaticum. " Biadli wiibhla." C.S. Fron-
bhuaiii, bli'uat, bhuait, bh uaitlie, &c. Mc/. C). &iun« fur l\ing-in «tomen, commonly brought by
Ann. O. their xÌkìiuiiIa. Ciburiu pro bono puerpcmrum ub
• Bbolaiii, «./. A volume: torau». I'oc. 81). Vujc amitiii vii>itaniibu« allula. " Biadh ùr." S. C
Am/I. The first fruit» of autumn: autumntt pnmiti».
Duos, odp. I. Ou this side, liere: ci«, citra, iw. /Mr. "»22 Itrrur. primiti». '•
Biadh cruidh."
Ofti'iiiT «Titten, •• A bhos." Mac/. V- ~- Hi-- C.S. IVov I lulir, foildir: pabulum. Mr/. Bwyd.
low : intra, llnim. lv!l. 3. Ilithi'r, to this side: Arm. Boet, Boed. Scot. Bit. fi'r. h;t^', vita B<«, ;

a bhos." ( S. vis: BiM*,vi\u; live, exist.

hui-, atl liaiK- partem. '• Thiill 's '. T/cAr. j^ &«/, cibu*.
Here and there, hither and thither : hie et iUie, Biadh, -AiuH, bh-, v. a. (Biadh,*.), F«hI, fatten:
hue et illuc. " Teann a Mot." S. C Draw near, l>asce, sagina. " Ma bheir duine fa'near gu'n
approaelt : appropiiiqua. ithear suas fearann no fion-lios, agus gii 'n cuir e
• Bhui, i. e. •' Bhà," Was tui. luisti, &c. MSS. : 'uinmhidh ann, agus gu 'm biatlhur e uiin am fear-
pats. ann duin' eile." Ecs. xxvii. 5. If a man fhall
• Bhùil. for Bheil, q. v. •• Ni bhuil," i. c. " Clm cause a field or vineyard to be eaten, and shall
iieil." " Ni bhuihm,"
AiÙH. X. 4. £d. 1753. put in his beast, and that it shall be fed in ano-
i. e. '• Cha ZiV/. 1753.
n" eil mi." Salm.x\'i'\.'2. ther man's field. Si quis depascens agrum aui vi-
BlIUK, /*M»-. />ro«. Your: vester. '•
tiu 'm ti)Sf;lur neam inuniserit pecus suum quod pascat in agru
bhur sùilean. Gcti. iii. 5. That j'our eyes sliall be alterius.
opened. Quod ocuh vestri ai»erientur. Contract- Bi.^DiiADH, -AiDH, s. tn. et pres. jjart. r. Biadh,
ed " 'ur," and improperly written " ar," and Feeding, fattening pastio, saginatiu, actus pa»-

" air." cendi. " An uair a bha e a' biadhadh asal Shibeoin
Bl, ftiilist. verl). conjugated thus ; pres. Tha, or Ta ;
'athar." Gen. xxxvi. '24. As he fed the asses of
/ut. BiTiiiDii, contracted, Bi", Bidii, and Bi'dh ;
Zibeon his father. Cum pasceret asinos Tzibhoni
pret. BiiA. my. CiiA "n 'eil, Ciia bhi, Cha ROBH. patris sui.
interroff. Am bheil ? Am bi ? As robh. neg. in- Biadhchar, -aire,") m^'. (Biadh, «.) Foodful, fruitful,
ierroff. Nach
"kil? Nach bi? Nach robh? Vi- BiADHCHOR, -oiRE, ^ Substantial: multipascuus, ci-
de Grum. Be, exist, or Jive : es, existe, vive. bo abundans, ferax aliniento. Macinty. 123.
" Tha 'm fear a 's òige an diugh maille r' ar n- BiADHCHARACHD, s.f. tnd. (BiadhchuT), Abimdance
athair, agus tha h-aun itach 'eil arm." Gen. xhi. 13. of provision copia victus. C. S.

nutrg. The youngest is tlus dav with our father, BiADH-CHLUAK, -IAIN, s. f. (Biadh, et Cluain). A
aiid one is not. Minimus est cum patre nostro kitchen culina. Sh.

hodie, et unus non superest {lit.) et est unus <jiii ; BiADH, -EiK, -ELNAiN, *. »1. Wood soTTel oxalis :

non vivit. " Bi air chuairt san tir so." Gen. xxvi. acetosella. Light/, et Sh.
3. Sojourn in this laiid. Peregrinare in hac re- BiADHTA, adj. et //rr/. />or/. r. Biadh, Fed, fatted :

gione. Hence " Beò," Living : vivens. " Beatha," pastus, saginatus. " Laodh biadhta." Luc. xr. 23.
Life : \-ita. " Biadh," Food cibus. " Bith," : Fatted calf: vitulus saginatus.
Existence : vita, existentia. •' Beatiiach," An ani- BiADHTACii, -Aitii, -AicHEAN, « //I. (Biadh, r. et «.)
mal animal with their
: : correlatives in all the I. A grazier, farmer : pecuarius, agricola. Sh. 2.
European languages. A hospitable landlord : hospes generosus. ZJA. et
Bi, gen. of lìeò, Living : ^^vens. Llh.
• C. S. 3. A
raven : corvus. Prorrn.
B' I, for Bu Ì, She, or it was : fuit ilia, vel illud. BiADHTACUD, t. /. ind. (Biadhtach), Hospitality:
c.s. hospitalitas, cibi largitio. C. S. " BiadhticUi-
* m. Membruni virile. Uh.
Biach, s. achd." ^. .V.
Biachar, atfj. Madnti/. 'N'ide Biadhchar. BiADHTAicH, -iDii, BH-, r. ff. (Biadhtach, s.). Share,
B' IAD, for Be IAD, They were. '•
B' iad am feas- im[)art, divide food da hospitibus, di^'ide, vel lar-

gar agus a' mhadainn an ceud la." Gen. i. 5. Ed. gire cibuiii. C S.
1807. Tlic evening and the morning were the BiADHTAicHE, -EAX, *. m. Id. q. Biadhtach.
first day. Fuerunt vespera et mane dies prima. • Biaidli, Will be, i. e. Bithidli, q. v. contracted
BlADH,<7<'n.BÌDH,BEIDH, BlTMIDM ; rffl/. Bl ADH, BhI- Bi'dh. Sal/n. xiii. 5. Ed. 1753.
ADH; VOC. BhÌDH, BhEIDH, BhITHIDH. />/. BlADH- • Biail, »: /. A hatchet : securis. Llh. IfV/.
AN, BiDHEANKA, s. m. (Bi, V.), Food, meat, a bait Buyall.
cibus, alimentum, victus, esca. " Dhuibhse bithidh • Bial, m. Vulg. Vide Beul.

e mar bhiadh." Gen. i. 29. To you it shall be for • Bial, A', m. Water aqua. Uh. :

food. Vobis ad comededendum erit. " Biadli briste. Bias, Bits, ». /«. A skin, hide : cutis, pelUs, tergus,
C. S. Fragments frusta cibi. " Biadli maidne."
: -oris. Voc. 80. " Bian-deasuiche, vel leasoiche."
C. S. A breakfast : jentaculum. •• Biadli nòin." C. S. A currier : alutarius, coriorum concinua-
Gnàth.w.n.marg. Dinner: prandium. "Biadh tor. Wtl. Pan. £>ar. Cluild. ìiT2 bina, pilus, ca-
feasgair." C. S. An evening meal : ferculum ves- pillus.
pertinura. " Biadh oidhche." C. S. Supper : coe- BiAS-GHEAL, -ILE, adj. (Bian, et Geal). ^Miite-skin-
na. " Biadli pronn." V'oc. 21. Id. q. Biadli briste. ued candidam habens cutem. >' Chuir i làmh

P 2
'na braiglie hian-fihcal." Oran. She laid her hand Bin, -E, -EAN, s. m. 1. A
very small portion, or
on her white skinned bosom. Imposuit manum piece : portiuncula, minima pars cujusvis rei. C. S.
(suam) in candidum pectus suum. 2. A shrill, or chirping sound : stridor exihs. Macf.
• Bias, Bhitheas, q. v. MSS.
i. e. V. 3. A nipping, or pincliing, as with the teeth,
BiASGACH, -AiCHE, ofij. (Biadh-sgàthach), 1. Nig- or fingers morsus, ut dentibus, vel compressio

gardly, niiscrly: avarus, sordidus. C. S. 2. (Biadh, extremis digitis. N. H.

et Sgathach), Catching at morsels alFulas captans. : BÌD, -IDH, BH-, V. a. (Bid, s.) 1. Nip, pinch : mor-

as. de, comprime, dentibus, vel extremis digitis. iV. H.

BiASGAiRE, -EAN, niggard : sordidus.
s. ÌÌÌ. 1. A 2. Nibble : rode, admorde, leniter carpe. N. H.
C. S. 2. A
glutton : helluo. C. S. Vide Biasgach. BÌDEACH, -EiCHE, odj. (Bid, s.) Very little: mini-
BiASGAiREACHD, s.f. iiid. (Biasgaire), 1. Niggard- mus, c. s.
liness : cibi avaritia. 2. Gluttony : cibi aviditas. BÌDEADH, -IDH, ». m. et pres. part. v. Bid, nip- A
C. S. Vide Biasgach. ping, pinching, or nibbling actus mordendi, com- :

BiAST, Beiste, -EAN, S.f. 1. A bcast bestia, bel- : primendi, (dentibus, vel digitis), admordendi, levi-
lua. Mac/. V. Commonly used as a term of abuse. ter carpendi. " Tha e "g am hhideadh." N. H.
2. The worm or screw of a ramrod spira scloppi : He nips, or pinches me. ^Nlordet vel comprimit
purgatrix. Voc. 116. me (dentibus vel digitis extremis). N. H.
BiAST, -IDH, BH-, V. a. (Biast,s.) Abuse, revile: convi- BÌDEAG, -EiG, -AN, S.f. dim. of Bid, 1. very small A
ciare, opprobria ingere. C. S. thing res minima. C. S. 2.
: pincliing : vellica- A
BiASTADH, -AiDH, 5. m. et pres. part. r. Blast, Abus- tio. " Tliug e btdeag asam le "fhiaclaibh." C. S.
ing, reviling : C. S.
actio conviciandi. He pinched (or bit) me with his teeth : me dentibus
BiASTAG, -AiG, -Av, *. m. diììiin. of Blast, little A strinxit.
beast, an insect : bestiola, insectum. £. Bret. BiDEAGACH, -EICHE, adj. (Bidcag), Nipping, pinch-
Buzuc. ing : qui vellicat, vel mordet. C. S.
BiASTAiL, -E, adj. (Biast), Beastly, base : turpis, BiDEAx, -EiN, -EAN, «. tìì. A hedge : sepimentum.
belluinus. C. S. 2. Churlish, niggardly : incle- Stew. Gloss.
raens, avarus. Macf. V. BiDEiN, -EAN, s. m. A point, summit : apex, cacu-
BiASTALACHD, S.f. itìd. (Biastail), Beastliness, base- men. Sutherl.
ness : turpitude, mos belluinus. C. S. BÌDEIN, -EIN, -EANAN, s. m. diminutlve person or A
BiAST-DONN, BiAST-DUBH, geti. Beiste duibhe, thing : homo exiguus, res exigua. C. S.
-DuiNNE, s.f. (Biast, et Dubh, vel Donn), An ot- BiDEiNEACH, -EICHE, adj. (Bidein), 1. Sharp-top-

ter: Intra. Voc. 79. ped: acuminatus. Sutherl. 2. (Jig.) Light-headed:

BiATA, adj. et part. Llh. Vide Biadhta. levis, ineptus. C. S.
BiATACH, m. Llh.
s. 1. Id. q. Biadhtach, 1. 2. BiriH, gen. of Biadh, Food. " Maith a chum btdh."
A raven : corvus. Provin. " Bitagii." Spel/n.Gloss. Gen. ii. 9. Good for food bona ad cibum.

BiATACHD, s.f. hid. Voc. 33. Vide Biadhtaehd. Bi'dh, ì flit. ind. v. Bi, Will be : ero, -is, &c.
Biataiche, s. m. Maciiity. 176. Vide Biadhtach. BiDn, J
" Bidh uachdranachd aige." Salm. Ixxii. 8.

BiATAS, -AIS, s. m. Betony : betonica, herba. Voc. et He shall have dominion : dominatio erit illi. Vide
LUi. Bithidh.
BiATH, -AIDH, BH-, V. a. ProvÌH. Vide Biadh, v. Bidhcheardach, s. f.
• A
tavern, tippling house
Scot. Bayt. Jam. taberna vinaria, aenopolium, cauponula. Llh.
BiATHADH, -AIDH, s. ?«. ct pres. part. Voc. 156. Bidheanta, -einte, adj. (Bitli, et Deanta), Fre-
Vide Biadhadh. quent, customarj', habitual, continual : frequens,
BiATHAiNNE, s./. An carth-worm, hook-bait : lum- usitatus, consuetus, perpetuus. Macf. V.
bricus, esca hamo imposita ad pisces fallendos. Bidheantas, -ais, \ s. m. et f. Frequenc}-, cus-
pi. Biathaimiean. " Biathaidh." N. H. Bidheantachd, wj<f. j tomariness, commonness:
BiBH, i. e. BiTHiBH, q. V. S. D. 153. Salm. metr. frequentia, usitatio. C. S." bidheantas," adv. Am
pass. Customarily, habitually ; frequenter, usitate. Gram
BicEiR, -EAN, s. m. A
small wooden vessel of a et C. S.
circular form poculum rusticum cylindricum.
: • Bidhearg, adj. (Bith-dliearg), Red, unctuous, as

Sh. et C. S. Lochab. " Bigein." Scot. Bicker, Bi- fir or pine : rubens pinguetudine, velut abies

quour. Jam. Germ. Becher, patera. Ital. Bic- aut pinus. 3ISS.
chier. Angl. Pitcher. Gr. Br/.o;, uma ansata, BiDHis, *./. 1. A
screw spira. Matf. V. 2. Id. q.

• Bichearb, Ì s. m. Mercury, quicksilver vi\'um : Bithis.

• Bichira,
argentum. 0'£. et Sh. BÌDIL, s.f. ind. (Bid, 2.) Squeaking of rats, or mice,
BiCHioNTA, adj. et adv. Voc. 135. Vide Bidheanta. chirping of birds stridor exilis, velut glirium vel

Bid, i. e. Bithidh iad. They shall be erunt. : murium, minuritio avium. Id. q. Bigil.
" Bid aoibhneach ait gu leòr." • Bidis, 1. Were: fuerunt. B.B. i.e. " Bha
Eoss. Salm. Ixix. 32. et Bd. 1753. siad." 2. Let them be sint. B. B. et Bianf. :

Tliey shall be sufficiently joyous and glad. Erunt i. e. " Bitheadh siad."'

iUi laetabundi hilaresque satis. Vide Bithidh. Bivs^, plur. -ACHAN, s.f. whore : scortum. Macf.A
• Bid, s.f. A
hedge sepes. Sh, et O'E. : V. Vide GaUa.
BIl. 117 niN
f. A
BiDSKACAD, »./. iW. (Uidiif), Whoredom: scortatio. BiLisTBlREACHD, t. mean ImnVering, or liuiit-
.Vcj<*i/i/y. ing tU'ltr food surdidx alit-ni libi a\anliu. C. .V.

Bio, pi. Link' ones : panuli. N'ulf Bca(<, «. • Bill, *. m. A leper, U foul lepra luburaji», e.lul- :

• Big, («^.rtiidtr tiiKT. Z7^. : tub. .Sh. et OK.

BlGKlN, *. m. A wooiliMi c) limlrii-ul dÌ5li, willi lioopg, • Bille, mlj. Mean, Meuk : humilii», iniirmu<. JJ/i.

and ot\eii » itJi hiuullos pociiliiin cylindriciiiii lig- : et .V/i.

ni'uiu aniuilis viiiiincis L'oui]ui(.'tuiii, inlcrduin mi-

• Bilkuclid, t.f Poverty paupertas. LM. : et S/i.

satuni. CS.
Gr. U^xa;. • Bilk-og, s.f. MS.S. Nide Bikag.
Bic-EiN, -EoiN, s. m. (Bcag, I't Eun), Any little • Billian, (. III. A little dibli : |KH-illum. JJA.

bird : uvis parvu. ( ò'.

'. Or. liixtot. BiM, 1. for " Bithidh mi," vet •• Bidli mi," I &)tall

be ero. U/i. " .\u ftin liim' treibhdliireadi.

»•«•='"• :

l-EAs-.*./ VideBlgein.
BlGlHElS, j "^ Buss. Saliu. xix. 13. et Ed. 1763. 1765. Hien «lutll
• Bigeun, s. m. Cap, hair lace : pilcus, lacinia cri- 1 be upright tunc ero integer.
: 2. for •• bith-

nalis. UJi. eam," q. v. et Biom.

BÌGII, -E, s. f. Ciluc, bird-linic gluten, viscus, vis-
: BiMiD, 1. for " Biodli mid," " Bithcadh mid," rd
cun». C. S. Vide Blth. •• Bigh chraobh. C. S. "
" Bitheamaid." " Do chum gu 'm himul uuibh-
Gum of trees :arborum guinnii. Jintitis Bitli. neach ait. Boss, et Kirk. Sulm. xc. U. Tliat »e

Pers. ix«.j j)iÀ/i, gum in the eye corners. **•/. jiih,

may be glad and joyous. L't binms la-tabundi hi-
laresque. 2. for '• Bithmid. Ed. 1753. ibid. '

(at, greasip, tallow. Vide Binnbhriaih-

• Binbhrianachd, s. LUi. f
• BÌGiL, s.f. C. S. Id. q. Bldil. raclid.
BiL, -E, Ì -EAN, i. f- 1- A nioutli, lip os, labium. : BiSEACii, EicME, ut^'. Provin. Vide Binneach.
Bile, )
pi. •' Bilidh." Sidm. li. 15. Ed. 1753. BiNiD, -BiNSDE, -BisNDEAN, S.f. 1. Chccse-rennet,
•• Beilidh." Kirk. ibid. 2. rim, edge, border, A or tlie bag that contains it liquor coagulans, pe- :

welt ora, acies, margo, lacinia. '• liile na h-aide."

: cudis ventriculus continens serum, quo infuso, lac
i'oc. 18. Tbe rim of the hat : pilei niargo. " Bi/e coagulatur. Macf. V. et C. S. 2. The stomacli
nan sruthaji uaigneach. '
^'. D. 133. The margin stomachus. " Ge b'oil le d' bhinid." C. S. In
of the lonely brooks. Margo rivulorum solitario- spite of your (stomach) heart : ingratiis tui.
rum. 3. A
tree, a cluster of trees arbos, arbus- : • Binigear, s.
f. A'inegar, pickle : viuum acetuni,
tum. S/i. 4. leaflet, blossom A
foliolum, floscu- : alec. Uh. Vox Any I.
lus, germen. C. S. Chald. iÒ2. l»*:la, sylva 5. Bins, 1. Sweet, melodious: dulcis, cano-
-e, adj.
A beard barbiu O'K. G. A bird's bill avis ros-
: : rus, modulatus.
trum. O'R. HV/. Byl, brim, or edge. " 'S binn d' fhocail, a bhàird, 's a bheinn
• Bil, adj. Good bonus. Ult. : Fing. i. 629.
BiLEACii, -EiciiE, atij. (Bil), Full of leaflets, border- Melodious are tliy words, O bard, on the hill. Ca-
ed, fringed foliohs abundans, laciniatus, margine
: nora sunt tua dicta, barde, in monte. 2. True
cinctus. " Bròg bhileaeh." C. S. A «elted shoe : verus. OB. Shanscr. Bin, a kind ol' lute. Ar>'b.
calceus laciniatus. Wd. Bylawg. Pers. ^iVj jwj iiina.

lAUJi, the elm. Arab. ^"^ bilkli, the oak. • Binn. Llh.i. e. Bha mi, I was : cram.
BiLEACH-cHOiGEACH, -EiCH, S.f. A marj-gold : cal- BiNN, -E, s. f. Condemnation, sentence, judgmc:)t,

tha. C.S. decision (of a court): damnatio, decretum, judi-

BiLEAG, -EiG, -AX, S.f. dimi/i. of Bil, A leaflet, little cium. " A chionn nach 'eil biiin an aghaidh droch
blade : foliolum. C. S. " Bileag bhàite." Macf. oibre 'ga cur an gniomh gu luath." Eccl. viii. 11.

V. Water lily : nymphjea, herba aquatica. Because sentence against an evil work is not exe-
BÌLEAGACII, atij. Macf. V. Id. q. Bileach. cuted speedily. Quia nullum decretum cito effici-
tur cowpeusatione facinoris. " Binn bàis." C. S.
BiLEAGACHADH, -AIDH, S. ill. et pr€S. part. V. Bi-
leagaich, Licking continually, sipping in small Sentence of death capitis damnatio. Lat. Poena.:

quantities actio indesinenter lambendi. C. S.

Gr. nc/wj.
Bileag AicH, -idh, bh-, r. a. (Bile), Lick up con- Bisx-BHEUL, -EoiL, «. OT. 1. sweet, or melodi- A
ous voice vox canora, modulata. " Miltc do
tinually, sip in small drops lambe indesinenter, :

guttatini sorbilla. C S. mlultibh binn bhad." Macf. Par. ix. 18. thou- A
BiLEAGAN NAN EUM, sand thousand melodious voices. Milhcs mille \o-
f pi. Bird a sort of
cum canorarum. 2. A woman's name ^'invela,
acid plant : avium foliola, herba quaedam acida. :

Sh. in Ossian.

BiLEAS, pi. da/. BiLiBB, Lips: labia. Vide Bil. BiNN-BHEULACH, -AiCHE, odj. (Binn-bhcul), Sweer-
BiLEiD, -E, -EAS, *. /. A billet: tessera militaris. voiced, eloquent suaviloquus, eloquens. C. S.

MaciiUy. Vi\. BiNX-BHKiATHHACH, -AICHE, oilj. (Binn, ct BriatJi-

rach), eloquent suaviloquus, eloquens. " Ni s
BinsTEiK, -E, -EAX, s. m. 1. A sorry glutton sor- :

didus et mendicus helluo. C. S. 2. Rancid but- fearr na aingeal binn-hhriaUtrach. Macf. Par. xi. 1.
Better than an eloquent angel. Melius angelo e>
ter or tallow butyrum vel sebum rancidum. He-

brid. loquente.
BiHM-BHRiATHRACHD, s. f. iiid. (Binn-bhriathrach), BÌOBAN, -AiN, s.m. A disease in hens : morbus gal-
Eloquence cloquentia. Lllh. App. : linarum. C S.
Angl. The pip.
BiNN-ciiEOL, -IÙ1L, «. tn. (Binn, et Ceòl), Sweet BÌOBALL, -AiLL, *. lit. bible A
bibliorum sacrorum :

music ilulcis niusica. " 'S d'am binn-rheol so bu

; exemplar. Voc. 99. Germ. Bibcl. Gr. B;JXoc.
bhladh." Marf. Par. i. 5. Of tlieir sweet music BiOD, Ì -AN, s.m. 1. A pointed top: apex, ca-

this was the purport. Musicae dulcis eorum hoc BioDA, j cumen. C. S. 2, mountain top : ju- A
fuit sensus. gum montis. C. S.
BiNN-CHEOLACH, -AiCHE, adj. (Binn-chcol), Melo- BiODACH, -AICHE, adj. (Bioda), Sharp-topped, pyra-
dious : canorous. Mac/. Par. v. 1 3. midal : acuminatus, p3Tamidem referens. C. S.
BiNNDEACHADH, -AiDH, *. iH. et prcx. part. V. Binn- BioDAG, -AiG, -AN, s.f. (Biod), dirk, a dagger A
dich. A curdling, infusing of rennet into
milk coa- : pugio, sica Gaelorura. Voc. 115. " Biiiodag 's
gulatio, infusio liquoris coagulantis in lac. C. S. miosa th' anns an tir." Stew. 210. Tlie worst
BrnNDEAL, -EiL, -AN, s. »1. forehead cloth : sin- A dirk in the country. Pugio pessima in (hac tota)
cipitis operiuientum quoddam. S/i. regione. Wcl. Bidog. Hebr. pJ^i bittek, corpus
• Binndein,
s.f. Lih. et Sh. Vide Binid. gladio transfixit.
BiNNDiCH, -IDH, BH-, V. tt. (Binid), Infuse rennet, BioDAGACH, atij. (Biodag), Armed with a dagger
curdle coagulans serum lacte infunde, coagula.
: pugione instructus. Macinty. 130.
" A
bhinndich an clàmhuinn." Dug. Btichan. Which BioDAXAcii, -AICHE, odJ. (Bioda), Sharp-topped:
has coagulated (frozen) the sleet. Qui nivem ge- acuminatus. C. S.
lavit. • Biodanach, -aich, s.m. tattler: garrulus. IM, A
BiNNEACH, -iCHE, adj. (Beann, a horn). 1. Horned, • Biodarnach, -aiche, adj. Chirping : pipiens. Sibl.

cornutus. Maef. V. 2. L.ighi, or high-headed Gloss.

leva vel altum caput ferens. " An eilid bheag BioD-CHEAXN, -INS, s. ?t). (Biod, ct Ccanu), A point-

bhinneach." Maciiity. 79. The light, or high-head- ed head caput acuminatum. C. S.


ed little hind.. Cerva parva levi capitis. 3. Sharp BioD-CHEAXNAcn,-AiciiE,CTrf/. (Biod-cheann), Sharp-
pointed : cuspidatus. N. H. 4. (Beinn), Steep, headed capite acuminato. C. S.

hilly abruptus, montosus. C. S.

: BlODH, 3d. jjers. imper. v. Bi, (commonly written for
BiNNEAD, -EiD, s. tn. (Binn, adj.), Sweetness, degree Bitheadh). " Biodh è, vel i." Let him or her be :

of melody dulcedo, nielos. C. .S". : Esto ille vel ilia. " Biodh iad, vel siad." Let them
BiNNEAG, -EiG, -AN, s.f. dim. of Beinn, A cliimney- be : sunto. " Biodh soluis ann an speuraibh
top, or stalk : fumarium. N. If. 2. Id. q. Binn- nèimhe, a chum dealachaidh eadar an la agus an
ein. oidhche, agus bitheadh iad air son choraharan. Gen.
BiNNEAGACH, -AICHE, ad/. (Binneag), Towered, or i. 14. Let there be lights in the firmament of the
abounding in turrets : turriculosus. C. S. heavens, to divide the daj' from the night, and let
BiNNEALACH, -AICHE, odj. Melodious, cliirping : ca- them be for signs. Sunto luminaria in expanse
norus, pipiens. Sh. coeli, ad distinctionem faciendam inter diem et

BiNNEALTA, Ì od/. (Binn). 1. Melodious : cano- noctem et sunto pro signis. " Biodh amhlaidh."

BiNNEALTACH, j norus. S/i. 2. Pretty, neat, fine : So be it fit. Amen. Cars. Lit. pass.

bellus, nitidus, elegans. Sh. et 0'£. Potius R- • Biodhbha, s. m. Voc. 113. Vide Biubhaidh.
nealta. • Biodhbhanas, -ais, s. m. (Biodlibha), Discord :

• Binnear, s. m. 1. hill A : mons. Sk. 2. A hair discordia. 3ISS.

pin aciculus crinalis.
: .S7(. et O'R. BiODHG, «. m. ind. 1. A start, sudden emotion : saltus,
BiNNEAs, -Eis, s. ni. Melody : melos, cantus, dulce- repentinus impetus. Sh. et 3ISS. 2. Involuntary
do. Voc. 106. exclamation exclamatio involuntaria. MSS.

BiNNEiN, -EAN, s. Di. 1. A top, pinnaclc, a turret BioDHGADH, (Biùgadh), s. m. stirring up, sudden A
cacumen, apex. Macf. V. 2. A bell : campana. emotion concitatio, subitus animi motus. C. S.

» Biodh, -aidh, bh-, Start up, awake : saltum da,

Sk. Lat. Pinna. Arab. Lò bina^ aedificium.
expergisce. O'B.
BiNN-FHOCLACH, -AICHE, adj. (Binn, et Foclach), A
Bigg, -a, -an, s.m. 1. chirp: pipilatio. C. S.
1. Sweet-worded suaviloquens. C. S.
2. (Jig.)

" Eunlaith bhinn-fhodach

2. Astart, a fit saltus, subitus corporis vel ani-

canorus. :
mi motus. C. S.
nan coillteach." -S". Z>. 262. The melodious birds
BiOGACH, -AICHE, adj. Small, very httle : exiguus
of the woods. Aves canorae sylvarum. minutus. B. D.
BiNN-FHUAiM, -E, s. »(. (Binn, et Fuaim), sweet A BÌOGADH, -AIDH, «. m. Starting, a strong emo- A
sound dulcis sonus. :" Binn-fhuaim geur nan
tion, livel}' palpitation : subsultatus, impetus animi
aighean mear." R. 3/'Z>. The shrill melodious vel corporis, vehemens " Bheireadh
sound of the sportive hinds. Clarus (et) dulcis biogadh air m àimean. Oran. That would thrill
sonus cervarum lascivarum. B. Bret. Biniou, Bin-
through my nerves. Quod pertingeret ad renes
•Binnse, «./. bench: scabellum. Lih. A BÌOGAIL, -E, adj. (Biog). 1. Lively, active : vivax,
BiKNTEACH, -EicHF, adj. (Binid), Curdling, coagu- actuosus, vegetus. 2. Neat
Macf. V. nitidus. :

lating : coagulans. Macf. V.

3ISS. 3. Small, minute exilis, minutus. (XB.
BK) ll'.) BIO
BÌOGANTA, tuij. Thrilling : jx-rtorans. C, S. BioHAicii, -11)11, BU-, V. a. (Bior), Slutrpc^n: acuf.
BioiiAKKA, <«^. C'lmrlisli, surly: iluruB, aspir, dilli- ( : s.

cilis. C.X BiuHAiiiiE, (. M. lor. 77. \'ide Biuracli, 4.

Dio(>AKHAi'Hi>, «.,/IiW. Meanne«ti, churlliihnes!) : u- UltlHAN, -AIN, -AN, «. M. itllH. llf Blur, \ little ttuk,
varilia sortliila. C. S. slake, a pin, needle : baiUlu*, virgul«, «cuicu»,
• Uiol, *. f. A viol, viuliii, fidille : liilic-uia. Hh. Hciculu, acub.
\ i.k- iiilhiall. " iiioF ftiiiùid
BiOLACACii, <w//'. Mi'lodious: oanorus. Miicf. V. " A blu'iiu.-as og, in bwran iia lainili."

UiuLAiHK, s.f. ind. I'rvssi's, otticiaal «curvy p"ass : Car. Thur. iOÌ.
cochleariu oliiciiialls. Vuc. 58. cI Ltt/lttf. '•Bio- As smoke which a stripling di»pen>ei>, with u sniall
lar." IJh. " liioluirc 'ii I'liuarain." (.'. S. Vt'uWr stall" in his hand. l,'t fumus quiui puer ruinuit,
cri'ssos. Sisviiibriuiii, luisturiiuni, a(|uaticuiu.
H. cum bacillu in manu ejus.
Bnt. BcKr. • Bioran, »•. m. .Strife : hs, rixa. U B.
Bloi.AiKKAC'ii, -EicilE, a<//'. (liiolaifo), Abouudiiifj in BioH AN Acii, -AICIIE, u<^'. (BioHui), I'ull of phckkt
water cresses cocliiearibus otticinalibus pleims.
: aculeatus. C. S.
K. MD. .
BioiiANAcii, -Aicil, *. m. (Biuran), 1. ,\ pin-
BioiAH, -AiHE, spruce: bellulus,
flf^'. Dainty, fine, cushion spinulurium. Sit.
: 2. .-V quarreUume
nitidulus, coniptus, lepidus.Sh. et O' R. person, one who quarrels about tritles huuiu rixu- :

BioLAstiAcii, -AiciiE, adj. (Beul, Lunsgacli), Talk- sus, qui de nugis rixatur. .S7». et O'B.
ing, prattling loquax, garrulus. Llli. et C. S.
: • Bioranachan, s. m. A pin-maker : spiiiulariue. Sh.
BloLAsc.ADii, -AiDii, s. m. A talking, prattling: ac- BiORANAicuTE, odj. Vexed: vexatus, a^gre ferens.
tio loijuendi, lin|uacllas, garrulitas. /,///. et ('. S. Sh.
BÌOM, v. Bi, lor Hitheam, Let
1st. j)rrs. siiiff. imjjer. BlORAN-DEAMIINAIDII,/V. BlORAlN-DlIE.'l.MH>>'.\IDII.
nie be " Cuis caogadh sùl iia biom." Kirk.
: sim. *. m. (Bioruii, et Deamhnaidh), A minnow pho- :

Salm. XXXV. 19. A cause of winking the eyes let xinus. So called from its figure, and a prejudice
me not he. I'ausa nictandi non siiu. against it on the nortliern coast of Scotland.
BiOH, -A, -AS, s. ni. 1. A pointed stick, or stake. JISS. • Biorasg, «. m. Llh. \'ide Bior-iasg.
ct C. S. 2. A spit, wire, a prickle, pin, bodkin, Biorbhogha, «. «i. (Bior, water, et Bogha), A

stijig : virga acuta, stipes, vera, acicula, aculeus, rain-bow iris. Lilt. :

subula, spiculum. Mar/. I', et C. S. iVe/. et Arm. • Biorbhuafan, *. m. (Bior, water, et Buafa), A
Ber, Bir. Htòr. n*"ì3 ln-riorh. hasta. " Bior-bheiuii," water- serpent hydrus. Uh. :

PjTcnnees, i. e. sli;irp [lointed hills : niontes acu- BlOR-CHLLAS, -AIS, -AN, *. (Bior, Ct CluflS), A /
niinati. ^'idc Wacht. in roc. Brenner. keen ear, as of a dog, when erected in the act of
• Bior, s. tn. A well, fountain, water : scaturigo, listening keenly acris auris, ut canis, erecta, in

fons, aqua. " Tiobra, no tobar bior." Llli. O'B. actu attendendi.
Hiòr. T'J
A well, water.

A'ide Bir. Arab. ^ " Bha 'bhior-chiuas àrd ri gaoth gach ball."
S. 1). 201.
With ears erect he (a dog), snuffed the wind in
• Bior, adj. Short brevis. M.SS. :
every point. Erectis auribus, auraiu ex omni par-
BiORAcir, -AicHE, adj. (Bior), Pointed, piercing, te (naribus hausit).
horned: acutus, penetrans, comutus. JIaef. I'. • Biorchoil, s. m. An instrument for beheading
BlORACH, -AiCH, «./. 1. A two yeiU" old heifer: machina qua quis decollator. Sh. et L/B.
juvenca, vel vitula bina. C. S. 2. A cow calf: BlOR-CHOMHLA, Coudda), A wa-
S.f. (Bior, watiT, et
vitulus. U/i. 3. All ox, bullock. " Biorach bo." ter-sluice : emissariuni, objectaculum. Sh.
Saim. I. 9. rnetr. An ox, bullock juvencus. : • Biordhach, adj. (Bior, water), \\'atery : aquosus.
" tarbh òg." prose, et Kirk. ibid. 4. A ilog-Ksh Llh.
tanis niarinus. C. S. 5. A year old huise or BiOR-DiioRus, S.f. (Bior, water, et Dorus), A flood-
colt: equulus. Hebrid. 6. (Bior), An instrument gate : emissariuni, cataracta. Llh.
set with pointed iron pins, fixed round the lower BioH-DHRAoiDHEACHD, Draofdh-
S.f. (Bior, Water, et
part of the head, to prevent calves from sucking : eachd). Divination by water: hydroniantia. iVoc/l T.
instrumentum quoddani ferreis cum aculeis cus- Biou-DUBH-NA-LLiNGE, «. «I. The stcm of a sliip :

pidatis, quo caput vituli alligatur, ut niatrem su- puppis navis. Voc. 111.
gendo proliibeatur. C. S. BlOK-FHEADAK, -AIX, -AK, S. «1. (Bior, WEtCr, Ct
BiORACHAS, -Ais, s. m. Pointednes8: mucro, acies. Feadan), A water-pipe : canalis. MSS.
C.S. BioK-FHiACAiL, -LA, s. «I. (Bior, et Fiacail), .\
BiORADH, -AiDH, s. til. et pres. part. v. Bior, Pierc- tooth-pick dentiscalpium. i'oc. '20.

ing, prickling, stinging: actio pungendi. Mac/. BioRG, -IDH, BH-, f. n. 1. (Bior, water). Gush sca- :

turi, ebuUi. Grant. 3ò3. 2. (Bior), Twitch sudden-

BioRAG, -AiG, -AN, s.f. (Bior), The fore-tooth in ly and sorely : convelle. C. S.
brutes : anterior pecudis dens. C. S. BiORGACii, -AICIIE, adj. (Biorg, 2.) 1. Kaj)turous :

BioRAG LODAiN, s./. A bandstickle, fish : spinacliia. niirificus, C. S. 2. Nervous dolore nervorum :

Voc. 72.
afHictus. C. S. Hiitd. Birtgee.
BiORGADii, -AIDH, m. ct preji. part. v. Biorg. A
s. BiORSAMAiD, «. /. -E, EAN,
(i. e. Bior, 'sa mhaide),

painful t«itcli, a sudden start of f lie nerves, an im- 1. A Roman

balance, a lever of unequal arms, for
pulse convulsio nervorum subita. C. S.
: Hijid. weighing small quantities Romana statera, libra, :

Biraq, rapture. Gilch. " Biorgadh-nàdurra." In- trutina. 2. A steel-yard statera. C. S. Scot. :

stinct : C. S.
instinctus. Bismar, Bymcr. Jam. Isl. Bismari. Suo. Goth.
BioROANTA, a<^'. Perplexing, hampering : involvens, Bcsman. West. Goth. Bismare. Teut. Bosemer.
turbans, cohilipn». Stew. Gloss. Kilian.
BlOR-GBEASAID, -GREASAIDH, S. »1. (Bior, Ct BioR-siiùiL, ÙLA, ÙILEAN, (Bior, et Sùil), pierc- A
Greasad), 1. A
goad : stimulus. Macf. V. 2. ing eye oculus acer. C. S.

An awl : subula. O'R. BioR-sHuiLEAcir, -EICHE, odj. (Bior-shuil), Sharp-

BioRGUiNN, -E, -EAN, s.f. (Bior, et Guinn), A lan- eyed : oculos habens acutos. Macinty.
cinating, shooting pain sensus pungendi, : dolor • Bios, s. tn. Silk sericum. Vail. " Biosar." Llh.

subinde transcurrens, ut cancro affecti sentiunt.

et Sh. Arab.yj hez. Chald. yn bits, byssus,
seu potius sericus.
BiOR-iASG, -EisG, s. m. (Bior, et lasg), 1. A fishing
bait: esca ad pisces capiendos. Sh. 2. A fish Bios, ì i. e. " Bi thusa," 2rf. pers. sing. imp. v. Bi,
with prickles piscis quidam aculeatus. C. S.
: BiosA, j Be thou sis, es, esto, tu. " Na biosa fada

• Bior-nihèin, s.f. (Bior, water, et Mèin), Doziness, uam." Salm. xxii. 11. Ed. 1753. Be not thou far
moisture : humiditas. Sh. from rne. Ne procul absis tu mihi. " Bi-sa."
• Bior-oir, s-f. A water brink : margo aquae. Llh. Ross. Salm. ibid.
Bior-phoit, s.f. An urn : uma, aqualis. 3ISS. BiosGAiL, -E, adj. Churlish : asper, difficilis. D.
' Biorra, s. in. (Bior, water), The bird king's fish- M'Ken.
er halcyon. Sh.
" Biorra-criiidein." Llh. et Biota, s.f. 1. chum: cimea. A " Biota- MSS.
OB. mhaistridli." Hebrid. 2. wooden vessel, for car- A
« BioiTag, s.f. (Bior, water), A marshy field : ager r}ùng water vas ligneum, ad aquam deportandum.

palustris. MSS. et O'R. N. H. Scot. A

water stoup. B. Bret. Bed, Bet.
* Biorrach, s.f. 1. A boat, or skiff: c}Tnba, sca- BioTAiLT, -jE, Ì 4-. /«. Victual, victuals, grain victus, :

pha. Sh. 2. A muzzle : capistrum. Bibl. Gloss. BioTAiLTE, j cibus, frumentum. C. S. Wei. et
BioRRACHDACH, -AicHE, odj. (Biorach), Sharp- Arm. Bittael.
pointed : aculeatus. Provin. BiOTAiLTEACH, -EICHE, adj. (Biotailt), Abounding in
BiORRACHDAiKE, -EAN, s. Tti. A sharper : fraudator. grain, plentiful : frumento copiosus, abundans, ali-

R. 31 D. mento ferax. C S.
BiORRAiD, -E, -EAN, S.f. 1. A cone, helmet: conus, BioTAis, -E, s.
f. Beet root : beta. C. S. Fr.
galea. Sh. 2. A cap : pileus. Sh. 3. An ozier- Bette.
twig vimineus surculus. Sh.
: 4. Strife lis. Sh. :
• Bioth, (i. e. Bith), s. m. 1. The world : mundus.
" Gearradh biorraide," The cutting of a cone, a Llh. 2. being A : quodvis creatum. LUi. App.
conic section : sectio conica. B. Bret. Barret. • Biothanach, -aich, e. m. A thief: fur. Voc. et
Germ. Baret, galerus. /to/. Beretta. Vulg. Lat. 3LSS.
Barretum. It was the graduation hat of the Irish. • Bioth-bhuaine, s.f. Vide Bith-bhuantachd.
Vail. Fr. Barette. Span. Birrete, a cap. • Bir, s. m. Sh. Vide Bior, water.
BioRRAiDEACii, -EicHE, adj. (Bion'aid), Conical, co- BÌR, s. 7». The alarm cry of the soland geese, when
nic, bearing a helmet : conicus, galeatus. C. S. attacked at night by the inhabitants of St. Kilda.
• Biorran, -ain, «. m. Anguish of mind
: auimi do- Vide Martins and M'Aulai/'s Hist.
lor.Sh. et OR. ' Bir-fhion, s. m. (Bir, water, et Fion), Metheglin :

* Biorranach, -aiche, adj. (Biorran), Distracted mulsum, melicraton, hydromeli. Llh. et Plunh.
distractus. Sh. Abeverage of the ancient Scots : potus qui-
* Biorranaire, s. m. (Biorran, et Fear), fomenter A dam veterum Scotorum.
of strife : litium concitator. Sh. et O'R. BiRLiNN, -EAN, s. f.
-E, barge, or bark of state : A
' Biorran, -aidh, bh-, v. a. Hamper, perplex, dis- magnum naviculum, ratis magnifica. " Birlinn
tract impedi, imphca, vexa, distrahe. Sh. et
: Thighearn Chlann RaonuUl." R. M'D. 148. Mac-
OR. donald of Clanronald's barge of state. Scot. Bier-
« Bior-ròs, s. m. Water lily nymphsea. Llh. :
ling. Jam.
BiOR-RÒSLAiDH, -RÒSTAIDH, s. m. A spit : veru. BiRLiNNEACH, adj. (Birlinn), Abounding in barks
C.S. of state : magnificas vel regias habens cymbas.
BiOR-SHUiLEACH, adj. Sharp-sighted : perspicax. R. M'B.
Macinty. 86. • Birread, s.f. Llh. Vide Biorraid.
« Bior-sraobh, s. m. The old bed of a river : vetus • Birt, pi. of Beart, Loads, bundles : onera, sarci-
fluminis alveus. O'R. nae, fasciculi. 3ISS.
BloRSADH, -AIDH, s. m. A keen impatience : ardens
• Birt, s. /. 1.A hilt, haft, handle : capulum, ma-
nubrium. Llh. 2. A castle, fortified place
jmpatientia. C. S. (Bior-sathagh). Pers. {p-jj munimentum.
arx, Vail. Cliald. il/lTi Wr-
bersh, desire ; the iliac passion. tah, casteUum.
BiRTiCH, -iDH, BH-, r. u. (Uior), Excite: siimula. BiTiirAM, Itt. pert. ting, impmit. v. Bi. Let ine be :

•• liirtuA an Iciiic. " C. S. Stir up tlie lin- : uc- biin. Grtim. 74. Frrqueiitly written •• Uiuui," ajid
fciuli' ifineiu, Iti'iii, Uiiu." SiUm. mrtr. h'liiph. " Uitlieoiuka,"
• His, s. A buffet, box : i-oliiphus, ictus. Uk. " Bioiiisa.'

Hi III, ». / iW. (l»i, r.) I. Uiiiit;, existence: ens, • Bitheaiuhnuch, t. la. BiU. Glott. Vide Bioiii-
existentia. " Ni air hith." Uitàth. viii. 8. Any unach.
• Bitheamlinania, tulj. Thievish furax. BdJ, CUmm.
tiling in existence : quodvis creutuin. Pm. U.j

BirilEASVA, (H^'. l.(Bitll), CllutiuUU*: glutilMWUK. i.

w/a. creature : ereaturu. MSS.
'2. A .1. *•. m.
Bith-dheuota), Frequent, uilea
(for : frequeun, kte-
"Hie workl, universe nuiiulus, reruin universitus. :
pe. MSS.
'• Shiùblilainn am hitli braoiiaeli leat." Oniii. 1 BiTiiEAs, A'. //. Vide Bitliidli. HW. Byr, will be :

wouUl walk the dewy world with tliee. IVregrina- erit. N'ide (iram.
n-ni inuiiJuni roratuni tecum. MV/. Byd, world,
f. (Bitli, et Eun), Bird-lime: viitciu.
et Byth, eternity. B. lint. Bet, bed. 4. An or-
der, law, custom, habit : ordo, lex, nios. " Si so
BlTii-cilRABliADif, -AiDil, t. tn. (Bith, 3. et Grabh-
hithan àite." FW. 3-1. 178. Tliis is the custom or
adh). Cosmography : inuiidi descriptio, eobiuogra-
law of the place, o. Improperly for Bi, v. cj. v.
" Biothgraibheachd."
phia. Uliinjd writes
• BitJi, «._/! 1. A woman : inulier. Z,///. :i. A wound :
BiTlllD, for BlTlllUil IAD, 'id. jten. pi. Jut. ind. v.
vulnus. IJh. et <YB. Sometimes written " Bi'd."
Bi. Salm. xc. 5. metr.
BÌTII, -E, s. f. 1. C'lum, pith : gummi, arboris glu-
BiTiiiDii, yii/. ind. i: Bi, Shall or will be: erit.
ten. C. S. 2. Tar pix liquida. C. S. " Bith :
'' Bithidh, mi, tu, e," &c. 1 shall or will be, thou
etin." Voc.bX. Birdlime: viscus, tW -um. "Bith shalt or wilt be, he shall or will be, &c. Ero, eris,
blunith." Voc. G9. Pitch : pix. Pers. jbvxji. pikJi, erit, &c. aiimi-san buan gu siorruidh."
Salm. His mime sliall f>ndiire for ever.
Ixxii. 17.
gum eye corners.
in the Juj pi/i, fat, tallow.
• Bithbheanach, »-. «i. L//i. \'ide Biothanach. ' Erit nomenpermanens usque in seculum.

• Bithbheanta, atlj. Stolen : surreptus. Ll/i.

BiTiiiDii, BÌDii, Blidh, ^e/i. of Biadh. Food: cibus.

BiTit-BHÌo, atlJ. (Bith, et Beo), Ever living, ever- quod \ide.

lasting : immortalis. Ll/i. BiTiiis, -EAN, s.f. (Bith, et Ise), Muliebre puden-

BiTii-BHRiATiiKACii, -AicHE, (Bith, ct Briatlirach), dum. C. S.

Bubbling, continually talking loquax, garru- :
BiTH-LABHAiRT, S.f. Prattling, babbling, perpetual
" Tuitidh an t-amadan hilh-òhriathrach." speaking : garrulitas. Macf. V.
Gtiàtli. X. 8. The prating fool shall fall : cadet BiTn-RÈ, s.f. ind. (Bith, et Uè), Life-time : vita tem-
stultus loquax. pus C. S.
BiTH-BHUAN, adj. (Bith, et Buan), Immortal, ever-
BiTH-sHÌOR, -SHÌORRUIDH, adj. (Bith, et Sior, vel

lasting immortalis, sempiternus. I be. 125. (lit.

Slorruidli), Everlasting : immortalis, setemus. C. S.
• Bitiorra, adf. Cheerful, blytbe : hilaris, alacris.
continued being). In prose, accented on the first
" Mòr chumh- Sh.
syllable, but in verse, on the last.
Hie BiTis, *•./. Beets: beta, berba. Voc. 58. et Sh.
achd Dhe lliith-hhuain." Sm. Par. xxv. 1.
great power nf (iod everlastine : magna potestas
BiTSE, -EACHAS, *./. wliore, bitch A
scortum, ca- :

nis femina. C. S. Fr. Bichou. Angl. Sax. Bicce.

Dei sempitemi.
BiTH-BiiL'ANTACUD, *./. iiid. (Bith-bhuan), Eterni-
Scot. Bick. Germ. Baetze.
ty : a;ternitas. " bhith-buantachd gu bith- O BiTSEACH, -EICHE, oilj. (Bitsc), Addicted to whore-
hhttantachd." Salm. xc. 2. From everlasting (eter- dom : meretricio addictus. A. M-D.
nity) to everlasting. seculo usque in seculuni. A BiTSEACHD, S.J'. \Mioredom scortatio. Macinty. 59. :

BiTii-ciiLRAM, -AIM, -AX, s. tii. (Bith, et Cùram), BiTsicu, -iDii, BH-, V. n. (Bitse), \Miore, play the
Worldly' care cura mundana. Voc. 36. :
rake scortare. C. S.

BiTH-DHEAXAMH, -AiMH, *. TO. (Bith, et Deanamh), BiLBHAiDH, -EAK, s. m. MSS. Vide Biùthaidh.
continual doing actio peqietuo operandi, per- :
Bii.BH.\KSAs, -Ais, s. m. (Biùbhaidli), Enmity: o-
petuus labor. Macf. V. dium hostile. C. S.
BiTH-DHEANTA, (ulj. (Bith, ct Deanta), Frequent, hiics.m.ind. Difficult utterance : dicendi difficultas.
" Cha d' thubhairt i biitc." Procin. She said no-
common : frequens, consuetus. " Tha e hith-
dheatita am measg dhaoine." Eccl. Ed. 1807.
vi. 1. thing, she uttered not a syllable. Dixit ilia nihil.
marg. It is common among men. Est illud con-
'• Tha biiic air." Procin. He has a difficulty of ut-
suetura inter homines, (maximum super homines, terance. Difficultas dicendi est illi.

Bez.) Vidy. Bichionta. BiÙDiiAS, -.*is, s. m. Vide Biùtlias.

• Bithe, gen. of Bith. In Irish, the gen. of Be, A BiÙGADH, -ATDH, s. m. Vide Biogadh.
woman. LUi. • Biùi, ) s. m. A. M-D. Gloss. Vide Biùth-
• Aiùidli, j aidh.
BiTHEADH, 3rf. pers. sing, et pi. imperat. v. Bi. Let
be : sit, esto sint, sunto. ' Bitheadh iad." Gtn.
BiÙTHAiDH, -EAN, s. til. 1. A hero, a champion:
i. 14.Let them be sint. " Bitheadh sin : dliuitsa heros, pugil, pugnator. Macf. V. 2. A foe, an
*ha chomharadh." C. S. Let that be unto tliee as
enemy : hostis. A. M-D. Gloss.
a sign. Sit illud tibi ut signum. BiÙTH.^s, -AIS, t. tn. (Bith, Hieabhas). Ì. Glory,
Vol. I.
reputation bona fama. C. S. 2. Report,
: gloria, • Bladhair, -idli, bhl-, v. n. Boast : jacta. OR.
or reputation, simply : fama bona vel mala. Slav. Bladhaiii, -e, adj. (Bladh, 2.),
Expressive, signifi-
Gloss. " Fo bàÌMtJtas duine gun lochd." Seami. cant dcnotans, clare expriniens. C. S.

Bearing tlic name of a harmless man. Sub fama Bladiiair,-e, -ean, s. m. (Bladh, .3. et Fear). 1. A
viri innocui. " Deagh bliiùtlias." S. A good C boaster : jactator. Sh. OR. et C. S. 2. cow- A
character. bona. Fama
Gotfi. Biuths. Viphil. ard : imbellis. C. S.
• Bla, «. »J. 1. A
town, village: oppidum, villa. Bladiiaireaciid, s.y. 2«</. (Bladhaire). 1. Boasting:
Sh. et OR. 2. Piety, devotion: pietas. Sh. jactantia. Cowardice C. S. 2. : timiditas. C. S.
OB. et OR. 3. sea: mare. Lih. et Sh. A Bladiiantas, -Ais, s. m. C. S. Id. q. Bladhair-
4. A
field, a green, or grass plot : campus, vi- eachd.
retum. Llh. Sli. OB. et OR. 5. A cry, or Bladiiastair, -e, -ean, s.m. A swaggerer, babbler:
shout clamor. Lth. Sh. et OB. 6. Offspring
: : thraso, stultiloquus, garrulus. C. S.
progenies. Sh. 7. Praise, rcnowii : laus, ce- Bladiiastaireaciid, Foolish s.f. hid. (Bladhastair),
lebritas. <S7(. 8. v. Be it enacted decretum sit. talking ineptiae sermonis, C. S. stolida jactatio.

Sh RefeiTÌng to the Brehon laws. 9. adj.
Healthy, safe, well ; valens, vigens, tutus. Hh.
: :

Bladiim, -a, -ANNAN, s. 111. flirt, a start, brag, A

boast, blunder impetus, saltus, gloriatio, jactan-

10. Yellow: fiavus. OB. tia, error. Sh. O'R. et €. S.

Blabaran, -ain, -an, s. m, A stutterer: bambalio. Bladhmadaich, -e, s.f. flirting, bragging: actio A
as. subsiliendi, resiliendi, jaclandi, gloriandi. C. S.
Blabhdach, -aiche, adj. 1. Babbling : garrulus. Bladiimag, -au;, -ax, s.
f. (Bladlmi), female A
C. S. 2. Howling : ulalans. C. S. blunderer stolida. C. S. :

Blabhdair, -E, -EA>f, s. »». 1. Howling, yelling: u- • Bladlnnaich, s.f. Fame, praise, commendation

lulatio, ejulatus. C. S. 2. A
babbler : garrulus. laus, fama. Llh.
C. *S'. 3. A slow-hnnnd : canis venaticus. Provin. Bladhmair, -e, -ean, s. in. (Bladhm, et Fear), A
Blabhdaireachd, s.f. ind. (Blabhdair). 1. Bab- bragger, swaggerer: jactator, thraso. 2. An ec-
bling : garrulitas 2. Yelling, howling : ejulatio, centric person : homo levis et inconstans. C. S.
ululatio. C. S. Scot. Blabering. Jam. Blaidry, Bladhmaireachd, s.f. hid. Id. q. Bladhmadaich.
Blether, Blather. Bums. as.
Blad, -id, -an, s. 7». A wide mouth : os latum, a- Bladhmannach, -aich, -ean, s. m. (Bladh), A
pertum, vel hians. Macf. V. boasting fellow thraso. C. S. et OB.

Bladach, -aiche, adj. (Blad), Flat, wide-mouthed : Bladhmastair, -ean, s. m. (Bladhm, et Fear),
planus, latum os habens, C. S. A blockhead : insulsus. C. S.
Bladair, -e, -ean, s. m. (Blad, et Fear), A wide Bladhmastaireachd, s./. /«f/. (Bladhmastair), Stu-
mouth, a babbler, flatterer : qui os latum habet, pid blundering : stupiditas. C. S.
blatero, adulator. Sh. et C. S. Blad-shronach, -aiche, adj. (Blad, et Sròn) Flat-
Bladaireachd, s.f. ind. (Bladair), Garrulity, fool- nosed : simus. Voc. 28.
ish babbling : gaiTulitas. Scot. Bladering, or bla- • Blagaireachd, s. f. A blast, boasting : jactatio,
thering. gloriatio. Llh.
Bladar, -air, s. m. (Blad), Dissimulation, flattery: Blagh, -Axon, s. m. Stew. Gloss. Vide Bladh.
dissimulatio, adulatio. BibL Gloss. ' Blal, s.f. the womb : alvus. MSS.
Bladh, -aidh, s. m. 1. Juice, energy: succus, vi- Blaidh, -e, -ean, s. /. 3Iacf. V. Vide Bloigh.
res. Macf. V. sensus. C. S.
2. Meaning : vis, Wei. Blaen, point, or extremity. Scot. Blad,
3. Fame, renown fama, gloria. " 'S buaine bladh
: Blaud. Jam. Clwld. \)^'^ blain, vestes tritae et

na saoghal." Prov. Renown is more lasting than laceratse.

life. Gloria diutius manens quam vita est. 4. A » Blaidh-lin, s.f. Vide Lion-eudach.
Bhout, triumphant acclamation : acclamatio. » Blainic, s.f. Llh, Vide Blonag.
" Le trompaid is mòr bhladh" • Blainiceach, adj. Lth. Vide Blonagach.
Salni^ xlvii. 5. 7netr. Blais, -idh, BH-, V. a. (Bias), Taste : gusta. " Nuair
With a trumpet, and loud acclamation. Cum a bhlais e am fion." Dan. v. 2. When he tasted
buccina et magna acclamatione. 5. Flattery: a- the wine. Cum gustaverat vinum. Wei. Blasu.
dulatio. Sh. et O'R. 6. flower, garland : flos, A B.Bret. Blasa.
corolla, sertum. MSS. Vide Blàth. Blais-bheum, s. m. ind. Blasphemy, a taunt, re-
• Bladh, adj. Smooth : levis, planus. Sh. et O'R. proach blasphemia, nialedictum, convicium, op-

» Bladh, s. m. A
portion. Sh, O'R. et Llh. Vide probrium. Voc. 37. 169. Span. Blasphemar. 1"«/^.
Blaidli, Bloidh, et Bloigh. Lat. Blasphemo. Old Fr. Blasphemer. Gr. BXa<r-
• Bladh, -aidh, bhl-, v. a.Llh. Vide Bloidhich. (pniua. Vide Toibheum.
' Bladhachd, s.f. A breaking, or crumbling into Blaiseagail, «. m. ind. \ (Blais, v.), Smacking with
pieces : actio comminuendi, friandi. Sh. et O'R. Blaiseagraich, s.f. j the lips : actio strependi
Pothis Bloigheachadh. inter manducandum. C. S.
Bladhail, -e, adj. (Bladh, 1.)
Pithy, sappy, ener- • Blaiteachadh, -aidh, s, m. A warming : cale&c-
getic : sapidus, succulentus, efficax. S. C tio. MSS. Vide Blathachadh.
Bladh.\ir, -e, -ean, blast : flamen. Sh. et O'R. a • Blàith, adj. Plain, smooth planus, : levis. Sh.
• Blàltli, *. A blouom : tloac-uluft. Uk. \'i(le ruviug by fit*, Uilkiikg tikcolkerently : inconsunR,
lilàlh, «. a.i.ian». r.s.
• lilaitli, -iiUi, bill-, (Hlailh, adjX Saioudi : Ittvi- • Blaiir, s. III. A cry : clamor. S/i. et O'P.
pa, |>oli. Sk. el U li. • Bluur, -uidli, bill-, r. «. Cry : dama. HJi. el O /i.
BlÀitiik, coiitp. ol' lilàtli, i|. V. • Blaubg, jr. m. liiU. Glou. " UlaoiKf a chiiiii.
• UluiilieiUiaL'Ji, wlj. Siiiooiiied, polùlted : l«viga- The bkull : cTaniuin. Uk. A/jfi. N'ldc I'luukg.
lu», politu». Sh. BlÀR, -air ,-a, -an, «.HI. 1. A held: ciiin|>us, a-
Bl ÀITII-HILEASC:. -EISO, -AN, i.f. (Blatli, *. rt cies,solum. •' .\m Uar a iiiuigh." C. S. Out of
Flejisf,'*, A HoHcr {.'arlanil sertuiii, : corulla. Vuc. doors: extra curiam. U. A battle: prarliuui.
li. Id. q. Blàtti-1'hli'us^'udli. " Ued dh'iamtdh mo làinli am Utir."
Blàitiii.n, -f, -E.w, ,v. HI. dim. of Hlàtli, s. A small Finy. i. 117.
blossom : iiusculus, genutii. C S. Tliough my hand would seek the fight. Quainvis
• Bluithliap. s.f. 1. .\ pulished stone lujiis po- : posceret niea nianus pnelium. " Thug iad Uar
litus. Sh. i. A pumice-stone puniex. /,///. : dhoibh." Grit. xiv. 8. inarg. 'lliey gave them
• Blùthmheul, *./ (Bla, it Miol), A sea monster: battle. Cuiniiiiseiimi prarlium cum iis.
belltia marina. AISS. BlÀk, -aire, adj. White-faced, inurl.ed wiili white,
• Bluithtieh, Uluitich, -idli, bill-, r. a. Vide Blùth- in the face, (of animals) alba tucie, vel ulbuni ma- .

aich. culam fronte habens (de pecore). Macf. V. el C. S.

• Blaitin, *. HI. Ll/i. Vide Bluithin. if',/. Blaior.
• Blanc, «. HI. .\ tarthinfj : quadraiis. S/i. Stvt. BlAkag, -Aic:, -AN, S.f. A white-faced cow: vacca
Plaek properly one third of a penny.
; cum fronte alba. Afacf. V. et C. H.
Bl.^ssdaidh, -e, adj. Uotten, stale: putris, corrup- Blàka.v, -ain, -an, s. m. dim. of Blàr, A little
tus. " I'bli btuniidaidh." A'. //. stale cpg, an A field : agellus. 3Iacf. V.
egg half-hatched. Ovum |uitriduni, ovum pulles- Blàras, -ais, -an, s. m. (Blàr, adj.) A white spot
cens. " Baiime hlimndaidh." Stale milk, milk on an animal's face : macula alba in fronte peco-
soured and tlUckened lac acidum indequc coagu- : C.S.
IiUum. " Serum lactis aliquot annus ser\'atuin Blar-gealaichdh, s. m. (Blàr, et Gealaich, v.),
avide bibunt in conviviis. Id potionis genus Blan- A bleachfield
locus ubi lintea dealbantur. C. S.

dium appellant." Buchan. Hist. Scot. Lib. I, cap. Blah-.mòine, s. m. (Blàr, s. ct Mòine), peat- A
33. (de Insulani;.!. moss : ager uligino^tus, undc cfi'odiuntur cespites
Blanndar, -air, «. m. Uussiraulation, flattery : dis- qui sole induraii, pro fomite uruntur. C. S. Hos
simulatio, adulatio, blanditix. Uh. et A'. H. Buchananus Lib. 1. cap. 38. utonadts Latine ap-
• Blaoch, s.f. A whale hala?na, Uh. : pellavit. " Blur mònadli." Bibrid.
• Blaodh, s. m. A
shout, calUng, breath clamor, : Blas, -ais, s. m. Taste, flavour: gustus, sapor.
vociferatio, halitus. Ll/t. " glaodh.") (i. e. " Ambheil bias air gealagan an uiblie ?" Job.
Blaodhao, -AiG, -an, s.f. (Blaodli), noisy girl, A vi. 6. Is there any taste in the wliite of an egg ?
or woman : puella vel mulier clamosa, rixosa. LlJi. Estne sapor in albumine vitelli ? Wei. et Arm.
et as. Bias; the sense of tasting, taste, relish. Arab.
Blaodh-èun, vel eòin, s. m. (Blaodh, et Eun), A (j-^ loos.
bird-call: vox qua inclamatur avis. Voc. 51.
Blaodhmaxach, -aiciie, a<^'. Foolish, blustering:
Blas, -ÀIS, s. m. Vide BIQths.
stultus, Etolidè jactabundus. Mar/. V, Blasachd, s.f.ind. (Bias), Tlie act of tasting : ac-
Blaogiiagach, -aiciie, adj. (Blaodh), Noisy, cla- gustandi. C. S.
tio Wtt. Balsaiz, having some
morous : clamosus, rixosus, Etrepitum molestum relish, or savour.
edens. Blasad, -aid, «. m. et pres. part. v. Blais, tast- A
Blaoghak, -AiN', s. m. (Bladh), A cry of the fawn :
ing, the act of tasting, a bit, a drop: gustaiio,
clamor, sonitus velut hinnuli. " Am hlaogium a mica, guttula. Voc. 143. " Cha d' rinn mi ach
ni n laoighcin mean-'bhreac ballach." R. M'D. blajsad air. C. S. I did but taste it. Non am-
The cry of the spotted fawn. Sonitus quern red- plius feci quin gustaverim. " Thoir dhomh bla-
dit hinnulus maculis interstinctus. sad." C. S. Give me a bit, a morsel, a tasting.
Blaomadaich, -e, s.f. (Blaodh, et Amaid), gid- A Da mihi micam, partem tenuem, guttulacm (de li-
dy starting, senseless vociferation : actio subsilien- quore). Wd. Blasiad.
di levi de causa, vociferatio inepta. C. S. Blasadh, -aidh, s. m. ct pres. part. r. Blais. Tasting,
Blaomadh, -aidh, -aidhean, s.m, foolish start, A the act of tasting gustatio, actus gustandi. Llh.

loud incoherent talking : subsultatus levi de causa, " An urran do sheirbhiseach na dh' itheas no na
stolida et confusa vociferatio. C. S. dh'òlas mi a' bhlasadh 2 Sam. xix. 35. Canf
Blaomag, -aig, -ak, s.f. blundering, senseless A thy servant taste what I eat or what I drink?
woman inepta mulier. C. S.
: Num gustare fKJterit sen'us tuus quod comedam et
Blaomair, -e, -ean, s. in. (Blaomadh, et Fear), A bibam ?
loud incoherent babbler clamosus blatero. C. S. :
Blasda, Off/. (Bias). 1. Savoury, tasty, delicious:
Blaomairbachd, *./. Vide Blaomadaich. sapidus, dulcis. " Agus dean dhomh biadh blot-
Blaomannacii, -aichEjO^^. (Blaomadh), Unsteady, da." Gat. xxvii. 4. And make unto me savoury
Q 2
meat. Et para niilii cupeilias. 2. Feigned : fic- priest of Jupiter wliowas before their city, brouglit
tus. Llh. Wd. Blasus, well tasted. oxen and garlands to the gates. Sacerdos auteni
Blasd'or. l.oiiiF., Jovis collocati ante illorum urbcm, tauros et vittas
a,/,-. Vide Blasda.
Blasmiiou.J ad vestibula adduxisset. (tauros vittatos. Bez.)
• Blasf^aoiii, s.f. A skull : cranium. Ll/i. Blàtii-lekìiiis, s. in. (Blath, s. et Leigheas), Any
Blas-piiòg, -oig, -an, s.f. (Bias, et Pòg), A sweet medicinal plant herba sanans. Voc. 59.

kiss : saviolum. S/t. Blàtii-mhai.seacu, adj. (Blath, ,«. et Maiseach), In

Blasta, adj. ct pcrf. part. Vide Blasda. the flower of beauty : florens pulehritudine. A.
Blàtii, -a, ,9. m. 1. A flower, blossom : flos, floscu- 3I'D.
lus. Voc. 69. " Thainig i f'uidli a kin hhlàtlt." Gen. Blatii-mhor, -oiRE,of^'. (Blath, a«J?'. et Mor), Warm:
xl. 10. And its blossoms siiot forth. Erupcrunt calidus. C. S.
Acres ejus. Colour, complexion, hue oris color.
2. : Blàtii-nam-bodach, -Aicir, s. m. (Blath, et Bod-
" Blàth fuar." C. S. cold look. I'allidus oris A ach), A
corn-rose, red poppy : papaver rhaeas.
color. Iff/. Blagur, et Blaguryn. 3. Fruit fruc- : OR.
tus, foetus. " 'S maifh am bìàth a dh'fhàg e na BlAtii-obair, -oibre, -BRlciiEAN, S.f. Embroide-
dheigh." C. S. Good is the fruit he hath left. ry vermiculatio. C. S.

Bonus est fructus quern reliquit ille. 4. An effect, BlÀth-oibreachauh, -aidii, «. m. et pres. part. v.
impression effectus, impressio.
" Cha 'n 'eil a' Blàth-oibrich. Embroidering : actio vermiculandi.
bhlàth sin air." C. S. There is no effect of that Sh.
upon it. NuUus effectus ejus (rei) est in eo. 5. Blàth-oibricii, -idii, BHL-, V. u. (Blàtli-obair),
A stain of liquor : macula ex liquore facta, tinc- Embroider acu intexe. C. S.

tura. 3ISS. 6. A form, or manner : forma, mo- Blàths, -àitiis, «. m. (Blath, adj.) Warmth, warm
dus, mos. Sh. et O'R. 7. Piety, devotion : pie- season : calor, tepor a;stivus. Voc. 3. Goth.
tas, religio. Llh. 8. cry, shout : clamor. A OH. Bleiths. Ulphil.
Angl. Bleat. Germ. Blekin. Lot. Balare. Gr. » Bleachd, «. m. Kine, milk : pecus, lac. Sh. Id.
'QXriyji. renown
9. Praise,
laus, fania. Sh. et : q. Bliochd.
O'B. A
green field: viretum. Llh.
10. 11. A BiEACHDAiR, -E, -EAN, s. m. (Blcachd, et Fear), A
sea mare, pontus. Llh.
: Wei. Blaen-darddu, in wheedling, undermining fellow adulator, simula- :

full bloom : florcs producere. Germ. Blat folium ; tor, qui blanditiis irrepit et supplantat. Sh. OB.
arboris aut plantsp. Rlech color. Bleichin ; pal- ; et OR.
lescere. Blecen ; florare. And many other deii- BLKAiiii, jut. pret. Bhligh. pres. part.
vatives. Bleoghan, Milk, draw milk
v. a. mulge, emul- :

BlÀtii, Blàithe, adj. Warm: calidus. " Agus ge. " Bleagh do bhò a chailleach, bleagh do bhò!
dli' fhàs feòil an leinibh blàth." 2 Rìgh iv. 34. Oran Milk thy cow, old woman, milk thy cow ?
And the flesh of the child waxed warm. Et inca- Mulge vaccam tuam ane, mulge vaccam tuam.
lesceret caro pueri. " Bainne blàth.'' C. S. Warm " Bligh." Hebrid.
milklac recens.
" Gu blath." Salm. Ixi. 4. metr. Bleaghan, -ain, s. ni. et pres. part. v. Bleagh.
Affectionately : amice. " Cuach bhleaghain," nii'king pail A
mulctrale. :

Blàthach, -aich, s.f. Butter-milk butyri sermn. : Provin. frequently " Bleoghan," q. vide.
Voc. 23. Scot. Bladoch, Bledoch, Bladda. Jam. Bleaghan, -ain, -an, s. m. 1. worn out tool, A
* Blathadli, s. m. Smoothness, politeness : lasviga- worthless instrument : instrumentuni attritum, nihil
tio, politura, comitas. Llh. valens. N. H. 2. A
dibble, used in digging of sand
Blàthaich, -idh, BH-, V. a. et n. (Blath, adj.) 1. for shell-fish : pastinum quo pisces testacei ex are-
Make warm calefac. " bhlàthaicheas iad san
: A na marina effodiuntur. Sutherl.
duslach." lob. xxxiv. 14. Which warmeth them Bleath, -aidii, BHL-, V. a. Grind : mole. Ecs. xi.
in the earth. Qui calefacit ea in pulvere. 2. Be- 8. Id. q. Bleth, et Bleith.
come warm : calesce. " Bhlàthaich a chridhe." Bleath, -eith, s.f. et pres. part. v. Bleath, Grind-
S. D. 188. His heart warmed. Calescebat cor ing, friction, attrition, shaipening : molitura, fric-
illius. 3. (Blath, s.) flower, bloom : flore, flo- tio, attritus, exacutio. " Luchd bleath." Eccl. xii.

resce. Llh. et Sh. More commonly, " Thig fuidh 13. Grinders : molitores. Chald. 'h'^ balei, at-

bhlàth." 4. Smooth, polish : poll, Iseviga. Sh. Jr. tritus.
Bleathacii, -AICHE, odj. (Bleath), That grindeth
» Blathaille, s. m. Mark of a stroke : vibicis cica- qui molit. C. S.
trix. Sh. Bleath-ghluineach, -eiche, adj. (Bleath, v. et
Blàth-bhriathrach, '(^ -AICHE, --EicuEjadj. (Blath, Glùn), In-kneed: compernis, cui genua intus con-
Blàth-chainnteach, j ofj/. etBriathar,t'e/Cainnt), versa sunt, vel nimium appropinquant. C. S.
Bland, gentle, kind in speech blandiloquus. C. S. : Bleid, -e, s. /. 1. Effrontery, impertinence auda- :

Blàth-fhleasg, -an, ì ò\/.(Blàth,s.etFleasg), cia, impudentia. OR. et C. S. 2. Impertment,

BlÀth-fhleasgadh,-aidh, J flower-garland: ser- A or impudent solicitation. : actus solicitandi cum
tum. " An sin thug sagart lupiteir a bha ta chomh- impudentia. S. C
3. Indolence, sloth ignavia, :

air an cathrachsan, tairbh agus blath-fhleasgaidh inertia. Provin. 4. A

wheedling, or cajoling ;

vchum nan geata." Gniomh, xiv. 13. Then tlie actus ludificandi, illicendi. Sh.
m. ìq:> BLO
Bleioeii, -e, mlj. (llk-ui), lni|»ertinenl. iaipudcnt, ces dimidiaiiin et iudibtincte prulatK. ('. S. Stvt.
troublesome : iiioulbUt, iui|iuilfus, luolcstu». Mac/. Blelluni. lliimt.
Ì. Blias, -IAIN, <. m. 1. 'liie riank : linibu*. BiU.
• Uliidh, -e, «./ A cup, goblet : potuluiii, pulera. lilutt. 2. 'llie groin : ingueii. Tor. 16.
IJA. Blian, -a, atfj. I. l.eaii, meagre: imtcer, Urigosufc.
• lUiiilhire, *. m. MSS. \itli' lUudluiir. i\. U. 'ì. Insipid, luiteleiiii : nuUiu» «apori», in-
• BltKlliailiiol, ». /: (IJIatli, sea, et Mial), A «bale: bulsus. .V. H.
bala-na. JJ/i. Bliasacii, -aioii, -iciiean, t. f. (Bhan). A luugh,
Blbidih, -k, -KAN, s. m. (Uleid, el Fear), An iiiiper- lean carcase, carrion cadaver leiitum et btrigosuni,

tiiu'iit fellow, a bejipu-, a syeopliajil, a {p.-ntle bej;- caro niorticina. C. S.

gar : liomo iiisulsuii, alieiiis iifgoliis »e iiisereii>, Blu.ii, -iDii, an-, ('. (I. Vide Bleagh, r. He/. Blith,
syeophaiita, assi-utator. •• Taghladh am bUutir s lactans et Blith, lac.

bidli 'n oiiUicb' aim." Prui: Let tbe beggar • Bliinh, t.

f. Spittle, froth of a dead body : spu-
(sycopliaiit) Nisit you, and it is iiiglii. Vcniat as- turn, cadaveris spuma. Sli. et O' B.
sentator ei (stalim) iiox erit. • Bhn, s.f. Eye lasliesof a coq)Se caduveriit pal- :

Uleiuiheai'iid, c. f. ittd. (lileidir). Impertinence, pebne. IJh.

begging, otficious intrusion : insulsitas, actio men- Blikceix, .£, -EAX, «. in. A torch, link : fax, lych-
dicaiidi, veniendi sine invitatione. MmJ'. V. ct nus, taeda. I 'oe. 88. Potitu rox Anyl.
C. S. • Blinn, «. f. Sh. ^'ide Bliinh.
• Blein, s. /. A harbour for boats : sinus, lintruni • Blioch, Vide Blaoch.
»'./. ,SVi.

staiio. IJA. Apf).

S/i. ct Bliochax, -aix, m. Yellow marsh, or asphodel
g. :

Bleitii, -iDii, BIIL-, v.a. Grind ; mole. " Gabh na anthericum. O'B. et C. S.
clacha-rouilinn, agus bUith ima." Isai. xJvii. 2. Ed. Bliochd, g. III. iiid. New-milk, milk in abundance :

1807. Take the mill-stones, and grind lueal. Ac- novum lac, copia lactis. C. S. Wtl. BUth, second
cipe molas, et mole t'arinam. milk.
Bleitii, -e, s. f. et pns. part. r. Bleitli. Grinding: Bliochdacii, \ -AICHE, odj. (Bliochd), Milky,
luolitura. " Fuaim na Ucith." £cchs. xii. 4. 'llic Bliochdmiior, -'ab, j abounding in milk, giving
souud of the grinding : sonus nioliturae. much milk abundans lactis, copiam lactis edens.

Bleitii-ciill'ineacii, -ElciiE, ati/. i'oc. 29. Vide c. .s:

Bleuth-ghhiineuch. Bliochdmhorachd, s.
f. ind. (Bliochdmhor), \
Bleodiiax, Bleoghax, s. /. et pres. part. v. Bligh. yielding plenty of milk qualitas reddendi aut ge- :

Milking : actio inulgendi. f '.

nerandi copiam lactis. C. S.
Bleodhain, -iDH.vel Blighidh, BHL-, r. a. Draw
1^ Bliosax, -aix, -ax, *. m. An artichoke cinara. Uh. :

Bleochain, I
milk : emuige. .Mac/. V. et OR.
Bleoghan', -ais, s. m. wheel barrow : vehiculum A Blob, \ -aiche, adj. Thick-lippe<l labiosus, la- :

rota iiistructum, maim trusatile. 3'. H. Blobacii, j brosus. Sh. et O'R.

Bleth, -idh, BIIL-, f. a. JUreit/i. xvi. '^1. Ed. 1807. Blobarax, -aix, -ax, s. m. A stutterer bambalio. :

\'ide BleitJi. Sh. Vide Blabaran.

Bleix, -a, s. »1. Uh. Vide Blian. • Bloc, adj. Orbicular, round orbicularis, rotun- :

Bliadhxa-chàin, $.f. An annuity : aimus pecunia dus. JUh.

proventus. Vide Seq. et Cain. Blocax, -aix, -ax, block : orbiculu^.
s. m. X little
Bliadhxa, pi. -A. -ACHAS, -AicHEAX. " Blladh- C. S. Germ. Bloc, truncus. Belg. Fr. et Aiigt.
nacfaa." Gnàtìi. iv. 11. " Bliadhiiau." Salm. xxxi. idem.
10. s.f. year A
annus. : • Bloch, adj. Round : rotundus. Uh.
'S b' aiuliuil uams' e "na tlirà gach btiadhna." • Blochbharr, -aidh, bhl-, r. Turn in a lathe in :

a. D. 157. assula convene, turbina. Uh.

So was it from me, in its season, each year. Sic 'Blochd, g. III. Uh. \ide Bliochd.
fuit ab me, sua vice, quoque anno. *'
btiadh- Am •Blodh, *. III. Sh. Vide Bloidh.
na." C. S. (used adverbially) This year hoc an- : • Blodh, -aidh, bhl-, r. a. Break in pieces : coiu-
no. " Bliadhna-leum," leap-year annus bis. A : rainue, diftringe. Sh.
sextilis. Bel-ain, the ring or circle of .\pollo. • Blodhach, adj. Sh. Vide Bloidheach.
Ir. BliAti. CKx^Ai), CU-^tjA, tìU3uiiì. OB. ill • Blodhairc, *. hi. A battery, a place from which
Voc. ìì\/. Blwyddyn, Blynned. £>av. Com. an attack is made : tomientoruin beliicoruni
Bledhan. B. Bret. Bloaz. G'r. n/.£/in. "
suggestus, locus uude impetus (it. .STr. et O'R.
Bliadhxacii, -Aicii, s. III. et/. (Bliadima), A year- Bloidh, -e, -eax, -deax, S.D.Ì4. dat. ^>l. Bloiu-
ling, a year old anniculuni pecus vel animal quod-
: IBH, Salm. ii. 9. Ed. 1764. Vide Bloigh.
vis. •' Bliadlmach reithe,"
A year old ram aii- : Bloigh, -e, -eax, -deax, *. HI. 1. .\ fragment, piece,
niculus aries. C. S. part : fragmentum, portio, pars, segmentum.
Bliadhxail, adj. (Bliadhna), Yearly : annuus. Miu-f. •• Sheall a' ghealach mar bhhigh sgèifhe."
v. S.D.9Ì.
Blialum, -uim, s. ni. A confused jargon, stammer- The moon looked as a piece of a shield. \'isa est
ing : stribligo, coniusus et sensu careus scrmo, vo- luua, instar segmenti scuti. 2. vufy. .\ hall": di-
liLO 126 BOC
midimn. " An dara hloigh." C. S. Tlie one half: • Bluch, m. Fatness adeps. Ldh,
«. :

alteram dimiJium. Vide Leth. • Bluirc, pi. Crumbs, a fragment mics, fragmcn- :

Bloiohdeaciiadh, -aidh, «. m. et pres. part. v. tuni. Llh. et Sh.

Bloit;luUch. Id. q. Bloigheachadli. • Bluirid, adj. Pinched : prcssus, vellicatus. Sh. et
Bloioiideag, -eig, -ean, s.f. Lìh. Vide Bloigheag. 07?.
Bloighdean, ;u/. of Bloigh, Fragments: fragmenta. • Blunag, s.f. Llh. Ajrp. Vide Blonag.
dat. Bloiglidibh. " Gu cinntcacli reubadh 'fia • Blusar, s. in. A noise, out-cry : strepitus, cla-
bhloif/Mibk c." Gen. xliv. 28. Surely he is torn in mor. Llh.
pieces. Profecto omnino discerptus fuerit. BÒ, gen. Boin, Boine, (Sometimes Ba, et Bàtha),
Bloichdicii, -idh, BHL-, V. a. Bloigh. C. S. Vide dat. BoiN, voc. Bho, pi. BÀ, gen. pi. Bo, Bhò,
Bloighich. s.f. A cow : bos. " Da fhichead bo agus deich
Bloigheachadh, -aidh, s. in. etpres.part. v. Bloigh- tairbh." Gen. xxxii. 15. Forty kinc and ten bulls.
ich, The act of breaking in pieces, cutting, divid- Quadraginta vaccae et juventi dccem. " Ach ceud
ing actus frangendi, secandi, comminuendi. C. S.
: ghin hoin cha'n fliuasgail thu." Air. xviii. 17. But
Bloigheag, -eig, -an, s.f. dim. of Bloigh, little A the firstling of a cow, thou shall not redeem. Pri-
piece, a small part or portion : pars, vel portio exi- mogenitum vero bovis, ne redimas. " Bò-bhain-
gua. C. S. ne." Macf. V. A milch-cow : vacca lactaria. Wei.
Bloighich, \ -idh, bhl-, v. a. (Bloigh), 1. Cut, Bu, Biu, Buwch. Germ. Bu. Hinc Bohemia.
Bloightich, j break in pieces, divide : scinde, se- " Qua voce Begionem pascuam (ein Viehland) de-
ca, frange, comminue, divide. C. S. 2. vulg. signari, multi existimant quia Hebraeorum Lingua
Halve, divide in two : dimidia. C. S. Beliema est pecus." Vide Waclit. in Voc. Boheira.
Blioghtichean, pi. of Bloigh, Fragments, pieces : Span. Buey. B. Bret. Beoin, Bew, Biw, Buoch.
fragmenta, frusta. Provin. Gr. B?s, ace. B5>, voc. Bs; whence Bow, pasco.
Bloin' gein, s. m. Any plant with crisped, frizzled, Portug. Boy.
or curled leaves : plant* folia, corolla aut quaevis BoAG, -aig, -an, s.f. Vide Bodhag.
pars, crispata, cincinnata, in cirros torta. " Bloin'- Bo-alluidh, s.f. A
buffalo : urus. Macf. V.
gein gàraidh." Spinage : spinacea. Voc. 59. Bob an, s. in. Vide Bobug. Wei. Baban. Bav.
Blomas, -ais, s. m. Ostentation ; venditatio. Sh. et • Bobeloth, s. An old name for the Irish alphabet

OB. vetustum nomen alphabet! Hibernici. O'Plah.

Blomasach, -aiche, adj. (Blomas), Ostentatious et OB.
ostentatus. C. S. • Bobgurnach, *. m. A
blast, : flamen, crepitus
Blonag, Suet
-aig, s. f. arvina, sebum, sevum.
: ventris. Llh. et Sh.
3Iacf. V. " Blonag muice," Hog's lard arvina : • Bo-bhaith, s.f. A
cow slaughter : bourn macta-
suilla. Wei. Bloneg. B. Bret. Blonnec. tus. >S'^

Blonagach, -aiche, adj. (Blonag), Full of suet: « Bobhdach, (Boudach, Sh.) s. m. A pimp leno. :

f. A bawd : scor-
sebosus. Macf. V. • Bobhdag, (Boudagh, Sh.) s.

• Blor, s. m. A
voice vox. Llh. : tum.
• Blorach, -aiche, adj. (Blor), Noisy clamosus. Sh. : Bobhlaireachd, s.f. Bowling: globorum lusorio-
» Blorachan, -ain, -an, «. m. (Blorach), noisy A rum emissio. Voc. 105. Vox Angl.
fellow : homo
clamosus. Sh. Bobhstair, -e, -ean, s. m. A bolster : pulvinar.
• Bios, adj. Open, plain, manifest : apertus, pla- Voc. 87.
nus, raanifestus. Llh. et Sh. Bo BO, inferj. O strange ! papse. Gr. Tlovroi.

• Bios, -aidh, bhl-, v. a. (Bios, s.) Make manifest BoBUG, Bobugan, voc. a bhobuig, A bhobugain,
declara, demonstra. Sh. A bhobuigein, s. m. A fellow, a boy, a dear crea-
» Blosg, -aidh, bhl-, v.Sound a horn, or trumpet, ture : puellulus, animulus, charus puellus. Origi-
explode cornu vel tubam infla, sona, explode.
: nally a term of affection; now, oftener applied iro-
Glenm. 18. nically, or contemptuously. C. S. Germ. Bub,
• Blosg, s. m. 1. A congregation concio, ccetus. : puer parvus, et magnus ; servus. Angl. Booby.
Llh. 2. Light lux. Sh. : Gr. BXaigKiii, ad- Span. Bobo. Basq. Boboa. Lot. Pupus. Gr.
venio. Buiraii.
Blosgach, -aich, s. m. A robust clown : colonus ro- Boo, -Buic, s. m. 1. A he goat, buck : hircus, ca-
bustus. Llh. et Sh. per. " Da cheud gabhar agus fichead hoc." Gen.
• Blosgadh, -aidli, s. m. et pres. part. v. Blosg. A xxxii. li. Two hundred she-goats and twenty he-
sound, report : sonitus, crepitus. Llh. goats. Ducentas caprae cum hircis viglnti. " Boc
• Blosgaire, s. m. A
collector : collector. Llh. earba." Beut. xii. 15. A roebuck : capreolus.
• Blosgmhaor, «. m. (Blosg, v. et Maor), 1. The Wei. Bioch, Buwch. Arm. Bouc, Bouch. Pr.
crier of a court : praeco, accensus. 2. A col- Bouc. Germ. Buwch, Bock. Gr. B>jx>j, a she
lector : collector. Llli. goat.
• Blot, s. m. A cave, or den : cavum, specus, an- • Boc, s. m. 1. Deceit, fraud : dolus, fraus. Sh.
trum. Sh. Chald. m3 pitch. 2. A blow, stroke, box
• Blotach, s. m. One who dwells in a cave : antri colaphus, ictus. Llh.
incola. Llh. et Sh. Boc, -aidh, BH-, V. n. Skip as a deer, or roe : hue,
illuc Mli, salta, ludc, more cen» vel i:apr«oli. ting down : actio meteiidi decidendi. Hk. et
C. X it H.
(Hoc, Hwtti, blistiT: intu- BÒC1I1), -Ainu, «H-, P. ti. I. Id. q. Boc. V'oe. «
BÒC, -AiDii, BII-, r.n. M.\,

nicsce, in vcsiculus iiiJiiri". (-'. X C. H. 'À. bud, ifring geinaia, gcrwinit. IJIi-

BÒC, -A, -AS. «. "•• A |>ubtuJi' pustuU, tunwr.

( .S'. '. Sntl. Bock. Jam.

UÒCAUII, -AIDH, -KAN, ». »1. it /itrt. fxirt. r. Uùl. • Bochd, -ojdli, bh-. p. u. Impuverith : paup«Ta.

1. All rruplioii, ur blintiT r.ii&t'd upuii (lif itkiii liv \ide Borluiiuni.uli. (lU.ty Sh.
burning, or smy I'Xtniorilinar) I'riilinn ur presMiiv : BÙCIIDADII, -AIDII, t. IN. «t prr4. flirt, f. ìiòcM,
eruptio culaniM, vel pusuia c|uiBvi«. U, A trown : I'iic. 152. \ide Bòeadli.
cuntrai'liii I'rdiuis. S. C BociioAiNEACiiD, ) «. /. tmi. (Bochd, lulj.) Poverty:
• BocaiUi, >'. m. A discussing, or siAing of a mat- BociiDAiNK, :- paupertati. •• lliij/ nm mugfir

ter: di&cussio, invt'stigiilio, \cntilulio rci. UA. BociluL'iNN, J agus an );e<jiajre ^u /xx'/kÌomm."
• Uocaidc, 1. Rnobs of a sbicld, a boss: (imith. xxiii. 21. The drunkard and ilie gluttuii
uiubones clj'pei, umbo. Llh. shall come into poverty. Ebriosus et commeMa-
BÒCA1U1I, -KAN, »•. HI. A tcrrilyinp object, a bug- tor venient in paupertatcm.
bear, un apparition rca aspect ii terribilis, terricn-
BuciiOAiNNicii, -luii, nil r. a. (Boelidaiunl. Make ,

laiucntuni, larva. Prvriu. \ idc liòcan. poor, impoverish : in pnupertatein redige. V. S.

BocAiL, s.f. i'lil- Skipping, or playing gambols: sal- BÒCIIDAS, -AIN, -Ais, s. III. \'ide Bòcan.
tatio, gt'sticulatio. C. S. BOCIIDAN-BELCIIUACII, -AlCli, «. III. A lUUslkTOOIII :

BocAis, -EAN, s. III. Siii/ier/. Vide Boicionn. fungus. Mar/. V.

BÒCAN, -AiN. -AN, s. III. hobgoblin, u ghost, aA • Bochna, s.f. A sea, a narrow sea, mouth of a

sprite larva, lemur, dxmon. C. S. pi. " Bocain."

: river: miU"e, fretum, Huminis ostium. JJA.
JjA. App. terrific A
appearance res aspectu ter- :
• BiKht, »•. m. I. Id. q. Bochd, ». Llh. 2. Reap-

ribilis. .Scot. Budie, B«kie, Boggare, Bogill, Bogle. ing : messis. Buain." LM. i. e. "

Bwius. BocH-THONN, /. (Bòc, et Tònn), A

-Tiit'iNNE, «.

BocAN, -.\i.N, -.\s, *. »1. dimiii. of Boc, A little buck : swelling surge, a sea billow tumeiis fluctus, unda :

cervulus, hirculus. marina. Sh.

• Bocan, s. in. 1. .\. covering, cottage opercu- :
• Bocoide. Llh. pi. of Bocaid, v.

lum, tectum. Sh. 2. A book, or crook ha- : BocsA, pi. -cHAK, «. »1. 1. A box : capsa, pyxis.
mus, har]>ago, uncus. Sh. l*r»pcrly, Bacan, Sh, et C. S. 2. Boxwood buxum. C. .S". 3. :

q. vide. {Aiiffl.) A blow, boxing ictus, actio certandi pug- :

• Bocanacli, (Bocan, 2.) Hooketl, bent

-aiclic, (i(f/. nis. Gr. llj^i;, a box.
haniatus, curvatus. Sh, BocsAiCH, -iDii, B11-, f. a. CuB", buffet, )>elt, thump:
• Bocan, -aidh, bh-, v. a. Bend, make crooked caede pugnis, pugna, pugnis certa, percute, ice, pu-
riecte, curva. Sh. gilationem exerce. C. S. IFel. Boc. a clieck from ;

Boc.\N-BiORACii, «. m. A mushroom fungtis. .*>//. : wliich Ur. Johnson derives the English, '• Bex,"
Boc-EARBA, ». /H. A Toe-buck capriolus. C. S. : substantive and verb.
BOC-GAIBHRE, -GHABHAR, -GlIOBllAR, S. I», pi. Buic BocsAiR, -E, -EAN, .«. til. A boxer, one who tights
Ghaibhre. A he-goat : caper, hircus. Gnàth. xxx. with his fists : pugil, qui pugnis certat. C. S.
31. Boctnn CRT interj. A cry to frighten children.

BocH / in/eiy. Heyday ! Bombax O festum lUem ! !

BoDACii, -Aicii, A', m. 1. An old man, churl se- :

LI*, et C. S. nex, senex deformis, moribus inhumanis. V. .S. 2.

BocH.AiL, -E, atlj. (Boch). 1. Strutting, proud, lof- Churlishness, meanness of spirit, niggardliness
ty, showy, ostentatious superbe incedens, tumi- : morum inliumaiiitas, avaritia sordida.
dus. C. S. i. Nimble, vigorous, lively, animat- " Se chuireadh am bodach e fear a bhiodh teaiin."
ed agilis, validus, vivax animosus. A. M-D. Gloss.
Mucin fI/. 149.
BoCHALACiiD, s.f. ind. A proud gait, pride of dress : It would drive meanness of spirit from the churl,

superbus inccssus, superbia propter elegantiam or miser. Expelleret avaritiam sordidani ex a\a-
vestium. ^y. H. ro homine. 3. A
spectre, hobgoblin spectrum :

BocHD, Poor, needy: pauper, egenus.

-A, adj. 1. larva. C. S. 4. mutchkin A
dimidium lageiue :

" Ni lànih na leisge hochd." Gimth. x.4. Ed. 1807. Scotica", 26 unciis solidis axiualae (mensura An-
Tlie hand of laziness maketh poor. Manus segiii- glis ignota). Maef. V. 5. A cod aniscus (]>iscis). :

tiic reddit (honiinem) pauperem. 2. Sick, sickly: N. H. 6. A

term of familiarity in addressing a
«ger, morbosus. " Tha e gu ro hliochd." C. S. youth. Modus compellandi juvenem i)er fami-
He is very ill, very sick. Multum laborat segritu- liaritatem. -V. //. Arab. iSì\j badiyh, a pea.saiit,
dine. Chald. pn boka. countryman.
BocHD, -AN, «. m, A
poor man, or woman. " Cuid BoDACiiAiL, -E, adj. (Bodach), Churlish, clownish,
do Uwchdaibh na tire." 2 High. xxv. 12. Some of slovenly mores vetuli rustic! habens, sordidus,

the poor of the land. Quidam ex pauperibus re- inelegans, inamocnus. Hh. et C. S.
gionis illius.
Bodach riadii, Bodaich rl-aidii, s. ih. (Boilach,
• Bochd, ». m. 1. A breach ruina. Sh. ct O'R.
5. et Ruadh), A cod-fish asellus, aniscus, capito :

2. 1-ire : ignis. Sh, et OR. 3. Reaping, cut- (piscis) Voe. 71. Vulff. " Rock-cod." Atigl.
BoDACHAs, -Ais, s. m. (Bodach), Churlishness: mo- Bog, -aidh, Bir-, v. a. (Bog, adj.) 1. Soften, dip in
runi asperitas. C. S. water, steep : molli, intinge, inimcrge, riga. Macf.
BoDAG, -Aic, -AN, s.f. 1. Mcretrix, pcllex, scor- V. 2. Wag, move, agitate : agita, vibra, sursum
tuni. A. M^D. 165. 2. Vacca taurum cupiens. dcorsuni move, nuta. C. S.
C.S. BoGACiiADii, -AiDii, s. m. ct prcs. ]xirf. V. Bogaich,
BoDAGACHD, S.f. ttid. Lust, furj, rage : libido, fu- Softening: actio niolliendi vel rigandi. Voc. 160.
ror, ira venerea. C. S. • Bogadach, s. Gesture gestus. Llh. : Vide Bog-
BoDAiR, -E, -EAK, s. w. A debauchcc : scortator. lach.
C.S. Bogadaich, -e, *. /. A wagging, waving, shaking,
BoD-CHRANN, -uiNN, s. m. A cruppcr, tail beam of tremor of impatience : vacillatio, agitatio, actio ce-
a girt saddle lignum transversum infra equi cau-
: vendi, quatiendi, vibrandi, impatiens tremor. C. S.
dam, cui funibus alligator cpliippium operariorum, Bogadan, -AIN, s. m. (Bog, adj.), floating, shak- A
postilena equi operarii. 3Iarf. V. ing, waving actio fluitandi, quatiendi, nutandi.

BoD-DA-BHioRAiN, s. 111. year old hart A : hinnulus " Air hhof/adan." C. S. Afloat natans, ad an- :

honius. C. S. choras stans.

BoD-DUBH-A-MHUSGAiN, A'. "I. Abrupt gaper, a BoGADH, -AiDM, s. m. et pres. part. v. Bog, A soft-
shell-fish : myatruncata. C. S. ening, mollifying, steeping, drenching, waving :

BÒDHAG, -AiG, -AN, S.f. sea-lark A : charadrius. actio moUiendi, humectandi, agitandi,
Voc. 76. cevendi, sursum deorsum motandi. B. Bret. Bu-
BoDHAiG, -E, -EAN, S.f. Tlic body : corpus. Sfeiv. ga-
Gloss. Germ. Bauch, venter. Selg. Buick. Scot. Bogadh-leo, s. m. (Bogadaich), A bumpkin : salta-
Bulk, Bouk. Jam. tio figurata, chorea quaedam rustica. C. S.
BÒDIIAN, -AiN, s. m. breech, ham, seat: 1. The Bogag, -AIG, -an, s.f. frost-bitten potato: so- A
poples, podex, clunes. C. S. 2. The breast, or lana tuberosa frigore brumali corrupta. C. S.
bosom gremium. C. S.
: Bogaich, -idii, bh-, v. a. (Bog, adj.) Soften, mois-
BoDiiAiR, -iDH, BH-, V. a. (Bodhar, adj.), Deafen : ten, stir, shake, or toss : molli, irriga, agita. Macf.
obtunde. Macf. V. Scot. Bother, Bather. Jam. V.
• Bodhaire, s.f. (Bodhar, adj.) Llh. Vide Buidhre. Bogalta, adj. (Bog), Humid, softish : molliusculus,
BoDiiAR, -AIRE, adj. Deaf: surdus. " Ach mar paulo humidior. Scot. Buggle. Jam.
dhuine bodhar, cha chluinn mise." Salm. xxxviii. Bogaltachd, s.f. hid. A tendency to softness, or
13. But as a deaf man, I do not hear. At tan- moisture proclivitas ad mollitiem scu humidita-

quam surdus ego non audiam. B. Bret. Bouzar. tem. C.S.

Wei. Byddar. Bogan, -AIN, s. m. (Bog). 1. Any thing soft : res
• Bodhar, s. m. The murrain in cattle lues, pecu- : humida. C. S. 2. An egg in embryo ovum re- :

duni morbus. Sh. et O'R. cens forraatum, nondum duro putamine circum-
BoDHARACH, -AiCHE, adj. (Bodhar), Deafening ob- : ductum. C. S. 3. A
quagmire : gurges lutosus.
tundens. C. iS*. C. S. " A
hhogan a chreagan." C. S. Through
« m. (Bo, et Ar), A destroying of
Bodh-ai-fach, s. soft and hard. Per mollem et durum. C. S.
cows actio perdendi boves. Sh.
: BoGANACH, -AicH, «. iti. 1. soft fellow homo A :

Bodhar chluasail, -e, s.f. Deafness, mental ab- mollis, obesus. C. S. 2. coward timidus, im- A :

sence : surditas animi absentia.

C. S. bellis. C. S. 3. A
vegetable frequently used by
Bodhar-fhead, -a, s.f. (Bodhar, et Fead), dull, A coopers herba quEedam cujus apud doliarios fre-

heavy sound, as of whistling wind : gravis sibilus. quens est usus. Provin.
C.S. BoG-BHEULACH, -AICHE, adj. (Bog, et Bcul), Soft-
BoDiiAR-FHEADACH, -AICHE, odj. (Bodliar-fhcad), mouthed, witless, silly in talk : insulsus, ineptus,
Dull sounding C. S.
: gravisonus. sermone gaudens inficeta. C. S.
Bodhar-fiiuaim, -e, s. m. or (Bodhar, et Fuaim), f BoG-BHEULACHAS, -Ais, ) s./. ( Bog-bhculach), Sil-
A dull, heavy, hollow sound hebes, obtusus, gra- : -BHEULACHD, iìid. J ,ly, Or timorous, speak-
vis sonitus, tonitruum, fluctuum vel flammarum cre- ing : ineptÌEe. C. S.
pitantium. C. S. • Bogbhuine, s.f. A bulrush : juncus. O'B.
Bodhar-fhuaimnèach, -eiche, adj. (Bodhar- BoG-CHRiDHEACH, -EICHE, odj. (Bog, et Cridhe),
fhuaim), Dull sounding gravisonus, profundum : Soft-hearted, faint-hearted : timidus, infirmus, im-
et confusum sonum edens. C. S. bellis. Bibl. Gloss.
Bodhradh, -aidii, s. m. eX pres. part. v. "Roahaai; BOG-GHIOGAN, -AIN, -AN, S. 7». A SOW-thÌStlc : SOn-
Deafening actio obtundendi aures. C. S.
: chus. Voc. 62.
• Boel, s. /'. Pith of any stalk caulis cujus vis me- : BoG-GHLUAsAD, -AID, ) «. m. (Bog, Ct Gluasad),
dulla." MSS. -GHLUASADACHD, ind. f A floating, a still move-
Bog, Buige, adj. 1. penetrable : mollis, pe-
Soft, ment : fluctuatio, motus, vacillatio. C. S.
C. S.
netrabilis. 2. Soft, tender tener, lentus. : BoGHA, -ACHAN, s. m. A bow : arcus. " Tha 'bhogha
Macf. V. 3. Soft, silly, foolish ineptus, stupidus. : gun taifeid, i. 478.
's His bow is
e lom." Fing.
C. S. B. Bret. Boug," Bouc, Bouk, Pouk. An(/l. bare and without a string. Est ejus arcus sine
Bog. Arab, lijj batvgha, soft earth.
nervo, atque nudus. " Bogha cogaidh." battle- A
bow: arcus iniliiariii, (|ui iniiiii sa^itias. Miwf. \'. bhui>iidli. '
I'. .S. .\ l)apii>mul vow: pronuKitum
'• C'huir I- ii UuK/lui iiir lafjli." Sulm. x. W. IK- ad l>a|ili/andum datum. " Boid do ii e«la. .\ \um
bt'iit his boH' : anum «uuiii rit-xi(. 'i. A I'urva- Inudf on ealiiig ul the ewoii, llmught of all utlifr» (uo
ture, u curvatura, tìi'xiira.
liead S.
: 3. A C Mcred to be violated vutum ultiuium Gitrlis veter- :

sunk riK-k ruA/. jkiW. /«rw», " a blinder :"

al st-a, rimii) in\iolabile, dictum mtcr veKCrnduiu came
caulfs lUiitudiuf maris obttfCa i-t if lata. S. 11. t>luris.

lit/. H»B. (ierm. Hoju'ii. lUij;. .S'«W. IJiifiii. •Bold, -idh, bh-, r. \'ow vove Vide Boidich. : .

y»/. Hop. />!/. Jiiirft. Itaiiga, a ho». ••

Itogha- Boideach, lulj. Tolerable
• mcdiocrib. Sh. :

hraoin, «v/ Dopha-lrois, rrl Bogha-uitigf," A ruin- BòiDEACii, -Eicn, x. y/i. (Boid), A Bute-uuui Bo- :

how : iris. ( '. S. ft O. B. tensis. C. S.

liitoiiAUAiK. -H, -EAS', g. HI. (Hopha, ft IVar), An BuiuEACiiAN, -AiN, <. IN. A bodkin subula. Sh. et :

ari-hcr ; Mit;lttarius. I'»-. 41'. Id. ij. lVar-bof;ha. on.

HoiiiiADAiKKAC'iiD, s.f.iiui. (Boghadiur), Archery: • Boideal, m. A pudding: botulus. ijh.
ars Sitjiittaria. O' H. • Boideis, s. m. Urunke nnesit ebrietas. Llh. :

• Bofih, -aidh, bh-, r. n. Bend as a bow : flecte, si- • Buidli, ailj. Sh. \'ide Boidlieach.
nua, in ari'iun due vel ettinpe. Llh. BùiDllcilt, adj. tviiip. of Boidlieach, q. vide.
BÒ-OIIAMIINA, HA-<;iiAMiiNA,»r.y; (BÒ, f t Guudialnn), BÒIU1ICIIKAU, -Eiu, s.f. (Boidhchf, adj.) Degree of
A farrow eo» cf\u. V. .S. : beauty gradus pulchritudinis. C. S.

BooHAN, *. m. CtUh. et Con». 61. for Bogliachun, pi. • Boidhf adj. Llh. Vide Buidlie.

of Boiihrt, q. v. BùiDiiLACii, -BÒIUIIC1IE, adj. Beautiful, pretty, neat,

Boon A K, lulj. Llh. \'ide Bodhar. trim, spruce formosus, pulcher, nitidus, coniptu».

• Boglitainii. g.
f. building, roof, A vault : adill- lac. 138. '• Fo charraig uaiue nan eigheanu
eiuni, fastigiuni, fornix. Llh. bòidJteach." S. D. lltì. Under the green rock of
BoGLACii, -AicH, «<^'.) A marsh, moor,) «.y! (Bog, beautiful ivies. Sub rupe viridi hederarum fonno-
BoGL.MKN, bog, swamp pulus, humus uli-
-E, j : sarum. Fr. Beau.
ginosa, ager palustris, limusus gurges, ccenosa vo- • Boidheagoin, pi. -ean, «. wi. Llh. App. Vide
rago. C. S, Buidlieagan.
BoG-LADHRACH, -AicHE, odj. (Bog, ft Ladliar). BÙIDIIEAM, -EiM, s. m. Fawning, flattery : adulatio,
Having sofi pasterns, claws, or hoofs. C. S. assentatio. MSS. et C. S.
BoG-LiACHAiR, -E, s. f. (Bog, ct Luacliaif), A bul- • Boidheasach, s. f. (i. e. Buidh-theasach), The
rush juncus, juncetum. Llh.
: jellow jaundice : flavus arquatus. LJh. \'ide
BOG-LIASGACH, -AICIIE, adj. (Bog, Ct LuBSgach), Buidlieach.
Floating Huctuans. Llh. : • Buidheag, s.f. A gold-finch carduelis. Llh. :

BoG-Lis, -ris, »•. m. (Bog, et Las), Bugloss, ox- • Buidhlia, s.f. A puddle vorago lutea. Llh. :

tongue buglossum. I 'oc. 59.

: • Boidhmhios, s. m. (i. e. Buidli nihios), Mouth of
BOCSA, pi. -AN. -ACIIAN, *. »1. bOX p\-XÌS. C. S. A ; July Julius. Llh.

Id. q. Bocsa. diini». Bogsiichan. BoiDiiHE, S.J', iiid. (Bodliar, adj.) Deafiiess : surdi-
• Bogun, *-. «I. Bacon : lardum. Llh. tas. C. S.
' Bogur, 4. m. Bagrddh. Llh. et ^7/. BoiDHRE, adj. compar. of Bodhar, More deaf: sur-
• Bogur, -aidh, bh-, r. a. Sh. \'ide Bagair. dior. C.S.
• Bogus, i. e. An» fogus, adv. Near hand : prone. BoiDHREAD, -EiD, *. /. (Boidhre, adj.) Degree of
MSS. deafness gradus surditatis. C, S.

Bogus, -lis, timber moth tinea, te- et/ 1. A : BÒIDICH, -IDH, BH-, V. a. et «. (Bold, *.) 1. V'ow :

redo. C. S. VideKeudan. 2. A bug: cimex. C.S. vove. " An uair a b/iàidic/ieas tu boid." Eccl. v. 4.
• Boichde, «./. LUi. \'ide Bochdainn, et Bochd. \Mien thou vowest a vow. Cum nuncupaveris vo-
Boicis-EACir, -Eicii, s. m. 1. A boy of fourteen: tum. 2. Swear, curse jura, iniprecare. " Bhaid- :

adolescens quatuortlecim annos natus. Sh. 2. mhallaich e."

icJi is S, C
He cursed and swore.
The small-pox variola;. Sutherl. : Juravit et imprecatus est.
BoicioNs', -AN, «. m. (Boc, et Bian), goat-skin : pel- A BoiDiREiN, -E, -EiN, g. ill. A pluuip, short man : ho-
lis caprina. Maxf. V. muiiculus crassus vel obesus. MSS.
BoiCNEACHADH, -AIDH, s. HI. e\. preg. part. v. Boic- • Boid-reult, f. s. A tailed-star, a comet : Stella
nich. A beating, flogging, toqioral punishment : criiiita, conieta. Llh.
verberatio, actio plectendi cutem verberibus. C. S. - Boigbheulachd, s.f. (Bog, adj. et Beul), A stut-
BoicNicH, -iDH, BH-, f. o. (Boicionn), Beat, Hog, tering, stammering : titubatio, lingus haesitan-
chastise verbera, cutem verberibus plecte. C. S.
: tia. Llh.
BÒ1D, -E, -EAN, 's.f. 1. A vow, oath votum, jus- : • Boigeun, *. m. A bulrush : juncus. Llh.
jurandum. Voc. 153. 2. An oath, act of profane • Boigh, s.f. A teat, dug: mamma, uber. Hh.
swearing dejeratio. C. S. : 3. Bute island Bot.i, : ' Boiglie, adj. MSS. \"ide Buidhe.
insula in Glotta? Huminis ffstuario. " Cha 'n ann • Boigreaun, s. in. Flummery, Scot. Sowens : pai-
am Boid uile tha 'n t-olc." Proi: It is not in pamentum ex farina; tenuiore crassamine con-
Bute only that evil is (to be found). Malum non fectum. Sh.
in insula Bota tantum. Ptol. has Burt;. ••
Bòid- • Boigshibhiu, *•./. Llh. Id. q. Boigeun.
Boil, \ s.f. ind. Rage, fury, madness : furor, insa- BOINEID NANLOSGUNN,*./. BrOWH, Or COW boletUS;
BoiLE, J " Carson a ghabh na cinnich both ?''
Ilia. boletus bovinus. Lightf.
Salin. ii. 1. Why
diil the heathen rage ? Quare BoiNEiDEACH, adj. (Boineid), Having bonnets : pi-
tumuItuatiE sunt gcntes ? leos habens. C. S.
" A
cliridhe laiste le Joife-chatha." BoiNN, jo/, of Bann, Bibl. Gloss.
S. D. 236. BoiNNE, ju/. -EAN, «. m. 1. A drop gutta. Macf. :

His heart inflamed with the rage of battle. Ani- V. 2. arfi'. On a sudden subito. O'Flah. "Boin- :

mus ejus incensus furore praelii. " Air hoik" Mad, ne-fala," A
one, a beauty : mulier eximia for-
distracted : insanus, demons. Hebr. 7n3 halted, ma. C. S. (lit.) A
drop of blood. " Boinne-tàig,"
to be troubled. A/igl. Boil (with rage). A rain-drop gutta aqua; ccelestis, aqua coelestis

• Boilg, -uilg, *. m. 1. A bubble : bulla aquati- guttatim e tecto cadens. Voc. 5.

ca. Sh. 2. Husks of seeds : siliquas seminum, BoiNNEACH, -EiciiE, odj. (Boinne), 1. Sprouting:
granorum capsular. Sh. germinans, surculos emittens. »S7(. 2. Dropping
Boilgbhiast, Balg-bhiasd), s. f.
(i. e. A belly- cUstillans. C.S.
worm : lumbricus intestinorum. Sh. BoiNKEADH, -EIDH, «.
f (Boiime), I. budding, A
• Boilgein, s. m. Sh. Vide Balgan. sprouting, dropping : germinatio, gemmatio, distil-
BoÌLiCH, s./. ?W. 1. Irregular mirth la;titia lasciva. : latio. C. S. 2. A running sore ulcus saniosum.

C. S. 2. : Bombast ampulla. Macf. V. 3. Mad- Sh.

ness insania. C. S.
: BoiNNEALAiCH, -E, s. f The prelusive drops of a
• Boill-e, s.f. A knob, boss umbo. Llh.
: shower : guttiE imbris praenuntiae, stillantes (coeli-
• Boill-fhada, adj. (Buill-fhada), Long-limbed tus) rores. C. S.
longos artus habens. Sh. BoiNNEANTA, ad/. Healthy, stout, well built pros- :

• Boilrinn, s.f. A ring •- ammlus. Llh. App. pera valetudine florens, membra habens bene com-
BoiLLSG, -E, -EAN, s. m. blaze, glitter splendor, A : pacta. Macinty. 95.
fulgor. " Tha clocha boilisge le buaidli." Fing. i. » Boir, s. m. An elephant : elephas. Llh.

375. Stones sliine with splendour. Sunt lapilli BoiRB, -E, «./. The brow of a ridge : dorsi cacumen,
micantes cum vi. vel culmen. Sh.
BoiLLSG, -IDH, BH-, V. M. (Boillsg, s.) Blaze, flash, BoiRB-BHRiATHRACH, -AicHE, oc^'. (Borb, et Briath-
shine brightly effulge, emica, splende. " Bhoillsg
: rach). Fiercely speaking ferociter loquens. C. S. :

tein'-oidhch' air aghaidh nan stuadh." Fing. iii. 2. Vain-glorious stolide jactans. C. S.

182. Night fire flashed on the face of the billows. BoiRBE, s. in. itid. Llh. Vide Buirbe.
Emicabat ignis noctis super faciem undarum. BoiRBEACHD, «. /. ind. (Borb), Fierceness feroci- :

BoiLLSGEACH, -EicHE, iidj. (BoiUsg, *.) Dazzling, tas, saevitia. Llh.

flashing, blazing, splendid: coruscus, emicans, ful- BoiRCHE, s.f. An elk, a buffalo alee, bubalus, urus. :

gidus, splendens. C. S. Sh. " Agh niòr." Llh.

BoiLLSGEADii, -EiDH, -EAX, s. >». et pres. part. V. BoiR-cHRiATH, -CHRiADH, S.f. Certain species of A
BoOlsg. A
flash, sudden blaze : fulgor subitus, ful- clay luti species quaedam. Llh.

men, fulgetrum. " Boillsgeadh dealanaich." Cath. BoiREAL, -EiL, -AN, s. »«. Small augre : terebel- A
Lod. iii. 69. A
lightning flash : fulgetrum. " A' lum. Macf. V.
hoilhgea Ih." Fing. iii. 93. Shining splendens, : BoiRicHE, -EAN, s. 7)1. A
bank, rising gTOund : moles
in actu splendendi. Goth. Biskain. Ulphil. coUis. A.3ID. Gloss.
BoiLLSGEAM, -Ely, s. m. Vortex. Vide Buillsgean. BoiRioNN, Female, feminine
Ì adj. fcemellus, :

• Boillsgean, -aidli, bh-, v. a. Make round and BoiRioNNACH, j fcemineus, muliebris. " Firionn
bulky rotunda, rotundum
: et prominulum ef- agus boirionn bithidh iad." Gen. vi. 19. Male and
fice. Sh. et OR. female they shall be. Mas et foemina futura sunt.
BoiLLSGEANACHD, f. bid. bulging out s. A : status " Boirionnach." Gen. v. 2.
prominendi in ventris niorem prominentis. Sh. et BoiRioNNACH, -AiCH, S.f. (but Written with a mas-
C.S. culine ai-ticle), A
female, woman : mulier, foemina.
Dazzling, flashing, -E, adj. " Firionnach agus boi^onnach." Gen. i. 27. Man
gleaming coruscans, fulgidus.
: S. C and woman : mas et foemina.
Boillsgean, -ein, s. m. The navel: umbilicus. Bois, -E, -EAN, «./. Palm of the hand : palma. C.S.
Macf V. Vide Bos.
BoiLLSGEiL, -E, adj. Id. q. Boillsgeach. Boisceall,
• s. m. orf
-eill, 1. savage man or A
Boin, dat. sing, of Bo, A cow, q. v. woman homo ferus, -a. O'Flah. 2. A liind:

• Boineadh, s. m. Sh. Vide Boinneadli. cerva. i. e. " Eilid, no agh." Llh. 3. Coward-
• Boinean, s. ni. A bud, sprout germen, surculus. : ice : timiditas. i. e. " Geilt." Llh.
Sh. BoiSEACHD, s. f. ind. (Bois), Palmistrj' : chiroman-
BoiNEiD, -E, -EAN, S.f A bounct pileus Gaelorum. : tia. OF.
" Am
boineid 'na 'n dòrn." Dìig. Buchan. Tlieir BoisEAG, -AN, «. /. (Bois), 3facf. V.
-EiG, Vide
bonnet in their hand. Pileus (cujusque) eorum in Bosag. " Boiseag-uisge," A palm full of water :

manu ipsius. Germ. Bund, tegmen capitis. Span. vola aquae plena. C. S.
Benete. Basq. Bonetea. BoisEAGACHADH, -AiDH, s. m. Vide Bosagachadli.
BoisEiD, -E, -EAK, *./. A btU : UliJieu», linpuluM, Bflg, orerwheiniiiig. " Gwjr b«lg." Ir. ^)^t
zonu. loc. li). bolj,, the Belgtf. Sajt. Bcliif, B<elig, Barlge;
DÒISKIU, -E, -ISAK, «. / A budget : bulga, succiis. wheiiee the /I'liy/. Belly, and Bulk. Lot. Bulga.
C. S. Vul^us, ia tile bulk of UM-n, tlie eoinmun |>eople.
DoisEis-iosNLAiD, t. m. (IJoib, t-e lonnlad), A Gr. ^ul. iU>.f»i, pro iiSt'/.yn, i. e. Jr. ttrr) tnol^,
wWiing liaiiou : pollubruiu. Ic»-. 8:1. fur kO exactly tliey pronuuuce am hutt/. Vide
BOISO, -KAK, S.J). /Mitt.
-E, \ Ilk- IJoillig. Balg.
IkMsotANTA, lulj. \n\c l'.oills-iai>Ui. . Bolg. -aidli, bh-, r. m. (Bolg, «.) Blow, «wtll,
UolSOEIt, -K, tulj- ^ "'"^ Uoill>J,'lil. blister : tunie, iniiare, vesiculii intume«ce.
• Uoiifucb, t./. SM'tiiiipy ground : ager paludosus. JJ/i.
JUSS. id. q. Hiiilcaiii. BoLGAcii, -AIC11E, iiiij. (Bolg), i. I'ull of bag», or

BoiTEAUH, -Eluii, -i:an, s. /. 1. A cauklroii : ca- blisters, quiver-beuriiig bulgis vel pustulis plenus, :

cabus. .l/AV>'. 2. Uoilfd food for horses : pabu- pharetratus. C. S. id. q. iialgach. 2. Swullen,
lum iH|uorum coctum. J-). Mh. prominent. C. S. et À'. D. 79. B. Brrt. Billgof-
BoiTEAi^ -Elc:, -AN, »•. /. A maggot, a white worm fic, big-bellied. Sivt. Belch, Baikh, Bikh, Jam.
ill dung galba, leuilix, vermieuhis albus in ster-
: CoLCACii, -Aicii, s.f. Boil: bubo. JJIi. •-
A' A
corc general us. S. C bholgach." llie sniall-pox : variolae. S/i. Vide
BoiTEAL, -EiL, ». III. Haughtiness, arrogance supcr- : Balgach.
bia, fasius, arrogantia. (J U. et MSS. • Bolgara-um, *. m. MSS. Vide Balgum.
BoiTEALACH, -AicHE, AiTOgant, pre-
«(//. (Boiteal), BoLGAK, -Ais, -AN, ». in. Tlic middle part of the
sumptuous : iirroguns, pnetidens, audax, insolens. body, the waist medium coq)U8. U/i. Vide e-

OB. et MSS. tiam Balgan. H'et. Bolgan.

BoiTEi.v, -E, -EAN,
s. *. in. III. A bundle of hay or BoLG-DiuBH, -uiBiiE, ailj. (Bolg, ct Dubh), Dark,
straw : fu-'ui vel straminis fasciculus. Mi>^. et S. C murky: caliginosus. (lit.) black-beUied.
BoittÌH feòir." C. S. " Boitcin saoidlie." V^oc. " Uiilt a' beucaich, taibhs' a' sgreadail,
94. l-uaii fasciculus. B. Bnt. Doetel foen. Pil- " 'S boisge tein' o'n adhar bhol(/-<thuUt."
Ut. S. D. 43.
• Boiih. pi. of Both. UA. q. vide. Torrents roared, ghosts shrieked, and lightning
BoL, -AiDH, BH-, Smell, scent: olfac, odorarc.
r. a. (flashed) from the of hollow darkness. Frenie-
" B/ioi an Tigliciunia boUulh cùbhraidli." Geii. bant torrentes, ejulabant spectra, cmicabaut ful-
vìVì. -il. 'Hie Lord smelled a sweet savour. O- getra, ab aetherc caliginoso.
doratus est Jehova odurem gratum. BOLG-SAIGHEAD, I />/.

• Bol. s. «I. 1. poet: poeta. A Ll/i. 2. Art, -SAiGHEiD, j

(Bolg, et Saighead), A quiver
skill : ars, peritia. ZMi. et O'B. pharetra. " Gabh t' airra, do bltolg-shaighead agus
BÒL, BÒLA, »•. «I. 1. A bowl: patera, crater. C. S. do bhogha.'' Gen. xxvii. 3. Take thy weapons,
Wei. Buolin. Saj: Bolla- Got/i. Bolla. thy quiver, and thy bow. Sume tela tua, phare-
•Boladid, *./. (Bol), Poetry: poesis. Ll'i. et Sfi. tram tuam, et arcum tuum.
BoLADii, -AiDii, -AiDiiEAN, «. III. smcU, the scnsc A BoLG-soLAiR, -E, .V. /H. (Bolg, et Solair), A maga-
of smelling : odor, odoratus. " Agus dli'fhairicli zine : apotheca : annarium. Sh. et MSS. 2. A
e boiadJi 'eudaicli." Gen. xxvii. 27. And he port-folio : scrinium. C. S.
smelled the smell of his raiment. Odoratus est • Boleuidh, i. e. Builg), Blisters, blains : pustula?
odorem veslimentorum ejus. ulcera. MSS.
Bò-LASS, -A, ». «I. (BÒ, et Lann), An ox-stall : bo- • Boll, X. 111. The
boss of a bridle, a gorget (heni :

vile. LUi. bulla, nianiillare, strophium. Sh.

Bo-LAOiGH, «. /. (BÒ, et Laogh). 1. cow with A Bolla, pi. -achak, s. m. 1. Id. q. Bol. UJi. 2.
cah" vacca pnegnans. 3Iacf. V. 2.
: milch-cow : A A net bladder, an anchor buoy coriuni vel uter :

vacca lactaria. C. S. coriaceus iiiflatus ad retia sustentanda, mdex an-

• Bolb, *. III. A sort of caterpillar volvox, eruca. : choparius. Hebrid. 3. boll, Scotch measure of A
s/i. et on. grain, sixteen pecks: quatuor modii. Scot. Bo«'.
BoLG, BfiLG, s.'m. 1. A bag, budget: saccus, bul- Jam.
ga. Voc. 15. 92. 2. nie belly, womb : venter, ' Bollog, s.f. Vide Ballag.
uter. Itil/. iii. 11. 3. A quiver: pharetra. " Cao- • Bollsaire, «. m. teacher
-can, doctor. Voc. A :

gad guineach ann am boii/." S.D. 10. Fif^y ar- 185. An

antiquary, herald, master of cere-
rows in a quiver. Quinquaginta sagittae in (una- monies, crycr of a court archaeologus, praeco, :

quaque) pharetra. 4. The concave, or convex fscialis, ceremoniarum magister. JJh. et Sh.
part of a shield. '• Bhuail Fionn ara bolg." S. D. 3. A bawler, boaster : homo clamosus, jacta-
252. Fingal struck the hollow of his shield. Per- tor. Uh. " BoUsgaire bùird,"
N ide Ballsgaire.
cussit Fingalus concavum cl)-pei. 5. boil, A A meat carver man's table, among
at a great
blain : furunculus, ulcus. '•
Bithidh i 'na neus- the Irish caqitor Hibernorum, qui cames

gaid, a' briseadli a mach 'iia bolgaibh." Ecs. ix. 9. mensis principum impositas secabat. O'R.
Ajid it shall be a boil breaking forth with blains. • BoUsgair, -idh, bh-, r. n. Proclaim clama, edice. :

Fiet ulcus erumpens in pustuhs. Wtl. Bol, Boly, Sh. et OR.

R 2
« Bolltadh, s.f. A bolt, or bar: pessulus, vectis. BoNNACUAlREACiiD, S.f. ind. (Bonnacliair), Prac-
Sh. et O'R. Wei. Bollt. Goth. BoUt. BeUj. tice of an erratic glutton helluonis erratici con- :

Boult, Bolt. suetudo. C. S.

Bolt, -built, s. m. A welt, border, margin : BoNNACiiAN, -AIN, AN, dimin. of Bonnach. s. Til. A
lacinia, ora, margo. C. S. " Bolt bròige." C. S. small cake : C. S.
A slioe welt, the border of a shoe sole, the edging Bonnach AN, -ain, s. m. (Bonn), Tlie part of a spade
of a shoe lacinia, margo vel ora calcei.
: " Bolt on which the foot is placed pars ligonis pedi sup- :

nan sùl." C. S. Edging of the eyes, the eyehds : posita. Sutherl.

palpebrae. Lat. Baltheus, a belt. BoNNAG, -AIG, -an, S.f. 1. leap, jump: saltus. A
• Boltanas, «. m. smell A
odor. Sh. et O'R, : -S7j. et C. S. 2. A
Christmas cake : collyra vel
• Boltnigh, -idh, bh-, v. n. Smell : odorare. Sh. et panis, Christi natalibus vel calendis Januariis sump-
07?. tus. Id. q. Bannag.
BoLTRACH, -AiCH, s. w. (Bol, V.) smell, odour, A • Bonnaidlie, for Buinn. Soles: plantae pedum.
sense of smelling : odor, odoratus. " Mar bhol- B.B.
trach tùis." Salm. cxli. 2. metr. As the odour Bonnainne, s. m. (Bonn, Duine), A lacquey,

of incense ut odor thuris.

: footman pedissequus, a pedibus famulus, ilf.Sis'.

BoLTRACHAN, -AiN, -AN, s. m. (Boltrach), per- A Bonnamh, s. m. A tribe, or family tribus, fa- :

fume, scent bottle, nosegay : olfactorium, servia, milia. Sh. et OR.

sertum, florum fasciculus. Macf. V. et C. S. BoNNAN, -AIN, -AN, s. m. dtmhi. of Bonn. 1. A
' Boltunnachadh, -aidh, s. m. smelling : actus A little sole : planta pedis, vel solea exigua. C. S.
odorandi. Voc. 152. 2. A bittern ardea stellaris. Llh.

• Bolunta, adj. Fine, exquisite : suavis, exquisitus. BoNNANTA, adj. Macf. V. Vide Bunanta.
Llh. et OB. BONN-A-Si, Ì -BUINN-, -BUINN, Vcl BONN-

BoMA, s. m. A
bomb: bombarda. Voc. 116. Vox BoNN-A-siA, Proinn.^ acha-se, s. tn. (Bonn, et
Angl. Sè, adj.) A halfpenny obolus Britannicus, denarii

• Bomadair, s.f. A vomit : vomitus. Provin. dimidium. A piece of six, (Scots pennies).

• Bomanachd, s.f. Boasting, vaunting: gloriatio, BoNN-CHASACH, -AICHE, adj. (Bonn, et Cas), Stout
jactantia. Sh. et O'R. legged : crassos habens pedes. C. S.
• Boman, -aidh, bh-, v. n. Boast, vaunt : jacta, glo- Bonn'chan, -AIN, -AN, m. Vide Bonnachan. s.

riare. Llh. BoNNCHART, -AIRT, -AN, s. m. balk, land between A

BoMANNACH, -AicHE, Spotted, chequered : va-
odj. two furrows porca. Voc. 93. :

riatus, guttatus, tessellatus. Sh. et Llh. BoNN-CHUMADAiR, -E, -EAN, s. m. (Bonn, et Cuni-
' Bomluchd, s. ni. (Bo, et Bliochd), The cow and adair), A shoe last : crepida. Voc. 53.
profit : vacca, ejusque proventus. Sh. et O'R. BoNN-MHALL, -AiLLE, «K^'. Steady: firmus. A. M'D.
Bonn, Buinn, fl. Buinn, sometimes Bonnan, s. m. BoNNSACH, -AicH, -EAN, s. f. A dart, javelin te- :

1. A bottom, foundation, base : fundus, basis. lum, jaculum, hasta. Bibl. Gloss.
" Tra ghlacas e doireachan uaine," BoNNSACHD, s. f. hid. (Bonnsach), Leaping, jump-
" 'S a thilgeas e honn a suas iad." ing : actio saliendi, prosiliendi. C. S.
S. D. 262. BoNNSAicH, -IDH, BH-, V, o. (Bonnsach), Dart ja- :

Wlien he seizes upon green groves (trees), and culare. Llh.

throws them upside down. Quando prehendit ne- BoNNTACH, -AICH, S.f. (Bonn), The thickest part of
mora ea inversa ordine.
viridia, et disjicit 2. The the hide, used for shoe-soles densissima corii pars, :

sole (of the foot)planta vel ima pars pedis. " Bonn
: ex qua efficiuntur soleae calceariae. Sutherl.
" bròige. S.'
shoe sole : calcei solea. 3. * Bor, s. m. A swelling, pride tumor, elatio. : Hh.
A pedestal : stylobata. Sh. et O'R. 4. coin A BoRB, BuiRBE, adj. 1. Fierce, cruel, savage, se-

nummus. " Feuch thug mi mile honn airgid do vere : ferus, crudelis, immitis.
d' bhrathair. Gen. xx. 16. Behold I have given " Tra phill Comar o'n iorguil hhorh"
thy brother a thousand pieces of silver. Ecce de- S. D. 325.
di mille siclos argenteos fratri tuo. " Cha 'n eil When Comar returned from the fierce tumult.
mi honn 'na t' eisimeil." C. S. I am nought in Quando regressus est Comarus ab immiti fremitu.
your reverence, i. e. I owe you not a farthing. 2. Strong, brave, daring potens, fortis, audax. :

Nihil debeo tibi. 3. Good, advantage bonum :

" Gheibh thu 'laoich bhuirb gach seud."
commodum. O'Flah. 6. cuij. Good bonus. Sh. : S.D. 109.
et O'R. Wei. Bon, a base. Hdrr. njH hanah, Thou wilt obtain, daring hero, each reward. Po-
extruxit. tieris, audax heros, quoque praemio. 3. Stormy
BoNNACH, -AicH, s. m. A cake, Scot.Bannock pla- : procellosus. " Tha 'm fuaim mar an geamhradh
centa, libum, panis. Macf. V. " Bonnach beag." borh." Oss. Their sound is as the stormy winter.
A little cake, a bun : placentula. Scot. Bannock, Est eorum sonitus sicut hyems saeva. 4. Haughty,
Bonnock. Jam. proud fastosus, superbus. O'B. et C. S. 5. Lux-

BoNNACHAiR, -E, -EAN, s. m. (Bonnach, et Fear), uriant, rank, rancid : nimis luxurians, rancidus.
A begging glutton, a wandering greedy gut hel- : O'B. 6. Barbarous, rude, ignorant : barbarus,
luo erraticus. C. S. rudis. " Nochd an sluagh borh caoimhneas nach
Guioinh. xsviii. Hie bur- chess-buanl tabula luxiria. " Bord uaint. Sh.
»ni blienp »lluiinti.' -i. :

barou^ pfuple »lii-wfil u» no siiiull kilullus^. Uur- 'Hie board uf green cloth tabula viridi tuiali in- :

biiri |inf!.ciibm>( nobis noii |uu->uin bcnigiiiluti-iu. strala. " Bord urilimian." J/ur/^ ì'. vel " uraiclie,"
• liorb, ». »«. A
l\rant: lyra"""!*- -"^Ii- ir/ ••
C. S. The mould board of a plough:
uracil. "

Uorb, -uiilb, bli-, f. ii. ShcII : luiiie. Sh. ii O'lt. uures urutri. •' Bòrd-cùil," 'llie larbotud side.
• liorba. *. / (Buirbi'l, JJ/i. il OJL Vide llor- LatUft sinistruni uaviij cum ud prorain intueris. .V/i.
ba8. • Bord beula," tr/ •' bfòil." 'Hie ktarbourd side: —
BoRBADii, -Ainii, *. m. Swellinf», raging: iictiis tu- latus de\trum navis cum ad proram intuerU. S/i.
nicndi. t'riMiuiuli, t'lirciuli, fcrvcnili. C. S. S. Maintenance: viclUb. C.S. " Air a bhùrd.'
' IJorbarni, <«//. liiirbju-ous : barbiirus. .S'/i. ('. .V. Boarded, paying lor diet j)retiuin minis- :

IJoKUAs, -AiN, A'. HI. Sbarpncss, severity : ucriinoniu, trans ob victum. 4. .\ border niurgo. S/i. el O' Ji. :

acerbitas, severicas. UJi. " Am bord mòr," The large table, the lir»l ser-
BoKH-uiiKiATiiHAcii, -AiiHE, odf. (Horb, et Briutli- vice magna mensa, prima mensa. I'm. 23.
: Wrt.
raehl, Fierce speaking: barbare vel ferocitcr lo- Biorild. Oenn. liord. GotJi. Baurd. HjAil.
(juens. Aliicf. ì', Sivt. Burd, Burde. Jam. Fr. Bord. litly. Bord.
BoKBiiAN', -A IN, s. lu. 1. A purling sound : sonitus, .S'«<'. Guth. BratU.
ut rivuli tluentis. BòuD, -.\iDii, Bit-, r. n. (Bord), Tack : obhqua cur-
Tha 'clias 'g a tuniu' sa chaochan, sum, transversiiu na\iga. nuut. term.
" 'S tliuil cliraobhach 'n a luib ri borbhan." BÙUUADI1, -Aiuii, *. HI. et pm. part. v. Bord. Tack-
S. D. 189. ing actio navigandi obliquatis velis, vel tran>ver»o

His foot dii)ped in the rill

is his streaming blood ;
cursu. C. S. et luuU. term.
» BOrduir, -can, «. m. Border, or margin ora, mar-
gurgles (falling) into its course. Pes ejus ininier- :

gitur in rivuium, et sanguis protluens ejus sonituni ge. Vul'j. Sax. fioftb. GiTin. Bord. Fr.
edit in aqua? ductu. 'ì. niuniiuring, conjecture, A Bord.
doubtful report : Murmuratio, fremitus, rumor cum BÒRDAI11EAC11D, «./. ind. Vide Bòrdadh.
dubitatione. " Bha liorb/uin niòr am measg an • Borg, s. m. A village villa, vicus. Sutlu-rl. :

t-sluaigh ni' a thinichioll." £«1/1. vii. 12. And Germ. Burg, Berg. Angl. Burgh. Several
there was much nmrmuring among the people con- places in the Hebrides so called.
cerning him. Mussitatio multa erat in turba de BÒRLUM, -ui.M, s. m. 1. A sudden evacuation, or
eo. 3. Noise of a tempest procella." sonitus. :
vomiting subita exinanitio vel vomitio. C. S. 2.

' Tra bhios coill air chrith,

A ridge of arable land, an arable ridge, or ac-
'• 'S an speur ri borbhan." S. D. 228. clivity ager arabilis in dorso porrectus. Utbrid.

\Mien forests tremble, and the sky resounds. 3. Name of several places in the Iliglilands and
Quando quatiunt sylvae, ccelaque sonant. Isles iiomen loci, frequens satis.

BoRBHAKAicn, s. f. iiul. (Borblian), A murmuring, • Boroimlie, s.f. A tribute of cattle vectigal bo- :

muttering murmuratio, murmurillum. Mac/. V.

: arium. Sh.
BoRBNACHADii, -AIDH, s. /. ct pres. part. r. Borb- • Bòrr, Borra, s. m. 1. A bunch, knob ranms, :

naich. Impulse, instigation a swelling with anger ; tumor. Sh. et O'R. 2. Majesty, grai-deur,
or passion : impulsus, instigatio ; actus inturaescen- pride, greatness : majestas, su|)erbia. Uh. Afp.
di pro ira. C. S. 3. An
elephant : baro, elephas. MSS.
BoBBNAicH, -iDU, BII-, V. a. ct H. (Borb, adj.) Im- • Borr, Great, noble, grand, splendid
ati/. : niag-
pel, swell with indignation, or rage impelle, ira : nus, magnificus, splendidus. Lth.
tumesce. C. S. ' Borr, -aidli, bh-, f. n. et a. (Borra), Swell, be-
BÒRC, -AIDH, BH-, V. n. 1. Blossom, sprout : ger- come big and proud tumesce, fastu intumes-

mina, gemma. C. ii. 2. Burst : erumpe, irrue. ce. Sh. 2. Parch : Uh. et Sh.
C.S. • s. m.
Borra, A swelling: tumor, proim'nentia.
BÒRCACH, -AicuE, culj. (Bòrc, r.) Bursting, sprout- Sh. et O'fì.
ing erumpens, genninaiis. /?. J/-/).
: BoRRACH, -AiCH, s. m. (Borr), 1. A haughty man :

BÒRCADH, -AIDH, *. wi. Ct }>res. /mrl. v. Bore. 1. A homo fastosus. SL O'B. et Provin. 2. Borage :

budding, blossoming gemmandi actus, germina- : borago, herba. Voc. 58. 3. A certain species of
tio. Macf. 2. Swelling, bursting
'. proruptus. : mountain grass : gramen quoddani alpini generis.
c.s. Htbrid. 4. A projecting bank ;
projectura ripa'.
BÒRD, 6ÙIRD, «. m. 1. A table, board: mensa. MSS.
•' 'An solas nach faoin m' an bliurd." • Borraeha, *. m. A bladder ; vesica. Uh.
Tern. iii. 254. BoRRACHAs, -.\is, «. /. (Borrach), Boasting, bully-
In no vain gladness around the table. In lanitia ing mos tlirasonis. Sh. ct Prorin.

non inani ad mensam. 2. board, plank assis, A : • Bonadh, «. »1. 1. Id. q. Borra. 2. A tile of
scabellum. C. S. " Bord-beòil." C. S. llie gun- soldiers : militum ordo. Sh. et OP.
wale of a ship, or boat navis ora. " Bord luinge. : ' Borradhach, adj. 1. Parched : arefactus. SA,
C. S. A ship's deck : stega, vel constratum pup- i. Valiant : tbrtis, strenuus. Uh. who writes
pis, fori navis. " Air bord." C. S. Aboard, on also tìoitjwijjAC.
board: in navi. " Bòrd-tàilisg." Voc. 106. A BoRR.\iL, -E, adj. Proud : superbus. Sh,
BOT 134. BOT
• Borral, s. m. A brace : copula. MSS. aibhne," The bank of a river : fluminis moles, vel
BoRRAN, -AiN, s. M. 1. /?. MB. III. q. Borracli, 3. ripa. Voc. 6. 2. A vote : votum, suflragium. C. S.
2. (Borr, 2.) Anger : ira. C. S. 3. The haunch, Wei. Bioth. Germ. Bau. Scot. Bothy. Fr. Boyau.
or buttock coxa, clunis. Vail.
: Ital. Budcllo, Budella. Hebr. /T'i baith, a house ;
BoRRAS, -Ais, m. 1. s. A
protrusion, (usually of the D11 l>ulh, a tent.
lips) : projectura, (vulgo de labiis). C. S. 2. Sol- *Botach, s.f. A reedy bog, or fen palus arundi- :

der : ferrumcn. O'B. et Sh, nosa, vorago cccnosa arundifera. Llh. et Sh.
BoRRASACH, -AiCHE, adj. (Borras), Blubber lipped: BÒTACH, -AiciiE, «f//. Macinli/. 111. Vide Bòtuinn-
labiosus. C aS'. cach.
BoRR-SHUlLEACir, -EICHE, a-fj. (BoiT, et Sùil), Full BoTAiDH, -EAN, s.
f. A wooden vessel containing
eyed oculos habens prominentes. Sh.
: about 5 or 6 gallons : vas ligneum 5 vel 6 congios
' BoiT-thoradl), s. m. (Boit, et Toradli), Greatness, capiens. Provin. " Botaidh mùinn," Pot do
majesty amplitudo, majcstas. Llh.
: chambre. Provin.
' Borruin, s.f. Llh. Id. q. Boiran, 3. BoTAiGEAR, -EiR, -EAN, s. m. fork furca. Voc. A :

BoRRGHANTA, oflj. (BoiT, et Deanta), Turgid : tur- 86.

gidus. C. S. BÒTAIS, S.f. et Vox Angl. Voc. 18. Vide Bòtuinn.
Bos, Boise, Boisean, s.f. Id. q. Bas. *Botallach, -aiche, adj. Mad, furious, outrageous:
• Bos, mlj. 1. Certain: certus. O'Flah. et Sh. insanus, furens, furibundus. Llh.
2. Low, abject, mean : humilis, vilis, abjectus. Both, *. m. ind. A
plash, declamation, furious agita-
Sh. et OR. Fr. Bas. body : aspersio, agitatio, vel mo-
tion, or action of
BosAG, -AiG, -AN, s. f. (Bos, s.) 1. A slap on the tus corporis vehemens. " Tha e 'cuir nam both
face, or mouth alapa. Sh. et C. S. : 2. A palm- dheth." C. S. He plashes, dashes, through thick
full quantum vola capit. Prorin.
: and Per vias per invia ruit.
BosAGACHADH, -AiDH, s. 111. Id. q. Boiseagacliadh. Both, -an, s. m.
-a, A
cottage, hut, tent, bower,
- Bosan, s. m. A purse : marsupium. O'Flah. et Sh. booth, shade : casa, tugurium; tabernaculum, per-
* Bosarguin, s.f. (i. e. Bàs-iarguinn), 1. Destruc- gula, umbraculum. " Am
bothaibh Cèdair." Saltn.
tion exitium. ^S*^.
: 2. (Bos), clapping of A cxx. 5. 7netr. In the tents, (or booths), of Kedar.
the hands in grief : planctus. Plunk. 3. Ap- In tabernaculis Kedar.
plause : acclamatio. Llh. Bothach, -aiche, adj. (Both), Full of tents, or cot-
BÒSD, -A, s. m. A
boast, vain-glory : jactantia, glori- tages : tentorius, tabernaculis, plenus. C. S.
atio. Sh. et C. S. Wei. Boasach, et Bost. » Bothach, s.f. Vide Botach.
BÒSDAIL, (Bòsd), Boastful : thrasonicus, glo-
-E, ad/. Bothag, -aig, ) -AN, s.f. dimin. of Both. A booth,
riabundus. Sh. et C. S. BoTHAN, s. m. j country cottage casa, tugurium. :

BÒSDAIR, -E, -EAN, s. M. (Bòsd, et Fear), swag- A Llh. et Voc. 83. " B" esan athair na droinge a ta
gerer : jactator. C. S. gabhail còmhnuidh am botJuignibh." Gen. vi. 20.
BÒSDAN, -AIN, -AN, s. TH. little box : pyxis. Voc. A marg. He was the father of such as dwell in tents.
54. Ille fuit auctor habilantium in tentoriis. " Mar
BosGHAiRD, -AIDH, BH-, V. 71. (Bos, et Gàire), Ap- blmthan a ni am fear-coimhead." lob. xxvii. 18.
plaud : lauda, applaude. Llh. As a booth that the keeper maketh. Velut tugu-
Bos-GHÀiRDEACHAs, -AIS, s. m. (Bos, ct Gàirdeach- rium quod fecit custos. Hebr. '[Pi^'Z bilhan, a pa-
as), A
clapping of the hands in joy : plausus, laeti- lace. Pike.
tisB Voc. 156.
fremitus. BoTHAR, -AIR, -EAN, «. m. A lane, road, street : an-
BosGHAiRDEADH, -EiDH, s. m. Ct pres. part. V. Bos- giportus, viculus, platea, compitum. Voc. 81.
ghaird. Applause : laus, plausus. Plunh. " Bothar tarna," i. e. " tarsuinn." cross way A
BosGAiRE, s. m. ind. Applause applausus. Sh. : trames. Llh.
BOSLACH, -AICH, -AICHEAN, S. W. (BoS, Ct Luchd), * Bothar. 3Iacf. V. Vide Bodhar, deaf.
1 A handful, (commonly of liquids) quantum vola
. : BÒ-THIGII, -E, -EAN, s. m. (BÒ, Ct Tigh). Sh. Vide
capit, (vulgo de liquoribus). C. S. 2. A bunch Bathaiche.
fasciculus. S. C
3. A cluster, bunch racemus, : BoTRACHAN, -AIN, -AN, s. tH. Htbrid. Vide Bod-
fasciculus. <^/(. et O'B. 4. Fire ignis. Corm. : chrann.
Gloss, et Sh. 5. A vault : fornix. Provin. BoTRUMAiD, -EAN, S.f.
-E, slut, vile trull mu-A :

BosLUATH, -UAiTHE, adj. (Bos, et Luath), Sh. Vide lier fatua, foeda. Macf. V.

Bas-luath. BÒTUINN, -E, -EAN, S.f. A

boot : ocrca. C. S. Wei.
* Bosluath, s.f. (Bos, et Luadh), Applause : plau- Botas. Arm. Botas. Fr. Botte, Bottine. Scot.
sus. Plunk. Boetings. Jam. Goth. Botan. Ulphil.
Bos-MHÌN, -E, Ì c<^'. (Bos,etMm), Smooth- BÒTUINNEACH, adj. (Botuinn), Booted, stout-legged :

Bos-MHINEACH, -EICHE, j palmed, soft handed vo- : ocreatus, crassas habens tibias. S. C
las habens molles, delicatas, Oss. et R. M^D. BÒTUINNEACHADH, -AIDH, s.m. Booting : actio in-
BÒSTAIL, -E, adj. Ross. Salm. xlix. 6. et Ed. 1763. ducendi ocreas. " Air a bhotuinneachadh. Voc.
Vide Bòsdail. 136. Booted: ocreis indutus. S. C
'BÒT, -A, -AVI, s.f. Provin. Vox Angl. VideBòtuinn. BÒTUINNICH, -iDH, BH-, V. a. Put OH boots : indue
Box, -A, -ACHAN, s. m. 1. A mound moles. " Bat ; ocreas. Sh.
BoTL-L, -uiL, «. III. A bottle : liter, lagena, ainpullu. Bhaciidac, -AiG, -AN, S.f. (Dni'IulaclOi A drab, a
»lul iiiulitT Burdidu, funlu. • Sliochd bnululatfiy
C. S. IjiU. lUitulu!-, a «lUsUfje. :

BoTi'LAliii. -tun, mi-, f. «. (liotul), Bottle: in ani- The race of the »lul. IVugeiiii'b umlierÌA Mjrdid».
|)ullu8 vcl lagfitttii iiiluiidf. C. S. OniH.
liori'LAlK, -KAN, t. m. A butk-r vini diiipeuiialor, : BhACii-biii'iLBACii, -EicUE, tuij. (Bntch, et Sail),
uruiiius, pincerim. C. S. X'iilo Buiilealuir. Blear -«j'ed lippub. Vuc. 2H. .

IU>i ILAN, -AM, -AS, s. m. \ uvmW bottlc : loguu- Bkai ii-!>iii ii.KAi iiu, t.
f. ind. I
Brach-iiiuileacli I,

culu, |>hiala. S. C Bleur-cyediiess : lippitudo. C S.

BoTi'!i, -CIS, s.f. A bclly-woriu : luuibricus ii)te«ti- BnACL'iiiNEAiii, -etciic, lulj. Dukky, Iteatli-colour-
iioruin.ProvÌH, ed : subfuscus, ericei colurÌB.
BnÀ, -uiiAN,-riiSTAN, s. J. I. Voc. 96. Vide " Tha mo thruibluu, bhracuinietuh."
Brùtli. '~. A broH siipiTL'iliuin. Uh, : " A' taitiie' rium gu fiur-mhaitli." Onut.
BuABiiii-ciiAsAcii, -All iiK, (K^. Bow-li-ggod valgus. : My heath-coloured trowber» please ine sufficienlly
1«-. 29. well. Flaceut mihi satis bene mes braccit; ericei
UuABiiTALACiio, ;./'. lluuglitiness : fastus. Voc. 36. coloris.
• Brae, X. HI. 1. .\ii arm : bradiiuin. LUt. 2. A Bhadacii, -AICHE, adj. (Braidc), 1. 'nuevibii : fu-
iiiiirket, shop : inercutus, ottieina. Sh, et rax. C. S. 2. Stolen furto abductus. Mutf. V.

OK. Bradag, -aig, -an, s.f. (Bradach), A thie\ieh wo-

• Brae, -aidli, bh-, r. 1. Break, harrow : frange, man niulier : furax. C. S. A term familiarly oised
occa. Sh. 2. Embrace : amplettere. O'B. for reproof (of females). \'ox reprehensioni», mo-
• Braea, x. ,«. A breaker, harrow rastrum, occa. : do familiaritatis, de muliere.
B>bl. Gloss. Bradaioii, s. til. iiid. (Bradach). 1. A rogue, a
Bkacacii, -AiiiiE, atlj. Clreyish, badger-coloured rascal verbero. C. S.
: balatro, 2. .\ thief: fur.
gluucus, melis colorem liabens. A JM-D. Gloss. C. S. diabolus. .V. H.
3. The 4. A fa-
devil :

• Bracadli, s. in, 1. A cabin, hut : casa, tugu- miliar term of reproach (of males). \'ox reprehen-
rium. MSS. 2. .\ luirrow : rastruni. S/i. " Fo sionis, per familiaritatem, de maribus. N. U. 5.
bhractulhiiibh iaruiim." B. B. Beneath har- A low term of atiection. Vox corapellationis amo-
rows of iron. Sub tribulis ierreis. ris, vulyo dictum. C. S.
• Bracaille, *. m. (Brac-cail), " Làmh-choinih-
i. e. Bradaidheachd, «.y. i/«/. (Bradaidh), Tlieft fur- :

ead," ». III. Uh. A sleeve-bracelet : bradiiale, tum, furandi mos. C. S.

amiilla. Llh. Bradax, -.\is, s. m. 1. A salmon salmo. Muif. :

Bhacairseach, adj. Vide Bracuirneach. I'. 2. A

ridgy tumour on the surface of the
• Bracan, *. m. Broth : jus carnium, polenta. Llh, body tumor elongatus in cute. C. S. '• Bradan

• Brach, s. m. A
bear : ursus. O'R. leathann." The halibot tish passer Britannicus. :

• Brach, " Gu brach," adv. For ever aeter- : m Hebrid.

num. Vt. 112. 161. Tain. 21. Vide Bràth, Bbadaxach, -aiche, cuIJ. (Bradan), Full of salmon :

et Gu brath. salmonibus plenus.

Brach, -aid», bh-, r. a. et n. Rot: putresce, ta-
1. • Bràdh,
s.f. Vide Brath.
besce. C. S. 2. Malt : hordeum madetactum cu- • Bradh, -aidli, blu--, r. a. Oppress : opprime.
ra- C. S. Or. B^yu, H-lioya., madetacio. Llh.
Bbacha, gen. of Braicli, Malt, q. vide. Bradhadair, -eax, s. III. A blazing fire, fuel : ig-
Bracuadaih, -eak, s. III. ( Brachadli, et Fear), A
-e, nis ardens, fomes. I be. 3. Kindling of a fire : ac-
nialtnian : Mac/. ^\
brasiator. censio ignis. UtbrUI.
Bracii.\dh, -aidh, «. III. et pres. purt. r. Brach. A • Bradh-rudh, s. in. Ambush insidise. Uh. :

rotting, fermentation, malting : status putrescendi, Braduidh, s. m. \'ide Bradaidh.

vel tabescendi, fermentatio, byneticium, hordei ma- • Braial, (i. e. Brath-foille), s. m. Deceit dolus, :

defacti curatio. Marf. V. fraus. Sh. et 07?.

Brachac, -All;, -AX, s.f. (Brach, «.) 1. A pimple: Bragaireachd, *. /. Vain boasting : gloriatio ina-
tuberculum. C. S. 2. Soreness of eyes : oculorum nis. C. S. Scot. Braging. Jam.
dolor. Ì 'ulff. Bragh, -a, *. m. A burst, explosion : ruptio, fragor.
Braciiax, -aik. s. III. (Brach, i\) Putrefactioc : cor- Vide Braghadh.
ruptio, putredo. • L'haidh e 'na bhrachan." C. S. Bràgh.\d, -aid, -ax, s.m. 1. (Properly) the neck:
It is putritied. Corruptum redditur. collum.
• Brachd, f. s. A
drop : gutta. Sh. et 07?. 2. •' Bean Cliruthgheal a's àiUidh bràghad."
Sap, juice : sapor, succus. UIi. 3. Substance, Fiiig. ii. 240.
increase of wealth : substantia, res, divitiarum Crugal's spouse of loveliest neck. Uxor Crugalis
incrementum. Heaping, mowing ac-
Llii. 4. : cujus venustissimum est collum. 2. Used for the
tio metendi, fcenuiu decidendi. Sh. et R. 5. U breast, and upper parts of the body: vulgo de pecto-
Hatred odium. Llh, : re, summisque membris coqioris utitur. 3. Gtn. ot
BR.\citDACH, -AicHE, uilj. (Braclid, 2.) Substantial Bràighe. " Lagan a bhràghad." Tlie hollow at the
solidus, firmus. Sh. •• BrachdaiiUi, Brachdamhuil, upper part of tlie breast concavitas colli, ubi tho- :

Brachmhor." LÀh. raci conjungitur. /r. adj. 8(1*5*65. Wei. Bra-

gad, issue, progeny, van of an army. Arm. Bar- make it singular, " Braighdean thairis," A hos-
dlet, Briicli. tage. Llh. App. " Braighdein tareis." Voc. 113.
BRAGiiADAini, -E, s. f. (Bragli), Cracking, burst- i. e. a prisoner whilst, (the stipulations are ful-
ing crepitus, diruptio, tragor. C. S.
: filling).
• Braghadl), s.m. 1. (Jore, purulent matter : sa- Braighdeanas, -Ais, s.m. (Braighde), Captivity:
nies, pus. Llh. 2. Upper part of the breast. captivitas. " Agus cuiridh cUiith a h-eudach i

OR. 3. Id. q. Breaghadli. hraigitdeatmis. Deut. xxi. 13. And she shall put
• Braghairt, s./ A truss : sarcina, fasciculus. Llh. from off her the raiment of her captivit)'. Uepon-
• Bràgha, -ruighidli, -ruigheacli, s.f. (Braighe, et etque vestimentum suum captivitatis.
Ruighe), A gibbet patibuluni. S/i. et OB. : Braighdean, -ein, -an, s. m. A cow or calf collar :

• Braic, s. f. A mouth : os. " Cani-braie." A helcium, collare vaccae vel vituh. C. S.
wry, or distorted mouth os obliquatum vel : • Braighchnneach, adj. Able to obtain or procure :

distortum. Sh. et OB. Qui potest comparare. MSS.

• Braiceam, -eim, m. A pack-saddle : clitellae,
.<;. Braighe, t/e». Bràgiiad, pi. Bràigheachan, s.m.
sella, dorsuale. .S'/(. et O'B. An upper part : pars superior vel summa. " Braighe
Braich, Braciia, (Brach, r.) Malt bjTie, bra-
s.f. : a chuirp." Upper part of the breast pars sum- :

sium. Mac na bracha." Tlie son of malt, i. e.

" ma pectoris. " Braighe dùthcha, '
The higher
whisky filius bynes, temetum monticolarum, a-
: grounds of a district regionis pars elatior. " Muinn- :

qua vitiE Gaeloruni. Voc. 24. Wei. Brag, malt ;

tir a bhràighe. C. S. i. e. Scot. Braymen. Jatn.
Bragdy, malt-house. Germ. Brassen, facere ut Sjmn. Brazo. B. Bret, et Wei. Brech, Braich. Lat.
ebulliat. Gr. Bfasata, efferieo. " Brasium." Spelm. Brachium. Zow^iW'rf. Brechet, Brichet. 2. A cable:
Gloss. funis anchors, funis nauticus. Hebrid. 3. Length
• Braiche, Braicheamh, ,«. m. A stag, buffalo : cer- of cable longitudo funis. N. H.
: 4. Means of ob-
vus, urus. " Braicheamh," i. e. " Damh- taining comparandi. Prm'inc.
: ratio Wei. Brai,
alluidh." A hart : cervnas. LIL App. one that is topmost. Scot. Bra, Brse. Jam.
• Braicmhias, s. m. (Braic, et Mias), breakfast: A Bràigheach, -ich, s. m. A mountaineer montieo- :

jentaculum. Probably Gothic. Provin. la. Macf V.

• Braicne, s. m. cat : felis. Llh. A Bràigheachan, -ain, -an, s. m. dimin. of Braighe.

Braid, -e, -ean, s.f. 1. horse-collar: helcium, A A httle cable : funiculus. C. S.
collare equinum. C. S. 2. An upper part pars : BrÀigheachd, m. Imprisonment custodia, vin-
s. :

superior. Sh. Vide Bràighdeach. cula. Potiiis Braighdeachd. MSS.

Bràidean, -ein, dimin. of Braid, s.f. light, or A Brai'-gheal, -il, s.f. (Braighe, et Geal), Bragela,
slightly made collar : collare equinum leviter fabri- a woman's name nomen mulieris. Fing. ii. 184, :

catum. C. S. i. e. fair bosom candidum pectus. :

Braid, ) Theft: furtum. " Cha d'rinn mlse

-e, s.yi • Braighean,
s.f. Debate; disputatio. Llh. Vide
Bra IDE, braid no breugan." B. 3I'D. 5.
j I com- Bruidhean.
mitted no theft nor (nas I guilty of) lies, (lit.) Bràighid, s.f. Vide Bràghad.
Non feci ego ipse furtum, nee mendacia, i. e. non • Braighideanas, s. m. Llh. Vide Braighdeanas.
conscius ego furti, vel mendaciorum. S. Sret. » Braighioslaid, s. f. A collar : collare, helcium.
Brad. Sh. et OB.
Braid-albannach, -aich, «. ni. (Braid, Albain), • Braiglure, s. m. bag, budget A : saccus, bulga.
A Braidalbane man. Macinty. 172. Vide Appen- Sh. " Braighre." Llh.
dix. Braigh-soluis, s.f. (Braighe, et Solus), A woman's
Braidein, s. m. ind. A thievish rogue: furcifer, fur- name : nomen mulieris. Fing. i. 600. i. e. Bosom
to deditus. C. S. of light : pectus lucis.
Braidhleag, -ig, -an, s.f. Vido Braoileag. » Brail, -aidh, bhr-, v. n. Feel, reject, slight : sen-
Braigh, -e, s. m. or/. An hostage, a prisoner :ob- ti, rejice, neglige. Llh.
ses, captivus. Sh. " Braigh gill." N. H. A pledge : Braile, -eidh, -eax, «. /. '(^ 1. Heavy rain :

pignus. Braii.eadh,J ingens pluvia. Sh. 2. A sudden,

Bràighde, s. f. V. m. pi. Captives, pledges : impetuous eruption subita eruptio. Sh. 3. A :
Bràighdean, j bello capti, pignora. " Braighde burst of displeasure irae effusio. Sh. :

gill," " Braighdcan gill," Hostages obsides. " An : Brai-ììn, -e, s.f. Abed-sheet, a linen-sheet, a shroud:
dream rinn bràiglide dhinn." Salm. cxxxvii. 3. linteum, involucrum vel pallium album, stola, lin-
Those who made us captives, (lit.) Qui fecerunt teuni ferale. Voc. 87.
captivos, ex nobis, i. e. qui abducebant nos capti- Brailis, -e, s. /. Wort of ale or beer : liquor cere-
vos. visiae incoctus, cerevisia mustea et tepida. Macf. V.
Bràighdeach, -ich, -ichean, s.f. A horse-collar : Vide Braich.
collare equinum. Voc. 95. Braim, -brama, -ANNAN, s. m. (Brù, et Fuaim,
Braighdeachd, s. f. ind.
(Braighde), Sh. Id. q. Crepitus ventris. B. Bret, et Wei. Brani. Germ.
Braighdeanas. Brummen. Angl. Sax. Breman. Grant. Gr. Bfs-
Braighdean, s. m. or/. Vide Braighde. " Braigh- fLu, Bos/iiu, murmuro.
dean thairis," Hostages obsides. Shaw et Llhiiyd
: BRAniNEACH, -EicHE, odj. (Braìm), Murmurans vel
crepitans a posteriorf, peilcns. " An Uu-bliraini- Bkàitiirèaciias, -Ais, «./. (Bràthair), Broiherliooii
neacli, '
Jtaroii Sufniir. (hiliriius aiuor, fraternita». Macf. V. " Bruitlir-
• Bruiu, i. /«. 1. A beginniof», Iront : primipi- ea>." IHiy. Utur/uiti.
uiii, troti6. SJk. i. A
chifllain : rt'^ulus. .SVi. BuÀlTliHE, t , , „ . , .

> |M.
/ '^ of I'lawiBu,
Brailnur. ^.
u. v.
tìrt.viiH». O'Jt. 3. A bca cummunder : ilux


luiiiliciii n'bus. i'all. Prtuji. BuAmiiiiiiL, -K, tuij. N'lde Bràtliaireil.

Hruiii, <«i/.
Lar{?e, extensive: largus, ingeus. Bham, i/rii. pi. of Braini, i|. v.

MSS. liuAMALll, -ARM, jr. m. A colt: pullus equinut.

• Bniine. Braineacli, ». iii. 'Ilie captain of a sliip : OH.
nauclerus. S/i. Bramauaicii, s.f. ind. Actio pedendi. C. S. Prrt.
• Bniineacli, -eiihe, Mucli. niai>y> plenteous «<//'. :
/. ^>wfcdiLc^jj liramuhiiUm, to swell, blow up.
niuitus, plenus. eopiosus. JJ/i.
^^.,J^.*^_jj braiiiudeii, to come suddenly, to come
• Brain, s.j'. IJh, et Sh. \'iile Broinn.
• Brais, •<., mlj. (Bras, s.) 1. I'ubuluus, fertile in forth, tobe replete.
invention: invenlione tertilis. .SV». 2. Jocose: Bkamadaih, I
-EAN, *. »1. (Bfaim, et Fear), A noisy,
jocularis. O'U. 3. Prurin. for Bras, (ufj. ij. v. BuAMAiRE, i windy fellow ventosus et clamosus, :

etiam qui pedere solet homo. C. S. Spun. Bra-

Arab, (jfjj /«r»', a clieering opiate.
Brais, -e, -eas, m. Profin. Vide Bràiste. »•.
Braman, -aik, -a\, s. m. 1. Misadventure, mis-
Braise, 1 »•. / iW. (Bras, atfj.) 1. Uapiditv, " Branum suirighe." C. S.
fortune : infortunium.
BuAlsEACliD, j iinpetuosily, keenness, boldness, vi- An unsuccessful love adventure. I'etitio amoris
gour, lervour, ardour rapiditas, vehenientia, auda- :
infelix. " Bramaii feille."' S. ridiculous C A
cia, vigor, tervor, ardor. •• Braise tola 's leòla." C. S. Tlie devil
accident eventus ridiculus.
: 'i. dia- :

(lit.) Heat of tiesli and blood, r. e. youthful impe-

bolus. jV. 3. H. A
crupper : postilena. Sh. 4.
tuosity : vehenientia juventutis. 2. Wantonness The croup : uropygium. Sh.
lascivia.lor. 3tì. 3. A tit of sickness, paroxysm
Bramakach, -AicHE, a<^'. (Braman), Unlucky: in-
of a disease: acccssus, vel impetus a'gritudinis,
fortunatus. C. S.
vel morbi. Sh. et <?. .S". Scot. Brash. Jam.
Bra.manach, -aich, s. m. (Braman), A noisy fel-
Bbaisead, -EiD, s.f. (Bras, <«^'.) Forwardness, bold- low : homo ventosus. C. S.
ness nndaria. audentia. C. S. Vide Braise.
Bra mans AN, pi. of Braim, q. v. " Aran eòrna 's
• Braiseagnach, s.
f. false accusation : falsa ac- A hramaiinaii chf-arc." Oran. Barle)' bread and eggs :

cusatio. Uh. panis hordeaceus et ova.

Br.\ise.\laciid, s.f. iiid. (Braised), Keenness, fer- Br.\manta, adj. Unpolished, boorish impolitus, :

vour impetus, fervor, ardor, vivida vis aniini. C.S,

rusticus etiam qui pedendo deditus. Sh.

Vide Braise, s. et Bras, adj. Bramasag, -aig, -an, 1. clott-burr, the prickly A
Braiseil, -e, adj. (Bras, adj.) Fervid, keen : ardens. head of a thistle lappa, orbis aculeatus cardui,

C.S. qui vestibus adliaeret, cardui caljTc ovata et spinu-

Br.\isgeul, -eoil, i. »1. (Bras, adj. et Sgeul), A fa- losa. C. S. 2. Disaster, betokened by eating the
ble, romance : fabula, narratio Acta. Ll/i. et Sh.
first bread of the season without butter infortu- :

Br.\iseine.\chd, s.f. iiid. A. M-D. Vide Braiseal- nium ei auguratum qui horni panis primitias sine
achd. butjTO coniederit. C. S.
• Braisionlach, s.f. Sh. ^'ide Braiseagnach. • Bran, adj. Black, poor : niger, pauper. Llh.
• Braislead, s.f. bracelet ; armilla. LUi. A Vox Bran, s. m. 1. A dog's name : canis nomen. Oss.
2. A raven
corvus. MSS. : 3. Bran furfur. UA. :

Bràist, -ax, -eachak, s.f.

-e, brooch : fibula pec- A 4. Name of several rivers, supposed from the ori-
toralis. C. S. Fr. et Span. Broche. Scot. Broche,
ginal meaning of the British term Bran, apt to
Bruche, Broach. Jam. overllow. Vide Bailiorn, in voc. Branavis.
Br.\isteachas, -aik, -an, s. m. dimin. of Bràist. • Branar, s. m. Fallow ground novalis. Uh. :

Alittle brooch tibula pectoralis e.xigua. C. S. :

" Fearann Branair." Uft.
• Braith, -idh, bhr-, r. a. Inspect, oversee inspi- :
• Brancas, s. m. A halter : laqueus. LIA. ^'ide
ce, procura. .S7/. et O'R.
Braith-bheartach, -aiche, adj. (Brath,r. et Beart, • Brandubhan, s. m. A spider, spider's web ara- :

4.) Vain-glorious jactabundus, gloriabundus. :

nea, aranea; tela. Plunk.
OR. Brang, -aing, s. m. 1. A slip of wood in the head-
• Braithcheam, s. m. A stag, wild ox : cervus, bos stall of a horse's halter, resting on the jaw lignum :

sylvestris. Sh. et O'P.

in equino capistro, mals incumbens. If. H. 2. A
• Braithean, .«. pL of Brath, q. v. Arab. /jj.AJjj snarling hirritus. •'
: 'Teicheadh roimh bhraiitg a
bralùn, proofs. choin ghlais." Oran. Running away from the
• Braitheoir, *. m. (Braith, r. et Fear), An over- snarling of the grey dog. Fugiens ab hirritu canis
seer : inspector, procurator. LUt. cinerei.
Braith-lì.s-, «./. Voc. Vide Brai-lin. Brangach, -AICHE, adj. (Brang), Grinning, snarl-
Braithlis, -e, s.f. Voc. 24. Vide Brailis. ing : ringens, hirnens. Macf. V.
Vol. I. S
• Bran-gliairc, s. m. A corpse left in the open air nam braon." The rain-bow : iris, arcus guttarum
cadaver sub dio reiictum. Sh. et O'B. pluvialiuni. Oss. " Braon dhcalt." S. D. 167.
Brangus, -CAS, -uis, -Ais, s. »1. A pillory: colum- Dew : ros. Poetice.
bar, collistrigium. /?. M'D. Scot. Branks. Jam. Bhaon, -aidii, bur-, r. a. et n. (Braon, «.) Drop,
' Brann, 1. A burning coal, a fire brand: pruna, distill : stiila, distilla. C. S.
toiTÌs. Llh. 2. For Bronn, q. v. Braonach, -aiche, adj. (Braon), Dewy : roscidus,
f. hid. Brandy : vinum roratus. " A' bhraonach." V. S. The gentle
adustum, vini spiritus. Voc. 24. shower : lenis imber. " 'S a
mhaduinn bhraoiiaich."
Branndair, -e, -ean, s. m. Agridiron, Scot, brander: S.D. 167. In the dewy morning auroni roscidà. :

craticuluni. Voc. 89. " T'aisnichean loma mar " Ro' ghleannan an duibhre bhraomiich. Tern.
bhraniidairihh iaruinn." Macinty. Thy bare ribs vii.272. Through the vale of dewy gloom per :

as gridirons, (of iron). Tua: costiE nudatae ut cra- valliculum obscuritatis roscida;. 2. Rainy: pluvi-
ticula ferrea. Brandraith. Jam. alis. Macf. V. 3. Dropping, distilling, gently
' Brannrach, -aicli, s.f. pen, fold A : cors, ovile, showering : stillans, distillans, Icni imbrc decidens.
caula ovina. Sh. et O'R. Sh. et C. S.
• Brannradh, s. m. A trivet, pots : tripus, ollae. Braonan, -a in, s, m. An earth-nut, pig-nut bu- :

Llh. et OB. nium. O'R. et C. S. " Braonan-bachuille." An

Brann-umh, -anih, s. Chess-men: latruncu-
1. earth-nut bunium, bulbocastanum.
: Voc. 59.
li. O'B. 2. A coat of mail lorica. " Brann-
: " Braonan nan con." C. S. Dog-carmillion ;
uimh." Coats of mail : loriccP. Llh, upright septfoil tornientilla erecta. Linn.

• Braoch, s. m. Border of a country regionis ora, : » Braosach, -aiche, adj. Id. q. Braoisgeach. Llh.
vel fines. Llh. * Braosail, s.f. Llh. Vide Braoisgil.
Braoghal, -il, s. m. Provin. Vide Breathal. Braosgaii,, s.f. Vide Braoisgil.
Braodhlaich, Brawling, a great noise
s. f. ind. Bras, -braise, 1. Brisk, keen, active, quick
adj. ;

rixa, discordia, ingens strepitus. O'R. et C. S. acer,animosus. vividus, agilis. O'B. Llh. et Sh.
Scot. Brulyie. Jam. 2. Hasty, rash praeceps, temerarius. O'B. et

» Braoighill, -idh, bhr-, v. a. Crack, crumble : ri- N. H. 3. Daring, intrepid : audax. interritus.
mam fac, fria, comminue. O'B. OR. 4. Wanton : salax. Voc. 130. " Mar reithe
• Braoighille, s.f. 1. A crack, flaw : rima, fissu- bras." Salm. cxiv. 4. metr. As wanton rams. Ut
ra. O'E. 2. A heavy shower: gravis imber. arietes salaces. Ir. Wei. et Arm. Bras, fat. njolc-
Sh. b|t<V|*, a fat wether ; equally Welsh and Irish.
Braoileadii, -eil>h, -ean, s. m. 1. great noise: A Span. Brioso. Pers.j\jj braz, despatch, be quick.
ingens strepitus. Mac/. V. 2. A furious burst of
indignation furoris impatiens impetus. C. S.
: 3. Hehr. ^*"'"l^ baria, pinguis.

A crack, flaw rima, fissura, eruptio. C. S.

: Scot. * Bras, s.f. 1. Llh. Id. q. Braise, s. 2. A hat
Braithlie. Jam. galerus. Llh.
Braoileag, -an, s.f.
-eig, whortle, or cran- A Brasailte, s.f. (Bras, et Alt, 11.) A panegyric
berry : vaccinium, vitis idaea. Macf. V. et Lightf. eulogium. Sh. et O'R.
Braoileagach, -aiche, adj. (Braoileag), Full of Brasaire-bùird, «. m. (Bras, *. Fear, et Bòrd), A

whortle, or cranberries vacciniis vel vitibus idaeis

: sycophant parasitus. Sh. et O'R.

fertilis. Macf. V. ' Bras-argnaidhe, «. m. (Bras, s. et Argnadli), A

Braoileagan nan con, Bear whortle, or dog sophist cavillator. Llh. Sh. et O'R.

cranberries: aibvLi'invsenrsi. Lightf. Vide Braoileag. Bras-bhuilleach, -eiche, adj. (Bras, adj. et Buille),
Braoim, s. m. Crepitus ventris. S. Vide Braim. C Quick in deahng blows, ready in action : acriter
Braoisg, -e, s.f. A grin, gape, yawn, configuration of feriens, manu promptus. C. S.
the mouth in laughing : oris rictus, hiatus, chasma, Bras-chaoin, -e, adj. (Bras, et Caoin), Quick and
oris in actu ridendi formatio. Macf. V. " Draoisg." pleasing : citus cum dulcedine, (de musica). C. S.
N.H. Bras-chòmhrag, -aig, -an, s. m. (Bras, adj. et
Braoisgeach, -eiche, adj. (Braoisg). 1. Gaping, Còmhrag), Keen fighting, jousts, tilts, tourna-
grinning : hians, rima fissus, sardonicum ridens. ments acris pugna, decursus equestres. Sh.

C. S. 2. Broken-edged aciem fractam habens. : * Braschomadh, \ s, m. (Bras, s. et Cumadh), A

" An claidheamh braoisgeach." Mcucinty. 4. Tlie ' Braschuma, J
counterfeiting actio fingendi, :

broken-edged sword gladius fracta acie.: simulatio, adulteratio. Sh. et O'R.

Braoisgil, 5./. Mjrf. (Braoisg), Idiotic laughter : ri- Braschum, -aidh, bhr-, r. a. Counterfeit finge, :

sus insulsus. C. S. Simula. O'R.

Braolaid, -e, s.f. Raving, dreaming: status in- * Brasfhalt, s. m. Hair of the head. Llh.

saniendi. C. S. * Brasgalladh, Ì s. m. A declamation declama- :

Braon, -AGIN, s. m. A drop,

a drop of rain, or dew: Brasgallaimh, j tio. Llh.

gutta, guttula pluviae vel roris. C. S. 2. dew : ros. Brasgan, -ain, s. m. Vide Prasgan.
" lad cosmhuil ri hrami nan sian." Fing.'i. 631. Bras-ghabhail, s.f. (Bras, adj. et Gabhail), Quick
They (are) like the dew of the sky : (Sunt) ea simi- burning accensio ardens. C. S.
: Germ. Brasen,
iia rori caelorum. " Bogha èroo»»," C. 5'. " Bogha ardere. Fr. Braise, carbo ardens.
BRA \3iì BRA
Bras-cìiaoih, •£,«./; (Bruli, atlj. ii Gaoir), A iiuick Uhatiì, 'A, M. m, i. Kiujwled|^, infivmatioii ul u
tiud luuii luiiiif : Btrt'pilus ultrsoitmu. C. S. fact : cognitio n-i foctir. '•
t'ha n eil bralA aiRe.'
' bras^liruiig, (i. e. (.'«ui-gJiruas), «./. (Bras, tulj. He hiiB no infunnaliun : nun pro Ci^'lu lutbct.
ft linum), A turltxl lock, turletl huir : criiiis *• Aig Uia 'tlui bruth." Oud kiiows: DeUk ttov-
cuiK'iiiiiati. JJA. il. Advniilage, ftU|K-riurity Viy uidjiwful uieaiis
'i. :

• Bni.<f;uil. 4./ JJA. \ido Bnis-Sfjeul. ac-tub fraudi' lupieudi, doll^ duciotuli. " 'liu e
• lirus-luidlie, «. m. ( BniK, cu^. i-t Luailh), Perjurv : gubhail bnith urt." He take» tlie b<l\anL*gc of
perjuriu. A'A. el O'Jf. you fraude, vel doli« ductut libi. 3. 'i'rcaclierv,

BnAs-siiKi L, -EÒ11., ». «/. (Bras, «. et SgeuB, A destruction : fallacia, peniicies. " Luctid bradui."
table, roiuuiii'c : tabula, iiamitiu tictu. tS/i. Gm. xlii. y. Treatherou» |>crl>ou^, b|>ie^ ; hoiui-
Bhas-stkòukadh, -EiDii, ti. III. (Bnui, luij. et Stròi- ues dulosi, exjiloratore». 4. A mase, lump matea. :

ceudli). ^ ioleiitly ti-ariii{;, playing loudly u«>d ve- LUi. et O'B. 5. Treason: proditio. ('. ,S'. 6.
hoiueiitly vtlii'iiien» laccrutio, vox 8tentoria, (de
: Intention, design, or resolution consilium. *'
A' :

niusicu). A. M-D. bruth tighinn," " A' brath falbh." ('. -V. Design-
Bhat, -uuaia, -BiiAiT, BiiATAX. 1. A coveriiig, ing to come, or go consilium habins veniendi,

veil, clouk, mantle: velum, operimentum, pallium, eundi, i. e. venturus, abiturus. Wtl. Brad. Ii. Brrt.
topi. '• Agus gliabli Se'm agus lapliet brat, agus Barad. Arab. j\jjS ibraz, proof, document, inlbr-
ehuir iad te clieile air an guailnihli e." Gen. ix. '2'i.
And Sheni and Japlietli took a garment, and laid
it upon both their >houlders. Tuni accepit Schein BuATii, -AiDii, U1IR-, r. a. (Brath, s.) 1. Betray,

et lapheto pallium et imposuerunt id 8UO ambo- deceive, iulbrm against : j)rode, dc-cipe, uliquem
rum humero. '2. A bed-cover lecti operinicn- :
defer, accusa. " Ach mu thainig sibh a chum
tiun. C
S. 3. A rag, or any ragged piece of mo bhratJi do m' naimhdibli. 1 Eachd. xii. 17. '

elothing : panniculus, vestitus quivis pannieulosus. But if ye be come to betray me to my enemies.

.V. //. " Brat gnùise." C. S. A veil tor the Sed si venistis ad dccipiendum me prodituri hosti-
tkce : operimentum.
faciei " Brat bròin." I of. bus meis. 2. Overcome supera. ..V. U. Used collo-

165. A mortelotii vestis feralis, ])allium funcbre

quially, and with the preposition " air." •• Bhratli

quo niortui cophinus eooporitur. " Brat-roinn.'' e orm." He overcame lue superavit mc. " Bhratli :

Man-. XV. 38. A partition, or dividing cloth : ve- e orin a dheanamh." It defied me to accomplish it.
lum dirimens " Brat sgàile." C. ii.
vel dispertiene. Non potui facere id. Wei. Brad.
Id. q. Brat gnùise. " Brat spaoilidh," vtl " spei- Bràtii, gen. Bhathas, dat. Bratuain'n, pi.

lidh." C. S. A swathe fascia. " Brat urlair." :

Bkàithean, -tean, *. f. quern, iiaiid-roill A :

\oc. 88. A carpet : stratum pavimenti, pannus mola trusatilis. " 'S feàirde brath a breacadli
versicolor pavimento instratus. " Brat nasg." Llli. gun a briseadh Prov. quern is better by A
A brooch, or skewer hbula pectoralis, spinthcr, :
setting, not by breaking it. Acuendo sine fran-
testuca. iVel. Brat, et Bretyn, a little rag. Scot. gendo mola trusatilis melior fit. Wd. Brewan,
ISrat. Jam. Fr. Burat. Breuandy, railn-housc.
Bratach, -AicH, -AicHEAx, s. f. A banner, co- Brath, -a, s. m. A conflagration : incendium.
lours : vexillum, insigne. Voc. 114. " Fear-brat " Am brath." The conflagration. Ultimum orbis
aicll." A
standard-bearer siguifer. Voc. 117. :
'• Tliog sinn deò-ghrèine " Seachd bliadhna foimh 'n bhratli,
ri crann,
" A" bhratach luhòr aig righ nan lann." " Thig muir tbar Eirin re aon trà."

Ping. iv. 360. Oss. Vol. m. 433.

We raised the sun-beam to (its) pole, the great Seven years before the conflagration, the sea at
banner of the king of swords. Ereximus jubar so- one tide shall cover Ireland. Septero annos
lis in arboreo hastili, vexillum magnum regis gla- ante incendium (ultimuni orbis) mare uno ae£tu
diorum. " Bratach shith." The consecrated ban- tcgebit Hibemiam. " Gu brath." For ever.
ner, preserved in the family of M'Leod of M'Leod, In aeternum, q. d. " Gu la a bhratli," " Gu
said to have been brought by the parson of Har- la bhràtJu' Till the day of conflagration. Usque
ris from Constantinople in the time of tl)e crusades. ad diem incendii. '• Cha ghluais e gu cruadal gu
Vide SIth. bràtlk," He shall never more move to the perils
Bratac, -aig, -agax, cf war. Non movebit se ille in dura pericula un-
f. Tlie furry, or grass ca-
terpillar : brudius pilosus, volvox. C. S. quam. Vuig. Gu bràch. Gr. U^)^, incendo.
Bhatagach, -aiche, adj. (Bratag), Full of grass Hebr. "TJO bagiiar, exarsit.
caterpillars : pilosis bruchis scatens. C. S. Bratha, gen. of Brath. Treachery, q. vide.
Brataich, • Brathach, adj. (Brath), Continual sterous. LJOi.
-iDH, BUR-, V. a. (Bràth, «.), Kindle, :

rouse, ferment C. S.
: Germ.
accende, incita. Lide vvdg. " Bràch."
Braten, igne torrerc, et Brawen, coquere. Bbathadair, -e, -£an, i. m. (Brathadh, et Fear),
Bbat-dhearg, adj. (Brat, et Dearg), Red-veiled, A betrayer delator, proditor. 2dacf. \
: Wd. et '.

covered with red. C. S. Ann. BradwT.

• Brath, s. m. remnant, fragment A reliquia;, :
Bbàtuadair, «. m. Vide Bradhadair.
fragmentum. Lih-App. a
Brathadh, -aidh, «. m. pres. jtart. r. Brath. Be-
ts 2
traying, giving information : actio prodendi, defe- " Am breab
thu saibhreas iochd nach-traogh."
rendi nliqiiem. S. C Matf. par. xxiii. 2.
BrAtiiaih, gen. Bi<ÀTir.4n, pi. Bràithre, -ean, Wilt thou despise the riches of a never failing com-
s. «Ì. (Bar, et Athair), A brother : frater. " Agus passion ? Uespuesne amplitudincm misericordisc
do bhràthair Ai thu seirbhis." Gen. xxvii. 40.
d' indcsinentis ? 3. Start, move suddenly : exsili, tre-
And tliou sb-ilt serve thy brotlicr. Et fratri tuo pida. C. S.
servies. '• Bràthair ahruim." Voc. 13. foster A Breabach, -aiciie, ad/. (Breab, «.) Apt to kick,
brother qui eodem hicte nutritus.
: " Bràthair elastic, resilient : calcitrosus, ferus, jugi impatiens,
athar." C. S. A paternal uncle : patruus. Pcrs. resiliens. C S.
j>i'jJ braderi rcdcr. Brathair bochd." Voc. Breabadaicii, (Breabadh), Kicking, bound-
J A.J '•

ing, starting, quivering with the feet calcitratio,

108. A
friar: monachus. " Bràthair cuile." C. 5".
actus exsiliendi, trepidandi, calcitandi. C. S.

A brother-in-law levir, i. c. frater mariti sui, vel

Breabadair, -ean, s. in. (Brcabadli, et Fear), A
uxoris sua;. " Bràthair ceirdc." C. S. fellow A weaver, a kicker : textor, calcitro. Provin. Vide
craftsman : ejusdem artis peritus. " Brathair
niàthar." C. S. A maternal uncle : avunculus.
Breabadaireachd, «. f. itul. (Breabadair), Tlie
JVrs.ji Lo j^^j-> brader inader. " Bràthair suir- weavers trade : ars textoria. Provin. Vide Figh-
iglie." C. S. rival in loveA rivalis. The word :
in many languages is the same. The Gaelic may Breabadh, -aidii, *. w. tit pres. part. v. Breab. 1.

be resolved into Bar, athar" the son of the same Akicking calcitrandi actus. : " Breabadh an agh-
father. Wachter, derives the German Bruder, aidh nan dealg." Gnlomh. ix. 5. Kicking against
from the Celtir Tirii, venter ; et Fhear, man, i. e. the pricks. Calcitrans contra stimulos. 2. Bound-

the man of the same womb. Son of the same fa- ing subsaltatio, actus subsaltandi, exsiliendi.

ther is preferable. Wei. Brawd. B. Bret. Breuzr. " 'S a chloch-mheallan a' breabadh air craig."
Fr. Frere. /to/. Fratello. Scot. Brethir, Brether. Fing. ii. 289.
Lot. Frater. Got/i. Brothr. Ulphil. Germ. Bru- And the hailstone bounding upon the rock. Lapil-
lis-grandinis subsultantibus super rupe.
der. Pers.jii^j^ hràder, pi. (^jJ^-^l/J hrndran.
Bkeabail, -e, s.f. (Breab, v.) S. D. 234. 236. Id.
* Brathaireag, -eig, «.
f. (Bràthair, et -ag, fem. q. Breabadh.
term.) An aunt by the father : aniita. Sh. Breaban, s. m. 1. A patch on a shoe
-ain, -an,
Bràthairealachd, s.f. ind. (Bràthaireil), Brother- sole : assumentum. C. S. 2. A patch
soleae calcei
ly attachment : amor fraternus. C. S. on the shoe, within assumentum calcei internum.:

Bràthaireil, -e, adj. (Bràthair), Brotherly: frater- Provin. 3. Any small bit of leather portiuncula

" Agus nach do chuimhnich iad an coimh-

nus. quaevls ex corio. " Breaban toisich." C. S. A
cheangal bràthaireil." Amos. i. 9. And that they fore-patch for a shoe : assumentum soleae anterio-
have not remembered the brotherly covenant. Ne- ris. " Breaban deiridh." C. S. heel patch for A
que recordati sunt foederis paterni. Pers. is^ii^jj a shoe assumentum soleae posterioris.
: " Di-luain
braderi. a' bhreabain." C. S. Monday of chastisement, the
Brathan, gen. of Bra, or Bràth, q. vide. 2. The terror of boys at school. Dies lunae, dies supplicii
name of Lord Seaforth's residence. Mackenziorum pueris in schola, in peccata hebdomadae praeteritae.
phylarchae paterna sedes. Breabanach, -aiche, adj. (Breab, s.) 1. Kicking,

BrÀthar, gen. of Bràthair, brother, q. v. A spurning calcitrans, pedibus repellens. C. S.

: 2.
Brath-foille, s. m. (Brath, et Foill), An intention (Breaban), Covered with sole patches assumentis :

to betraj"-, treacherous dealing : prodendi consili- solearibus obductus. C. S.

um, as. Breabanaiche, -ean, *. m. (Breaban), botcher, A
Brath-ìin, s.f. Macf. V. Id. q. Blath, et Brai-lin, cobbler : sartor, sutor. Voc. 49.
quod vide. Breab'daich, s.f. Vide Breabadaich.
Bràth-losgadh, -aidh, s. m. (Brath, s. et Losg- Bread, -brice, adj. Speckled, spotted, pie-bald
adh), A furious burning ustio vehemens. C. S. :
maculosus, maculis distinctus. Macf. V. {gen. m.
Germ. Brasen. Bhric,/. Brice). Wel.Brych. ^co<. Braikit. Arm.
Brat-lion, s.f. Sk. Vide Brai-lin. Breis, Bris. Arab, Ojj? abrek, pye-bald, black and
'Brattallian, s. m. (i. e. Feachd), A batallion :
white. Chald. pp"12 braJdia. Span. Bragadi.
acies instructa. A. M'D. Vox Angl.
* Bre, s. m. A hill, headland mons, promontori- :
Breac, -aidh, bhr-, 1. Chequer,
v. a. (Breac, adj.)
carve vermiculare, sculpe. Macf. V. 2. Embroi-
um. Sh. et OR. Vide Bràighe. :

Breab, -a, -an, s. in. 1. A kick : ictus pede, vel

der acu pinge, vel intexe. O'R. et Sh. 3. Mix
: :

misce. Sh. OR. et Macf. V. 4. ( Technically et

calce, factus. C. S. 2. motion of terror, A start,
metoti.) Pick a millstone the process of setting, or :
or surprise repentinus corporis motus ex ten-ore

Punge la-
vel causa quavis iraprovisa. S. C sharpening with a pointed iron tool.

pidem molarem, i. e. acuere eum, quod fit instru-

Breab, -aidh, bhr-, v. a. et n. (Breab, s.) 1. Kick :

calcitra, pede feri. C. S. 2. Spurn, reject, despise

mento quoddam ferreo. Sh. et O'R. Vide ex. in

voc. Brath, a quern. 5. Engrave, cover with spots,

calcitra, respue, contemne.
freckles, devices: each, macula, inuculis olxluc qui veniat e terra An^luruu. " Virpaii» lucent
UJx'. ft C. S. bagulis." (Vn/. -£'n. via. (itiU. 8. Tlic clotli, known
lÌKtAi-, Hhu-, *. /. Small |H)Jt : Mirioltt; used by tlie name of lartiui |Mtimu» vetkiujlur Scuto-

Hiih tUv ort.f. ••

A' bhrt-ac." lor. ^5. •• Hreai- (.iaelorum. -V. //. Alitrr Tartan, q. v. He/.
a' mluaiiaidri." X 7/. Intklis on tlu- (act-, ( urn. et //. Brrl. Bryccan, a blanket. Span. Bra-
or skin: Lentigo, na^xi se scati-iites pi-r ciiti-m.
gas. Arxib. ijjS^yJ berkuH, various coloured. " Bra-
HV/. el .-Ir»». Brei-, pocky erujition, et iJrych,
clia." .Spctin. (ilois.
Breai', -bhic, s. hi. 1. A trout, younp; sulnioii Bheacanacii, tidj. (Breacan), 1. I'laided (iaelicu :

trutta, suiar. " Du tu marbiiaich a' Uiric liliàin." sago vestitiib. ('. .S'. 'J. Of, or belonging to tartan,

Onin. Thou wast tlie tisher, (killer) of the white made of tartan : virgatus, tei>t>elulus, ex pannu \cr-

trout. Ems tu oceisor salaris albi. '2. I'oetieal- sicolori Scoto-Guelorum factus, vel ad euni {MTti-

Iv, tor any speckled animal poetice usurpatur pro :

nens. C. S.
auimali quuvis vuriis coloribus distiiictu. ÌÌ'tl. Breacan'-as'-phlilidii, »•. III. (Breacan, et Feil-
Brychiad. eadh). The
belted plaid consisting', properly, of

Breacacii, -AiciiE, 1. arfj. (Brcac), Abounding twelve yards of tartan clotli, worn round the waist,
in trouts truttis vel salaribus abundans. ('. S.
obliquely across the breast aiid left shoulder, and
i. g. III. The art, or act of tishiiif; trouts : ars vel partly depending backwards. Sagum militare Sco-

actus piscandi vel venandi salares vel truttas. to-Gaelorum cincturam recte, huuierum sinistruni

.V.H. et pectus oblique cingens, et a tergo decidens, ut

BiiEACADH, -AiDii, .«. wi. ct jircs. jxirt. r. Breac. 1. in bello gestatur.
" Air uachdair breacan-an-flieilulh."
A covering with sjiots, or freckles, carving, engrav-
JJuciiity. Ib3.
ing actio obducendi maculis, lentiglnibus, synibo-

lis, ca<latura, symbola. Voc. 143. " Breacadh an Above the belted plaid. Super saguiu militare
làtlia." C. S. The break of day : diluculum. \'ide Gaelorum.
Breac, r. " Breacadh an teine." Macinhj. Spots Bkeac-as-t-sìl, «. m. The white and grey wagtail
on the legs or thighs, by sitting too near the fire. motacilla, avis. Lighlf. Voc. 75.
Macula? in tibiis aut femoribus ex nimio foci ca- Breac-a-sianain, s. III. (Breac, adj. A, prep, et
lore. B. Bret. Brcze, ornamenting, crabroidering, Sian), Spots on the face and skin, i'ulff. Fern-
variegating. tickles. Macula; subfuscac in cute, qua.' gigni solis

Breacadh rioxnaich, *. m. A dappled sky: coe- ardorc vulgo putantur. i'oc. 25. Id. q. Breachtl-
luni scutulatum. Hibrid. adli seunain.

Breacadh seinaik, *. m. 1. Freckles on the face, Breac-beadaidii, s. m. (Breac, a trout, et Beadaidli),

or skin : lentigo. C. S. 2. A dappled sky : coe- A
loach: gobites fluviatilis. Voc. 2.
lum scutulatum. N. H. Bheac-bhallac», -aiciie, adj. (Breac, adj. et

Breacac, -Aic, -as, «./. small, thin cake A : libum Ballach, adj.), Spottcnl : maculatus, maculosus.
tenue, placentula. " Dean breacagan air lie an C.S.
teintein." Gen. xviii. 6. Make cakes upon the Breac-chreidimii, *. m. (Breac, adj. et Creidimh),
hearth. Fac placentas in foco. A mongrel religion religio mixta vel impura- :

Breacaiciite, arf/'. Mixed, carved : variatus, mixtus, Voc. 18G.

Mac/. V.
ca:latus. Breac-diiearg, (Breac, adj. et Dearg, adj.).
Breacaire, -eas, s. «I. (Breac, ad/, et Fear), A Spotted, or streaked with red : rubro colore suffu-
graver, graving tool : cselator, cxlatoris instrumen- sus, rubro maculatus.
tum. Lili.
" A
gnùis luhalda mar glu-ein a' dearcadli,
Breac-a-miiuiltein, dappled sky -is, s. III. A :
" O
neulaibh breac-dhearg air beanntaibh uaine."
cnelum scutulatum. •• Breac-a-mhuiltein air an S. D. 148.
athar, latha maith am màireach." Proi\ A dap- Her modest countenance, as the sun glajicing from
pled sky, (lit. on the air,) a good day to morrow. red-streaked clouds, on green mountains. \'ultus
Ccelum scutulatum, bona temperies eras. suus modestus, sicut sol radians ab rubro macula-
Breacas, -ais, -an, «. WI. (Breac, adj.) 1. A plaid :
tis nubibus super virides monies.

sagum versicolor Gaclorum. • Breachaoi. Indifferenee. Llh. " Breachoi." .S'//.

B' flieàrr learn breucan uallach, aninms in nuUam partem propendens.
Mu 'm ghuailnibh, 's a chur fa m' achiais, • Brcachd, s. in. 1. Doubt dubium. Uh. 2. :

Xa ged gheibhinn còta, For Breac, adj. et f. q. vide.
" De 'n chlò s'lliearr a thig à Sasunn." • Breachdan, «. wi. 1. Wheat, a custard, fresh

A. M'D. 151. butter ; triticum, oogala, butjTttm recens. SA.

Dearer to were the lively plaid, around my
me 2. For Breacan, q. vide.

shoulders, and to fold under my arm, than should I Bheac-iteach, -EicHE, a<//. (Breac, et Ite), Having
procure a coat of the best cloth that England pro- variegated plumage : versicolores plumas ferens.
duces. Carius mihi esset sagum versicolor hilare a s.
(gerere) circum humeros meos, et plicare sub axilla Bkeac-laoch, -aoigh, *. m. (Breac, et Laogh), A
raea, quam si pararcm tunicam ex paano optimo fawn : hinnulus. C. S.
BREAC-LAOGHACir, (Brcac-laogh), Abounding
adj. Breagnuich, -idh, bhr-, ti. a. Belie : calumnia ali-

with farnis )iiimul)s plenus. C. S.

: quem. 'V'ide Breugnaich.
Breac-lion, -!>•'. *• '"• -^ drag-net, a trout-net Bkeaman, -ain, -an, «. m. 1. Tail of a sheep, or
tra^iilii, vcrriculuni, ad salarcs piscandum. goat Cauda ovis aut caprs. 2. The back-side
: :

BREAC-LuiitGNEACii,f«^'. (Breac, et Luirgean), Shin- podex. C. S.

freckled : tibias liabens maculatas. C. <S'. Breamas, (Braim-amas), s. m. A misluck infor- :

• Breacnihac, s.f. A magpie: pica. .SZi. et O'B. tunium, damnum. " San dhomlisa dli' eirich am
Breacnachadh, -aidh, s. m. et prcs. part. v. breamas. To me the misluck hath happened
Breacnaich. INIixture, the act of mingling, or va- Quod infortunium accidit mihi. C. S.
riegating : mixtura, actio miscendi, variandi. Ll/i. Breamasach, -aiche, adj. (Breamas), Unfortunate,
et a S. ruinous calamitosus, damnosus. C. S.

Breacnaich, -idh, bhr-, v. a. (Breac, ad/.), Mix, Breamasag, -aig, s.f. Vide Bramasag. -

variegate misce, varia. C. S.

: • Brean, adj. Sh. Vido Breun, adj.
BREACsAicHTt^, adj. etprct. part V. Breacnaich. Par- • Breanadli, s. m. Vide Breunadh.
ty-coloured, mixed variegatus, niixtus. C. S.
: • Breangal, s.f. Vide Brionglaid.
Breac-shìth, s.f. (Breac, adj. et Sith). 1. Livid • Breantas, *. m. Sh. Vide Breuntas.
spots on the skin of a dying person maculae liven- : • Breas, s.m. 1. A prince, potentate: princeps,

tes in cute, mortis praenuntia;. C. S. 2. Scurvy d3-nasta. Llh. 2. voice, great noise vox,A :

scorbutus. C. S. ingens strepitus. O'P.

• Breac-shoillsich, -idh, bhr-, v. n. (Breac, a^. et • Breas, adj. Great : magnus. Llh.
Soillsich, v.). Glimmer : subluce. MSS. • Breas, -aidh, bhr-, r. a. (Breas, s.), Reign : reg-
Breac-sholus, m. (Breac, adj. et Solus),
-uis, s. na. Sh. et O'Ji.
Twilight : crepusculum. Hh. • Breas-aontaidh, s. m. (Breas, s. et Aont), The
Breac-ubhach, adj. (Breac, et Ubh), Full of spot- royal assent : regius assensus. Sh. et O'R.
ted eggs ovis maculatis abundans. C. S.
: » Breas-chathair, s.
(Breas, s. et Cathair), A
Breacuich, -idh, bhr-, v. a. (Breac, adj.). Carve, tlirone : solium. Voc. 44%
grave coela, insculpe. Bibl. Gloss.
• Breas-cholbh, s. m. (Breas, s. et Colbh), A king's
- Bread, s. m. A breach ruina. Sh. et O'R. : sceptre : sceptrum regale. Llh.
• Breadh, adj. Sh. Vide Breagha. • Breasda, adj. Principal, active, lively : praecipuus,
• Breadhachd, s.f. Sh. Vide Breaghachd. alacris, vividus. Llh.
• Breadhas, s. m. Llh. Vide Breaghad. • Breaslang, s.f. Deceit: fraus. Llh.
Breag, s.f. Salm. iv. 2. Ed. 1753. Vide Breug. • Breaslann, s.f. (Breas, et Lann), palace, court A
Breagach, -aiche, adj. Provin. Vide Breugach. of justice: regia, curia juridica. Llh.
Breagadair, s. m. Provin. Vide Breugadair. « Breàsoii-chiste, s.f. (Breas, Or, et Ciste), royal A
• Breàgadli, Vide Breugadli.
s. m. Llh. treasury aerarium regium. LUi.

Breagaire, -oire, s. m. Provin. Vide Breugaire. » s. m. (Breas, e. et Rod), A king's road

Breas-ròd, :

• Breagan, «. m. O'R. Vide Breugan. regium vel militare. " Cha 'n eil breas-
- Breagarsaidh, s.y. Imagination: imaginatio. Sh. ròd gu ce mheas." Ir. Prov. There is no royal
Breag-chràbhadh, s.m. O' Sh. Vide Breug- road to geometry. Nullum est iter regium ad
cliràbhadli. geometriam.
Breach, -a, ad;. Pretty, fine, well dressed, beautiful Breatann, -ainn, s. m. Britain Britannia. C. S. :

bellus, tersus, speciosus, nitidus, bene ornatus. Breatannach, -aich, adj, et s. m. British, a Bri-
" Mar sheudair hreagha reidli." ton Britannicus.
: Wei. Brython.
Salm. Ixxx. 10. metr. Breath, -an, «./. A
layer stratum. O' C. S.

As a beautiful and smooth cedar (tree). Instar • Breatli (i. e. Breagha), adj. Clean, pure mun- :

cedri speciosae et enodis. Scot, et Arm. Braw. dus, purus. MSS.

Chald. ^^ina hnah. Breathach, -aiche, adj. Llh. Vide Breitheach.
Breaghachd, 5. f. ind. (Breagha). 1. Prettiness Breathal, -ail, s. m. Vide Breitheal.
pulchritudo. C. S. 2. Ornaments, finery : oma- Breathamhnas, -ais, -an, s. m. Vide Breitheanas.
menta, ornatus. Macf. V. Breathnach, s. m. A Welshman Cambro-Bri- :

Breaghad, -aid, «. m. (Breagha), Beauty, pretti- Vide Breatann et Breatannach.

tannus. Llh.
ness : pulchritudo, decor, nitor. C. S. Breathnachadh, -aidh, s. m. Voc. 160. Vide
Breàghaich, -idh, bhr-, v. a. (Breagh), Adorn, Breithneachadh.
ornament : orna. C. S. Breath-naich, -nuich, -idh, bhr-, v. a. Vide
> Breaghaidli, s. m. An enthusiast : qui nimio reh- Breithnich.
gionis vel alio studio, affici videtur. Sh. » Breathnas,
(i. e. Brat-nasg), s. m. A clasp,
' Breaghaslach, (i. e. Breisleach), s.f. A dream » Breatnas, bodkin, skewer, tongue of a buckle:
somnium. Llh. spinther, fibula, stylus, lingua fibulae. Llh.
• Breaghaslaich, -aidh, bhr-, v. n. Dream : somnia. • Breichneoras, s. m. Sculpture : caelatura. tSh. et
Vide Breislich. OR.
• Breag-luigh, -idh, bhr-, v. n. Forswear ; pejera. Breid, -e, -ean, s. m. 1. (Properly), piece of A
Sh. cloth, of any kind : quantitas panni, panniculus.
(', S, 2. A cloui, or |iaiili : panniiiilus, lusu- I
• Breifjeadh, -<idJi, *. «i. (Breug), A \ioUiing,
meiitiini. C. S. 3. A ki-iilufl', a «imiiin't. Iiead- iibiiMUg : actio \ii<laiidi, abutendi. WJi.
drt-M ; gf uenilly |>uf lor iJii- J'f iiiule budfjc oi' iiinr- • Bniguich, I. m. (brriit:, et Ni), A litlion : res

riu>'i' : rica, iiKi|n-riiiKntiiiii cupitis iiiuliiruui ; u- licitt. OH.

surjialur pli-ruiiii|ue, ul bignuiii iiiatrimunii upud BhEIU-HIUCIIUAIIII, I
-IDIi, Vtl AIDII-, BMK-, f. U.

niulicreii. Biiiiiu-itiocmi, (Urt^ug, et Uiuchd), Dia

'• N« 11 gablmdh lu 'in hri'iil iiiun. Oratt. guise ^ilnula. C. S.

It' thou wduUlst ai-ci-pt tin- kcrchii't' Iruni ine. Si ' Breileuch, t.f. \'ide Braoiiicb.
ai'cipcres lu ricam a lue. 4. A sail : velum. • BreileuiUi, s. m. MSS. N'ide Braoileadli.
•• Hiirta ///r«/-{;lieal. " 0««. FW. 111. 48M. A white- Bheim, s. III. Vide Bmim.
soili'd boat : lyiiiha cum ulbis vi-lis. lirèid BiitisE, A', y! («(/. (Hreiiii, (K^.) Stench, corruption
bròige." C S. A sliof-patcli : culcci assuuicn- fa'tor, corruptio. A. Al-JJ. O'lutt.
tum. •• IJreid bronii." Ì S. An apron pni'- '.
: BkÈIS'E, adj. cuinp. of Breun, lufj. (|Uod vide.
ciui'toriuni. " Hrciil an crannaij;." Pruvin. A Bhlineaciid, i./. ind. \ (Breun, adj.) Sttnch, btink,
woman"» head- ilress : rica. Wtl. Uretliyn, cloth: Bheinead, -aid, ». »1. 1 corruption fa-tor, corrup- :

Vide tio. C.S.

pannus. Dae. Pert. ì^^j, pcrd</i, velum.
BnÈis'EAG, -EiG, -AN, S.f. (Brcuu, «<^.) A beastly
Brèiu, -mil, mm-, r. a. (Urcid, s.). 1. ^Vea^, or
woman mulier turpi» ct sordida. C. S.

BnÈiNEiN, -EAN, *. fw. (Breun, ai^.) A mean, dirty

deck with the •• hrtiil," or matron's badjjc gcre, :

lellow sordidulus. C. S.
vel indue ricani, niatrona- sij^num. C. ^. '2. Patch :

BuEixEiN'-BHOTHAcif, -Alcii, «. III. (Breun. et Bruih-

assue. C. S. 3. Spread or strow peats on tlie
ach), Great daisy, or ox-eye. C. S. C'lirysanthe-
ground for drying glebas nuiscosas sparge, in sole :

nium, leucanthemum. Liyhtf. " Mac an dogha.

siccaudos. " Briideadh na mòine." Provin. Spread-
ing of peats spargens glebas muscosas.

Breid Aiu TÒ1N, s. f. The hen-harrier, the ring-

• Breis, s.f. A tear, a distilling : lachryma, stilla-

tus. Sh.
tail rubetarius. Liyhlf.
: (It takes an art. masc.)
• Breis, -idh, bhr-, ^'ide Bris.
Breideacii, -EicHE, adj. (Breid). 1. Of, or be-

longing to cloth of any kind ad pannum pertinens.

• Breisg, adj. O'B. N'ide Brisg.

• Breisgthe, adj. Moved, provoked : commotus

C. S. '2. Ragged : pannosus. C. S.
Breideacii, -icii, x.f. (Breid(, A niiuried woman, provocatus. O'R.
Sii. et
• Breisi, adj. (Breis, «.) Dropping: stillatus. IMi.
a matron mulier nupta. Mac/. V. i. e. A woman

wearing the " breid," or badge of marriage.

• Breisim, s. /. A war-cry clamor bellicus. Sh.

Breidkaoh, -eidh, s. in. ct prcs. jiart. v. Breid.

Llh. et OP.
Attiring, patching, setting on the badge of a ma-
Breisleach, -LiCH, -EAN, s.
f. 1. ConfusioD, gid-

diness confusio, vertigo, delirium. C. S.

: 2. Dif-
tron actio assuendi, sarciendi, induendi ricani.

ferent species of corn growing promiscuouslj' in

Voc. 160.
A one field. Frumenti multa genera, promiscue tres-
BnÈiDEiN, -E, -EAN, s. m. dimiti. of BrCid. clout,
centes in agro eodem. Hebrid.
rag panniculus. Sh. et C. S.

Breid-gheal, -ILE, adj. (Breid, et Geal), White-ker- Breisleachail, -e, adj. (Breisleach), Contusing,
producing giddiness, or distraction of mind : con-
chiefed, white-sailed : albam ricam, vel alba vela
fundens, delirium inducens, intellectum perturbans.
habens. S. D.
Brèid-siioithichean, s. m. (Breid, et Soitheach),
Breislich, BHR-, (Breisleach"), Have, see
A pcniculus. C. S.
dish-clout :
-IDII, f. It.

strange things in a reverie delira. C. S.

Breid-lciida, j. in. (Breid, et Uchd), stomacher A :

mamillarc, pectorale. Voc. 19.

' Breismon, s. m. (Breas, s.) A writ, mandamus,
• Breife, Ì *. /". 1. A finger, or toe nail : unguis.
royal mandate sjTigraplia, edictum scriptum,

. Breifne, j OB. et Sh. 2. A hole : foramen. regis mandatum. IM.

IJh. et' Sh. Breith, s.f. iiid. et pres. part. v. Beir. 1. .\ bear-

ing, or taking away : ablatio, abductio. .Sh. 2.

• Breifneach, adj. Full ef holes : foraminosus. Sh,
Catching, laying hold of: actus prehendendi, asse-
O'R. 2. A rustic, a boor : homo agrestis,
quendi. " A' breith air làimh orm." C. S. Seiz-
incomptus. Llh. et Sh.
ing me by the hand. Prehendens mihi per ma-
Brèig-chiabh, -ax, s.f. (Breug, et Ciabh), wig, A " Breith air èigin."
nuni. Voc. 37. Molence,
peruke : caliendrum, perruca. C. S.
force, rapine : vis, violentia, rapina. 3. A birth,
Breic-chiabhadair, -e, -ean, s. m. (Breig-ehiabh,
bringing forth partus. " A' dol air seacharan i)
et Fear), A wig-maker
capillamentorum opifex. :

'm breith." Salm. Iviii. 3. Going astray from their

" Fàidli birth. Abalienantes (se) inde a partu eoruni. 4.
Brèige, gen. of Breug, q. vide. brèige."
"Die judgment, sentence of a court, a decision, opi-
C. S. A false prophet vates niendax. :

Breig-fhios, -a, s. m. (Breug, ct Fios), Fanaticism: nion judicium, curiae sententia, decisio. detenni-

vana et inanis religionis species, {lit.) The know- natio. ••

Gu cinnteach tha Dia ami a tha toirt
breitfi air an talanih." .S'a/«i. Iviii. 11. ^'erily there
ledge or profession of falsehood mendacii consci- :

entia. Sh. is a God that judgeth in the earth. Equidem est

13RE 144 BRE
Dcus qui agit judicium in tcira. " Brcith dhhiilli." BiiEiTiCH, -idh, BHR-, V. a. Swear: jura. 3Iacf. V.
Mac/. V. A sentence of condemnation : damna- Potiu^ Freitich, q. vide.
tio, scntcnfia capitis. " Brcith bliunaidh." JJh. • Breitireachd, s. Interpretation interpretatio.
f. :

Ajip. An irrevocable decree, or sentence. Sen- Sk,

tentia vcl judicium non rcvocaiiduni. Wei. Brawd, Breo, -diiaidii, BHR-, V. 11. Vide Breoth.
Bryd, judicium, scntentia. Dai'. " Vergobretus." • Brei), adj. Llh. A'ide Brcagha.
Cas. Bell. Gall. Lib. I. caj). 17. Gael. " Fear gu • Breo, s. m. Fire, flame ignis, flamma. Llh. :

hreidi," i. e. A man for judging : vir ad judican- • Breoch, s.f. Llh. Vide Bruach.
dum. Germ. Burt, boran, gignerc, Brèochaid, f. Any brittle, tender, or
nativitas, locus -e, -ean, s.
nasccndi ; et burtig, oriundus. Syr. Brch, a son. shattered thing : res fragilis, debilis, quassata. He-
Gr. hispo;. brid.
Breitii-buidheachais, s. (Breith, 4. et Buidh- / Breòciidail, -laidh, BHR-, V. a. Patch, lay toge-
eachas), Thanksgiving gratiarum actio. : " Àrd- ther assue, centones compone, j)annos obsoletos

aiehidh mi e le breith-buidheachais." Salm. Ixix. 30. consue. MSS.

I will magnify him with tlianksgiving. Magnifica- Bkeociidladh, -aidh, s. m. et pres. part. z\ Breòch-
bo eum gratiarum actione. Breòcladh, J
dail. An awkward patching: in-
Breitueach, adj. (Breith, 4.) Judicial, critical : ju- elegans centonum vel pannoruni assumentuni. He-
dicialis, ad C. S.
criticuni pertinens. brid.
Breitheal, s.m. (Breith, et Dall), Confusion of
-il, Breòchdlair,1^ -e, -ean, s. tn. (Breòchdladh, et
intellect, whim,
reverie, dotage exagitata mentis : Breòclair, J
Fear), A botcher, patcher : sartor.
concursatio, repentinus animi impetus, deliratio. TV. 49.
" Tha breitheal air an duine."' S. Tlie man is C Breò-chlach, s.f. (Breo, «. et Clach),
• flint A
mad homo fatuus est, vel delirat.
: silex. Llh.
Breitheamh, -eimh, -an, -nan, -a, s. m. judge : A ' Breò-choire, s. m. (Breo, «. et Coire), warm- A
judex. " Nach dean breitheamh na talnihainn uile ing-pan thalpolectrum. Llh.

ceartas ?" Gen. xviii. 25. Shall not the judge of all • Breò-chual,
s.f. (Breo, s. et Cual), Bonfire. A
the earth do justice ? An judex totius terra; non or funeral pile ignis triumphalis, rogus. Llh.

exercebit jus? " A

bhreitheamhna." Salm. ii. 10. Breodh, -aidh, BHR-, v.ii. Putrify : putresce. Pro-
Ye judges : vos judices. Wei. BrejT, Brehj'n. vin. Vide Breoth.
B. Bret. Barn, et Barnwr. Scot. Brehon. Jam. Breodhadh, -aidh, s.m. et pres. part, v.^teoàh.
Breith-eamhnas, Ì -AIS, -AN, s. f. (Breitheamh), Prorin. Vide Breothadh.
Breitheanas, J
1. A
judgment, sentence ju- : « Breò-dhraoidheachd, s. (Breo, s. et Draoidh- f
dicium, sententia. " Le breitheamknas nach fiù." eachd), PjTomancy : pjTomantia. Sh.
Salm. xciv. 21. metr. Ed. 1753. By an unjust • Breog, adj. Weak, feeble debilis, infirmus. O'R. :

judgment : cum sententia iniqua. " Cuir t-ùrnuigh, • Breog, s.f. leveret A
lepusculus. Llh. :

air breitheanas do Dhia." C. S. Submit j'our pray- • Breog, -aidh, bhr-, v. Pound, bake, bruise
• er unto God. Permitte orationem tuam judicio comminue, contunde, pinse, contere. Sh. et
Dei. 2. Judgment, the faculty of judging judi- : 07?.
cium, facultas judicandi. C. S. 3. judgment, A • Breògach,
«. m. baker pistor. Sh. et O'R. A :

retribution, or visitation retributio, visitatio, (pro

: • Breògadh,
«. tn. Bruising, pounding : actio con-

peccato). C. S. tundendi, comminuendi. Llh. et Keat.

Breitheantach, -aiche, adj. (Breith), Judicious Brèogh, -aidh, bhr-, v. n. Provin. Vide Breoth.
sagax. C. S. • Breoghas, s. m. Vide Brioghas.
Breith-fheilteachd, s.
f. ind. (Breith, et Feil- • Breoghasach, adj. Vide Brioghasach.
teachd), A birth-day solemnity : natalium solem- Breòidhte,ì
^^_^^ ^.^_ VideBreòit.
nitas, vel celebratio. C. S. Breoighte, J
• Breithiontair, s.f. A fuller : fuUo. Llh. BreÒIDHTEACHD, )
„ V J. J
> s. f. ind.
ir.j T, v.,
Vide Breoiteachd.
, ,

Breith-là, -àithe, -ean, s. m. (Breith, et La), A Breoighteachd, J *'

birth-day : dies natalis. Llh.

T, V ''''}«.»». Darnel : lolium. Llh. et Sh.
Breithneachadii, -aidh, «. m. et pres. part. v. Breoillein, J
Breithnich. Meditation, conception, idea me-
1. : Breòit, -e, adj. 1. Weak, feeble, frail, sickly: de-
ditatio, cogitatio. C. S. 2. The art or faculty of bilis, fi-agilis, infirmus. " Breoite, tinn." Sm.
jndging, perceiving, supposing, esteeming: actus Par. xvi. 1. Infirm, and sickly
infirmus et seger. :

vel facultas judicandi, percipiendi, existimandi. 2. (Breoth, v.), Rotten, putrid : putris, putridus.
C. S. 3. Interpretation interpretatio. " Breith-
: N.H.
imwhadh aisling." C. S. The hiterpretation of a Breoiteachd, s.
f. ind. (Breoit). 1. Feebleness,
dream. Somnii interpretatio. frailty, sickliness : debilitas, fragihtas, segritudo.
Breithnich, -idh, bhr-, v. a. et n. Meditate, ima- C S. Rottenness putredo, corruptio. iV. ff.
2. :

gine, conceive, suppose meditare, finge tibi, con-

: Breolaid, -e, -ean, s.f. Delirium. C. S.
cipe, puta. S. C
2. Judge, interpret judica, ex- : Breolaideach, -eiche, adj. (Breolaid), Delirious :
plica. " Am breithnich e ?" lob. xxii. 13. Shall, delirus. C. S.
or, can he judge ? An judicabit, vel judicet ilie ? ' Breòn, s. m, A blur, spot : menda, macula. LIA.
BRE 14s5 UK I
• Breòti, -aiiili, bhr-, v. lllur, spot : luaiula, loui- Disguise: obteutut. ('. .S. '^. A tpectre : liir\a.

inui'uhi. .SVi. c : .V.

Urkoim, -AiDii, blih-, f. II. Hot. iorru|)I : iiutresie, Bhki s, Bhlise, attj. Filthy, rotten, currupl, furtid :

tabi'sce. C. S. fuolus, turpi», putris, graveuletui. " Tha inu

URtoriiAUil, -AIDli. ». m. it firrs.fMirt. r. Ureotli. direuchda brcuii." .Saim. xxxviii. 5. My wounds
I'uirfl'uiliuii, c-orru|)lioii : tubes, lorriiptio, |mtrc- ure corrupt : tuiuices mei »uiil putres. 2. Beast-
do. ( : S. ly, brulul : iiiimiMiduii, sordidu», I'eriims. " Aig-
• l<rti>llian, *. »«. Whi-ut : triticiiiii. .S'/i. ot O'H. neudh brruii." C. .S'. A l)i-a»lly diK|>u6Ìtion : ani-
HKtril, *./. I'k/. JudniHfiit jiiiliiiiiiu. : •' Hbfir o mus Bordidus. W'tt. Braiii», putresiere, et Bnrii,
brHÀ." /<V<. xxxvi. 31. He slmll judge : judicubil. adj. putrid ; et Bneui/, et Bneiieiad, t. h.
Id. q. Breilb. lirrt. Brein, Bnen, Bruin. 7-V. Breiieux.

Ukkiu, HitiiGE, -AN, *. /. A lie: nieiuluciuiu. BuEiN, -Ainu, mill-, v. n. (Breun, adj.) Ik-coiue
Nuch 'eil brmg ann am Inimh dhcis?" Is there corrupt, I'a'lid; stink: tubesce, fiete, putisce." A-
not a lie in my right hand ? Isài. xliv. 20. An gus brt-uiuiitlh an uinhuinn." luis. vii. 18. Aud
menducium non est iu dextru inea ? i'uJt/. the river sliull stink. Ft fietebit uinnis.
'• Bring." BhELSADH, I
-AIUII, S. III. L-l prrt. /MJrt. r.
BRkUi:, -AIDII, BHR-, P. a. (Breug, «.) 1. Pacify, or a- BiiEL'NACHD, s. f. iiul. j Breuii. Corruption, the ^lat«
niuse an infant : cohibe fletuni infuntis, oblecta of rotting, becoming fa'tid : corruptio, status ta-
inlantera. C. S. 2. Allure, seduce : allice, pellice. bescendi. C. S.
as. Breun AN, -Ais,«.»i. (Breun), 1. dung-hill: sterqui- A
Brbi'gach, -aiche, (Breug, s.) Lying: nicndax.
«k^'. linium. C. S. 2. nasty fellow: fa-dushomo. C.S.A
Ilia tliu brcuguch." You're a liar nientiris. :
• Breunan, -aidh, bhr-, r. «. Stink fa-te. O'Ji, :

Vulg. " Briagach." • Breun-chrann, in. A kind of tree species ar-

»•. :

Bheugadaik, -e, -ean', «. «I. (Breug, et Fear), A boris. S/i.

liar : liouio luendax, niendaculus. C. S. Id. q. Breun-ladhuacii, -aiche, adj. (Breun, et Ladh-
Breugain.'. air), pedis digitos habeas graveo-
Uotten-toed :

Brevcìauaiheackd, Prac- lentes. A. MZ>. Cluss

x. f. ind. (Bri^iigndair),
tice of lying : nios vel consuetudo mentieiidi. C. S. Breuntag, -aig, -an, s.f. (Breun), nasty slut A
Bheloadh, -aidh, s. m. et prrx. part. r. Breug. mulier foeda, sordida. C. S.
Soothing, lulling, alluring : actio demulcendi, alli- Breuntas, -Ais, »-.»1. (Breun), Filth, stench, putre-
ciendi, oblectandi. Mac/. V. faction sordes, fa-tor, putredo. Bibl. Glost.

BRELGAti, -AUi, -AN, «./. 1. A little lie, or fib: • Bri, »./. 1. Anger, wrath ira, excandescentia. :

nicudaciunculum. C. <S. 2. A lying wench : pu- O'Flah. 2. A word vox, dictio. LUi. 3. An :

ella nicndax. S, C effort, essence : molimen, essentia. Sh. et

Breugaich, -iDii, BHR-, f. «. (Brcug, «.) Maef. V. O'R. 4. A hill, rising ground : mens, coUis.
Vide Breugnaicli. Hh. Sh. et OR, Wei. Bri, dignity, rank, ho-
Breugaire, -ean, s. m. (Breug, et Fear). " Eisdidh nour,
am breut/aire ri teanga an aimhleis." Gnàtft. xvii. • Bri, prep. Near to juxta. Sh. :

4. A liar giveth ear to a naughty tongue. Fal- • Bri, adj. Near to propinquus. Llh. :

lax advertit ad linguam xruinnosani. • Briadli, *./. A remnant reliquia>. Llh. :

Breugaiheachd, t.f. ind. (Breugaire). Vide Breu- Briadha, at/j. pulcher, bellus.
Beautiful, pretty :

gadaireachd. C. S. Briaw, to dignify.

if 'el. .Syx/«. Bravameu-

Bkeugan, -ain, -an, *. m, (Breug), cliild's toy A te. Scot. Braw. Teuton. Brawwe, Gr. B^<ciu,
crepundia;. OR. et C. S. robustus sum, extollo. Uebr. N''^^ baria, niteus.
Breug-chràbhadh, -aidh, s.m. (Breug, et Cràbh- Cliald. riN'nQ briah, the world, or creation.
adhK Hypocrisy, false devotion : siniulata pietas, Briadhacud, ) «.
f. ind. Beauty : pulchritudo.
labioruin religio. OH. S/t. et C. S. Briadiiad,-aid, j C.S.
Brel'g-fhàidheachd, s. /. ind. (Breug, et Fàidh- • Briagh, s.f. A mortal wound : vulnus lethale. Sh.
eachd), A
false pretending to the gift of prophe- Briagha, adj. Vide Briadha.
cy falsa fatidici muneris arrogatio. C. S.
: Brian, -ain, *. : m. 1. A man's name
Brennus, vi-
Breugnachadh, t. m. et pres. part. v. Breugnaich. ri nomen. " Brian
boroimh," King of Ireland :
Belying : Vide Seq.
falsa criniinatio. Hibemia; rex quidam. " Brennus," rex Gallorum.
Breugnaich, -idh, bhr-, v. a. (Breug), Belie, falsi- 2. A word, a composition dictio, compositio. Uh. :

fy, gainsay, contradict einentire, caluiuniare, ef-

: • Brianach, adj. Fair-spoken blandus vel specio- :

fice ut quis falsus videatur, mendacii argue. sus eloquio. MSS. Vide Briathrach.
" Cha'n Hiuiling mi gu 'm breugiiaic/tear," • Brianna, «. m. I. An author auctor. Sh. ct :

" Mo gheallodh fior am feasd." O'R. 2. A composition : compositio, opus.

Sulin. Ixxxix. 33. Sh. et O'R. 3. A warrant : jus, edictum, auc-
1 will never suSer my faithful promise to be made toritas. Llh.
false. Non sinaiii ut falsum reddatur meum pro- • Brianna,/*/. Pieces: frusta, segmenta. OCler.
missum verum in seculum. Bbian-sgaradh, -aidh, *. (Brianna, et Sgar»
Brelg-riochd, «. m. ind. (Breug, ct lUochd). 1. adh), A cranny : rima. I be, 49.

Vol. I,
BniANTAnH, -AiDir, s. m. A bream-fish : abram, -is, Bhìd-eun, -eoin, m. A small bird avicula.
s. :

-idis. iVSS. " Nach fliaic bid an guib Itrid-cohi,

• Briar, .«. m. A pricicic, thorn, pin : aculcus, spi- " Cha chuis dion' do Mhac-Lcòid e."' Oran.
na, acicula. S/i. Vox Anffl. \V\io sees not a mote in the small bird's eye, is no
BniATiiAR, -AiK, Briathra, -AN, .V. 7>i. 1. A wortl defence to Macleod. Qui not vidit minimum in
thctio, verbum. " Chuala tu a hhriathran a meadh- oculo avicula;, defensioni no est Macleodio. (de sa-
on an teine." Dimt. iv. 36. Thou licardest liis gittario).
words out of the midst of the fire. Audivisti ver- Brì<;, -e, -ean, .?.
f. A heap acervus. " A bhrig :

ba ejus e medio ignis. 2. A verb veri)um, apud : mhòinc," " mhònadh," C. S. A pile of peats
graniniaticos. Morf. V. 3. An oath jusjuran- : for fuel. Wei. Brig, summit; Brigant, a Highlander.
dum. " Bheir mi mo hlijiathnr." C. S. I will Angl. Burgh. Germ. Berg, collis. " Briga," vox
swear jurabo. : 4. Victory, conquest victoria. : celtica qua." in nominibus locorum civitatem et pon-
Sh. et O'B. " Briatliar," i. e. " Brigh athar," tem significat. WacJit.
Essence of the FatJier o Aoyr<. Eoiii. i. 1. : BrÌ(;h, s. f. hid. 1. Essence, substance, sap, pulp :

Briathra, Gnath. i. 21. ^j/. of Briathar. q. vide. succus, pulpamentum, vis. " A' cathadh as mo
Briathbach, -aiciie, adj. (Briathar), Wordy, talk- bhrigh." lab. xxx. 22. Dissolving my substance.
ative : verbax, loquax. Macf. V. Diffluens substantiam meam. 2. Virtue, value,
Briathraciiadh, -aidh, s. >«. et jrres. part. v. price, force, meaning virtus, valor, pretium, vis.

Briatliraich. Wording, swearing : actus verbis ex- " Thuirt triath Eirinn bu mhor brigh."
primendi, jurandi. C. S. Fhig. ii. 74.
Briathraciian, -aim, -an, s. m. (Briathrach), A Said Ireland's chief of mighty energy. Dixit prin-.
vocabulary vocabularium. C. S. : ceps lernes, cujus magnus erat vigor. 3. mi- A
Briathrachas, -ais, s. 7)1. 1. Elocution: elocu- racle niiraculum. Sh.
: 4. tomb : sepulchrum. A
tio, enunciatio. S. C
2. Phraseology : loquendi »S7(. 5. A mountain nions. Sh. " Do bhrigh,"

vel scribendi ratio. Sfi. 3. Oratory, rhetoric ars : vel " A

bhrigh," By virtue of, because of: per ra-
oratorica, rhetorica. Voc. 100. 146. 4. Faculty of tionem, quia. Wei. Bri, dignity. Span. Bris.
speech, much talking ; loquencH potestas, locutio Baxq. Brisa. &cot. Bree, Broe, juice of meat jus :

frequens. S. C carnium. Tent. Bry, Broye. Angl. Sax. Brin.

Briathraich, -idh, BIIR-, r. a. et ». (Briathar, s.), Germ. Brue, Brahe. Gr. Boi^a, irrigo B^i^u, a- ;

1. Dictate, affirm dicta, confirma, affirma. C. S.

: bundo Bgi/£t), fundo, mano ; B^;, valde. Hdyr. 113

2. Word, or set down in words : verbis inscribe. pri, fi'uctus.

C. S. 3. Swear
jura, dejera. S.
: C Brìghealachd, s. f. ind. (Brigheil), Energy, juice,
Brìb, -e, .?.
f. A bribe
-ean, munus, coiTuptelae. : virtue : virtus, valor. C. S. Vide Brigh.
JSibl. Gloss. " Srib nach do ghabh." Salm. xv. Brigheil, -e, adj. (Brigh), Energetic, sappy, sub-
5. niefr. Who has not received a bribe. Qui mu- stantial, efficacious,full of meaning : vi, sapore,

nus non accepit. Vox Angl. sensu, prxditus vahdus, efficax. Sk. et C. S.

Bri-bheadagan, -ain, «. m. (Briathar, vel brlgh, et * Brighich, -idh, bhr-, v. n. (Brigh), Strengthen,
Beadagan), A
word-pedant : dictionum obscura- make strong robustum redde. MSS. :

rum affectator inanis. Llh. Brighid, gen. Brighide, Bride, *. f. St. Bridget
Bric, gen. of Breac. A trout, q. v. sancta Brigida. " La Fheill Bride," S. St. C
Bric, gen. of Breac. Small pox, q. v. Bridget's day, or first of February, old style. Fes-
Bric, gen. of Breac, adj. tum Brigida? vel calenda: Februariae.
Brice, s.f.ind. Brick: later. ^/. Bricidli. Foe. 49. * Brighide, s.
f. An hostage : obses. Sh. Vide
Vox Angl. Braighd.
Bricein,-ean, s. m. A
sprat, parr, picker, or small * Brighinn, s.f. Speech : sermo, loquela. Grant.
trout sarda, sardina, pisciculus, salmulus. C. S.
: Vide Bruidlieann.
Bricein-baintigiiearn, s. m. Water-wagtail, a Brìgh-mhor, -dire, adj. (Brigh, et Mòr), Full of
bird : motacilla, avis. Voc. 73. virtue, energy, saj), meaning pollens virtute, vi,:

Bricein-beithe, «. m. A linnet, or chaffinch : lina- succo, sensu. Macf. V. Id. q. Brigheil.

ria, avis. Voc. 75. et Lightf. Brigis, -e, -ean, s.f. Macinty. Vide Briogais.
Briceir, -e, -ean, a m. (Brice, et Fear), A brick- Brimin BODAICH, s. JM. A shabby carle: inhabilis
maker : laterarius. C. S. vetulus. Vuig.
• Bric-liath, adj. (Breac-liath), Greyish : subalbi- * Brin, s.f. A
dream, reverie : somnium, animi a
cans, canescens. MSS. rebus prsesentibus abstractio. It would appear
Bric-shòrn, -ùirn, s. m. (Brice, et Sòm), A brick that Brin, now obsolete, meant semblance.
"' ^
kiln fumus laterarius. Voc. 49.
: Llh.
•Brìde, Brighide, </e?j. of Brighid. Bridget. » Brindeal, s. m. A picture : pictura. Llh, CfB. et
»Brideach, *._/; 1. virgin, bride: virgo, nova A MSS.
nupta. Sh. 2. /«, dwarf: nanus. Llh. A * Brindealan, «. m. A frontlet : frontela. Sh. et
Brìdèag, -aig, -an, s.f. 1. Part of the jaw : fau- OR.
cis pars. Sh. 2. little woman muliercula. A : » Brindealbhadh, s. m. 1. Painting, sculptnre,
Macf. V. pourtraying: pictura, sculptura, graphia. Sh,
niti 1+7 Dili

et O'H. i. A ilÌNSuiwiig, cloaking: uciio ob- ge^, lim^f. L>im/ueU. Braioa. Ibil. liruilu-. Am/ì.
ti'iiilt'iidi, BÌtmtluiiilì. .s'/p. ft D'/i. IWiiihiT.. .S<-o/. Breekb. (,'erm. Bmih, liimuu-
• Urimliiilbliailiur, -»iir, «. m. A |)ui"ler, curM-r: lia. SjMiii. Uiti^aa. ImI. Bratiu. (Jr. U^<u„ ti>-
piitor, oiliitor, Mul|>lor. SA. men pudeiuloruiii.
Urimuacli, -ich, jJ. -icli. or -uii, t.f. A huj», old BHIU(.AI:>, BllUlc' iltACII, <!((/. (BriOfnuj,), \\'|..>I-
Moinuii, niotlit-r ol" ihiUlrfii : imiiliT horrt-mta, iiig lireiilii-s : bruiculus, caligalus. ('. .S',

annosti, tut^;», iimter I'uiiiilia-. L//i. ft M/i, Bitiui.ii, />M>/. liuiluiii. Null- Brigli.
• Uhtuiic-litt.-, iu{/. J lug riildi-ii : a Iciiiuribus vt-xu- • Brioghitcli, <»/;'. (Briogh), Ililly : luoutuòu». .vi.

tuii. SA. Putiiu Brigeach.

Bhioh, -Aiuii. UIIU-, r. a. (lirib), Bribe: uiuittTÌbu!> BnioGii-Aiii, I -ARiiE, -E, tuij. (Briglil, Fowerlul,
corrunipc. C ò'. Brìooiiail, j eti'ectuul : |>oteus, valeus, eiiicas,
Bhìob, -a, -an, «./, Voc, 37. Id. q. Drib. U/i. et OJi. \ide Brigh-iulior.
BitiooAuii, -AiPii, pm. part. v. Briob. Brib- Buioc.iiALACiiD, t./. iiui. (Briogluiil). Vi(U- Brigli-
ing, bribery, treacherous dealing : eorruplio, am- eah.chd.
bitus. l\ S. BuiociiiAs, -Ais, t. m. (Brigh,
WarnitU ol et Tcui>),
• Brioehd, .v. m, 1. Secrecy, witchcndk: venefi- passion, amorous dalliance ardor, procacitas cuiu :

ciuni. JJJt. Art, trade : ars, qua>stus. S/i.

2. ainore. C..V. B. Bnt. Broez.
et O'Ji. S. Colour, complexion color, habi- : BmooiiAsAiu, -AiciiE, adj. (Brioglias), Fond, given
tus oris. S/i. et 0'/{. 4. A beauty : molier toamorous dalliance cupidus, procuciiati cum :

tbrmosa. S/i. et O'Jt. 5. A wound : vuliius. amore deditus. C. S.

S/i. et 07.'. BuiuGiiMiiOK, -'or, -oihe, oJj. (Bfigh) Sabn. xcii.
•Briochdaic, s.f. An amulet amulctuiii. ZJ/i. : 14. iiutrg. Vide Brigh-mhor.
Brìodal, -ail, jr. III. 1. Love language, blandish- Brioghmhoraciid, -"ohachd, s.f.iiid. (Brioghiuor).
ment, soft words : auioris blanditia', verba anio- \'ide Brighealachd.
ns. BuioLi.AN, -AIS, »'. /M. L Pot de chambre : luatulu.
" Do b/irtodal blùth, 's do ndmraii niilis." Sli. et O'li. 2. An ignoramus homo : stuhus
Muciiity. 97. et ignarus. Sh. et O'R.
Tliy frientlly language of love, and thy sweet con- • Brioll-og, -ag, s. f. An illusion : pluintasiua.
verse. Tua \erba aniori:, arnica, et dulcis locu- .S7/. et OR.
tio tua. 2. Flattery adulatio. Mmf. V. : • Briollsgaire, «. m. bull)', a busy body : tliruso,A
BrÌod.^lacii, -aiche, adj. (Briodal), Caressing, en- ardeho, qui sc alienis negotiis irumiscet. Uh.
dearingly fond blaudus, mollis, aniplexibus fo-
: • Brion, A'. «I. Uh. \'ide Brionn.
vens. C. S. '2. Flattering adulationem adliibens. : • Brionach, «. m. A liar mendaculus. Sk. et :

Mac/. V. OJi.
Bbiodiia, adj. Provin. Vide Breadlia. • Briondath, -uidh, bhr-, v. u. Counterttrit : iiiige,
Brioc, -aidh, BHR-, f. a, 1. Hack, cut round, adultera, fuca. Uh.
break small comniinue. C. S.
: 2. T lirust, stab : Brionglaio, -ean, s.f. -e, Trouble, confusion \. :

punctim aliquem jx'te. ^V. H. molestia, confusio. C. S. 2. dream : somuiuni. A

Briogach, -aiche, adj. (Briog, r.) Mean spirited, Stew. 41. " Briongladli." LUi. Scot. Brangland.
miserly sordidus, avarus. C. S.
: Brionglaideach, -eiche, «iJ^ (Brionglaid), Trouble-
Briog.\daich, A-.yi i/m/. 1. A hacking, or cutting: some, turbulent, mischievous : molestus, turbulen-
coDcisio, caesio. C. S. 2. Avarice, meanness a- : tus, perniciosus. C. S.
varitia sordida. C. S. 3. Ludicrous capering tri- : • Brionn, «. /«. 1. A drop, a stud, a gem: gutta,
pudia ludicra. N. H. bulla, gemma. OB. \ ide Braon. 2. lie, A
Briogadh, -aidu, s. III. et pres. p<irt. r. Briog. The Hction mendaciuni, figuientuiu. UÀ.

act of stabbing, or tlu-usting puuctio, actus ali- : • Brionn, adj. Vide Brionnach.
quem punctim petendi. A. H. Brionnach, -aiche, adj. (Brionn). L Flattering,
Briogaire, -eas, «. III. (Briog, r.) L A raiser, a fair : adulans, speciosus. Macf. V. 2. Studded,
mean fellow : homo avarus, qua^stus gratia, res vel striped : bullatus, lineis varii coloris distiuctus.
minimas intuens. C. S. 2. One who thrusts, or Maeiiifi/. 119.
stabs qui punctim aliquem petit. N. H.
: Bkionxal, -ail, i.m. Flattery: adulatio. '• Briotin-
Briogaireachd, s.f. (Briogaire), iiid. Sordid ava- ai baoth." Saiiii. 2. inetr. Vain flattery :

rice : avaritia sordida. C. S. adulatio vana.

Briogais, -e, txjntracted, Briog' se, -ean, (Poet. Brionndal, m. A caressing, toying: actio
-AIL, *.
Brisnean), s.f. A pair of breeches : braccae, femo- foveudi, amplectendi, oblcctandi. O'B. et C. S.
ralia. Brionn- shiil, -lla, -eas, s. m. (Briomi, et Sùil),
" B' èigin do 'n hhriogais bhi ann," A bright, round, hvely eye : oculus lucidus, vivax,
" 'Nuair chaidh ar cuiuannd cho ciùin." genmiam referens. C, S.
Maciittif. 141. Brionnshiileach, -eiche, atij. (Brionnshuil), Hav-
Tlie breeches must needs be (worn) when we were ing bright, lively eyes oculos babens lucidos, vi- :

so quietly subdued. I'emoralia necesse fuerunt, vaces, gemmeos. C. S.

cum tam facile &ubjugati fuerimus. B. Brat. Bra- Brìos, -a, s, m. Mockery : irrisus. A. M'D.
T 2
BRI 148 J3RO
Briosag, -Aic, -AN, .«./. A witch, sorcercss : saga, BnrsDE, adj. ctpret.part. v. Bris, ct Brisd. Broken:
venefica. Llh. fractus. C S.
Briosargnaidbc, Brisdeacii, -eiche, adj. (Brisd, v.) 1. Brittle, apt

|^ ^ ^^^^ ^^ -^j^^ .
i,igja_ 2;//i.
to break fragilis, caducus. C. S.
• IJriosargiiiiiche, J : 2. Broken, in-
• Briosnrguin, «. /. Sophistry : argutia;, fallacia. terrupted, confused

fractus, interruptus, turbatus.

Llh. as.
Briosg, -AiDH, BUR-, (BHosg, .5.) Jerk, start,
V. 11. Brisdeadii, ) -IDH, -EAN, S.m. et pres. part. v. Bris,
leap exsili, subsih, prosili.
: " Bhriosg an naoidh- Briseadh, i V. Brisd. 1. A break, breach, the

ean." Liw. i. 44. Ed. 1807. The babe leaped act of breaking fractio, fractura, diruptio, actus

subsiliit foetus. frangcndi. " Briseadh na faire." lob. vii. 4. Break

Briosg, -a, adj. 1. Pressed : pressus. Phmk. et Llh. of day: crcpusculum matutinum. " Fliir Mn'*-
2. Quick, clever : alacer, promptus. C. S. Wei. idh nan sgiath." Fing. ii. 22. Thou breaker of
Brysg, Brysgar. S. Bret. Brezic, Bresic. Angl. shields. Vir frangens scuta. " Brisidh e mi le
Brisk. briseadh air bhriseadh." lob. xvi. 14. He breaketh
Briosg, -a, -an, s. m. 1. A start, jerk, emotion of me with breach upon breach. Irrumpit (in) me
joy, or fear : subsaltatus, motus subitus gaudii vel irruptione (alia) ad aliam. Germ. Brust, fractura.
tinioris. Macf. V. 2. The bony part of the moutli Arm. Brust ; balista, arcus, brachio fracto similis.
ossea pars oris. C. .S'. Wacht.
Briosgadii, -AIDH, -AiDHEAN, s.m. et pres. part. v. Briseadii-cridhe, s. in. Heart-breaking : dolor al-
Briosg. A start, jerk an instant subsaltatus, sal- ; : tissimus. lob. vi. 21.
tus, impetus teniporis punctum. C. S.
; Brisg, -e, adj. 1. Brisk, lively, quick: alacer, vivi-
Briosgaid, -EAN, s.f. A biscuit placentula triti- : dus, vivax. 3Iacf. V. 2. Brittle, tender : fragilis,

cea. Voc. 21. Fr. Biscuit. " Briosffaid-mhara." tener. Llh. B. Bret. Bresk.
A sea-biscuit panis biscocta vel nautica. C. S.
: Brisg, -idh, bhr-, v. n. Fing. vi. 346. Vide Briosg.
• Briosgarnach, adj. Crackling crepitans. Llh. : Brisgein, -e, -EAN, s. 111. 1. The cartilaginous part

Briosganta,) ^.
Brisk, lively: alacer. C. S.
of a bone cartilago ossi adhserens.
: S. 2. C
Briosgarra, j "^
Moor-grass, silvenveed, or wild tansey potentilla, :

Briosgarrachd, s. f. vul. (Briosgarra), Alacrity : anserina. C. S. B. Bret. Brouscon, root of the

alacritas. C. S. silverweed, an esculent root.
Briosg-ghlòir, -e, s.f. (Briosg, et Glòir), quick A Brisg-gheal, -ile, ad/. (Brisg, et Geal), Limpid,
utterance, a gabble, prattle : expedita verborum clear linipidus, purus. A. M'Z). Gloss.

C. S.
prolatio, loquacitas. Brisg-ghlòir, -e, s.f. Vide Briosg-ghloir.
Briosg-ghlòireach, -eiche, adj. (Briosg-ghloir), Brisg-ghlòireach, -eiche, adj. Macf, V. Vide
Garrulous : garrulus. Bibl. Gloss. Briosg-ghl òireach.
Briosog, oig, -an, s.f. Vide Briosag. » Brisleach, (i. e. Breisleach), s.f. The overthrow
Briosuirneach, -eiche, adf. 1. Ludicrous: ludi- of an army exercitus clades et fuga. Sh. et

cer. C. S. 2. Hairy, muffled up hirsutus, : pilo- OR.

sus, obvolutus. 3ISS. Brislein, -EAN, s. m. Wliite tansey : tanacetum
* Briot, adj. Speckled maculatus. MSS.
: album. Sh.
Briot, -a, s. in. Chit-chat: susurratio, garritus. Brisneach, adj. Wearing breeches: braccatus. A.
Macf. V. Id. q. Briotal. M'D. Vide Briogais.
* Briotacb, -aiche, adj. Stammering : titubans in Brisnean, Poet. plur. of Briogais, q. v. A. M^JD.
loquendo. Bibl. Gloss. dat. Brisnibh.
* Briotaire, s. in. (Briot, et Fear), A stammerer Brist, -idh, BIIR-, V. a. Break, frange. Fing. ii. 122.
qui titubat, balbus. Llh. Vide Bris.
Briotal, -ail, s. m. R. M'D. 266. Id. q. Briot. Briste, adj. et pret. part. V. Bris. Broken: fractus.
* Brioth, s. m. fraction A
fractio. Llh. :
" Spiorad briste." Salm. li. 17. metr. broken A
Bris, -idh, BHR-, V. a. et n. 1. Break : frange. spirit : fractus spiritus. Id. q. Brisde.
" Bris coi' thional coigrich nan tonn." Bristeach, -EICHE, adj. S.B.Gl. Gerw. Brisach.
Fing. i. 142. " Mons brisiacus in dextra rheni ripa." Wacfit.
Break (disperse) the assembly of the wave-borne Vide Brisdeach.
strangers. Perrumpe ccetum peregrinorum un- Bbisteadh, -eidh, -EAN, S.M. ctpres.part. v. Brist.
darum. 2. Break, become bankrupt foro ce- : Fing. i. 110. Vide Briseadh.
de. C. S. " Na cnàmhan bhrisfeadh teat." (i. e. Brith, -e, adj. iV. H. Vide Bruich.
" bhriseadli). Salm. li. 8. metr. The bones which • Britheaghlaidh, ad/. Kind, gentle benignus, :

thou hast broken. Ossa quae contriveris. Wei. blandus. Llh.

Briwo, Briwyddu, tero, contero. Dav. B. Bret. Britheamh, -eimh, -EAN, s. m. Vide Breitheamh.
Breta, Brisa. Fr. Briser. Belg. Borst. AnglJ • Britinneas, s. m. (Briot, adj. et Tinneas), The
Burst. Hebr. DIS) peras, to break ty)Ì3 peras, a ;
measles : rubentes pusulae quas " tubiolas" ap-
breach. pellant. OR.
Brisd, -idh, BHR-, V. a, et n, Pravin. Id. q. • Brium, s.f. A helmet : galea. OR.
Bris. • Brò, adj. 1. Old, ancient: vetus, vetustus, an-
UKO 140 KlU)
tiquu». IJk. OH. SA. et O'/?. «. Much, ma- ranim. S. D. 264. 2. A badger"* den : antrum
ny : inullus. UN. laxorum. C. S.
' Bro, t. m. I. A champion pupil. S/i. f>'/?. : i-t Bhch I iL, ' LI iiiii, BIIH-, r. (1. Vide Brocail, i-.

'.i. (i. e. Urà), A ^;rilul^tom• lupis iiioluri». J.IA. : • Broil, *. «I. 1. A brood : pra(;enitn>, prole».
• Uruaor, t. m. A lault, an errur : i-rrur, kpliuhnu. ^l/.S'.S'. a. I'ride, arrogance : su|M-rbia, arro-
PiuHÀ. 1 1 AM. gantia. Stnt: (iluu. 3. A s|>ut, blenukii : ma-
• Broa», </. out af^ •enectus. ZM. et S/i.
: cula. Sh. et on. 4. Chaiitibemeut : caMÌga-
Bhobii, t. m. Uuund rooted, basturd cypres* : scir- tio. .Sh.
pus nmrilinius, thirha). (f'/f. BnoD, -BKiiu, t. m. 1. Tlie choice of any thing, aa
Bhik, Bmi'IC, «. f«. .\ Imdfier (uxuii, nieli«. Ibe.SO. the largest grains of com re» cujusve generi* op-
H. Uirt. Brocli — At the entry of tlie harbour of

tima, ut aniplissima gram» fmmenti. Sh. (JR. et


Brest, there is a place called by the natives, " tout C. S. 2. A lid, or cover operculum. Voe. 88. :

hrvch" the badjjer's den. Atii/I. Brock. " Brod na poite," Hie pot lid olbe o|>erimen- :

• Broc, luij. Grey : jjlaucus, caniis. JJ/i. et O'R. tuni. ('. S. i. A prickle, goad, fling «timulu», :

Bhocvcii, -aiciie, adj. (Broc). 1. ."Speckled in the aculeus. O'B. et C. S. 4. .\ box, or ladle, hand-
face: laciein liabens inaculatam. \'ide Brucacli. ed round in churches for the collecting of aim».
2. lll-scentetl, brockish : graveolcns, olidus, la-lens, Arcula ijua-dani per nianus tradita in a^ibus m-
more taxi. O'Ji. et C. S. cris, cum eleemosyna colligatur. Proi-in.
Bròcaii., -laidii, BIIH-, f.a. Spoil, mangle: depra- Brod, -aiuii, bur-, r. a. (lirod, 3.) 1. .Stir up,
va, lacera. C. S. rouse stiniula, excita, incita, cie.
: " A' brodadh
Brocaib, -e, -eax, s. hi. (Broc, et Fear), A fox- 'aigneidh." A. J/'Z). Housing his mind excitans :

hunter : vulpiuni vcnator, taxoruui proprie, vel me- animum (Brod, 1.) Pick, or separate the
ejus. 2.
lium vcnator. ('. .S'. best parts optima, vel optima a pejoribus
: elige,
Brocaibeacud, s. /. iiul. (Brocair), Fox hunting: secerne. C. S. Scot. Brod, Brog. Jam.
properly, brock hunting occupatio venandi nielis : Brodach, -aiche, adj. (Brod, 3.) Stimulant: sti-
sed vulgo vulpes. mulans. C. S.
Brociian, -ain, ». m. Pottage, gruel: jusculum, Brodadh, -aidh, «. m. et pret. part. r. Brod. Sti-
puhnentuni farinaceum. " Agus bhruich Jacob mulating, searching, or separating : stimulans, ac-
broclutn." Gen. xxv. 29. And Jacob sod pottage. secemendi. " Brod-
tio stimulandi, investigandi, vel
Et coxit lahacubus jusculum. '• Brochan tiugh," adh a n t-sil." C. S. Picking out the best part
vel " lite." Porridge puis. " Brochan tana." : of seed. Secemens optima grana.
Gruel pulmcntuni liquidum, vel jus camium.
: • Brodail, adj. Proud : superbus. Uh. App.
" Dubh bhrochan." Water-gruel pulmentnm li- : Brod-ghain'eamh, -EiMii, s. III. ( Brod, 1. et Gain-
quidum ex ai|ua et farina confectum. " Brochan- eanih). Gravel : glarea. i'oc. 56.
baiime." Milk-pottage: puis lactea, i.e. ex lacte • Brodh, s. m. 1. A straw, stem straminis cauhs,

et farina confecta. " Brochan-fèola." Gruel of festuca. O'lt. 2. An atom, point, spot res :

flesh juice pulmentum hquidum ex jure camium

: minima, punctum, macula. MSS.
et farina confectum. " Brochan-liath," vel " Liath- Brodh ACH, -aiche, adj. Vide Brothach.
bhrochan." Milk-gruel pulmentum tcnue ex lac- : • Brodhag, s.
f. A boson), fold of the breast
te et farina confectum. Scot. Brochan. Ji. Bret. clothes gremium, sinus. MSS.

Brignen, Brignon. Gr. Uf'^r/u, sorbeo. Brod, -iasg, -eisc, «. m. A needle fish acus, be- :

Brochasach, -aiche, adj. (Brochan), Gruelly, lone, piscis. Voc. 71.

drinking gruel plentifully : abundans pulmento, Brod-teine, s.m. (Brod, 3. et Teine), A poker: 8ti>
pulmenli atfatim bibens. " Bi gu curraiceach mulus focarius. Voc.
brògach hrorhaiiach." Prov. Be (thou) well cap- Brodlss, -nss, *. m. .\ goad, staff: stimulus.
ped, well shod, and gruelly, i. e. drinking much " Gach fear dhiubh r" a spreidh,
gruel. Esto tu praepilatus, calceatus, et multum " 'S a hhrodunn 'na dhèigh." Satir. Htbrid.
pulmenti bibens. Each one of them attending his cattle, and his
Brochd, -as, s. m. Macf. V. A'ide Broc goad behind him. Unusquisque eorum (comitans)
Brochdair, -e, -ean, *. m. Macf. V. Vide Broc- pecori suo, et stimulus ejus post tergum ipsius.
air. Bhòg, -Ò1G, -AN, s.f. 1. \ shoe: calceus, Voc. 18.
Bròchlaid, -e, -eax, s.f. Trash, mixture of differ- 2. A hoof: ungula equina. Toe. 81. 92. (Jig.\Z.
ent meats : farrago, genera cibi varia et commixta. Sorrow tristilia.: " Bhuail an t' earrach so brog
C.S. oirm." This spring has brought sorrow upon me,
Broclach, -aich, -AiCHEAS, »./. 1. A warren (/i>.) struck a shoe upon me. (Casting a shoe at
vivarium. Sh. 2. A badger's den : melis fovea. one being a mark of degradation). Ver hoc intulit
C.S. tristitiam mihi, ^lit.) petit me calceo ; quia jaciendo
Bròcladh, -aidh, s. m. et pres. part. A spoiling, calceum, contumeUa fertur alicui. " Brog gun
marring, mangling : depravatio, vitiatio, laceratio. deireadh," slipper A
crepida, solea. Voc. : 18.
\'ide Brocail, r. " Brog fhiodha," .\ sandal, a wooden shoe : so<>>
Broc-lans, -AINS-, et -uiSN, »./. (Broc, et Lann). cus, caJceus ligneus. Voc. 18.
1. A den of wild beasts lustrum vel antrum fe- : • Brog, adj. Sorrowful : tristis. Lik. et O'/?.
- Brog, .«./ A house domus, cedes. O'B. et Sh.
: • Broighcal, *. m. cormorant, sea-raven A : mer-
Bnoo, -A, ct Brik:, m. A slioe-niakcr's peg awl:
.v. gus, corvus marinus. Sh. et O'R.
sutoris, calcearii subula directior. C. S. Scot. Brog. BnoiGiLEiNEAcii, -KicHE, odj. (Brìgh, et Làn-ach),
Bhògach, -AicHE, adj. (Brog), 1. Shod, wearing Substantiiil : solidus, validus. Provin.
shoes calceatus. C. S.
2. Hoofed coniipes. : •Broileadh, .«. m. Voc. 113. Vide Braoileadli.
J^iiiff. i. 368. Vide Ex. in voc. Aigeannaeli. •Broileag, s.f. Marf. I'. Vide Braoileag.
Brogach, -aiciie, adj. 1. Lewd, wanton, obscene: Broilein, -e, s. m. The manyplies, or king's hood
laseivus hbidinosus, obscamus. O'Ji. 2. Nasty, in an animal's stomach : ventriculus pecudis mul-
slovenly spurcus, putidus. Llh. et S/i.
: tijilex. Miiif. V.
Brogach, -aich, .v. m. A young lively boy puer : Broileixeacii, -EiciiE, udj. (Broilein), Many plied:
alacer. C. S. implicatus, iiivolutus. C. S.
' Brògachadh, -aidh, «. m. et. pres. part. v. Broilleacii, -icii, -ichean, s. m. Abreast, bosom,
Brògaich. An approaching: appropinquatio. front : pectus, gremium, frons. Fing. ii. 18.
Provin. " Broilleacii airm." C. S. The front of an army :

Brògag, -AiG, -AN, s.

f. dinwi. of Brog. A little prima acies. Id. q. Brollach.
shoe : calceolus. C. <S'. • Broimeis, s.
f. Anger, boldness ira, audacia. :

Brògao, Ì -na-cu'aig, s. f. (Brog, et C'u'ag), But- .S'/(. et O'R.

Bròg, j terwort pinguicula vulgaris. Ligiitf.


Broimseadh, ^ »«. furious pusli, a burst of
,«. A
Brògaich, -idh, BHR-, V. w. 1. Approach, come • Broimccadh,
j fierce anger impetus furiosus, :

close to, close up with appropinqua, comminus

: furoris impetus. Vulg.
aggredere. C. S. 2. Dig fode. C. S. : ' Broin, s. f. 1. Height : altitudo. Sh. ct OR.
Brogail, -e, adj. Active, smart, lively : vivas, acer, 2. A large company : hominum frequentia.
agiUs, vegetus. 3Icu-f. V. Sh. et OR.
Brogan, -ain, -anan, dim. of Brog. An awl : su- Broineag, -EiG, -AN, s./. A fag, shred, tatter : rha-
bula. as. coma, pannus, cento, peniculus. Macf. V. 2. An
Broganach, -aich, s. m. 1. A little lively man : ill clothed woman fa>mina male vestita. C. S.

homunculus vivax. C. S. 2. smart boy : puer A Broineag, -eig, s.f. (Bròn), Provin. Vide Brònag.
vividus vel anlmosus. O'R. et C. S. Broineagach, -AICHE, udj. (Broincag), Ragged,
Brog ant A, adj. 1. Lively, active, brisk : alacer, a- tattered pannosus, laciniatus, sordidatus. Macf,

nimosus. O'R. et C. S. 2. Crooking : curvans. V.

A. MD. Gloss. Bròinein, s. m. itid. (Bròn), A poor creature misel- :

Brogantachd, s.
f. hid. (Broganta), Liveliness, lum. C.S.
briskness: alacritas, agilitas. A.M'D. 124'. Broinn, daf. of Bru, A belly. Voc. 133. " O 'n
Bròg-dhrèid, -e, -ean, s. m. (Brog, et Breid), A bhroiim." lob. iii. 9. From the womb a ventre. :

sandal : solea. Voc. 18. " Breid bròige." C. S. Sometimes used as the nominative. Hebr. yiìi^ìi
A shoe clout, or patch : peniculus calcearius. abarin.
Bròg-chlùdaire, -EAN, s.m. (Brog, Cliid, et Fear), Broinn-dearg, -eirg, ì -ain, s. m. C. S. Vide
A cobbler : sartor calceorum. Voc. 50. Broinn-deargan, j Brù-dhearg.
• Brogh, s. m, Sh. Vide Broth. • Broinnf hionn, adj. Wliite bellied album habens :

Broghach, -aiche, adj. Vide Brothach. ventrem. Llh.

• Broghadh, s. m. Increase, profit : incrementum, Broisnein, s. m. A bundle, small faggot : fasci-
coramodum. Llh. et O'R. culus. Llh.
Bròg-na-cuthaig, s. m. (Brog, et cuthag,) Id Broit, -e, s.f. The bosom gremium : ; properly, the
q. Brog na cu'aig breast covering. Promin. (Brot, for Brat, q. v.)
• Brogoid, s.f. Bur lappa. O'R. :
" Cuii- 'n ad Provin. Fix it in your bo-
bhroit. e."
Brog-sgrìob, -a, s.f. A kind of shoe : calceus cu- som in pectore tuo definge.

jusdam generis. Hebrid. • Broith, «. /. Carnation, or flesh-colour : color

Bròguidh, -EAN, «. m. (Brog,) A shoe maker carneolus. Sh. et O'R.
calcearius. Provin. • Broithdheanta, adj. (Broith, et Deanta), Flesh-
• Broice, Broicne, s. m. A mole, freckle : naevus, coloured : carneolus. Llh. et Plunk.
macula. Llh. Broithlein. Vide Broilein.
Broicneach, -eiche, adj. (Broice), Freckled ma- : Brolaich, *. /. ind. Inarticulate and incoherent
culosus. Sh. O'B. et C. S. muttering, as in sleep : mussitatio confusa et inanis
• Broidhhch, s. /. Vide Braodhlaich. " Broil- qualis in somnio editur. " 'S tu dheanadh a bhro-
tich." Voc. 149. ; and in common speech, " Brol- laich ri solus an eòlain." M^Codrum. Incoherent-
aich." ly wouldst thou mutter at the oily hght (the lamp).
» Broid-inneal, s, ?». (Brod, 1. et Inneal), A rich Murmurationem confusam et inanem ederes tu ad
garb : dives vestis, vel omata. O'R. lucem olei.
Broid -innealta, -eilte, adj. Embroidered: vermi- Brolasg, -aisg, s. m. Garrulity, mixed talk garru- :

culatus acu pictus. Llh. litas. O'B. et C. S.

Broidneireachd, s.
f. Embroidery ars vermicu- : Brolasgach, -aiche, adj. (Brolasg), Talkative:
landi, intexus, acu pictio. O'R. et C. S. loquax. C. S.
nuo 151 BRO
Ukoi AscAmi, -Aiuii, ». m. (Urulasg), A Ultling : • Broiiii, ». n. 1. A ^il), favour: dunuin, ùtvvr,
gariiiu>. ( '. .S'. gruliu. .Sh. el (J' J{. 2. A tract ; \rsli^uiiu.
Ukollacii, -auh, *. m. 1. 'I'lic breasl, boaoiu, or Sc /W. 2. 'flu- lirt-ii*( : ptsctuk. U'B.
fruiit: pt?ctuii, fjreniiuni, Croii!.. • Bruiui, -tiiilh, blir-, c. a. (Broiiu, f.) Gruiil, gixe,
•• Keubiulh Kis u lirultai/i bun." FÌMff. i. 281». bciuow, di«lribu(« : coucede, dtt, largifc, dii>-

Her fair boMtiii »'iu> lorn by biiii. Uilutvratuiu (ribue. BiU. Olo*t.
f>l lib I'O ejus |H'i'lii» c'liiuliiliiiii. " ISuiii u iiMib BnoN\Aiii, -AiiUK, (u^'. (ItrounI, Uig-bfUii;d: \vti-
o tl' MrxMitA Ì." Jiitst. Stiliii. Ixxix. 11. i'liiL'k il tricokus. t'. S.
out ol'tbv boA)iii. l'>ipt> euin e 8Jau lui, (iiii-Uin Bhonnach-iiialta, t. f. (Uruiui, et liùtlaiil^ A
unus. Hrz.) •• llroillcadi." S. £. A prolofcui- C suddle-ginli : clitellaruni baileu&, vi-1 xiiueu veil;
proloffiis. Sh. It ON. treui audiiens. C. S.
Buoi.i.Ac iiAN, -AiN, -AS, x.ui. A rufTfictl, iiaLi'tl pir- • Broiuiadli, «. lit. et pns. part. r. Druiui. 1. Li-
son : boiuu paiiii(i8u&, iiuiliis, ^ulllillutus. O'Ji. beral distribution : libera diblribulio. O'Ji.
' lirolhiigli, i.f. Uolibii'ss : uiidacia. l.i/i. 2. Destruction ; pernicies, tlade^. OB. Vide
• brolosjracli, <«//. Talkative: loquax. O'Ji. Pronnadh.
Hroliinn, -k, -kax, «-. ('. I. A boiliii};, justlin;» of BitoNNAi;, -AK., -AN, x. f. A gudgeoii gubiu, pi^- :

lilies : fr.i^or vel conflietiis maris ivstuuni. ('. .S'. cii*. Sh. et OIL
i. Confusion of spcecli : semiouis coiifusio. Id. cj. • Bronu-gliabh, -aidh, bhr-, v.n. (Bruiin, t-t Giibii),

Brolaich. conceive : concipe. O'B. et Sh.

Ukom, -a, «. m. Provitu Vide Hramadaich. Broknghabiiail, s.f. et prai. parl.v. Bronn-ghabh.
Broni, -aidh, bhr-, v. lu Pede. Sh. et (J'Ji. Gr. Conception in utero coiiceplio. Slu

Bsuaiu, BROXs-OHAniiAii.TE, pcrf. part. V. Bronu^liabh.

Hromach, -AICH. -AICI1EAX, «. »1. A colt : pullus Conceived: in utero conceptus. Voc. 165.
e<iui. }i. B. " C|totmi3 njAC a i)Ar*|l- -^ t^"'' Bhokx-sgaoileadh -iDii, s.f. (Bronn, et Sgaoil),
the foal of an ass. I'ullus fa'tus asiuiv. B. B. Mattlt. A llux : diarrliaa, proHuviuui ventris. Uh.
xxi. 5. Brok\s<;aoii.te, ailj. (Bronn, et Sgaoil), Troubled
BrOMAK, -AIN, -AK, K. m. 1. A bltor, rugtic 1 hOHIO with a riux diarrlia'à laborans. C. S.

agrestis, incomptus. Sh. et O' R. 'i.. Id. cj. Bruin- • Urounia, utij. et perf. part. v. Bronn. Be«>tOH°ed :

an. Pron». largitus, distributus. Sh.

Bromanach, -AicHE, a«jf. (Broman), Rustic, rude: • Bronntanus, s. m. Bib/. Gloos. \iàe Bronntas.
rusticus, rudis. L/h. • Bronntas, *. in. 1. A gift, favour: donuin. |3"a-
Bros", -òin, ». m. 1. Sorrow, grief: luctus, nioeror. tia. O'B. et Sh. 2. A track vestigium. Sh.

" 'Nuair dh" aonias niaraiclie naeh beo, ' Bros, Track of a wheel carriage : cuitus
«. in.
" Sealladh bròiti air bhàrr nan stuadli." Fing. i. 440. rot«e vestigium.O'B.
When the lifeless mariner, a sight of sorrow, bends Brosdachauh, -aidh, «. /«. et pres.parL v. Bros-
on the top of the wa\ es. Cum inclinat navita, qui daich. Macf. Par. xxiii. 3. \'ide Bro&nadiadh.
baud est vix-us, intuitum luctus, in sumnias undas. • Brogdadh, -aidli, s. m. A stimulating, or stirring

" Fuidli b/irmi." Salm. ix. i). niefr. Sorron-ful up incitamentum, hortamen. BiU. Ghtst.

mcEstus, sub moerorem. 2. Crape, for mourning :

Brosdaicii, 1 -AIDH, BHR-, f. <i. Excitc, Stir up:
pannus cameiinus tenuis et crispus, quo lugentes Brosduigh, j excita, irrita, stimula. Sh. et Llh.
vestiuntur. C. .S'. Vl'et. BnvjTi. Vide Brosnuich.
• Bron, adj. Peq>etual : per])etuus. Ll/i. ' Brosgadi, adj. Easily frighted : facile terre&ctus.
Brònach, -AiCHE, (iftj. (Bron). 1. Sad, sorrowful, MSS.
sick tristis, moestus, a^er.
: Voc. 142. 2. Pitiful, • Brosgadli, s. in. An exliortation : bortatio. U/i.
mean, contemptible miser, huniilis, contemnen- : Brosgluich, -idh, bhr-, t: a. et /t Clicer, rouse:
dus. ' Creutair bròiuuh." contemptible crea- A erige, erige te ipsum. " Bhrosgluicli e ri faicinn
ture animal ^^le. C. A'.
: an righ." S. D. 26Ò. He roused himself on be-
• Bronadli, *. m. Destruction : cxitiuin. IJh. holding the king. Erexit se ipsum ad videndum
• Bronag, -aig, -an, s. f. A gudgeon : gobio, pis- regem.
cis. Voc, 72. Potius Bronnag, q. \ide. Brosguil, -idh, bhr-, v. a. (Brosgul), Flatter: adu-
Bròsag, -AIG, s.f. (Bron), A poor, imfortunate, lare. C. S.
or sorrowful woman : misera, infelix, tristis fuemi- Brosgul, -vil, «. m. Flattery: adulatio, asseutatio.
na. " Mliuire 's a righ bu mhi In-onaij !" Oraii. " Fear brosguil." loc. 38. A flatterer: adulator.
Poor WTetch that I am ! Htu tiic miseram ! Brosgllaoi, -AICHE, a<^. (Brosgul). Flattering, co-
Bròx-bhrat, -ait, ,v. m. (Bron, et Brat), A niort- zening assentans, ad assentationem proclivis.

cloth pallium ferale. Voc. 109.

: Matf. V.
•Bron-muilinn, s.f. A mill-stone: lapis molaris. Brosll'im, Excitement: incitatio. C. S.
-E, «./.
(It should be Bro, or Bra-mhuilinn). LlJi. Vide • Brosna, m. 1. A feggot
s. iiucis. Uh. 2. A :

Clach-mhuilinn. lapful, urmibl : quantum ulnis ca{)i potest. Uh.

Brovs, ffen. of Bru, q. vide. " A mhic mo bhrotin." Ajjp.
Giiath. xwd. 2. Son of mv womb : fib' uteri mei. ' Brosnach, s.f. A river : flunien. UJi.
B. Bret. Bron. iVel. Bru." Brosnachadh, -aidh, s. m. et pret. part, t: Bros-
naich. Sa!m. Ixxxviii. 17. Ed. 1807. Vide Bros- cabus, lebes. Llh. Sh. et O'R. 2. A butcher
nuchadh. lanio. Llh.
Brosnadh, -aidh, s. m. Voc. 146. Vide Brosnuch- • Brothaircargadh, s. ni. (Broth, et Margadh),
adh. Shambles, butchery macellum, laniena. Sk. :

Brosnaich, -idh, BHR-, V. a. Air. xiv. 23. Vide " Brothinargadh." Llh.
Brosnuicli. • Brothairne, s.f. Down, fur : lanugo, pellis villo-
Brosnuciiadh, -aidh, -aidhean, *. m. et pres. sa, vellus. O'R.
part. V. Brosnuich. A provocation, exhortation, Brothas, -ais, s. 711. 1. Brewis : farrago, ofFulae, adi-
incitement, the act of provoking, or inciting pro- : pata, panis pingui jure intinctus. O'R. 2. Brose,
vocatio, irritamcntiim, hortainen, incitamcntum. Scot.: brosis Scotica, nempe, pulmentum crassissi-
Voc. 15. 5. " 011a ruadh nam hrosiincliadh duna." muni farinaceum, (juod nostrates farinam aqua fer-
Tern. i. 263. The red-haired Olla of" daring ex- vente, scd sx-piùs elixarum carnium jure, saturatam
hortations. OUa rufus hortaminum audacium. in massam, palato gratissimani, ronficiunt, nonnun-
" Brosnuchadh catha." C. S. A martial tune on quam olera hortulana et butyruni, vice carnium
tlie bagpipe. Cantus bellicosus tibias utricularis, juris admiscent. Vide Brudhaist. Gr. Bewff;j, cibus.
quo Gaeli ad prcelium instigantur. • Brò-thigh, s. m. (Broth, 5. et Tigh), Shambles,
Brosnuich, -idh, bhr-, v. a. Provoke, incite: pro- butchery macellum, laniena. Voc. 49.

voca, incita. " Neach air bith dhiubhsan a bhros- • Brothlach, s.f. (Broth, 5.) A place to dress meat

7iuich mi." Air. xiv. 23. Any one of those that in culina. Sh.

provoked me. NuUus eorum qui ))rovocaverunt • Brothladh, adj. (Brothladh), Intent on mischief:
me. " Bhrosmtich sud di siubhal gu sliabh." Tein. proclivis ad damnum inferendum. MSS.
vii. 211. Tliat (event) incited her journey to the hill. • Brothluachair, s.
(Broth, 4. et Luachair), A
Commovit illud ei iter ad montem. " Bhrosnuid," rush juncus, scirpus. «S'A.

for " Bhrosnuich iad." Salm. cvi. 7. Ed. 1753. Brothluinn, s.f Macf V. Vide Broluinn, et Bro-
Brot, -oit, vel -uiT, -an, s. m. veil, envelope, A laich.
upper garment, bed-cover velum, involucrum, : Brothluinneach, -eiche, adj. (Brothluinn), Tu-
cooperimentum, vestis exterior, lecti stratum. multuous, ronfuscd, agitative : turbatus, confusus,
" Croinn chuLr siad air mo bhrot." £lulm. ajJì. agilans. 3Iacf. V.
18. They cast lots upon my vesture. Sortem • Brotlach, s. m. 1. Bibl. Gloss. Vide Brollach.
projecerunt pro indumento meo. Scot. Brot. 2. A
boiling pit puteus ad quodvis coquen-

Jam. dum. Keat. OB. et Llh.

Brot, -a, s. m. Broth jus carnium confecto hordeo
: Brù, gen. Bronn, dat. Broinn, voc. Bhrù, plitr.
polentaque admistum. C. S. Germ. Bruhe. Bronna, -an, et Bronnaichean, s.f. 1. A bel-
Brot, -aidh, bhr-, v. a. Fatten, feed grossly: pas- ly: venter. " Air do bhroinn." Gen. iii. 14. On
ce, sagina, pinguefac. Provin. thy belly super tuum ventrem. 2.
: womb : alvus. A
Brotachadh, -aidh, s. m. et pres. part. v. Brotaich. Salm. xxii. 10. Wei. Bru, the womb. Germ, Brun,
Thriving, mending status progrediendi in melius,
: Brust, pectus, munimentum pectoris.
progressus faciendi. Macf. V. • Bru. 1. A
hind cerva. Sh. " Eilid," " Agh

Brotadh, -aidh, et pres. part. v. Brot. Fat- alluidh." Llh. 2. bank: moles. O'B. 3. A
tening, gross feeding : saginatio. Provin. A
country : regio. O'B.
Brotaich, -idh, BHR-, v.n. Tlirive, mend, improve: Bruach, -aich, -an, s. 1. f
bank, brink, bor- A
cresce, in melius progredere. Macf. V. der : moles, ripa, supercilium, labrum, margo. Voc.
Brot-bhiathadh, -aidh, *. m. Feeding slowly: 6. " Air bniaich na h-aimhne." Gen. xli. 3. On
tarde pascens. C. S. the brink of the river. Ad ripam fluminis. 2. A
Brot-braigileineach, -eich, s. m. Hotch-potch surly boor : colonus ferox et morosus. Llh. Germ.
farrago. Vide Braigileineach, adj. Bruch, Burg.
Broth, s. m.
-a, 1. Itch, an eruption prurigo, : Bruachach, -aiche, «k^'. (Bruach), Banked: ripa-
scabies. Macf. V. Chald. ^J"1^2 bahara, pupula tus. as.
albicans. 2. Fire ignis. OB. :Sh. et 3 OR Bruachag, -aig, -an, s.f. dim. of Bruach, bank. A
A mole, heap moles. Llh. et Sh. 4. A ditch
: :
" An
cos nam bruachagan." Macinty. 51. In the
fossa. Sh. et OR. 5. Flesh : caro. Llh. et Sh. recess of the little banks. In recessu ripularum.
6. A straw : stipula, caulis aristae. O'B. et Sh. Bruachaire, -ean, s. m. (Bruach, et Fear), sur- A
Brothach, -AicHE, a<^'. (Broth). 1. Scabbed, itchy, ly fellow, one that hovers about : homo morosus,
eruptive : scabiosus, scabie laborans. Macf V. 2. qui imminet. O'R. et C. S.
Filthy, disgusting : spurcus, nauseam movens. Bruachaireachd, «.
f ind. (Bruachaire), 1. A
" Fear breun brothach." C. S. A nasty stinkard : hovering about actio circumvohtandi, fluctuandi,

homo fcetidus, putidus. circumventio. 3Iacf. V. 2. Pouting, grumbling:

Brothag, -aid, -an, s.f 1. A bosom gremium. : indignatio, promissio labellorum prae stomacho. C.
Voc. 15. 2. A fold of the breast clothes sinus : S.
(de veste). 3. A foul wench meretrix morbida, : Bruach-bhaile, s. m. (Bruach, et Baile), Suburbs:

lue tabescens. S. C suburbana loca. Sh.

• Brothaire, s. m. (Broth, 5.) 1. A caldron : ca- Bruadair, -idh, bhr-, v. n. (Bruadar, ».) Dream:
BRU 153 BllU

•omnia. ••
BfinuKhir lost-ph bruatlar." Grti. u loud i>oi»e, a crusliuig sound : actus in frusta rum
xxxvii. 5. imtn/. .Iom-|iIi ilrfiuiii-il, a ilrt-uin. .Soiii- ingriili fnigoii- dl^slllt-lKll, blndor, fragor. MiuJ. ì'.

Uiuvit JoM-pllUS 60IU1UUIII.

" ri'iidh Uirautyul lium, ie clu-uiui, i« clinanilmn."
BHt'AnAH, -AIM, -AN, *. M. A ilivam somiuuiu. :
Ò". D. 236.
•• Cliunnaic iniif brutulor." Stew. 41. 1 littvc Amidst the crakhing sound of kwurds, of beauu,
drt-uiiiitl (sit-ii) a (Irt-uin. Suiiiiiitivi (villi) suiimiutii. and uf Ituni'b. Inter frugoreni gladiorum, tmbiuui,
MV/. Uniiail»>il. J tilt: et ossium (Iruiigentiunil.
Uhuauakak iif, -KAS, s. III. (IJrumlur), A drfaiiiiT : Biiit Ai II, -AU III, <«//. 1. Spolli-d in the face : facieni
somiiiiilor. C S. habens inaculis obduetuni. * Caoaru bkructirh."
• Bniaiilli, Ì s. m. A peasunt : rurico: j. .S7;. et C. S. A black, or spotled-faced Ahee|i. <)\i» cum
. Bmuidhi-, ( OH. facie maculis obducta. 2. (Jitj.) t'oul Ikced, Mjualid,

Brl'aidlilIn-, -k, s. III. S. J), lis. \"h\c Bruuilloan. lillhy : uspeclii horridus, i>i|uuhdub, fu-du». C. S.
• Bruai^li, a. f'.cuil. Slircds, ruf;s : iaciniu.-, ccntoncs. Bkl'CACIIAUII, -aidii, «. III. el prm. jnirt. v. Bruc-
BM. Gloss. aicli. A
digging, the act of digging, or irregularly
Blif AiLi.KAN, -Eis, «. til. 1. A luiiiuU : tuniulcus, turning up the soil fossio, tbssura, actus fodendi, vel

{HTturbulio. sine arte terrain defodendi. ('. S. " Brucacli.'/'fwn/j

•• Mar bhntaiUein tlionn air dniim a' chuaiii." Bhucag, -AIG, -AN, s. 1. A cliiiik, cranny, eye-
Catlt. Lod. ii. 87. let, Icidiy-vessel : rima, lissura, ansula, va» rinio-
As tlie tumult of waves on the lioight of the sum. O'R. 2. A dim candle light : ellyehnium
ocean. Sieut tuniultus uiidarum su|>er dorso oceani. obscurum. Provin. 3. A dirty little woman mu- :

'Ì. A troubleil, or boding gloom tumultuosa ob- : licrcula sciualida. C. S. 4. A little slu-ivelletl

scuritas. horse equulus macilentus. Ilibrid.


" Tlia briiiiilhaii air aghaidh nan torn." Fiiiff. i. 496. Brucaich, -AiDii, BHK-, V. u. (Broc, «.) Dig, (as a
A boding gloom is on the lace of the little hills. swine) C, S.
: fode.
Est tumultuosa obscuritas in facie colliculorum. Brucainne.\ch, -eiche, adj. Macinty. 62. Vide
3. Grief, melancholv, vexation dolor, tristitia, : Brucach.
molestia aninii. Miitf. I". Ji. Jirtt. Bruailla, Bru- BiiLCHD, -A, -AN, s. til. 1. (Properly), Any sudden
illi, Brugli. Scot. Brulve. Pr. Brouiller, to confuse. burst, or disruption disruptus quivis repentinus.

Bruailleineacii, -eiche, (iflj. (Bruaillean). 1. Con- C. S. 2. A ructus. Matf. V.

belch, eructation

founding, deranging, disturbing confundens, per- : B. Bret. Breugheudi. 3. glut, torrent, rush, or A
turbans, sursvnn deorsum agens. S. 2. Grieved, C pouring of water agmen aqua-, torrens. Llli. 4. A

vexed moestus, graviter ferens. Muif. V.

: blast rtanien venti.
" Am
briului mu dheireadli
Bhuailleiseachd, s.f. iml. (Bruailleineach), Grief, dhe 'anail." Seann. Tlie last blast of his breath.
sadness moeror, tristitia. Mac/. V.
: Ultimus anhelitus (ejus). 5. heap, or quantity A
Bruan, -AiDii, BHR-, V. a. (Bruan, s.) Thrust, stab, of sea weed cast on shore : alga in littore cumula-
wound by stabbing pcctori ferrum insere, confb- : ta. Hebrid.
de, v-ulnera confodeudo. C. .S'. 2. Break : frange. Brùciid, -aidh, BHR-, f. a. et n. (Brùchd, «.) 1.

Mac/. V. Burst, rush, pour, or break forth prorumpe, pro- :

Bruan, -uain, -an, *. m. A stab, or thrust, a wound rue, profunde, prosili.

with a sharp weapon : actus confodendi, vulnus '• Cia f had' a bhrkchdar
briathra teo ?"
cuspidato instrumeuto quovis factum. C. S. Salm. xciv. 4. tnetr.
Bruan, -.\in, -an, «. in. A fragment, splinter, little How long shall words be poured forth by them ?
stick iragnientum, assula.
: Gr. U^uv, frustum pa- Quamdiu profunduntur verba ab iis. 2. Belch,
nis. Aristoph. Nepiiel. retch ructa, eructa. C. S.
: IVel. Brj'theirio. Gr.
Bruanach, -AicH, «. m.coli. (Bruan, 1.) Fragments : 'Eovym. Hebr. pTjaraJi, ructare.
fragnienta. Brvchdacii, -AiCHE, adj. (Brùchd), 1. Pouring,
*' Chaidb ar curach a bhriseadh na bhruatiach." breaking, or bursting forth prorumpens, proruens, :

S. D. 66. profundens. C. S. 2. Belching ructaus. O'/?. :

Our boat was broken in fragments. Cymba nostra et C. S.

perfracta fuit. Bhùchdadh, -AIDH, *. m. et pres. part. v. Brùchd.
Bruanadh, -aid», s. in. ct pres, jmrt. t: Bruan. 1. 1. A rushing, pouring forth ettusio, actus proru- :

The act of stabbing, or thrusting actus feriendi,

: endi, more torrentis. 2. The act of belching ac- :

confodendi. C. ^. 2. A breaking, tlie act of tus ructandi. C. S.

breaking actio frangcndi, comminuendi. Alatf. V.
: BnùcHDAG, -AIG, s.f. \ -an, dimìii. of Brùchd. A
Bruanag, -AiG, -AN, s.f. \ (Hill, of Bruau. i. A Brùchdan, -aix, «. wj. / blast: iiamen. Li/ C.S.
Bruanan, -aix, -AN, *. »1. j slight thrust, or stab, Brùchdail. -e, *./. Bitg. Buchati, Id. q. Brùchd-
a puncture levis impulsus, punctura. C. S. 2.
: adli, 2.
fragment frustulum. Alatf. T. : Brùchd-ruadhain, Ì s. m. (Brùchd. «. et Ruadhan,
Bruansgail, -idh, BHR-, v.ii. "(Bruansgal, *•.) Break Bruchd-seilgf, vel Sealg). The fumes of an
in fragments : in Irusta corrunipe. C. S. overloaded stomach : ventris onerati fietida eructa-
Brj-'ansgal, Ì -AIL, s. m. (Bruan, a fragment, et tio, nausea. C. S. ^'ide Sealg.
Bruasgal, I Sgal), falling in fragments with A Bruchlag, -Aic, -AN, s.f. wTetched hut casula A :

Vol. L U
vilis, tuguriolum ex lapidibus laxis vcl cespitibus lage, borough : vicus. Sh. et O'R. Scot. Burgh.
consfTuctuni. C. S. 3. Afaij-y hillocklemurum coUiculus. S/u O'R. et

Bruchlagach, -aiciie, (Bruchlag),

ad/. Mean, C. S. 4. A
tumulus, burying-ground, heap, mo-
squalid, abounding in wretched huts
humilis, : nument: moles, sepulchrum, monumentura. "Anns
squalidus, casulis vilibus abundans. C. S. a' hhrugh am bheil iad fein." Stew. 83. In the
Bruchlas, -ais, s. ;». The fluttering of birds going burying-place where they themselves are. In se-
to rest : avium nidos vel quietem petentium voh- pulchro ubi illi ipsi sunt. 5. fast: jeiunium. A
tatio. Sh. et OR. nh. et Sh.
Bru-chorcan, -aik, «. m. Stool bent : triticum re- BnuGii, -AIDH, BIIR-, V. a. Vide Bruth.
pens. Macinty. 82. Brù-ghabiiail, s.f. (Bru, etGabhail), Conception:
Brcch-shuil, -ula, -uilean, s. f. A bird-eye, an in utero conceptio. C. S.
eyelet : oculus avis, vel talem referens, ocellus. Brughadh, -aidh, s. m. et pres. part. v. Brugh.

C.S. Vide Bruthadh. Llh.

Bruch-shuileach, -eiche, adj. (Bruch-shuil), Bird- • Brughaidh, s. m. (Brugh, s.) A farmer, husband-

eyed, having lively small eyes ; ocellos vivaces ha- man : colonus, agricola. Llh. et Keat.
bens. C.S. •Brughaidhe, s.f. (Brii), A gormandizing : voraci-
» Brudan, s. »). 1. <S7f. Id.q. Bradan. 2. Simmering': tas. Sh. et OR.
ollae leni foco impositae sibilus. Sh. et O' R. Bruic, ^e». et/)/. of Broc, A badger, q. vide.
• Brudanog, s. (Bradan òg), A salmon trout : sa- Bruich, -e, adj. I. Boiled, toasted, roasted, baked:
lar, trutta. Llh. et O'B. assus, elixus, coctus, tostus. C. S.
Potius Bruichte,
Brudh, -aidh, BHR-, V. a. Vide Bruth, v. q. vide. Ruddy-faced, florid
2. {Jig.) vegetum :

Brudhach, -aich, -AicHEAN, s. m. An ascent, ac- et rubicundum vultum habens. C. S. 3. Redden-

clivity: ascensus, prsecipitiura, acclivitas. ed, or reddening in anger or passion : rubore suf-
" Cha dirich mi brudhach, usus pro iracundia vel furore. C. S.
" 'S cha siubhail mi mòinnteach." Bruich, -idh, bhr, v. a. 1. Boil, seethe coque. :

R. 311). 265. " So an t-àite sam bruich na sagairt an iobairt-eas-

I (can) neither ascend a hill, or walk the moor. aontais." £!sec. xlvi. 20. This is the place where
Non (possum ascendere) ascendo acclivitatem, nee the priests shall boil the trespass ofièring. Hie
perambulo paludem. " Ri brudhach," adv. Up- est locus ubi coquent sacerdotes munus reatum et
wards : sursuni. Scot. Brae. Germ. Burg, locus peccatum. " A' mheud 's a tha sibh gu bhruich-
habitandi munitus. Wae/U. eadh, bruichibh." Ecs. xvi. 23. As much as 3'e are
Brudhachail, -e, adj. (Briidhach), Ascending, to seethe, seethe. Quod cocturi essetis, coquite.
steep : acclivis. C. S. 2. Toast, bake igni torre, furno coque. C. S.

Brudhadh, -aidh, g. m. et pres. part. v. Brudh. Wei. Bemi, Brydio coquere, elixare. Dav.

Vide Bruthadh. Bruichealachd, s.f. ind. (Bruicheil), Sultriness:

Brudhaist, -e, s. 711. A
kind of pottage made by ardor aestivus. C. S.
pouring water or broth on meal, which is stirred Bruicheil, -e, adj. (Bruich, adj.) Sultry, hot : ardens
while the liquid is pouring. Jam. Scot. Brose. sole aestivo. Macf. V.
Scotorum brosis, i. e. crassissimum pulmentum ex Bruichte, adj. et pret. part. v.'BTmch. 1. Boiled,
carnium elixarum jure vel aqua et farina confec- seethed : coctus, elixus. Macf. V. 2. Roasted,
tum juris carnium vice nonnunquam adhibentur
toasted ; tostus, furno coctus. S. C
olera et butyrum. " Brudhaiste peasrach.' Pease Bruid, -e, s.f. 1. Captivity: captivitas. " PUl ar
brose : brosis ex pisis molitis confecta. Vide Broth- bruid a fis." Salm. cxxvi. 4. metr. Turn again
as. Gr. B^wff/f, victus, esca. Fr. Brouet. our captivity. Reduc captivitatem nostram. ''Thug
Brudhaisteach, -eiche, adj. (Brudhaist). 1. Of, or thu èn<à/ am braighdeanas." Aiftn. Ixviii. 18. Thou
belonging to Scotch brose : ad brosin Scoticam hast led captivity captive. Captivitatem captivam
pertinens, broseos affatim habens. 2. {^ff.) Fleshj', abduxisti, vel bello cepisti. 2. Grief, anguish, af-
corpulent, clumsy, or bulky in figure camosus, : fliction : moeror, dolor, aerumna. Llh. 3. check : A
corpulentus, crassus. C. S. inhibitio. " Bruid coguis." Voc. 165. check A
• Brudhaiteach, s. m A
thread-bare coat : tunica of conscience conscientias reprehensio, angor, vel

obsoleta. Llh. solicitudo. 4. A

thorn, any thing pointed : spina,
• Bnidhan, «. m. (Bruan, «.), A stick, a bundle of quodvis cuspidatum. O'R.
sticks : fascis, fragmentum, ramuli desiccati. Bruid, ì -idh, bhr-, v.a. (Bruid, «.). 1. Stab :

MSS. Bruidich, j confige. C.S. 2. Dig, stir up, by

Brù-dhearg, -eirge. I. adj. (Bru, etDearg), Red- digging : fode, fodendo suscita, excita. Macf. V.
bellied : rubrum ventrem habens. A. M'D. 2. " Bruidlich." 3. Torture : crucia. Sh. et O'R.
s. m. The red-breast rubicula, avis. Lightf.
: Bruid, -e, -ean, s.f. A
brute, a brutal man : bru-
• Brug, s. m. Vt. pass. Vide Brugh. tum pecus, homo qui brutum agit, saevus, barba-
• Brugaidhe, s. tn. (Brugh). Llh. Vide Brugh- rus. " Mar bhrttid a' d' làthair mi." Salm, Ixxiii.
aidh. 22. metr. As a brute in thy presence I (was).
Brugh, gen. Bruighne, dat. Bruighin. «. m. 1. A Ut brutum pecus in tua prsesentia ego (fui). Fr.
large house :domus ingens. Sh, et O'R. 2. A vil- Brute.
Brl'ID, -«, •EAS, I. iH. 1. A »tab, ilirust impuUiis,
: Uhi'ighin, •«, BHuiGiisieAN, «./. A fttiry lull: lar-

vulniis {>;luiiio vcl i-ultru I'ui-tuiii. Stew. (ilon. -^. A vurum culliculus et luibitalio. SJi.

carrying, briugiiig : actus f'tTi-iuli, |K)rIaiidi. Ll/i, • B^uigh^culh, t.f. A Homb with young: uterll^

BUUIUKACUAUII, -AlUll, ». IH. Cl ftrrt. pttrt. V. lirilid- pni-gnaiis. .V/i. ct U'R.

ich. 1. The act ol slabbiiit;, lii^^'iiij;, or stirriiifj • Bnnglitcuch, a. >/i. An up|)rei>sor : tyrannus. //(/^
actus coivligcmli, loilcnili, cxcilamli. C. S. 'i. l-\- (iluii. N'idc Brùileuch, ailj.
cilement : incilatio. ('. S. 3. iiuililiiig : f;crini- • Bruigne, *. f. An assault : aggtvstio, ijii|K'tufc.

•• 7y/-M«/r(i<7«i<//i ("ocliaiiiii." I'. S. Budding Uh.
of corn. Actus ^cnuiiunuli (dc iVu^ibus). BrC'ill, -idii, BIIU-, V. u. Bruise, tlu-ush, thump:
Ultt'lDEAUii, -luii, s. III. t:t />ns. fjurt. v. Bruid. I. contunde, sugilla. ('. S.
Stabbing, thrusting cuntossio, actus conludcndi.
: Bii i'ii.i.kadii, -iuh, «. m. et jjrtt. jxirl. v. Brùill, A
C. S. N'idc Bruidcachudli. if. A soliciting, en- bruising, thrashing : sugiUatio. C S.
ticing : solicitudo, incitatiu. JJ/i. et Jiibl. Cilois. Bhì iLLEAiiADii, -AiDii, «.»1. Broiling: actu« tor-
Bki'Ideac, -EUi, -AN, s.f'. Hrujd, 4.K ( Any pointed reiidi. Voc. 22.
weapon: iiciitinn «(uodvis tehim. l\ .S. H. Jirft. Bhl'illic, -e, -ran, g. til. (Brù), A man uf clumsy,
Brout. unwieldy figure, and awkward gait. Vir inltabilÌK
BnùiDEAU, -Eio, -AN, t.f. dinuti. of Bruid, A brut- et inept us forma, et iucessu. C. S.
ish«onuin inuliercula prnva.
: S. C BrC'illigeacii, -eiche, adj. (Brùillig), Clumsy, un-
BrÙ'ideai.acud, »:/.iiit/. (Hrùideil), Brutahty, beast- wieldy, corjiulent : inliabilig, ineptus, crassus, obc-
liness : C. S.
terocitas, Itedilas, t'atuitus. sus. C. S.
BrC'IDEil, -e, «(//'. 1. Brutish, brutal brutus, bar- : Brùilliceachd, s.f. iiid. (Brùilligeach), Clumsi-
barus, insipientcr terox. " dhaoine briiidtil." O ness, awkwardness of gait, coq)ulency : inhabiUtai-,
Salm. xciv. 8. O
brutish men. O homines bruti. inhabilitas gressu, obesitas. C. S.
2, Unsavoury, hard of digestion : graveolens, con- Brl'IM-fheur, -eoir, s. tn. Switchgrass: triticum
coctu difficilis. LlJt, repens. Sh.
Brùideik, -k, -an, «. »1, (Bruid), A brutish fellow: Brùin'ceach, -eiche, adj. Pregnant, productive:
homo belluinus. C. S. gravidus, generans. Madtity. 51.
Bruidiieax, -inn-, et Bruidhse, dat. Bruidiiinx, BRuis-DEAncAN, -AIN, «.7«. A robÌD-red-breast :

s.f. Speaking, speech, talk : sernio, oratio, locu- rubecula, avis. Voc. 75.
tio. Maef. V. '2. Noise of talk, tumult : semio- • Bruinne, s.f. 1. A belly: venter. Sh. el Llh.
uum strepitus, tumultus. 2. A
caldron : cacabus. Sh. et Uh.
" Do choisgear fuaimneach mar' is tuinn, Brcinne, s.f ind. 1. The front, breast: frons,
" Is brtiidJiean dhaoine leis." pectus. R. M''D. 63. 2. The waist cinctura. R. :

Salm. ÌSV. 7. metr. MD. 133.

Tlie noise of sea and waves, and the tumult of men • Bruinne, adj. Fine : bellus, elegans, venustus.
were quelled hy him. Domita sunt strepitus maris Bibl. Gloss.
undarnnique, liominuinque •tumultus ab eo. B. • Bruinneach, s. f. A nurse, mother : nutrix, wa-
Bret. Brud, Brut. F'r. Bruit, noise. ter. .S'/(. et OR.
• Bruidhlionta, adj. (i. c. Brù-lionta), Cloyed ci- : Bruinneach, -ich, -ichean, s. m, (Brù, et Neach),
bo gravatus. Sfi. et O'R. A glutton hclluo. Sh.

Bruidiise, gai. of Bruidhean, q. vide. • Bruinneadach, s.m. (Brù, et Eudach), An apron :

Bruidhneach, -eiche, adj. (Bruidliean), Talkative, praecinctorium. LIA.

loquacious, noisy loquax, clamosus.
: Voc. 131. Bruinneadh, -idh, *. wi. Thefront: frons, pars an-
An teanga b/iruidhiieai/i." Salm. xii. 3. Tlie terior. Proviii.
talkative, or noisy tongue. Lingua loquax et cla- • Bruinnin, s. m. The nap, or pile of cloth: villus.
mosa. Sh. et OR.
Bruidhte, ad/, etperf.part. r. Brudh. Vide Brùite. • Bruiuteacli, adj. Big with child : utero gestans.
Bruidleaciiadh, s. m. Vide Bruideachadh. Llh.
Bruidlich, v. a. Mac/. V. Vide Bruid, et Bruidich. Bruis, -e, -ean, s.f. 1. brush: verriculiun ves- A
• Bruigeineach, adj. Quarrelsome : rixosus. LUi. tiarium vel calcearium. C. S. Vox Atigl. 2.
• Bruighe, *. /. 1. A farm: ager conductitius. Shivers fragmenta. Sh. et O'R.

Sh. et O'B. 2. A
farmer : agricola, villicus. Bruit, gen. sing, of Brat, re/ Brot, q. vide.
Sh. et OR. Brùite, adj. et peif. part. v. Brùth. 1. Bruised:
• Bruigheir, *. ;«. (Bruighe, et Fear), A farmer coUisus, contusus, ex coUisionc lividus. * T'-fhuil
agricola. O'B. Chald. HJIIi burgar, colonus. bhrùite. Thy bruised blood sanguis
Gill. 300. :

• Bruighean, *. nu A palace, a royal residence tuus ex coUisione lividus. 2. (Jig.) Oppressed,

domus regia. O'B. Sh. et OR. ' Chald. pTia grieved, sad, contrite : obrutus, excruciatus, vexa-
burgan. Hebr. K^3 bra. Vide O'B. in roc. tus, moestus, multum dolens de suis erroribus.
• Bruidheadh, s. «j, A burgo -master : municipii " Carson osna' bhriiit' a d' chhabh."
praefectus. MSS. Oss. Vol. III. 488.
Bruighean, -ein, «./. Strife, a scolding, brawling: NVhy the sad sigh from thy bosom ? Quamobrem
rixa, lis, objurgatio, jurgium. Vide Bruidliean. mce^um suspirium e pectore tuo ? " lad^an tha
U 2
brake an spiorad." jSa/m. xxxiv. 18. Tliey who
'n neachd lebruthadair." Gnàth. xxvii. 22. Ed. 1 807.
are contrite in their mind. Ilii qui contriti sunt Though thou shouldest bray a fool in a mortar
in spiritu suo. among wheat with
a pestle. Quamvis contunderes
Bruiteach, -eiche, adj. (Brat), Warm, snug: cali- stultum in mortario, inter triticuni, cum pistillo.
du-s, a frigore tutus. C. S. Bruthadh, -aidh, -ean, s. m. et prcs. part. v.
• Bruith, Flesli : caro. Lift. Bruth. A
bruise, contusion, bruising, or crushing,
Bbuithean, -ein, s. /. 1. A skirmish: velitatio. the act of bruising, or pounding: collisio, contu-
L//i. Heat, warmth : calor, tepor. C. S. B.
2. sio, actus contundendi. C. S.
Bret. Broutach. Goth. Brinno. JJlphil. Bruthainn, -e, -ean, s.f. (Bruth, s. et Teine), Sul-
' Bruithne, *. m. (Bruich, c.) refiner : purgator. A try heat : ardor vehemens, calor a;stivi solis. C. S.
Llh. Germ. Brudiln, a;stuare, fervere. Gr. 'B^a.miv,
Bruithneach, -eiche, adj. Sh. et CfR. Vide bullire.
Bruthainneach. Bruthainneach, -eiche, adj. (Bruthainn), Warm,
Bruithneach, -eich, s.f. Vide Bruthainn. sultry cahdus, ardens, torridus. C. S.

• Bruitin, s.f. (Broth, et Tinn), The measles : ru- • Bruthchan, -ain, .?. m. Sh. et O'B. Vide Broch-
bentes pustulip qua; tubiolae appelhmtur. Sli. an.
et O'R. " Bruitneach." Lih. Vide Griiarach. Bruth-chorcan, -AIN, s. OT. Stool bent : triticum
•BruUsgiantach, adj. Impetuous violcntus, ve- : repens. C S.
hemens. Sh. et O'H. • Bruthmhaireachd, s.f. A fainting through heat
• Brum, -aidli, bhr-, v. Pede. Lih. calore fatiscens, languescens. Sh. et O'R.
• Brumaire, s. m. A
pedant : literarum jactator Bu, pret. indie, def. v. Is. Was. " Bu mhi, Bu tu,
futilis. Sh. et OR. Bu è, contr. B' è. Bu i, contr. B' i, Bu sinn, Bu
• Brun, s. m. A
firebrand : torris. *S7(. et O'B. sibh, Bu iad, cmitr. B' iad." It was, I, thou, &c.
Brùnaidh, -ean, s. m. (Brù), corpulent man: A or, I was, thou wast, &c. Fui, fuisti, fuit ille, ilia,
homo corpulentus, obesus. C. S. &c.
Brunsgal, -ail, s.f. A rumbling noise : strepitus, " A
laoich an solas nam fleagh bu mhòr,
fi^agor quasi venti vel flammie. C. S. " 'S an am cruadail." Fing. i. 181.
Brusg, -uisg, -an, s. m. A
crumb, particle of fiaod : Hero, who wast great in the joy of feasts, and in
mica, frustulum cibi. C. S. Gr. BgMffw, edo. time of trial. Heros, qui eras in gaudio epulorum
Brusgach, -aiciie, adj. (Brusa). 1. Diminutive, magnus et tempore rerum durarum. Manx. Bu.
trifling : minutus, exiguus. Macf. V. 2. Blear-
eyed : lippus. C S. Wei. Bu. Pers. ^^ bud, it was.

Brusgadh, -aidh, s. m. (Brusgach), Blearedness of BuABHALL, Ì -AILL, -UILL, -AN, s. m. 1. uni- A

eyes, crumbling : lippitudo, friatio. C. S. Buabhull, j corn : monoceros. " Ach mar adh-
• Brusgar, s. m. 1. Baggage, broken ware impe- :
arc buabhuill, ardaichidh tu m' adharc sa." Salm.
dimenta, scruta. Sh. et O'R. 2. The mob
xcii. 10. But my horn shalt thou exalt, as the
vulgus. O'R. horn of a unicorn. Vero tanquam cornu monoce-
Brutach, -aich, s. m. Digging, the act of digging :
rotis, extolles cornu meum. 2. cornet, wind A
instrument : buccina. " te h-iolaich, agus le
fossio, actus fodendi. N. H.
Brutaich, -idh, bhr-, v. a. Dig : fode. N. H. fuaim a' bhuablmill." I Eaclid. xv. 28. With
Bruth, -aidh, bhr-, v. a. Bruise, crush, pound,
shouting and with the sound of the cornet. Cum
squeeze : collide, contunde, contere, comprime. clangore, et sono buccinae. 3. horn : cornu. A
" Bruthaidh esan do cheann, agus hruthaidh tusa MSS. 4. (BÒ, et Balla), A cow-stall bovile. :

Hebrid. 5. An apron praecinctorium. Sh. et

a shàil-san." Gen. iii. 15. He shall bruise thy

head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. Hoc conte- 07?.
ret tibi caput, tu autem conteres huic calcaneum.
Buabhullachan, -ain, s. m. (BuabhuU, et Can, r.)
Wei. Briwo, contundere. Dav. A trumpeter : tubicen, comicen. Sh. et O'R.
Buac, «.w. 1. Unbleached linen cloth: stamina,
Bruth, -BRUTHA, pi. Bruithean, s.f. mansion, A •

palace a dwelling of fairies : domicilium, regia,

vel tela lixivia incocta. Sh. et O'R. 2. Bleach-
ing : dealbatio. " Buaic," Bleaching lees.
lemurum colliculus. O'B. et Macf. V. Id. q.
Hebrid. 3. Brow of a hill supercilium mon-
Brugh. B. Bret. Bro. " Bro Saos," Land of the :

Saxons ; England. tis. OR. OB. et Sh. 4. Roof of a vault

• Bruth, s. m. I. Hair of the head : crines. Sh.
summus fornix. Sh. 5. A
cap : pileus. Sh. et
et O'B. 2. Heat in the skin, ardor cutis. O'R. 6. A settlement : sedes. Sh.
Vide Broth. 3. Any thing red hot : quodvis « Buacachan, -ain, s. in. (Buac, 2.) bleacher A :

qui dealbat. Sh.

igni candens. Llh. et Sh. 4. confined hot A
place : locus arctus et calidus. O'R. Buacais, s.f. Wick of a candle ellj'chnium. Llh.
• :

Bruthach, -aich, -aichean, s. f. Tern. iii. 198. Vide Buaicein.

Vide Brudhach. Buachach, -aiche, adj. Fine, beauish : bellus, or-

natus studiosus. Sh. et O'R.

Bruthadair, -ean, s. m. (Bruthadh, et Fear): A herdsman: A
pestle pistillum.
: " Ge do phronn thu amadan Buachaill, -e, -ean, s.m. (Bò-ghille),
pastor. " Bha Abel na bhxmchailk chaorach."
ann an soitheach pronnaidh, am measg cruith»
Gen. iv. 2. Abol was u kitpor of iheep. Fuitque aJk." 2 Cor. ii. U. Who alwa^ causeth us to

Hfbil pastor o\iuiu. " HuìuIhuIU w.uimir.' »'<«•. Qui fucit ut Ninpt-r inuiuphenius.

4«. A valit di- ihttiiibrf : liiuuilus lubiiularius. Bi AutiAUHii, I -AK, $. m. (Buuidh), A conqueror:
MV/. buguil. /f. lint. Uugbil. A<i/. buiolus. Blauiiaihe, J victor. C. S. Himi. bijmr.
BlAUMAlL, -ALA, adj. (Buadli, vel Buaidli).
Mw. IJugil, Hutjill. 6V. B»xo>x,-. /IftjA.
Lucky, propitious, fortunate fauKtus, felix. " Di- :

bukatcul, slewartl. Gihlirist. Friday, it

h-aoine cha n t-il e biuuUuiU." Prue.
Bi'AciiAii.LEAiii, -KiiiiE, <«^'. (Buaduull), Pastor- is Dies N'cneris, lion est fauktu».
not lucky. 2.

al, herding pastondis, aruii'iitarius. IJh.

: \'ictorious, triumphant victor, triuuiptiaiu. C. S.

BuACiiAiLLEACiiD, A./. iW. (Hiiailiaill), Herding, WeL Buddugol.

watching cattle or Hocks: actio pasccndi greges, Bl'adiialaciid, «./. iW. (Buadljain. 1. Progperity
invigilaiidi pccoribus. Mminfi/. 174. " A' lituu/i- res prospera.'. Mucf. V. 2. Nature, inherent qua-

<j»7/o«-/«/." Cell, \xx\i. 21. iiiiiri/. Herding, feed- lity : natura, sibi propria. " Tlicid gacli iii g' a
ing : pa&ccns. reir am biiodludachd." Miu-inty. 44. All t)ung«
BuAciiAiLLicii, -iDii, Bir-, f. it. (Buachaill), Herd, «hall be according to their nature. Quaque res
tend, keep cattle or Hocks : pasce armenta, vcl ibit secundum suam propriam iiaturam.
greges. L '.
BlAUllASNAN-,y>/. of Buadh, q. vide.
BuAciiAK, -Ain, s. M. (BÒ, et Gaorr), Cow-dung : • Buadhas, ». m. N'ictory, triumph : victoria, tri-
stercus bovinum. I'oc. 95. Ji. Bret. Beuzell, Bc- umphus. Sli.
zill, Bouzell. • Buadharg, s. in. A victor, champion : victor, pu-
BuAciiAKAK, -AIN", s. III. (Hill, of BuQchar. Dried gil. Uh.
cow dung, used for fuel : stercus bovinum siccatuni • Buadharrtha, adj. Uh. Vide Buaidheirthe.
et pro foniite adhibituni. ('. S. BuADii-Fiioci-Acii, -AicHE, adj. (Buaidli, et Focal),
Bl'Adii, -VAiDii, -AN, vel -AXSAv, X. f. Virtue, a Triumphant in words : verbis triumphaiis, linguax.
good quality virtus, vis, dos bona, vel laudanda.
: C. S.
" Dubhchoniar nam buatth." Fing. i. 178. Du- Bl ADH-f;HALLAN, -AIN, -NAN, S. »1. Mocf. V. Vide
ehoniar of virtues. Duchoniar virtutuni, i. e. mul- Buaghallan.
tis virtutibus pra-ditus. -2. A peculiar property, BuAUH-GiiUTH, -A, s.m. (Buaidh, et Guth), A shout
a natural quality, an attribute natura cujusvis sibi : of victory : clamor victoriae, plausus vincentium.
propria vel peculiaris. " Ueadh bhuadhan." C. S. Sh. et OR.
Excellent qualities eximia; dotes. " Tlia huadh
: • Buadhlain, s. m. A judge : judex. Uh.

àraid air. It has a certain peculiar quality. Est BuADiiMnon, -oiKE, adj. (Buaidh, et Mòr), Victo-
ei quaxiani natura sibi peculiaris. Serpiiis Buaidh, rious, triumphant : victor, victrix, triumphans.
quod vide. c.s.
BuADH, gen. pi. of Buaidh, quod vide. • Buaf, s. m. A toad bufo. Uh. :

• Buadh, (i. e. Biadli), s. m. Food : cibus. Sh. et • Buafa, S.J'. A serpent : aiiguis. O'R.
Lib. • Buafach, adj. N'irulcnt virulentus. S/i. :

' Buadha, adj. Precious: pretiosus. Ztt. 2. Vic-

1. • Buafachd, «./. Poison venenum. UJi. :

torious : victor, victrix. Llh. App. Vide Buadh- • Buafadli, s. m. A

poisoaing, poison : veneficium,
tuhor et Buadhach. virus. LUi.
BuADHACH, -AiciiE, adj. (Buadh, vel Buaidli), Vic- • Buafaire, «. m. A viper: vipera. Uh.
torious, having virtues : victor, victrix, viribus vel • Buafan, s. /«. A snake : coluber. OB.
virtutibus pnieditus. Voc. 141. Wd. Beozug, et ' Bual-athair, Buaf-nathair, An adder : coluber,
Busugawl. colubra. PliaiA. Uh. et Sh.
BuADiiACHADH, -AiDn, s. til. et pTts. part V. Buadh- ' Buag, «. /. 1. A spigot, a plug epistomiura, :

aich. Act of overcoming, excelling : actus vincendi, obturamentum. Sh. et OB. 2. (for Buadh),
superandi. Voc. 147. A quality, attribute : qualitas, natura, attribu-
Bu.ADHACiiAs, -Ais, s. »1. (Buadliach), The getting tum. OB.
of victories, excellence, superiority actus pariendi : • Buagaire, s. m. A faucet : siphon, fistula, tubus.
victorias, excellentia, praestaiitia. C. S. Uh.
BuADHAicH, -iDft, BH-, f. «. et o. (Buadh, vel • Buagair, -aidh, bh-, r. a. Tap, pierce, broach :

Buaidh). 1. Prevail, conquer, win: invalesce, vin- reline. Sh.

ce, para, acquire. " BhuadJtaich na h-uisgeacha BuAGUACii, -AICHE, adj. Vide Buadhach.
gu ro-anabarrach air an talanih." Gen. vii. 19. Buaghallan, -ain, s. m. (Buadh, et Ballan, b.)
The waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth. Groundsel, ragweed, or ragwort senccio vulgaris. :

Invalescebant aquae quam plurimum super terram. Uglitf. " Buaghallan buidhe." Voc. 61.
" Biiadhaichidh tu 'na aghaidh." lob. xiv. 20. Thou Bl'AIC, -e, -e.\N, s. f. 1. Provin. Id. q. Bu;uclid.
prevailest against him : pracvales ei. " An cnoc a 2. A pinnacle : pinnaculum. Plunh.
bliuadhdich a làmh dheas." Salm. Ixxviii. 54. meir. Buaice, *./. A wave : fluctus. Uh.

The hill which his right hand did win. Collis quera Buaiceach, adj. (Buaice), Giddy, fluctuating as a

dextra manus ejus expugnavit. 2. Triumph tri- : wave of the sea fatuus, levis. Sh. :

iitnpba. " A ta a ghnàth a' loirt oinme buadhach- BuAiCEiN, s. m. 1. Id. q. Buaichdein. 2. .Kn odd.
laughable little boy : puellus lepidulus, movens ri- * Buaig, s.f. A cup,
or chalice calix, poculum. :

sum. Provin. Corm. Gloss.

BuAicHD, -E, -EAN, s.f. 1. A
Candle wick: ellych- * Buaigh, s.f. Vide Buaidh.
nium. Mac/. V. 2. Baker's tallow, or oil pisto- : Buaigheal, \ -eil, -bill, -eak, s. m. A cow-
niiii sebum vel oleum. C. S. 3. Cow's dung, in BuAiGHEALL, j stall: pra;sepe bovinum. Provin.
wliifli green linens are steeped, for the purpose of Vide Buabhall, 2.
bleacliing. Stercus bovinum dealbando utile. HSrid. BuAiL, -iDii, BH-, V. a. 1. Strike pulsa, percute, feri. :

BuAicHD, -iDH, BH-, V. a. (Buaichd, ,«.) Anoint, be- " Buail clarsach, mhic Fhena, buail."
smear, rub over with tallow, oil, or mud : unge, Fing. I. 635.
inquina, obduc oleo, sebo, limo. S. C Strike (the) harp, son of Fena, strike. Pulsa ci-
BuAicHDEiN, -EANAN, «. / dimin. of Buaiclid. The tharam, nate Fena, pulsa. 2. Thresh (corn) fla- :

wick of a candle, or lamp ellychnium. C. S.

: gella (frumentum). " Eirich agus buail an t-ar-
« Buaicin, s. f. A veil, lappet : velum, lacinia, si- bhar." Mica. vi. 13. Arise, and thresh. Surge,
nus. Sh. et OR. et tritura (frumentum). " Buail as." S. At- C
* Buaicin, -idh, bh-, v. a. Blind-fold ; oculos ob- tack with fury, as in a disease. Vehenienter in-
volve. SL et OR. vade, vel ingrue, (ut " Buail air."
in morbis).
» A
small wick : parvum ellychnium.
Buaicis, s.f. Commence, fall to, or upon age, invade, aggre- :

LIA. App. dere, prosequere. Germ. Bolen. Gr. Ba>.>.in.

BuAiDH, gen. Buadhacii, Buaidhe, pi. Buaidh- Hence, Lat. Balista, Catapultarum. BoXn, jactus,
EAN, «.y. 1. Victory: victoria. ictus BoX/j, hasta missilis
: BsXog, sagitta ; et Angl.

" Rugadh biuiidh 'na m' fhianuis 'sa bhlàr, Bolt, Bulwark. Fr. Boulevart.
" Thog gaisgich an ruaig is lean." * Buail, s.f. A
step, degree: gradus. Sh.
Fing. i. 155. * Buail n rhrag, s.f. A
balm cricket : gryllus, ci-
Victory was obtained in my presence on the field, cada. Voc. 70.
warriors took up the pursuit and followed. Repor- BuAiLE, dat. -iDir. Provin. PI. -tean, s.f. (Bo, et
tabatur victoria in meo eonspectu in proelio, sustu- Luidhe), A cattle fold : stabuluni bovinum sep-
lerunt (creaverunt) heroes fugam et secuti sunt. tum cui includuntur boves. " Agus bithidh Saron
2. A virtue, attribute : virtus, attributum. Vide 'na chrò chaorach, agus gleann Achoir 'na bhuaile
Buadli. Chcdd. i?p hvagh, exultare. Hind. bhò." Isai. Ixv. 10. And Sharon shall be a fold
Bijy. of flocks, and the valley of Achor a place for the
Buaidh-chairm, s. f. Sm, Salm. xlvii. 5. Vide herds to lie do^rn in. Eritque Scharonitis regio
Caithreani. caula gregum, et convallis Hacoris cubile armenti.
* Buaidheal, s.f. Vide Buaigheal. " Buaile chatha." A
circle of combatants : orbis
Buaidheam, -eim, s. m. Fits of inconstancy : levis pugnantium. A.M'D.
aninii repentini motus. Provin. " JBuaid/ieam * Buaileach, s.f. An ox-stall : stabulum bovinum.
duill," Provin. A lucky hit, random shot : ictus Sh.
fortuito felix. * Buail-ghlas, s.f. A mill-pond : stagnum molare.
Buaidheamach, -eiche, adj. (Buaidheam), Light Llh.
headed, giddy, inconstant : vertiginosus, levis, in- BvAiLTK, perf. part. v. Buail. Struck, threshed: pul-
constans. Provin. satus, trituratus. C. S. Vide Buail.
* Buaidhean, s.f. Llli. Vide Buidheann. BuAiLTEACH, -EICHE, a«^'. (Buail). 1 . Liable, cxposcd
« Buaidheirthe, adj. Disturbed, agitated, possessed, to obnoxius, objectus. " Buailteach do dh-' iom-

tempted : perturbatus, vexatus, a daemone ob- adh cunnart." C. S. Exposed, or liable to, many
sessus, pellicitus, soUicitus. O'R. " Buaidh- a danger. Obnoxius vel objectus multo periculo.
eartha." Llh. 2. Beating, striking, that striketh : pulsans, qui pul-
BuAiDH-GHÀiR, (Buaidh, et Gàir),
-E, S.f. shout A sat vel percutit. " Gu mireagach buailteach. Ihig.
of victory : Macf. V.
victorias plausus. Buchan. Playfully beating : ludibunde pulsans.
* Buaidhirt, s.
f. 1. A
tumult : tumultus. Llh. Buailteach, -eich, -eajj, s. m. (Buaile, et Teach).
2. Crosses, afBictions : infortunium, aerumnae, Dairy houses cellas lactariae. Hebrid. 2. Summer

dolores. Bibl. Gloss. booths, or huts : casae pastorales per sestivum tem-
BuAiDH-LÀRACH, -AicH, *. /. (Buaidh, et Làr), A pus. Llh.
victory, gaining of the field : victoria, actio poti- * Buailteachan, «. m. A
flying camp : castra expe-
undi campo. Voc. 113. Sh. et OR.
* Buaidhr, -idh, bh-, v. a. Llh. Vide Buair. Buailtein, -e, -ean, s.m. 1. flail A
tribula, flagel- :

* Buaidhreadair, s. m. Sh. Vide Buaireadair. lum, fustis versatilis. Voc. 95. 2. The supple, or
» Buaidhreadh, s. w. Llli. Vide Buaireadh. part of the flail that strikes the corn : ea pars tri-
' Buaifeach, adj. Angry, fretting iratus, vexatus, : ijulae quae frumentum pulsat. O'R. et C. S. Vide
angore animi affectus. Sh. et O'R. Siiist.
* Buaific, s.
f. An antidote : antidotus. Sh. et Buailteir, s.m. (Buail, et Fear). 1. A tliresher:
OR. qui frumentum triturat. Voc. 95. 2. Id. q. Buail-
* Buaif-phiast, -bhiast, s.f. (Buaf, et Biast),"A ser- tein. N.H.
pent ; anguis. Llh. BuAiN, -IDH, BH-, v.a. 1. Mow, reap, pluck, pull,
BL'A 150 BUA
cut down : inrte, denn-tf, caq^e, deride. UM. I or, ing terror, or aMonithmcni : animi petturlMtionem,
150. rt C. S. t. IxKists uiiti»' ioUe, laxu. : horrort-m, pavnrem iiil«rtiik.
turn ' Fion bmiirtuaark iliuir uanihunii òimn',
ttij; buAin A b^*?;-" I'l'vinn lii* fchoe». :

\imula vtl liit^ula» solvisst-t. l.lh.

cakti>ruiii 'lliug ruui dliùinn r' u òl." Itrtu. .VWm. Ix. 3.

BUAIK, yn». I»IANA, tUtt. Bl AIN, »./ I. Mowiiip, Wine uf u6toni»hiiieiii, whieli caused terror unto
reaping: messiis. V li. *-i C. .S. V. Xalui-: valor. us, hast thuu ^ven ua to drink. Vinunt (erroreni
*>fiod ò òiuiin na càlha ris u' chriiithneaclul ?" quod pavurem
int(E>rens, fecerat nobis, tu dedikli
//* \Vh«t is the chart" Ui tlu' «heal ? <iuo )>re- nobis bibendum.
tio est pali'a, ciiiii trKÌtimi ii'stimatur !' S. Kiju.i- Bl'AIUik, udj. et perf. part. r. Buair. \. Tetnpini,

lity : «tjua st)rs. .S'A. ct U'A. 4-. Privation : pri- distracted, infuriated tentatut», sollieitatus, ilwtnic-

raiio. M. et OH. tus, furore |M<reitus. C. S. 2. Troubled, oonfuttiJ :

BuAiNE, a///', cninpar. of Buan, q. vide. turbidus, confusus. " Muir ihuairtt." Itmit. xlix.
BfAjsK, Ì t.f. iitd. (Buaiiie, <u{j.), I'trpetuity, 23. A troubled sea mare turbidum. :

BtAiNKACHD. f durability: perpi'tuitas, itcrennitas. • Bual, *-. in. I. Physic, water medicina, aqua. Uli.

stabtlitas. Lth, et C. S. 2. L'rine : urina. VaU. Pronp. i. e. Fual.

Bi'AixEAD, -KID, (Buainc, o^^'.l Dcproe of dura-
«._/". Bl'.ALADH, -AlDii, *. tH. et pTtji. part. r. Buail. J.

bility, «tabihty pnidus perpctuitati^, percnnitatis.

: Striking, beating, threshing, knocking
: actio per-
\'idt' Hiiantas. C. S. cutiendi, feriendi, ciCtlendi, verberandi, tritunuidi.
BuAis'TE, perf. part. r. Buain. Shorn dcmessus. :
" Sleagha 'biialad/i, 'tuiteam tliall."

C. S. Fing. i. 42(J.
• Buuinteir *. m. A reaper: niesior. Sh. \'ide Spears striking, falling opposite. Hast* percu-
Buanaiche. tientes, cadentes ex advcrso. Gr. IkXij. 2. " Bual-
Bl'air, <?(«. of Buar, q. v. adh a mach." Repetition of the first measure in
BuAiK. -IDH, B1I-, r. a. 1. Tempt, allure, provoke : pipe music. Iteratio partis prioris in cantu tibiae
tenia, pellice, " 'N uair a bhuuir bliur
sollicita. utricularis. C. S.
n-aithriche mi." Salm. xcv. 9. Wlien your fathers • Bualadli, s. m. A cure, remedy remedium, cu- :

tempted (provoked) nie. Ubi majores vestri teii- ratio. Uh.

laverunt mc. 2. Vex, annoy : inquieta, la?de. Blalaidh, -ea.v, *./. (Bò-luidh), A cow-stall, stall
Miicj. y. in a cow-house : pars qua^lam bovilis, ubi bos al-
Blaikeadair, -eas, s. m. (Buaircadh, et Fear), A ligatur. y. H.
tempter : tentator. Maif. V. " An t-eagal air • Bualainle, «./. A sea-lark : charadrius. U/t.
chor sam bith gu 'n do bhuair am buaireadair sibh." « Bualchomhla, s.f. A sluice: emissarium, objec-
1 Tesal, iii. 5. Lest by some means the tempter taculuni, cataracta. UA.
have tempted you. Ne quo modo tentator vos • Bualchrannach, g.J'. A float, raft ratis. Lift. :

tentasset. ' Buallachd, s.f. A

drove of cows: bourn armen-
Buaireadh, -IDH, -iDHEASs, «. m. et pres. part. v. tum. Sh. et OJi.
Buair. A
temptation, the act of tempting :
1. BuALTRACH, -AICH, «. HI. (Bo, et Òtrach), Cow-
tentatio, provocatio, actus tentandi.
soUicitatio, dung stercus bovinum. S/i.
Bualtrach bo
" Chum nach tuit sibh am himireadh." Marc. xiv. otrach capuill." Z,///. App.
38. Lest ye fall into temptation. Ne introeatis BuAM.ASTAin, -EAK, «. III. A blockhcad, a rash idiot
in tcntationem. 2. Effervescence of passion, rage, hebes, homo crassus, temerarius ineptulus. C. S.
tumult. " Buaireadh feirge." The heat of pas- BuAN, -AINE, adj. I. Lasting, durable permanens, :

sion, or rage. Etfiervescentia ir», furor, tumultus. durabilis. " Cruaidli mar am fraoch, btian mar an
" Thachair trein am buaireaM a chath'." giuthas." Prov. Hard as the heather. lasting as
Tew. vi. 89. the pine, or tir-tree. Durum ut erica, durabile ut
The brave met in the rage of battle. Occurrerunt pinus. 2. Long, lengthy, tedious longus, lon- :

strcnui in tumultu conflictus. 3. Vexation, annoy- ginquus, diutinus. " Astar buan." C. S. A long,
ance : vexatio, la?5Ìo, oflènsio. C. S. or tedious, journey. Iter longum, vel diutinum.
BuAiREANTA, adj. (Buair, v.) Tempting, alluring, 3. Good, harmonious : bonus, concore. O'li. et
enticing, inllaming, aimoying : qui tentat, illicit, Vt. Gloss. Wei. Buan, quick, fast, implied in du-
provocat, irritat, inflammat, la^lit. C. S. ration.
BuAiREAS, -Eis, -AK, «. m. (Buair, r.) I. Tumult, • Buan, gen. Buaine, s.f. A nurse, nutrix. Uh. et
fury tumultus, furor.
: 2. Dismay, ter- Mac/. V. OR.
ror, astonishment animi perturbatio, horror, pavor.
: Bl'as.a, s.f. gen. of Buain, q. vide.
•' Tliug thu òirnn
fion a' bhuaireis òl." Salm. Ix. 3. • Buana, *. m. A
hewer, reaper : qui demetit vel
Thou hast made us to drink the wine of astonish- securi oedit. " Buanadh." LIh,
ment. Tu fecisti ut biberimus vinum horroris. Buakachadh, -aidh, s. m. et pm^. part. r. Buan-
Lot. Boreas. aich. Continuing perseverance actio perseveran- :

Bl'aireasach, -aiche, adj. (Buaireas). \. Turbu- di. " 'N am brosnachadh nach eil mo shùil a'
lent, tumultuous, raging: turbulentus, tumultuo- buattadtadh y lab. xvii. 2. In their provocation
ius, furiosus. Macf. V. 2. Inflaming, provoking doth not mine eye continue? In exacerbatione
acceadens, provocans. C. S. 3. Dismaying, caus- istorum, Qoaue pemoctat oculus meus ?
• Buanaclid, s. f. 1. Free quartering : liberum BuAKNAicH, -IDH, BH-, V. a. (Buannachd), Gain,
hospitium. LfA. App. 2. Reaping actio nic- : make profit lucrifac, eraolumcntum cape.
: ''5. C '

Vide Buannachd.
tendi. Bibl. Gloss. BUAN-SHEAS, -AIDH, BH-, V. Tl. (BuaD, odj. Ct Scas),'
BuANAciiDACH, -AiCHE, ) a(fj. Vide Buannachd- Persevere : persevera. Sh.
ach. BuAN-sHEAsAMH, -Ai.MH, s. iti. Ct prcs. part. V. Buau-
BuANAicii. -iDH, Bir-, V.71. (Buan,a<^'.), Persevere, en- shcas. Perseverance, standing for ever : perseve-
dure, continue persevera, persiste, diligenter, in-
: rantia, perennis duratio. C. <S'.
hasre. " Bhiuinaich lob 'na chosamlilachd." lob. BuAN-sHEAsMiiACH, -AICHE, adj. (Buan-shcasamh),
xxix. Job continued (in) his parable. Perrex-
1. Constant : perseverans. C. S.
it Jiob in sua parabola. " Ach an ti a hlinanaich- BuAN-sHEAsMiiACHD, s.
f. ind. (Buan-shcasmhach),
eas chum na criche 's e so a shaorar." Marc. xiii. Constancy, perseverance : constantia, perseveran-
13. But he that endureth to the end, the same tia. C. S.
shall be saved. Sed qui sustinuerit ad finem us- BuANTAs, -AIS, s.m. (Buan, of^'.). Continuance: du-
que, is servabitur. ratio.C. S.
BuANAiCHE, -AN, s. w. Voc. 95. Vide Buanuiche. -Buan-thosgach, -aiche, adj. Strong tusked : den-
BuANAS, -Ais, «. m. (Buan, adj.) 1. Long continuance, ies fulcratos habens et fortes. 3ISS.
perpetuity, duration, length, tediousness : diuturni- Buanuiche, -ean, s. m, v./. (Buain, v.) mower, A
tas, perennitas, durabilitas, longinquitas. Sh. et reaper messor.:
" teis nach lion am buanuiche a
C. S. 2. Perseverance : perseverantia. OR. ghlac, no fear-ceangail nan sguab a bhrollach."
BuAN-CHUiMHNE, {Buan,adJ. etCuimhne). 1.
s.f. iiiJ. Salm. cxxix. 7. With which the mower filleth
Lasting remembrance : diuturna recordatio. C. S. not his hand, nor he that bindeth sheaves his bo-
2. A
chi-onicle : chronicon, annales. Macf. V. som. Quo non implet manum suam messor, aut
BuAN-ciiuiMHNEACH, -EiCHE, odj. (Buan, ad/, ct lacertum suum qui manipulas facit.
Cuimhne), That long remembers, or is long remem- • Buanuigh, gen. of Buana, or Buanadh. Bibl.
bered diu memoria tenens vel servatus. C. S.
: Gloss.
BuAN-GHÀiRDEACHAS, -AIS, s. »1. (Buan, adj. et Buar, BuAin, in. Cattle, oxen: armenta, pecu-

Gàirdeachas), A
perpetual rejoicing : gaudium per- des, boves. " Caoraich agus buair uile." Salm.
petuum. viii. 7. All sheep and oxen (cattle) oves, et ar- :

Is deanadh iad buan-ghàirdeaclias." menta omnia. Wei. Buarth, Buarthaid, a cow
Salm. v. IL metr. yard, or fold. Hebr. "^^2. bar/har, Brutus.
And let them make continual rejoicing. Agant Buarach, -aich, -ean, s. f. (BÒ, et Àrach, 2.) A
illi gaudium perpetuum. cow fetter, or shackle bound round the hinder feet
BUAN-MHAIREACHDUIN, Vcl -UINN, -E, S. m. (Buan, in milking compedes quaedam quibus vaccae pedes

adj. et 1. Enduring, continuing

Maireachduin). posteriores alligantur ad mulgendum.
long, everlasting. (Poet.) " Buan-mhaireachdidn do " 'N uair ghlacadh i buarach 'n a làimh."
ghnà." Sahn. xix. 9. metr. Enduring always, for- Campb. 86.
ever consistens in sempiternum.
: 2. Perseverance : When she caught the cow fetter in her hand.
perseverantia. Voc. 165. Quando caperet compedes bovinas in manu sua.
BUAN-MHAIREANNACH, T ,. ,„ ,. ^ 2. The stomacli of a limpet, (shell-fish) ventricu- :

-„ -AICHE, ad). ( et


at ''
• l,

Everlast- i ..
lus lepadis. C. S. 3. Vulg. slovenly, spiritless A
youth, a slouch : adolescens excors et immundus.
T, ° ine : aeternus.
BUAN-MHARTHANNACH, J N. H. Wei. Burw)'. Scot. Bourach, a circle, a
" Ta t-ainm a Thighearna nam feart, ring ; Bourach, a cow fetter. Jam.
" Biuin-mÌMÌreannach do ghnàth." • Buarach, adj. (Bo, et Eirigh), Early : matutinus.

Sahn. cxxxv. 13. nìetr. Llh.

Thy name. Lord of wonders, is everlasting. Tu- BUARACH-BHAOIBH, gen. BUARAICH-BAOIBH, S.
um nomen, Domine miraculorum est sempiter- (Buarach, et Baobh), A lamprey ; also a magic eel
num. supposed to inhabit rivers muraena fluviatilis, et

BuAN-MHEAL, -AiDH, BH-, v.a. (Buan, «<^'. et Meal), anguilla magica in fluminibus degere putata. Voc.
Enjoyfor ever : fruere in perpetuum. ^^ Buan-mheal- 71.
aidh siad an tir." Ross. Salm. xxxvii. 9. They shall BuART. Macf. Par. xvii. 3. Vide Buairte.
enjoy the land for ever. Perpetuo fruentur terra. »Buas, s. m. 1. A
belly venter. Llh. 2.: A
• Buanna, s. m. A
billeted soldier : miles per tes- breach ruina. OB. et 67;.
: 3. rout fiiga. A :

seram assignatus. Sii. et Llh. O'B. Sh. et O'R. 4. A

trade, art : ars, quaes-
BuANNACHD, s. f. ind. 1. Gain, profit : lucrum, tus. Sh. et OR.
commodum, emolumentum. " Sanntach air buann- ' Buasach, adj. (Bo, is. Each), Abounding in cat-

achd." Gnàth. i. 19. Greedy of gain : deditus tle bubus abundans. Llh.

contubemia f. The herb, blue-bottle : cyanus.

qua;stui. 2. Soldiers' quarters : sta- ' Buasach, s.

tiva. Voc. 119. Llh. App.

BuANNACHDACH, -AICHE, ) «M^'. (Buannachd), Pro- • Buas-air, Buas-air-aoith, s. m. Diaphragm : sep-

BuANNACHDAiL, -E, j fitable : commodus, lu- tum transversum, diaphragma. Sh. et O'R.
crosus. Macf. V. BuAXHADH, -AIDH, s. m. A
rushing, a mad fit, ram-
bio: impetus vi'lienieus et preecep», furor, impetus. "
Ach o s iub' u bh' air làraich,
»«•. 140. ••
Is do b/iiidfuiilltti/i Ian b u cheurt am." R. I).
• liuiitluiin, -aim, -nu, «. in. A bittour, ii biltirn : But bt'CUUM- (huu (it Ma») who wu»t on the kpol,
unlcu sttllwis. BM. (ilom. A bittini. Lujiitf. and thy repuiiitories in the mean time full. A(
BÙB.*N, -AiN, -AN, *. »«. A coxcomb : stultus, in- propterea quod tu enu qua: adl'uibti, et reposit^jnu
opius. Sh. It UU. tua interea plena.
BucAiii, -Alcii, «. m. A boy : puiT. Provin. BuuiiAc, -All., -AN, t.f. A bundle of straw: fjw-
Bi'CAiD, -E, -KA.v, s.f. 1. bucket: situlu, haus- A ciculus btipulurum. C. S. t'/ur. Budlmimiean.
trum. i'oc. 89. Uucasis, Buucu. Spelm. (iliiss. MSS.
2. A pustule pustuhi. S. Sjmiii. Huu.
: Hum/. C BOoHAiD, BÙDRAIS, t.f. Vide Botrais.
Pieortu. • Bugh, i. e. Briseadh. Breaking fractio. Uh. :

• Kucaiile, s. f. A puliii, a knob : palma, bulla. • Bugha, s. til. 1. I'Var (inior. .S7i. et O'R. 'i. :

liiU. Glo^. A leek jiorrum. S/i. et O'R.


Buc.\s, -Ais, s. til. Vide Buesa. • Buibiollan, a. in. (Baotli, et Beulau), A cox-
• Bijcluì, K. m. 1. Bulk, or size: moles. MSS. comb : inept us. O'R.
2. Cover ol" a book : libri operculum. MSS. Bute, gen. et pi. of Boc, ij. vide.
• Buclulacli, (It//. Ikilky : ingeiis, crassus. JJSS. BuicElN, -EAN, »'. 7/1. dtiiiin. of Boc. 1. A little, or

Bi;cuLACii, in/J. \"ide Buchullacli. young buck, roe, hart hinnulus, capreolus. Maij'. :

BuciiTiiiiNX, -E, fl<^'. Melodious: canorus. M(uf. V. V. 'i. A pimple pustula, tuberculum. C. S.

" Eun Buchthuinn." C. S. A sweet singing bird. BuicEis, «./. iiul. Sporting, as of a buck lusus caprei. :

Avis canorus. C.S.

Bl'cuuLLACH, <w^'. Nestling in the woods in sylvis : BuiCEisEACii, -EiciiE, (u/J. (Buiceìs), Sportive: ludi-
nidlticOllS, (lie avibus). •* Nu h-còin h/,uchuU'ach" bniidiiji, S. C
Sgtul. The wood-nestling birds. Aves in sylvis • Buich, s.f. A breach: ruina. LIA.
nidiiicantes. BuiDE.\L, -eil, -an, *. »1. 1. A cask, anker: testa,

BucLA, s. m. Vide Bucull. cadus, dolium. Mac/. V. 2. A bottle uter. :

BuCLACn, <K^'. (Bucla), Wearing buckles : fibulis or- " Oir 'taim mar bliuideal anns an toit."
uatus, tibulas gerens. C. S. Riiss. Saliii. cxix. 83.
BucLAicii, -iDii, BH-, f. a. (Bucla, vel Bucull), For I am as a bottle in the smoke. Quia sum si-
Buckle up, tuck up : fibulis subnccte, succinge. milis utri ad funium. booby, surly person
3. A :

C.S. homo morosus, belluinus. Provin. Fr. Bouteille.

BucsA, s. 1. The box-tree, or wood : buxus.
m. Span. Botella. /to/. Budello. Vu/g. Lot. Butel-
Voc. 65. Wei. Box. Scot. Buist, Buste, Boist. lus, a bottle.
Jam, Su.
Got/i. Byssa. Germ. Bux. Gr. TIj^o;. Buidealaicii, -EAN, «./. A blaze of fire conflagra- :

2. A
snuff-box, or any common box for holding tio. " 'Na bliiiidea/aich." C. S. On fire ardens, :

any thing theca. Gr. Tlu^i;, pyxis. Belff. Boss,

: flammis involutus.
Buss. /to/. Bosso, Bossolo. Fr. Buis. Span, BuiDEALAiR, *. m. (Buideal, et Fear), A butler:
Bucha. Id. q. Bocsa. villi promus. Gen. xl. 1. marg.

Bucull, -uill, *. m. buckle: fibula. Voc. 19.A BuiDEALAiREACUD, s. f. iiid. (Buidealair), Butler-
• Bud, *. til. The world : mundus. Ll/i. Wei. Byd. ship munus vini promi, cella; vinaria? cura. C. S.

• Budagoclul, A-. ;/). woodcock scolopax. Voc. A :

• Buidli, adj. Grateful : gratum habens animum.
75. Vide Coileach coillc. Uh.
• Budli, for Bu. N\as. • Budh rioghachd Isra'l • Buidhe, s.f. Thanks, piety : gratiae, pietas. " A'
leis." &///!. cxiv. 2. tmtr. Ed. 1753. Israel was bliuidhe ri Dia." Thanks to God. Deo gratias.
his kingdom. Fuit regnuni Israel illi. Uh.
• Budh, III. 1. Tlie world: mundus.
.«. OB. et BuiDHE, a^'. 1. Yellow: flavus. I of. 29. 2. For-
S/i. 2. A breach ruina. .S7/. et OR. 3. : A tunate: faustus. 'S /'«(<//(« dliuit." C.S. It is
rout: fuga. S/i. et OR. ^'ide Bith. We/. fortunate for you. Faustum est tibi. 3. Grate-
ful, agreeable, pleasant gratus, acceptus, jucun-
Byd. Pers. tyj bud, being, existence. Arab. :

dus. " Bu bliuidlie leat dol a mach." C. S. You

^yj bull, the world. were glad to go out : gratum fuit tibi exire.
BuDHAiciR, -E, -EAN, A". ;«. Tlie puffin, a bird: alea BuiDHE, s.m.iiid. Yellow colour : color flavus. Z///.
arctica. Linn. WAe Martin in St Kilda. Scot. et C. S.
Bowger. Jam. • BuiiUie-chonaill, *. ni. A certain plague : pesti-
• Budhail, s. m. A place, residence : locus, sedes. lentia quadain. Keat. aim. G6Ò. et Llli.
L/h. App. Buidlie-iian-ingean, f. Spurge : tithjinallus.
• *.
BuDiiAiLT, -E, -EAN, s. »1. Rccess in the inside of a (Hibeniicus). OR. et Llh. App. vel Reseda
cottage wall, in form like a window, but shut with- luteola. Scot.
out, and used as a repository, chiefly of eatables : BuiDiiEACii, -EicHE, odj. Well pleased, thankful,
foramen vel loculus in interiore parte casa? pariet is, satisfied voluptate perfusus, gratus, contentus.

fenestra; similis, sed extra clausus, cibi reposito- •' Tha mi buidheach."
C. S. I am satisfied sati- :

rium. atus sum, vel contentus sum.

Vol. I. X
BuiDHEACH, -icH, s.f. (BuicUie, adj.) Jaundice, the BuiDHNiCHEAN, 7)/. of Buidheann, q. vide.
yellow jaundice icterus, icterus flavus. Voc. 26.
: BuiDHNiDH,yH^ hid. V. Buidhinn, v. q. vide.
BuiDHEACHAs,-Ais, «. wj. (Buldlicach, adj.) l.Thanks, BuiDHRE, s.f.ind. (Bodhar, «K^'.) Deafness: surdi-
thanksgiving : gratiic, actio gratiarum. " An uair tas. Macf. V. Id. q. Boidhre.
a dh'iobras sibh iohairt-bhuid/ieachais do 'n Tigh- BuiDiLEiREACHD, s. f. iitd. Voc. iO. Vide Buideal-
earn." Leldi. xxii. 29. ^^^len ye will offer a aireachd.
sacrifice of thanksgiving unto the Lord. Quum BuicE, s.f. (Bog, adj.) Softness, humidity : mol-
sacrificabitis sacrificium laudis Jehovae. " Agus litia, humiditas. C. S. Vide Bog, adj.
thug e buidheachas." Dan. vi. 10. And he gave BuiGE, adj. comp. of Bog, adj. q. vide. " Bu bhuig'
thanks. Et egit gratias. 2. Gratitude, content- a chaimit na ola thlàth." Salm. Iv. 21. Tnetr. His
ment animus gratus, animi oblectatio. C. S.
: speech was softer than smooth oil. Sermo ejus
• Buidheachd, *./. 1. Piety pietas. LIh. : mollior fuit oleo blando.
BuiDHEAD, -EiD, s. f. (Buidlic, oxìj.) Ycllowness BuiGEAD, -EID, s. 9». (Buige), Softness, degree of
flavedinis gradus vel quantitas. C. S. softness : mollitia, gradus mollitise. C. S.
BuiDHEAG, -iG, -AN, S.f. 1. A linnet: carduelis. C.S. • Buigein, Buigeineach, -eich, s. m. Provin. Vide
2. Flower of the daisy : flos bellidis. 3Iacf. V. Boganach.
3. A species of alga : marinae algoe species quae- BuiGILEAG, BUIGLEAG, -EIG, -EAN, S.
f. (Bog, et
dam. Provin. Lag), A bog, quagmire : gurges lutosus. Voc. 7.
BuiDHEAGAN, -AiN, -A>r, s. m. (Buidhc, adj.) Tlie BuiGLiNN. Vide Buigileag.
yolk of an egg : \-itellus. Voc. 23. Pers. i^^S^^j BuiGNEACH, -EICH, S.f. (Bog, adj.) Bulrushcs : jun-
budigan, matrix. ci. Llh. App.


• Buigsliibliin, s.f. bulrush A : juncus. Llh.
(Buidhe, adj. et Bealaidh), Yellow bunting, a bird
• Buigsin, s. m. little :A box capsula. Llh.
emberiza alba. C. S.
• Bull. MSS. pass. Vide Bheil, et Bhuil.
BuiL, -E, *./. 1. An end, conclusion exitus, finis. :

" Na biodh campar ort mu 'n ti a shoirbhicheas 'n

(Buidhe, adj. et Buachair), A yellow hammer, a bird
cenchrjinus bellonu. Voc. 75. a shiighe, mu 'n fliear a bheir a dhroch innleachda
BUIDHEANN, -EINN, -BUIDHNE, dut. BuiDHINN, pi. gu bidl." Salm. xxxvii. 7. Fret not thyself be-
BuiDHNEAN, BuiDHNiCHEAN, s. f. A troop. Com- cause of him who prospereth in his way, because
pany, party turba, agmen, societas, cohors, mani-
of the man who bringeth his wicked devices to
pulus. " Riun na Caldeanaich suas tri buidluiean." pass. Ne accendaris ira propter eum qui prospe-
lob. i. 17. Tlie Chaldeans
out three bands. made rat in ^ia sua, propter virum qui efficit cogitata
Chaldaei disposuerunt tria agmina. " Air bhith iniqua sua. 2. Effect, fruits : effectus, fructus.

dhoibh tearc 's 'nam biddheinii bhig," Salm. cv.

" Tha a' bhuil sin air." S. C The effect of that

12. metr. They being few and a small company. isobvious (lit.) on him, or it. Effectus ejus rei
Cum illi fuerint pauci et parva societas. apparet (lit.) est super eum, vel id. Advantage,
improvement commodum, " Ni gun
BuiDHEiN, -EAN, s. m. (Buidhe, adj. et Eun), A : fructus.

yellow hammer : cenchrjinus bellonii. " Buidhein bhuil." C. S. A

useless thing : res inutilis. Wei.
na N. H.
Budd, commodum; Buddiol, commodus. Dav.
BtnDHiNN, BuiDHNE, s. f. Gain, profit lucrum, :
» Bull, -e, Kirh. Salm, ii. 1. Vide Boil.
commodum, emolumentum. 3Iacf. V. Potm-s BuiLEACH, -EICHE, adj. (Buil, effect), Total, entire,
Buinnig, q. vide. complete : totus, omnis, completus. C. S. " Gu
BuiDHiNN, -iDH, vel -NiDH, BH-, V. a. (Buidhinn, s.) builcach," adv. Gram. 124. Thoroughly, wholly :
Gain, win, make profit : lucrifàc, emolumentum penitus, prorsus, omnino. P. Bret. Bloc'h, Blouc'h.

cape. C. S. Id. q. Buinnig. BuiLEACHADH, -AiDH, s. ill. et pres. part. v. Builich.

* Buidhlia, s. m. A
puddle : lacuna, fossula. MSS. 1. A
bestowing, improving, making good use of
BuiDH-iiATH, adj. (Buidhe, adj. et Liatli), Pale yel- actus largiendi, impendendi, erogandi, proficiendi.
low ; croceus, luteus. C. S. " Buileachadh maith air a' bheagan." Prov. Mak-
BTJ^DH-^fHIOs, -a, s. m. (Buidhe, et Mios), July : ing a good use of the httle. Ex pan'o proficiens.
2. Treatment, usage : ratio accipiendi. " Is òlc a
Julius mensis. Voc. 103.
BuiDHNE, gen. of Buidlieann, a troop and of Buidh- ;
bhuileachadh." C. S. Bad is his treatment, or
inn, gain, q. v. " Buidhne." Id. q. Buidhinn.
usage. Mala eum.
est ratio accipiendi

Bibl. Gloss. BÙILEASG, -EisG, s. m. Proviii. Vide Bùlas.

• Buileamhuil, adj. (Buil, vel BoU), Raging, mad
BuiDHNEACii, -EicHE, adj. (Buidheann), Numerous,
of great number, in parties, or troops numerosus, :
insanus, furiosus. Llh.
multa agmina habens. BuiLEANN, -INN, -AN, s.
f. Llh. et Motf. V. Vide
" Mac-aoidh 's a luchd-ieanmhuinn, Builionn.
" Na laoich bhuidhneach, mhòr, mheanmnach." BuiLEASTAiR, -E, -EAN, s. m. A bullace, or sloe

Macinty. 71. prunum sylvestre. Voc. 67.

Mackay and his followers, the numerous, stout, BuiLG, gen. of Balg, vel Bolg. A bag, q. ^^de.
courageous heroes. Tribus de ISIackay princeps, et BuiLG, 1. pi. of Balg, vel Bolg, q. v. 2. Bellows
clientes sui, heroes validi, magni, strenuique. folles. C. S. 3. Seeds of herbs herbarum semi- :
na. Sk. « CyR. *. A distemper of c«tUe bourn : Germ. Beul, verber, nou verberc facta ; Bluan,
morbus. OH. A'A. et OH. verberare. Angl. BloM.
BuiLi;tAUii, -KiDii, t.M. (Builf;), Hiibbling up: bul- BLiLitUAiti, -iLRiit., adj. (Buillr), That gives blu»6:
ks sursuiu iiiilli-iis. Siiid ol' »uUT bt^inuing to qui ferit, inanu |>roiiiptuk. SA.
boil : de aquu, in uotu bullit-iidi. I'. S. Bi'iLLfcAciiAs, -Aih, a. f. (Builleach), Act or habit of

Bl'Iluean, «. /«. A/tuf. •'. ^ idf Buil^H-in. striking: «elio \il luun fericndi. ilatf. K
Builgeas, «./. >'A. tl O'lt.
• Id. 4. Buil{,'lea«. Bl'ILLEASG, -ISL., ». III. \'ide Billak.
BllLGEASACH, -AiciiE, fidj. (Uuilg), 2S|>otted : ma- Bl'illsuean, ) -Eis, -AS, *. im. A centre, middle:
culatus, pusulosus. M/i. Bl'ILSoeaN, J eeiitruui, medium, purb medio.
Bi'lLCEiN. -E, -EAN, .«. HI. dim. of Bal{;, vcl Bolp. A " Oir aingidiieuchd 'nun tigli do ghnath,
little bag, a blistt-r, piiiiplf, a bubble of water, or " 'S 'nam buiUtyea» tà gacii lo."
foam saceulus, papula, uleuseuluin, bulla atjua;
: Rota. Salm. Iv. 15.
vel spuma?. I or. a. U. Jitrl. lUilbuen, Belch. For wickedness is always in their house, and in
Bl'ilgeiseach, -eiciie, mi). ^Builgein), Full of pus- midst of them daily. Sum iniquilus in eorum do-
tules, blisters, small bubbles pustulatus, pusulo- : mo semper, et in media parte sua est ijuoque die.
sus, papulis vel bullulis eo-opertiis. V. S. " Buillsgean srutha," The vortex, or middle of a
• Builgliionn. -ghiiine, pi. Builgbionn, -a, -an, s.f. stream, -tstus vortex. X'ide Salm. xKL 2. metr.
(Builg, et Gin, r.) A
loaf of bread, or sugar : Built, gen. et pi. of Bolt, vel Halt. q. v.
panis triticeus vel conus sacc-hariiius, sacchari • Buime, s.f. B. B. \ ide Muime.
meta. MSS. BuiMii.FAR, -E, -EAN, *. /». A bungler: imperitub,
• Builglea$, s. f. (Builg, ct Lcus), blister : pu- A sciolus. C
S. If'tl. Bwyngler. Scot. Bummil,
sula, pustula. Sli. et U'H. Bumeler, Bumler. Jam.
• Builgleasacli, adj. Spotted, blistered : maculatus, • Buimpis, t.J'. A pump antlia. Sh. : Vta
pusulatus, lue vel tabe venerea putrescens. Uh. Angl.
ct OB. Buis, -IDH, BH-, r. a. et n. I. Take cape. " Buin :

BciLiCH, -iDii, BH-, v.a. (Bull).' 1. Divide, bestow: air falbh," Take away aufer. " Bhuin (è) sruth'

divide,impcnde, eroga. C. S. 2. Improve, man- £ creagaibh." Russ. Salm. Ixxviii. 16. He ex-
age, put to the best account protice, ad optimum : tracted, drew forth, streimis from the rocks. Ex-
usum largirc. " Builich an ùine." C. S. Improve traxit rivulos e rupibus. 2. Belong to penine. :

the time. Tcmpus ad boiium usum contere. 3. " An ni nach buin duit, na buin da." Pror. What
Treat, use one well, or ill : tracta, excipe aliquem, belongs not to thee, touch it not. Res non perti-
bene, vel male. '• Bhuilich
c gu h-olc iad." C. S. nens ad te, ne tangas earn. " Buinidh e dhòmh-
He has treated thcra ill. Tractavit illos male, vel sa." C. S. It belongs to me mei est. 3. Touch : :

excepit cos male. 4. Spend consume. C. S. : tange. ••

Buin ris na sleibhtibh." Salm. cxJiv. 5.
Chald. rÒ2 helach, vetustate attritus est. tnetr. Touch the hills tange coUes. : 4. Deal
• Builid, i. e. Bheil iad. Are they : sunt illi. MSS. with, treat age, tracta.
: " Bhuin an Tigheama
BuiLlONN, -Liss, -AK, *. f. A
Ìoal': panis tostus, riut gu tial." Salm. cxvi. 7. The Lord hatli deult
tracta panis. " Agus aon bhuilionn arain." Ecs. bountifully with thee. Egit Jehova tecum bene-
xxix. 23. And one loaf of bread. Tracta quoque fice. Hebr. ^13 bun, observare cum judicio.
panis una. (Bez.) Vide Builghionn. • Buine, s. m- Tap, spigot EÌpho, epistomium.:

BuiLioNNACH, -Aicn, s. lit. (Builionu), baker: A ZJA. ^'ide Buinne.

pistor. Sh. • Buinean, *. m. A shoot, young twig, branch
BuiLiossACH, -AiCHE, adj. (Builionn), Full of loaves : surculus, vimen, ramulus, stolo. JJA. et Bibl.
panibus tostis abundans. C. S. CrlvS)!.

BuiLL, gen. et />/. of Ball. q. v. '• Buill a chuirp." •Buinean, adj. Sh. Vide Bainionn, et Boirionn.
Voc. 15. The limbs of the body. Anus vel partes •Buinchios, s.J'. (Bun, et Cis), pension : etipen- A
corporis. " Buitt bheirt, vel bheairt." C. S. Tack- dium. OR.
ling navis armamenta.
: ^'ide Ball. BviKS, gen. et pi. of Bonn, q. vide.
BuiLLE, pL -AX, vel -IN, s.
f. (Buail, r.) A stroke, BuiSNE, -EAN ; sometimes Bcin.veachan, t.
blow, knock, lash : ictus, colaphus, verber, alapa. 1. A border,selvage: margo, fimbria. J be. 20. 2.
" Buille 's gach aon chraoibh, '» gun chraobh idir A drop : C. S.
gutta. \'ide Boinne. 3. tap, A
a leagadh." Prov. A
blow in each tree, without sort of pif)e : tubulus, epistomium. Sh. et OR.
any tree being felled. Ictus in quaque arbore, et 4. A
spout, a torrent, rapid stream torrens, ra- :

nulla arbos cxsa. " Blath, athailt, no sliochd pidum tluentum.

buille." Voc. 25. The mark of a blow, or stroke. " Bliac a' bhuinne Goll an àigh." S. D. 49.
Vestigium vibicis vel ictus. " Buille-choilleag." Tlie torrent hindered the excellent Gaul. Tor-
C S. A certain stroke, or blow, given to the ball, rens impediit Galium eximium. " Buinne-shruth."
in club or shinny playing, sending the ball beyond 5. D. 183. 5. An ulcer, boil : ulcus. Sh. et 07?.
a certain mark, and winning the game to either 6. A
twig, sprout vimen, germen. Lih. O'B. et

party. Ictus quidam pilae, impactus apud eos qui Sh.

clavo lusorio certant, pilam pulsans extra metam BiiNNEACH, -iCH, *. /. (Buinne, 4.), A looseness,
inter ludendum, et alteri parti victoriam referens. diarrha^a : ventris profluvium. C. S.
\ 2
BRE 16*- BRE
BuiNNEAG, -Eio, -AN, s.f. 1. A twig, sprout : vi- • Buineadliach, -aiche, adj. Puissant, warlike :

men, gcmien. C. S. 2. A hem, border : ora, fim- pollens, bellicosus, Mor-chuthach. " Sionn-
i. e.
bria. .V/(. :^. A little girl : puellula. C. S. 4. A an ' adli,' agus cath, ionnan buir,' agus '

nymph, a maid : nympha, virgo. mòr." Llh. Ì7i voc.

" A' b/iuimieoff Mhoi-ùra an d'eug thu ! BiJiREiN, s. m. A. M'D. Gloss. Id. q. Bùireadh.
S. D. 256. BÙIREINEACII, -EiciiE, adj. (Bùirein), Roaring, bel-
NjTTiph of Moi-ura, hast thou died Nympha ! lowing : rugiens. C. S.
Moi-ura?, an mortua es In common speech, more ! BùiREiNicH, s.f. ind. (Bùirein). Id. q. Bùireadh.
frequently used as a familiar term in addressing a BUIKGEISEACH, -AICH, S. til. VoC. 41. PvtÌUS BÙÌr-
female of inferior rank, " bhuinneag." good A My deiseach, q. vide.
woman ancilla mea. 5.
: sorrel shoot : acetosa A BùiHicii, «. /. ÌTìd. (Bùir. r.) S.D. 71. Id. q.
germinans. Hebrid. Biiireadh.
• Buinneamh, s. m. Efifusion effusio. Sh. et O'R. : BùiRLEADii, -IDH, *. »). Language of folly and ridi-
BuiNNEAX-LEANA, s. m. A bittern : ardea stellaris. cule : verba stultitia; et irrisionis. C. S. B. Bret.
OR. Burli. Fr. Burlesque. Span. Burlar. Ital. Bur-
BuiNxiG, -iDH, BH-, V. a. (Buinnig, s.), Win, gain, lare.
obtain : compara, obtine. C S. BuiRLiNG, *./. Sh. et MSS. Vide Birlinn.
Buinnig, s.f. ind. A
gaining, obtaining, gain, profit: BÙIHN, geti. of Burn, Water, q. vide.
actio lucrandi, comparand], lucrum. Voc. 159. BÙIRSEAC1I, -ICH, s.f. 1. A deluge of rain : diluvium.
BuiNNiGEACH, -EiCHE, adj. (Buinnig), Gainful, pro- C. S. 2. A rousing fire : ignis ardens. Htbrid.
fitable: lucrosus. C. S.
Hind. ClJà^yt bursa t.
BuiNNiGEACHD, S.f, hid. (Buinnigeach), Gain, pro-
BÙIRT, «. m. Macf. V. Vide Burt.
fit lucrum. C. S.

• Buinnire, s. m. (Buin, et Fear), foot-man A :

• Buiscin, s. m. A thigh, haunch, thigh-armour :

pedissequus. Llh. femur, coxa, femorale. Sh. " Buigsin." Llh.

BuiNTEACH, -EicH, s. 771. (Buinueach), One troubled et OR. Aiigl. Buskin.
with the flux, or diarrhsea : qui diarrhaea laborat. BuisEiN, -EAN, s. »«. di77ìin. of Bus. little mouth ; A
Llh. osculum, OS exiguum. Vide Bus.
BuiNTiNN, s. 771. Ì7ìd. ei pves. poTrt. V, Buin. The act, • Bùiste, «. m. A
pouch, scrip : pera, crumena,
or state of touching, belonging to : actus, vel sta- sacculus. Llh.
tus tangendi, pertinendi. " Ciod a tha 'buÌ7itÌ7m • Buistin. Fustian: xylinum. Voc. 91. Vox Angl.
riut ?" C S. Wliat ails thee ? quid tibi ofEcit ? Vide Anart.
BÙIR, -IDH, BH-, V. 71. Roar as a deer, or bull : rugi, • Buite, s. m. 1. A
firebrand : titio, torris. Sh.
cervinum vel bovinum ede rugitum. et O'R. 2. Fire : ignis. Llh. 3. Water : a-
" Na bùireadh am boc air an raon." qua. Vail.
S.D. 130. BÙITEACH, -ICH, -EAN, s. /71. A threat : commina-
Let not the buck roar on the field. Ne rugiat ca- tio. Sutherl.
per super campo. • Buitealach, s.f. A great fire : magnus ignis, i. e.

BiriRBE, 1. Gwi. ofBorb, adj. q. vide. 2. Co7np.oi " Teine mòr." Llh. in voc.
Borb. More fierce : ferocior. BÙITICH, -IDH, BH-, V. «, (Bùiteach), Threaten :

BuiRBE, 1 *• y- ^^- !• Fierceness, barbarity: minare. Sutherl.

BuiRBEACUD, j feritas, barbaries, ferocitas. 3Iacf. BuiTiDH, -E, adj. Bashful : verecundus. Badenoch.
Par. xiii. 4. 2. Wrath, anger, severity : ira, fu- » Buitealach, adj. Fierce : ferox. Sh. et O'B.

ror, saevitia.Sh. et O'R. » Buitse, s. 771. An icicle : stiria. Voc. 5.

BuiRBEiN, pi. -EAN, «. 771. cancer : carcinoma, ul- A BuiTSEACH, -ICH, -ICHEAN, s. 711. etf. witch, or wiz- A
cus insanabile. Voc. 25. ard : saga, venefica, vel veneficus. Macf. V. et C. S.
BÙIRD, ge7i. et pi. of Bòrd, s. ??;. q. vide. BuiTSEACHAS, -Ais, Ì Witchcraft veneficium, :

BÙIRDEISEACH, -EICH, s. m. 1. free man, a mer- A BuiTSEACHD, s.f. Ì7id. J magia. Mcuf. V. et Voc.
chant. Scot. Burgess municeps, mercator. Macf. V. : 38. " Buitsidheachd." ProvÌ7i.
2. A
shop-keeper, merchant mercator, tabemarius. :
• Buitseir, s. tn. A
butcher : lanio. Voc. 49. Vox
C. S. Wei. Bi\Tdais, et Bwrgais. JFr. Bourgeois. Ajigl. Vide Feòladair.
Spa7i. Burges. LiOf. Burgensis. Arab. jrjW barga.
• Bui, s. 7n. A manner, fasliion : mos, modus hujus
diei. Llh. et Sh.
Chald. IJin burgadh. • Bula, s. m. A bowl patera. Voc. 86. : Vide
BÙIRE, ,S.Z). 92. Vide Bùireadh. BÒ1. Wei. Bui ; seed vessel of plants.
BÙIREADH, -IDH, i\ ?«. et pres. part. v. Bùir. 1. A BuLG, BuiLG, s. in.broad(Bolg), A ship's bilge,
roaring, bellowing rugitus cervinus, taurinus.
: side, convexity navis capacitas, latus apertum.

Sal77i. xxxii. 1. " Poll bùiridh." S. rut- C A vel plenum navis latus, convexum. Macf. V.
ting pond : palus ubi cervi cum foemellis congre- BuLGACH, -AICHE, adj. 1. Convex, bulging out:
diuntur. Vide Dàmhair. convexus, prominens, ventricosus. Macf. V. 2.
• Buineadh, s. /«. Gore, corrupt matter : tabum, Studded bullatus. " Ceud srian bhidgach." Oss.

pus. Uh. et Sh. A hundred studded bridles centum frina bullata. :

BCLLA, «. IM. A bowl, ball : plitliu*, «phara. S/i. 2. " An oighreachd is am />i4tnM fog."
A popf's bull bulla paiwilis. A/A.
St^it. Houlc. .Sidm. xxxvii. 18. ntHr.
trtnn. Hulli' vas pixonuiii. «( tliploiiia si^'illo iiiu-
; Tlieir inheritance and their dwelling also. Httre-
iiiluiu, pmxipuf, tVsiiris t-f ponllliois. H'tu/it. dituseorum, et Imbitutio eurum quoque.
' Uulhu'h, *. »». iIh- IinIi i-alUil I'oiiiior: pÌK'is qui- • Bunadlms, -m», *. «i. LUi. ,Sn. et O'R. Xuic
tlain Connor nuncupulus. .S'/(. ft O'li. Bunacluu.
• Uulos, n. tH. A prum- : prununi. .S'/i. ft O'Jt. • Bunadhasacli, adj. A. M'D. Vide Bunasacti.
UÙLAS, UÙLAis, »'. «1. A pot-liook, by «liii'li it is BuNAicii, -iDii, BII-, r. «. (Bun), EttabUfeli, found:
suspfuilod over the tire ansa I <«. h8. : ollaris. slabili, constitue, conde, a^dilica. ('. .V.
" Builleusji." iliiirul. Sntt. Hools. Jam. Bl'NAlcHTE, «<//'. ct prrt. part. v. Bunaich. Establibli-
BuMAiLEiR, -EAN, s. III. A buu^ler boino inhabilis, : ed, foundeii : stabilis, constitutus. ^'. .V.

ineplus. S. C
Id. (|, Huimileir. Bi'NAiDEACli, adj. Uh. \'ide Bunaiteach.
BuMAiLKiHEACiiD, s./.iiul. (Bunuiileir), Bunj^liii); Bl'naiuii, g. III. An habitation: doniicilium. Bdd.
actus \el eonsuetudo tiiubandi, iiulistincte, absurde, Glosi. IVoperly the i/tn. ol' Buiiadli, A founda-
Io()uendi, vel iniperite aj;endi. ('. S. tion, habitation. X'ide .SVi/m. xxvi. b. iiutr. " (ju
• Buiibheaii, s.f. An old woman : vetula, anus. bunaidh," adr. C. S. For ever. In a-ternum.
LI/,. Bl'NAii.T, -E, -EAN, «./. (Bun, et Alt, ().) 1. Stea-

Bus, Ik IX, ct Bi'x, -AN, s. III. 1. A root, stock, diness, constancy, perseverance constantia, per- :

«tump, loot, bottom nulix, ima pars, truncus, fun-: severantia. Macinti/. 81. 2. Id. q. Bunait. C. .V.
dus. .Vuc/. r. et C. S. '•
Bun aibluie." Llh. App. BuNAiLTEAcii, -EiciiE, adj. (Bunailt). 1. Constant,

Mouth ot" a river. Ostium tluminis. 'i. (Poet.) steady, persevering : constans, persistens, perseve-
Conlidence, trust : tiducia, contidentia. rans. C. .S'. 2. Id. q. Bunaiteach. C. &'.
•• O Isra'l, deansa bun L Dia." Bus'AiLTEAS, -Eis, S.f. (Bunailt), Constancy, safe-
Sahii. cxv. 9. metr. ty : constantia, incolumitas. Campb. 8(j.

O Israel, trust tliou in God : O Israel, ex Deo BuNAiN, Stubble: stipula. Bdjl. Gloss.
/)/. Potiu»
confide tu. 3. {Jig.) Care, charge, keeping cura, : Bunan. Vide Bun.
curalio, custodia. " bun an tighe." Taking Am Bunait, -e, -ean, «. m. (Bun, et Aite). 1. A foun-
care ot" the house custodiens domum. •' Bun os
: dation fimdanientuni.
" Bunaite' na talmhaimi."
cionn." Upside down, topsy turvy. Inverso or- Gnàth. viii. 29. The foundations of the earth.
dinc. Giiàf/i. xviii. 5. it'tl. Bon. /?. Bret. Bun. Fundamenta terrarum. Hind. Bunana, build. 2.
Perg. i^yJ bun, a root, basis, end ; (o>^ '"'"i
A dwelling habitaculum. I be. 83. " Agus thaoni

tuilthar am bunait? lob. xxii. 16. Over whose

foundatiou, root, origin, utility, conveniency. Chald.
dwelling a Hood poured ? Supra doniicilium quo-
et Hebr. ]13 bun. distingui, observare cum jutli- rum diluvium proruit iVtl. Bonad. j*

cio. Bunaiteach, -eiche, adj. (Bunait), Steady, secure,

Bus'ABHAs, -Ais, s. w. (Bun, et Aibheis), An ele-
permanent, well founded fixus, stabilis, constans, :

durabilis, bene fundatus. " Comhnuidh bkwuiit-

nient elementum. Llh.

BuNABHASACn, adj. (Bunabhas), Elemental ele- :

each." Salm. Ixviii. 6. metr. A permanent dwell-
ing habitatio constans.
: " Tha t-tliocal bunait-
roentarius.C. S.
BvKACH, -AicH, *. /. (Bun), Tare of flax, coarse each gu bràth." Salm. cxix. 89. metr. Thy word
tow : pondus lini, crassa stuppa. Sit. O'R. et C. S. is established for ever. Tuum verbum durabile
BuNACH, -AiciiE, adj. Clumsy : inhabilis, non com- est in EEternum.

pactus. Macf. V. Bun.\itich, -idh, BH-, f. fl. Found, establish : fun-

BuN.\cnADH, -AiDH, s. tH. et fres. part. v. Bunaich. damentum jace, constitue, statue. Lih. O'B. et
An founding, settling : actio stabi-
establishing, C.S.
IJendi, constituendi, condendi. C. S.
Bunan, -ain, -an, s. m. dimin. of Bun. A little
BuNACH.\R, -AIR, -AN, «. lit. (Bun, ct Cuir), Foun- root, or stump, a stubble root radicula, trunculus, :

dation, root, authority, fundamcntuni, radix, auc-

stipula; caulis vel truncus. Vide Bun. pi. Bunan ;
toritas.LUi. App. 2. Dependence fulcnnn, fi- :
which ordinarily means com stubble \ei\ in the
ducia. C. S. " Fear bunuchair." C. S. A foun- ground. Hebrid.
der, who lays a foundation qui fundamina jacit. :
BuNANTA, -AisTE, (Bun), Stout, strong, stea-

BuNACHAS Ì -AIS, s. Til. (Buu). 1. FoumlatioH,

dy, steadfast, well rooted fortis, validus. C. S. :

BuNACiiAlNNTE, j root, principle fundamen, origo, :

Bunasach, -aiche, atij. (Bun), Firm, solid, steady,
principium. S/i. et O'N. 2. Etymology : etymo- well founded, authentic firmus, solidus, validus. :

logia. S/i. et " Foclair bunachais." An ety-

O'R. C.S.
mological dictionary lexicon etyraologicum. :
BuNCHAiLLEACH, -EICH, S.f. An old womao : ve-

BuNADii, -AIDH, *. m. 1. Origin, root, foundation :

tula. OR.
origo, stirps, fundainentum. " Aig am bheil am BuNCHAR, -AIR, -AN. Stii. Par. vii. 4. Vide Bun-
butiadh anns an duslach." /06. iv. 19. \\lio have achar.
their foundation in the dust. Quibus in pulvere BuN-CHiALL, -BILL, S.f. (Bun, et Ciall), A moral
est fundaraentum suum. 2. A habitation : dorai- epithyniium. O^R.
cilium. • Bun-chis, s.f. (Bun, et Cis), Chief rent, tribute
paid to tlie monarch : vectigal prsecipuum, rcgi sudden rush, or precipitate movement irruptio su- :

persolvi solitum. Sfi. et O'jR. bitanea, rcpentinus motus. " Thainig e steach 'fia
• Bun-chisichc, -can, *. m. pensioner A : mercc- bhunnsaich." S. C
He came in slap dash, he
nariu», emeritus, miles qui publicà pccunià, bounced in. Subito ingressus est.
quotannis alitur. Sh. BuNNsAiDH, -E, adj. Firm, solid, strong : firmus, so-
BuN'-c'iiLis, -E, -EAN, s.f. (Bun, ct Cùis), A first lidus, strenuus, validus. Macf. V.
cause prima causa. OR.
: BuNNTAM, -AIM, S.f. Solidity, sedateness : firmitu-
BUN-CIIUISLEACH, -EICH, -EAN, S.f. (Bun, et Cuislc), do, animi tranquillitas. C. S.
A foot stalk : truncus, stirps inia. Voc. 69. BuNNTAMACH, -AICHE, odj. (BuDDtam), Shrcwd,
BuN-DUBH, -uiBH, ,v. »i. (BuH, et Dubli), Tliat part sensible : sagax, acutus perspicax. C. S.
of any root, which is under ground, and comes up BuNNTAMAs, (Bunntam), Deep discern-
-Ais, s. »(.

by pulling portio ista cujusvis radicis, qua; in solo

: ment acre judicium. Macf. V.

est, et vellendo extrahi potest. C. S. 2. The BuN-os-cioNN, re/ -CEANN, arfi". Upside down: inver-
lowest tier of sheaves in a corn stack : inia series so ordine. " A thilg Pharaoh agus 'armailt bun os
fasciura ex frumenti cumulo. C. S. cioiui anns a' mhuir ruaidh." Salm. cxxxvi. 15.
• Bundun, s. m. 1. A foundation: fundamen. \Vlio overthrew Pharaoh and his host in the Red
Z,lh. 2. The fundament podex. S/i. 3. : A sea. Qui excussit Parhonem et copias illius in
blunder : sphalnia. S/i. et O'li. mari rubro.
- Bundunach, -aiche, adj. Ungainly, ineptus, mi- BuNTÀTA, *. m. ind. A
potato, potatoes : solanum
nus aptus. Sh. et O'H. tuberosum, battata. Macf. V. " Bun taghta."
BuN-FEAMAiN, Ì s m. (Bun, et Feaman), A tail Macinty. i. e. Choice root radix eximia. " Bun- :

BuN-FEANN, Cauda, radix caudae. J

tata tàchair, " Potatoes left or neglected in the
" Ma bhriseas bun-feann, ground during winter. Battata forte relicta in
" Bidli fios aig do mheall, terra, et ibi per totam hiemeni manentia, quasi di-
" Co dliorchuich an toll." Prov. cas battata sylvestria. Vide Tàchar.
If the tail break, your head shall know, what has BuNTUlNN. Macf. V. Vide Buintinn.
darkened the hole. Si rumpatur cauda, sciet tuum » Bunudhasach, adj. Llh. Vide Bunasach.
caput, quid est ille qui obduxerat foramen. Vide • Bur, s. m. 1. A
swelling of anger irae intu- :

Hogg's Tales, p. 194. for the origin of this proverb. mescentia. Sh. 2. sot : insipiens. O'R. A
BuN-FEÒiR, s. m. (Bun, et Feur), Orts, hay stubble : Vide Burraidh.
radices fceni falce demessi. Voc. 96. • Unr, pro7i. poss. Llh. Vide Bhur.
BuN-FHÀTH, -A, s. /H. (Bun, Ct Fàth), primary A BÙRACH, -AICH, s. m. Searching, or turning up of
cause causa princeps. C. S.
: the earth actio rimandi terram manibus, vel ligo-

BuN-LUCHD, pi. (Bun, et Luchd), Original inhabi- ne. Macf. V. Scot. Bourie. Jam.
tants: aborigines. S/i. et O'R. » Burach, s. m. 1. A
swelling : tumor, tuber. Sh.
BuK-MHÀs, -Àis, s. m. (Bun, et Mas), A buttock et OR. 2. A
sore : ulcus. Sh. et 3. OR
clunis. Macf. V. Afile of soldiers : ordo transversus militum.

BuN-MHÀSACH, -AICHE, odj. (BuH-mhas), Having Llh. 4. Exploits : res gestae. O'B. et Sh.
large buttocks magnos habens clunes. C. S. : BÙRAICH, -iDH, BH-, V. a. 1. Dig lightly, irregu-
• Bunn, s. m. Work opus. O'li. et O'H. : larly fode tenuiter, sine arte.
: " Hùraichidh e le
BuNNAN, -AiN, s. m. 1. A bittern ardea stellaris. : 'chois anns a' ghleann." lab. xxxix. 21. He (the
Llh. 2. A
creeping black beetle niger reptans : horse) paweth in the valley. Fodit cum pede in
scarabaeus. MSS. valli. 2. Search through perscruta, exquire, ex- :

BuNNDAisT, -E, s. m. (BuH, et Duals). A fee, wages, plora. as.

bounty merces, stipendium. C. S. 2. {Scot.) A
: BÙRAICH, -EAN, s. uti. (Bùraich, i'.)
-E, hoe, mat- A
grassum pecunia quam praedii conductor, domino
: tock occa, marra. Voc. 95.

quasi munere donat. C. S. 3. A weaver's fee, paid • Burba, Llh. Vide Buirbe.
in kind: merces textorii, quae aliquo cibi genere sol- BuR-BHUACHAiLL, -E, -EAN, *. ill. The Horthem
vi consuerat. N. H. 4. Perquisites lucellum ex : diver : colymbus glacialis. Stat. Ace.
munere aliquo prater pensionem annuam prove- BÙRD, Bhurda, s. m. Vide Burt.
niens. Sh. Pers. ^^^Jju bundege, servitudo.
• Bùrdan, s. m. 1 A humming noise susurrus.
. :

Sh. Vide Dijrdan. 2. A gibe, witticism

BuNNLUM, -uiM, s. in. Steadiness, solidity, self-com- dicterium. Voc. 35.
mand stabilitas, firraitas, soliditas, sui ipsius mo-
« Burg, s. m. A village vicus, : villa. O'S.
deramen. MSS. BuRGAiD, -E, -EAN, Or -IN, s. /. A purge, a dose of
BuNNLUMACH, -AICHE, odj. (Bunnluffl), Solid, stea-
physic medicamentum catharticum. Voc. 27.

dy, self-commanding stabilis, solidus, sui potens. :

BuRGAiDicH, -IDH, BH-, v.u. Ct «. (Burgaid), PuTgc:
as. alvum medicamento purga. C. S.
'Bunnòs, s. m. (Bun, et Nòs), An old custom :
• Burgaire, s. in. Llh. Vide Bùirdeiseach.
vetus mos. Sh. et O'R.
BuRMAiD, \ s. f. Wormwood : absynthium.
Bu>fNSACH, ) -AICH, -AIG, -AN, S. f. A rod, tWl'g, BuRMAiLL, -E, J Voc. 62.
osier : virga, vimen. Voc. 69. 2. A BURN, BÙIRN, s. m. Water aqua. :
" A Charuiikii, a C'haniiiin nan snith, passion : labellorum pniruiio pro iracuiulia, tio.
" C uiin" a (.'hithfam am I'uil do l>hurn." luailu). C. .v. 3. A kiss oseulum. Sh. H'ti. :

Ciom/i. 3i. Bus, the lip. GrrtH. Bue>, usculum. Span. Boca.
O Carron, Curron of streams, whcrefort- bi-liolil 1 Itiinj. .\boa. Atu/I. Buss. Fr. Baine. Hence
thy watt-rs blooilv ? O
Carroii, (.'urruii Hiu-ntoruin,
PÙMidli, or Pòsadli, marriage. Pert,
quart' vuliH) in sanfjuini- liiuui rtunien f Ni-mt j^j put, the
" lip, niuutJi
pro|H'rlv iis«h1 tor ruin, or niin walt-r. an
liiini :
^j^yi but, a kiss.
uillt," ftivfr water: «qua (bntis vtl rivi. " I'Uy an • Bus, r. Shall be ero, -is, -it. JJ/i. :

•dhair," Uain water : aqua c-wlestis. Scot. Burn. Bl'SACH, -AuiiE, atlj. (Bus, 1.) 'lliick-lipped, snout-
Jam. ed, sullen labiosus, rustratus, murusus, tor\'U«.

• Burr, adj. (ìreat : niagnus. S/i. et O'/?. Mucf. y.

Bl'KHAlDll, /j/. Hi HIIAIUIINKAN, *'. til. 1. A fool, a Bl'sau, -aig, -ak, s.f. 1. A slap on the mouth, or
blockheail ^tultU!$, liebes. Miuf. I'.
: '2. A surly, cheek alapa in ore vel gcna. I or. 25. 2. A kis«

morose tcllow homo pcrvicax, auslerus.

: A'. H. oseulum. A\ H. Arab. '»'--•
• butak, spittle.
Pers. iSjJ burrr, in a state of uncultivuted nature.
Peri. S-^yi buseh, a little kiss.
Chald. ~\\'^ our, fatuus, stultus. Jliml. Bhurisht. Bis-DCBii, -LiBii, *. HI. (Bus, et Dubli). 1. A surly
Aiufl. Boor. aspect torvus vullus. C. S.
: 2. Ill fate : malum
BuKRAiDiiSEACiiD, «. /. I'olly, Stupidity, surliness: fatum. JISS. 3. dog's name : melanchilos, A
stultitia, hebetudo, austeritas. C.S. canis nomen. /J/i.
Bvtin.KiL, -E, adj. Stupid, beastly : fatuus, belluinus. • Busg, -aidli, bh-, r. a. 1. Dress : onia. SA. 2.
C.S. Stop, hinder : siste, impedi. S/i.
BuRRAL, -AIL, -AN, «. m. howl, roar, a mournful A BusGADH, -AIDH, s. III. A head dress : capitis orna-
and violent cry, or yell : ululatus, ejulatio, clamor nientum. S/i. et OB. Scot. Busk ye, busk \ e.
cum fletu houiinis imbelle furentis, vel canis. boimy bride. Fr. Busc.
" Chualas le glinn a bhurral." S. D. 207. BusGAiD, -E, -EAN,*./. A bustle: strepitus. Voc. 113.
Tlie vtUlies heard his howl. Audita est a vallibus BusGAisNicH, -IDH, BH-, t'. o. BuckJe Up: indue,
ejus ejulatio. succinge. C. S.
Bt'HR ALAiCH, s.f. hid. (Burral), 1. A loud, brutal cry- Bus-iALL, -EiLLE, -AN, *./. (Bus, s. ct lall), A muz-
ing, that provokes anger, contempt, or laughter :
zle : capistrum. Sh. et O'H.
clamor belluinus huminis inter tletuni rugientis. BusTAiL, \ s.f. ind. A puffing, blowing; strife, dis-

Macf. V. 2. A dog's howl canis ululatio. C. S. :

Blstuil, j cord : anlielatio, actio inilandi, vehe-
BuRRAs, -Ais, s.
f. A cateqjillur : volvox, eruca, nienter spiranili ; lis, discordia. X. H.
bruchus. " Tliug e an toradli do 'n lliurras." • Bùta, s. m. \. A butt, mark, object : res ob-
Salin. Ixxviii. 46. He gave their increase unto the jecta, meta. Bibl. Gloss. 2. A short ridge :

caterpillar. Dedit proventuni eoruni brucho. breve dorsum. Hebrid. 3. A tun doli-
terrae :

Burr'caid, -e, -ean, 4\ 111. (Burr, adj.) A clumsy, um 252

congioruni capax. Sh. 4. clown, i A
lumpish fellow homo crassus, et inconcinnus. Sh.
morose passionate fellow homo agrestis, in :

Burr'caideach, -eiche, adj. (Burr'caid), Clownish: iram proclivis, aditu difficilis. MSS.
agrestis, inurbanus. C. S. BuTADH, -aidh, -ban, *. 111. quick tum, a push, A
Burr'ghlas, -ais, «.
f. A torrent of brutal rage : a blow conversio repentina, impetus, ictus. Pro-

irse belluiua- impetus. MSS. vin. Ital. Botto. Germ. Bott, «. et Batten ; cae-
Burr'ghlasacii, adj. Brutally, passionate : bellui- dere. Aiiyl. bout. A
nus, irae interaperans. C. S. BuTAG, -AIG, -AN, Morf. V. Vide Putag.
Burr'sgadii, -aidh,, «. nu A burst of passion: • Butais, -ein, s.f. Sh. Wàe Bòtuinn.
impetus inc. Ital. Burrasca, a storm. • Butar, s. m. Butter butjTum. Provin. Bely. :

Bcrr'sgaireachd, s. f. iiid. Brutality : feritas. Boter. Gerni. Butter. Gr. Bxtvjoi. Plinius
/to/. Burrascoso, stormy. credidit butjTum esse a B«;, vac-ca, et Tcfc;,
BÙRT, -ÙIRT, s. m. Mockery, ridicule: ludilicatio, coagulum. Gad. Bo. et Teàrr. Vide jm.'
irrisio. C. S. BuTARRAis, f. ind.*. Confusion, heterogeneous
BuRURUs, -uis, *. »1. Infant lisping, a warbling or mixture : confusio, commixtio heterogenea. " Tlia
purling noise : infautuli balbuties, strepitus rivuli, 'n saoghal 'na bhutarrais." Oran. The world is
aut avium canentium. 3Ja(f. V. deranged. Conturbatur orbis terrarum. 2. Filth,
Bururlsach, -aiche, adj. (Bururus), Lisping as nastiness : sordes, spurcities, C. S. " Bùtarrais."'
an infant, purling, warbling balbuticns, (infautu- : A''. H. Wei. Buddràad, defilement ; Budraiz, adj.
li) strepens, susurrus. C. S. dirty.
Bus, ffeii. Buis, pi. Busan, *. hi. 1. A mouth, BlTH, -a, pi. BÙITHEAN, BÙTIIAN, vel -ANNAN, «.
snout : OS, rostrum. III. 1. tent A
tabemaculum, tentorium. " : Am
" Mu
'n teid 'ur busan a cheangal." biuhaibh." Gen. iv. 20. In tents : in tcntorriis.
Seem. 423. " Bùth-cogaidh," camp tent tabemaculum A :

Lest your mouths be muzzled. Ne ora vestra con- castrense. 2. A

shop: officina. Marf. V. • Biith
stringantur. 2. A pouting of the lips in anger, or slieangan. " N. H. An ant-hill : caverna fonni-
cosa. Scot. Botlic, Buitlie, Bothie. Jam. Wei. BuTHAiNNicir, -iDH, BH-, V. a. Thump, thrash,
Bwtli, a hut, booth, cottage. Germ. Bau, Bawer. bang fuste, vel pugnis
: Cicde, verbera, sugilla.
Isl. Bun. Gr. iiu^m. Angl. Bower, Booth. Hence C. S.
pcrliaps tlie Engl. Boor, rusticus quasi " Buth- ; BvTHAL, AIL, s.m. S/i. Vide Bùlas. " Buthal ràimh,"
tlicar." Germ. Bauer. Cliald. et Syr. JT)3 butk, Fulcrum of" an oar, a tholc-pin remi fulcrum, scal- :

pernoctare. mus. S/i. ct 0'2i.

BuTHAiNNEACHADH, -AiDH, s. HI. et pres. part. v. BuTiiuiNN, s.f. ind. Long straw used for thatch : longa
Butliaionich. A thumping, tlirasliing : sugillatio. stipula, apta tegendo Eedium culmina. Pravin.
BÙTUA1S, s.f. ind. Vide Butarrais.

Cc, THE third letter of the Gaelic alphabet CÀBA, -ACHAN, s. m.
vel 1.-ANNAN,
Cap, cover- A
9 Irish, Si, c, named Coll, i. e. " Calltuinn," The ing of the head pileus, capitis operimentum. Sh.

hazel-tree: corylus. 2. A cloak pallium. Llh. : Wei. Cob, booth,

C, for Co, Ce, Cia, or Ciod ? pron. What ? quis ? tent. B. Bret. Cob, Cap, Cabell Cab, in Corn- ;

quae ? quid? " C" ainm a th' ort?" What is your wall, i. e. " Càb'," or " Càpa beinne," Mountain
name? Quid est tibi nomen ? "(7àite?" Wliere? summus nions,
top : Hebr. y^D kaba.
Ubi ? for " Cia ainm ?" " Cia àite ?" or " Ciod an Cabach, -aiche, adj. (Cab, s.) 1. Hacked, irregu-
t àite? " C fhada," i. e. " Cia fhada ?" How long? larly cut, indented, abounding in gaps caesus, :

Quamdiu ? Span. Cada vez. Lan-am. passim superficie secatus, fissuris, vel incisionibus
Ca, adv. for C àite ? WTiere ? Ubi ? " Cà bheil more dentium plenus. 2. {Jig.) Toothless, or

thu ?•' C. S. Where art thou ? Ubi es ? " Ca wanting the frontal teeth dentibus, potius fronta- :

bheil do chaoimhneas gràidh ?" Salm. Ixxxix. 49. libus carens. 3. s. f. vidg. A toothless old wo-
metr. WTiere is thy loving kindness ? Ubi est be- man : " Cabach an drann-
anus dentibus carens.
nignitas (amoris) tua ? " Ca bhuineadh dhiut ?" dain," A
peevish old woman : anus morosa. 4.
Salm.X.lQ.metr. Wliat is it to thee ? why shouldst Babbling, talkative garrulus, loquax. Llh. :

thou ? Quid tibi ? (lit.) unde pertineret tibi ? • Cabach, s. m. A

hostage : obses. Sh. O'R. et
* Ca, Ì *. m. A house : domus. Sh. et Llh. Wei. OB.
* Cai,
Ca, a keeping, or hold. Cabadh, -aidh, s. m. ei pres. part. v. Cab. 1. The
* Ca'ab, s. m. Concord in singing concentus, : act of hacking, cutting irregularlj', indenting, dig-
harmonia. Sli. ging actio more dentium secandi, fodendi, terram

Cab, -caib, s. m. 1. A gap, indentation hiatus, :

comminuendi. 3Iacf. V. 2. (Cab, s.), Opening

fissura, dentium more incisio. C. S. 2. The mouth and shutting of the mouth, gaping, gasping for
(in derision) : os, -oris. " Druid do chab." S- C breath actio aperiendi et claudendi oris vicissim

Shut thy mouth : claude os tuum. 3. A head (ut piscium in aqua nantium vel in littore morien-
caput. Sh. 4. The bit of a bridle : capistrum, lu- tum. C. S.
patum. Llh. Hebr. 3p kab, mensura frumentaria. CÀBAG, -AIG, -AN, s. f. checse caseus. A
" Mar :

chlach an ionad càbaig." Macinty. 28. As a stone

Arab. <—->!-' haab, devouring meat. in place of a cheese. Ut lapis in loco casei. Scot.
Cab, -aidh, ch-, v. a. (Cab, s.) 1. Indent, cut ir- Kebbock. Hebr. X3p kapa, coagulatum est.
regularly, hack : incide more dentium, caede. Cabag, -aig, -an, s.f. (Cab, s.) 1. Any blunted, or
Macf. V. toothless instrument : instrumentum quodvis in-
" Chaidli an sleaghan fada liomhaidh, cisionibus more dentium abundans, vel dentibus
" A chabadh 's a ghniomh bu ghàbhaidh." carens. C. S. 2. indg. A
toothless woman mulier :

S. D. 208. dentibus carens. C. S. 3. drab, quean : mu- A

Their long polished spears were hacked in the pe- lier sordida, meretrix. Llh.
rilous strife. Hasta; longse politasque eorum ca;s8e Cabaich, -IDH, CH-, V. a. (Cab, «.), Indent, make
sunt in re qua; erat periculosa. 2. Dig fode. : blunt incide, retunde. Macf. V.

" Cabadh an òtraich." C. S. Digging the dung- • Cabaig, «. /. pillory A

columbar, numella. :

liill. Fodiens sterquilinium. MSS.

• Cuballe,
f. A tìett, na\7 : clMtù, navigia.
«. Cabhaih. CAiBHHt, t. /. m. vi. IS. Ed. 1807.
Sh. >'ide Cabhiach.
el \ idc Cobluiir.

Cabaikk, -kak, t. m. (Cab, ». et Fear), A bubbU-r: Cabhaih, Caibiihidh, ch-, r. a. Vide Cobhair, r.
{larro, blateru. Uk. • Cabha», «. m. A tield, pkiu : ager, campus.

Cabaikkachd, t. f. ind. (Cubairt), A |)rattliii{;, Uh.

babbling : garruLtas, verboruiu int-ptia-. Lth. it Cabiianach, -aich, t.f. Id. q. Camliauach.
Mtuf. V.
• CubhannJiail, *./. 'Hie prop, or »uy of a build-
Cabaist, cabbape, or cabbage plant
-e, ». TO. A ing u-diuiu fulcrum, pure cui dumus iwutitur.

bra«sica capitata. \ or Atu/t. C S. Tlie wind beam. IJh. \ iJi- Sail.

Cabaisteach, -eiche, adj. (Cabaist), Abounding • Cabhar, s. f. 1. \ gout : lupra. OR. Vide
in cabbage ; caulibus hortulanis abunduiis. A. Gubhar. 2. A Imwk : accipiter. O^R. S.

MD. Any old bird : avis aimosa qutelibet. Sh. et

Cabaistich, -idii, CH-, f. a. (Cabaist), Mash as OR.
cabbage : coiuniinue. C. S. • Cubhara, *./. Ult. Vide Cathblmrr.
Cabhahtacii, -Aitii, t.f. Vide Cobliartach.
CÀBALL, -AILL, -LAN, or-LAICHEAN, *. »». A Cablc :

Helpful, asbisting :
Cabhabthacii, -aiche, adj.
funis. Arab. 3-ajì hebl, a rope, cord. H^. 7l0 auxilians, supjKtias adlerens. Wàc Cobliartlmch.
cabal, constrinxit. Cabiilach, -akii, s. m. A Heet claisis navium. :

• Caboll, «. in. A young droiucdary : dromas. '•

Cabhluch Tharsais." Sidm. xvliii. 7. The tlcei
Marf. V. of Tarshish. Classis, vel naves Tarsi.
• C-aban, -ain, -an, «. w. 1. tent, booth ten- A :
• Cabhog, -oig, -an, «./. 1. A jackdaw : mone-
torium, tuguriuni. O'B. ct Sh. Wtl. Caban. dula. Uh. 2. A ransacking, plundering : ac-

Fr. Cabane. 'i. A cottager tugurii incola.

populandi, deripiendi, pnedaudi. Sh. et

Sh. et OR. 3. .\ capon: capo. LUi. Vide OR. \ide Cadliag.

Cabon. ?fV/. Caban. Htbr. C/iald. Syr. ct Cabhra, Cabhuach, 1. <7«i. of Cabhair, vel Cobliair,
Arab. Cubba, a booth. q. vide. 2. adj. Auxiliary : auxiliarius, opifer. Sh.

Cabab, -air, Caibkichean, s. 711. 1. A pole, stake, • Cabhrach, s. m. An auxiliary : opil'er. OR.
" Cabar Cabhraich, -idii, CH-, f. a. (Cabhair), 1. Help,
raAer sudes, stipes, assula. Mucf. V.

pannier's rib " Cabar
corbis costa. succour auxiliare, succurre. O' R. 2. Conspire :
clèibh." :

buaile." .\ fold stake stipes in bourn septo. " Ca- :

conjura. PluiJi." Cabhraighira. Uh. "

bar oisinn." C. S. 'Hie corner beam or rafler of a CÀBHRLICH, -E, «./. (Càth, et Bruich), Flummery.
house xdium trabs angularis. •• Cabnr fraighe.
Scot. Sowens : pulmentum liquidum ex crassamiue
C. S. The eave beam : suggrundioruiu trabs. 'i.
tenuiore farina-, coufectum. I've. 22.
Astag horn, or antler : cer\i cornu. " Cabar Cabhsaib, -e, -ean, X. m. causeway: pavimen- A
fèidlj. C. S.
Wei. Cebir ; a rafter. Scot. Cabir tum, via strata, ioc. 53.
" Ge d' robh miltean dol thairis,
a lath. Pers.jy^3 kabur, a beam projecting from " Cha dean iad aile 'sa chab/isair."
a building. Dug. Bucftan.
• Cabar, s. m. A joint confederacy : conjuncto- Tliough thousands pass over, they will not mark
rum fcedus. O'lt. the pavement. Quanquam millia transeunt non
Cabaracii, -aiche, adj. Vide Cabrach. faciunt vestigium (pedis) in pavimento.
• Cabartha, adj. Coupled copulatus. U/i. : Cabhsaireach, -eiche, adj. (Cabhsair), Full of
C.abasdair, \^ -E.\N, «. m. (Cab, s. et Stiùir), A sort causeways, or pavements : plenus stratis viis aut
Cabasdar, J of curb: retinaculum fhcni quoddam. pavimentis. C. S.
C. S. ìFel. Cebystr. Arm. Cabestr. Sjxin. Ca- Cabhsairiche,, «. m. (Cabhsair), A paver,
bestros. Lat. Capistrum. Basq. Cabrestua. maker of causeways qui vias sternit, pavimento- :

Cab-duel'dach, -aich, s.
f. (Cab, s. et Deudach), torum structor. Voc. 52.
Broken teeth dentes Macinty. 60.
: fracti. Cabiitair, -e, -eas, s. m. An issue, drain in the
Cabhag, -aig, s. f. 1. Haste, hurry festinatio, : body fons, enema, fontanella.
: Voc. 25.
properantia. " Ithidh sibh e !e cabhaig." Ecs. xii. Cabhuil,-ean, gen. Caibhle, s.f. A conical, wicker
11. Ye shall eat it with haste. Coniedetis earn basket, for catching tish : quasillus piscatorius.
cum festinatione. 2. (Jig. ) Straits, difficulties Vide Caisil. B. Bret. Cavell ; basket, a hose net
angustiee rerum, egestas. " Tlia e 'ria chab/iaig." for fisliing. Htbr. K73 cala, clausit.
C. S. He is in straits. Ille est in angustiis re- • Cablachda, adj. (Cabhiach), Naval : navalis. Sh.
Htbr. T3n chajiliaz, festinavit.
rum. et OR.
Cabhagacii, -aiche, «^'. (Cabhag), 1 Hurried, in .
• Cablachdin, \ s. m. (Cabhiach), A mariner : nau-
haste festinans, properans. Maif. V.
: 2. Hasty, • Cablacan, j ta. Sh. et OR.
impatient : praeceps animi. " Thig gach neach a CÀBLAS, for CÀBUILL,^. of CÀBALL, q. vide.
ta cabhagach da rireadh gu dith." Gnàth. xxi. 5. CÀBLL1CH, -iDH, CH-, V. a. (Càball), Cable, bind
marg. Every one that is hasty will certainly come with cables : liga funibus navalibus. C. S.
into want. Quisque pra;ceps animi pro certo in Cabog, -gig, -an, ». m. or f. Vide Cabag.
egestatem venieu Gabon, -oiN, «. m. A capon: capo. I be. 74. Gem.
Vol. I. Y
Kapaun, Kapp-Iian. Simn. Capon. JDasq. Ca- usquom diceres caca». Edit. Amit, 1670, p.
poea. 168.
• Cabrn, s. /• A scpulclire : sepulchrum. 07?. CÀCH, Cakicn, proH. The rest, others : ctEtcri, reli-
qui. Macf. V. " Cach a cheile," is (perhaps im-
Arab. jjj> kd»; a sepulchre. Hebr. "13p scpc-
livit. properly) used for " Gach a cheile," Each other
Cabrach, -AicHE, a//^'. (Cabar, Full of poles,
*.) 1. mutuo, invicem. {lit.)Each his matdi.
stakes, or rafters : stipitibus plenus. C. S. 2.
Cachaiieith, -e, -EAN, s.f. (Cadlui, et CHath), A
Branchy, wearing antlers : ramosus, cervina cornua road-gate, a march or boundary gate janua itinerjs :

gerens. vulgo in agrorum confinium Umitìbus constituta.

" Thuit teis daimh chabrach nan cnoc." as.
S.D. 15.
' Cacliain, -uin, pret. v. Can. q. vide. MSS, et
The branchy stags of the hills foil by his (hand). 07?.
Ramosi cervi niontium ceciderunt ab illo. Scot.
• Càchan, s. tn. Profit, use; commodum, usus.
Cabroch, lean. Jam. Sh. et OR.
Cabrach, -aich, s. m. (Cabar, s.) A stag cervus. :
Cachdax, -ain, s. m. Vexation of mind, chagrin
" Chi mi cabrach mòr mu'n cliruaich." animi vexatio, molestia.
" Dearbh cha bhithinns' fuidh chachdan,
Fing. ii. 490.
I behold a large stag on the hill. Video cenaim " N
'm bu mheur de na chneatan bhiodh ann.
magnum m prominentia, Span. Cabritillo hoe- ;
R. D.
dus. Larram. TrulyI should not be vexed in mind, were it
• Cabradh, m. A coupling, or joining
s. actio :
(merely) a species of cold. Equidcm non essem
conjungendi, copulandi. Llh. sub animi vexatione si species gravedinis fuerit.
• Cabram, v. a. I join, unite, couple jungo, adu- ;
Cachlaidh,-e, -EAN, S.f. Mucf. V. Vide Cachaiieith.
no, copulo. Llh. Ca'chleith, -EAN, Vide Cachaiieith.S.f.
• Cabsanta, adj. Dry, snug : siccus, concinnus, • Caclit, s. f. 1. A
maid senant ancilla. Sh. et :

tutus. MSS. O'R. '

2. mundus. Sh. et OR.
The world :

Cabstar, \pl, -AN, et -EAN, s. m. A muzzle, a 3. A shout clamor. Sh. et O'R.

: 4. Confine-
Cabstair, J bit: capistrum, lupatum. ment in carcere detentio. .S7j. et 07?.
: 5.

" Cruaidh chabstar shoilleir nan srian." A

fasting jejunium. Llh. :

Fing. i. 373. Cacht, adv. Generally : generaliter. Sh. et O'R.

The hard, bright bits of the bridles. Dui-a lupata Cachtamhuil, adj. Servile aersilis. Llh.
- :

splendida fraenorum. Hebr. iJQp kepatz, clausit, Caclach, -aich, s. »i. Dirt, trash : sordes. C. S.
obturavit. Cacradh, -aiph, *. m, (Cac, et Radii), Cacophony
CABULL, -uiLL, «. m. Voc. 111. Vide Càball. cacophonia. Sh, i. e. Droch-fhuaim," " Fuaim

CÀBULLACH, -AiCHE, adj. (Cabull), Cabled funibus :

instructus. C. S. Cac-shiubhal, -ail, *. ?n, (Cac, et Siubhal), Diar-
Cac, -a, s. m. Excrement, ordure merda, fimus, ex- :
rhaea. C. S. Ital. Caciuola.
• Cacta, «. 7n. Hunger fames. Llh.
crementum. C. ^. Wei. Cach. B.Bref. Cac'h. Ital. :

- Cad, adv. How long since ? quamprideni ? Llh.

Caeca. Pers. uLi. khah, earth, dust. Lat. Caea-
tio, excretion of faeces. Fox's Med. Diet.
i. e. " C
fhad ?" vel " Cia fhada .'"

Cac, -aidh, ch-, v. a. et n. (Cac, s.) Go to stool

• Cad, s. m. fi-iend A
amicus. Sk. et O'R. Hebr. :

" Gun do chac an Gall 'na rtin chadah, exliilaravit.

caca, alvum exonera.
• Cad, pro». 3ISS. Vide Ciod.
bhriogais làirali ri 'Gràsan." Baron Siipair. Arm. • Cad, adj. Holy, high sanctus, altus. Sfi. et Vail. :

Cach. Ital. Cacare. Gr. Kay.y.aui, caco. Chald,

no cach, spuere. Arab. iU» had, quantity, length ;
(j<.jòi kuds.
Caca, adj. (Cac, s.) Dirty, foul, vile : cacatus, spur- sanctity.
cus, fcedus, vilis. C. S. S. Bret. Cacous. Span, 'Cadach, *./. (Cad), Friendship amicitia. Llh. :

Cacao. Basg. Caeaua. Fr. Coquin. Ital. Ca- •Cadachas, s. m. Atonement expiatio. Sh, et :

cacciono. Gr. Kaxoj. Arab. c_Jiliu:! i/haA, or 07?.

» Cadad, s. m. Suppression, or ellipsis of a letter :
ycachk, rotting. Pers. <__jU> hah, (potius kachk,
literae ellipsis vel suppressio. O'B. Sh, et O'R.
silly, foolish.
Sehr. Tip hadad, verticem inclinavit.
• Caca, s, m. A cake : placenta. Bihl. Gloss. Cadaph, -aidh, s. m. (Cath, et Datli), Tartan, kind
Cacach, -aiche, adj. (Cac, s.) Vide Cacail. of cloth pannus versicolor Scoto-Gaelorum.

« Cacadh, s. m. A yawl ; navicula, parva c3Tnba. " Cot' a' chadadh nam ball."
O'B. Madntjf. 142.
Cacail, -e, adj. (Cac, 5.) Dirty, shabby, stinking: A coat of the spotted tartan. Tunica panni versi-
spurcus, putidus, sordidus, fcedus. C, S. Ir, coloris macularum. More usually put for the kind
£,ACATbu]l. of tartan of which hose are made pannus ex quo :

' Cacan, «. m. dimin. of Cac. q. vide. Gr. Kaxxuv. efficiuntur tibialia virgata Gaelorum. Formerly,
Aristoph. " Kaxà» Ò' «!'' gx. (fitj; f^asai," Pri- steel, mail, greaves, defensive armour olim, cha- :
Ijbs, loricn, ocrwe fi irese. MSS. iVel. Cadaili, 3. A hide, skin : coriuni, pellit. LlA. et (/B.
a rag, or cIkui. yl/i»//. Cailcli», certain i lolli. .S'nrf. 4. ColeMOM : l)ra>»ica. Sh. \'ide Cùl.
C'uiUlij. (t'r. K«<i»i„ ec i>ur. Karr/>, u liihiic-t. • Cadliul, ml/. I'lur, beautilul : pukher, fo^tno(^u^.
/W-r. pTn thatUik, lirfuiiuii'tlit. Sh. et l/H.

Caduiiii, i, m. A lull, hap, chaiice : ca»ui>, sots. Caoiian, -ain, «. tM. A wild goose, or barnacle : chc-
LIA. nalopix. .Miirj. r. It f'.,S. \'ide Catlmn.
Cadal, -ail, ». «I. i. Sli'i'j) soiiinus. : • C'adlim, IT. 1)1. iTiendsliip, liunour, resjiect, pri-
Sèìnih ilu ckitdal an cùs nuu cilm." vilejje aniicitiu, honor, |H-iviUgiuni. IJ/i.

/V»<7. i. 1 00. • Cadluisach, <idj. (Cadlian), Kuiipi-ctful, honour-

Gentle (is) tliy sleep in the stony cuve. Lcuis tst able verecundus, honorandue. t/Jt.

tuus soninus in caviTna saxotoruni. • ("adal diilj;- • Cadhia, A. /. 1. A goat : capm. LtM. et O'B-
neadi," ( >>'. Tlu' piin^'cnt sense in a tori)lil linih
: 2. A gut intestinuin. O'H. : \'ide Caulan. 3.
pungendi sensus in artu tur)iiJo. IMr. yjn*hadal, I'at of the guts uitestinuruni adeps. .S7/. :

• Cudhia, adj. Kind, fair: benignus, pulcher. LIA.

cessavit, desiit, dcstitit. C'/uUiL ^Op katei, occi-
dena. Aiip/. CndiUc, to iic close. • Cadhlaclial, s. m. (Cadlila, et Uille), A gout-
Cadalacii, -A1C11E, <idj. (C'udal), Sleepy, drowsy: herd caprarius. Sh.

souinolentus. ^tuf. V. Cadii-1.111111, *. /«. The herb cudwort : gnaphaliuni.

• Cadal, -aidh, ch-, v. ri. S/i. \"h\c Caidil. S7,. et Llh.
Cadala.v, -ain, s. A nap soni-
m. dinÙH. of Cadul. : • Cadhnius, «. tii. Haughtiness : fastus. Sh. et O'/i.

nus brevis. C. S. Cadhmus, -lis, -an, s. hi. A mould lor casting bul-
• Cadall, s. m. (Cnth, ct Dall), A battle, confused lets matrix in «jua tiiiguntur piliB bellicffi. C. S.

tiglit praliuni, contusa pugnnntium acies. S/i.

: • Cadlius, -uis, Carx. Lit. \'ide Cadliati.
et UJi. Cad-llibii, s.f. Id. q. Cadh-luibli.
Cadaltach, -aicjie, at^. (Cadal). Voc. ISO. Id. - Cado, n. m. A blanket stragulum. Sh. :

q. Cadalacii. • Ciulos, -ois, n. m. Lawn: shidon, carbasus. I'oc.

CadaltAciid, ». /. iiid. (Cadaltach), Sleepiness : 137.

somnolentia. C. S. • Cadran, «. m. (i. e. Cànran), Contention : rixa;.
• Cadaiu, «. »«. 1. The fork of the hair sumnio- : Sh. et MSS.
runi criniuni fissurae. S/i. et O'N. "2. Ruin : •Cadraiinsa, ) lui/. (Cadran), Stubborn, obstinate:
ruina, exitium. Sh, et O'K. Hebr. TXCn'2 ce- Cadraiita, J contumax, pervicax. Llh.
dumah, as one ruined, or cut otf. Cafao, -aig, »•. f. Proiin. Vide Cabliag. Arab.
•Cadainach, «<//'. ((.'adaini). Ruinous: exitialis, ca- (__kiUl khafyk, trembling, palpitating.
ducus, ruiturus. O'B. et Sli. • Cagaidli, m//. Just, lawful
Justus, legitimus. Llh. :

Cad AN, -ain, «. /«. 1. Cotton xylinum. Sh. et :

•Cagailt, s.f. Proht, advantage commodum. Llh. :

O'R. 2. A
pledget : pamiiculus. .S'/(. et 07?. Cacailt, -e, -ean, s. f. hearth: focus, fbculus. A
• Cadarus, x. m. Contention contentio, rixa\ Llh. :
Macf. V. " Airgiod cagailte" Hearth money : pe-
' Cadarus, adv. (i. c. Ciod an turns) ? Whither ? cunia focularia. IW. 46.
wliicli way ? Quo ? qua ? .S7*. ct O'R. Cagainn, -idh, contr. Cagnaidh, ch-, v. a. Vide
' Cadas, -ais, *. m. Llh. Vide Cadan. 2. (Cad, «.)
Friendship : aniicitia. Llh. 3. Honour : ho-
Cagal, -ail, s. m. Vide Cogal.
nor. Sh. et O'E. 4. Bombast ampulla;. Llh. :
- Cagalt, s. m. Frugality frugalitas. Sh. Vide :

Wei. Cadas, stutf, or cloth of a particular kind.

Scot. Caddis. Fr. Cadas, scrapings of linen • Cagaltach, adj. Frugal : frugalis. Uh.
Cagab, -aik, -ean, s. m. 1. whisper, a secret su- A :
Cadath, «. nu Macf. V. Vide Cadadli. surrus, secretum. M(uf. V. " Trotliad, cagar." C.S.
Cadha, pi. -CHAN, s. m. angus- 1.A narrow pa£s :
Come, hark: pncbe aurem.
Hebr. "ipn chakar,
C. S. 2. A porch, or entry : vcstibulum,
2. A darhng: corculum, animulus.
transitus atrium. " Dorus a' chadlia." Hebrid. The ' Mo cliagar." C. S. IMy dear : mi animule.
inner door jaima interior.
: iVel. et Arm. Cae.
Scot. Cocher, to nurse. Aiigl. Cocker.
Arab, «i^ljf kahet, middle coiu-t of a house ; toL» Cagaraich, -e, s.f. Macf. V. Vide Cagarsaich.
ka-at, a court yard. Hebr. HKp haah, platea. Cacarak, -ain, s. m, little darling: animulus. A
• Cadliachas, m. (Cad, s.) Reconciliation, a se-

cond agreement reconciliatio, iterata amicitla.

Cagarsaich, -e, -ean, s.f. A suggesting, whisper-
ing : susurratio in aurem. C. S.
Bihl. Gloss.
Cadhag, -.\ig, -an, s. /. 1. A jack-daw, magpie :
• Caghaidli, *•./. A right, or privilege : jus. LMi.

^ Cadliag dliearg-cliasacJi."
Cagkadh, -aidh, ». m. et pres. part. v. Cagamn, vel
monedula, pica. C. S.
Caguinn. Chewing : manducatio.
C. S. The red-legged Jack-daw. Monedula ru- " 'G a chagnadh ann am beul." Salm. lxx>iii. 30.
bros habens pedes. 2. swingle-tree wedge A Chewing it in their mouth. Manducans euin in
cuneus in aratri projectorio. Proiin.
ore eorura.
• Cadhal, «. m. 1. A
bason pelvis. SL et 0'/?- :

Caguinn, Cagnuidh, ch-, v. a. Chew, grind with

2. A
rail sepimentuni, repagulum. Sh. et OIL
the teeth, champ manduca, mastica, mande. :

V 2
" An slabhruidh cagnuidh iad gu dian." • Càidlic, s.f. An atom, spot, point, particle of
Dug. Buchan. dust, dirt, blemish :atomus, corpuscukim, ma-
Tlieir chain tlicy will keenly grind. Eorum catc- cula, punctum, sordes, vitium. Bibl. Gloss. Sh.
nam niandent vehenienter. B. Bret. Chocat, Chod- et Llh. Vide Càilean.
zat, Chaghein, Chaoghein. Dutch. Caowen. Hind. • Càidheach, adj. (Cùidhe), Polluted: pollutus. Llh.
Cluibiia, to champ. Gilch. • Caidheachd, s. f. (Caidli, adj.) Chastity : cas-
' Cagunnach, -aich, «. in. (Caguinn, v.) A chew, tilas. Llh.

materials for chewing quodquod mandibula : • CaicUicamhuil, adj. (Caidh, adj. 1. et Amhuil),
exercet. MSS. Decent dccorus, deccns. Llh.

• Cai, s. f. 1. A way, road iter, via. Llh. 2. ;

» Caidhean, adj. Alone, solitary : solus, solitarius.
A house : domus. Sh. Sh. et OB.
• Caibdeil, s. m. Voc. 97. Vide Caibideil. Germ. • Caidhean, -ein, -an, s. in. 1. turtle dove A :

Capitel. turtur. Sh. 2. The leader of a flock of goats :

CaIBE, -EANNAN, -EACHAN, S. m. (Cab, V.) 1.

pi. caprarii gregis ductor. Sh. et OB.
The iron on any delving instrument ferrea pars :
* Caidhidhe, adj. Covered with a hide : corio
vel cuspis instrument! cujusvis agriculture. N. H. tectus. Llh.
2. A spade, mattock, or any sort of delving instru- • Caidliidhe,
s.f. The cover of a house tectum. :

ment ligo, marra, sarculum monticularum. Macf.

: Llh.
V. et C. S. Scot. Caib. Wei. Cabideol et Caib, • Caidhle, s.f. Finishing: actus finiendi. 6'^. et

mattock, or hoe. Arab. < . v^^ kebb, inverting,

• Caidhliche, s.
f. Thick fur : villus, densi villi.
tumbling on the ground.
Sh. et OB.
Caibeal, -eil, -an, s. m. (Cai, 2. et Beal, Belus), • Caidhlich, -idh, ch-, v. a. Finish fini. MSS.
A chapel, burying place sacellum, locus sepul- :
• Caidhlichte, part. Finished

finitus, absolutus.
2. A chaplain : minister a
cbrorum. Voc. 108.
Germ. Capelle. Span. Capilla.
Sh. et OB.
sacris. Provin.
• Caidhni, s.f. A virgin virgo. Sh. et O'B. :
Dan. Kapel. Lat. Capella, a chapel.
Caidil, -lidh, CH-, V. n. (Cadal, s.) Sleep: dormi.
Caibheis, s. f. ind. (Cab, s.) giggling, tittering, A " Nior chaidil do lamh re d' thaobh.
laughing actio cachinnandi, ridendi. Provin.

amicitia. Llh. Vide Fi7ig. i. 450.

• Caibhne, s.f. Friendship :

Thy hand slept not at thy side. Non dormivit tua

manus juxta tuum latus. " Caidieam," for " Cai-
Caibhre, gen. of Cabhair, or Cobhair, relief.
" 'Feitheamh do chaihhre" Salm. cxix. 81. Wait-
" Caidieam i' a thaobh fo 'n fheur." S. D. 69.
ing thy aid. Expectans opem tuam.
Let me sleep at his side under the sod. Dor-
Caibhreach, -eiche, adj. (Cabhair), Helpful, aid-
ing auxiliaris, opem ferens. C. S.
miam juxta latus ejus sub gramine. Arab. ^.Ai
Caibideil, -il, -ean, s.m. chapter: caput (libri). A hayil, sleeping ; Jj'li' katil, killing. Hebr. "pin
Wei. Cabideol. Germ. Capitel. Span. Capeza.
chadal, cessavit, quievit.
• Caibineid, s.f. cabinet scrinium. Voc. 88. A :

Caidir, -idh, vel -dridh, ch-, v. a. Cherish: fove.

Vox Angl.
• Caibinneachd, s.f. (Cab, s.) Prating : actio gar-
•' Olc ni 'n caidir thu." Sm. Salm. v. 4. Evil thou
riendi. Llh.
dost not cherish. Malum non foves tu. " Ni 'n
caidrean tu. Boss. Salm. ibid. Evidently connect-
» Caibne, s. m. A mouth os. Sh. et O'^.

» Caicmhe, A neck ornament collare, collis ed with the obsolete terms, " Cad," " Cadas,"
s.f. :
" Cadhas," q. vide.
ornamentum. Llh. et Sh.
- Caid, s.f. 1. A part, share pars, portio. : Sh. » Caidiol, s. m. A sun-dial : solarium. OB.
Vide Cuid. 2. A rock rupes. ÙB. et
: Sh. Caidreabh, s. m. Macf. Par. xxxvi. 6. Vide
3. A summit : jugum. Sh. et O'R. Arab. Caidreamh.
Caidreabhach, -aiche, adj. (Caidreabh). Vide
a prominent part of a mountain.
tX.iU> kaid,
• Caide, adv. 3ISS.
Ì. Vide C'àite? 'SMiere?
Caidreach, -ich, s. m. 1. companion comes. A :

MSS. 2. How far ? quam procul ? Llh. App. Salm. cxix. 63. tnarg. 2. A spouse sponsa. :

• Caideacha, s. m. spot, stain : macula. Vide A " Mo chaidreach." Dan. Shol. i. 15. marg. My
Cadadli. Sh. et OB. spouse mea sponsa.

• Caideal, s. m. A
pump : antlia, sentina. Sh. et Caidreach, -eiche, ì adj. (Caidreabh), 1. Fond,
OB. Caidreachail, -e, j affectionate, friendly, kind :

' Caidh, e<^'. 1. Chaste: castus. Llh. 2. Pure,

amans, fovens, amicus, benignus. " Caidreach ri
sincere : purus, sincerus. O'B. 3. Noble, ge- daoinibh anns gach dàimh." Seami. Friendly to
nerous : nobilis, generosus. 3ISS. Pers. is^s men in each relation (of life). Benignus hominibus
kai, an intrepid hero. in quoque statu. 2. Familiar, conversant famili- :

• Caidh,
s.f. Order, manner : ratio, mos. Llh, aris, versatus. Macf. V.
Caidh, j»ro«. Provin. Vide Cia. " Caidh e?" What Caidreadh, -eidh, Llh. et Sh. Vide Caidreamh.
is it ? Let me see. Quid est ? Sine ut videam. Caidreamh, -eimh, s. m. 1. Fellowship, tender-
ness, friend«hi|>, »ociut ulieclion : bOtiuliins, gratia diuu. " Cha 'n cail
eil <\ S. agam do
ex soilalilaU", beuigiii(at>, amii'ilia. JJh. Sh. i-i C I have no up|M-tite for foodappetentia noii : cibi
est inihi. Wet. Cael, to lind, to eiijo>. Lut. Qua-

i. N'iaiiitv, iii-uriiess, iiileriourM', iiuituul in-
tercourse: vii'iiiiu, |iro|iiiu|uitii!>, imiliui I'uiiiiiiuiii-
" All coimiiiii a tlilfuclul blii '111 <•/«»«/-
lis. (vide Cail, 1.)

bur, vires.
Uthr. et C/taltl.
Jltòr. Sp M,
i/uiil, ro-

tvtiiHA dlùtli." /)«//. liuchmi. 'I'lie society «out • Call, t. f. i. A speur
hasU. Lih. App. :'i.

to be in close intercourse with me. Societas (|ua.' A shield : hcutum. Sh. et OR. 3. A ward :

consueNÌt esse in niea vicinitule |)ro|)in(|uu. 8. custodia. IJh. 4. An usoeiubly : conveiitu»,

Discourse, conversation : collot|uiuni. /,///. catub. Sh. U'R. et .W.V.V. 5. Coniuieiidatioil
Caiuhiammacii, -aicii, «. tn. Vide Caidreuch, ». commendatio. .SVi. G. A name : iioineii. U'R.
Caidkkamiiai 11, -AiciiE, (ulj. (Cttldreaiuh). \'idc 7. The back terguin. : U'Jt.
Caidrvach, lulj. • Cail, prt-p. IJehiiul : p.mi-, a tergo. UJt.
• Cuiilreaniliach, s.f'. A company : societas. U/i. • Cailbhe, s.f. A mouth, orilice : o», OKiiuui. Sh.
Caiukuu, -luii, C11-, r. (/. \'ide C'aidir. et U'Ji.
• Caij;eal, Lay u|), or cover the
-aidli, cli-, r. <i. Cailbhe, -an, s. m. 1. A
partition wall: pariet
tire igneni ta\illis lege. AISS.
: intergerinus. " C'ailbhe-vaoW, -creadlia, -auW.MSS.
CaICEANN, ì^ -INV, -AN, ct Caignean, S.f. 1. A i. e. A wattle, clay, or lime ])artition paries inter- :

Caicions', \ couple, pair, bnice, (of animals only, gerinus ex viminibus, luto, calce, factus. -2. A
and when bound lo{;elher). 15ini, par, juguni, (ani- house wall from within : paries ab parte interiore
niahuni allij;aIoruni tantuni). .Maif. J', et C. S. sic ap])cllata.
2. A couple, kind of wooden machine used for tam- " Ma theid gràinne dhe n diuchaidh,
ing of wild goats, by binding them two and two " No ma bheir lucli <lo na chailò/ie,
vinculum quoddam ligneum quo binis alligantur " Mionnaichidli ise le h-ascaoin,
caprea^ sylvetres cum eas mansuefacere velit herus. " Gu "m bheil rud as dc cuid arbhar."
-V. H. 2. A group manipulus. " 'N an caig-
: R.V.
uibh." S. C
In groups nianipulatim. : If a grain of it a mouse carry
be wasted, or if
• Caigiouu, -aidh, ch-, r. a. ,S/i. \'ide Caignich. into the wall, she swears with harshness that some
• Caigne, i.f. A winnowing fan : vannus. LiJi. of her corn is missing. Si granum ejus consump-
Caigneaciiadh, I^
/jrw. part. v. -idii, ». »i. et tum fuerit, vcl si mus in parietem abduxerit, de-
Caigseadii, j Caignich. linking: connectio, A jerat ilia rum iniiuicitia, partem ex fruniento ipsius
conjunctio, actus vinculo binis alligandi. C. S. desiderari.
Caignean, pi. of Caigionn. q. vide. •CaiH)heach, atlj. Wide mouthed : os laxuin ha-
• Caigncin, «. m. ilim. of Caigne, q. vide. Ll/i. bens. Sh.
Caignich, -idh, ch-, v. a. (Caigionn, g.) Couple, •Cailbheachd, s.f Yawning : actus hiandi. .Sh.
bind together conjunge, alliga binis
: vinculo. • Cailbhearb, s. m. A
cow-herd amientarius. Lth. :

c.s. Cailc, -idh, C1I-, V. a. (Cailc, s.) Chalk, mark, as

Caignichean, />/. of Caigionn, q. vide. with chalk : cretà nota, describe. U'R. et C. S.
• Cail, -idh, ch-, v. a. et ii. Burn : arde. I «/A Cailc, -e, s.f. Chalk, lime: crcta, calx. Voc. òò.
Vide Gail, et Goil. C7iald. "^XD ca/. " Ruadh-chailc," " Cailc-ruadli." Red ochre : ru-
CÀIL, -E, -TEAN, S.f. (Co, ct Anihuii). 1. A quali- brica. 11(7. Calch. Scot. Cawk. Aiu/l. Sax.
ty, property : qualitas, natura sibi propria. Cealc. Allem. Calc, Kalch. Belg. KalJk. hi.
'S e fiiran, a thriath, thog mo lann, Kilk. Span. Cal. Ral. Calcina. Fr. Chaux.
maith gu 'm fairich do nainihdc a • Cailc,
s.f. A shield scutum. Uh.
'S cail." :

Oigh. Ttam. 65. Cailceach, -eiche, adj. (Cailc, *.) Chalky : creto-
It is (thy) welcome, chieftain that raised my sword, sus, cretaceus. C. S,
good it is, that thy enemies feel its quality. Est Cailceadh, -idh, s. m. et pns. part. v. Cailc.
gratulatio O princeps, quod elevavit meum gladi- Chalking, tJie act of describing, or marking out as
ura ; bonum est quod sentiant hostes tui ejus tem- with chalk actus creta notandi, describendi sicut

peraturam. 2. Condition status. O'B. Sh. et O'R. : creta. C. S.

3. Look, appearance : obtutus, species. Sh. et U'R. • Cailceamhuil, adj. MSS. Vide Cailceil.
•1. Constitution, disposition, strength, vigour cor- : Cailceanta, adj. (Cailc, «.) Hard durus. LUi.

poris liabitus, indoles, vires, vigor. Sh. et U'R. 5. Cailceil, -E, a<^". (Cailc, 5.) Hardy: induratus, la-
(poet.) Life: vita. boris patiens. C. S.
Fhuaras gun chàil an òg-bhean."
'• Cailceis, s. m. A
disorder in the eyes : oculorum
S. D. IG. morbus. U'R.
The maiden was found lifeless. Inventa est sine ' Cailcin, «. m. dim. of Cailc. A little shield : par-
vita virgo. 6. The voice vox. : mula. Uh.
" Chum molaidh gleusaibh binn bhur coil" Caile, -an, s. f. a quean, or slut, a vulgar girl :

Dug. liuchan. puella inurbana, sordida. " C<ji7«; dhubh Kain-

To praise tune your voice. In laudeni modularai- eich." Maciiity. 2. A harlot : meretrix. .Sh. et
ni canoram vocem vestram. 7. A])petite, desire, U'R. Angl. Callat, Shakesp. Ileiir. \l. Part ii.
a longing for food : cibi appetentia, aviditas, cupi- Act. i. Scene iii. Fr. Calin, a booby. HeOr. rh^
calah, niirus. ChaU. n^^H challa, publicum scor- * Càilidheas, s.
f. (Call), A disposition : indoles.
tum. Vail, in Voc OR. Vide Càilidheachd.
Caileacii, -eicii, s. m. Vide Coilcach. Cailin, -EAN, /. A girl, maid, nymph
,«. puella, :

CÀILEAC11D, -AN, s.f. (Cùil), NatuiT, quality, facul- virgo, nympha. A. M'U. Gloss. " Cailin na
ty, ciicrpy, ability : natura, qualitas, facultas, vires. buailc." Steio. 173. The maid of the fold a milk ;

31{irf. V. et C S. " CàilencMan na h-inntinn," maid lactaria. Sometimes joined, particularly by


The mental powers animi facultatcs. " Càil-

: the Irish, to a masculine, article, and adjective.
eachflan ar cruthachaidh." C. S. Our original con- Vide Boirionnach. Gr. KaXrj, a lovely woman
stitution : constitutio creationis nostrae. Cluild. ace. Ka}//,v.
7nD chahel, potens. * Cailindlia, ^j/. Calends : calendie. O'R. Vide
CÀILEADAIII, -K, -EAN, »•. m. (Càil, ct Fear), 1. A Calluinn.
pbilosopbti pliilosophus. MSS. 2.
: star-gazer, A Cailis, -EAN, s.f. A
chalice, sacramental cup : ca-
prognosticator tempestatum augur. MSS. i. c.
: lix, poculum sacrum. A. M'D. Gr. KaXu|. Arab.
An examiner of the (jualities of things, a philo- (jalUi hhalys, pure, unsullied, uncorrupted. Pu-
sopher ; preferable to Fealhanach, the common
tinsvox Lat.
term, which is a con-uption of the Gr. ^iXosixpo;.
Cailise, s.f. ind. Nine pins : novem metularum lu-
Pers. et Arab. ji^jXS kaleiidar, a Mahometan re- dus. Voc. 105.
cluse. Caill, -idh, CH-, Lose amit-
V. a. pres. part. Call. :

CÀILEADAIREACHD, Star gaz- te, perde. " Agus nach

an spreidh uile." caill sinn
s.f. ind. (Càileadair),
ing, prognostication of the weather, philosophy :
1 Riffh. xviii. 5. And that we lose
not all the cattle.
astrologia, tempestatum prtenotiones, philosoj)hia :
Ut non amittamus pecudes omnes. Wei. Coll.
Hehr. n70 calah, consumptus est, deficit.
and to its significations may be added, chemistry.
» Caill) -idh, ch-, v. a, 1. Name, call: appella, nomi-
Vide Càileadair.
A nn.O'R. Gr.KaXsu. 2. Emasculate: castra.Z?^.
Caileag, -eig, -an, s.f. dim. of Caile. little girl

puellula. 3Iacf. V. Id. q. Scot. Lassie ; and not

Caill'chail, -e, ad^'. Vide Cailleachail.
* Caill'chula, jd. of Caill'chail, adj. for Cailleach-
implying the reproachful idea attached to Caile.
Càileanihuil, -anta, adj. (Caile), Girlish puella-
ail.Old wife like, of old wives : anilis. " Sgeul-
achda caill'chula," Old wive's tales : aniles fa-
Sh. et O'R.
bula;. Zil/i.
CÀILEAN, -EIN, -EAN, s. w. husk, prickle, Seedling, A » Caille, s. A veil, or cowl : velum, cucullus.
a particle of straw siliqua, aculeus, semen exigu-
um, sti-aminis particula. " Dh' fjiuirich càilean 'na OR.
m' fliiacaill." Oran. A husk, or seedling has Cailleach, -iche, -'chan, for Cailleachan, s.f.
stuck in my tooth. Aculeus, vel semen exiguum 1. An old woman : vetula. Macf. V. 2. {Jig.) A
restitit indente meo.
coward, a tame, silly man : homo timidus, imbellis.

CÀILEANACH, -AicHE, adj. (Càilean), Husky, seedy: 3Iacf. V. 3. A

nun virgo vestalis, religioni de-

siliquosus, seminosus. O'R. et C. S.

vota, vel velo obducta. Sh. et O'R. Vide Caille.
» Càileas, -eis, ) s. m- (Càil), Lethargy : somno- Pers. aX^-^j kehlc, an old woman. Hebr. T\7^
• Càileasadh, ]' lentia, lethargus. Llh. Sh. et calach, torvus fuit ; TwP, chelach, senectus.
OR. Cailleach, -ich, s. /. The week in Spring, after
CÀILEIGIN, s. f. ind. (Càil, et Eigin), Something, a " GeaiTan," i. e. from April the 12th, to the 18th,
small matter : aliquod, res parva. Voc. 138. et inclusive dies ante idus AprUis, ad duodeci-

C. S. Vide Eigin. mum

ante Kalendas Maii inclusum. Provinc.
CaiLeil, -e, adj. (Caile), Effeminate, quean-like: Cailleachag, Caill'chag, -aig, -an, s.f. dim. of
effeminatus, more puelliE inurbanae. Macf. V. et Cailleach. A
little old woman : parva vetula. C. S.

as. Cailleachag-cheann-dubh, s.f. A

• Cailein, A scalding of the eyes : ophthalmia, o- cole-mouse, cole-hood : parus. Lightf.
culorum phlogosis. MSS. Cailleachas, -ais, s.f. Dotage : deliratio. Sh. et
Caileindeir, -e, -EAN, s. ill. A kalendar calenda- : O'B.
rium. Voc. 166. Vox Angl. More commonly, Cailleachas dubh, s.f. (Cailleach, 3. et Dubh, adj.)
Caladair, q. vide. A nunnery : mulierum ccetus religiosus. C. S.
• Cailg, s.
f A
sting, resentment : aculeus, ira. Cailleach-chosach, -aich, /. (Corra-chosag), «.

Bibl. Gloss. A
milhped millipes, insectum. Voc. 71.

• Cailg, -idh, ch-, v. a. Stick, prick : haere, punge. Cailleach-dhubh, s.f. (Cailleach, 3. etDubh, adj.)
Llh. A nun virgo e coetu religiose. Voc. 108. [Lit.)

« Cailgeamhuil, adj. Pungent : pungens, aculeatus. Black woman, PL " Caill'chean dubha."
Llh. Cailleach-oidhche, s. f. (Cailleach, et Oidhche),
« Càileireachd, s.f. Burning of the dead : mortuo- An owl : bubo. " Mar chailleach-cndhch' nam
rum combustio. Vail. beann." Sm. Salni. cii. 6. As the owl of the hills.
' OaiUdheach, A humourist : sannio. MSS. Ut bubo montium. " Caileach-oidhch'." Ross.
« Càilidlieachd, s.f. (Call), A
quality, qualifica- . Salm. ibid. " Coileach." Kirk. ibid.. PI. Caill-
tion, genius : qualitas, indoles. O'R. 'chean-oidliche. Vide Coileach.
Caillbacii spi'iso*. t.
(Ciiilleaih, ct S|K)ng(, ing, perj»le>uin{, UHliou», round «bput : implicaiur.
ToiKli-ttiKMl : ligimiu curiotuiu, igiu-ni I'aiili- lon- pirplexuo, iii\ulutus. ('. S.
ripiriu. Cut'. 4. Caimul ALAR lit, t.f.itul. Iudeci8i«n, awkofard de-
Caillkauh. -11)11, «. ««. (Caill, !'.>, Einttbculaiion lay : prorraiitinatio. C. S.
i'\ initio. Sh. Caime, iiul. \ J./. (Cam, tmlj.) CVootu->lne«i>, t»b-
CaillbAU, -kio, -am, *./. Vide Coilk'U);. Caimead, -eiu, J IU!>ene!>« of ei|{ht, bliiidneMof oui
Caillkaoach, -AlciiB, aiij. N'itlc C'uillfHiiaiJi. eye : ohlit|uilu<i, cur>ita«, oculi iliktortiu, alleru mu-
• CailtfU^o, s. til. Calico : |uuinub caiicutiuau.s, lo captus. Sh, tt C. Wtl, Ccjili. Artib, i^^-*»

vtfl Iiuticus. \ ox Ancfl. k/iemi, crookedness, cur\ature.

• Cuilli-ainliuiii, X. 111. Loss, damage : daniiiuiu,
Caimeacan, -AiN, -AN, »•. Ml. (Cam, adj.) A hump-
detrinu'iituiu. Ll/t. \'ide Call.
backed person : gibbus. .S7i. et C. .S".
• Cailleanihiiac'li, ailJ. Detective : defitiens. AISS. Caimein, -e, -eas, x. m. (Caime, «.>, A mole, a
\idi' I'aillteacli. small particle coqiusculum, atonius. MiUti. vii. 3.

CÀILLKAS, -KIN, -AN, .V. //(. Mutf. V. Vide Càileaii.

CAlLLEANACII, -AlCHK, <i</j. Alacf. V. Vide Càil- Caimeineach, -eiche, ad;. (Caimein). 1. Full ol
eauach. motes corjiusculis plenus. itacf.
: V. 2. Blemish-
• Cailliuj;, i.f. A loss : daninuni. Uh. ed maculatus. C. S.

Caillte, />iv/, ^xirt. r. Cuill. Lost: aiitissus, perditus • Cainihdean, s. m. A multitude : multitudo. Uh.
jiessuiu datus. •• Ach f;u ma (earr teibli dol a dh'ioiin- • Caiinheach, .«. «1. A protector |uitronug, defen- :

«uidh cliaorach eluiilltf tighe Isnieil." Mata. x. G. sor. Sh. et O'K. Potius Caomhach.
But rather go to the lost sheep of the house of Caimilbid, -e, s. f. Camlet, a kind of cloth, liard
Israel. SotI inalitis ire ad oves perdiias domus
worsted stuff: pannus laiieus durior. C. S. Arab.
Caillteach, -bichg, ? iX» ~i khiimkt, camelot.
atij. (Caillte), Losing, ruin-
ous, disiistrous : qui perdit, peniiciosus, exltialis. • Cuimis, -mse, s.f. A shirt, or shift : indusiuin, ca-
Maef\ V. misia. Uh. Sh. et O' B. Fr. Chemise. Arab.
C.\iLLTEANACn, -Aicii, eunuchus. *. w». A euHuch : (j«.<»V heiiiys, a shirt. Uh. et OB.
" Agus bithidh iad 'nan caillleaiuiich ann an lù-
Ca^mleik, -e, -eak, (Cam, adj.), A bent stick used
chalrt righ IMiàbiloin." Igài. xx.vix. 7. And they
by butchers fiistis intìexus laniorum. .S'A. ct O'R.

shall be eunuchs in the palace of the king uf Ua-

• Caimncach, a((/. Chaste castus. Sh. et AfSS. :
bylon. Et erunt illi aulici, i. e. eunuchi, in pala-
Vide Geamnuidh.
tio regis Bubvloniie.
• Caimfear, *. »1. A champion pugil, heros. Uh. :
Cailltearnach, s.f. Uh. Vide Coilltearnach. Uu. Compar.
Aiiffl. Compeer.
• Cailniliion, f. s. A light helmet galea levis.
• Caimse, ffen. of Caimis, q. vide.
Mien, small. Llh.
\"\Ae C'àil, «. et
Caimscag, s.f. A falsehood niendacium. Uh. :

Cailpeacii, -icH, -iciitAx, S.f. C. S. Vide Cal-

CAIN, -iDii, CH-, r. a. 1. Traduce, revile, satirize,
dispraise, lampoon, brawl, scold caluraniare, con- :
• Cailpig, * ;«. A mug, jug: poculum, figlinum.ZM. viciis proscinde, objurga, rixare. 3/acf. V. et C. S.

Cailte, s.f. Hardness durities. Uh. Vide Ca- :

2. Number, count : numera, computa. O'Coti.Ep.

Gelded castratus. Uh. App.
Cailte, adj. : 42. Araò. /^yj}^ hliaiu, a traitor, rebel.

• Cailtean. Sh. Vide Caillteanach. Cain, adj. 1. \Miite : canus, albus, candidus.
• Cailtin, t. m. MSS. Vide Calltuijin. " Ma a tuath a ghoireas an cu cam '& geàrr gu
• Cairn, s.f. (Cam, ae^.), A ftiult vitium, culpa. : has fir dheth 'mhuiiintir. Oraii. If the white dog "

07?. bark to the north, soon sliall one of liis pco|)le die :

Caimbell, -eoil, s. m. (Cain, adj. et BeuU. I. A wty si canis albus (canus) versus septentrionem latret,

mouth os distortum. C. S.
: 2. vuly. The name unus ex familià mox morietur. 2. Chaste, be-
Campbell (the origin of which appears to have
: loved castus, amatus. O'B. Wei. Cain. B. Bret.

been, not the peculiarity to which the etymology Cann, fair, beautilul.
in Gaelic would lead, but " de campo bello," CÀIK, -E, et CÀNACH, pi. CÀ1KICHEAX, et CÀIN-
which in its French form is retained in the English TEAN, *./. A rent, tribute, toll, fine vectigal, :

family name
Beauchamp)" " Campbell, nomen : tributuni, mulcta. Marf. V. Scot. Caiie, Kain.
potentis Gaelorum tribus (coirnominis hujus cau- ; Callage. Jam. Hebr. rUp kanah, acquisivit, pa-
sa non " Cam," et ' Beul," scd " de campo bello," ravit. " Canon." Solennes et antiqus pnestatio-
esse videtur, et par Gallicè habemus in cognomine nes. Bu Cange.
.A.nglorum familite " de Beauchamp." Cainb, -e, «. /. 1. Hemp; stuppa. Foe. 02. '4.
Caimbellach, -aich, «. m. A Campbell Canip- i Canvas pannus stuppeus. C. S. 3. A sackcloth

bellus. C.S. covering «orn by penitents vestimentum quod- :

Caimdeal, -eil, s. m. (Cam, afij. et Dàil), Prolixi- dara puenitentium. Prwiu. '• Cainb-niuaigheil."

ty, perplexity, tediousness : prolixitas, implicatio, Voc. 53,Shoemaker's thread colceariorum filum. :

labyrinthus. C. S. S, Bret. Cansb.

fr. Chan\Te. Spa». C'anamo.
Caimdealach, -AiCHE,adj. (Caimdeal), Long wind- Biuq. Calomua. Larram. Attgl. Canvas. Lat.
K^oaS'.-- Arab, u^' hanneb speech that proves, but action. Non sermo est
Cannabis. Gr.
quod probat sed factum. Lat. Cantus.
''~\ hi nib.
I, Cainnteacii, -EiciiE, adj. (Cainnt), Talkative, con-
Cain'chean, -ein, s. m. Down, moss crops : erio-
versable, comnmnicative loquax, colloquio dedi- :

plioroii polystacliion et vaginatum. Lightf. Id. q.

tus, habilis, vel aptus. Voc. 131.
Canath. Cainnteachd, s.f. ind. (Cainnteach). 1. Speaking,
• Càineach, s.f. (Cain, v.) satire, dispraise: sa- A loquacity garrulitas. : S. 2. Pronunciation C
tira, vituperatio. Sh. pronunciatio. Sh.
CÀIN'EADH, -IDH, s. tìì. ct prcs. part. V. Cain. 1. • Cainnteal, s. m. A
crowd, a lump : turba, massa.
A reviling, scolding, traducing actio conviciandi, :
Sh. et 3ISS.
nialedicendi, rixandi. C. S. 2. A satire, lampoon Cainntear, )^
-EiR, -AN, s. Tu. (Cainnt, et Fear).

satira, carmen maledicum. C. S. Arab. tivijUi Cainnt-fhear, J 1. An orator: orator. Macf. V.

kJiaini, treachery. 2. A babbler : blatero. Llh.
Caineal, -eil, s. m. Cinnamon: cinnamum. A. 3I'D. Cainntearachd, ) s. f. ind. (Caiimteireachd,
Gloss. Wei. Canil. Scot. Cannel. Jmn. Cainnt-fhearachd, J Cainntear), Oratory: ars
Cain-eisdeachd, s.f. hid. Act of listening : auscul- oratorica. C. S.
tatio. R.M-D. Caint, s.f. Sh. et MSS. Vide Cainnt.
' Caineog, s.f. 1. A mote : corpusculum. Vide CÀ1NTEIR, -E, -EAN, s. m. (Cain, V. et Fear), A re-
Cainneag. 2. A fartliing quadrans. Sh. et
proacher conviciator. B. B. et C. S.

MSS. 3. Barley and oats hordeum et ave- :

• Caintic, s.f. (Can, v.) song, canticle : hym- A
na. Sh. et MSS. 4. Muliebre pudendum. Sh. nus, canticum sacrum. Sh. Song of Solomon
et OR. so called. B. B. Span. Canciou.
• Cainfic, -idli, ch-, v. a. Llh. Vide Càinich. Caiptean, )^ -EIN, -EAN, s. »!. A Captain : centurio.
* Caingeal, s. m. ]. A
hurdle: rates. Llh. Vide Caipteix, J
Voc, 42. Vox Angl. Gen. xxxto.
Cliath. 2. A reason ratio. Sh.
: \ìàe Cain- 36. marg.
geann. Caiptineachd, s.f. ind. (Caiptein). i. e. " Ceannas-
Caingeann, -iosn, -an, s. m. 1. cause, rule A cheud," Captainship centurionis munus. :

causa, regula. Llh. Sh. et O'R. 2. fine, or A CÀIR, -E, s.f. 1. A red blaze: fulgor rutilus arden-
mulct mulcta. Hebrid. 3.
: compact, covenant A tis ignis. 3ISS. Hebr. il'Vl charah, exarsit. Chald.

pactum, foedus. Sh. et O'R. 4. supplication, A 'in charei, accendit. 2. Foam of the sea : maris
petition : supplicatio, petitio. Llh. Sh. et O'R. spuma. C. S. 3. A
gum gingiva. LIA. 4. : A
Caingis, s.f. ind. Whitsuntide, pentecost: pentecoste. grin : rictus. C. S. 5. An image imago. Llh. :

Voc. 10-1. " Caingis ghlan," AMiitsunday flit- A CÀIR, -IDH, CH-, V. a. S. D. 69. Vide Càirich. 2.
ting emigratio tempore Pentecostes.
: Usually Lay up asserva. C. S. 3. Send away : ablega.

supposed from Quinquagesima, but A'allancey re- O'R. Vide Cuir. 4. Endear : charum redde.
solves it into Cuing-aois, i. e. the season of the sa- OR. Vide Càirdich.
crifice moon. Cludd. Jjn chung, tripudiare. Hebr. • Cairb, -e, s.f. 1. A chariot: currus. i. e. Car-
3Jn chatig, saltatio, chorea. bad. Llh. Sh. et OR. 2. A plank : asser.

CÀINICH, -IDH, CH-, V. a. (Cain, «.), Impose a tri- OR. 3. A sliip : navis. Sh. et OR. 4. A
bute, tax, or fine mulcta. C. S. :
fusil : scloppetum. Sh. et O'R. Fr. Courb ;
* Cainneabhar, s. m. Dirt, filth sordes, ccenum. :
Sh. et OR. Cairb, -e, -ean, s.f The bent ridge of a girt sad-
Cainneag, -eig, -an, s.f. mote, a small matter A dle : cm-vatum clitellae dorsum. " Cairb Srath-
corpusculum. C. S. rach." C. S. %'ide Srathair.
Cainneal, -eil, Cainnlean, s.f. Vide Coinneal. • Cairbein, s. m. A
sail fish : nautilus. Sh. et O'R.

Cainnse, s. f. The face : %ailtus. Llh. Ir. Potius Cearban, q. vide.

S^'A\rmx\. Vide Gnùis. Cairbh, -e, -ean, s.f carcase: cadaver. A
" Ma
• Cainnsear, m, 1. cancer carcino- A bheanas neach ri ni sara bith neòghlan, ma's cairbh
1^ s. :

» Cainnseir, -seoir, j ma. Voc. 25. Vox Lat. 2. fiadh-bheathaich iieògliloin e, no cairbh spreidhe
(Cain, V.) A
scolder : homo rixosus. O'R. et neòghloin, no cairbh ni neòghloin a shnàigeas."
Sh. 3. A dagger : pugio, sica. Vide Cuinn- Leb/i. V. 2. If a person touch any unclean thing,

sear. whether it be the carcase of an unclean beast, or

» Cainnseireachd, -eoireachd, «. /. Scolding, i. e. a carcase of unclean cattle, or the carcase of an
Càin-fhearachd. Sh. et O'B. unclean creeping thing. Si quispiam tetigerit rem

Cainnt, -e, -ean, s. /. (Can, v.) Speech sermo. :

uUam immundam, aut cadaver ferae immundae, aut
" Agus bha 'n talamh uile dh' aon teangaidh, agus cadaver jumenti immundi, aut cadaver reptilis im-
a dh' aona chainnt." Gen. xi. 1. And the earth mundi. It must also have been used of old for a
was all of one language, and of one speech. Et ship or vessel, as appears from the following deri-
fuit terra universa lingua una, et sermone uno. vatives. Vide Cairb, 3.
' Droch-cainnt." C. S. Oaths, and curses jura- :
• Cairbh, -idli, ch-, v. a. 1. Man a fleet : classem
menta et execrationes. " Cha chainnt a dliear- appara. Sh. et O'R. 2. Shake, or quiver:
bhas, ach gniomli." Miss Brook, 286. It is not quati, treme. Llh.
• Caiiblicncan, «. m. (Cairb, 3.) A »hip-boy : pucr CAtRDEii, -E, adj. (Caraid), Friendly, kind : ami-
nautic'us. S/i. et O'Ji. cuK, benignus. l^oc. LSI.
Cuirbliiii, «. / 1. A little sbip : navicula. Sh. CAiHuicii, -11)11, CII-, r. «. (Caraid), Befriend, make
It ON. 2. The gums : gingiva. JUHS. " i. e. friendly, alicui fave, uniicuni ali<|ueni redde. CS.
t'àiicaii." t|. vicli'. CÀiu-uiiEAnt;, -KiHOK, adj. i(ed-bla/ing : rutitux
C'AiiiBiiiiir, -E, *. /rt, 1. A carriage, load, baggage, flanunans. i. e. " Càir dliearg." C. S. fiery A
iHindle : currus, onus, scruta, fascis. JUò'S. )i. A flash, a red blaze : flaninia rubra. Vitle Càir, *.
Icu-clutv: tribiitum. Proriii. 8. Personal service, • Caireachan, *-. m. (CTirr, ». 2.), A big-mouthed
rendered by tenants in lieu of land rent niinisteri- : person homo ore laxo. Sh. et O' P.

uni agroruni conductoribus domino redditum in loco • Caireachd, s.f. (Quirks, sleight, cunning: argu-
mercedis. Pruvin. 4. flogging, flagellation A tia?, astutia. MSS.
verbcratio. Provin. Caireal, s.m. Noise: 8trepitu8. Vide CoirioU.
• Cairbineacb, adj. Toothless : cdentulus. Sh. et Caiiieall, s. wi. VidcCarulI. " Caoireall." ,S'. Z). 81.
OR. • Càireandian, *. ?«. A shoemaker sutor, calceo- :

Cairbisn, -E, -EAN, s.f, A carabine: scloppetum. larius. IJh. Literally, Cobbler ci-rdo. :

P. JI'JJ. 109. CÀIREAN, -EIN, -EINEAN, *'. Itl. 1. A guni gingiva. :

• Cairbne, s. m. (Cairb, 1.) A charioteer: auri- Bill. Gloss. " Druim uachdrach a chairein." Voc.
14. The palate, roof of the mouth : palatum. 2.
CAinBRE, s. m. A man's name : nomcn viri. Pi/irf. i. The palate palatum. :

592. " Is milse do mo chàirean iad."

• Cairo, i.
f. Hair, fur: crinis, setJE. Sii. et O'R. Salm, cxix. 103. me/r.
• Cairceach, atij. (Cairc), Hairy pilosus. ò'/t.
1. : Tliey arc sweeter to my palate. Suaviora palato
et O'P. 2. Eager : vehemens. .S7t. et O'P. mco sunt.
' Cairche, «./. MSS.
Music: musica. Caireist, -e, s. m. Vide Cairbhist.
' Caircheas, *. m. 1. twist: contortio. Ll/i. A • Caireog, s. f. A prating wench : puella garrula.
Vide Car. 2. A
little vessel : vasculum. Vide MSS. SL et OP.
Cairbh. Cairfhiadh, s. m.
• hart, stag A
cervus. Llh. :

• Caircheas, -aidh, ch-, v. a. Twist : torque. Sh. Cairge, gen. et dut. of Carraig. " Chum na cairge."
et OP. Salm. Ixi. 2. inetr. To the rock ad rupem. :

CÀIHD, -E, s. Delay, respites mora, cuncta-

/. 1. " Carraige," prose.
tio. i'oc. 150. Gun chàird," adv. Salm. xviii.
" • Cairgh, -idli, ch-, v. n. Abstain abstine. Sh. :

8. metr. 1. Without delay sine mora. 2. With- : • Cairgein, s. m. A

kind of herb : herba qua;dam.
out rest, incessantly : sine quiete, assidue. Gram. Sh.
125. Cairghios, -is, «. tn. (Cairgh), Lent : jejunium qua-
• Cairde, s. m. A bosom friend. Sh. Vide Ca- dragesimale. Llh. From Cairgh.
raid. Properlj', for Càirdean. " Càirde' diong- CÀiR-GHEAL, -ILE, adj. (Càir, 2. et Geal), Wliite
mhala." Llh. i. c. " Càirdean diongmhalta." foaming: albe spumans. S. 2. {s.f.) C A foam-
Trusty friends : fidi amici. ing wave unda maris spumans. C. S.

• Cairde, s.J". 1. Friendship : amicitia. »S7/. \k\e CÀiRlcn, -IDH, CII-, V. a. Repair, mend, order, lay :

Càirdeas. sarci, instrue, sterne, compone, ordina. 3Iacf. V. et

Càirde', for CÀIRDEAN. Pijìff. i. 175. Vide Cair- C. S. Hebr. t^n charaz, ordinavit.
dean. CÀIRICHTE, adj. perf. part. v. Càirich. Mended, or-
CÀIRDEACH, -EiCHE, adj. (Caraid). 1. Friendly, dered : sartus, stratus, compositus. C. S.
kind, favourable amicus, benignus. : " Bhuin e Cairidh, -eax, s. f. A mound thrown across the
gu càirdeach rium." C. S. He treated me kindly estuar)' of a river or stream, for the purpose of
excepit mihi benigne, vel amice. 2. Nearly re- catching fish. Scot, cruive, yare : moles in ostio
lated sanguine conjunctus.
" Tha e càirdeach fluminis xdificata ab altera ripa ad alteram perti-
dlionih." C. S. He is nearly related to me. E nens, causa pisces capiendi. C'hald. ^13 cari, fish ;
sanguine conjunctus est ille mihi. '113 'Ji ai cori, insula piscium. 1"«//. in Voc. Cairi.
CÀIRDEACHAS -Ars, s. 1)1. (Càirdeacli), Friendliness, • Cairigh, -idli, ch-, v. a. Llh. et Sh. Vide Car-
kindness : benevolentia, benignitas. C. S. aich.
CÀIRDEALACHD, S.f. ind. (Cùirdeil), Foe. 33. Id. • m. vel/. (Car, et Ghin). 1. A darling:
Cairin, s.

q. Càirdeachas. animulus. Sh. 2. Lean meat: caro macra. Llh.

CÀIRDEAN', />/. of Caraid, q. vide. " Càirdean gaoil." et Sh. Angl. Carrion.
C. S. Bosom friends. Arctissima amicitia con- Cairioll, goi. Chairill, Cairil, *. m. The bard
juncti. in Ossian nomen : bardi. Vide Oss.
CÀIRDEAS, Friendship: amicitia. Voc.
-Eis, s. »«. 1. Cairis, -e, -eak, s.f. A carcase, corpse: cadaver.
9. 33. 2. Kindness benignitas. C. S. 3. Re- :
" Afi deighs mo chains gun flieum,
lationship, connexion by blood consanguinitas. :
" Le beud na h-aois chuir "sa chaol tigh fliuar."
C. S Lat. Charitas love. Span. Caestia, et ; Conl. et Cuth. 183.
Caridad. Basq. Garestia, et Caridadia. Larrum. After having laid my body, useless with the hurt
Gr. Ku'.bia., the heart. of old age, in the narrow cold house. Postquam
Vol. I.
nieum corpus inutile damno scnectutis deponetur singularcm dimicationem provocans. Sh. et
in angusta donio frigida. 07?.
Cairiseacii, -EiciiE,adJ. Macinty. 166. Vide Caith- Cairtealan, Quarters, lodgings : hospitia, di-
riscacli. yersoria. Maci?iti/. 173. " C'aj>/<?a/a« geamliraidh."
- Cairlc,(((Ij.
(Car, s. et Leth), Tumbled, tossed : C. S. Winter quarters : hyberna.
dcvolutus, agitatus. Sh. et O'/?. Cairtear, \ -in, -iREAN, s. m. (Cairt, et Fear),
- Cairle, *. m. A
club, stake, staff: clava, sudcs, Cairt-fhear, j A carter, waggoner: rhedarius,
vallus. Llh. vehicularius. Voc. 95.
• Cairleacan, Ì -aidli, ch-, v. a. (Car, s. et Leag), Cairteiheachd, s.
f. ind. (Cairtear), A carter's
• Cairle, j Beat, toss about : jacta, agita. trade : rhedarii niunus. C. S.
Llh. Cairtidh, adj. (Cairt, Swarthy, tawny
s. 1.) : furvus,
» Cairmeal,Vide Carra-meille.
s. m. fulvus, fuscus, (i. e. bark coloured). C. S.
CÀIRNEACH, -ICH, -ICHEAN, S. ill. (Cam, S.) 1. A Cairt-iuil, «. /. (Cairt, 2. et Jul). 1. A mariner's
druid, a priest : druida, sacerdos. Llh. Vide Càrn. chart: charta nautica. C. S. 2. The mariner's
2. An ospray : ossifragus. O'B. compass : pyx nautica. Macf. V.
CÀIRNEACH, -ICH, s.f. (Corn, s.) Stony ground : la- * Cairthe, «. m. A chariot : currus. Llh.
pidosus ager. Llh. Cairt-lann, s.f. Lann, a house),
(Cairt, 3. et A
CÀIRNEACH, -EiCHE, odj. (Cam). 1. Stony : lapi- chartulary s}Tigrapha in qua aediuni sacrarum jura

dosus, saxatilis. Llh. 2. Abounding in heaps of et privilegia describi solebant. Sh. et OR.
stones. Scot, cairns abundans tumulis vel lapi- : Cairt-leamhna, s.f. (Cairt, 1. ct Leann). Hehrid.
duni congestibus. " lasgair càimeach." Llh. App. Vide Carra meille.
The alcyon, avis.
king's fisher :
» Cais, s.
f. 1. Love, regard, esteem amor, sta- :

* Cairpe, adj. Sh. Vide Coirbte. dium, existimatio. O'R. 2. Hatred odium. :

• Cairptheach, «. m. Llh. Vide Cairbeach. " Caisi mioscais," Hatred odium. " Caise :

» Cairptheoir, s. m. Llh. Vide Carbadair. searc," Love, regard amor, studium. Llh. 3. :

* Cairrig, s.f. Llh. Vide Carraig. An eye oculus. Llh. 4. Rent redditus,
: :

* Cairrigheach, adj. Llh. Vide Carraigeach. vectigal. Sh. et Arab. Ji.xi

O'R. Angl. Cash.
• Cairrthe, s. m. 1. chariot currus. Llh. A : 2.
haish, a collection. 5. Haste festinatio. Sh. :

pillar : columna. Llh. Vide Carra. et O'R. " An caise," Sh. In haste celeriter. :

* Cairse, s. m. A club : clava. Llh. * Cais, cul^. Spruce, trim : tersus, nitidus. Sh. et
CÀIRT, ffen. of Cart, s. q. vide. OR.
Cairt, -idh, CH-, V. a. 1. Muck, cleanse, purge Caisbheart, -eairt, s. /. Macf. V. Vide Cois-
stercus amove, munda, purga. S. 2. (Cairt, s. C bheart.
1.) Tan
depse corium cortice parato. C. S. Id.
Cais-chiabu, -an, s.f. Llh. Vide Ciabh.
q. Cart, V. Wei. Cartheu, purgatoria Carthu, ;
Cais-chiabhach, adj. Vide Cas-chiabhach.
purgare, mundare. Dav. Gr. Kaèal^uv. Caisd, -idh, ch-, v. n. Listen, hearken audi, aus- :

Cairt, Cartach, vel Cairte, -ean, s.f. 1. Bark, culta.

or rind of trees cortex, liber. Macf. V. 2. A card,:
" Chaisd i ri caithream na seilg." S. D. 60.
chart charta paper, originally bark. " Cluich
: ; She listened to the joyful sound of the chase.
chairtean," vel " lomairt chairtean." S. Play- C Auscultavit ilia fremitui laetitÌEe venationis.
ing at cai'ds chartarum pictarum lusus. Fr. Carte.
Caisdeachd, s.f. ind. et pres. part. V. Caisd. Listen-
Germ. Karte. 3. A bond, indenture syngrapha :
ing, act of listening : actus auscultandi, audiendi.
qua foedus vel pactum sanctitur. O'B. 4. A cart, " A chluas a' caisdeachd." S.I). 117. His ear
tumbrel, waggon : carrus, rheda. C. S. Wei. Carr, listening. Auris ejus in actu auscultandi.
cart. Scot. Cairt. Jam. Cliald. p^p karun, plau- CÀISE, 5. ni. iiid. Cheese : caseus. " Mil agus ini
strum. agus caoraich, agus caise cruidh." 2 Satn. xvii. 29.
Cairt-ciieap, -chip, s. m. (Cairt, 4. et Ceap), The Honey, and butter, and sheep, and cheese of kine.
nave of a cart wheel rotae carri modiolus. Llh. :
Mel, et butyrum, et oves, et caseus armenticius.
Cairte, adj. et pret. part. v. Cairt. 1. Cleansed, " Cais." Provin. Wei. Caws. Belg. Caas. Arab.
purged mundatus, purgatus. C. S.
: 2. Taimed :

cortice parato depsus. " Leathar chairte," C. S. xjLS> kazeh, vel (jmjoì hhees, milk. Hebr. Hltfp
kasheh, durus, gravis.
Gertn. Kaes. Span. Queso.
Tanned leather : aluta.
Caise, 1. Shortness of temper,
Cairteadh, -idh, *. m. et pres. part. v. Cairt. C S. s.f. ind. (Cas, adj.)
discord : in iram proclivitas, discordia. B. Bret.
Vide Cartadh.
Cairteag, -eig, -an, A Cass, anger, hatred. 2. stream of water : aqua A
f. dimin. of Cairt. small
card, or cart : chartula, curriculum.
profluens. O'B. 3. A
v^TÌnkle, fold : ruga, plica.

Cairteal, -eil, -ALAN, s. 7)1. fourth part : quarta A O'B. 4. A

natural curling of hair capillorum :

pars. " Cairteal na-h-uaire," Quarter of an hour: crispatio. S. D. 5. A

mushroom : fungus. O'JB.
quarta pars hora;. Voc. 101. Arab. (j*>L=? chash, a heap.
Cairteal, -eil, s. m. Water mint : mintha aquati- Caise, cufy'. conip. of Cas, q. vide.
ca. Voc. 61. Càiseach, -eiche,«^'. (Caise), Abounding in cheeses,
* Cairteal, s.
f. A written challenge ; chartula ad productive of cheese : caseo abundans. A. M'Z>.
CArsEACH, -EiciiE, adj. A.M'D. ViJo Caisrcapadi. stone: lapis ad qucm vcctitral pcnditur. JJh.Aiip.
Caisead, -eid, i.f. (C'us, (ulj.) Steepness, siulden- 6, A Kinne-buiUling irdihcium lapideuni. Sh. :

ni'ss : acclivilas, subitaiietis eventus. Maci/iti/. H5. Chuld. SiTT ilumhid, inachinatus est.
Caiseal, -eil, -an, bulwark, wall
s. propiip-
m. A : • Cuisiulaclid, A./. (Cuiiiioll, Battlements : pinnx
naculum. </«/./*/. Caisleanuilili. O'Ji.viLlh. Vide murorum. Uh.
Caisteal. CluiUI. 7!i'n c/iasal, maeliinatus est. Caisleacii, -icii, -It iiEAV, S.f. A ford, foot path :

Caiseamaciid, »•._/; .v. Z^. 115. Vide Caismeachd. vadum, seniitu callis. O'Ji
• Caiseanihan, -ain, «. »t. A sliocmoker : sutor, cal- Caisleachadii, -Aiuii, s. tn. i-t jrrts. pari. v. Cais-
ceolarius. Ll/i. Ajiji. lich. A stirring up,
actus concitandi, sliaking :

Caisearbhan, -ain, s. tn. Dandelion : leontodon. concutiendi. " Caisleach spuiuc."

O'Ji. et C S.
07?. Sh. Touchwood. Lignum cariosum.
Cais'eabt, -eirt, s.f. Vide Coisblicart. • Caislean, -ein, s. m. A castle, tow er, garrison
Caiseas, -is, -an, «. m. (Ca.s, atlj.) 1. Any thing orx, munimentum.
curled, «Tinkled, or rough quodvis rugosum, crispa- : " Bhaitli tu ad' dhion, 'sa t-fha«gadh dhomli,
tuni, asperum. C. S. 2. The loose, hanging part of " 'Sa d' chaistein treun on namli."
the hide on a cow's neck ca pars pellis bovina? e : Kirk. .S'alm. Ixi. 2.
coUe fluxe dependens. " Coniliara aiisein." C. S. Thou wert a defence and a shelter to me, and
A mark upon cattle, by cutting the part mention- a strong tower from the enemy. Eras tu prae-
ed. Nota qua:dam in boves partem pellis dictam sidium, receptusquc milu, et arx munita ab
secando. " Caisean-uchd," The breast stripe of a hoste.
sheep, wool, skin, and flesh which, immediately ;
• Caisleir, s. m. (Caisiol, et Fear), A projector,
after the animal is slaughtered, on Christmas, or castle-builder: machinator, arcis structor. IMi.
Kew Year's eve, is taken off, singed, and presented • Caisli, adj. (Cas, adj. et Li), Polished : politus.
to the inmates of the family to be smelled, as a Sh.
charm against all injuries from fairies and spirits. Caislich, -id», CH-, r. a. Shake, stir up (as a bed):
Pars ovium pectoris, quam statim post sanguinis exirae, concita, concute (velut lectum). C. iS".

emissionem excidunt, igne torrent, et Christi nata- Caisliciite, perf. part. v. Caislich. Shaken, stirred
libus vel Januariis Calendis olfaciendara pnebent up concussus, concitus. C. S.

domesticis, quo illos adversus lemures napxos (fair- Caismeachd, -AX, s./ (Cas, a<^'. et Imeachd). 1.
ies) tuentur. Vide Calluinn. Heòr. ]'ìOn c/ioshen, An alarm ad arma conclamatio, monitio, signum

pectorale. 3. {^ff.) Surliness : proter\-itas. ' Cais- belli vel pugnae.

ean bodaich." C. S. A surly fellow : homo moro- " Bhuail e, le caismeachd, an sgiath."
sus, impatiens. C/tald. p^D caasan, iracundus. JFing. i. 661.
• Caisean, *. in. Hoarseness, phlegm raucedo, : He struck his shield, as a signal for war. Percus-
mucus. Sh. et O'R. sit ille, ut signum belli, suura scutum. 2. A march
Caisean'ach, -aiche, adj. (Caisean), Rough, short tune : carmen bellicum nrasicis instrumentis modu-
tempered asper, ad iram proclivis. C. S.
: latum. Foe. 113. " Caismeachd na sithe." G'ao/-
Caiseanachd, s.f. ind. (Caiseanach), Frettishness, nand. 109. The signal of peace : monitio pacts.
shortness of temper iracundia. S. : C " Caismeachd bhuadhach." Shouts of victory : vic-
Cais-fhioxx, )^ adj. (Cas, s. et Fionn, adj.) 'NA'hite toriae claraatio.
Caisioxx, J
footed: albos habens pedes. C. S. Caismeachdach, adj. (Caismeachd), That alarms,
CÀISG, CÀSG, CÀSGA, s. f. (Casgair), Easter pas- : or gives warning quod concitat, vel ad arma ex-

cha. Voc. 104. citat. Macf. V.

Caisg, gen. of Casg, s. q. vide. Ca/smeart, -eirt, -ax, s.f. (Cas, et lomart). 1.
Caisg, -idh, CH-, V. a. Mac/. V. Vide Coisg. Heat of battle ardor pugnae. Sh. et O'R.
: 2.
C.AISIALL, -ILL. -LAX, s. /71. (Cas, s. et lull), A shoe- Armour armatura. Sh. et O'R.
: 3. A band of
maker's strap : sutoris lorum, vel strupus coriace- men prepared for fight cater\'a militum pugnam :

us. iV. H. ineuntium. Uh.

Caisil-chrò, *. /. (Caisiol, et Crò). 1. A circu- Caismeartach, -ich, -ichean, s. nu (Caismeart),
lar palling sepes circularis. MSS.
: 2. coffin, A An armed man vir armatus. Sh. :

or bier mortui theca, vel feretrum.

: • Caisreabhachd, s.f. Legerdemain : ars prsestigia-
' An caisil-ckrà tha "n laoch 'g a ghiùlan." toris. Uh.
S.D. 266. Caisreag, -eig, -ax, s.f. A curl, a shrinking, «Tin-
In a bier the liero is borne. Feretro heros porta- kle : cirrus, contractio, ruga. A. M^D. Gloss.
tur. Caisreagach, -aiche, adj. (Caisreag), Wrinkled,
Caisimeachd, s.f. ind. Vide Caismeachd. crisped, shrivelled, shrinkling, curling rugosus, :

Caisiol, -iL, -EAN, *./. 1. A bulwark: propugna- contractus, glomerans, cincinnans, crispans. A.
culum. Uh. et Sh. 2. hurdle-wall sepes vi- A : M'D. Gloss. " 'Xa dliualaibh caisreagach." Dug.
minea. Sh. 3. A
hurdle-wall, or mound in a ri- Bucitan. In curling locks : more cirrorum crispan-
ver, for fishing. Scot. Cruive, fishing cruive : quas- tium.
sillum piscatorium, vel crates, vel moles fluviatilis. Caisreagax, -ain, -ax, *. »i. dim. of Caisreag. A
C.S. 4. A ford: vadum. MSS. 5. A toll- curl, a little curl : cirrus, cirrulus. C. S.
Z 8
CaIsrio, -iDit, cit-, V. a. Vide Coisrig. tur nox in suavi carmine. 2. Cast, shoot, throw :

Caiste, adj. ct ixr/. part. v. Cas. Curled, twisted : jaculare, ejice.

crispatus, tortus. C. S.
Ach saighid caithidh orra Dia."
Caistkal, -eil, -an, *. m. A castle, tower, strong Ross. Salm. Ixiv. 7.
hold: arx, castellum, turris, praesidium. Voc. IIG. But an arrow God will shoot at them. At sagit-
" 'N an caisteaJaibJi." Gen. xxv. 16. In their cas- tam jaculabitur in eos Deus. " 'Cuitheadh na
tles : In castellis ipsorum. cloiche," C. S. Casting the stone. Gr. Kaiu, wo.
" Bu tearmunn thu 's bu cJmistcal domh." Hebr. i?yp kugiuigh, effodit, scalpsit.
Ross. Sahn. Ixi. 3. • Caith, adj. MSS. Vide Caidh.
Thou wast a refuge and a strong tower unto me. • Caith, -idh, ch-, v. a. (Càtha), Winnow : ventila,
Eras receptus, turrisque robusta niihi. ' Caisteal palcas ab frumento secerne. Sh.
a' chuirp." Voc. 15. The trunk of the body cor- : Caith-biieart, -eiut, -an, *./. (Cath, et Beart, 2.)
poris truncus. " Caisteal toisich." Voc. 111. A Battle armour : armatura^ O'R.
ship's fore-castle : prora navis. Wei. et Arm. Cas- Caitheach, -eich, -eichean, s. m. (Caith), A
tell. Fr. Chateau. prodigus, nepos. C. S.
spendthrift :

Cait, gen. of Cat. q. vide. Caitheadh, pres.part.v. Caith. " Bheir
» Cait, s.f. A
or kind : genus. Llk.
sort, thu air a shnuagh caitheadh." Salm. xxxix. 1 1. Thou
C'ÀIT, Ì Co, vel Cia ait, re/ Aite. Wliere?
adv. i. e. makest his countenance to fade. Dabis vultura e-
C'ÀITE, j Ubi ? " Cait am bheil thu ? Gen. iii. jus ad consumenduni. Vide Caitheamli.
9. \\Tiere art thou ? Ubi es ? Caitiieadh-beatha, s. m. ind. Vide Caitheamh-
CÀITE, adj. et pret. part. v. Cùth. Winnowed, riddled : beatha.
ventilatus, excretus. " Luchd càite." Hebrid. Caitheamh, -eimh, m. etpres.part. tv Caith. 1.

Winnowers ventilatores frugum.

: Spending, consuming, wasting actio consumendi, :

Caite, adj. et per/, part. v. Caith. Spent, consumed, profundendi, terendi. "Dia anTighearn do dhortadh
worn, exhausted : exhaustus, consumptus. Hebr. tsaibliris a ghras oraibh, do dhenamh a thoile, agas

iknn chatha. do chaitheamh bhur naimsire ngradh naomhtha." i

CÀITEACH, -ICH, -ICHEAN, Chaff: pales?.

«./. 1. Cars. Lit. God the Lord pour the richness of his
Llh. 2. A
basket : Llh. 3. rush
quasillus. A grace upon you, to do his will, and to spend your
mat for measuring com : matta juncea, qua agri- time in holy love. Deus Dominus effundat ex co-
cote fruges metiuntur. Hebrid. pia sui gratÌEE vobis, ad faciendum voluntatem sui,
• Caiteach, s.
f. 1. A
ship's main-sheet: navis ar- ad consumendumque tempus vestrum in amore
temo funiculus. Sh. 2. ship's main-sail A sancto. 2. Consumption, a disease consumptio, :

uavis artemon. O'R. pthisis, morbus. C. S. 3. Casting, shooting, hurl-

Caiteach, -eiche, aty. Vide Caithteach, adf. ing : actio jaciendi, jaculandi, mittendi tela velut
Caiteachas, -ais, s. m. (Caiteach), Prodigality: in bello. C. S. Fr. Caduc, decaying. Arab. <-i>s\s
prodigentia. S. C hahib, a vehement cough *-»cU> ha-tff, a torrent,
• Caiteag, -eig, -an, s.
f. 1. basket : sportula. A ;

Llh. 2. A
butter pot butyri testa. Sh. : deluge. Hebr. y^p kaghagh, fodit, scalpsit.

Caiteag, -ig, -an, s.f. A

small bit pars exigua. C. S. :
Caitheamh-aimsire, -ai.msreach, s. /. (Caith-
Caitean, -in, *. m. dim. of Cat. httle cat, a kit- A eamh, et Aimsir), Sport, or pastime : lusus, animi
ten : felis exiguus, catulus felis. C. S, et O'R. oblectatio. Voc. 105.
Caitean, m. Vide Caitein.
-in, s. Caitheamh-beatha, s. f. Moral conduct, conver-
Caiteas, m. (Caith), Scraped linen, apphed
-eis, s. sation, mode of living mores, morum ratio, vel :

for the stoppage of wounds villi lintei quibus vul-

: gestus, vivendimodus. " Biodh bhur caitheamh-
nera obturantur. Macf. V. ScoL Caddis. beatha gun sannt." Eabhr. xiii. 5. Let your con-
Caitein, -in, -ean, s. »;. 1. A crisping pile of versation be without covetousness. Sint mores
Caithtein, animals, shag: villi crispantes pecu-
vestri sine avaritia.
C. S.
dis, villi. 2. A
ruffling of the sea surface :
Caithear, -ra, adj. Just, well bestowed. " Bu
horror maris aura nigricantis. " Bha caitein dubh chaithenr a dhiol." C. S. Just was his retribution.
air a' chuan." C. S. Ocean frowned with the Justa fuit remuneratio ejus.
gloom. Inhorruit unda tenebris. " Caitein gaoithe," ' Caithear, v. irr. et def.One must : oportet. Llh.
C. S. A
springing breeze : aura insurgens. " Caithfeam." Llh. We
must : oportet nos.
Caiteineach, -eiche, adj. (Caitein), Shagged, " Caithfidli mi, tu, se, Sec." 1, thou, he, she. Sec.
wrinkled, ruffled as the sea : villosus, crispatus, must oportet me, te, ilium, illam, &c. Fr.

horrescens velut mare. Macinty. 89. 11 faut. " ?ti) ccAicpioe me ?" B. B. Gen.
• Caith, s.f. 1. Chaff: palea;. Sh. Vide Càtha. xxiv. 5. Must I ? An oportebit me ? i. e. " An
2. A blemish Sh. : vitiuni. eigin do ?" vel " Am
fcum mi ?" " Caithfidh-
Caith, 1. Spend, wear, waste,
-idii, cii-, v. a. et n. ear," One must : oportet. Llh.
consume, exhaust impende, consume, exliauri.
: * Caithiochd-aimsire, s.f. Llh. Vide Caitheamh-
" Caithear oidlich' ann am min dhàn." aimsire.
Fing. i. 567. Caithir, -reach, -thriche, -an, s. f. Salm. i. 1.
Let a night be spent in tender song. Consuma- prose. Ed. 1307. Vide Cathair.
CAiTitLEACii, -ICH, «. »1. Matf. V. Vfde Cùtlm. Caitiseach, -ICH, m. (Caitein), A cloth-dre»»er
«. :

CaITII-MIIÌLEADH, -IDII, -EAN, S. M. (Cutll, ct MÌ1- qui vestes vel |)annum conciniuit. O'R.
emlli), A soldiur, vtiirrior : miles, bollutor. • C'uitimi, -e, «./. (Cai, et Tighinn), Frequent vi-
" Nior tlirèi^i-adli i tliu (,'u ilili'," siting : frci|uens visitatio, indesinenter vitiian-
" Air cliuruidli no air r/iuil/i-m/iiliM." tiuiu turlm. MSS.
JUS. /icitts Sir J. Grant. • Cuitinneacli, lulj. (('aitinn), Much frequented :

She would never forsuku thei-, Cor litro or warrior. freqiientntus. MSS.
Non desori-rct ilia tibi ad diluvium, propter liuroa CÀL, CÀ1L, (I. m. 1. Cabbage, colewort olu», :

vel bcllutorciii. brassica, caulis. Voc. 58. 2. A kind of pottage,

Caitiikkam,, flat, -reim, ». m. ct'f. 1. A of which Colewort is the principal ingredient, meaJ
joyful iioisi' : Iriuiiiphiis, fremitus lietitix. " C'aith- and suit being commonly added. Scot. Kail broM :

retim binii."' Siilm. Ix. 8. A

melodious, joyful pulnu.-ntum (|uoddam, i'ere omnino brasNÌca cocr
noise. Fremitus la'litiie canoru». " C'liiim cailh- tum, cui vulgo commix tum farina et sal. A'. H.
rtain a dheaiianih aim ud cliliii." Stilm. cvi. 47. Scot. Kail, et Cail. Jam. H'll. tt Ann. CuwI.

To rejoice in thy praise. Ad la'titiuni faciendam Gr. Kai/>.6.;. Gtrm. Kol. Sjxin. Col. lyirram.
in laude tua. 2. A
loud noise, a shout : altus so- Pers. *X liulum, cabbage. GUch. 5V^b halUt,
nus, clamor, plausus.
a cabbage.
" Is caitJiream bròin am beul ar bard."
S. D. 55.
• Cal, a.m. Sleep, slumbfr, insensibility: somnus,

And the loud sound of sorrow in the mouth oi' our soranus levis. Sli. et O'R. Inde, Cadal, q. nde.
bards. Et altus sonus mceroris in ore nostrorum
• Cal, -aidh, ch-, v, a. et n. IJurn : arde. MS.S.
poctarum. Hebr. ^ji3 cal, ardcre. Vail, in foc. 2. Keep
CAiTiiBfiAMACir, -A1CIIE, odj. Triumphant, demon- safe conser\a, tuere. O'R.
: Vide Calaich,
strating joy, shouting for gladness triumphans, :
et Cala. 3. Sleep : domji. O'R. 4. Enter a

la^tans, pra; gaudio plaudens. R. jSbD. harbour : portuni capesse. <S7(. Hebr. CPfl
Caitiiuea.maciiadii, -aidh, *. m. et pres. part. v. chalam, somniavit. Arab. jL> kal, he staid.
Caithreimich. Triumpliing actus triumphandi. : Hel/r. Vn chal, resedit, mansit.
as. •Cala, Caladh, arlj. 1. Hard: durus. " Co-
• Caitlireamadh, *. m. Information : informatio re- naing an chuirp cluilaidtt." MSS. Conaing of
rum. OH. the robust body. Conainus corporis duri.
Caitiikei.m, 4-./. Ross. Salin. \\. 8. Vide Caith- Vide Calmas. 2. Frugal, thrifty: frugi, fru-
reani. galis. O'B. et Sh. Hcbr. ^^J cjalad, induruit.
Caithiieimich, -IDII, CII-, v.a. et n. (Caithream, «.), Cala, )
pi. Calachan, vel -aicheax,
Triumph, shout triumpha, plaude. C. S.
: Caladii, -aidh, \ s. m. 1. A port, harbour, ha-
Caitiiris, *•. /. i/id. Watching : vigilia, actus vigili- ven portus, statio navium.

andi. " 'S a churach an cala na h-oidhche."

" Dhuibh 's diomhain bhi ri moch-eirigh, S. D. 255.
" San oidhch' ri caithris bhuain." And his boat in the Et c}-mba
haven of night.
Ross. Salm. cxxvii. 2. sui in portu noctis. 2. A ferry trajectus. O'S. :

It is vain foryou to rise early, and in the night (to et Sk. " Cala mara.'" C. S. A bay maris si- :

be) in tedious watching. Vobis est vanum esse in nus. Span. Cala de mar. Hind. Kol. 3. A
matutine surgendo, et per noctem in vigilationc porch porticus. Ribl. Gloss.
: Ital. Cala a baj% ;

diutina. road for ships. Gr. Ki>j.'ji, pen-enio in portum.

Caithris, -idii, ch-, v. a. (Caithris, s.) Watch : vi- Hebr. '^'Hip kulial, congregavit et VO'2 cala, conti- ;

gila. " Chaithris mi 'n oidhche." C. Si I have nuit.

watched (during) the night. Pervigiiavi noctem. Calaich, -idh, ch-, v. n. (Cala). 1. Take harbour,
Caitiiriseach, -EicHE, m^'. (Caitliris). 1. Waking, portum capesse. C. S. 2. Reside, continue : ma-
watching vigil, insomnis. C. S. 2. (Jig.) Watch-
: ne, commorare. Macf. V. Hebr. ^n ckal, resedit,
ful, attentive, alert : vigil, attentus, alacris. " Na mansit.
firnan deigh gu caiihriseach." Macinty. 93. The Caladair, -e, -ean, *. m. 1. calendar, register A
youths following them attentively. Juvenes in ephemeris. C. S. 2. A
calender, machine for
tractu eorum attentè. pressing cloth : panni politor. C. S. Vox Atifft.
Caithrisicii, -idii, CH-, V. a. et n. (Caithris, s.) Id. B. Bret. Caladur, Kaladur.
q. Caithris, v. • Calaim, Ir. for Caidleam. I sleep : dormio.
C AIT HT E, j>er/. part, of Caith. Id. q. Caite. • Calainn, s. f. (Cal, sleep), A couch : sponda,
Caithteacii, -eiche, (uij. (Caith. v.) Wasteful, pro- pulvinar. Llh.
digal ; prodigus, profusus . Voc. 140. Calainn, -ean, s.f. I. The body:
corpus. N. H.
Caithteachas, -ais, s. m. Vide Caiteachas. 2. A good habit of body firmum corporis robur,

Caithmche, -eak, s. m. (Caith), A wearing gar- obesitas. " 'S maith a chulainn." He is in good
ment vestis. Macinty. 78.
case, or fat : corpore valet. C. S.
Caitin, s. m. Caitean.
1. Id. q. 2. Blossom of o- • Calaireachd, *./. Burying, interriflg : actio sepe-
zier : viminis floscuU. Llh, hendi. Sh. et O'R,
Calbh, CAiLBir, ct CuiLBii, m. 1. A head: ca-
s. Calgach, -aiche, adj. (Calg), Sharp, prickly : acu-
put. O'li. 2. A promontory : promontoriura. leatus, acutus. C. S.
" AoiiieaiUi a cJiailbk Mhuilich." C. S. Tlie 'Calg-ard, adj. (Calg, ct Ard, adj.) " Direach,
headland (of the island) of Mull. Promontorium àrd anihuil claidheamh." Llh. Straight, high :

ipsum (insula;) Mulla:. 3. A bald pate calvi- : directus, altus. Llh.

fiuni, calva. Llh. 4. Hardiness robusta valetu- : Calg-bhior, -a, -an, s. m. (Calg, et Bior), barb- A
do. O'B. 5. Name of several small islands on ed weapon, the point of a javelin, or arrow : cus-
the coast of Scotland, generally of a high and pis hamata vel barbata. MSS.
roundish form nomen satis fi-equens insularum
: Calg-bhiorach, -aiche, adj. (Calg-bhior), Barbed,
minorum Scotia;, quae fere rotundae et alta; forma; crenated barbatus, crenatus. C. S.

esse videntur. Calg-dhìreach, -eiche. 1. adj. (Calg, et Direach),

Calbh, Cuilbh, m. A shoot, or rising tree, par-

s. Direct, straight as an arrow : directus in morem
ticularly of hazel :vimen, vel arbos exigua praeci- sagittae. 2. adv. Directly, quite : recte, penitus.
pue corylus. iV. H. 2. The rib of an osier bas- as.
ket, or pannier : costa scirpiculi. N. H. 3. (./%'.) Call, m.etpres.pari.v. Caill. Loss, act of los-
-a, s.

A continuous gush, or pouring of any liquid from ing : Voc. 119. " Ghiijlain mi fein a chall.
a fissure profluvium liquoris cujusvis continuum
: Ge)i. xxxi. 39. I myself bare its loss. Ego ipse tuli
ex rima, fissura. " Calhh fola." C. S. stream- A ejus damnum. " Tha e a' call a chliij." C. S. He
ing of blood from a wound. Sanguinis eruptio ex is losing his good name Perdit existimationem ip-
vulnere. sius. " Air chall," adv. Lost : perditus, amissus.
Calbh, adj. Bald: calvus, i. e. Maol, maol-cheann- Wei. et B. Bret. Coll. Ital. Calo ; decay, fate.
ach. OB. Chald. ^n chal, cecidit.
Calbhachd, s.f. hid. Baldness calvities. : Llh. • Call, -a, s. m. 1. A
church ecclesia. MSS. :

Calbhair, -E, Of//. Greedy of food vorax. : StUherl. Vide Ceall. 2. A

veil, hood: velum, cucul-
" A' niheircealach chalbhair. Stitherl. A disease lus. OB.
producing an unnatural appetite for food. Mor- Calla, adj. Tame : cicur. Voc. 140. Potius Call-
bus quidam ferens cibi desiderium praeternatura- da, q. vide.
le. • Callach, s. m. 1. A boar; aper. Vide Cullach.
* Calbhthas, A buskin cothurnus. Llh.
s. m. : 2. A bat : vespertilio. Llh. App,
Càl-bloin'gein, m. Frizzled colewort, spinnage
s. : Callach ADH, -aidh, s. m. et pres. part. v. Callaich.
brassica crispata, carnosum et delicatissimum o- Taming cicuratio. Voc. 169.

lus. Vide Càl, et Bloingein. Callaich, -idh, ch-, v. a. Tame cicura, doma. :

Calc, -aidh, CH-, V. a. Calk, drive with a hammer: Callaickte, adj. etpref.part. v. Callaich. Tamed:
stipa, malleo adige, feri. Macf. V. mansuefactus, cicuratus. C. S.
Calcadh, -aidh, s.m. et pres. part. v. Calc. Caulk- Callaid, -e, s.f. 1. A fence, hedge: sepimentum,
ing : stipatio, actus stipandi. /to/. Calca. septum. " An ti a bhriseas callaid, teumaidh na-
* Calcaich, -idh, ch-, v. a. (Cal, adj.), Harden thair e." Eccl. x. 8. Whoso breaketh a hedge, a
indura. Sh. et 0\R. serpent shall bite him. Qui perrumpit maceriam,
Calcaire, -ean, -s. m. (Calc, et Fear), caulker A mordet eum serpens. 2. A wig crines adsciti.

stipator. S. C Macf. V. 3. A cap : pileus. " Currachd leath-

CÀL-CEANANN, -AINV, s. 9)1. (Cal, et Ccanamj), A air." Voc. 18. Wei. Callod. Chald. l'?n clialad,
dish prepared of colewort and potatoes mashed to- occultavit, abscondit ; ichp kelat, refugium ; I3^p
gether : cibi genus, brassica, batattis coniminutis halat, se recepit.
immixta. Scot. Ranty tanty. Vide Ceanann. Callaideach, -eiche, adj. (Callaid). 1. Surrounded,
CÀL-CEiRSLEACH, -EiCH, s. 711. Cabbage brassica : fenced : cinctus, septus, munitus. C. S. 2. Wear-
glomerata, vel capitata. Voc. 58. Vide Ceirsleach. ing a wig, or cap : crines adscitos, vel pileum ge-
* Cal-chearcain, s. m. Shuttle-cock : pennse suberi rens. C. S.
infixsB, et reticulis a lusoribus vicissim repulsae. Callaidh, -e, adj. Active, nimble : agUis, vegetus,
Sh. et 07?. vividus. Sh. O'B. et C. S.
CÀL-COLAG, -AiG, s. m. Collyflower: brassica flori- • Callaidhe, -ean, i. e. Colàmhaiche, s. m. part- A
da. Voc. 58. ner: socius, consors. Llh.
* Caldach, adj. Sharp-pointed: acutus, acumina- Callaighe, -as, s. ni. A
divider : divisor. MSS.
tus. MSS. Vide Calgach. Hebr. p7n chalak, divisit.
Caldach, -aich, s. tn. Vide Calldach. Callain, s.f. Vide Calluinn.
Calg, Cuilg, s. 7)1, 1. A
prickle, bristle, awn, point • Callait, s. ))i. i. e. Gairm, no gliocas. Llh. Lat.
aculeus, spina, arista. " Calg arbhair." Voc. 58. Callet he is wise.

The beard of corn : arista. " Call gu mall a Callamh, adj. Supple lentus, flexilis. Bihl. Gloss.

chalgle h-aois." Carth. 14. Losing gradually its Callan, -ain, s. m. 1. Noise, sound, shouting:

prickles with age. Perdens lente aculeos cum ae- strepitus, sonus, plausus. 3Iacinty. 199. 2. Prat-
tate. 2. A spear, shaft, arrow, javelin : telum, ing,babbling actio garriendi, blaterandi. Llh.

•hasta, sagitta, cuspis. Poet. 3. The pile of deer Callanach, -aiche, adj. (Callan), Clamorous cla- :

cervorum villi. Vide Colg. mosus. Llh.

Callda, mij. Tame: cicur. Voc. 140. on tliy calf. Ut luilar albus tibÌK tuae cum tibial!

Calldacii, -Auii, -KAN, Loss

»•. III. (Cull), : ilani- brevi tuu circum surum tuam. cu- 2. A pillar :

nuiii. " A mhioiinuichous chum a chaUdttkh it-in." lumna. C. S. " Calpa' Earcuill." Pillar» of Her-
Sulin. XV. 4. ^^'ho swears to his own hurt. Qui cules : CaliK'. 3. A
tier or ply of a rope, cable,

jurat in damnum 8uuni. or thread : plica funis vel filurum. C. S. 4. The

Calldain, Gen. xxx. 37. Vide Calltuinn.
-k, «. «1. shrouds or htundin); ringing of a ship rudentes :


Calloib, -e, -KAN, s.f. Vide Cailoid, ct Collaid. majores navis, »</u/. tt-rni. '• Calp' na tàirnge.
Callta, culj. C. S. Id. (J. Callda. A haulyard, hoisting rope funis trochlea- navis, :

Calltacii, -aich, -ban. Vide Calldach. naut. term. 5. Principal of money put to interest:, -aig, -an, s. f. Black guillemot, a bird. sors vel caput pecuniie in usuruni locata*. C. S.
" Eun dubh a' chrùlain." Liyhlf. " Calp' is riadh." C. S. I*rincipal and interest.
• Calltarnacli, s.f. A truss of weeds : herbaruni Pecunia in usuram locata cum proventu suo. Germ.
manipulus. Sh. ct O'li. Kalb. Arab. «-JL» katdib, a body, trunk, bust
Calltuisk, -e, «. »1. Hazel: corylus. Voc. 64.
Calluinn, -e, s.f. New year's day calenda: Janua- :
tjAJL* Mb, kernel, marrow, middle.

ria;. It is derived from the Latin, but the common Calpacii, -aic», -aichean, s. m, et/. Vide Colp-
people explain it by " Cal/an," a shout, noise ach.
because, on new year's eve, they surround each o- Calpacii, 1 -aiche, wi/'. (Calpa), Stout legged
thers houses, thrashing the wall with cluhs, and Calpannacu, j crassas habens suras. C. S.
repeating rude rhymes till the circle is completed. CÀL-PHLEAD1IAG, -AIG, -AN, Vcl PlEADII AG-CHÀIL,
This is supposed to operate as a charm against S.f. (Càl, ct I'leadliag), A garden dibble pasti- :

fairies, demons, and spirits of every order. Vide num hortulanum. Voc. 51.
Caisein-uchd. B. Bret. Callanet. In Bretagne, Calum, -uim, s. m. 1. Hardness on the skin, a

the practice still seems to hold. " Apres avoir crust, a corn callus, crusta, callus pedis digito-

chant6 quelques cantiques pieux ils tout

crient runi. " Galium." Voc. 26. B. Bret. Calet, hard.
haut, ma cuìaniict, i. e. ma recompense de ce qui 2. Malcolm, a man's name Columbus, Milcolum- :

j' ai annonce." Pelktier. bus, viri nomen. Voc. 128. Mal-colm, et Mil-Co-
Calma, atlj. Brave, daring, resolute, strong : fortis, lumbus, owe their prefixes to the appearance of
audax, robustus. the tonsure of St. Columba, whose name was simp-
" Cho-flireagair na creaga 's na beanntai', ly Calum. Vide Maol.
" Do airm nan cuiridli'nibh calma." Caluman, -ain, -an, Voc. 74. Vide Columan.
S. D. 150. marg. C.ÌM, -AiDii, Oil-, V. a. (Cam, adj.) 1. Bend: cur-
Tlie rocks and hills resounded to the arms of the va. C. S. 2. Blind : caca. C. S.
brave warriors. Consonabant rupes montesque ad CAM, gen. Chàim, et comp. Caime, adj. I.

anna heroum validorum. " Calma sin o aois mhic Crooked, bent : cunnis, flexus. " M' iuthar cum."
bhig." MS. penes Sir J. Grant. Daring wast thou Fing. iv. 242. My crooked bow, (lit.) yew : meus
from thy childliood. Audax (tu) iste ab aetata fi- taxus, e. arcus cur\us.
i. 2. Blind of one eve
lii parvi. Hebr. Q^n c/ialam, valuit. altero oculo captus. Voc. 28. 133. 3. Awry,
Calmachd, s.f. ind. Ì (Calma), Courage, strength: wrongly directed : obliquus, oblique directus.
Calmadachd, ind. > audacia, vires, virtus. C. " Chaith thu cam e.' C. S. You have shot, or
Calm-adas, -ais, s.m.y S. thrown it awTy. Jaculatus es eum oblique. Scot.
Calmai, adj. Tem. viii. 319. Vide Calma. Camy. Wei. et B. Bret. Camra, et Cam. Gr.
Calman, -ain, -an, s. m. (Calma, et Eun), dove, A Ka/jy^oi, flexus ; Ka/LTTu, curvo. Pers. *ri kiiem,
pigeon : columba. Sm. Salm. Ixviii. 13. Vide
or hham, curved, crooked.
Calmar, -aire, adj. (Calma), Brave: fortis. R. • Cam, s. m. Deceit dolus, : fraus. O'R.
M'D. 64. • Cama, adj. Brave, strong : fortis, strenuus. Sit.

Calmar, -air, s. (Calma, et Fear), Calmar, one

in. et OR.
of the heroes of Fingal noraen viri. Fing. i. 133.
• Camabhil, -e, «.yi Camomil : chamaemelum. Voc.
• Calmas, -ais, *. m. Llh. i. e. Calmachd, q. vide.
Calm-lax.v, -a, -an, s.f. (Caiman, et Lann), A • Camach, s.f. Power : O'B.
potentia. Llh. et
dove-cot : columbarium. Macf. V. ' Cama-dliubh, s.
f the hand, or thigh bone : ul-

Calmusnach, -aiche, adj. (Calma), R. M'D. 350. na, vel OS femorale. MSS.
Vide Calma. Camadh, -aidh, s. m. et pres. part. v. Cam. A bend,
Calpa, -an, -ANNAN, s. m. 1. Calf of the leg:
crook, a bending : flexura, curvatura, actus cur-
sura. Voc. 16. " Caol a' chalpa." Voc. 16. Small vandi. C. S. IVel. Camu, to bend. Arab. y*2i
of the leg : pars surae exilior. " Meall a' chalpa." hhemi, crookedness, curvature. Span. Comba.
Voc. 16. Calf of the leg crassissima surae pars.
: Camag, -aig, -an, s. f. (Cam, adj.) 1. curl A :

" Mar gheala bhradan do chosan, cincinnus. C. S. 2. crook : pedum. C. S. 3. A

" te d' ghearr osan mu d' cfui/pa." A club clava. N. H.
: 4. bay, arm of the A
Stew. 441. sea : maris siuus. Sh. et O'B. 5. A clasp fibu- :

As the white salmon thy legs, with thy short hose la. Sh. 6. Any thing crooked, or curved quod- :
vis cun-um. O'B. 7. A comma in writing : com- Camhlacii, -aich, s.f. A. M'D. Gloss. Vide Cabh-
ma, in sCribcndo. Gr. Ka.aag, pentica. Scot. lach.
Caniniock. Jam. • Camhnaidh, Vide Còmhnuidh.
s.f. Llh.
Camaoacii, -aiche, «f/;. (Camag), Curled, crooked: Camhtair, -e, -ean, s. 711. Vide Cabhtair.
cincinnatus, contortus, curvus. A.M^D. CÀMHUILL, Voc. 78. gen. of Càmhal, q. vide.
Camagan, pi. of Camag, q. vide ; and sometimes CÀM-LUB, -uiB, -AN, s.f.(Càm,adj. et Lùb,«.), A ring-
means the temples of the head : capitis tempora. let : cirrus. C S.
Voc. 14. et OB. CÀM-LUBACII, -AICHE, adj. (Cam, et Lùb, s.), In ring-
• Cam-all, .«. m. (Cam, adj. et Al, 6.) A camel, lets: concinnatus. Stew. HI.
i. c. a crooked horse : equus gibbus, camelus. CÀM-LUIRGNEACH, -E1CHE, adj. (Cam, et Luii^-
Vail. Vide CàmhaK neach). Club-footed : loripes, valgus, distortas ha-
Caman, -ain, -aim, et -an, «. m. (Cam, adj.) game, A bens tibias. C S.
or playing club. Scot, a shinny club clava luso- : • Cam-mhugarlach, -mhuigcai-lacli, a/lj. Llh. Vide
ria Scotoruni. Voc. 105. Hind, kuman, a bow. Cam-luirgneach.
Gilch. CÀM-MHUIN, -MHUiNEAL, -EiL, s.m. The bird wry-
Camanachd, s. f. iiul. (Caman), Shinny playing : neck : torquilla (avis). Ll/i.
clavarum et pilae ludus. C. S. CÀM-MHuiNEALACH, -AICHE, adj. (Cam, adj. etMui-
Camart, -airt, s. m. (Cam, adj.) A disease, or Ileal), Wry-necked : collo distorto. Voc. 28.
spasmodic affection of the neck, causing the patient CAikfor;, -nir:, -an, s.f. Vide Camag.
to look awry dolor quidam colli, quo vultus obli-
: • Camoga, pi. The temples of the head : capitis
que vertitur. Hibrid. tempora. B. B. Cant. vi. 7.
Cam-bheul, -EÒIL, s. m. Vide Caimbeul. Camogach, -AICHE, adj. (Caraog). Vide Cama-
• Cam-braic, s. m. A wry mouth : os distortum. gach.
• Cam ceachdta, s. m. The north pole : polus Bo- Camp, j camp: castra. " Anns a' champ." Salm.
realis. OR. cvi. 16. Ed. 1807. " Champa." B. B. Ed. 1690.
Cam-chasach, -aiche, adj. (Cam, adj. et Cas, s.) In the camp. In castris. Vide Long-phort. " Camp-
Bow-legged : valgus, loripes. Voc. 29. dhuine." A man of the camp, i. e. A champion.
» Ca-mead, How many ? Quot ? Vide Co- Scot. Campioun. Jam. Hemper. SiU). Gloss, i. e.
mheud. Campfhear. Ifal. Campione. Angl. Sax. Camp-
CÀM-DHÀN, -ÀIN, s. m. (Cam, adj. et Dan, s.) An ian. Germ, et Belg. Campen, Cempen. Fr.
Iambic verse : carmen iambicum. Sh. et O'R. Champ. Span. Campana, Campeador, beUator.
Cam-ghlas, -ais, s.f. A red shank: haematophus, Pasq. Campoa.
(avis). Voc. 76. Campachadh, -aidh, s. m. et pres. part. v. Cam-
• Camh, s. m. Power, might : vires potentia. Steio. paich. Vide Campuchadh.
Gloss. Campaich, idh, CH-, V. n. Vide Campuich.
• Camhach, s.f. Power : potentia. Llh. » Campaineach, adj. of Champagne campanus. :

Camhach, -aiche, adj. Garrulous, talkative : gar- " Fion campaineach." Wine called Cham-
rulus, loquax. Provin. Vide Cabach. paigne. LUi.
Camhachas, -AIS, s.y. (Camhach, o<^'.) Garrulity: Campair, -e, -ean, s. m. A
camp-master: qui po-
loquacitas. Provin. nendis castris pra;ficitur, i. e. " Camp'fhear."
CÀMHAL, w. (Camh, powcr, et Al, 6.)
-AiLL, -uiLL, s. Campar, -air, s. m. (Cam, adj. et Tuar), Anger,
A camel: camelus. Gew.xii. 16.Wei. Came). Span. grief, vexation : ira, dolor, vexatio. " Na biodh
Camello. Pasq. Gemelua. Germ. CamiL P.Bret. campar ort mu dhaoinibh aingidh." Salm. xxxvii.
Caval. Gr. Ka.aijXoc. Hebr. 7DJ gamal. Fr. 1. Fret not th3'self because of evil men. Ne ira
Chameau. sit tibi propter maleficos. " Campar inntinn."
Camhan, -ain, -an, s. m. A hollow plain : planities Vexation of spirit animi vexatio.
: Hebr. 100
incurvata. Macinty. 92. " Feadh nan lùb 's nan chamar, arsit, tìagravit, valde turbatus est.
camhanan." A. M^D. Through windings and hol- Camparach, -aiche, adj. (Campar), Vexing, griev-
lows. Per sinuositationes et incurvaturas. ous molestus, acerbus, durus. C. S.

Camhanach, -aich, s. f. Break of day, twilight • Camp-thuaim, s.f. (Camp, et Tuaraa), Entrench-

diluculum. Voc. 101. It is more frequently used ments : vallum et fossa, castrorum munimenta.
Camhanaich, nom. " Canihanaich na maidne 's O'R. Vide Tuania.
camhanaich an flieasgair." Morning and evening Campuchadh, -aidh, s. m. et pres. part. v. Cam-
twilight. C'repusculum matutinum et vespertinum. puich. Encampment, act of encamping castra :

C.S. Macinty. 179.

et metatio, actus castra ponendi. Salm. xxxiv. 7.
• Camhaoir, -e, s.f. Pibl. Gloss. Vide Seq. Hebr. metr. " Campughadh," 6'a/»i. xxxiv. 7. ^rf. 1753.
~\'ùr\ chamar, rubuit. CÀM-RATH, -A, -AX, s. m. (Cam, adj. et Sruth), A
Camh-fhair, -e, s.f. (Cam, adj. et Faire), Break of gutter, sewer cloaca, sentina. Sh.

day : diluculum, prima lux. " Bhrist a' chamh-fhair CÀM-RIAGHAILT, -E, -EAN, S.f. (Cam, ff(^'. Ct Riagh-
air Croma." S.D. 128. Day-light rose (broke) ailt), Anarchy, confusion anarchia. C. S. Wei.

on Croma. Prima lux aperuit super Cromam. Carareol.

Cam'honacii, mij. A Cameron, Canieronian : Camc- CÀNAC1ID, *./. rjirf. (Cain, ».), A taxing : tribuio-

ronius, C'aiiuToniiuius. C S. rum imposilio vel exactio. C. S.

CÀM-biiHÙs, -ÒIN, -AN, «. /. (Chxi, (ulj. et Sron), CÀNACHAS, \ -AIS, -UIS, M./. BiM. Glou. Vidc Cà-
Crook -no8C, or hook-noae : curvu» na»us, vel obli- CÀNAciiL'.s, j nuchd.
quu8. C. S. • cflenum, sordei. JJh.
Canaigli, «./. Uirt :

Cam-shkonach, -aiche, adj. (Cum, Shròn), Hav- CÀNA1N, -EAN, s./. (Can, et Aithnc), Language,

ing tlio Mosc turned to a side : uasum obliquuni dialect sermu, diiilectus. (mvii. xi. 1. miirg.

tiabeus. C. S. CÀNAINEACH, -ICHE, -EAN, K. «I. (Cànuill), A lin-

CÀM-siiUiL, -ÙLA, -EAN, s. f. A piiik-oyc : oculus guist peritus linguarum. Fur. lOl.

patus. C.S. Canal, -ail, «. m. Cinnamon: cinimmomuin. Gnàth.

Camus, -uis, 1. A bay: sinus maris.
s. m. vii. 17.
" An camus Chluba nau iumudli stuadh." • Canamhuinn, s./. Voc. 99. Vide Cànain.
340. Tnit. vii. • Canan, -ain. A cannon: bombarda. Voc. 116.
In tlie bay of Cluba of many waves. In jiortu Vox Angl.
Cluba; multorum fluctuum. Hence, found in many Canastair, -e, -EAN, s. wi. A canistcr : canistruin.
names of places. Indc '• Canius," in niiiltis lo- C. S. Fr. Canistrc. Span. Canasta. Larram.
corum nominibus habemus. \'ide Appendix. 2. • Canfam, i. e. Canaidh mi. Salm. passim.
'File space between the tliighs : perina-um inter- • Cangaruich, -idh. ch-, v. a. Fret, vex : crucia,
feniiniuni. C. S. Gi. Kau.-à'Oi, curvus. Pers. ange. Sh.
Arui. ,j-_^U> Cangluisn, -e, -EAN, «./. Trouble, vexation: mo-
V.xL=^ k/tamiz, gaping, yawning.
lestia. C. S. Scot. To cangle. Jam.
kamns, ocean, middle of the sea. Canoluinneach, -eiche, adj. (Cangluinn), Trou-
Cak, -aidh, CII-, f. a. 1. Sing cane. " Agus : blesome, vcxaiiuu» moiestus, gravis. C. .V. •

chan iad òran nuadh." Taisb. v. 9. And they Cangluisneaciid, iiul. C'angluinneach), s./. Tur-
sung a new song. Et cecinerunt canticum novum. bulence, trouble, vexation : molestia. ò'. C
2. Say die. " A' cantuinn." C. S.
: Saying CÀNMHUINN, -E, -EAN, s./. Mac/. V. Id. q. Càn-
dicens. Wei. et Arm. Can, «. Canu, f. Span. ; ain.

Cantar. Basq. Canta. Arab. jji=i. gani. Hebr. • Cann, s. m. 1. A reservoir: loculus, reposito-

cane. Hind. Gana to chant, to sing.

rium. Sh. et O'B. 2. A vessel : vas. Sh. et
rny ganaJi, ;
O'B. 3. A full moon : plenilunium. MSS.
Gilchr. Sh. et O'B.
• Can, -a, s. m. A lake lacus. O'B. et Sh. : Canna,/>/. -AciiAN, «.»1. 1. A can, a cup: can-
' Can, adv. Wn'lst, when dum, cum. UJi. i. e. : tharus. Voc. 87. Scot. Cannikin. Silo. Gloss. 2.
" Cia uine ? What time ? Quid tempus ? Vide A moth
: tinea. Llh.
'C'uin. Cannach, -aich, *. m. Sweet-willow, myrtle my- :

• Can, -a, *. m. 1. A moth : tinea. O'B. 2. A mjTtus. Sh. et O'B.

lake : lacus. O'B. et Sà. 3. A whelp, pup- Cannach, -AiciiE, adj. 1. Soft: mollis. Macinly.
py : catellus. LIA. 38. 2. Kind, affectionate benignus, blandus, a- :

Can'a, j»/. m. 1. A small whale:

Casachax, s. mans. Mac/. V. 3. Pretty, beautiful, comely
phocana, tursio. Hehrid. 2. An order of poets pulcher, decorus, speciosus. Mac/. V. Scot. Can-
of the third degree below an ollamh ordo : ny, et Kannie.
dam poetarum. O'R. quoting the Breh. Laws. Cannran, -ain, s. m. Bibl. Gloss. Vide Cànran.
Canabhas, -Ais, *. /«. Canvas, sackcloth canabis. : • Cannta, s. m. A lake, puddle : lacus, palus li-
Scot. Cannas, et Cannes. Jam. Vide Cainb. mosa. Llh.
Cakach, -aich, s.f. 1. Cotton grass, moss crops : • Canntach, adj. (Cannta, «.), Dirty spurcus. :

pappus, lanugo musci montani, eriophorum polys- Llh.

tacliion et vaginatum. Light/. Canntail, -e, -EAN, s. /. ct pres. part. V. Can. 1.
" Bu ghile "bian na canach shieibhe." Singing : C. S.
cantio, 2. voting
cantatio. A
S. D. 3-li. for : suflragium. Sh. 3. An auction auctio. PI. :

Her skin was whiter than the mountain moss- Canntair, -e, -EAN, s. WI. (Can, r. et Fear), A
crops. candidior (ejus) cutis quam lanu-
Fuit chaunter, a singer : cantor. C. S.
go musci montani. 2. The herb cats-tail ty- : Canntaireachd, s. /. ind. (Canntair), Chaunting,
pha aquatica. Sh. 3. Cotton xylon. Mac/. V. : singing : cantatio. " Aoiblmeas canntaireachd."
4. Down pappus, vel lana. Mac/. V.
: " Crann- Macinty. 48. The joy of song. Canendi Iseti-
canaich." f oc. 65. cotton-tree A
arbor xylina. : tia.
Scot. Canach. Jam. • Canntal, -aidh, ch-, (Canntail, 3.) Sell by auc-
• Canach. 1. Standing water : lacuna. O'B. tion auctione vende. PI. Suppl.

2. (Can, V.) Bombast : ampulla;. LIli. 3. De- ' Cann-thigh, s. /. strawberry : fragum. LUi. A
ceit : dolor. O'li. 4. A sturgeon, porpoise, or App.
poqjus : acipenser, tursio, phocana. Sh. ' Canoin, -e, -ean, s./. A
rule : canon. Llh. Wei.
Canach, -\ici\v.,adj. Mac/. i\ Vide Cannach, adj. Canon ; a song, rule, prescript.
CANACH, geii. sing, of Cain, q. vide. CÀNRAN, -ain, «. m. A
muttering, grumbling, chat-
Vol. I. Aa
tering, wrangling, contention : murmuratio, garri- putamen vacuum. Sh. 3. Blind man's buff Indus :

tus, rixa;. i'oc. 168. quidam in quo oculi actoris praecipui caecantur. OR.
• Cànran, -ain, -an, «. m. Stew. Gloss. Vide Gàn- Suppl. 4. A mushroom, puff-ball fungus. Provin. :

radh, ct Sgeigeir. Caochail, -idii, et -laidh, ch-, v. a. et w. 1.

CÀNRANACH, -AicHE, (Cànran), Chattering, cuij. Change, alter : muta. " CaochaUklh tu a ghnùis."
cross, peevish, fretful garrulus, perversus, moro- : Job. xiv. 20. Thou changest his countenance
sus, asper, rixosus. Macf. V. faciem ejus mutabis. 2. Die : morere " Chaoch-
CÀNRANACHD, s.f. itid. (Cànranach), Fretfulness, a ail e. Gen. xlix. 33. He yielded up the ghost
habit of peevishness, contention morositas, con- : mortuus est. Hebr. 7113 chachal, fucavit, colora-
suetudo irascendi, rixandi. C. S. vit, colorem mutavit. Cliald. ^nO cec/uil, fucavit.
• Canta, s.f. 1. The quince-tree: malus coto- Caochan, -ain, -an, s.m. 1. A rill : rivulus. " Am
nea vel cydonia. MSS. 2. lake, puddle A fuaim a' chaochain." S. D. 64. In the murmur of
lacus, palus. Lih. the rill. In fremitu rivuli. 2. An eddy of air
« Cantaighear, -eir, -ean, s. m. (Can, v. et Fear), aurae flamen. Sh. et O'JR. 3. Whisky in the first
An accent : accentus. MSS. process of distillation aqua vitae Scotorum, in pri-

Cantaireachd, s.f. bid. Vide Canntaireachd. ma concoctione. Sh. et C. S.

• Cantal, -aidh, ch-. Vide Canntal. Caochlach, -aiche, adj. (Caochladh), Changing,
• Cantaoir, -e, -ean, s. m. A press prelum. Llh. : inconstant: mutabilis, inconstant " Neòil cAaocA-
et Sh. lach air ghorm nan ^i^eur.' Fing. iv. 168. The
• Cantlamh, ì s. m. Strife, grief: lis, dolor. Sh. et cb-irigJng clouds on the blue (expanse) of the skies.
• Cantol, ] MSS. Nimbi mutabiles per caerula coelorum.
Cantoir, -e, -ean, s. m. (Can, et Fear). Vide Cann- Caochladh, -aidh, -ean, s. m. et pres. part. v.
tair. Caochail. 1. A
change, altering mutatio, actus :

Cantuinn, -e, part V. Can. Singing,

s-m. ci pres. mutandi. " Tha caochlaidh agus cogadh a' m"
saying actus canendi, voces proferendi. C. S.
: aghaidli." lob. x. 17. Ed. 1807. Changes and
CÀNUICHT, adj. et pret. part. V. Càinich, q. vide. war are against me. Vices et bellum sunt contra
• Canur, s. /«. Llh. Vide Canach. me. 2. Dying : actus, vel status moriendi. C. S.
Caob, -oib, -an, s. m. 1. clod, lump : cespes, A Caoch-chnuasach, -aich, s. m. An empty nut
massa rudis. Llh. 2. bite (with the teeth) A nux inanis. MSS.
morsus (dentibus). N. H. 3. bit, or piece of A Caochlaideach, -eiche, adj. Changeable muta- :

any thing cut off, as with the teeth pars, sectio, : bilis. Vac. 139.
secta sicut dentibus. N. H. Gr. KuSof, cubus. Caochlaideachd, s. f. ind. (Caochlaideach), Mu-
Ajigl. A Arab, '—r-^ hyb, quantity.
tability : mutabilitas. C. S.

Caob, -aidh, ch-, v. a. (Caob, s.). Bite, as with the

Caochlan, -ain, -an, s. m. A swift rill : rivus, ce-
ler. C.S.
teeth morde, sicut dentibus. iV. H.
* Caod, -aidh, ch-, Come: veni. Llh.
Caobach, -AICHE, adj. (Caob, s) 1. Full of clods :
* Caoda ? How? Quo? Quomodo? Sh.
globosus. C. S. 2. Biting: qui mordet. N. H.
Caod chaluim-chille, m. St. John Wort hy-
s. :

Caobadh, -aidh, s. m. et pres. part. v. Caoh. Bit- pericon. Sh. Id. q. Achlasan chaluim chille.
ing, act of biting actus mordendi. JV. H. :
» Caode, i. e. Ciod è ? Who ? What ? Quis ?
• Caobainn, «.y. A prison career. Llh. :
Quid? Llh.
• Caobh, s. m. A
bough, branch ramus. Llh. :
* Caodh, «. m. 1. A
tear lachiyma. Sh. : Vide
Caobta, perfpart. v. Caob. Bitten, cut, as with the Caoidh. 2. Good order : bonus ordo. Sh. et
teeth, into small portions morsus, sectus, sicut :
OR. 3. Condition : status. Sh. et O'R.
dentibus in sectiones. JV. H. * Caodhamhlachd, s.
f. Competency : quantum
Caoch, Caoiche, adj. 1. Empty, hollow: cavus, Sh.
vacuus. " Bothan geamhraidh nan cos caoch."
* Caodhan, s. m. (Caodh, 3.), A person in good
S.D. 159. The winter booth of empty hollows. condition : qui bene se habet. Sh.
Tabernaculum hiemis latebrarum vacuarum. 2.
Caog, -aidh, ch-, nicta. " Na
v. a. Wink, connive:
Blind : ceecus. Macf. V. caogadh iad le 'n sùil." »Sa/»i. xxxv. 19. Let them
Caoch, -oich, s. m. Madness, insanity ; demen- not wink with their eye. Ne nictent cum oculo
tia, insania. " Tlia
'n caoch ort." N. H. You are eorum.
mad. Polius Cuthach, q. vide.
Caogach, -aiche, adj. (Caog, v.), Winking, squint-
Caoch nan cearc, s. m. (Caoch, s. et Cearc), Hen-
eyed nictans, strabus. Macf. V. Span. Ciego.

bane hyoscyamus. Sh. et C. S.

Caogad, -aid, adj. Fifty: quinquaginta. Vac. 122.
Caochad, -aid, s./. (Caoch, cK^'.) 1. Blindness: cae- Caogadamh, -aimh, adj. Fiftieth : quinquagesiraus.
citas. C. S. 2. Emptiness vacuitas. C. S. :
Caochadh, -aidh, s. m. (Caoch, adj.) Blinking, Caogadh, -aidh, m.
Caog. Wink-
s. et pres. part. v.
making blind actio nictandi, caecandi. Vide Caog- "
ing : Dhoibh caogadh
nictatio, actus nictandi.
SÙ1 na biom. Ross. Salm. xxxv. 19. Let me not
Caochag, -aig, -an, s. f. 1. A hollow, or empty be a winking of the eye to them. Ne sim nictan-
nut nux inanis. Macinty,
: 27. 2. An empty shell dum (i. e, causa nictandi) iis.
Caogail, -B, «./. Winking: iiictatio, actio nictaiidi. CAoiMnNEALACiiD, (./. (Caoirohneil). Toe. 35. Vide

Proi'iii. q. Cuogadli.III. Caunihalochd.

Caoo-siiuileaiii, -EitiiE, adj. (Coog, V. et Sùil), Caoimii.nkas, -eis, (Cuomli, adj.) Kindness,
t. tn.

Winking, squint-eyed: gtrobus, nictaiites liubLns tendernesK : benignito*. " Lagh a' chaoimkntu."
ociilos. Macf'. V. Gnàth. xxxi. 26. 'llie law of kindness. Lex (doc-
• Caoi, *, /. 1. Id. «J.
Caoidli. 2. Ways and triiia) benignitatis.
means: consilia ct rutiones. S/i. et O'R. 3. Caoimhneasacii, -aiciie, adj. (Caoia)hneaa)« Kind:
A cuckoo cucullui». Sh. : benignus. Voc. 130.
• Caoiche, Caoicliead, s. f. (Caoch, adj.) Blind- Caoimhneil, -e, adj. (Caomh, cu^.) Kind: benig-
ness ca-citus. O'B. et Sh,
: nus, blandus. " Gu caoimhneU." Gen. xxiv. 49.
Caoichealaciid, s.f. hid. (Caoicheil), Noisy, ob- Kindly benignè.

streperous, or extreme mirth nimia liilaritas, gau- : Caoimii-sgiath, -iiiTii, -AN, *./. (Caomh, et Sgiath),
dium extra modum. A. 11. A shield scutum, (carum quia defensio). S. D.

Caoicheil, -e, adj. (Caoch, «.) I. Mad-like, in- • Coimhtheach, s. m. (Caomh, et Teach), An in-
sane demens, insanus. N. H.
: 2. Obstreperous- mate, bed-fellow iamiiiaris, lecti sociug. LUi. :

ly glad, abounding in noisy merriment nimium : App.

liilaris, clamosus cum hilaritate. N. H. Caoimhtheachas, -ais, «. m. Llh. Vide Caoimh-
Caoidh, -E, s.yl Lamentation, weeping lamentatio, : eachas.
fletus, ploratio. " Le caoidh mhòir agus fo- • Caoimhtheachd, f. (Caomh, et Teachd). s. 1.

cliràiticli." Gm. 1. 10. With a great and very sore Protection pra;sidium. O'B. et Sh.
: 2. A
lamentation. Cum planctu magno et gravi valde. county comitatus. O'B. et Sh.

Caoidh, -idii, ch-, v. a. (Caoidh, «.). Lament, weep, • Caoimin, *. /. The herb, eye-bright : euphrasia.
mourn, bewail luge, defle, deplora. " Agus tliài-
: Sh. et O'Ji. 2. The murrain : lues pecudum.
nig Abraliam a dlu-anaml» tuiridh air son Shàrali, O'B. et Sh.
agus a chaoidh air a son. Gen. xxiii. 2. And A- • Caoimineach, *./. (Co, et lomaineach), com- A
braham came to mourn for Sarah, and to weep for mon for cattle : ager compascuus. Sh. et (7/?.
her. Et ingressus est Abrahamus ad lugendmn Caoin, -e, adj. pleasing, soft, ge-
1. Delightful,
propter Sarani et ad deflendum earn. nial, kindly, mild, mild tempered jucundus, de- :

Caoidh-chòmhradh, -aidh, s.(Caoidh, «. et

ni. lectabilis, blandus.
lenis, " Thriath innis
Còmhradh), Mournful conversation : coUocutio nan caoin shian." Fing. i. 451. (Thou) cliief of
tristis. S.i>. 16. the island of gentle showers. Princeps insula: le-
Caoidheach, -eiche, adj. (Caoidh,».), Mournful: nium imbrium. 2. Dry siccus. Sh. et C. S. 3. :

tristis. C. S. Smooth : laevis.

Caoidheadh, -idh, s. m. et pres. part. v. Caoidh. " A ghruaidh mar an t-iuthar caoin."
Mourning, wailing, lamenting : lugendi, plangendi, Fing. 1. 387.
deflendi actus. Macf. V. His cheek as the polished yew. Ejus gena instar
Caoidhearan, -ain, «. m. (Canidh-ghearan), A taxi laevis. B. Bret. Cun. Hebr. ]n chen, fav-
wailing : lamentatio, deploratio. " Caoidhrean." our.
Marf. V. " Caoidhran." E. M'B. Caoin, -e, s. f. 1. The exterior surface of cloth,

Caoil, gen. of Caol. " Timchiol a chaoil," Round vulgarly called the right side : exterior panni fa-
his waist circum ejus lumbos. Llh. et O'B.
: des. Sh. et C. S. 2. rind : interior arborum A
Caoile, s.f. ind. (Caol, adj.) 1. Leanness: macies. liber. Bill. Gloss. 3. Kindness benignitas. " Na :

" Chuir e caoile air an anam. Salm. cvi. 15. He 'n gleidliinn a ghean 's a chaoin." Oran. If I would
sent leanness into their soul. Animis maciem im- preser\e his good will and kindness. Si servarem
posuit. 2. Smallness, slendemess tenuitas. Macf. : ejus comitatem et benignitatem.
V. 3. The waist : cinctura. Macf. V. Caoin, -idh, ch-, f. a. et n. 1. Weep, lament, wail
Caoilead, -EID, «. 7«. Smallness, slendemess: exi- defle, luge, lamentare. " Caoinibh e gu geur."
guitas, tenuitas, gracilitas. Voc. 138. Dug. Buclutn. Lament liim sorely deflete eum :

Caoilleax, -ein, -an, s. in. (Caol, s. 3.) A small acriter. 2. Howl : ejula. C. S. Wei. K-jyr,. B.
twig, or osier, used in wicker work : vimen, salix Bret. Cunuc'ha. J3ie6r. pp kùn, lamentari ; nop
contexendo N. H.
utile. kinah, lamentatio.
• Caoille, s.f. Land ager. Lih. et O'B.
: Caoin-chaithlisn, s.
/.J a name of a star : nomen
Caoilte, s. m. A proper name in Ossian : nomen sideris. Tem. vii. 266.
Ossianici herois. Caoine' *. »1. Tem. 1. 368. Vide Caoineadh, 2.
Caoimh, of Caomh, *. q. vide. B. Bret. Cunucha.
Caoimhe, adj. comp. of Caomh, q. vide. Caoineach, -ich, s.f. 1. Stubble stipula. Sh. 2. :

Caoimheach, -ich, s. in. (Caomh, adj.) A bed-fel- Moss, fog muscus. " A caoineach mar chiabh a'

low : consors lecti, Sh. fuaim." Fing. iv. 334. Its moss sounding as hair.
Caoimheach, -eiche, adj. (Caomh,
Kind, kind- s.) Ejus musco instar capilli sonante. " Vulg. Còin-
ly, friendly : benignus, amicus. R.
258. MD. neach."
Caoimheachas, -ais, s. f. (Caomh, s.) Society Caoineachadh, -aidh, s. tn. et pres. part, v. Caoin-
hominum consortium. lAh. et Sh. ich. Drying : actus exsiccandi. C. S.
Aa 2
Caoincaclian, -ain, *. m.
• polisher of stone A Cadi RE all, s. m. Name of a Fingalian bard : noiiien
lapicida, qui lapides polit. Sh. et O'R. poeta; cujusdara, Tingaliensis. Vide Oss. passim.
Caoineachas, -Ais, s.m. (Caoin, adj.) 1. Peace: Caoirean, -ein, -an, s. m. (Caoidli, et Rann). 1.
pax. Sh. 2. Softness, mildness : lenitas, benigni- A canticum triste. Marf. V. 2.
plaintive song
: A
ras. as. sofl sound
sonitus levis et blandus.
: S. C
Caoineadh, -idh, s. m. et pres. part. v. Caoin. 1. Caoir-gheal, -ile, afi/. (Caoir, et Geal), Glowing
Crying, lamentation : fletus, lamentatio. C. S. 2. hot, bright flaming : candens, vehcmenter ardens,
Howling : ejulatio. quasi ex fornace. Oss. jjassim.
" 'S an garbh chaoineadJisgaoileadh thall." a' Caoiribii, 1. dat. pi. of Caoir. Salm. 1. 3. tnetr.
Tern. i. 190. 2. dat. pi. of Caora, A sheep ovis. " Ri caoir- :

Tlieir loud howling spreading around. Et eorum ibii t-ionaltraidh." Salm. Ixxiv. 2. metr. Towards
asperso ejulatu se spargente ex adverso. B. Bret. the sheep of thy pasture. In oves pastus tui.
Caoun, et Coinvi. Gr. Kaiitu, cegroto. Caoirich, pi. of Caora. A
sheep oves. Sm. Salm. :

• Caoineasgar, s. m. (Caoin, adj. et Seasgar), A viii. 7. Vide Caoraich.

fort : arx, munimentum, praesidium. O'B. • Caoirin, s.f. dimin. of Caor. 1. A little sheep :

Caoinich, -idh, CH-, V. a. (Caoin, adj. 2.) Dry, ovicula. Sh. 2. little berry A : bacca parva.
make dry, rub gently, smooth : sicca, la;viga. C. S. Sh. et O'B. Vide Caora, et Caor.
• Caoinich, s.f. Cotton xylinum. Voc. 91. : Caoirin-leana, s.f. Great, or wild valerian : Vale-
Caoin-iochdach, -aiche, adj. (Caoin, adj. et lochd- riana officinalis. O'If.
ach). Compassionate : misericors. C. S. Caoir-lasair, ì -aich, s.f. A flaming brand:
Caoin-shuarach, -aiche, adj. (Caoin, et Suarach), Caoir-lasrach, j torris flagrans. Maef. V. Vide
Indifferent parum curans. Macf. V.
: Caoir, et Lasair.
Caoin-shuarachd, s.f. ind. (Caoin-shuarach), In- • Caoirl, -idh, ch-, v. a. (Caoirle, *.) Beat with a
difference parum curatio. C. S.
: club : clava feri. Sh. et O'If.
Caointeach, -eiche, adj. (Caoin, v.) Sad, soitow- * Caoirle, s. m. A club : clava.LUi. O'B. et Sh.
ful : tristis, moestus. * Caoirleachd, s.
f. A tossing with clubs clava- :

" Tri uaire bha 'acain caointeach." S. D. 70. rum et pilae lusus. Sh. et O'R.
Thrice was his mournfiil moan. Ter fuit ejus ge- Caoirnein, -einean, s. 7n. 1. A globule of sheep,
mitus moestus. or goats' dung particula, : vel sphaerula stercoris
Caointeach, -ich, s. m. (Caoin, v.) A mourner ovini vel caprini. Hebrid. 2. A drop, or globule
plorator. Bibl. Gloss. of any liquid : gutta. Hebrid.
Caoir, -e, s.f. A brand : torris. Bibl. Gloss. Vide Caoir-theine, s.f. A
a blaze of fire
Caor, et seq. torris, flamma, incendium. 3Iacf. V. Vide Caoir,
Caoir, -e, -ean, *. f. 1. blaze of fire : flarama A et Teine.
longe fulgens. Caoirtheach, -eiche, adj. (Caoir, s.) Fiery, blaz-
" A
chiabh bhuidhe 'na caoir m' a cheann." ing, sparkling : igneus, fulgens, scintillans.
Fing. i. 390. " Chuiuiaic, an gaisgeach 'na sliuain,
His yellow hair as a fiery blaze around his head. " Sruth caoirtlteoich o chruaich nam beann."
Capillo flavo in flammà (inflammato) circa ejus Fing. ii. 10.
caput. " Caofrtheinntidh." C. S. thunderbolt A The hero saw, in his sleep, a fiery stream from the
fulgor, fulmen. 2. coal : pruna. " Aghaidh A brow of the mountains. Vidit heros in sopore,
nam beann 'nan ccurir." Fing. i. 455. The ap- torrentem igneum e latere montium.
pearance of the hills as a burning coal. Facies * Caois, s.f. A
furrow : sulcus. Llh. Vide Clais.
montium ut prunse. 3. stream of sparks, or fire, A • Caoitein, -ean, s. m, A
little cat : parvus felis.

fiercely burning agmen scintiUarum, vel ignis ve-

: Proi'in.
hementer ardens. « Caoithèaran, -ain, s. m. Voc. 160. Vide Caoidli-
" Mar cheud òrd bualadh baoth a' earan.
" Chaoir o 'n teallach dhearg ma seach." Caol, Caoile, adj. Small, slender, thin : tenuis,
Fing. i. 491. lentus, gracilis.
Like a hundred hammers alternately striking, from " Fag Eirinn nan sruth 's nan raon,
the red forge, streams of fleeting sparks. Instar " Do bhean, is cù caol an fheidh."
centum raalleorum excutientium agmen scintilla- Fing. ii. 183.
rum fluxarum ah incude rubra alterne. Vide Salm. Leave Ireland of streams and fields, your wife, and
1. 3. metr. 4. {Jig.) A rapid toirent : torrens, ve- slender deer-hound. Relinque lernen fluminuni
locitas torrentis. " Tha 'n amhainn 'na caoir." et camporum, tuam uxorem, et canem gracilem cer-
C tS. The river rages, or foams. Amnis ruit, vi. Wei. Cul. 2. Lean, lank, worn out : macer,
velocitate spumat. Hebr. XyiH chareh, arsit. Chald, macilentus. " Agus, feuch, thainig seachd bà
^"Sn cliMri, accendit. eile nios nan deigh as an amhainn, granda f am
Caoi-ràn, -ain, 5. m. (Caoidh, et Ran), A moan- faicinn, agus caol 'iiam feòil." Gen. xli. 3. And,
ing : ploratus, doloris exclamatio. C. S. behold, seven other kine came up after them out
Caoir-dhris, -e, s.f. A thicket (of thorns) : vepri- of the river, ill-favoured, and lean- fleshed. Et,
um perplexitas, vepretum. Gai. xxii. 13. marg. ecce, septem vaccae aliae ascenderunt, post eas ex
aiiuii, ddorincs visu, I't ti-niicit i-arnc caruni. Aruò. Caol-Dp.àhhsa, I. m. Name of a star: numi-n i>idc-
ris. 'fern. vii. 2tì-4. \'ide Caol, ailj. ci Ueàrr-
Sjì. Uirìt, lean ;
3^lJ' kahyl, iy*^ kahul, wither-
ed, dry. 3. Narrow : angustus. • Caolfail, s.f. Nettles : uriica. The herb heirift'.
" Tuiteani ail tigh cool gun leus." ,SV<. et lull.
Finff. ii. 22. Caol-kiiaihuk, -EAS, S.f. (Cool, et Fairg), A «trait :

Let me descend info the narrow dark hutiso. Ca- maris angustiu-, fretum. S/i.

dain in iloniuni angustani sine luce. Caol - ciii.òiKKAcii, - (.hlòuach, - oiiltiiacii,

CaOL, -AOll., -AOILTKAN, ,V. III. (Caol, (u/j. 3.) 1. A -AICHE, vel -LiciiE, adj. Shrill-voiced: argutus,
narrow strait, sound, frith maris iretuni.
voceni habens exileiii. Sh.
Fhud 's u thaonias an caol o chuan." Caol-.miiala, -aich, -iciiean, (Caol, adj. tt .Mala),
Fiiig. i. 62C. A finely arched brow : supercilium delicate cuna-
As long as the frith shall pour (its waters) from tuni. Sftiv. 329.

the ocean. Quanuliu fundetur fretum ab oceano. • Caol-nihaor, s. m. An apparitor lictor eccle- :

Scot. Kylf, Jam. 2. coll. Osiers, saplings, pannier- biastica. Llh. et O'fi.
• Caol-nihiosachan, s.f. Purging flax : linum cathur-
wootl : viniina ad sportas vel sepes eontexendas.
JìiunJ'. " Ceangal nan tri cliaol." S. D. 209. A ticum. 07^.
particular mode of binding captives of old, with Caol-miu'INCeach, -ElciiE, udj. (Caol, et .Muing),
three w ithes, or osiers, —
still practised in youthful Narrow mailed angustè jubatus. Fing. i. 3Gb.

games, where the withes are applied to the ancles, Caol-uatii, -a, -than, *. m. (Caol, ailj. et Srath),
knees, aiid wrists. Cafenatio qua'dani captivoruni an- A narrow plain angusta planities. " : O ciuwlrath
tiquitus, viminibus tribus adhibita, et adhuc sic ju- nan àlld 's na luacliair." Tern. iii. 299. From the
venuni ludo manet, talis, genubus, et carpis nexis. narrow plain of streams and rushes. Ab angusto
3. A pile : cumulus. " Fo chad nam marbh." canipo rivulorum et scirporum.
Tcm. i. 4-24. Under the pile of the dead. Sub • Caomh, s. m. The follicle of a flower : floris fol-

cumulum niortuorum. Cluild. tÒVi chela. Arab.

liculus. MSS.
Caomh, -Caoimhe, et Caomha, adj. 1. Kind, meek,
jJ» ktdlich, acervus. " Labhair e gu
loving bcnignus, amans, lenis.

Caol, -aoil, s.m. (Caol, adj.) Tlie smaller part

pars : caomh a' ghruagaich."
fis Gen. xxxiv. 3. He
exilior. " Caol an droma." Small of the back. spake kindly unto the damsel. Locutus est be-
Tergi vel trunci pars gracillima. " Coo/ an dùirn." nigne (qua? erant cordi, Bez.) puella;. 2. Dear,
Voc. 15. The wTÌst, or shackle-bone. Caq)us. beloved carus, amatus.
: " Is caomh team e."
" Caol na coise." Small of the leg. Cruris pars C. S. He is dear to me. Carus mihi est ille. 3.
gracillima. " Caol a' chal])a." Macf. V. Gentle, mild blandus, comis. O'R.
: 4. Hand-
Caolacii, s.f. Tlie herb fairy-flax : linum sylvestre. some : speciosus. O'R. Wei. Cw, carus. Dav.
Sh. et OK. • Caomh, ad/. 1. Little: parsus. Llh. 2. Noble:
Caolach-aifrikn, s.m. Prayer, or mass-bell : tin-
<>*^ hom, noble
nobilis. O'R. Arab, et Pers.
tinabulum oratorium vel missale. O'R. " Coil-
each-aifrinn." Htbrid. Vide Coileach. kiyam, dignity. Chald. Dp him.
• Caoladh-adlibhair, -ean, s. m. (Caol, et Aobhar), Caomh, Caoimii, «. »J. 1. friend: amicus. A
Least cause minima causa. MSS.
" An tog mi mo shiùil,
C AOLAiCH, -IDH, CH-, V. a. (Caol, adj.) 1. Make small, " 'S gun chaomh am fagus ?" S. D. 54.
attenuate exiguuni, tenue, gracile, redde. C. S.
Shall I hoist my sails without a friend being near ?
2. Diminish, lessen diminue, niinue. Macf. V.
An dabo vela niea, et amicus non prope? 2.
Caoi-an, -ain, -an, s. m. (Caol, adj.) A small gut, Kindness, friendship comitas, amicitia. " Caomh :

tripe: intestinum tenue. S. " Na caolain." C mo tlieach." Dug. Bitch. The kindness of my
Llh. Tlie small intestines. Intestina, ilia. Gr. house. Comitas domus mcae.
XoXac, intestinum. • Caomha, s.f. 1. Skill, knowledge : peritia, scien-
Caolas, -ais, -an, s. m. 1. frith, strait: maris A tia. Llh. 2. Nobility : nobilitas. Llh. 3. Poe-
fretum, vel angustiae. C. S. try, versification : poesis, ars metrica. ^"ide
Caol-chasacii, -aiche, adj. (Caol, adj. et Cas, *•.), O'B.
Vail, in voc et
small, or slender-legged : tibias graciles habens. Caomhach, -AicH, s. m. 1. .\n associate socius. :

Macinty. 81. Voc. 40. 2. A bed-fellow : censors lecti. Llh.

Caol-chòmhnuidh, -ean, s.f. (Caol, <M^". et Conih- 3. A friend : amicus. " Na caomhaich." .9. D.
nuidli, «.), A narrow dwelling, a grave : donius 148. Tlie friends : amici.
angu£ta, sepulchrum. Oss. passim. Caomhachdas, -ais, *. m. (Caomh), ABection,
Caol-chorpach, -aiche, adj. (Caol, et Corp), sociality, society : amor, amicitia, sodalitas, socie-
Slender-bodied : exile habens corpus. C. S. tas. as.
Caol-chrutii, -an, *-. m. (Caol, adj. et Criith), Caomhag, -AiG, -AGAX, *./. (Caomh, ad/.) A kind,
A slender form: forma tenuis. S.J). 51. beloved woman blanda, benigna fsmina. " Caomh-

Caol-ciiruthach, -aiche, adj. (Caol-chruth), Slen- ag nam ban." The kindest, or dearest of women.
der-formed tenuem formam adhibens. C. S.
: Benignissima, vel carissima mulieruni. C. S.
Caomhaich, -idh, cu; V, a. (Caomli, adj.) Cherish, Caomh-shrath, -a, -an,«. m. (Caotnh, et Srath),
fondle fove. C. S.
: A pleasant valley : amoena. O'R. et C, S.
• Caomhaiiili, s. m. 1. A man expert at arms: • Caon, s. /. A resemblance similitude. SA. et :

vir armorum peritus. Lift. OR.

Caomhail, -ALA, adj. (Caonih, ad/.) Kindly, gentle, • Caon, -aidh, ch-, i\ n. (Caon, s.). Resemble, re-
mild, affable benignus, blandus, lenis, aAabilis.
: fer : similis sis. Sh. ct O' R.
" Ach nior robh athadh ro 'Clionar caomhail." •Caonaran, Sh. et O'R. Vide Aonaran.
S.D. 81. • Caoin-bhuidhe, «.
f. (Caoin, adj. et Buidhe,
But there was no fear from the kindly Conar. At thanks). Gratitude animus gratus. Llh. :

non erat pavor adversus Conarem benignum. • Caon-dubhrachd, s. m. (Caoin, adj. et Dùbh-
CAOMHAi>r, "i Caomhnaidh, Chaomhainn, vel rachd). Love, devotion amor, pietas. O'R. :

Caomhainn, > -uiNN,!!.». 1. Spare: parce. " Nach Caonnag, -aig, -ax, s.f. 1. An uproar, strife, tu-
Caomhuinn, j caomhain thu 'n t-àit ? Ge/J. xviii. mult, battle : tumuttus, lis, prwlium. " Cha chliii
24. Wilt thou not spare the place ? An non bhi ann an caonnaig trie. Dug. Buchan. It is no
parces loco ? 2. Save, reserve : serva, reserva, re- renown to be often in strife. Non est laus esse
conde. Mac/. V. saepenumero in lite, vel tumultu. 2. A nest of
Caomhalach, -aiche, adj. (Caomhail), Kindly: be- wild bees apum sj'lvestrium. nidus. Sh. et O'R.

nignus. OB. et C. S. Caor, Caoire, dat. Caoir, pi. Caoran, s. yn. " A'
Caomhalachd, s.f. itid. (Caomhail), Kindness: be- lasadh r^aor-theine suas." Fing. i. 509. Kindling
nignitas. " Lagh a' chaoimhneis," i. e. na caomh- a blazing fire accendentes ignem ardentem sur-

alachd. Gnath. xxxi. 26. The law of kindness. sum. Vide Caoir.
Lex benignitatis. Caor, -a, -an, s.f. A mountain berry: bacca mon-
Caomhan, -ain, -ak, *. m. (Caomh, adj.) A kind, tana. Properly the rowan : sorbum sylvestre. Sh.
or beloved man vir benignus, carus, vel amatus.
: et O'R. Vide Caoirann. Wei. Cair.
" Caomhan nam fear." C. S. Kindest, or most Caora, Caoire, Caorach dat. Caoirich, Cao- ;

beloved of men. Benignissimus, vel carissimus ho- HAicH, vel Caoire voc. Chaora pi. Caoirich, ; ;

minum. Caoraich gai. Chaorach dat. Caoiribh, s.f.

; ;

• Caomhan, -ain, s. m. A nobleman : homo nobi- A sheep ovis. " Ma ghoideas duine damh no

honesto loco natus. O'S.

lis, caora. JBVs. xxii. L If a man steal an ox or_a
Caomhanach, -aich, «. m. (Caomh, adj.), friend, A sheep. Si quis furatus bovem aut ovem. " Ri
companion amicus, comes. C. S. : caoiribh t' inealtraidh. Ross. Salm. Ixxiv. 1. A-
Caomhanach, -aiche, adj. (Caomh, ad/.) Mild, gainst the sheep of thy pasture. In oves pastus
merciful, benevolent : mitis, misericors, benignus.
tui. W,;l. GjTr grex. Arab.j^ kar, ovis. ffebr.
OR. et S. a ;

Caomhantach, -aiche, adj. (Caomhainn, v.) Sav- ID car, agnus.

ing, frugal parous, frugi. C. S.

• Caora, i.e. Caoran, jo/. 1.Bunches of berries
• Caomhchladh, s. m. O'R. Vide Caochladh. baccarum racemi. Llh. 2. Grapes uvs. Llh. :

« Caomhchladhach, adj. Vide Caochlaideach. Caora-bada-miann, s.f. The stone bramble ru- :

Caomh-chkuthach, -aiche, adj. (Caoiuli, adj. et bus saxatilis. Lighff.

Cruth), Tenderly formed : eximie formatus. S. D. • Caorachd, s.f. JBibl. Gloss. Vide Caoireachd.
173. Caora-fiadhag, -aig, -an, s.f. Small black heath-
• Caorahdha, s. m. Poetry, versification : poesis, berry, crow-berry: empetri nigri et pro-

ars versificandi. Llh. cumbentis bacca. C. S.

CaOMH-LASAIR, -LASRACH, j3/. -lasraichean, s.f. Caoraich, ja/. of Caora, a sheep. Potius Caoirich, q. v.
(Caomh, adj. et Lasair), A pleasing flame blanda : Caoran, -ain, -an, «. m. fragment of peat, a dry A
flamma, velut lunae, solis, siderum. Llh. clod : fragmentum glebae sole induratse. Mctef, V.
« Caomhna, s. m. A friend amicus. Llh. Potius : et C. S.
Caomhan, q. vide. Caoran, -ainn, -ean, s.m. A rowan-berry : sor-
Caomhnacii, -aiche, adj. (Caomhainn, v.), Frugal, bi sylvestris bacca.
thrifty : parous, frugi.C. S. " Ge bu deirg' a ghruaidli na 'n caoran."

Caomhnadh, -aidh, s. m. et pres. pari. v. Caomh- S.D. 110.

ain. 1. Parsimony, frugality parsimonia, fruga- :
Though cheek was more red than the rowan-
litas.31acf. V. 2. Act of spai'ing, reserving, sav- berry. Quamvis gena rubrior fuit sorbo sylvestri.
ing : actus parcendi, reservandi, recondendi. C. S. Caora-staoin, i. e. Caor-aitinn. Vide Caor, et
Also pres. sub/, of the verb, " Na caornhhiiadh e sin." Aition, juniper bacca juniperi. Hebrid.

C. S. Let him not spare that. Non parcito ille Caor-dhromain, «. f. An elder-berry sambuci :

istud. i. e. He has leave to do it : licet ei id fa- bacca. Provin. Vide Droman, et Dromanach.
cere. • Caor-lann, Ir. A sheep-fold ovile. Sh. et O'R. :

• Caomhnam, v. a. I spare, save, reserve : parco, Pofitts Tigh chao'-ach.

O'S. et O'R. Vide Caomhainn.
servo, conservo. Caorrunn, -uinn, -ean, «. m. Quicken-tree, or
• Caomhnasgar, s. m. (Caomh, et Seasgar), De- mountain-ash, rowan sorbus montana, vel aucu- :

fence munimen. O'R. et Llh.

: paria. Lightf. 2. The fruit, or berry of the moun-
tain-ash : bacca sorbi nioiitanac. C. S. 3. The night. Per noctcm, vel quoad noct«m. " Car
wood of tlic uiouiituiii-asli-txce: lignum »orbi nion- tiuta." Gnàik. *iL 10. For a moment doDCc nio- :

tanu'. ('. tV. nientum.

CaoBIKN, -CAOICH, ;>/. -UINN, -EAN, .CAOUIIE, Wl. jr. • Ciir, c m. A cart, a car carru». Om. iii. 424. :

(Cuorunn, ft C'uoch, ».), A

«pccies of crmibirry, Wcl. Car a ral\ tu carry things on.

«upposed poi«ououii : t^pecios qua:daui vitin iila-a-, Car, -Cuih, dot. Cab, roe. Cuuin, pi. CuiB, Cah-
vcnt'iiosu vulgo iL'stiniatu. ^V. //. AN, t. m. 1. A turn, change, revolution muta- :

Caohinn-talmiiainn, I »••/. 1. An earthen nut tio, convcrsio. Maif. V. 2. A twi»i, beod : con-
Caor-tiialmhaisn, bunium bulbocastaniini. ( tortio, flexura. " Cuir car ami." C, S. Twist it
O'K. 'i. The wild strawberry fraguria vesca. : torque. 3. A movement, motion inotio, nMtU8. :

Liyhtf. " Cha do chuir e car dheth." C. S, He did not

Caor-tiieine, vel -THEiXNTiDir, *. /. (Caor, et move (himself). Kon movit (se ipsum). 4. Fraud,
Teine), A thunderbolt, blazing torcli, fiery me- a trick dolus, Iraus.

teor : 1 ulgetruni, fax ardcns. OB. et S. C " Gach car a t' ann is cleas."
Caoktiiuisn, vel Coarhuinn, gen. of Caorunn. Salm. xliv. 21. metr.
" Cuaille caorthuinn." C. S. A quicken-stake : All its frauds and stratagems. Omnia doli et in-
stipes sorbi montano?. Often used for the Ll/i. sidiac quae inest eo. " Thug e 'n car asam." C. S.
nominative. Vide Caoran, et Caorunn. He has pLiyed me a trick he lias outwitted mc. ;

Caothach, -aicii, $. m. C. S. Vide Cuthach. Decepit mihi, vel dolo superavit me. 5. A part,
• Caothruadli, «. /. Mildew : rubigo, ros niclleus. or bar in music cantus pars, vel hemistichium.

LIh. O'P. " An car." adv. Near to, nigh prope. :

• Cap, s. m. 1. A
tumbrel: carrus, plaus- cart, Hence, " An caruibh a cheile." C. S. In mutual
trum. LIA. 52. A cup poculuni. O'li. 3. : contact. In contaclu mutuo. " As mo charuibh."
A mouth os. Vide Cab. 4. An old person
: : C. S. Out of my way facesse, abesto. " Ann :

vetulus. O'R. am charuibh," vel " charuibh," " Am

char- Am
CÀPA, pi. -CHAN, s.m. 1. A cap pileus. C. S. Wcl. : aibh." Macinty. 9. Near me, or, in my possession.
Cap, Capen. jpr. Chappeau. Scot. Cap, a wood- In mea posscssione. " Car air char." adv. Rolling,
en bowl. Sii. Goth. Kappa. 1st. Kopp. Gr. Ku-t»;. tumbling over and over, [lit.) A'olutatio super voluta-
Pers. <-:-*J' cub ; L^ cobba. Span. Capa. JBasq. tionem. i. e. actus praeceps eundi. Lat. Circa, Circu-
Capea. 2. A top : vertex. ZM. H c/. Cappa. Germ. lus. Htbr. -13"13 kirkur, saltavit ; r\'yp karah, ac-
Kappe. cidit ; mp karah, occursus rei. Pers. k" kar,
• Capaireadh, s. m. Cutting capers : actio tripudi-
undertaking harobar, a transaction. Gael.
andi. Voc. C7. ; y>ij^
• Capan, m. dimin. of Cap. A little cup
-ain, *. " Car oibre."
pocillura. Provin. Potius Copan, Cupan, q. • Car, s. m. 1. Care : cura. OB. et Sh. 2. jaw A
vide. faux. O'R. et Uh. 3. fish piscis. VaÌL in A :

Capar, -air, -ean, *. m. A caper, a sort of pickle Voc. Vifle Cairiflh. 4.. A. Stone lapis. Mde :

nasturtium. Voc. 63. Carra, et Carraig. Arab. SjLsl hharah.

Cap-dheudach, -aiciie, adj. Vide Cab-dlieudach.
Capull, -uill, s. m. 1. Originally, ahorse: equus.
• Car, adj. Brittle : fragilis. Llh. et OB.
Uh. 2. Commonly, a mare equa. Voc. 77. Tliough :
Car-xeamhuinn, or -neamhann, A string of pearls
linea margaritai-um. Voc. 20.
naturally feminine, always construed as a mascu-
line. Scot. Capyl, et Capul. Jam. Wei, CefFyl.
• Cara, a", m. A leg, haunch. LUt. Vide Ceith-
Armor. Caual. Fr. Cheval. Ital. Cavallo. Lot.
Caballus. Gr. KaSa?^.oj.
•Cara, s. m. A
jaw : faux. " Cara muice." Keat.
CAPrLL-coiLLE, /)/. -UILL CHOILLE, S.m. (Capull, et
hog's cheek : porci gena. Uh,

Coille), A raouutain-cock, great cock of the wood,

Carach, -aiche, adj. (Car, 4.) 1. Cunning, wily :

astutus, fallax.
caperkaill}' urogallus. Pennant. Voc. 75.

Capull-lìx, pi. -uiLL-tiN, *. 7H. (CapuU, et Lion),

" Am fear sin bu charaich', 's bu chlìchdeich',
" 'S a b' fheàrr chuireadli air a' bhreig."
A lint beetle : fustis ad linteum comminuendum.

CAR, -AIRE, 1. adj. Friendly, related to : amicus, That man who was most cunning, most wily, and
would best gloss over a falsehood. Iste homo qui
affinis. Macgr. 61. 2. *. m, friend, relation : a- A
fallacissimus et astutissimus erat, et qui optime
micus, affinis.
induceret nitorem mendacio. 2. (Car, 1.) Mean-
" A feub an car dha 'n fobh 'gràdh."
dering, whirling : flexuosus.
Pinff. ii. 456.
" Measg osna citarach sa' bheinn."
Who tore the friendshe loved. Qui lacera- whom
vit amicum cui erat ejus amor.
Fing. vi. 20.
Wei. Car, a friend,
relation. Lot. Cams, dear. Arm. Car. Fr. Chere.
Among whirling blasts in the hill. Inter vento-
Isl. Kiar. rum gyros in jugis. Hdfr. ^13 carach, involuif.

Car, prep. impr. (Car, s.) During, whilst dum, do- : Vide Car.
nee. " Car na h-oidhche." C. S. During the Carachadh, -aidh, s. m. et pres. part. v. Caraich.
Movin", stirrinfr; niotio, actus movemli. Macf. V. • Caraisteach, -eich, s.m. (Caraiste), A carrier
" Caracliadli ccillc." O'li. Insanity : insania. portator, bajulus. O'B. et MSS.
Caracud, s./- '"'f- Motion, movement:
(Car, s.) 1. CÀRAMH, -Ai.Mii, s.m. Corriclitli. 4^12. Vide Càradli.
motio, motiis. Sk. et O'B. 2. Wrestling lucta- : • Caran, s.m. Crown of the head capitis vertex. :

tio. Provin. " Cas charachd. "Provin. Wrestling : Llh. Vide Coron, et Crùn. Gr. Kajarov, Do-
Inctatio. B. Bret. Cas-carat. Vide Pellet in voc. rice. Hebr. y)p pp harcn, heren, a horn ]^p ;

Carachdach, -aiche, ad/. (Carachd), Athletic haran, he crowned, covered over.

atlileticus. O'P.
Carachdaich, -e, s.f. (Carachd), Wrestling luc- • Caranuich, -idli, ch-, v. a. Separate : separa, se-

junge. MSS.
tatio. O'B. et C. S.
* Carach-ullamh, s. m. An upper garment vestis :
• Caras, s. m. A first-rate ship : navis primi ordi-

exterior. 3ISS. nis. O'B. Uebr. Dip caraa, curvus est.

*Caradach, adj. Befriended, friendly fautus, a- :

• Carb, Cairbe, s.f. Vide Cairb.
micus. Llh. Vide Càirdeach. Carbad, -aid, -an, s.m. 1. chariot: currus. A
CÀRADH, -AIDH, s. m. et pres. part. v. Càraich. 1. " Agus chaidh suas maille ris araon carbadan agus
Mending, adjusting : actio sarciendi, reparandi, marc-shluagh." Gen. 1. 9. And there went up with
componendi. C. S. Hebr. m3 carah, paravit, him both chariots and horsemen. Denique ascen-
derunt cum eo tum currus tum cquites. 2. A
comparavit. 2. Usage, treatment : excipicndi ra-
coach, carriage, chaise currus, vehiculum, rhe-

tio. " an càradh a rinn è orm." C. S. Bad

'S olc
da, currus levior. C. S. 3. litter, bier : lecti- A
was liis treatment of me. Malum modum excipi- ticula, O'B. 4. A jaw maxilla, faux.
feretrum. :

endi adhibuit in me. " Carbad uachdair." The upper jaw

C. S.
Caraich, )^ -iDH, CH-, V. a. et n. (Car, s.) 1. Move, maxilla superior. " Carbad iochdair. The un- "

Caruich, j stir move, te move. C. S. 2. Turn,

der, or lower jaw maxilla inferior.
: " Carbad
turn round verte, circumverte. C. S. Hebr. y"in
postachd, vel tosgaireaehd, vel siubhail." post- A
charatz, et yip haradz, movit. chaise, travelling, or stage-coach currus itinera- :

Caraiche, adj. comp. Carach, q. vide. conductitius.

rius, " Carbad màlaidh." mail- A
Caraiche, pi. -EAN, s. «1. (Car, s. 2.) 1. A wTCSt- coach currus epistolarius, heraerodromus. " Car-

ler : luctator. Steto. Gloss, /r. /£,AftAT&6. 2. A bad cogaidli." war-chariotA currus bellicus. :

Wei. Cerbgd. B. Bret. Carr. Fr. Charrette.

tumbler : saltator, volutator. C S. Spoil. Carro, Carroga. Basq. Carroza. B. Bret.
Caraid, -e ; dat. Caraid ;
pi. Càirdean, s. m.
Carran, the jaw.
(Car), A friend, relation : amicus, consanguineus.
Carbadair, -e, -eax, s. tn. (Carbad, et Fear). A
" Mo ckaraid dileas." Fing. ii. 4-1. My faithful
charioteer, a driver auriga, rhedaruis. Llh.
friend. Mei amice dilecte.
ipsius Wei. et Arm.
• Carbal, s. m. Roof of the mouth palatum. O'B. :
Car. Wei. Carad, endearment Carant, relation. ;
• Carban, *. m. An unlucky person homo infortu- :

Arab. wjS karis, propinquus. Chald. J2*^p carab. natus. O'B.

CARAID, -E, -EAN, s. J. I. A pair, twins par, ge- : • Carbanachaich, s. m. (Cairb, 3.) O'B. Vide
mini. " A bheireas
gach aon diubh caraid." Dan. Carbhanach.
Shol. iv. Wliich bear, each of them twins.
2. Carbh, -AIDH, CH-. 1. Carve, engrave: sculpe.
Quae parturiunt, quaeque eorum geminos. " Car- Macinty. 193. 2. Carve, cut: reseca, carpe. C. S.
aid phòsta." C. S. A man'ied couple. Nupti, vir Vox Angl.
et mulier nupto conjunct!. " 'Nan càiaidibh." • Carbh, «. m. 1. A ship : navis. Llh. 2. A
Gen. vii. 2. inarg. By pairs : binis. 2. pair of A plough : aratrum. MSS. 3. A chariot : cur-
horses fettered together by the fore legs : equi bini rus. 3LSS. 4. A plank : asser. MSS. Chald.
pedibus anterioribus colligati. C. S. 3. de- A 2,13 harab, arare.
fence : munimentum, praesidium. MSS. Hebr. Carbhaidii, s.m. Carraway, carraway-seed : cari-
nn charaz, composuit. um, carui. Ligh/f. Carua, -orum. Ainsw. Fr.
CÀRAIDEACH, adj. (Caraid), Paired geminati, bini. : Carvi.
07?. Carbhaig, -idh, CH-, V. a. Vide Carbh, v,
* Caraidlieach, adj. Wrestling, debating : qui luc- Carbhair, -e, -EAN, s. lii. (Carbh, v. et Fear). 1.

tatur, disceptat. Llh. App. A carver of meat : carptor. C. S. 2. carver, A

* Caraidheachd, s.f. Debate, dispute, wrestling : engraver : C. S.
disceptatio, disputatio, coUuctatio. Ll/i. Aj>p. Carbhaireachd, s.f.ind. (Carbhair). 1. Carving:

CÀRAIDICH, -IDH, CH-, V. a. (Cài'aid), Couple, fet- carptoris vel sculptoris ars. C. S. 2. Mangling
ter, bind together by couples colliga, compede : laceratio, niutUatio. C. S.
binis alliga. C. S. Carbhan, s. m. Vide Garbhan.
-ein, -an,
* Caraigh, -idh, ch-, v. a. Vide Caraich. • s. m. (Carbh, s.)
Carbhanach, -aiche, The mas-
CÀR-AINGEAL, -EIL, -GIL, -CLE, -LEAN, S. tn. (Car, dominus navis, nauderus. C. S.
ter of a ship :

et Aingeal), A guardian angel : angelus custos. Carbhanach-uisge, m. A carp carpis marinus.

j'. :

Voc. Voc. 72.

Caraiste, s. m. Vide Caireist. • Carbhodach, s. m. 1. A sailor: nauta. O'B.
2. A clown rustitii», homo nprestis. IJh.
Rear to Moina, the maiden ; I am her dream
CARCAin, -K, -EAS, s. HI. 1. A prison cariir. Ji,U. : in the shade of night lo raise my tomb (pile) u- ;

Gloss. Cieriii. Kerkor. 2. Sink, or sc«ir in u mung the host the hunter shall 8ee my fame in

CO» -lioiisi' : scntinu bovilli. A'. //. brightness. Trade me Moinu.* virgini imm egu ;

• Curboir, -e, -eun, s. m. A coiiclimaii : aurigii. soniniuiii ejus in umbra noctis, ut crigat meum
Voc. 4tì.Viilc C'urbailuir. saxeani niolem inter ugminu; cernet Venator fumani
Carcais, -e, -ean, s. III. (Maci/iti/. 83. i'ox Aiiyl. meum in splendore. 'i. Any loose heap, or pile
Vide Cairbh. of stones moles vel congeries lupidum. Fing. i.

• Carcar, -air, -ean, s. m. Ì. A prison : career. I'JG. " Càrn-cuimhne." C. S. A monument:

S/i. 2. A cotter : area. A'A. >>«/. Carcliur. nionumentuni. " Ciirn-aoluich." Llh. A dung-
"Jlp kiiac/i, lipire.
C/uiltl. hill stertjuilinium.
: 'A. .\ cart, or sledge trahea. :

• Carchar, ,v. iii. JMi. \'iile Carcar. Voi: 91. " (!àrn-hlaodaidh." Vuc. 94. A sledge,
CARD, -A, AS, s.f. An wool card carmen quo lana : a dray: trahea. W'cl. Carn, Carned, et Curu.

ducitur, vel in!<trumentum quo lana carminatur. Scot. Cairn. Jam. And). (. yj' hern, a little hill,

Voc. 94. Arab, iyi kiril, small teeth. tumulus of sand ; ij~ljjj' hynuu, part of a moun-
CARD, -A1DH, C1I-, f. a. (Card, s.) Comb wool : la-
tain, projecting like a nose. B. Bret. Carra, Cor-
nam carmina. O'R. et C. S. Arab. i>j» herd, the ren. Germ. Karr, Karm ;
genus vehiculi. Wacht.
worst parts of wool. Fr. Char. /to/, et Sjxtn. Carro. Belg. Karre.
• Cardaigh,
s.f. Flesh Caro. O'R. Car seems
Chald, ]1"1p hiirun, currus.

to have been a Celtic primitive signifying tlesh ; CÀRN, -AIRS', *. m. A horning : mandatum quo quis
hence its remaining derivatives, as, " Mo char," in vincula conjicitur. MSS, " Air cliàrn.'" C. S.
my friend, i. e. my flesh. Vide Cairbh. Outlawed exlex. " Càrn-eaglais." O'R.
: Ex-
Car-fhocal, -ail, s. m. (Car, *. et Focal), Anti- communication anathema, maledictum ecclesiasti-

phrasis. MSS. cum. »SV(. et O'R.

C.\R-FiiocLACH, -AiCHE, adj. (Car-fhocal), Anti- • Carn, s. m. A province provincia. ZJIi. :

phrastic. MSS. • Cam, Carna. Flesh caro. ////. et O'B. Potiux :

Cargo, m, A cargo
s. navis onus. C. S. Tliis,
: vox Lat.
though apparently an English word, may be ori- • Carna, s. m. A booty, prey : pra;da, spolium.
ginally Celtic, and connected with Carbh, u ship. 07?.
Wei. Carg. B. Bret. Cark. Fr Cargu. /to/. CÀRNACH, s. m. (Carn, s. 2.)
-Aicii, 1. heathen A
Caraco, Carco. Cluild. KJ'IJ carga, vel cargo, priest sacerdos paganus. Vide Càinieach. 2. llie

tributura. Vide Luchd. name of several places, descriptive of a rocky, or

Carghus, -uis, s. m. Lent : jejunium quadragesi- stony situation : nomen multorum locorum qua?
raale.Voc. 167. saxosa esse videntur.
•Càrlach, -aid), s. m. (Car, et Luchd), cart A CÀRN'ADH, -AIDH, *. »1. et prcs. jMrt. V. Cam. 1.

load : vehes, plaustri onus. S/i. Heaping, piling up : actio accumulandi congeren-
CÀRLAG, -A1G, -AN, S.f. lock of WOol floCCUS. A : di.C.S.
OR. et S. a CÀHNAID, S.f. iiul. A certain red colour : color ru-
• Carlaire, s.m. A
carder qui lanam carminat. O'R. : ber, seu carneolus. Maciiity. 109.
•Carlamh, ad/. Excellent eximius. Llh. : • Carnail, s.f. A mole of stones : fossa lapidea.
CÀRLAS, -Ais. s. m. Excellence excellentia. : Llh.
" Cha seinn mise 's 'ur curias am chuimhne. CÀRNAG, -AiG, -AN, S.f. (Cam, *.), 1. Name often
S.D. 95. given to a she-terrier catellse venatricis nomen. :

I will not sing, and your excellency in my remem- 2. A

small fish found in stony shores at ebb tide :

brance. Non canam dum vestra excellentia est in pisciculus in litore saxoso repertus. Hebrid.
memoria mea. CÀRNAX, -AiN, -AN", S.m. dim. of Cam. pile of A
• Carmhogal,s. m. carbuncle A
pjTopus. Llh. : stones, or stony heap, any little heap : cumulus
Hebr. ^^10 carmil, scarlet, crimson. parvus. C. S.
CÀRN, -AiDH, CH-, V. a. (Càrn, s.) Heap, or pile to- CÀRNAN-CAOCHAIN, \ s. ffj. (Càman, et Caoch, adj.)
gether : aggere accumula, congere. CÀRNAN-CAOCHAIG,/ j A mole-hill : grumus. Sh.
" Cltaritadh te Daorghlas an t-sealg. et OR.
Fing. i. 505. C ARST A, adj. etperf. part, V. Cam. Piled up: con-
The game was piled up by Dorglas. Accumulata gestus, aggestus. LIA.
est a Dorglassio venatio, i. e. praeda. CÀRR, -CARRA, S.f. 1. The itch, scab, mange sca- :

CÀRN, -CÀIHN, et CÙIRN, s. 711. 1. A heap, or pile bies. " Làn ciura." C. S. Full of scabs scabie :

of stones raised over the tombs of deceased heroes. plenus. 2. Any superficial, or crustaceous rough-
" Thoir mise gu Moina an òigh ; ness : asperitas vel scabrities externa vel crustosa
" 'S mi a h-aisling an scleò na h-oidhche, qua;vis. C. S. 3. The curl in potatoes : rugit bat-
" Thogail mo chùirn measg an t-slòigh ; tatorum foliorum. 4. A
rocky shelf, a projecting
" Chi sealgair mo chliù an soillse." part of a rock : scopulus, rupis projectura, vel pars
Fing. i. 283. queedam imminens.
Vol. L Bb
" Is neul e 'g èirigh san file vallum ad municndum, castrum. 2. A knot of
" O 's gun deo san àile."
chàrr monaidh wood nodus in ligno. C. S. " Carraig an uchda."

S. D. 94. C. S. Middle ])art of the breast : medius thorax.

Ho a cloud rising in the calm from a
(a gliost), is 3. A timber ball used in club playing pila lignea :

mountain cliff, when tliere is no breathing in the quam clava ludcntes inipollunt et repellunt. Pro-
air. llle est nubes surgens in tempestate serena, viii. Wei. Carreg. B. Bret. Carrec, a rock.
ab scopulo mentis, et nidla spiratio in acre. Gr. Carraigeach, -eiche, adj. (Carraig), Rocky, rug-
Kkm;, caries. Pcrs. jJ^ ker, the scab ;
(jijLA cha- ged
scopulosus, asper. Macf. V.

rish, mange. GilcJir. Wei. et Arm. Carr. Gr.

Carraigean, -ein, s. m. dim. of Carraig, 2. A knot
of wood : nodulus ligneus.
KaggDv. 5. A cart, dray, waggon : carrus, trahea,
Carraigeineacii, -eiche, adj. (Carraigean), Knot-
plaustrum. LUi. Lnt. Carruca a cart, a wain. ;

ty, (of timber) nodosus, (de ligno). C. S.

" Carr-sleamhainn." Llh. sledge rheda. A :

Carra, .«. »j. /j/. -CHAN, 1. Foe. 83. Vide Carragh.

-eiche, adj. (Carraig, I.) Rocky :

scopulosus. C. S,
2.Bran fuifur. : OB.
Cahracii, -aiciie,
Carra-meildhe,! s. m. ind. (Carraig, 2. et Mil),
adj. (Carr, 1.) 1. Scabby: sca-
Carra-meille, y Wild liquorice, wood pease
biosus. 3Iarf. V. 2. Stony lapidosus. O'S. Hebr, :

Carra-mheille, ) glycine, pisum sylvestre. C. S.

irnp harach, calvitiem sibi induxit.
Buchannan writes it Carmel. " Carraigean meal-
garly called
-ain, -an,
s. m. 1. The fish, vul- Knots of honey, from its sweetness. iScot.
a." —
a frog fish : piscatrix. Carameile, Carmele, Carmylie, Carameil. Jatn.
C. S. 2. The wild liquorice root, called Carmel Carran, -ain, s. m. (Carr). 1. Garden scurvy-grass,
by Buchannan. Vide Cana meille. a vile corn weed cochlearla officinalis. Macf. V.

Carradh, -aidh, -ean, s. m. 1. Fing.'i.iàQ. Vide et C. S. 2. dwarf: nanus. 3ISS. 3. A slirimp, A

Carragh. 2. The forming of scab : inductio crus- or prawn : squilla fluviatilis, vel caris. Voc. 72.
tJB scabiosffi. C. S. 4. A
syllabub : oxigala. Sh. et O'JR. 5. sickle A
Carragh, -aigh, -ean, s. m. 1. stone pitched A falx. Llh. App. (for Corran).
on end, a pillar : lapis erectus vice columnse. Carran-creige, (Carran, 3. et Creag). 1. con- A
" Agus ghabh e a' chlach a chuir e fo 'cheann, ger conger, piscis. Voc. 72.
: 2. fish vulgarly A
agus chuir e suas 'na carragh u" Gen. xxviii. 18. called the sea porcupine, the lump : lepadogas-
And he took the stone that he had put under his ter, oi Lightf. Provin. Vide Murcan.
head, and set it up as a pillar. Et accepit ilium la- Carrannach, -anta, -antach, -aiche, axij. Vide
pidem quem posuerat sub caput (ipsius), et erexit Carthannach.
eum ut columnam. 2. rock scopulus. A :
Carrannachd, Carrantachd, s.
f. ind. Vide
" Thanais' fhaoin nan carragh geur." Carthanachd.
ii. 105. Fiiig. Carrantas, -ais, s. m. Vide Carthannas.
Vain ghost of the sharp pointed O spec- rocks. Carrasan, -ain, s. m. (Carr, et Osna), A wheez-
trum inane scopulorum acutorum. Wei. Kareg. ing, or rattle in the throat : raucitas gutturis, in
Carraicean, -ein, -an, *. m. Vide Carra meille. ducendo spiritu. Macf. V. The effect being often
Carraid, -e, s.f. 1. A
squabble, riot, strife : rixa, produced by a scorbutic affection of the throat,
tumultus, conflictus.
vulgarly called the sevens. Hebr. DIPT charas, sic-
" Mar charraid nan sian ri feur."
Fing. i. 130. cus vel aridus fuit.

As the strife of showers upon the grass. Ut con- CÀRR-FHIODH, -A, s. w. (Carr, et Fiodh), A knot in
flictusnimborum in herbas. 2. Distress, trouble, timber : nodus in ligno. Voc. 69.
vexation, grief: angustiae, res adversae, molestia, Carroid, s. f. Salm. Ixxviii. 33. inetr. Vide Car-
dolor. " Carraid, i. e. doilgheas, diomadh." Ec- raid.
cles. marg.
i. 18. Carrtha, vel Carthadh, -aidh, -ean. Vide
Carraideach, -eiche, adj. (Carraid). 1. Turbu- Carragh.
lent, quarrelsome turbas movens, contentiosus.
: Carruchadh, -aidh, Salm. Ixvi. 9. Ed. 1807.
C. S. 2. Distressful, vexatious afilictus, moles- : Vide Carachadh.
tus. 3Tacf. V. Carruich, -idh, oh-, v. a. Gnàth. iv. 27. Ed. 1807.
Carraideach, -eich, s. ?n. (Carraid), A turbulent Vide Caruich.
person homo rixosus. C. S.
: • Carruidlie, s.f. A scab : crusta scabiosa. LIA.
« Carraidhin, s.
f. The thick part of butter milk : Carruig, -e, -ean, *./. Voc. 69. Vide Carraig, 2.
seri butyri pars crassior. O'R. Carruigeag, -eig, -an, s. f. A
sort of pan-cake:
Carraig, -e, et Cairge, -ean, *./. 1. A rock : laganum. Sh. OR. et C. S.
rupes. CÀRSAN, -AIN, «. m. Provin. Vide Carrasan.
" Coimeas do 'n ciiarraig an triath." ^ CÀRSANACH, -AICHE, adj. (Càrsan), Hoarse, roar-
Fing. i. 19. ing raucus, fremens. Provin.

Like to the rock is the chief. Est similis rupi Carson, adv. (Cia, et Air son), ^^^ly ? cur? " C
princeps. " Carraig bhàrach." .S. Z). 186. A sea- arson a ghabh na cinnich boile?" Sahn.ii. 1. Why
rock: rupes in mari. Vide Bar, 7. Gr. Xa^a^, did the heathen rage ? Quare fremuerunt gentes ?
• Cart, t. A cart : camis. BiU. Glons. \'idt' A foot for a foot. I'es pro potlc. " A cheuim
Cairt. niiiille r" a Ec*. xii. 9.
cluiittiii." It» head with it»

CART, CÀ1HT, -AS. I. A <|uiirt si'xturiug, 4ta : legs. Cuput ejus cum cniribus ejus. 2. A tiluift,
jwrs t(iii(,'ii. C. S. "i. Till- fourth part of a peck. hal>, or handle liastile, ani>a, niuiiubriuni.
: I'uc. bti.

.SVtrf. a lippy : quarta pars iiiodii. A'. 7/. " Can sgcine," 'I'he hiil't of a knife cultri inanu- :

Cart, -aiuh, cii-, r. a. \'iclu Cairt, v. briiiMi. 3. A stem, or stalk caulik. C. S. 4. A :

Cartacii, </<«. of Cairt, (|. vido. •' Tear carUich." ply, plait, or tier, in tliread plica, ordo filorum. :

Voc. Do. A carti-r, a Haiii-iiiHii : rliedurius. ( '.

S. 5. A curl einciiiiiUK. : S. " Cas-cliiabll." C
Cahtadii, ,v. m. ft pns. jHirt. v. Cart, Cluansinp, purg- Maif. V. A
curled lock cincinnuB, cirrUH. 6.:

ing, tanninj;, nuickiiig : actio |)iirgan(li, corticc pu- A w rinkle ruga. MSS. et C'. S.
: " Can mu
rato dcpsciidi, stcrcus aiiiovcndi. V'idc Cairt, r. slieach." adv. Scattered, jumbled, tos&ed : pacsim
" Cartadh-cunianta." Toe. b2. A comiiion sink: jaccns, hie illic stratus, inverso ordine.
cloaca vel sentina publica. • Cas, S.J'. 1. A case: cupsa. thecii. O'li. Vide
Cahtan, -AiN, -AN, s. iH. 1. A Small brown sleek Hair of the head capilli, crines. O'Ji.
C6Ì8. 2. :

insect that eats into the Hesh : insect uni parMini Cas, Caise, 1. Steep abruptus, pra-ceps.
(tdj. :

fuscuni quod corrodendo in carneni penetrat. C. S. " Agus i-uith an treud sios gu dian le àite cdx do 'n
'2. A sour tempered, crabbed person homo didi- : fhairge." Marc. v. 1 3. And the herd run violent-
cilis, rixosus. JlSiS. CluUd. ]JTin citartan, rixosus. ly down a steep place into the sea. £t ruit grex
Stock. Clav. e pnrcipitiis in mare. 2. Wreathed, curled, twist-
Cartanach, -aiciie, adj. (Cartan), Quarrelsome, ed tortus.

sour tempered, crabbed : rixosus, difficilis,conten- " 'CÙ1 fàincach cas nan iomadh cleachd.
tiosus. MSS. " Mar dhcalradh teachd o n ghrein."
• Carthan, Charity, affection. Slew. Gloss. Vide Gdl. 150.
Carthannachd. (Her) wTeathed hair of many ringlets, as brightness
Carthan'ach, ] -aiche, adj. (Carthann), 1. Cha- proceeding from the sun. (Ejus) capilli annulati
Carthaskacii, j ritable, affectionate, tender- torti multorum cincinnorum, instar fulgoris venien-
hearted, friendly : benignus, cliarus, misericors, tis ah sole. 3. Sudden, quick, rapid subitus, re- :

amicus. Mo thearmann carthantiach." Mac/,

" pentinus, velox, citus.
par. xiv. 1. My friendly defence. Mea defensio " Fhuair (iad) tuisleadh, thuit gu cas."
benigna. Salm. xxvii. 2. meir.
• Carthannach, adj. Just, true, faitliful : Justus, ve- Tliey stumbled and quicklj' fell. Titubaverunt et
rus, tidelis. Llh. ceciderunt subito. 4. Hasty, irritable, rash in :

Carthanacud, -annachd, s. f. ind. (Carthanach), irani proclivis, temcrarius.

Charit)', friendship, tenderness, affection : charitas, " 'i'ha solus mo chleiblise fo smal,
liberalitas, amor, misericordia, amicitia. " As " Le gniomhaibh cas mo bhràthar."
eugnihais carthannachd." Macf. par. xi. 2. With- Tern. i. 666.
out charity absque caritate. :Wei. Carrenyz. The light of my breast is clouded by the rash deeds
Carthannas, -ais, s. m. Id. q. Carthanachd. of ray brother. Est lux mei pectoris sub labe, per
Carthuinnich, -idh, CH-, V. a. (Carra, et Tuinich, facta temeraria mei fratris. 5. Wrinkled: rugo-
t>.) Cave, dwell apart, as in a cave: age vitani
1. sus.
abditè. Macf. V. " Such as we, cave here, haunt — " Craicionn cas oirr' is ceann glas oirr'."
here." S/uihesp. 2. Separate : separa, sejunge. GUI. 294.
Macf. V. Her skin is wrinkled, her head is grey. Cutis ru-
Cart-iùil, «./. MSS. Vide Cairt-iùil. gosa ei, et caput canum ei. " 'lliainig e cas orra."
Car-tuaitiieal, -eil, s. m. (Car, 2. Tuath, et lùl). C. S. He thwarted nie adversabatm- raihi. Hebr. :

1. A wrong turn, a turn to the left, or contrary to OyO caas, indignatus fuit, succensuit.
the sun's motion conversio sinistrorsum, vel ad-
: CÀS, -ÀIS, -AN, *. WÌ. 1. Difficulty, emergency,
versus solis cursum. MSS. 2. An ill chance, hardship difficultas, casus, asperitas reruni.

mishap : infortunium. C. S. " Tliug thu dliomh fichead each

Caruich, -idh, CH-, (Car, 2.) Move, roll move, :
" Do m' iomchuir as gach càs-claoi."
volve. " Charuich iad
chlach bharr beòil an a'
S. D. 269.
tobair." they rolled the stone
Geii. xxix. 3. And Thou gavest me twenty horses to carry me out of
from the well's mouth. Et volvebant lapidem ab Dedisti mihi viginti equos ad me
ever)' hardship.
ore putei. Id. q. Caraich. Ir. ,£o|iuic. ferendum ex omni difficultate. " Cas cruaidh,"
Caruinnean,j3/. (Càth, et Koinn), Refuse of thresh- vel " duihch." C. S. A difficult, or trj'ing situ-
ed corn frumenti triturati purgamenta. MSS.
ation. Casus asper, vel difficilis. 2. misfor- A
• Caruinnich, -idh, ch-, v. a. (Caruinnean), Riddle,
tune, an evil event casus, eventus infelix. Mac-

winnow, or separate grain from straw : ventila, inty. 71. 3. (meton.) Pity: misericordia.
eventila, frumenta a stramine sejunge. A.M'D.
C. S. 4. Anxiety, fear, concern : solicitudo, me-
• Carull, s. m. Fing. i. 577. Vide Caireall.
Gas ; gen. Coise ; dot.Cois pi. Casan. 1. A foot,
tus, cura. Macf. V. 5. The plague : pestis, pes-

leg : pes, crus. " Cos air son coise." Ecs. xxii. 24. tilentia. Salm. Ixxviii. 50. Arcd>. jli' kazz, the

Bb 2
dentibus frendendi. Salm. pass. Vide Cas, t;. 2.
sudden death. Scot. Cacc, Cais,
devil ; oa*» /'"•<,
A wrinkle ruga. Voc. 13.:

Cass. Jam. Span. Caso. Casa-feannag, Feannag), Crows'

pi. (Cas, .«. et
r. a. et n. 1. Gnash the teeth: feet : pedes corv-ini. " Fuaigheal chasa-feannag."
Cas, -AiDH, CH-,
dcntibus freme, fi-ende. " C/ias iad am fiacla fis." llie angular stitching on blanket selvages. Su-
Giiiomh. vii. 54. They gnashed on him witli tlieir tura fimbriae stragulorum, corvinos pedes referens.
teeth. Stridebant deutibus in euni. S. Shoot out a s.
the h'p in insuh, or derision : insulta, deride protru- Casag, -aig, -an, s.f. A cassock, long coat: tuni-
dendo labium. " Ni iadsan uile a ehi mi gàire ca longior.
fiinoid rium : casaidh iad am beul." Salin. xxii. 7. " Deich bliadhna fichead is còrr,
Ail that see me laugh rae to scorn, they shoot out " Bha casag de 'n chlò mu 'r drùim."
the lip. Omnes videntes me rident irrisione mihi, 3Iacinty. 140.
protrudunt labium. 3. Turn against, or upon, Thirty years and more, we wore the long coat.
oppose : oppugna, verte in aliquem. MSS. 4. Triginta annos et amplius, tunica longior panni
Stop, hesitate : siste te ipsum, resta, hicsita. (««7. Anglorum) erat circum tergum nostrum.
•' Chas e gu trie o 'àrd-cheum." " Casag mharcachd." Voc. 18. riding coat. A
Tern. i. 17. Tunica equestris. Fr. Casaque. Germ. Kasak.
He often stopped his lofty steps. Restitit ille saepe /to/. Casacca. Span. Casaca. Basq. Jaquea.
ab arduis passibus (suis). 5. (Cas, adj.) Turn, eurl But ludicrously so named, among Highlanders,
verte, crispa. Bibl. Gloss. 6. Become wrinkled from the length of its skirts, considered as unbe-
ruga. coming, and inelegant. From " Cas," the foot
" Bidh h-eudan air casadh, bidh fait air fas liath." pes. " Cosag." Gill. 124.
D. 104. ML. Casagach, adj. (Casag). Wearing cassocks, or long
Her face will become «tinkled, her hair will be- coats longiores tunicas gestans. A. M'-D.

come gray. Rugabit facies ejus, capilli ejus ca- Casa-gairid, ) s. pi. Short spatterdashes pero- :

nescent. 7. Wind, wind up : filum torque. Pro- Casa-gearra, i nes breviores. C. S.

vin. 8. Brandish, vibrate vibra. : Casaid, -e, -ean, s.f. complaint, accusation A
" Sleagh fhada a casadJi 'na làimh." querenionia, accusatio. " Na dean casaid air seir-
Tem. i. 608. bhiseach f' a mhaighstir." Gnàth. xxx. 10. Accuse
A long spear brandished in his hand. Hasta lon- not a servant unto his master. Ne fac accusa-
gà vibratà in ejus manu. tionem de ser\"o apud dominum suum. 2. A suit,

• Casach, -aich, s.f. An ascent: adscensus, ac- action, process, at law : dica, lis, formula, actio fo-
clivitas. Llh. et" OB. rensis. MSS. et C. S.

Casach, -aiche, adj. (Cas, s.\ Having feet : pedes Casaid, -idh, ch-, (Casaid, s.) Provin. Vide Ca-
habens. " Ceithir-ehasach." Four-footed : quadru- saidich. Ir. SL<\X'>-\t>]ni. Chald. TDn chased,

pes. C. S. " Fad-chasach." C. S. Long-legged opprobrio affecit.

longa habens crura. " Gearr-chasach." C. S. Casaideach, -eiche, adj. (Casaid, «.), Apt to com-
Short-legged curta habens crura.
: plain, or accuse : ad criminandum proclivis. C. S.
• Casachdaich, s.f. Voc. 140. Vide Casadaich. Casaidich, -idh, CII-, r. a. (Casaid, s.) Accuse, ar-
• Casachdaighe, «. /. The herb coltsfoot tus- : raign : accusa, accusationem fer. C. S.
silago, vechion. LUi. Vide Gallan greann- Casaidich, -e, -eax, «. ;«. (Casaid, s.) An accuser,
chair. informer accusator, delator. C. S.

- Casachdas, s.f. Llh. Vide Casadaich. Casair, -e, «. /. Sea-drift : turbo, procellae agitatio
Casa-corra, vel -corkach, s. pi. (Cas, s. et Corr- in mari. Hebrid. Vide Teine-sionnachain.
ach). Stilts : grallae. C. S. •Casair, m. 1. A thorn: spina. O'B.
s. 2. A

Casad, -aid, s. m. A cough tussis.

: clasp, buckle fibula. O'R. : 3. A shower,
" Cha chan (i) focal, cha dean casad." hail imber, grando. Llh.
: 4. Slaughter, car-
Gill. 295. nage caedes, strages. MSS.

She will speak no word, she will not cough. Non Casan, })l. of Cas, s. q. vide. " Casan cairbe,"j>/.
faciet ilia verbum, non faciet tussim, i. e. tussi- (lit. chariot spokes, or feet), sun rays, as seen break-

bit. ing through masses of watery clouds radii solis :

Casadach, -aiche, (Casad), Coughing, ill of a

«f^'. per nimbos aquosos rumpentes. Sometimes " Casa'
gathain." Hebrid. " Casan eunain,"^/. [lit. Birds'
cough, causing a cough : tussiens, tussi laborans,
tussim ferens. A. M-D. et C. S. feet), shoots fi-om a hazel stump : surculi e stirpe

Casadaich, s.f.ind 1. A cough: tussis. Provin. coryli enati. C. S.

2. The act, or habit of coughing : actio tussiendi. Casan, -ain, -ax, *. m. The rafter, or supporting
Voc. 27. 3. A
cold, or any disease causing a beam of a house-top trabs cui tectm innititur. C.:

cough gravedo vel aliquis morbus tussim ferens.

: S. 2. A path, road : semita, via. " Do chasan dlr-

Provin. " Rinn e casad." C. S. He coughed : each reidh." Salm. v. 8. metr. Thy path straight
tussivit. and free. Tua via directa et plana. 3. prickle A
Casadh, -aidh, -eax, m. et pres. part. v. Cas.
s. aculeus. O'B. Hebr. ]^p katzan, incurvavit.
1. A winding, grinning, gnashing: actio rigendi, Chald. ysU chasan, roboratus est.
Cas-aodan\acii, -AiciiE. adj. (Cm, adj. 5. et càsga, Di-domhnuich eà«ga." Voe. 173. Patch*
Ao(lun), Wrinkle-faced ; fronte corrujjutus. R. Sunday Dominiea-l'aschalis.

MI). Caso, -a, s. m. Stopping, a stop actus cohibendi, :

• t'lisiir, *. »1. 1. A little hammer: mnlleulus. cuhibitio. " Cuir mug air do chù." S. Stop, C
O'B. 2. (Cas, «.), A path : semita. O'li. Po- or curl» your dog : comprime tuum canem. li.

tiu.i Cuhhsair. liret. C'ustiz. ('ant. Casti. Lot. CaKtigatio. Fr.

• Casarnach, s.f. (Cas, adj. 2. et Beàrnath, fork- Chatiment. Angl. C'liastÌNement.
ed), Lightning fulmen. /V. : Casiìaoii, -aidii, «. «I. et /irts. part. v. Caisg. A
• Casbanacli, nil/. Side hy side, parallel laliis ad : (|uenehing, stopping, hindering, restraining cohi- :

latus, parallelus. 0'J{. hitio, cessatio, actus cohibendi, coercendi, iniiiben-

• Casbhàirneach, s. f. A limpet, cuiincr : lepas. di. C. S. V^ide Coisg.
O'B. Sh. et Oii. \ide Hàirneaeh. Casoair, -idii, vel -raiuii, cii-, v. a. Slay, Blaugh-
Cas-bhàroaciid, s.f. ind. (Cas, lulj. et Hàrdachd), ter, butcher macta, confice, trucida.

A satire, invective ; satira, carmen nialedicum. " Mar uan gun loclid a dh'imlicheas.
Macf. V. " An làmh a chasgras c."
Cas-biieairt, -bheirt, vel -iiiieakt, «./. (Cas,
vel Mnrf. Par. vi. 9.

«. et Heart, 2.), Shoes and stockings, leg armour As a harmless lamb tliat licks the hand whieh slays
calcei et tibialia, calceamenta et ocrea", tibiarum it. Ut agnus sine malo qui lambit manum qux
et pedum quasi armatura. I'tilg. Cais'card. ^'ide mactat cum.
Caisbheart. Ofì. et C. S. Casgairt, s.f. ind. et prcs.pnrt. v. Casgair. Slaugh-
Cas-bmuidiie, adj. (Cas, adj. et *. et Ruidhe). 1. tering, butchering : actus conficiendi, mactandi.
Having yellow feet crura liabens Hava. C. S. :
" Ghcibh tliu, air tùs, do chasgairt leamsa."
2. Full of yellow curls, having yellow, curled hair S.D. 188.
cincimus flavis abundans, capillos habens flavos et Thou shalt first be slain by me. Accipies tu pri-
concinnatos. /?. J/'Z). usquani, tuani interfectionem ab me. " Casgairt-
• Cascar, s. m. cup A : poculum. Lih. làmh." C. S. A
manual encounter. Actio pug-
• Cas-chailliche, -cailliche, s.f. The shaft of a fir- nandi vel colluctandi coraminus.
torcli : hastile torris pinei. Provin. Potius Cas-ghhuacacii, -AICIIE, adj. (Cas, atij. 2. et Gruag),
Cas coille, wooden shalY. Curl-headed capite crispato. C. S.

Cas-chiabiiach, -aiche, adj. (Cas, adj. et Ciabh), Casg-chuing, -e, -ean, *. f. An antasthmatic
Having curled locks crines habens crispatos. : asthmatis medicamentum. C. S.
C.S. Casgradii, -aidh, s. m. et pres. part. v. Casgair.
CÀS-CIIOISGEACH, -EiCHE, adj. (Càs, s. ct Coisge- " Mlieasadh sinn mar chaoraich chum casgraidh."
ach), Antipestilcntial : alexipharmacus. Sh. et Isài. xliv. 22. We were esteemed as sheep for
OR. slaughter. Habebamur ut oves ad mactandum.
Cas-chròm, -cois-ciiruim, /. (Cas, s. 2. et .t. <J;asg-tiiuitea.mas, -ais, s.f. (Casg, s. et Tuitea-
Cròm, adj.). Vidg. A crooked spade ligo curvus. : mas). An anti-apoplectic apoplexeos medela. O R. :

An agricultural implement, peculiar to the north Casguirt, s.f Vide Casgairt, et Casgradh.
Highlands, and some of the Hebrides See de- : it • Casla, s.f. Frizzled wool lana crispata. Llh. :

scribed, Stat. Ace. Vol. VI. p. 288. marg. Agri- • Caslach, s.f. Children liberi. Llh. :

culturae quoddam instrumentum apud monticolas Cas-ìighe, -eak, s.f. (Cas, adj. 3. Lighe, s.) A ra-
septentrionales et insulanos. pid fordvadum rapidum,
: transitu difficile.
" 'S a bhi 'triall chun nam bodach, Cas-lùbach, -aiche, ad/. (Cas, a(f/. et Liibach),
" Dha 'm bu chosnadh 'cìias-chrùm." Thickly curled : dense crispatus. Rrp. 110.
Stew. 485. Cas-maighiche, s.f. (Cas, s. et Maigheach), The
And visiting the old men, whose livelihood was the herb hare's foot : lagopus. Voc. 60.
" Cas-chròm," or crooked spade. Et progrediens Caspaxach, o^'. Parallel: parallelus. 3ISS.
ad senes, quibus victus erat ligo curvus. • Casrach, s.
f. Slaughter : ca:des. Vide Casg-
Cas-chlirn. -cuirs, s.f. (Cas, s. 2. et Cam, 3.), A radh. OR.
draught-tree : temo. Voc. Ql. Cas-kuisgte, adj. (Cas, s. 1. et Rùisgte), Bare-footed :

• Casda, adj. Voc. 1 3. Vide Caiste. 2. «. Pro- excalceatus, pedibus nudis. C. S.

vin. \'ide Casad. • Cassal, s. m. A storm : procella. Llh.
Casdaich, s.f. Provin. Vide Casadaich. Casta, adj. Llh. Vide Caiste.
Cas-dìreach, -iCH, s.f. (Cas, s. 2. et Uireach), A Castax, -aix, -ax, s.f. A chesnut : castanea.
kind of spade peculiar to the Highlands and islands, Bill. Gloss.
having a straight haft with a semi-circular iron, or Castarax, -ain, s. m. Abutter measure: men-
" Caib :" ligo quidam apud monticolas et insula- sura quiedam butjTÌ. Provin.
nos, manubrium directum est et ferrea pars semi- Cast-earbhain, *.y. Tlie herb succory chicoreum :

circularis. C, S. O'R. " Cast-earbhain nam muc." O'B. Dan-

• Casdlaoidh, «. /. (Cas, adj. 2. et Dual), Curled delion leontedon.

hair : capilli intorti. Llh. • Casuigh, Jr. for Casadh. " Re casuigh." Bibl.
CÀSG, vel CÀSGA, gen. of Càisg, q. vide. " Latha- Gloss. Headlong : pra;ceps.
Casurla, -ai, et -adh, -aidh, s. m. A curled attrivit. Scot. Caff, Cauf. Jam. TeuL Kaff. Bdg.
lock : cinciiinus. LUi. et OB.
(Casurla), Curl-locked
Kaf. Germ. Kaff. Pers. !iL=i hhah ; ^U Itluik.
Casurlach, -aiche, ailj.
Catha, s. m. Vide Cadha.
cincinnatus. Llh. et R. M'D.
Cathacii, -AICHE, odj. (Cath, s.) Warlike : bellico-
Cat, Cait, s. w. Acat: felis, Wei.
catus. Fof. 79.
sus. S. D. 236.
Catli. Gen». Katze. Cwn. Katli. Bch/. Kattc.
SjMn. Cato. B. Bret. Caz ct Chat. Fr.
Catiiach, -aich, (Cath,
s. tn. s.) A warrior, a sol-
Itai. et
dier : bellator, miles. C. S.
Chat. Riiss. Kote. Turk. Keti. /^/^ Catus.
Cathachadh, -AIDH, s. m. ct prcs. part. v. Cath-
Gr. "Karrrii. Arab. Jy> W chnthul. aich. Fighting, act of fighting, provoking, striving,

CÀTA, s. m. A sheep-cot : niandra, ovile. Macinty. tempting actus dimicandi, provocandi, contenden-

118. di, tentandi. Macf. V. et C. S. Vide Cathaich.

Catachadh, )^ -AIDH, ,«. ill. et pres. part. v. Cat- CÀthadh, -aidh, s. m. et pres. part. v. Cath. 1.
Catadii, J
aich. Taming, domesticating: ac- Winnowing : ventilatio. Hh. 2. A breach : rui-
tiodomandi, mansuefaciendi, cicurandi. C. S. na. Vide CacUia.
Sh. et C. S. 3. A defile : an-

Cataich, -idh, CH-, V. a. Tame mansuefac. C. S. :

gustiae, fauces.O'R. Vide Cadha.
Potius Tataich, q. vide.
Cathadh, -aidh, s. m. 1. Snow-drift: nivium pro-
Catag, -AiGE, -EAN, s.f. A potEto-cellar battato- :
cella. " Cathadh-làir." N. H. Vide Làr.
rum cellarium. Provin. " Bi'dh gruth is crathadh air na srathaibh,
Catagach, -aiche, axij. (Catag), Abounding in po- " 'S teirigidh 'n cathadh-làir."
tato-cellars : abundans battatorum seclusis acer- Stew. 257.
vis. Provin. Curds and churning shall be in the straths, and
C AT AiCHTE, pret. part. V. Cataich. Tamed: mansue- the snow-drift shall cease. Coagula et lactis agi-
factus. C. S. tatio erunt in vallibus, et cessabit nivea procella.
Catas, m. C. S. Vide Cadas.
-ais, -an, s. " Cathadh-cuir." Provin. Falling snow : nix ca-
Cat-crainn, -croinn, s. m. A rat trap laqueus ad : dens, nivea procella. " Cur is cathadh." C. S.
sorices excipiendos. Sh. i. e. vulg. " Drift and snow." Falling and drifting
• Caterpileir, s. OT. Caterpillar: volvox. " t^^V^c of snow, at once. Nix cadens, et eodem tempore
AD locii|-c, A^uf At) CAce|tpiUe|t." B. B. ventis peracta.
Salm. cv. 34. The locust and cateqiillar came. Cathadh, -fairge, vel -mara, s. m. 1. Sea-drift,
Advenerunt locusta et volvox. Vide Bur- vulg. tiaut. term, spoon-drift, and spin-drift mari- :

ras. na procella, maris vento impulsi aspergines. C. S.

Cath, -catha, -an, 5. m. 1. A battle, fight : pug- 2. Provocation provocatio.

na, prcelium. " Cia trie do chuir siad catltadh air."

" C uim 'an teichinn fein o 'n chath ?" Ross. Salm. Ixxviii. 40.
Fing. i. 403. How often provoked they him. Quam saepe pro-
^^^ly should I (myself) retreat from the fight'? vocaverunt illi eum. Potius Cathachadh, q. vide.
Quare f ugerem ego ipse a conflictu ? 2. com- A • Cathag, -aig, -an, s.f. Voc. 74. Vide Cadhag.
pany, host, army caterva, copise, exercitus.
» Cathaghadh, -ughadli, -aidli, s. m. Llh. Vide
" Bhuail mac Morn' an t-ath bheum-sgèithe, Cathachadh.
" Clxlisg an 7, is dliùisg a cathan." Cathaich, -idh, ch-, v. a. (Cath,*.) 1. Fight:

S. D. 56. pugna. " Cathaichidh me am aonar agus maille

re each arson na dteampall agus nan altor, agus
The son of Morna again struck the shield, the
island shook, and its hosts arose. Percussit iterum
nan eitheand naomhtha. Cars. Lit. 8. I will fight'

filius Mornae ictum scuti, tremuit insula, et excita-

alone and with others for the temples, the altars,
verunt (sese) ejus copise. 3. batallion pha- A :
and the holy places. Pugnabo solus et cum ahis
lanx, caterva. O'B. " Cath cathan-a," civil A pro temphs, altaribus et sacris. 2. Strive, con-

war : bellum civile. Hence no doubt Catti, and tend contende.


" Ma chathaicheas e 'n ceartas ruinn."

many other proper names, as well as Cateia, and
Caterva, mentioned by Roman writers as imple- Macf. par. xviii. 1.
If he contend in justice with us. Si conteudat in
ments of war. Wei. Cad. Germ. Cat. Arab.
justitia nobiscum. 3. Tempt, try, prove : tenta,
òLò' kabad, Hebr. nn chath, terror ; timor. Chald.
proba. O'R.
/13 cath, caterva ; T1D cadad, battle. Job. xv. 24. Cathair, Cathrach, Cathraichean, s. f. 1.

CÀTH, -AIDH, CH-, V. u. (Cath, s.) Riddle, winnow, A chair, bench, seat sella,
: sedile, cathedra.

fan : ventila, excerne. C. S.

" Oir suidliidh i aig dorus a tighe air cathtdr"
CÀTH, CÀITHE, et CÀTHA, s. Husks of corii : si- Gnàth. ix. 14. For she sitteth at the door of her
liquae hordei, avenae. C. S. house on a seat. Nam sedet ad ostium domus suee
" Dhall a' chàtìi a shùilean." super sellam. 2. A throne thronus, solium. :

Gill. 81.
" CatJiair Chormaic nan gorm sgiath."
The corn husks blinded his eyes. Avenarum slli- Fing. i. 558.
quiae caecaverunt oculos ejus. Hebr. ^^i^ caah, The throne of Cormac of blue shields. Solium
Cormaci firrulearum paminrum. 3. A city, nie- bravely : strcnuu», bellax, pugtux. MSS. 2. Id.
tru|>oli« : uibs, cii|mt rcgioiiis. " Ni u srutliaii q. Caithearr. :). (Cutliair, a.) Civil : civilis. "Cath
mtluiir DliO iiit." Salm. xlvi. •!•. Thi? htrt>iuns catJuirra." ji/S.S. A ii\il battle: pugnu civilis.
thcri-oC slinll iiiakf f,'liul tin- city of (ioil. Kivi
Ji. JJrt't. Cadarn. Audi. ybXi kahir, a conqueror,
ejus la-tilicabtinl ci\itatciii Dei. Wcl, C'ailuir,
violent, forcible.
Cacr. JU. Urrt. Cudcr, Cadvcr ; cathedra. OV.
Catiiahraciii), «./. iW. (CHtharra, 1.) Kesolution,
V-aii^oL, Ariili. olJi caad. Ciutld. p'nnj gahcnik. bravery virtus, aninius, lortitudo. C. S.

Htltr. TTH fhadcr, civitas. • Cath-blmrr, *-. m. (Cath, s. et Burr), A helmet

• Catlinir, m. (Cadlia, ct Foar),
.v. A guard, ccnti- galea. Llh.
"" ncl, warder: custos, cxcubitor, vigil. Sli. • Cath bluirun, -uin, «. m. (Cath, $. et Baron), A
CATiiAiR-EAsniiG, .1.
f. (Catluiir, 3. ut Easbiiig), A commander, an officer dux, pncfectus milita- :

cathedral. Tor. 1G9. ris. OB.

Catiiaik-bkeitiieanais, s. f. (Cathair, 1. ct Briith- CÀTII niinvicji, -niiuuiTii, -e, s.f. (Cath, et Bruich,
canas), A tribunal solium judicialc. " 'Nuair
adj.) SÌI. et O'li. Vide Ciibhruicli.
a shuidheas righ air cailhir-lilircilhcamiis. Gnnth. Catii-biiuadiiacii, -AiCHi:, adj. (Cath, *•. tt Buadh-
XX. 8. When a king sits on a judgment scat. ach). Victorious, triumphant in battle : pra-lio vic-
Quando rex insidet solio judiciali. tor, hello vincens.
Catiiaihiche, -ean, s. 7)1. (Cathair, 3.) A citizen: " A
Choin-chuilinn chath-hhuadhaich."
civis. S/t. et U/i.
MS. penes Sir J. Grant.
Cathair-iomciiaih, -thraicheak-iomchaiu, x.f. O,- Cuchulin, victorious in battle. O, Cuchulin,
(Cathair, et lomchair), A sedan chair : sella vehi- victor-bello.
cularis. i'oc. 93.
Cath rhuidhean, -aink, -nichean, s.f. (Cath, n.
CATHAin IUOOHAIL, Ì -THRAICHEAN, -RICH, vel et Buidheann), A batallion phalanx. C. S.
Cathair nÌGii, J
-rìoghail, «. /. (Cathair, Cath-chhith, -e, s.f. (Cath, s. ct Crith, *.) Impa-
et Righ, vel Rioghail), A throne : solium. tremor ortus ex impatientia,
tience for fighting :

" Do chathair-rioghail togam suas."

pugnandi cupiditatc. R. ItPD.
vel exiniia
Sa/m. Ixxxix. 4. Cath-fhear, -in, s. m. (Cath, s. et Fear), A war-
Tliy throne I will raise up. Tuum solium exaltabo. rior : bellator. Wei. Cadfer.
f. Catii-labuhadh, -aidh, -ean, s. m. (Cath, s. et
(Cathair, et Suidh, r.) A scat : sedile. C. S. Chald. Labhair), A general's speech iniperatoris ad mi-

N'P'113 Citrsia, thronus. lites oratio vel cohortatio. O'B. et .S7(.

• Llh. Vide Catholach.
UNDA, s.f. Tlie herb yarrow achillea millifoliuni. : Cath-làrach, -aich, -ean, s.f. (Cath, et Làrach),
Foe. 61. Field of battle : pra-lii campus. C. S.
• Cathais, *./. Llh. Vide Caithris. Cath mhaucacu, -aich, -aichean, s. m. (Cath, s.
• Cathaiseach, adj. 1. Brave, quick, stout fortis, : et Marcach), A riding soldier, i. c. a dragoon e- :

acer, robustus, validus. OB. ^>i. Noisy, cla- ques, miles equestris. Wei. Cadvarch, war-horst.
morous clamosus, obstrepens. Z,l/i.
: CATH-MnÌLEADH, -MHILIDH, S. )il. 1. O'B. Id. q.
Cathal, -AiDH, CH-, V. a. N. H. Id. q. Callaich. Caith-mhileadh. 2. colonel, military comman- A
Cathaladh, -aidh, s. m. et prcs. part. v. Cathal. der legionis tribunus, priefectus militaris. Llh. et

Vide Callachadh. Marf. V.

Cathalta, adj. etpretpart. v. Cathal. Vide Call- CÀTIIMHOR, -oiRE, odj. (Cath, Ct Mòr), Chaffj',
aichtc. husky palea abundans, siliquosus. " Se 'm fogh-

Cathan, -ain, «. m. A wild goose anser sylvati- : ar' gaothmhor a ni 'n coirce càthnihor." Pror. It
cus, rostrum habens nigrum. C. .S'. Hebrid. is the windy harvest that makes the husky oats.

Cathaxach, -AiciiE, adj. A. M'D. Vide Cathach. Est autumnus procellosus qui facit avenam siliquo-
Cathax-aodaich, s. m. A web tela. Voc. o*. : sam.
CÀTHAR, -AIR, s. 1. Mossy, humid ground: cam-
1)1. Catholach, adj. Catholic: catholicus. O'B. Sh.
pus, muscosus vel uliginosus. et Llh. Vox Lot. vel Gr.
" Bidh 'thanas gun flieum fo ghruaim, • Cathoir, adj. La« ful : a?quus. MSS. Arab.
" An ceo mu Ion cuilceach a' c/tàl/tair."- "\^ hati/r, of a just proportion. Hebr. min3
Teni. V. 234.
cathurah. ^'ide Caithean-.
His feeble ghost shall be gloomy in mist around
Cathrach, gen. of Cathair, q. %'ide.
the reedy fen of the mossy soil. Erit spectrum • Cathraigheoir, s. m. Bibl. Gloss. Vide Cath-
ejus sine vi sub tetricitate in nebula circum pra-
tum paludosum arundineum musci. of a
2. Soil,
Cath-reim,-e, A triumph. O'B. Vide Caithream.
spongy consistence solum spongeosum. C. S.
Cat-luch, Cait-luch, s. m. (Cat, et Luch), A
Hebr. 133 cachar, extensus, planus fuit.
mouse-trap : nassa vel laqucus, ad mures capien-
CATHARAcii, -AiCHE, adj. (Catliur), Oozy, mossy, dos. Voc. 89.
as in hilly ground uliginosus, muscosus. C. S.
: Cat-luibh, -e, s.f. Cudwort : gnaphalium. Sh.
Catharra, atlj. (Cath, s.) 1. Strenuous, fighting • Càtoil, -e, adj. Luxurious, faring luxuriously:
luxuriosus, dcliciis dcditus. Profinc. Potius Ceacharrachd, s. f. ind. (Ceacharra), Dirtiness,
Caiteil, vcl Caithteil. Chald. ^<a^ ihatu, de- stinginess, meanness : turpitudo, illiberalitas, pu-
sillanimitas, huniilitas, indoles sordida. C. S.
licias cgit.
• Catrath, adv. (Cia, et Tràth), Wien ? Quando ?
:hahran, -aik, ì s. m. (Ceacharra), A sor-
Sh. et OR. Vide C'uin. CEACt
:harranacii, -AiCH, j ry, vile, or pusillani-

C Who ? what Quis ?

mous person homo abjectus, : vilis, pusiUanimus.
È, />TO«. ititerr. sing, et />/. ?
" Cia è ?" c. s.
quid ? qui ? quae ? (i. e. " Co è ?" vel
Who is he ? or, What is it ?)
Ceachladii, -aidii, s. in. et pres. part. v. Ceachail.
" C è sud air Lena nan sliabh ?"
fossio. C. S.

Ceacht, s. m. (Ce, et Acht). I. Power : poten-

/'w^. i. 492.
tia. Llh. 2. The circle of sciences encyclo-
Wlio (is) Lena of hills ? Quinam sunt
are there on

illic in Lena montium ? 2. «<fr. Let me se it, paedia. Vail. 3. A lesson, instruction : lectio,
doctrina. Vail, in Voc.
fetch to me, reach hither sine ut videam, hue :
Cead, m. iml. Leave, permission, licence
affer. " C
è do làmh." C. S. Reach liither thy

libertas, facultas.
: venia,

hand. Hue extende manum. Vide Cia. " e C " Ars'

es', cha mhor an t-àilgheas,
mar?" i-m/jt. Ceamar
" ?" How? quomodo? " C'e " Do 'n mhnaoi thàrlas aig fear fann,
'm fath ?" vel C'e fa ?" C. S. Why ? how ? Pers.
" Ged fliaigh i cead bhi gàireachdaich,
i—kx^s heifa 9 how ? Gr. Kij, qua ? " Ri each gach dàma h-àm."
CÈ, CiiTHE, «. m. Cream flos lactis. C. S. Germ. : Stew. 48.
Anke, butter. " An cè." Gael. The cream. Hebr. Said he, it is no great privilege to the wife who
n^n chemah, butjTum. happens to be a weaklj' man's, if she have per-
mission to laugh at others each second time. In-
Ci, s. Earth, (the planet)
7)1. ind. globus terrae. :

quit ille, non magnum immunitatis est uxori quae

Blacf. V. " An
cruinne ce." Sahn. xc. 2. Vide
" debili viro accidat, si veniam habeat ea ridendi al-
Cruinne. Gr. Vri, terra. Clach mhòr a' che,"
In the island of North Uist, supposed to be a monu- tema hora cacteris. " Le bhur ceady C. S. With
ment dedicated to a Pagan deity named Ce. Hence jour permission sponte vestra, vestro jussu. Arab.

probably Keith, Dal Keith, Dan Keith, (AjTsliire). Jo hed, it is enough.

Lat. Ced-o, I grant leave.
Gael. Ce, Dail-cheith, Dun-che. • Cead, A hundred centum. MSS. Vide Ceud. :

• s. m. et/. A spouse: sponsa, Llh. et O'B.

Ce, • Ceadach, adj. Talkative dicax, loquax. LUi. :

Vide Ceile. • Ceadach, s. m. (Eudach). 1. Cloth, pannus.

Ceaba, Ceibe, Ceabannan. \. The iron of a Llh. et O'B. 2. veil, mantle velum, pal- A :

spade, or any other instrument for turning the lium. Llh. et O'B.
ground ferrea pars ligonis, vel instrumenti cu-
: Ceadach ADH, -aidh, s. m. et pres. part. r. Cead-
jusvis terram defodiendo utilis. N. H. 2. A aich. Allowing, dismissing, permission : actus, si-
kind of delving spade : sarculum Gaelorum quo nendi, concedendi, dimitteudi, venia, facultas.
terram fodiunt. W. H. " Sine bove montanae, Voc. 158. Jr. ^eAbAJAÒ.
gentes sarculis arant." Plin. Pers. k^" heb, shank-
Ceadachd, s.J'. Ì7id. Provin. Id. q. Ceadachadh.
Ceadaich, -idh, CH-, V. a. et n. (Cead, s.). 1. Al-
bone of a sheep : qjìXxajì. hhebiden, to beat with
low, permit : da veniam, sine, pemiitte. " Agus
the feet. Arab. ^.^^ khebb, standing with one foot ni sinn so ma chcadaicheas Dia." Eabhr. vi. 3.
alternately up. And this we will do if God permit. Atque hoc
faciemus siquidem Deus permiserit. 2. Dismiss :
CÈABHAR, -AIR, -EAN, s. m. A fine breeze: lenis
dimitte. Sh. et OR.
aura. Hebrid.
Ceadaichte, \^adj. i^t pret. part. v. Cea.àsiic)\. Per-
Ceach ! interj. Expressive of dislike, antipathy, ab-
Ceaduichte, J
initted, allowed, lawful: perniis-
horrence of filth, or nastiness : vox interjectionis
sus, licitus, a;quus. " Feuch, c'arson a ta iad a'
qua fastidium, repugnantia, vel execratio foeditatis
deanamh an ni nach 'eil ceaduichte air latha na
sàbaid ? Marc. ii. 24. Behold, wliy do they that
> Ceach, adj. Each, every : singuli, quisque. Sh.
which is not lawful on the Sabbath day ? Ecce,
et OR. Vide Gach.
cur faciunt quod not licet Sabbato ?
- Ceachail, -idh, ch-, v. a. Dig fode. O'R.
• Ceachaing, adj. Hard

to march, inaccessible:
• Ceadal, s. m. 1. story, narrative: fabula, A
narratio. Llh. et O'B. 2. Singing : cantio.
impen'ius, transitu diffieilis. Llh. et O'B.
• Ceachair, s.f. (Ceach, inferj.), Dirt, filth, penu-
O'R. et Provin. 3. malicious invention A
ry : sordes, coenum, penuria. Llh. figmentum maliciosum. O'B. Arab. ^LXi
CT.ACHARRA, adj. {Cestch, inter/.) 1. Dirty: sordi- kettal, a murderer. 4. Education, elementary
dus. OR. 2. Stingy iUiberalis. : C. S. 3. Scur- instruction : institutio, educatio. MSS. Vide
vy, sorrj', worthless: excors, vilis, pravus. " S'ceach- Foir-cheadal. Chald. '7yi2 gidid, educatio.
arra rinn e orm e." C. S. Scurvily he used me. * Ceadamus, (Ceud, et Amas). 1. A first finding,
Illiberaliter me tractavit. Chald. "lyo ceghar, tur- or aiming prima inventio. O'B.
: 2. adv. In
pe, fcedum. the first place primo. O'B. :
Ceadan, -AiN, -AN, s.m. A liuncli, or lock : floccu- O'D. S/i. ct O'li. 2. A socket :•capus. A. M'D.
lus. ••
t'fiuian cloimlic." C. S. A lock of wool : Gloss. " ^ «// craiiin," A niuiit socket inali i>cu-

Imiu; flocculus. Ckthl. 0)12 </uitlum, trust uiii. |ius. 3. Muliebrc pudendum. C. S. 4. Forgit-
fulness, btupur, stupidity : oblivio, 8tupiditaii. " .Sun
Ceadaois, -e, *./. Vide CiuJuoin.
Cead-biii LEACH, -icii, *. /. (Ccud, atij. et Dilc),
ort u thuiuig an ceul." C. S. A btupor liu» lieizcd
The herb centaury centaurca. O'Jf. : thee. Oblivio cepit te. Araò. ^S Uuil, delusion.
Cead-fadii, -AiDii, -AN, (Ccud, tulj. ct Fàth). Vide Gdvhr.
Ceud-futh. • Ceal, s.m. 1. Death : mors. OB. Sh. et OR.
Cead-fadiiacii, mij. Vide Ceud-fathach. Chald. 7n dud, cecidit. 2. Heaven : curium.
*. m. (Cead-fadli), Sensuali-
• CcadtUiilheas, -eis,
Sh. et OB. 3. I'se : U8U8. ,S7(. et OB. 4.
voluntas coqioris. Z.M.
ty :
A joint :O' R. 5. Fine flour
artus. : EÌniilo.
Ceadiia, -an, ». m. The part of a plough on which
OB. Lat. Ca'luin, heaven C'elo, ; I hide,
the plough-share is fixed : pars quoedam aratri in conceal. Gr. Ko7>xi;, cavus.
qua vomer est. C. S. Cealacii, -aich, -AiciiEAN, s. lit. (Ceal, 1.) The
• Ceadhraoidheachd, s.
f. (Cf, ct Draoidheachd), fire place of a kiln : clibani focus. Hybrid.
Geomancy : geomantia. PI. Vide C6, et. Cealachadh, -AIDH, s. »1. Ct pTts. jKirt. V. Ccal-
Draoidheachd. Cealadii, aich. Eating actus comedendi. C.S. :
•Ceàd-lomaidh, -can, «. /. Uh. et C. S. Vide Cealaicii, -idh, CII-, f. a. Eat comede. :

Ceud-lomaidh. " A chealaich m' aran air mo bhòrd."

Ceadna. Salm. xvi. 7. Ed. 1753. Vide Ceudna. Kirk. Salm. xli. 9.
• Ceadoir, s.f. (i. e. Ceud uair), first instant A ^^^lo ate my bread at my table. Qui comedit pa-
prinium momentum. 3ISS'. passim.
nem meum ad meam mensam. U(br. 7JM achtl,
• Ceàd-thomalt, -ailt, «. m. Uh. Vide Ceud-
lomaiiUi. cibus.
• Cead-thus, -uis, s. m. (Ceud, et Tus), A prin- Ceal-chobhair, -e, -ean, s.f. (Ceal, et Cabhair, s.)
ciple, element : principium, elenientum. IJh. A sanctuary, asylum : locus sanctus, as3'lum. Sh.
• Cead-thuisnieadh, s. m. A firstling, first born pri- : et OR.
mitiae, primogenitus. Llh. " Ceud thuisleadh." Ceal-fhuath, -uatha, -an, s. m. (Ceal, 1. et
C. S. First delivery : partus primus. C. S. Fuath), A
private grudge : secrcta simultas, odi-
Ceairsle, -ean, s.f. C. S. Vide Ceirsle. um dissimulatum. Sh. et O'B.
Ceàird, -e, -ean, s.f. 1. A trade, handicraft : ars, Cealg, s.f. Ceilge, dot. Ceilc, Hypocrisy, deceit,
ars opificis. treachery, malice : dolus, fraus, malignitas. Voc.
" A' cheàird is luaithe a ghnàthaicheadh." 37. Vide Ceilg.
Macitity. 183. Cealgach, -AicuE, CK^'. (Ccalg), Crafty, treacherous,
The trade that was first practised. Ea ars quae hj-pocritical subdolus, fallax, dolosus. Voc. 132. j

primo exercebatur. 2. Art, knowledge, skill ars, :

• Cealg, -aidh, ch-, v. a. (Cealg, *.) Beguile, de-
scientia, peritia. " Nir fliech Daibhioth righ agas ceive, allure, tempt decipe, falle, allice, tenta.

e na oga, nach ardteacht o aodliuireacht a thre- OB. Sh. et OR.

da do loighead a chuirp fein, no dha oige, no dha Cealgadair, -e, -ean, s. m. Vide Cealgair.
neanih fhoirbhtheacht ag ceardaibh gaisgidh no Cealgadaireachd, *. /. iììd. (Cealgadair). Vide
eangnamha, gun dol do chomhrac re Goilias fiamh- Cealgaireachd.
oir uathmhur ainmin anarrachta, ro-mhor o chorp." • Cealgadh, -aidh, s. m. et pres. part. v. Cealg.

Cars. Lit. 11. Nor hesitated king David, and he Alluring, deceiving, tempting : actio decipien-
a youth, not promoted from the herding of his tentandi. Llh.
di, alliciendi,

flock, at the littleness of his own person, nor at his Cealgaiche, -ean, m. (Cealg,*.)
*. deceiver: A
age, nor at his unskilfulness in arts of heroism, or deceptor. C. S. comp. of Cealgach. adj. q. v.

dexterity in arms, to go and fight with Goliath, a Cealgair, -e, -ean, s. m. (Cealg, *. et Fear), A hy-
giant, frightful, savage, very powerful, and huge in pocrite, a deceiver : hj-pocrita, planus, fraudator.
stature. Nee cunctabat Davidus rex, et ille juve- " Bàsaichidh dòclias a' cliealgair." lob. viii. 13.
nis, adhuc non promotus ab greges suos tuendo, Tlie hope of the hj-pocrite shall perish. Peribit
propter exiguitatem corporis sui, nee juventutem expectatio hypocritae.
ipsius, nee imperitiam artium heroum gestorum, Cealgaireachd, s. f
ind. (Cealgair), Hypocrisy,
nee armorum dexteritatis non ire dimicatum cum fraud, deceit : hj-pocrisis, fraus, dolus. " Roimh
Goliatho gigante horrifico, immiti, pervalido imma- gach m, bitliibh airbhur faicill o thaois ghoirt nam
nique corpore suo. " Fear-ceàirde," vel " Cèirde." Phairiseach, eadlion cealgaireaclid." Luc. xii. 1.
Macinty. 183. A tradesman artifex. : First of all beware ye of the leaven of the Phari-
• Ceal, adj. False falsus. : MSS. sees,even hj-procrisy. Ante omnia cavete vobis a
• Ceal, -aidh, ch-, v. a. 1. Hide: cela. Vide Ceil. fermento Pharisawrum, nempe hypocrisis.
Eat comede. O'R. • Cealgaonadh, s. m. Dissimulation : simulatio, dis-
2. : It appears, though
now obsolete in this form of its first sense, the simulatio. Ult.
root or cognate of many words in use. • Cealguidlic, s. m. Llh. ^'ide Cealgaiche.
Ceal, -a, -an, s. m. 1. Concealment: latibulum. Ce.^ll, Cill, pi. CiLLTEAN, S.f. A church, cell : ec-
Vol. I. Cc
clesiajtemplum.aedes sacra, cclla.ZM.^/)p.VideCill. Ceanaltachd, s.f. ind. \ 1. Kindness, mildness,
Arab. JU> ki//f, a solitary man. Hchr. Ceanaltas, -AIS, *.»!. J urbanity: benignitas,
Wei. Cell.
lenitas, urbanitas. C. S. 2. Comeliness, pulchri-
^,"Tp /icfiaf, congregavit ; N73 cala, continuit, co-
tudo. C. S.
ercuit, occuluit. Ceanann, adj. 1. Id. q. Cean-fhionn. 2. Bald,
' Ccallacli, -aich, ,9. in. 1. A Celt, Gaul : Colta, calvus. " ?l5Uf At) locuj-ce cgtjAÌ)." B. B.
Gallus a proper name. S/i. et O'JJ.
; 2. War, Lev. xi. 22. And the bald locust. Et bombyx.
contention bellum, lis. OB.: 3. (Ceall), A Ceàndachd, s.f. hid. Vide Ceudnachd.
churcliman : ecclesiasticus. i. e. a solitary man, Cean-fhionn, adj. (Ceann, et Fionn, adj.), White-
a monk. 3ISS. CItald. n7,"l galach, sacerdos. headed, or white-faced, (of animals) : albo capite.
• Ceallada, s. m. Custody : custodia. Llh. " Ceall- " Mo chaora ciieanfldonn." Macinty. 113. My
ag." H. MD. 276. white-faced sheep. Mea ovis alba-facie.
Ceall-ghoid, -e, s.
f. (Ceall, ct Goid), Sacrilege: • Cean-fidhne, s. m. A general : dux exercitus.
sacrilegiuni. O'R. Llh. Vide Ceann-feadhna.
• Ceallmhuin, s.f. (Ceall, et Muin, v.) An oracle, Cean-folaidh, s. m. Sh. Vide Cion-falaich.
prophecy : oraculuni, vaticinium. O'B. Ceangail, -GLAiDH, CH-, V. a. Bind, tie, restrain
• Cealloir, s.f. Dung, muck : fimus, stercus. Llh. stringe, liga, vinci, constringe. " A'^ceangal." Bind-
" Cheangail e a mhac." Gen. xxii.
" Cealloir-òlaich." Provin. mean, or nasty A ing : vinciens.
person : homo vilis, sordidus. 9. He bound his son. Colligavit ille filium suum.
Cealloir, -ean, s. m. (Ceall, et Fear), Superior
Wei. Cylymu. Lat. Cingulo.
of a monastery : coenobiarcha. O'B. Sh. et O'E. Ceangailte, adj. et prct. part. v. Ceangail. Bound,
' Ceallphort, -uirt, «. m. (Ceall, et Port), A cathe- confined, restrained : vinctus, cohibitus, constric-
tus. " Far an fobh priosanaich an righ ceangailte."
dral church : ecclesia cathedralis. O'B. Sh. et
07?. Gen. xxxix. 20. Where the prisoners of the king
Ceall-shlaid, -E, s.f. (Ceall, et Slaid), Sacrilege: were bound. Ubi erant captivi regis vincti.
sacrilegium. Voc. 37. 176. Ceangal, -ail, pi. -AIL, ei Ceanglaichean, s.m.
• Ceal-stòl,s. m. (Ceal, s. et Stòl), A close-stool et pres. part. v. Ceangail. A tie, knot, bond,
lasanum. Llh. restraint : ligaraen, vinculum, nodus, repagulum.
• Cealt,s. m. Apparel, clothes pannus, vestes. :
" Am feud thusa cumhachda milse Phleiades a
Llh. Scot. Kelt. Jam. cheangal, no ceanglcdchean Orioin fhuasgladh ?"

Cealtar, -aire, s.fii. (Cealt, s.) Thick broad cloth, lob. xxxviii. 31. Canst thou bind the sweet in-
of a grej' colour pannus densus, canus, majoris
fluences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion ?
latitudinis. Provinc. An liceat tibi constringere delicias Pleiadum aut
lora Ononis dissolvere. " Ceangal-pòsaidh." C.
• Cealtmhuinnleir, ,?. m. (Cealt, Muinnlear), A
fuller: fullo. Llh. S. A
marriage bond, a promise of marriage, obli-
« Ceamar, adv. Vide Cia mar. gation to marry sponsalia.
: 2. Binding, act of

• Cean, -e, s. m. 1. Favour: favor. Llh. 2. binding: vinctus, actus vinciendi. " A' ceangal
Debt debitum. O'B. Sh. et O'R. 3. Crime
a shearraich fis an fhionain." Ge;i.xlix. 11. Bind-
his foal unto the vine ligans asselum suum ad
crimen. O'B. :

Ceana, adv. (i. e. C'ionad, cia an t-ionad). 1.

vitem. Wei. Cengl. Arm. Cenglen. Lat. Cin-
Wliither ? quo ? " Ccana chaidh e ?" Provin. gulum. Span. Cingulo. Larram.
Whither has he gone ? Quo ivit ille ? 2. Even, Ceangalach, -aiche, adj. (Ceangal), Binding, ob-
lo, already
ligatory obligatorius. C. S.
etiam, en, jam. Llh.
: Vide Cheana.
• Ceana, adj. O'B. Vide Ceudna. Ceangaltach, -aiche, adj. (Ceangal), Binding,
• Ceanair, at^. A hundi-ed centum. " Ceanar." :
connecting : connectendi vel obligandi vim habens.
Llh. i. e. " Ceud fear." A hundred ones cen- :
tum homines. Ceangaltas, -ais, s. m. (Ceangaltach), A tying,

Ceanail, -e, adj. Mild, loving blandus, amans.

1. :
binding, connection : vinctus, ligatio, connectio.
Macf. V. 2. Elegant, elegans. 3ISS. C.S.
Ceanal, -ail, «. m. 1. Kindness, mildness, fond- Ceanglachan, -ain, -an, s. m. (Ceangal), A bun-
ness, blandishing talk : benignitas, mansuetudo, dle, a truss : sarcina, fasciculus. C. S.
blandiloquentia- Stew. Gloss. 2. G«ntility : ve-
Ceanglaiche, -ean, s.m. (Ceangail, v.), Al)inder:
nustas. C. S. qui ligat vel stringlt. C. S.
Ceanalta, -ailte, adj. (Ceanal). 1. Kind, mild, Ceanglaiciiean, pi. of Ceangal, q. vide.
amiable, complaisant benignus, placidus, mitis, :
Ceann, Cinn, s. m. 1. A head caput. " : An sin

amabilis, urbanus. dh' eirich Icb agus feub e 'fhalluing agus bheàrr
" No 'n duin' thu blia gluasad, e a cheann." lob. i. 20. Then Job arose and rent
" Gu ceanalta suairc." his mantle, and shaved his head. Tunc surrexit
Biiff. Buchan.
Or art thou a man who walked
mildly and affably ? Jiob et laceravit pallium suum, et totondit caput.
" Airgiod-ceann," vel " cheann," vel " cinn."
An vir tu qui agebas vitam placide et urbane ? 2. 1.

Genteel, liandsome venustus. Macf. V. 3. Come- :

Poll-money capitale tributum. Vac. 4è. 2. Re-

ly, fair : pulcher, formosus. C. S. ward for taking a culprit's head praemium noxii :
interficicndi. '• Gliabh
C. S. iail am fraoih fo 'n Agrum ilium qucm emerat Abraham. Wtl. Caf-
cetiiiii." MSS.
Tlioy took tin- riiiigL- of tin- luatli. nal. Dae. J/il>. HJp kitnidi, buy.

{til.) Took iiiulcr tliiir head. Eritetuni oiiiiiiiu CicANSAKiiK, -KAV, *.;/(. (C'eannuich, r.) I. Pro-
cupessivfiiiiit. " Ciliabli o 'n cuun niòr fo 'c/ietinn." perly, n merchant, jiurchaser qui emit. 2. A :

C. .V. Ho ventured on tlie {?reat expanse of ocean. merchant, trader, buyer, or seller : mercator, ven-
Ausiis est in pelagus inimaue. li. An end, extre- ditor, vel emptor. C. S. et Macf. V. 3. A pedlar,

niity, limit : tiiiis. hawker: venditor circumforaneus. C. S. //<*. ]J.'5?

O cltetwn gu ccann las an còmlirap;. cenatjluin, mercator : " Tyrii enim et Sidonii eraitt
Finij. ii. 260.
celeberrimi mercatorcb." Stukii. Clav. in voc. Pert.
From end to end the fight burned. Ab fine ad
fineni eertanien exansit. " Cetinn is crann." j}l<ic- /^jL=i h/ian, a shop.
inli/. 99. A leader, and ploughman : cpii dueit • Ceann'aidh, s.f. i. e. Ccann aghaidh. q. vide.

e<iuos arando, et ([ui arat. \'ide t'eannaire. " Os Ceasn-aimsihe, -ean, s. m. (Ceann, et .^imsir),
ceann," prrp. Above : super, supra. " Os ceann A date tempus scribendi datum. C. S.

an athair." Gen. i. 7. Above the firmament : su- Ceannairc, -E, *./. 1. Uebellion, sedition: rebel-
pra exjiansum. " Air c/ieniiii," prep. impr. Against lio, seditio. " Anns an treas hliadhna deug finn
a certain time ante tenipus (|uoddani. Gram.
: iad ceannairc." Gcii. xiv. 4. In the thirteenth
" An ccanu," prep. impr. At the expiration ad : year they rebelled. In tertio decimo anno rebel-
finem spatii cujusvis temporis. Gram. " An coin- laverunt. 2. Perverseness pravitas. (Ceann, et :

nimh a c/iinn," adv. Headlong : pra;ceps. " Del Adharc, i. e. Butting with the horn). Sh.
air cheanti ni sam
S. bith. C
Setting about any Ceaxxairceach, -EiciiE, adj. (Ceannairc), Rebel-
thing :
" An cea»ii a cheile."
aliquid aggrediens. lious, seditious, perverse, turbulent rebcllis, scdi- :

Together: niixtum. C. S.
simul, 3. chief, A tiosus, perversus, turbulentus. Marf. V. et C. S.
leader, captain dux, princeps, pra;fectus. O'H.
: Ceannaire, -eax, s.m. Ahammer: malleus, tudes. 5^.
WeL Cyntaf, prinms, et princeps. liar. Cefyn, su- Ceannaire, -eax, (Ceann, et Fear), A goad's man,
perior pars corporis. Arm. Quien. Germ. Kennen, a leader of plough horses stimulator, qui ducit e- :

posse, valere. Vide Wacht. in voc. Aiiyl. King. quos arantes.

Pers. i^J^ khan. Ceaxxaireaciid, s.f. ind. (Ceannaire), leading of A
Ceaxsa-bheakt, -airt, -eax, s.f. (Ceann, et Beart), horses, in ploughing: actus ducendi equos aran-
A covering for the head : capitis tegnicn. Tem. ii.
tes. C.S.

420. Ceaxxairce, s.f. Bibl. Gloss. Vide Ceannairc.

Ceanxach, -aicii, m.
reward, covenant:
s. 1. A Ceaxxairceach, -eiche, adj. Vide Ceannairceach.
pncmium, fredus. Sh. et
2. bribe : lar- O'R. A Ceanxairgeachadh, -aidh, s. m. et pres. part. v.

gitio. Sh. et O'R. Vide Ceannaich, v. Ceannairgich. Contention, strife, rebelling : con-
Ceannacii, *. m. et pres. part. v. Ceannaich. 1. tentio, actus rebellandi. Llh.

Purchasing, buying : eniptio, comparatio, actus Ceaxxaikgich, -idh, CH-, V. n. (Ceannairc). I.

Rebel : rebella. C. S. 2. Contend, strive : con-
emendi. " A
clicannach fiodha." 1 liiyh. xxii. 6.
To purchase timber. Ad emendum lignum. " 'S tende. Llh.
ceannach air." C S. 'T is dearly bought. Care Ceaxx-airm, s. m. (Ceann, et Arm), general A
(lit.) head of an army dux, imperator. C. S. :
Ceaksachd, s.f. ind. (Ceannaich), 1. Commerce, Ceaxx-aobiiair, -e, -eax, s. m. (Ceann, et Aobhar),
trade commerciuni.
" Agus ni sibh ceunnachd A prime cause prima causa. C. S. Vide Aobhar.

san tlr." Gen. xlii. 34. And ye shall traffic in the Ceaxn-aodach, -aich, s. m. (Ceann, et Aodach),
laiid. Et vos agetis commercium in regione. 2. A head-dress capitis indumentum. C. S.

Merchandise, goods, things bought, or for sale mer- :

Ceaxxard, -aird, -ax, s. m. (Ceann, et Ard), A
catura, merx, mercimonium. " Oir is fcùrr a ceann- chief leader, a chief: princeps, dux, imperator.
" Chunnaic mi 'n ceatmard." Fing. i. 18. I saw
achd wa. eeannachd iXn^io.." Gnàth. iii. \i. For her
merchandise is better than the merchandise of sil- their chief: vidiego eorum ducem.
ver. Nam melior est negotiatio ejus negotiatione ar- Ceaxx-àrd, -àirde, adj. (Ceann, et Ard), High-

genti. " Ceannachd Etiòpia." Isài. xlv. 14. The headed caput altum tenens. C. S.

merchandise of iEtliiopia. INIerx jEthiopiae. Wei. Ceaxxardach, -aiche, lulj. (Ceannard, *.), Com-
Cydfafnach, commerciuni. Dav. manding, imperious, arrogant arrogans, iniperio- :

Ceasn-achra, s.m. Epiphany: epiphania. O'li. sus. Voc. 36. 2. High-headed altum caput te- :

Ceaxx-adhairt, s.m. A bolster: pulvinar. Gen. nens. Macinty. 36.

xlvii. 31. Vide Adhart. Ceaxxardaciib, s. f. ind. (Ceannardach). 1. Ar-
Ceanx-aghaidh, s.f. (Ceann, et Aghaidli). 1. A rogance arrogantia. C. S. 2. Superiority, chief-

2. A coun-
forehead frons, sinciput. Voc. 13.
tainship niagisteriura, dignitas. C. S.

tenance, physiognomj', a head attire vultus, fa- Ceaxx-armailt, *. /«. (Ceann, et Armailt), A ge-

des, tegraen capitis. C. S. neral dux, imperator.

: " Ceann artnailt nam
Ceannaich, -idh, en-, v. a. Buy, or purchase buadh." Macinty. 41. The illustrious general.
eme. " An t-achadh a cheanmdch Abraham." Dux virtutum.
Gen. XXV. 10. The field which Abraham bought." Ceanxas, -ais, *. m. (Ceann). Chieftaincy, supe-
Cc 2
CEA 204- CEA
riorify : familiee, principatus, regiili potentia. C. S. (Ceann, ct Briathar, 2.) An adverb: adverbium,
2. Hauglitiness, superciliousness, arrogance : fas- (apud grammaticos). Mac/. V.
tus, superciliuni, arrogantia. IÌ.3PD. S)5. • Ceann-bhurgaid, -e, -ean, s.
f. (Ceann, et Bur-
Ceannasacii, -aiche, of^'. (Ceannas), Authoritative, gaid), A
gargarism gargarismus. Voc. 27.

haughty, miglity, coranianding fastosus, potentia : • Ceann-bhurgaire, «. m. A

burgo-master : muni-
superbus. Hibl. Gloss. cipii prtefectus. Llh,
Ceannas-cinnidh, -Ais-ciNNiDii, s. w. (Ccannas, • Ceann-biorach, s. m. (Ceann, et Biorach), The
et CinneatUi), The authority, or rank of a chief: prow of a shij) : prora navis. MSS.
phylarchia, gentilis principatus. C. S. Ceann-buidhne, pi. CiNs-BHuiDHNE, (Ceano, et
Ceannas-feadiina, -ais-feadhna, s. m. (Ceannas, Buidheann), A
captain : centurio. S. C
et Feadlian), Captainship, chieftainship : imperi- Ceann-caol, CiNX-cHAOiL, S.M. 1. A prow : prora.
um phylarchoe. C S. C. S. 2. Any tapering, or smaller extremity, distin-
Ceannas-fine, -ais-fine, s. m. (Ceannas, et Fine), guished from " Ceann garbh,"' The thicker extre-
Vide Ceannas-cinnidh. mity : caput vel finis tenuior vel accuminatus, sic
Ceannasg, -aisg, -an, s. m. (Ceann, et Nasg). 1. dictus distinguendi causa ab " Ceann garbh," Ca-
A coif, hair lace : capillare, anadema. txnia crina- put vel finis crassior. C. S. 3. The head, in con-
lis. Sh. 2. The forehead, sinciput. Llh. et OR. tra-distinction to the lower extremities : caput (ho-
" Ceannath, s. m. A
bargain, agreement pactum, : minis) ab imis partibus corporis ad distinguendum.
factio, fcedus.Zi/% .i.e. Ceannach, vel Ceannachd, " Seas air do cheann-caol." S. C
Stand upon thy
q. vide. head : sta in caput tuum.
Ceann-bàrach, -aich, s. m. (Ceann, et Bàrr), A Ceann-chathair, -thrach, -thraichean, s.
jack : veru versorium. Voc. 106. (Ceann, et Cathair), A metropolis : urbs, regionis
Ceann-beag, Cinn-bige, s.m. (Ceann, et Beag). 1. caput. Llh.
A sheaf out of each shock, as cottagers' wages : Ceann-cheòladair, -e, -ean, s. m. (Ceann, et
singuli ex singulis acervis mergites quos agrestibus Ceoladair), A
chief musician, or singing master :
operis proemium interdum dant pracdiorum domini. musicae praefectus, vel qui musicen docet. Voc. 54.
C. S. 2. The tenth or hundredth sheaf, of corn Ceaxn-cheud, s. m. (Ceann, et Ceud), centurion, A
in liarvest, taken and dressed to calculate by its captain centurio.
: " Ceannard-ceud." N. T.
produce in meal, how much the whole crop in that Ceann-chlaon, adj. (Ceann, et Claon), Headlong
proportion, should yield. Decimus, vel centesimus praeceps. Voc. 140.
frugum nianipulus, qui sumitur et paratur, quo dig- Ceakn-choire, -ean, s.f. (Ceann, et Coire), A ca-
nosci possit quantum farinae frumentive sit in messi pitalcrime crimen capitale. Voc. 37.

unius anni. C. S. •Ceann-chunn, *. m. A goad stimulus bovum, :

Ceann-bhàrr, (Ceann, et Bàrr),

-a, -an, hat A vel equorum. Voc. 94.
galerus, pileus. LIA. " Ceann-bhàrr-easpuig." Voc. Ceanx-cinnidh, s. in. A chief, head of a clan: phy-
1 10. A bishop's mitre : mitra episcopalis. larcha, princeps gentis suae apud Gaelos.
Ceann-bheart, -bheairt, Cinn-bheairt, vel -an, " Fear na misniche moire,
s.f. (Ceann, et Beart, 2.) 1. helmet : galea.A " Nach b 'e 'choir a bhi gealtach,
" Gun ar-n-eide 's gun ar-n-airm, " Deagh mhac Eoghain mhic Iain,
" Cha rachamaid a sheilg nan cnoc, " Ceaiin-cinnidh shiol Ailpein."
" Bhiodli lùireach oirn is ceann-bheairt chòrr, Macgreg. 28.
" Is da shleagh mhòr an dòm gach fir." Man of the mighty courage, whose inheritance it
S.D. 101. marg. was not to be timid excellent son of Evan, of John,

Without our attire and arms, we went not to the chief of the race of Alpin. Vir magni animi, cu-
mountain hunt, we were (wont to be) dressed in jus htereditas non timidus esse ; eximius fi-
mail and large helmet, and two spears in each lius Evandri, filii Joannis, phylarcha progenei Al-
one's hand. Sine vestitu nostri et nostri armis, pini. Tliis term, with the terminational difference
non proficisceremur ad venationem montium; es- " al." " Ken Kennal," (Vide Cineal). is found
sent circa nos lorica et galea ingens, et hastae bi- in a charter from Kiel, Earl of Carrick, who died
nEE magnae in manu cujusque. Vide Beart, et Anno. 1256, to Rolandus de Carrick, ancestor of
Beairt. 2. A sword head, or hilt manubrium. : the Earls of Cassilis, granting and confirming, to
Macinty. him and his heirs, " quod sit caput totius progeniei
Ceann-bheairteach, -bheartach, -bheirteach, suae tam incolumniis, quam in aliis articulis et ne-
adj. (Ceann bheairt), firmed with a helmet: ga- gotiis ad Ken Kennal pertinere valentibus," —which
leatus. C, S. charter was confirmed by Alex. III. 1275. and
Ceann-bhiorach, -aiche, adj. (Ceann, et Biorach), both again confirmed by charter, anno secundo
Conical, pointed at the head : accuminatus. O'R. Roberti II. A. D. 1372. Vide Douglass Peer-
et a
S. age, Wood's Ed. Vol. I. p. 324. referring to
Ceann-bhrat, ì -ait, -oit, -uit, s. m. (Ceann, et Thomson's Hegi.sf. mag. sig. p. 14. art. 15, 16.
Ceann-bhrot, J Brat, vel Brot), canopy : ca- A And Nisbet in his Appendix to Vol. II. p. 37,
nopaeum. Sk. et O'H. observes,that the name of Kennedy, seems to
Ceann-briathar, -air, pi. Cinn-bhriathar, s.f- be assumed from tliis grant ; the words " Ceann
an tij?lie," in the Irish (i. o. tlio Gaelic) languagcr CBANK-GiionM, -I'inME, adj. (Ceann, ct Gorm),
Bigniiyin);, " lli'iitl i>l' the house." Blue-headed capite venetun vel taTulcuB. C. S.

CeASN-CÒMIIHAIDII, /</. ClNN-CIIOMHBAIUII, «. W. Ckann-ìi.eacii, CiNN-ÌLUii, «. «I. (Ccuiin, et II-

(Ceann, ct CoiuhniiUi), A topic : collo(iuii miitu- each), A 8wurd-hill : gludii manubrium ; m) called
rie». OJ{. ct C. S. from the island uf Inlay being fauiuut lur llieir nia-
CeANN-CDNN.SI'AIDK, f>l. CiNN-CHONNSPAIDE, ». III. nuliicture.
(Ccann, ft Cunnspuid), A topic of debate themu : " Loim Spàinneach a-chinn-ilich."
disceptandi. C. S. Stew.
Ckann-dàn, -Asa, ai/J. (Ccann, ct Dan), BoM, stiil)- Tlic Spanish blade, of the Inlay manufactured hilt.

born, forward : audax, procax, pcrtinux. JJJi. Aj>p. Gladius IlispanicUA manubrii Isla fabricuti.
OR. et C. S. Ceavn-iùil, pi. CiNN-iL'iL, «. (Ccaun, et lùl), A

Ceans-dànadas, -ais, «. »1. (Ceann-dàn), Pertina- guide, leader : dux. " A chinii iml nam fear."
city : pcrtinacia. C. S. Fiiig. i. lOy. Thou guide of men. Caput-via; vi-
Ceanx-dearg, •EiKciE, «. III. (Ccann, ct Dearg), 1. rorum.
The bird red-start. Sh. " Ccaini-deargan." Voc. Ceann-labiiairt, (Ceann, et Labhairt), 1. Elo-
To. lluticilhi. Aiiisw. '2. Tlie redness of an quence C. S.
: 2. A topic of discus-
evening sky : rubor vespertini call. ('. .V. sion : colloquii tliema. C. S.
Ceann-dubii, -L'lmiE, Oil/. (Ceann, et Dubh), Black- Ceann-lÀidih, adj. Headstrong, stubborn : contu-
headed : nigro capite. S/i. et C. S. max, ferox, indoniifus. Voc. 140. " Tha i àrd-
Ceaxn-fàth, -a, Cinn-fàtii, *. in. Cause, reason : ghuthach agus ceann-lòidir." Cnùth. vii. 1 1 . She
causa, ratio. Sh. et C
S. Vide Fath. is loud-voiced and stubborn. Ilia strepera est et
Cea\n-feaciid, pi. CisN-FHEAciiu, (Ccann, et contumax.
Feachd), A general : dux, iniperator. Macinty. Ceann-liath, -ÈITHE, adj. (Ceann, et Liath), Grey-
144. headed capite canus. C. S.

CEANK-rEADHNA,/>/.CiNN-rHEADHNA,«.»J. (Ceann, Ceann-litib, CiNN-LiTRiciiEAK, *. /. A Capital

et Feadhan), A chieftain, captain, leader: regulus, letter : litera capitalis. Sh,
dux cohortis, vel familio:. Ceank-maide, pt. CiNN-MHAiDE, s. ffi. (Ccann, et
Ceaim-JeadhiM nan seòd san t-seilg." Maide), A blockliead : hebes, nebulo, homo crassi
Fhiy. i. 167. ingenii. O'R. et C. S.
Leader of heroes in the chase. Ductor pra;stanti- Ceann-.mathann, -mathok, s.f. (Ceann, et Math-
um virorum in venatu. an). Name
of a star in, Temora. vii. 263.
Ceann'-feadhnas, -ais, s. m. S. D. 260. Vide Ceann-mhàg, -ÀIGE, /j/. Cinn-miiAga, s.f. (Ceann,
Ceannas-feadhna. et Mag), The cross ridge at the end of a ploughed
Ceann-fhiodh, -a, *. m. (Ceann, et Fiodh), Roof- field : dorsum terr;c ad arati campi finem in trans-
timber, rafters : ambulacra, trabes. " Is croinn versum ductum. C. S.
sheudair sailthean ar tighe, croinn-ghiuthais ar Cea.vx-nan-sìth-.mhaoii, X. m. (Ceann, Sith, et
ceann-fhiodh." Dan. SiioL'i. 17. The beams of our Maor), Lord lyon king at arms : rex armorum fa;-
house are cedar, our rafters are fir. Tigna domus ciahs pater patratus. 1 be. 43.
nostri sunt e cedris, ambulacra nostra e brutis. Ceann-phollan, -ain, -an, s. m. (Ceatin, et Poll),
Ceaxn-fhionn, adj. Vide Cean-fhionn. A tadpole : gyriuus. C. S. " Ceanna-phollag."
Ceann-fine, pi. Ciss-FHiNE, s. I». A chieftain, rap- N.H.
tain princeps, dux cohortis. C. S.
: Vide Fine. Ceank-phort, pi. CiNN-PHuiRT, *. »1. (Ccanu, et
' Ceann-fuirt, pi. Chiefs, leaders : phylarchse, du- Port), A head port portus praccipuus. C. S.
: 2.
ces. Sibl. Glois. Vide Ceannard. A founder, author fundator, auctor. Uh. :

Cbakn-ghalar, -air, m. (Ceann, et Galar), Dan-

s. • Ceann-phurgaid, s.f. \'ide Ceann-bhurgaid.
drif, scales in the head furfures, porrigo capitis.
: Ceann-ràcaix, Cins-ràcaix, s. III. (Ceann, et Ra-
Voc. 17. can), 1. A rake-head caput raustri. C. S. 2. :

Ceann-gharbh, -airbhe, adj. (Ceann, et Garbh), A spot of land, a small portion of land agellus. :

1. Rough, rugged asper prseruptus. Sh. et C. S.

: Htbrid.
2. Kingarth, in Bute nomen loci, Cingartha Bo-
: Ceankrach, -aich, -aichean, s.f. A tether, snare,
densis. fillet : funis, laqueus, vitta. Voc. 95.
Ceann-gheal, -ile, adj. (Ceann, et Geal), ^\^lite- • Ceannragh, *. m. A head-stall, bridle, or halter
topped, white headed albus capite. S. D. 55.
: capistrum, fraenum, laqueus. Uh. et PI.
Ceann-ghlas, -aise, adj. (Ceann, et Glas), Grey- • Ceann-reiteachadh, -aidh, s. m. (Ceann, et Reit-
headed : capite canus. eachadli), propitiation A
piaculum. Uh. :

" Is garbh learn beucaich do thonn, Ceann-riabhach, ) -aiche, adj. (Ceann, et Riabh-
" A' mhuir cheann-gidais, ri bonn mo shleibhc." Ceasn-riadhach, J ach). Brindled in the head :
S. D. 78. capite maculis distinctus. C. S.
Hoarse to me is the roar of thy waves, grey-head- Ceann-ruadh, idhe, adj. (Ceann, et Ruadli), Red-
ed sea, at the foot of my mountain. Raucus mihi headed capite ruber. C. S.

strepitus undarum tui, mare capite-canum, ad ra- Ceanx-ruadh, «. »1. The plant celandine celandia, :

dices montis mei. herba. Voc. 59.

Ceaxnruitiieach, -eiche, adj. (Ceann, ct Ruith- ' Ceanntar, *. m. 1. A hundred : centum, centu-
each), IleaiUong: piiEceps. Foe. 140. Vide Ruitli, ria. MSS. 2. Side of a country : latus regio-
et Ruitlicach. nis. OB. et Sh. Wei. Cant.
Ceannsacu, -AiCHE, «f^'. 1. Continent : continens.,j»/.Cinn-tiieagaisg,s.??i. (Ceann,
Sh. ct C. S. 2. Bashful : verecundus. OB. 3. et Teagasg), A subject, text : thema, textus. C.
Mild, gentle, meek, quiet : mitis, blandus, quietus. S. Vide Teagasg.
on. Ceann-tigiie, Cinx-tighe, s. m. (Ceann, et Tigh),
Ceannsachadh, -aidii, *. m. et pres. part. v. A chieftain, head of a family regulus, familiae :

Ceannsaich. A taming, subduing : actio domandi, pra:fcctus. C. S.

subigendi, compcscendi. Mac/. V. Ceann-tìre, Cinn-tìre, s. m. (Ceann, et Tir). 1.
Ceaxssachd, s. f. (Ceannsaich), 1. Temperance, A headland, promontory : promontorium. Macf.
continence: temperantia, contincntia. loc. 33. 2. V. 2. KintjTc in Argyle : Cantiera, seu Arga-
Mildness, gentleness mansuetudo, comitas. Eccl. : thelica Chersonesus.
X. 4. marg. Ceaxn-toisich-luixge, s. m. (Ceann, Toiseach,
Ceannsaich, -idh, ch-, v. a. (Ceann, et Suidhich), ct Long), The prow, forecastle of a ship prora :

Quell, tame, subdue, conquer compesce, subjice, : navis. C S.

subige. " Lionaibh an talamh, agus ceannsaichibh Ceanx-tota, Cixx-thota, s. m. (Ceann, et Tot),
e." Gen. i. 28. Fill the earth and subdue it. Im- The knee of timber, in a boat, or vessel, that con-
plete terram et subjicite earn. nects the bench at each end with the gunwale, a
Ceannsaichte, prct. part. v. Ceannsaich. Quelled, bench-head transtrorum extremitas. C. S,

tamed, subdued, conquered : subactus, pacatus. Ceann-treun,-a, adj. (Ceann, et Treun), Obsti-
Mac/. V. nate, headstrong, fool-hardy : contumax, pervicax.
Ceannsal, -ail, s. m. Rule, government, authority, UB. et C. S.
command imperium, regimen, auctoritas, domi-
: Ceann-tròm, -uime, adj. (Ceann, et Trom), Drow-
natio. " Am feai' aig nach 'eil ceannsal air a spior- somnolentus, ignavus, hebes. Llh.
sy, sluggish :

ad fein." Gnàth. xxv. 28. The man who hath no Ceaxx-uaisgineach, -eiche, adj. (Ceann, et Uais-
rule over his own spirit. Vir cui non imperium gineach). Rash, precipitate : temerarius, praeceps.
est spiritus sui. UB. et C. S.
Ceannsalach, -aiche, adj. (Ceannsal), Command- Ceanx-uallach, -aiche, adj. (Ceann, et Uallach,
ing, authoritative, fit for rule : imperii capax, im- adj.) Proud, haughty, ostentatious, sUly. Macf.
peratorius. C. S. Par. xxix. 6.
Ceannsalachd, s.f. hid. (Ceannsalach), Rule, go- Ceaxn-ubhall, Cixx-ubhail, s. m. The bowl,
vernment : imperium, regimen, potestas, auctoritas, ball, or globe on the top of a pillar : globus in
dominatio. C S. summa columna. O'B.
Ceanxsaladh, -aidh, s. m. (Ceannsal), Dominion : Ceaxxaiciie, -ean, «. m. A merchant: mercator.
dominatus. Sh. Gnà. XX. 14.
Ceasnsalaiche, -ean, «. »«. (Ceannsal), A gover- Ceaxx-uidhe, Cixx-uiDHE, s. m. (Ceann, et

nor : dynasta. O'S. et Sk. Ceaxn-uighe, ) Uidhe). 1. End of a journey,

Ceannsgal, -ail, s. m. A. JIPD. Vide Ceannsal. goal : caput itineris, meta. " Ceann-uidke na
Ceannsgalach, -aiche, odj. (Ceannsgal), R.M^D. feile." C. S. The head-stage of hospitality : hos-
Vide Ceannsalach. pitii caput domicilium munificentise.
itineris, i. e.

Ceann-sgrìobhadh, -aidh, -ean, s. m. A motto, 2. The hospitable landlord princeps conviviorum. :

symbolum, titulus. MSS.

title : Finff. i. 513.
Ceann-sgur, -a, pi. CiNN-sGUiR, s. m. (Ceann, et Ceannuigheachd, *./. Provin. Vide Ceannachd.
Sguir, V.) A period : periodus. Voc. 97. » Ceannus, s. m. A'ide Ceannas.
Ceann-simide, s. m. Voc, 80. Vide Ceann-phol- • Ceansal, -ail, s. m. Llh. Mde Ceannsal.
lan. Ceap, s. m. CiP, vel Ceapan. 1. A block, stock:
Ceann-sìtiie, pi. Cinn-siiìthe, s. m. 1. A peace truncus, stipes, cippus. O'B. et C. S. " Ceap
maker, pacifier pacis conciliator, i?. JJ/'Z).
: 2. tuislidh." 1 Cor. 23. stumbling block : offen-
i. A
jNIembrum virile. C. S. diculum. shoemaker's last
2. A crepida. C. S. :

Ceann-spreadh ACH ,-AicHE,a^'. (Ceann,etSpreadh), 3. Stocks, a trap, gin, snare : compes, collistri-
Headstrong, obstinate : ferox, indomitus. C. S. gium, laqueus.
Ceanx-sgalpan, -ain. Toe. 17. Vide Ceann- " Do ieag siad ceap gun fhios."
ghalar. Salm. cxl. 5.
Ceaxn-stuaigh, -e, -ean, s. An
vault, arch, They have laid a snare privily. Tendiculum po-
gable-top : arcus, fornix. Voc. 83. Vide Stuagh. suerunt secrete. Pr. Ceps. Chald. 7133 cepath,
Ceanx-suic, -e, Cinn suic, (Ceann, et See), The
part of a plough on which the plough-share is
vinctus. 4. A battle sign : pugna: signum. O'B.

fixed : aratri pars qua?dani, in qua vomer figitur.

5. A scull-cap : pileus. O'B. Chald. P|'p ccip,

13. Bret. Consouch Wàe Soc. petra, lapis ; nDO kipah, cippus.
Ceann-suidhe, Cixx-suidhe, (Ceann, et Suidhe), Ceap, -idh, cii-, v. a. Catch in air, intercept: rem
A president : pra;ses. C. S. cadentem (vel in acre euntem), intercipe, exci-
pe, cape. C. S. Wei. Ciyiio. Scot. Cap. Jam. Htb. ca'dendi, mactaodi. O'Ji. Hebr. n2*in chora-
yap eabah. bully desulutio. 3. A contribution, »ubbidy
Ceapach, -AiciiE, ait/. (Ccnp, «.), 1. •\boiin(ling in ])ecunia' cullutio, Kubsidiuni. Uh. App.
stumps, or trunks of trees, or lusts: stipitilms, vel Cearuacii, -Aiciit, adj. (C'eurb). 1. Hugged, un-
crcpidis plenus. C. S. 2. «. Name of u place no- :
handy, awkward, lame, imperfect, clumsy pajmu-
«len loei. It MD. sus, inhubilÌ8, ineptu8. ('. S. 2. Bordered, winged

Ceai'adii, -AiDii, «. ffi. etpres.part. v. Ceap. 1.

finibriatus, ahitus. " IJarbli rhearbach." Tnn. iii.
Intercepting of a falling body: actus intcrcipiendi 15. With wide extended wings. Valdc extensis
vel excipicndi rem cadentcm. C. S. 2. Lasting, lateribus.
binding, fettering actus vinciendi, inipediendi.
Ceahbaiche, s.f. ind. (Cearbach, *.), 1. Awkward-
" Ceapadli-rann." S/i. et O'Ji. Scanning scan- :
ness : ineptiffi. C, S. 2. adj. conip. Cearbach, q.
sio carminum. Vide Uann. VVel. Cipio, rapere.
Hebr. ysp capang. Chald. /133 cepath, vinctus, Cear bail, -e, adj. Vide Cearbach. Chald. b?n3
ligatus. C. S. cirbel, texit, operuit.

Ceapac, -aig, -an, «./. dim. of Ceap. A small pair Cearbaire, -ban-, s. m. (Cearb, et Fear), A clum-
of stocks : collistrigium parvum. C. S. 2. A verse, man
sy, spiritless : honio ineptus, socors. C. .S'.
verses composed impromptu, or carelessly sung a ; Cearbauieacud, 1 s. m. (Cearbaire, et Cearbail),
catch versus, carmen extempore dictum, vel can-
: Cearbalaciid, Awkwardness, clumsiness, rag-
ticum cantatum. N. H.
hilariter gedness ineptia, rusticitas, pannositas. C. S.

Ceapair, -e, -ean, s. m. Bread, covered with butter Cearbax, -AiK, -ax, *. m. (Cearb, s- 1. The plant
and cheese panis butjTO et caseo inductus. C. S.
: creeping crowfoot ranunculus repens. Light/. 2.

Scot. Caper. Jam. A sail-fish, basking shark canis carcharias. Light/. :

Ceapail.^ Q.j^
• Cearbhal, adj. Defective, hurtful deficiens, nox- :
^^ Vide Ccapadh.
Ceapal, j '
ius. Llh. A'ide Cearbail et Cearbach.
Ceapas, -ain, -ax, «. m. dimi». of Ceap. 1. A • Cearbhall, .«. m. (Cear, «.), Massacre, carnage
stump, or pin : caudex, spinula. C. S. 2. A little caedes. Llh.
block, or last : cippulus, crepidula. Ll/i, ct Bibl. Cearbuinx, -e, -eax, s./. a carabine : sclopetum.
Gloss. R. M'D. Vox Angl.
Ckapasta, a^". (Ceapan), Stiff, niggardly: rigidus, • Cearbusair,m. A banker : argentarius. Voc. 47.
sordide parcus. O'Ji. Cearc, s./. gen. CiRCE, pi. Cearcan, a hen gal- :

Ceap-sgaoil, -idh, CH-, v.a. (Ceap, et Sgaoil), Pro- lina. " Mar a chruinnicheas cporc a h-àlach fuidh
pagate : propaga. JJ/i. a sgiathaibh." Luc. xiii. 34. As a hen gafheretli
• Cear, s. in. 1. Blood: sanguis. 2. Offspring, her chickens under her wings. Quemadmodum
progeny : soboles, progenies. O'B IVel. congregat gallina puUitiem sub alas. Arab.
<—Sy> hcrh, a hen ; sound made by a fowl. Pers.
• Ceara, adj. (Cear), Blood-coloured, red san- :

guineum habens colorem, ruber. Sh. iSjy^ kooruk, a hen with chickens.
• Cearach, s. m. A
wanderer, an indigent : erro, Cearcach, -AICIIE, adj. Abounding in hens gal- :

mendicus. " Ceannard bhard is chcarach abundans. C. S.

fùisgt." MSS. Head of bards, and naked Cearcag, -AIG, -AX, dim. of Cearc, a little hen
wanderers. Princeps poetarura, et nudorum gallinula. C. S.
erronum. Hebr. "1J ger, peregrinus. Cearc.\ll, -aill, -LAX, s. )». A hoop, circle: cir-
culus, annulus, vimen. " Fear-lùbaidh a' chear-
• Cearachadh, s. m. Wandering, straying : actio
cailL" Oran. Tlie bender of the hoop (i. e. a coop-
errandi, vagaiidi. Uh. qui flectit vimen (i. e. dolearius).
Cearachar, m. A grave
er : B. Bret.
• s. : sepulchrum. Sh. et
Carc'helion. Fr. Cerceau Cercle. Sptm. Cir-
culo. Larram.
Cearb, s.f. Ceirbe, dat. Cirb, pL Cirb, Cear-
Cearcallach, -aiche, adj. (Cearcall). 1. Id.
BAN. 1. A rag, lappet, skirt, border: lacinia,

era, sinus.
Cearclach. 2. (Jig.) Curled: crispatus. A.M'D.
" Chain e 'n t-iùl is threig an reul e,"
Cearc-ciioille, Cihc-choille, Circe-coille, pi.
" Ro' chirb nan neula fras-fliliuch." S. D. 80.
He lost his way, and the star forsook him, through
Cearcax-coille, s. /. A partridge: perdix.
1 Vide Cearc-thomain.
.Saw. xxvi. 20.
the skirts of the wet-showering clouds. Amisit
iter, et deseruit ilium per lacinias nebula- Stella,
-FRAXGACH, a turkcy hen gallina Numidica. Voc. :
rum imbrium humidorum. An excrescence, or 2.
any thing loosely, or awkwardly adhering to ano-
ther : res adnascens, vel laxe adhaerens alii. C. S.
/)/. Cearcax-fraoich, s. (Cearc, et Praocii),
Htbr. a'np karab, accessit. t'.

A muir-fowl, grouse : attagen. Mac/. V. i.e. gal-

- Cearb, s. m. 1. Money, silver pecunia, argen-
: lina ericasa.
tum. Sh. 2. A cutting, slaughtering actio : • Cearchaill, -e, -ean, s. /. 1. A bolster, pillow
pulvinnr. S/i. ct O'If. 2. A clumsy man, or Ceàrn, -a, -an, s.f. I. A
comer, quarter, region : an-
woman : lionio inliabilis. " As mo rathad, a gulus, regio. " An sluagh uiJe o gach ceàma."
chearchaiU." Vulg. Out of my road thou Gen. xix. 4. All the peo[)le from every quarter.
sloven. Ex via niea, homo inhabilis. Arab. Populus totus c quaque regione. 2. certain A
y>jS part of the interior of a cottage, the space between
a woman's shift.
the entry, or door, and the " Cuile," q. vide. Ea
Cearclacii, -aiche, adj. (Cearcall), Circular, hoop-
pars domus interior ab janua extcriore ad partem
ed : circularis, rotundus, ad instar viminis ambiens.
" Bha a bràiglie cearclach ban, alteram qua; " Cuile," a])pellatur. 3. kitchen : A
" Mar shneachd tlàth 'san fliireach." culina. 3Iacf. V. Si/r. ^ij^p harna, angulus.

S. D. 295.
• Cearnabhan, -ain, -an, s.
f. 1. hornet : cra- A
Her circular fair breast was Hke the delicate snow bro. Llh. ct Stew. 2. corner : angulus. A
upon the hill. Erat ejus pectus circulare et pul- MSS. Vide Cearn.
chrum instar nivis lenis in pra;cipitio. CeÀrnacii, -aiche, adj. (Cearn, 1.) 1. Angular,
square, cornered : angularis, quadratus. R. M'D.
• Cearc-lann, -a, -an, s.f. hen-house : cors gal- A
linarum, gallinarium.
184. 2. Victorious victor. Z//(.
: Hence " Conn-
al ccàmach," Connal the victorious. Connalu8
» Cearc-loch, s. m. hen-roost pertica, gallina- A :

ria. Llh.
• Cearc-nihanrach, s. hen-coop : cavea vel A • Cearnach, s. m. A sacrificing priest : sacerdos,
qui sacrificat. Vide Càrnach, or from Ceàr, blood.
cors gallinaria.
CeARC-THOMAIN, ClRC-Tn01MAI>f, CIR^,F.-TO^f AIN, Ceàrk AG, -AiG, -AGAN, S.f. dimin. of Ccam. nar- A
row comer : angulus exiguus. C. S.
Cearcan-tomain, a partridge: perdix. Voc. 74.
CeÀrd, «. m. CeÀird, Cèirde, pi, CeÀirdinean,
Ceàrnag-balla, -aig, -agan-balla, s.f. (Cearn,
et CÈIRDINNEAN, et Ceàrdan. 1. A mechanic:
et Balla), A
corner, or exterior angle of a wall
murales anguli. Voc. 83.
faber. Id. q. Ceaird. 2. A tinker : figulus, va-
sorum sartor circumforaneus. C. S. " Ceàrd- Ceàrnag-ghloine, -aig, -an-gloine, s.f. (Cearn,

umha." Voc. 49. A

brazier : faber aerarius. Wei.
et Gloin), A pane of glass : fenestrae quadra vitrea.
Voc. 51.
Cerddor, musicus. Pei's. •ij.=» hlierd, solder. Ceàrnan, -ain, -an, s. m. A quadrangle : quadran-
Ceàrdach, -aich, -aichean, s. /. (Ceàrd), A gulum. Voc.
smithy, forge, smith's shop : ferramentorum fabri- • Cearn-airrdhe, s.f.A trophy: trophaeum. UA.
ca, vel officina, furnus, fabrilis. Voc. 47. • Cearn-dhuaichd, -duals, s. f. prize, athletic A
" Tigh òsda is muilean is ceàrdach, laurel praemium victoriae, laurea athletica. Llh.

" Na tri aitean is feàrr gu naigheachd." App. et PI.

Prov. • Cearn-feamadh, -aidh, s. m. Destroying : actus
An a mill, and smithy, the three best places
inn, perdendi. MSS.
for (collecting of) news. Diversorium, pistrinum, » Cearnluach, s. m. Apraemium. LUt.
prize :

et ferramentorum fabrica, loca tria, optima novel- Ceàrn-riaghailt, -ean, s. f. (Cearn, 1. et

hs. lliaghailt), A instrument for measuring
• Ceardachd, s. f. Tinker-trade : ars ferrariorum angles : quadra, amussis norma. Voc. 49.
infimi ordinis. Llh. Ceàrr, -earra, -iorra, adj. 1. Wrong, unlucky:
• Ceardaiche, -ean, s. m. A mechanic : faber. O'B. sinister, pravus, infaustus. C. S. Chald. ^!)^^^ caur,
Ceardamhlachd, «• /I zH</. (Ceàrd), Ingenuity: in- turpe, fcEdum. Stockii C'lav. 2. Left-handed, awk-
genuitas, solertia. 0"j5. ward, oblique scaevus, laevus, obliquus. Macf. V.

» Ceardamhuil, adj. (Ceài-d, et Amhuil), Artificial, • Cearr, adf. Cutting, wounding : csedens, scin-
well-vvi'ought : affabre factus, artificiosus. Voc.
dens, vulnerans. Llh. Pers. j£ glierr, deceiv-
ing ; ghyrr, inexperience.
Ceard-dubhan, s. m. A dung-beetle : scarabaeus
Ceàrrach, -aich, -ean, s. m. A gamester, a dex-
stercore natus. C. S. Arab, ^j^y* hurdua., a terous player at games of chance : aleator. C. S.
small ant. Ceàrrach, -aiche, adj. Expert : peritus. Macf. V.
• Cearicur, «. m. A grave : sepulclu-um. Llh. App. et as.
et OB. Ceàrrachd, s.f. ind. (Ceàrrach), Dexterity in play-
' Cearl, -aidh, ch-, v. a. (Cearla). Vide Ceirs- ing of games. Peritia ludorum.
lich. Cearrag, -aig, -an, s. f. (Cearr, adj.) The left
• Cearla, s. m. MSS. Vide Ceirsle, or Ceirthle. hand manus sinistra. C. S.

» Cearlach, adj. (Cearla). MSS. Vide Ceirsleach, • Cearraiche, Master of his art, artis suae pe-
s. ?«.

Ceirthleach. ritus. 3ISS. Vide CeaiTach, s. et adj.

• Cearmnas, -ais, s. m. A He mendacium. Llh. et : Cearrbhacii, -aich, -ean, S.//Ì. \. Llh. App. Vide
O'B. " Cearmanta." Macinty. 49. Cearrach. 2. Spoil praada. Llh. : Vide Creach.
' Cearn, s. m. I. A man vir. Sh. et O'B. 2. : • Cean'chiall, s.f. (Cearr, et Ciall), Madness: in-
Victory victoria. O'B. 3. Expense impen-
: : sania. Llh.
sa. Sh. \. A kitchen : culina. Voc. 85. 5. Ceàrr-miiarcach, -aiche, adj. (Cearr, s. et Marc-
An altar : altare. Vail. ach), Obliquely riding : oblique equitans. C. S.
Ceabt, -eirte, mij. 1. Just, right, fair: Justus, ac- CEART-ciinEiDMiiEACii, -EiciiE, ailj, (Ccart-tlireid-
quiis, rectus. " 15ha Noah 'na dluiiiio cf<irt aj^us inih), Orthodox orthodoxu», de fide Christiaiui

ionilau 'lui linn." 6V;i. vi. 9. man/. Noah was a recle bcnticn». \'oc. ICO.
just nuin and ptrtiit in liis gtMiirat^on. Et Noali • Ci-art-làr, a. m. (Ceart, adj. 2. tt Lùr), Centre,
vir crat Justus ct inti'gcr in a-Iatibus suis. " Am middle point : iiiitrum, punctum, medium. LUi.
bi iluiuu ni 's ceirle na Uia?" lòò. iv. 17. Shall ' Ceart-laiui, s.f. (Ceart, «. et Lann, a house), A
man be more just than God ? An mortalis jusiior house of correction : ergastulum. Llh.
Ueo crit ? 2. ^'ery, precise veriis, ipse, : ijisissi- Ceaut-miieauiion, -oin, -an, ». «I. (Ceart, et
inus. " An cearl ni." C. S. The very tiling : Meadhon), A centre centrum. S. : C
res ipsa, vel ipsissima. " Sa cftearl la." Gen. vii. Ceakt-miieadhonacii, -Aiviiv.,udj. (Ceart-mheadh-
13. On that same day: ipso die. " An ceart on), Central, centrical : centrales. C S.
uair." «</(•. Just now
nunc, niox, statitn. C. S.
: Ceart-sc.rìodiiadii, -Ainu,»'. /;(. ( Sgrlobh-

ImI. Certus. Gt. Kaora, valde. adh), Orthography : orthographia. O'Ji. et S. C

Ceart, Ceikt, s. m. Right, justice : jus acquum. • Ceas, *.»;/. Vox Atiifl. 1. A case : capsa. " Ceas-
'• Sheas Pliiuehas, is rinn se 'n ceart." pheann," Voc. 98. A pen-case : pennarum cap-
Salm. cvi. 30. mctr. sa. \'ide Ceis. 2. Ore, or metal : metallum.
Phinchas stood and executed justice. Stetit Plii- Vail, ill Voc.
nehas et egit a;quum. Span. Cierto. Basq. Ciur- • Ceas, s. m. I. Obscurity, irksomeness, sadness:
toa. Larram. obscuritas, tristitia, ta;diuni. Llh. et O'B. 2.
• Ceart, s. m. 1. A reflection, critical remark : Vision : visus. O'B. Uebr. ^11/1 chrizon.
reprehcnsio, animadversio. 3ISÒ'. 2. A debt, • Ceas, Ad ceas, i. e. Do chunn'cas. Was seen :

debitum, a;s alienuni. JP/.
: conspectum est. Llh.
Ceart.\chadh, -aidh, s. m. et j>rcs. jKirt.v. Ceart- • Ceas-naoidhein, s.
f. Infant-weakness, a kind of
aich. 1. Adjusting, rectifying, mending : actio e- disease : morbus quidaiu infantum. Llh. Ajjjj.
niendandi. LJ/i. et S. '2. C
Rebuking actio re- : Ceasad, -aid, -ean, s. m. JIacf. V. Vide Casaid.
prehendendi. R.M' 3. Amendment: e-
Pcrs. siys» hhesde, a sin, crime. Arab. 4\««».~>
niendatio. Ll/i.
hesed, envy al»»'^ kesad, indigence, penury.
Ceartaich, -idh, CH-, V. a. (Ceart, adj.) Adjust,

rectify emenda, corrige, conipone.

: " A cliearU Ceasadach, -aiche, a^'. (Ceasad). Vide Casaid-
achadh na dh" fhag thu ad dheidli." Dug. Bucltan. each.
To set right all that thou hast left beliind. Ad • Ceasadh, -aidh, s. m. Vide Ceusadh.
componendum quod tu reliqueris post te. • Ceaslach, s. Coarse wool, on the legs or bor-
Ceartaiche, -ean, «.»1. An adjuster, corrector: ders of a fleece pedum pili, lana crassa in ex-

emendator. O'B. tremo vellere. " Ceaslach," i. e. " Droch olann

Ceartas, -ais, s. m. {Cc&rt, adj.) Justice, equity: a bhios air cheasaibh nan caorach." Llh.
justitia, squitas. " Is iad ceartas agus breitheanas • Ceaslaid, s.f. (Ceall-slilaid), Sacrilege: sacrile-
àite-tàimh do figh-chaithreach." Salm. Ixxxix. 14-. gium. O'B.
Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy
• Ccasna, s. m. Necessity, want : necessitas, eges-

throne. Justitia et judicium sunt habitacula tui tas. O'B.

solii. " Luchd-ceartais," Judges, magistrates :
• Ceasnach, adj. Complaining querebundus. : MSS.
inagistratus, qui jus dicunt. Vide Ceasadach, adj.
Ceart-bhreith, -e, -ean, s.f. (Ceart, Breith),
Ceasnachadh, ^ -AiDii, *. OT. et prcs. part. v. Ceas-
A righteous judgment aequum judicium. :
Ceasnuchadh, J Questioning, examin-
naich. 1.

" Do bheir se ceart-bhreith air do shluagh." ing by questions : interrogatio, actus interrogandi.
C. S. 2. Catechising : actus instrueudi aliquem
Ross. Salm. Ixxii. 2.
He shall pronounce righteous judgment upon thy de fide Christiana. 3. Correction correctio. Llh. :

people. Dabit justum judicium in populum tuum. Ceasnaich, 1 -iDH, CI1-, v. fl. I. Question, inter-
Ceart-bhreitheach, - eiche, adj. (Ceart, et
Ceasnuich, j rogate, expostulate qua;re, interro- :

Righteous, rigid in judgment : teque vel ga, expostula. C. S. 2. Catecliise : instrue ali-
severe judicans. quem de fide Cliristiana. C. S.
" Ach bliris lehòbha ceart-bhreitheach,
' Ceata-càm, s. ;«. The seven stars, or plough :
" Còrdan nan daoi gu grad." septem PI. Arab, t _ <t-tV hutb,
stellae, triones.

Boss. Salm. cxxix. 3. • Ceatfadli, m. Llh. et OB. ^ide Ceud-fàth.


But the righteous Jehovah quickly broke the bands • Ceatfadhach, -aiche, adj. \'ide Ceud fàthach.
of the wicked. At rupit Jehovah aeque-judicans • Ceatfadhaehd, s. f. Lust : libido. LIA. et PI.
vincula impiorum cito. From preceding adj. as a property of the ex-
Ceart-bhreitiieanas, -ais, s.f. (Ceart, et Breith- ternal senses and appetites.
eanas), 1. Just, or righteous judgment : jus aequ- • Ceath, s.f. 1. A
sheep : ovis. O'^.et Sh. 2.
um. Salm. 1. 4. metr. Id. q. Ceart-bhreith. 2. Cream flos lactis. Sh. et O'B.
: Xide Cè.
Just retribution, or visitation : retributio justa. C.S. These obsolete terms seem connected with Cè,
Ceart-ciireidimh, s. m. ind. (Ceart, et Creidinili), the earth, as the most esteemed of eartlily sub-
Sound faith orthodoxia. C. S.
: stances.
Vol. I. Dd
• Ceatha, i. e. Fros. A sliower : imber. Sibl. Gloss. " Ceatharnach-coille." C. S. A freebooter, an
Vide Cith. Cliald. }*n3 ccIm, caligavit. outlaw pr«do, exlex.
: Vide Coill, Coille.

m. Mist, fog, mistiness: vapor,

Ceatharnachd, (Ccatharnach), Valour,s.
f. ind.
Ceatiiach, -aich, s.
heroism, a deed of strength: fortitude, virtus bel-
nebula. Mm/. V. CJtakl. rV\^ cehlh, caligavit.
lica, factum roboris.
Ceathair, adj. Vide Ceithir. Ceatiiarnas, -ais, s. m. (Ceatharn), Id. q. Ceathar-
Ceatiiair-bheannach, vel -cheàkxach, adj. Llh. nachd. " Ccatliarnas-làidir." C. S. Force, com-
Vide Ceithir-bheannach. pulsion compulsio. " Ceatharnas-coille." C. S.
et O'B. :

Ceathair-chasach. -cnosACH, adj. Vide Ccithir- Outlawry : proscriptio. C. S.

cbasach. • Ceathair-ramhach, -aich, s.
f. Vide CeiUiir-
Ceatiiair-deug, adj. Vide Ceithir-deug. ràmhach.
' Ceathair-dhuil, s. (Ceathar, ct Dùil), The • Ceathra, pliir. Four-footed beasts, cattle qua- :

world as consisting of four elements mundus, :
drupedes, pecudes. Llh.
e quatuor dementis constans. O'B. • Ceathrachadamh, adj^ Fortieth: quadragesimus.
Ceathairle, -ean, s.f. Vide Ceirsle. MSS.
Ceathairleach, -eiche, a/lj. Vide Ceirsleacb. Ceathramh, a«J?. (Ceithir), Fourth: quartus. "An
Ceathairleag, -eig, -an, s.f. dimin. of Ceathairle. ceaiJiramh la." Gen. i. 19. The fourth day. Dies
Vide Ceirsleag. quartus.
Ceatharlagach, -aiche, adj. (Ceathairleag). Vide Ceathramh, -aimh, -an, -ANNAN, vel -amhnan,
Ceirsleagach. s. m. 1. A fourth part
: quarta pars, quadrans. C. S.

Ceathairleich, -idh, CH-, v.a. (Ceathairle). Vide 2. A firlot, four pecks: modius. Voc. 121. 3. A
Ceirslich. thigh : femur. Llh. i. e. quarter : quarta pars. A
Ceathairleichte, /)er/'./iar^ f. Ceatliairleich. Vide
" Ceathramh muilt." S. A quarter of mutton. C
Ceirslichte. Quarta pars carnis vervicis. C. <S'.
Ceathairne, s.f. ind. Peasantry, yeomanry: plebs, a- Ceathramhan, -ain, s. m. dimin. of Ceathramh,
grestes, militum vulgus. C. S. Hence, caterva. — A quadrant quadrans circuli, instrumentum nau-
ticum ad angulos demetiendos. O'R.

This may be derived from " Ce'-thighearnan," lords

• Ceathramhanach, cufj. (Ceatliramh, ad/'.) Cubi-
of the earth, and may have originally signified the
cal : cubicus. Llh.
proprietors of land. Wei. Cethern.
Ceathairne-choille. S. Freebooters, outlaws C Ceathrar, adj. (Ceithir, i. e. Ceithir-fhear), Four

praedones, exleges. C. S. persons quatuor homines, quatemi. Voc^ 126.


• Ceatharbh, s.j'. Llh. et O'B. Vide Ceatharn. • Ceachd, s. f. (i. e. (Cumhachd). 1. Might,
» Ceathardha, ad/. Belonging to four quatemus. :
power : vis potentia. Llh. 2. A lesson, lec-

LIL ture : lectio, prcElectio. Sh. et O'B.

Ceatharn, -airn, s. f. A troop caterva, turma. :
» Cedas, adv. (Ceud), At first primo. Llh.
: Vide
Ll/i. The bands of Highlanders waiTÌng with each
Air tùs.
other under their chiefs, or making irruptions into CÈ-GHRABHADH, -AIDH, s. m. (Cè, Ct Grabhadli),
the lowland districts of Scotland, by Bower in his
Geography: geographia. Oss. fW. III. p. 413.
continuation of Fordun. Ed. Edin. 1747. lib. 8. CÈ-H-ÀM, \adv. (i.e. Cia'nt-àm? Cia an uair.'')
cap. 21. et passim, are called Caterani, and Ca-
CÈ-H-UAIR, j At what time, or hour? when? Qua
evidently a modification of " Ceatharn."
horà ? quo tempore ? quando ? C. S.
tervani ;

Ceibe, geii. of Ceaba, q- vide.

And Dr Jamieson, in liis Scottish Dictionary, ob-
• Ceideamhain, s. m. Vide Ceitein.
serves that the word Catarines, or Katharines,
• Ceidghrinneachd, s.
used in the same sense in that dialect, and the f. (Ceud, et Grinneachd),
Ripeness of age aetatis maturitas. Llh.
corresponding Roman term Caterva, are plainly of

Celtic origin a remark, the justice of which is

• Ceidhe, s. m. A quay moles manu constructa, :

confirmed by a passage in Vegetius de Militari, ad quam naves onustae onera depellunt. Llh. et
lib. ii. cap. 2. " Galli atque Celtiberi phiresque O'B.
barbarse nationes catervis utebantur in proeliis." Ceidhe, -ean, s. m. Vide Ceadha.
Its etjTuon evidently being, " Cath," et Fear- ;
• «. m.
Ceidiol, A duel, conflict certamen singu- :

lare, pugna. O'B.

appearing still more plainly in the form above.
" Ceatliarbh," i. e. " Cath, fheara." Ceig, -e, -ean, s.f. 1. A kick: ictus calce factus.
Wei. Cad,
C. S. 2. A mass of shag, clot, a clumsy appen-
a battle, et Ur, a man Cadru, valiant ; also, Ca- ;

torfa, Catyrfa, a multitude, a troop. Rich. Thesaitr.

dage : ingens pilorum vis, concretio, res inelegan-
referring to Bochart. ter podici animalis appensa. C S. Arab. ^ 't'>j>'

Ceatharnach, -aich, s. »?. (Ceathairn). 1. A sol- keik, foolish.

dier, hero miles, heros. OR. et Macf. V.
: 2. A
Ceig, -idh, ch-, r. a. et n. (Ceig, s. 1.) 1. Kick : pede
peasant, countrjniian plebeius, agricola. Morf. V.
feri, C. S.
calcitra. 2. Collect into bunches, or
et C. S. 3. viilff. A
stout, robust, or strong man :
clots in formam concretionis redige, vel fias. C. S.

vir acer, validus, robustus. C. S. Wei. Cadani. " Ceig an ceann a cheile." C. S. Mix confused-
Arab. (^V^lJ" cadiron. B. Bret. Cadarn, brave. ly: confunde.
CEI •11 ri-r

Ceiceach, -eiciie, adj. (Ceig). 1. Shagpy :

villo- • Ceilcahhair, -raidh, ch-, v.n. 1. Bid farewell
sus, villi concn'tioni's (leri'iis. C. S. 2. (Jiy.) Low vuk«lice. 2. (Jreet : saluta. LUi. 3. Cele-
of stature, ami iluinsily formed : brcvis litutura', brate celebru. PI. et OH.

et crassò format us. C. S. Ceii.eauii, -IDII, g. III. vt pirn. jHirl. r. Ctil, (Sscpiuh
Ceioeauii, -mil, «. in. vt pre»: jxirt. r. Ceig. Kick- Cleitli, (|. vide). Concealing actus uccultandi. :

in;;, act of kiekint;, clotting', jimililing: actus cai-

" Letli vhbdfiidh u sholus san uisge." Tem. vii. 26B.
citraiuli, in concretiones villi formandi, confuiideii- llalf-concealing its light in the water. Semi-
di. C.S. celans suani luceni in unda.
Ceicbiv, -e, diinhi. of Ceig.
-ean', s. 1. A tuft
m. Ceileav, -iN'NE, -ean, «./. O' R. Vidc Cilean.
of shag : C. S.
villoruin 2. A clot of
floccus. • Ceilc-dc, s. m. A preserver of the fires, culdec :

fat : adipis massula.

C. S. 3. bundle, or bur- A ignium sacrorum custos, culidxus. i'aU.
den (of straw, ferns, heath, liay) manipulus seu :
• Ceil'-gheall, -aidh, ch-, v. a. (C6ile, 2. et Geall),
fasciculus (straminis, filicuni, cricic, fa-ni). S. 4. C Betroth
uerroiii : sponue, uesjmnue.
sponde, desponde. Ll/i.

A coq)ulent, or fat man of low stature : vir cras- Ceii

iLEAit, Ì -iDii, a. m. Music, commonly the

sus vel obesus, ct brevis statura?. C. S. Ceii

ILEIH, > warbling of birds : modulutio, can-
Ceioeineach, -eiciie, atij. (Ceigein), Clotted, cor- iLEinEADU,)
Ceii tus, volucrum conceiitus.
pulent villosus, concretus, obesus. C. S.
: Cluinnidh Goll an cedeir 'iia cheò.'
Ceigiie, -ean, s. m. Vide Ceidhe. .S'. D. 76.
Ceig-ruscacii, -aiciie, fl^^'. (Ceig, ct Rùsg), Tliick- Gaul shall hear their warbling in his mist. Audiet
tìeeced densum habens vellus. Macdoug. 133.
: Gallus concentum earum in nebula sua. Wei.
Ceil, -idh, ch-, v. a. Conceal, hide: cela, occulta. Cethlez, Cethlyd. Gr. KOmOoz, Ks>^Ji/;/f, Kf>jx-
*' Ciod an tairbhe
a bhios ann dhuinne, nia mhar- fi/^w, clamor, murmur, cum strepitu fluere.

hhas sinn ar bràthair, agus ma cheilms siiin 'fhuil ?" Ceileii», -idh, CII-, v.n. (Ceileir, s.) Chirp, warble:
Gen. xxxvii. 26. What profit will there be to us, modulare, minuria, cane. Sh. et O' li.
if we kill our brother, and conceal his blood ? Ceilc, ge/i. of Cealg, tj. vide. Sometimes used as
Quid lucri futunim est nobis, si interfecerimus fra- the nominative.
trem nostrum, et ocultaverimus sanguincm ejus ? CÈILICH, -IDU, CII-. (Cede), r. a. Participate fi :

FfV/. Celu Fr. Celer. Arab. ^Ui khelu, a privy.
" A chèilich m aran air mo bhord."
liihr. ^^7^ chek, a prison.
Ross. Salm. xli. 0.
• Ceil, *./ nh. Vide Ceill. Who partook of my bread at my table. Qui par-
CÈILE, *. m. or f. 1. An eijual, match: acqualis, ticipavit panem meum ad mensam meam.
compar. (Sometimes Ceilidh). Commonly joined Ceilidh, -ean, s._/".1. Gossiping, visiting : officio-
in this sense with the possessive pronoun " a," his, sa visitatio. " 'Dol air chedidh." C. S. Paying
or her, or its. " Dh' fhuathaich iad a chcile." visits: consuetudo visitandi. 2. (Jig.) Sojourn-
They hated each other, i. e. they hated each his ing, pilgrimage peregrinatio.
" Cedid/i saogh-
fellow. Oderunt se invicem, i. e. alter alterum, alta." C. S. Earthly pilgnmage. Peregrinatio
" Tha tròcair agus firinn air còmhlachadh a terrestris.
chede ; tha ceartas agus sith air pògadh a clieile." • Ceilidh, -idh, ch-, v. n. (Ceilidh, «.), Visit : visi-
Satin. Ixxxv. 10. ]Mercy and truth have met ta. O'B.
each other justice and peace have kissed each
• Cciliubhra, s. m. A concealment : latibulum.
other. Bcnignitas
occurrerunt se invi-et fides O'B.
cem ; justitia et pax osculata sunt
se invicem. CtiLL, </a/. of Ciall, q. vide. " Cur an ceill." C.S.
2. A husband, or wife conjunx, sponsus, uxor, : Declare, set forth. Profer, declara.
luaritus. " Mar a chir-mheala, silidh do bhilean, • Ceillchd, s.f. A
large piece : ingens frustum, seu
a chtik." Dan. S/iol. iv. 11. As the honey-comb fragmentum. Provin.
thy lips drop, O spouse. Ut favus, stillant labia ' Ceill'chdeach, -eiche, adj. (CeiU'chd), In large
tua, O
sponsa. 3. servant famulus. L//i. et A : shaves, or fragments ingentibus frustis, seu:

O'B. " Le cheile," adv. Together: pariter, una. fragmentis. Macdoug. 131.
•' Blio cheile," adv. Asunder seorsim. " As a : Ceille, ffen. of Ciall, q. vide. " Laogh mo cheiUe
cheile," adv. Loosened, disjointed luxate. " Thar : fada uam." Oran. Far distant is my love. Procul
a cheile," et " Troimh a cheile," adv. In disor- abest meus amor. " Do reir cedk. LIh. Accord-
der, in confusion, mixed, stirred about confuse, : ing to the tenor. Secundum sensum.
raixtim. " Cèile-còmhraig." An antagonist, match Ceillidii, -E, a/^'. (Ciall), Wise, sober, sedate sa- :

in combat adversarius.
piens, sobrius, placidus, sedatus. " ETiir is ceillidh
: Pers. J^X=» c/ialil, con-
cainnt." 5. Z>. 209. (Thou) man of wisest speecli.
jux, uxor, maritus. Hebr. rÒ3 calah, sponsa.
(Tu) vir sapientissimorum verborum. Vide Ciall-
• Ceileabhradh, -aidh, m.
s. 1. Leave, farewell: ach.
renia, valedictio. O'B. 2. Salutation : saluta- Ceilte, prel. part. v. Ceil. Concealed, hid, secret
tio. LIh 3. A conference : colloquium. LIh. occultatus, secretus.
4. Festivity, solemnization : festivitas, solennis '• Tha 'ghaisgich ceilte san t-sliabh.
rJtus celebratio. LIh.
Fing. iii. 104».

Dd 2
His warriors are hid in the hill. Sunt ejus heroes CiiinEiL, -E, adj. (Ceir, s.) Waxen : cereus. Voc. 135.
celati in nionte. Ceirein, -e, -ean, .?. m. (Ceir, 2.) 1. An ap-
Ceilteach, -eiciie, adj. (Ceil, v.) 1. Concealing : pendage, tail res appensa, cauda. Llh. et C. S.

occultans. C. S. 2. Penurious avarus, parens. : 2. A poultice, plaster, a nauseous medicine ca- :

C. 'S'. 3. Reserved, silent taciturnus. C. S. : taplasma, emplastrum, medicina ingrata. C. S.

Ceilticii, et Coiltich, s. pi. The Celts Celtas, : Hvlr. \'\'p kercn, cornu.
i. e, The sequestered peoj)le, or woodlanders. Vide CÈ1R-GHEAL, -iLE, udj. (CÈir, s. 2. ct Gcal), Having
Ceil, V. et Coille, ,<f. white buttocks albos habens clunes, (velut cervus,

Ceiltinn, f. etpres. part. v. Ceil.

s. hiding, co- A hinnus, lepus). C. S.
vering, act of concealing occultatio, actus celan- : • Ceiriocan, s. m. Water-elder : sambucus aquati-
di. Voc. 143. ca. Llh. App.
Ceilt-inntinn, -e, «./. (Ceil,v. etinntinn), velCleith- • Cch-n, Ceirnin, s. m. A dish, plate, platter,
inntinn. Equivocation : amphibologia, sermonis am- trencher : patina, discus, paropsis. Llh. et O'B.
biguitas. MSS. Ceir-sheillein, s.f. (Ceir, s. 1. et Seillean), Bees-
Ceim, ) -iDH, CH-, V. a. (Ceuni, s.) Step, mea- wax : apum sylvestrium gluten. Voc. 71.
Ceimich, J
sure by steps gradere, gradibus me- : CeIRSLE, S.y. ffa<.CEIRSLIDII,^/.CEIRSLEAN. clcW : A
tire.C. S. Id. q. Ceum, v. glomus. " Ceirsle chàil," stock of cabbage. Bras- A
Ceim, gen. of Ceum, q. vide. sica capitata, caulis. " Ceirsle shnàtha. Voc. 91.
- Ceimh-dhealg, -eilg, s. m. (i. e. Ciabh-dhealg), A clew, ball, or bottom of yarn. Glomus staminis.
Ahair-bodkin : acicula, subula crinalis, discer- Ceirsleach, adj. (Ceirsle), Globular, round as a clew,
niculum. Llh. conglomerated globosus, glomeratus : S. C
CiiMEADH, -EiDH, s.w. Bt pres. part. V. Ceim. Step- Ceirsleachadh, -aidh, s.m. et pres. part. v. Ceirs-
ping actus gradiendi. A. M'D. Gloss.
: lich. Winding of thread, a forming into clews
» Ceimh-mhileach, s. m. hair-bodkin : discemi- A actus contorquendi stamen.
culum. Llh. Ceirsleag, -eig, -an, s. /. dim. of Ceirsle. little A
* Ceimh-phion, A
hair-bodkin discerniculum. Z/^. : clew : glomus exiguus. C. S.
Ceimneachadh, -aidh, s. m. etpres. part. v. Ceim- Ceirsleagach, -aiche, adj. (Ceirsleag), In little
nich, q. vide. clews, abounding in clews : glomeribus exiguis
Ceimnich, -IDH, CH-, V. a. Id. q. Ceimich. plenus. C. S.
Cein, Distant, remote, far removed : distans,
-e, adj. Ceirslich, -IDH, CH-, V. B. (Ceirslc), Wind up, form
dissitus, longinquus. " Ann an tir cMin." C. S. into clews : contorque, in formam glomerum redige.
In a distant country. In terra longinqua. " An as.
cein, adv. At a distance procul. Vide Cian. : Ceirslichte, Wound
adj. et pret. part. v. Ceirshch.
* Ceiniol, s. m. Vide Cineal. up, (as a bottom of yarn) glomeratus. S. : C
» Ceinnliath, adj. (Ceann, et Liath), Grey-headed Ceirt, s.f. 1. gen. of Ceart, s. q. vide. 2. An ap-
canos habens capillos. Llh. ple-tree malus arbor. Llh. 3. A rag rha-
: :

* Ceip, s. m. Vide Ceap. coma. Llh. et O'R.

CÈIR, -E, «./. 1. Wax:cera. 35. 2. but- Voc. \ A » Ceirteach, adj. Ragged pannosus. Llh. App. :

f. A rag
tock clunis.
" Ceir an fheidh." C. S. The » Ceirteach, s. pannus laceratus, rhaco- :

deer's buttock : cervi clunis. " Ceir sheulaidh," ma. Llh.

Voc. 99. " vel Ceir litrichean," Sealing-wax cera : • Ceirteag, -eig, -an, s.f. A ragged girl : pannosa

qua epistolae vel talia obsignantur. Wei. Cwyr. puella. OB.

S. Bret. Coar. Fr. Cire. Gr. Kri^o;, Kn^a, cera. Ceartle, -EAN, 5./. Llh. Vide Ceirsle.
Span. Cera, wax. Ceis, -e, -ean, s.f. A case, or keeping place, basket,
Ceib, 1 -iDir, CH-, V. a. (Ceir, s.) Seal with wax: hamper : corbis, sporta. Llh. et C. S.

CÈIRICH, J cera obsigna. C. S. Chald. ~\''2 ciyer, » Ceis, s.f. 1. A furrow : sulcus. O'B. 2. A
sow, pig : sus, porcellus. O'B. 3. Grumbling,
vel chiyer, figuravit.
murmuring murmuratio. O'B. 4. Loathing,

Ceir-bheach, s.f. (Ceir, et Beach), Bees-wax : a- want of appetite nausea, fastidium. O'B. 5. :

pum cera, viscus, gluten. O'B. et C. S. A lance, spear : lancea, geesum. Cces. Bell.
CiiR-CHUACHAG, -AiG, -AN, S.f. (Ceir, et Cuachag),
Gall, et O'B. Hehr. DO cis, loculus, marsu-
A cup pasted with bees-wax, a waxen cell
pocillum visco oblitum. A. 3I'D. Gloss. pium.
Ceir-chluas, s.f. (Ceir, s. et Cluas), Ear-wax au- : Ceis-chrainn, s.f. The herb polypody: polipodi-
rium cera. C. S. Potius, Ceir cluaise. um, herba. O'R.
Ceird, -e, -ean, s.f. Vide Ceàird. Ceisd, -e, -ean, s. f. : 1. A question, problem
Ceiee, 1. compar. of Ciar, adj. q. vide. 2. Id. q. qua;stio, problema. " Agus cha fobh a mhisnich
Ceiread. aig neach air bith o sin suas, cdsd a chur air."
Ceireach, -eiche, adj. (Ceir, s.) Abounding in wax, Marc. xii. 34. And no man after that durst ask
waxen cera abundans, cereus. C. S.
: him any question. Et nemo ex eo tempore aude-
CiiREAD, -EID, s. f. Duskiness, hoariness obscuri- : bat eum inteiTogare. 2. A darling corculum.

tas, canities. Vide Ciar, adj. " A cheisd mo chridhe." C. S. Darling of my

Regard cura. lU. " Ciil/iir-cJutiniad/i a' chcarcuii," Squaring
heart. Cordis mei ddicioc. 3. :

of the circle : (juuilratio lirculi.

Mucinty. 72. Anib. Ò^KtaJi keswid, design, project,
CErniiu-ciitÀiiNARii, -11)11, CM-, t'.a. (Ceithir, ei
wish. Ceàrn, 1.), Square: quadra. U/i. O'R. ft S. C
Ceisdeaciiaoii, -aidii, s, tit. et pnx. /xirt. v. Ceisd- CEiTiiiR-ciieAitNAU'iiTB, prtt. jHtrt. V. Ceitliir-
ich. Examination, act of quest ion ing, or examin- cheùrnaicli. Squared, formed intoabquarc: qua-
ing : examinutio, actus (jua-rendi, inten-ogandi. drat us. C. .S'.
5. CErniiu-ciiA.sACli, ) adj. (Ceitliir, et Ca», vel Cos),
Ceisdeil, -e, lu/j. (Ceisd), 1. Questionable, suspici- CErriiiu-ciiosACii, j Four-footed quadrupes. C. A'. :

ous dubitandus, suspiciosus. O'li. et C. S.

2. Ceithik-ueug, fulj. Fourteen : quutuordecim. Vuc.
Worthy of regard honore liabendus. C. S, Vide
: 122. Vide Deug,
Teisteil. CEniiiR-FiLLTKACii, udj. (Ceithir, et Filltc), Four-
Ceisdick, -iDii, CH-, r. a. (Cisd, «.) Question, exa- fold : quadrujilex. C. S. Vide Fill. r. ; Fillte,
mine examina, interroga. C. S.
: jHirt., et Fillteach, «<^'.
• Ceisdiugbadh, «. m. Vide Ceasnachadh, et Ceisd- Ceithir-giiobiilacii, I «<&• (Ceithir, et Gobh-
cacbadli. Ceithir-giiobhi.anacii, I
lach), Four-pronged :

CiiSEACH, -EiCHE, adj. (Ceis), Full of compart- quadritidus. C. S.

ments divisionibus plenus. C. S.
: CEiTiiin-KÀMHAcii, adj. Four-oared : quatuor remis
CilSEACii, -ICH, -EAN, s.f. A full, fut woman : mu- instructus. C. S. 2. s.f. A boat liaving four oarii
linterquator remis instructa. C. S.
lier obesa. A. M'D. Arab. 'ixi3 kcshat, an old
Ceitiiir-siilisseach, adj. (Ceitliir, et Slios) : qua-
CiiSEAG, -Etc, -AN, s.f. dimiii. of Ceis. 1. A small drilateral quadrilateralis.
: S. C
Ceitiireamh,, -nean, m. Vide Ceath-
pannier : sportula. C. S. 2. A slip, sapling . sur- *.

culus, puUus. /r. £,e]|*co^. O'B.
Ceisean, -in, -AN, «. m. dimin. of Ceis. 1. A small
Ceithreannach, a<//. Quadrated: quadratus. C. S.
Ceithrea.mhnan, Ceithreasnan. 1. iionuplur.
basket : sportula. C. S. 2. A hurdle : crates. O'R.
2. Quarters, lodgings
gemi- of Ceitiireamh, q. vide. :
• Ceisneamh, s. m. Wiining, complaining :

diversorium, hospitium. MSS.

tus, querela. Wan Ceasad.
' Ceiteuin, *. in. S. D. p. 68. Vide Ceitein.
Ceist, -e, -ean, s.f. 1. Id. q. Ceisd. 2. Anxiety
• Cèl, The mouth : os oris. Uli. " Cèl-fàisdine,"
of mind, perplexity peqilexitas. :

" Dean fuasgladh dliomh a' t-ionracas, prophecy : vaticinium. Hh.

" O thriobloid is o cheist." Ce-.mheas, -a, *. m. (Ce, et Meas), Geometry
georaetria. Vide Ce-thomlias.
Ross. Salm. xxxi. 1.
Deliver me in thy righteousness from trouble and
Ce-mheasach, adj. (Ce-mheas), Geometrical : geo-
perplexity. Liberationem fac mihi, in justitia tua,
* Ce-mheasach, -aich, -ean, *. m. (Ce-mheas), A
ex molestia et perplcxitatc.
Ceisteachadh, -aidh, s. m. LIA. Vide Ceisdeach- geometer : geometra.
Ceo, -tha, s.m. Mist, vapour, smoke nebula, vapor. :

Vide Ceitein. Oss. pass.

Ceit, -e, s. m.
• Ceitean, s. w. A vehicle formed of twigs: vehicu-
" Mar a sgaoileas an ceo air aodain an fheòir."
Stew. 85.
lum vimineum. O'R.
CÈITEIN, -E, s. m. (Ceud, et Ùine)* 1. May: Maius As the vapour spreads on the face of the grass.
mensis. C. S. Fr. Printemps. 2. Fair weather, Ut expandit se vapor super faciem graminis. Gr.
Xew, fundo. C/uild. Mn3 cefia, caligavit.
a favourable season bona cali temperies. N. H. :

" Ceitein na h-òinsiche." The time from April -Ceo, s. m. Milk : lac.' Llh. et O'B. Vide Ce,
19th. to May 12th. inclusive. Dies ab lOnio. cream.
Aprilis ad 12mum. Mali mensis. Scot. Gowking •Ceo, Sceò, cottj. And: et. MSS.
days. Ceo'ach, -aiche, adj. Vide Ceòthach.
Ceiteineach, adj. (Ceitein), Belonging to May, or Ceò"achd, s.f. ind. Vide Ceòthachd.
the beginning of summer : ad Malum vel aestatis Ceò'ar, -aire, adj. Vide Ceòthair.
initium pertinens. C. S. Ceòb, -a, -an, s.m. 1. A dark nook, or comer:
Ceithearnach, -aich, s. m. Vide Ceathamach. latebra. C. S. 2. Id. q. Caob, s.
Ceithir, adj. Four quatuor. " Agus dli'fhas i 'na
: Ceòbach, -aiche, adj. 1. Cornered : angulatus.

ceithircheannaibh." Gen. ii. 10. And it became C. S. 2. Awkward : inhabilis. C. S.

into four heads. Et fertur in quatuor capita. • Ceòbach, (Ceò, et Bach), Drunkenness : ebrie-
Ceithir-bheaknach, adj. (Ceithir, et Beami, 5.) tas. Llh.
C. S. Id. q. Ceithir-cheàrnach. Ceòbanach, -aich, s.f. (Ceo, et Boinne). 1. Small
CEiTmR-CHEÀRNACH, odj. (Ceithir, Ceàrn, 1.)
et drizzling rain tenuis pluvia. C. S.
: 2. adj. Dewy,
Four -square, quadrangular: quadratus, quadran- misty : rorans, nebulosus. Macinti/. 5 1
gulus. C. S. Ceo-bhran, ì -ain, -agin, s. m. (Ceo, et Braon).-
Ceithir-cheàrnadh, -aidh, m. et pres. part. v.
s. Ceo-bhraon, j 1. Dew: ros. Llh. 2. Drizzling
Ceithir-Cheàmaich. A squaring : quadratura. Voc. rain : tenuis pluvia. C, S. " Ciùran." Heòrid^
Ceòdhach, adj. Bibl. Gloss. Vide Ccòthach. In the cloud of Caruth she will behold his coun-
Ceò, adj. (Ceo, Glas, et Gorm), Grey as tenance, and he himself in his narrow house of dust.
Ceò-ciiobm.J niist, blue as mist : canus, vel cseru- In nube Carutha; vidcbit ea vultum illius, et ipse
leus ut caligo, vel nebula. S. D. in domo angusta sua pulveris.
Ceòl, CiùiL, et Ceòil, s. m. Music, melody: musi- * Ceòr, s. m. A
mass, lump : massa, acervus. Llh.
ca, melos. et OB.
" Cha tog fiodhal no clàrsach," Ceòs, -eòis, -an. 1. The hip: podex. C. S. 2.
" Pìob, tàileasg, no ceòl mi." The partes obsca;na;, pudenda.
privities: S. C
Stew. 443. Ceòsan, -ain, s. m. Bur, or light down of flowers,
Violin, or harp, pipe, chess, or music, will not or feathers : lappa, jiappus, vel lanugo levis.
rouse me. Fides, nee cithara, tibia nee ludus la- " Mar cheòsan air sgiath an fhirein."
trunculorum, nee musica oblectabit me. Heh. S. D. 334.
|jip A'o/, concentus. Chuld. iiihT^ cholia, dulcedo. As the light down on the wing of the eagle. Ut
Hind. Kheal, a sonnet. Gilc/ir. lanugo levis in ala aquilae.
Ceòlach, -aiciie, a(f/. (Ceòl), Full of music : cano- Ceòsnach, -AiCH, s. VI. Any thing broad-skirted,
rus. as. a broad wave quodvis late fimbriatum, fluctus

Ceòlan, -aijj, s. m. dim. of Ceòl. 1. Faint music: magnus. R. M'D. 102.

melos tenuis, vel exilis.S. D. 11. 8. A little Ceòtha, geti. et pltir. of Ceo. " Cearb nan ceòtha."
bell campanula,
: tintinnabulum. Llh. et OB. Tern, viii, 95. Fringe of mists. Fimbria vaporum.
C/iald. >^3 chati, dulcis. Ceòthach, -aiciie, adj. (Ceo), Dark, misty tene- :

Ceòl-biieinn, ì Binn), Melodious :

-e, adj. (Ceòl, et brosus, nebulosus. C. S.
Ceòl-bhinn, J musicus, dulcisonus. " Fiùghan- Ceòthaireachd, s.f.ind. Mistiness : tempestas nu-
tach, suairce, ceol-bheinn." Nion. Al. Ruaidh. Man- bila. Id. q. Ceòthmhorachd.
ly, modest, melodious : fortis, modestus, dulciso- Ceòthair, -e, adj. Id. q. Ceòthach.
nus. Ceòthmhor, -oire, adj. Voc. 136. Id. q. Ceòtliach.
Cjeòl-ciiuilm, -EAN, s.f. (Ccol, et Cuilm, vel
1 -E, Vide Ceò-mhor.
Ceòl-chuiriM, j Cuirm), concert: concentus. A Ceòthmhorachd, s.f. ind. Darkness: obscuritas
Literally, a musical feast. C. S. prae nebulis orta. Voc.
Ceòlmhor, -oire, adj. (Ceòl, et Mòr, vel Mar). 1. Ceòthran, -AIN, s. w, (Ceo), A small shower te- :

Musical, melodious: musicus, dulcisonus. Macf. nuis pluvia. Macf. V.

V. 2. Odd, ludicrous incongruus, ludicer, ri-
: Ce-tiiomhas, -ais, s. m. (Ce, et Tomhas), Geome-
diculus. Provin. try geometria. Ossian. IW. III. 414.

Ceòlradh, -aidh, -ean, s.f. 1. muse, the A * Ceuchd, s. m. A plough aratrum. O'R. :

muses musa, musae, pierides, camaenae.

: Cevd, adj. 1. First: primus. " An ceudìà." Gen.
" Dhiùlt a' cheòlradh an còmhradh binn ; i. 5. The : dies primus.
first 2.dayhundred A :

" Is cliù nan treun cha 'n eirich leam." centum. " Agus
cuiridh ciiigear dhibh an ruaig
Stew. 284. air ceud." Lehh. xxvi. 8. And five of you shall
The muses denied their melodious converse the ; — chase an hundred. Et quini ex vobis persequen-
praises of the brave prosper not with me. Ne- turcentenos. ''Ya.cheml" Salm.Xù.^. hundred A
gaverunt pierides canoram coUocutionem earum times centies.
: Wcl. et Arm. Cant. Hence, Wei.
laudes fortium non surgent mecum. 2. Musicians : Cantref, et Cantrith, an extent of country, com-
musici. Stew. Gloss. prehending a hundred towns, or fortresses. Arab.
' Ceòl-reim, -idli, ch-, v. a. (Ceòl, et Reim), Mo- ,iL=»l achad, one. " Ceud am." Tlie first time.
dulate, play music modulare, tibiis vel fidibus

cane, psalle. O'H.

Hebr. Dip kedem, antiquitas ; ^^^< echad. Gael.

' Ceolreimeadh, -eidh, s. m. et pres. part. v. Ceol- A cheud. Chald. in chad, primus.
reim. Modulation, musical arrangement of Ceudacii, adj. (Ceud), Centuple : centuplum. C. S.
sounds modulatio. O'R.
: Ceddamh, a<^'. Hundredth : centesimus. Voc. 124.
Ceò-mhor, -oire, adj. (Ceo, et Mòr), Dark, ob- Ceud-bhainne, «. m. (Ceud, et Bainne), First milk
scure : nebulosus, caliginosus. C. S. after the cow's calving. Scot. Beestings : colostra.
Ceò-mhil, -e, s.f. Ì (Ceo, et Mill, et C.S.
Ceò-millteach, -EiCHE, s. ?n. j Millteach), Mil- Ceud-bhileach, -ich, s.f. Tlie herb centaury : cen-
dew rubigo, ros melleus.
: C S. " Mill-cheo." taurea, herba. Voc. 60.
1 Righ. viii. 37. marg. Ceud-chathach, adj. (Ceud, et Cathach), Of the
Ceòpach, -aiche, Cloudy, misty nebulosus,
adj. : hundred battles. Epithet of Conn, one of the
tenebrosus. " Moma nan stuadh ceòpach." S. D. Irish kings. Lat. Centimachus.
334. Moma of cloudy cliffs. Moma nebuloso- Ceud-fàdh, 1 -AN, s.f. A
sense, faculty: sensus,
rum scopulorum. Ceud-fatii, J
facultas. O'R. et C. S. Id. q. Cead-
Ceòpan, -ain, s. m. (Ceo), A cloud, mist nubes, :
nebula. Ceud-fhàs, -àis, 5. m. (Ceud, et Fas, r.) 1. An
" An ceòpaìi Char'uth chi i 'aogas, embryo partus inimaturus, foetus. " Mo cheud-

" 'S e fein 'n a chaol-thigh ùrach." S. D. 94. JMs anabuich. " Suhn. cxxxix, 16. My first sub-
stance, being jtt imperfect. Mana mea immatu- Ceum-inbiie, t. m. (Ceum, i-t Inbhe), A degree in
ra. 2.Spring ver. : rank : gradus dignitatin. I'uc. 4-1).

" Mar bhlùth nun gcug 's a' cheud-fhag ùr. Ceumnacii, -aiciie, ailj. Stately, moving majetti-
S.l). 102. cully auguste niovenii. C. S.

As the bloom of branches in the early spring. Ut Cel'm-tl'islidii, «. m. (Ceum, et Tuislcadh), false A
flosculi raniorum in priino vere. step :gradus lubuntis seu titubantÌ8. C. S. Vide
Ceud-kheii.i.-miihe EAUKAU'ii, (Ccud, Fcill, Muifc, Tuisleadh.
ct Elarracli), The Purification, or second day of Cel's, -CEÒ1S, -CKÙSAS, (. m. 1. The ham, or lower

February: puriticatio Beata- virginis. Voc. 173. part of the body poples, vel partes inferiores cor-

Ceud-giiin, s. m. (C'eiid, et (ìin, r.), First born, poris. C. S. 2. The coarser part of the wool on
firstlings natu inaxinius, priniitite.
" Sc Israel the sheep's lcg« lana crassior, in cruribus ovis.

nio mhuc, mo cheml-yhin." Ecs. iv. 22. Israel is IMrid.

my son, my first-born. Israel est mens filius, pri- Ceus, -idh, C1I-, a. Crucify, torture
t>. : crucifigc,
mogenitus mens. crucia. Gael. Text, passim. ChaU. Dp keis, crux,
Ceud-laoiuh, -e, -ean s. f. A cow that has calved patibulum, signum.
once : unum peperit vitulum. C. S.
vacca qua; Ceusadaih, -e, -ean, s. m. (Ceus, et Fear), A tor-
Ceud-lomaidh, s.f. (Ceud, et Lomadli), Breakfast: mentor tortor. Bibl. Gloss.

jentaculum. " Itud a' ghabhail a' cheud lomaidh." Ceusadii, -aidh, s. m. et pres. part. v. Ceus. Cruci-
C. S. To take a thing before breakfast. Alicjuid fying: crucifixio. Voc. 145. Chald. KD'p hesu,
ante jentaculum sumere. " Ceud-longaith." OR.
crux, patibulum.
Ceud-lùtii, -a, s. m. (Ceud, et Lutli). 1. Beginning, Ceusda, Ì arf/'. et/>re/. /wrt. ». Ceus. Crucified: cru-
first, first essay initium, principium.
: Vide Lùth. Ceusta, j cifixus. C. S. " An crann cetisdn."
O'R. 2. Shout of applause plausus. Sh. If :
The cross crux, crucis imago, apud Rom. Catli.

used in the second sense, it should be written, Ceuslach, -aich, s. m. (Ceus, «.), 'ITie wool on the
" Ceud luaidh." Vide Luadli, Luaidh. logs of a sheep, and borders of the fleece : lana in
Ceud-mheas, -an, s.m. (Ceud, et Meas), First -fruit, cruribus ovis, vel in fimbriis velleris.
a tax : primitiarum vectigal. O'R. Vide Meas. Ceutach, -aiche, adj. 1. Elegant, beautiful, love-
Ceudna. adj. (Ceud, et Ni), The same, that former- ly : elegans, pulcher, amabilis. O^R. et C. S. 2.
ly mentioned idem, ante dictus. " An duine
Becoming decorus. " 'S ceutach e." 'Tis beau-

ceudita." C. S. The same man, the one formerly or becoming

tiful, pulchrum est, decet. Vide

mentioned. Idem homo, vel ante dictus. " Mar Ciatach.

an ceudna," adv. Likewise, in like manner, also :
CiiA, CHA 'd, ciia '.V, adv. negat. Not non. " Cha :

pariter, itidem, item.

bhuail mi." I will not strike non percutiam. :

Cecdxaciid, «.y. «/irf. Identity: identitas. C. S. " Cha chuir mi." I will not put non ponam. :

' Ceudoir, i. e. Ceud uair, First time : primiun " Cha dean mi." I will not do : non faciam.
tempus. MSS. " Cha do bhuail mi." I did not strike non per- :

Ceud-tharruing, -eax, s. m. (Ceud, et Tarruing).

cuss!. " Cha d'flialbh mi." I did not go non :

1. A draught, or sketch rudis instrumenti

first :
ivi. " Cha d' eisd mi." I did not hear : non
lineatio. C. S. 2. First running of distilled whis- " Cha d' òl mi." I did not drink
ky : prima aquasvitiE montanae decoctio. C. S. Vi- non potavi. " Cha d'rinn mi." I did not do non :

de Tarruing. feci. " Cha 'n fhaigh mi." I shall not get : non
Ceud-thoiseach, -ich, -EAy, s. m. A first prin-
impetrabo. " Cha 'n urradh mi." I cannot : ne-
ciple : principium, elementum.
Gal. iv. 9.
queo. " Cha leig mi." I shall not allow : non si-
Cel'm, Ceim, pi. Ceuman, et -anxan, s. m. step, A —
nam. Thus, " Cha," takes " do," or " d," before
footstep, degree : passus, gradus, gressus.
praeterites, and " n," before futures, beginning with
" Bha 'ceuma' mar cheòl nan dan."
a vowel, or y/i. In other cases, it aspirates the
Fing. iii. 87. labial and palatal consonants, but seldom the lin-
Her steps were as the music of songs. Fuerunt gual, or dental. Ir. ^o.
ejus passus instar modorum carminum. Arab. -Jo» Cha MHÒR xach, adv. Almost: fere, pene. " Cha
kedem. " Ceum-ginealaich." Voc. 11. A degree mhàr iwch do shleamhnuich mo cheumanna' uam."
in genealogy prosapia; gradus.
: " Laoidli nan Salm. Ixxiii. 2. Mj' steps had well nigh slipped
ceum." A title of Salm. cxx. The song of degrees.
(from me). Pene declinaverunt pedes mei (ab
Cantus graduum. JVel. Cam, gradus. Dai: Hebr.
Chaidh, prefer, irreg.Theid, Chaidh.
v. Theirig,
Qp kam. Pers. A.^^ gam, pass. Went, was, hath " Chaidh mi." I went
Ceum, -aidh, ch-, v. Step, measure by steps : gra- ivi. " Chaidh mo bhualadh." C. S. I was struck
dere, passibus vel gradibus metire. C. S. percussus sum. i. e. The act of my being struck,
Ceumadh, -aidh, s.m. et pres.part. v. Ceum. Step- has passed, or is gone. " Chaidh as domh." lob.
ping, measuring : actus gradiendi, metiendi gra- xix. 10. I am gone perii, abivi. " Chaidh sinn

dibus. R.M'D. as " Salm. cxxir. 7. We

escaped eftugimus, vel :

Ceumail, ì -e, (M^. (Ceum), Stately : magnificus. erepti suipus. " Chaidhdar," \el •' Chatlar," im-
Ceumamta, j C. S. pers. form, as of many otlier verbs. " Chuaidh,"
is more commonly wTÌttcn by the Irish, and earlier " A duilleach o iomall na tire,
Scotch writers. JMr. rfH diaiah, vixit. " Chitear le coin an t-sanihraidh."

Chaoidii, adv. For ever : in acternura. S. D. 76,

lon-mholta chaoidh an Triath." Salm. xlviii. 1. from the extremity of the land, shall
Its foliage,
be seen by the birds of summer. Folia ejus ab
The Lord is ever to be praised. Laude dignus in
" Chaoidh," and finibus regionis conspicientur ab avibus scstatis.
aeternum est Dominus (Deus).
" A chaoidh," are indifferently used. Sometimes CiiiTHEADii, i. e. Chitheadh tu, è, ì, sinn, sibh, iad,
" Choidhch," " A
choidheh." pret. sid)j. act. v. Faic. (l.v/. pers. sing. " Chithinn"),
Chean', \ adv. 1. Already: jam. " Oir blia lò- Thou, he, &c. would, could see : videres tu, vide-
Cheana, j seph san Eij)hit a cheana." Ecs. i. 5. ret ille, kc. " An
chitheadh se iad." C. S.

For Joseph was already in Eg}'j5t. Nam Josephus Then would he behold them. Tunc conspiceret
erat in TEgypto jam. 2. Truly, even so, lo, just
illos. Vide Faic. " Chitheadhmaid," " Chitheam-
so : certe, sane, en, ita. C. S. In both senses, aid." We
would see : videremus.
" Cheana," and " A cheana," seem to be indif- CiiiTiiEAR, fut. ind. pass. v. Faic. Vide Chitear.
CiiiTniNN, I would see viderem. Emph. " Chith-
ferently used. Hebr. px
uchen, ita, profecto. :

innsa." Vide Chitheadh.

Cheile, pron.. 1. Id. q. Ceile. " Ghabh iad air a » Cho, adv. Salm. Ed. 1753. passim. Vide Cha.
cheile." They fought among themselves. Inter
Cho, adv. As, so : ita.
se pugnaverunt. 2. Both : anibo. i. e. (each) with " Cha robh mi cho brònach 's cho dall."
his fellow : alteruter cum compari suo. " Bha iad
Fing. iv. 14.
te cheile lomnochd." Gen. ii. 25. They were both I was not so mournful, and so blind. Non fui
naked. Erant illi ambo nudi. Vide Ceile. Arab.
ego ita lugubris et ita caecus. " C/io chruaidli ris
5»^ Mh, both. an iarunn." C. S. As hard as iron, ^que du-
Chi, fut. indie, v. " Chi mi," " chi thu,"
Faic. rum ac ferrum. Vide Co.
" chi è," &c. I shall see, thou wilt see, &c. Choidhch, adv. i. e. " Gach oidhche." Each night,
'• Chi (thu) àrd i air balla nan sleagh." or, for ever unamquamque noctem, hoc est, in

Fitiff. i. 53. aeternum. Vide Chaoidh.

Thou wilt seehigh on the wall of spears.
it Vi- Chon, adv. Provin. Until usque. " Chon an so,"

debis eum sublimen super muro hastarum. " Chi i. e. " Gus an so," " Tliun a so." Till now : us-
mi," &c. often used as the present of the verb que hue. Potius Chun, q. vide, et Thun.
" Faic." The future in general supplying the pre- * Chonnairc, pret. ind. v. Faic. Maxf^ Par. iii. 1.
sent tense in the Scottish Gaelic. Vide Chunnaic.
Chianamu, adv. or, " A
chianamh." little ago : A » Chuabhair, i. e. " Chaidh sibh." Ye went : ivis-
paulo ante hoc. C. iS. tis. 3ISS.
» Chim, vel Chiom, I see : video, i. e, " Clii mi." * Chuadar. They went: profecti sunt. i.e. " Chaidh
Vide Val. Gram. 106. iad."
" CJnm obair na stri san reidh." Fing. iii. 303. *Chuaidh, pret. ind. v. Theirig. Salm. xlii. 4. Ed.
I behold the work of strife in the plain. Conspi- 1753. Vide Chaidh.
cor ego opus conflictus in aperto. Vide Faic, v. Chual', } pret. ind. v. Cluinn, i. e. Chuala mi, tu,
Chion, s.f. Vide Cion, s. Chuala, j se, &c. 1, thou, &c. heard audivi, au- :

Chionn, adv. or conj. Because quia. " A cMonn : divisti, &c.

gu 'n do bhuin e rium gu fial." Salm.-sJM.&. prose. " Ciod a chucda tu mu 'n nàmhaid ?"
Because he hath dealt bountifully with me. Quia Fing. i. 230.
bono affecerit me. " Chionn," and " chionn," A What hast thou heard of the enemy ? quid audi-
are indifferently used. visti tu de hoste?
Chìotar, fut. indie, pass. v. Faic " Chiotar mi, » Chualabhair. Ye heard audivistis. i. e. " Chuala

thu, -e," &c. I, thou, he, &c. shall be seen sibh."

videbor, -eberis, -ebitur, &c. " Mar a chiotar * Chualadar. audiverunt. i. e. " Chual'
They heard :

dliuit. C. S. As you tliink fit. Ut tibi vide- iad," " Chuala siad."
vel This impersonal
atur. Id. q. Chitear. use of the verb is very common in all ancient
Chìte, \pret. sub/, v. Taic. Might be seen : vi- compositions.
Chiteadh, j deretur, -erentur. Chualadh, for Chualas, q. vide.
" Chile, o 'truscan uasal, " Chualas le Conall a ghuth." Fing. ii. 72.
" Ah-uchd uaibhreach mar ghealach oidheh'." His voice was heard by Conal. Audita est a Co-
Fine/, i. 606. nallo vox illius.

Her stately bosom might be seen from her noble * Chualais. Thou didst hear : audivisti. i.e. "Chuala
garment, as the moon of night. Cerneretur a paila tu."
eleganti ejus, pectus luxurians ut luna noctis. Vide Chualamairn. Salm.siììv.X. Ed. 1753. Vide seq.

Chi. Chualamar. We heard: audivimus. i. e. " Chuala

Chìtear, \ flit. ind. pass. v. 'Faic. Shall be seen, sinn." " Le r cluasaibh chualamar." Poss. Salm.
Chithear, j or is seen: videbor, conspiciar, -eris. xliv. 1. With our ears we heard. Cum auribus
Vide Faic, Chunnaic nostris audivimus.
Chualar. Tern. ii. 77. Id. q. Chualas. • Chunnairc. Salm. Ed. 1753. pamm. Vide
Cnt'Ai.As, prrt. ituL pcu*. V. Cluinn. Was heard: Chiiiiiiaic.

audilum i-st. • Chuiuiuiii,

i. e. Chunnaic mi. Fituf. iii. 428.
" Chuaku leÌ8 gutli na h-oidlichc." Vide Chunnaic.
Fing. ii. 6. Chunnas. Fing. iv. 120. Id. q. Chunn'cM.
'Hie voice of night was heard by him. Audieba- • Chunncabhair, i. e. Chunnaic sibh. Ye, or you
tur ab CO vox noctis. saw vidistis. MSS. :

. Chualas. 1 liiard : audivi. MSS. Vide Chuala. Chuscaoah, i. e. Chuiinuic iad. TTiey saw vide- :

• Chuamar. We went : ivimus. i. e. " Chaidli runt. Vide Chunnaic.

sinn." Vide Chaidh. • Chunncamar, emph. Chunncamaime. We saw :

Chuca, prrp. To them ad : illos. Emph. " Chuca- vidimus. Vide Chunnaic.
san." Chl'nn'cas, prel. iiul. pass. r. Faic. V^'as seen,
" Thig treis is furtachd c/itic' o Dhia." were seen visum est, visa sunt. " Chunn'ca»

Salm. xxxviii. 40. siol Eirinn nam buadli." Fing. ii. 152. llie illus-
Strength and aid shall conic to them from God. trious race of Ireland were seen. Visa est proge-
Robor et auxiliuni venicnt ad illos ab Deo. nies lernes virtutum.
Chucad, pnp. To thee : ad te. Emph. " Chugadsa. C I ? pron. iiiterrog. fern. \N1iat ? qua; ? i. c. Co, ì ?
" 'S ann chugad thig gach aon." vel Cia, i ? C. S.
f. Lamentation
Ross. Salm. Ixv. 2. • Ci, s. : lamentatio. LVi. i. e.

It is to thee that every one shall come. Ad te " Caoidh."

quisque veniet. • Ci, -dhidh, ch-, v. a. Lament lamentare, de- :

CuvGAitiii, prep. To you ad vos. Emph. " Chug- : plora. " Ad ciod." Llh. i. e. " Chaoin iad."
aibh-se." C. S. Cia, adj. et 2jran. interrog. (C'è, Co è), Which ?
Chugainn, prep. To us: ad nos. Emph. " Chug- what ? quis, quae, quid ? Used interrogatively
ainne." C. S. and singly of things oftener. Per se interroga
CiiucAM, prep. To me: ad me. Emph. " Chugam- tivum, de rebus, sspius. " Cia an uair ?" \\ hat
sa." C.S. hour? qua; liora? " Co an duine?' Wliat man."
CiiviCE, prep. To her : ad illam. Emph. '• Chuice- quis vlr ? " Cia b' è air bith." \Miosoever : qui-
se." cunque. Fr. Qui que ce soil. " Cia b' e air
Chuige. 1. prep. To him ad ilium. : Emph. bith do d' sheirbhisich aig am faighear p." Gen.
" Chuige-san. C. S. 2. adv. Towards erga. : xliv. 9. With whomsoevpr of thy servants it may
" Chuig' is uaidh." Eoss. Salm. cix. 23. To and be found. Apud quemcunque ex servis tuis repe-
fro hue et illuc. " Chuige sin." C. S.
: That riatur. " Cia iliada," adv. contr. " fhada ?" C
far ! isthuc. " Chuige so." C. S. Thus far : ad How long ? quamdiu ? " Cia minic ?" " Cia trie ?"
hoc. adv. How often ? quoties ? " Cia an taobh ?"
Ch'uile, adf. i.e. "Gach uile." Every: omnis. adv. What side ? i. e. Whither ? quo ? " ion- C
Voc. 104. ffebr. b^ chol ; often ^3 col. Angl. adh ?" adv. i. e. " Cia an t-ionad ?" ^\'hat place ?
Wliither? quo? " Cia as ?" adv. Whence? un-
Wliole. " Cia mar ?" adv. How ? quo-
de ? Lat. Cujas.
Chum, pret. ind. v. Cum, q. vide. modo " Cia mar thà sibh an diugh ? How do
Chum, conj. For, to, for the purpose of, so that you do to-day? quomodo vales hodie, vel valetis?
causa, ut ; oftener, " A chum." " Thàinig e a salutandi forma. " Air na h-uile ceamar." Pro-
m' ionnsuidh a chum furtachd a dheanamh oirm." vin. By all means omnimodo. Said in answer :

C. S. He came to me, for the purpose of aiding to " Cia mar?" " Cia," in connection with adjec-
me. Venit ille ad me, causa mihi sublevandi. tives and substantives, signifying quantity or num-
" Achum as gu." In order that : ut. " A chum ber, is also used relatively.
as gu 'n tabhair e dhomh uaimh Mhacphelah." " Gach uile fioghachd mar an ceudna,
Gen. xxiii. 9. That he may give me the cave of " Cia h-iomadh bhi siad ann."
Macphelah. Ut det mihi speluncam Macpelae. Salm. cxxxv. 11.
" A chum as nach." That not : ut non, ne. '• A All kingdoms also, however numerous they were.
chum as nach sgriosar iad." C. S. Tliat they be Omne regnum quoque, tam multa quam erant.
not destroyed. Ut non pereant, vel, ne pereant. Lat. Qui, cui. Fr. Qui, que.
Chun, prep, et adv. Until ad usque. " Chun na :
• Cia, s. m. A man, husband vir, maritus. CfE. :

h-ùine so." C. S. Till this time. Usque ad hoc " Mo chia," (i. e. m'fhear), My husband: meuj
tempus. maritus.
Chunna, \pret. ind. v. Faic. i. e. Chunnaic, mi, " Na thuit thu a mhòir chia, bha treun ?"
Chunnaic, j tu, è, i, &c. I, thon, he, &c. saw: Tern. V. 193.
vidi, -isti, -it, &c.
Hast thou fallen, great man, who wast brave ?
" Chunnaic an gaisgeach 'n a shuain."
Num cecidisti tu, magne vir qui eras strenous?
Fing. ii. 9. Ciaban, -ain, -an. Vide Giaban.
The hero beheld in his sleep. Vidit heros in so- CiABH, -A, -AN, s.f. A side-lock, or locks of hair,
the hair : cincinnus lateralis, crines.
Vol. I.
" Thuit i, is Sfflaofl a ciabh air làr." Horace, L!h. , I. Ode 3. Hind. -U. jU. Wieal-hham,
Finff. i. 290.
vanity. Gilchr. Gael. " Ciall chàm."
Slie fell, and her locks spread on the ground. Ce- CiALLACH, -AICHE, Judicious, sensible,
adj. (Ciall),
cidit ilia, et crines spargebant (sese) per terram. prudent, cautious prudens, sagax, cautus, sui po-

Fr. Cheveu. tens. " Ceilidh duine ciallach masla." Gniith. xii.
(Ciabh), Bushy, having
CiABHACH, -AiciiE, odj. IG. A prudent man covereth shame. Vir pru-
much hair comatus, cincinnis lateralibus decorus.
dens eclat opprobrium.
C.S. CiALLAciiADii, -AiDii, s. til. ct pres. part. v. Ciall-
CiABHAG, -AiG, -AN, s.f. diiiiiii. o{ Cìahh. A fore- aich. Signifying, meaning : accidens, actus signifi-
lock, a small lock : cincinnus anterior, vel exiguus. candi, significatio, sensus. Voc. 148.
Voc. 13. CiALLAiCH, -IDH, CH-, v. a. (Ciall), Signify, mean,
CiABHAGACH, -AicHE, oclf. (Ciabhag), Bushy, hav- design : significa, intende, adhibe. Macf. V.
comatus, cincinnatus. C. S.
ing curls or locks : • Ciallaideach, -eiche, adj. Vide Ciallach.
ClABHAG-CHOILLE, pi. -AN-COILLE, S. /. A WOOd- CiALLAN, -AiN, -AN, «. »i. favoutite : corculum. A
lark : galerita arborea. O'R. " A chiallain." C. S. dear : mi animule. My
• Ciabhartban, s. m. shower: imber. MSS. A Ciall-chaisg, An exam-
• «. /. (Ciall, et Caisg, v.)
Vide Ceidhearan. ple, a check, warning : exemplum, coercitio,
CiABH-BHACHLACii, -AICHE, adj. (Ciabh, et Bach- monitio, docuraentum. MSS.
lach), Curl-haired : crispatis capillis. C. S. ClALL-CHAGAIR, -CHOGAIR, S.f. (Ciall, Ct Cag-
ClABH-CHASTA, -CHAISTE, -AN-CASTA, S. f. (Ciabh, air), A watch-word tessera, symbolum.
: Voc.
et Cas, v.), A
curled lock : cincinnus, cirrus. Voc. 113.
13. • Cialldlia, adj. MSS. jjassim.
Vide Ciallach.
CiABH-CHEANN-DUBH, S.f. (Ciabh, Ceann, et Dubh), ClALL-IONNSUICHE, -lONNSUCHAIDH, S.f. (Ciall, et
The herb deer's hair : scirpus cespitosus. Lightf. lonnsuich), Acquired knowledge literarum cog- :

• Ciach, s.m. 1. Mist, fog: nebulae, vapor. OR. nitio, scientia parata. MSS.
2. SoiTow, concern : moeror, anxietas. Ll/i. ClALL-NÀDAIR, -NÀDUIR, -NÀDURRA, S.f. (Ciall, Ct
Vide Ceathach, s. Nàdur), Natural sense, mother-wit : sensus natura
• Ciad, /?.ilf'J9. 60. Vide Ceud. datus. " S fheàrr aon' chiall-nàdair, no da chiall-
» Ciadan, s. m. Height altitudo. Sà. et OB. :
deug ionnsuiche." Prav. Original good sense is
ClADAOiJf, -E, s.f. (Ceiid, et Aoine), " Di-ciadaoin." better than twelve species of knowledge acquired.
C. S. Wednesday Dies Mercurii. :
Sensus unus natura datus, praestantior est duodecim
• Ciad-bhainne, s. m. (Ceud, et Bainne), First scientiarum paratarum.
milk. Scot. Beestings colostra. Voc. 23. :
• Ciallughadh, s. m. Sense, meaning, interpreta-
« Ciad-dliuilleach, adj. (Ceud, et Duilleach), Cen- tion sensus, interpretatio. Llh.
: Vide Ciall-
tifoUous : centum foliis instructus. 3ISS. achadh.
CiAD-LAOiGH, -E, -EAN, «. /. (Ceud, ct Laogh), A • Cialluigheach, adj. O'R. Vide Ciallach.
cow that has calved for the first time vacca qua; :
Cialtradh, -aidh, -ean, s. 711. (Ciall, et Ràdh),
peperit vitulum primum. C. S. Asentence sententia. Voc. 97.

• Ciadlus, -uis, «. m. Curiosity : curiositas. MSS. » Ciamh, -an, s.f. Temor. i. 528. Vide Ciabh.
Potitts Ceud leus, i. e. First sight. » Ciamhair, Ciamhaoir, adj. Sad, weary tristis, :

CiAL, s. m. ifid. Side of a vessel, or its brim : vasis fessus. OB. et Sh.
latus vel ora. " 'S mairg a chuireadh a chuman • Ciamhaire,
s.f. Lamentation, wailing lamenta- :

air a chial do *n neach mach cuh-eadh a dheur pnn." tio, ploratus. Llh.
Ptxnj, Evil him who would empty his vessel
is it to ' Ciamhchallach. adj. Curl-haired cincinnatus. :

to one who would not add his own drop to it, (when Llh.
empty again). Male evenit ei qui vas porrigeret Cian, Ceine, adj. Long, vast, far, distant, tedious
illi qui nollet addere suam guttam (si vas idem va- longus, vastus, longinquus, gravis, diutinus. Uh, et
cuum alio tempore). Xe/Xo?, labium.
Gr. Macf. V. " 'S cian bho," C. S. It is long since.
CiALL, gen. Ceille, s. Reason, sense, opinion,
f. Multum temporis est a quo.
meaning, prudence ratio, sensus, opinio, pruden-
Cian, s. m. ; dat. Cein. Used in such expressions
tia. as the following " An cein," At a distance of

" Thuirt Conall bu mhòr ciall."

time or place : procul, longe. "^Bho chein." MSS.
Fing. ii. 99. From far : e longinquo. " An cian a bhios mi beo."
Said Conal whose prudence was great. Dixit Co- Salm. xxiii. 6. metr. As long as 1 live. Quamdiu
nal cujus magna erat prudentia. Arab. .iLi. hheal, vivam. " O chian nan cian." Salm. xxv. 6. From
notion. Gilchr. " An treas ciall.' Voc. 27. Dot- all eternity. Ab seculo seculorum. " Gu dan
age : deljratio senilis. " Ciod is ciall duit ?" C. S. nan daii." Dreg. Btichan. To all eternity. In se-
What do you mean ? quid tibi vis ? 2. darling A : cula seculorum.
delicise. " Mo
chiall." C. S. darling mea; My : CiANAiL, -AILE, -ALA, adj. Melaucholy, solitary,

deliciae. " Siigh mo cheille," dearest life My sad : tristis, mcestus.

animae dimidium meoe. {lit.) medulla, vel succus, " Taibhse cianail nam glas eideadh."
meae rationis. An ardent expression of love. Vide S.D.22Ì.
CIA -219 CID
Melancholy gliosu in their grey tlolliiiig. Spectra surrounding tlteiu. Atro-glauca' nubeit aunt luci-
tristia in vestimentis ciiu'reis suis. da', cum radii» hiciii can circunifundeutibua.

CiANALAs, -Ais, s.f«. (t'iaiiail), Melancholy, dulnt'ss, • C'iurog, s.f. IJM. A/ip. Vide Ciarag.
snilness: tristitia, lutliuiu. C. S. • CianMÌn, «./. A kerchief: rica. Llk.
Ci ANAHAN, -AJN, -AN, A. HI. (Ciuii, ct Feor), 1. A uie- ' CiuTiuuk, -ttiik, s. m. A grumbliui; : munnuratio.
laneholy jutsoii houm trislis. C. S. 2. i.e. " C'iaii-
: MSS,
òran," A niouriilul souf;, m\ elegy, plaintive notes : • Ciarsuin, pi. of Ciursan, q. vide. Kercbifft : ri-

eiegia, cantus lujjubris vel «iuituIus, i|uerela. S. C ca-. LUi.

ClAS-FiiL'LASc;, -AiNc, n. III. (Cian, et I'lilang), I'er- • Ciarsur, -uir, k. f. Biltl. Glusx. \'k\e Cimruin.
severance, eiuliiraiiee perscverunt la, pcrpasBÌo. O'Ji. :
• Ciarta, jMiti. Waxc-d: ceratus. /,///. " Brtid
ClAN-KHi'LANOACii, -AiciiK, fid/. (Cian-fhuhiug), ciarta. Knit." A cerc-eloth : ceratuui.
Long-sutlering : tardus ad ultiuneni. O'S. CiAs, -CEÒ1S, -AN, 3. m. A border, akirt, fringe, cor-
Cian-- ner ora, fimbria, binus.
: Vide CeuK, s.
t'liulang. CiASACir, -AICIIK, adj. (Cias), Bordered, skirted,
ClAN-XIHAIKEANKACll, -MM ARTII AN ACM, -AICHE, cornered tiuibriatus, in angulos vel sinus dcHu-

aeij. (C'ian, et Maireannach), Continual : j)erpetu- ens. C. 6'.

us. Llh. ct O'S. Vide Maireannach. • Ciasail, g.f. Strife, dispute, contention : lis, jur-
ClANOG, -oiG, -AN, s. J". snuUI nicasurc of arable A giuin, eontentio. PI.
land portiuncula afjri arabilis. Hibrid.
• Ciata. X. III. An opinion, approbation : sentcntia,

CiAN-ÒRAS, -AiN, -AN, n. ill. (Ciuii, Ct Oran), Que- judicium, couiprobatio. Vide t'eud-falh, et Ciat-
rulous, or plaintive music cantus flebilis, querulus, : fadh.
lugubris. C. S. CiATACH, -AICHE, (idj. Voc. 132. Vide Ceutach, et
• Ciap, -aidh, ch-, v. a. Vex, torment : vexa, cru- C'iatfach.
cia. OB. ClATAIBII, ) ,,.,
ide Ciatfadh.
Ciapail, Ì i. Strife, debate, controversy : lis ClATADH, -AIDH,
Ciapil, ,il,
eontentio, -

controversia. CiATAicHE, comp. of Ciatach, q. vide.

Lih. CiATAiCHEAD, -EiD, t. til. Degree of beauty, come-
• Ciapalach, -aiche, adj. (Ciapail), Contentious liness : gradus pulchritudinis, venustatis, decoris.
rixosus, pugnax. Llh. as.
• Ciapal, -aidh, ch-, v. a. Encounter : oppone, con- ClATFACH, -AICHE, OtiJ. (Ccud-fàth), 1. HofUÌSt :

curre, conflige. Li/i. probus, hone&tus. O'R. et C. S. 2. Becoming :

CiAB, Chbe, ad/. Dusky, dark brown, dark grey : decorus. " Ciatfach dliiom do bhi." Salni. xviii.
atro-glaucus, atro-fuscus, canus. 19. metr. i. e. " Cliabh e tlachd annam. He de-
" Neòil chiar niu mhuUach nan cam." lighted in me. Delectabatur in me. 3. Beau-
Finff. i. 218. tiful, handsome, genteel pulcher, vcnustus, ele-:

Dusky clouds around the summit of the stony gans. C. S. Id. q. Ceutacli.
heaps. Nubes fuscae circa apiceni saxetorum. CiATFADH, -AIDH, m.
Admiration I admiratio.
s. 1.

CiARA, fo»i/J. of Ciar. TV-m. viii. 311. Vide Ceire. O'R. 2. Sense of decency sensus decoris. " 'S :

CiARACH, -AiCH, -EAN, s. f. A young black haired mòr mo chiatfadh dhiot." C. S. I admire thee
girl : puellula fuscis capillis, vel subnigris. O'B. much. Admiror te multum.
CiARADH, -AIDH, s. m. State of becoming dark, or CÌB, -E, s. f. I. Vide Ciob. 2. A hand : manus.
grey : status canescendi, vel tenebrascendi, effus- Llh. et OB.
catio. " Ciaradh an anmoich." C. S. The even- CiB-CHEANS-DUBH, S.f. The hcrb deer's hair : scir-
ing dusk. Crepuscuiura vespertinum. " Ciaradh pus cespitosus. Lightf.
na strithe." Tern. vi. 365. Tlie frowning of the CiBEix, -EAN, s. m. A rump uropygium. Voe. 77. :

strife : affuscatio luctarainis. CÌBEIR, -IK, -EAN, s. m. A keeper of sheep, a shep-

CiARAG, -AiG, -AN, s.
f. 1. Tlie dark grey, name herd opilio. C. S.

given a cow from colour obfuscata, its : nomen CÌBEiREACHD, S.f. Old. (Cìbeir), Keeping, or herding
vaccae. kind of beetle, or bug, a
C. S. 2. A of sheep, shepherd's business : ovium cura vel pas-
chafer scarabaii species. Llh.
: tio. as.
• Ciarail, s.f. quarrel: rixa. Llh. A CiBUEARG, -EiHG, -AN, s,
f. 1. A rag : rbacoma.
• Ciaralach, -aiche, ad/. (Ciarail), Perverse, for- Sli. 2. A little ragged woman : muliercula pan-
ward perversus, procax. Llh.
: nosa, O'B.
CiARALACHD, s.f, itìd. (Ciarail), Perverseness per- : CiBHLEAN, -EiN, pL Jaws : maxillae. C. S. Vide
vicacia. Llh. Ciobhull.
Ci.A.RA>i, s. wi. Gray, a man's name : Grains, vel Cia- CicH, dat. of Cioch. A breast, q. vide.
ranus, viri nomen. C. S, • Cich, s. m. A grey-hound : canis venaticus. Llh.
CiARCAiL, adj. Vide Ciorcail, et Ciocrach. Wei. Ci.
CiAR-DHUBH, -uiBHE,o<^'. Dark grey : atro-glaucus. CÌCHE, gen. of Cioch. " Ceann na etche." Voc. 15.
" Tha na neòil chiar-dhubh soillcir The pap, nipple papilla. :

" Le lainn sholuis 'gan cuartach'." S.D. 149. • Cidh, s.f. A

sight, view : conspectus. Sh. et O'B.

The dark grey clouds are clear with beams of light • Cidh, -idh, ch-, r. a. See, behold vide, con- :

spice. Sh. et OR. Hence, Chi. Vide • Cineil, s.f. A sort, kind, sex, gender: genus,
sexus. Llh.
Faic, V.
CiDHis, -AN, s.f. (Cidli, s.)
mask, vizor : per- A • Cineil-scuit, vel -sguit. The Irish nation : gens
sona, larva. Voc. 20. " Luchd cidhis." C. S. Hibemia. Keat. passim.
Scot. Gyssers. Homines larvati. • Cinfideadh, s. m. Conception conceptio. O'R.
Masqueraders. :

« Cigii,
s.f. A
liind : cerva. O'R. Wei. et Arm. • Cing, adj. 1. Strong: fortis. " ching iar- A
Cig, Caro. thair fhuinn Ealga." Glenm. 85. Hero of the
CiGiL, -iDH, CH-, V. a. Sh. Vide Diogail. west of Elga. Heros Hibemiac occidentalis.
CiGiLTEACH, -EicHE, adj. Vidc Ciogailteacli. 2. s. A
king, prince rex, princeps. Flah.

• Ruddle, a species of clay

Cìl, *•./. 1. rubrica. :
Arab. ij kaan, a king. Vide Ceann.
OR. 2. Death mors. Llfi, :

• Cilcheis,
s.f. Bad wool lana crassa. Llk. : CiNGEis, s.f. Voc. 104. Vide Caingis.
CiLEAN, -EiN, -AN, «. 711. A large cod-fish aniscus : • Cingeach, -eiche, adj. Brave fortis. O'B. :

major. C. S. • Cingeadh, s. m. Courage, bravery : magnanimi-

. Cilfing,s./. The belly: venter. Vt. Gloss. audacia, fortitude. MSS.
-E, m. Sutherl. Vide Cilean. ' Cinid, adf. Common, peculiar to a family : com-
-E, 1. A Cell, church :
munis, proprius singulari familia;. Llh.
cella, ecclesia. C. S. Fr. Cellule. Germ. Kilch. • Cinmheath, s.f. A consumption : tabes, phthi-
Span, et Basq. Celda. Larram. 2. A church sis. Llh. et O'B.
yard coemeterium. OB. et C. S.
: 3. Death : 'Cinmhiol, «. ni. Colours colores. O'B. :

mors. Aiigl. To kill. Wei. Cel, recessus. B. • Cionmhiol, -aidh, ch-, v. a. Paint pinge. O'R. :

Bret. Cael, Kili, Caeliou, et Coeli, a grove. Hebr. ' Cinmhioladh, s. m. A

picture, image, art of

bT\p hichel, congregavit ; H^Hp kechillah, congrega- painting : pictura, imago, ars pingendi. Llh.
• Cinmhiolair, s. m. A painter : pictor. O'R.
Arab, u' %'A a solitary man. Hebr. n'?D
CiNN, gen. et pi. of Ceann, A
head. " Folt a' chinn."
kila, career. Voc. 13. The hair of the head capilli. " An :

• Cill, s.f. Partiality, prejudice: partium studium, sinchrom iad an cinn." Ecs. iv. 31. Then they
prsejudicium. O'R. et O'B. bowed their heads. Turn vertices inclinaverunt.
CiLLE, gen. of Cill. Prefixed to names of churches, Cinn, -idh, ch-, v. n. 1. Grow, increase, become :

or burial grounds, e.g. " Cillemhàillidh," Cille- cresce, C. S.

fi, 2. Happen
evade. continge. :

bhride," Cille-mhaodhain." Before a vowel, or fh, OR. 3. Agree to : accede. MSS. 4. Order,
it is Cill; " Cill-eobhain," " Cill-fliinn." Vide decree jube, decerne. Llh.
: Gr. T/yno, gigno.
Appendix. Vide Cinnich.
CiLLEiN, -E, -EAN, s. tn. (Cill), A concealed heap : » Cinn-bheartas, s. m. Sovereignty, dominion do- :

acervus secretus. MSS. minatio. Llh.

CiLL-iNNTiNN, s. f. (Cill, ct Inntiuu), Voc. 180. ' Cinn-bheirt, ò\ m. 1. A ruler, governor: rector,
Vide Ceilt-inntinn. dominator, dominus. MSS. 2. helmet, A
CiLLTEAN, phir. of Cill, q. vide. head-band, head-dress : galea, anadema, capitis
• Cim, (i. e. Chi mi), I see : video. LUi. ornamentum. Id. q. Ceann-bheart.
• Cim, s. m. A drop : gutta. Llh. • Cinn-bheirteadh, -eas, s. m. Dominion : princi-

• Cim, «. m. Money : pecunia. Llh. patus, dominatus. Llh.

Cim-cheartaich, -idh, ch-, v. a. Rifle, pillage
• CiNNE, vide Cinneadh, Cinnibh. Salm. ix. 5.
spolia, diripe. Llh. Ed. 1753. from v. Cinn.
CiMEACH, -EiCH, -EAN, *. m. Vide Ciomach. CiNNEACH, -ICH, s. tn. nation: gens. A
" B'iad
CiMicH, -IDH, CH-, V. a. (Cimeach), Subdue, take sin teaghlaichean mhac Noah,
a reir an ginealacha',
captive : vince, in captivitatem abduc. C. S. 'iian cinneachaibh, agus leo sin foinneadh na cinn-
» Cimidh, -ean, s. m. MSS. Vide Ciomach. ich anns an talamh an deigh na dite." Gen. x. 32.
» Cine, s. m. Llh. Vide Cinneadh. Or. Timg, These are the families of the sons of Noah, after
genus. their generations, in their nations, and by these
CiNEADAiL, -E, ddj. Vide Cinneadail. were the nations divided in the earth after the
• Cineadh, s. m. 1. Llh. Vide Cinneadh. 2. A flood. Erant hae familiae filiorum Noachi, secun-
country, nation : regio, gens. Llh. dum generationes ipsorum in gentes suas atque ex
• m. Determining, decreeing : actus
Cineadh, «. gentes in terra, post diluvium.
his, sese diviserunt
statuendi, decemendi. Llh. " Na cinnich." : Gentiles, heathens
gentes pa-
CiNEAL, -EiL, -EAN, s. m. (Cine), An offspring, pro- ganae. " Na dnnigh." Salm. iv. 15. Ed. 1753.
geny : C. S.
proles, soboles.
2. sort, species, A " Cinnidh." Kirk. ibid. Vide Cinneadh.
natura, genus, species. Bibl. Gloss.
nature : 3. A CiNNEACHADH, -AIDH, s.m. et prcs. part. V. Cinnich,
gens. Bibl. Gloss.
nation : 4. Kindness benig- : Growing, prospering : status crescendi, augendi.
nitas. Bibl. Gloss. Id. q. Ceanal. C. S. Vide Cinnich, v. Wei. Cynnyrch, incre-
CiNEALTA, adj. 1. Voc. 141. Vide Ceanalta. 2. mentum ; Cynnhyrchu, augere.
Thankful : gratus. PI. CiNNEACHDUiNN, Solni. Ixxx. 10. Vide Cinneach-
CiNEALTAS, -Ais. Llh. Vide Ceanaltas. adh.
CiNKEADAiL, -E, <uij. (Ciiinfiulli), Altiichftl to, or CiNNTEACiiD, i.f.ind. (Cinnteach), Certainty: certa
purtiiil to one's own name, or Jiiinily. I'm/j/. Clun- rei ratio. C. S,
nish : gentilitius, genti sua; Juvotus, J)ro^)rii nomi- CiNNTiSN, et pre», pari. r. Cinn. Growing, iii-
*. in.

nis uniuns. C. S. creasing, prospering i>tatu8 creiicendi, augendi.


CiNNKADALACiiu, g. tiid. (Cinnuaduil), Clannisli- Voc. 148. Vide Cinn, v.

propriu; gentis amor. C. S. • Cinn-treun, adj. Obstinate, headiitrong : perthiax.
ness :

CiNNBAUAij, -Ais, «. »1. (Cinneadli), Clan, kindred : LIA. Vide C'eann, et Treun, adj.
genus, iamilia. Voc. 9. IfW. Cenedyl, clan, or • Ciiiteagal, «. m. A coarse cloak : pallium cra«-
tribe. sum. JJh.
CiNNEADii, -iDii, -EAN, s. ill. 1. A flan, tribe: Cion, -AiDii, C1I-, V. a. Bite, wound : niorde, vulnera.
gens, faniilia, tribus. Voc. II. Germ. Kind. "Z. liibl. Gloss.

Preparing : O'R. 3. I Iup|>ening con-

pra'piiratio. :
CÌOB-A, S.J'. 1. Hards, tow floccus lineu«. C. .S'. :

tingendi O'R. 4. To decree

actus. decernere. :
2. Coarse moor, or mountain grass gramen eras- :

Bibt. Gloss. Wei. Ceneal. A/iffl. Kin. Shuhegp. sum niontanuni. .S'. D. H7. et 33t).
Gr. Tiio;, genus. CioBiiULL, -uiLL, pi. -uiLL, ct CiBiiLEAN. A jaw-
CiNNEAG, -EiG, -AN, *./ A Spindle : fusus. Sutlierl. bone : maxilla. Voc. 14. Arab, ^kji hebl, ihe
Gr. Kinu, nioveo. Vide Feàrsaid.
front ; horns of a sheep bent over the face.
• Cinneanihna, adj. (Cinnich, v.). Accidental for- :

Hinc Gr. X£/>//;, labium. Vide (iial. Germ.

tuitiis. nil.
Kele. Lot. Gula. Belg. Keel. Heir. bp. kU.
• Ciuneanihnacli, adj. Fatal fatalis. O'R. :
• Cioblaid,
s.f. Trouble molcstia, txdium. J/.S'.S'. :
• Cinneamhuin, s. jf. (Cinnich, v.) Chance, acci-
dent, fortune, fate casus, sors, fortuna, fatuni.
Arab. jLo kebUd, dying of a broken lieart
" Do chinneanihuin." Ll/i. By chance forte. : x^Li» kybalch, blowing from the east. \'ide
CiNNEAS, m. (Cinnich, v.), Growth, increase:
-IS, s. Trioblaid.
incrementum. " Le ceud thoradh t' ui\e c/titineis." • Cioblaidcach, -eiche, adj. (Cioblaid), Trouble-
Gnàth. iii. 9. With the first fruits of all thine in- some, tedious, clumsy : raolestus, gravis, inha-
crease. Cum prsEcipuo totius proventus tui. bilis, moram facessens. MSS.
CiNN-FHEADnxA, /}/. of Ceann-feadhna, q. vide. CÌOCAR, -AiH, -EAN, «. «I. (Ciocras, et Fear), A
" Cinn-fiieadhna druideadli gu cath." hungry creature animal famelicum. LUi.

Tern. vii. 60. CiocARACH, -AiCHE, culj. Sh. et OR. Vide Cio-
Chieftains drawing near to battle. Duces populo- crach.
rum accedentes ad conflictum. Vide Ceann et • Ciocardha, adj. Vide Ciocarach. " Concharra,
Feadhain, s. no amhuil coin." Llh.
• Cinnfidh, (i. e. Orduichidh, Freagraidli), Will or- Ciocii, CiciiE, S.f. pi. CiocHAN. woman's breast A
der jubebit. fut. of Cinn, v. MSS.
mamma. " Agus rinn Abraham euirm mhòr san
- Cinnfhionn, adj. Bald-pated : calvus. Llh. \''ide la an do chuireadh Isaac bhàrr na cicli"." Gen.
Ceann, s. et Fionn, adj. xxi. 8. And Abraham made a great feast the
• Cinne, s.f. (Ceann), Meagrim capitis vertigo. :
same day that Isaac was weaned. Et fecit Abra-
Voc. 26. ham convivium magnum, quo die pellebatur lit/-
Cinnich, -idh, ch-, v. n. Grow: cresce. C. S. chak a lacte. Hebr. pTT clieik, the breast, bosom.
Vide Cinn, r. CiocHAN. I. pi. of Cioch, q. vide. 2. The bird
CiNNiDH, gen. of Cinneadh, s. q. vide. tit-mouse: parvus, avis. Voc. lb.
• Cinnlitir,
s.f. Vide Ceann-litir. ClOCHARAN, -AIN, -AN, (CÌOCll), A SUckling iu- :

• Cinnire-cartach, s. tn. i. e. Ceannaire-cartach, fantulus, lactens. " K beul chiocharaii." Salni.

A carter : rhedarius. Llh. et O'B. Vide Cean- viii. 2. From the mouth of sucklings. E\ ore
naire. iactantium.
Cinn-mhire, ». f, (Ceann, et Mire), Phrenzy:

ClOCH-BHRÀGUAD, -AID, -AK, S.f. (Cioch, et Bràgll-
insania. Llh. ad). The uvula. C. S.
• Cinnseach, s. m. Want inopia. O'R. : CiocH-MHUiNEiL, s.
f. (Cioch, et Muineal), C. S.
CiNNSEAL, -A, -AN, s. 711. Commencement, origin : Vide Cioch-bhràghad.
initium, origo, inceptum. " Cinnseal gàbhuidh." CiocHRAN. -AIN, -AN, s. m. Macf. V. Vide Ciocli-
i5. D. 155. Severe beginning durum inceptum. : aran.
CiNNT, -E, s.f. Certainty certa rei ratio. O'R. : ClOCH-SHLUGAN, -AIN, -AN, S.f. (Cioch, et Slugail),
• Cinnte, gen. of Cinnt, taken adjectively. Llh. 1. l.The muscular sac which propels the tbod into the
Certain, assigned, appointed certus statutus. : oesophagus pharynx. C. S. 2.
: disease, a swell- A
Provin. 2. Continual perpetuus. Provin. 3. : ing in the throat : morbus quidam, struma. Sleic.
Close, covetous, stingy: tenax, difficilis, ava- 211.
rus. Llh. App. • Ciocht, -aidh, ch-, v. a. Rake, scrape : rade,
ClKNTEACH, -icHE, adj. (Cinnt, s.). Certain, sure, erade. OR.
exact : certus, exactus, ad amussim. Voc. 130. • Ciocht, s. m. 1. A carver, engraver: ca?lator.
" Gu cinnteach," adv. Gen. 17. Surely: cer- MSS. A weaver textor. MSS.
'li. 2. : 3. Chil-
dren : liberi. O'R. Vide Sliochd.

Ciochtadli, s. m. Engraved work : opus cselatum. chiormich." Gen. xxxi. 26. As captives ; quasi
Lilt. captivi. Chald. yon chitnetz, rapuit, oppressit.
CÌOCRACH, -AicHE, adj. Greedy of food, ravenous :

CioMACHAS, -AIS, *. m. (Ciomach), Captivity cap-

gulosus, vorax, famelicus. Mac/. V.

tivitas. C. S.
CiocRAs, -Ais, s. »1. Euniest longing, hunger, ca-
Cio.MBAL, -AFL, -AN, s. 111. A Cymbal cjTnbalum.
nine appetite : vehemcns desideriuni, fames, appe-

" Le ciombalaihh ard-fhuaimncach." Salm. cl. 1.

titus caninus. " Ta roimm is ciocras niòr air ni'
fheoii." Salm. Ixiii. 1. My flesli earnestly desires
With high sounding cymbals. Cum cjTnbalis so-
and longs. Appetitus et desiùerium velieniens
sunt carni milii.
CiOMBOLL, -GILL, -EAX, s. m. A bundle of hay, or
straw : Hebrid.
foeni raanipulus.
CiocRASACH, -AICHE, adj. (Cìocras). Vide Cio-
Ciox, «. 1. Want: defectus.
m. ind. " Ciow arain."
CÌOCRASAN, -Aix, (C>Dcras), A hungry fellow
C. S. Want
of bread panis inopia. " A' chion
s. »1.
bidh." Dug. Biichan. For want of food inopia cibi. :

homo famelicus. Llh.

2. Fault, guilt, sin: culpa, crimen, peccatum. Llh. et
ClOD, pro», mterrog. ind. MTiat ? Quis ? quae ? quid ?
" Ciod, a nihic ? agus ciod, a mhic rao bhronii ? O'B. Or. Khoi, inanis. 3. Desire, love, esteem
desideriuni, amor, existimatio.
agus ciod, a mhic mo bhòidean ?" Gnàth. xxxi. 2.
WTiat, my son ? and what, the son of mj' womb ?
" Mo chion or fein a Dhia mo tlu-eis."

and what, the son of mj' vows ? Quid, fill mi ? ec- Salm. xviii. I. metr.

quid, fill uteri niei ? et quid, fili votorum meorum ? M}' love to thee, God of my strength. ]Meus a-
" Ciod air son ?" i^idg. " Ciod-arson ?" adv. 'VMiy? mor tibi ipsi, Deus mese firmitatis. (ex intimis visce-

Cur ? Vide Air son. " Ciod chuige ?" vulg. ribus dnigam te. Bez.)
" Gotuige .''" et " 'Duige ? Why ? wherefore ? CioNAG, -AiG, -AX, S.f. 1. kernel : nucleus. Sh. A
Cur? quare ? " Ciod è?" tndq. " Gu dè?" 1. et O'R. very small coin
2. A nuramulus mini- :

What? Quid? 2. Who? Quis? C. S. "Ciod mi pretii. 3. O'B. A

small portion of land, the
thuige ?" Vide Ciod chuige, «/pra. "Cioduime?" 4th. of a " Cliteag :" exigua agri portio qusdam.
adv. Why
? wherefore ? Cur ? quare ? Vide Hebrid.
Uinie. CioNAiL, ad/. S. D. 123. Vide Cianail.
• CionaU, adj. IC'ion, 2.) Guilty : sons, noxius.
- Ciodar, adv. Wlierefore ? Quare ? LUi. i. e.
Ciod aobhar. MSS.
« Ciodh, AMiat ? Quid ? O'i?. CioNALTA, adj. Dug. Buchan. Vide Ceanalta.
» Ciodlifa, Ciodlifar, (i. e. Ciod am fàth ? Ciod am * Cionamhail, -e, adj. (Cion, 3.) Desirable: desi-
fàth air ?) 1. \Mierefore ? for what cause ? derandus. Bibl. Gloss.
Quamobrem ? quare ? Llh. 2. How many ? ' Cion-chorran, s. m. A
kind of hook : falcis spe-
Quot? Llh. cies. LJh.

* Ciogal, Lib. Vide Cuigeal. CioxDA, adj. Provin. Vide Ceudna.

CioG-AiL, -uiL, CioGLAiDH, CH-, V. o. Tickle : ti- Ciox-FALAiCH, s. m. (Cion, 3. et Falaich, v.) Secret,
tilla. Provin. Vide Diogail. ardent love amor vehemens et occultus. C. S.

CioGAiLT, -uiLT, -E, *. Tickling : titillatio. A. CioN-FÀTH, -A, s. m. (Cion, 3. et Fàth), Cause, oc-
M^D. In common speech it signifies terror, a cri- casion causa, occasio. Salm. xxxv. 7.
: Potius
sis of timorous determination. Hebrid. Ceann-fàth.
CiOGAiLTEACii, -EicHE, adj. (Ciogailt), Tickling, CiÒNX, s. in. ind. Sake, quest, purpose. " Air mo
tickhsh, difficult, dangerous : titillans, diificilis, mo- chionn." C. S. For me, waiting me : pro me, mei
lestiam facessens. Hebrid. causa. Also, in quest of me me quaesitum. " : A
CioGLADH, -AiDH, s. iu. et jwes. part. v. Ciogail. chioiiH," Because quia. Cionn, for Ceann, " Os

Tickling: titillatio. A.3PI>. 154. Clonn," Over-head, above. " Os mo chionii." C. S.

• Ciol, adj. Oblique, squint : obliquus, transversa Above me supra me. : " Os do chionn." C. S.
tuens. Ll/i. Above thee : supra te. " O 'chionn fada." C. S.
Ciol, 5. ;«. Llh. Vide Cill. Long ago : jamdudum. Wei. Cynfyd, tempus an-
' Ciol, s. m. Inclination, propensity : proclivitas, tiquum.
* Cionnachd, s. m. The face : facies. Sk, et O'J?.
propensio, studium. O'B. et Sh,
- Ciolach, s. m. Small fiy parvorum animalium :
Vide Ceann-aghaidli.
ingens vis, veluti pisciculorum. OR. Vide CioNNARRA, adj. (Cionda, et Urra), Identical : idem.
" Am fear ciomiarra ceudna." W. ff. The very
* Ciolcach, s.f. Llh. Vide Cuilc. same man vir : ipsissimus.
< Ciollach, adj. 1. Superior superior. O'B,. 2. :
CioNNAS, adv. (i. e. Cia, An, Nos), How : quomodo.

Master of: potens. Voc. 140. " A fhaicsinn donnas a dh' aimnicheadli e iad."

Ciolog, -oig, -an, s. f. A

hedge-sparrow curru- :
Gen. 19.
ii. To see how he would name them.
ca. Llh. Ut \'ideret quomodo vocaret ea.
• Ciohathach, adj. Chattering qui garrit vel de- :
• Cionradharc, s. m. Fate : fatum. Llh. (lit,) Want

blaterat. O'B. et Sh. of sight.

CioMACH, -AicH, s. m, A prisoner : captivus. " Mar CioNRADHARCACH, -AICHE, ad/. (Cionadharc), Dli-
heni, «tinf;y, narrow : illibcraliB, avarus, bunlidL- di, ftrde Uccrandi. IMi. Chaid. miQn iMiu-
tl'llMX. ('. A'. rah, pluga, vulnus.
• Lioiiniii, -aiii, *. III. (i. e. Cian-òran, vcl t'mn- ClonicniAsr, -aim, -an, *. in. \'ide Ciorram.
rami). Mfluiu-liol y noros, music of birds am- : • Ciorusgraich, t.f. ind. Cleariup, or driving awa)
tio qucTula, pra'sertim avium. AISS. with the hands munibus purgandi actio. Slew.

VlosT, -A, /*/. -A, -AN, «. III. Ciuilt, criaic: culpa, Gttms.
cTÌmen. 35. IIV/. C'jntt'clioil, <)rijj;inal sin.
ì'oc. • CÌOS, g.
f. 1 . Uh. Vide CI», a. A petition :

ClONTACii, -AiciiE, tu/j. (Cioiita), tiuilty sons, reus. ; pelitio. Llh. et D'B. 3. .Sin peccatunu Uh.

•' Tha sinn j^u dc-iniliin v'wiiiach a tliaobh ur bratli- » Ciosncli, -aiche, adj. 1. Importunate: impor-
ar." Gen. xJii. 21. are verily guilty concern- We Uh. Ajiji.
tunatus. 2. Slovenly «qualidut:, :

ing our brotlier. Sunius sane rei de I'ratre nostro. inmiundus. JJh. Ajrp.
CiONTACii, -Aicii, s. iH. (Cioiita), A culprit : crimi- ClosAciiAnii, -AIDH, *. in. et jtret. pari. r. Ciu«aich.
iiis reus. C. S. Keslraining, act of restraining coliibitio, actus cu- :

ClONTACll.^Dll, -AIDII, ». III. Vt ptCS. JXirt. C. CÌOUt- hibendi. O'B. et C. S.

aicli. I. Transgressing, act of contracting guilt : • Cios, -a, s.f. Wages of a nurse nutricis prxmi- :

actus pcccandi. C. S. um, nierces ob nutriendum. LUi.

CiONT.MCii, -iDH, oil-, f. a. et n. (Cionta), Sin, be CiosAiCH, -lUH, CH-, c. a. Subdue: vince. Macf. V.
guilty : pccca. " Na ciontaich an agliaidh Dhe." CiosAicHE, -EAN, K. in. (Ciosaicli), A conqueror:
C. S. Sin not against Cìod ne pecces in Dcuni. :
victor. C. S. Arab. tfjUi. gliaxee,
Ciòs'thak, -air, s. III. Vide Ciòn' ran, Querulous
music cantus querulus. A. M'^D.
: Gr. K/n/jo;,
querulus ; K/iusa, instrumentum PliODnicuni et Ty- CÌOSAICIITE, adj. et pret. part. v. Ciosaich. Con-

roruni sonum edens queruluni. Hcbr. ^133 kinnor, quered, subdued : victus, subactus. C. S.

ClosAX, -AiN, -AN, *. ;h. A
coHi skcp : quasillus fru-
mentarius. Vac. 95. " Ciosan arain." "ix". 87.
• Ciopallaich, »-. /. A galling : exacerbatio. Bill.
A bread basket : canistrum.
Cios-CHÀis, s. f. (i. e. Cìs-chàin), Tribute, tax, as-
CÌOR, -a, -an, «. /. 1. comb : pecten. LIA. et A sessment : tributum, vectigal, census. Llh.
C. S. 2. A
jaw : faux, maxilla. Uh. et OB. .S.
CiosMHOR, -DIRE, odj. Exactiug tribute : tributum
Tlie cud rumen. Llfi. OB. et C. S. i.
: hand, A exigens. C. S.
agent : manus, actor. Gr. \iT^. Unde Cir. O'R.
CiosNACHADn,-AiDH, s. IH. etpres.port. v. Ciosnaich.
OB. et L/A.
Wearing out, afflicting, oppressing actio frangendi :
CÌOR, -AiDH, CH-, Lik. Vide Cir, v. V. a.
affligendi, opprimendi. C. S.
CiouA, -AX, pet lamb, a sheep that feeds
*./. 1. A Ciosnaich, -nuich, -idh, ch-, v. a. Overpower,
with cows agnus mansuefactus, manu alitus, ovis

subdue, weary out : delassa, subige, opprime. C. S.

inter boves pascens. Hebrid.
ClOTACH, -AICIIE, adj. 1. Left handed: scxvus, si-
CiORALTA, adj. Cheerful : hilaris. C. S.
nistra manu utens. C. S. 2. Awkward, inauspici-
CroRBAiL, -E, aiij. Snug, close wrapped: arcte col-
lectus vel involutus. C. S.
ous: inhabilis, infiiustus. C
S. 3. Cunning, crafty,
designing : subdolus. ^.V. ff. Wei. Chwithig, sca--
• Ciorbh, -aidh, ch-, v. Take away, mutilate au- :
va, sinistra. " A' chiotach." C. S. The left hand :
fer, mutila. Sfi. et O'B.
manus laeva.
' Ciorbhadh, *. m. Mutilating, mangling, taking
Ciotaiche, 1. s./. ind. Left handedness : scaevitas.
away : actio laceraudi, amputandi, abripiendi.
C. S. 2. adj. comp. of Ciotacli, q. vide.
• Ciorblitha, adj. et pret. part. v. Ciorbh. Hurt, la-
CiOTAG, -AIG, -AN, s.f. 1. A hand manus si-
Icft :

cerated Ixsus, laceratus. O'B.

nistra. C. S. 2. A rag : pannus, rhacoma. Oss.
CiORCAiL, -E, adj.

Vide Ciocrasach, et Ciocrach.

Vol. in. 422. 3. A crafty trick : artilicium cal-
lidum. jV. H. Hebr. pTTI chiddik, diligenter cir-
• Ciorcal, -ail, -an, s. in. (Cearcall). Llfi. et O'B.
• Ciorghal, s. in. (Cior, hand, et Gabhail), Brave- cumdedit. Gr. Xjtm. CluM. piTTJ ckiddiilt, fis-
ry : virtu8, fortitude. MSS. sura, frustum.
CiORRAM, -AIM, -AS, s. m. Mischief, disaster, a
• Ciotan, s. in. Llh. Vide Ciotag.
maiming, intense pain : malum, infortunium, vul-
CioTH, -A, s. in. Vide Cith.
neratio, mutilatio, dolor. C. S. Hebr. D"in clie-
Ciothach, -aiche,
rem, res perditioni devota ; ^H charain, devovit.
• Ciothramach, -aiche, (^j.
adj. Vide Citheach.
Ì. Mde Ciorraniacli.
CiORRAMACH, -UMACH, -AicHE, adj. (Ciorram), Mu- 2. Mean : sordidus. B. B. Saint, xxw. 15.
tilated, maimed, deformed by accident, pernicious, • Ciothruimich, pi. Abject persons : viles homines.
destructive, painful mutilatus, mancus, casu aliquo
: BibL Gloss.
deformatus, pemiciosus, exitialis. Hebr. Qnn CioTOG, -GIG, -an, s./. Llh. Vide Ciotag.
charum, curtus membris. 2. Accidental, untoward CiP, 1. <?CTi. et/>i of Ceap. 2. Ranks or tiles oi- :

fortuitus, infelix. C. S. dines vel turba- militum. MSS.

• Ciorrbhadh, -aidh, s. m. A wearing, spending, Cipean, -ein, -EAN, t. ni. diinin. of Ceap. A stump,
mangling : actio terendi, consumentli, mutilan- peg, pin for tying a tether caudex, paxillus, cip- ;
pus, cui alligatur funis. Stmv. 211. Cltald. ^33 A hamper ; corbis, crates viminea. Voc. 89.
cipah, cippus. Vide Ciosan.
riblien, lijravit ; n3'3
• Ciseal, s. m. The devil : diabolus. O'B. Hebr.
CÌH, -E, -EAN, s.f. 1. A comb pectcn. Toe. 20. :
7E)n chissel, perdidit.
Vide Cior, 4. The fingers being naturally first
2. The cud ruma, rumen. •' A cnàmli
• Ciseal, i. c. Co-iosal, adj. Low, as between two
used. :

Chewing the cud runiinans. Gr. waters : depressus, velut inter duas aquas.
na cire." :

Xiimu^u, tondeo. Chald. XT1J gerara, rumen.
Cist, -e, dat. Cistidh, pi. Cisteachan, s.f. C. S.
3. A key : clavis. Usually a certain part of the Vide Cisd.
mechanism of a key. Clavis pars quitdani. •Cisteanach, -eich, -ean, s.f. A kitchen : culina.
C. S. 4. A cock's comb, or crest gall! crista. :
Llh. A])p.
C. S. " Cir-dhearg." C. S. Red-crested rubri • Cisteanadh, -eidh, s. m.
Rioting tumultus. Llh. :

cristatus. " Cir each." Voc. 92. horse-comb A :

CisTiN, -E, -EAN, *. m. kitchen culina. Voc. 85. A :

Fr. Cuisin.
CÌR, iDH, on, v.a. (Cu-, s.), Comb, cuit}' : pecte, CiSTiNEACH, -EICHE, adj. (Cistin), Belonging to the
depecte. C. S. kitchen, low-bred : culinarius, male moratus. C. S.
CiRB, cfa/. of Cearb, q. vide. • Citear, vide Chitear. " Mar a chitear dhuit.
Cird, s.
f. MSS. Vide Ceàird. Pers. i>^ Llh. As you please. Ut tibi videbitur.
kird, employment. CiTH, -E, -EAN, shower, heavy rain, a
s. m. 1. A
CÌREACH, -EiCHE, adj. (Cir, 4.) Crested : cristatus. mist : gravis imber, vapor. " Cith shneachda." C.
" Coileach cireach." S. D. 334. A crested S. A
shower of snow niveus imber. C. S. Hebr. :

cock gallus cristatus.

: Kp hi, vomitus. Gr. Xiiij,a, imber, hieras, pro-
CÌREACH, -EiCH, -EAN, s. »«. A comb-casB pectinis :
cella. 2. Rage, fury : ira, furor.
theca. C.S.
" Chualas guth Chonair le Fionn,"
CÌREADH, -IDH, s. Til. ct pres. part. v. Cir. Comb- " 'S dh'fhàs air cith agus greann."
ing, act of combing actio pectendi. C. S. :
S. D. 87.
CiREAG, -EiG, -EAN, S.f. A shcep, petted ewe ovis, :
The voice of Conar was heard by Fingal fury and ;

ovis domestica et cicurata. Vide Ciora.

gloom seized him. Audita est vox Conari ab Fin-
CÌREAN, -EiN, -AN, s. til. (Cìr), A crest, a cock's
gal ; furor, et torvitas crescebant super eum. 3.
comb : crista, praesertim galli, vel gallinacei. Voc.
A particle, particulus. Sutherl.
76, Fr. Crete.
CÌREINEACH, -EANACH, -EICHE, adj. (Cìrean), Crest-
CiTH-CHAOLAN, -AIN, «. Til. (Cith, Ct Caolan), A
violent vomiting : vomitus vehemens. C. S. Hebr.
ed : cristatus. C. S.
'lÌ7p''p kikaluìi.
CiR-MHEALA, s.f. (Cir, et Mil), A honey-comb
fevus. " Mar
chir-mheala tha briathra taitneach." CiTHEACH, -EICHE, odj. (Cith). 1. Showery : plu-

Gnàth. xvi. 24. Pleasant words are as an honey- viosus. O'R. et C. S. 2. Furious, wasteful, de-
comb. Ut favus sunt verba aracena. structive : vastificus, exitialis. " Fo laimh chithich
Cis, -E, -EAN. 1. Rent, tribute: vectigal, tributum. Dhaorlai." S. D. 84. Under the destructive arm
" Thoireadh Cuchullin domh cis." Fing. i. 527. of Dorla. Sub manum vastificam Dorlae.
Let Cuchulin yield me tribute. Det Cucullin mi- CiTHEAN, -EIN, s. i». A Complaining, grumbling :

hi tributum. 2. Homage, submission : clientela, querela, murmuratio. C. S. Hebr. HJ^p kinah, la-
obsequium. C. S. Hebr. D'D cis, loculus, marsu- mentatio. Vide Caoineadh.
pium. Hhid. Kisan, a peasant. Gilchr. Cess, in
CiTHEANACH, -EICHE, adj. (Cithean), Complaining,
Scotch law and statutes, signifies the tax levied grumbling querens, murmurans. C. S.

upon land.
CiTHRis-CHAiTHRis, S.f. itid. Hurly-burly, tumult,
CiSD, -E, dat. CiSDIDH, pi. -AN, CiSDEACHAN. 1.
commotion turbse, tumultus. A. M'D.

A chest, coffer : area, cista. Macf. V. 2. A cof- CiTHiURACH, -AiCHE, odj. (Cith), Showery : imbri-
fin, bier : sandapila. C. S. " Cisde luidhe, vel
fer. Hebrid.
mairbh." C. S. 3. treasure : thesaurus. Z,lh. A • Citsin, -e, -ean, s. m. Maciniy. 128. Vide Cis-
et O'B. 4. A cake : placenta. Llh. et O'JB. Span.
Cista, Cesto. Basq. Cistera. Larram. Germ. CiÙBHRAGAicH, CiUBHRAicH, -E, *./. Small rain:
Kaete, Kiste. Fr. Cisse. Schans. Kistee nodh tenuis pluvia. C. S.
hee, the ark of Noah. Gilchr. Pers. «Xixs'l CiÙBHRAN, -AIN, s. m. Hebrid. Vide Ciubhragaich.
akisfUe, a pantry, cupboard. Gr. Kiarri, cista. CiùcHARAN, -AIN, s. m. Small, shrill, plaintive
Hebr. DO ds, marsupiura. music ; a low-voiced lamentation exilis et queru- :

CiSDEAG, -EIG, -AN, S.f. dimiìi. of Cisd. A little la caraiinum modulatio. A. Wt-D. Gloss.
chest : arcula, cistula. C. S. • Ciuchlaith, -idh, ch-, v. a. Hear : audi. " Cuich-
' Cisdeamhuil, adj. (Cisd, et Amhuil), Capsular, lathar." Llh. Shall be heard audietur. :

capsularis. OR. CiùiL, gen. of Ceòl, q. vide. " Adhbha no cruit

Cisean, -in, s. m. 1. A little chest, or coffer chiùil." Voc. 106. A musical instrument : instru-
capsula cistula, arcula. Llh. Vide Ciosan. 2. mentum musicum.
Injure, cause low nocc, in-
• Ciùiloabhar, «. wi. A grey-hound : canis vcnati- cia. C. S. 2. (Jig.) :

cus. J/.S'.V. juriain vel damnum alicui inl'er. C. S.

CiùiN, -E, mlj. 1. Calm, still, quiet : tranquillus, quie- CtiititADAiK, -K, -EAK, ». WI. (CiùnT, ct Fcar), A
tus. tormentor : cruciator. C. S.
" 'N uair thig na stoirm o chùl nan cam CiÙHUAuii, -Ainii, -EAN, «. m. et/wr*. /wrtr. Ciilrr.
" Air sàmhchair chiìtin na grèine." A hurt, wound, uct of hurting lii'sio, vulnus, actus :

'• Mliarbh mi duine a chionn mo

Fiiig. ii. 2-2'2. hedendi. C. S.
lotadli, agus òganach a chiumi mo chiumidh." Gtn.
Wlien the storms come from tlie back of the rocky
Quajido iv. 23. " Chum mo ehiùrraidh." Ivl. 1H07. I Iiave
lulls, upon the calm stillness of the sun.
veniuni |)n)cellie tergo niolium saxearuni, super slain a man to my wounding, and a young man to

tranquillitateni mitcni solis. 2. Meek, gentle, my hurt. [lit. because of wounding me). Interfeci

placid mitis, lenis, facilis.

" Agus blia "n duine virum atvulnus meum, ttiam adoleseentem, ad tu-
Maois ÌQ-c/iiùÌH." Air. xxi. 3. And the man Mo- micem meum. Bcz. ChaU. n">13n clitburah,
ses was very meek. Et erat vir Mosche valde plaga, vulnus.
mansuetus. CiÙHKTA, (ulj. et put. jxirt. V. Ciùrr. Hurt, wound-
CitiN, -mil, CM-, v.a. (Ciùin, atlj.), Calm, appease ed, injured ca;sus, vulncratus. SUiv. 2j'J.

setla. MSS. Vide Ciuinich. • Ciurrtha, adj. (Ciun-. s.), Bought, or purchased :

CiùiNE, A-./, iiid. Ciùin. 1. Mildness, gentleness:

emptus, pecunia coniparatus. Ll/i.
lenitas, mansuetudo. S. '2. Tranquillity, si- C • Ciurrthamach. -aichc, adj. J/Ò'.S'. \'ide Ciorr-
lence, a calm tranquillitas, silentium, malacia.
C. S. 3, (u/J. comp. of Ciùiii, q. vide. ]HSS. Vide Ciorramach.
• Ciuthramach, adj.
CiùiNEACiiADii, -AiDii, s. m. et piTs. pcirt. V. CÌÙÌ- Maim, mutilate
• Ciuthramaich, -idh, ch-, v. a.
nich. 1. Appeasing actio leniendi. Voc. 144.
vulnera, mutila. MSS.
-2. Taming : actio compescendi, domandi. Voc. - Clab, adj. lliick : densus. LUi. ft O'B. Pers.
CiùiSEAcHD, s.f. ind. (Ciilin). C. ò'. Id. q. Ciùine,
c_jìU kJdab, clay, filth.

et Ciùineas. Clab, -Ain, -an s. m. An open mouth, li]), (in deri-

CiùiNEAD, -EiD, s.f. (Ciùine), Degree of calmness sion, or ridicule) : os apertum, labium. " Cum do
gradus tranquillitatis. C. S. c/dab." C. S. Hold your mouth : tace.
CiCiSEAs, .«. in. (Ciùin),
-Eis, Calmness, a calm : Clabach, -aicue, adj. Thick-lipped, wide-mouthed :

tranquillitas, " Eisdear ri briathraibh densus labiis, latum habens oris rictum. Lfh. O'B.
dhaoine glic an ciùòwas, ni 's mo na ri glaodh an et C. S.
ti a riaghlas am nieasg amadaii." Eccf. ix. 17. Clabaire, -eam, m. (Clab, et Fear), A babbler;

Tlie words of wise men are heard in quiet, more blatero. et C. S.

Lift. OB.
Wei. Clabacadhy.
than the cry of him that ruleth among fools. Ver- Scot. Claiver, et Claver. Jam. " Clabaire muil-
ba sapientium submissoruni audienda esse, potius inn." O'B. S/i. et C. S. A mill-clapper : crepi-
quam clamorem dominantis cum stolidis. taculum molare.
CiùixicH, -iDH, CH-, r. a. (Ciiiin), Calm, appease, Claban. -ain, -an, s. m. 1. Top of the head,

pacify, tame propitium redde, propitia, leni, com-

: brain-pan capitis vertex, summum cranium, cere-

pesce. " Ciiiinichidh umhlachd." Gnàth. xxi. 14. bri sedes. C. S. B. Brit. Clopen. 2. A mill-
Submission pacifies. Tranquillat obsequium. clapper crepitaculum molare. N. H.

• Ciùird, s.
f. 1. Proviii. Id. q. Ceàird, Ceird. Clabar, -air, -ean, s. m. mill-clapper crepita- A :

2. A covering : operculum. O'R. culum molare. Voc. 96.

' CiCiirinich, -idh, ch-, v. a. Cover tege, cooperi. : Clabar, -air, s. m. Clay, mire, filth lutum, coe- :

Provin. num, sordes. " Mar chlàbar san t-sràid bhrùth

•Ciùirt, s.f. A
rag: pannus laceratus. O'R. mi iad. Salm. xviii. 42. I bruised them as mire
ClùlRTEACH, -EfciiE, adj. (Ciùir, V.) 1. Hurtful, in the street. Sicut lutum in via contrivi eos.
torturing : laedens, crucians. C. S. 2. Wound- Clàbarach, -aiche, adj. (Clabar), Dirtj', filthy
ing, causing grief, or loss : vulnificans, dolorem vel foedus, spurcus, immundus. Llh. et O'B.
damnum ferens. C. S. 3. Ragged : pannosus. Clabastair, -e, -eav, s. m. (Clab, et Fear), A
OB. brawler blatero. C. S. Fr. Clabadour.

• Ciumhas, «. m. A border, selvidge : margo, lim- Clab-ciocharain pi. -EAN, s. til. The frog-fish,

bus, fimbria. LUi. et O'B. or angler lophius piscatorius. Linn. Hdnid.


• Ciunas, *. m. Llh. Vide Ciùineas. • Clabh,

s.f. Vide Claimh,
• Ciùr, s. m. A merchant : mercator. O'B. Pers. • Clabhair, s. m. Mead : hydi-omeli. O'R.
jJo kar, commerce. • Clabhsail, adj. Systematic, quiet, tranquil in :

formam systematis reductus, tranquillus. MSS.

'C'iùra, adj. Merchantable: vendibilis.ZM. C7iald. • Clabstur, s. m. A cloister monasterium. LlA.
mo cirih, venditio, emptio. • Clabhuin, *. m. Sleet : nix aqua coeli mista.

CiÙRACn, \ s.f. Small gentle rain, a warm shower

CiÙRAicH, J pluvia genialis, lenis imber. Hebrid.
CiÙRB, -AiDH, CH-, 1, Hurt, torture: laede, cru-
Clabog, -gig, -an, s.f. 1. good bargain, great A
pennyworth res pretio admodum facili.
: •' 'S e
VoL. L
fliuair a chlalog." W. H. He
got a great bargain, ACH, s.f. (Clach, et Buadliach), A precious stone:
pretio facili emit. 2. A
scoff: dictcrium, cavilla. lapis pretiosus. Voc. 56.
nil. 3. (Clab), A
blubber-lipped woman: mulier Clach-ciiinn ;
pi. Clachan-cinn, s.
f. (Clach, et
halioiis labia crassa et prominula. Llh. et O'B. Ceann), 1. A head-stone, top-stone : lapis sum-
' Clabsal, s. m. Tlie column of a page : libri pa- nius, monumentum. Salm. cxviii, 22. 2. A grave
ginarum columna. O'B. stone : lapis sepulchri. C. S.
Clab-sgàin, -e, -tean, s.m. (Clab, et Sgàin, t'.), Clach-chreadiia ; pi. Clachan-creadha, s. /.
An open-mouthed fellow loquax, garrulus, sper-
: (Clach, et Creadli), A brick : later. Voc. 49. et
mologus. C. S. Bibl. Gloss.
Clach, Cloiche, dat. Cloich, pi. Clachan, s.f. CLAcii-ciinicHE; ^/. Clachan-crìcue, «./. (Clach,
1. A stone : lapis. " A' chlach a dliiult na clach- et Crioch), A march stone : lapis limitem agri sig-
airean." Salm. cxviii. 22. Tlie stone which the nans. Voc. 7.
builders rejected. Lapidcm quem spreverant struc- ClACH-CHUARSGAIDH ; pi. -AN-CUARSGAIDH, S. f.
tores. " Clach na sùla." Voc. 114. The pupil of (Clach, et Cuarsgadh), roller, rolling stone A : la-
the eye pupillus oculi. 2.
: testicle : testiculum.A pis volvendus, cylindrum. Voc. 51.
C. S. 3. A
certain weight : librarum numerus qui- Clach-dhearg, s.
f. (Clach, et Dearg), Keel : ru-
dam. C. 5. Wei. Clechen. Dav. B. Bret. Caile, brica. C.S.
Calc'h. Hebr. rrb'2 Mlich. Clach-dhualadair, (Clach, et -e, -ean, *. m.
Clachach, -aiche, n<//. (Clach), Stony: lapidosus. Dualadair), A
stone cutter latomus. C. S. :

" Ann an ionadaibh clachach." Salm. cxli. 6. In Clach-fhaobhair ; pi. -AN-FAOBHArii, S.f. (Clach,
stony places. In locis lapidosis. et Faobhar), A
hone, whet-stone : cos novacula-
Clachair, -e, -ean, s. m. (Clach, et Fear), A ma- rum. C. S.
son, a builder : lapicida, latomus, qui donios aedi- Clach-fhuail, pi. -AN-FUAIL, S.f. (Clach, et Fual),
ficat. " A
nis chuir Hiram righ Thiruis teach- A gravel stone : calculus hthiasis. Voc. 27.
dairean a dh' ionnsuidh Dhaibhidli, agus fiodh ClACH-GHEUHAICHE ;
pi. -AN-GEURAICHIDH, «. f,
seudair, agus clachairean." Eachd. xiv. 1. Now I (Clach, et Geuraich), A whet-stone : cos. C. S.
Hiram king of Tyre sent messengers unto David, Clach-ghoireil, -ghaireil, s. f. (Clach, et Gair-
and wood of cedars, and masons. Autem misit eal). Free stone saxum vivum. C. S. Vide

Chiram rex Tyri legates at Davidem, lignaque ce- Goireal.

drina, et latomos. Cl-ACH-GHUITEIR ; pi. -AN-GUITEIR, S.f. (Clach, et
Clachaireachd, s.
f. hid. (Clachair), _
Masonry : Guitear), A kennel-stone : lapis cloacarum. Voc. 82.
opus caementitium, ars aedificandi. " Ard-chlach- Clach-iùil ;pi. -AN-IÙL, S.f. (Clach, et lùl), A load-
aireachd." C. S. Architecture : architectonice. stone : magnes. A. M^D. Gloss.
Clachan, -ain, -an, s. m. (Clach), 1. village, A Clach-leig, pi. -AN-LEIG, S.f. (Clacli, et Leug), A
or hamlet, in which a church is situate, commonly precious stone, gem lapis pretiosus, gemma. C. S. :

the principal one of a parish, or district villa, vicus : ClACH-ìÌOBHAIDH, -LIÒBHA1R, -LIOBHARAIN pi. ;

ubi est ecclesia, fere semper oppidum praecipuum -AN-LioBHAiDH, s. f. (Clach, et Liobhadh), A
regionis illius. C. S. et Vet. Script, onin. 2. A grind stone : lapis molaris. C. S.
church aedes sacra. C. S.
: 3. church-yard, A ClACH-ìIONRAITH •,pl. -AN-LIONRAITH, S.f. (Clach,
burying ground : locus sepulchromm. C. S. Said et Lionrath), A rolling whet-stone : cos volubilis,
to have been Druidical places of worship previous more rotae circumacta. C. S.
to the introduction of Christianity. Scot. Clauch- Clach-mheallain ;
pi. -an-meallain, s.f. (Clach,
aunne, et Clachen. Jam. et Meallan), Hail-stone, hail : grando, grandinis
Clacharan, -ain, -an, s. m. 1. pavement, A imber. C. S.
causeway, steppmg stones, across a rivulet pavi- : Clach-mhuilinn; ^/. -an-muilinn, s.f. (Clach, et
mentuni, strata via, ordo lapidum quibus vadum Muileann), A mill-stone : lapis molaris. Voc. 96.
sicco pede transitur. O'R. et C. S. 2. The bird Clach-mhullaich -AN-MULLACH, S.f. (Clach, ; ;»/.

stone-checker, or wheat-ear motacilla cenanthe. : et Mullach), A top-stone lapis summus. C. S. :

Linn. Scot. Clocharet. Jam. Clach-neart;/>/.-an-neart, s.y. (Clach, et Neart),

Clach-bhalg, -uilg, -an, s. m. (Clach, et Balg), A putting stone : lapis qui ab hominibus vires ten-
A watchman's rattle, (i. e. small stones put into a tantibus impelhtur. C. S.
leathern bag), to frighten horses from corn : vi- Clach-oisinn ; pi. -AN-oisiNN, s.
f. (Clach, et Ois-
gilis crepitaculum quo equi abiguntur segitibus. ean), A corner-stone: lapis angularis. lab. xxxviii. 6.
as. Clach- SHNEACHD, s.f. (Clach, et Sneachd), Salm.
Clach-bhleath, ì pi. -AN-BLEITH, (Clach, et cv. 32. Id. q. Clach-mheallain.
Clach-bhleith, j Bleith, i>.) 1. A whet-stone Clach-smior ;
pi. -AN-sMioR, S.f. (Clach, et Smior),
cos. Voc. 55. 2. A
di-am of wliisky to quicken the An emery smyris-idos. Voc. 56.

appetite before meals, particularly breakfast aquae : Clach-theine; p/. -AN-TEiNE, S.f. (Clach, ct Tcinc),
vitaecyathus ad acuendum stomachum, praesertira A flint-stone : silex. Salm. cxiv. 8. marg.
ante jentaculum, i. e. sorbitio matutina monticola- ClACH-THOCHAILT ; pi. -AN-TOCHAILT, S.f. (Clach,
rum, Scotis campestribus insolita. Vide Bleith. et Tochail), A stone quarry lapidum fodina. Voc.

Clach-bhuadhach, -aich ;
pi. Clacha'-buadh- 56.
Clach-tiiociiailtiche, -eav, «. m. (Cinch, ct panulatus. C. S. 2. Abounding in l>ell8 : cam-
Toclmiltiche), A qmirricr : latomiKi, lapicida. IV. 52. puiiiii ubuiiduns. C S.
ClACH-THOMIIAIS ;;</. -AS-TOMlIAIti, ». /. (Cltull, ft Claoauii, -Ainii, «. f/i. vt prrs. fxirl. v. Clag. Ring-
Tomlias), A weight libriptiis. (imUli. xx. 23.
: ing, chiming a.i a bell : more canipante actus so-
ClACII-UA-SAI.;/*/. -AN-L'A.tAI., «./. (Cliull, it llusul), nandi. Vvc. itìO.
A precious stone hipis pretiosus quiiibet. C. S.
: Claoan, -ain, -an, ». m. dim. of Clag, «. A little

Clad, ClAduinn, s.f. A wool comb pectcn lanu- : bell : campanula. ('. ,S.

rium. " Cuiridh iail i air im chiduibh." Macinty. Claoanach, -aich, s. m. (Clagan), Noise: strepi-
They will put it on the wool curds. Iiiiponcnt earn tus. OB.
in pectina lanaria. • Clagurtas, -ais, s. m. IJh. A'ide Clugharthas.
Clad, -aidii, chl-, v. a. Comb wool : pecte Innam. Clao-chumi'acii, adj. (Clag, et Cumpach), Bell-
Macinty. shaped campanulutus. C. S.

Cladacii, -aich, -ean, s. 111. 1. A shore, beach : Clag-ciùil ; pi. Cluig-ciiium,, X. «I. (Clag, et
littus. Tof. 0. 2. A stony beach: lapidosus al- Ceòl), A music bell campanula nuisica. S. : C
veus. Gdoliiand. 50. 3. Death, destruction : chi- Clagiiaihe, -ean, ;«. Vide Cladhaire. »•.

des. OB. • Claghartha, adj. Llh. Vide Cladharra.

• Clàdach, -oich, «. m. Clay, mire : coenum, latum. • Clagharthas, «. m. Sluggishness ignavia, toriH;- :

LiA. do. Llh.

Clàdadii, -aidh, *. m. ct pres. part. v. Clad. Comb- Clag-lann ; pi. Cluig-lann, s.f. (Clag, et Lann),
ing wool opus pectendi, carpendi, carminandi la-
: A steeple : turris fastigiata vel pyramis in qua pen-
nas. Maciiity. detur campana. Macf. V.
Clàdaire, -ean, s. m. (Clad, et Fear), An wool Clag-mheur ;
pi. Cluig-mheòir, «. m. Gnomon of
comber qui lanas carminat. C. S.
: a dial, (/('/.) finger of a clock gnomon, index ho- :

Cladan, -aix, -an, g. m. 1. A bur: lappa. Voc. rarius. C S.

59. 2. A flake of snow nivis floccus. O'R. : Clag-thigii, -ean, s. m. (Clag, et Tigh), A belfry :

" Cladan sneachda." Voc. 5. locus in templo unde campanae pulsantur. C. S.

Cladh, -a, s. m. 1. Spawn, spawning sperma pis- : Wei. Clochdy, campanile.
cium, conjunctio piscium procreandi causa. " Air • Clagun, -uin, s. m. flagon, a lid : lagena, oper- A
ciiladh." C. S. Spawning pisces causa procrean- : culum. Llh. App.
di conjungentes. 2. A burying place sepulchre- : Clagunn, -uinn, -ean, *. m. Provin. Vide Claig-
tum. OB. et C. S. Wei. Cladd, Claddu, sepe- eann.
lire. 3. A bank ripa. LUi. 4. A dyke : prac- : • Claibin, s. m. A
top, spigot : epistomium, sipho-
tentura, sepes. Llh. Bill. Gloss, et Voc. 178. 5. nisobturamentum. Ll/i.
A wave : fluctus. " Cladh a' chùlain." A. M'-D. • Claicheach, s.f. A church steeple : ecclesiae tur-
171. A back wave
decumanus. : fluctus ns fastigiata. Llh. et O'B.
Cladhach, -AICH, *. »1. Digging: fossio. Foe. 155. Clàideag, -eig, -an, s.f. A lock, wTeatlie, ringlet
Wd. Clawdd, et Cladd, fossa, cloddi, fodere. Fr. cirrus, cincinnus. A. M'D. 96.
Cloaque. • Claidhe, s. m. Burial : sepultura, funus. LJh.
Cladhaich, Dig: efFode. " Chum
-iDH, CHL-, f. «. Vide Cladh.
gu 'm dòmhsa, gu 'n do chladh-
bi iad 'iiam flanuis • Claidh, -idh, chl-, v. a. Dig : fode. Llh. App.
aich mi 'n lobar so." Gen. xxi. 30. That they Vide Cladhaich.
may be a witness unto me that I have digged this Claidheach, -eiche, adj. (Claidheamh), Full of
well. Quo sint ilia; testimonium mihi, me fodisse swords : gladiis abundans, vel instructus. C. S.
puteum hunc. Wei. Cloddie. Claidheamh, -eimh Claidhmhnean, et ; pi.
Cladhaire, -ean, s. m. 1. A coward, villain : timi- Claidhmhean, s. m. gladius. " Agus A sword :

dus, furcifer. OB. et C. S. 2. Rage : ira. Bibl. mharbh iad Haraor agus Sechem a mhac !e faobh-
Gloss. ar a' chlaidheimh." Gen. xxxiv. 26. And they slew
Cladhaireachd, s./. iwrf. (Cladhaire), Cowardice: Hamor and Shechem his son with the edge of the
ignavia, timiditas. Voc. 35. sword. Et oceiderunt Chamorem et Secheniem fi-
Cladharra, adj. (Cladliaire), Timorous, cowardly : lium ejus acie gladii. " Claidheamh sinnsearachd."
igna\'us, hebes. C S. Macinty. 3. An old family sword gladius ad ma- :

Cladh-dùdaidh; j!>/. -AN-DÙDAIDH, *. /». (Cladh, 5. jores alicujus pertinens. " Fear claidheamh." Voc.
et Diidadh), A roaring billow : fluctus tremebun- 50. A fencer gladiator. " Claidheamh crom."

dus. A. MB. Voc. 115. A

scj-niitar, or sabre gladius falcatus, :

Clag, -uio, *. »«. 1. A bell : campana, nola. Voc. harpe. " Claidheamh mòr." C. S. broad-sword A :

109. 2. A clock
horologium. C. S. Wei. Clocc,
: gladius major monticolarum Scoticorum bene no-

et Cloeh. B. Bret. Cloch. Angl. Clock. Fr. tum et valde dilectum belli instrumentum. Scot.
Cloche. " Clag-aifrinn." C. S. mass bell A Claymore. Wei. Cleddj-f. Dav. B. Bret. Clao,
sacrum tintinnabulum, campanula. Claw, ClezefF. Fr. Glaive.
Clag, -aidh, chl-, v. a. (Clag, »•.), Make a noise, Claidheamhair, -e, -ean, *. m. (Claidheamh, et
sound as a bell : strepe, sonum ede more campanula. Fear), A fencer gladiator. C. S. :

Clagach, -aiche, adj. (Clag), 1. Bell-shaped cam- : Claidueamhaireachd, «. /. itul. (Claidheamhair),

Ff 2
Fencing, art of fencing : ars, vel pugna gladiatoria. CLÀinEINEACH, -ICH, -ICHEAN, S. m. (Claf, S.) 1.
as. A cri|)ple claudus. Llh. 2.
: dwarf: nanus. MSS. A
Claidheamhail, -e, odj. (Claidheamli), Ensiform, 3. adj. Broad-bottomed cui latus est fundus. C. S. :

sivord shaped : ensiformis. C. S. 4. Flat-nosed sinius. Sh. et OR.


Cr.AiDiiEAN, Provin. p/. of Claidheamli, q. vide. CLÀin-EUDANXACii, -AICHE, odj, (Clàr, et Eudan),
Claidiieach, -ich, s. m. A shattering, damaging Broad-headed, or faced, beetle-browed : latus ore,
through toil or fatigue quassatio, afflictio. : »S. C caperatus. Llh.
Claiduicii, -iDH, CHL-, v.a. (Claidreach), Shatter, Clàir-fhiacaii-l, -LAN, S.f. (Clàr, et Fiacaill), A
damage, harass with toil quassa, afflicta, fatiga- : fore-tooth dens anterior, vel incisivus. Llh.

tione delassa. C. S. Clàir-fhiaclach, -aiche, adj. (Clàir-fhiacaill),

Claig, -e, -ean, s. f. An indentation, or dimple Having large fore-teeth habens magnos denies :

crena, gelasinus, fossula. O'R. anteriores. C. S.

Claigeach, -ich, -ichean, s. f. (Clag, et Teach), Clàiridh, -e, -ean, s.f. (Clàr), A smooth surface,
A steeple tun-is fastigiata, praesertim in qua tinta-
: plane, partition : laevis et squa superficies, planum,
nabula pendent. paries intergerinus (fere ligneus). C. S.
Claigeann, I -inn; />/. Claignean, s. w. a skull, * Clairin, s. f. 1. Id. q. Clàran. 2. m. A crip-
Claigionn, J or scalp cranium. " Ckiigionn : ple : claudus. Llh.
greannach an fliir a dh' imicheas 'n a ])heac- * Clairneach, adj. Crippled
claudus. Llh. :

adh." Salm. Ixviii. 21. The hairy scalp of him Clàir-iongach, -aiche, adj. (Clàr, et longach),
that goeth on in his sin. Verticem comatum in- Broad-nailed ungues habens latos. C. S.

desinenter ambulantis in peccatis suis. " Claig- Clairseach, -ich, -ean, «. f. Llh. Vide Clàr-
ionn crainn, (croinn)." C. S. Tlie middle or prin- sach.
cipal part of a plough. Partes aratri mediae, vel- ClAirseair, -e, -ean, s. m. Vide Clàrsair.
ut, vomes, culter, aures, dentalia. " Claigionn » Clairthe, jiret. jiart. v. Clair. Dealt, divided
niairbh." Voc. 166. A dead man's skull, a mort- distributus, divisus. Llh.
head. jMortui hominis calvaria, caput mortuum. Clais, -e, -ean, s.f. I. A furrow: sulcus. Voc.
" Claigionn srathrach." C. S. The timbers of a 93. 2. A gutter : canalis. " Anns na claisibh."
girt saddle. Clitellarum lignum. Vide Srathair. Gen. XXX. 38. In the gutters : in canalibus. 3.
" Claigionn-stiùrach." ìumt. term. helm-top A : A streak, stripe, mark vibex, radius, tractus. C. S. :

navis clavis. 4. A pit, ditch fovea, fossa. Llh. et C.S.

" Clais-
Clagionnach, -ich, s.f. (Claigionn), head-stall A bUàir," vel " Clais-dliionaidh." 1 Sam. xvii. 20.
capistrum. C. S. " Claigionnach sreine." Voc. 92. A fortifying trench. Fossa castrorum. Wei.
Tlie head-stall of a bridle : frontale. Clais. B. Bret. Cleis, Clais, Claiz, Cleiz, Cleuz.
Claig-theach, -ich, -ean, s. 711. Vide Claigeach. » Clais, -e, s.f. A class: classis. O'R.
CtAiMH, -E, s.f. Mange, itch, scurvy : scabies, scor- « Clàischeadal, s. m. Psahn-singing : psalmodix
butus. Llh. et C. S. Wei. et Arm. Claf, asgrotus ; cantio. Llh.
Clafychu, aegrotare ; Clafr, Clwyf, lepra Clawr, ; Clàisdeachd, Hearing
s.f. ind. (Cluas-èisdeachd), -.

Clefre, scabies. Dav. " Claimh bhrein." C. S. auditus. Vide Clàis'neachd.

Voc. 29.
Scrofula. Wei. Clwjf y brenhin y clwff gwaha- : Claiseach, -eiche, adj. (Clais), Furrowed, striated:
nol : lepra. B. Bret. Clan, Claff. " Clanvour," sulcatus, striatus. C. S.
adj. leprous. Claiseach, -ich, -ean, s.f. 1. A sword: gladius.

Claimheach, -aiche, adj. (Claimh), Mangy, scor- " A' chlaiseach." O'R. The blade, or sword
butic, itchy : C. S.
scabiosus, psoricus. lamina, vel ensis. 2. A rifle, certain kind of gun
Claimhseach, -ich, -ichean,
(Claimh), s.
f. A scloppetum cujusdam formae. C. S.
scorbutic woman : mulier scorbutica. Llh. Clàis'neachd, )_
s.y. ?«<f. (Clàistinn), Hearing: au-
• Clain, s.
f. 1. Engendering : actus gignendi. Claisteachd, J
Llh. 2. CTiildren : proles. Llh. et OR. Vide " 'M bi se gun chlàisteachd gheur ?"
Clann, et Clainn. Ross. Salm. xciv. 9.
Clainn, ì gen. of Clann, q. vide. " Clainn," pro- Shall he be without acute hearing ? An erit ille
Clainne, j vincially used as the nominative. absque audita acri ?
Clair, pi. of Clàr. Boards, tables, staves : tabulae Claistine, s.f. Voc. 29. Vide Clàistinn.
mensae, assulae. Llh. et C. S. Vide Clàr. Clàistinn, s.f. ind. Hearing, listening actus au- :

• Clair, -idh, chl-, v. a. Divide : partire. LUi. Gr. diendi, auscultandi.

KXrjoo'ai, sorte lego. " 'S e 'clàistinn binn-sgeul nam bard."
• Clàir-bheul, s. m. i. e. Clàr-beoil, Beul-chlàr, Firiff. iii. 413.
A lid, cover operculum. Bibl. Gloss.
: And he listening to the musical tale of the bards.
. Clàireach, Oss. Vol. III. 433. Vide Clarach, Et ille auscultans canoram historiam bardorum.
adj. « Claithe, s.f. 1. A jest, ridicule, game: jocus,
• Clàireadh, -idh. s. m. et pres. part. v. Clair. Di- ridiculum, lusus. Llh. et O'R. genealo- 2. A
vision, disjunction, releasing : divisio, separa- gical table : tabula generis descriptionem ex-
tio, manumissio. O'R. hibens. Llh.
• Clàirein, s. m. cripple A : claudus. (JR. Clambar, -air, s, m, 1. A «Tangling : altercatio.
Matf. V. 2. Evil report, private slander : mala Claodhaireachd, s. m. ind. C. S. Vide Cladh-
tuma, privata dctri-ctutio. C S. uireaclid.
Clambakacii, -AiiiiK, iiilj. (C'laiiibar), Litigious, • Claucliluid, -idh, chl-, v. a. Exclutnge : muta.
wrangling : litiuni c-iipiiliis, rixosus. C. S. Llh.
• Claiuh, »•. m. I. Sli. it Llli. Vide Claiiiih. 2. • Claoi, if./. BiU. Gloss. Vide Claoidh.
A leper leprosus. O'H.
: • Claoicheadh, ». /«. Biol. Gloss. \ ide CladliacJi.
• Clanilmch, -aiche, (tdj. O'R. ^'ide Claiinh- Clauidii, -e, s. in. Desolation, destruction, con-
each. sumption vastatio, pernicies, eonsmuptio.

Cla.miian, -ais, -an, X. m. 1. A buzzard (Ulco :

" Feucli, ciunnas thùinìg orra claoitUi."
buteo. Linn. C. S. Voc. 73. 2. 1. e. " Clainhan- Rots. Sulm. Ixxiii. 19.
gòbhlaeh." Macf. V. A kite: falco milviis. Linn. Behold, how destruction is come upon them. Ec-
Ci.AMiiitAs, -Ais, s. m. A brawling, chiding: objur- ce, ut pernicies evenit illis.

gatio, altercatio. C. S. Claoidh, -idh, chl-, (Claoidh), Conquer, defeat,

•Clamhradli, -aidh, x. m. (Claimli), Scratching weary out, oppress : vince, subige, fatiga, oppri-
actio seabendi, scalpendi. O'R. Arab, ^eà^ aching of the bone from
me. hldfj,
Clamusa, pi. -fiiAN, or -aiciiean, s. m. (Clobhsa),
excessive labour.
An alley, narrow lane angiportus, locus angustus

inter donios duas. I be. 86. B. Bret, Cioc. Germ. Claoidheadii, -idh, «. »1. et />«•«. /xirt. r. Claoidh.
Xlause. Scot. Close. Jam. I. Wearjàng out, oppression fatigatio, oppressio. :

• Clàmhuin,
s.f. Steel chalybs. Sh. et O'R.:
C. S. 2. A discomfiture, conquest : clades sub-
Clàmhuixx, -e, s.m. Sleet: nix cum pluvia com- jugatio. C. S.
mista. D. Buchan. • Claoidheamh, *. w. Vide Claidlieamh. " Claoidh-
Clampar, -air, s. III. I. Id. q. Clatnbar. C. S. eanan." Swords: gladii. I'oc. 17.
2. Injury : injuria. PI. et Llh. App. • Claoidheire, s. m. A fugitive, silly fellow homo :

Clamparach, -aiche, wlj. (Clampar). C. S, Id. q. fugax, timidus, ineptus, nuUius pretii. MSS.
Clambarach. Vide Cladhaire.
Clamras, -ais, s.m. A brawling, chiding, clamour: Claoidhte, /x-r/'./xJrt. r. Claoidh. Defeated, over-
altercatio, objurgatio.Sh. Lett. Clamor. powered, wearied out, overwhelmed, exliausted
• Clanach, s.f. 1. Virtue: virtus. O'B. 2. Fruit- victus, superatus, oppressus, fatigatus, exhaustus.
ful persons homines procreare valentes. Llh.
" Ach chaonihainn mi fein an laoch claoidhte."
Clanx, -cloinne, Ci-ainx, et Claikse, «. /«. etf. S. D. 235.
coll. An offspring, children proles, liberi. " Cha :
But I (myself) spared the vanquished hero. At
chuirear na h-aithriche gu bus air son na cloinne, ni peperci ego ipse virum strenuum victum.
mo a chuirear a' clilann gu bus air son nan aithriche." Claoixe, \ *./. (Claon), Obliquity, squint-
Dettt. xxiv. 16. The lathers shall not be put to Claoixead, -id, J ness obliquitas, distortio. C.S. :

death for the children, neither shall the children Claoix-leud, -eid, s.m. (Claon, et Leathad). I. A

be put to death for the fathers. Ne afficiuiitor pa- sloping hill mons declivis. C. S. 2. Name of a

tres morte pro

filiis, nee afficiuntor fiUi morte pro place nomen : loci. C. S.
patribus. " Cha robh duine cloinne aice." Gen. xi. Claoixte, adj. et jiret. part. v. Claon. 1. Bent
30. She had no children. Nulla erat ipsi proles. flexus. C. S. 2. Sloping obliquus. C. S.

Jr. Cland. Wei. Plant. Dai: Gotli. Klahain. Claox, -aoine, adj. Squint, inclining: inclinans,
Germ. Klein, pa^^'us, minutus ; Klagen, children. strabus, obliquus. C. S. 2. Uneven, unequal
Wacht. Angl. Clan The names of several ter- obliquus, iniquus. Voc. 139. 3.Prone to pro- :

ritories in Ireland begin with Clan, signifying the " Claoti chum uilc."'
clivis. C. S. Prone to evil.
regions of the different tribes, or clans ; so in Scot- Proclivis ad malum. 4. Partial partium studio- :

land the names of the tribes themselves, " Clann — sus. Marf. V. Germ. Klein, subtilis. ^yacht.
Dònuill," " Clmin Raonuill," &c. The tribe of Claox, -aidh, chl-, v. a. (Claon, adj.) 1. Incline :

Donald, of Ronald tribus Donaldi, Uonaldi.

inclina. C. S. 2. (Jig.) Go aside, depart : se-

Claxx, -a, -ax, s.f. A lock of hair cirrus. C. S :

cede, abi. " Cldaon iad uile." Salin. xiv. 3. They
Cl.\xxach, -aiche, adj. (Clann). 1. Fruitful, pro- are all gone aside. Recesserunt illi omnes. 3.
lific foecundus, prolera gignens. C. S.
; 2. Hang Pervert pen^erte. Macf. V.
: 4. Decline decli- :

ing in locks, bushy : ciucinnatus, comatus. C. S. ua. MSS. Gr. KX/va).

Claxnadh, -aidh, *. m. 1. Thrusting: actio pro- • partium studium. '• Gun

Claon, «. m. Partiality :

trudendi. O'R. 2. A
blast, puff: flamen. A. «eque, ex jure. O'R.
chlaon." Impartially :

M'D. Claoxadh, -aidh, -aidheax, «. m. et pres. part. r.

Claxnail, -e, adj. Vide Clannach. Claon. Inclination, bending, squinting, turning
• Clannar, adj. Shining, sleek : nitens, nitidus. aside. Inclinatio, obliquitas, oculorum distortio,
Sh. secessio, recessus. Uh. et Voc. 182. " Claonadh
Claxxmhor, -oire, adj. (Clann), Having issue, pro- seachranach." Salm. cxix. 51. Deflection into
lific prolem gignens, fcECundus. Llh.
: error. In errorem recessio.
• Claochladh, s. m. B. B. Vide Caochladh. Claox.\ireachd, *./. ind. (Claon), Partiality : stu-
Claodhaire, -ean, s. m. C. S, Vide Ciadliaire. dium partium. IMt.
Claon-àrd, -àirde, -an, s.m. (Claon, et Ard), An la Columbae calvi. 2. Staved, floored with planks:
inclining steep : C. S.
acdivitas. contabulatus. C. S.
Claon-bhheitii, -ean, s.f. (Claon, et Breith),
-e, Clàrach, -Aicii, f. woman of
-AICHEAN, s. 1. A
Prejudice : prajudicium. C. S. clumsy figure mulicr obesa. S.
: 2. floor, C A
Claon-bhreitiieach, -eiche,o<^'. (Claon, et Breith), story pavimentum tabulatum, contignatio. Llh.

Partial : O'M. et C. S.
partiuni studiosus. * Claradh, -aidh, s. m. 1. Familiarity : familiari-
Claon-mharbh, -aidh, CHL-,v.a. (Claon, et Marbh), tas. OR. 2. Dividing: distributio. OR.
Mortify corpus edoma. O'R.
: Clàrag, -aig, -an, s.f. 1. fore tooth: dens an- A
Claon-mharbhadh, -aidh, s. 7)1. et pres. part. v. terior, vel incisivus. Voc. 14. 2. Wattled work
Claon-mliarbh. Mortification : animi motuuni co- on a sledge trahae crates viminibus intexta. C. S.

hibitio. C. S. • Claraidh, -ean, s.f. partition : dissepimentum, A

Claon-shùil, -ùla, -ùilean, s.f. (Claon, et Sùil), paries intergerinus. O'R.
A squint eye : oculus distortus. C. S. » Claraineach, adj. Flat nosed : simus. Llh.
Claon-shùileach, -eiche, adj. (Claon, et Suil), Clàr-ainm, -e, -ean, s. m. (Clar, et Ainm), A ca-
Squint-eyed : strabus. S. C talogue : catalogus. C S.
Clap, -a, *. m. Lues venerea, gonorrhoea. Voc. 25. Clar-ainme, vel -ainmeachaidh, -ainmiche, s.m.
Clap, -aidh, chl-, v. a. Clap plaude. C. S. : Vox Ainmeachadh), A title page pagina
(Clar, et : libri

Angl. Macf. V.
titulo inscripta.
Clapach, -aiche, adj. (Clap, s. et v.) 1. Clapping Clar-amais, s. m. (Clar, et Amas), An index : in-
plaudens. C. S. 2. Lue venerea laborans. C. S. dex. Voc. 167.
Clapsadaich, s.f. hid. Ì 1. The act of clapping, or Clàran, -ain, -an, s. m. dim. of Clar, q. vide.
Clapsadh, -aidh, s. »«. flapping with the wings :
>• Clàr-aodannach, -eudannach, -aiche, adj.
Clapartaich, -e, s.f. 3 actus plaudendi, vel pen- (Clar, et Aodan, vel Eudan), Broad faced, or brow-
nis sonandi. C. S. 2. Fondling, caressing ac- : ed : latum os habens. C. S.
tus fovendi, consuetudo nimium indulgendi. 3Iac- CÌÀR-BUALAIDH, -BHUALAIDH, S.m. (Clar, et Bual-
inù/. adh), A printing press : prelum typographicum.
Clapail, Macinty. 74. Vide Clapadaich, 1.
-e, s. ni. as.
• Clap-sholus, m. Twilight: crepusculum. Llh.
s. Clàr-chasach, -aiche, adj. (Clar, et Casach),
* Clàr, -aidh, chl-, v. a. Deceive, fable. " Chlàr Splay-footed valgus, pedibus distortis. Voc. 29.

i mi." MSS. She deceived me. Decepit ilia * Clar-cisteanacha, s. m. (Clar, et Cistin), A
me. Vide Car. dresser, kitchen table mensa coquinaria. C. S. :

Clàr, -air, .f. 7n. pi. Clòir, et Clair. 1. Any • Clardha, pret. part. v. Clar. Divided, parted : di-

smooth surface, or plane planum, planities las-

: visus, partitus. O'R.
vis quselibet, superficies. C. S. 2. A stave, or Clàr-dhealbh, -a, -an, s. m. A painting, sketch,
deal : asser, assula. OR. et C. S. 3. A table, draught, map : pictura, exemplar, modulus, de-
desk : mensa, abacus, tabula. O'R. et C. S. 4. scriptio, tabula. C. S.
An index : index. " Clar-innsidh." C. S. 5. An Clàr-feòirne, s. w. A chess board : latrunculorum
eared wooden plate : discus ligneus ansatus. C tabula. MSS.
S. 6. A slave : servus. Sh. 7. spoke : rotse A Clàr-fhiacaill, -fhiaclan, s.f. A fore tooth:
radius. Bibl. Gloss. " Clar an aodain." Voc. dens anterior. C. S.
13. The forehead frons, -tis. " Clar còta (no)
: Clàr-fodhairt, vel -fobhairt, vel -fabhairt,
peiteige." C. S. A
piece, or slip of a coat, or s. m. A smith's trough : fabri ferrarii alveolus. Voc.
vest : tunicae vel vestis interioris portio. " Clar 47.
beòil." S. CThe fore-piece portio (vestis) an- : Clàr-fuine, -fhuine, s. m. (Clar, et Fuin, v.) A
terior. " Clar ciiil." C. S. The back piece : por- kneading trough: mactra, alveus pistorius. Voc.
tio vel lacinia posterior. " Clar fuine." C. S. Ecs. 47.
xii. 34. A
kneading trough : mactra. " Clar na Clàr-innse, vel -innsidh, s. m. (Clar, et Innseadh),
deàrna. C. S. The palm of the hand : vola ma- An index : index. Matf. V.
nus. " Clar cuibhle." S. The spoke of a C Clàr-iomairt, s. m. (Clar, et lomart), A chess-
wheel : rotae radius. " Clar sgèithe." C. S. The board latrunculorum tabula. C. S.

field of a buckler area scuti. :

" Clar sgithe." Clar-mìneachaidh, -mìniche, -mhìnichidh, s.ìn.

MSS. The isle of Sky insula alata seu Skaien- : (Clàr, et Mìnich), A glossary : vocabularium. C.
sis. " Clar tàilisg." C. S. backgammon table : A S.
tabula latruncularis. " Clar," the plate, or flat, Clàrsach, -aich, -ean, s.f. A harp: lyra, cithara.
where each receives his portion, seems to be the " Bha bàrda nan duan ag aomadh,
root of the Latin Clar-us ; and of the Greek " Thar faoin thoirm an ceud clàrsach."
KXa^og, or K\r,^oi, also of KXjjfow, sorte divido. Tem. i. 548.
Clar, -air, s. m. S. D. 163. for Clàrsach, q. vide. Tlie bards of song bent over the gentle sound of
ClÀrach, -aiche, adj. (Clar). 1. Bare, bald : nudus, their hundred harps. Erant bardi carminum se
calvus. '• Ach snàmhaidh I Choluim chlàraich." inclinantes super inane murmur centum suarum
Oss. Vol. III. 433. But the island of Columba cithararum. Under this Gaelic denomination, the
the bald shall float. At super aquam feretur insu- harp is proved an article of heirship moveables in
Scotland, per decreet acta Dominorurn con-
apiiil CrEACHDcrNW, -KAM, «. m. Accustoming: actio as-
cilii Niiiiun Hnniiuchtyne of Ciinivs, rrrgiis A(,'-
; suefacieiuli. .Vatf. V.
ncs, dfsipu'd. " Ni iiihic Dlioniiil, or, ol'tlio Isles," C"i,EAMiiNA. f/rn. of Cliamhuinn, q. vide. " Athalr
llu. ik-h>li. Anno IHU. Copi/, jh'MS Sir Witltum iltamJtua." (\ S. A fatlier-in-law : tocer. " U'a
lUudeod lianmitifne. From, " t'eòl," music, ft rhhandiiuiilih." Ueii. xix. 14, Unto his sons-in-
" Arsaidli," ancient or, " t'làr," musical board, et
; law. Ad
generos mios.
*' Sitlieach," pacifying. 1 Sam. xvi. i'i. Cleamhnan, -A is, *. m. Affinity, connexion, rela-
ClAhsaih, -e, -ean, s. m. (C'làrsacli, et Fear), A tionship: affinitas. Lth, l-X. Koc. 9. II.
harper : citliara-dus. Voc. 107. • C'learadh, «. m. Familiarity : fumiliaritAS. Uh. et
ClAksaiukaciid, s.
f. ind. (C'lùrsair), Haq> music, OH.
the harper's trade : ars citharoedica. jVtuf. V. Cleakc, -a, -an, a curl, lock of hair: cirrus.
Clàk-tomhais, -tiiomhais, s. III. (t'làr, et Tomhas), " C'uin a thogas sinn ar cUurcan an ctin,
A balance, scale: trutina, lanx. lor. 110. " Mar reulta geal soluis air aonach ?"
Clàr-uachdair, vel -uACnnnAcii, *•• in. (Clàr, et S. D. 96.
Uachdar), of a chest, or trunk cista;
1. 'ITie lid : AVhen shall we spread our locks afar, as bright
vel area; operimentum. C. S. "2. The deck of a stars of light on the lull ? Quando erigcmus nos
ship : navis tabulata fori transtra. C. S. comas velut sidera lucida lucis super montem ?
• Clas, «. m. SA. et O'Ji. Vide Cleas. Clearc, -a, adj. (Clearc, ».) Curled : cincinnatus.
• Clas, (Glas), s.f. A pit, lock, furrow: fovea, se- S.D. 10.
ra, sulcus. O'H. ^'ide Clais, and Glas, *. Clearc, -aidh, chl-, v. a. Spread, curl, arrange :

» Clas, s. in. Uh. Vide Gleus. extendc, cincinna, stria. MSS.

Clasacii, -aich, -ean, s.f. N.H. Vide Closach. • Clcar-na càine, «. m. Poet of the tax : vectiga-
• Clasach, adj. Fat, fatted pinguis, saginatus. O'R. : lium poeta. SIu
• Clàsaiche, s. m. A singer cantor. MSS. : Cleas, -a, -an, «. m. 1. play, trick, craft: do- A
Claspa, -an, s. III. clasp A
fibula. LNi. et Voc. 19. : lus, lusus, astutia. Macf. V. 2. feat, deed of A
Clasp, -aidh, chl-, v. a. (Clasp, «.) Button, tye: heroism, or valour facinus, gestum. Ou. pass.

fibulis annecte. MSS. Hehr. d'?P keles, illusio.

Clath-nàiiie, *./. iiul. (Cleith, et Nàire), Bashful- Cleasach, -aiche, adj. (Cleas), 1. Playful, crafty:
ness : verecundia. Voc. 33. ludibundus, astutus, subdolus. C. S. 2. Perform-
Cle, (potìus C'lì), s.f. ind. 1. The left hand : manus ing feats of valour facinora edens. LUi.

sinistra. O'JB. 2. Evil, injury : malum, injuria. Cleasaciid, s.f. ind. (Cleas), 1. Playing: lusus,
OR. For " Cleith," dot. of « Cliath," Hie
3. actus ludendi. Fing. i. 27. 2. Performing of he-
field of a buckler. S. D. 1 78. marg. 4. Disposi- roic deeds res arduas actio faciendi.
: " Droch
tion, nature natura, indoles. Salm. cxxxix. 24.
: chleasachd." C. S. Foul play : fraudatio, illusio.
• Clè, adj. Left handed : la;vus, scaevus. Llh. Cleasachdacii, -aiche, adj. (Cleasachd), Playful
Cleachd, -AS, s.f. 1. A ringlet of hair : cLncin- ludibundus. O'B.
nus. C. S. " Ckachda' na greine." S. D. 116. Cleasachdaich, -e, s.f, C. S, Vide Cleasachd.
The rays of the sun radii solis. 2. bunch, or
: A Cleasadh, -aidh, *. m. Fing. i. 92. Id. q. Cleas-
fillet of carded or combed wool fasciculus vel : achd.
vitta lanK carminatae. C. S. " Air a cldeacM." Cleasaich, -iDH, CHL-, 17. n. Play: lude. O'R,
In order, the branches one way and the roots an- Cleasaiche, -ean, s. m. (Oeas), A stage play-
other. Compositus, radicibus hue, ramis illuc di- er, juggler, tricky fellow, quack, mountebank his- :

rectis, ut ericae, filicum. trio, ludio, proestigiator, homo astutus, illusor,

Cleachd, -aidh, chl-, v. a, et n. 1. Accustom: medicus circumforaneus, pharmacopola. Voc. 28.
assuesce. OB.
2. Be accustomed, be wont Cleasaidheachd, s.
f. ind. (Cleasaiche), Craft,
sole. " Mar
a cMachd e bhi deanamh." C. S. As subtlety ; dolus, astutia, versutia. Llh. Id. q.
he was wont to do. Sicut solebat facere. Cleasachd.
Cleachd, Cleachda, s. m. Llh, et Bibl. Gloss. Cleath, />rfA'./>art. v. Ceil, q. vide. Hiding: celans.
Vide Cleachdadli. C. S. Vide Cleith.
Cleachdach, -aiche, adj. (Cleachd, v.) 1. Usual, • Cleath, *./. Llh. Vide Cleith.
customary : solitus, pro more. Llh. 2. Tln'ck, • Cleath, s, in. A prince, chieftain : princeps, phy-
clustering : densus, racemosus. MaciiUif. 37. larcha, regulus. O'R.
Cleachdail, -e, adj. (Cleachda, s.). Customary, • Cleatha, s.f. A
goad, rib : stimulus, costa. O'R,
habitual : pro more, consuetus, solitus. O'B. et • Cleathach, -aiche, adj, (Cleath), Ribbed : costa-
as. tus. 07?.
Cleachdadh, -aidh, -aidhean, ». m. et pres. part. • Cleathaireachd, s.
f. ind. Rusticity, boldness :

V. Cleachd. Practice, exercise, use, custom exer- : rusticitas, audacia. O'R.

citatio, usus, exixjrientia, mos, consuetudo. PI. • Cleathard, adj. Steep, inaccessible : prxruptus,
sometimes " Cleachduinnean." Voc. 34. 153. Llh. inaccessus. Llh.
et C. S. • Cleathard, s. m. Fame, eminence : tama, emi-
CtzACHDT A, perf. part. off. Cleachd. Accustomed, nentia. O'Cler,
wont : solitus. Dan. Shol. iii. 8. • Cleath-chur, s. 1. Relation by blood : con-
sanguinitas. genealogical line :
Llh. 2. A several farms so named : clivus asper, quo nomine
ordo piosapia?, parcntum series, arbos gentilitia. plura procdiola distinguuntur. " Cleit," Parish of
O'B. Clatt. B. Bret. Clet. Scot. Clett, Cleuch, Cleugh.
• Cicathramli, s. m. Partiality, prejudice partium : Jam.
studium, prxjudiciuni. Llh. et O'R. Cleiteach, -eiche, adj. (Cleit). 1. Feathery : plu-
Cleibe, -eachan, «. m. An instrument for laying mosus. lob. xxxix. 13. 2. Rocky: scopulosus.
hold of fish instrumentum tjuoddam piscatoriuni,
: as.
hamus. C. S. Scot. Clip. 2. The instrument Cleiteadh, -idh, -ean, s. m. (Cleit, 2.), ridge A
with which the St. Kildians catch their sea-fowls. of rocks in the sea rupium in mare excurrentium :

Hist, of St. Kilda. dorsum. Sh.

Cleibh, gen. ^il. of Cliabh, q. vide. Cleiteag, -eig, -an, /. dim. of Cleit. A little .«.

• Cleibhin, s. m. Ll/i. Vide Cliabhan. quill, a snow flake plumula, floccus niveus. O'R.

Cleid, -e, -ean, s.f. A flake: floccus. C. S. Scot. et as.

Cleath, cloth. Èeìff. Kleeat. Cleiteagach, -aiche, adj, (Cleiteag). 1. Downy,
Cleideach, -EicHE, o(j^'. (Clèid), Flaky: floccis in- fleaky : mollis, tener, floccatus. O'R. 2. Craggy,
gentibus. C. S. rocky scopulosus. O'R.

Cleideag, -eig, -an, ,?.

f. dim. of Cleid. A little Cleitean, -ein, -an, s. m. dimin. of Cleit. 1. quill, A
flake : flocculus. C. S. down penna, pluma, lanugo. C. S. 2.
: pent- A
Cleideagach, -aiciie, adj. (Cleideag), Feathery, house, eaves of a roof: compluvium, stillicidium.
flaky : plumosus, floccatus. C S. Llh,
• Cleidhe, «.
f. A chalice, cup : calix, poculum. Cleith, -e, -ean. 1. stake: sudes, vallus. C. S. A
07?. 2. A
goad : stimulus. C. S. 3. An oar remus. :

Cleir, -e, s.f. 1. The

clergy: ordo sacer, clerici. A. M'-D. 4. A
roof tecti fastigium. " Cha 'n :

Mar 'eil uam ach an gionach,

" fhiiimise thusa a theachd a steach fo m' cleith."
" Gheibh mi 'm mionach na cUir e." i?. D. Mat. viii. 8. I am not worthy that thou shouldest
If I want but greed, in the bowels of the clergy I come under ray roof. Non dignus sum te venire
shall find it. Si desit mihi voracitas tantum, inve- sub tectum meum. 5. A hill, eminence mons, :

niam earn in visceribus clericoruni. 2. A presby- locus editus, verruca. Llh. Gr. KXsiu, claudo,
tery : presbyterium. iV. H. et, celebro.
' Cleirceach, adj. Clerical clericus, ecclesiasti- : Cleith, s.f. et pres.part. v. Ceil.
-e, conceal- A
cus. OR. B. Bret. Cloarec. ment, concealing : occultatio. " Agus o eunlaith
CtEiREACH, -ICH, s. 111. 1. clerk, writer: scriba. A an athair tha i an cleith." Job. xxviii. 21. And
Voc. 44. 2. A clerg)mian : clericus, presbyèer vel from the fowls of the air it is hid. Et a volatili
sacerdos. Voc. 39. " Fear
a bhios aig a' chlàr Hebr.
cceli est in occultatrone. X70 chele. Chald.
sgi-ìobhaidh." i. e. He who
sits at the writing
v3 clei, clausit. Gr. KXna, claudo ; KXe/c, clavis.
table. Qui sedet ad tabulam scriptoriam. Sh. 3.
A church-officer, clerk, proclaimer of banns sa- :
JFr. Clef.

crista, futurarum nuptiamm denunciator. Cleith, dat. of Cliath, q. vide.

" Oir thachair mi eadar an sagart 's an cUireach." Cleith, -idh, chl-, v. a. Conceal : occulta. O'R.
R.D. * Clèithe, pret. part. v. Cleith. Llh. Vide
For I chanced to be between the priest and the Ceilte.
clerk. Nam incidi inter sacerdotem et sacristam. Cleitiieach, -eiche, adj. (Cleith), Private : priva-
Fr. Clerc. tus. Llh.
Cleireachd, s.f. ind. (Cleir), Scholarship, clerk- Clkitheachd, s. f. ind. (Cleith), Lurking: occulta-
ship, clergy : Literarum peritia, clericatus, clerus. tio. Llh.
Llh. Cleith-inntinn, s.
f. (Cleith, et Inntinn), Mental
« Cleireachd,
f. s. The church, clerksliip : eccle- reservation : dissimulatio. C. S.
sia, clericatus. O'R. * Cleith-mhiosguis, s.f. A private grudge : odium
Cleirich, gen. et pi. of Cleireach, q. vide. occultum. Llh.
Cleirsinneachd, s.f. (Cleireach), Clerkship, the Cleitig, -ean, \s.f. A denomination of land, one
business of vrriting : scribffi ofEcium, seu munus. Cleitinn, -e, J cow's grass portiuncula quaedam :

Vide Cleireach. agri, quanta unam vaccam pascendo sufficit.

Cleit, -e, s.f. 1. A
quill feather. C. S. 2. cover-
: A Hebrid.
ing of feathers : penna, pluma, plumai"um tegmen. * Clè-lamhach, adj. Left handed scaevus. Llh. :

" Mar sgiatli' nan colman luath, i. e. Cli-lamhach.

f. Mischief: damnum detrimen-

" Folaicht' le h-airgiod, is an cleit, * Cle-mhana, «.

" Le h-òr a 's deirge snuadh." tum. Llh.

Salm. Ixviii. 13. Cleòc, ì -a, -an, et -ANNAN, s. »i. cloak : pal- A
As the wings of swift doves covered with silver, Cleòchd, J
and their feathers with gold of reddest hue. Ut " An ciiirtein gorm tha nunn o'n speur,
alae columbarum, tectae argento, et plumae earum " Mu "n cuairt do'n chriiirme-ce mar chleac."
auro ruberrimi colons. 3. A rugged eminence Dug. Buchan.
Tlie blue curtain tliut is over tlie sky, nroiind the gitorum circa tibiue foramina volitantium niotui.
oiiitli lis a iloak. Aulieuin iieriiliuni timui »st A. Ml). (Hum.
trail» ub a-tbere, circum orbeui ternu-uiu sieut pal- • Cliuriihacli, -aich, s, m. A fox vulpes. LIA. :

buni. Cliamhuinn, I
gen. Clramhna ; jtl. Ci.itiMHKEAS',
C1.EÒC11D, -AiDii, CHI.-, V. a. (Cleòchd, ».) Cloak : Cliamiiuin, ) et Cleamhsas', m. «. (I'liabh, 2. et
velu, foiitegc. C. S. Duine), A son-ill-law : gcner. " Ciod Ì 1110 blieatha,
Cleòciidan, -MS, -AN, s. til. diiit. of Clcocliil. A no teaglilach m' utiiar, gu 'ni billiinii a' iix cldiamh-

little cloak : pallioluiii. C. S. uin aig an rigli ?" 1 Sam. xviii. IH. NVhat is my
Cleoo, -eoid, -ban, g. f. liorse-Hy A : tubanus. life, or my father's house, that I should be a son-
C.S. in-law to the king? Quid est vita niea, vel domuH
ClÌ, atìj. 1. Left handed, left sinister, sca-- : patris mei, <iuod futurus siin geiier regis ? In the
Clìtii, -e, ) vus. i'oc. 139. •• Tha cridhc aniudain plural it coniinonly signifies any near relutions by
air a tainih chii." Eccl. x. 2. A fool's heart is at marriage : alKiies. Liut. Clieiis.
bis left side. Animus stolidi est ad latus sinis- Cliar, -£iu, s. f. 1. A poet : poeta. Macf, V.
truni. Bret. C\ez.
li. 3. Kind benijjnus. :
" Ceann uidhe nan nan seancliaidh." Oran.
cliar 's

" nia claim nan righ gu cU is caoin." Keat. The resting place of poets and tale reciters.
Oigfinam. 137. Locus quietis poetarum, et narraturuin. Wtl.
Tlie race of kings is kind and gentle. Est proles Cler, music. 2.A brave man vir strenuus. MacJ'. :

reguni benigna et blanda. V. " Cliar nan cath." 5. D. 73. War troops
Clì, s./. hid. 1. Strength, vigour vires, vis. C. S. : bellatores. 3. A society : societas. Sh.
2. Ribs costa. C. ^. :Vide Cliathach. 3. The Cliar, -a, adj. Gallant, brave: fortis, strenuus, hel-
body : corpus. Llfi. 10 ciarus.
lo on. et
Sh. ec C.
l. S.
• Cli, s. III. A
successor to an episcopal see qui : Cliabacud, ind, 1 s. m. etf. 1. Singing: can-
subit in locum
episcopi. Ll/i. 2. poet of A Cliaraidheachd, ind.V tio. Sh. 2. Feats of
the 3d. order: poeta tertii ordinis. O'Ji. Cliauachas, -ais, y strength in wrestling :

• Clia, »•./. (i. e. Chath), All the fingers in piping: pancratium. O'li,
omnes digiti sonum tibia niodulantes. A. M'l). Cliaradii, -AiDii, «.»1. Singing, music : cantio, mo-
Gloss. dulanien. A, iV'Z).
Cliabh, m. 1. A certain kind of basket
-tiBii, s. Cliaraichb, -ean, s. m. (Cliar, 1.) A songster:
for carrying burdens sporta, vel corbis quxdani, ad : cantor. Llh.
onera portanduni. Smt. Creil, Creel. Jam. • Cliar-ealain, s. m. A band of bards : poetarum
•' Mo pliears' fo pliian, mo chroit fo cidiabh." ccEtus. MSS.
1Ì. D. Cliaranach, -aich, *. m. (Cliar, 1.) I. bard, A
My body in pain, my
back under the basket, or songster poeta, cantor. Steto. Gloss. 2.
: swords- A
creel. Corpus mei sub dolorem, meuni dorsum man : strenuus miles, gladiator. C. S. 3. sword A :

sub corbe portatoria. 2. The chest : pectus, gladius. Macf. V.

thorax. Chat A, part. Vide Cliathta.
" Bhuail a chridli' gu h-àrd 'n a chliabh." Cliatan, -AIN, -AN, s. m. level plot of ground : A
Fing. iii. agellus planus. Provin.
His heart beat high Pulsavit ejus in his breast. Cliath gen, Clèithe ; dot. Cleith, *./.
; man's A
cor alte in pectore suo. " Cliabh gùin." Voc. A chest: pectus, thorax, sternum. C, S. 2. (Cliabh),
boddice, a stomacher : pectorale togas muliebris. Abasket : corbis. C. S. Wei. Clwyd. 3. hur- A
" Cluibh," for " Cliabh," Vt. 44. Hebr. aiSa dle, or frame : crates. C. S. 4. harrow ras- A :

d\i>h, corbis. trum. 3[acf. V. 5. battallion A

agnien mihtum. :

Cliabhach, -aiche, adj. (Cliabh, 1.) Full of bas- O'R. 6. Darning of a stocking tibialium refec- :

kets : corbibus plenus. C S. tio. .S7*. 7. Treadles of a loom : jugi textorii in-
C1.IABHAK, -AiN, -AN, m. diiìiìn. of Cliabh. A s. silia. O'R. 8. A worm in distilling : dolii stil-
small basket, cage, boddice corbicula, loculus, : labyrinthus. A.M'-D.
latii 9. body, multitude: A
thorax niuhebris. Aiiisw. Llh. agmen. e. g. " Cliath eisg, bhradan, sgadain." C.
Cliabii-fharsl'ing, -e, adj. (Chabh, 2. et Farsuing), S. A
body of fish, as salmon, herrings. Agmen
Broad chested latus pectore. Fing. i. 359.
: piscium, veluti salmonum, halecuni. 10. The nine
• Cliabhrach, -aich, -aichean, s. /. Side, or trunk fiugers in piping noveni digiti tibiie sonum mo-

of tlie body latus, seu truncus corporis. O'K.

: dulantes. Sape " Cliath lù," q. vide. 11. lat- A
Vide Cliathach. tice : transenna, clathrus. " 'G a nochdadh fèin
Cliabh-sgeathkach, -aich, -ean, s.f. (Cliabh, troimh 'n clèith." Dan. Shol. ii. 9. Shew-jng him-
2. et Sgeith), A vomit : vomita, voniitio. Voc. self through the lattice. Ostcndens sese per clath-
27. rum. Fr. Claye, a harrow. Gr. K'fjioi, claudo.
Cliadan, -AiN, -AN, s. til. A burr, burr-dock : arc- Chald. ^}'?^ cilia, et '^3 chli, clausit, continuit.
tium lappa. Linn. Sh. et C. S.
Cliath, -aidh, chl-, v. a, (Cliath, 4.) I. Harrow :
• Cliadli, s. m. Antiquaries antiquarii. ,S7/. :
occa. C. S. 2. Ini, ut gallus galliuani. Sh. et
CuA LÙ, S.f. ind. (Cliath, et Lù), All the fingers in
motion, playing on the pipe-chanter omnium di- :
CtiATHACH, -AICH, -AICHEAN, S.f. \. Tlie frame
of the ribs : costai-um crates. C. S. 2. The chest paleare. C S. 2. A dupe : homo insulsus, alie-
pectus, sternum. III. q. C'liabh, 2. 3. A battle, nis artibus obnoxius. C. S.
conflict : proelium, contlictus. ;S7(. et O'li. « CUbheadh, s. f. Stumbling, stepping : tituba-
Cliatiiag, -aig, -an, s. /. dim. of Cliath. A little tio, actus gradicndi. O'T?.

hurdle, or harrow : crates exigua, rastellum. Ll/i. • Clibhiseach, -eiche, adj. Peevish : raorosus. O'R.
App. • Clibhiseaclid, «. /. i>id. (Clibhiseach), Peevish-
Cliathair, -ean, s. m. (Cliath,
-e, et Fear), A ness niorositas. Ll/u

harrower occator. C. S.
: • Clibin, -e, -ean, s. m. (i. e. Clibein), A piece,
Cliathan, -aix, -an, s. m. A breast : pectus. LI/i. segment frustum, segmentum. PI. et Ll/i.

CliATH-BHARRAICH,^/. -AN-BARRAICH, S.f. (Cliath, • Clibis, s.f. A

tumult tumultus. Ll/i. :

et Barrach), A
birch hurdle, or frame for the door Clibist, -e, -ean, s.f. A
misadventure: casus ini-
of a summer booth crates e betultc vimiuibus
: quus. C. S.
contexta qua clauditur tugurium pastorale. C. S. Clibisteacii, -eiche, ff<^'. (Clibist), Unfit, unhandy :
Cliath-chliata, pi. -an-cliata, s.f. A harrow: inhabilis. S. C
rastrutn. Voc. 94. ' Clich, -idh, chl-, V. a. Assemble : congrega.
Cliath-chòmhraig,/)/. -an-còmhraig,«./. (Cliath, MSS.
9. et Còmhrag). 1. A batallion agmen militum : » Clicheadli, -idh, -ean, s. m. An assemblage
acie instructorum, acies armata, milites in acie di- hominumconventus. O'R.
micantes. 3ISS. 2. hero : heros. A MSS. Clìciid, -e, -ean, s.f. 1. An iron hook, or hinge:

Cliathdan, -ain, -an, s. m. Voc. 59. Vide Cha- haqiago, hamus ferreus. C. S. 2. cunning A
dan. trick dolus. C. S.
: Scot. Cleik. Jam. B. Bret.
ClIATH-IARUIXN, pi. -AN-IARUINN, S.f. (Cliath, Cliket.
et larrun), A pot trivet : tripus, ollae sustentacu- Clìchd, -idh, chl, v. a. (Clichd, s.). Shut up by
lum ferreum. I'oc. 88. means of a hook, or hooks necte hamis, vel bra- :

Cliath-làimhe, pi. -AN-LÀIMHE, S.f. (CUath, et chiis mutuis C. S.

insertis confibula.
Làrah), A hand-barrow : vehiculum manu versa- Clìchdeach, -eiche, adj. (Clichd, 2.), Cunning,
tile. Macf. V. artful, fraudulent versutus, vafer.
: " Gu clich-
Cliath-lù, (i. e. Cliath-luath). 1. Id. q. Cha deach carach." C. S. Cunningly, and craftily:
-1Ù. 2. The quickest part of a pipe war-tune, vafre, astute. Scot. Cleiky.
or Crun-luadh. 3Iacdoiiaid's Pipe Music, Edin- Clì-lamiiach, adj. (Cli, adj. et Lamh), Lefl-hand-
burgh. ed : scae\-us. C. S.
Cliath-luaidh, pi. -AN-LUAIDH, s.
f. (Cliath, et -•
Clinnceadh, -idh, -ean, s. m. A jingling : tinni-
Luadh), A fuller's frame, or hurdle : fuUonis cra- tus, crepitus. Voc. 160.
tes, as. Cliob, -aidh, chl-, v. a. et 7i. 1. Stumble, slip:
« Cliathog, -oig, -ean, (Cliath), The spine, or tituba, vacilla- C S. 2. Tear in pieces : lacera.
back dorsum, spina, tergum. Llh.
: Llh.
• Cliathrach, adj. Breast-high : ad pectoris altitu- Cliobadh, -aidh, 5. w). et pres. part. v. Cliob.
dinem. Sh. et O'R. Slipping, stumbling titubatio, vaciUatio. C. S.

Cliath-ràmh,/j/. -an-ràmh, s.f. (Cliath, et Ràmh), Cliobaire, -an, «. m. (Cliob, et Fear), A clumsy,
A set of oars ordo remorum. A. 3I'D.
: silly person, a simpleton homo inhabilis, futilis,

Cliath-sheanchais, pi. -an, -seanchais, (Cliath, nullius pretii, cui quid facile eripitur. C. S.
et Seanchas), genealogical tableA : tabula ge- Cliobaireacud, s.f. ind. (Cliobaire), Clumsiness,
nealogica. 3Iacf. V. " Fliuair thu cliii na clia- silliness, inexpertness ignavia, inhabihtas, futih-

sheanchais." Macinty. 56. Thou hast obtained tas. as.

the praise of the genealogical table. Tulisti fam- Cliobain, -ean, s. m. A dewlap : paleare. C. S.
am tabulae genealogicee. Cliobalachd, s.f. ind. Vide Cliobaireachd.
Cliath-uinxeig, pi. -AN-UINNEIG, S.f. (Cliath, et Cliobar, -air, s.m. Sleet: nix cum plmia com-
Uinneag), A balconj- podium, meniana. Voc. 84. : mixta. C. S.
Clib, -e, -eachan, s. »1. An excrescence, any thing Cliobhach, -aichf, adj. Curled, rough : crispatus,
dangling, or hanging loosely from another: caro asper. Sh. et OR.
adnata, vel tale quidlibet impensuni. MSS. • Cliobhuna, s. in. A rug: stragulum hispidum.
Clibeag, -eig, -an, s.f. 1. A trick, wile, imposi- Llh.
tion dolus, fallacia. C. S.
: or 2. An accident, Cliobag, -aig, -an, s.f. A filly equula. Lih. :

awkward performance : res fortuita, vel inhabiUter Cliobag-eich, s. / (Chobag, et Each), A shaggy
acta. C. S. colt equulus hispidus. PI.

Clibealachd, s.f. ind. (Clibeil), Clumsiness, silH- » s.f Dejection of aspect nioestus as-
Cliobsa, :

ness : inconcinnitas, rusticitas, futilitas. C. S. pectus. 3ISS. Gr. E!'.>J^^//c, eclipsis.

Clibeil, -e, adj. (Clib), Clumsy, silly: inhabihs, Cliof, -a, -ANNAN, S.f. clifF scopulus. C. S.A :

dexteritatis expers. C. S. Germ. Klippe. Belg. Klip, rupes montana.

Clibein, -e, -ean, s. m. dim. of Clib. 1. little A Wacht.
extraneous appendage, an excrescence, a dewlap : Clìogair, -idh, chl-, v. a. (Cliogar, s.), Croak
res exigua adnascens, aut inhabihter dependens, crocita. MSS.
CLI ^235 CLO
Clìooaii, -Ain, 4'. HI. A croaking: actus crocituiidi, • Clithre, «. /. A guard : custodia. O'li. Gr.
i-oaxaiiili. iV.S'.S'. K/.i;^», clauHtruni.
• Cliof;ursa, adj. Tliut croaks : crocitubuiiilus. Ci.iTKi, -E, -EAN, ».J'.
Vide CIciteag.
OJ{. Ci.iu, ijin. Ci.iu, Ci.iÙTHA, «. in. l*raiie, fame, re-

• Cliohiiita, ml/. (Cli, «. et Lùthnnta), Stout, po- nown : lau8, fuMia, gloria.

tent, henrty : fortis, potcns, liilaris. U/i. " liu kIioIus leant, \ b'e mo chliit,
Cliopacu, -aiciie, at//. Halt in speech balbus. :
" Bhi leagudh gu dlù nun ceud."
c.s. Fing. i. 1 15.
Cliospacii, -AICIIE, atlj. Lame: claudus. roc. 29. It was my joy, and my fame, to cut down thickly

Cliostak, -Aiii, -AS, «. HI. A clystcr : clyster. Voc. the hundreds. Fuil gaudiuni mihi, et fuit mca
27. Fr. C'lystere. gloria, slernere conl'ertini centuria». Wei. Clod.
• Cliotach, -aiclie, adj. Sk. Vide Ciataeh. Gr. KXioi, gloria ; K/.ow, audio K/.E/U, celebro. ;

Clipe, -eas, s.j: 1. C. S. Id. q. Cliob. '2. {Jig.) Hebr. ^^p kUd, to make bright.
Fraud, deceit : fraus, dolus. S. Gr. KKiiro;, C Cliùchd, -Aiuii, CHL-, V. a. Mend nets: retia re-
furtum. fice. C. S.

Clip, idh, chl- v. a. Hook: hamum insere. Cliùchdach, -aiciie, adj. 1. Hooked: hamatus.
Sà. O'R. 2. Cunning, deceitful : subdolus, fraudu-
Clip-lamhach, •aiche, adj. (Clip, et Lonih), Un- lentus. C. S.
handy, having feeble hands inluvbilis, cui torpent : Cliùchdadh, -aidh, «. m. et pres. part. v. Cliuchd.

manus. C. S. A mending of nets retium refectio vel restaura-


Clip-là.miiachas, \ s.f. (Clip-làmhach), Unhandi- tio. C.S.

Clip-là.mhaiciie, j ness inhabilitas, imperitia. : Cliùchdair, -e, -EAN, s. m. (Cliuchd, et Fear), 1.

C.S. A mender of nets retium sartor. C. S. 2. A

Clis, -e, adj. Active, quick, nimble : agilis, vividus, maker of nets qui retia facit. C. S.

promptus, strenuus. Macf. V. " Na fir chlise." Cliùciidaireachd, s.J'. ind. (Cliùchdair). 1. The
C. S. The merry dancers. Aurora borealis. art of mending nets ars sarciendi retia. C. S.

Clis, idh, ciil-, r. a. et n. 1. Leap, skip sali, subsili. : Cunning, artifice

2. : techna, artificium. C. S.
JJh. 2. Frustrate, deceive : frustrare, falle. Llh. Cliùd, -A, -AN, *. »1. A stroke with ihe fingers: ic-

Cliseadii, -idh, -idhean, s. m. et pres. part. v. tus a digitis factus. C. S.

Clis, Askip, or jump : saltus. Llh. • Cliùd, adj. Squint-eyed : strabus. Uh.
Clisg, idh, chl-, v. a. et n. Start, startle, leap for Cliùdan, -AIM, -AN, s. m. of Cliùd.
rfiwi. little A
fear : exili, subsili, expavesce. stroke with the fingers : levis ictus digitorum.
" Chlisg feidh is earba son fhraoch." " Cliùdan cliadan." C. S. Children's play. Cre-
Fing. i. 61. pundia. Vide Cliùd.
Deer and roe startled in the heatJi subsiluerunt : Cliùiteach, -eiche, adj. (CI'iù), Famous, renown-
capreae in erica.
cer\'i et ed: inclytus, Celebris. Koc. 131. Gr. KXuto;, in-
Clisge, a\ m. Vide Clisgeadh. clytus.
Clisgeach, -eiche, adj. (Clisg, v.), Startling, fear- Cliùiteachadh, -AIDH, s.m. et pres.part. v, Cliùit-
ful, timid : subsiliens, meticulosus, pavidus. Mac/. Celebrating celebratio, laudatio. C. S.
ich. :

V. Cliù-mhor, -dire, adj. (CUù, et Mòr), Glorious:

Clisgeadh, -idh, -idhean, s. m. et pres. pait.v. praeclarus. C. S.
Clisg. A startling subsultus, subitus pavor, tre-
: Cliù-oirdiieirc, -e, adj. (Cliù, et Oirdheirc), Dlus-
pidatio. " A chlisge," " A
chlisgeadh," adv. In trious famà illustris. C. S.

a start, instantly.' Uno saitu, mox, statin), con- Cliùtacii, -aiche. Tern. i. 420. Vide Cliùiteach.
festim. CliÙthachadh, -aidii, s. m. etpres.part. v. Chùth-
Clisxeach, -ich, -ichean, s.f. 1. bar -gate: A aich. Celebrating : actus laudandi. S. C
posticum. C
S. 2. Lameness of body : macritudo. Cliùtiiaich, I -idh, chl-, f. a. (Cliii), Praise, ce-
Macinly. 61. Cliùitich, I lebrate celebra, lauda. S. : C
Cliste, adj. Supple, nimble : lentus, agilis. Bibl. Cliùthaichte, pret. jxirt. v. Cliùthaich. Celebrat-
Gloss. " Clist." Salm. xxix. 6. metr. ed celeber, laudatus. C. S.

Clisteaciid, s.f.ind. Activit)', dexterity: agilitas, Cliùthar, -aire, Tern. ii. 287. Vide Cliùthmhor.
dexteritas. LUi. Cliùthmhor, -oire, adj. Vide Cliùmhor.
Clìtii, -e, adj. 1. Left : scaevus, Isevus. Voc. 15. Cliùthmhorachd, *. /. ind. (Cliùthmor). Vide
2. Close, true compactus, firmus, verus. Lili.
: Cliù.
3. Vile : vilis. " A' cholunn chlith." A. M-D. Cliù-thoillteanach, -aiche, adj. (Cliù, et Toill-
The vile body corpus vile. : teanach). Praiseworthy : laude dignus. C. S.
Clìtii, -e, s.f. Vide Cli, s. Clò, *. ;n. Clòtha, pi. Clòitheas, et Cloithn-
• Clitheag, s.j". A gap semita, callis. Provin. : tean. Coarse broad cloth pannus latus genere
1. :

Clìth-lamhach, adj. (CUth, adj. et Làmh(, Left- crassior. C. S. 2. A print, impression typus, im- :

handed : scffivus. C. S. Wei. Cleddow. pressio. Macf. V. 3. A printing press prelum. :

Clìth-lamhachd, s.f. ind. (Clith-lamhach), Left- " Do bhuaileadh so ag clò in Dun Edin, darab
handedness : scaevitas. C. S. conihainm Diin-monaidli." Cars. Lit. titul. This
was struck (off) at press in Edinburgh, otherwise Cloch-ghual, -uaii,, s.
f. Sea coal : lithanthrax
called " Dun-nionaidli."' Excudebatur hoc, apud marinus. Voc. 4.
prelum Edinburgi, alias " Dun-monaidh." 4. A Cloch-mheallain, «./. i^i«^. ii. 289. VideClach-
nail, pin, peg : clavus, acicula, pcssulus. O'R. 5. mheallain.
A gloom, vapour obscuritas, caligo. " Cha tuit
: Clociimhor, -dire, adj. (Cloch, et Mor), Stony
do codail no suain air fear-coiraliid Israeli. " Salm. lapidosus. Voc. 136.
cxxi. 4. Slumber, or sleep, shall not fall on the Clochran, -ain, -an, *. m. Macf. V. Vide Clach-
keeper of Israel. Nee sonini caligo nee sopor in- aran.
cidet custoditori Israelis. Clochranaich, -e, s.f. Macf. V. Vide Clocharn-
* C1Ò, «. m. A defeat : clades belle accepta. ach.
OR. 2. The sea : mare. 07?. Cloch-reathnach, s.f. The herb polypody, or oak
* C1Ò, m. 1. Variety, change
s. : varietas, muta- fern : polypodium. O'R.
tio. O'E. 2. A pair tongs : forceps. OR. Cloch-shneachd, -a, Voc. 5. Vide Clach-mheall-
Vide Clobha. ain.

Clobha; ^/. Clobiiachan, s. m. A pair of tongs: Clocii-shreathail, s.yi Freestone: saxumvivum.

More frequently, Clach ghaireil, q. vide.
forceps. Voc. 87. Arab. XjÌVjì. JtMabet, tongs.
CLOCH-sniiiL, -ÙLA, -EAN, S.f. A pearl-cyc, that of
Clobhsa, -achan, s. m. C. S. Id. q. Clabhsa. an infant gazing at an object with pleasure oculus :

Clò-bhuail, -idii, CHL-, V. a. (C1Ò, 3. et Buail), gemmeus, scilicet infantuli aliquod cum voluptate
Stamp, print : signa, imprime, tj-jjis vulga. C. S. contemplantis. C S.
Clo-bhuailte, perf. part. v. Clò-bhuail. Printed :
Clocii-shuileach, -eiche, adj. (Cloch-shùil), Hav-
impressus, typis mandatus. Macf. V. ing pearl eyes, (clear, round, full) : oculos habens
Clò-bhuailteir, -e, -ean, s. m. (Clò, 3. Buail, et gemmeos, (lucidos, rotundos, plenos). " Gach
Fear), A printer : qui tj-pis imprimit vel excudit. eunan beag bachullach, chloch-shitileach." Sgeul.
Macf. V. Each little, curl-feathered, pearl-eyed bird. Quae-
Clo-bhualadh, -aidh, m. et pres. part, i: Clo- s. que avicula plumis crispatis, oculis gemmeis.
bhuail. Printing, an impression impressio, libro- :
Cloch-thàirnge, s.f. (Cloch, et Tarruing), A load
runi editio. Macf. V. stone : magnes. OR. et C. S.
Clòca, -CHAN, *. m. Vide Cleòchd. Clod, -a, -an, s. m. A clod, tuif cespes, gleba. :

Clòcach, -aiche, adj. Slouched galerus cui latus : " A' sguabadh chlod is clach is chraobh."
et inliabilis est margo. " Co am fear ud air am S. D. 226.
bheil an ada cMòcach ?" C. S. WTio is that who Sweeping clods and stones, and trees. Auferentes
wears the slouched hat? Quis est ille qui gerit ga- glebas, lapides, arboresque.
lerum niarginibus demissis .-'

Clod, -aidh, chl-, v. a. (Clod, *.) Clod, pelt with

Clock, Cloiciie, pi. -an, 1. LIh. Id. q. Clach. clods : cespitibus impete, glebis conspurca. C. S.
2. Tlie gravel calculus, (morbus). Llh.
: 3. Pupil Clodach, -AiCH, Dirt, slime: coenum, hmus.
of the eye : oculi pupilla. Salm. xvii. 8. 4. The Llh.
herb henbane : hyoscyamus, herba. O'R. Gr. Ka- Clodach, -aiche, adj. (Clod, s.) Full of clods, clod
like glebosus, cespitem referens. C. S.

Clochach, -aiche, adj. (Cloch), 3Iatt. xui. 5. Ed. Clod aire, -ean, s. m. (Clod, s. et Fear), A pelter
1767. Vide Clachach. of clods : qui glebas egerit. S. C
Clochair, -e, -ean, s. m. Salm. cxviii. 22. Ed. Clodaireachd, *. /. ind. (Clodaire), Casting of
1753. Vide Clachair. clods glebarum egestio. C. S.

Clochan, -ain, -an, s. m. OB. Vide Clacharan. Clodan, -ain, -an, s. m. dim. of Clod. little clod : A
Clocharnach, -aich, s.f. Wheezing in the tliroat: gleba exigua. S. C
ravis in gutture. Sh. Gr. KayXaS^oi, strepito, re- Clodanach, -aiche, adj. (Clodan), Cloddy, full of
sono, ebullio. small clods : pai-vis glebis obductus. C. <S.
Clocharra, adj. (Cloch). 1. Set with stones : gem- Clod-cheann, -chinn, s. m. (Clod, et Ceann), A
matus, lajjidibus omatus. MSS. 2. Lively : vi- lump-head caput crassum et iners. C. S.

vidus. C. S. Clod-cheannach, -aiche, adj. (Clod-cheann), Hea-

Cloch-biieumnaich, -E, s./. A stamping: impressio, x^'-headed : caput habens crassum et iners. C. S.
actus imprimendi. Sh. Clòdh, -a, -an, s. ?n. 1. A print, impression : ty-
Cloch-bhuadha; j9/. -an-buadha, s.f. A precious pus, vestigium. Ll/i. Id. q. Clò, 2. 2. A print-
stone gemma. " Solus cldocha-buadha." Fhip. i.
ing press : prelum. Id. q. Clò, 3.
851. The shining of precious stones. Fulgor la- Clòdh, -aidh, CHL-, V. a. (Clòdh, 1.) 1. Print,
pillorum pretiosorum. stamp imprime. Llh.: 2. Conquer vince. Llh. :

Cloch-chinn ;^/. -AN-ciNN, S.f, Vide Clach-chinn. et O'B.

Cloch-chròcaidh, s. /. (Cloch, et Cròcadh), Clodha, -achan, s. m. Voc. 87. Vide Clobha.
{-CHROTAIDH, 3Iaef. V.) A sort of mortar, mor- Clodh ADAIR, -E, -EAN, s. 7». (Clòdh, ct Fear), A
tar-stone : caementi genus. S/i. et O'R. printer tjTJOgraphus. O'R.

Cloch-dhealbh;^/. -an-dealbh, *./. A stone sta- Clòdh-bhuail, -idh, chl-, r. a. Llh, et C. S. Id.
tue: imago lapidea. C. S. q. Clò-bhuail.
CLÒriii-BiiuAiLTE, prtt. jHirt. V. Clòdli-bhuail. 6'. B. •Cloigionn, -inn, «. m. Mali, xxvii. 33. E<1. 1767.
titul. Vide Clò-[)liuiiiltc. Vide Claigiunn.
Ci-onii-FiiEAH. -lit, »•. m. (Clòdh, et Fear), A print- ("l.òli.ElN, -E, «. m. dim. of Clò. C. S.
er tyj>o(;rapluis. Mtu-f.
'. Clòimii, -E, et Clòmiiach ; f/«/. Clòimhidii, ». /.
Cl«>dh-cìiiai.aii, -ami, *•. m. (Clò, et Galar), Dizzi- 1. Wool : lana. ^'. .S'. 2. Down, of feather» lu- :

ness vertigo. D'li.

: na (pluniarum). ^'. .S". " t'liiiiuh." N. H. Gr.
• Clòdluiicli, -itlli, cliU, V. a. Approacli, contract : XXouta, chlanu. Gr. Orig. Gael.
appropinqua, contrahe. .S7(. ct O'/?. Cloimii, -e, s.f. da/. CloinihiiUi. C. S. Idem quo<l
• Clo-tlmsgadh, y. m. An impression of a book : Clainih.
libri impressio, vel editio. Li/i. Clùimhdeaciiadii, -aidii, m. et pre*, part. «. r.

Clog, -uic;, .v. hi. 1. A bell : canipana. /,///. Id. q. Clòimhdich. Shrugging, a rubbing of the sLin a-
Clag. 2. A clock : lioroloj;iiini. \'ide Claj;, et gainst one's clothes : humerorum cuntractio, cor-
Glag. Germ. Klocke. 3. A head : caput. O'Ji. poris in vestes frictio. C. S.
i. e. The skull whence " Clog," ; vel " Clag a' Cloimuduii, -iDii, C1IL-, r. a. Shrug shoulders,

chinn," coiitr. " Claigionn," The bead-bell, or rub the limbs against one another : huincros con-
skull cranium.
trahe, artus confHca. C. S.
• Clog, -aidb, chl-, v. n. Sound as a bell : canipa- Ci.òiMiiEAcii, -icH, s.f. Down, plumage : lanugo,
na; solium refer. Lih. plunia:. Voc. 76.
• Clogachd, .v./. iiid. (Clog), A bellVy : campani- Ci.òiMiiEACii, -EICHE. odj. (Clòimli), Wooly, fea-
le. L//i. thery laneus, plumosus. C. S.

ClOGAD, -aid, 1 All. Clòimheag, -EiG, -AN, S.f. A slirimp, prawn: a-

> -E, -EAN, *. 7H. A helmet
„ : galea.
quilla in alga marina sub lapidibus degens. Voc. 72.
Clogaide, i
" Ceud cloffad treun do chruaidh." Clòi.miieageach, -EICHE, adj. Full of shrimps : a-
Fing. ii. 480. quillis abundans. C. S.
A hundred strong helmets of steel. Centum galeae Clòimhean, -ein, -an, m. A piece of wood that

validsc de chalybe. 2. A cone, pyramid conus, : fastens the bar of a lock ligncolum in sera, quod

pjTaniis. O'R. pessulum cohibet. " Clòimhein, vel Clàimhein-

Clogaideach, -EiCHEjflKJ^'. Wearing hclmcts galea- : doruis." Voc. et C. S. A door-bar, or latch obex. :

tus.C.S. Clòimhein, -e, -ean, s. m. An icicle, snot, slaver:

Clogarn'ACH, ì ^ !• .• •. rn stiria, mucus, phlegma. C. S. Vide Reamaide,
Clogarnaicii, J f. }• -E, s. •' A» .•
: tinnitus. Lin.
Splanguide, et Sglonguide.
Cloo-shnàtiiad, -aid, -an, s.f. (Clog, 2. et Snath- Clòimheineach, -eiche, adj. (Cloimhein), Hang-
ad), A gnomon. Ll/i. ing in snots, bubbles, or slavers : stiriae muci, sali-
• Cloguide, -ean, s. m. Voc. 114.. Vide Clogad. va more stiria; dependens. C. S.
Cloguis, -e, -EAN, s. f. A wooden clog : pero lig- Clòimh-giiargach, -AicH, *.y; Down: lanugo. C.
neus. Voc. 20. S. " Cloimh-ghoirein." Hcbrid.
Cloich, dat. et Cloiche, gen. of Cloch, et Clacb, q. Clòimhidh, dat. of Clòimh, q. vide.
vide. Clòimhteach, -icH, «._/! Down of feathers : lanugo
Cloich-bheimneach, -eiche, adj. Stamping, pranc- plumarum. C. S.
ing pedibus humum
: tundens, saltans, gressus glo- Cloinn, dat. et Cloinne, gen. of Clann, q. vide.
merans. Bibl. Gloss. Clois, -e, s.f. The herb stinking marsh, horse tail
• Clojchead, -eid, s.
f. A pass-port : commeatus. equisetum foetiduni. C. S.
PL • Clois, -idh, chl-, r. n. Hear: audi. O'R.

Cloiciiear, -EIRE, s. in. Tlie rattle in the throat of « Cloisdean, Cloisdin, Sh. Vide Clàistean, Claist-
a dying person morientis in gutture raucitas. C.: eachd, et Clàis'neachd.
S. Scot. Clocher, v. Jam. Clòithlein, -e, *. m. Vide Cloilein.
Cloichirein, -e, -eas, *. w(. Light/. Vide Clach- • Cloithear, -ir, s. m. (i. e. Claidheamh-fliear), A
aran. champion : pugil. Llh.
• Cloichreach, s. f,\ ^ , • Clòimh, s. m. An instrument to dress flax in- :

. , '

A stony^ place "^
saxetum. Z,m.

strumentum quo purgatur linum. O'R.

Cloich-shseachd, s.f. Hail grando. Salm. cxlviii. :
• Clomh, -aidli, chl-, v. a. Dress flax : linum pur-
8. Vide Clach-shneachd. ga. OR.
Clòidh, s. m. Vide Clòinili. Clomhach, -aiche, adj. (Cloimh), Mangy : scabio-

f. A paddock, small inclosure : area, Macf. V.

• Cloidh, «. sus.
sepimentum O'R. Vide Cladh. Clomiiais, s.f. Cloves cariophylla. Voc. 68. :

Cloidheamii, -imh, Cloidhmhean, Cloidiiean, • Clomhas, -ais, «. m. A trap laqueus, tendicula. :

*. m. Gen. iii. 24. marg. ^'ide Claidheamh. O'R.

Cloidhean-doruis, s. m. A bolt : pessulus. Voc. • Clonn, -a, s. m. 1. A pillar colutnna. Sh. et :

84. O'R. Fr. Colonne. 2. A chimney piece

• Cloigean, s. m. Lih. Vide Claigionn. pluteus fronti caniini afiixus, vel opus tronti ca-
• Cloigineach, -eiche, adj. Llh. Vide Cluigean- niini insculptum, vel appensum. O'B. Sh. et
ach. 07?.
* C1ÒS, s. m. Hearing, report : auditus, fama. Llh. Cluaineagach, -aiche, adj. (Cluaineag), Full of
" Do chlòs,'" i. e. " Do chualas." B. B. Gen. little lawns, or pastures : pascuorum exiguoruni
xlv. 16. Was heard. Audituni est. plenus. C S.
Clos, *. m. iiid. Rest, stillness, sleep : quies, sopor. Cluaineireachd, ind.\ s. m. etf. Hypocrisy, trea-
" Nuair thuit clos air do shùilibh mall." Cluaineauas, -Ais, J chery, deception: hypocri-
Croma. 42. sis, fraua, dolus, insidia?, fallacia. Ll/i.
Wien sleep fell on thy slow (rolling) eyes. Quan- Cluaineas, -is, s.f. (Cluain, 2.), Intriguing, arti-
do cecidit quies super oculos lentos tuos. " Gun fice : actio ineundi clandestina consilia. C. S.
chlos," adv. Incessantly : perpetuo. Cluaineiseach, -eiche, adj. (Cluaineas). 1. Re-
Clos, -aidii, chl-, v. a. et 7i. (Clos, s.) Hush, be mote, retired, fond of going alone rcmotus, segre- :

still : tace, sile. C. S. gatus, solitudinis cupidus. C. S. 2. Intriguing

" 'Nuair clilosas caoin shith an raon." clandestinis utens consihis. C. S.
Tem. iii. 159. Cluainire, -ean, s. m. Vide Cluainteir.
Wlien soft stillness quiets the field. Quando re- Cluain-ììn, -e, s.f. A
com-spurry spergula ar- :

quiescit blanda pax (super) campo. vensis. O'R.

Closach, -aich, -ean, s. f. A carcase: cadaver. Cluainteir, -e, -ean, s. m. (Cluain, 2. et Fear),
iMacf. V. A flatterer, seducer, hypocrite adulator, decep- :

Closadh, -aidh, s. m. et pres. part. v. Clos. Hush- tor, simulator. Llh.

ing comprimens silentium. C. S.
: Cluainteireachd, s.f. hid. (Cluainteir), Flattery,
Clòsaid, -e, -ean, s.f. A closet: conclave, museo- deception, crookedness, deceit : adulatio, deceptio,
him. Voc. 84. curvitas, obliquitas, fallacia. Macf. V.
« Cloth, adj. Noble, generous : nobilis, generosus. Cluaisein, -ean, s. m. (Cluas). 1. A porringer:
OR. scutella. Voc. 86. 2. A box on the ear : colaphus.
Cloth, -a, pi. et Clòithntean, s. m.
Clòithean, C. S. 3. A shoe-latchet calcei corrigia. N. H. :

1. Gr. KXwi'w, neo. 2. A silly man

Id. q. C1Ò. : Cluan, -ain, -tan, -an, s.f. Vide Cluain.
ineptulus, homo futilis. " Rinn iad tìor-cìdòth Cluanag, -aig, -an, s.f. (Cluain, 2.), A cunning
dhiot." C. S. They have made you a perfect ci- woman : mulier astuta. A. M'D.
pher. Hominem te niliili fecerunt. Cluanaire, -ean, s. m. Vide Cluainteir.
* Cloth, s. m. 1. A victory : victoria.O'R. 2. Cluantaireachd, s.f. ind. Vide Cluainteireachd.
Fame, praise : fama, laus. Vide Cliù. 3. Cluaran, -ain, -an, s. m. I. A tliistle carduus. :

Wind : aura, ventus. O'R. " Drolghionn agus cluarain bheir e niach dhuit."
Cloth, -aidh, chl-, v. a. (Cloth, s.) Mitigate, still, Gen. iii. marg.18.Thorns and thistles shall it
restrain mitiga, quiesce, cohibe. C. S.
: bring forth to thee. Spinas et carduos proferet
* Clotha, Was heard auditum est. Llh. : tibi. 2. A sort of daisy: bellidis species. A.
» Clòthach, -aiche, adj. (Clòtli, s.) Famous, illus- M'D. Gloss. 3. A sponge spongia. Voc. 62. :

trious : inclytus, illustris. Sh. et O'R. Cluaranach, -aiche, adj. 1. Abounding in

Cloth ADH, -aidh, s. m. et pres. part. c. Cloth. Mi- thistles : carduis plenus. C. S. 2. Fungous : fun-
tigating, calming : actio mitigandi, sedandi. Stetv. ginus. C. S.
Gloss. ••
Cluara, adj. Steep, inaccessible : praeruptus, in-
* C\ù, adj. Chosen : electus. O'R. accessus. Llh.
* C1Ù, s. m. Vide Cliù. Cluas, -uaise, -an, s.f. An ear : auris. " An tl a
* Cluach, adj. Vide Clachach, Clochach. shuidhich a' chfuas, nach cluinn e ?" Salm. xciv. 9.
» Cluach, s. m. (i. e. Cliùthach), hero : heros. A He who planted the ear, shall he not hear? An
Llh. plantator auris, non audiet ? " Cluas croinn."
Cluain, -e, -ean, et -tfan, s. f, 1. pas- A C. S. The ear, or earth-board of a plough. Au-
ture, green field, lawn : pascuum, graminetum. ris aiatri, " Cluas poite." Voc. 88. The ear of
" Ann an cluainibh glas bheir e orm luidhe sios." a pot : ansa ollae. " Faillein na cluaise." Voc. 13.
Saint, xxiii. 2. In green pastures he maketh me The root of the ear: auris radix. " Cluas a'
to lie down. In pascuis viridibus facit me ut recu- chridhe." C. S. Tlie auricle of the heart cordis :

bem. Gr. XXoai/, herbam virentem ; XT^vrjn, in gra- auriculum. " Cluas gunna." C. S. The prime-
mineto accubantem. 2. A bower, retirement ta- : hole of a gun : sclopeti bellici conceptaculum.
bernaculum fi'ondeum, secessio, recessus. A. M'D. " Toll cluaise," Id. " Cluas siùil." sail-skirt A
3. Ambush, dissimulation, address, cunning, de- angulus veli. Wei. Clust.
ceit: insidiae, dissimulatio, fallacia, astutia. Foe. 174. » Cluas, s. m. Joy, or gladness: laetitia, gaudium.
Cluaineach, -eiche, adj. (Cluain). 1. Full of pas- Pi. et Llh.
tures, grassy pascuus, gramineus. R. 3I'D. 259.
: Cluasach, -aiche, adj. 1. Eared auritus, ansa- :

2. Tricky, crafty : subdolus, astutus. C. S. tus. C. S. 2. Having long ears aures longas ha- :

Cluaixeag, -eig, -an, s. f. dim. of Cluain I. A bens. C. S. 3. Deaf: surdus. Llh.

retired field, lawn, little pasture saltus vel gra- : Cluasachan, -ain, -an, s. m. Bibl. Gloss. Vide
minetum exiguum, pascuum non magnum, agellus Cluasag.
sejunctus. C S. 2. A neat, ingenious woman : Cluasag, -aig, -an, s.f. I. A pillow: pulvinar.
nitida nympha. A. M'D. 25. C. S. 2. A pin-cusliion : spinularium. "Voc. 87.
CtCAS-AK-FniiDii, «. /. (Cluns, ct Fladh), Mi-lan- goedia. (2.) Funeral games, or lolemnities : infe-
clioly tliistif : cuiiKius lii'tc-roi)liyllus, vul hilciiioi- riif, ptiiiijui' liini-hrch. " Tigh-cluiche." C S.
des. Lit/litf. A ihi-utre : theatruin. 2. A battle : pruelium. O'R.
• C'luiis-clmoin, s. f. The herb, wake robin, or S. A school vacation receitsu» scu feriae ^cho- :

tiickoo-pint : uruin niacuhituni. O'R. lusticu'. C. S.

Cluas-ciiiìjil, «./ (Cluas, ct Ceòl), A musical car : CLticii, -iDH, CIIL-, v.a. (Cluich,*.), Play: lude.
auris niusica. C. S. S.D. 117.
• Cluas-doillc, *•. /. (Cluas, ef Doille), Deafness : Cluicheacii, -eiche, udj. (Cluich), Sportive, play-
surditas. IMi. ful : ludibundus C. S.
ClUAS-FIIAIL, Vel -FIIÀ1NNE, -FllÀlN NTEAN, S. f. Cluicheac, -ek;, -an, «./. f/<«i. of Ciuich. 1. A
et in. (Cluas, et Fàinnc), An car-ring : iuauris. little ludus exiguus. C. .S.
play : 2. A fraud,
IJh. trick dolus, fraus.
: S. C
Cluas-iiatii. *./. (Cluas, et Lialh), Colt's foot, Cluuiiealachd, s.f.htd. (Cluicheil), PlajfulneKs
tussilagu : tartara. LkjIiIJ'. ludibundantia. ('. S.
Cluas-lucii, s.f. The horb, creeping mouse-ear, or Cluicheil, -e, adj. (Cluich), Playful : ludibundus.
hawk's weed liieruciuni pilosella. O'R.
: as.
Cluas-mmaotiias', -ai\, -an, s. in. (Cluas, et Clijidhein, -e, -ean, «. m. C. .9. Vide Claidh-
Maothan), The top of the ear auris apex. O'R. : ean.
et C. S. Cluig, 1. gen. et pi. of Clag, q. vide. 2. A bubble :

• Cluasoil, adj. (Cluas), Loud: streperus. Sh. bullula. OR.

Cluas-ri-clàistis, *./. Hcarkener, character in a Cluigein, m. (Clug, s.)
-e, I. A little
-ean, s.

romance auris ausculatrix, nonien fabulusuni.

: bell tintinnabulum. C. S.
: 2. An icicle stiria. :

Cldas-sheud, -a, -an, «. m. (Cluas, et Seud), An C. S. 3. A cluster racemus. C. S. 4. Any :

ear jewel : geninia, vel niargarita auribus appensa. thing hanging, or dangling quodlibet stiriae more :

IJh. dependens. Macf. V. " Cluigein feòla." C. S.

• Club, -aidh, chl-, v. a. Bend : flecte. MSS. A piece of meat carnis appensa offula. " Clui-

Vide Lùb. gein cluaise." Macinh/. 90. An ear-pendent ra- :

• Clùbadh. -aidh, s. in. (Club, v.), A winding bay : cemosus pendulus.

maris reductus sinus. S/i. et O'R. Cluigeineach, -eiche, adj. (Cluigein), Abounding
Clùd, -ùid, -a, -an, s. in. patch, or clout : pan- A in clusters, bells, hanging ornaments racemulis, :

niculus laceratus, assumentum. C. S. tintinnabulis, vel pendentibus omamentis abun-

Clùd, -aidh, CHL-, V. a. (Clùd, «.) Clout, patch, dans. C. S.
mend : C. S. Lot. Clud-o,
assue, refice, resarci. Cluigeineach, -eiche, adj. (Cluigein). 1. Sono-
I shut. Hebr. lOin c/iut, consue. rous, jingling, chiming as bells : sonorus, tinniens.
Clùdach, -AiciiE, afij. (Clùd, «.), Abounding in Bibi. Gloss.
rags, coveretl with rags pannis abundans, obtu- : • Clùimh, s. f. Down, wool : lana, lanugo, Voc.
tus, pannosus. C. S. 76. et Ll'h. Id. q. Clòimh.
Clùdadh, -aidh, s. m. et prcs. part. v. Clud. Co- • Clùimheach, -eiche, «K^'. (Clùimh). Vide Clòimh-
vering, botching : actus assuendi. Llh. et C. S. each.
Clùdag, -aig, -an, s.f. dim. of Clud. little rag, A • Cluimhealta, s. f. 1. A royston-crow conus :

or clout panniculus. C. S.
: cinericeus. O'R. 2. A flock of birds grex :

Clùdagach, -aiche, adj. (Clùdag), Full of, or co- avium. ZM.

vered with little rags panniculis abundans, vel : • Cluin, s.f. Ll/i. Vide Cluain.
obtectus. C. S. Cluinn, -idh, pret. Chlala, pres. part. Cluinn-
ClUdaich, -idii, CHL-, V. a. Vide Clud, v. TiNN, r. a. Hear: audi. " An sin c/H/«niV//i misc."
Clùdaichte, pre(. part. v. Clùdaich. Clouted : 2 Eachd. vii. 14. Then shall I hear. Turn au-
pannis sartus, assutus. C. S. diam ego. " Cha mho a chuala mi bheag m' a
Clùdair, -e, -eak, s. m. (Cliid, et Fear), 1. A thimcjiioU gus an diugh." Gen. xxi. 26. Neither
botcher, sartor. C. S. 2. cobbler : veteramen- A heard aught concerning it till to-day.
I Neque
tarius. C. S. etiani audiveram aliquid de illo usque hodie.
Clùdan, -ain, -an, s. m. C. S. Id. q. Cliidag. " Chluinn," for " Chuala." S.D. 115. " Cluinn-
Clùdanach, -aiche, adj. (Cliidan). C. S. Id. q. fidh," for " Cluinnidh." Salm. Iv. 19. Ed. 1753.
Clùdagach. Gr. KX-M, y.?.-^,a/, audio. Wei. CXyvr. Chald. "jlp
Cluich, -e, -ean, -eachax, et -eannan, *. m. I. hd, vox. B. Bret. Clew.
A play, game : ludus, lusus. • Cluinneach, -ich, *. m. A miner: metallicus.
" Fuaim an cluiche tuille cha 'n eirich, MSS.
" 'S iad an-aoibhinn arson mhic Duibhnc. Cluinnte, a^'. etjaer^ /wrf. r. Cluinn. Heard: au-
S.D. 117. ditus. C.S.
Tlie sound of their play shall no more arise, and Cluinnteadh, Chluinnteadh, pret. siib. pass. v.
they sad for the son of Duino. Sonitus eorum lu- Cluinn. Would be heard audiretur. C. S. :

sus non iterum surget, et ipsi tristes, causa filii Cluinntear, for Cimnnear, fiit. iiid.pass. v. Cluinn.
Duini. " Cluich-caointe." (1.) tragedy : tra- A Shall be heard : audietur. C. S.
Cluinnteir, -e, -ean, s. m. (Cluinn, et Fear), A • Cnadhoil, -e, g.f. Whining : actio gemendi, que-
hearer : auditor. Hh. rendi. MSS.
Cluinnteireachd, s. f. hid. (Cluinnteir). 1. Lis- Cnag, -aio, -an, $.
f. 1. A peg, knob : paxillus,
tening actus auscultandi. Llh. 2. Craftiness as-
: : impagcs. C. S. 2. A crack, noise, knock : crepi-
tutia, versutia. O'R. Vide Cluainteireachd. tus, strepitus, ictus. C. S. 3. wrinkle ruga. A :

Cluip, -iDH, CHL-, v.a. Cheat : decipe, falle. 31 SS. C. S. 4. Thowl pin of a rowing boat cymb» :

Gr. KKim. paxillus vel fulcrum quo remus in remigando niti-

ClUIPEADAIR, Ì -EIR, -IRE, -EAN, S. m. (Cluip, Ct tur ; scalmus. C S.
Cluipeir, j Fear), One who cheats : deceptor, Cnag, -aidh, chn-, v. a. (Cnag, s.) Crack, snap the
fraudator. MSS. fingers, knock, rap, thump r crepa, digitis crepita,
Cluipireachd, s.f. hid. (Cluipeir), Deception, vil- feri, tunde, colaphis impete. Llh. et C. S. Fr.
lainy fraus, deceptio. C. S.
: Crequeter. Germ. Knacken.
' Cluith, -e, -ean, s. m. Vide Cluich, s. • Cnagach, s.
f. Knottiness, sternness : nodatio,
Cluith, -IDH, CHL-, V. 11. Llh. Vide Cluich, v. asperitas, torvitas. Llh.
Cluitheach, -eiche, adj Vide Cluicheach. Cnagach, -aiche, adj. (Cnag), Having pins, pegs,
Cluitheil, -e, adj. Vide Cluicheach. or knobs : paxillis, inipagibus, instructus. MMf.
« Clumh, s.f. 1. OB. Id. q. Clòirah. 2. A V.
cloak : pallium. Llh. Cnagadh, m. et pres. part. v. Cnag.
-aidh, s.

Clùmhach, adj. Wooly, hairy, rough: laneus, pilo- Knocking down actus prosternendi. Macf. V. :

sus, vellis asper. Bihl. Gloss. • Cnagaid, -e, s.f. A rap ictus, colaphus. O'B. :

Clùmhar, -aire, «f^'. S.D.%3. Vide Clù-mlior. • Cnagaidh, ad/'. Bunchy tuberosus. Llh. :

ClÙ-mhor, -dire, adj. Warm, sheltered calidus, : Cnagaire, -an, s. m. (Cnag, et Fear), 1. A knock-
ab imbribus defensus, tectus. Mac/. V. B. Bret. er : qui pulsat, crepitaculum. C. S. 2. A gill,
Cloriar. noggin : hemina, vasculum. C. S. 3. A quart
• Clumlithach, -aiche, adj. Hairy : villosus. B. B. measure : sextarius. Llh.
Gen. XXV. 25. Cnagan, -ain, -an, dhu. of Cnag. 1. A little knob,
Clù-nead, -nid, a bird's nest well feathered : nidus peg, pin paxillus bullula, acicula.
: C S. 2. An
plumis ornatus. S. D. 72. Gr. KXuQoe, cavea avi- earthen pipkin : ollula fictilis. Hebrid.
um. • Cnagsa, v. a. Push : impelle. Bibl. Gloss.
Clupaid, -e, s. m. The swollen throat in cattle: Cnaib-uisge, «.
f. (i. e. Cainb-uisge), Water neck-
guttur tumidum, pecudum morbus. Macinfy. 61. weed cannabis aquatica. O'R. Suppl.

Clùthar, -aire, adj. Vide Clu-mhor. Cnaid, -IDH, CHN-, V. a. Deride: irride. Llh.
Clùth-ghlùineach, -eiche, adj. (Clìì, et Glùin), Cnàid, -e, -ean, s.f. A scoff, jeer dicterium, scom- :

In-kneed : genua habens infinna et introrsum spec- ma. Stew, et Bibl. Gloss.
tantia. C. S. Cnaideach, -EICHE, S.f. Vcxation : dolor, vexatio,
Clùth-mhor, -'or, -oire, adj. Salm. civ. 12. Vide angor. O'R.
Clii-mhor. • Cnaidhteach, -eiche, adj. Fretted corrosus, quod :

Clùthmhorachd, s. f. ind. (Cliith-mhor), Close- B. B. Lecit. xiii. 55.

corrodit, vel corroditur.
ness, snugness : concinnitas. C. S. Cnàimh gen. Cnàmha ; pi. Cnaimhean, et ;

Cluthachadh, -aidh, s. m. et pres. part. v. Cluth- CnÀmhan, s. m. A bone: os, ossis. " Cnàimh
aich. Chasing : actio insequendi cursu. " A' do m' chnàmJtaibh." Gen. ii. 23. Bone of my
cluthach' nan nochd." Bug. Buchan. Pursuing bones. Os ex ossibus meis. " An' cnàimh na
the naked. Insequens nudos. sròine." Llh. To one's face. Ipso intuente, co-
Cluthaich, -IDH, ciiL-, V. c. Cliase, run down fa- : ram, pra;sente ipso. " Cnàmh droma." C. S. The
tiga, cursu agita. C. <S'. back bone, spine spina. " Cnàimh na lurga." C. :

* Cna, adj. Good, gracious, bountiful bonus, be- : S- The shin bone tibia. " Cnàimh-gobhail." :

nignus, almus. O'R. et O'B. Vide Caoin. C. S. Tlie share bone os sacrum. " Cnaimh :

Cnab, -aidh, CHN-, V. a. Pull, bawl, batter trahe, : puirt," i. e. " Urlar," q. vide. The slow part of a
colUde. as. pipe tune : tibiae utricularis carminis pars prior.
Cnabadh, -aidh, s. m. et pres. part. v. Cnab. Pull- Cnàimh-built, -e, -ean, s. in. (Cnaimh, et Bait),
ing, bawling, battering : actio trahendi, collidendi. A rude garter, or belt of tlirums, bound over the
C.S. upper end of a hose fasciola tibialis. C. «S". :

Cnabaire, -ean, s. m. (Cnab, et Fear), 1. A scof- Cnàimheach, - EICHE, odj. (Cnaimh, s.) Vide
fer : C. S.
irrisor. 2. jester jocator. Llh. et A : Cnàmhach, 1.
O'B. (Cainb-fhear), An instrument for dress-
3. Cnaimh-fhiach, s. m. 1. A rook: comix frugilega.
ing flax instrunientum quo cannabis purgatur.
: C. S. 2. A raven : corvus. Llh. App. 3. A jack-
* Cnabar, s. in. Drowsiness, heaviness somnolen- : daw monedula. Voc. 74.

tia. Llh. Cnàimh-gheal, -ile, adj. (Cnàmh, et Geal), White

• Cnadaire, -ean, s. m. prating jester, scoffer A boned : C. S. osse candidulus.
garrulus jocator, sannio. Llh. • Cnaimhigheach,
s. m. Llh. Vide Cnaimh-fhiach.
* Cnàdan, s. m. frog rana. O'JR. A : Cnaimh-reamhar, -ra, adj. (Cnaimh, et Reamh-
• Cnadar-bharca, pi. Ships naves. Llh. et O'B. : ar). Thick boned : larga ossa ferens. C. S,
Cnaimiiseao, -eic, -an, ». / 1. A piniulu in tlio •Cnàmh-ruigheadh, -idh, -tan, «. w. (Cnaimh, tt
lace pustuln in tiicif. C. S.
'2. The bear-berry, Ruighe, «.) A cubit cubitus. UJi. :

the berry of the urt)iitiis uvu-urni. Limi. ('. S. 3. Cnàmhuin, -e, -eak, «./. (Cnùmh, v.) A gangrent ;

The i)articles, or tlrifis of dissolved fat partieulic : gangra-na. Vim: 25.

tenaciores omenti iiiue li<iiiesfere ne<nu'iint. ('. S. • Cnaoidltteuch, ) ad/. Consuming, corrogive : coii-

Cnaimiiskaoacii, -AiriiK, <iilj. (Cnuiniliseaj;). 1. • Cnaoighteach, tiumens, vi corrodendi preedituii.

Full of pimples, or greasy parlieles tid)erculosus, : Uibl. Gloss.
plemis pHrticuiariini ])iii{;uedine obiitanim. 2. CS. Cnap, -aip, -an, s. m. A knob, button, lump, little
Abounding in bear-berries : baccis arbuti uva--ursi hill tuber, tibula, bulla, massa, colliculus. Llli.

abundans. C. S. Wei. Cnap. C'/udd. Cjj^ ciiap.

Cnàimhte, ad/, ct pret. part. V. Cnàmh. Corroded, Cnap, -AiDii, CIIN-, f. «. (Cnap,».) Tliump, bang
consumed corrosus, eonsuniptus. Murf. V.
: tunde, colaphis impete, sugilla. A'. C
Cnàimiiteacii, -EiciiK, ailj. (t'iiàinh, c), Corrosive, Cnapach, -AICIIE, adj. (Cnap, s.) Knobby, hilly:
havinjj a strong digestion : qui corrodit, vel niultuni tuberosus, in colliculus intumcscens. /JA.
cibi decoquit. Macinh/. Cnapach, -aicii, -aiciiean, s. tn. A youngster, a
Cnaip, ffen. et pi. of Cnap, q. vide. smart middle sized boy adolcscens, puer vivax :

Cnaipileis, -e, s. tn. colL Lumps, masses: frustula, justioris statunc. C S.

niassa.'. Provin. Cnapadair, -e, -ean, «. m. 1. A thumper : «ugil-
Cnàmh, gen.phtr. of Cnàimh, q. vide. lator. C. S. 2. A button-maker qui facit : tibulas.
CsÀMir, -A, s. m. wear-
et pres. part. r. Cnàmh. A CS.
ing, decaying, consumption, state of mouldering, Cnapadii, -AIDII, «. m. ct pres. part. v. Cnap. Tliump-
or putrifying : actio corrodendi, consumendi, con- ing, knocking, falling with a loud noise
: actus tun-
suniptio, putrescendi. C. S. dendi, colaphis impetendi, cadendi sonitu. " Fal-
Cnàmii, -AiDH, CHN-, v.a. et «I. 1. Corrode, con- lus fal' a' bras-chnapatlh gu làr." A. M^D. A
sume, digest corrode, consume, concoquc. C. S.
bloody sweat falling with noise to the ground.
2. Moulder, putrify, decay tabesce, putresce. " A' : Sudor sanguineus cadens cum sonitu ad terram.
cnàinh san ùir." C. S. Mouldering in the earth Cnapaich, -idh, CHN-, v. a, (Cnap, s.) Collect into

(tomb). In humo (sepulchre) putrescens. 3. Chew : knobs, or bunches, accumulate : coUige in tuberos,
mastica. " A' cnàmh na cire." C. S. Chewing the vel bullas, acerva. Prorinc.
cud : ruminans. Gr. K»aw, Kvaiu, redo; Xvavii, voro. Cnapaire, -eak, *. m. 1. Vide Cnapadair. 2. A
Cnàmuacii, -AiciiE, adj. (Cnaimh, «.) 1. Large- louse : pediculus. O'R.
boned, bony cui magna sunt ossa, osscus. Voc.
: Cnapairneach, -ich, s. m. C. S. Id. q. Cnapach.
141. 2. (Ciiàmh, r.) Corrosive, digestive : qui Cnapan, -ain, -an, s. 711. dim. of Cnap. 1. little A
corrodit, vel bene concoquit. In hoc sensu usita- lump, bump, knob, boss, or hillock massula, frus- :

tius " Cnàimhteach," q. vide. tulum, bullula, colliculus. S. 2. A knot of C

Cnàmhag, -AIR, -AN, s. f. (Cnànih, t'.) 1. sub- A wood to save the edge of an axe in cutting or split-
stance, any thing from which juice is extracted by ting nodus ligncus rci cxdenda- vel findendac sup-

boiling, maceration, or chewing : substantia, res positus ne inter caedendum securis acies obtunUa-
qusevis unde coquendo aut mandendo succus elici- tur. Ll/i.
tur. C. S. 2. Remains of corn destroyed by cat- Cnapanach, -AICHE, odf, (Cnapan), Knobby, a-
tle, or refuse of any thing : reliquiae frugum vel bounding in little hillocks : tuberculosus, coUicu-
frumenti a pccudibus corrupti. C. S. 3. pim- A lis plenus. C S.
ple : pustula. C. S. 4. worm, maggot : vermis, A Cnapanach, -aich, s. m. C. S. Vide Cnapach, *-.

tinea. O'R. Cnaparra, adj. Crushing, strong: comminuens,

Cnàmhan', -aik, s. m. (Cnàmh, f.) 1. A corrosive manu strenuus. C S.
substance : quicquid corrodens. C. S. 2. A gnaw- Cnap-saic, -e, -ean, s. m. (Cnap, s. et Sac), A
ing pain dolor corrodens. C. S.
: 3. Unceasing knapsack: sarcina. Voc. 115.
vexatious talk alloquium indesinenter mordax.
: Cnap-starra, *. m. A ball at the end of a S|)ear :

C. S. " Ciuhnhan a' chinn aghairt, vel adhairt." globus summa; hasta; inipositus. S. D.IX.
C S. A
curtain lecture. Altercatio in Iccto in- • Cnarra, s.f. A sliip : navis. LUi. " Cnarradha,"
ter maritum uxorem. et pi. Vet. Gloss, apud Uli.
Cnamhaxach, -aiche, adj. (Cnàmhan), Querulous, Cnatan, -ain, *. m. A cold : gravedo capitis, tus-
vexatious, troublesome querulus, molestus, cor-: sis. C. S.
rodendi vim habens. C. S. Cnatanacii, -aiche, adj. (Cnatan), Having, in-
Cnàmharlach, -aich, s. in. (Cnàmh, v.) 1. A ducing, or exposed to, a cold : gravedinosus, gra-
stalk caulis. C. S.
: 2. A hard boned, cadaverous vedinem adferens, gravedini obnoxius. C. S.
person homo cui sunt dura ossa, et facies cada-
: CxEAD, -A, -AN, s. m. A
sudden groan, or sigh ge- :

verosa. C. S. mitus, vel suspiriura subitaneum. Llfi. et C. S.

• Cnanih-mhargadh, -aidh, -ean, s. m. (Cnàmh, et Cnead, -AIDH, CHN-, f. fu (Cnead, ».), Sigh, groan
Margadh), ITie shambles macella. Ll/i. : geme, suspira. C. S.
- Cnamh-nàireach, adj. (Nàrach), Demure: taci- Cneadach, -aiche, adj. (Cnead, «.), That sighs, or
tumus. O'B. groans : gemibundus, qui ducit suspiria. C. S.
Vol. I. H h
Cneadail, -e, s. m. et prcs. part. v. Cnead. Sighing, Cneatas, -ais, -an, 1. Knitting nexus, actus
s. m. :

groaning heavily, and quicidy, oppression of breatli- nectendi. C. S. running tape, or thread, in
2. A
ing actus gemendi vel suspirandi altu et graviter,
: a woman's head-dress filum redimiculi muheris :

anhclitus opprcssio. C. S. Oram pcrcurrens, quo id ad capitis mensuram con-

Cneadii, -eidh, -an, s.f. A
wound, hurt, boil : vul- trahitur aut remittitur. C. S.
nus, ulcus. Cneatraich, -E, s./ A.M'D.IQ. Vide Cneataich.
" 'S e cheanglas suas gu faicilleach, • Cneatrom, s. m. A kind of horse-litter species :

" Gach cneadh ta orr' is leòn."' Sal/», cxlvii. 3. selliE vel lectica; gestatoria;. Llh.
It is he who will watchfully bind up all their hurts Cneid, -e, s.f. Scoffing, derision : irrisus, ludibrium.
and wounds. Est ille qui obligabit vigilanter om- MSS.
nem plagatn qua; sit illis et vulnus. CxEiDH, -E, -ean, S.f. Voc. 25. Vide Cneadh.
Cneadhach, -aiche, adj. (Cneadh). 1. Full of Cneidh, -idh, CHX-, v. a. Wound: vulnera. .S"^.
wounds, hurts, or sores : vulncribus, plagis, coo- Vide Cneadh.
pertus. Stew. Gloss. Ir. Sivo^]6ive^c. 2. Inflict- Cneidh-chuthaicii, pi. -ean-cuthaich, s.
f. A
ing wounds : vulnificus. C. S. felon, kind of sore : furunculus. Voc. 25.
Cneadraich, -e, s. f. 1'oc. 158. Vide Cneadail. Cxeidii-fhiacall, s. f. (Cneidh, et Fiacaill). 1.
Cneamh, -a, s. m. Garlick allium ursinum. Lightf. : The tooth-ache : odontalgia. C. S. 2. The gum-
" Cneamh niac-fiadh." 1. Hart's tongue scolo- : boil : epulis. Hooper's Anatom. 229.
pendrium vulgare. C. S. 2. Elecampane : inula Cneidh-shliochd, -a,
• : cicatrix. Llh, s. m. A scar

heleniuni. Hebrid. Cneidh-shliochdach, -aiche, adj. Full of scars

• :

• Cneamliaire, -ean, s. m. An artful fellow : homo cicatricosus. Llh.

astutus. Sh. CxEis, -E, adj. Tender, feeble: tener, infirmus, de-
Cneap, -IP, -AN, s. m. A button, bead, spherical bilis. Voc. 1-12.
gem, pebble fibula, pilula perforata, sphaerica
: Cneiseachd, Tenderness, feeble-
s.f. ind. (Cneis),
gemmula. A. 3I'D. " Cneap-tholl." C. S. A ness : S,
infirmitas, debihtas. C.
button-hole foramen cui inseritur fibula.
: Cxiadachadh, -aidh, m. et pres. part. r. Cniad- s.

Cneas, -A, -AX, s. m. 1. The waist : media pars aich. Stroaking, touching, or rubbing gently : actio
corporis. Voc. 15. 2. The skin: cutis. Ll/i. 3. palpandi. " Chan fhuiling cearc a cniadachadh."
The breast pectus.
: Prov. A hen suffers not to be fondled. Non sinit
" Gach doire, gach coire, 's gach eas, gallina palpari.
" Bheir an cuimhne dhomh cneas mo ghràidh." Cxiadaich, -idh, CH-, V. a. Stroak, touch or rub
S. D. 30. gently : attrecta, pemiulce, leniter palpa. C. S.
Each grove, and hollow, and water-fall, will re- CxiADAicHE, Ì -EAX, s. 111. (Cniadaich, i\) A fond-
mind me of the (wounded) breast of my love. Om- CxiADAiRE, J ler : qui moUius curat. C. S.
ne arbustum, omne concavum (mentis) omnis gur- • Cnioc, s. m. A niggard : homo sordide parous.
ges, feret in memoriam mlhi, pectus (vulueratum) O'B, in voc.
mei amoris. Gr. Kvisaii, adeps. • Cniochd, «. m. A km'ght, soldier : eques, miles.
Cneas-chuchuluikn, -chochulain, s. m. The herb Sh. et OR.
meadow sweet, or drop-wort: spircea ulinaria.Z?^^//'. • Cniopaire, -ean, s. m. A poor rogue : vilis fur-
" Lus-chuchulain." Hebrid. cifer. Sh. et OR,
Cneasda, adj. 1. Humane, modest, meek, pious, • Cniopaireachd, s.f. ind. (Cniopaire), Roguery
religious blandus, benignus, mitis, modestus, pius.
: fraus, improbitas. Sh.
C. S. Fortunate, ominous : fortunatus, faustus.
2. • Cnis, -e, -ean, s. f. An opening in the warp for
Gr. Xjjiffroj, probus, mitis, benignus. the shuttle to pass through with the waft : a-
Cneasdachd, s. f. imi. (Cneasda). 1. Humanity, pertura in telae staminibus facta, per quam ra-
mildness, meekness, gentleness : benignitas, man- cum subtemine trajicitur. O'i?.
suetudo, lenitas, placabilitas, dementia. Macf. V. Cxò, gen. Cxomhaxx, dat. Cxomhaixn, pi.
«. /.
et C. S. 9. Piety, religion : pietas, Dei timor. CxoMHAx. 1. A nut nux. "Do lios nan c«o :

Provin. chaidh mi sios." Dan. Shol.\i. 11. Unto the gar-

Cneas-giieal, -ile, adj. (Cneas, et Geal), White- den of nuts I went down. Ad hortum nucum
skinned, white-bosomed cute, pectore, corpore : descend!. " Cnò challtuinn." C. S. hazel-nut A
candidus. C S. nux avellana. 2. A
shell of a particular species of
Cneas-mhuik, -ara, s.f. (Cneas, et Muir), sea- A cockle : concha cardii cujusdam speciei sic appel-
strait fretum marinura. Macf. V.
: lata. C. S. Wei. Cnaw. B. Bret. Craon, Craoun,
Cneast, -achd, vide Cneasd, -a, -achd.
-a, pi. nuts : nuces.
Cneasuchadh, -aidh, s. m. et j^res. jxirt. i: Cneas- • Cnò, adj. Famous, excellent praeclarus, insig- :

uich. Healing : actus medendi, sanandi. " Cugh- nis. O'R. Gr. Tiiu, nosco.
Cneasuich, -iDH, CHX-, r. £7. Heal: cura, sana. C. S. Bàchar.
Cneataicii, -E, s.y. A sighing, groaning : actus ge- Cxoc, -QIC, et Cnuic, -ax, et Cxlic, «. m. A hill,

mendi suspirandi. Vide Cnead. knoll, hillock : collis, verruca.

CsEATAN, -AiN, s. 711. Vide Cnatan. " Gach caoire fòs air mhile cnoc." Salin. 1. 10.
Every sheepul»o, oii a thousand lulls. Qua-que Ckoic, gen. of Cnoc, q. vide.
ovis super iiiille eolles.
I'tiaiii CxùiD, -, -EAS, $.f. A iiumptuoti« pretent : donuni
Cnocaiii, -AuiiK, fiftf. (Caoc), Hilly: coUibus in- pri'tiosuni. Htlirid.
tunieseens. I'oc. 1S7. Ckoimiikau, -Kiti, -AS, «. /. A worm, maggot
C.NÒCAID, s. /. A youiif,' woman's liuir, bomul up in vermis, leiidix. C '.
a fillet. Scot. C'oekernonny. C'rines nmlieris vit- Cnòmii, -a, -an, t.f. Vide Cnò.
tà cohibiti. Woe. It). • Ciiomhudli, -aidh, Breaking a* of a nut
CsocAintArii, -AICHE, a^'. (Cnùcaid), Wearing hair fraetio, velut nucii. Uh.
bouMtl with tillets erines nodo collectos gerens,
: CxoMiiACiAti, -AU.K, x.f.\ -AN, A large wilk, or pe-
redimitos habeiis eapillos, (nuilier). S. C CxoMiiAfiAS, -Aix, «. III. ) riwinkle. Scut. Buckie :
Cnocaire, -KAN, *. HI. (C'luje, et Fear). 1. saun- A buccinum undatum. Linn. C. S. I)'«/. Cragen,

terer, erabbed dwiiri": cjui desidiusc colles peram- Crogen, concha.

bulat, liontunculus aditu difheilis. C. S. "2. An • Cnomhuine, t.f. A hazle wood : coryletum, nu-

alarm-post pliarus. i. e. t'noc-t'aire. O'B.

: cetum. PL et Llh.
CsocAiiiKAciin, s.y; i/i</. (Cnocaire). Sauntering a- CXÒ-SIIAMIIXA, pi. -MIIAX-8AMIIXA, S.f. (CdÒ, et
bout the hilloeks actus errandi, desidiose perme-
Samhuiim), The hallow -even nut nuts eat«n or
andi colles. A. M'D. burnt on hallow-eve in divination of marriage nu- :

Cnocan, -ain, -ax, s.m. dim. of Cnoc. A liillock : ces qua; cakndarum Novembrium vigiliis frangun-
tumulus, collieulus. Voc. 7. tur, vel incenduntur, causa nuptias futuras divinan-

Cnocasach, -aiche, adj. (Cnocou), Full of little di. C.S.

hills : tuniulosus. Uh. CXÒ-SHEARBU, pi. -MHAX-SEARBHA, S.f. (CnÒ, Ct

Cnoc-faike, pi. Cxcic-FHAIRE, «. m. (Cnoc, et Searbh), A filbert : nux avellana. C. S.
Faire), An alarm-post : specula, pliarus. O'li. et Cnò-spuixce, /»/. -miiax-spuixge, s.f. (Spuinge), A
C.S. molucca nut. Vide Cnò-bhàcliair.
CsÒ-CltANAlCll, -MIIAN-CAKAICH, S. f. A quiuCC : CxoT, -AIDH, ciix-, r. a. Unliusk barley : hordea
malum eydonium. Voc. C8. siliquisexcute vel purga. C. S.
Cso-cnoMiiLt'icH, -MiiAN'-coMiiLuicii, s. f. A ha- • s. m. A knot : nodus.
Cnotadli, -aidh, -ean, K. O
zel corylyus avellana. Lighif.
: Germ. Knot, nodus Knutten, nectere. Waclit. ;

CnOC-SEALLTA, -SEALLAIDH, pi. CXUIC-SHEALLTA, CxoTAG, -AiG, -AN, s. f. 1. A block, or joint of wood,
s.ill. (Cnoc, et Seall, r.), A waich-liill : specula. hollowed out, for unhnsking barley cavus ligni :

S. I). 95. nodus in quo hordea siliquis excutiuntur. C. S.

f. A wal- 2. A
hunch backed woman mulier gibbosa. A. :

nut : juglans. C. S. M'D. Gloss. Potius Crotag.

Cno-gheamxuidh, -cheaxmnuidh, -mhax-geam- Cxò-THALMHAINN, pi. -M H AN-T A LMllfIX, S.f. An
NDiDii, s.f. A chesnut : castanca. C. »S'. earth nut : bunium bulbocastanum. Voc. 59.
CsÒD, -ÒIÌ5, -an, s. 711. A patch : assumentuni. O'R. CxoTuiXN, -IDU, CIIX-, r. a. 6'. -S'. Id. q. Cnot, r.
Cnòd, -aidh, CHX-, r. a. (Cuòd, s.). Patch, botch :
• Cnotul, s. m. Vide Crotal.
assue, refice. C. S. Cnù, -mha, -mhan, s.f. Protin. Vide Cno.
CxÒDACH, -aicii, s. 7)1. 1. Acquiring, gaining, col- Ckuaciid, -as, s.f. A
lump, a head massa, caput. :

lecting together of goods, or money, by industri- C.S.

ous actus acquirendi, lucrandi, pecunias,
liabits : Cxuaciidach, -aiche, adj. (Ciiuachd), 1. Lump-
vel bona C. S. 2. Goods,
alia colligendi sedule. round as the head gravis, rotundus more ca-
ish, :

or effects, won bona industrià parata. C. S.

so : C. S. 2. Deep, shrewd cautus, sagax. C. S.
pitis. :

CsÒDACn, -AICHE, adj. (Cnòd, «.), Patched, clouted : Cxuaciidaire, -eax, *. m. (Cnuaciid, 2. et Fear), A
assutus, refectus. S. C deep, slirewd fellow : homo cautus, sagax, prudens.
Cnòdadh, -aidh, *. m. et pres. part. v. Cnòd. 1. C. S.
Patching, clouting, botching : actio assuendi, refi- CxfAiCHDEix, -E, -EAX, «. »J. dim. of Cnuachd, q.
ciendL C. S. vide.
CsÒDAicii, -IDH, CHX-, V. a. Acquirc, collect, lay CxL'AicHDEixEACH, -EiCHE, adj. Vide Cnuaclidacli.
up witli care : acquire, coUige, cum cura acer\a. • Cnuas, s. m. A collection, acquisition : collecta-
nea, comparatio, fructus. Llh.
Cnòdax, -ain, -ax, s. 711. The fish gurnet, species of • Cnuas-abuich, -e, adj. Fruitful : fcecundus, ferti-
the genus trigla oi Linn. C. S. Scot. Crooner. Jam. lis. OR.
Cnòdaxach, -aiche, adj. 1. Dwarfish homun- : Cnuasach, -aich, s. m. 1. A collection, earning,
cionis mores habens. C. S. 2. Opinionative per- : purchasing : collectanea, actio lucrandi, qusstum
tinax, pervicax. C. S. faciendi, pretio comparand!. C S. 3. Recollec-
CxoDiiACH, -aiche, odj. (Cnò), Full of nuts : nu- tion, pondering, investigation, scrutiny : recordatio,
cibus plenus. C. S. comparatio, actio examinandi, investigandi, per-
CxoDHAiRE, -EAX, s. lit. (Cnò. ct Fear), nut- A scrutandi. O'R, et C. S. 3. Fruit, growth fruc- :

cracker nucifrangibulum. Sh. et OR.

: tus, incrementum. Macinty.
Cnò-dharaicu, -MiiAx-DAnAicii, s.
f. (Cho, et Cxuasachd, *. /. ind. (Cnuasach), 1. Pondering,
Darach), An acorn : glans quemea. C. S. investigation : actio examinandi, meditandi, inves-
CO 24,4 COB
tigandi. 2. Gathering, collecting,
Salm. cxix. 48. not be seen ? Quis est iUe inter vivos a quo mors
gaining actus colligcndi, quxstum faciendi. C. S.
: non videbitur?
Cnuasachdach, -aiciie, a<ij. (Cnuasachd), That Co, ccmj. As : aeque ac, ut, velut. " Agus co luath
gathers, collects, or investigates qui coUigit, vcl : agus a sguir Isaac do bheannachadh làcoib." Gen.
indagat. C. S. xxvii. 30. And as soon as Isaac had made an
Cnuasadair, -e, -ean, s. m. Vide Cnuasaiche. end of blessing Jacob. Quum autem absolvisset
Cnuasaich, -idh, CHN-, V. u. Ponder, sift, inves-
1. Isaac bencdiccre Jahacobo. Vide Cho. " Co,"
tigate, scrutinize : examina, explora, investiga, per- is also often put for the prefix " Comh, or Coimh,"
scrutare. q. vide.
" Do chimasaich mi mo shlighe fein." Co'ail,-e, -ean, s.f. S.D. 70. Vide Comhdhail.
Ross. Salm. cxix. 59. Co'alta, -an, *. m. vol/. Vide Comhdhalta.
I pondered, (thought upon) my paths. Reputavi Co'altas, -Ais, s. m. Vide Comhdhaltas.
vias meas. 2. Assemble, collect coge, collige. : CoBHAiR, ffen. CoBiiRACH, CoiBHRE, et Caibhrf,
Llh. 3. Earn, win, purchase lucrifac, para, labo- : s.f. Assistance, relief, salvation : suppetice, auxili-
re et diligentia compara. C. S. um, subsidium, salus. 3Iacf. V. et C. S.
Cnuasaiche, -ean, s. m. (Cnuasaich, v.) search- A CoBHAiii, flit. CoiBHRiDH, ct Caibhridh ; pret.
er, gatherer : explorator, indagator, coactor. S. C OH-, V. a. (Cobhair, s.) Ilelieve, help : fer opem,
Cnuasaichte, -vicHTE, per/, part. i;. Cnuasaich. 1. adjuva. C. S.
Investigated, collected, pondered : iudagatus, coa- Cobhais, s.f. (Coguis), Vide Cubhais.
cervatus, examinatus. Mac/. V. 2. Earned, won, CoBiiALTAcn, -aiche, adj. Victorious : victor, -trix.
purchased lucrifactus, labore et industria compa-
; S/i. et OB.
ratus. C. S. CoBHAN, -AIN, -AN, s. m. 1. cofTcr chest A
cap- :

Cnuasmhor, -oire, adj. Fruitful : fructuosus. C. sula, arcula. " Agus cuiridh sibh na seudan òir,
S. a dh' iocas sibh dha mar thabhartas-easaontais, ann
' Cnuasta, gen. of Cnuas. " Luchd cnuasta." Llh. an cobhan r' a taobh." 1 Sam. vi. 8. And ye shall
Gatherers : coUectores vel coactores. put the jewels of gold, which ye return him for a
• Cnudhaire, -ean, s. m. Llh. Vide Cnodliaire. trespass offering, in a coffer by the side thereof.
Cnuimh, -e, -ean, s.f. worm vermis. " Cia is A : Et ponetis instrumenta ea aurea quae reddideritis
ro-lugha na sin an duine a ta 'na clmubnh, agus ei in reatum, in capsula ad latus illius. 2. hol- A
mac an duine a ta 'n a chmiimh?" lob. xxv. 6. low cavum, sinus.

How much less than that, man that is a worm, and " 'S a' marcachd a fis an cobluin na gaoithe."
tlie son of man that is a worm ? Quanto minus S. D. 56.
isto, niortalis qui vermis est, et filius hominis qui And riding again in the hollow of the wind. Et
lumbricus ? rursus equitans in sinu venti. 3. Cavan in Ireland :
CnuiiMH-fhiacall, s.
f. (Cnuimh, et Fiacaill), A Cavana, comitatus Hiberniae. OR. 4. Walking
tooth-ache : odontalgia. Voc. 26, Id. q. Cnaimli- side by side : conjuncta ambulatio. O'R. Hebr,
fhiacaill. S]!)p huph, circundare. Lat. Covinus.
Cnuimh-shìoda, -EAN-sioDA, s. f. (Cnuimh, et CoBHANACH, -AICHE, adj. (Cobhan), Hollow, eddy-
Sioda), A silk-worm bombyx. Voc. 70. : ing cavus, sinuosus. C. S.

Cnuimiieach, -eiche, adj. (Cnuimh), Wormy: ver- CoBHAR, -AIR, s. m, Froth, foam: spuma, oxygala.
mibus scatens. C. S. " A
gruag dhorcha sa ghaoith air faondra,
Cnuimheag, -eig, -an, s. f. dim. of Cnuimh. A " 'S a làmh chaoin mar chobhar m 'a cuailean."
worm, maggot vermis, galba, lendix. Voc. 70.
: D. 51. S.
Cnuimiieagach, -aiche, adj. (Cnuimheag), Wormy, Her dark locks scattered on the wind, and her ten-
full of maggots vermibus, galbis, lendicibus, sca-
: der hand as foam, around her tresses. Ejus cinni
tens. C. S. subnigi-i in vento aben-antes, et ejus manus tenera
Cnuimh-itheach, -eiciie, adj. (Cnuimh, et Ith, v.) sicut spuma circa crines.
Insectivorous :entomophagus. Voc. 70. CoBHARACH, adj. Frothy, foamy : spumosus.,
Cnumhagan, -ain, s. m. A handful : manipulus. " Bha còmhrag nan triath mar ghaoith,
Hebrid. Wei. Cnwc. " Air chuan baoth a's cobliarach tonn." Fing. iv. 66.
Co, m. et/. Who, wliich ? Quis, quae, quod ? " Co Tlie conflict of the chiefs was as wind on the rag-
dh' tlianas ann ad
phàilliuii? cò chòmhnuicheas ing ocean of frothy wave. Fuit conflictus princi-
air do shliabh iiaomha ?" Salm. xv. 6. shall Who pum instar ventorum in oceano insane, cujus est
abide in thy tabernacle ? who shall dwell in thy spumosa unda.
holy hill ? Quis commorabitur in tentorio tuo ? CoBiiARTACH, -AiCH, s.m.etf. Prey, booty, plunder :

quis habitabit in sancto monte tuo ? " Co è ?" prada, spolium. " O'n chobhartaich, a mhic, chaidh
C.S. Wlioishe? Quis (est) ille? " Co i?" thu suas." Gen. xlix. 9. From the prey son, thou
C. S. Who is she ?
. Qute (est) ilia ? art gone up. praeda,A flli, ascendisti. " Cobh-
" Co è am fear am measg nam beo, artachd." Mucf. V.
" Am
bàs nach faicear leis ?" CoBiiARTACH, \ -AICHE, adj. (Cobhair), Assisting,
Salm. Ixxxix. 48. CoBHARTiiACH, J relieving: auxilians, subsidium
Who is he among the living by whom death shall adferens. OR. et C. S.
CoBiiAnTiiACii, -Aim, «. »1. (Cobhair), A saviour, fabrc factum. O'R. 3. Fricndnhip : aniicitia.

helper, comforter servutor, udjutor, consolator.

Llh. CòuAtii, -Aicii, jr. m. S. D. 299. Vide Còmhdatli.
• Cobhludli, *. m. i. e. " Conili-lùtli." United, CuuAciiAUii, -AIDII, s. III. et pret. part. v. Cuduicli.
slri'ii{;(li : coiijuneta; vires. Uli. I. Sharing, dividing : aclub purliuiidi. C. S. 2.
• Cobiira, i.f. A sliield, target : scutum, clj'i)eus. An aeceiisiun, addition : acceiisiu, additiu. O'R.
Llh. CouAicii, -mil, til-, f. a, (Cuid, «.), Divide*, sliare :

CoBnnAcii, get», of Cobhair, q. vide. divide, partire. C S.

• Cobhthuch, -aieii, *•. «i. 1. A creditor: cui dc- CoDAiciiEAN,/V. of Cuid, q. vide.
bctur a-s alienuiii. O'R. 1Ì. A man'ti name CoDAL, -AIL, «. »1. 6't7j. ii. 21. Id. q. Cadal. IJel/r.

viri nonieii, vietoriiius. /,//(. Vide seq. Tip chodel, cessans, desinens.
• Cobiithacli, -aiche, atlj. Victorious : victor, vic-
CoDALACii, -AICHE, ael/. (Codal). Mac/. ì'. Id. <(.
trix. U/i.
Coc, -AiDii, C1I-, I", a. Cociv erige, attolle. " Coc :

do ghunmi." S. C
Cock )Our gun. Sclopeti tui
CoDALAiciiE, -EAN, *. ;«. (Codal). A sleeper: dor-
mitor. C. S.
seq)cntinam adducito. " Coc do bhoineid." <S'. C CoDALACiiD, *"/. Marf. V.
Id. (|. Cadultathd.
Cock your bonnet. Erige pileum tuum. " Coc-
CoDALAN, -AiN,dim. of Codul.
s. III. 1. id. q. Ca-
àrd." A cockade. Pr. Cockarde.
• Coc, -a, (tt/J. Manifest : uiouitestus, perspicuus,
dalan. 2. A
poppy : papaver. O'R. Siippl.
clarus. O'H.
CoDAL-EUN, -IAN, 4. 7«. mandrake : atropa man- A
dragora. Linn. Voc. 61.
• Coca, s. 1. A boat c}iiiba. O'R.
m. Wei. :
CoDALTA, Ì aflj. (Codal). 1. Id. q. Ca-
Cooch. 2. A cook coquus. O'R. :
CoDALTACH, -AICHE, j dalach. 2. Causing sleep
vacuus, cavus. MSS.
• Coca, adj. Empty, hollow :
somnifer. C. S.
CocADii, -AIDII, «. m. et pres. part. v. Coc, quod
CoDALTACiiD, s.f.ind. (Codaltach), Sleepiness:
somnolentia. Gnàth. xxiii. 21.
Còc.*iRE, -EAN, s. »1. cook : coquus. Llh. " S' A • Codli, adv. Alike : similiter. O'R. Suppl. Vide
maith an còcaire 'n t-acras." Hunger is a good
Co, con/.
cook. Incdia coquus optimus. Germ. Koch, co-
quus, cochen, coquere. iVaclit.
CÒDHAIL, -E, s.f. (Co-dhàil), Ameeting: conven-
CÙCA1KEACHD, s. f. i/ul. (Còcaire), Cooking arsco- :
tus. " Tha e teachd a' d' chòdhaU. Gen. xxvii. 6.
qucndi. Mac/. V.
He comcth to meet thee. I'rocedit obviam tibi.

• Cocar, adj. Systematic, perfect rcgularis, ordini :

Hebr. bup hohal. Pilie.
scientia; consentaneus. Llh. CoDLA. s. m. Sulm. cxxxii. 4. Ed. 1753. Vide Co-
Co-cnoMUNN, -INN, s.m. (Comh, et Comunn), so- A dal, et Cadal.
ciety, fellowship societas, consortium. C. S.
: • Codhnach, s. m. LA king, lord : rex, domi-
CoCHULL, -uiLL, s.w. 1. husk, shell: siliqua, A nus. Llh. 2. A disease in cattle : pecudum
putameu. 3Iacf. V. 2. Dust of timber, produced by morbus. O'R. 3. Wealth, goods divitia;, res. :

friction : scobs. R. iH/'Z). 3. A cap, or hood O'R. Siij)pl. Vide Conach.

cucullus. " Cochull
a' chridhe." The heart sac, . Codladh, Llh. Vide Codal, et Cadal.
or bag pericardium.
: " Cochull sròil." silk A • Codlaim, for Coidileam. Sahn. Ixiv. 23. Ed.
mantle pallium sericum.
: Genu. Kogel. Wacht. 1753. Vide Coidil.
^'ide Sldnner. Eti/mologicon Angl. voc. Cocul. Mart. CoFAR, -AIR, s. m. (Cofar), A coffer arcula. L/h. :

Lib. U. Ep. 28. Juv. Sat. 8. v. 14-t, -5. Gr. CoFARAN, -AIN, -AN, s. III. dim. of Cofar, q. vide.
Ko^Xa, gyro. Wei. Clog, Cochl. CoFRA, s. m. Vide Cofar.
Cochull Acii, -aiche, adj. (Cochul), Capsular, CoFRAN, s. m. MSS. Id. q. Cofaran.
husky, coated capsularis, siliquosus, tunicatus.
: • Cog, s. m. 1. A drink, draught : potus, haustus.
Mac): V. O'R. 2. A mill-cog : rota molaris denticulus.
• Cocol, -oil, s. m. A cuckold : curruca. MSS. OR.
CocoxTACHD, s.f.iiid. Smartness, forwardness : ala- Cog, -aidh, oh-, v. n. War, fight : bella, milita,
critas, audacitas. A. M^D. 124. pugna. " Agus cliog iad an aghaidh nam Midian-
Coc-SHRÒN, -A, -AN, s. f. (Coc, V. et Sròn), A cock- ach." Air. xxxi. 7. And they warred against the
ed nose nasus recurvus. A. 3LD. 43.
: Midianites. Et militabant contra Midianitas. Wet.
Coc-siiRÒNACH, -AICHE, adj. (Coc-shrou), Cock- Cad, bellum. Dai: Uebr. TOO cuch, pugnando
nosed nasum habens recurvum. C. S.
: vicit.
• Cod, s. m. Victory : victoria. Llh. CoGACH, -AICHE, odj. (Cog, V.) Warlike : bellax,
• Cod, -a, i.e. Cuid, s.f. A piece, part: frag- bellicosus. C. S.
mentum, pars, portio. Uh. CoGADii, -AiDH, -EAN, *. »1. et prcg. part. v. Cog.
• Coda, s. m. Law, justice, equity : lex, justitia, 1. War, warfare : bellum, militia. " Air eagal gu
a?quitas. 'm bi aithreachas air an t-sluagh an uair a chi iad
' Coda, V. impers.
It is incumbent oportet. Uh. : cogadh." Ecs. xiii. 17. Lest the people repent
CoDACH, m. 1. gen. of Cuid,
«. q. vide. 2. An when they see war. Ne paniiteat populuin cum
invention, a piece of art inventum, quidlibet af- : viderint bellum. 2. Warring, fighting, act of mak..
ing war : bcUandi, niilitandi actio. " Apus fhuair • Coib, s.f. 1. A company: cohars, tunna. Uh.
e rich Asiria a' cogadh an aghaidh Libna." 2 Righ. 2. A copy : exemplar. Uh. 3. A cope : for-
xix. 8. And lie found the king of Ass)TÌa warring nix. OR.
against Libna. Et invcnit regem Assyriae oppugnan- • Coibli-dean, -dhean, i. e. Coirah-fheadhain, t.f.
tem Libnani. A troop cohors, agmen. Lih.

• Cogaidh, adj. Just, lawful : Justus, legitimus. • Coibhdeanachd, s.f. Captainship, the command
IMt. of troops centurionis munus. O'R.

CoGAiR, -iDn, CII-, V. a. (Cagar, s.) Surest, whis- • Ciobhdhealchadh, s. m. Ilelationship : consan-
per : insusurra, suggere. C. S. gutnitas. MSS.
CoGAis, -E, -EAX, s.f. Voc. 31. Vide Coguis. • Coibhgioch, adj. Fierce : truculentus. Sh. Vide
CoGAisEAcn, -EicHE, adj. Vide Coguiseach. Coimheach.
CoGAL, s. m. Vide CogulL • Coibhlighe, s.f. i. e. Co-dhlighe, The law of
CoGAx, -AiN, 5. m. 1. A loose husk, covering and vassal
correlatives, as of lord : lex correla-
laxum integumentum, inhabile involucrum. S7i. 2. tiva.O'R. quoting the JSreh. L.
A drink, draught : potus, haustus. OR. 3. A » Coibhreachadh, s. m. et pres. part. v. Coibhrich.
small drinking vessel : vasculum. C. S. Scot. Relieving, comforting : actio consolaiidi, aegri-
Cogge. Jam. tudinem allevandi, suppetias ferendi. O'R.
CoGAR, -AIR, s. m. Vide Cagar. • Coibhrich, -idh, ch-, v. u. Comfort, relieve : con-
• Cogar, -air, s. m. An insurrection : seditio. Voc. solare, adjuva. Sh.
147. CoiBHSEACHD, S.f. hid. Propriety, decorum: quod
CoGARACH, -AicHE, odj. (Cogar, s.) %Miispering decet, officium, decorum. OR. et C. S.
qui insusurrat. C. S. • Coibhthe, s.f. A
hire : pretium, merces. BM.
CoGARAicH, -E, -EAN, S.f. (Cogar, s.), WTiispering : Gloss.
insusurratio. Id. q. Cagaraich. • Coic, s.f. A secret, mysterj- : secretum, myste-
CoGARAicHE, -EAN, s. 111. (Cogar, s.), A whisperer : rium. Llh.
susurrator. C. S. CoiCHEiD, -E, -EAN, S.f. Suspicion suspicio. " Chuir :

• Cogaras, s. m. Peace, amity : pax, amicitia. thu coieheid orm." C. S. You doubted me. Me
Sh. in dubium vocasti. C. S.
whispering mussitatio, in-
-E, S.f. : CoicHEiDEACH, -EICHE, adj. (Coichcid), Doubtiiig,
susurratio. iadsan uile aig am bheil fuath
" Tha suspicious : dubitans, suspicax. C. S,
dlionih a' cogarsaich le cheile a' m' aghaidh." Salm. Coi'dheas, -dheise, adj. (Comh, et Deas), Conve-
xli. 7. All they that hate me whisper together a- nient, indifferent : commodus, indifferens. C. S.
gainst me. Sunt omnes quibus odium est in me CoiDHEASACHD, «. /. i>id. (Coi-dhcas), Accommo-
mussitantes contra me. dation :necessaria accommodatio. C. S.
CoGARSAiCHE, -EAN, s. Til. (Cogarsaich), whisper- A CoiDiL, -IDH, CH-, V. a. (Codal), Sleep: donni.
er : susurrator. C. S. " Agus choidil e." Gen. ii. 2. And he slept. Et
CÒGHNADH, -AiDH,) s. m. Sahìì. Ix. 11. Ed. 1753. domiivit ille.

CÒGHNATH, -AiTH, J" Vide Còmhnadh. CÒIG, ad/. Five quinque. Vide Cùig.:

f. Cog, v. et Creach), A sack-

CoGNADH, -AiDH, s. lii. Vide Cagnadh. • Coigchreach, s.
• Cogoir-se, -si, s. f. A regular system : corpus ing, pillaging actio diripiendi, evertendL O'R.

rerum concinne dispositaruni. Hh. • Coigcreach, s.f. i. e. Comh-chrioch, The fron-

• Cogradh, «. m. Conspiracy conjuratio. Llh. : tier, or limit of a country : regionis lunes, seu

CoGUiLL, s. m. Voc. 49. Vide Cogull. fines. Llh.

CoGuis, -E, -EAN, s. f. 1. Conscience : conscientia. • Coig-criach, s. m. O'R. et Llh. Vide Coig-
•' Air bhi d' an coguis a' deanamh flanuis leo." reach.
Rom. ii. 15. Their conscience bearing them wit- • Coig-crich, s.f. A
strange country, a limit : re-
ness. Conscientia ipsorum reddente testimonium gio peregrina, limes. O'R.
illis. 2. The cogs of a wheel molaris rotae den- : CÒIG-DEUG, adj. C. S. Vide Cùig-deug.
ies. C.S. • Coigeach, -ich, s.f. (Coig, adj.), A hand : ma-
Coguiseach, -eiche, adj. (Coguis), 1. Conscienti- nus. So named from tlie five fingers. MSS.
ous : ad conscientiam pertinens, eequi studiosus. C. • Coigeal, s. m. 1. A
noise, clap: strepitus, cre-
S. 2. Cogged : dentatus (more rotee molaris). pitus, sonus velut explodendi. LUi. 2. Thrift

C.S. parsimonia. i. e. " Coigleadh." Llh. 3. Id. q.

Cogull, -ill, s. m. 1. The herb cockle, or corn- Cuigeal.
cockle : agrostemma lithago. Linn. C. S. 2. Saw- • Coigeal, -aidh, ch-, r. a. B. B. Gen. xviii. 24.
dust : scobs. R. M'D. 151. " Cogull-arbhair." Vide Coigil.
Voc. 58. Corn husks : frugum siliquae. CoiGEALTA, pret, part. v. Coigeal. Vide Coigilte.
CoGULLACH, -AICHE, adj. (Cogul), Husky : sihquo- CÒIGEAMH, adj. Vide Ciiigeadh.
sus. C.S. CÒIGEAR, 5. ?«. Vide Cùigear.
Cogullach, -AiCH, s. m. Filings : limatura, ramen- CoiGiL, -IDH, CH-, {fut. contr. Coiglidh). 1. Spare :

tum. Voc. 48. parce. Salm. xxxix. 15. 2. Save alive : vivum
serva. O'R.
Coi, A prepositive particle, or prefix. Vide Coimh.
• Coigill, »./. A thouglit, secret: cogilatio, arca- CoiLEACll-COlLLI, />/. -Icil-CHOILLB, «. m. (Coi-
num. Uh. leach, et Coille), A wood-cock : scolopax ru8ti-
CoiGiLTE, prtt. part. v. Coigil. Spiired, saved ulivc : cola. Linn.
quod ptirsum est, vivus son'iitus, C. S. Coil.KACII-DL'BH, pi. -ICII-DKL'BHA, i. tH. bUck- A
• C'oijflc, s. m. 1. A companion comcB. O'R. : cock, game, or grouse tetruo (etri*c. Linn. :

2. A secret arcanum. O'H. 3. Vassalage

: COII.EACII-FRASCACII, pi. icil-flin AXC ACK, *. W.
clienU'lii, servitus. U'K. 4. Wisdom sapicn- : (Coileach, et Francuch), A turkey-cock : meleagris
tia. ON. gallopavo. J.iiin.
CoiGLEAciiD, s. f. ind. (Coipil, V.) 1. Act of spar- COILEACII-FRÀIIUII, pi. -icil-FIIRAoicil, (Coi-
ing : parsiinoiiia. C. S'. 'i. Commerce commer-
: leach, ct Fraoch), A heath-cock, moor-cock, red
cium. .S'/r. 3. A train, retinue : iucidentium sc- game, or grouse tetrao Scoticu». IJnn.

ries, coniitatus. IJA. CoiLEACii-(iAorniE, /;/. -uii-(;iiAoriitK, s. tn. (Coi-

CoiGLEADii, -iDii, m. ct pres. part, v. .«. Coigil. Act leach, et Gaoth), A weather-cotk tritiin. Voc. Ho. :

of sparing, saving olive parsimonia, : vitae conscr- COILEACII-OIDHCHE, pi. -ICII-OinilCIlK, s. m. (Coi-
vatio. C. S. leach, et Oidhclic), An owl bubo. Vide Cail- :

CoiGLicH, -iDif, CH-, r. a, Accompanj' : coniitarc. leach-oidhche.

LU. CoiLEAcii-HLADH, s. Hi. Voc. 74. Id. q. Coileacli-
CòiGN'EAR, a/ij, Vide Cùigncar. fraoich.
CoiGREACii, -icH, «. m. A stranger percgrinus, ad- : CoiLEACH-TOMAiN, pi. -icii-TiioMAiN,
«. m. (Coi-
vena. " Is coigreach agus fear-cuairt mise maille leach, et Toman), A
cock-patridge : perdix mas,
ribh." Gen. xxiii. 4'. I am a stranger and sojourn- tetrao perdix. Linn. C. S.
er with you. Peregrinus et inquilinus sum apud CoiLEiD, -E, -EAN, *./. A
Stir, or noise: turba, stre-
vos. pitus. Ihbrid.
Coigreach, -iciie, adj. (Coigreach, «.) Strange: CoiLEiDEAcii, -EICIIE, adj. (Coilcid), Noisy, in con-
peregrinus. " Dia coigreach." Saim. IxxxJ. 9. A fusion strcpitu plenus, turbatus. Macinty.

strange god. Deus alienigenus. CoiLEiR, -E, -EAN, S.m. 1. A coUar collare. H. :

CoiGREACiiAii., (Coigreach), Strange, fo-

-E, adj. M'-D. Fr. Collier, a necklace. Germ. Roller.
reign: peregrinus, externus, alienus. Voc. 134. Span. Collar, torquis. 2. A neck collum. O'/i*. :

CoiGKicii, 1. gen. et />/. of Coigreach, q. vide. 3. 3. A quarrj', mine metallum. Llh. :

A bound, limit: terminus, limes. Voc, 40. CoiLEiuEAcii, -EICIIE, adj. (Coileir), Collared: col-
CoiGRiciiiEACir, -EiciiE, adj. Uh. Vide Coigreach. lari instructus. C. S.
• Coigrinn, s. f, Point.>, parts, divisions puncta, : CoiLioBiiAU, -AIR, -EAN; s. m. A Certain kind of
partes, divisioncs. Uh, gun sclopetum quoddam. i?. M'D. 70.

CoiLBHEiK, -IN, -EAx, s. til, A

Stem, Stalk, small Coii.ioN, afj/. S.D. 125. Vide Coimhlion.
shaft : caulis, culmus, canceola. O'H, « Coin, S.J'. Sin, iniquity peccatum, iniquitas. :

• Coilcc, s,f, A bed bed-clothes lectus, cubile,

: : OB. et O'B.
stragula. O'B, • Coin, -idli, ch-, V. a. 1. Blindfold : oculos ob-
CoiLCEADHA, plur. of Coilce. Bed materials, put O'B. 2. Trespass
volve. dclinque. Sh, 3. :

under the sheets, or blankets, as plumage, straw, Geld emascula, castra. O'R.

heath, ferns, &c. " Tri coUceadha na Feinne, bàrr COILL, \pl. ColLLTEAN, et CoiLLTICHEAN, f. f.
gheal chrann, còinneach is ùr luachair." The CoiLi.E, J A wood, forest: sylva, saltus. " Oir is
tliree kinds of material used in the Fingalian beds leanisa uile bheathaiche na coille. Salm. 1. 10.
were branches, moss, and bulrushes. Fingalienscs, For all the beasts of the forest are mine. Quuni
seu Fenii Gaelorum lectos suos frondibus, musco, niese sunt omnes bestia; silvestres. Wei. Kelli, a
vel juncis insternebant. Vide Llh. in voc. grove. Gr. Ka>,o>, K»i>.6>, lignum.
CoiLCHEAK, -EIS-, -EAN, s, tii. 1. Water issuing Coilleadh, s.m. 1. A
hog: porcus. " CuUach.'*
from an orifice aqua foramine effluens. C, S, 2,
: Llh. 2. A
wood: sylva. MSS. 3. Blind-
A little cock gallus parvus. C. S. Vide Coileach.
: ing : actio caecandi. Llh. 4. Infringing, plun-
Coi-tEABACH, -AiCH, s.f. Vidc Coimh-lcapach. dering actio pradandi, violandi. OR.

Coileach, -ich, *. m. 1. A cock gallus, avis. : CoiLi.EAG, -EiG, -AN, *. /. 1. A cocklc cochlca :

" Coileach an dunain. Maci/ttij. 74. The cock of marina, carduum. Linn. Voc. 72. 2. A smart
the dung-hill. Gallus domesticus. 2. rill of A stroke ictus validus. C. S.
: 3. A young potato
water tìuxus, aqux effluxus. " Coileach srutha."
: plant, or sprout : germen terra enas-
solani tubcrosi
The crested vortices of a stream aqua? gurgites : cens. C. S. 4. A
loud and cheerful note cantio :

sese erigentes. " Coileach bùirn." Macintij, 25. clara et hilaris. C. S. 5. End of a shinny stadium.
Wei. Ceiliawg, gallus. Dav. C. S. Vide Buille choilleag.
Coileachax. -aix, -an, s. m. dim. of Coileach. COILLEAGACH, -AICIIE, adj. (CoiUcag). 1. Full Of
1. A little cock: parvus gallus. C. S. 2. A rill: cockles, or young potato plants cochleis, aut so- :

rivulus. C. S. lani tuberosi surculis plenus. C. S. 2. Sonorous,

COILEACH-ÀRCAIN, Jl>/. -ICH-ARCAIN, S.m. (Coilcach, cheerful, sprightly (of music) : sonorus, hilaris (can-
et Arcan), A shuttle-cock pennne suberi infixae : tus). C,S,
reticulis, a lusoribus vicissim repulsae. Ainsw. C, S. CoiLLEANNWCH, -AICH, s. M. A poltroon, truant
qui in sylvas se abdit propter timorem, cessator. CoiMH-, A prepositive syllable in compounds. Ayu/l.
MSS. ct Lat. Con-, usually prefixed to words wliose first
CoiLLEARNACH, -AiCH, s.f. (Coillc) A woody placc : vowel small, and " Comh," to words whose first

locus sylvosus. Sh. vowel is broad, unless the pronunciation direct

CoiLLioG, -iG, -AN, A. M^D. Id. q. Coilleag. otherwise. In most cases, the syllable " Coimh-,"
CoiLL-MiiiAs, -ÈIS, -AN, S.f. (Coillc, et Mlas), A may be employed, if separated from the post-posi-
«ooden dish, a mess : discus ligneus, ferculum. tive by a hyphen. " Coi'-" and " Co'-" the abbre-
OR. viated forms, are in common use. " Tionail," A
CoILLTe', for ColLLTEAN, /(/. of CoiLLE, q. vide. gathering : coactio. " Coimh-thionail," con- A
• Coillte, adj. et pret. part. v. Coill, 3. Gelded : gregation, a gathering together : congregatio.
emasculatus, castratus. Llh. " Coigreacb," A
stranger, foreigner peregrinus. :

CoiLLTEAcii, -EiciiE, adj. (Coillc), Woody sylvo- : " Comh-choigreach," A

fellow stranger ; consocia-
sus. Voc. 137. Gr. KoiXtoi, Celtoe, the Celts, or tus hospes, EEque peregrinus.
woodlanders. * Coimhbheir, -idh, ch-, v. a. (Coimh, et Beir),
CoiLLTEACH, -icii, s.f. A wood, woody place : syl- Contribute : contribue, confer. Llh.
va, locus sylvosus. CoiMH-BHEURLA, s. f. (Coimh, Ct Bcurla),
iiul. A
" Mar clilaoidheas teine coilltcach chrion." conference (in the English language) colloquium :

Salm. Ixxxiii. 14. Anglicum. O'R.

As fire wastes a withered wood. Sicut ignis exu- CoiMH-BHEURLACH, udj. Conjunctive (in grammar)
rit sylvam arefactam. conjunctivus, vim habens conjungendi, (inter grara-
CoiLLTEACHAiL, -E, adj. (Coilltcach), Woody, wild: maticos). O'R.
Sylvester, ferus. Voc. 137. Ir. Sio]l\zeAn)a]\. CoiMH-BHEUKLACHADH, -AIDH, -EAN, s. »i. A Con-
COILLTEAN, ^^Zof COILLE, q. vidc. jugation : O'R.
CoiLLTEANACH, -icH, s. fii. Bill. Gloss. Id. q. Caill- COIMH-BHRÌOGHACHADH, -AIDH, S. til. (Coimh, et
teanach. Briogh), Consubstantiation : duarum substantia-
CoiLLTEiR, -E, -EAN, s. m. (Coillc, ct Fcar), A fu- rum conjunctio. Sh.
gitive, a wood wanderer, a truant : homo exlex, COIMH-CHEADACHADH, -AIDH, S. m. et pTCS. part. V.
qui in sylvis latitat, cessator. C. S. Coimhcheadaich. Consent : conjuncta voluntas,
CoiLLTEiREACHD, S.f. hid. (Coillteir), Banishment, concessio. C. S.
skulking in the woods, playing the truant exili- : CoiMH-cHEADAiCH, -IDH, CH-, ». «. (Coimh, et Ccad-
um, vita sylvatica, actio quoerendi latebras in sylvis aich). Concede : assentire, concede. C. S.
propter timorem, a scholà vagatio. C. S. CoiMH-CHEADAicHTE,/irrf.^art. V. Coimhcheadaich.
COILLTICHEAN, /}/. of CoiLLE, q. VÌde. Conceded concessus, licitus, permissus.
: S. C
CoiLPEACH, -ICH, S.f. Voc. 78. Vide Colpach. CoiMH-CHEALG, -EiLG, s. f. (Coimh, Ct Ccalg), A
CoiLPEiN, -EAN, s. m. A
rope : funis. Voc. 3. plot, treason : conjuratio, majestatis crimen. C. S.
- Coimeirce, s.f. Dedication dedicatio. Sh. : COIMHCHEANGAIL, -IDH ; COlltr. -GLAIDH ;
pret. CH-,
CoiMEAs, -AiDii, CH-, V. o. (Coimh, et Meas), Com- V. a. (Coimh, et Ceangail), Connect, unite, bind
pare : confer, conipara. Macf. V. together : connecte, aduna, colliga. " Coimh-
CoiMEAS, -Eis, s. m. (Coimh, et Meas, s.) 1. E- cheangail mo chridhe chum eagal t' ainme bhi
quality : sequalitas. C. S. 2. Comparison : colla- oirm." Salm. Ixxxvi. 11. Unite my heart, that I
tio, comparatio. may fear thy name. Aduna animum meum ut re-
" Gun clioimeas idir dha." Salm. xsiv. 10. verentia nominis tui sit mihi.
With no comparison at all to him. Sine compa- CoiMHCHEANGAiLTE, pret. part. V. Coimhcheangail.
ratione omnino illius. Connected, bound together : connexus,
CoiMEAs, adj. (Coimeas, s.). Co-equal, like : com- adunatus, colligatus. A. M'-D.
par, similis. CoiMHCHEANGAL, -AIL, s. m. et pres. part. v. Coimh-
" Coimeas do 'n charraig an triath." cheangail. 1. A
tying, binding, uniting, or linking
F'mg. i. 19. together : colligatio, connexio, actus connectendi.
Like to the rock the chief. Similis rupi princeps. C S. 2. A
covenant, treaty, league : fcedus, pac-
CoiMEASG, -AiDH, CH-, V. Co, et Mcasg).
a. 1. tum. " Ach daingnichidh mi mo choimhcheangal
Mix, mingle : commisce. C. S. 2. Confound riutsa." Gen. vi. 18. But I will establish my
confunde. C. S. 3. Adulterate : coiTumpe. C. S. covenant with thee. Stabiliam autem foedus meum
Wei. Cymmasg. tecum. 3. A conjugation conjugatio. Ir. Gram. :

CoiMEASG, -isG, m. (Co, et Measg, v.) A

-AN, s. » Coimhcheangladh, -aidh, s. in. llh. Vide Coimh-
mixture, confusion, jumble mistura, confusio. C. : cheangal.
S. CoiMHCHEANGLAicHE, -EAN, s. m. (Coimh, Ct Ceang-
CoiMEASGADH, -AIDH, m. et prcs. part. v. Coim-
s. laiche), 1. A link of connexion, a bond, a person,
easg. Act of mixing, jumbling, confounding ac- : or thing that ties together : ligamen, copula, vin-
tus commiscendi, confundendi, turbandi. Voc. 167. culum, quod ligat. C. S.
qui, vel 2. conjunc-A
Wei. Cymmysgio. tion, in grammar: conjunctio (pars orationis). C. S.
CoiMEASGTA, jiret. part. v. Coimeasg. Mixed, con- CoiMH-cHEANNACH, -AicHE, s. 1)1. Vide Coimh-
fused: commistus, confusus. C. S. cheannachd.
CoiMii-cHEAXSACiiD, /. »W. (Coinili, ct Ccann-
$. CoiMii-DiiEASAiciiTE, />re/. />arf. v. Coimlidheasaich.
aclul), Ccimmi-rcf : comnierciuiii. \\>c. 167. Accomodated : accoiiiodatuis, paratus, ini>tructu6.
COIMH-CIIEÀKKACII, -AUll, «. III. (Coillll), Ct CcÙrT- C. S.
acl»), A mate, consort, conn>uiiion, playlillow : • Coinih-dliiu, geti. Coimhdli^-, t. m. (Coimli, tt
particcps, consor», conpi'rro, collusor. Voc. IOC. Dia), CJod, the Trinity : Deus, Trinitau. U/i.
" Coimlicheurrach-li-upa." C. S. A bed fellow : et UM. Gloss.
lecti consors, uxor vel niaritus. CoiMii-DniuEACn, -EICIIE, odf. (Coimh, et DÌTeach),
CoiMii-ciitiMNEACii, -EiciiE, odj. (Coimh, et CÈini- Straight, direct : rectus, directug. C. S.
neach). Concurrent, concomitant : concurrens, co- CoiMii-uiii.iGHE, -EAN, S.f. (Coiinh, Ct Dlighc), An
mitans. Llh. equal right par jus. C. S. :

CoiMH-CHtiMNEAriin, s.f. ind. (roimhclifimneacli), Coi.MH-DHLUJiiEACif, adj. (Coimhdhlighe), Equally

Concurrence: concursus, comitatus. C. S. privileged par liabcns jus.: .V. C
CoiMii-ciitiMNicH, -iDii, C11-, J'. H. ((."oinili, Ct CC'i'm- CoiMii-DiiHEAciiTA, (ulj. (Coiuili, et Dreachd), Con-
nicli), Concur, accompany concurrc, coniitare.ZM. : formed conformatus. Lilt.

CoiMii-ciiEÒL, -IÙIL, «. m. (Coimli, et Ceòl), A con- ' Coinihdhreiineuclid, s.f. 1 Acompetition:cer-

cert: concentus. C. S. Vide Ceòl. • Coimhdhreimeas, -eis, s. m. ) tamen. Sh.
CoiMn-cnEÒLACn, -AicHE, adj. (Coimli, et Ceòlach), Coi.MHEACii, -EiCHE, ar^'. 1. Foreign, Strange : pe-

Choral ad choruni pertinens, concincns. C. S.

: regrinus, alienus. " Cuiribh uaibh na diathan coim/i-
COIMH-CHLIAMHUINN, -CIILEAMIINA, -AK, S. fit. each a ta 'ri "ur measg." Gen. xxxv. 2. Put away
(Coimli, ct Cliamhuin), 1. son-in-law : gener. A the strange gods that are among you. Hemovete
UJi. 2. A
brotlier-in-law : uxoris vel mariti f'ra- deos alienos qui sunt inter vos. 2. Barbarous
ter. as. barbarus. C. S. 3. Fierce, wratliful, cruel : ferus,
CoiMH-ciiREUTAiR, -E, -EAN, (Coimh, Ct Creu-
*. »). irà ardens, crudelis. N. H.
tair), A fellow-creature : animal nostra; naturae • Coimheach, -eiche, adj. 1. Careless, safe, se-
particeps, homo. Voc. et C. S. cure : otiosus, tutus, securus. Llh. 2. Like,
CoiMH-cnRiocH, -ÌCHE, -AN, s.f. (Coimh,'et Crioch), alike : similis. Llh.
Confines: fines regionis. Foe. 135. Coimheach, -ich, s. m. A foreigner, an alien alie- :

CoiMiiDEAcn, -EICIIE, adj. Safe, secure : salvus, se- nigena, homo peregrinus. Bil/l. Gloss, et Voc. 134.
curus. S/t. et O'R. Coimheachas, -ais, s. m. (Coimheach, adj.) Strange-
CoiMHDEACiiD, *./. hid. Vide Coimheadeachd. ness : insolentia, fastidium. Salm. cxiv. 1.
• Coimhdhe, *. m. ^'ide Coinihdhia. CoIMHEAD, fut. COIMHEADAIDH, COntr. CoIMH'-
COIMH-DHEALBIIADII, -AIDH, -EAN, «.»1. (Coimh, Ct DiDH, CH-, f. a. et n. Look, see, watch, keep, pre-
Dealbhadli) A
political constitution : forma rei- serve, hold : vide, aspice, invigila, custodi, tene.
publica:. Stew. Gloss. I Of. 114.
CoiMH-DHEAN, -AIDH, CH-, f. a. (Coimh, Ct Dean), CoiMHEAD, -ID, s. m. A watch, ward : vigilia, excu-
Compose : compone. S. C biae. " Luchd coimliead." C. S. A
guard, warders :

COIMH-DHEAKADII, -AIDH, S. t». Ct preS. part. V. vigiles, custodes.

Coimhdhean. Act of composing : actus componen- CoiMHEADACH, -AICHE, adj. (Coimhcad, r.) Wary,
di. c.s. vigilant : vigil, attentus, cautus. C. S.
CoiMH-DHEANTA, peif. part. V. Coimhdhean. Com- CoiMHEADACH, -AicH, s. til. (Coimhcad, V.) war- A
posed : compositus, conflatus. C. S. der : custos. Llh. " Coimheadaidh." Hebrid.
CoiMH-DHEANTACHD, (Coimhdhcan), A
s. /. itid. '
f. hid. (Coimheadach), Watch-
composition compositum, ut scriptum opus. Z,Ui.
: ing, attending, escorting : vigilia, obsequium, co-
COIMH-DIIEARBH, -AIDH, CH-, V. a. (Coinih, Ct mitatus. " Comhaideachd." Macf. V. " Aingle
Dearbh), Prove fully, or satisfactorily, confirm by cohnheadachd." Sm. Par. Ixvi. 3. Guardian an-
proofs plene proba, vel ad animum, probationibus
: gels. Angeli custodientes.
confirma. C. S. CoiMHEADAiCHE, -EAN, s. t». (Coimhcad). 1. A
COIMH-DHEARBHADII, -AIDH, -EAN, S.m. (Coimh, et keeper, an observer custos, speculator. C. S. 2. :

Dearbhadh), A complete proof: plena coraproba- A grass-keeper : qui pascua curat. Hebrid.
tio, testimonium non refellendum. C. S. CoiMHEADUICHE, -EAN, *. /«. Doil. Shol. Ì. 6. Vidc
CoiMH-DHEARBHTA, pret. part. v. Coimhdhearbh. Coimheadaiche.
Demonstrated, clearly proved demonstratus, ad : CoiMHEAGAR, -AIR, *. OT. (Coimh, et Eagar), Sys-
animum probatus. C. S. tem, order : systema, ordo, partium dispositio.
CoiMH-DHEAs, -Eisz, adj. (Coimh, et Deas), 1. Con- MSS.
venient,ambidextrous commodus, ambidexter.: CoiMHEAGAHACH, -AICHE, odj. (Coimhcagar), Sys-
O'R. 2. Handsome, complete speciosus, omni- : tematic : bene ordinatus. >

bus membris absolutus, concLnnus. O'H. CoiMHEAGNADH, -AIDH, s. m. (Coimh, Ct Eagnadh),

COIMH-DHEASACHADH, -AIDH, S.m. \ Ct'preS.JXirt. V. 1. Complex wisdom sapientia complexa. MSS. :

CoiMH-DHEASACHD, S.f. hid. Coimhdheas- j 2. Knowledge of contemporaries cognitio nostri ;

aich. Accomodation accomodatio. O'R. : seculi. OR.

CoiMH-DHEASAicH, iDH, CH-, V. a. (Coimh, et Deas- CoiMHEARSNACH, -ICH, «. »1. A neighbour proxi- :

aich). Accomodate : apta, instrue. C. S. mus, vicinus, accola. " Chum 's gu u teicheadh

Vol. I. li
am marbhaichc nn sin, a mliarbh a choimhcarsnach CoiMH-FniLLTE, ad). Folded: compllcatus. C.S.
da." 2>f«<. iv. 42. That tlie slayer might
sy[i\ fliios CoiMH-FHii.i.Ticn, -IDH, CII-, V. a. (Coimh, et Fill-
Hec thither who killed his neighbour unawares. Ut tich), Fold together complica. S. : C
confugeret illuc occisor, qui occidisset proximum COIMH-FHIOSACII, Ì -AICHE, udj. (Coimh, Ct FÌOS-
suuni per imprudentiam. CoiMH-FiiiosuACH, f rach). Conscious: conscius.
C'oiMiiEARSNAciiD, s.f. hid. (Coimliearsnach), Neigh- C.S.
bourhood : vicinia. C. S. CoiMH-FHREAGAiR, -IDH, CH-, V. a. (Coimli, et Frca-
CoiMiiEART, -A, -AN, s. 7». A Comparison; compa- gair). 1. Correspond, agree : congrue, responde,
ratio, collatio. C. S. concorda. 2. Resound assona, resona. :

CoiMHEARTAs, -Ais, m. Id. q. Coimhcart.

s. " Cho'-fhreagair an raon da h-eighe."
• Coimheas, s. m. (Coimh, et Meas), 1. Compa- S.D. 172.
rison : collatio. L/h. 2. Coolness of affection : The field resounded to her cry. Ilesonavit cam-
amoris remissio. S/i. pus ad claniorem ejus.
CoiMHEASDA, ad/. (Coimlieas), Of equal worth, e- COIMH-FHREAGAIRT, -E, -EAN, S.f. (Coimh, et FrCa-
quivalent : ejusdem pretii, a;quipollens. C. S. Vide gairt), A
consonance, correspondence, congruity
Meas. congruentia, convenientia, concordia. C. S.
• Coimheasg, -aidh, ch-, v, a. (Coimh, et Measg), CoiMIl-FHREAGARRACII, -AICHE, odJ. (Coimh, Ct
Mix misce. O'H.
: Freagarrach), Corresponding : congruens, conve-
CoiMHEASGACHD, s. f. ind. (Coimh, et Measg), A niens. Ll/i.
composition, mixture: mixtio. Voc. 168. COIMH-FHREAGARRACHD, S. f. Old. Ì (Coimh, Ct
•Coimheasgar, s. m. A conflict conflictus, pug- : CoiMH-FREAGRADH, -AIDH, s. 1)1. Frcagradh),
na, certamen. O'R. Correspondence, agreement : congruentia, conve-
COIMHEASGADH, -AIDH, -EAN, S, m. (CoÌmhcaSg), nientia. Llh.
A mixture, jumble mixtio, commixtio, confusio, : CoiMH-FHREAGARTAs, -AIS, s. m. (Coimh, et Frea-
chaos. Voc. 168. gartas). Symmetry partium congruentia. Voc.

CoiMHEiciiEAs, (Coimheach, adj.) 1. A-

-Eis, S.f. 168.
lienated affection amoris abalienatio. C. S.
: 2. CoiMii-GiiEALL, -AIDH, CII-, V. a. (Coimh, ct Geall),
Bitterness, wrathfulness, enmity acerbitas, iracun- : Perform a promise : pactum imple. Sm. Par,
dia, hostilitas. N. H. xxxviii. 7.
CoiMH-EiGiNN, -E, *. /. (Coimh, ct Eiginn), Force, COIMH-GHEALLADH, -AIDH, -EAN, S.f (Coimh, et
constraint : coercitio, compulsio. C. S. Gealladh), i. e. Coimhlionadh geallaidh. Perform-
COIMH-EIGNEACHADH, -AIDH, S. 7)1. et preS. part. V. ing a promise actus implendi promissum. C. S.

Coimheignich. Constraint, act of constraining co- : CoiMH-GHEÀRR, -AIDH, CH-, V. tt. (Coimh, ct Gean),
actus coercendi. C. S.
ercitio, To cut short decurta. C. S.

COIMH-EIGNICH, -IDH, CII-, V.O. (Coimh, Ct Eignich), COIMH-GHEARRADH, -AIDH, S. Vfl. (Coimh, Ct GcErT-
Constrain, force, compel : coerce, coge, compelle. adh). 1. Curtailing, concision : decurtatio, con-
Llh. " Choimh-èignich e iad." Gen. xix. 3. marg. cisio. Llh. 2. A score, reckoning : pretium, con-
He constrained them. Coegit ille eos. symbolum. C. S.
CoiMH-ÈiGNicHTE,^re<.joa»-<. 17. Coimh-èignich. Con- CoiMH-GiiLEACiiD, -AN, s. 1)1. (Coimh, et Glcachd),

strained coercitus, coactus.

: S. C A luctamen, conflictus. C. S.
struggle, conflict :

CoiMHEiRBSE, S.f. iìid. Wrangling, disputing rixa, : COIMH-GHLEACHD, -AIDH, CH-, V. a. (Coimh, Ct
jurgiuni. Provin. Vide Comh-fharpuis. Ghleachd, s.), Struggle, wrestle together : collucta,
CoiMHEiRBSEACH, -EicHE, odj. (Coimlieirbse), Con- pro viribus contende. " A' coonhghleachdadh."
tentious : rixosus. Provin. Gen. XXV. 22. Striving together : colluctantes.
CoiMH EiRiGH, -E, s, f. (Coinib, et Eirigh), An in- • Coimhghleic, MSS. Vide Coimhghleachd.
surrection : conjuratio, seditio. MSS. Vide » Coimhghleus, -aidh, ch-, v. a. (Coimh, et Gleus),

Eirigh. Compose, adjust : compone, ordina. O'P.

CoiMH-EÒLACH, -AicHE, adj. (Coimh, et Eòlach), COIMH-GHLEUSAICHE, -AN, S. Dt. (Coimh, Ct GlcUS-

Conscious conscius. C. S. : aiche), A composer : qui componit, ordiuat. O'R.

CoiMH-EÒLAs, -AIS, s. m. (Coimh, et Eòlas). Con- Coinihghnè, s.

Historical knowledge, genea-
sciousness conscientia. C. S.
: logy of contemporaries, homogeneousness : re-
• Coimheud, adj. Even, equally matched : par, ae- rum gestarum cognitio, genealogia simul flo-
qualis, similis simili oppositus. Llh. App. rentium, generis identitas. Llh.
COIMH-FHEADHAIN, -FHEADHNA, -AN, S.f A Com- CoiMH-GHNÈiTHEALACHD, S.f iiid. (Coimh, et Gnèi-
pany, troop : turma, cohors, manus. L/h. Vide theil), Homogeneousness generis identitas. :

Feadhain. COIMH-GHNÈITIIEACH, -EICHE, (idj. (Coimh, Ct Gnèi-

CoiMH-FHEAR, -IR, s. lu. (Coimh, Ct Fear), An equal theach), Homogeneous homogeneus. C. iS'. :

compar. C. S. " Coimhfhear-cogaidh." fellow- A CoiMH-GHNÈiTiiEiL, -E, adj. Id. q. Coimhghnèith-

soldier commilito. Llh.
: each.
CoiMH-FHiLLEADH, -IDH, s. ))). (Coimli, Ct FiUcadh), CoiMH-GHREAMACH, -AICHE, odJ. (Coimh, et Gream-
A folding together actus coniplicandi, convolven-
: ach), Adhesive : vim habens adliaerendi. C. S.
di. C.S. CoiMii-GHREAMACHADH, -AIDH, s. in. et jires.part.v.
Coimliglirenmaich. Adhesion, act of adhering: COIMII-LION', -ISNE, -EAN, S. til. (Coinilllion, f.) i.

adha'sio, actus udhacreiuii. A coniplenient, nuillilude: cuinplenitntiitn, multi-

COIMII-UIIIIEAMAICII, -IDII, CH-, V. tl. (Coiinh, Ct tudo. C. ,S'. 2. adj. for C'oiinlilionta. li. M'D. 22."i.
CoiMii-LioNADil, X. til. et prti. fxtrt. r. Coiinliiioii.
Greamuich), Adhere, cling to : adliirresce, adJia--
re Jirmiter. LIA. Cunipleliun, fullilnient, act uf fullilling : completiu,
COIMII-IAUIIAUH, -AIDII, -EAS, S. til. (Coilllll, Ct peractio, actus iniplendi. A' cuim/ilioiiad/i 'fhoi-

ladhadh), A conspiracy conjuratio. Jiibl. O'losn. : ail." Stdm. cxiviii. H. Fulfilling his word. LHici-
CoiMiiicii p/, of Coinilicach, q. vide.
ens verbuni ejus.
Coi.MiiiciiEAU, -KID, .V. III. (Coindicach, m/j.) 1. CoiMiiLioNc, -INGE, -EAS, g.f. racc, coursc : »ta- A
Stnmgencss, deprce of stranftencss, fierceness, diuni, cursus cuntendentiuni de victoria. " Ituilh-
wrathfidness, barbarity : grndus insulentia\ iracun- eaniaid te foighidin a' clioimhlwiuj a chuireadli ro-
dia\ soivitatis. C. S. 2. A strange punishment : nihain." Eahh. xii. \. Let us run with patience
pa-nu nionstrosa. lob. xxxi. 3. the race set before us. Decurrauius per toleriui-
CoiMiiicniiAs, -Eis, s. III. Siil/ii. cxiv. 1. Id. q. tiam stadium propositum nobis.
Coimliicliead, 1. COI.MHLIONGADII, -AlDll, S. Wl. (Coiuihliong), \.

CoiMHio, -IDH, CH-, v.a. Eccl. V. 1. Id. q. Coinih- A racing, conflicting : actio contendendi cuniu, di-

ead, t'. victoria certandi. ÙR.

Regular march of an
CoiMH-iMRicH, -IDII, C1I-, f. 11. (Coimh, ct Imrich, v.) army : agminis incendentis composiius gradu^.
Comniigrate comniigra. C. S.
: OB.
CoiMii-iMniCH, -E, -EAN, s. f. (Coimh, et Imrich, s.) CoiMH-iioxTA, adj. et pret. part. v. Coimhiion. Per-
Commigration conimigratio. C. S.
: fect, complete, mature perfectus, consummatub,

COIMIIÌLEADH, -IDII, -EAN, «. Wl. (Coimh, Ct ^111- maturus, omnibus numeris, absolutus. LUi.
eadh), A fellow-soldier commilito. C. S. : CoiMii-fcioNTACiiD, *. /. ind. (Coiinlilionta), Com-
CoiMiiiocAS, -Ais, s.m. A retribution compensa- : pleteness, perfection consummatio, perfectio, ex-

tio. OR. cellentia; fastigium. C. S.

CoiMii-ioMLAN, -AiNE, adj. (Coinih, et lomlan), Per- • Coimhmeartas, -ais, s. ni. Lih. App. Vide Coimh-
fect, complete perfectus, absolutus. C. S.
: eartas.
CoiMii-iOMLANACiiD, s.f. iiid. (Coimh-iomlan), Com- CoiMH-MEAs, -A, *. HI. (Coinih, Ct Mcas), A consid-
pleteness, perfection C. S.
: perfectio. eration,comparison reruni sestimatio, collatio. Z///.

CoiMH-ioNA.NN, adj. (Coinih, et lonann). Co-equal, Coi.Mii-MEAs, adj. Equal a;qualis, par. Hit. :

equivalent : a?quus, axjualis, par. C. S. • Coimh-meas, -aidh, ch-, f. a. (Coimh, et Meas),

CoiMH-iosAN.N'As, -AIS, )«.»/!. Equality : icquabi- Compare compara, confer. Llh,


Coi-MH-ioxANXACHD, «nrf. litas, paritas. " InbheJ

CoiMH-MEAsc, -AIDH, CH-, Vide Coimcasg.
a' c/toim/i-iwiaiinais." The ratio of equality. Ra- CoiMH-MEASDA, adj. et jyret. part, i: Coimh-meas.
tio iequalitatis. Compared, equal collatus, comparatus, par. MS>S.

CoiMii-tEABACH, Ì -iCH, (Coinih, Ct Lcabaidlj),

s. »1. CoiMH-NEART, -EIHT, -AN, s. »1. (Coimh, et Neart),
CoiMH-f.EAPACH, j A bcd-fellow, concubine : cen- A compound force : vis complexa, vires conjunct j;.
sors lecti, concubina. Dan. Shol. vi. 8. C. &
CoiMH-iEABACHAS, ) (Coimlileabach)
-AIS, s. m. COIMH-NEARTACHADH, -AIDH, «. tit. Ct prCS. part. f.
CoiMii-tEAPACHAs, j CoDcubinage status con- : Coimhneartaich. Confirmation, act of confirming :

cubinae, vel lecti consortis, concubinatus. C. S. confirmatio, actus confirniandi. S. C

CoiMH-tEAGTA, adj. (Coimh, et Leagta), Parallel : COIMH-SEARTAICH, -IDH, CH-, f. O. (Coimh, Ct NeSTt-
parallelus. C. S. Vide Leagta. aich). Strengthen, confirm robora, confimia. .S.
: C
CoiMii-LEASACiiADH, -AiDH, s. 7«. et prcs. part. V, CoiMii-iiEARTAiciiTE, pret. part. v. Coimlineartaich.
Coimh-leasaich. A
requital : compensatio. Vide Confirmed confirmatus. C. S.

Leasaich. CoiMH-XEARTMHOR, -DIRE, adj. (Coimh, et Neart-

CoiMn-j,EASAiCH, -IDH, CII-, V. a. (Coimh, et Leas- mhor). Strong, firm : fortis, firmus, validus. U/r.
aich), Make up, compensate : compensa, repende. • Coimhneas, -a, -an, s. in. A neighbour : proxi-
mus, vicinus. Ll/t.
CoiMH-'.EASAiCHTE, pret. part. v. Coinih-teasaich, • Coimhneasda, s. f. A neighbourhood : vicinia.
Made up, compensated repensus, conipensatus. : Ltt.
as. COIMH-RELLT, -A, -AN, S.f. (Coimh, Ct Rcult), A
•Coimh-lin, -linn, s.f. An assembly conventus. : constellation : stellarum congeries. Vide Iteult.
Lilt. '•
Coimhling." Sm. Par. xxxiii. I. '• Coimhrealtadh." Ll/t.
CoiMH-tioN, -AiDH, CH-, v. a. (Coimh, et Lion, f.) CoiMH-iiEiDH, -E, adj. (Coimh, et Reidli), Plain, le-
Fill up, fulfil imple, comple. " Aireamh do laith-
: vel : ffquus, planus. C. S. Vide Reidh.
ean coimhlionaidh mise." Ecs. xxiii. 26. The num- • Coimlireimnich, -idli, ch-, v. a. Assemble : con-
ber of thy days I will fulfil. Nunierum dierum voca. Ll/i.
tuorum coniplebo ego. Wei. Cytlawn. CoiMH-HEiR, -E,s.f. (Coioih, Ct Rèir), Construction;
CÒIMHLION, -EAN, s. HI. Gcii. \i. 7. marg. Vide syntaxis. O'R.
Cuinean. CoiMH-REiTH, a«^'. As plain as: a?que planus ac. Ll/i.
CoiMH-tiON, o^.jo/ttr. As many as: quotquot. C.4>. App.
li 2
• Coimhriachdanas, w. Distress, great want
-ais, s. •Coimhteach, s. m. (Coimh, et Teach), A mona-
afflictio, omnium rerum
inopia. O'B. stery, convent coenobium.3il/5^.S.

• Coimhriaehduin, Engendering: maris et foe-

«._/". •Coimhtheachaiche, -can, s. m. (Coimh, et Teach),
minoE congressus. £. B. Gen. xxxviii. 2. 9. An inhabitant of the same house, an inmate
CoiMH-RiARACHADH, -AiDH, s. m. et prcs. part. V. qui eadem in domo degit. Sh.
Coimhriaraich. A sharing among all, an equal shar- Coimhtheanal, -ail, -an, s. m. Vide Coimh-
ing : partitio inter onines, a^qualis distributio. C S. thional.
CoiMH-RiAÌiAicii, ) -iDH,CH-, V. (1. (Coimh, et Iliaf- • Coimhthidheach, -ich, *. m. Vide Coimheach, .«.

aich). Share among all, at once, B. B. Lev. xiv. 29.
or equally : omnibus simul, distribue, vel ocque. » Coimhthigheasach, adj. (Coimh, et Tigh), Co-
as. habiting convivens. Sh.

• Coimhriatuin, s.f. Llh. Vide Coimhriachdain. CoiMH-THiMCHioLL, -AN, s.tii. (Coimh, Bt Timchioll,
CoiMH-RiTH, -E, -EAN, S.f. (Coimh, et Rith), A race, A circuit ambitus, circuitus. C. S.

running match cursus equestris

: vel pedestris. CoiMHTiiioNAL, -AIL, -AN, s. m. (Coimh, Ct Tional).
as. 1. An asserabl}', congregation concio, conven- :

COIMH-SHEARMONAICHE, -EAN, *. »1. (Coimh, et tus. " Anns na coimhthitmalaibh beannaichidh mi

Searmonaiche), A fellow-preacher : collega eccle- an Tighearn." Salm. xxvi. 12. In the congrega-
siasticus. Voc. 169. tions, I will bless the Lord. In congregationibus
CoiMH-SHEASAMH, -AiMH, s. m. (Coimh, ct Seas- benedicam Jehova;. 2. A gathering (species of
amh). Consistency, equilibrium : congruentia, <e- pipe music) of the clans to battle : tibiae Gaelicae
quilibrium. Llh. cantus, quo tribus ad beUum convocantur. C. S.
CoiMH-SHEASMHACH, -AiCHE, adj. (Coimh, Ct Seas- CoiMH-THiREACH, -ICH, s. til. (Coimh, Ct Tìr), A
mhach), Constant, consistent : constans, consis- countryman, compatriot civis, eadem regione ori-

tens. Llh. undus, popularis. Llh. Lr. £,0}n)Z]OT;iT}A.\c.

CoiMH-SHEASMHACHD, S.f. hid. (Coimhsheasmhach), CoiMiRC, -E, Mercy, giving of quarter: miseri-
Constancy, consistency : constantia, congruentia. cordia, actus salutem dandi. O'B. et C. S.
C.S. CoiMiRCEADH, -IDH, s. »j. (Coimirc), Protecting,
CoiMH-SHEiRM, -EAx, S.f. (Coimh, et Seirm), A
-E, act of saving : tutamen, actus salutem dandi. C.
concert: concentus. Voc. 106. S.
COIMH-SHEÒLADH, -AIDH, -EAN, S. 1)1. (Coimh, et CoiMiRE, -EAN, s. 7)1. (Coimh, Ct Fear), An equal
Seòladh), 1. Direction, conveyance, sailing in sequalis, par, compar. C. S. Wei. Cymhas, Cyd-
company : directio, evectus, conjuncta navigatio. mas.
C. S. 2. A
boat, or ship race certamen navale. : • Coimire,s. /. A brief, abridgment compen- :

C.S. dium, synopsis. Llh. Vide Cuimir.

CoiMH-SHÌN, -iDH, CH-, V. a. (Coimh, et Sin), Stretch CoiMPiRE, -EAN, s. )n. (Coimh, et Fear), An equal:
in one direction, lay parallel : eodem ductu exten- par, compar. " Ach thusa fear b'u choimpire !

de, due vel describe C. S.

lineas parallelas. dhomh fein." .Si2//«.lv. 13. But thou a man mine !

CoiMH-sHÌNEADH, etprcs.part. i\ Coimh-

-IDH, s.Jii. equal. Sed tu, mortalis
par niihi.
shin. Extent, application, parallelism longitudo, : CoiMRic, -E, s.f. Voc. 169. Id. q. Coimire.
applicatio, parallelismus. Voc. 187. CoiMRiG, -E, -EAN, S.f. Trouble, interruption, an
CoiMHSHÌNTE, adj. et prct. part. v. Coinihshin. Ex- impediment : molestia, interpeUatio, impedimen-
tended together, parallel : simul exteusus, paralle- tum. C. S. Id. q. Cuimrig.
lus.C.S. CoiMRiG, -IDH, CH-, v.a. (Coimrig, «.), Trouble, mo-
COIMH-SHÌNTEACHAN, -AIN, -AN, S. m. (Coimh, Ct lest, iuterrupt: molestiam fer, interpella, irapedi,
Sinteach), Term applicable to a parallelogram. obturba, inquieta. C. S.
CoiMH-SHioRRDiDH, cdj. (Coimh, Ct Siorruidh), Co- CoiMRiGEACH, -EicHE, odj. (Coimrig, s.), Troublc-
eternal : co-aeternus. C. S. some, inteiTupting molestus. C. S. :

Caimh-shiorruidheachd, s.f. hid. (Coimhshiorr- CoiMRiGEACHD, s. f. ijid. (Coimrigeach), Trouble-

uidh), Co-eternity : co-reternitas. C. S. someness molestia. C. S.

• Coimhshreabh, Coimh-shruth), «. m. A
(i. e. CoiMRiGEADH, -IDH, s. m. St pres. part. V. Coìmiìg.
confluence of streams : concursus aquarum. Troubling, act of troubling, molesting, interrupt-
Llh. ing actus obturbandi, impediendi. C. S.

CoiMH-SHREip, -E, S.f. (Coimh, et Sreap), Rival- CoiMRiGTE, pret. part. v. Coimrig. Troubled ob- :

ling : actio aemulandi. C «S". turbatus. C S.

CoiMsicH, -IDH, CH-, V. c. Perccive : percipe, intel- » Coimse, s.f. Bibl. Gloss. Vide Cuimse.
lige, assequere. Llh. CoiMSEACH, -EiCHE, odj. Indifferent, deliberate : in-
CoiMHSicHTE, ) Provident, comprehensible
adj. differens, deliberatus. O'B.
CoiMHSiGHTE, J providus, comprehensibihs. Uh. Coin, gen. et pi. of Cii, q. vide. B.Bret. Coun,
• Coirahsiughadh, -aidh, s. m. et pres. part. v. chiens. Fr. Chien. Span. Conejo, cuniculus.
Coimhsich. Perception, comprehension : per- Larram.
ceptio, comprehensio. Llh. • Coinbheadh, s. m. A feast, entertainment : con-
CoiMH-STREAP, -A, S.f. Vide Coimhshreip. vivium, epulae. Sh. et OR.
COI 243 cor
• Coinbheadhach, «. »i. A guest at a feast : coini- CoiNGEALL, -ILL, I. m. 1. A loan: mutuum. BM-
vu. Sh. Class. 2. A whirl|K>oI, violent agitation ; vortex.
• Coinblicarsaid, *. /. Conversation : collo(iiiiuiii. ai|uuruni concusxio. " A' cluiiitgixiU Latharnadi."
L/h. The Lorn whirlpool. Cluirybdib Lornenui». Vide
CoiN-BiiiLE, «./. (CÙ, et Bile), The dogberry tree : Coire.
comus. IM. CoiNi.iiEALLACii, -AlciiE,<wJ/. (Coinghcall), Accom-
CoiN-CHRiCHE, s. pi. Gag-tcetli : denies canini vel modating, lending connuodanii, amice KU])[>edi-

exserti. I'oc. 14. tans, vel muluo dans. " Tha e ghnùtli truacunta
Coi.vDEALO, -EiLG, *. HI. 1. Similitude, compari- agus coiiujhadlacli." Sulm. xxxvii. 26. He is ever
son : siniilitudo, collatio. MSS. 2. Criticisiiif^ merciful, and lendeth. Toto die grutiam facit et
scriptunc exanien criticuni. O'/i. S. Counsel : mutual.
consilium. Lift. 4-. Contention: contcntio. O'lf. Cois'GiiEALLACHADH, -AiDii, s. m. et pTts. part. V.
CoiNUEALCi, -AiDii, CII-, t'. u. I'crsuude : persuadeo. Coingheallaich. A violent quashing, or shatter-
Sh, et OJi. ing : vehemens quassatio, labefactatio. Prorin.
• Coindreach, -aidli, cli-, r. a. Direct : dirige. Coingheallaich, -lun, CH-, v. a. QuaAli, shatter :

MSS. quassa, labefacta. MSS.

COIN-DRIS, -E, -EAN, S. f. {CÙ, ct Dfis), A dog- CoiNGiiEALLAicHTE, pcrf part. V. Coingheallaich.
briar : tubus cuninus. IJh. et Voc. 63. Quashed, shattered : concussus, labefdctatus. Pro-
CÒINEACII, -iCH, s.f. S. D. 100. \'ide Còinncacli. vin.
Coin'-eallacii, -EiCHE, (utj. Vidc Coingheallacli. CoiNGioL, -ILL, -AN, s.m. 1. A qualification: dos,
CoiNEAN, \ pi. -AS, et -EAS, s.iii. Arabbit, coney: cu- indoles. <S7<. 2. A condition : conditio, status.
CoiNEiN J niculus, " Tlia na bcanntan àrd 'ii an C. S. 3. A O'R.
pass : angustia;.
tearmunn do na gabl\air fliiadhaich na creagan do ; CoiNGioLLADii, -AiDU, -EAN, s. m. A complaini
ndi cot ncanaihh." Salm. ciw 18. The high hills area qucstus. O'R.
refuge for the wild goats the rocks for the conies. ; CoisGiu, -E, -EAN, s.f. A pair: par, gemelli. Sk. et
Monies excelsi sunt refugiuni rupicapraruui, pe- OR.
traeniontanorum, cuniculorum. Scot. Cuning, Cu- • Coinin, m. Llh. Vide Coinein.
nyng. Jam. Bihj. Konyn. Germ. Canyn. Swcd. CoiNiosG, -A, «. m. Vide Conusg.
Kanin. Corn. Kynin. Arm. Con. /•>. Conin. CoiNLE, -EAN, s. m. Vide Coinnlein.
CoiNEiNEACii, -iciiE, wlj, (Coiucan), Abounding in • Coinleach, s.f. Llh. Vide Cònlach.
rabbits : cuniculis abundans. C. S. CoiNLEAG, -EiG, -AN, ». /. A Stalk, bud : caulis,
• m. Evening vesper. LUi.
Coinfheasgar, ,«. : gemien. Sh.
CoiNFHEASGARACH, -AicHE, a^'. Late: serus, ves- CoixLEiN, -E, -EAN, s. m. 1. A Hostril : naris.
pertinus. Lilt. Bill. Gloss, (pi. sometime Coinliona). Vide
COIN-FHIACAILL, -LA, -AN, S.f. (Cu, Ct FÌaCaÌU). 1. Cuinnean. corn stalk
2. A
culmus. " Agus :

A dens caninus. O'R. 2. Canine

dog's tooth : feuch, dh' eirich suas seachd diasan arbhair air aon
madness caninus furor, hydrophobia. Sh. 3. Id.
: chohdein." Gen. xli. 5. And, behold, seven eats
q. Coincriche. " Eolas air bhruthadh, air bris- of corn came up upon one stalk. Ecce, autcm,
teadh, air clisgeadli fèithe, air lot nathrach, air seplem spicas assurrexerunt culmo uno.
bheum beatlirach, air sleamhnachadh air lie luim, CoiNNE, s.f. ind. Supper cocna. kind of party, : A
air clioin-fhiacaill coill." (Part of a rhyme, ac- at which the neighbours meet for social enjoy-
counted a spell for curing any illness occasioned ment, each bringing his own provision to the
by a canine bite). A knowledge of bruises, of common entertainment cccna, vel convivium, in- :

wounds, of sprains, of the stinging of serpents, of ter proximos, quisque suam dapem contribuens.
the bite of serpents, of falls on a bare stone, of Hebrid. Wei. Ciniaw, Cwynos. Arm. Coauaff,
canine madness. Scientia contusionuni, vulnerum, coenare. Fr. Cene. Hind. Khana, to diet. Gilchr.
luxationum, serpentum morsuum, prolapsionum in CoiNNE, s.f. Vide Coinneamh. " An co/nn* gach
silice nuda, morbique canini. Talia pronunciando mios, bliadhna," &c. Voc. 135. Monthly, j'early :

<^ud Gaelos olim, morbus ex morsu caninu, alii- singulis mensibus, quotannis. " An coinne," adv.
que quidem sanari arbitrabantur. So that ita ut.
" 'N coinne nach gluaisteadli
• Coin-fliodhairne, pi. Otters : lutroe. LUi. mi." Ross. Salm. xviii. 33. So that I shall not
• Coinfidir, *.
f. A Roman catholic formula of be moved. Quo non movebor.
confession : LcUinè Confiteor, nempe. Formula • Coinne, s.f. A woman mulier, : foenrjina. Llh.
confitendi peccata, qua utuntur Romano-catho- Hence ^«5"/. Quean. Gr.ruw;. ^'ide O'B.invoc.
lici. Voc. 166. CÒINNEACH, -ICH, A-.yi Moss, or fog muscus. i'oc. :

• Coinfliochd, s.f. debate, battle, conflict A

dis- : 62.
ceptatio, prcElium. Llh. CoiNNEACHADH, -AIOH, «. m. et pres. part. v.
' Coingbheal, MSS.
Vide Cumail. Coinnich. Meeting: actus conveniendi, congres-
• Coingeal, *. MSS.
Vide Coinneal. sio, occursus. " 'G ar coimuachadh." Gen. xxiv.
CoiNGEis, -E, adj. Indifferent, free, independent £e- : 65. To meet us. Ad nos conveniendum.
quo anirao movens. " Tha mi coingeis." C. S. Coinneal ;
gai. Coinnle ;
pi. Coinnlean, s.f. .\
I care not mei nihil refert.
: candle : candela. Voc. 88. Wei. Canwvll. B. Bret.
COI 25ii COI
Fr. Chandcall. Arab. yj<yi'» Cantolor, Cantolour. Scot. Chandler, Chanler.
Cantol. Cantoel.
a candle.
Fr. Chandelier.
CoiNNEALACH, -AiciiE, adj. Soft, (luctilc, tractablc, CoiNNLEiUEACiiD, s. f. ind. (Coinnleir), Office of
supple : mollis, ductilis, tractabilis, cmaceratus. holding the candle candelam tcnendi munus. C. S. :

A. MD. Gloss. CoiNNLEinEACii, -EICHE, adj. (Coinnleir), Abound-

• Coinneal-bhàite, -bhaithtc, atij. Accused, excom- ing in candlesticks : candelabris abundans. C. S.
municated : maledictus, ecclesia Christiana cjec- CoiNNLiN, -E, -EAN, s. Til. O'Ji. Id. q. Coinlein.
tus. Lilt. CoiNNLiNEACH, -EICIIE, adj. Id. q. Coinlcineach.
CoiNNEAL-BnÀTHADir, -AiDii, *. ììì. (Coinncal, et
» Coinnsi, adj. Fit, proper : aptus, deccns. O'Ji.
Bàthadh), Excommunication : ccclcsiastica male-
CoiNNsiAs, -Eis, -AN, s.y; Conscicncc : conscientia.
dictio, anathema. C. S. Llh. Id. q. Coguis.

CoiNNEAL-BiiÀTiiAiDii, s.f. (Coinncal, et Bàthadh), CoiNNsiANTA, adj. (Coinusias), Conscientious : pro-

The symbol of excommunication, an extinguished bus, intiger vita;, scelerisque purus. C. S.
candle, excommunication anathematis signum,
CoiNNSPEACii, -A, -AN, .•;./. A wasp, liomct vespa, :

lucerna extincta, dira; ecclesiastical. Voc. 166. crabro. Voc. 70. et O'B.
CoiNNEAL-BiiÀTH, -AiDH, cii-,i'.a. (Coinneal,et Bath), • Coinnt, ) s. f. A woman : mulier, feniina. O'B.
Excommunicate : dins devove, sacris interdic. Sh. * Coint, f b'B. Sh.Llh.etIr.3ISS. Cunnus,
CoiNNEAMH, -iMH, -AN, S.f. A
meeting : conven- Hor. Sat.
tus, occursus. " Cum, guidheam ort, coinneamh « Coinntibhe, s.f. A gibe, scoff: dicterium, sanna,
fiumsa 'n diugh." Gen. xxiv. 12. marg. Hold a scomma. MSS.
meeting, I pray thee, with me this Any. Da, pre- * Coinreachd, -a, s. m. (Cu, et Reachd), A hunt-
cor te, conventum mihi hodie. " An coinnimh," ing-law lex venatoria. Llh.

adv. et prep. impr. To meet : obviam. " Mu CoiNsiANAicH, -IDH, CH-, V. a. Conjurc conjura. :

choinninih," prep. impr. Opposite, over against : A. MD. 178.

ex adverse. 2. Id. q. Coinne. B. Bret. Coan. CoiNsiAs, -Ais, S.f Sh. Id. q. Coinnsias.
CoiNNEAS, -IS, s.f. ferret A
viverra. Voc. 79.
CoiNsiASACH, -AICIIE, atlj. Vide Coinnsianta.
CoiNNGiALLACH, -Aicii, -EAN, S.f. Complaint A CoiNSPEACH, -ICH, S.f Vide Coinnspeach.
• Coip, s.f 1. A tribe, troop tribus, agmen, co-
querela. Sh. :

pia^. UB. 2. A copy

* Coinniceir, s. m. A
warren, a rabbit burrow : exemplar. O'R. 3. :

cuniculorum septum, vel domicilium. O'i?. Froth spuma. Vide Cop.


CoiNNicH, -iDH, CH-, V. a. Meet occurre, conveni. :

CoiP-GHEAL, -ILE, adj. (Coip, 3. ct Gcal), 'WTiite
" Chohmich ainglean De è." Gen. xxxi. 1. The foamed albe spumans.: 5. C
angels of God met him. Angeli Dei ei obviam CÒIR, adj. Just, right, honest, virtuous : Justus,

venerunt. fflquus, probus, rectus.

" Beannuight an duine 'ta
Coinnimh, gen. of Coinneamh, q. vide.
" An eagal De, ghabh tlachd gu mòr,
CoiNNiR, -E, -EAN, S.f. A
pair, bracc, couple par, :
" 'jSf a aitheantaibh coir gach la."
gemini. Proviti.
CoiNNLE, gen. of Coinneal, q. vide. Kirh. Salm. cxii. 1.
CoiNNLEACH, -EiciiE, odj. (Coinncal), Full of can- Blessed the man who is in the fear of God, who
dles candelis illuminatus. C. S.
hath taken delight greatly in his just command-
CoiN'NLEACiiADH, -AIDH, s. m. A
winding of fulled ments each day. Beatus vir qui est in timore Dei,
cloth on a pole panni constipati circa fustem in-
qui cepit delectationem valde in ejus praeceptis
volutio, ut candelse formam referat. C. S. justis quotidie. " Duine coir." C. S. An honest,
CoiNNLEAG, -EiG, -AN, s. /. 1. An oily surfacc :
or honourable, man : vir probus. Hebr. "in chor,
superficies oleagena. C. S. 2. fiery sparkling A nobilis. Pers.ysi- khjrr, convenient, proper. Chald.
of the eyes ignea oculorum scintillatio. C. S. 3.
]nirT chorun, ingenui, nobiles.
Id. q. Coilleag. CÒIR ; gen. Còracii, Còire ;
pi. Còirean, Còraich-
CoiNNLEAGACH, -AicHE, udj. (Coinnleag), 1. Hav- EAN, Right, justice, equit}^, probity, inte-
s.f. 1.
ing an oily s-u-face superficiem habens oleaginam.
: grity: sequum, jus, probitas, recta morum ratio.
C. S. 2. Bright, sparkling, (of eyes) : lucidus, scin- " Breitheamh luchd còrach Dia gach la."
tillans, (de oculis). C. S. Salm. vii. 11.
wild fire, or phos-
s. 711. A judge of the righteous (is) God each day. Ju-
phoric light caused in the sea by various species dex rectorum Deus quoque die. " Air choir,"
of marine animalcules Ignea apparitio in mari noc-
: adv. Rightly, justly : £Eque, recte. 2. A right,
tu visa, animalculis marinis multorum generura ex- claim, title : jus, vindicatio, autoritas. " Cha 'n
citata. Hehrid. 'eil coir agam air." C. S. It belongs not to me,
CoiNNLEiN, -E, -EAN, s. m. Voc. 57. Vide Coinlein. I have no right to it. Non meum est ex jure. 3.
CoiNNLEiNEACH, -EicHE, adj. (Coinnlcin), Having A right, or charter possessionis jus scriptum, di-

stalks culmos habens. C. S.

: ploma regium. " Còraichean na rioghachd." The
CoiNNLEAN, j)l. of Coiuneal, q. vide. charters of the kingdom. Charts; regni. 4. An
CoiNNLEin, -E, -EAN, *\ w. (Coiiineal, et Fear), A interest, business : participatio, negotium. Sh. et
candlestick : candelabrum. Voc. 88. B. Bret. O'R. 5. Vicinity, contiguity : vicinitas, loci pro-
pinquitas. " Cha d' tliaiiiig c ii a coir." Geit. xx. CoiHEACll, -iciiE, aJJ. (Coirc, a fault I, 1. Iuuh\.
4. nuirg. He
not iii-ar her.
cauii' Non m tissit guilty : cons, niundosuis.
illc ad cam. " .\n coir, (W, a' clioir," orff. Near to, " Co a 's diU'lm l)hi coireac/i,
(•>. Xùfo, locus, sedes, " Na 'ra fear a dh' fMgaii aui b;iile Uik lem
dose to: prope, juxta.
dl^Miitas, lionos Xijo.-, fuiuliis ;
K* X'^lf' " '^" ;
.Stew. 26i}.

choir," suo loco et ordiiie.

\\'\>o is more likely to be faulty, than he who leavti

Com, fjeti.of Cor, *•. q. vide. town of his own accord ? Qui» magi» probabi-
• Coir, t. HI- 1. --V spear hasia. : ^\^lcnce Coir- le sons quam vir ille qui urbe exccdit sponte sua .'

dhcabl», q. \ ide. OB. 2. A musical air : can- 2. ». f/i. .\ faulty person qui soim.
: " Clia nihi
tus niusicus. 0'J{. Gr. Xojo;. 3. A fault 's coireach." C. S. I urn not the faulty |)er»on, or
culpa. O'Ji. Vide Coirc. I am not in fault. Non ego mendusus.
Coma, -v., otfj. 1. Accursed: cxccrabilis. O'R. 2. CoiHEACll, -EICIIE, adj. (Coire, a hollow). Full of
Perverse, untractable, cross, peevish : pcrversus, circular hollows convallibus plenus. S. : C
intractabilis, morosus, asper. C. S. CoiHEACiiD, s.f. ind. (Coireach, ud;.) Culpability :

CoiRiie-Acii, aiij. Impious; iiiipius. O'R. culpabilitas. C. S. Jr. £o^nc^*AC^.

CoiRBE.\ciiD, s.f. ind. (Coirb), Crossness, perverse- CoiREAciiADH, -AiDii, *. »1. Ct pTes. part. v. Coirich.
ness, peevishness : perversitas, niorositas, acerbitas Blaming, censuring : criminatio, reprehensio. Voc.
animi. C. S. 143.
Còin-BHREiTii, -E, s.f. (Coir, s. 2. et Brcith), Birth- CoiREACHAiL, -E, w//. Apt to blame : censorius. C. .S'.

right jus hxreditarium.

'• Reic rium do ihòir- CoiREACHALACiiD, *. /. iud. (Coireachail), Censori-
bhrcit/i." Gen. xxv. 3 1 Sell me thy birth-right.
. ousness : nialedicentia. C. S.
Veiulc tuum jus primogeiiitorium mihi. CÒIREAD, -ID, S.f. (Còa,adj.), Probity: probita*.
CoiRBTE, (k/J. Fi»ff. iii. 29. Id. q. Coirb. Voc. 33.
CoinBTEACiiD, «./. jW. GndtA, \i. li. marff. Id. q. CoiREAL, s. m. Coral : corallium. lob. xxviii. 18.
Coirbeachd. CoiREALL, -ILL, s. m. Vide Coirioll.
CoiRCE ; gen. CoiRCE, ct CoRCA, m. .Sa/m. s. Ixxviii. CoiREAMAN, -AiN, s. ttt. A coriandcr : coriandrum.
2i. Ed. 1753. et Ll/i. Vide Core. Ll/i.
CoiRCEACii, -EiciiE, culj. (Coirc), Abounding in CoiREAK-coiLLEACH, -ICH, s. m. Wild campion :

oats avenà fertilis. Sh.

: lychnis dioica. O'R.
• Coircheann, «. m. A spindle fusus. O'B. : CoiREARAK-MUicE, s. »1. Pig-nut : bunium bulbocas-
• Coircheann, -aidh, ch-, v. a. Make round at tanum. O'R.
the top summam partem rotundam effice.
: CoiREiN, -E, -EAX, s. m. dim. of Coire. A little cir-

Ll/i. et 07?. cular hollow ; concavum montanum exiguuin. C. S.

• Coir'-chleireach, -ich, *. m. (Coirc, et Cleir- CoiREiN-EACH, -EICIIE, odj. (Coirein), Full of little
each), A false clerk : scriba vel clericus fallax. hollows: in concava raontana exigua depressus.
Ll/i. c. s.
CÒJRDEALAICIIE, -EAX, s. m. A ropc-makcr : restio. CoiRE-TOGALACH, -AiCH, s. m. (Coire, et Togail),
Voc. 53. A brewer's cauldron : zythepsi cacabus. Voc. 89.
• Còirdeas, -eis, s. m. Agreement, coalescence : CÒIR-GHNIOMH. -A, -ARRTIIAN, *. Wl. (CÒÌT, Ct
Concordia. MSS. Gniomh), Satisfaction : satisfactio. Llh.
• Coirdheabh, -aidli, ch-, v. a. Fight with a spear • Còiriasach, -aiche, adj. Important, with an air of
hastà pugnato. O'S. business momentosus, negotio quasi intentus.

CoiRE ;
pi. -EASNAN, S.f. A fault, offencc, sin, guilt; Sh.
culpa, peccatum, crimen. " Ach is ann aig do CoiRiCH, -IDH, CH-, V. a. (Coire, s.) 1. Blame,
shiuagh fein a ta 'cfioire." Ecs. v. 1 6. But the find fault : culpa, vitio verte. C. S. 2. Offend :
fault is in thine own people. Vero est populi tui offende. Bibl. Gloss.
culpa. In this word, and its derivatives, the oi CoiRicH,/>/. of Coireach. The guilty : sontes. C. S.
are sounded as u in the English words. Cur, Fur. CoiRicnTK, perf. part. v. Coirich. Blamed: culpatus.
CoiRE ; pi. -EACiiAN, *. m. 1. cauldron or kettle A : C.S.
cacabus, ahenum. Voc. 89. 2. circular hollow, A • Coirigh, s. m. 1. Ranges, ranks: ordlnes. LIA.
embosomed in hills, or a part of one hill so form- 2. Inclosures : septa. Bibl. Gloss.
ed: convaLlis, cavum ingens in monte, vel monti- CoiRioLL, -ILL, «. m. A cheerful note, a carol, noise
bus circumclusura. Macinly. 22. Scot. Corric. hilarans melos, crepitus, strcpitus cantium.
Jam. 3. A
whirlpool : gurges, vortex, charybdis. " Aig eisdeachd coirill do mhànrain." Oran.
Oss. iii. 422. " Coire bhreacain." A whirlpool Listening to the cheerful notes of thy song au- :

near the island of Jura. " In undosis charybdis diens melos hilarans tui cantus. " Cill-a'-choirill."
Brecani." Adomn. Vit. S. Coltimb. Lib. I. cap. 5. Tlie cell of Carols, a place in the district of Loch-
• Coire, s. 7/1. 1. A wherry : cymba, navigium le- aber, the site of a Catholic chapel sacellum Ro- :

ve. 2. A annulus, cingulum. O'B.

ring, girdle : mano Catholicum Abriense. Scot. Carralles. Jam.
3. OR. Id. q. Cuireadh. CoiRioLLAcii, -AicHE, adj. (Coirioll), Loud, and
• Coire, *. /. 1. Raw flesh caro incocta. O'R. : cheerful streperus, canorus. O'R.

2. Accord, syntax concordia, syntaxis. O'R.; • Coirip, -idh, ch-, r. a. Corrupt : comimpe. UA.
CoiRiPEACHD, s.f. ind. Vide Coirbeachd. decim homines ad inquisitionem ex lege An-
CoiRiPEADH, -iDH, s. ììì. ct pres. part. v. Coirip. glicana faciendum jurati. O'/?. et 0'£.
as. COISDEACHD, i.e. CoiMH-ÈISDEACIID, S.f. Act of
CoiHipmii, -E, adj. (Coirip, v.). Corruptible: cor- hearkening, listening : actus audiendi, auscultandi.
niptioiii obnoxius. C. S. as.
CoiRiPTHEACHD, S.f. itid. (Coirip), Corruption : de- CoisDEARCAN, -AiN, -AN', .?. m. (Cas, «. et Dearg),
pravatio. C. S. The bird red-shank : haematopus. C. S.
• Coiripthe, per/, pari. v. Coireap. Corrupted : • Coisdeir, -ean, i. c. Gille-carbaid, s. m. (Coisd,
depravatus. Llk. et Fear), 1. A coachman : auriga. O'/?. 2.
• Coirleighte, adj. Correctly written, or read : pro- A juryman : jurator. O'R. i. e. Coimh-eis-
be lectus, vel bene scriptus. MSS. deir.
' Coirm,-e, s.f. 1. Ale cerevisia. " Curnii." : CoiSE, gen. of Cos, or Cas, a foot, q. vide.
J3uc/i. et 2. A feast epulum. Llh. : CoisEACHD, s.f. ind. \ et pres. part. v. Coisich.
Vide Cuirm. CoisEACHADii, -AiDii, j Walking, pedestrianism :

'Coirmeach, s. m. A drunkard potator. O'R. :

ambulatio, iter pedestre. O'R. Arab. JwoL» ha-
• Coirmeag, -eig, -an,
s.f. A female gossip mu- :

lier loquax ambulatrix. Llh.

syd, a traveller.
» Coirneach, s. m. 1. A part: pars. O'R. 2. CoisEAG, -iG, -AN, S.f. Proviìi. Vide Cuiseag.
The bird king's fisher halcyon. O'S. : CÒISEAG, -EIG, -AN, S.f. dim. of Còis. A Small nook,
• Coirneach, adj. Cornered angularis. Vide : or cornerangulus, recessus exiguus. C. S.

Cearnach. CÒISEAGACH, -AicHE, culJ. Siiug concinnus, com- :

CÒIRNEIL, -NiLEiR, -EAN. 1. A colonel chiliar- :

pactus. C. S.
chus. Vox Angl. Vide Caith-mhileadh, or Cath- Cois-EiDEADH, -iDii, -EAN, S.m. (Cas, s. et Èideadh),
mhilidh. 2. A cornel-tree : cornus, arbos. Voc. Greaves, foot-armour : ocreae bellicae, armatura pe-
64. 3. A corner : angulus. Llh. Wei. Cor- dum. OR.
nel. CoiSEiNEACH, -EICHE, cdj. Slender-legged : cui crura
• Còirneineach, -eiche, adj. (Còrnan), Frizzled, sunt exilia. MSS.
curled crispatus, cincinnatus. Llh.
: * Coiseun, -aidh, ch-, Sh. Vide Coiseunaich.
• Còirn-stiall, s.f. (Corn, et Stiall), A cup-board Coiseunachadh, -aidh, s. m. et jjres. part. v. Cois-
abacus, cella penaria. Llh. eunaich. Preservation, consecration, deliver-
CoiRP, -E, adj. 3ISS. Vide Coirb. ance : conservatio, salus. O'R.
CoiRPiLEiR; -E, -EAN, s.m. A corporal manipularius. : Coiseunta, (Coimh-sianta, -shianta, perf. part.

Voc. in. Vox Afiffl. Coiseun), Protected, consecrated, defended:

CoiR-SGREACHAG, -AiG, -AN, S.f. Vide Corr-sgriach- protectus, consecratus, defensus. Sh.
ag- CoisEUNTACH, -AicH, s. 7)1. (Coimh-shiantach), A
CoiRT, S.f. Provin. Vide Cairt, et Cart. protector, defender patronus, defensor. C. S.

CoiRTHEACH, -EICHE, culj. Vide Coireach. CoiSEUNuicH, -IDH, CH-, ^•. fl. Conjure, bless, conse-
• Coirthigh, -idh, ch-, r. a.Sin, blame : pecca, crate fascina,
: adjura, benedic, consecra. Sh.
culpa. MSS. et OB. Vide Coirich. CoisG, -IDH, CH-, V. a. 1. Stop, restrain, quell, sup-
« Coirthiughadh, vide Coireachadh. press, pacify cohibe, siste, comprirae, paca, de-

Cois, dot. of Cos, vel Cas, s.f. q. vide. " An cois," pelle. " Coisff do theanga." C. S. Hold your
prep. imp. Near hand, hard by : prope. " An tongue : tace, comprime linguam." " Chum gu 'n
cois na fairge." C. S. By the sea-side : juxta coisgeadh tu an nàmhaid agus an dioghaltach."
mare. " Thug iad biadh 'n an cois." C. S. They Salm. viii. 2. That thou mightest still the enemy
brought food along with them. Cibum secum tu- and the avenger. Ut cohiberes hostem et ultorem.
lerunt. 2. Wean a lacte depelle. C. S.

CÒIS, -E, -EAN, s.f. Vide Cos. CoiSGEiR, -E, -EAN, s. m. (Coisg, et Fear), quell- A
COIS-BHEART, -BHEAIRT, -BHEIRT, S. f. (CoS, et er : qui comprimit. " Coisgear na strithe." C. S.
Beart, 2.) Shoes and stockings literally, foot ; The queller of strife. Qui lites comprimit.
furniture, or accoutrements: pedum munimenta * Coisglidli, -e, adj. 1. Still, quiet : placidus, quie-

i. e. Calcei, tibialia, ocreae, vel talia. " Cais'eart, tus. Sh. 2. Diligent : sedulus. Llh.
i. Caisbheart." Greaves ocreae bellicse. 1 Sam.
e. : CoisGTE, pret. part. v. Coisg. Quelled, stilled, paci-
xvii. 5. et Llh. fied suppressus, pacatus, subactus. C. S.

Coisc, -IDH, CH-, V. a. Bihl. Gloss. Vide Coisg. CoisicH, -IDH, CH-, V. a. et n. (Cas, «.) Walk, travel:
Cois-CHEUM, -EiM, -AN, s. m. (Cos, s. Ct Ccum), A ambula, perambula. 3Iacf. V.
step, pace: gressus, passus. Llh. et Voc. 188. CoisicHE, -E, -EAN, s. m. (Coisich, V.) walker, A
CoiS-CH£IMNICH, ) -IDH, CH-, V. H. (Cois), Step a- footman, pedestrian : ambulator, pedes, pedester.
Cais-cheumnaich, / long, walk: ambula incede. " Ma ruith thu teis na coisichean, agus gu 'n do
Sh. et C. S. sglthich iad thu, cionnas idir a ni thu stri ri h-
• Coisde, s. w. 1. A
coach curriculum, vehicu- :
eachaibh ?" lerem. xii. 5. If thou hast run with
lum. Vox Anffl. 2. (Coimh, Eisd), jury A footmen, and that they wearied thee, how then
of twelve men to try by the English law : duo- canst thou contend with horses? Si cucurreris
cum peditibus, ct si defatigaverint tc, quoniodo C()iTCiiEANN,i -E, a<^'. Common, public, generii]
CoiTciiiNS, J- coiiiMiuni*, puhlicus, generalie. "A'
ergo ciitares cum ei\uh ? Araò. JwoU» kaxytl, a
CoirciiioNS, ) choitchinn." C. S. The public ren- :

publica. " (iu coiU'liionii." C. S. Commonly,
• Coisiniol, s. m. Cochineal: coccus. C. S. Icu-
generally : vulgo.
stem, stalk: culiuus, A CorrciiioNNAcii, -icii, t. m. (Coitchionn), A com-
• Coisin, -e, -can, *./. 1.
moner: jilelieius. C. S.
caulis. O'Ji. 2. A defence tutunien. 0'J{. :
CoiTciiios'NAciiD, s.f. tiul. (CoitcliioDn). 1. Com-
Coisis'N, -iDii contr. Coisnidii pn-t. CiioisiSN, r.a.
; ;
nmnity : comniuiiita.s, consortium. L\ S. 2. Lni-
(juin, earn, win : lucritac, para, flic qua^stimi.
versulity : universalitas. C. S. I'otiuii Uile-choit-
" Ma dh' eisdeas e i^iut, rhoisinn tliii do bhràthair."
M(U(. xviii. 15. If lie shall hear thee, thou hast
CoiTciiioNNAS, -Ais. Id. q. Coitchionnachd.
gained thy brother. Si audierit tc, lucratus es fra-
CoiTCilioxTA, adf. Id. q. Coitchionn.
trem tuuni.
CoiTCHioNTAs, -Ats, *. «J. (Coitchionn), Community,
CoisiKSTK, Co\sisTe, pret. jKir.. Coisinn. Gained,
earned, accomplished, won
comiiaratus, opere
frequency conimunitas, frequentia.
: .S'. C
partus, lucratus, effectus. C. S.

CoiTEACH, III. pressing to take any thing

-icii, s. A
actio urgendi ut quis quid capiat. C. .S.
CoisioNTA, part. Vide Coisinnte.
CoisioNTAcii, -AiciiE, adj. (Coisinn), Tliat gains, ac-
CoiTEiR, -iH, -EAN, s. III. (Cot, s. et Tear). 1. A
cottager, cotter : Cot-
tugurii incola. C. S. .Scot.
quires qui lucratur, vel acquirit. C. S.

tar, et Cotter. Germ. CossiEten. Hind. Kootec,

CoisioNTAiB, -iR, -EAX, s. III. (Coisinn, Ct Fcar), A cottage. Wei. Coed, sylva, lignum. £>av. 2. A
gainer : qui lucratur. C. S.
boat-wright faber navigiorum, cymbarum fabrica-
CoisiR,-nE, et-sRi, *./. (Co, Shuidhe, et Fhear). 1. A :

choir, festive party, wake, parish feast chorus, e- :

tor. OB.
CoiTEiREACHD, S.f. tiid. (Coitcir), State of a cotta-
pulantium ca-tus, vigilia, convivium parochiaie. /./A.
ger tugurii incolae conditio, sors infimorum agres-
2. A singing of birds
et A. 3I'D. G/oss. avium :
tium. C. S.
cantio. Sfeic. Gloss. Hcbr. Ti^n chòsher, congre-
• Coi-teoran, -theoran, (i. e. Comh-chrioch) s. m.
gans "lli'n chashar, congregavit.
Alimit, boundarj' limes, terminus. LUi. :

Cois-iEATiiASK, aiij. Broad-footed plancus. Llh.

Coi'thiosal, -ail, -ax, s. in. Fiiiff. i. 89. Vide
Coiss'EADii, 3d. pers. imperat. v. Coisinn, q. vide. Coinihthional.
CoissiDU, for CoisiKxiDii,y«< V. Coisinu, q. vide. CoiTlcii, -IDH, CH-, V. a. 1. Press to fake any thing
CoisREACn, -ic», s. f. (Coisir), A parish feast, or urge ut quis quid capiat vel sumat (de cibo, potu).
wake, a wedding : vigilia, epulum parochiale, fes- C. S. 2. Urge an argument, assert dogmatically
tum nuptiale. Bibl. Gloss. pertinaciter assevera. C. S.
CoiSREADH, -iDiiEAN, s. m.
-IDII, A'ide Coisir. • Coiling, Coitinn, s.f. A battle, combat : prit-
CoiSRiDii, Infantry : peditatus. C. S.
-E, s.f. (Cos, s.) lium, pugna. MSS.
Gr. Yivrn, iram iiom. Ki/ric. ;

CoiSRiG, r. a.
-IDII, Consecrate : consecra.
CH-, CoiTlxx, ad/. Provin. Vide Coitcliionn.
" Agus choisrig e aon d' a mhic, agus bha e aige • Coitit, s.f. An awl, bodkin subula. O'B. :

'n a shagart." Breith. xii. 5. And he consecrated • Col, -aidli, ch-, V. a. 1. Hinder: proliibe. ^S7(.
one of his sons, and he had him as a priest. Et 2. Plaster obliua, calce obduc. Llh.
: Gr.
consecravit uuum e filiis suis, et erat ipsi in sa- Ku'/.jùi, impedio.
cerdoteni. CoL, -A, s. in. 1. An impediment, prohibition : inj-
CoisRiGEADH, -IDH, s. m. et pres. part. v. Coisrig. pedimentum, interdictio. Steic. Gloss. 2. Incest :

Consecration, act of consecrating : consecratio, ac- incestum. Voc. 37. 3. A sin, crime, stain pecca- :

tus consecrandi. Voc. 166. " Uisge coisrige, vel tum, crimen, macula. " Glè liomsa, a choimhdhe
coisrigidli." Holy water : aqua lustralis. (liL) a- gun chol." Llh. Preser\'e me, O Trinity, from sin.
qua consecrandi. Custodi me, O Trinitas, absque peccato. Gr.
CoisRiGTE, />re/./jor/. r. Coisrig. Consecrated: con- Ku>., --ju, impedio.
secratus. Macf. V. CÒLA, -an, s. m. S. B. 105. Vide Còmldan.
Coisrioghadh, -aidh, s. m. Sanctiiication : conse-

Colach, -aiche, adj. 1. Forbidden, prohibited
cratio. Llh. prohibitus, vetitus. C. S. 2. Wicked, impious :

CoiSRioMHADii, -AIDH, *. »1. (Cas, Ct Riomluidh), mains, impius. S. C

3. Incestuous : incestosus.
Scanning of verse carminum scansio. (lit ) ele-:
C. S. Gr. KwXusj, prohibeo.
gance, or arranging of feet. Colach, -aicu, s. m. A native of, or residenter in
• Coiste, s. m. Bill. Gloss. Id. q. Coisde, 1. the isle of Coll Cola: insulae incola. C. S.

CoisTRi, A', f. (i. e. Comh-strith), Strife discordia. :

CoLACHD, Plastering, daubing: actio obli-
«. /". iiid.
S. D. et Salm. kxxi. 7. Ed. obducendi. OH. Suppl.
neiuli, calce
CoiT, -E, -EAN, et -EACHAN, S.f. 1. coraclc, small A • Coladh, «. m. Superfluity : redundantia. R- O
fishing boat used on rivers. Scot. Coble. Navi- Suppl.
gium, cymba exigua piscatoria. Llh. et C. S. Vide CoLOCAG, vide Colgag.
Curach. CÒLA1C1I, -IDH, CH-, r. «. ,S'. B. 83. Vide Cònih-
• Coit, -e, i. m. A word : dictio. MSS. dhalaich, et Coimiicli.
Vol. I.
CoLAiDii, adj. (Col, s.) Vide Collaidh. aculeatus, barbatus. 2. Fretful, stern : morosus, nii-
COLAISDE, -TK, -EAN, S. 7)1. (Aol-tigll), A COllcgC : nax.
collegium. I oc. 100. Vox Atig/. " Bu chomhnuidh dhiobh dùbhra nan tonn,
• Colamadh, s. m. An ore mine : metalli crudi " An tlr fhada siol colgach nam beum."
fodina. OB. Tern. vii. 129.
CoLAMoiR, -E, -EAN, s.m. Thc fisli called Hake, or Their dwelling was thc darkness of waves in the
Haket lucius piscis. S/i. et Aitisw.
: distant land of the stern race of blows. Erat ha-
CÒLAN, -AiN, -AN, *. m. A comi>anion, a fellow- bitatio illis obscuritas undarum in terra longinqua

soldier comes, commilito.

: seminis bellicosi plagarum.
" Gun umhail do 'n lot 'n a chliabh fein. CoLGAG, -AiG, -AN, S.f. dim. of Colg. forc-finger A
" Thuit e 'na chreuchdaibh le 'chòlan." index, digitus. Provin.
S. D. 152. CoLGAiciiE, s.f. ind. (Colgach). 1. Peevishness, sour-
Without regard to the wound in liis own chest, he ness : morositas. C. S. 2. Alacrity: alacritas. C.
fell with his fellow-warrior in his wounds. Sine S. 3. adj. camp, of Colgach, q. vide.
cura vulnerum sui pectoris, cecidit cum commili- CoLGAiL, -E, adj. (Colg), Lively, martial: vividus,
tone, inter vulnera illius. bellicosus. C S.
» Colan, -ain, s.f. A young cow juvenca. O'R. : * Colgan, s. m. A salmon-trout : salar. Llh,
COLANN, COLUNN, -AINN, -UINN, -AN, S.f. A body : CoLGANTA, vide Colgail, et Colgarra.
coi-pus, truncus. S. D. 249. Dot. Colainn. Bibl. CoLGARRA, adj. (Colg), Fierce, stern, angry-looking :

Gloss. ferox, torvus, minax. C. S.

• Colb, s. m. OR. Suppl. Vide Calbli. CoLGARRACiiD, S.f. ind. (Colgarra), Fierceness, stern-
CoLBH, ffe?i. CuiLBH. s. ill. A sccptrc, post, pillar, ness torvitas, ferocia. C. S.

plant-stalk sceptrum, postis, fulcrum, columna,

: * Colg-bhcalaidh, s.f. Butcher's broom ruscum. :

culmus, caulis. Llh. Vide Calbh. O'R. et Ainstv. Genista anglica. Lightf.
• Colbh, -aidh, ch-, v. a. Sprout, shoot : germina, CoLG-ciiu, -oiN, s. m. (Colg, et Cù), hound : ca- A
surculos funde. Llh. nis venaticus. Teni. vii. 330. Vide Cù, et Colg.
» Colbha, s. m. 1. Id. q. Colbh. Bibl. Gloss, et CoLGRASAcii, -AiciiE, adj. (Colg), Having prickly,
Llh. 2. Love, friendship, esteem, regard : a- strong eye-lashes : aculeatas palpebras habens. i?.
raor, amicitia, existimatio. O'R. M'D. 203.
CoLBHACH, -AiCHE, adj. (Colbh), Sceptred : sceptri- CoLGRASGACH, Ì -AICHE, adj. (Colg, et Rosg), Fierce
fer. Llh. CoLG-ROSGACH. j looking, lively-cycd : aspectu fe-
CoLBiiAiDH, -E, adj. Having pillars, columnar : co- rox, oculos habens vividos et feroces. S. Vide C
luninis ornatus vel sufFultus. Sh. et O'R. Colg, Rasg, et Rosg.
• Colbtha, s. m. Calf of the leg : sura. Llh. Vide CoLG-SHEOL, -IÙIL, udj. (Colg, 3. ct Scòl), quickly A
Calpa. moving sail : velum veJociter movens.. Oinam. 69.
• Colbthach, s.f. A
cow-calf: vitulus. Llh. Vide CoLG-THRoiD, -iDH, CH-, V. a. (Colg, et Troid), Fight
Colpach. with the sword gladio pugna. Llh. :

CoLC, -A, -AN, s. m. veiy. An eider-duck : anas mo- * Coll, s. in. 1. Hazle: corylus. B.B.
lissima. Linn. Hebrid. Scot. Colk. Jam. 37. Vide Calltuinn. 2. A neck collum. MSS. :

/-11 > s. f. A bed cubile. Llh. 3. A head caput. O'R. 4. Name of the letter

il :
• Colcaidh, j •' C : nomen liters; C. /;•. Alph. 5. Destruction,
CoLG, Cltilg, s. m. 1. A prickle, sting, pointed wea- ruin : exitiuni, pernicies. Llh. Vide Call.
pon aculeus.
: * Coll, -aidh, ch-, v. n. Sleep : dormi. O'R. Hebr.
" S' am bheileam fein am aonar, Q7n cholom, a dream.
" Am measg nan ceuda colg ?" CoLLA, *. in. A man's name. Coll Colla, viri no- :

S. D. 54. men. Hence various tribes of patrimonial sur-

And am I (myself) alone, among the hundreds of names, the principal of which are said to be the
pointed weapons? Numque sum ego ipse solus Macdonald clans.
inter centurias ferrorum acutorum ? 2. Beard, * Collach, «. /. A fat heifer : juvenca pinguis.
awn of corn : bai'ba, arista. " Colg muice." Llh. Llh.
Sow's bristles : suis seta. 3. Ardour, expression CoLLACii, -AICIIE, adj. O'R. Vide Collaidh.
of ardour, (or high mettle in horses) : ardoris sig- CoLLACHAiL, -E, adj. Boorish agrestis, rudis. O'R.

na, ut alacritas equorum, cervorum. * Colladar, They lodged: hospitati sunt. MSS.
" 'S fiadhaiche na fiadli an colgT Vide Coll, V.
Fing. i. 379. * Collag-lion, -in, s.f. An ear-wig: furficula auri-
Wilder than (that of) the deer is their expression cularis. O'R.
of ardour. Ferius cervorum est signum ardoris CoLLAiD, -E, S.f. 1. clamour, scolding,
eorum. 5. Manly hue, cheerful aspect : virilis, hi- deafening loquacity: clamor, rixa, aur*s obtun-
laris aspectus. " Chaochail colg gach ni." Z>. dens loquacitas. C. S. 2. scold, a quarrelsome A
Btwhan. The cheerful aspect of every thing is woman mulier rixosa. C. S. 3. A heifer of two

changed. Hilaris aspectus omnis rei mutatur. years vitula bima, juvenca. Sh. et Bibl. Gloss..

CoLGACH, -AICHE, adj. (Colg), 1. Prickly, bearded : Hebr. r\bp koloth, vocis tonitrua.
CoLLAiDEACii, -ticiiK, adj. (Collaid), Clamorous, vc- CoLTACii, -AICHE, adj. Like, likely, probable: »i-

luiiiiiit : iliiuiosus, vocifcruns, vclicmc-ns. O'Jf. et milis, probabilib.

C. S. " 'S truagh nach eoUach mi an còmlirap,

CoLLAiuii, -K.oiij. (Collu), Sensual. camiJ : volup- " Ui ni' athuir còrr io mliusgladh lieirg."

tarius, voluptuosus, veiicri aildictus. " Chu 'ii Tan. i. b\2.

aim it 'n àinli- thu 'n j;liocus so a' teuclid u iiuus, liurd it is, that I am not like in tlie fight to my
ach tlia e talmliaiilli, nilltiidh, diabhluidli." Stnm. renowned father in the awukening of (his) wrath.
iii. 15. It is not from above tlial this wisdom de- Est niiserum me non esse similem in certamtne
scends, but it is eartliy, sensual, devilish. Non meo patri eximio sub exsuseitatione ejui ira-.

ab excelso luce s;i|)ientia descendit, at est terrena, " Cha 'n 'eil e colbuh gu 'n d' thig e." C. S. It

aiiinialis, diaboliea. isnot probable that he shall come. Non est pro-
CoLLAiuiiNEACHD, s.f. iiul. (Collaidli), Carnality: af- babile ()uod veniet ille.
tectus venereus. Voc. 35. CoLTAH, -AIR, -AN, s. HI. A
coultcr, sliarp iron of u
CoLLAiDiN, -E, 4'./. White poppy: papaver som- plough that cuts the ferrum vomere prsfixum
soil :

niteruni. O'R. ut glebam proscindat. Voc. 94. Wei. CwUtr. Fr.

• CoUaim, /r. i.e.Coidleani, Caidlcam, f. n. I Sleep: Coutre.
doniiio. O'li. Hdir. Q7n cliolom, a dream. CoLTAs, -Ais, s. m. (Coltach), Likencf^s, apj)ear-
CoLLAixN, -E, -EA.v, S.f. A Smart stroke: ictus. ance, a good look : imago, species, vultus Horidus.
c.s. " Mar sin a bha choUus san am."
CotLAiNNicii, -iDH, CH-, V. a. (Callainn), Strike, Conl. et Cuth. 68.
thrcsJi, thump verbera. C. S.
: So was his likeness at the time. Sic fuit imago
• Coll-elmu, e. Cno-challtuimi), s.f.
(i. A filbert ejus eo tempore.
nux avellana. Hh. • Coltra, adj. Dark, gloomy tencbrosus, obscu- :

• CoU-choille, s.f. (CoU, et Coille), Hazle wood O'R.

rus, nubilus.
coryletum. OR. CoLTRAiciiE, -EAN, «. m. (Coltar), The bird razor-
• Collotach, -aiehe, (ulj. Soporific : soporifcr. MSS. bill : alea torda. Linn. Sh. ct OR.
Vide Codaltaeh. • Coltur, -uir, -an, s. m. \'ide Coltar.
CoLLUiNN, -E, -E,\N. S. I). 52. Vide Collain. CoLUADAR, -AiK, s. tu. (Comh, ct Luoidh), Con-
• Colm, «. m. A dove : columba. Uh. Vide Col- versation: confabuiatio. Sm.Par.W. 1.
man. CoLL'.M, -uiM, Ì s. »1. dove, pigeon co- A :

CoLMAN, -AiN, -AN s. til. Solm. Ixviii. 13. Vide CoLUMAN, -AIN, -AN, J lumba. >' Mar an ceudna
Caiman. chuir e mach colwnan uaitli. Gen. viii. b. Also
CoLMAN-coiLLE, (Colman, et Coille), A ring-
s. »1. he sent forth a dove from him. Quoque emisit
dove, or wood-pigeon columba palumbus. C. S.: columbam ab se. " Anam do choluim." Salm.
CoLMAN-TiGHE, s. 111. (Colman, et Tigh), Domestic Ixxiv. 19. Ed. 1753. The soul of thy dove. Ani-
pigeon, variety of the rock-pigeon columba livia, : ma columba; tua;. Wd. Columnitn.
(domestica). Linn. • Columhan, -ain, -an, s. m. dim. of Colmh. A
CoLMH, -uiLMH, s. 111. Vide Calbh. prop, pillar, pedestal fulcrum, columna, sty-:

CoLM-LANN, -AN, *. /. Colman, et Lann), A dove- lobata. Llh.

cot columbarium. C. S.
: CoLUNN, -uiNNE, -uiNN, -AN, S.f. body, trunk A
CoLNACH, -AiCHE, odj. (Col), Incestuous incesius. : corpus, truncus. Voc. 2. " Colunn gun cheann."
Voc. 177. C. S. A
headless trunk, a hobgoblin : corpus ca-
•Colog, s.f. A
steak, col lop : offula carnis assae, pite truncum, larva nocturna.
bucca, bolus. LUi. Vide Culog. Com? Cum? adv. i.e. Co uime? Ciod uime?
• Colp, -a, s. m. 1. head : caput. O'R. 2. A Why? Cur? as.
The thigh, haunch : femur, coxa. O'R. • Com, m. Kindred
*. : consanguioitas. O'R.
• Colpa, s. M. 1. A
cow, or horse: equus vel quoting Breh. L.
vacca. O'R. 2. Calf of the leg : sura. Vide • Com, -aidli, ch-, v. a. Form, frame, shape, in-
Calpa, et Colpach. Gr. Ku/.ti^. vent : finge, fige, formam da. O'R. Id. q.
CoLPACH, -AiCH, s. J». (Calpach). 1. heifer ju- A : Cum, V.
venca. Bib/. Gloss. 2. steer, bullock : juvencus.A COM, CÙIM, s. m. 1. Tlie cavity of the chest,
" 'N sin bheirear colpaich dliuitse suas, or abdomen, tlie region of the viscera cavitas :

" Air t-altair naomh gach toisg." thoracis, abdominis, regio viscerum. Gen. xxv.
Ross. Salm. li. 9. 23. " Tinneas cùim.'' Llh. The bloody flux
Tlien bullocks shall be offered up to thee on thy dysenteria. 2. The trunk of the body : truncus
holy altar each proper season. Tunc offerentur corporis. " Dh"fliàgadh a mhàin com Dhùgoin."
juvenci tibi super altare sanctum tuum quaque oc- I Sam. ITie trunk of Dagon only was left.
v. 4.
casione propria. 3. A
colt : equulus. Uh. " Colp- Truncus corporis Dagoiiis tantum relictum fuiu
indach." A
cow of two or three years old is men- (quod piscem referebat. Be:.)
tioned by Skene, de verb, signific. referring for its Coma, adj. Indifferent, not caring indifferens, secu- :

use to tlie Leges Male. cap. 3. rus. " Tha mi coma," vel " 'S coma team." C. S.
• Colt, s. m. Meat, victuals cibus, edulium. Ll/i. : I don't care non euro. :

Kk 2
• Comach, s.f. 1. A breach, defeat: ruina, cla- * Comrac, s. m. A part, share : pars, portio.
des. Sfi. et O'Jf. 2. A tax, toll : vectigal, Llh.
portorium. Sfi. et O'R. * Comrac-air, s.m. A protector: patronus, defen-
• Comadair, -e, -ean, s, m. O'R. Vide Cuma- sor. Llh.
dair. * Comart, .?. m. (i. e. Co-nihurt), Death, killing:
• Comadaireachd, s.f. A fiction : fabula, res ficta. mors, occisio. MSS.
i. e. Cuinadaireachd. O'R. * Comart, -aidh, ch-, v. a. Kill : intei-fice. LUt, et
CoMAiDH, -E, -EAx, S.f. (Coimh, et Ith), A mess, O'B.
eating together at mess convictus, convictio una,
: CoiMAs, -Ais, -AN, s. m. \. Power, authority, abi-
circa unum ferculum. C. S. Lot. Comedo. Sptm. lity: potentia, vires, potestas. Voc. 167. 2. Viri-
Comido. Gr. Kofiiu, nutrio, alo. lity : virihtas. C. S.
COMAIN, -E, -EAN, S.f. Obligation, favour received : * Comas, -ais, s. m. A pulse : pulsus arteriarum.
obligatio, gratia accepta. " Tha mi fad' a d' c/io- OR.
main." S. C I am much obliged to you mag- : CoMASACH, -AiciiE, adj. (Comas), Powerful, able:
nam apud me iiiiisti gratiam. Scot. Common, et potens, validus. " A
reir mar a bhios an spreidh
Commoun. Jam. 2. Kequitalremuneratio. C.S.
: a ta romhan agus a' chlann comasach air fhulang."
• Comair, -e, cuij. O'R. Vide Cuimir. Gen. xxxiii. 14, According as the cattle that are
• Comairce, s. f. Protection : tutela, praesidium. before me, and the children shall be able to en-
Llh. Vide Comraich. dure. Sicut erit pecus ante me, et liberi potentes
• Comair, -idh, ch-, v. a. Liken, compare : assimi- patiendi.
la, confer. O'B. CoMASDAiR, -E, -EAN, s.iH. commissary curator, A :

• Comaltach, atij. Fulfilled, performed : comple- judex selectus. Foe. 168. Vox Angl. Fr. Commis.
tus, etFectus. O'R. CoMASDAiREACHD, S.f. ind. (Comasdair), Commis-
• Comamar, -air, s. m. Comparison : comparatio. sariat : munus. Voc. 168.
Llh. CoMASG, -AisG, m. Llh. Vide Coimeasg.
• Coman-mionla, s. m. Corn camomile : matrica- CoMASGACHD, S.f. ind. Llh. Vide Coimeasgachd.
chamomilla. Linn. O'R.
ria * Comasg-gnumh, s. 7n. A chaos, or confused
CoMANACHADH, -AiDH, s. m, et pres. part. v. Co- mass chaos, rudis indigestaque moles. Vide

manaich. A
sacrament, celebration of the Lord's Dreamsgal.
supper, act of partaking of it : sacramentum, cce- CoMBACH, -AiCH, s. m. Provin. Vide Companach.
nae Dominicae celebratio, actus eani celebrandi. CoMBAisTE, -EAN, *. m. circlc, compass circu-A :

Voc. 166. lus, circinus. I 'oc. 112. Vox Angl.

CoMANAicH, -IDH, CH-, V. ii. (Comunn), Communi- CoMBAisTEACH, -EicHE, odj. (Combaist), Circular
cate, partake of the Lord's supper : Eucharistiae fi circulaiis. C. S.
particeps, coenae Dominicae sume sacramentum. » Combrùghadh, -aidh, s. m. (i. e. Comh-bhrugh-
C.S. adh). Oppression, contrition : oppressio, con-
CoMANAlCHE, -EAN, s. 7)1. (Comanaich, v.), A com- tritio. OR.
municant, one who partakes of the Eucharist, or CÒM-ciiocnLACH, -AicnE, <id;. (Com, et Cochlach),
Lord's supper Eucharistiae particeps. C. S.
: Wrapping up the body : corpus circumambigens.
' Comann-searraich, s. m. Tlie herb pilewort A. 31 D.
ranunculus ficaria. Linn. Llh. CoMH-, iììsep. pi-eposit. (Engl, et Lat. Con-). Id. q.
CoMANND, -A, s. m. (i. c. Ceannsal, Stiùradh. Ceann- Coimh. The rule, " Leathann fi leathann is caol
as-feachd). Command: imperium. Macinty.WX. fi caol," requires this syllable to be used before
Vox Angl. words whose first vowel is broad ; but in every

CoMANNDAiR, -iR, -EAN, s. »1. (i.e. Ccannsalaiche), case, except where the pronounciation directs o-
A commander : dux. Vox Angl. " Fear-toisich, therwise, it may be employed for " Coimh-," if
ceann-toisich, Fear-iùil." kept separate from the post positive, by a hyphen,
• Comaoine, s.f. Sh. Vide Coraain, et Coraan- e. g. " Coimhionann," vel " Comh-ionann.'^

achadh. * Comh, s. in. Protection, guard, defence : praesi-

' Comaontoir, -e, -ean, s. m. (Comain, et Fear), dium, tutela, munimentum. Sh. et O'R.
A benefactor benefactor. Sh.
» Comh, -aidh, ch-, v. a. Preserve, keep: serva,
- Comar, -air, -an, «. w. nose nasus. O'R. LA :
asserva. Llh.
2. A meeting occursus, concursus. O'R. et
CoMH-ABAiRT, -E, -EAN, S.f. (Comh, et Abairt), A
O'R. 3. A confluence confluens aquarum. :
conference, dialogue, conversation : colloquium.
Voc. 6. 4. A way : iter. OR. 5. A valley C.S.
vallis. OR. Chald. IDn chomer, nodus, li- CoMHACH, -AICH, s. m. 1. prizc, prej': spolia, A
prieda. " Bliadiin a' chomhaich. C. S. The
gamen. Hebr. ")0/1 tiamar, fluxit. year of plunder, or forfeitures (1746.) : annus spo-
CoMARADH, -AIDH, s. m. Helping: auxilium. A. liarum vel proscriptionum. 2. Predatory life : vita
M'D. Gloss. praedonum. C. S.
CoMARAicH, -E. S.f. Protection : prassidium, tutela. CoMHACHAG, -AiG, -AN, S.f. An owl : strlx, ulula.
Macf V. " A
chomhachag bhochd na sròine." Oratu For-
COM 261 co^f
lorn owlet of the clift": soiitaria bubo clivi. " Comh- {lit.)with their backs forward. Et accedebant
nun ioiuul iioiianicli." .SVi//h. fii. (>.
nr/uii/ jirose. fergo ipsoruni piu'eunte. " la a' titomhair." Geii.
The owl of solitary places. Strix locoruin solita- XX. 15. Uefore thee. Ante te, iW ante oculos tuos.
rioruni. " An comhnir, tr/, l"a chonihair, tyV, chonihuir," Mu
• Conihachd, s.f. ind. Uh. Vide Cumhachd. adv. Opposite, over against pro, e regione, ex ad- :

• Comhaclulach, -aichc. Uh. Vide Cuinhachd- verso. " An conihuir a ehiiin." Headlong: praccepK.
ach. " Fo clioinhiiir na cloinne." Uh. Opposite, or for
• Comh-acmac, -acmach, «. m. (i. e. Timchioll, the children. K regione liberoruMi.liberis asservatus.
Cuairt), A circuit : circuitus, ambitus. Uh. CoMiiAiitr, -E, -EAN, s.f 1. All outcry: clamor,

CoMHAD, -AID, -AN, s. itt. 1. conipurisoii sinii- A : vociferatio. Uh. 2. A forwarning pra-monitio. :

litudo, parabola. Prorin. '2. The two last quar- Uh.

tans of a verse dua; ultimo carininis stroplnv.
: CoMiiAiBC, -IDH, CH-, (Comhairc, «.)
V. a. 1. Cry
OR. 3. An elegy elegia. UA. et Biol. G/ons.
: out, bewail : vocifera, lamentare. B. B. Gen. xxxix.
Vide Cuniha. 15. 2. Protect, assist protege, auxiliarc.
: O'Ji.
• Comh-agal, -agalladh, -ail, (Conih, ct
-aidh, .S. Enquire, ask : roga, sciscitare. MSS.
Agalladii), Conference : colloquium. U/i. • Comhairce, s.
f Mercy, quarter : misericordia,
CoMHACHADii, -AIDH, «. m. Ct pres. part. v. Conili- salus, fides. Uh. App.
aich. A dispute, act of disputing, or fighting
fight, • Comhaircis, -c, s.f. Assistance auxilium. O'R. :

actus disputandi, certandi. C. S. COMH-ÀIREAMH, -E, «. m. (Comli, et Àireamh), A

CoMiiAiCH, -iDH, oil-, V. a. 1. Dispute, assert : numbering together : actus connunierandi. C. S.
assevera. C. S. 2. Fight, contend : contende. CoMHAiRLE, -EAN, S.f. (Comh, et Airle). 1. An ad-

as. vice, counsel monitio, consilium.

" Chuir iad an
CoMllAlcilEADH, -IDH, -AN', s.tti. Competition: ccr- cmnhairle i\ cheile, 'ria aghaidh." Gen. xxxvii. 18.
tamen, ejusdeni rei cum aliquo desiderium. Pro- They conspired against him, [lit.) put their advice
vin. Id. q. Comhachadli. one to the other. Machinati fuerunt contra eum.
CoMHAiDEACHD, S.f. iiid. Id. q. Coimhideachd. (/('/.) tulerunt suum consilium alius alii. 2. coun- A
• Connliaidhcheas, -eis, s. m. MSS. Id. q. Comh- cU, synod, convocation concilium, synodus, con-

àiteachas. ventus. Matt. v. 22. " Comhairle caraid." C. S.

• Conihaightheache, -eich, adj. et s. m. Uh. Vide Friendly counsel. Amici nionitum. " Comhairle-
Coiniheach. -chogaidh." Voc. 110. war-council: bellicum, A
• Còmhail, -e, -ean, s.f. MSS. Id. q. Còmhdhail. i.c. militare concilium.
• Comhail, -idh, ch-, v. a. Discharge an office or CoMHAiRLEACH, -ICH, -icHEAK, s. m. (Comhairle),
duty : munere fungere. MSS. A counsellor, councillor: consiliarius, consiliator.
• Comhailteach, adj. (Comhail, v.) Fulfilled, per- " Ard-chomhairleach." ZW. Member of Parliament,
formed ; completus, peractus, confectus. Uh. Lord of Session. Consul, supremi concilii sena-
CoMHAiLTBACHD, S.f. A convoy : comitatus, deduc- tor. Uh. " C'omhairlich." Salm. cxLx. 24. Coun-
tio. C
S. Id. q. Coimhideachd. sellors : consilium dantes. " Comhairleach-diomli-
• Comhailt, -idh, ch-, v. a. Join conjunge. Uh. : air." A privy-councillor : regi a privato concilio.
• Comhaim, s.
f. A
wife, spouse sponsa, uxor. : Voc. 42.
O'R. Gr. 'OiJ.oi.iiM, soror Sop/wcl. CEdip. ! COMHAIRLEACHADH, -AIDH, S. W). et prCS. part. V.
Tyr. ver. 639. Comhairlich. Advising, act of advising consulen- :

CoMH-AlMSEARDHA, odj. (Comh, Ct Aimsir), Con- di actus.Voc. 148.

temporarj'simul florens, tequalis, oequaevus. Uh.
: Comhairlich, -idh, cu-, v. a. (Comhairle), Advise,
CoMH-AlMsiREACH, -icH, s. ill. (Comh, Ct Aimsir), A counsel suade, admone, consule alicui. Macf V.

contemporary : homo eodem tempore vigens, a:- CoMHAiRHCiiE, -EAN', s. til. (Comhairle), An adviser:
qualis, aequaev-us. Voc. 168. et Uh. monitor. 2 Sam. xv. 1'2.
CoMH-AiMsiREACHD, s. f. ind. (Comh, et Aimsir), CoMHAiRLiciiTE, perfpurt. V. Comhairlich. Advised
Synchronism : temporis convenientia. C. S. monitus. C. S.
CoMH-AiMsiREiL, odj. Contemporary: aequaevus. C.S. COMII-AIRP, )

Pers. y>o^ ^sa. hHin-usr. Arab. yo^ moasmr,co- CoMii-AiRPEAs, '>

S.f. Vide Conih-ftiarpuis.
Comh-airpse, 3
temporar)-. Gilchr.
Comhair-thra NA H-oiDHCHE, S.f. (Comhair, Trà,
CoMH-AiNM, -E, -EAN', s. »i. (Comh, Ct Ainm), A sur- et Oidhche), Evening twilight : vespertinum cre-
name, an additional name : cognomen, nomen al- pusculum. Voc. 102.
terum. Cars. Ut. titul. Pers.
f^f-^ humam,
namesake. Gilchr.
CoMii-ÀiTEACiiAs, -Ais, s. tn. (Coiflh, et Àiteachas),
CoMH-ÀiR, -IDH, CH-, V. o. (Comh, et Air, v.) Count: A neighbourhood, colony: vicinia, colonia. 07?.
numera. Uh. et C. S.
CoMHAiR, s.f. ind. Direction, or tendency forward : CoMHAiTHEACii, -ICH, s. m. A Competitor : qui de
directio, quasi antrorsum. " Agus chaidh iad an pramio init certamen. Sh.
comhair an Gen. And
citil." ix. 23. they went Co-Mu-AmcHE, -EAN, s. »1. (Comh, et Àiteach), A
fellow-inhabitant : vicinus incola, proximus colonus. • Comh-arbaich, -idh, ch-, v. n. Succeed : succede.
• Conihal, -ail, -an, s.
f. 1. A
waiting maid: an- • Comharhas, -ais, s. m. Succession : successio.
cilla. O'B. '2. The performance or execution MSS.
of a thing : rei prastatio, perfectio, peractio. CoMii-ÀRD, adj. (Comh, et Àrd), Equally high : pa-
Llh. riter altus. C. S.
CoMiiAL, -AIL, -AN, 5. Tit. (Comh, ct Dùil), 1. A CoMiiARD, -AiRD, -EAN, s. tu. A comparison com- :

binding togetlier colligatio. Llh. 2. A closing

: paratio. C. S. Vide Coimheart.
in fight pugna cominus conserta. Ll/i.
: CoMH-ARDACHADH, -AIDH, «. 7H. Ì Agreement, cor-
CoMHALAiciiE, -EAN, s. »1, Confederate socius, A : CoMH-ARDACHD, S.f. ind. j rcspondcncc in
foedere conjunctus. Provin. poetry : consensus, congruentia poetica. Llh.
' Comhal, aidh, ch-, v. a. Keep, connect, perform, • Comharguin, s.
f. A
syllogism : syllogismus.
accomplish contine, conjunge, perfice, absol-
: OR.
ve. Uh. " A chomhalfuighidh." B. B. Gen. • Comharnais, -e, s. O'R. Wàe Comh-fhar-
xvii. 10. i. e. " A ghleidlieas sibh." Which puis.
ye shall keep. Quod servabitis. CoMHARRACHADH, -AIDH, s. tn. et pres. part. V.
» Comhalla, s. m. etf. O'R. Vide seq. Comharraich. A marking, distinguishing actio :

CoMHALTA, -AN, *. Til. (i. 6. Comli-dhalta), A foster- notandi, distinguendi. C. S. " Coraharrachadh
brother, or sister : eodem lacte nutritus, -a. MSS. nan tràth." Voc. 102.
passim. Comharradh, -aidh, -aidhean, s.m. 1. A mark,
CoMHALTAS, (Comhalta), Relation of
-Ais, s. w. impression, token, sign nota, impressio, signum,

fosterage : eodem lacte nutritorum affinitas. C. S. tessera. S. C 2. The sexual mark pudenda. :

CoMH-ALTRAMAs, -AIS, s. m, (Comh, ct Altramas), " Comharradh biothanaich." Sh. brand for theft A
Mutual fosterage : mutua nutritio. C. S. " Comh- macula furi inusta. 3. A
banner : vexillum. Llh.
altranas." O'B. Vide Suaicheantas.
CoMHAN, -AiN, s. Tti. shrine : reliquiarmn condito- A Comharraich, -idh, ch-, v. a. (Comharradh), Mark,
rium. Llh. App. et Voc. 166. point out : signa, nota, indigita.
CoMH-Aois, -E, -EAN, s. f- (Comh, et Aois), One of " Machomharraichear leat aingidheachd."
equal age, co-age : ejusdem aetatis homo, co-seta- Salm. cxxx. 3.
neus. R. 31 D. 7. If iniquity be marked by thee. Si iniquitas obser-
f. iìid.
(Comh, et Aolain), A col- vata fuerit a te.
lege : collegium, scientiarum schola pubhca. Sh, Comharraichte, ì adj. et perf. part. v. Comharr-
et 07?. Comharruichte, j aich. Marked, noted: signa-
CoMH-AONTA, s.f. (Cotoh, ct Aont), Consent : con- tus, notatus. C. S.
sensus. O'R. Comharsa, -SAN, s. m. B.B. Ecs. xx. 17.
CoMH-AONTACH, -AiCHE, adj. (Comh, et Aontach), Comharsachd, ì s.
f. ind. O'R. Vide Coimh-
Concordant, concurrent concors, congruens. C. : Comharsanachd, j earsnachd.
S. Comhars-axta, ] orf/. (Comharsa), Neighbourly

CoMH-AONTACHADH, -AIDH, s. m. et pres. part. V. Comharsnail, -e, y accolse munus praestans, be-
Comh-aontaich. Consenting consensio. Voc. 156. : nignus, commodus, faniiliaris. O'R.
CoMH-AONTACHD, S.f. ind. (Comh-aontach), Agree- CoMHART, -AiRT, -AN, s. m. 1. The bark of a dog
ment, unit)', concord consensus, unitas, concor- : latratus caninus semel editus. C. S. Vide Co'..
dia. Llh. et C. S. thart. 2. A sprain in the neck. MSS. Vide
CoMH-AONTADH, -AIDH, s. m. Vide Comh-aonta. Camart.
CoMH-AONTAicH, -iDH, CH-, V. c. et n. (Comh, et
Ì CoMHARTAiCH, -E, s.y. Barking of a dog : latratus,
CoMH-AONTuiCH, Aontaich), Agree, unite, con-
j actus latrandi. Voc. 143.
sent : assentire, aduna, assensum praebe. Llh. • Comhartha, O'R. Vide Comharradh.
CoMH-AosDA, adj. (Comli, et Aosda), Of equal age : » Comhas, -ais, s. in. Good fellowship bonum so- :

ejusdem aetatis. Llh. dalitium. MSS. Vide Compantas.

* Comhar, s. in. 1. Id. q. Comhair. 2. Certain- COMH-ASTARAICHE, -EAN, S, /«. (Comh, et AstHT-
a sure sign certum signuni. Llh.
ty, : aiche), A fellow-traveller : itineris comes. C. S.
CoMHARA, s. m. Gen. iv. 15. Vide Comharradh. COMH-BHAGAIR, -GRAIDH, -CH-, V. a. (Comh, et
CoMHARAN, (Comharraidnean), pi. of Comharradh. Bagair), Coraminate, threaten commiuare. MSS. :

Gen. i. 14. COMII-BHAGRADH, -AIDH, -HLAN, 1 *. »i. Ct/. (Comh,

« Comharba, s.f. Protection : tutela, praesidium. CoMH-BHAGAiRT, -EAN, J
Llh. mination comminatio. MSS.

CoMH-ARBA, s. in. 1. partner in church-lands A : CoMH-BHÀiDH, Ì -E, S.f. A fellow-fecling commi- :

agri ecclesiastic! particeps. Sh. 2. A successor, CoMH-BHÀiGH, j seratio. Voc. 165.

vicar : successor, vicarius. O'R. 3. An order of CoMH-BHANN, -AN, S.f. (Comh, Ct Bann), Confede-
monks : monachorum ordo. Keat. racy foedus, conjuratio. " Comh-bhoinne, -bhoinn."

CoMH-ARBACHD, s. /. ind. vicarage : vicariatus. A Gen. xiv. 3. Vide Bann.

Bcanailtpai'h), co-tnngcnt : co-tanpcns. " A COMII-BIIUALADII, -AIDII, t. m. Ct prft. part. v.

clionili-blieaiiailteach," *. /. Term ajiplifuble to u Comb-bbuaii. Contact contactus. (J. .V. :

co-taiigc'iit : lini'a co-tiiii{;i'ii8. Co.Mii-ciiAiDiH, -iJUiDli, CII-, f. n. (Conih, et Culdir),

CoMH-BiiiTii, -K, s.f. (C'onili, ft llitli), co-fxistonce : 1. Live, dwell, unite, aflectioiiately amice con- :

status existcntii siniul cum aliquo, co-cxisffiitia. vive. O'Ji. 2. Trade, traffic : niercaturoin age,
C.S. negotiaru. O'Ji.
C'oMii-BiiiTiiEACH, <K^'. (Comh-bliitli), Co-cxistent CoMii-cHAiDREACii, adj. (Comli, et Caid-
simul cxistens. C. S. reacb), Corresponding, linked in affection, dwell-
CoMii-BiiociAKTAicii, -E, ,«./". Quivcriiig actus mo- : ing together aflectionately : congrucns, amore con-
dulandi, tremendi. Macinti/. 93. junctus, amice convivens. O'R.
CoMii-BiioiNN, dat. of Coiiih-bliann, q. vide. CoMH-cnAiDREACiiAs, -AIS, «. m. | I.Closc fricnd-
• Comh-bliraocli, Ì -aidi, -an, .v. f. (Comb, ct CoMii-ciiAiDREAcuD, i.yi iW/. j ship: arctissi-
• Conili-bliruacb,
Bruach), Tlie niarcbcs, or ma amicitia. C S.
Connnerce, traffic com-
\i. :

confines of a country regionis fines, vcl ter- : mercium, mercatura. O'R. et O'U.
mini. Llh. COMH-CIIAIDREADH, -IDH, -EAK, S. til. CommerCC,
• Comli-bhraochach, \ adj. (Comb-bbruach), Bor- traffic commercium, mercatura. O'R.

• Comli-bliruachacb, j dering, contiguous : con- CoMH-cnAiDUEAMii, | s. m. (Coinli, et Caid-

terminus. MSS. CoMH-ciiAiDKEAS, -Eis, ) rcamli), Correspondence,
COMH-BHRÀTllAIR, -AR, -BHRAITIIREAN, S, m. society, harmony
congruentia, societas, Concor-

(Comb, et Bràtbair), A felloH-, companion, bro- dia, arctissima amicitia.C. S.

ther : comes, frater, socius. O'R. CoMH-cnAiNNT, -E, S.f. (Comli, ct Cainnt), Confe-
COMII-BHRÀTUAIREACH, -EICIIE, ^ adj. (CoHlb- rence, dispute : colloquium, disputatio. Ll/i.
CoMH-BHRÀTHAiREACHAiL, -E, j bhrùthair), CoMH-cHAiNNTEiUKACiiD, S.f. tiid. (Comh-chainnt),
Fraternal : fraternus. C. S. Choral music concentus. O'R.

f. ilìd. Ì CoMH-cHAiREACHD, *. /. itul. (Comli, et Carachd),
Mutual struggling colluctatio, vehemens certa-

consanguinity fraternitas, consanguiiiitas. C. S.

: men, anceps pugnantium contortio. C. .S'.

CoMH-BHRÌGHEACH, ) odj. (Comb, et Briogb), Of COMH-CHAOCHLADH, -AIDH, -E.\K, S. til. (Comb, Ct

CoMH-BHRioGHACH, j the Same substance : consub- Caochladh), Commutation commutatio. C. S. :

stantialis. C. S. CoMH-CHAOCHI,AIDEACH, -EICHE, O/ij. (Coiljh, Ct

CoMH-BHRÌGHEACHADn, 1-A1T>11, S. Ttl. (Comb, Ct Caochlaideacb), Commutable commutabilis. C. :

CoMH-BHRioGHACHADH, J Brìoghacbadli), C'onsub- S.

stantiation : consubstantiatio. Voc. 167. CoMH-CHAOCHLAiDEACHD, s. f. hid. (Combcliaoch-
COMH-BHRISTEADH, -IDII, -EAN, *. Ttl. (Comb, Ct laideach), Commutability : commutabilitas. S. C
Bristeadh), A defeat, flight : clades, fuga. Llh. CoMH-CHAoiDH, -IDH, CII-, I', w. (Comb, et Caoidh),
CoMn-BHRODADii,-AiDn, -EAN, *. tit. Conib, et Brod- Condole : condole. C. S.
adh). Compunction compunctio. O'R. : CoMH-CHAOiDH, -E, S.f. (Comh, Ct Caoidh, «.), Con-
• Comb-bhruach, -aich, -an, s. f. Vide Comh- dolence : commiseratio, actio flendi cum flente.
bhraoch. C.S.
• Comb-bbruachach, adj. Vide Comh-bhraochacb. CoMH-cHAoiN, -IDH, CH-, V. 11. (Comb, Ct Caoin),
CoMH-BHRÙGH, -AiDH, CH-, t'. a. (Comb, et Brugb), Weep with another : condole, fle cum flente,
Bruise : contere. O'R. collachrymare. C. S.
CoMH-BHRUGHADH, -AIDH, s. m. CoHtrition : con- CoMH-cHAoiNEADii, -IDH, s. m. Ct prcs. part. V.
tritio. C. S. Vide Bnighadb. Comh-chaoin. Weeping together, condolence : ac-
CoMH-BHRÙiTE, pret. pcrf. part. v. Comb-bbrùgh. tus collachrymandi. C. S.
Contrite : contritus. C. S. CoMH-cHARACHD, s. f. itìd. Vidc Comh-chair-
CoMH-BHRÙiGHTEACHD, \ s.f. hid. (Comh, Ct Brìigh), eachd.
CoMH-BHRÙiTEACHD, j Contrition : contritio. Co.MH-CHARAID, -E, -EAN, et -CIlÀlRDEAy, «. »1.
Voc. 167. (Comb, et Caraid), A mutual friend : rautuus vel
CoMH-BHUAiL, -iDH, CH-, t'. a. (Comli, et Buaii), conjunctus amicus. C. S.
Touch upon continge. C S. : CoMH-CHARAiDHEACHD, s. f. hid. Contortions in
Co^iH-BHVAiLTE, perf.part. ». (Comh-bhuail), Touch- wTestling luctantium contortiones.
: \'ide Car-
ed upon contactus.
: S. C achd.
CoMH-BHUAiR, -IDH, CH-, V. a. (Comb, et Buair), CoMH-cnÀRN, -AIDII, CH-, V. a. (Comh, et Cam, v.).
Disturb, trouble, embroil : turba, conturba, con- Accumulate, heap together coacerva. C. S.

cita ad furorem. S. C CoMH-CHÀRNADH, s. m.ctpres. part. v. Comb-chàrn.

• Comhbhuaidhreadh, ì -idli, -ean, s. m. War, tu- Accumulation, act of accumulating : coacervatio,
• Corah-bhuaireadli, j mult, uproar: belium, actus coacervandi. C S.
turba, tumultus. O'R. CoMH CHÀRSTA, pret. part. r. Comh-chàm. Accu-
CoMii-UHVAiRTE, pret. part. V. Comh-bhuair. Tempt- mulated : coacervatus. Ll/i.
ed, embroiled, infuriated tentatus, fervefactus, : CoMH-ciiEANGAL, -AIL, s. m. Vidc Coimh-chean-
in furorem impulsus, furiosus. C. S. gal.
CoMn-CHEANNACiiD, s.f. bid. (Comli, et Ceannachd), CoMii-CHfynPACiiADii, -AiDii, s. m. et preg. part. r.
Commerce coniniercium. C. S.
: Comh-chorpaich. Incorporating : incorjioratio. C.
CoMii-ciiEÀKUACn, -AicHE, -EAN, s.m. Vide Coimh- S.
cheùrracli. CoMii-CHORPAicii, -IDII, CII-, V. a. (Comh, et Corp-
CoMii-cnKART, -EiRTE, (uJj. (Comh, ct Ccart), Fa- aich), Incorporate concorpora. : C. S.
sliioncd togetlier : apte conjunctus. C. S. CoMH-CHORPAiCHTE, ^^rrf. part. V. Comh-chorpaich.
CoMii-ciiÈoLRAiCHE, -EAN, «. w. A choristcr : cho- Incorporated concorporatus. C. S.

rista. 3ISS. CoMii-cHÒs, -ÒIS, «. 711. (Comh, et Cos), A concavi-

CoMH-CHiALLACH, adj. (Comli, et Ciallach), Syno- ty concavum. C. »S'.

nymous ejusdem sensus. C. S.

: CoMH-ciiòsAni, -AiciiE, a//j. (Comh, et Còsach),
CoMH-ciiNUASACii, -AicH, «. 7«.(Comli, et Cnuas- Concave concavus.: C <S'.

aich), Investigation : indagatio. Voc. 129. CoMH-CHÒsAicH, -IDII, CH-, V. a. (Comh, et Còsaich),
CoMii-ciiNUASAcnD, S.f. iìid. (Comli, et Cnuasachd), Excavate excava. C. S.

A collection : collectio. C S. CoMH-CHÒsAiCHTE, prtt. part. V. Comh-chosaich.

CoMH-CHNUASAicii, -iDH, CH-, V. o. (Comh, Ct Cnuas- Hollowed cavatus. S.
: C
aich), Collect C. S. : collige. CoMH-cHosLAS, ) -AIS, s. m. (Comh, et Coslas, vel
CoMH-CHNUASAicHTE, prct. part. V. Comh-clinuas- CoMH-ciioLTAS, f Coltas), Equality aequalitas, si- :

aich. Collected : coUectus. C. S. militudo. C. S.

CoMH-cHOGAR, -AIR, -AN, s. m. Conspiracy: con- A CoMH-ciiosMHUiL, -E, odj. (Comh, et Cosmhuil),
juratio. Bibl. Gloss. Alike : consimilis. Llh.
COMH-CHOIGREACH, -ICH, -ICIIEAN, S. TH. (Comh, et CoMH-cHOSMHUiLEACHD, S.f. ind. (Comh-chosmhuil),
Coigreach), A
fellow-stranger : consociatus liospes, Similarity, consimilitude : similitudo. C. S.
asque peregrinus. C. S. CoMH-CHOTHROM, -oiM, *. m. (Comh, et Cothrom),
CoMH-CHOiTCiiioNN, ad/. (Comh, et Coifchionn), Ca- A balancing, equality of weight, equipoise : aequi-
tholic, universal : universalis, catholicus. Voc. 167. hbrium. C. S.
COMH-CHOITCHIONNACHD, S. /. llld. \ (Comh-choit- CoMH-cHOTHROMACH, (Comli-chothrom), Equi- adj.
COMH-CHOITCHIONNAS, -AIS, S. ììl. j cllionn), U- ponderant aequilibris. C. S.

niversality : C. S.
universalitas. COMH-CHOTHROMACHADH, -AIDH, S. m. Ct prCS.part.
CoMH-CHOMHAiRLE, -EAN, S.f. (Comli, Ct Comhairle), I'. Comli-chothromaich. Equalizing of weights: ac-
A consultation, deliberation : deliberatio, consul- tio aequandi pondera. C. S.
tatio. OR. COMH-CHOTHROMAICH, -IDfl, CH-, V. «. (Comh, Ct
CoMir-ciioMiiAiRT.EACH, -ICH, .?. ni. (Comh, et Coimh- Cothromaich), Weigh together, equiponderate :

earlach), A fellow-connsellor : consilii particeps. simul examina, aequa effice pondera. C. S.

as. CoMH-CHOTiiKOMAicHTE, jyret. part. V. Comh-choth-
COMH-CHOMHAIRLEACHADH, -AIDH, S.m. etprCS.part. romaich. Weighed together simul ponderatus. :

V. Conih-chomhairlich. Consultation, confedera- C.S.

tion consultatio, confoederatio. C. S.
: CoMH-CHRÀBHADH, -AIDH, s. m. (Comli, et Cràbh-
COMH-CHOMHAIRLICH, -IDII, CH-, V. a. (Comh, Ct adh). Social worship socialis, adora-
: Dei cultus
Comhairlich), Advise, consult together : commone, simul multorum. C. S.
consuls. C. S. CoMH-cHRAiTH, -IDH, CH-, V. «. Vide Co-cltfath.
COMH-CHÒMHNUIDH, -EAN, S. »). (Comh, Ct CÒmh- CoMH-cHRAiTE, Ì pret. part. v. Comh-chrath.
nuidh), A common abode, a cohabiting : cohabi- CoMii-cHRAiTHTE, J Sprinkled, shaken together:
tatus. C S. coiispersus, conquassatus. Ll/i.
• Comh-chomhthrom, s. m. MSS. Vide Comh- * Corahchras, s. m. Good fellowship : convictus
chothrom. jucundus. Llh.
« Comh-chorbadh, -aidh, s. m. Destro)dng : actio COMII-CHRATHADH, -AIDII, «. m. Ct prCS. part. V.
perdendi, pessundandi, delendi. MSS. Comh-chrath. Concussion : concussio. C. S.
CoMH-CHÒRD, -AIDH, CH-, V. 11. (Conih, Ct Còrd, v.). CoMH-CHREATUiR, 1^ -E, -EAN, s. m. VideCoimh-
Accord, agree concorda. C. S. : CoMH-CHREUTAiR, J chrcotair.
CoMH-cnÒRDACH, -AICHE, ojdj. Accordant concor- : CoMH-CHRiDHEACH, -EicHE, adj. (Comh, et Cridhe),
dans. C.S. Agreeing, unanimous : concors. C. S.
CoMH-CHÒRDACHD, (Comh-chòrdach), Con-
S.f. ind. CoMH-CHRiDHEACHD, s. f. hid. (Comh-chridheach),
cordance concordantia. C. S.
: Agreement concordia. C. S. :

CoMH-CHÒRDADii, -AIDH, S.m. etprCS.part. V. Comh- CoMH-CHRiocH, -ìcHE, -AN, s. f. (Comh, Ct Crioch),
chòrd. Agreement, unanimity concordia. C. S. : A border : regionis terminus. Span. Comarca.
CoMH-CHÒRDAiL, -E, odj. Compatible consistent. : CoMH-CHROCH, -AIDH, CH-, V. 11. et n. Hang toge-
C.S. ther, be coherent : cohaere. C. S.
CoMH-CHÒRDALACHD, s. f. hul. (Comh-cliòrdail), COMH-CHROCHACH, -AICHE, odj. (CoHlh, Ct Croch),
Compatibility: consistentia, convenientia, congru- 1.Coherent: cohaerens. C.S. 2. Conterminous:
entia. C. S. O'R.
CoMii-CHORP, -A, -ACHAN, «. m. (Comh, et Corp), A CoMH-CHROCHADH, -AIDH, S.m. Ct pres. part.v.CoTuh-
corporation : societas corporata. Llh. et Voc. 167. chroch. Coherence cohserentia. C. S^ :
CoMii-cnHriHK, -E, aiij. (Comli, et Cruinn), Globu- ich). Yoke together, conjugate: coge tub idem
lar : sphttricUB. O'li. jugum, cunjugu. C S.
CoMii-tiiHui.NNEACii, -icii,«.ifi. V'idc Comlichruiiiii- CnMII-<ill'INliEACIIADII, -AIDII, #. m. Ct pTtM. pOrt.V.
cachuiili. Comh-<'huiiigicli. .\ yoking together, act of yoking
COMII-CHBUINNKACHADH, -AIDII, -EAK, S. til. Ct pre*. togctlier actus cogi-mli bub idem jugum. C. S.

pari. V. Comh-chruiniiicli. 1. A collection: col- CoMiiriiLiNfiiciiTK, //nrt. part. r. Comh-chuingich.

li'ctio. Job. XXX. Ì8. 2. A coiiprcfjatioii, assem- Yoked together in jugum idem coactus vel vinc-

bly : concio, ccctiis, conventus. Salm. Ixiv. 2. tU8. C. S.

CòMli-ciiniriN'Nicii,-ii)ii, rii-, r. n. (Coinli, ft Cruinn- CoMii-ciiLiR, -IDH, CII-, r. a. (Comh, et Cuir), Ap-
icli), Collect, assemble : collige, coge, convoca. ply, compose : applica, compoiie. LIh.
as. • Comh-chuisnich, -idh, ch-, r.a. Congeal: conec-
CoMH-ciinuiKNiciiE, -EAN", ». m. (Comli-cliruiiinicli), la. OK.
A collector, compiler : collector, coactor, qui varia • Comhchuisnichtc, perf. part. Congealed : conce-
ex diversis scriptoribus collij^it. f\ S. latus. Oli.
CoMH-ciiKUiNSiciiTE, prrt. part. v. C'omhchruinnich. CoMH-ciini, -uiK, *. »1. (Comh, et Cuir), Applica-
Collectetl, compiled collectus, coacervatus. C. S.
: tion, composition : applicatio, coinpositio. C. S.
Co.Mii-ciiHLP, -AiDH, C1I-, r. a. et n. (C'omh, et Crup>, CoMH-ciiuRAiDiiEAciiD, s.
f. xuii. 1. Id. q. Comh-
Contract, shrivel up contrahe, rugas trahe, de-
: chaireachd. C. S. 2. Fellow-heroism : socia forti-
cresce. C. S. tude. C. S.
CoMii-CHRVPADH, -AIDII, s.m. et pres.parl. v, Comh- CÒ.MI1DACII, -Aicii, -AiciiEAN, ». ni. (Comh, et
chrup. Contraction, act of shrivelling, or becoming Eudach), 1. A covering, clothing, dress integu-

slirivelled : contractio rugosa. C. S. mentum, indumentum, vestis. " Le condidaichibh

CoMH-cHKurii, -A, -AN, s. iH. (Comh, et Cruth), grinne sgeadaich mi mo leabaidh." Gnàtli. vii. 16.
Similarity of form, resemblance : formae similitudo. With coverings of tapestry I have decked my bed.
c.s. Vcstitibus tapetis instruxi spondam meam. 2.
• Comhchuan-cogaidh, *. m. A theatre of war Proof, evidence probatio, : documentum. \V. H.
ager hosticus, sedes belli. Sh. Codex, hinc derivari vidctur.
CoMii-ciu DUOM, -oiM, «. 1)1. (Conih, et Cudthrom), CÒ.MIIDACIIADII, -AIDII, s. m. et prex part. v. Còmh-
Equiponderance equilibrium. C. S.: daich. 1. A
cover, covering: tegmen. "Lom-
CoMH-ciii'DROMACii, at(/. (Comh-chudrom), Equi- nochd tha ifrinn 'n a lùthair, agus cha 'n 'eil còm/i-
ponderant a^quiponderosus.
: S. C dachadh aig leir-sgrios." lob. xxvi. 6. Naked is
CoMHciiLDRo.MAicH, -iDH, CH-, V. a. (Conih, et hell before him, and destruction hath no covering.
Cudromaich), Equalize, equiponderate sequa lance : Nudum est sepulchrum coram eo, necjue est tegu-
pende, aequà ratione distribue. LUi. mentum perditioni. 2. Refuge, shelter perfugi- :

CoMH-CIIUlBilREACH, -ICH, -EAN', «. /. (Comh, et um. C. S. 3. Proof, quotation probatio, loci


Cuiblireach), A compound chain, concatenation : alicujus ex scriptore prolatio. C. S.

vinculum concatenatum, conncxio, colligatio. C. S. CÒMIIDAICH, -IDH, CH-, V. a. (Còmhdach). 1. Cover,
CoMii-CHLiBiiREACiiADH, -AIDII, *. m. et pres. part. clothe, dress, shelter contege, vesti, oma, protege.

V. Comh-chuibhrich. Chaining together, act of " Chomhdaich e iad." Gen. iii. 21. He clothed
chaining together: actus annectendi vinculis. C.S. them. A'estivit ille eos. 2. Prove, allege : proba,
COMH-CHUIBHRICII, -IDII, CH-, V. G. (Comh, et assere. C. S.
Cuibhrich), Chain together, concatenate annecte : CÒMHDAICIITE, pret. part. v. Còmhduich. Covered,
vinculis. C. S. proved : tectus, probatus. C. S.
Co.MH-CHuiBHRiciiTE, pelf. part. V. Comh-chuibh- CÒ.MHDHAIL, -ALA, et -ALACH ; p/. -EAN, et -ICII-
rich. Chained together, connected vinculis an- : EAN, s.f. (Comh, et Dàil), meeting, congress: A
nexus. C. S. occursus, congressus. Geii. xxxii. 6. marg. " An
CoMH-CHtiDEACiiADii, -AIDH, s. m. et pres. part. v. cònihdhail."/<rep. impr. To meet : obviam. " Drocli
Comh-chuidich. Aid, joint help, act of jointly aid- còmhdliail ort." A
form of execration, signifying,
ing subsidium, additum auxilium, actus simul, ex
: evil betide thee. Malum sit tibi. Vide Còdhail.
diversis auxiliandi. C. S. • Comhdhaileam. Vide Còmhdhalaich.
CoMH-cHuiDEAciiD, -AN', *./. Comh, et Cuidcachd), CoMH-DHAiNGNEACHADii, -AIDH, s. »1. et pres. part.
Association, concomitancy : consociatio, concomi- r. Comh-dhaingich. Confirmation, act of con- 1.

tatus. Gnàth. xxi. 9. marg. firming confirmatio, actus confirmandi. C. S.

: 2.
CoMHCHUiDiCH, -IDII, CII-, V. a. (Comh, et Cuidich), i. e. " Dol fo laimh easpuig." The catholic sacra-
Aid, assist jointly : auxiliare, adjuva ex diversis. ment of that name : catholicum ejus nominis sa-
C.S. craraentum. Voc. 166.
CoMii-cHL'iDicHE, -EAN, s. /11. (Comh-chuidich), An CoMii-DiiAiNGNicH, -IDH, CH-, r. a. (Comh, et
assistant adjutor. C. S.
: Daingnich), Confirm confirma. Uh. :

CoMH-CHuiNG, -E, -EAK, «./. (Comh, et Cuing), A CoMii-DiiAiNGNicHE, -EAN, «. m. (Comh-dhaingnich),

compound yoke, conjugation jugura compositum : A confirmer qui confirmat. C. S.

vel cumplexum, conjugatio. C. S. • Comhdhais, -e, «./. (i. e. Coltas), Resemblance :

CoMii-ciiuiNGicH, -IDH, CH-, I', rt. (Coml), Ct Cuing- similitudo. O'R. et Pravin.
• Còmbdlml, s.f. Vide Còmhdhail. CoMH-DHÙNACH, -AiCHE, of^. (Comh-dhùin), Con-
• Comhdhala, x. m. 1. A statute, law: statutum, clusive alligans, comprobans. C. S,

lex. S/i. 2. ffe». of Còmhdhail, q. vide. CoMn-DiiÙNADir, -AiDU, s. »1. stprcs. part. V. Comh-
CÒMI1DIIAI.ACH, ge?i. of Còmhdhail, q. vide. dhiin. Conclusion, inference : conclusio, inductio.
CÒMHDiiALAciiADn, -AiDH, i. m. ct prcs. part. v. Voc. 1C5. " Cmnltdhimadh na cùise." Eccl. xii.
Cònihdlialaich. IMeeting, act of meeting occursus, : 13. The conclusion or the matter : conclusio, vel
actus occurrendi, congruendi. C. S. inductio ab re.
CÒMH-DHALAICII, -iDn, CH-, v. o. Ct /i. (Comh- CoMH-DHÙTHCHAs, -AIS, S.m. (Comh, et Diithchas),
dhail), Meet, coincide : occurre, congrue, congre- Connection with the same country hominum in- :

dere. C. S. didcm oriundorum affinitas. C. S.

CÒMH-DHALAiciiE, -EAN, s.w. (Còmh-dlialaich, v.), CoMH-DHÙTHCiiASACH, adj. (Comh, et Diithchas-
A meetcr : one who meets qui occurrit.
: »S'. C ach), Of the same country ejusdem regionis. :

CoMH-DHALTA, -AN, s. tìì. (Comli, Ct Dalta), fos- A C.S.

ter-brother, or sister : eodem lacte nutritus. Voc. • Comh-dhuthchasach, -aich, «. in. (Comh, et Duth-
13. et Llh. App. chasach), A countrjonan : popularis. Llh.
CoMH-DHALTAS, -Ais, s. ill. (Comh-dhalta), Rela- CoMH-EiGNicn, -IDH, CH-, V. u. Vide Coimh-
tion of fosterage cognatio. " Comh-
: alumnorum eignich.
dhaltas gu ceud, agus càirdeas gu fichead." Prov. Co-MHEUD, vel Co-MHEiD, fulj. How many ? Quot ?
The relation of fosterage (counted) to a hundred, C. S. Chald. nOD clicmuh.
of affinity, to the twentieth degree. Alumnorum CoMH-EUD, -A, s. m. (Comh, et Eud), Rivalship :

cognatio, ad centum ducitur ; affinitas ad vigesi-

rivaUtas. C. S.
mum gradum. CoMH-FHAD-THRÀTH, s. ill. (Comh, Fado, et Trath),
CoMH-DHANNS, -AIDH, CH-, V. 71. (CoHih, et Danns, Equinox : equinoctium. " An comhfhadtrath
v.). Dance with one salta cum aliquo. C S. :
earraich, no foghair." Voc. 103. The vernal, or
CoMH-DHANNSA, -CHAN, s. m. (Comh, et Daimsa, autumnal equinox : vernum, vel autumnale aequi-
*.), A
dancing in company, a mixed dance ; sal- noctium.
tatio cum pluribus. C. S. • Comhfliagharach, s.f. Ir. Gram. Vide Comh-
CoMH-DHANNSAiR, -E, -EAN, s. »j. (Comh, Ct Dann- fhoghar.
sair), A
fellow dancer qui cum aliquo saltat. : C • Comhfhaighleadh, s. m. conference : collo- A
S. quium. Llh.
CoMH-DHAOiNE, s. pi. (Comli, Ct Daoine), Contem- CoMH-FHÀiR, -E, S.f. (Comh, et Fàire), Twilight
poraries homines ejusdem temporis. C. S.
crepusculum (matutinum). C. S.
CoMH-DHEALRADH, -AIDH, s. m. (Comh, et Dcal-
CoMH-FHAiRE, S.f. ind. \ Watching to-
radh), Corradiation: conjunctus fulgor. O'R. CoMH-FHAiREACHADH, -AIDH, s. m. j gether, Wak-
CoMH-DHLiGiiE, -EAN, S.f. (Comh, et Dlighc), An ing, watching, sitting up together : vigiha, plurium
equal right aequum jus. C. S. :
excubiae. C. S.
CoMH-DHLiGHEACH, adj. (Comh-dlilighe), Having CoMHFHAN, -AIDH, CH-, V. ti. Vide Comhfliuirich.
an equal right, equally obligatory : aequum habens CoMii-FHARPUis, -E, -EAN, S.f. (Comh, Ct Farpuis),
jus, ffique obligatorius. C. S. Emulation aemulatio. Voc.
: 32.
CoMH-DHLÙTH, -ùiTHE, odj. (Comh, ct Dlùth), COMH-FHARPUISEACH, -EICHE, <«^'. (Comll-fhafpuis),
Compact : compactus. C. S. Emulative : aemulans. C. S.
CoMH-DHLÙTHA, | adj. 1. Assembled : in coe-
CoMii-FHÀs, -AIDH, CH-, V. 11. (Comli, et Fas,
tum coactus. C. S. 2. Bound v.). Grow together concresce. :
" Pòs tràth,
together O'R.
: compactus. s'bidh do chlann a' comh-fhàs ruit." Prov. Marry
CoMH-DHLÙTHACHADH, Ì -AIDH, m. et pres. part.
early in life, and thy children will grow up with
CoMA-DHLÙTHADH, j V. Comh-dhlùthaich. 1.
thee. Uxorem ducito florente aetate, et liberi tui
A binding together constrictio. C. S. : 2. A tecum concrescent.
compact : foedus. C. S. 3. A contribution : pe- CoMH-FHAs, -A, A growing together status
s. ill. :

cuniae coUatio. Ci?. concrescendi. C. S.

-IDH, • Comh-fliasg, -aidh, ch-, v. a. Embrace : ulni»
Dlùthaich), Frame, conjoin, bind together : effin- amplectere. Llh.
ge, conjuiige, compinge.C. S. COMH-FHLAITHEACHD, S.f. \ (Comh, Ct
CoMH-DHoiLGHEAS, -Eis, s.m. (Comh, et Doilgheas), CoMH-FHLAiTHE, vel -AS, -EIS, *. in. ) Flaitheachd).
Condolence : commiseratio. C. S. 1. Democracy populi principatus. O'R.
: 2. A
CoMH-DHUALADH, -AIDH, «. m. (Comh, Ct Dual), conmionwealth status civilis. " 'N ar coimhich

embroidery, sculpture opus phyrgium, ceelatura. :

do chomhfhlaitheachd Israeil." Eph. ii. 12. We
C.S. were aliens from the commonwealth of Israel.
CoMH-DHÙiN, -IDH, CH-, V. a. (Comh, et DCiin). 1.
Quod alienati fuerimus a civili statu Israelis.
Conclude conclude. C. S. : 2. Close, close to- COMH-FHLATH, -AITH, -AITHEAN, S. in. (Comh, Ct
gether : claude simul. C. S. Flath). 1. A fellow ruler regni vel imperii cen-

CoMH-DHÙiNTE, pret. part. v. Comh-dhùin. Con- sors. C. S. 2. A demagogue demagogus. C. S. :

cluded conclusus. C. S.
3. Vanguard : antesignanus. Sh..
COMH-PHOCAL, -All., -I.AH, *. w. (Couili, ct Foral), CoMH-FHiTiLEACii, -iCH, i. m. (Comh, et Fuileach),
A synonymy vox cjusileni gipiilicationis.
: ()' li. A relation : consuiiguineu». C. S. It. Xon)-
CoMii-niiuLAiii, -AiciiE, «wjr. (CoHih-niocul), Syno- puilt8o.
njTiious synonynius. C. S.
: CoMM-FMUiLiNG, -IDH, CH-, r. «. Or o. (Comli, et
COMII-FHO<illAlt, -AIR, -EAN, $. tit. (Comh, Ct Fogll- Fulling), Feel with, sympathize condole, alicu- :

ar), A consonant : litt-ra consonans. Voc. !)7. jus viceni dole. C. S.

CoMH-FiiooiiAnAni, -AKiiE, <ulj. (Conili-fliogluir), CoMii-FMLiitEACn, -Kii, s. tn. (Comli, et Fuireach),
consoniuit consonans. C. S.
: A short stay exigua mora. C. S.

COMH-FiiocnAii-ciii.Ac., s. VI. (Comli-logliar, et CoMii-FHi'iiiiCH, -lUH, <'ii-, f. II. (Comh, et Fuir-

Clog), A
cliinie of bells : nolaruni conccntus. ich), NVait a little, wait together mane pauliupcr, :

07?. mane simul cum aliquo. ('. S.

COMii-FHOGiiLUM, -uiM, t. tn. (Comli, et Foghluni), CoMH-FiiuLANc, -AiNG, s. III. (Comh, Ct Fulang).
The state of being educated together : conininnis Fellw-suffering : status simul patiendi. C.S.
instructio, vcl cducatio. C S. CoMH-riiuLANGAcn, -AiciiE, adj. (Comh, et Fulan-
COMH-FHOGHLl'MAICHE, -EAN, (Conih, et .«. 1)1. Suffering with, condoling, sympathizing
Foghlumaiche), fellow-apprentice, a school- A simul patiens, commiserans, oondolens. C. S.
fellow condiscipulus. I oc. 97.
: CoMH-FHL'LANGAs, -Ais, *•.»«. (Comh, Ct Fuiangas),
CoMH-FiioGus, -uisE, adj. (Comh, et Fogus), Close Compassion, fellow-feeling : coramiscratio, status
by, nearly related: adjacens, sanguine propin- condolendi. Sm. Par. Ivii. 4.
quus. C. S. et O'B. CoMH-FiiuKTAcnADH, -AIDH, s. m. Ct fTes. part. f.
COMH-FHOGUSGACH, -AICH, S. til. (Comh, Ct FogUS,) Comh-fliurtaich. Consoling, act of consoling, or
A relation : propinquus. O'K. comforting actus consolandi. C. S

CoMH-Fiiois, -E, s.
f. (Comh, et Fois), Rest: re- CoMH-FHuuTAciiD, s.
f. iiul. (Conili, Ct Furtachd),
quies. Comfort, consolation : solatium, solamen. " TTia do
CoMH-FHoiSEACHADH, -AiDH, s. tn. et pres. part. V. bhràthair Esau a' labhairt conihfìiurtacìid dha fein,
Comh-flioisich. Resting, or settling together : ac- a d' thaobhsa, a' cur foimhe do mharbhadh." Gen.
tus conquiescendi, quietem simul ineundi. C. S. xxvii. 42. Tliy brother Esau comforteth himself
CoMH-Fiioisicii, -iDH, CH-, t'. w. (Comh, Ct Foisich), as touching thee, purposing to kill thee. Tuus
Repose, or rest with : conquiesce. C. S. frater Hesau se consolatur de te, sibi proponens te
CoMii-FHOLA, adj. (Comh, et Fuil), Of one
blood: occidere.
consanguineus. Voc. 177. Vide Comh-niuil. CoMii-FHURTAiCH, -IDH, CM; V. a. (Comh, Ct Fur-
CoMH-FHHEAGAiK, -IDH, CH-, r. a. Vide Coimh- taich). Comfort, console consolare. C. S. :

fhreagair. CoMUFHURTAicHTE, prct. part. V. Comh-fliurtaich.

COMH-FHREAGAIRT, -E, -EAN, S.f. Comh, Ct freag- Comforted : consolatus. C. S.
airt), Correspondence, conformity convenientia, : CoMiiFHURTAiR, -E, -EAN, s. m. (Comh, Ct Furtachd),
congruentia. C. S. A comforter : consolator. Macf. V. Ir. X.on)-
COMH-FHnEAGARRACII, -AICHE, <W^'. (Comh, Ct ^U|tCO||t.
Freagarrach), Correspondent conveniens, con- :
Comh-ghabhail, s.f. Harmony, love animorum :

gruens. S. C consensus, congruentia, amor. LIh.

CoMH-FHREAGARRACHD, S.f. itut. (Comh-fhreagarr- • Comh-ghail, adj. 1. Of the same family ejus- :

ach). Symmetry partium convenientia. Voc. 166.

dem farailia;. Sh. et O'R. 2. Fellow-heroism
Vide Comh-flireagairt. socia fortitudo. CR. 3. A battle, or conflict
COMH-FHREAGKADH, -AiDii, s. m. (Comh, et Frcag- compugnatio. O'R.
radh). Conformity congruentia, convenientia. :
CoMH-GiiAiR, -IDH, CH-, V. a. Comh, et Gair), Con-
C.S. voke convoca. C. S.

COMH-FHUAIGH, -IDH, CH-, f. a. Ct tl. (Comh, Ct Co.Mii-CHÀiR, -E, s.f. (Comh, et Gair), Conclama-
Fuaigh), Sew together consue. S. : C tion : plurium clamor. C. S.
:hadh, -AIDH, \ s. tn. (Comh, et
eal), A stitching together : actio consuendi. C S. Co.NtU-GHÀlRDEACI
:nAs, -Ais, J Gàirdeaclias),
CoMH-FHUAiGHTE, pret. jxtrt. V. Comh-tliuaigh. Social joy, congratulation : plurium laetitia, gra-
Sewed together consutus. C. S. :
tulatio. Gnath. vii. 18.
COMH-FHÙAIMNEACH, -EICHE, Ofi;. VCl S.f. (Comh, CoMii-GHÀiRiCH, -E, S.f. (Comh, et Gair), Shout-
et Fuaimneach), Consonant, a consonant : una so- ing aloud plurium clamor. C. S.

num edens, litera consonans. C. S. COMH-GIIAIRM, -E, -EAN, S.f. (Comll, Ct Gainil).
CoMH-FHUAiMNiCH, -E, -EAN, S.f. (Comh, et Fuaim- A convocation convocatio. Lilt. :

nich), A sounding together actus vel accidens :

CoMH-GHATRM, -IDH, CH-, f. a. (Comh, Ct GainT),
consonandi. C. S. v.), Convoke
convoca. C. S. :

COMH-FHUASGLADH, -AIDH, S. til. (Comh, Ct FuaS- CoMH-GHAL, -A, s. m. (Comh, et Gal). 1. Weep-
gladh), A
temporary, or immediate relief: breve ing together: plurium fletus. Vide Comh-ghul.
solatium, mali levatio subitanea. Saliii. cxix. 41. CoMii-GiiAOL, -AoiL, *. III. (Conili, Ct Gaol), 1.
CoMH-FHuiL, -OLA, et -ALA, *./. (Comh, et Fuil), Consanguinity : consanguinitas. O'R. '2. Mutual
Consanguinity : cognatio sanguinis. C. S. love : amor reciprocus. O'R.
LI i
• Comlighaolta, s. m. Kiiulrcd : sanguinis propin- CoMrr-iONANNT, adj. S. D. 69. Vide Coimh-ionann.
quitas. 3ISS. CoMu-ioNAN.NAs, -Ais, s. 111. (Comh-ionaun), Equa-
CoMiioiiAH, -AiRK, s. TO. (Comli, ct Gair, ,?.) Near- lity : a;;qualitas. C. S.
ness, jiixta-position : contiguarum rcnim positio. Co.Mii-rru, -ion, cii-, v. a. (Comh, et Itli), Eat
" An coiiiJigliar." Llh. Near to : juxta. with ede cum aliquo, comede. C. S. Vide Ith.

CoMiiGiiAiiAcii, -AiciiE, adj. (Comligluir), Near to: COMII-ITHE, -nilEANNAlCH, -ITHINNICIi, S./. (Comh-
attingens, vicinus. O'R. itli), Eating together actio edendi cum aliquo. :

CoMH-oiiLEACiiD, -A, s. ill. (Comli, et Gleachd), A " Comh-ithcadh." Gnàth. xxiii. 21.
combat conflictus, pugna. C. S.
conflict, :
CoMH-GiiLÒiR, -E, s.f. (Comli, et (llòir), Conference, 1. A
door-frame, leaf, or gate: januarum vel ostii
consonance colloquium, consonantia. O'R.
valva. Voc. 285. 2. Guards custodes. (i. e. :

CoMH-GHLÒiREACii, -EiciiE, \^ adj. (Comli-glilòir), Freiceadain). O'R. 3. horn cornu. (i. c. A :

CoMH-GHLÒRACH, -AicnE, j Consonant : conso- Adiiarc). Llh. Hebr. ^<^^ kola, to confine ; vb2
nans. O'R. cola, a prison, or fold. Pilie.
CoMii-GHLÒRMHOR, -oiRE, a^". (Comh-glilòir), Equal CÒMHLA, adv. (i. e. Comh-luath), Together, in com.
in glory : in gloria aequalis. O'R. Ir. SLorr}- pany at once una, simul. " Mai- chòmhla," vel

3loitn7Aii. " Air chòmhla." Fing. i. 307.

CoMH-GHLUASAD, -AID, «. Til. Ì (Comh, et Gluasad), CoMH-LABHAiR, -IDH, CII-, V. 11. (Comh, et Labh-
CoMH-GHLUASACHD, S.f. inid. J Fermentation: fer- air), Speak with : colloquere. C. S. Vide Labh-
nientatio. O'R. air.
CoMH-GHLUASADACH, -AicnE, adj. (Comh-ghluasad), CoMH-LABHAiRT, -E, S.f. \ (Comh, et Labh-
Fermentative : tumultum, vel fervorem excitans. CoMH-LABHRADH, -AIDII, s. til. j airt), A dialogue,
C.S. conversation : colloquium, confabulatio. Llh. et
CoMH-GHNÀs, -ÀIS, s. m. (Comh, et Gnàs), Even Voc. 167.
temper animus sedatus. MSS.
: • Còmhlachadh, -aidh, «. to. Vide Còmhdhalach-
• Comh-ghnàsach, -aiche, adj. (Comh-ghnàs), Gen- adh. Sdlm. Ixxxv. 10.
tee! : urbanus. Llh. • Comhlachduichte, adj. Reared by the same
» Comh-ghnothuchadh, -aidh, s. m. (Comh, et nurse ab eadem muliere nutritus. O'R. et

Gnothach), Conversation colloquium. Llh. : MSS.

CoMH-GHRÀDHAiCHE, -EAN, s. TO. (Comh, et Gràdli- CÒMHLADII, -AIDH, -AIDHEAN, S.f. Mucf. V.etJSÌbl.
acli), A rival in love
C. S. : rivalis. Gloss.
fjrlOSS. V lue Còmhla, s.
CoMH-GHuiL, -iDH, CH-, V. 11. (Conih, et Guil, V.) COMHLADII, ")
adv. C. S. et Voc. Vide Comhla,
Weep with, condole : collachryma, condole. MSS. CÒMH-LATH,
Cc >
Cc 3
• Comh-ghuin, -e, *. /. (Comh, et Guin), Com- CoMHLA-LÙTHAiDH, } S.f. (Comhla, et Lùth), The
punction: compunctio. " Y'lon conififfkiiine." m CoMHLA-LÙTHAiNN, j' leaf of a folding door : valva
Keat. et O'R. The wine of compunction. Vi- forium. Voc. 84.
num compunctionis. CÒMH-LAMH, adv. O'R. et Provin. Vide Còmhla,
COMH-GHAL, Ì -AIL, -UIL, «. TO. (Comh, et Guil, I). adv.
CoMH-GHUL, j vel Gal, s.) Weeping with one ano- CoMH-LÀMHAiCHE, -EAN, s. m. (Comh, et Làmh), A
ther : collachrymatio. C. S. help-mate, colleague, coadjutor consors. MSS. :

CoMH-GHUTH, -A, s. iti. (Conih, et Guth), A conso- CÒMiiLAN, -AiN, -AN, .«. TO. (Comh, et Lann), 1. A
nant consonans. Ir. Gram.
: litera duel, combat : singulare certamen, pugna. Llh.
CoMH-GHUTHACii, -AICHE, adj. (Comh-ghuth), 2. An assistant, colleague adjutor, collega. C. S. :

Sounding with, consonant, assonant : consonans. 3. A

hill mons. 3ISS. 4.
: hero heros. OR. A :

C.S. 5. A
complement complementum. C. S. 6. An.

CoMH-iADn,i -AiDii, CH-, V. a. et n. (Comh, et assembly conventus. MSS.

: 7. couple : ge- A
CoMH-iATH,j ladh), Close round, environ cir- : melli. BibL Gloss. 8. A procession, troop, band :
cumclude, vel circumducitor. C. S. et O'R. turba, agmen. Provin.
CoMH-iADiiADH, )^ -AIDH, s. ill. etpres.purt. V. Comh- Co.MHLANN, -A, -AN, s. TO. (Comh, Ct Lann), Llh.
CoMH-iATHADH, j iadh. An enclosing, encircling, Vide Comhlan, 1.
environing : circumclusio, circuniscriptio, plurium CoMiiLANNAcii, -AICHE, odj. (Conihlann), Quarrel-
in locum arctum conjectio. C. S. some rixosus. O'R.

CoMH-ioMLAiD, -E, -EAN, «. /. (Comh, et lomlaid). CoMiiLANNACH, -AicH, -AicHEAN, s. TO. (Comhlann),
Commutation commutatio. C. S. : A combatant bellator. O'R. :

COMH-IOMLAIDEACH, -EICHE, odj. (Comh, Ct lom- CoMiiLANNACHD, S.f. iiid. (Comhlann), Duelling:
laid), Commutable: qui comniutationem patitur. singular! certamine, actus pugnandi. O'R.
C.S. CoMH-LAocH, -AoicH, s. TO. (Conih, Ct Laoch), A
CoMH-iMEACHD, S.f. iud. (Com, et Imeachd), Close fellow-warrior, companion : commilito, conies. Voc.
marching, walking, or going together : iter agmi- et O'B.
nis,conjuncta profectio. S. D. 69. Ir. Xotij- COMH-LASADH, -AIDH, -EAN, S. TO. (Comh, Ct LaS,
]trtjeAcb. v.), A conflagration : incendium. C, S.
C0MI11.ATII, adv. O'li. Vide Ctimhia, adi: CoMii-MiioTiiAriiAiL, -E, aiJj. (Comh, Ct .Mudutch-
(.'l>\lll-I.KA(iAl)ll, -AIDll, S. III. (C'lliull, ft I.iafjiulll), uil), Synipatliecic : syiu|iathelicuH. C .V.

I'iaiilklisiu : |mnillcli.siiius. ('. S. \ ult- Liafjailli. (.'o-MllOTIItCIIAUII, -AlUII, M. III. Ct prt4. JXlrt. V.

C'o\iii-i.KAtiii, -AiDii, CJI-, f. a. (C'omli, it Liut-li), Cuiiih-iuhutlmicb. I'uc. Itìò. Vide Comh-mliutb-
Aninlgimmte, luelt togctht-r : nliu nictullu vivo ur- achadli.
f;i'iito liqiii-factu admiscc, tolliciiierf f'ac. Oss. Vol. Co-MiiuriiAUii, ( -11)11, til-, r. a. (Coinli, et
HI. 414. CoMii-MiioTiiAK II, j Muthaich), Sympathise: com-
I'oMii-i.EAOiiAuii, -AIDII, s. III. nt prcs. part.v. Comh- miserere. C S.
Ii'agh. C'ullii|uetai'tiun, unmlgmuutiuii : actus culli- CoMii-MiioTiiuicii, -iDii, til-, V. n. Symfiathixe:
(juiTc taciciuli. ('. .v. mutua iniseratione movetor. Macf. Par. viii. 6.
C'oMii-tKAciiAN, -.\is, i. m. (Coiuli-lcagli), Aiiial^'a- Vide Mothuich.
iiia : vivi argeiiti cum aliis luilullis udiiiistio. (J' H. CoMii-MouTLs, -L'ls, *. til. KiMulution : a-inulatio.
CoMii-i.KACiTA, ailj. (C'ouili, c't Lcagta), Parallel : Voc. 32.
parallclus. ('. S. CÒM1ISAUII, -AIDII, -AIDIIEAN, S. III. Aid, OSsilitaUCC,

CoMii-tEAN, -AIDII, C1I-, V. 71, (Coiiih, c't Lcau), Co- help : auxiliuni. " A iii còiiihiitullt leat." Gen. xlix.
here : colia-re. C. <S'. 25. Who will help thee. Qui adjuvaturub est te.
Co.MJi-LEANAiLT, -E, s. f. Sticking together, coher- CÒM11NAK1I, -11)11, CII-, r. «. (Còmlmadii), Help,
ence accidens cohacrendi, coliu.'rcntia. C. S.
: aid : opem
adjuva. C. S.

COMH-IEANAILTEACII, -EICHE, oj/. ConSeCUtÌve, • Comhnaidh, -e, *./. Leisure otiura. Uh. " Aite :

conseijuent cohxrens, consequens. C. S.

: cùmlinaidb." C. S. dwelling place : habi- A
CoMH-L-EANMiiLi.v, -E, s. /. (Conih, ct Leaninhuin), tatio. Vide Còmlinuidli.
A consequence : consequentia. i'oc. ICC. CoMii-NAisG, -IDII, CH-, r. a. (Corah, et Naisg),
CoMii-LiDX, -AIDII, C1I-, f. a. (Comh, et Lion, r.) Knit together : connecte. Voc. et C. S.
Vide Coinih-lion. CoMMSAinGKADiu-iDii, pres. jxtrt. V. Comh-
CoMH-LiosADH, -AIDII, s. »1. et pres. part. v. Condi- naisg. Knitting together : actus connectendi. C. S.
tion. Vide Coindi-Iionadh. CÒMHNARD, -AiRDE, otlj. (Conih, Ct Àrd), Lcvel,
CoMii-fciosrA,/;re/./«ir/. f. Comh-lion. Vide Coimh- plain, even : aequus, planus, directus, horizonti pa-
tionta. rallelus. Voc. 134.
CoMH-LosGADH, -AIDII, s. til. (Comh, Ct Losgadli), CÒMHSARD, -AiRD, -AN, *. m. A
plain, plane, level
A conflagration : inccndium. C. ò'. Vide Losg- planicies, a;qua superficies. " Fbuair iad cainJiiiard
adh. ann an tir Shinair." Gen. xi. 2. They found a
Co.MiiLUADAR, -AIR, (Conib, Ct Luadh), Con- s. III. plain in the land of Sliinar. Invenerunt illi pla-
versation, colloquium, hominum cele-
company ; nitiem in terra Shinarbis.
britas. C. S. et Seum. iii. 13. Ed. 1768. Vide CÒMUSARDAICIIE, -EAN, *. tti. (Comlmaid), A roller,

Conaltradh. leveller :C. S.

• Conihluadar, -aidli, ch-, v. n. Converse, accom- CoMH-NEARTACiiADii, -AIDH, s. til. et pres. part. r.
pany : colloquere, coiuita. O'B. Comb-neartaicb. Increasing of a force : virium ad-
CoMHLUADRACH, -AicHE, (ulj. (Comliluadar), Con- auctio. C. S.
versible, talkative : aditu facilis, affabilis. O'R. CÒMH-NEARTAICH, -IDH, CII-, f. Of. (Comh, Ct NcaT-
CoMH-LUATH, udv. vel udj. (i. e. Co luath), As soon, taich). Strengthen Firma, vires adauge. S.
: C
as swift icque celeriter, icque velox.
: " Air chomh- CÒMIINUICH, -IDII, CH-, V. a. (Còmhnuidh), Dwell :

luatli." iii. 225.

Fiiiff.Together pariter. : habita. " Còmhnuicheam an àros Dè. Saliii. xxiii.
COMH-LL'ATHGHAIR, -E, -EAX, S.f. (Comh, Ct Luatll- C. Let me dwell in the house of God. Habiteiu
ghair), Joint congratulation, reiterated shouts of in domo Dei.
joy multoruni laetantium plausus, ovantium fremi-
: CÒMHXLIC1IE, -EAX, *. w. (Còmbnuidh), A dweller;
tus. 31SS. babitator. C. S.
CoMH-LucHD, s.
f. (Comh, et Luchd, s.) Partners CÒMHSUIDII, -E, -EAX, S.f. A dwelling, habitation,
socii, participes. 0'£. Vide Luchd. rest : babitaculum, sedes, quies. " An comh-
CoMH-LuiDHE, *. »j. 1. Lying together concubi- : nuidh," adv. Tern. i. 44. Habitually pro more, :

tus. C. S. 2. Alliance : foedus. OB. semper. Hdtr. njn chaiiali, residit : hinc XXS^ cho-
CoMH-MHACXus, -uis, «. »1. Sporting together, dal- neh, resedens, castra ponens ; n^U' ghonah, coha-
lying : lusus. Maciiity. 88.
COMH-MHARCACH, -AlCH, -AICHEAK, *. in. (Comll,
et Marcach), A feUow-rider : comes equitans. CÒMHXUIDHEACH, -EiciiE, adj. (Còmlinuidh), Stead-
as. fast, permanent constans, tidus. O'R. et
stanch, :

CoMH-.MHARCACiiD, «./. w«7. (Comh-mbarcach), Rid- C. S. Ir. iCorbnuigeAC. O' It.

ing in company equitatio cum pluribus. C. S.
: • Còmhnuigh, -idb, ch-, v. n. Vide Còmbnuich.
CoMH-MHARCuiCHE, -EAX, s. til. (Comb, et Marc- COMH-OBAIR, -OIBRE, -OIBRICIIEAX, S.f. (Conih, et
aich), A fellow-rider : qui cum alio equitat. L//i. Obair), A joint work
opus conjunctum. C. S. :

Co.MH-MHOTHUCIIADH, -AIDH, «. /H. (Comb, et Moth- CoMH-ÒGLACn, -AicH, *. m. (Comb, et Òglach),

achadh), Sympathy commiseratio. 6'/«. Par. Ivii. : A fellow-servant : conservus. LUi.
CoMH-oiBREACii, -EICHE, odj. (Comh, Ct Obajrl,
Co-operative, co-efficient: siinul operans, co-effi- CÒMiiRAiDHTEACH, -EICHE, adj. (Comhradh), Con-
ciens. C. S. versible : aditu facilis, affabilis. O'R. et C. S.
CoMH-oiBREACHADH, -AiDH, s. M. et fres. part. V. COMiiRAiDHTicHE, -EAN, s. III. (Còmhradh), A con-
Comh-oibrich. Working together: actio confe- versible person : vir afiabilis. O'S.
rendi operani. C. S. CÒ.MHRAIG, -IDH, C1I-, V. ii. C. S. Id. q. Còmhrag,
CoMH-oiBnicii, -iDH, CH-, v. n. (Comli, et Oibrich), V.

Co-operate operam confer. C. S.

• Comh-rith, idh, cli-. v. ti. 1. Concur: assen-
CoMH-oiBRicHE, -EAN, s. »i. (Comh, et Oibrich), sum prsebe. O'R. 2. " Coimh-rith." Run
A coadjutor: adjutor, operis socius. C. S. with, try a race : curre cum aliquo, cursu con-
CoMH-oiGiiRE, -EACHAN-, s. til. (CoHih, et Oighre), tends OR.
A co-heircohaeres. Llh.
: Span. Cohercdero. • Comh-rochd, -aidh, ch-, v. n. (Comh, et Rochd,
CoMH-oisiNNEACH, \ -EiCHE, adj. (Comh, ct Oisinn- s. 2.)Belch, retch: eructa. 3ISS.
1. 2.
CoMH-oisxEACH, j each), Equi-angular equian- : Meet occun-e, conveni. 3ISS.

guius. as. • Conih-roghainn, s.f. (Comh, et Roghainn), E-

C0MH-ÒL, -OIL, s. m. (Comh, et Ol, «.)> Compota- lection choice : electio, delectus. O'R.

tion compotatio.
: Vide 01. CoMH-ROGiiNuiCH, ) -IDH, CH-, f. fl. (Comh, et
CoMH-OLCAs, -Ais, s. ill. (Comh, et Olcas), Despite : CoMii-RoiGHNicH, j Roghain), Elect, select: e-
despectus, contemptus. Voc. 31. lige, seUge. C S.
C0MH-ÒLAIR, -E, -EAN, «. m. (Comh, et 01, s. et CoMH-RoiNN, -E, -EAN, *./. (Comh, ct Roimi), A
Fear), A pot-companion combibo. Ll/i. : share, proportion pars, portio, ratio. Llh. :

CoMH-ORTAs, ) -AIS, -uis, s. w. Comparison, emu- CoMH-KOL, -AIDH, CH-, V. a. (Comh, et Rol, !•.),
CoMH-ORTUs, J lation comparatio, semulatio. O'i?.
: Roll together : convolve. " Chomh-rol an fhairge
C0MH-PHÀIRTEACH, -EICHE, aiij. (Comh, et Pairt), tonn air thonn." Macf. Par. xxxvii. 4. Tlie sea
Participating : participans. Voc. 140. rolled together, wave upon wave. Convolvit (sese)
C0MH-PHÀIRTEIR, -E,i -EAN, s.m. (Comh, et Pàir- mare, unda super undam.
CoMH-PHAiRTicHE, J teff). An acccssary : faci- CoMH-ROLADii, -AIDH, s. »!. ct pres. part. V. Comh-
noris socius.C. S. rol. Running, or rolling together : corruens, con-
• Comh-phais, Llh. Vide Comhfliulang. volvens. 3ISS.
CoMH-PHÀRTACHADH, -AIDH, s. Jii. et pres. part. V. CoMH-RUAGACH, -AiCHE, odj. (Comh, et Ruag, v.),

Comhphàrtaich. Communication : communicatio. Closely pursuing assequens. A. M'D. :

Voc. 167. CoMii-RÙisGTE, adj. (Comh, et Ruisgte), Equally

C0MH-PHÀRTUICH, -IDH, CH-, V. a. (Comh, et Pàir- bare, naked : simul nudus. C. S.
tich). Partake, communicate : participa. C. S. Co.MH-RuiTH, -E, S.f. (Comh, et Ruith), race A :

C0MH-PHÒITEIREACHD, (Comh, et Poit), s. f. ind.

curriculum. Ecc/. xix. 11.
Drinking together compotatio. Vide Poiteir-
: CoMH-RÙN, -ÙIN, s. m. (Comh, et Run). 1. Con-
eachd. spiracy : coiijuratio. 0'J3. et C. S. 2. Unani-

C0MH-PHÒITEIR, -E, -EAN, s. m. (Comh, et Pòiteir), mous, or joint design : consiUum unanimum, vel
A fellow-drinker : combibo. C. S. consociatum. C. S.
C0MH-PHRÌ0SANACH, 1 -Aicii, s.J». (Comh, et Prio- CoMH-RÙNACHADH, -aidh, s. til. etpres.port. v. Comh-
C0MH-PHRÌ0SUNACH, i sunach), A fellow-prisoner: rùnaich. Act of conspiracy, communicating de-
socius in carcere. Llh. signs : actus conjurandi, consiha communicandi.
• Comhi-a, s. m. 1. A companion: comes. Sh. C.S.
2. A coffin : theca, loculus cadaveris. liibl. CoMU-RÙNAiCH, -IDH, CH-, t'. «. (Comh, et Rùnaioh).
Gloss. 1. Conspireconjura, simul affecta. C. S.
: 2.

CoMHRACHADH, -AiDii, s. ttt. Teiii. iv. 350. Vide Communicate designs communica consilia. O'R. :

Comharrachadh. CoMH-.sAMHuiL, -E, ttdj. (Comh, et Samhuil), Like,

CÒMHRADH, -AIDH, -AIDHEAN, S. til. (Comh, et resembling similis, formam eandem referens. C. S.

Ràdh), Conversation confabulatio. LUi. et C. S.

CoMH-sGoiLEiR, -E, -EAN, s. til. (Comh, ct Sgoileir),
" Cùis chòmhraidh." Salin. Ixix. 12. A subject of A school-fellow : condiscipulus. Voc. et O'S.
talk. Causa loquendi. " Còmhradh-deise." O'B. COMH-SHAIGHDEAR, -EAN, S. m. (Comh, et Saigll- -E,

A dialogue. Dialogus, colloquium duorum. dear), A fellow-soldier : commilito. Voc. 117.

CÒMHRAG, -AIG, -AN, s. m. combat pugna, cer- A :
COMH-SHEIRBHEIS, ) -E, -EAN, S.f. (Comh, et Scir-
tamen. CoMH-sHEiRBiiis, j bhis), fellow-ser%'ice opus A :

" Còmhrag beuchdach, creuchdach, teth." conjunctum. C. S.

Fiiuj. i. 489. COMH-SHEIRBHEISEACII, Ì -ICH, S. III. (Comh, et
A fight, and hot. Certamen mu-
loud, wounding, CoMH-sHEiRBHisEAcn, j Scirbhiseach), A fel-

giens, vulnificum, ardens. " Comhrag-aoin fhir." low-servant : conservus. C. S.

Llh. A single combat. Singulare certamen. CoMH-SHEiRM, -E, S.f. (Comh, et Seirm), Harmo-
CÒ.MHRAG, -AIDH, CH-, V. a. (Còmhrag, s.). Fight, ny: concentus. Isa. xxiii. 16.

war Pugna, bella. Llh. " Ma's urrainn e camfi-

CoMH-SHEÒMRAiCHE, -EAN, *. »J. (Comh, ct Seòm-
rag riumsa. 1 Sam. xvii. 9. If he be able to fight air), A fellow-lodger, a chum contubernalis. C. :

with me. Si possit pugnare mecum. S.

CoiMii-siiÌJJTE, «k(/'. (C'omli, ft Sìnte), Parallel: pa- • Conih-spairn, -idh, ch-, r. a. (Comh, et Spùirn),
ralifius. C. S. Vide Sinte. Wrestle with collucture. OH. :

CoMii-siii-isNEACii, aitf. (C'oiuh, ct Slisneoch), (i. e. CoMiisTAuii, -Aiuii, *. m. (Comh, et Stàdb). 1.

Taobli-ioiiann), Eciiiiluteral : a-ijuiluterus. C. S. AcconiDiodution, u reudinemi to obli^^e «uppedi- :

CoMii-siiNÀMii, -A, «. m. (C'oiiili, et Siiàmh), Swim- tatio, comitas. C. S. 2. loan luutuum. A : C

iniiif; tofjetlier conjiincta iiatio. Llh.
CoMii-siiM iM, -K, s.f. (Coiiili, et Snuiiu), A knit- CoMif.sTADiiAcii, -AiciiE, lulj. (Comlistadli), Ready
ting together, alliance, union : couuexio, attinitas, to oblige, or lend qui facile Kuppeditat, vcl mu-

eonsociatio. C. S. tuo dat. C. S.

C'OMii-siiocAiH, -E, adj. (Comb, ct Socair), At full Co.MII-STui, Ì -E, -EAN, I. f. (Conill, Ct StTl),
case seeurus, otiosus, niolestiis liber. C. S.
: CoMii-sTRiBii, V Strife, broil, quarrel : discurdia,

CoMH-siiocuACiiADH, -AiDii, s. in. et prcs. JXlTt. CoMii-STRiTU, ) rixa, jurgium. Salm. Ixxxi. 7.
V. Comh-sbocraich. Settling, arranging, fixing Gen. xiii. 7. Fing. i. 114. Span. Conbtrciiir.
actio constituendi, ordinandi, componendi. C CoMii-sTRAiTiiEACii, -EicHE, odj. (Cumh-Strith),
S. Contentious : rixosus. C. S.
CoMH-sHocRi'icii, -iDH, CH-, f. a.(Comh, et So- CoMH-TiiAGAiRT, -K, S.f. \ (Con)h,et TagTodh),
cruich), Settle, arrange, fix, compose constitue, : CoMii-TiiA(ii(ADii, -AIDH, s.m. j A
joint pleading:
ordina,compone. C. S. conjuncta causaruni actio. C. S.
CoMii-SHOiLLSE, \ s. m. (Comb, et Soillse, vel COMII TIlAINCiEACIlADH, -AIDH, S. in. Ct prtt.

CoMH-SHOLUs, -uis, j Solus), A constellation : part. V. Conibthaingich. Congratulation, act of

stellarum congeries. C. S. congratulating: gratulatio, actus gratulandJ. Voc.
CoMH-siiHUTH, -AIDII, CH-, V. 11. (Comh, Ct Sruth, 32.
v.). Stream together, converge : conflue, converge. COMH-TIIAIXGICH, -IDH, CII-, f. O. (Comh, Ct TaUl-
C.S. gich), Congratulate : gi-atulare. Voc.
CoMH-snRLTiiADii, -AIDII, s. 111. ct prcs. part. r. Co.MH-TiiÀiuGTE, Ì Comh-tharruing.
/>rf/ /)ar<. f.

Corah-shruth. A confluence : aquarum concursus. Co.MH-THAÌHNTE, > Contracted contractus. :

CoMii-SHCGRADH, -AiDH, «. m. (Comh, et Sùgradh), COMHTHARRACHADH, -AIDII, S. »1. Ct pTCS. pOrL V.
Playing, sporting : actio colludendi. C. S. Comhtharraich. Marking, singling out, stigmatiz-
C0MH-SHÙGRAICHE, -EAN, s. in. (Comb, et Sùgradb), ing : actus notandi, seligendi, stigmate imprimen-
A play -iellow : collusor. C. S. di. C.S.
CoMH-SHuiDiiE, s.f.ind, (Comh, Ct Suidhc), A sit- COMIITIIARRADII, -AIDH, -EAN', S. Wi. Vidc Comh-
ting together, session : consessus. C. S. arradh.
CoMH-smiDHEACHADH, -AIDH, s. til. Ct pres. part. Comhtharraich, -idh, ch-, v. a, (Comhtharradh),
r. Comb-shuidliich. 1. Constitution : constitutio. Mark, point out, stigmatize nota, selige, indigita, :

C. S. 2. A
system, order : ordo, systema. C. stigmate imprime. Voc. Hi.
S. CoMHTHARRAiCHTE, prct. part. V. Comhtharraich.
CoMH-SHUiDHicH, -IDH, CH-, V. a. (Comh, et Suidh- Marked, pointed out, stigmatized, notorious : no-
ich). Settle, constitute, methodize : constitue, or- tatus, indjgitatus, macula inustus, infamia laborans.
dina, compone. C. S. c. -s-.

CoMH-SHuiDHicHTE, pret. part. V. Comli-sbuidhich. COMHTHAHRUING, -idh; CO/jfr. /o/. -AlllNIDU, CH-,
Settled, organized, composed, constituted : con- V. a, (Corah, et Tamiing), Contract: contrahe.
stitutus, dispositus, ordinatus. C. S. C.S.
CoMH-SHUiRBHE,i -EAN, s. f. (Comb, et Suirglie), Comh-thath, -a, -AN, *. et Tath), A m. (Comh,
CoMH-SHUiRGHE, j Competition in love, amorous seam, joint, inclosure : sutura, artus, sepimentum.
rivalship : procorum rivalitas. C S. C.S.
CoMH-SHUiRGHEACH, / et Sulrgheach), A rival in Co.mii-thathaich, j (Comb, ct Tathaich), Join,
courtship : rivalis. C S. seam, put together conjunge. S. : C
CoMH-SHUSBAiNTEACH, adj. (Comh, et Susbainte), CoMii-TiiATiiuicii, -E, -EAN, S.f. (Comh, et Tath-
Of the same substance : consubstantialis. Gael. uich), Mutual acquaintance : reciproca familiari-
Cat. tas. C. S.
COMH-SHUSBAINTEACHADH, -AIDH, S. 7». 1. Con- Comh-thàthadh, -aidh, *. »«. Articulation, syn-
substantiation : duarum substantiarum conjuntio. tax, joining together : commissura, syntaxis, con-
C. S. 2. Substantial identity : substantiarum i- junctio. O'Ji.
dentitas. C. S. Comh-theanal, ì -ail, -an, s. m. Vide Coinih-
CoMH-suuTHAiNN, od;. (Comh, et Suthainn), Co- CoMH-TiiioNAi,, j thional.
eternal: co-aeternus. Gael. Cat. COMH-THOG, -AIDII, CH-, V. O, (ComH, Ct Tog), CoD-
Comb-smug, -aidli, ch-, v. n. Expectorate, vomit
• struct : construe. O'S.
phlegma pectore ejice, vome. Llh. COMM-THOGAIL, -E, -EAN, S. til. (Comh, Ct Togail),
CoMH-spÀiRN, -E, s.f. (Comh, et Spàirn), A struggling Construction : sjTitaxis. O'R.
together: coUuctatio. LUt. • Coinli-thoilich, -idh, ch-, v. a. (Comh, ct Toil-
icli), Please, agree to : complace, asscntire. CompAihteACII, -ElcilE, arl/. (Compàirt), Partaking.
Lih. imparting: particcps, iiiipcrlicns. lac. 140.
CoMn-TiiòiMiisEACii, -EicHE, ctdj. (CoiTili, ct Tòimh- CoMi'ÀiRTEAciiD, s.J'. hid. (t'onijiùirtcach). Partici-
seach), Commensurable : proportione a'qiiabilis. pation : participatio. C. S.
as. CoMPÀiRTicii, -IDH, CH-, v. a. (Conih, et Pàirtich),
COMH-IHÒIMHSEACIID, S.f. iud. (Coillll, Ct TÒÌmll- Share, take or give : imperti, cape vel da partem,
seaclid), Commensurability : commensus ostendeiis consocia. S. C
qualitatem mensurae. C. S. CoMPÀiRTiciiE, -EAN, s. w. A partaker : particeps.
CoMH-THOiscE, adv. (Comh, et Toisg), As early as: C.S.
quum primuni. O'R. CoMPAlSTE, -EAN, s. VI. A compass : circinus. Fr,
CoMH-TiiROM, -uiME, adj. (Comli, et Trom), Even, Compas.
equal, equipoised : sequus, a-que gravis, aequatis CoMPANACH, -Aicii, s. »?. 1. A
Companion comes, :

ponderibus libratus. Voc. 139. sodalis. Voc. 40. 2. A husband maritus. N. H. :

CoMii-TiiROM, -uiM, -uiMiciiEAN, s. m. (Comh, et Fr. Compagnon. Germ. Conipan, Compe. Span.
Trom), An equipoise, fair play, advantage, justice Compinche. " Companach siubhail." Voc. 93. A
equilibrium, a?quum bonunique commodum, jus, fellow-traveller itineris comes. :

justitia. Voc. 33. Vide Cothrom, s. CoMPANAs, 1^ -Ais, «. ??i. (Companach), Fellowship,
CoMHTHROMACH, -AiCHE, (ulj. (Cotlironi, s.) Vide CoMPANTAs, j society: societas, sodalitas, jura so-
Cothromach. dalitatis. Voc. 167.
CoMHTHROMACHADii, -AiDH, s. m. et jircs. part. V. CoMPÀRTAicH, ) -iDR, CH-, r. (i. Vide Com-pàirt-
Comhthromaich. Vide Cothromacliadh. COMPÀRTUICH, / ich.
CoJinTHROMAicH, -iDH, CH-, V. a. Lih. Vide Coth- CoMPÀRTACHADH, Ì -AIDH, s. Til. et ]yres. part. V.
romaich. CoMPÀRTucHADH, j Compàrtaich. Partaking, or
CoMHTHROMAiCHE, -EAN, s. ììì. Vide Cothrom- distributing : actio impertiendi, vel participandi.
aiche. Par. xix. 5.
CoMHTHROMAiCHTE, fret. part. V. Cotliromaich. » Compuir,
f. s. The body, chest, trunk, heart
Vide Cothromaichte. corpus, truncus, cor. OR.
CoMH-TiiRUACANTA, odj. (Comh, et Truacanta), CoMRADH, -AIDH, s. w. Aid, assistancc : auxilium.
Compassionate commiserans, misericors. Lih.
: C.S.
CoMH-THRUACANTACiiD, S.f. hid. (Comh-tliruacan- CoMRAiCH, -E, -EAN, S.f I. Rcverence, faith, pro-
ta), Pity, compassion ; commiseratio, misericordia. tection, disposal : clientela, fides, tutela, arbitrium,
C.S. voluntas. " Gabham do
chomraich." Oss. I claim
• Comlithruaiglie, s.f. (Comh, et Truaighe), Com- thy protection. Imploro tuam fidem. 2. con- A
passion, fellow-feeling commiseratio, miseri- : dition, stipulation : conditio, pactum. " Chuir e
cordia. Lih. mar chomrcnch ort." S. D. 147. He asked as a
• Conih-thrus, aidh, ch-, v. a. (Comh, et Trus), condition of thee. Imposuit, sicut conditionem
contract, collect contrahe, collige. O'R.
: tibi. 3. Sanctuary asylum. C, S, 4. Name of

COMH-THULGADH, -AIDH, -AIDHEAN, S. Vl. (Comh, a place, and district of Iloss-shire, Applecross :
et Tulgadh), Agitation, defeat : agitatio, fuga, cla- nomen loci. C. S.
des hello accepta. C. S. • Comraigheas, s. m. A form, fashion forma, mo- :

CoMH-ucHDACn, -AicH, -EAN, S.f. (Comh, Ct Uchd- dus, mos ephemerus. Sh. et O'R.
ach), Term for a co-sine : co-sinus. " Tha 'n • Comrannach, s. m. A comrade, companion : co-
gath-riaghailte 's 'an inbhe mheadhonaich eadar a' mes, socius. MSS.
chomh-nchdach 's an sgriob-ghearraidh." M^Lach. • Comuc, s. in. (Com), Bodily need : corporis usus.
Tlie radius is a mean proportional betvreen the co- 3ISS.
sine,and the secant. Est radius (circuli) in pro- CoMUNACii, 1^ -AIDH, s. m. Macf. V. Vide
portione media inter lineam cosinum et lineam se- CoMUNACHADH, j Comanachadh.
cantem. CoMUNN, -uiNN, s. m. 1. Company, society, fellow-
• Conihuidiche, -can, s. »?. (Coimhid, r.) An at- ship, intercourse consortium, : societas, rautua
tendant : qui comitatur, sattelles. O'R. communicatio. Lih,
CoMH-uiLioNNACH, -AiciiE, adj. (Comh, Ct Uilionn- " 'S iad mar aon ami an comunn 's an gaol."
ach), Equiangular : isogonus. C. S. Stetv, 252.
• Comhursa, «. m. O'R, Vide Coimhearsnach. And they as one in intercourse and attachment.
• Commaithcheas, -eis, s.f. Neighbourhood vici- : Et illi ut unus (homo) in mutua comniunicatione,
nia. Lih. et aniore. 2. society A
societas. C. S. Wei. :

« Comoradh, s. m. An assembly : concio, coetus. Cymmun. B.Brct. Campeu. Fr. Communion.

OR. CoMUNNACHADH, -AIDH, «. m. et prcs. part. V. Com-
» Coraor, -aidh, ch-, v. a. Gather together : congre- unnaich. 1. Associating: actus consociandi. C.S'.

ga. OR. 2. Congressus venereus. C. S,

« Compailt, -e, s.f.A company : ccetus. Sh, CoMUNNAicii, -IDH, CH-, V. w. (Comunn), 1. Asso-
CoMPÀiRT, -E, -EAN, S.f, (Comh, et Part), Partner- ciate consocia, aggrega. C, S,
: 2. Ini faeminam.
ship: consociatio. Gael. Cat. Dicitur etiam de ca-teris animalibus. C. S,
CoMus, -uis, -AN, I. m. Vide Coraa». CoNARAiTH», -K, *. m. (CÙ, et Aiharraiii), 1. A vile

CoMusAcii, -AiciiK, wj/. (Coiiius), ViJc Coiiiasiicli. object, an offensive uiinoyunce, a nuisance : quid-
Con, gen. pi. ol' ('ù, A ilog, q. vide. (juid vile, iioxa ingrata, nocumentuui. N. H. 2.

Con, -a, ». HI. ^'idl• Conn. An expreKsiiin of execration execrandi forma. :

• Cona, s. f. The Scots fir-tree : pinus Silvesiris. " C'unaraillts ort." N. II. plague upon thee, A
Linn. on. (lit.) IX dog's mockery upon thee. Malum tibi, (lit.)
Cona, «. >M. Cut's tail, or moss crops : typlia U(|uati- irrisiu canum fias.

ca. Sh. et on. Conas, -ais, s. m. 1. A quarrel, fight, war: di«eep-

• Con-abhann, m. (i. c. Cotnh-abhainn, no coiiuir
«. tatio, certanien, belluni.
uisgc), A confluence of rivers : fluniinuni con- " Kuitli iad gu conas na Cluaithe,
cursus. Sh. " Mar dlia iolar luath 's an speur." S. D. 123.
C0NABLAC11, -Aicii, s.f. (Cù,ct Ablueh), A mangled They ruslied to the war of Clutlia, as two swift
carcase cadaver canibus laniatum. O'K. et
: S. C eagles of heaven. Irruerunt ad belluni Cluthie,
CoN'ABLACilADii, -AiDii, .V. III. vt pre.1. pint. r. Cona- sicut aquilie dua: veloces ca-loruni. 2. carcass A :

blaich. Mangling, act of mangling, or tearing asun- cadaver. Provin. 3. Furze : uiex europa.-u8. Linn.
der : C. S.
laceratio, actus laccrandi. as.
CoNABLAicii, -iDH, CH-, (Conablach), Mangle, r. a. • Conbach, -aich, s. f. (Cù, et Bach), Hydropho-
hack, disfigure : loeda, lania, lacera. C. S. bia. OR.
CoNABLAiciiTE, pret. part, r. Conablaich. Lacerat- CoNBHACii, -AICHE, od/. Turious : ferox, furiosus,
ed, mangled laceratus, laniatus.
: S. C caninus. MSS.
• Conach, -aich, s. m. 1. Property, prosperity, af- Conbhadh, -aidh, s. m. 1. Rage, fury: ira, furor.

fluence : res familiaris, peculium, res secunda*, C. S. 2. A ravenous appetite fames vehemeiis. :

rcrum copia. O'Ji. 2. A shift, smock : indu- " Conbhadh acrais." C. S. Raging hunger : fa-
sium. Sh. 3. A murrian in cattle : lues pecu- mes immitis.
dum. Sh. et OR. Conbhair, -e, -ean, s.f. A dog-kennel: latibuium
• Conach, -aiche, adj. 1. Rich, prosperous : dives, caninum, canum stabulum. O'R.
prosper. Uh. 2. (Cù), Canine : caninus. O'H. Conbhaiscne, -ean, s.f. A dog-berry tree: cornus.
• Conadh, s. iiu 1. OH. Id. q. Conbhadh. 2. OR.
OIÌ. Id. q. Connadh. 3. OB. Id. q. Con- Conbhallach, -aiche, adj. Provin. Vide Cun-
ach, s. 1. bhallach.
• Conadh, conj. So tliat : ita ut. MSS. passim. • Conbharsaid, s.f. (i. e. Gnàthachadh, giìilan), 1.
• Conaidh, adj. 1. Enchanted : incantatus. Sibl. Behaviour: morum gestus. B.B. 1 Pead. i. 18.
Gloss. 2. Soft, gentle, affable : mollis, blan- 2. (Conaltradh), Conversation : colloquium.
dus, afFabilis. OR. Vox Anffl.
• Conail, «. /. A
plague that raged in Ireland • Conbhuidheann,s.f. guard custodia. Llh.A :

pestis quae quondam per Hibemiam exarsit. Concharra, adj. (Cù, a dog). Dog-like : caninus.

OR. et OB. Llh. in roc.

CoNAiR, -E, *. /. 1. A way, haven : via, semita, Conchubar, -chubhar, et -chobhar, s. m. Connor,
portus. O'S. 2. A
crown : corona. O'R. Sitppl. a man's name Conchubar viri nomen. (Interduni

• Conairde, Co-àrd, cho-àrd), Ashigh as :

(i. e. Latinè scribitur, Conarus). MSS. passim.
aque altus ac. Llh. • Conchas, s. //;. A punishmenr, torture : poena,
• Conaire, conj. Therefore : igitur. MSS. passim. tormentum. C. S.
CoNAiRE, s.f. The herb, loose-strife: lysiraachia • Concoiceartar, (i. e. Comh-cheartaichear), Be it

Linn. OR. righted corrigatur, ad jus componatur vel exi-


• Conairt, s.f. (Cù). I. Hunting with dogs: vena- gatur. O'R. quoting Breh. L. \'ide Comh-
• tio cum canibus. O'R. 2. pack of hounds A : cheartaich.
canum turba. O'R. 3. rout of wolves lu- A : • Cond, m. (Cumail), Keeping, protection : con-

porum caterva. O'B. O'R. quoting Breh. L.

servatio, tutela, fides.
• Conairt, -idh, ch-, r. a. (Conairt, s.). Hunt with • Condasach, -aiche,
adj. Furious furiosus. O'R. :

dogs cum canibus venare. MSS.

: CoNDASACHD, s. f. iìid. (Coiidasacli), Rage, fury :

• Conais, -idh, ch-, v. a. Dispute, number : dis- ira, furor. Sh.

cepta, numera. Vide Cunntais, et Conas. Condrachd, s.f. Mischief, devilry: malum, perni-
• Conail, s. m. 1. Love, friendship amor, amici- : cies. " Condrachd ort." C. S. A form of exe-
tia. OB. 2. A fruit : fructus. OR. 3. An cration.
ear of corn ; arista. O'R. 4. A men's name : CoNDUAL, -A, -ADH, s. m. (i. c. Comh-dhualadh),
nomen Congvallus. Oss. pass.
viri embroidery, sculpture opus ph3rgium vel segmen-

CoNALTRACH, -AICHE, adj. (Conaltradh), Conversi- tatum, ca'latura, sculptura. Llh.

ble: affabilis. C. S. • Confa, s. m. Bill. Gloss. N'ide Confadh, et
Conaltradh, -AiDH, s. OT. Conversation: confabu- Conbhadh.
latio, collocutio, colloquium. " Conaltradh diomh- Confadh, -aidh, s. m. Rage, madness, eagerness,
ain." 1 Pead. i. 18. Ed. 1768. Vain conversation. roaring, howling : ira, furor, impetus, fremitus,
Vana conversatio. strepitus, sicut maris procellosi.
Vol. I. Mm
" Fuil thorc ciar nan confhadh baoth." CoNNSACHADH, -AIDH, s. m. Sm. Par. xviii. 5. Vide
Fiiig. i. 556. Consachadii.
The blood of dusky boars of raging fury. Cruor CoNsspuNN, -uisN, s. m. A hero : heros. " Sud
aproruni fuscorum rabiei insanac. A'ide Onfadh. na connspuinn nach faoin san tòir." Iain. Lorn.
CoNFADHACH, -AiciiE, odj. (Confodh), Furious, rag- Behold the heroes (who are) not feeble in the pur-
ing, boisterous : furiosus, fervens, procellosus. suit. En, heroes non imbecilles in consectatione.
Steiv. Gloss. CoNN-TAOD, -AoiD, *. in. (CÙ, et Taod), A dog-
• Conga, s. m. A
contemporary homo ejusdem : thong lorum caninum. C. S.

temporis, vel tempore suppar. (i. e. Comh- CoKNTOM, -ui.M, s. w(. (CÙ, Ct Tom). Macintt/. 207.
aimsireach). Sh. et O'R. 2. An instrument : Vide Con-tom.
utensile. MSS. CoN-NUALLAicH, -E, S.f. (Cu, Ct Nual), A bark-
• Congain, s.
f. (i, e. Còmlinadh), Help, aid ing : latratus. Voc. 143.
auxilium, opis. O'H. • Connuimh, -idh, ch-, v, a. Keep : serva. S. B.
• Congantach, aich, s. m. (Congain), An assistant Gen. xxii. 12.
adjutor. Llh. • Conrach, «. m. A cofiin-maker : sandapilarius.
• Congbhail, -e, s.
f. A keeping, house, habita- MSS.
tion: domus, habitaculum. Foe. 150. et ZM. • Conrach, adj. CofiSn-like : loculi vel sandapils
Vide Cumail. formam habens. MSS.
CoNGHAiR, -E, -EAN, s.f. (Comh, ct Gàir), A shout, • Conradh, -aidh, -ean, s. m. Llh. et Voc. 159.
outcry : clamor, conclamatio. 1 Sam. xiv. 19. Ed. Vide Cùnradh.
1807. » Cònradoir, -e, -ean, s. m. bearer at a funeral A
CoNGHAiREADH, -iDH, s. Til. (Conghair), Roaring : vespillo. Llh.
conclamatio. LUt. CÒNSACHADH, -AIDH, s. m. ct pres. part. v. Con-
CÒNGNADH, -AiDH, 5. 711. Vide Còmlinadh. saich. Disputing, dissention : disputatio, dissidium,
CÒNGNAMH, -AiMH, s. til. Salw.. xlvi. 5. 1 1. Ed. 1763. dissensio, actio disputandi. " Agus rinn buach-
Vide Còmhnadh. aillean Gherair consachadh ri buachaillean Isaac."
• Congramh, -aimh, s. m. Activity : agilitas, navi- Gen. xxvi. 20. And the herdmen of Gerar did
tas. MSS. strive with Isaac's herdmen. Et contenderunt pas-
CoNLACH, -AICH, S.f. 1. Straw, stubblc : stramen- tores Gerari cum pastoribus Isaaci.
tum, stipula. " Tha againne araon conlach, agus CÒNSACHAIL, -E, adj. (Consachadh), Disputatious
innlinn gu leòr, agus àite gu tàmh a ghabhail ann." litigiosus, disceptandi studiosus. Macf. V.
Gen. xxiv. 25. We
have both straw and proven- CoNSAiCH, -AIDH, CH-, V. w. Dispute, strive, quar-
der enough, and room to lodge in. Est penes nos rel : discepta, rixare, contende. Macf. V.
straminis et pabuli satis, et locus ad pemoctan- CoNSBEACH, -A, -AN, S.f. JBibl. Gloss. Vide Coinn-
dum. 2. Hay foenum. Llh. : speach.
CONLAN, -AiN, s. m. (Comh, et Lan), An assembly CoN-sHÀTHADH, -AIDH, s. m. (CÙ, Ct Sàth), Ca- A
concio, conventus. Llh. et C. S. nine appetite : fames canina. C. S. Scot. Con-
CÒNLAPACH, -AicHE, adj. Vide Connlapach. nach, Connoch. Jam.
Conn, Cuinn, s. m. 1. Reason, sense, meaning CÒNSMUNN, -AiNN, s. 7«. Id. q. Connspunn.
ratio, sensus, intellectus. C. S. 2. Prudence CÒNSMUNNACH, -AICHE, «K^'. Warlike, heroic: fortis,
prudentia. C. S. 3. The frame, body : corpus. bellax. C.S.
MSS. Vide Com. 4. Constantine, a man's name : CÒNSPAIR, -E, -EAN, s. m. A disputaut : disceptator.
Constantinus, viri nomen. Hebr. p3 cun, for- OB. et C. S.
mare. CÒNSPAIREACHD, S.f. iiìd. (Conspair), Disputation :

Connadh, -AIDH, s. m. Fuel, firing, properly fire- disceptatio. OP.

wood fomes, cremium, ignis nutrinienta, materia
: CÒNSPANACH, -AICHE, adj. Contentious : rixosus.
cremanda. Llh. Voc. 3. Gen. xxii. 6. marg. Wei. C.S.
Cynnud, C3'nne. CÒNSPOID, -E, -EAN, S.f. 1. A
dispute, disputing :
Connalach, -aich, s.f. Stubble stipulae. " G' iarr- : disputatio. Llh. et Voc. 166. 2. An argument,
uidh seam 'n connalaich." Prov. Searching for a debate : argumentum, controversia. C. S.
pin among stubble. Explorans stipulas, ad paxil- CÒNSPOIDEACH, -EicHE, ad/. (Conspoid), Litigious,
lum inveniendum. disputations, contentious : jurgiosus, rixosus, dis-
CoNNAN, -AiN, s. m. Lust, venery : libido venerea. putandi cupidus. C. S. 2. Argumentative, given
" Aisling chonnain." Somnium venereum. A. to argument controversiae studiosus. C. S.

MD. CoNSPOiDicHE, -EAN, s. »«. (Conspoid), A disput-

Connlach, -aich, s.f. Voc. 58. Vide Conlach. ant disceptator. O'R.

• Connlan, «. m. 1. A hero : heros. O'R. 2. CoNSPULL, -uiLL, *. M. Id. q. ConspuMi.

An assembly : concio. MSS. CÒNSPULLACH, -AICHE, adj. (CoHspuU), Warlike,
Connlaoch, -aoich, s. m. (Conn, et Laoch), Con- brave, heroic : fortis, strenuus, bellicosus. Stev.
loch, CuchuUin's son : Conlochus, CuchuUini fi- Gloss.
lius. V. T. passim. CoNSTAiLEACH, -EICHE, adj. Stiff, opinionative : ri-

Conn-lapach, -AICHE, odJ. (Conn, et Lapach), Fee- gidus, sententias suae pertinax. Llh, et Sh.
ble debUis. C, S.
: Vide Lapach.
• Contabhnirt, t.f. e. Cunnart, (i. 1. Dan- «. m.) CoPAK, -AIN, -AN, ». »1. 1. Id, q. Càpan. 2. The
ger, pt-ril : U'H. '2. Cliaiici', doubt
ptTÌculuni. : boss of a shield umbo clypei. :

sors, " (inn cliontabhairt." JJh.

lUibitiin. " K 'g aumadli ii cvpait u 8gèithe."
Doubtlei» procul diibio.
: Jem. i. 398.
• Contabliairtcai-li,, -t-iclie, atij. (i. c. Cunnartadi), And he leaning upon the boss of his shield. Illo
Dangerous, fbrtuituua, doubtful : periculosuH, incuiiibente umboni sui clypei. //«6r. Ppp kup,
fortuitus, dubius. IJh. circundare. 3. dimple A
gelasinus, fossula. C. :

CoNTAGAiKT, -E, s.f. (Comh, ct Tagair), Affirming,

alleging: nffirnintio, assertio. (>' li. CoPANACH, -AiciiK, Cupach. 2. Bos-
otlj. 1. Id. q.
• Contatli, s.f, A county coniitatus, regie. : MSS. sy : uniboniger. Conl. et Cut/,. 13. <•
CON-TOM, (CÙ, et Tom).
-I'lM, s. wi. 1. dog-bill A driùclid," Lady's mantle akliemillu vulgari». :

canuni sterquilinium. C. S. 2. whore : scor- A Linn. " Copan-sreine," The boss of a bridle :

tum. C. S. fra;ni bulla, i'oc. 92.

CoNTRAcuD, S.f. A
curse, imprecation, misfortune: CoPAH, -AiK, Copper: a.'s (pecunia). Voc.
»•.;/). 1.
dute, execratio, infortunium. Marf. V. Id. q. 55. 2. Copper, the metal cuprum, orichaleum, :

Condrachd. a:s cj^irium. " Copar-dubhaidb." C. S. Coppe-

CÒNTRAIGH, -E, t.f. (Cumhann, et Tràigh), A neap- ras, stuff for dying black, i. e. sulphate of iron
tide : maris decrescens. Stew. Gloss, et C. S.
ffistus sulphas cupri. C. S.
CoNTRAN, -AiN, «.»1. Wild angelica: a?gopodium CoR, ffen. Cum, Cor, et Coir, «. m. 1. A turn, twist,
podagraria. Linn. MSS. circular motion : contortio, conversio, motus cir-
CoNuicnE, -EAN, s. m, hornet : crabro. Bibl. A cularis. O'Ji. Vide Car. 2. A cast, throw : jac-
Gloss. tus. O'H. Vide Car. 3. A
circumstance, state,
• Conuidli, S. D. 77. Vide Comhnuidh.
-e, -can. condition, manner : res status. " 'S e sin mo
CoNUs, -uis, Crossness, bad temper: per-
s. 7». 1. chor." Salni. xliv. 16. 'Hiat is my condition. Ilia
vicacia, perversitas. " Com a' c/ionuis." C. S. est conditio mea. " Air chor," adv. So that : ut,
The breast of ill nature. Pectus (i. e. animus) ita ut. Gen. xiii. 16. 4. A term, condition, term
perversitatis. 2. Id. q. Conusg. of treaty: fuedus, lex pactionis. " Cha dean mi
CoNUSACii. -AiCHE, adj. (Couus), Ill-tempered sin air chor sam bith." C. S. I shall do that on
pen'ersus, pervicax. C. S. no condition. Faciam id nulla lege. " Air na
CONUSAN, -AIN, -AN, «. m, (Conus), cross per- A h-uile cor." C. S. By all means : omnimodo.
son homo naturà asper seu
: difficilis, stomachosus. " Air cfior air bith. C. S. Anywise : ulla ra.
C.S. tione. 5. A neighbourhood : vicinia. S/i. " An
Conusg, -uisg, s. m. \Miins, furze : genista spino- cor," Near : prope. potius, " An car." 5. A
sa, vel ulex europaius. Voc. 63. corner angulus. O'li.
: 6. A surety pra?s, vadi- :

CoNUSGACH, -AicHE, (uìj. (Conusg), Abounding in monium. OB. 7. Sending actus mittcndi. i. e. :

whins ulice sylvescens. C. S.

: Cur. S/i. 8. plait, foldA plicatura, lamina, :

Co-oiBRicH, -iDH, CH-, V. It. (Comh, Ct Oibrich), nexus. O'B. 9. A wrinkle: ruga. S/i. 10. Mu-
Co-operate co-opera. C. S.
: sic: concentus, chorus. S/i. Gr. Xoio;. 11. A
Foam, froth spu-
Cop, -aidh, ch-, v. n. (Cop, #.), : district : regio. O'B. Gr. Xwfo. 1
A visit, in-
ma. C.S. vitation : oiiiciosus aditus, invitatio. MSS. Gr.
Cop, Coip, et Cuip. 1. Foam: spuma. XtogEw, secedo. 13. Advancement : progressus,
" Mar chobhar thonn 's ann cop ag èiridh." promotio. MSS. " Air na h-uile cor, air grch aon
S. D. 169. chor." By all means : omnimodo. " Air chor air
As the froth of waves when they begin to foam. bith." Anywise : ulla ratione. Cliald. j\CO cho-
Sicut spuma undarum quando spuma oritur. 2. ruth, contingencies.
Tlie boss of a shield : umbo clypei. Oss. Hebr. CORA, adj. compar. Coir. More fitting : asquior de-
cyip kup, circumire. centior. " Naeh còra dhuit fein dol ann." C. .S.
CoPACH, -AICHE, adj. (Cop). 1. Hollow: cavus. Is it not better that you should go thither ? Nonne
C. S. 2. Bossy : gibbosus. C. S. 3. Foamy : aequius est ut tu illuc eas.'
spumeus. CÒHA, ». m. S.B. 144. Vide Comliradh.
" Bu chopach an sin an smth." CÒRACH, ffen. of Coir, s. q. vide.
Tern. vii. 355. CÒRADH, -AIDH, -EAN, «. >«. A choir : chorus. MSS.
Foamy there was the stream. Erat spumosum ibi • Coradh, *. ?n. MSS. Vide Curaidh.
flumen. Cliald. y213 cubagli, galea, niitra. • Corag, -aig, s. m. Vide Corrag, et Comhrag.
CoPADH, -AIDH, s. »1. et pres. part. Foaming: actus • Còraid, s.J'. Cheese-rennet coagulum liquidum, :

spumescendi. C. S. quoddam fermentatum, quo iiifuso lac coagu-

CoPAG, -AiG, -AN, S.f. The wccd dock. Scot. àocVen: latur. O'B. OB. et S/i. Vide Binid.
rumex otusifolia. Linn. Voc. 60. • Corais, -e, s.J'. A curtain : aulieum, velum duc-
CoPAGACH, -AiCHE, adj. (CopHg), Abounding in tile. Voc. 87. et O'B.
dockings : rumicibus obtusifoliis abundans. C. S. CoRANACH, w. Vide Corranach.
-Aicii, s.
CoPAG-THLAiTHEAL, *./ BurT, burrdock : arctium • Corb, -a, adj. O'B. Suppl. \'ide Coirb.
lappa. O'R. • Corb, -an, *, m. Llh. Vide Carbad, 1.
Mm 2
CoRB, -AiDir, en-, f. rt. Consume, waste : consume, CÒRDADII, -AIDII, s. m.
et pres. part. v. Cord. Agree-
protunde. O' R. ment, contract : coucordia, pactum. Voc. 33. Scot.
CoRBADii, -AiDii, s. m. (Corb, adj.) 1. Lewd- Cordyt. Jam.
ness, carnality : libido, morum inipuritas. »,9^. 2. CoRi.ACii, -AICH, s. m. ]. Bran: apotome, furfur.
prcs. part. v. Corb. Wasting, spending profusio, : Voc. 9G. 2. Refuse of grain excretum. C. S.

prodigentia. O'R. 3*. A cast, or throw jactus. : • Conn, -a, «. m. A kind of beer, or ale : cerevisia
Llh. cujusdam generis. Steio. Gloss.
• Corbadh-cuil, *. m. Incest incestum. O'R. : CoRMACH, -AicH, s. m. 1. A brcwcr zythepsus. :

• Corbaidhe, *. f. The cramp : tetanus, torpor. O'R.

Siippl. 2. A man's name : viri nomen. OR.
Sh. Corm-nuall, s. ni. (Corm, et Nual), Noise of

• Corbaire, -ean, s. in. (Corb, .«. et Fear), cart- A drunkards strcpitus compotantium. O'R.

wTÌght plaustrorum faber. Llh.

: CORN, -uiRN, A-. m. 1. A drinking-horn, or cup
• Corbhadh, -aidh, .«. m. Carving caelatura, vel : of that shape : poculum corneum.
carnium dissectio, actio exartandi. Voc. 143. " Is neart nan com a' dol mu 'n cuairt."
Cone, -A, -AN. «. m. A bottle-cork epistomiura. :
Fi/ig. vi. 35.
C. S. Vox Angl. And the strength of drinking cups going around.
CoHC, -oiRC, -CIRCE, 8.711. Oats, com : avena, seges, Vigore corneorum poculorum circunieunte. 2. A
annona. straw or prickle used to provoke sneezing or vo-
" Na 'n uairlionmhoir core."
a 's
miting stramentum vel tale quid, ad vomitum vel

Ross. Salm. iv. 7. sternutalionem ciendam. Provin. 3. A robe ve- :

Than when corn is most abundant. Quam quan- lum. O'R. Suppl. Wei. et Ann. Corn. Fr. Cor-
do frumentum copiosissimum est. Id. q. Coirc.
ne. Cornet. Span. Cuerno. Pers. is^^^s hurruB,
CoRC, -cuiRCE, dat. CviRC, pi. -AN, s. f. knife, a A
whittle culter, cultellus. OR. et C. S.
clarion, Gilchr. Arab. (j\y> hum, a wind instru-
CoRCACH, -AicH, s.f. Hemp cannabis. Voc. 62. ment (jjj^ hum, a horn.
Gr. Kegas. Hel^r.
CoRCAG, -AiG, s.f. dimin. of Core. little knife, or A ;

whittle cultellus Gaelorura. C. S.

]"1|"3 keren, cornu ; yp karan, comutus fuit.

CoRCAiREACHD, 5. /. ?W. (Cofc), Wluttling : actio Corn, aidh, ch-, v. a. Fold, plait plica, corapli-
» :

resecandi cultello. C. S. ca. Llh.

CoRCAis, -E, -EAN, S.f. Vide Core. Vox Angl. CÒRNACH, -AicHE, odj. (Com), Full of drinking
CoRCAN, -AiN, -AN, s.m. 1. little cork; parvum A cups : poculis comeis abundans. R. M'D. 20.
epistomiura. 2. Id. q. Corcur. CÒRNADH, -AIDH, *. m. 1. folding, rolling: com- A
CoRCAN-coiLLE, S.m. bull-finch A
loria pyrrhula. :
plicatio, convolutio. Voc. 158. et Llh. 2. skirt, A
Lin7i. Voc. 75. corner : sinus, ora, fimbria. Sh. Vide Càrn.
CoRCAR, -AIR, s. m. Sm. Par. xvii. 7. Vide Cor- CÒRNAIRE, -EAN, «. ;«. (Com, t'.). Wrapper : invo- A
cur. lucrum. O'R.
CoRCRA, adj. (Corcuir), Purple, red : purpureus, CÒRNAN, -AIN, -AN, dimin. of Corn, q. vide.
ruber. O'R. CoRNAN-cAisiL, s. m. Wall penny-wort : cotyledon,
Corcur, -uir, s. m. 1. Scarlet: purpura. O'R. umbilicus. Linn. C. S.
" Brat corcuir." C. S. A scarlet robe pallium :
CÒRNAN-FÀIL, -E, s. m. (Com, et Fàl), Hemlock co- :

purpureum. Large, or dyer's lichen : lichen

2. nium maculatum. Lightf. N. H.
tartareus. Lightf. 3. A
substance for dying red CoRN-CHLÀR, -AIR, «. »». (Com, et Clàr), A cup-
prepared from lichen res quaedam ex lichene fac-
board : abacus. Voc. 86.
ta,miniando utile. 4. Crimson color coccineus. : CÒRN-EUN, -EoiN, m. A royston, or hooded crow
s. :

" Ged robh iad dearg mar chorciir." Isai. i. 18. corNTis comix. Linn. Llh.
Though they be red as crimson. Si rubra fuerint CÒRNT A, perf. part. Folded: plicatus. Uh.
velut coccineum. CÒRNUIL, -E, s. f. Retching, vehement coughing

CoRCURACH, -AiCHE, adj. (Corcur), Purple, red tussisvehemens, ructatio ciens vomitum. " Gun
ruber, purpureus. C. S. dean thu cornuil chasadaich." Oran. Thou wilt
CORD, -AIDH, CH-, r-. 7«. Agree: concorda. C. S. violently cough. Tu facies tussim vehementem.
CORD, -uiRD, -AN, s. lii. A cord, string, line : funis, CoRON, -GIN, et -AN, S.m. 1. A crown corona. :

Testis, chorda. " A chionn gu 'n d' fliuasgail e " Agus bha aca air an cinn corona òir." Taisb.
mo chord." lob. xxx. 11. Because he hath loosed iv. 4. And they had on their heads crowns of
my cord. Nam solvit chordani nieam. " Cord gold. Et habebant impositas capitibus suis coro-
an domhuin." O' C. Ep. 41. The compass of the n£^ aureas. 2. A chaplet redimiculum, sertura :

world. Circulus mundi. Span. Cordel. Basq. florum. S. C

Vide Corn, a horn.
Cordela, funiculus. Gr. XogS?;, chorda. Arab. CoRON-iMHUiRE, *. m. A rosary of beads: rosarium
pilulse precatoriae. Llh. App. Vide Paidirein.
>j'=^ gurd, a circle hence gird, guard, gyms,
Corp, -uirp, s. m. A body, corpse, body in general

corpus, res materialis, cadaver, ossa. Dh' fhalbh
CÒRDACH, -AicilE, adj. (Còrd), 1. Corded funicu- :

2. (Cord,
slàinte do chnirp." Steiv. 86. Thy health of body
lis succinctus, funibus instructus. C. S.
is gone. Sanitas corporis tui abiit. " Corp ainn."
I'.) Consistent : sibi constans. O'R.
Tlic main body of an army : coliors. /V. Corps. cundum «peciem auam. " Cuira." Maeintt/. 62.
" f or/Mia li-oiillitlic." ('..v. 'J'lii' lime of iiiiiliiijlit, Mt/. (iaran, Cryr, Cryhyr. Cluild. JHS i-ragh,
or iniilni^lit wutili. Nox coiicubiu, niciliu vi^iliu.
" grus.
l'or|)-cliriosclu." i'lx: lCtì. Christ's liotly, tht-

eucluirist. Corpus Cliristi, eucluiristiu. Wtl. C'orC, CÒUR, -A, -AN, I. m. 1. Excegg, odd«, a remain-

I'orpli. Sitit. Corp. /(//«. /V. Corps. Dan. der excessus, residuum, ruliquium. C. S.
: 2. A
Krop. Jsi. Kroppc. (ienii. Korper. Hast/. Cu- snout, bill rostrum. Sli.
: 3. ,\ horn cornu. Sh. :

cq)0, Gorputzu. Cliiild. e]^J 'jorp. potiiis Corn. 4. A water-pit : aqua; fovea. O'B.
CoRi'ACli, tulj. (Corp), Poiiiis Corporra, q. vide. 5. An end, border, limit finis, : ora, limes. " O
Coiu'.\iciiTi;, tulj. (Coq)). Corporate: corporatu?. chorruibh na talmliann." Llli. From the end* of
C.S. the earth a finibus terra-.
" Air c/iorruibh an
CoRi'.\N, -AIN, -AN, m. tiim. of lorp. ,\ little bo-
s. sgiath." A. M'lJ. On the extremities of their wingi:
dy coq>usculuni.
: C. S. in extremis alis. " Air chorr," o</c. Especially:
CoRPANTA, adj. (Corp), Bulky, solid crassus, soli- :
pra^sertum. Cath. Ijoda. i. 88.
dus. C. S. CORRA-BIIÀN, -ACIIAN, Vcl -AN-BANA, t.f. (CorT, el
CoRP-LtiNE, s. f. (Corp, et Leine), A winding-slicet: Ban), A
stork: ciconia. Voc. 76, et DetU. xiv. 10.
ÌQvoIucrum ferale. Stejiius, " Leine bliàis." Vix: Ed. 1783.
109. CoRUA-BioD, -A,
s. Til. (Còrr, 1. et Biod). 1. A cer-

CoRPoiiDUA, )^
a<^'. (Corp), Corporeal, material, gross, tain or posture of sitting, or standing,
fat : corporeus, materialis, crassus, from which the agent is prepared to start, or leap
obesus. Ll/i. et Vtx: 137.' on any object presenting itself: positio qua:dam
CoRPOKDiiAciiD, ) x. f. iiid. (Corporra), Materiali- sedendi vel standi, ex qua quisquam paratus exsi-
CoRPORKACiiD, Ì ty: accidens habendi corpus, lire inquidquam N. H. 2. [Jig^ Im))atience, vi-
niaterialitas. C S. gilance, a readiness to carp, or find fault with : in-
CoRP-KÙsuADii, -AiDii, s. Ill, A despoiling of the tolerantia, vigilantia, proclivitas ad reprehenden-
dead : mortuorum in acie spoliatio. dura. N.H.
" 'S niòr a bhios a' corp-ritsgadh CORRA-CHAGAILTE, Ì -AN-CAGAILTE, ». /. (CÒrr,
" Nan closaicheau 's a bhliir." CoHR-CHAGAiLTE, J St Cagallt), A Salamander,
A. MB. 70. green and blue figures resembling glow-«orms, ob-
Many (are they) who will despoil the dead bodies served on a hearth when raking the fire at night :

iu the field of battle. Multi qui erunt despolian- salamandra, forma; quaedam virides et caeruleae qua
tes corpora occisorum iu campo proelii. nocte in excitatis favillis ardentes et quasi vivse
CoRP-siiNAsACHD, s.f. \
(Corp, et Snasadh), conspiciuntur. C. S.
CoRP-suNAs,\DH, -AiDH, s. 111. ) Anatomy corpo- :
ra humana ars dissecandi. Oss. Vol. 111. 413-14. hopper : cicada. O'H. " Leunmach uaine, fionn-
CoRP-SHXASAiRE, -EAN, s. ill. (Corp, Suasadh, et an-feòir." Levit. xi. 23.
Fear), An anatomist : anatomicus, artis corpora CORRA-CHÒSACH, 1 -ACHAK-CÒSAG, S.f. A cheslip,
humana dissecandi peritus. O'H. CoRRA-CHÒsAG, small insect. Scol. Sclater in-
j :

CoRp-sHSASAiREACH, adj. (Corp-shnasaire), Anato- sectum parvum, millipes Asellus. Voc. 71.
eal : anatomicus. O'H. CoRKACH, -AICHE, adj. 1. Steep, abrupt praeruptus. :

CoRP-sHSASAiREACHD, S.f. iud. (Corp-shuasaire), " Mar cheum na gaillin air chreagaibh corracha."
Anatomy ars humana corpora dissecandi. O'H.
: D. 241. S.
CÒRR, -A, fiflj. 1. Excellent, great, eminent: cmi- As the path of the storm on steep rocks. Instar
nens, ingens, eximius. semitae procellae in rupibus prxruptis. 2. Waver-
" Chuireadh Frothal bu chorr fo iall." ing, unsteady, fluctuating fluctuaus, vacillans, in-:

Carritthiir. 340. constans, mutabilis.

Frothal the excellent was bound (lit. was put un- " A Mlianuis fhuilich, cliorraich, filial,
der the thong). Missus est Frothal qui erat egre- " 'S truagh leig thu do bhriathran a cuimhne."
gius sub lorum. (i. e. vinctus est loro). Hehr. S.D. 209.
T[ chor, nobilis. 2. Long: longus. " Co/r sail Manos, bloody, inconstant, (though) generous sad ;

tomhas." C. S. Longer than (standard) measure. it is that thou hast forgot thy vows. Mane, cru-
Longior niensurà solità vel legitimà. 3. Odd, not ente, inconstans, (tanquam) liberalis, triste te ob-
even impar. " Fear còrr." An odd man, a man
: litum esse juramenta tua.
more than ordinary vir pra;ter numcruni legiti-
: CoRRACHADH, -AIDH, s. III. Salni.cxxv. I. Ed. 1753.
raum. 4. Dismal lugubris. " Latha carr." A
: Vide Comharrachadh.
dismal day dies ater, vel lugubris. Joe. 104.
• Corrach, -aich, s. f. 1. A fetter : vinculum.
CÒRH, -A, -AN, s.f. A crane, heron, generic name; spe- CB. 2. boat A : cymba corium. \'ide Ciir-
cific terms made by
the addition of the words sig- ach. 3. A bog : lutea vorago. O'B.
nifying the quality of the specific variety grus, ar- : CoRRACHAN, pi. of Corra, q. vide.
dea. " Agus a' chorra-bhàn, agus a' cliorra-ff/ilas CoRKADHUiL, -E, S.f. First cftort of an infant to
a reir a gnè. Lebh. xl. 19. And the stork and the sing, or speak : prima infantuli locuturi aut can-
heron after her kind. Et ciconia, et ardea se- taturi balbuties. C. S,
CoRRAG, -AiG, -AN, s./. A
fore-finger : index digi- Glan, V.) A weeding-hook : sarculum, marra. Voc.
tus. Vor. 17. 94.
CoRRAC-CKOiNN, s.f. (CoiTag, ct Crann), plough- A CoRRAN-iÌN, s. m. (Corran, et Lion), Corn-spurry:

handle, or stilt : buris, stiva. Voc. 93. spergula arvensis. O'R.

«. CoRRANTA, adj. (Corran), Crooked, hooked : cur-
Sac), A hurdle set on the back of a horse for lead- vus, hamatus. Llh.
uighome corn in autumn craticula viminea quae- : CoRRA-iilABIIACII, -AIDH, /»/. -AN-RI ATHACH, S./
dam equo imposita, causa fruges diducendi tempore CoRRA-RiATiiAcii, A heron grus. Lightf.j :

autumni. Hebrid. Scot. Corrach, Corrack. Jam. CoRRA-snÒD, -A, S.f. Marsh-marigold caltlia pa- :

CoHRAGACH, -AiciiE, adj. (Corrag), Fingered: di- lustris. Lsglitf

gitatus. C. S. Vide Meurach. CoRRA-spiOD, Ì s. w. Standing on tip-toe : in digi-
CoRRAGACHADH, -AiDH, $. til. et pres. part. V. CoRRABEADA, j tis crectis consistens. Hebrid. Vi-
Corragaich. Fingering : tractatio, pertractatio. de Corra-biod.
C7. S. CoRRA-SHÙGAiN, s. m. (Corr, 1. et Sùgan, 2.) The
Corragaich, -idh, ch-, v. a. (Corrag), Finger, figures caused by the reflection of the rays of light,
handle : digitis pertrecta. C. S. on the roof or walls of a house, from any lucid
CORRA-GHLAS, Ì /»/.-AN- VCl -ACHAN-GLASA, «.y. A body in motion imagines radiis solis jacta; super

CoRR-GHLAS, j heron ardea. Lightf. et Voc. 76.

: tectum aut parietes domus, ab quovis lucido et mo-
CORRA-GHRIAN; "pl. -AN-GRIANA, S.f. (CÒrr, Ct vente corpore vel instrumento. Scot. Glaiks. Jam.
Grian), A bittern : ardea stellaris. Provin. CORRA-THÒN-DUBH, -AN-TON-DUBH, *./. (Corr, Ton,
CoRRA-GHRioDHACH, -AicH, «. /. A Crane : grus. et Dubh), A crane grus. Hthrid. :

Voc. 76. Chald. ^<*^^^^ curceia, grus. Gemi. CoRR-BHEANN, adj. (Corr, 1. et Beann), Long-
sheeted : funiculis longis instructus. R. M'D. 237.
Kranich. Wacht.
CORR-BHEINN, -E, pi. -BHEANNTAN, S.f. (CÒrr, S. et
CORRA-MARGAIDH, -AN-MARGAIDH, «. m. (CÒrT, *. et Beinn), A steep hill :mons acclivis. R. M'D. 9.
Margadh), The rabble plebs, vulgus. : " Ghabh CoRR-CHAGAiLTE, S.f. Vide Corra-chagailte.
iad an ionnsuidh droch dhaoine àraid do na
d' CoRR-CHEANN, -INN, s. »«. (Còrr, odj. et Ceann), An
corraibh-margaidhr Gniomh. xvii. 5. They took empty head fatuitas. R. M'D. 329.

unto them certain lewd fellov/s of the baser sort. CoRR-CHEANNACH, -AICHE, odj. (Corr-cheann), Emp-
Assumpserunt ipsis homines pravos ex vulgo. (vi- ty-headed : insulsus. C. S.
ros improbos circumforaneos. Sez.) CoRR-CHLAÒNADH, -AIDH, s. m. (CoìT, adj. et Claon-
CORRA-MHONA, -MHONAIDH, - AN - MONAIDH, S.f. adh), A bias, leaning : inclinatio, praeponderatio,
(Corr, et Monadh), A crane : grus. Voc. 76. et momentum. C. <S.
OR. CoRR-CHOPAG, -CHOPAGACH, *./. (Corr, et Copag),
CORRAN, -AiN, -AN, s. m. (Corr, s.), sickle, reap- A Great water-plantain alisma plantago. O'R. :

ing hook ; so called from its crenated edge falx, :

CoRR-FHÒD, -DID, s. tu. (Còrr, s. Ct Fòd), con- A
falx messoria sic appellata ab ora crenata, cu-
cluding furrow, the outermost furrow of a field
jus stamina nunc dextrorsum nunc sinistrorsum ultimus agri sulcus. " 'S maith an t-àraire 'n
obliquari videntur. " Corran-buana." Voc. 94. t-each òg, gus an d'thig an corr-fhòd." Prov. The
Vide Buain, v. " Cha d'fhuair an droch bhuan- young horse ploughs well till he comes to the
uich fiamh deagh chorran" Prov. The bad reaper outermost fuiTow, (being the most difficult). Bo-
never found a good sickle. Messor inhabilis nun- nus arator est equus tener usque quo ad extremum
quam invenit falcem bonam. 2. projection of A agri sulcum veniet.
land into the sea, or small promontory, for most CoRR-GiiLEus, Ì -Eis, et -EÒIS, s. m. (Corr, adj. et
part indented towards the sea found in many ;
CoRRA-GHLEUs, j Glcus). 1. Complete equipment
names of places exiguum promontorium, saepis-
optimus apparatus. R. M'D. 93. 2. High spirits
sime Oram denticulatam adhibens, in multis loco- hilarisanimus. C. S. 3. Irritation, anger : ira,
rum nominibus reperimus. 3. barbed arrow : sa- A indignatio. Hebrid.
gitta barbata. CoRR-GHLEusACH, -AICHE, adj. (CorT-glileu»), Com-
" Ceud corran 'n a thaobh an sàs." pletely equipped, prepared : bene armatus,
S. D. 57. expeditus. O'R. In high spirits, highly spi-
A hundred barbed arrows fixed in his side. Cen- rited animosus. C. S.
: 3. Irritated, irascible
tum sagittse inhajrentes in latere suo. stomachosus. C. S.
CoRRANACH, -AicHE, adj. (Corran), Barbed, cre- CoRR-GHLEusACH, -AICH, S.f. (Còrr, adj. et Gleus),
nated, notched barbatus, crenatus, hamatus. Voc.
A tongue sharpened for scolding : lingua ad rixas
115. Sm. Salm. vii. 13. acuta. C. S.
CoRRANACii, -AICH, S.f. (Comb, et Ranaich), Cry- CoRR-GHLÙiNEACH, -EicHE, cè^. (Còrt, adj. Ct Glun),
ing, the Irish funeral cry clamor flebilis, naenia :
Long-kneed, having sharp-pointed knees longa et :

Hibernica. " Coranaich." O'R. Scot. Coran- acuta habens genua. C. S.

ich, Correnoth, Corynoch, Corrinoch, Cronach. CoRR-GHOBiiLACH, -AICH, S.f. (Còrr, s. Ct Gobh-
Jam. lach), An ear-wig furficula auricularis. C. S.
: It.
CoRRAN-GART-GHLANAiDH, s. in. (Corran, Gart, et 4o|i|i3AbAro. Scot, Golach. Vide Fiolan.
CoRB-GiiRiAN, t.f. Uh.App. et Bibl. dot». V'iilo In the warm recesses of the rocks.
In latebrts ob-
C'orru-glirian. leili» rupium. cave caverna.
2. .\ " An dubh :

CoKiuiiiLii., -E, «./. A luuniiur, muttering, cliir])- rluis Mhuiuu." 102.

7(7/1. In thu block cave of

ing : pipiltitiu. Hfbrid. Muma. In atra caverna Mouie. Hebr. 0^5 cot,
CònKLACii, -Aicii, s.f. (Core, s. 1. et Luach), Coarse- eulix.
ly ground niL'al tiiriiia i-nissa. Mac/. V.
: 2. An CosA, pi. of Cos, et Cos, q. vide.
Overplus, remainder cxcessus, auctarium, reli-
: Co-sAcii, -AICII E, adj. Vide Casach.
quia-. Mat/. I'. C. .S. CÒSACII, -AiciiE, attj. 1. Hollow:
CoRR-MAKGt'IDII, «. III. litbl. GloSS. VÌjlc CorTJ- Voc. 133. 2. Abounding cavemi:
in hollows, or
luhargaidh. cavis, vel cavernis abundans. C. S. Scot. Cosh,
CoRR-MHEiLi.E, S.f. \ TIic fuherous roots of tlie Cossie. Sibb. Gluts.
CoRR-MEiLLE, j .«. m.
wood, Or heath pease ra- : CÒSA1CIIE, S. "^f. i"d. ) If 1, ,, .. .

/-. V > liol owncss : «.uimio. C.. o.

cavitas. v. S.
dices orobi tuberosi. L'ujhlJ'. Vide Carra-mheille. CosAICIIEAD,-ElD,«.»l. j
CoRR-MiiEUR, -EÒi», s. 111. (Corr, adj. et Meur), An CosA-GÒDiiLACii, -AiCHE, otlj. Or odv. (Cas, s. ct
odd-finger : digitus impar. C. S. Gobhlach), Astride: divaricatis cruribus. C. S.
• Corr-mhiann, s.f. (Corr, s. 1. et Miann), Con- CosAii., -E, adj. (Co, ct Samhuil). Provin. Vide
opinio iiiepta. O'R.
ceit : Cosnihuil, et Coltach.
CoRR-sGRiAciiAG, -AiG, «. f. (Com», ct Sgfiach), CosA.MiiLACJiD, s.f. iìid. (Co, Ct Samlilaclid), A si-
A screech-owl strix. C. S, : militude, parable comparatio, similitudo, parabo-

• Corrughadh, -aidh, g. m. Llh. et BiU. Gloss. la. " Agus thog c suas a cliosamhlachd." Air. xxiii.
" Corruchadh." Salm. xvi. 9. rtiarg. Vide Car- 7. And he took up his parable. Protulitque sen-
achadh. tentiam suam, i. e. parabolam suam.
CoRRUicii, -E, s.f. Anger: ira. " Gus an tionn- COSAMHLACIIDADH, -AIDH, *. W. Ct pnS. part. V.
daidli corruich do bliràthar uait, agus gu'n di- Cosamhluich. Allusion, act of alluding, comparing,
chuirahnich e ria rinn thu air." Gen. xxvii. 45. likening : allusio, comparatio, actus comparandi.
Until thy brother's anger turn away from thee, C.S.
and he forget what thou hast done to him. Dum Co-sAMHLUicH, -IDH, CII-, V. a. (Co, Ct Samhluìch),
averterit (sese) ira fratris tui a te, et oblitus fuerit Compare : compara. C. S.
ejus quod fecisti ipsi. CosAMHLUiCHTE, pret. part. v. Co-samliluich. Com-
• Corruidhe, Ì s. f. Trouble, disorder : molestia, pared comparatus. C. S.

• Corruighe, j turba. MSS. Vide Corruich. CosAN, -AiN, -AN, s. m. Vide Casan, 2.
• Corruigheach, adj. Moving motu pntditus. B. : CÒSAN, -AiN, -AN, *. m. dim. of Cos. A little hol-
B. Gen. i. 20. low parva cavitas. C. S.

• Corruigh, -idh, ch-, v. a. Stir, or move : excita, CÒSANACH, -AiCHE, adj. (Còsan), Full of little hol-
move. Salm. xvi. 9. Ed. 1753. Vide Car- lows : cavis exiguis plenus. C. S.
aich. CosANTA, 1 ad/. (Coisinn), Industrious :

CoRRUiL, -E, S.f. Symphony, harmony of voices: COSANTACH, -AICHE, J

diligcns. C. S.
concentus. A. M'D. 50. Vide Coireall et Coir- • Cosboir, -e, -ean, *. »i. MSS. ^'ide Cuspair.
ioll. Cos-CHEu.M, -A, -AN, *. m. (Cos, Ct Ccum), step, A
CÒRSA, -AN, et -ACHAN, ora mari- s. m. A coast : pace, foot-path gressus, passus, semita.
: C. S.
tina. Stew. Gloss, et Voc. 6. " 'N an còisaibh More frequently Cois-cheum."
fèin air fad." Ross. Salm. cv. 31. In all their CosD, -AIDH, CH-, V. fl. Vide Cost.
coasts. In oris ipsorum totis. CosDAiL, -E, oflj. (Cosd, V.) 1. Expensive, extrava-
• Còrsaich, -idh, ch-, f. a. et n. (Còrsa), Cruise, gant : prodigus, profusus. C. S. 2. Expensive,
coast : hue illuc naviga. OR. dear, costly : magno constans, sumptuosus, cams.
CORSAIR, -E, -EAN, s.m. (Còrsa), A coaster, cruiser: C.S.
navis Oram legens, hue illuc navigans, pritdatrix. CosDAS, -Ais, s. m. (Cosd), Expense, price preti- :

OR. et C. S. um, impensus, expensus. C. S. Id. q. Cosgus.

CÒR-URRAIDH, -EAN, s. tiu (CoTT, s. 1. et Urra), A CosDASACH, -AICHE, odj. (Cosdas), Vide Cosdail.
surety: praes. OR. • Cosd-thigh, -e, -ean, s. m. (Cosd, et Tigh), An
Cos, -oisE, -CIS, -AX, s.f. A foot : pes. Salm. Ixvi. inn : diversorium. MSS.
9. Vide Cas, *. IVel. Coes, crus. Bav. " Cois- COS-DUBH, -UIBHE, Dubh),
f. Vcl »i. (CoS, Ct 1.
arm." C. S. Armour for the thighs femoralia. : A wild-goose : anser sylvaticus. C. S. 2. adj.
Scot. Cusche, Cusse. Sibb. Gloss. Fr. Cuisse. Having black legs : nigra crura habens. C. S.
Cos, -ÒIS, -AN, *. m. 1. A hollow crevice, recess CosG, -A, Vide Cost, s.
s. m.
cavum, rima, latebra, cavernula. CosG, Ì s. m. et pres.part. v. Coisg. Vid
" Ajg còsaibh nam fuar thonna do-àiU." CosGADH, -AIDH, Casg, et Casgadh.
Tern. 14G. CosGAiL, -E, adj. Macf. V. ^'ide Cosdail.
In the hollows of the cold boisterous waves. Apud CosGAiR, -IDH, CH-, f. a. S. D. 231. Vide Casg-
cava frigidorum fluctuum turbidorum. air.
" An càsaiòh blàth nan creag." COSGAIRT, \ ^ • , r.- • -,, ,.• , <^
Salm. civ. 18. CosGLiRT, / */• ""^- ^"*9- '• ^^ 1- ^ "'^ Casgairt.
CosGAR, -AIR, .«. "'• 1. (Cosgair, v.) Slaughter, lia- merendi. C. S. 2. The business, or state of ser-
vock : cxdes. OR. 2. triumph, rejoicing : tri- A vitude, state of a menial : status servitutis, munus
uniphus, ovatio. L//i. et O'li. famuli, vel servi domestic! statio. " Cha 'n 'eil
Cos«ARACii, -AiciiE, mfj. (Cosgar), Vide Cosgarr- aige nis ach an cosnadh." C. S. He has now no
ach. (resource) but servitude. Est ei nunc nihil aliud
CosGARAciiD, «. /. i/id. (Cosgarach), Victory, tri- pra;ter servitutem. " Chosnadh," for " Chois-
umph victoria, triumphus. C. S.
: neadh." Salm. Ixxiv. 2. inetr.
CosGARADH, -AiDii, s. m. et prcs. part. v. Cosgair. • Cosnamh, -aimh, s. m. Vide Cosnadh.
Slaughter ca?des. :" Mar a theid an damh chum Cos-NociiD, -A, adj. (Cos, et Nochd), Bare-footed :

a chosgaraidli." Gnàth. vii. 22. As the ox goeth pedibus nudis. O'R. Siippl. Vide Cas-rùisgte.
to the slaughter. Tanquam procedit bos ad mac- CosoiL, -E, adj. A. M'D. Pref. Vide Coltach.
tationem. 2. Act of slaying, or slaughtering: ac- CosRACH, -AiCH, «. /». 1. Slaughter: caedes.
tus mactandi. C. S. OB. 2. (Cos, s.) Fetters : vincula. MSS.
CosGARRA, adj. (Cosgair), Victorious, triumphant Cos-siiLiGHE, -EAN, s. f. Cos, ct Slighe), foot- A
victor, triumphans. MSS. path: callis. C.S. /r. £,oj*li5e.
CosGARRAcn, -Aicii, s. til. (Cosgair), A kite : mil- CÒS-SHRUTH, -A, -AN, s. Til. (COS, et Sruth), A
vus. as. stream running in hollow ground, or forming hol-
CosGARRACH, -AicHE, Victorious:
adj. (Cosgair), 1. lows in its course rivulus per cava decurrens, vel

victor, victrix. Llh. App. 2. Destructive exitia- : cavitates in cursu efficiens. .S*. D. 72.
lis. O'H. " A' chosgarrach." S. J). 59. marg. The Cost, -A, s. m. 1. Expence dis])endium. "Air :

name of Caoilte's sword. mo chost." C. S. At my expense. Meis sump-

CosGRACH, -AICHE, odj. Llh. Id. q. CosgaiTach. tibus. Wei. Cost. Germ. Kost. Scot. Costage.
CosGRADH, -AiDH, Vide Cosgaradh. s. ill. Jam. Angl. Cost. Span. Costa. Basq. Costua.
CosGRAiCHE, -EAN, m. (Cosgair), A queller, sub-
s. Larram. 2. Provisions, or food to serve for a cer-
duer, slaughterer, conqueror victor, interfector. :
tain period, an allowance of provisions to servants :
C.S. cibarium in diem statutum, eibaria servorum. N.
CosGUS, -uis, s. m. C. S. Vide Cosdas. Fr. Const. H.
CosGUis, -E, s. f. A servant's periodical allowance Cost, -aidh, ch-, v. a. et «. 1. Id. q. Cost, v. Angl.
sent to his house servi stipendium quoddam ad
2. Expend, spend, lay out, waste expende, dis- :

domum ipsius deportatum. Hebrid. pende,sumptum fac, disperde. C. S.

CosLAcii, -AICHE, adj. C. S. Id. q. Coltach. Costag a' bhaile gheamhraidh, s. (Cost, s.
CosLAs, -Ais, «. »j. Likeness: similitude. Gen.i.marg. Baile, et Geamhradh), Costraary : mentha graeca.
Id. q. Coltas. Vac. 58.
Cos-fcEATHANN, adj. (Cas, et Leathann), Web-foot- CosTAiL, -E, adj. (Cost, s.) Expensive: magno con-
ed, broad-footed latos habens pedes,
: vel pedum stans, pecunia; prodigus. C. S.
digitos membranis conjunctos. C. S. CosTALACHD, Expensivcness
f. iud. (Costail), :

profusio, prodigentia. C. S.
„ ' \ Llh.
' Vide Cas-fiiisste.
COS-LOMNOCHD, j CosTus, m. Vide Cosgus, -uis.
-UIS, s.
Cos-LUATH, -UAiTHE, adj. (Cas, s. et Luath), Swift- CosTusACH, -AICHE, adj. (Costus,) C. S. Vide Cos-
footed : velocipes. Llh. tail.
CosMHALACHD, «.y. 2«rf. (Cosmhuil), Foc. 147. Vide Cos-uisge, «./, (Cos, et Uisge), Wild chervil : chae-
Cosmhuileachd. rophyllum sylvestre. O'R.
CosMHALAs, Vide Cosmhuileaclid.
-Ais, «. 711. COSMUL, -UIL, S. »;.i T, ui,- I, 1 xr Di
Cos.MHUiL, -E, adj. (Co, et Samhuil), Like similis, „ J. > Kubbish : rudera. Voc. 84.
consimilis. " Oir cha 'n 'eil neach ann cosmhuil • Cot, -a, -an, s. in. 1. A small boat: navigio-
riut." 2 Sam. vii. 22. For there is none like unto lum. OR. Vide Coit. 2. (Cuid), A part,
thee. Nam nuUus est similis tibi. share, portionpars, portio
: quota. O'R. :

Cosmhuileachd, -AN, «._/. (Cosmhuil), Similitude: Cot, -a, -achan, m. I. A cottage tugurium, ca-
s. :

similitudo. C. S. It. pL itoTTnuileAC&A, Ima- sa. Voc. 283. Germ. Kot.

gery imagines poeticas, similitudines. O'R.
: CÒTA, -AicnEAN, s. m. A coat: tunica. Voc. 18.
* Cosmhuiieadh, -idh, -ean, *. m. An allusion al- : " Còtaichean croicinn." Gen. iii. 21. Coats of
lusio, respectus, comparatio. O'lt. skin tunica; pelliceae.
: Hebr. ]nD còtan. Scot.
Cos-NÀBUiDH, -ean, s. m. (Cos, ct Nàbuidh), A Cote, Cotys. Sibb. Gloss. Germ. Kutt, Kutte,
companion in walking, or marching : socius pe- tegmen Kutten, tegere. Wacht.

dester, itinerarius. C. S. Cota-bàn, s. m. (Còta, et Ban). 1. A petticoat :

CosNAcn, -AICH, s. m. (Coisin, v.) 1. A labourer, vestis inferior mulierum. C. «S'. 2. A groat qua- :

workman, one who earns, or works for hire ope- : tuor denarii sterlinenses. C. S. 3. A denomina-
rarius, qui stipendium labore meretur. C. S. 2. tion for a certain portion of land, or arable ground :

A day labourer opifex quotidianus. C. S.

: portio quaedam agri sic appellata. Hebrid.
CosNADH, -AIDH, s. »i. et prcs. part. v. Coisinn. 1. CÒTA-MÒR, pi. aichean-mòra, s. m. A great coat,
Gaining, earning, act of gaining, earning, or winn- surtout : tunica exterior, tunica major. C. S.
ing quaestus, lucrum, actus lucrandi, stipendium
Preasach, Nighean, et Righ), Lady's mantle ul- : aequo animo. " Bha Noah 'na dhuine eothromach."
cheiiiilla vulgurU. C. S. Gen. vi. U. Koali was a just man. Noachu» fuit
CÒTAKI1, -mil, til-, v.a. (Còta), Coat, cover, enve- vir Justus. 2. Comfortable, in cosy circumstances :

lope : lege, iiitege, involve, obvolve. C. S. amu-nuK, secundix rebus Irueiis. S. 3. I'latily C
Cor A II II KAN, s. m. pi. of Colli, q. vide. IIAr. accomplished, or peribnned : facilis foctu. C. •>.
4. Level il-<|UUS, planus. C. S.
/I'lJjpD cothnoth.

CoTHHOMACiiADll, -AiDii, t. ut. ct prei. part, V.

CoTAN, -AiN, m. Cotton : xylon, gossj-piuni.
Cotliromaich. Weighing, act of weighing, balanc-
C. S. Fr. Coton. Vox Aiiffl. ponderans, actus pundemndi,
ing, or |>onderiiig
CÒTAN, -AiN, s. HI. dim. of Còta. A little coat par-

va tunica. C
S. Gr. X/rav, loriea, tunica Kuiiot, ;

librandi, volvendi. " Am

bheil fios agad air coth-
romacluidh nan neul? lob. xxxvii. 10. Dost thou
oviuin vcllus. C/ia/il. Cituna. ]r\2 colon.

et pres. jmrl. v. Coth-

know the balancing of the clouds? An scientia
CoTHACllADii, -Aiuii, s. III.
tibi librationis nubium ?
aicli. Earning, support: lucrum, victus, sus-
2. Dispute, competition : dis-
CoTiiROMAicH, -IDH, (Cothrom, «.)
CII-, L f. o.
tentaculum. C. S.
Weigh : pondera, ]>ende, " Chothromaieh e libra.
cepiatio, certamen. O'B. et C. S. 3. Obstinacy :
folt a cliinn aig da cheud secel." 2 Sam. xiv. 26.
pertinacia. O'li.
CoTiiADH, -AiDii, s.m. A support, preservation, pro-
He weighed the hair of his head at two hundred
shekels. Penderet ille capillos capitis sui ducentis
tection fulcrum, sustentaculum, conservatio, fides.

siclis. 2. Ponder, consider versa animo, mcdi- :

Llh. et Slew. Gloss.

tare, in animo volve. " Cothronmich ceumanna do
CoTiiAiCH, -iDH, CH-, v.a. 1. Gain, get: para,
chos." Gnà. iv. 26. Ponder the path of thy feet.
compara. C. S. 2. Contend, strive : contende,
Expende orbitam pedum tuorum.
" Fad na h-oidhche chothaich ri steudaibh." S. D. 70. CoTHROMAiciiE, -EAS, *. «1. (Cotliromaich), A weight,
Totam balance bilax, statera. C. S.
All night (she) strove with the billows.
Cot'-iochdair, -AicnEAN-iociiDAiR, *. tu. (Còta, et
noctem contendit (ilia) cum fluctibus.
CoTHAiCHE, -EAN, .f. 7/1. (Cotliaicli, r.) 1. An earner
lochdair), A petticoat : vestis muliebris inferior. C. S.
Cot'-uachdair, -aicheax-uachdair, «. m. (Còta,
qui stipem meretur. 2. A disputant, contender
et Uachdair), An outer coat, mantle: vestis vel
disceptator, concertator. C. S.
tunica exterior. C. S.
CoTHAR, -AIR, -EAN, i. »1. A cofFer area. C. S. :

B. Bret. Coflt. Angl. Coffer. Fr. CoflVe.

• Cotun, -uin, *. m. A
coat, coat of mail : tunica,
loriea. 3ISS.
Gr. Xjtuv.
CoTHAR, -AIR, s. m. C. S. Vide Cobhar.
CoTHARACH, -AiCH, «. /. Water scorpion grass CrÀbhach, -aiche, CK^'. Devout, religious : pius, re-
ligioni deditus. C. S.
myosotis palustris. Linn. O'R.
CoTHLAMADH, -AiDH, s. III. Tilings of 3 different na- CrÀbhachd, s.f. Ì Devotion, religion: pie-

ture mixed together res varii generis coramixtae.

Cràbhadh, -aidh, s. »1. j tas, religio, cultus divi-
nus. Llh. " Cràbhadli saoibh." Par. xxxi. 4. Jr.
C. S. Hebr. Q-'N'pS calaim. Pike.
• Cothlon, -oin, «. m. (Comh, et Lòn), victuals for

a journey : viaticum. Sh. et O'R. Cràbhaiche, -ean, m. (Cràbhadh), A worshipper,


Vide Cothromach. devotee divini cultus studiosus. C. S.

CoTHROM, adj. Salin. Ixviii. 5. :

Crabhaichean, *. 1. The smaller articles of

CoTHROM, -uiM, -AN, s. III. (Comh, et Trom). 1.

An equipoise equilibrium. :S. Vide Comh- C house furniture : partes minores supellectilis. S. C
throm. 2. A weight, any certain weight pondus. :
2. Small wares : mercium particulae. C. S. 3.

3. Justice, equal terms, as of combat Pudenda. C. S. Gr. Xiao.oa/, utor.

C. S. : jus-
Crabharsaich, s. />/. Hebrid. Vide Crabhaichean.
titia, squa sors, sicut certaminis.
" Cum cotLrom rium, is tagair fein Cràbhat, ì -aichean, s.f. cravat: linteolum A
" Mo chùis." Salm. xliii. 1. Cràbhata,} cxsitium. For. 18. /"r. Cravate.
Maintain justice unto me, and plead thou my cause. Cràcach, -aich, adj. Vide Cròcach.
Vindica nie, et die tu ipse causam meam. " CotJt- Cracail, -e, s.J'. Crackling actio crepandi. C. S. :

roin na Feinne." Prov. et S. D. 207. The combat Cracaire, -ean, s. m. A talker : homo loquax, qui sae-
of tJie Fingalians, i. e. equal terms of combat. Pug- pe colloquitur. C. S. Scot. Crack, et Cracker. Jam.
na Fingaliensis, i. e. squa sors pugna;. 4. Com- Cracaireachd, «./. ùm/. (Cracaire), Conversation:

fort, a comfortable state of living sors vivendi :

Confabulatio, collocutio. C. S. Scot. Crack, Crak.

beata. C. S. 5. An opportunity, favourable oc- Jam.

casion : occasio, opportunitas. " Cha robh coth- Cracan, -ain, «.»1. 1. crackling noise: crepitus, A
roin agam air a dheananJi." N. H. I had no op-
strepitus. C. S. 2. Vexation : angor animi. Prorin.

portunity of doing it. Occasio id agendi non erat Cràdh, -aidh, CHR-, r. a. (Cràdh, s.), Torment, vex :
torque crucia, vexa. " Re a taithean uile cràdhar
mihi. 6. Ability, power : facultas, potentia. " Cha
cothrom air." N. H.
'n eil lliere is no help for it, an t-aingidh." lob. xv. 20. Tlie wicked man tra-
no means of avoiding, or remedying it. Nulla fa- vaileth with pain (shall be tormented) all his days.
cultas est id evadendi, medendi. Omnibus diebus cruciabitur improbus. " 'X uair
Cothromach, -aiche, adj. (Cothrom). 1. Just, a bha iad air an cràdh.." Gen. xxxiv. 25. NMien
upright, honest, equitable Justus, probus, rectus, :
they were sore. Quum essent in dolore.
VoL.L Nn
Cràdh, -àidii, s. m. Pain, anguisli : dolor, angor, Craidhneagach, -aiche, adj. (Craidhneag), Full
cruciatus. of peat fragments : cespitum fragmentis plenus.
" Mar sin bha air mo chridhe cràdh." C.S.
Safin. Ixxiii. 21. CrAidhte, j)ret. part. v. Cràdh. Tormented, vext,
Tlius, mj' heart was grieved. Sic fuit super cor afflicted : C. S.
cruciatus, afflictus.
nicuni dolor. Chald. HIO
crOy crah, doluit, con- CuÀiDiiTEACH, -eiche, adj. (Cradh), 1. Tortured,
tristatus est. miserable: cruciatus, miserabilis. C. S. 2. Afflict-
Cbà-dhearg, -eirge, adj. (Cre, 3. et Dearg), Blood- ing, grievous, painful, causing affliction or pain :

red : ruber ut sanguis, sanguineus. C. S. Potius dolorem, cruciatuni ferens. C. S.

Cre-dliearg. Cràidhteachd, s.f. ind. (Cràidhteach), Vexation,
Cràdh-ghèadii, -eòidh, s. m. A shel-drake, or misery-, pain angor, niiseria, dolor. C. »S'.

duck anas tadorna. Linn. C. S.

: Craig, dat of Crag, q. vide.
Cràdh-lot, -oit, -an, s. 7ÌÌ. (Cràdh, et Lot), A Craig, dat. of Creag, q. vide.
deep, or painful wound : vulnus altum, vel multum Craigeach, -eiche, adj. Vide Creagach.
doloris afferens. C. S. Craimhinn, -e, -ean, s. f. (Cnàmh, v.) A cancer :

CrÀdh-lotach, -aiche, adj. (Cràdh-Iot), Painfully cancer. A. 3LD. Gloss.

wounding, or wounded alta v'ulnera ferens, vel : Craimneacii, -eiche, adj. Scarred, botched, rough-
altis vulneribus laborans. C. S. surfaced : cicratricosus. MSS.
Crag, -a, -an, s. m. Vide Creag. Cràin, -e, -tean, s.f. A sow : sus. O'If. et C. S,
Crag, -AIDH, CHR-, i». a. Knock pulsa, percute. C.S. : " Tir chràin." " Eilean nam muc." Hebrid. Isle
i. e.
Crag, -aige, -an, s.f. C. L. Vide Grog. of ÌNIuck, in which the monks of lona are tradi-
Cràgach, -aiche, adj. Vide Crògach. tionally related to have reared their pork.
Cragach, -aiche, adj. C. S. Vide Creagacb. Crainn, gen. pi. of Crann, q. vide.
Cragadh, -Aidh, .<f. in. et Col- pres. part. v. Crag. Crainn-ghridh, -e, *. /. (Crann, et Grid), Mast-
lision, knocking actus pulsandi. C. S.
: collisio, rigging apparatus velorum et funium. A. M'D. 52.

* Cràgair, -aidh, chr-, v. a. (Cnògaire), Paw, or Crainnseag, -eig, -an, s.f. Vide Cnaimhseag.
handle indelicately : ineleganter tracta, tange, Crainntidh, -e, adj. Parching, piercing, pinching,
palpa, sordidis digitis perscruta. Lih. shrivelled up arefaciens, desiccans, arefactus. C.

Cràgaire, -ean, s. m. (Crag, et Fear), A pawer S. Vide Crannadh.

qui digitis pertractat. C. S. Crainnteitheachd, s.f. ind. (Crainntidh), Drought,
CnÀG AIRE ACHB, s.f. ind. (Cragaire), Handling, paw- the effect of cold winds marcor, siccitas ventis :

ing : actio tractandi digitis indelicatis, perscrutandi eifecta. C. S.

belluinis manibus. C. S. Crainnt-sheile, s. m. Tough phlegm : lentus mu-
CrÀgairt, s.f. et pres. part. v. Cràgair. Hand-
-e, cus. Llh.
ling indelicately : sordida tractatio. C. S. Cràite, exlj. 1. Id. q. Cràidhte. 2. Shrunk: con-
Cragan, -ain, -an, s. m. dim. of Creag. 1. Tern. tractus, arefactus. Provin. Ir. JL^xoyize.
iii. 142. Id. q. Creagan. 2. httle pipkin, or A Cràiteach, -eiche, adj. (Cràdli), 1. Tortured, af-
small earthen vessel : oUula. Hebrid. Germ. Krug. flicted : cruciatus, afflictus. " Ach bithidh 'fheòil
Angl. Sax. Crocca. Belg. Kruick. Wacht. an taobh a stigh dheth cràifeacìi." Job. xiv. 22.
Cragmhor, -dire, adj. (Creag, et Mòr), Rocky : But his flesh within him shall have pain. Tantum-
scopulosus. C. S. modo caro ejus in ipso afficietur dolore. 2. Caus-
Cbàgnadh, -aidh, s. m. C. S. Vide Cràgairt. ing pain, or affliction : dolorem, cruciatum ferens.
Cràic, -e, -ean, s.f. C. S. Vide Cròic. C.S.
Cràiceadh, -idh, s. m. (Cràic), branching like A Cràiteag, -eig, -an, *. /. (Cradh), niggard wo- A
antlers : germinatio quasi rami primigenii comuum man :mulier sordide parca. C. S.
cervi junioris. Ainsw. Cràitheach, -ich, s. m. (Cradh), One debihtated
Craicionn, -inn, -cnean, s. m. A skin : pellis, cu- from wounds, or sores qui infirmatur vulneribus, :

tis. C. S. Id. q. Crocionn. aut ulceribus. S. C

Craicneach, -eiche, adj. (Craicionn), C. S. Vide Cràlad, -aid, s. in. (Cràdh-lot), Wo, torment :
Croicneach. aerumna, cruciatus. Hebrid.
Cràidh, -idh, chr-, v. a. Vide Cradh, i: Crà'leaba, 5. /
(Cro, 7. et Leabaidh), wicker A
Cràidhleag, -eig, -an, s.f. A basket: corbis. C. S. frame for conveying a corpse : crates viminea qua
Craidhneach, -ich, -ean, s. f. 1. A skeleton, a vehitur corpus vel cadaver. C. S.
collection of bare bones : sceletos, dura ossa. C. S. Cbàlot, -loit, s. m. Hebrid. Vide Cràdh-lot.
2. A
meagre looking person, a lean, gaunt figure Crambait, -e, -ean, s.f. (Crampait), The metal on
homo admodum macilentus, forma ossea, umbra the end of a sword sheath, or walking staff: vagi-
hominis. C. S. nae, vel scipionis ferramentum. Voc. 113.
Craidhneadh, -idh, s. m. (Craidlmeach), Drjing, Cràmhag, -aige, -an, s. f. 1. Id. Cnàmliag. 2.
wearing out with toil : actio siccandi, labore ex- Dead embers cineres collapss, faviUae.
: OB.
hauriendi, macie durandi. C. S. " Cramhag ghuail." Voc. 3. Charcoal carbo. :

Craidhneag, -eig, -an, «. /. fragment of dried A Cràmhan, -ain, -an, *. in. Vide Cnàmhan.
turf: cespitis durati fragmentum. Provin. Cramharlach, -aich, s.f. (Cnamh), 1. Succulent
stalks as of pcnsc, or potatoes : culmi succosi, »ic- clapper crepitaculum molare.
: //•. ijiowikC.

ut |)isi vil ImttMtoriiin C. S. "i. A lean pLrsou, O li. 7. Hollow of u khield scuti cuncuvituii. :

liuvinn nioru bkiu uml bone : niocilentus, cmuciutus HfSS. 8. A peg to hung on peiiHuluB. M.SS.

vir. ( '. .v. •J. A certain kind of wicker, or wooden frame, sus-
Cràmiioh, -<)inE, attj. (Cnainili, et Mòr), Large pi'iidcd over the (ire, on which the root» of the fir-

boned: majtna habciis C. S. ossu. tree used for cundles, is set ti> dry. Cruticula qua.'-
a. C. S.
Cràmii, -Aiuii, CHII-, f. Vide Ciiàmli, r. dum, supra igneni suspensu in c|uam iinpobila «unt
• Crani|>a, s. in. knot : nodu8. Uh. A ud siccandum radices pini silvestris pro candelis
Crampauii, -AiDii, -EAN, *. w. 1. A (luarrel, strife, apud nionticolas ustu'. A'. //.
wranj^linf; : rixa, lis, jurgiuni. MSS. 2. A stiH- • Crannuiche, s. m. An old decrepit man scnex :

iiess in tlie joints from fatigue : artuuni torpor. C. nnnis succumbens. Uh.
S. Germ. Kranipf. Cransai.acii, -AiciiE, -EAN, ». m. A carpenter fii- :

Champag, -Aio, -AN, s.f. A noose: laqucus nexilis. ber lignarius. Voc. 49.
OJi. CUANN-AKAIN ; jj. Cll AINN-ARAIN, *. Tn. (CfOnn, Ct
Chann, -uinn, -oinn, et -ainn, s. m. 1. A tree, Aran), 1. A plough aratrum. <S'/j. 2. The seven

timber, beam, trunk of a tree : arbor, pnccipuo stars in the great bear triuncs, scptem Stella; in

truncus, lignum, trabs. C. S. 2. A bar, bolt: vectis, ursa majore. C. S.

pessulus. " Cuir an crann air an dorus." C. S. Crank-akuir; p/. Crainn-aruiue, s. m. Voc. 93.
Bolt the door. Oppcssula ostium. 3. mast A Id. q. Crann-arain.
malus nauticus. " An crann niòr." C. S. The CrANN-BIIbAid ;
main mast. Malus pra:cipuus. 4. plough : ara- A (Crann, et Braid), A plough-horse's collar : helci-
truni. " Crann treabhaidh," C. S. 5. shaft A um. C.S.
manubrium. " Crann morbha." The shaft of a Crann-ceusda; j»/.Cruinn-cheusda, s. tn, (Crann,
tishiiig spear. Manubrium hasta; piscatorÌK. 6. et Ceus), A
gibbet for crucifixion, a cross : pati-
A lot: sors. Salm. cxix. 21. metr. " Tilg crann." bulum decussatum. C. S.
Cast lots : sortibus consule. 7. A certain mea- Crannchar, -air, -ean, s.f. Vide Crannchur.
sure, or number of fresh fill aherrings, as many as Crann'-chù, s. m. lap-dog: catellus melitxus. A
barrel nunierus quidam, vel mensura halecum,
: Voc. 80. Vide Measan.
nuper illaquetorum, quotquot cadus quidam imple- Crannchuir, -idh, cm-, v. n. (Crannchur, 1.) Cast
tur. C. S. Scot. Crane. Jam. 8. ^Iembrum viri- lots, ballot sorte elige. Voc. 106. Sapius, " Cuir

le. C. S. iVel. IVcn, a tree, timber. Gr. n^no;, croinn," vel " Tilg croinn."
qucrcus. CJiald. TlJl ]in chran, tran, malus, arbor. Crannchur, -uir, -ean, s. m. 1. casting of lots A
Crann, -aidh, chr-, v. a. {Crann, ^«.) 1. Bar, bolt, sortiuni ductio. C. S. 2. Lot, or portion : sors.
barricade vectibus occlude, obstrue. C. S.
: 2, C.S.
Wind about a beam : jugo (textorio) circumvolve Chann-cothromaiche, -ean, s. m. (Crann, et Co-
telam. C. ^. throni), A balance-beam : scapus. Voc. 119.
Cranna-cas, pi. (Crann, et Cas, «.) weaver's A Crann-cuilce ;
/>/. Croinn-chuilce, s.m. (Crann,
treadles : insile. C. S. A
cane canna, arundo. Voc, 62.
et Cuilc), :

Crannach, -AicnE, adj. (Crann), Full of trees, or Cbannda, adj. Decrepit senio labefactus, debilis, :

masts: malis nauticis instructus, arboribus consitus. infirmus. O'R. et C, S. Scot. Cranshach. Jam.
" Loingeas breid-gheal crannac/i." S. D.Sl. White Crann-dall pi. Croinn-dhalla, (Crann, et Dall),

sailed, masted ships. Naves cum albis velis et ma- The bowsprit of a ship malus anterior, vel ex :

lis. prora navis extensa. C. S. In like manner the

Crannach, -AiCH, s./. (Crann, 4. s.) Plough-gear: jib and fore-sail are called " Siùil-dhalla."
retinacula de heleio dependentia. Provinc. Crann-dealdha ; pi. Cruinn-dealbha, *. m.
Crasnachan, -ain, -an, s. m. (Crann, *.) 1. A (Crann, et Dealbh, f.) A weaver's frame for ex-
crane, machine for raising weiglits : tolleno. C. S. tending and forming the warp of cloth, a warping
2. A
kind of churn : cirnea. Hebrid. frame machina qua tela; stamina extensa compli-

Crannadh, -AIDII, s. m. et pres. part. v. Crann 1. cantur, priusquam subtemine intexantur. C. S.

Shrivelling : qualitas arefaciendi. C. S. 2, Chus- Crann-deiridh ; pi. Cri'inn-dheiridh, s. m.
ing by lots : electio per sortes. O'R. 3. " Crann- (Crann, et Deireadh), hind, or mizen mast A
tidli aodaich." S. C
Winding warp about the puppis malus. Mac/. V.
beam of a loom. Actio volvendi stamina telae cir- • Crann-dòrdain, vel -dùrdain, «. m. Music made
ca jugum textorium. C. S. by the hand and mouth musica effecta manu :

Crasnag, aig, -an, *./. 1. Round top of a mast: ad OS admota. O'R.

sphaera in summo malo. Voc. 111. 2. Cross trees Crann-doruis ;
pi. Crcixn-dhoruis, s.m. (Crann,
of a ship : crates transversa mali nautici, reticulum et Dorut), A door-bolt : ostii vectis. C. S.
quo vela coUecta sustinentur. Naut. term. 3. A Crann-druididh ; pi. Cruinn-dhrcididh, «. m.
pulpit : pulpitum, rostrum. Pert/is/i. 4. ham- A (Crann, et Druid, v.) A bar : obex. Salm. cxlvii.
per : corbis. OB. Vide Cronnag. 5. fillet for A 13.
binding a woman's hair. Scot. Snood. Capillorum Crann-fàisxeachd, s. m. (Crann, et Fàisneachd),
mulieris redimiculum. R.M'D. 114. 6. mill- A Sorcery : ars venefica. OR. Ir. it|tAi)ij-^&ift]i)e.
Nn 2
Crann-fìoe; pi. Cruinx-fhìge, s. m. A fig-tree : ed wand virga arefacta. C. S. i. e. Slat chrion.

ficaria. />'. Ji- Dcut. viii. 8. Crann-siineachda, «./. A laying on of snow nivis :

Cranx-kohca ;
/i/. Cruinn-fhorca, s. m. A prong, decidium. MSS. i. e. Crion chur sneachda.
fork : bidens, itierga. Voc. 94. Craxn-siùil Cruixn-shiùil, «. »1. (Crann, et
Crann-fiona ;
pi. Cruinn-fiiiona, .?. m. (Crann, Seòl), A mast malus nauticus. G/jàM. xxiii. 34.

et Fion), A vine :vitis. Dan. Shol. ii. 13. Crann-spreoide, /)/. Ckoinn-sproda, «. »i. (Crann,
Crann-fuin'e ; })}. Cruinn-fhuine, s. in. (Crann, .?. et Sprcod), A bolt-sprit, or bow-sprit : trabs ante-
et Fuine), A baker's rolling-pin : cylindrus pistori- riori malo summo alligata, et extra proram perti-
us. Voc. -17. nens cui anteriorum velorum partes ima: funibus
Crann-gatha ; pi. Cruinn-ghatha, s. m. (Crann, annectuntur. C. S.
et Gath), A
spear-shaft: hastile. Voc. 115. "Crann- Crann-tabhuill, pi. Cruinn-thabhuill, *. m.
geatha." R. M'D. 350. (Crann, et Tabhal), A sling: funda. " 'N an
• Crann-ghail, -e, -ean, s. f. 1. INIast-rigging : conlaich tionndaidhear leis clachan a' chroinn-
mail naufici armamenta. O'R. 2. Lattices tàhhuilL'' lab. xli. 28. Sling-stones are turned
before the altars reticulum pro altari factum.: with him into stubble. In stipulam convertuntur
O'R. 3. Mortification carnis niaceratio. O'R. : ei lapides fundae. 2. The shaft of a sling manu- :

Suppl, 4. pulpit A
rostrum, pulpitum. Bill. : brium fundae. O'Brien writes, " Tabhal," a sling,
Gloss. 5. A
bow arcus. R. 3I'D. 37. : and " Crann-tabhail," the shaft of a sling, but we
Crannlach, -aich, -ean, s. f. I. Teal anas A : elsewhere find, " Crann-tabhuill," signifying the
Crecca. Linn. N. H. 2. The red-breasted mer- sling itself, and indicating, from the former part
ganser mergus serrator. Linn. Hebrid.
: of the word, a handle having been emplo3'ed in the
Crannlach, -aich, s.f. (Crann), Boughs, branches : common use of the weapon.
rami, frondes. OR. et C. S. " Da cheud deug
» Crann-leathami, s. m. An antient Irish silver coin " Do mharbhas le m' chrann-fabhuHL,
numisma vetus Hibernicum. O'R. Suppl. " Ni bu bhreug do 'n abair fein.
Crannlochan, -ain, -an, s. m. churn : cimea. A " O thra eirigh gu tra luidhe."
Prorin. Vide Muidhe. MS. penes Sir J. Grant.
Crann-meadhoin, Cruinn-mheadoin,
pi. s. m. Twelve hundred were slain b}' my sling, it is no —
(Crann, et Meadhon), The main-mast of a ship : falsehood I assert, —
from morning to evening. Bis
navis malus medius vel praecipuus. C. S. et decies centum occisi sunt a funda mea, menda- —
Crannmòr, pi. Cruinn-mhòra, s. m. (Crann, et —
cium non dico ipse, ab hora matutina ad vespe-
Mòr), The main-mast of a ship : navis malus prae- ram.
cipuus. C. S. Cranntail, -e, Trees: arbores. MSS.
Crann-olaidh, pi. Cruinn-olaidh, s./. (Crann, Crann-tairnean, pi. of Crann-tarung, q. vide.
et Ola), An olive-tree : oliva arbos. lob. xv. 33. Crann-tara, pi. Croinn-thara, s. m. (Crann, et
Crann-pìce, pi. Cruinn-phìce, «. m. A pike-shaft Tara, vel Tàir, v.), (Lit. A beam pf gathering),

lanceas hastile. Voc. 115. A piece of wood half-bui-nt and dipt in blood, an-
* Crann-phiosan, pi. Cruinn-phiosan, s. m. kind A ciently used as a signal of distress, or to communi-
of missive weapon : telum missile quoddam. Sh. cate an alarm, summoning the clans to arms r
et OR. tessera quaedam, i. e. trabecula lignea semiusta et

Crann-riaghailte, Cruinn-riaghailte, s. m.
pi. sanguine tincta, tale antiquitus erat apud Gaelos
(Crann, et Riaghailt), The regulator of a watch signum periculi suorum, nonetiam gentes suas ad
axis horologii ordinator, i. e. quo motus operis or- arma convocandi.
dinatur. C. S. " Cia b'e al, no àite 'n gairm sibh,
Crann-riaslaidh, \pl. Cruinx-riaslaidh, s.m. '•
Le crann-tara sinn gu 'r seirbhis."
Crann-rustlaidh, J (Crann, et Riasladh), A He- D. Macken. 12.
bridian rude plough, for cutting a strong surface, To whatever rock or spot you summon us by the
by means of a sharpened share, and without a signal of war to your ser\-ice. Ad quamcunque
coulter, in which tract the common plough follows rupem aut locum convocaretis nos in vestrum of-
it aratrum ^'Ebudense minoris formae, quod acuto
: ficium. Tlie same term is also applied to a flame,
vomere instructum glebas crassiores proscindit, ut on eminences for the purpose of no-
or fire kindled
majus aratrum faciliore motu eodem vestigio feratur. tifyingalarm or danger. Flamma vel ignis in loco
Crann-shaor, pi. Cruinn-shaoir, s. til. A mast- edito causa periculum monstrandi " Crann-tara"
wright, carpenter mallorum et navium faber. Ll/i.
: appellata fuit.
Crann-seunta, s. m. (Crann, et Seunta), Sacred " Ach ciod so 'n solus an Innse-fàil,
wood sacrum lignum. O'R
" O
Chrann-tara an fhuathais ?
Crann-sgòide, pi. Cruinn-sgòide, s. m. A boom :
" Togaibh bhur siùil, tàirnibh bhur ràimh
trabs vel antenna infima alligata puppis malo, veli " Grad fuithibh gu tràigh is buaidh leibh."
postremi orae inferiori annulis affixa, et paululum S. D. 14.
extra puppem pertingens. S. C But what flame is this in Innis-fail, from the
Crann-shlat, -ait, ì pi. Cruinn-shlatan, " Crann-tara" portentous? Spread your sails, ply
Crann-shlatag, -aig, J -agan, s.f. A wither- your oars, speed to the strand, and victory attend
you. Soil quae hncc flammn in Innis-fiiil ah Crann- tree, a bush, buncli : arbuscula, dumut, recemuf.
tartt portintoruui ? vein iliiti', reiiios dm ito, in lit- Ir. t.\\i.o\h\\i.
tus nioiiti', siltjui- viccoriu vobis. " C'niis-tarii," also CuAoiiHAinn, -E, adj. (Craobh), NervouB, tender,
used in tlie sMinio accoptntion, denotes a parlicular shivering : lussufc, inliniiun, tremeiiccni», niorbiduii.
•bnu of the symbol employed. " Crann'-turuidh." C. S.
A'. D. 14. CuAoiiiiAioiiEACilD, t.f. iiul. (Craohhaidh), Lassi-
Ckakn-tahruiko, -e, etTarruing,
*./ (Crann, «. v.), tude, intinnity, tremor lassitudu, inlirmitas, tre-

A choosing by lots: sortiuni ductio. Macf. V. mor febrilis, iiervosi generis debilitas. (.'. S.
Ckann-tausi'inn, ])1. Ckoinn-tiiahsuinn, s. m. CRAoiin-ciiÒMiiitAK., y</.-AN-tÒMiiKAi(;,»./;(Craobh,
(Crann, ct Tarsuinn), A cross-beam ; a diameter : et Còmlirag), A branch of war, i. e. a liero ra- :

vectis transversus diametros. O'K. et C. S,

; mus niartis, heros. M-Duiuj.
f. A WOodcH Craobh-ciiosgaih, pi. -an-<os(;aih, t.f. (Craobh,
Crann-tarunc;, )
pin, or bolt : paxillus, impa- et Cosgair), A laurel, trophy luurca, troplia-um. :

ges lignca. I «•. 50. Voc. 113.

Crann-teacii, pi. CuoiNN-THEACiiA, s. m. (Crann, Craobh'-chuir, pi. -AN-cuiRE, «.
(Craobh, et
et Teach), An arbour umbraculum frondeum,
: Cuir, f.), A planted tree : arbor sata. C. S.
tectum sylvestre. O' li. Craobh-dhearg, -El roe, tulj. (Craobhac4i, adj. 3.
Crajin-teannta, pi. Croinn-theannta, *. m. (Crann, et Dearg), Ued-strcaming : rubro ettluens.
et Teannta). 1. A press, a printer's press: " I'Tiuil chraobli-<lltearg a' sruthadli o 'chliabh."
prelum typographicum. O'K. 2. rack-pin : A Tern. i. 14.
cratis aculeus ad cruciandura. Llli, His red-streaming blood, flowing from his chest
Crann-toisich, pi. Croinn-thoisich, *. m. (Crann, ejus rubro-effluens sanguis etfundens sese ex pectore
et Toiseach), A
fore-mast : navis malus anterior. suo.
C.S. Chaobh-chinealaiche, pi. -AN-GIN'EALAICHE, t.f.
Crasnton, -oin, s.f. A pink-stem, sharp bottom : A genealogical tree : arbor genealogica. C. S.
puppis fonnse tenuats, fundus coarctatus, vel te- Craobh-mheas, -an-meas, s.f. (Craobh, et Meas, *.),
nuatus. C. S. A fruit-tree: arbor fructilera. Gen. i. 11.
Crakn-ubiiall, pi. Croikn-ùbhlan, s. m. (Crann, Craobh-sgaoil, -iDH, CHR-, f. o, vcl II. (CVaobh, et
et Ubhall), An apple-tree : malus. C. S. Sgaoil), Spread abroad, diffuse, ramify, propagate :
Crasn-lisge, pi. Croinn-uisge, (Crann, et Uisg), diifunde, disperge, emitte velut ramos, frondesce.
A bow-sprit. Hebrid. Wàe Crann-spreoide. Par. xxxiii. 2.
Craobh, -aoibhe, -an, *./. 1. A tree: arbor. Craobh -sheasjchuis, pi. -an- seanxiiuis, *. /.
" Bàrr nan craobh mar sgàil dhuinn, (Craobh, et Seanchas). Id. q. Craobh-ghineal-
" 'N uair a b' àird a' ghrian." aiche.
Stew. 121. Craobh-scaoileadh, -iDH, s. m. et pres. part. v.
The tops of the trees as a shade to us when the Craobh-sgaoil. Propagating, publishing, spreading
sun was at its height. Fastigia arborum velut um- abroad propagatio, evulgatio. Macf. V.

bra nobis quando altissinius erat sol. " Craobh Craobh-thuinidh, -an-tl-inidh, *. /. (Craobh,
thoraidli." Gen. i. 12. A fruit-tree arbor fructi- : et Tuinidli), Tree of descent: arbor genealogica,
fera. 2. nteio/i. A relation consanguineus. C. S. : historia propaginis. MSS.
(as a branch of the same stock). Ara'i. «-—Jji»
Craois, gen. of Craos, q. vide.
Craoiseach, -eiche, aiij. Vide Craosach.
kurab, propinquitas. Si/r. Kirib, id. Chald. ^"ff)
Craoisein, -ea-N, «. »i. (Craos), A glutton : lorcus,
karoo, propinquus. helluo. Llh. et OR.
Craobh, -aoibhe, s.
f, Foam, or globules on the
Craoit, -e, -eax, s.f. Provinc. Vide Croit.
surface of liquids spuma in liquorum superficie.
: Crags, -aois, -an, s. m. 1. A wide mouth os : late
" Cha chum e craob/i." C. S. It will not retain apertum.
the foam spumam non sustinebit.
" Mac o Duibhne air Guilbeinn, 's an tore
Craobhach, -aiche, adj. (Craobh). 1. Full of " te chraos fo choip, mar bhuinne Laoire."
trees arboribus plenus. S. D. 84-.
: 2. Of, or be- S.D. 101.
long to trees : ex arboribus factus, vel ad arbores The son of Duino on (the hill of) Golbun, and the
pertinens. S.D. 122. et C. S. 3. Flowiug, branch- boar with liis mouth foaming as the torrent of
ing, rilling, ramifying frondescens, arborescens,
: Lora. Fihus Duini super Golbun, et aper cum ore
more ramorum diffluens (motus sanguinis effusi). ejus sub spumam instar torrentis Lora?. 2. Glut-
" 'Fliuil chraobhach." Par. xliv. 1. His streaming tony voracitas. Voc.SQ. Gwaz/j. xxiii. 3. "Craos

blood ejus sanguis effluens.

: cam," Wry mouth of a cliild crying os distortum :

• Craobh, -aidh, chr-, a. et w. (Craobh, ».), v. flentis infantuh. 3. Lust libido. Baxter. Engl. :

Sprout, shoot forth germina, surculos effun-

: Carouse. Uebr. tyiO cresh, the belly whence the ;

de, arboresce. Llh. " Craobh-caoimhneis vel Lat. Ceres.

sgeòil." Sh. A
genealogical tree arbo genea- :
Craosach, -aiche, adj. (Craosl, Gluttonous, wide-
logica. Sh. mouthed vorax, edax. Ir. X^AOfAÒ. O'R.

Craobhag, -AiG, -AN, S.f. dim. of Craobl), A small Craosach, -aich, s. m, A glutton helluo. UA^ :
Craosach, -aiciie, s.f. A spear : hasta. Oss. Ir. Each (every) creature
that has life in its body.
lL\itSO\XQ-«.C, -tJOAC. Quxque creatura quic est vivens, cui vita est in
CRAOSACII-DHEAnG,-AICH-DHEIRCE,-ICIIEAN-DEAIl- corpore suo. Wei. Creu, creare. Dav. Cre, a
GA, S.f. (Craosach, ct Dearg), A burning spear principle, beginning, or first motion. Otv. Crez,
jaculum ardens, catcia. Oss. constitution of the body, constitution. Ow. Laf.
Craosaire, -ean, *. m. (Craos, ct Fear), A glutton : Creo. Gr. K^iac, caro.
lielluo. Voc. 38. • Cre, s.
f. 1. A creed : symbolum fidei. OR.
Craosan, -ain, -an, s. m. (Craos), Vide Craosaire. i. e. Creud. 2. The keel of a ship : navis ca-
Craos-ghlan, -aidh, CHR-, V. a. (Craos, et Glan), rina. O'B.
Gargle gargariza. Llh. Creabhog,
: -gig, -an, s.
/ (Cre), 1. The body
Craoslach, ì -aich, -ean.s./. (Craos), S. D. 179. corpus. C. S. 2. A young woman : nympha, ado-
Craosnach, J
Vide Craosach. lescentula. O'R.
Craos-òl, -oil, s. m. (Craos, et Ò1), Drunkenness: Creabuill, -e, -ean, s. m. A garter : genuale.
ebrietas. Llh. jProi-inc.
Craos-shlugadh, -aidh, m. (Craos, et Slugadh), s. Creach, -eiche, -eachan, s.f. 1. Plunder, pillage
Gormandizing helkiatio. O'R. : pracda, spolium. " Agus thog iad 's a' chreich
Craos-shlugaire, -ean, s. m. (Craos, et Slug, v.), eadhon gach ni a bha stigh." Gen. xxxiv. 29. And
A glutton : helluo. C. S. they took away in the spoil every thing that was
Craos-shluig, -idh, CHR-, V. a. (Craos, et Sluig), in the house. Et sustulerunt in pra;da rem om-
Swallow greedily avide devora. C. S. : nem quas erat in domo. " A' togail creiche." " Ag
Crap, -aidh, chr-, v. a. Crush contere. : Vide iomain Carrying oft" booty. Pra;dam au-
Crup. ferens. 2. Ruin, devastation : exitium, ruina.
Crapta, perf. part. v. Crap. Crushed: conterltus. " JMo chreach 1" " Mo chreach ieir." C. S. My
Bibl. Ghss. ruin ! woes me ! Mea vastatio ! vse mihi ! 3. An
Crap-lù, -tha, s. m. (Crap, et Lù), A curl in pipe- host, army : exercitus. O'R. 4. An enemy : hos-
music : modulus quidam tibicinibus familiaris. tis. OR. 5. A wave : fluctus. OR. et Llh.
3I'Crim. Creach, -aidh, cur-, v. a. (Creach, s.) Plunder,
Crapluich, -idh, chr-, v. a. Fetter, bind : vinci, spoil, pillage, ruin spolia, praedare, diripe. " A- :

compedibus onera. O'H. gus a-eachaidh sibh na h-Eiphitich." Ecs. in. 22.
* Cràs, -an, s. m. A body : coipus. Llh. Hebr. And ye shall spoil the Egyptians. Et spoliahitis
tt^lO cresh, belly. j^gyptianos.
Crasgach, -aiche, Corpulent pinguis, o-
adj. 1. : • Creach, adj. Blind, grey : caecus, canus. Llh.
besus. C. S. 2. Uncombed : incomptus. S. C Vide Caoch.
S.Cross, ill-natured: difficilis, aditu difficilis. N.H. Creachach, -aiche, (Creach, s.) Plundering, adj.
4. Reticulated, lying cross-ways : decussatus. rapacious praedabundus, rapax. O'R. et
: S. C
N.H. Creachadair, -e, -ean, s. m. (Creachadh, et Fear),
Crasgan, -ain, -an, s. m. 1. Any object of a cruci- A plunderer : praedo, prsedator. C. S.
form shape quidvis crucis forniam adhibens.iV.ZT.
: Creachadh, -aidh, s. m. et pres. jiart. v. Creach.
Crath, -aidh, chr-, v. a. 1. Shake : agita, quate. 1. Apreying, plundering spoliatio, direptio. Llh. :

" 'N uair a sheall iad orm, chruth iad an cinn." 2. Execution on a musical instrument : execut»
Salm. cxix. 25. When they looked upon me they in instrumento musico. " Creacliadh na fidhle."
shaked their heads. Quando yiderunt in me mo- Oran. Execution on the violin. Executio in fidi-
verunt capita. 2. Churn : florem lactis agita ad bus.
butyi-um faciendum. C. S. Ir. itT!io-\t]viì, I shake. Creachag, -aig, -an, s.f. A cockle, scalloped shell:
Wei. CyfFroi, movere. Dav. Gr. Kga&u, quatio. cardiuni, " Creachag-
concha denticulata. C. S.
Chald. m3crath, abscldit. aisneach." C. S. ribbed cockle. Cardium cos- A
Crathach, -aiche, adj. (Crath, v.) Shaking, quiver- tatum. C. S.
ing, brandishing r agitans, quatiens, quassans. C. S. Creachagach, -aiche, adj. (Creachag), Abound-
Crathadh, -aidh, s. tn. et pres. part. v. Crath. 1. ing in ribbed cockles : cardiis costatis plenus. C. S.
A shake, shaking agitatio, concussio, actus concu-
: Creachair, -idh, chr-, V, a. Stigmatize, mark,
tiendi. C. S. 2. Churning, or making butter : actio sear maculam inure, ustula. Llh.

florem lactis agitandi ad butyrum faciendum. " Gu Creachaireas, -is, *. m. Sculpture : sculptura.
deimhin bheir crathadh bainne im a mach." Gnàth. MSS,
XXX. 33. Truly the churning of milk bringeth Creachan, -ain, s, m, dim. of Creach. Ruin : exi-
forth butter. Vere agitatio lactis educit butyrum. tium. " Mo chreachan!" My ruin! my wo!
Crathanach, -aiche, adj.
Vide Crathach. V£B ! proh dolor !

Cre, s.f. ind. Clay: iutura. D. Bttchan. Vide

1. Creachan, | -ain, -ainn, -ean, s. m. 1. The
Criadh. 2. : Dust pulvis. Llh, 3. A body, being Creachainn, ) shell-fish scallop, Scot. Clam : os-
corpus, natura, creatura. trea opercularis, vel maxima. Linn.
" Gach uile dhùil sam bith ta beo, " Lion a suas an t-slige chreachaimi,
" Gam bheil an deò 'n an ere." " Cha 'n ion a seachnadli gu dram ;
Boss. Salm, cl. 6. " 'S maith a' Ghàilic oir' a' chreachainn,
" An t-slig' clireach sinn a t' ann." CnBAOANArii, -AICHE, oJf. (Creagan), Rocky : ico-
A. M'D. 92. pulosuii. C. S.
Fill up ihc scallop bIicII ; it Ì8 notnit-it to avoid it Chkamii, -a, s. m, 1. Wild garlick : allium sylve»-

in drinkiiif,', ii tit tt-rin for it " Cnoihanii," it is ire. OR. It 2. Ale, or beer: cereviwa.
the shell tlmt has titspoilitl us. liiiplc sursuni, po- OR. Suiijd. " Creamh-KÌirrBÌdh." Voc. 58. A
culuni, i. c. c-onchuiii ostrca- niuxinia-, noii deco- A leek : allium porruni. Liim. " Creamh-niac-
conipotationeni conscntaneuin fiadh." lor. 58. Hart's tongue. ScoloiK-ndruui
rum earn evitare ud ;

Ga'licum nonicn illi " Crttichaiiii," concha ilhujuie vulgare. Linn.

diripuit nos. 2. A
stony declivity of a hill la- :
• Creamh-nuall, «. m. (Creamh, 2. et Nual), Noise
pidosus niontis clivus. Voc. 7. 3. The bare sum- of eorousers : compotantium strepitUK. Ll/tm
mit of a hill, wanting foliage : suinnius luons hcrba • Crean, -aidh, chr-, v. a. Consume, remove : con-
omni nudatus. C. S. sume, amove. LlJi. Vide Crion, r.
Creaciita, />re/. /)«rf. v. Creach. Spoiled: spoliatus. Creanachadii, -AiDii, ». /n. Foe. 155. Vide Crioth-
" Cuiridh e air falbh uaclidarain rrnwhta." I(>l/. nachadh.
xii. 19. He sendeth princes away spoiled. Mittit Cheanaicii, -iDii, ciin-, r. a. \'ide Criothnuich.

procul principes din>ptos. Ckkanauiite, }ierj'. part. Vide Crionaichte. Ir.

Ckeadii, -a, s. f. Clay: lutum. tha 'n an "A ;tltCAin)A15Cl.

comhnuidh ann an tighibh crcadha." /o6. iv. 19. Cueanas, -ais, *-. m. AVhetting, hacking of sticks :
Who dwell in houses of cla)-. Qui habitant in do- actio acuendi, aut concidendi ligna. Vide Grinneas.
mibus luti. Lot. Creta, chalk. Macf. V. et Prtrvinc.
Creadha, adj. (Creadh), 1. Clayish, of clay : lutosus, Creànluadh, -uaidh, s. m. \'ide Crùnluadh.
ex Into factus. " Amhuinn chreadha." Salm. xii. • Creapadh, -aidh, *-. wi. Contraction contractio. :

6. prose. A
furnace of clay. Caminus ex luto Llh. Vide Crupadh.
fabricatus. 2. gen. of Criadh, q. vide. Creapall, -aill, *. m. Entangling: actus impe-
• Creadhach, -aiche, adj. (Cre, 3.) Wounded : diendi. Llh.
vulneratus. LUi. Vide Cneidlieach. ' Crcapluichte, />re/./>art. f. Creapuill. Entangled:
• Creadlial, -ail, s. tn. Austerity : austeritas, seve- impeditus. liibl. Gloss.
ritas. MSS. Creapuill, -IDII, C1IK-, v.a. Stop, hinder, stay siste, :

• Creadhal, -aile, adj. Religious, worshipping : cohibe, impedi. Angl. Cripple.

plus, deuni colens. Uh. Vide Cràbhach. • Crear, s. in. A
hoop annulus ligneus vel ferreus.

• Creadhla, s. f. Clergy : ordo sacer, clerus. lih. 3ISS. Vide Criathar.

Vide Cleir. • Crearadh, -aidh, s. m. Bending, crooking : actus
Creadhonadh, -aidh, s. m. (Ore, et Gonadh), A flectendi, curvandi. U/i.
twitcliing, piercing pain : dolor acutus. Hebrid. • Crearal, -ail, s. ;«. A retaining, withholding :

• Creadradii, -aidh, *. in. A chariot : currus. Lih. retentio, cohibitio. Ll/i.

et OR. • Creas, -eis, vel -a, -an, *. m. A girdle, ^'ide
Creafag, -aig, -an, s.f. Vide Creubhog. Crios.
Creag, -aige, et -eige, -an, s. f. A rock : rupes. •Creas, adj. Narrow, strait : angustus. LIA.
" Bhuail Fionn am bolg, Creasan, -ain, -an, s. m. 1.Vide Criosan. 2.
" Cho-fhreagair gach tolm is creag." A penitent poenitens. O'R. Sitppl.

S. D. 252. • Creasgoin, -idh, chr-, v. a. (Craos, et Gain),

Fingal struck the hollow of his shield, each hillock Wound : vulnera. Sh. et O'R.
and rock resounded. Percussit Fingal concavum • Creasmhuir, -ara, s.f. (Crios, et Muir), strait, A
clj'pei, resonabant omnis colliculus et rupes. Angl. or arm of the sea : angustis, seu fretum maris.
Crag. Scot. Craig. Wei. Craig. OR. et MSS.
Creagach, -aiche, ttdj. (Creag), Rocky: scopulo- Creathach, -AicH, -AICHE, S.f. Faded underwood,
sus. burn-wood cremium. Provin.

" Chlisg na sleibhte creagcxh coillteach." CREATHALL,-EiTHLE,-EiTHLEAN,«.y^ Acradle, grate,

S. D. 81. reticulated cage cunae, crates, reticulatum claus-

The rocky, woody hills startled. Tremuenmt trum. " Creathall theine." C. S. grate : crati- A
monies scopulosi sylvosi. Ir. ;t]ieA5tTjAH. Wei. cula ignis.
Creigle. Scot. Craigy. Jam. Creathall, -aill, s.f. A lamprey: petromyzon.
Creagag, -aig, -an, s.f. 1. conger A : congrus, pis- Linn.
cis. Foe. 71. 2. " Creagag-uisge." A perch : per- ' Creath-fonn, s.f. (i. e. Crith-fuinn), An earth-
ca Linn. C. S.
fluviatilis. quake mot us. O'R. Suppl.
: terrae

Creagan, -ain, -an, s. m. dim. of Creag. A little Creathnachadh, -aidh, *. m. et pres. part. v.
rock, rocky place parva rupes, locus scopulosus.
: Creathnaich. Vide Criothnachadh.
" Cha robh creagan anns a' chladach Creathnaich, -idh, chr-, v. n. O'B. Vide Crioth-
" Nach do flireagair glaodh ris." R. D. naich.
There was not a little rock in the shore but re- Creatrach, -aich, -ean, s.f. wilderness : soli- A
echoed his noise. Non fuit rupes parva in littore, tudo. MSS.
A'ide Fàsach.
qux non rcsonabat clamorem illius. Ckeatuir, -e, -ean, s. m. Gael. Cat. ^ide Creutair.
Creic, -idh, CHR-, V. a. Sell : vende. Provin. Vide liever: qui credit. " Agus is moid a chuireadh
Reic. creidmhich ris an Tighearn. Gniomh. v. 14. And
Creich, -e, dat. et gen. of Creach, q. vide. believers were the more added to the Lord. Et
Creid, -idh, CIIR-, V. a. Believe: crede. vero majore (numero) qui crediderunt adjicieban-
" An t-slàinte uam clia 'n aidicli i, tur Domino. Ir. C|tci6ccoi|t.
" 'S cha chretd i uam am bàs." Creidsin, 1 s. w. et prex. part. v. Creid. Believing,
Sfeiv. 46. Creidsinn, j act of believing eredens, actus cre- :

Health from me, she will not confess (to have re- dendi. " Agus aig creidsinn duibh gu 'm biodh
ceived), and she will not believe from me death, agaibh beath trid ainmsan." Eòin. xx. 31. And
(i. e. warnings of death). Valetudinem a me non believing (to you), that ye might have life through
confitebitur ilia (accepisse), et non cretlet ilia a his name. Et credentes vos vitam habeatis per
me mortem, (i. e. pramonitiones mortis). " Nar nomen ejus.
chreidiodar," " chreideadar." (i. e. Cha do chreid Creidte, 2^^f- pO'i^. V. Creid. Believed : creditus.
iad). Salm. Ixxviii. 22. They did not believe as.
non crediderunt. Wei. Credu. B. Bret. Creda, Creig, dat. et gen. of Creag, q. vide.
-e, Provin-
Credi. Fr. Croire. Lat. Credere. ciallyused as the nominative.
Creideach, -eiche, adj. (Creid, v.) Eòin. xx. 27. Creigeir, -e, -ean, «. m. (Creag, et Fear), A grap-
Id. q. Creidmheach, adj. ple harpago. Voc. 111.
:, Ì «. »i. (Creid, r.) 1. Faith, religious Crei.m, -idh, chr-, v. a. Id. q. Creidlim, r. Hehr.
Creidimh, j belief: fides, ad res divinas perti-
CID cramatn, to waste.
Creimeadair, -e, -ean, s. m. (Creidhmeadh, et Fear).
" Labhraidh buidheann gun chreideamh,
1. A
bone-picker: qui radit ossa. C. S. 2. A
" Le mòran glaigeis 'n an ceann."
biter, carper : carptor, qui mordet. O'R.
Stew. 46.
Creimeadaireachd, s.f. ind. (Creimeadair), Pick-
Persons without faith speak with much loquacity,
actio radendi ossa, rodendi,
ing, gnawing, biting :

(lit. in their head). Loquuntur qui sine fide cum carpendi, mordendi. C. S.
multa loquacitate, [lit. in capite suo). 2. A reli-
Creimneach, -iche, adj. (Creidhm,*.) Jaggy, knot-
gious sect, or persuasion, or the creed professed
ty surfaced, scarred, blotched: asper, inaequalis,
by them ; societas vel communio quaevis religiosa,
cicatricosus. C. S.
vel syinbolum " Creideamh a' mhin-
fidei ipsius.
Crein, -idh, chr-, v. n. 1. SuflFer for : lue, pende
isteir," An Easpuig,"
" An t' Sagairt." The "
pcenas. " Creinidh tu air." W. H. You shall
Presbyterian, Episcopalian, Roman Catholic reli- suffer for it. (Culpae) poenas lues.
gion. Fides, religio, communio Ecclesia; Presby-
" Creideamh slàin-
Creineachan, -ain, s. m. chastisement : casti-A
teriana?, Episcopalis, Romanae.
teil." Voc. 167.Saving faith fides salvifica. :
Creineadh, -idh, s. m. et pres. part. v. Crein. Act
" Creideamh-catharra." C. S. The elements of
of suffering for, undergoing punishment actio poe- :

religion : religionis elementa. Wei. et Arrii. Cred,

nas pendendi. W. H.
Crefydd, Creddyf.
Crèis, -E, «./. Grease: adeps. C. S. 5'co#. Creische,
Creideas, -eis, s. m. (Creid, v.). Credit, esteem,
trust reposed : fides. Voc. 34. Ir. S.,-\ie\arr)e«.x Creesh. Hehr. ly^J cheres, scabies.
Fr. Credit. Crèiseach, -ICHE, daubed with
adj. (Creis), Greasy,
Creideasacii, -aiche, adj. (Creideas), Creditable grease, or squalid pinguedine oblitus,
tallow, :

fide dignus. Macf. F. C. S.

squalidiis, illotus.
* Creidhm, s. in. (Cre). 1. A scar cicatrix. : Creiseadh, -idh, s. m. Greasing, smearing with
MSS. 2. A disease morbus. Llh. et OR. : tallow actus inungendi. C. S.

Creidhm, -idh, chr-, v. a. (Creidhm, «.), Gnaw, Creisean, -in, -an, C. S. Vide Creadhal.
chew, pick rode, rade, os cultro vel dentibus ri-
: Creithnich, -idh, chr-, v. a. Tremble : treme.
mare. C. S. Vide Criothnaich.
Creidhmeadh, -idh, s. tn. et jn-es. part. v. Creithil, -e, et -thlach, -ean, s. f. A cradle
Creidhm. Gnawing, chewing, act of gnawing. cunabula. C. S.
" Creidhmeadh nan cnàmh." C. S. Picking bones Creithleag, eig, -an, s.f. A gleg, gad-fly, an in-
carnem ex osse actus desecandi. sect that attacks cattle : oestrus, asilus. C. S.
• Creidhmeach, -iche, adj. Full of sores ulcero- : • Creep, -aidh, chr-, v. a. Seduce ; falle, decipe.
sus. O'N. Uh. et OR.
Creidmheach, -iche, ac^. (Creidimh), Believing, • Creòpach, -aich, s. m. (Creop, v.) seducer A
faithful eredens, fidelis.
: " Uime sin tha an deceptor. O'R.
droing a tha do 'n chreidimh, air am beannachadh Creòth, -aidh, chr-, v. a. Wound, hurt: vulnera,
maille ri Abraham fior chreidmheach." Gal. iii. 9. noce. Provin. Vide Ciùrr.
So then they which be of faith are blessed with Creòthar, -air, s, m, A
wood-cock : scolopax,
Abraham truly faithful. Itaque qui sunt ex fide, nisticola. Linn. O'R. Suppl.
benedicuntur cum Abrahamo vere fideli. Creubh, -eibh, -an, s. f. (Cre), A body : corpus.
Creidmheach, -mhich, *. m. (Creidimh), A be- MSS.
Crbubh, -aidh, CHB-, V. a. Crave, dun flagita, of-: Criatli. Criiidli-aoil,"'*(no cheangail). Mor-
fluflita, tloposci'. Proline. Potius i(u- Antjl. tar,cement luluni cum calce nnxlum, cie-

Ckeubiiacn, -ahh, *./ 1. Dry brush-wooil crc- : mentum. " Criudhaol." Sh. " Criadli-dliearg."
niiuiii. Proiiii. Vide Creatlittth. 2. Cluy : lii- Vm: 55. Wet. Clai. Fr. Craie. Ba»i. Carea.
tum. Proviit. Hind. \jV f/iira, cluy (prepared). Gilehr. Arab,
C'RKtuiiAdi. -AKii, ( -AN, «. «I (Creubli), Adisli
CKKtmiAciiAN, -Ais, | coiiiposfd oC blood, lilt and ^y^ hliriuli, soft and pliable. ImI Creta, fuller'»

spictTV iiri'puri'd in a pan pudding niiidu of call "s ;

clay. Vide (lach dliearg.
entrails: dapis vcl pulpanii'ntuni ex adipe, sangui- • Criadha, for Creadha, yriu of Criadh. Of clay,
ne et cojulinienlis cont'cL-ta, farcinien ex vituli in- earthen hitosus, lictUis. JJh.

testinis. Provin. CniADHADAiH, -E, -i!As, .V. In. (Ci'iadli, et Fear}, A

Creubiiao, -ak!, -an, *•./'. (Urn. of Crcubli, *. 1. potter : ligulus. " Mar shoilln-ach criadtiudair
A body, a small body: corpus, corpus exiguuni. C. |>ronnaidh tu iad 'n am bloighdibli." Stdm. ii. 9.
S. 2. A little woman : muliercula. Provin. 3. As a potter's vessel thou shall daj>h them iu pieces.
A twig : virgula. Vide t'reubliach. Ut vas iiglinum dissipabis eos.
Creubiiaidh, -e, atij. (Crcubli, «.) 1. Tender in Criadmadaikeaciid, s.
f. ind. (Criadliadair), The
healtli : valctudinurius. 2. irritable : irritabilis. C.S. potter's trade : ars figularis. C. S.
Creuch, -iicii, «.^; Clay: ]\\tum. Jiil/t. Gloss. N'idc CniADH-CIIEANGAIL, -GLAIDH, CU-, f. fl. (Criadh,
Criadlu et Ceangail), Cement coagmenta. C. S. Vide :

Creucmd, -a, -an, s.

f. A wound: vulnus. ' Tha Ceangail.
mo chreHclula lohhta, breun, air son m' aniaid- CniADH-LoisGTE, «./. (CHadli, et Loisg), Burnt clay,
eachd." Sal/», xxxviii. 3. wounds stink and My brick : later, lutum coctile. " Ballachan do
are corrupt because of my folly. Sunt vulnera chriadhaidh loisgte." C. S. Brick walls muri :

niea putrentia, contabentia propter stultitiam mean). coctiles.

Ir. £.|tecc, fCjioo. Chiadh-luch, -A, -AiNN, s. /. (Criadh, et Luch),
Creuchd, -aidh, CIIR-, r. a. (Creuchd, s.) Wound :
mole talpa. Ll/i. :

vulnera. Cfiooc, C|ioocAit), I wound.

C. S. Ir. Cbiadii-tiugh, -e, -ean, s. m. (Criadli, et Tigh),
Creuchdach, -aiciie, adj. {Creuchd, s.) 1. Wound- An earthen house ; domus e luto facta.
ing : vulnificus. C. S. 2. Sinful : nefarius. Ll/i. " Fuaim ghaothar no buillean sgia',
et OB. " Cha chluinnear 'h a chria -thigh t-aol."
Creuchdadii, -aidh, «. tn. et pres. part. v. Creuchd. S. D. 24.
Wounding : vulneratio, actus vulnerandi. Vac. The sound of winds, or the blows of shields, shall
148. not be heard in his narrow house of clay. So-
• Creuchd-lorgach, -aiche, adj. (Creuchd, et Lorg), nitus venti vel ictus scutorum non audientur in
Full of scars cicatricosus. LIh. : angusta lutca domo ejus.
Creitd, pron. interrog. (i. e. Co an rud), ^^^lat quid. : Cbiadh-umha, «. /. (Criadh, et Umlia), Ore of
(Irish, but occurring frequently in the sacred com- brass aes non recoctum. C. S.

positions of Scotland). • Criapach, aiche, adj. Hough : asper. LÀh.

" Cretid duine truagh gu gcuimhnis air ?" Cbiab, -aidh, CHR-, f. a. (Criathar, «.) Vide
Kirk. Salm. viii. 4. Criathair.
What is wretched man that thou rememberest Cbiaradh, -aidh, «. »1. et pres. part. v. Criar.
him ? Quid homo miser te meminisse eum ? Silling, act of sifting cribrans, actus cribrandi. :

" Creud as fa ?" " Creud as far ?" " Creud fa ?" " Dh' iarr Satan sibhse chum bhur criaradJi mar
adv. Why ? for what cause ? Cur ? qua propter ? chruineachd." Luc. xxii. 31. Satan desired (to
Salm. passim. have) you that he might sift you as wheat. Sata-
Creud, -a,
s. f. A creed s)Tnbolum fidei
-an, : nas appetiit vos ad vos cribrandum sicut triticum.
(Christiana;). " A' chreud" C.S. The creed: Criath, -a, »./. Vide Criadh.
s)rmbolum apostolicum. Cbiathach, -aiche, tidj. (Criath), Clayish: luto-
Creufag, -aig, -an, *•./. A. JPD. Vide Creubhag. sus. C. S.
Creumhach, -aicii, s. m. C. S. Vide Cnaimh- Cbiathaib, -idh, CHR-, V. o. (Criathar,*.) Sift:
fhiach. cribra. OR. et C. S.
Cbeutair, -e, -ean, s. 7)1. vel /. (Cre, et Tuar), Cbiathaireadh, -idh, s. nu et pres. part. v. Criath-
" Thugadh an talamh a mach an crevtair beò air. \'ide Criaradh.
a feir a ghnè." Let the earth bring
Gen. i. 24. Criathairte, perf. part. v. Criathair. Sifted: cri-
forth the Produ-
living creature after his kind. bratus. C.S.
cat terra animans in speciem ipsius. Wei. et Arm. Criathar, -air, *. m. A sieve cribruni. " Criath- :

Creadwr. ar flùir, no plùir." Foe. 37. /r.

XjteoÒAti, £,|iOAr-
Crel'thacii, -aich, s. f. Brush-wood cremium. :
S. Bret. Croiizr. Fr. Crible. Hibr. n'^2p
Provin. Vide Creubhach.
ceharah, cribrum.
Cri, s. m. poet, for Cridhe, q. vide.
Criadu ; gen. Creadha ; dat. Creaduaidh, s. f.
Criathaban, -ain, s. m dim. of Criatliar. A little

{PoeL Cre. Salm. xii. 6.) Clay : lutum. Vide sieve : cribrum exiguum. C. S. Ir. £pc|C)fnt).
Vol. I. Go
CRf 290 CRI
* Criathar-incala, s. >». (Criathar, et Mil), i. e. ' Criobh, -a, -an, s.f. A jest, trifle : jocus, nugae.
Cir-niheala). lioiicy-conib : favus. A OH. LUu
Criatiiradii, -AiDii, .V. ill. ct ptcs. part.v. Criathair. Crìoch, -ìche, -an, s.f. 1. An end, limit, bounda-
Sifting actio cribraiidi. Llh. et C. S.
ry : finis, limes, terminus. " Tha a dol a mach o
Criacii, -a, -an, s.f. Proviii. Vide Crioch. chrlch nan speur, agus a cuairt gu ruig na crioch-
Criacu, -aidh, C1IK-, V. a. (Criach, s.) Propose to aibh." Satm. xix. 6. His going forth is from the
ones self, intend : propone tibi, intende. N. U. end of heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it.
Vide Criochnaich, 2. Est suus exitus ab extremitate ccelorum, et revo-
Criachadh, -aidh, s. in. et pres. part. v. Criach. lutio ejus ad extremitates. 2. An end, conclusion :

Proposing to one's self, intending, act of willing, finis, exitus. " Oir is si slth a 's crioch do "n duine
or purposing sibi proponens, intendens, actus
: sin." Salrn. xxxvii. 37. For the end of that man
proponendi, intendendi. N. H. is peace. Nam finis istius viri est pax. 3. A de-
* Crib, -e, s.f. 1. Swiftness, speed: celeritas, ve- sign, scope, intention : propositum, concilium.
locitas. OR. 2. (Cir), A comb : pecten. MSS. " Crioch araid an duine." Gael. Catech. The chief
Crìch, -e, dot. et gen. of Crioch, q. vide. end of man. PrjEcipuum propositum hominis. 4.
Cridhe, -eachan, s. m. 1. A heart: cor. Death : mors. " Crioch dheireannach." C. S.
" C
uime Dheirg an robh ar cridh' Latter end : finis ultimus. Gr. Xmwv, fatum, mors.
" Air an snionih cho dliith 'n ar com ?" S.D. 34. 5. Acountry regio. " Garbh chriochan." O'R.

Why Dargo were our hearts so closely interwoven Mountainous regions regiones montosiE. : 6. A
in our bosoms ? Quapropter, Dargo erant nostra copse, grove arbustum, nemus. O'R. " Crioch-

corda intertexta tam arete in pectore nostro ? 2. cluiche no cluithe." Macf. V. An epilogue : epi-
A centre centrum. " Cridhe na talmhainn." C.
: logus. " Crioch dheas na greine." C. S. Tlie
S. Centre of the earth. Centrum orbis terra- tropic of Capricorn tropicus Capricorni. " Crioch-

rum. 3. A kind of buckle fibula. Vide Cridh- : dhùthcha." C. S. The frontiers of a country or
eachan. " A rahic mo chridhe." My good fellow district : limes regionis. " Criochfhearainn." Voc.

O bone. " Fear mo chridhe." Man of my heart 7. A

land-mark : Hmes agri. " Crioch-fhradh-
delectissime. Ir. CfiojSe. Fr. Coeur. Gr. Ka^6/a. airc." C. S. A
horizon : horizon. " Crìoch-

Ckidheach, -iche, adj. (Cridhe), 1. Hearty, cheer- sgeòil." C. S. End of a story, an epilogue : finis
ful hilaris. C. S.
: Vide Cridheil. 2. Courage- fabulae, epilogus. " Crioch thuath na greine." C.
ous, bold audax. C. S.
S. The suns northern limit, tropic of Cancer.
Cridheachan, -ain, -an, s. m. dim. of Cridhe. 1. A Solis limes borealis, tropicus Cancri.
little heart cor parvum. C. S. 2.
: small brooch A Crìochadair, -e, -ean, s. m. (Crioch, et Fear). 1.
or buckle worn at the breast fibula. Hebrid. 3. : A gag-tooth dens caninus. " Na criochadairean."

pi. of Cridhe, q. vide. Voc. 14. The gag-teeth : dentes canini. 2. A

Cridhealas, -AIS, s. m. (Cridheil), Cheerfulness: borderer : accola. C. S.
hilaritas. C. S. Crìochalachd, s.f. iiid. (Crioch), Completion, per-
Cridheil, -eala, -eile, adj. Hearty, cheerful : hi- fection status optimus. C. S.

laris. C S. Crìochan, -ain, s. »!. (Crioch). 1. Strife: concer-

Crìlein, -e,-ean, *. m. A box, small coffer : capsa, tatio. C. S. 2. A
querulous tone : sonus queru-
arcula. O'R. Ir. ;t]i)l(T). lus. C. S. 3. pi. of Crioch, q. vide.

* Crinbhriathrach, -aiche, adj. (Crion, et Briath- CrÌochnachadh, -aidh, s. m. et pres. part. v.

rach). Talking foolishly : stultiloquus. 3ISS. Criochnaich. Finishing, act of finishing, or con-
Crìne, s. iiid. (Crion, adj.) Niggardness, wither- cluding finiens, actus perficiendi. C. S.

ing, rottenness : parsimonia sordida, caries, marcor. Crìochnaich, -idh, CHR-, V. a. (Crioch). 1. End,
Vide Crion. finish, accomplish, conclude : fini, confice, con-
C. S.
clude. " Agus chiiochiiaich Dia air an t-seach-
Crìne, adj. compar. of Crion, q. vide.
Crìneachd, s.f. bid. S. C
Id. q. Crine, s. damh la 'obair a rinn e." Gen. ii. 2. And God
Crìnead, -eiD; s. f. (Crine, adj.) Degree of little- finished on the seventh day the work which he had
ness gradus exiguitatis. C. S.
done. Et perfecit Deus in die septimo opus suuni
» Crineamh, -eimh, s. f. (i. e. Dan, òrdugh quod 2. Propose, project
fecerat. propone, sta- :

" Cloch na crin- tue. " Chriochnaich iad comhairle." C. S. They

siorruidh). Fate fatum. :

eamJi." Llh. App. The liatli fail, or coro- determined (finished) consultation : statutum erat.
nation stone of the Scottish kings. Lapis ille Crìochnaichte, pret. part. v. Criochnaich. Finish-
ed, mature, perfect finitus, maturus, perfectus.
fatidicus, cui insidentes coronabantur Scotici :

" Duine criochnaichte." full-grown man : vir A
*Crineamh, -ear, s. m. A fall casus. Llh. :
matura; iEtatis." Gr. Aitj» ri'Ksiog " Tlia e crioch-
» Crineamhuin, s.f. MSS. Vide Crineamh. naichter Eoiii. xix. 30. It is finished. Finitum
Crinean, -ein, -an, *. m. MSS. Vide Crionan. vel perfectum est.

CrÌnlein, -e, -ean, s. m. A writing desk scrinium, :

Crìochnuiche, -ean, m. (Criochnaich, «. v.), A fi-

abacus. O'B. Ir. Lyi.yiA\\). nisher qui finit, vel perficit. O'R.

* Crinteach, -iche, adj. Fretful, anxious solicitus, :

Crìochnuicheach, \ -EICHE, odj. (Criochnaich, r.),

anxius animi. Uh. et O'R. Crìochnuigheach, J Finite : finitus. C. S.

CRiorirNuiciiKACHD.-NUiciiBACnn, t.f.ind. (Criocli- Ttiou refuir of the Fingaliani, wouldst thou have
iiuitlicach), Fiiiituilf, «juiilily of Imviiig uii tiid : me to be without renpect or entecm a» Mano»?
qualitus hubfiiili tiiii-m. O'Ji. Kecreii,ientuin Fiiigulieiiiiiuni, an velis lue eKiie nine

Cki<)cii-.smaiiii),-a,-an, ». »n. (Criocli, 3. ct Smacliil), rei>|K-ctu sine exii>limatiune nicut Munui ' 2. Dry
Goveraiiient : ini|)i'riuiii, rfginicn. O'H. 8tick8, bruxhwuud : cremiuin. Voc. 4. " Cha u'eil
-k, -ailk, -ALA, adj. Voc. 142. Id. q. coille gu'n a criuiutich." I'rov. 'lliere it no wood
Cridheil. witliout its withered (ree«. Nulla cylva isine ar-
CnioDHALTAs, -Ais, «. »M. \ (Criodhail), ChecrRil- bore arefacta sua. 8. Decay niarcur. Crunta. 222. :

Ckiodiiai.aciid, A'. /i (/«/. j nt'ss: hilaritas. Voc.S'i. 4. Withering status arendi vel iucTementum re-

• Criodhar, -air, -can, «. m. 1 A Icecli hirudo. . : primeiidi. 6'. '.S'.

(JR. 2. A wood-cock : scolopax. LUt. Crionauii, -aidh, «. m. at prts. jxirt. v. Crion. Wi-
• Criol, -a, s.m. A clit-st, coffer: area, loculus. Crionaicii, -idh, CHR-, f. ti. \Vither, decay, fade:
IMi. Scot. Creil, an osier basket. aresce, emarce, marcesce. C/R.
• Criolach, -aich, s.f. A repository : repositoriuiii. Crion-ali.t, -uillt, ». m. (Crion, adj. et Allt), An
" Graibh-c-Jjriolach." JMi. A repository of ar- exhausted rill.
•' Kaoin an dùil uisge gu dian,
diives : tabulariuni. IJh.
Criom, -aidh, CHR-, Pick, bite, nip, nibble at
V. a. " 'S an crion-allt ag iadliudh ro' ghleann."
C. S.
rode, niorde, carpc. J'ing. iv. .324.
Criomadan, -ain, -an, s.f. Vide Crioniag. Fields anxiously in rain hope of
and the exhaust- ;

Criomadh, -aidh, s. m. et frres. part. v. Criom. ed rill descending along tlie glen. Arvis expec-
Nipping, picking actio rodendi, corrodendi, mor-
: tantibus pluviam vehementer, ct parvo exhausto
dendi. C.S. rivo errante per vallera.
Criomag, -AiG, -AN, S.f. bit, fragment, shiver, A • Crioncain, -idh, clir-, r. n. (Crioncain, «.), Strive:
shred, tatter mica, fragmentum, cento, pannicu-
: contende, certa. MSS.
lu« obsoletus. " Criomag orain. C. S. bit of A Crioncan, -ain, s. m. 1. Strife, tumult: lis, tu-

bread : frustulum. " Tlioir as a cheile na chriom- multus. O'R. 2. A murmur : murmur. BAl.
agan." C. S. Tear asunder in pieces : dilacera. Gloss.
Angl. Crumb. Crioncanaciid, \ -aidh. Striving: decerta-
Criomagachadh, -aidh, m. ctpres.part.v. Criom-
a-, Crioncanachadh, w. j tio. O'R. *.

agaich. Pounding, crumbling friatio, actio com- : Criond, -a, adj. Provin. Vide Crionna.
minuendi. C. S. Crion-chur, -uir, -e, s. m. (Crion, et Cuir), A lay-
Criomagaich, -idh, CH-, v.a. (Criomag), Crumble, ing on of snow, or small hail : decidium nivis vel
divide into bits, or fragments comminue, minuta- : grandinis tenuis. " Crion chur sneachda." C. S.
tim seca. C. S. Crion-dris, -e, -ean, s.f. (Crion, adj. et Dris), A
Criom agaichte, pret. part. v. Criomagaich. Torn bramble rubus. C. S.

to pieces : minutatira secatus. C. S. Crionlach, -aich, s.f. Touchwood lignum cario- :

Criomaire, -ean, s. m. (Criom, v.), One who nibbles, sum, ignem facile concipiens. UJi.
picks : disecator. C. S. Crion-fhiodh, -a, «. »1. (Crion, adj. et Fiodh), De-
Criomachd, f. ind. (Criom, v.), Picking at
s. any cayed wood lignum cariosum. C. S.

thing : disecatio, actus rodendi. C. S. Crion-mhiol, -a, -ax, s.f. (Crion, a/^'. et Miol),
• Criomairt, -e, s.
f. (Cre, et Mart), second A A wood, or wall louse cimex, tinea. O'R. :

milking : mulctus iteratus. Provin. Crionna, 1 adj. 1. Shrewd, cautious, prudent :

Crioman, -ain, -an, s. in. (Criom, r.) C. S. Id. q. Crionnta, J cautus, prudens. Maef. V. et C. S.
Criomag. Gr. O y.^itii, qui judicat. Wei. Crintach, sordidus.

Crion, -ÌNE, adj. 1. Little, mean : par\'us, humi- 2. Old, ancient vetus, antiquus. O'R.

lis. " Balach crion." C. S. A little boy : puenilus. Crionnachd, 1 *•. /. ind. (Crionna), Shrewdness,
" Crion duine." Par\'ulus. Wei. Cryddyn, Cry- Crionntachd, j prudence, sagacity prudentia, sa- :

nur. " Crion-reothadh." Hoar-frost pruina. Scot. : pientia, ingenii acumen. Voc. 31. Wei. Crinder,
Cranreuch. Jam. ìì'el. et Arm. Crinavidus, a- aviditas.
Tarus. 2. Dry, withered siccus, arefactus. " Duill-: Crion-shearg, 1 -aidh, CHR-,f.n. (Crion, et Searg),
eag chrion. C. S. A faded leaf frons marcidus. : Crion-searg, j Wither: aresce, are. " Crioti-
Lat. Granum, Grando. sheargaidh iad gu grad. Saim. xxxvii. 2. They
Crion, -aidh, chh-, v. a. et «. (Crion, adj.) 1. Wi- shall quickly wither away. Exarescent illi cito.
ther, fade are, marce. OR. et C. S.
: 2. Repress " Crion-seargaidli." Ross. Salm. ibid.
the growth by ill treatment comprime incremen- : Criopag, -AiG, -AN, *./. A WTÌnkle ruga. MSS. :

tum male tractando. C. S. Wei. Crino, arescere. Criopagaich, -idh, chr-, v. a. et n. (Criopag),
Scot. Crine, Cryne. Jam. Rimple, wrinkle corruga. MSS. :

Crionach, -aiche, s.f. (Crion, adj. 2.) 1. wi- A Crios, -a, -an, et -ACHAN, s. m. 1. A belt, girdle,
thered tree : arbor arefacta. cingle, strap, zone: cingulum, zona, baltheus. " A-
" A
chrionaich nam Fiann, am b' àiU leat mise, gus chuir e fuil a' chogaidh air a' chrios a bha m'
'< Bhi gun mhiadh gmi mheas mar Mhànus ?" a ieasraidh agus air a bhrògaibh a bh' air a chos-
S. D. 205. aibb." 1 Righ. ii. 5. And lie put the blood of
Go 2
war on the girdle that was round his loins, and 8. 9. Accordingly it is manifest that those per-
on his slices that were on his feet. Et reposuit sons who recommendto sovereigns and princes to

sanguineni bcllic» (cocdis) in zona quae erat cir- liave no care of divine laws, are enemies to human
cinn limbos sui et in calceanientis quse erant nature. Itaque manifestum est eos esse, qui sua-
ad pedes suos. 2. meton. The waist: cinctura, dent regibus principibusque christianis non reve-
media corporis pars. C. S. " Crios-claidhimh." reri Icgibus divinis, hostes natunc humanx.
A sword-belt cingulum cui gladius appenditur.
Criosdail, -e, et -ala, adj. (Criosd), Christian,
" Crios-gualann," vcl " guailne." shoulder-belt A Christian-like: Christianus, Christi discipulura re-
cingulum humerale. " Crios-muineil." A neck- ferens. Ir. /Si^]oxzi^n}u]\.
band cingulum collarium.
" Crios-spaoilidh," • Criosdal, -ail, s. m. (Crios), A kind of thong, or
vcl " pasgaidh." A swaddling-band fascia. lob. : withe : quoddam vimen. " Iris a bhios mu

xxxviii. 9. Ir. £iieA|-. Wd. GwTegis. Arab. ni." Llli.

Criosdalachd, s. /. ind. (Criosdail), A Christian
(_)3jj" heriz, kriz, cutting a rope.
temper : indoles Christiana. C. S.
• Crios, s. m. The sun : sol. OB. Hebr. DIPT Criosd-athair, -ar, -thraichean, s. m. (Criosd, et
cheres. Athair), A god-father : susceptor, pater lustricus.
Crios, -aidh, chr-, v, a. (Crios,*.) Gird: cinge. Llh.
" Le neart chum cath do chrios tu mi." Salm. Criosduidh, -e, -ean, -nean, s. m. Voc. 167.
xviii. 39. With strength for battle thou hast gird- Vide Criosdaidh, s.
ed me. Viribus ad proelium cinxisti me. Crios-guailne, -ean, 1 s. m. (Crios, et Gualainn),
Chiosach, -aiche, adj. (Crios), Girdled, succinct Crios-gualann, -AiNN,/ A shoulder-belt balteus :

cinctus, succinctus balteo. OR. humeralis. C. S.

Criosachadh, -aidh, s. m. et pres. part. v. Crios- Crioslacii, -aich, -aichean, s.f. 1. A girding of
aich. Girding : actio stringendi cingulis, vel zonis the loins : actio accingendi. C. S. 2. An apron :

circumligandi. (JB. pra;cinctoriuni. OR. 3. A limit, border : limes,

Criosaich, -idh, CHR-, v.o. (Crios, s.). Gird, bind : ora, margo. O'R. 4. A bosom : gremium. Voc. 15.
cinge, cingulis circuniliga. C. S. Crioslachadh, -aidh, «. m. et pres. part. v. Crios-

Criosaichte, /»re<.joart. t;. Criosaich. Girded, girt: laich. A girding : actio prscingendi. Salm. xviii.

cinctus, zonis circumligatus. C. S. 32.

Criosadair, -e, -ean, s. m. A belt-maker: qui facit Crioslaich, 1 -idh, CHR-, V. a. (Crios). 1. Gird
cingula. Voc. 48. Criosluich, j the loins limbos cinge. " Tha 'n :

Criosan, -ain, -an, s. wi. dim. of Crios, s. A little Tighearn air a sgeadachadh ie neart, agus chrioS'
belt : cingulum parvum. C. S. 2. A waist, a laich se e fein." Salm. xciii. 1. Tlie Lord is cloth-
slender waist : cinctura, media corjioris pars te- ed with strength, and he hath girt himself. Do-
nuior. C S. minus (Deus), indutus robore, et accinxit sese. 2.
Crios-ceangail, s. m. (Crios, et Ceangal), A belt, Limit, determine limita, termina. O'R.:

swaddling-band cingulum, cinctorium, fascia.

: Crioslaichte, \^pret. part. v. Crioslaich. Girded:
" Crios-Chuculainn." CuchuUin's girdle. A. 3PD. Criosliuchte, j cinctus. Salm. xciii. 1.
Gloss. Vide Cneas-Chuchulain. Crios-meadhoin an t-saoghail, s. m. (Crios,
Criosd, Ì s. m. Christ, our Saviour Christus, ho- : Meadhon, et Saoghal), The middle belt of the
Criosda, j minum Servator. " Is tusa Criosd Mac world, i. e. the aequator, or cequinoctial : aequator,

an De bheò." 3Iattt xvi. 16. Thou art Christ the vel circulus aequinoctialis.
Son of the living God. Tu es Christus Filius Dei Criosmhuir, -mhara, s.f. (Crios, et Muir), A strait,
viventis. Gr. X«/sof. arm of the sea fretum, maris : angustiae. Voc. 6.
Criosda, adj. Swift, quick, nimble
• agilis, celer, : Ir. jCTteAT*rbu^Tt.
velox. Llh. Crios na greine, s. m. Vide Grian-chrios.
Criosdachd, \ s.f. (Criosdaidh, adj.) Chris- Crios-nèimhe, (Crios, et Neamh), Tlie zodiac: zo-
Criosdaidheachd, ) tianity : Christianismus. "A' diacus.
Chriosdachd." Christendom : Christianus orbis. Criosraich, ì
^ ^ yj^g Crioslaich.
OR. Criosruich, j
Criosdaidh, -ean, jf. m. (Criosd),
-e, Christian A : Criosruichte, pret. part. v. Criosruich. Vide Crios-
Christianus. " Agus tharladh gu 'n do ghoireadh laichte.
Criosdaidhean de na deiscioblaibh air tùs ann an Criostal, -AIL, -AN, s. wi. Crystal: crystallus. Voc.

Antioch." Gniomh. xi. 26. And it happened that Wei. Crisial.

the disciples were called Christians first in An- Criostalach, -aiche, adj. (Criostal), Transparent
tioch. Factum est ut nominati sunt Christian! ex translucidus. C. S. Ir. Si]K}OXz,òXMr)n-\\.
, discipulis primum Antiochiae. Criost A, pret. part V. Crios. Girded, girt cinctus. :

Criosdaidh, -e, adj. (Criosd), Christian.- Christia- as.

nus. " Do reir sin, is follas go bfuillid an nihuin- Criot, -a, -achan, s. f. (i. e. Soitheach creadha).
tear iarras ar tighearnaibh agus ar priondsaghaibh An
earthen vessel : vas fictile. Provinc.
crisduidhe gan cùram an reachta diadha do bheith Criotaicii, -idh, CHR-, V. a. Provinc. Vide Cnead~
orra ina naimhdibh don naduir dhaona." Cor*. Lit. aich.
• Criotail, adj. Earthen, made of day : fictili*. Uh. radh), A tremulous radiance : iplendor trepidus.
Ir. X.f»ioc.\n)ii]l. c. a.
• t'rioth-chunuiiliiir, -t; -eun, *. »«. (Criot, et Cu- Chithk, .<7<vi. of Critli. Trembling, q. vide.

iiuulair), A|>oIIit: ligiilus. AM. Chitiikai II, -It hi:, lulj. (Crith, Jr.) Shaking, quak-
CltlOTIINACIIAl>H, -AlUII, «. III. prfS. JMtrt. V.
ft ing : tremeni», treiiu-buiiduii.
Trembling status tremvudi, tremur. " Nac'h du clileuchd blii 'ii a aoiuu'aii critltaich."
Criotlinaidi. :

C. S. S.D. 201.
CiiioTiiNAicii, \ -IDH, CI1U-, f. «. (Crith), Tremble: Who was not wont to be a trembling solitary one.
t'HioTiiNL'icii, I tremesce. " Agus c/iriot/rHiiit/i Qui noil Koli'bat eskc solitarius trcincbuiidus. " An
Isiiac le ball-chrith anuburruich." 6V/i. xxvii. 83. cuun crithiai/i." The ri|ipliiig sea mare treineni». :

And Isaac trembled very exceedingly. Et trc- Oss. Vol. 111. 510.
muit Isaacus tremore maguu admudum. Wfl. Critheach, -ich, »•. «I. An aspen-tree: populu»
treniulus. Linn.
Crynu. Ir. £.]iOA'^tU\]c.
*. m.
" Chratli e 'n a làimh a clirann rrilliich,
• Criothstabhaire, -can, (i. e. Criath-stabh-
" 'S air mac an Luiiiii sheall e ritliis."
aire), A potter tigulus. JtJSS. :

Crioth-tiiai.mii-^inn' ; pi. Criotiiana-tai.mii- S. D. 87.

AINN, s.f. Mat. xxiv. 7. Vide Crith-tlialmiiainn. lie shook in his hand hÌB aspen beam, and on his
Criotmunn, -iiSN, *. ;«. (Critli, .<.) An asjicn, or sword (the son of Lunu) he looked again. Quassa-
trembling poplar populus treniulus. Liyhlf.
vit ille in inanu sua hastain suam populi alba-, et

CnirLEACii, -icii, s. m. crijiple A

claudus, claudi- :
intuitus est in gladiutn {(ilium Lunonis) vicissim.
Crith-eagai., -ail, s. m. (Crith, et Eagal), Aston-
cans. C. S. Germ. Kruppel. Wacht.
Crii'leachadii, -aidh, *. m. ct pres. part. v. Crip- ishment with terror, consternation, trembling stu- :

licli. Laming, act of laming : actus claudum effici-

por cum tremore, torjior, pavor. Llh.
endi. C.S. Ckitii-eac;i.ach, -laiche, adj. (Crith-eagal), 1.

Ckii'leaciid, s. f. iiid. (Cripleach), Lameness, de- Astonishing, dismaying consternans, stupefaciens. :

crepitude : claudicatio, aetas decrepida. O'H. C. S. 2. Terrified, trembling, quakiug for fear

Crii'licii, -iDH, CI1R-, V. a. Cripple, make lame: perterrefactus, prx tiniore tremens. C. S.
claudum effice. O'R. Crithean, pi. of Crith. Fits of trembling tremo- :

• Crislion, -in, s. m. Sinews : tendines. LI/i. res. C. S. Ir. ;£|l(»ACAt).

• Crit, -e, -ean, s.f. Ll/i. Vide Croit. Critheanach, -aiche, adj. (Crith, s.) Inducing
• Criteagan, -ain, s. m. (Crit), A dwarf: nanus. tremors tremores efticieiis.
" fiabhras crit/i^ Am
OR. eanach." C. S. The ague : febris tremulus.
Crith, -e, -ean, *. /. 1. Trembling tremor. :
Ckitmeann, -inn, s. m. O'R. Vide Critheach, s.
" Thainig eagal agus crith orni, agus cliòmhdaich Chithear, -ir, s. m. (Crith, et Fear), 1. spark A
uamhann mi." Salm. Iv. 5. Fear and trembling of fire : scintilla ignis. OR. 2. drinking cup A :

have come upon me, and horror hatli clothed me. poculum. OR.
Timor et tremor invadit me, et obtegit me horror. Crith-oiialar, -air, «. m. (Crith, et Galar), A
Wtl. Cryd. B. Bret. Cren. 2. tit of an ague A :
palsy : paralysis. C. S.
tremores febricitantis. C. S. " Air c/irith." Trem- Critiiionn, -inn, s.J'. Vide Critheann.
bling tremens.
" Crith chatha." A. M'Z>. Gloss. Ckith-làmh, -à, -an, s.f. (Crith, et Làmh), A
Impatience for fighting. Pugnandi ardor vel sestus. trembling hand: trepida manus. C. S.
Ir. Cmoc, ipiococ. Crith-lamiiach, -aiche, adj. Crith-lamh), Having
Crith, -idh, cur-, f. n. (Crith, s.) Tremble : tre- tremulous hands : manus trepidas habens. C. S.
me. 3Iacf. V. Ir. £.peAr. Ckith-lamiiachd, s. /. ind. (Crith-lamhach), A
Chith, -e, pres. part. v. Crith. " A' critii." C. S. trembling in the hands : manuum trepidatio. C. S.

Trembling tremens, tremendi

: status. IVel. Cryd. Crith-mhosgladh, -aidh, s. m. An awaking in ter-

Crith-cheasn, -inn, «. m. (Crith, et Ceann), A ror timore excitatus. C. S.


caput paralyticum. C. S.
shaking head :
Crith-neul, -EÒ1L, «. m. (Crith, et Neul), show- A
er : nimbus, imber, nubes treraebunda. C. S.
Crith-cheannach, -aiche, adj. (Crith-cheann),
Nodding, paralytic : nutans, paralyticus. C. S. Crith-neulach, -aiche, w^'. (Crith-neul), Showery:
Musical pluviosus, imbrifer. C. S.
Crith-chiùil, *•. /. (Crith, et Ceòl), trills :

melos. A.M'D. CuiTii-KEODHADH, ) -AiDii,s.m. HoaT frost pru- ;

Crith-iieothadii, j ina. D. Buchan. " Crith-

Critii-chreideamh, s. in. (Crith, et Creidimh),
reo." <S'. B. 84.
Quakerism tremulorum (ut vocant) religio. C. S.

Critii-chreidmheach, -ich, s. m. (Crith, et Creid- Crith-shùileach, -eiciie, adj. (Crith, et Suil).

mheach), A quaker treniulus, tremulorum reli-

Having tremulous eyes, pur-blind : oculos habens
gionis fautor. C.S. trementes, luscus, myops. C. S.
• Crith-dhealbhair, -e, -ean, s, m. Llh. Vide Crith-tiialmhaink, Crithe-talmhainn ; plur.

Criadhadair. Crithean-talmhainn, Talamh), s.J'. (Crith, et

Critii-dhealrach, -aiche, adj. (Crith, et Deal-

An earthquake eoucussio, terrte motus. " Agus

rach). Radiant an deigh na gaoitlic crit/i-thalw/iainn, ach cha fobh

: trepide nitens. C. S.
Crith-dhealradh, -aidh, s. m. Crith, et Deal- an Tighearu anus a' chritli-thalmhaiim." 1 Biyh.
xix. 11. And wind an earthquake, but
after the Cròc-cheannach, -aiche, ad;. (Croc, et Ceann),
the Lord was not in the earthquake. Post ventum Antleredcornua gerens cervina. C. S.

auteni concussio, at Jeliova non erat in concus- Cròc-vhe AUG, -EiRC.E, adj. S. B. 258. marg. Vide
sione. Ir. /CyteAC-CAlrbu]T)tj. Crò-dhearg.
• Criun, -uinn, «. m.A wolf: lupus. O'R. quoting Cròch, -òich, s. m. Saffron, red : crocus, color ru-
Brch. L. beus. Voc. 61.
Crò, -òtha, -òithean, et -òitean, «. m. 1. A cir- CRocir, -AiDii, CHR-, v.a. et n. Hang, suspend: sus-
cle : circulus. O'R. 2. A sheep cot, wattled fold pendc. " Agus crochaidh e thu air crann." Gen.
ovile, stabulum cratitium. " Crò chaorach." Voc. 19. And he shall hang thee on a tree. Et sus-
85. 3. A hut, hovel, cottage : tugurium, casa. pendet te de ligno. Scot. Croagh, to strangle with
OR. et Llh. B. Bret. Crao, Craw. Isl. Cro. a rope. Jam. Chald. ^"13 crack, ligavit. Wei. et
4. An iron bar : obex ferrcus. O'R. Angl. Crow.
Arm. Crogi.
5. Witchcraft: veneficium. O'R. Siippl. 6. Blood:
Crochach, -aiche, adj. Saffron coloured : croceus.
sanguis. O'R. Germ. Grau. Wacht. Lat. Crudelis, OR.
Cruor, Cruentus. 7. Death : mors. Llh. et O'B.
Crochadair, -e, -ean, *. m. (Crochadh, et Fear),
From the word in this sense, seems to be derived the
term " Cro," signifying compensation or satisfac-
hang-man carnifex. C. S. Ir. £jtoc6o]Tt.

Crociiadaireachd, s,f. ind. (Crochadair), A hang-

tion made for the slaughter of any man according
to his rank. Reg. Maj. Lib. iv. cap. 24. sect. 1.
man's trade carnificina. O'B. et
: S. C
Scot. Cro, Croy. Jam. Who remarks, that it may
Crochadan, -ain, -an, s. m. (Crochadh), A pen-
dulum pendulum. O'R.
have been derived from the word in its second
Crochadh, -aidh, *. m. et pres. part. v. Croch. 1.
acceptation but such satisfaction being made in
Hanging, act of hanging, or suspending suspen-
" kynne." A
more natural interpretation seems to " Agus bha iad an

be, " Crodh," cattle, kine ; —

the spelling, " Croy,"
dium, actus suspendendi.
crochadh air na crannaibh gu feasgar." los. x. 26.
strengthens the supposition, " Crodh" being in the
And they were hanging on the trees until the
genitive case " Cruidh." 8. A
needle eye acus :
evening. Et erant suspensi (in statu suspendendi)
ocellus. " Cro snathaide." Voc. 54. 9. Children :
ex lignis usque ad vesperam. 2. " An crochadh ri."
liberi. O'B. Arab, ^yi kertt, a wine press, a cis- C. S. Depending upon dependens, actus depen- :

tern. Wei. Craw, hara. dendi. " Crochadh poite." C. S. A meal, one
pot-full unum ferculum, quantum olla semel capit.
Cro, -otha, axlj. 1. Strait, narrow, close: arctus,

constrictus, compressus. PL 2. Valorous : stre-

Chald. HD^ip crichah, ligatio, ligamen.

nuus. Vide Cròdha. Crochaid, -e, -ean, s.f. A particular form in which
Cro'an, -ain, -an, s.f. Vide Crobhan. a young woman's hair is worn. Scot. Cockernony:
Crobh, Cruibh, Provhi. Vide Crodh. crines mulieris in modum quendam collecti. C. S.
• Crobh, s. m. A hand, paw, fist manus, pugnus,
: Crochaire, -ean, s. m. (Croch, v.) A villian, one
unguis. Llh. Vide Crodhan. deserving to be hanged : furcifer, qui suspendium
• Cro-bhall, -uill, s. m. (Cro, 9. et Ball), Genitalia. meretur. O'R. et C. S.
OR. Crochan, -ain, -an, s. m. (Croch, v.) pot-hook : A
Crobhan, -ain, -an, s. m. Vide Crodhan. catena ollaris. C, S. Fr. Croc, a hook.
Crobhanach, -aiche, adj. (Crobhan), Salm. Ixix. Croch-aodach, -aich, s. m. (Croch, et Aodach),
31. metr. Vide Crodhanacb. Hangings aulaea. Voc. 88.

Crobh-priachain, *./. The herb crane's-bill : ero- Crochar, -air, -ean, s. m. 1. bier feretrum. A :

dium cicutarium. Linn. O'R. O'R. 2. A horse-litter : vehiculum pensile. Voc.

Cròbhtach, adj. Tender-soled : teneras habens 93. 3. A
body : corpus. OR.
plantas. C. S. * Cro-charb, -airb, -ean, s. m. (Cro, et Carbad), A
Croc, -aidh, chr-, v. o. Beat, pound contunde, : bier feretrum. Voc. 109.
: Gr. KgaSaros, lec-
comminue. Provinc. tus humilis.
Croc, -ÒICE, -oiCEAN, s.f. A branch of a deer's horn Croch-bhrat, -ait, -an, g. m. (Croch, et Brat),
ramus, cornu cervi. " Damh riabhach nan croc." Hanging tapestry aulaeum. Dan. Shol. i. 5. marg.

Oran. The brindled hart of the branching horns. CrOCHD, -ÒICHDE, -ÒCHDAN, S.f. Id. q. CrÒC.
Cervus variegatus cornuum ramosorum. Cròchdach, -AICHE, adj. (Cròchd), O'R. Id. q.
Cròcach, -aiche, adj. (Croc), Branched, antlered : Cròcach.
ramosus, cornua ramosa gerens. " Na daimh Crochdaid, -aide, -aidean, s.
f. O'R. Vide
chrocach." Macinty. 122. The antlered stags. Crochaid.
Cervi ramosorum cornuum. Crochta, pret. part. v. Croch. Hung up, hanged
• Crocad, -aid, «. m. Barley-broth jus hordeace- : suspensus. C. S.
um. Sh. Crodh, -cruidh, *. m. 1. Cattle : pecudes, armen-
Crocadul, -uil, s. m. A crocodile: crocodilus. MSS. ta. " Agus bha mar an ceudna aig Lot a dh'imich
Cròcan, -ain, -an, s. m. A crook, hook hamus, : maille ri h-Abram, caoraich agus crodh, agus biith-
uncus. C. S. Scot. Cruke. Sibb. Gbss. Isl. an." Gen. xiii. 5. And Lot also who went with
Krokr. Ban. Krog. Abram had flocks and herds and tents. Erant
quinctiam Loto qui ib»t cum Abrnmo pregon ct A lean person : homo macileiituii. " C'rijyun caili-

amii'iila, it tciitoriu. 2. A tlo«ry, portion : dos. ich." H. //. .\n old «lirivelled woman: mulier-

Jirt/. Maj. ct MSS. '• Cnxlli buiniic." (\ S. cula corrugatu.

Milih bovcs liictariiv. " Crtxth (,'niiilmatli."
cattio :
Choganach, -aumk, adf. (Crogan), Shrivelled up,

C. S. t'uttlo tliat have given milk during the win- scraggy, lean : arit'actus, niucilentuii. C. S.
tcr: bovi's liiinie Inc prabentcs. " ('rodh hioigh. CHOciHAOH, -Ainn, «. m. Turn. H. \'idc Crcklhadh.
r. .V. Cows that have lalvid: bovcs Ikta-.
" Cnxth Croghai.i., I -1 11.1., *. m. A Crocodile: crocodiluB.
»ea«g." Barren cattle l)oves sterileii. : CaODIlALL, j O'Ji.
Cròoiia, -ÒID1IE, (uìj. Valiant, heroic: strenuus, hc- CiiòtiLAcii, -Aicii, *. m. (Crog, c-t I.uchd), A hand-
roicus. C. S. ful : quantum digitis tollitur. C. S.
Cròdiiaciid, *. /. ituì. (Cròdha), Valour, bravery, CrÒgnachadh, -aidii, s. «i. et pres. part. v. Cròg-
prowess: fortitudo, vires, virtus beilica. Llli. naich. Handling indelicately: tractatio sordida.C.S'.
Ckòdhadii, -AiDii, »'. III. et prcs. /Mirt. r. Cr»")idb. 1. CrÒgnaich, -11)11, C11K-, t'. a. (l'ròg), Handle inde-
Contraction, act of contracting: contractio, actus licately sordide contrecta. \'ux Lmlicr. C.S.

contrahendi. C. S. 2. A gathering in ol' corn in Chòg-ri-fi<aic;ii, -e, s.f. (Crog, Ki, et I'raidh), jr./.
harvest : coarctutio messis tempore autumnali. C. The shadow of the hand upon the wall to terrify
infants digitoruni extensorum umbra in parietem
S. 3. A rebuke: reprehensio. MSS. Arab. :

projecta, ad terroreni iiifantium. C. S.

jyji keru, a wine press, cistern. Croibiieal, ) -u., s. in. Coral: corallium. Uh. et
• Crodhaiche, -can, «. m. (Crodh), An heir : ha>res. Ckoidhbiieal, / liibl. Gloss.
Llfl. i£flOCA]C6.
Ir. Ciiòic, -E, -ean, s.f. I. A deer's horn: comu cer-

Cròdhalachd, *./. iW. (Cròdha), Bravery: virtus vinum. Id. q. Croc, s. 2. Rage ira. C. S. 3. :

beilica. R. Co. MD. Foam on the surface of spirituous liquors spuma :

Crodhan, -ain, -an, s. m. 1. hoof, more com- A in sunimo vino, vel temeto quovis. " Am fion

monly a parted hoof: ungula, ungula difiisa, vel bu daithtecròìc." Oran. The wine of most deeply-
bisulca. " Agus mar an ceudna theid ar spreidh dyed foam vinum spuma- intinctissimae. 4. Cast

maille fuinn ; cha 'n fhàgar crod/ian 'nar deigh." sea-weed alga in littus ejecta. Helrrid.
: 5. A
Ecs. X. 26. iiiarg. Also our cattle shall go with skin cutis, pellis. Oss. iii. 422.
Gr. \ioo:.
us, there shall not an hoof be left behind. Etiam Cròic-cheannach, -eiciie, adj. Vide Cròiceach.
ibunt pecudes nobiscum non relinquetur ungula Cròiceach, 1. C. S. Id. q. Cròcach. 2. Rising
post nos. 2. Crodhan làimhe." Carrictli. 286. into foam spumosus. C. S. 3. Full of cast sea-

Hollow of the hand. Vola nianus. weed alga marina in littus ejecta plenus. R. M'D.

Crodhanach, -aiche, adj. (Crodhan), Hoofed, clo- 2Ò8.

ven footed ungulas habens, bisculus. Macintij. B-t.
: Croich, -E, -ean, *./. A gallows, gibbet: patibu-
Crò-dhearg, -eirge, itdj. (Crò, *. 5. et Dearg), lum, crux. " Agus croch iad Hanian air a' chroich
Blood red sanguineus. C. S.
: a dheasaich e do Mhordecai. Est. vii. 10. And
Crodhlainn, -e, -ean, s.f. decrepit old woman: A they hanged Haman on tlie gallows he had prepar-
anus Kvo confecta. C. S. ed for ftlordecai. Et suspenderunt Hamanem ex
Grog, -a, -achan, s. m. An earthen vessel, or jar : eo patibulo quod paraverat Mordecaio. Wei. Crog-
vas fictile. C. S. wydd. Dav. B. Bret. Croug. Fr. Croix.
Crog, -a, -achan, et -aichean, s.f. sheep past A Croicionn, -IKN, et -cne, pi. -cnean, s. m. A skin :
bearing ovis effoeta. Provinc.
: Scot. Croc. ,him. pellis, cutis. " Còtaichean croidnn." Gen. iii. 21.
Crog, -òig, -ak, s.f. A paw, clutch : unguis, digiti Wei. Croen. B. Bret. Cochen. Gr. X|i(;, cutis.
praelongi. O'R. et C. S. Ludicrously applied to Croicne, gen. of Croicionn, q. vide.
tlie human hand. Croicnibh, dat. pi. of Croicionn, q. vide.
Crogach, -aiche, adj. (Crog), Having earthen ves- Croicneach, -EiciiE, adj. (Croicionn), Covered, or
sels vasa habens fictilia. C. S.
: furnished with skin : pellitus, pelles habens. C. S.
Crogach, -aiche, adj. (Crog), Pawed, clutched, Cròid, -e,, s.J'. a sumptuous present : munus
having monstrous fingers armatus unguibus, vel : pretiosum. Hebrid.
digitis iramanibus (vox ludicra). O'R. Cròidh, -idh, can-, f. a. (Cro, s. 1.) 1. Coop,
Crogaicuean, />/. of Crog, a sheep, q. vide. contract, house circumcinge, parietibus include.

Crògaire, -ean, X. m. (Crog, et Fear), One who C. S. 2. House corn, lead home corn : frumen-
searches with foul fingers : qui illotis digitis explo- tum ex agris diducito. C. S. Isl. Krod.
rat. C.S. • Croidhe, -eachan, et -an. Salm. iv. 4. Ed. 1758.
Crògaireachd, s.f. ind. (Crògaire), Act of search- Vide Cridhe.
ing, or handling with foul fingers : actio explorandi Croidheach, -icn,i *./. (Crodli), A portion, dow-
digitis illotis. C. S. Croidheachd, / ry portio, dos. O'R. :

Crogairneach, rocky ascent: ascen-

-ich, «. in. A Ckòidheachd, s.f. ind. (Cròdlia), Bravery virtus :

sus (montis scopulosus). Turn. 574. Potius Creag- beilica. R. MD. 60.
airneach. • Croidhean, -ein, i. m. (Cridhe, et Aon), A gal-
Crogan, -ain, -an, «. m. 1. A pitcher, little earth- lant, lover, sweet-heart amicus, amasius, pro- :

en dish : urceolus, oUula fictilis. O'R. et C. S. 2. cus, corculum. MSS.

• Croidheag, -eig, -an, .«./. (Cridlie), A mistress, Croislin, -e, -ean, »./. The line that measures the
sweet-heart arnica, aniasia. LIh.
: circle across, or diameter diametrus circuli. O'H.

Croidii-fimonn, -a, adj. (Crudha, et Fionn). 1. Croislineach, -iche, adj. (Croislin), Diametrical
\\niite-hoofed psdes habens albos. " An' t'-eacli
: diametricus. O'R.
croMfhioim." C. S. The white-hoofed horse. Crois- RiAGiiLAiDH, -ean, s.f. (Crois, et Riagh-
Equus albis cruribus. ladh), A regulating cross, criterion : decussata
Cròig, dot. of Crog, q. vide. norma, regula. O'R.
CnoiLEAGAN, -AiN, s. )». A ring of people corona. : Crois-shlighe, -ean, s.y; (Crois, et Slighe), A bye-
" Croileagan fuatha." C. S. An assembhige of path, or cross road callis, semita, trames. C. S.

tenantrj". Corona colonorum. " Vulgi stante co- Crois-tara, Ì s.f. A fiery cross : ignea crux.
rona. Ovid. Crois-taraidii, j R.M'D. 357. Vide Crann-tara.
Cròilein, -e, -ean, *. m. (Crò, s. \.), A httle ring, Scot. Crois-taraich.
or circle (e. ff. of children): circellus, corona. C. Crois-thachrais, s.f. (Crois, et Tachras), wind- A
S. reel, yam
windlass : rhombus quo telae stamina
• Croilige, s.f. (i. e. Crò-leigeadh), Blood-letting : glomerantur. Voc. 91.
sanguinis detractio. MSS. Croit, -e, -ean, s.f. 1. crook, bend of the A
• Croiligheach, -eiche, adj. Sickly : aeger. MSS. back, a hump on the back, a hunch-back, gibbosi-
Croimheag, -eig, -AN, S.f. Vide Cnuiraheag. ty spina: curvamen, gibbus. Macf. V.
: little A
Cròinfhionn, adj. (Crùn, et Fionn), Grey-headed : eminence coUiculus. Macf. I'^ 3.
: croft, small A
canus. A.3I^D. 127. piece of arable ground agellus. Provin. :

Croinn, gen. pL of Crann, q. vide. Croiteag, -eig, -an, s.f. dimin. of Croit, q. vide.
Croinn-chluiche, ) A\ m. (Crann, et Cluiche), A Croiteir, -e, -ean, s. m. (Croit, et Fear), A croft-
Croinn-chìuithe, J lottery tesserarum sortitio, : er, one holding a croft of land : agelli cullor. Pro-
sortiuni jactatio. C. S. vin.
Crois, -e, -EAN, s.f. 1. A cross, as the letter X, any Croiteireachd, s.f. ind. (Croiteir), The business,
object of that form : crux, quodvis crucis formam or life of a crofter : agelli cultura. Provin.
adhibens. OR. 2. A
cross, or gibbet : crux, pa- Crò'-leaba, s.f Vide Crà'-leabaidh.
tibuluni. Vide Croich. Wei. Croes. Arm. Croas. Crom, -cruime, Crooked, curved, bent: cur-
Scot. Cors, et Corse. Sw. Cors. Germ. Creuz. ^ois, flexus. " Muineal crom." A. 3I'D. 85. A
3. A
misfortune infortunium, damnum.
: Vidg. bent, or crooked neck. CoUum flexuni, vel cur-
" Croisean an t-saoghail." The afflictions of life : \'um. Wei. Crmn. £. Bret. Croumm.
vitae dolores. Crom, -uiM, «. «I. 1. A circle: circulus.
Crois, -idh, chr-, v. a. (Crois, s.) 1. Form a " C air son an crom nan clach leat fein ?"
cross decussa. C. S.
: 2. Cross, go across tran- : Fing. i. 213.
si. Wei. Croesi, Cruce signare.
V%ilg. 3. For- Why in the circle of stones alone ? Quare in cir-
bid, cross, thwart veta, impedi. " Tha mi 'g a
: culo lapidum tecum ipsa ?
chrosadh." C. S. I forbid it veto id. 4. Wind, : » Crom, s. m. 1. nose : nasus. O'R. 2. A A
or reel yarn : filum glomera vel evolve. C. S. slough lutea vorago. O'R.
: 3. An Irish name
Crois-chriosda, s.f. The cross of Christ put of- ; for God nomen Dei apud Hibern.
: Scotis
ten for the Roman Catholic sign of the cross ignotum. OR.
crux Christi saepe valet " signum crucis" apud
; Crom, -aidh, ciir-, v. a. (Crom, adj.) 1. Bend,
Romano Catholicos. " Crois-Chriosd omisa !" C. make crooked incur\a. :

S. Tlie cross of Clirist on me Me crux Christi !

" Na na crom do cheann."
coidil, "s

defendat. Turn. 345.

Croiseadh, -idh, s. m. et pres. part. v. Crois. Vide Sleep not, and bend not thy head. Ne dormias et
Crosadh. ne incurves caput tuum. 2. Bend, incline flecte, :

Cboiseag, -eig, -an, s.f. dimin. of Crois. A little inclina.

cross: crux vel patibulum exiguum. " Do chluas do m' ionnsuidh crom a nuas."
Crois-fhiacaill, -clan, f. (Crois, et Fiacaill),
«. Ross. Salm. xvii. 6.
A gag-tooth : dens incisivus. O'H. Vide Coin- Thy ear thou downwards towards me.
chriche. Tuam aurem ad me inchna tu. " Chroin a'

» Croisg, -idh, chr-, r. a. (Crois, s.) Cross, go ghrian." "Die sun has inclined. Descendit sol,
across, cut across : decussa, transi, transverse (deorsum fertur). Wei. Crjnnmu, Crwmmu. B.
seca. 31SS. Bret. Croumma.
Croisgileid, -e, -ean, s.f. cross clotli, or trian- A Cromadh, -aidii, s. m. et pres. part. v. Crom. 1.

gular piece of linen, tied about an infant's fore- A bow, bend, act of bending flexura, curvamen, :

head : triangulam linteolum sincipitis infantilis or- actus incurvandi.

namentum. C. S. " Luchd nan ciil buidhe is donna,
Crois-iarna, -an, s.f. (Crois, et larn), hand- A " Dheanadh an t-iubhar a chromadh."
reel : rhombus minor ad fila glomeranda. Voe. 39. Turn. 189.
Croisrich, -idh, CHR-, V. a. (Crois, v.) Envelope They of the fair and brown locks, who could bend
involve. O'B. the yew-tree, i. e. the bow. Homines capillorum
fulvonim, ct sulinifp-orum qui incurvarent taxum, CHOM-niioBACH, -AiriiK, adj. (Crom, ct Gob),
i. f. urcum. " Cninutdh iia gri-iiii-." Inclinatiuii, Curve-billed : roiitrum hul)ens uncum. C. S.
or descent of tlie sun. Solis cleseensio versus «e- Ckom-cìiii.ùineac'ii, -iciie, (Crom, et Glùineach)-
eusuni. 'i. A
iinjrer's len^'lli, lenfjth of the liiuldle \'ide Clulh-gliluineach.
finger: digit! medii longitndo. C. S. CnoM-i.KAc, -ic, -AN, I
#./. (Crom, et Leac), (lit.)

CnoMACi, -Alii, -AN, s.f. (from, adj.) 1. Any little Chom-lkaciid, -a, -AN, / A fiat titone, or fluj^ in
crooketl thing : quidvis eiirvutn, vel uncnni. C. S. an inclined posture, commonly iiuppos<.-d u Druidi-
2. A hook humus, uncus. ('. S. .S. A curve line:
: cal altar it is supported
; by three «tones raised e-
linea curva. 4. A clasp libula. Voc. W. 5. A : rect, the flat one placed above, and for the most part
gallons patihuluni. (.)' li.
: C. The plant skirrct : projecting over its Kup|)orters lapis inclinutus: :

siuni sisarum. Linn. ()' It. Stxit. Crunmiock. struclura lapidea quxdum pervetusia, qua- tribus
C'romagach, -AiciiE, atlj. (Croniag), 1. Hooked: lapidibus erectis, et alio magnu et piano, oblique
uncinatus. C. S. 2. Full ufskirrets: siis sisoris a- ut plurimimuni superimposito, constat religioni ;

bundans. C. S. auteni, pietati, justitiie, an gloriu', fuurint primitu^

Ckom-aisne, -ean, -icheax, g. m. (Crom, et Aisne), dicatK, penjuam obscure jamduduni cunjectura a-
The Uttle rib minima costarum. : S. C pud doctos auguratur.
Croman, -aix, *. m. (Crom), 1. A crooked, hump- Chom-lus, -l'Is, -an, s. m. (Crom, et Lus), A pop-
hacked man homo curvus, ecu gihbus, gibber.
py papaver. Marf. V.

•' Air son gaol nan scan chroinan." A. JM'D. 145. Crom-nan-duillka(;, pi. -as-nan-du illeai;, «. m.
For love of old hump-backed men. Pro amore ve- (Crom, et Duilleag), A wood-cock scolopax :

terum gibberorum. coxa. O'R. '2. The hip-bone : nistieola. Linn. O'R.
3. An instrument used in digging dung-hills, or Crom-nan-oad, s. m. (Crom, et Gad), certain A
pounding dung : instrumentum quo sterquilinium kind of Ilebridian plough: aratruDi quoddam i'E-
tbditur aut timus pcrfrangitur. C. S. " Croman budense. C. S.
dùin," " Croman aolaich," " Croman innearach." Crom-odhab, -uiM-oDHAin, s.m. (Crom, et Odliar),
C. 4?. 4. A hoe pastinum. Hebrid. 5. A kite :
: Membrum virile, (vox ludicr.) ^hirìnhj.
faico milvus. O' R. Crom-ruaig, -e, -ean, *. /. (Crom, et Ruaig), A
Croma-lòin, -e, -axax-lòis', s. m. (Crom, e: Lòn), chace, or pursuit through a bent path, a close
Vide Cronian-lòin. pursuit insectatio per iter flexuosuni, cursus vehe-

Crom-an-donais, a-, m. (Crom, adj. et Donas), A mens. A.M'-D. 15.

bungler, an unfortunate, impotent, or unsuccessful Crom-shlinneineacii, -eiche, adj. (Crom, adj. et
person homo imperitus, sciolus, impotens, unfor-
: Slinnean), Hump-backed : gibbus, curvos habens
tunatus. humeros. C. S.
" Mu
'n d'iarr crnm-an-donais i." Crom-siioc, -oic, -uic, -an, s.m. (Crom, et Soc), A
Turn, 25. crooked snout rostrum curvum. A. ?I'D. 1 23.

Ere the bungler sought her. Antequam sciolus Crom-siiocach, -akiie, adj. (Crom-shoc), Curve-
poposcerat earn. snouted curvum habens rostrum. C. S.

Croman-còbhlacii, vide Clarahan-gòbhlach. Crom-shrònach, -aiche, adj. (Crom, et Sròn),

• Croman-lach, s. m. A small water-fowl : avis mi- Bent-nosed nasum habens curvum. C. S.

nor aquatica quiedam. MSS. Crom-shùileach, -iche, adj. (Crora, et Sùil), Bent-
Cromak-lachdunn, -ax-lachduixn, s. in. (Crom, eyed despicientes habens oculos. C. ò'.

et Lachduinn), A kite : faIco milvus. Linn. O'R. • Cròn, -òin, s.m. 1. Time: tempus. O'^JS. Gr.
Croman-lòin, -an-loin, *. m. (Crom, adj. et Lòn), Xfowj. 2. A sign, mark, note sigiium, nota. :

A snipe : gallinago. Llli. 3. An explanation declaratio. O'R.


" 'S nach coinnimh na cromana-

feàrr iad 'n ar 4. Hie head : caput. MSS.
lain." Turn. 115. • Cròn, adj. 1. Keady : praesto. O'R. 2. Brown,
And that they are not more fit to oppose us than discoloured, swarthy : fuscus, subniger. O'R.
snipes. Et quod non sint fortiores obviam nobis Cron, -oin, s.m. 1. Fault, defect: vitium, defec-
galiJnaginibus. tus.
Croman-luch, -an-luch, s. m. (Crora, et Luch), " Gun chron a' fas riut a dh' fheudt' àireamh,"
A kite : falco milvus.. R. M'D. 320. " O do bhàrr gu sail do bhuinn."
Crom-bhileach, -iche, adj. (Crom, et Bileach), Slew. 330.
Curve-fringed, that hath bending borders, or skirts : Without a defect to thee (lit. growing to thee)
oras habens infle^ias ceu pendentes, fimbrias ha- that can be named, from the crown of thy head to
bens curvatas. A. M'D. 53. thy heel. Sine vitio (lit. crescens tibi) quod posset
Crom-cheann'acii, -aiche, adj. (Crom, et Ceann), enumerari, ab summo capite tuo ad calcem plants
Having a bent head caput habens inclinatum, : pedis tua;. 2. Harm, mischief: noxa, detrimen-
despiciens in terram. C. S. tum, malum. " Rinn thu crott orm." C. S. You
Crom-chas, -CIS, -AN, s.f. (Crom, et Cas, «.), A have harmed me : damno me affecisti. 3. Blame,
bandy leg tibia curva vel distorta. C. S.
: imputation of wrong culpa, crimen. " Fliuair mi :

Crom-chasacii, -aiche, adj. (Crom, et Casach), cron dha." C. S. I found fault with him vitio ei :

Bandy-legged, «hambling : valgus. C. S. vertebara.

Vol. I. Pp
• Cron, -aidh, chr-, v. a. O'R. Vide Cron-
I. • Cronnt, adj. Green, or grey : viridis, glaucus.
aicli. 2. Explain : declara. O'H. 3. Bewitch : 07?.
fuscina. O'li. i. Blush for shame erubesce. : • Cronntaich, -idh, chr-, f. n. Loathe, abhor, de-
07?. test abominare, detestare. O'R.

Crònach, -aich, s./. Vide Corranach. Cron-seanciiuis, -e, -ean, s. m. (Cron, et Seanch-
CnwNACHADH, -AIDH, s. »1. et pres. part. v. Cron- as). Anachronism : error in temporum supputa-
aich. A
rebuking, reproving reprehensio, actus : tione. C. S.
reprehendendi. " Cronac/iadh soilleir." Gil. 70. Cron-sgrìobhaidh, -ean, s. m. (Cron, et Sgriobh-
Public rebuke reprehensio publica.
: adh), A mistake in writing : error scribentis. C. S.
Cronachan, -ain, -an, s. m. (Cronaich), re- A Chonuiche, -ean, s. m. Voc. 97. Vide Cronaiche.
buke, reproof, check : reprehensio. S. C Cros, -aidh, CIIH-, v. a. Vide Crois, s. et v.
Cronadair, -e, -ean, *. m. (Cronaich, et Fear), A Crosach, -aiche, adj. (Cros, v.) 1. Crossing, thwart-
reprover, a critic, one who finds fault qui repre- : ing, hindering, difficult : impediens, transversum a-
hendit, criticus. " S' feàrr an cuniadair na 'n gens, difficilis. C. S. 2. Streaked virgatus, de- :

cronadair. Prov. Tlie framer is better than the cussatus, variatus, interstinctus. C. S.
blamer : fabricator censoreni antecedit. An an- Crosadii, -aidh, s. tn. et jrres. part. v. Cros. Cross-
swer to remarks on bodily deformity. ing, hindering, forbidding, difficulty, obstruction :
Crònag, -aig, -an, s.f. 1. hum, buzz, noise of A status vel actus inhibendi, vetandi, impedimentum.
many susurrus, multarum vocum strepitus.
voices : Llh. et Voc. 149.
Provin. Vide Crònan. 2. A circle circulus. : Crosag, -aig, -an, s.f. Vide Croiseag.
O'R. 3. A fortress munimentum. O'B. : Crosan, -ain, -an, s. m. A peevish man: homo in
Cronaich, ì -idh, chr-, v, a. (Cron, s.) Rebuke, iram proclivis. C S.
Cronuicii, j reprove reprehende, increpa. " Ann
: Crosanach, -aiche, adj. (Crosan), Cross, perverse,
ad chorruich na cronaich mi." Salm. vi. 1. In thy obstinate, peevish, forward : perversus, durus, dif-
wrath rebuke me not. Ne reprehendas me in ira ficilis, pervicax. C. S.
tua. Crosanachd, s.
f. ind. (Crosanach), 1. Perverse-

Cronail, -e, adj. 1. Hiirtfu], harmful, mischiev- ness, obstinacy : pertinacia, pervicacia. C. S. 2.
ous : noxius, damnosus. Macf. V. 2. Diseased A certain kind of versification : carminis genus
morbidus. Provinc. quoddam. OR. et C. S.
Cronalachd, s.
f. i)id. (Cronail), Harmfulness Crosanta, -ainte, adj. (Crosan), Troublesome,
noxa, noxia. C. S. vexatious molestus, durus,
: difficilis. C. S. 2.
Crònan, -ain, s. m. 1. A
dull note, a mournful Perverse : per\ersus. Ll/i.
tune : murmur, cantus lugubris, vel tristis. Crosantachd, s. f. Ì7ìd. (Crosanta), C S. Id. q.
" 'S òg am macan 'n a h-uchd, Crosanachd.
" 'S binn a crònan 'n a chluais." Crosda, a<^'. 1. Cross, perverse : perversus, proter-
S.D.51. vus, difficilis. " Am
raeadhon ginealaich fhiar
Young is the babe in her bosom, melodious is her agus chrosda." Phil. ii. 15. In the midst of a
mournful note in his ear. Tener est infantulus in crooked and perverse nation. In medio gentis pra-
gremio suo, canorum ejus canticum triste in aure vae ac perversae. 2. Prohibited prohibitus. PI. :

illius. Scot. Cronach. Jam. Crone, Crune, Sibb. Crosdachd, s.f. ind. (Crosda), Perverseness : per-
Gloss. 2. The purling noise of a rill rivuU stre- : versitas. Voc. 36.
pitus. Cros-shuileach, -eiche, adj. (Cros, et Sùileach),
" Thainig osag an crònun an uillt." Squint-eyed : oculos aversos habens. C. S.
S. D. 83. Crostal, -ail, *. m. Vide Crotal.
A blast came in the purling noise of the stream. Crostan, -ain, -an, s. m. (Crosda), cross person A
Aura venit in rauco murmure rivuli. 3. Purring morosus. C. S.
of a cat : susurrus felinus. " 'S ann air a shon Crotach, -aiche, adj. (Croit), Hump-backed : gib-
fhein a dheanadh an cat an crònan." Prov. The ber. Voc. 28. Ir. £ftO]ceAC.
cat purs for herself. Sui gratia susurrat felis. 4. Crotachd, f. ind. (Crotach), Gibbosity
s. : promi-
Buzzing of a fly : bombus muscae. O'R. et C. S. nentia, convexitas. Ir. ;t|to]CCACb.
5. Bass in music : gravis cantus sonus. Llh. CROTACH-MHARA, -AICH-MHAIRE ; pl. -AN-MARA,
Crònanach, -aiche, adj. (Crònan), 1. Humming, s.
f. (Crotach, et Muir), A curlew : scolopax ar-
buzzing, purling, purring : susurrans, crepitans, quata. Llh. App. Vide Guilbneach.
obscure stridens, murmurans. C. S. 2. (Cron, Crotag, -aig, -an, s. f. (Croit), 1. crooked A
adf> 2.) Brown, brownish : subfuscus, subniger. woman : mulier gibba. C. S. 2. sixpence A
GiU. 225. semis. C S. 3. sort of plover Aavis quaedam. :

Crònanaich, -e, s.f. (Crònan), Humming, purring: as.

actio susurrandi. A. M'D. 32. Crotaiche, *./. ind. (Crotach), Gibbosity : promi-
Cronnach, -aiche, Mournful, lamen-
adj. (Crònan), nentia, convexitas. C. S.
table : luctuosus, lamentabilis. R. M'-D. 126. Crotaire, -ean, s. m. (Croit, et Fear), A crooked
Cronnag, -aig, -an, s. f. basket, hamper : qua- A person : gibber. C. S.
sillus, corbis. O'R. Crotal, -aii,, s. nu I. An awn, husk, pod: arista,
«iliqua. follicula. OR. 2. A kernel :
nucleus. 07?. ous, liazardous C. S. : 2. Dibmal
3. A cvnil>iil : cvmbulum. O'H. firtlus. MSS.
Puzzling confundi-nk ri-i ditii-
3. :

C'noTAi, -All., i. III. .\ niinriil name for till- diffir- cultale. Courajjeoun, hardy, energetic
C. S. 4. :

ent varictifs o( Lichen, more conmionly, the diirk audax, duruit, validus. Mtuf. ('. et C.S'. 5. Cruel:
iuiq>le, dyer » lichen : Lichen lichen omphulodo.
; crudelib. MSS. U. Kiiduring, patient uf iMnlily

Liijhtf. C.S. puin peq>etienk, eor])oris cruciutuin toleran». ('. S.


Cnoi AL-coiLLE, (CroMJ, ct Coille), Lung-

t. tit. CiiL AnAi.Acnn, «. /. iiid. (Cruaduluch), I. Ilard-

wort lichen pulmonarius. O'R.

ship, danger diHicultas, periculum.
('. S. 2.

Crotan, -ain, ». m. S/i. Id. q. Crotal. Hardihood, endurance : duritivs, aiif^ris tuleratio.
• C'rotli, s. m. IJh. WAv (."ruth. ('. .v.

Cròtii, -Aiuii, CI1U-, V. a. (C'rò, s.) Coop, house, CuuADHACii, f/rn. of Cruaidli, s. i\. vide.
fold, pen: pecora stuhulo inihide. C. S. CitUAUIIACIIAl)!!, -AII)M, S. III. et pns. JHlrt. V.
Cròtii, -a, -an, *. HI. C. S. \'idu C'rò, *•. Cruadhaich. Induration, state of hardening indu- :

• Crothadh, -aidh, «. m. i'oc. 135. Vide Crath- ratio, status indurandi. C. S.

adh. CnuADiiAc;, AiG, -an, S.f. Dìstrcss, affliction: af-

• Crothar, -air, s. m. bier, any veliicle : fere- A flictio, res adversa. Llh.

trum, vchiculuni. Ll/i. Cruadhaich, -idh, ciin-, r. a. (Cruaidh, adj.) 1.

• Cru, Gore sanj;uis, cruor. 17. 53.
: Wei. Crau. Harden indura. " An diugh, ma dh' (-isdeae MÌbli

• Cruabair, -aidh, chr-, f. a. Chew mandc, denti- : r' a ghuth, na cntadhaicliibh bhur cridhe." Salm.

bus frange, vel coniniinuc. 3ISS. xcv. 8. To day if ye will hear his voice, harden
Cruac, -aic, -ean, s.f. lump, the head: massa, A not your heart. Hodie si audieritis vocem ejus,

caput. C S. ne induretis animum vestrum. 2. Dry, parch : ex-

Cruac-ciiasach, -aiche, (Cruac, et Casach), oflj. sicca, arefac. C. S.
Crump-footed : pedite contortus. C. S. CnvADUAiCHTE, pret. part. v. Craadhaich. Harden-
Cruach, -aic», -an, s.f. I. A pile, heap: cumu- ed, parched : duratus. C. S. Ir. £.ftuAfCce.
lus, moles. C. S. 2. A stack meta, cumulus, ; Cruadhalach, -AicHE, 1 adj. (Cruadal), Inhuman,
acervus. " Crtuuh arbhuir." C. S. A corn stack. CuuAUHAi.TA, -.MLTE, j barbarous crudelis, sa.'- :

Frumenti acervus. " Cruach mhònadh." C. S. vus. Angl. Cruel.

C. S.
A peat stack. Fomitis vel cespitis strues. 3. A Cruadhas, -ais, *. m. (Cruaidh), Rigour, severity :

high hill mons altus. C. S.

: Wei. Crag, et Cru- acerbitas, severitas. C. S.
gyn. B. Bnt. Crec, Crughell. Cruadhlach, -aich, s. m. (Cruaidh, et Leac), S.
Cruach, -aidii, cur-, f. a. (Cruach, s.) Heap, rocky acclivity : saxosa acclivitas. C. S.
stack, build into ricks or stacks : cumula, strae, Cruadhmhor, -oire, adj. (Creubh, et Mòr), Cor-
congere, (foenum, cespites, vel tale quid). C. S. pulent : obesus. O'R.
Wei. Crugo. Chuagalach, -aiche, adj. Hard, rigid severus, :

Cruaciiach, -aiche, adj. (Cruach, «.) L Covered austerus. Provinc.

with heaps plenus acervis, cumulis. C. S.
: 2. • Cruagbailli, -aidh, .«. ;«. Llh. et O'R. \'ide
Hilly montosus. C. S.
: Cruadliachadh.
Cruachadh, -aidh, s. m. et pres. part. v. Craach. Cruaidh, -uadhach, -aichean, s.f. (Cruaidh, adj.)
Heaping, stacking, accumulating actus cumulan- : The stone attached to a boat, in place of an an-
di, struendi, congerendi. Llh. et C. S. chor : anchora lapidea. C. S.
Cruaciiag, -.\ig, -an, s.f. dimin. of Cruach. little A Cruaidh, -e, adj. 1. Hard, finn durus, firraus. :

stack parvus, acervus. C. S.

" Tha a chridhe cruaidh mar chloich, criiaidh eadh-
Cruachan, -ain, -an, s. m. dim. of Cruach. 1. A on mar chloich-mhuilinn iochdraich." lob. xli. 24.
conical hill collis vel mons forma; rotundioris. C.
: His heart is firm as a stone, yea, hard as a nether
S. 2. A mountain top mons summus. C. S. 3. : millstone. Est cor ejus firmum ut lapis, imo, du-
The haunch coxa. C. S. " Cruachunn." Macf. V.
: rum ut lapis molaris inferior. 2. Hard, difficult
Cruachas, -ais, -an, «. m. (Cruaidh, et Càs), C.S. durus, difficilis. " Na cùisean cnuiidh thug iad a
Vide Cruaidh-chas. dh' ionnsuidh Mhaois." Ecs. xviii. 26. The hard
Cruachdach, -aiche, ad;'. (Cruac, s.) Knobby, causes they brought unto Moses, lies difficiles
brawny bullatus, callosus. C. S.
: referebant ad Moschem. 3. Painful, distressful
Cruachdalach, -aiche, adj. Coarse: crassus, as- dolorem aiferens, angustiis premens. " A chionn
per. C.S. gu 'n robh a" ghorta cruaidh 's an tir." Geti. xii. 10.
• Cruad, -uaid, s. m. A stone : lapis. Llfi. Vide For the famine was grievous in the land. Quia
Cruaidh. fames erat gravis in regione. 4. Scarce, not plen-
Cruadal, -ail, s. m. (Cruaidh, et Dàil), \. Diffi- tiful arctus, inops.
" Bliadhna chruaidh." C. S.
danger difficultas, angus-
culty, distress, hardship, : (tit.) A scarce year, a year not plentiful of com, or

tia, ardux, periculum. Macf. V.

res 2. meton. food. Annus in quo inopia frumenti vel cibi ad-
Courage, boldness, nerve, energy : vis, virtus, for- est. 5. Sparing, parsimonious, niggardly parens, :

titude animi. Macf. V. et C. S. 3. Virtue vir- : sordide parcus, avarus. " Duine cruaidh." C. S.
tus. Macf. V. A niggardly man. Vir sordide parcus. 6. \'exa-
Cruadalach, -aiche, adj. (Cruadal), 1. Danger- tious, annoying : acerbus, molestus. " 'S cruaidh
Pp 2
iiach urrain mi 'dheanarnh." C. S. Hard that I Cruaidh-lus, -uis, -an, s. m. (Cruaidh, et Lusl,

cannot do it. Grave est me non posse facere id. Sneeze-wort, white hellebore : veratrum album.
8. Severe severus. O'B.
: 9. Energetical, forcible, Linn. S. C
with all one's might magna vi contendens, omni-
: Cruaidii-miiuinealacii, -eiche, adj. (Cruaidli, et
bus viribus nitens. " Agus lean iad gu cnmidh Muincal), Stiff-necked: contumax. Llh.
» iad gu ruig Gidom." Brcith. xx. 45. And they Cruaidh-miiuinealachd, 1 s. f. ind. (Cruidh-
pursued hard after them unto Gidom. Et asse- Cruaidii-mhuinealaiche, J
mhuinealach). Stub-
quuti sunt eos omnibus viribus usque ad Gido- bornness, inflexibility : contumacia. C. S.
mum. 10. Unreasonable, unjust : iniquus. C. S. Cruaidh-naisgte, adj. (Cruaidh, et Naisgte), En-
Wei. Crif, firmus. Dav. Or. Kfuog, crudus. tangled impeditus, vinctus. Llh.

Cruaidh, Cruadhach, s. f. (Cruaidh, adj.) 1. Cruaidh-reodhadh, -aidh, s. m. (Cruaidh, et

Steel :
" Buailidli am bogha cruadhach
chalybs. Reodhadh), Hard frost : gelu durum. C. S.
troimhe e." lob. xx. ^4. The bow of steel shall Cruaidh-siinaim, -e, -ean, s. f. hard, or double a
strike him through. Transverberabit arcus chaly- knot : nodus durus vel duplex. S. C
beus eum. 2. Tlie declivity of a hill, a hill-side Cruaidhte, Llh. Apj). Vide Cruadhaichte.
praecipitium. Cruaidh-tiieinn, -e, s.f. (Cruaidh, et Teinn), Se-
•' Thar ghleann na luachrach,cruaidh nan eilde." 's vere affliction acrumna, gravis afflictio. C. S.

S.D. 121. Cruailinn, -e, s.f. (Cruaidh, et Linn), Hard, rocky

Over the glen of rushes, and the hilly declivity of ground teira saxosa. C. S.

hinds. Trans vallem junci, et praecipitium cerva- Crualacii, -aich, s. f. (Cruaidh, et Clach), Hard
rum. " Cniaidfi agus dearg." Provin. Straw and stony ground solum lapidosum. Tern. ii. 262.

fire for kindling a fishing torch at night. Stramen Cruas, -ais, s. m. (Cruaidh, ad/.) Hardness, rigour:
et ignis quibus accenduntur taedae piscatoriae. durities, rigor. Llh. et Voc. 138. 2. Hardihood,
CrUAIDH-BHEUM, -EIM, -EUMAN, -ANNAN, S. Vl. strength : vires, robor. Oss. Vol. III. 488. 3.

(Cruaidh, et Beum), A
hard stroke : durus ictus. Hardship, distress, difficult}- : aerumna, difficultas.
C.S. " A' furtachd air mo chnias."
Cruaidh-chas, -ais, -an, *. m. (Cruaidh, et Càs), Salm. cii. 2.

Peril, danger,a hard case, an emergency, or diffi- Relieving my distress. Suble\ans meam difflcul-

culty : periculum, durus casus, occasio difficilis. tatem. /ChuaSat*.Jr.

" Agus ni mise an sin altair do Dhia, a dh' eisd Cruasachd, -an, s.f. Gain, lucrum. " Cruasachd-
rium ann an la mo chruaidh-chais." Gen. xxxv. 3. an." Macinh/. 49. Solid gains, fruits : lucrum,
And I will make there an altar unto God, who lis- fructus. Potius Cnuasachd, q. vide.
tened to me in the day of my distress. Et faciam Crùb, -aidh, CHR-, V. n. Sit, squat, crouch sede, :

Deo qui exaudiit me in die angustias meae.

ibi altare flexis poplitibusrecumbe, succumbe.
Cruaidh-chasach, -AicfiE, adj. (Cruaidh-chas), " Criihaidhis cromaidh e gu làr."

Perilous, dangerous, trying, difficult : periculosus, Salm. x. 10.

arduus, difficihs. C. S. He croucheth and humbleth himself to the ground.
Cruaidh-cheangail, -glaidh, CHR-, r.a. (Cruaidh, Succumbit et humiliat se ad humum. Germ. Kru-
et Ceangail), Tye fast, bind constringe. C. S. : pen. Gr. K^urrTOj. Hebr. n33 cupur.
Cruaidh-cheangal, -ail, s. m. (Cruaidli, et Ceang- Crùb, -uibe, -ean, s.f. 1. horse's hoof, a claw, A
al), A hard tye durum ligamen. Llh.
: fangequi ungula, unguis, dens. Bill. Gloss.
: 2.
Cruaidh-cheist, -E, -EAN, -EACHAN, s.f. (Cruaidli, Nave of a wheel rota- modiolus. Voc. 94.

et Ceist), A hard question : qusestio difficilis. Salm. Crura, pi. of Crub, «. q. vide. Bill. Gloss.
Ixxiii. 16. Crùbach, -aiche, a^'. (Crub, v.) Lame, halt,
Cruaidh-chridheach, -eiche, adj. (Cruaidh, et awkward claudus, inhabilis.

Cridhe), Hard-hearted immitis, sensibus obtusus,

" Gar nach 'eil mo chas criibach."
immisericors. " Oir tha tigh Israeli uile mi-narach Turn. 101.
agus cruaidh-chridheach" Esec. iii. 7. For all the Though I be not lame of my foot. Quamvis non
house of Israel are impudent and hard-hearted. sim claudus pede.
Enim domus Israelis omnis est impudica et im- Crùbadh, -aidh, «. in. et pres. part. v. Crith. Bend-
mitis. ing, act of bending succumbens, actus sese suc-

Cruaidh-chuis, -e, -ean, «. m. (Cruaidh, et Cùis), cumbendi. C. S.

Vide Cruaidli-chas. Crùbag, -aig, -an, «. /. (Criib, v.) 1. A crooked
Cruaidh-chuiseach, -eiche, adj. (Cruaidli-chuis), woman mulier curva. C. S. 2. A hook hamus.
: :

Llh. App. Vide Cruaidh-chasach. Provin. 3. A

weaver's thrum textiviliuni. O'B. :

Cruaidii-fhortan, -ain, -an, s. m. (Cruaidh, et 4. A certain kind of wooden frame, placed by

Fortan), Misfortune : infortunium. C. S. means of a pack-saddle, on a horse's back, for the
Cruaidh-ghleachd, -a, s. m. (Cruaidh, et Gleachd), purpose of carrying bulky loads, as hay, or com
A hard conflict
durus conflictus. C. S.
: ephippia quacdam lignea quibus onera ingentiora
Cruaidh-losgadh, -aidh, -ean, s. m. (Cruaidh, et portantur, sicut fcenum, fruges. N. H. 5. A crab,
Losgadh), A searing, branding with red hot ij'on : certain species of it. Scot. Partan cancer. He- :

ustulatio. C. S. brid. Germ. Krabbe, piscis testaceus. Wacht^

Crùbaiciib, Laniene»»: clnu- vaaset ros, (|ui juceret, ecce, crat in superficie de-
».f. iiul. (C'rùbath), 1.

of C'riibiicli, vido. serli triuie t|uidt|uaui rotunduui. 'i. Gatliered, ab-

dicatio. C. S. i. ailj. tviiijkir. <).

seniblid, colUclid coactus, collectus. " CluTith-

CltÙBAis, -loii, ciiK-, !•. «. Crfi'|), troiicli, crinnf :

succumbe, puplitibu« tìexis recuinbc. C. S. Cir. adli an t-iiit anns an robli iad rruitui." GuUmUi. iv.
31. i'lie place wa» i.littLen where they were as-
ChOban, -AiN, s. III. (Cnib, r.) 1. sitting squat A : sembled together. Succussus est locus in quo
status rccumbi'iiili puplitibus Hcxis. C. S. 2. A fuerunt congregati. II V/. Crwmi. Ann. Cryiin,
croolit'd creature aniumi curvuni. ('. S.
: 3. A Crenn.
i-nib lisli : caiicer. AM. Aj>/). -i. A disease in cows : Cruinse, «. III. iiid. (Cruinn), 1. Roundness: ro-

bouni morbus. C. S. St-ol. Criiban. Jam. tunditas. OR. et C. S. 2. 'Die globe, tlie » orld :

Ckuban na saona, .v./. Dwarf mountain bramble: orbis terraruni.

rubus chamu; merus. O'lt. " Uir 's team an cruiniie dunilianda,
Crubii, -a, -an, 4'. m. A horse hoof: equi ungula. " Is na bfuil ami le clieil."
C. S. 5J. A claw unguis. C. ^V. 3. A fang :
Kirh. Salm. 1. 12,
dens. C. S. i. 'Hie nave of a wheel rota- medio- : For mine is the world, and all that is in it together.
lus. Ll/i. App. Enini est meus orbis terrarum et quod etium iiiest
• Crubhas, -ais, s. iii. (C'ru, 3.) A crimson colour : eo. 3. adj. t-oinp. of Cruinn, q. vide.
color puniceus. LlJi. CuuiNNE-cÈ, X. III. otJ'. (Cruinne, et Ce), Tlie world,

Crubha-sìtiine, *. m. (Crubh, et Siothann), A globe : orbis terraruni. " Chum gu 'n dean iad
haunch of venison coxa farinae : carnis. I've. 23. ge b' e ni a dh' àithneas c dlioibli air aghaidh a'
CnÙBOG, -Aic;, -AN, knot or contraction of a
s. A chruinne-clw." lob. xxxvii. 12. That they may do
Uircad in weaving: contractio tili in jugo textorio. whatsoever he commandeth them upon the face of
LUi. et OB. 2. A thrum : tuxtivilitium. Ll/i. et the world. Ut agaiit quidcunque praecipiat illis in

OB. superficie orbis terrarum.

C'liuDHA, -uiDiiE; ^/. Crùidiiean, s. »«. (Crubh), Ckuinneachadh, -AiDii, s. m. et pres. part. v.

A horse shoe equi solea ferrea. " Crumha." Voc.

: Cruinnich. 1. A gathering, act of gathering, as-
81. Germ. Kraw. sembling coUectio, actus colligendi, convocandi,

• Crughalach, -aiche, adj. Hard, difficult: durus, conveniendi. " D' a ionnsuidhsan bithidh cruinn-
ditficilis. MSS. eachadh nam pobul." Gen. xlix. 10. And to him
Crùibte, pret. part. v. Crùb. Cramped, contracted, shall be the gathering of the people. Et ad eum erit
crippled : C. S.
contractus, coercitus, claudicatus. coactio populorum. 2. An assembly : ccetus, con-

Crùideix, -eoin, s. 711. (Crùb, et Eun), The bird ventus. C, S. Potius " Comh-chruinneachadh."
king-fisher alcedo ispida. Linii. Lilt.
: q. vide.
Gruidh, gen. of Crodh. Voc. 49. q. vide. Cruinneachax, -AIN, -AX, *. M. (Cruinn), Any
Crùidheach, -eiche, adj. (Crudha), Shod, (as a round heap : massa orbiculata. C. S.
horse) : ferratus, ferro calceatus, ut equus. C. S. Cruinneadh, -idh, s. III. (Cruinn), Maef. Par. v. 6.

Ckui-dhearo, -eirge, adj. (Cru, 3. et Dearg), Scar- Id. q. Cruinne.

let coloured colore coccineus. MSS.
: Cruinneag, -eu;, -as, s.f. (Cruinn), A neat, tidy
Cruidhte, adj. (Crudha), Shod calceatus. C. S. : girl : agilis et nitida puella.

Ir. itttA0)6ce.
" Cha 'n fhòghnadh le m' chntinneag,
" A" bhuarach no 'chuinneag,
Cruime, \ s.f. A bend, curvature flexura, :

Cruimead, -EiD, j curvatura. C.S. 2. conipar. o( " 'S cha chluiniiear gu 'n curaadh tu
'• Cuman a' d' dliòrn." MaciiUg. 105.
Crom, adj. q. vide.
•Cruimeachda, A crow corvus. JISS. : The cow-fetter or milk pail accorded not with my
Cruimeadannach, -aichc, at/j. Whole, entire : to- tidy girl, and it shall not be heard that she held in
tus, integer. O'R. her hand the milking pail. Non convenient meae
Chuim-shlinseineach, -eiche, adj. Llh. Vide puella: nitida; conipecles bovina' vel niulctrale, et
Crom-shlinneineach. non audietur te iiivhendisse situlam in maiiu tua.
• Cruinithear, -ir, s. m. (Crom, .v. 3. et Fear), A Crlinxeiseach, -icii, *. III. (Cruinn, et Neach), A
priest: sacerdos. Llh. sizeable person or thing : homo mediocris statunt,
Cri;in, gen. of Crùn, q. vide. res mediocris.
Cruineachd, Wlieat triticum. " Agus
s. III. hid. : Cruixx-eolacii, -AiciiE, adj. (Cruinne, et Eolach),

bheathaicheadh e iad smior a' chruineachd." Salin. le Skilled in spherics : spha'raruni scientiie peritus.
Ixxxi. 16. He would have fed tlicm with the finest OR.
of the wheat. Et cibaturus fuisset eos adipe tri- Cruixn-eolaiche, -ax, s. III. (Cruinne, et Eolach),
tici. A master of spherics : homo sphaeraruni scientice pe-
Cruinn, -E, a<^'. Round: rotundus. "Agusanuair ritus. Ll/i. et OR.
a dli' eirich an drùchd a bha 'n a luidlie, suas, Cruixn-eòlas, m. (Cruinn, et Eòlas), 1. Address:

feuch, bha air aghaidh an fliàsaich ni beag cruinn." comitas. C. iS. 2. The doctrine of tlie sphere :

Ecs. xvi. 14. And when the dew that lay was sphsera; doctrina. " Eolas na cruinne." O'R.
gone up, behold, there was on the face of the wil- Geography : geographia.
ilerness a small round thing. Quumque (se) ele- Cruixxicii, -idh, cur-, f. a. (Cruinn), Gather, col-
lect, assemble unum, convoca.
: collige, coge in the particular instrument described by him, un-
" Agus pillidh e, agus cniinniciiidh e thu as na known in Scotland. Angl. Crowd, and Crowder.
h-iiile chinnicli a chum an do sgap an Tigheam do CnuiT-cniùiL, -EAN-ciiiiL, S.f. (Cruit, ct Ceòl), A
Dhia thu, agus as a sin bheir c thu." Dent. xxx. 3. musical instrument : instrumentum musicum. Dug.
And he return and gather thee from all the
will Btichan. 47,
nations whither the Lord thy God hath scattered Cruiteao, -eig, -an, s.f. dim. of Cruit. 1. little A
thee, and thence will he bring thee. Et convertet, harp, or violin fides vel cithara parva. C. S.
: 2.
et colliget ille te ex omnibus populis quo dispersc- A female fiddler, or harper citharoeda. Llh. :

rat Dominus tuus Deus te, et inde reducet te. Cruitealachd, «. /. ind. Cruiteil. Pleasantness,
" Cmiimichidh an coimhthional uile iad fein a sprightliness jucunditas. C. S. :

t-ionnsuidh." Air. x. 3. All the assembly shall Cruiteil, -e, atlj. (Cruit), Pleasant, sprightly: ju-
assemble themselves vmto thee. Congregabunt sc cundus, hilaris. C. S.
universus coetus ad te. Cruiteir, -e, -ean, ». m. (Cruit, et Fear), harp- A
CnuiNNicHE, -EAN, s. w. (Cruinnich), A gatherer, a er : citharoedus. O'R. Wei. Crythawr. Angl.
collector : collector. C. S. Crowder.
Cruinmire, -EAN, s. ì>ì. (Cruinn, et Fear), A turner: Crùitiieach, -eiche, atlj. C S. Vide Cruidheach.
tornator. C. S. Cruitheachd, s.f. ind. (Cruth), Form, complexion,
Cruinn-leum, -eim, -an, s. m. (Cruinn, et Leum, s.) conformation, creation forma, oris color, confor- :

1. Asudden leap : saltus subitaneus. S. 2. C A matio, creatio. " A' chniitheachd." D.Buchan.
horse's gallop : cursus equi concitatus. C. S. The world orbis terrarum. Ir. ^itucH^jeACb.

Cruinnseag, -aig, -an, «. /. C. S. Vide Craimh- Cruith-fhear, -ir, s. m. (Cruth, et Fear), A

seag. creator creator. :" Ach cha 'n abair aon neach,
Cruinn'-thomhas, -Ais, «. m. (Cruinne, et Tomhas), am bheil Dia mo chruithfhear 9" lob. xjcxv.
c' ait

Geometry geometria. : 10. But none saith, where is God my maker?

Crùinte, pret, part. v. Crùn. Crowned: coronatus. At ullus non dicit, ubi est Deus creator mens ?
C.S. • Cruithin tuath. The land of Picts, Pictland : ter-
Crùisgean, -ein, -an, s. m. 1. A lamp lampas. : ra Pictica, Pictavia. Llh. et OB.
" Dh' eirich i ionann 's a bhi ruisgte, Cruithne, ì ^-n
v -NICH, s. m. A pict
a i • •

" 'S theann i fi lasadh a' chrùisgdn."

Cruithneach, J r pictus.
r O R. '

Turn. 295. Cruithneachd, s. m. ind. Gnàth. xxxii. 22. Vide

She arose as if naked, and began to light the lamp. Cruineachd.
SuiTexit ea ut fere nudata, et coepit illuminare 1am- Cruiteineach, -eiche, «<//. Crump-shouldered: cur-
pada. 2. Any small jug, or pitcher, commonly vos habens humeros. Llh. Vide Crotach.
applied to a broken or mutilated one : cantharus Crùlaist, -e, -ean, s. m. A rocky hill : collis sax-
parvus, arceolus, vulgo de fracto vel mutilato lo- osus. MSS.
quitur. C. S. 3. A
potsherd, fragment of a bro- Crumag, -aig, -an, «. f. The plant skirret slum :

ken pot testa fracta, vel ollse fragmentum. iV. H.

: sisarium. Linn. Voc. 59. Scot. Cnimmock. Jam.
Hence perhaps its first signification, such fragments Cruman, -ain, s. m. (Crom, ad^'.) Tlie hip-bone :
frequently supplying the place of a lamp. " Cruis- 2. An instrument used by sur
OS coxae. C. S. •

gean ùillidh." Voc. 88. An oil lamp : lampas olei. geons instrumentum chirurgicum. Llh. App.

Scot. Cruiskin. Jam. Dan. Kruus, a cup. Crumanaiche, -ean, *. m. A turner tornator. :

Crùisle ; pi. -AN, et -icHEAN, s. w. The hol- Llh.

low vault of a church camera, testudo, in sacris
: Crùmh, -a, -an, s.f. maggot A : galba, termes,
isedibus. lendix. Provin. Vide Cnuimh.
" Nach rachainn g'am ghearan, Crum-shuileachd, s.f. (Crom, et Sùil), Sourness
" Ri fearaibh a' chridsle." of look torvitas. Llh.

Oran. Crùn, -ùin, -ùintean, s.m. I. A crown: corona.

Tliat I would not go to make my complaint to the " Agus thug e critn an righ bhàrr a chinn." 2 Sam.
men of the aisles, i. e. the priests. Quod non irem xii. 30. And he took their king's crown from off
ad me ipsum querendum, ad homines testudinis his head. Et assumpsit coronam regis eorum a
ffidium sacrarum, i. e. sacerdotes. capite illius. 2. The boss of a shield : umbo clypei.
Crùisleach, -icii, -ichean, s. in. (Crùisle), 1. An MSS. 3. A garland of flowers sertum florum. :

inhabitant of a church-vault, a recluse monachus, : C. S. 4. A five shilling piece, a crown numisma :

claustro abolitus. C. S. 2. A fireside sluggard : quoddam Britannicum, quinque solidi. C. S. B.

homo inhabilis foco semper imminens. C. S. Bret. Curun. Fr. Couronne. Germ. Krone, co-
rona Kronen, coronare.
; Span, Corona. Basq.
„ . ,. ' > -ean,' s. m. Llh. Vide Crùisgean.
• Cruishn, j Coroca. Larram.
Cruit, -e, -ean, s.f. 1. A
harp: cythara. O'B. et Crùn, -aidii, CIIR-, V. a. (Criin, s.) Crown : corona,
O'R. 2. A fiddle, violin : fides, fides minor. Llh. diademate cinge. " Agus chrim thu e le glòir
OB. OR. et Sh. 3. A cymbal : cymbalum. Sh. agus }e h-urram." Salm. viii. 5. Thou crownedst
et OR. It seems generally applied to any string- him with glory and honour. Coronasti eum gloria
ed instrument. Wei. Crwth. Vide Owen in voc. et majestate.
Crùnadh, •aidh, s. m. vt pre*. pari. r. Crùu. Crown- the earth. Creavit Deui cala et letnun. B.Bth.
ing, act of crowning, coronation uctu8 coronundi,: Croua, C'roui. /•>. Crecr.

regis inauguratio. " Trc- fliulang u' biiuib air a CiiL'iiiAicHTE, prel. jKtrt. v. Crutliaidi. Created ;

ihrmuuih tt- glòir agus le li-onoir." Fabhr. ii. 9. creutus. C. S.

Through the suHi-ring ol" «loath crowned witli glory CitL'THAioiiEAii, -lit, jr. »1. Satin, xcvi. 5. Ed. 17Ò3.
and honour. IVopter mortis perpessionciu coronu- \'ide Cruithtlii-ar.
tU8 gloria et honore. CiiL'i II All., -iv, fi/^'. (Cruth), Slia{)cly, well fonned :

Crùn na H-AiUTK, f. (Crùn, ct Art, adj.) Orna-

s. bene forinatus. C. S.
ments in tlie description of a shield oruamenta : Chuthalaciio, «. /. iiul. (Cruthail), Shapeliness:
adliibitu in scuto descrihcndo. MSS. bona formatio. C. .S.
CrOn-easpuic, s. m. (C'rùn, et Euspuig), bisliop's A Crijtii-atiiaiuiaciiadii, -aidii, (. »1. ct prtt. jiart.
mitre niitra episcopalis. C. S.
: V. Crutli-atharraich. Trunsfiguralion, tranjstorma-
• Crunnach, -aith, s. m. dwarf: nanus. £ibl. A tion, a changing of sluipe : forinu: luutatio, mcta-
Gloss. iuoq>hosis. Voc. 173.
Crunnan, -ain, -an, s. nu Vide Grunnan. CrL'TII-ATIIAHBAICII, -IDH, CilU-, f. «. (CVutli, ct
Cbunnluadii, -iDH, s. m. (Crùn, et Luatli), Vide Atliarraich), Transfigure, transfonn : muta furmam
Crann-luath. coq)oris. C. S.
Crùn-sacairt, s. m. (Crùn, et Sagart), A sacerdo- CRUTii-AunAlcHTE, ) odj. Ct pret. part. r. Crulh-

tal cap : sacerdotis pileus.

C. i>. Cbl'th-atharhaichte, / atharraich. Metamor-
Crun-scèithe, (Crùn, et Sgiath),
*. »1. A sliield- phosed, transfigured : transfomiutus. C. S.
boss : clypei umbo. Voc. 114. Chuth-chaociiail, -IDH, CHH-, V. a. (Cruth, et
Crup, -aidh, CIIU-, V. a. 1. Crouch, bend: te in Caochail). Vide Cruth-atharraich.
curvam contrahe, flectc te. C. S. 2. Contract, Cruth-chaochladh, -aidh, -ean, s. m. Vide
shrink contrahe, complicando contrahe.
: " Dime Cruth-atharracliadli.
sin cha 'n ith clann Israeli do 'n nièith a chrup." Crl'th-chaochlaideach, -eiche, adj. (Cruth, et
Gen. xxxii. 32. Tlierefore the children of Israel CaoclUadli), Changing forms : mutabilis formis.
eat not of tho sinew which shrunk. Idcirco noii c. i>:

comedunt iilii Israelis ex nervo qui contmxit se. CÙ ; gen. Coin ; dat. CÙ ; roc. A choin ;
pi. Coin ;

Crupadh, -aidh, s. m. et pres. part. v. Crup. 1. gen. Con ; dat. Conaibh, *. m. A dog : canis, ca-
Crouching, act of crouching, or bending : curvans, nis familiaris. Linn.
actus se cur\'andi. C. S. 2. Shrinking, act of " Leig iad na coin sròn fi sròin,
shrinking, contracting : contraliens, actus se con- " Measg an t-slòigh dhùirt iad fuil,
trahendi, diminuendi. C. S. B. Bret. Cropet. " B' e sin an dèubhaidh làidir garg,
Cri;padii-fèithe,-aidii-fèithe,-aidhean-fèithe, " Mu n d' fhàgadli leis marbh an cù dubh."
(Crupadh, et Fèith), A spasm spasmus. C. S. : Stew. 560.
Crupag, -aig, -an, s.
f. (Crup, v.) A wrinkle : ru- They dogs snout to snout, amongst the
set on tlie

ga. as. people they blood that was the contest strong
spilt ;

• Cru-phutag, -aig, -an, s.f. (Cru, blood, et Putag), and fierce, ere he (Bran) killed the black dog. In-
A blood pudding farcimen sanguineum, far- : stigarunt canes, nasus ad nasum, inter populum
turn e sebo et sanguine coni'ectum. Uh. et fundebant sanguinem, id erat certamen strenuum
OR. ferum antequam relictus erat ab eo mortuus canis
• Cru-sgaoileadh, -aidli, «. m. (Cru, blood, et niger. " Cù-alluidh." O'B. A wolf: lupus. " Cù-
Sgaoileadh), bloody flux A : dysenteria, hae- eunaich." Voc. 79. A
spaniel, or pointer : canis
morrhagia. Uh. avium venator, vel indagator. " Cù luirge." C. S.
Cruscladh, -aidh, -ean, s. m. A wTÌnkling : cor- A tracer, a ranger, a slow-hound canis sagax. Linn. :

rugatio. C. S. " Cii-uisge." C. S. water-dog A

canis aquati- :

• Crut, s. m. A
hand manus. MSS. : cus. " Miol-chu." C. S. greyhound : canis A
Cruth, -a, -an, -ANNAN, *. lit. A form, figure, shape, gallicug. " Cù-donn." C. S. An otter mustela, :

countenance forma, figura, vultus. Macf. V. Wei.

: lutra. Wei. et Arm. Ci. Gr. Kua».
Crud, a case Crwth, a body swelUng out. Ow.
• Cu, s.
f. A champion, a hero, warrior : heros,
Gr. XfWs, Xsutrj/jj. bellator. O'R. et MSS. passim.
Cruthach, -aiche, adj. (Cruth), Real verus, ex- : » Cua, s. m. Flesh, meat caro, cibus. : Ll/i. et
istens. " Gu cruthach." C. S. Really, actually : 07?.
re ipsa. • Cua-bhacan, -ain, *. m. (Cua, et bacan), A flesh
CRtn'HACHADH, -AIDH, s. til. et pres. part. v. Cruth- hook creagra. Llh.

aich. Creation, act of creating, or forming : crea- • Cuabhach, -aiche, adj. (Cua), Fleshy caroosu». :

tio, actus creandi, fomiandi. C. S. MSS.

Cruthadair, -e, -ean, *. m. Job. xxxvi. 3. Id. q. • Cua-bh/eid, *. /. 1. Itch : prurigo. LUi. 'i.

Cruithfhear. Lechery : Ubido. Uh.

Cruthaich, -IDH, CHR-, V. a. (Cruth), Create CuACH, -aiche, -an, s.
f. 1. cup, bowl: pocu- A
crea. " Chruthaich Dia na nèamhan agus an lum, patera.
talamh." Gen. i. 1. God created the heavens and " Cha b' i chuirm gun an cònthradh,
" Glieibht' air bòrd nihic na maise, fullof unshapely curves : inhabiliter curratus, in-
" Citavh is cupiinan làna, formibus curvaminibus plcnus. C. S. 2. Having
" he càirdeas is aiteas." Sleio. 21. tumours on the heel calces habens tuberosas. :

It was not tlie silent feast tliat was had at tlie son W. H. 3. Crump-footed loripes. Voc. 29. :

of beauty's board; full bowls and cups with friend- • Cuagan, -ain, -an, s. The hind-head occiput. :

ship and gladness. Non erat conviviuni suie col- Llh.

loquio paratum super niensam filii pulchritudinis, CuAGAiKE, -EAN, s.M. (Cuag, Ct Fear). 1. An awk-
patera poculaque impleta, cum amicitia gaudioque. ward, slovenly man, a slouch homo inhabilis, in- :

S. A coil, fold, plait :C. orbis, plicatura, nexus. urbanus. C. S. 2. crump-footed man loripes. A :

S. 3. A
curl, curl of hair: cirrus, cincinnus. C. C.S.
S. " Cuach-fhalt." Stew. 122. Curled hair: CuAGAinEACHD,s. find. (Cuagaire), Awkwardness:
capilli Cincinnati. 4. The work or hollow part of inhabilitas. C S.
a bird's nest: concavuni avis nidi. C. S. 5. The CuAG-CHAs, -ois, -AN, S.f. (Cuag, et Cas). 1. A foot
hollow or bosom of a hill cavuni montis. " Cmtch : with swollen heels pes habens tuberosas calces.

nan sliabh." Tern. ii. 398. The hollow of the C. S. 2. A crump-foot loripes. C. S. :

hills.Cavimi montium. Wei. Gwacli, a cavity. CuAicHEAN, -E, -EAN, s. m. (Cuach). 1. curl: A
B. Bret. Cou'ch. Germ. Kauch, Kachel. Scot. cirrus. Macinty. 2. A seam sutura. C. S. :

Quech, a drinking cup. Gr. Kuakg, KuSm. Lot. CuAicHEANACH, ) -EiCHE, adj. (Cuach). 1. Plait-
Cyathus. Hebr. Jin chug, circulus. CuAicHEiNEAcn, J cd, tight, compact : plicatus,
CuACH, -icii, -AN, s.f. A cuckoo cuculus canorus : sinuatus. compactus, concinnus. C. S. 2. Curl-
Linn. Llh. headed cincinnatos capillos habens, Macf. V.
' Cuach, -aidh, ch-, v. a. (Cuach, s.) Fold, plait CuAiCHNEACHADH, -AIDH, «. m. et pTcs. part. V.
plica, complica,circumcinge. Li/i. Cuaichnich. Curling, plaiting, act of curling : pli-
CuACHACH, -AicHE, adj. (Cuach). 1. Abounding candi, crispandi, complicandi actus. MSS.
in cups or bowls cyathis abundans. C. S.
: 2. Cuaichnich, -idh, ch-, v. a. (Cuach, 3.) Plait, friz-
Plaited, folded plicatus, complicatus.
: zle, curl crispa, complica, in formam cincinnorum

" 'S maith thig breacan cuacliach ort." redige. 3ISS.

Stew. 493. CuAicHNicHTE, pret. part. v. Cuaichnich. Plaited,
Well does the folded plaid become thee. Bene curled cincinnatus, crispatus.
: S. C
convenit tibi sagum versicolor complicatum. 3. CuAiGEAN, -EiN, -AN, s. m. (Cuag), splay-footcd- A
Curled cincinnatus. Stei::. 330.
: fellovv homo valgus, pedibus distortis. MSS,

CuACHAG, -AiG, -AN, s. /. dim. et Cuach. 1. A CuAiLEAN, -EIN, -AN, ciu-1, wreathe,
«. »H. A lock,
little cup : pocuUuni. S. 2. little curl C A a set of hair curls or locks : cirrus, cinnus, cirro-
cirrus exiguus. aS". 3. C
cuckoo cuculus ca- A : rum ordo. Macf. V. et S. D. 51. " Cuailean am-
norus. Stew. 377. 4. neat young girl A
nitida : lach." Voc. 13. curled lock A
crinis cirrati por- :

puella. A. M'-D. 4. A
spiral shell : concha in tiuncula.
spiram ducta. OR. CuAiLEANACH, -AICHE, adj. (Cuailean), In ringlets:
CuACHAGACH, -AICHE, adj. (Cuachag). Vide Cuach- crispatus. C. S.
ach. » Cuailin, -e, -ean, m. A bundle, small faggot

CuACHAN, -AiN, -AN, s. 7)1. dim. of Cuach, s. Vide fasciculus. Llh. Vide Cual.
Cuachag. CuAiLL, )^ m.-E, 1. A club, batOD, blud-
-EAN, s.
CuACHANACH, -AICHE, adj. Vide Cuachach. CuAiLLE, j
geon : sudes, stipes. Macf. V. " Cuaille
CUACH-BHLEODHAIN, pi. -AN, -BLEODHAIN, S. f. bat'." Turn. 26. A ponderous staff, or cudgel
(Cuach, et Bleodhain), A milk-pail: mulctrale. CS. igens sudes. Angl. Cowl-statF, Col-staff. 2. A
CuACH-CHiABH, -AN, s. /. (Cuach, s. ct Ciabh), A fool ; stultus. MSS. Gr. Kà>M, lignum K/jXoi!, ;

curled lock : cincinnus. Voc. 90. jaculum e ligno. Lat. Calo et " Calones," qui ;

•CuACH-FHALT, -uiLT, «. w. (Cuach, s. et Fait), dominos in prcelia ituros, fustibus aut clavis ligneis
Curled hair : crispatus crinis. Macint. 97. comitabantur. Wacht. Germ. Keule.
CuACH-PHÀDRuiG, -E, S.f. (Cuach, s. Ct Pàdruig), CuAiN, -E, -TEAN, S.f. (Cu, Ct Gin), A litter of
A great plantain : plantago media. Linn. Voc. 61. whelps foetura, catuli uno partu editi. C. S.

• Cuach-shrann, s.f. (Cuach, s. et Srann), ve- A » Cuain, -e, s.f. A

corner: angulus. Llh.App.
hement snorting, or snoring: rhonchus vehe- • Cuainte, adj. Vide Cuanta.
mens. OR. » Cuairealta, adj. Curious, exquisite rarus, exqui- :

* Cuadh, -aidh, ch-, v. a. Tell or relate : die, re- situs. Llh.

fer. MSS. CuAiRSG, -IDH, CH-, V. a. Roll, wi-eathc, twist, wrap:
' s. m. (Cuadh), A news-monger
Cuadhaire, -ean, involve, intorque, circumtege. Llh. et C. S.
rerum novarum studiosus, vel relator. 3ISS. CUAIRSGEACH, |^
-EICIIE, -AICHE, (Cuairsg), Coil-
Cu'ag, -AIG, -AN, s.f. Vide Cubhag. CuAiRSGEAGACH, j ed, rolled, or wound up : glo-
CuAG, -AIG, -AN, s.f. 1. An awkward or unshape- meratus, in sj)iram contortus. MSS.
ly curve or bending : curvamen inhabile, vel infor- CuAiRSGEADH, -IDH, s. «J. Ct pres. part. V. Cuairsg.
me. C. S. 2. An excrescence, or ulcerous sore 1. A volume: volumen. C. S. 2. Rolling, act of
on the heel : tuber calcibus insurgens. C. S. rolling, or wrapping actus involvendi, circumte-

CuAGACH, -AICHE, udj. (Cuag). 1. Awkwardly bent. gendi. C.S.

Cl'AIRSr.EAN, -EIK, -AS, ». M. (CuaÌMg). 1. A circle : circulu» parvus. MSS. et C. S. 2. A
wrap|>er, envelope involucrum. C. S. : i. 'flic round hollow : vortex. 3Iarf. V. " Cuairteog
Cilloe ol u wiieel : rota- lanllius. " Him am mulaii sliluigeucli." J/.S'.V. A wlurliKiol : vortex, purge».
api.s an cioclian, n^fiis an ntiiirsffcÌNtan, a^nis an 3. A bird» next nidurt. :

larwinain uile li-a^'lita." 1 Hitf/i. vii. H.Ì. Tliiir " Mar Hheubhag u' tuirluing o'n aonach,
axle-lrcfs anil their naves, and their felloes, and " Air eun an fhraoich "n u rhuairtrig."
«pokes, were all molten.
llicir Erant axes earum, S.D. 167.
etmodioli earum, et canthi earum, et radii earum As the hawk darting from the hill on the heath-
omnia (iisa. S. Tlie core of fruit cicus, loculus : foul in its nest. Sicut accipiter (subito) irruen»
seminum. lor. C9. ab monte avem ericie in nidu ipsiuH. 4. A fillet
Cl'AiRSOTK, jnrt. jHtrt. r. Cuairsp. Itoiled, wrapped (in architecture), a listel fascia. " Agus chònih- :

up iuvolutus, obvulutus, implicittus. Llh.

: daich e thairis an cinn, agus an cunirteagnn le h-òr."
CuAiRT, -E, -KAN, s.f. 1. A circle: circulus, orhis. Ecs. xxxvi. 38. And he overlaid their cliapiter»
" Is esan a ta 'na shuidlie air runirt na lalmhainn." and their fillets with gold. Et obduxit earum epiii-
/«Ol. xl. 'i'i. It ishe that sitteth upon the circle tylia, earumque fascia» auro.
of the earth. Est ille qui insidet orbi terrarum, CuAiRTEAR, -EiR, -EAN, #. in. (Cuairt, et Fear), I.

(ambitui terrac. Bez). 2. A circumference circu- : A visitant salutator, qui officiose visitat. C. S.
: 2.
lus, extremitas. C. S. " 'n cuairt." (utv. A- Mu A sojourner hospes, qui peregrinat. 3ISS.

round in circuitu, circum.

: 3. Circulation cir- : CuArRT-CHAOTH, -AoiTii, -KAN, «. m. (Cuairt, el
culandi actus. " Cuttirt na fola tre 'n chorp." C. Gaoth), 1. A whirlwind: turbo. C. S. 2. An ed-
S. The circulation of the blood in the body. dying wind ventus retrocedens a vento. C. S.

Sanguinis circulandJ actio in coq)ore. 4. An ex- Id. q. lom-ghaoth.

pedition, a journej-, a visit proefectio, iter, offi- : Cuairtich, -idh, oh-, (Cuairt), 1. Surround, in-

ciosus adit us. close, encompass on all sides, environ circumda, :

" Cuairt nam fletli gur ait learn fein, sepi, circumscpi.
'' Gu aonach nan taiinas gun bheum." " C}tuairtich oigh-thaibhg' i te 'n ceòlan."
S. I). 243. S.D. 11.
1 rejoice (at) of chieftains to the hill of
the visit Virgin-spirits surrounded her with tlieir faint music.
ghosts, without (striking of) blows. Iter princi- Circumdederunt virginum manes earn cum musica
pum est gaudio milii ipsi ad montem spirituum sine tenui ipsarum. 2. Gather in, collect, as cattle,
vulnere. " Air chiuiirt.'' adv. Sojourning, from sheep congrega, coge in unum locum, sicut

home. In hospitio, in statu hospitis. " Agus pecora. " Chiutirtich e 'n spreidh." C. S. He
chaidh Abram sios do 'n gu bhi air c/iuairt
Eiphit collected the cattle congregavit ille pecudes.
: 3.
an sin." Gen. xii. 10. And Abram went down Fillet, (in architecture) : fascias due. Ecs. xxvii.
into Egypt to sojourn there. Et descendit Abram 17. niarg.
in /Egjiitum, ut peregrinaretur illic. 5. repeti- A CvAiRTicuTE, jtret. }>arf. v. Cuairtich. 1. Surround-
tion : repetitio, itcratio. ed, inclosed, encompassed on all sides : circumda-
" Tri chuairt do bliris mi a sgiath." tus, circuniseptus. C. S. 2. Gathered in, collect-
Fing. iv. 71. ed :congregatus, coactus, ut pecus in stabulum.
Thrice I broke his shield. Ter perrupi ego ejus C S. 3. Filleted, (in architecture) fasciis duc- :

scutum. 6. A tier of planks, in boat or ship-build- tus. Ecs. xxvii. 17. marg.
ing, a plank series tabularum vel assium apud
: • Cuaith, -e, s.f. The country rus. Lift. :

fabros lignarios. C. S. 7. A pommel, a round Cual, -uailtean, s.f. 1. A fagot, bundle of

ball or knob, (in architecture) : orbis. " Eadlion sticks lignorum vel virgultorum fascis.
" Cual-
an da phost agus na cuairtean." 2 Eachd. iv. 12. chonaidh." C. S.
To wit the two pillars and the pommels. Scilicet " Thug i dhachaidh CMaZ-chonaidh,
" Balg mine, poca salainn."
columnas duas et orbes. Peru. iJi^Sj^s gurdish,
circuit ; ^j^> gird, circumference. Gilchr. She carried home a fagot, a meal bag, a salt bag.
CuAiRTEACH, -EicHE, adj. (Cuoirt, 1.) Circular: Portavit ilia domum lignorum fascem, farince sac-
rotundus, circularis. C. S. cum, saccumque salts. 2. A burden onus. :

Cdairteacii, -icH, -EAN, #. /. (Cualrt), An epide- " 'Nuair is trioblaidich' do chual duit."
mic fever febris contagiosa. iV. H.
: Giil. 280.
Cuairteachadh, -aidh, s. m. et pres. part. v. Wlien thy burden is most troublesome to tliec.
Cuairtich. Surrounding, act of surrounding ac- : Quando gravissimum sit onus tuum tibi.
tus circunidandi. " So a ta cuairteachadh tire i • Cual, s. m. Vide Gual.
Chabhila Gen. ii. 11. This is it which coni-
uile." CuALA, pret. interrog. v. Cluinn. i. e. " Nach euala
passcth all the land of Havila. Hie est qui cir- mi ?'" C. S. Have 1 not heard ? Nonne audivi ?
cumdat totam regionem Haviiic. CuALACH, -AiCHE, odj. (Cual), 1. Having many
Cuairteachas, -ais, s. f. (Cuairt, 3.) A visiting, faggots : multos fa.sciculos liabens. MS.S. 2. Bur-
gossiping : visitatio, matralia. C. S. dened oneratus. MSS.

Clairteao, -Etc, -AN, s.f. (Cuairt, 1.) 1. A little CuALACii, -Aicii, #. m. Act of gathering stidcs,
Vol. I.
forming a fagot actio fascicules vlrgultorum vel
: • Cuanna, s. m. A hill : mons. Llh.
lignonmi colligentli, fascicules formandi. MSS. CuAN-sGiTHE, s. til. The channel between Harris and
CuALAc, -AiG, -AN, s. f. dim. of Cual. little bur- A Skye. R. 31 D. 23.
den onus leve. LIh. et Voc. 14.
: CuANTA, adj. 1. Able, robust : habilis, robustus. C.
CuALLACH, -AiCH, «. »1. herding, tending cattle : A S. 2. Handsome, elegant elegans, decorus, ve- :

nuHius armentarii, vel pastio pecudum. A. M^D nustus. 3JSS. 3. Tight, trim bellus, comptus, :

Gloss. mundus. Mac/. V. 4. Prolific : fcecundus. Provin.

• Cuallachd, s. f. ind. (Cual, 2.) Dependants, a CuANTACH, -AiciiE, odj. (Cuau), Sea bred : raari
colony clientes, colonia. Lih.
: educatus. A.M'D.
CuALLACH, -AICH, «. /. 1. Corporation, society, A CuANTAiCH, s. pi. (Cuan), Inhabitants of the sea
fraternity, a company : collegium, societas, fra- coast maritinia gens, maris accolae. MSS.

temitas. CuANTAL, -AIL, s. OT. 1. gTOup : turba. Provin. A

" O
's tuirseach gun blii 'n 'ur cuaUach."
! Id. q. Cuanal. 2. A
rapid torrent of language
Gill. 264. orationis flumen, verborum agmen. Provin.
Oh ! mournful, not to be in your society. Vs railii • Cuar, -uair, -ean, s. m. 1. worm vermis. O'R. A :

triste non esse in societate vestra. 2. family A Suppl. 2. A

screw : cochlea. O'R. Siippl. 3.
familia. Flesh : caro. O'R. Suppl.
" Rinn mi altrum 's a' chuallach." • Cuar, adj. Crooked, per\erse: curvus, pravus. Llh.

Gill. 117. Wei. Gwyr.

(Whom) I nursed in the family. Quem nutrivi in • Cuara, s. m. vessel : vas. MSS. A
familia. CuARADH, -AiDH, «. ttt. ProvtH, Vidc Ciùrradh.
CuALLAicH, -iDH, CH-, v. a. Tend cattle : pecora CuARAG, -AIG, -AN, «. f. knapsack : mantica. A
cura. Provin. MSS.
• Cuallaiche, -an, *. m. A companion : comes. CuARAN, -AiK, -AN, s. m. sock, a brogue of un- A
Llh. et OR. tanned leather or skin, commonly worn with the
» Cuallaidlieachd, s.f. (Cuallaiche), Society : so- hairy side outward : soccus, cothurnus, calceus e
cietas. Llh. recenti corio confectus. Toe. 18. " Feumaidh fear
• m. An assembly conventus. Llh.
Cuallas, s. : nan cuaran eirigh uair foimh fhear nam bròg."
• Cua-mhargadh, -aidh, s. m. (Cua, et Margadh), Prov. He who wears hairy brogues must rise an
Tlie shambles macella. O'R. : hour before him who wears shoes. Cui cothumos
CUAN, -UAIN, CUAINTEAK, CuANTAN, CuANTA, S. W. gerit, [lit. viro cothurnorum) surgendum est hora
A sea, ocean pelagus, oceanus. : ante eum qui calceos gerit. Wei. Cwaran. Fr.
" Air cuan dòbhaidh nan tonna beucach." Cothume.
S. D. 4. CuARANACH, -AicHE, adj. (Cuaran), Socked, wear-
On the boisterous ocean of roaring billows. Super ing hairy brogues cothurnatus. C. S.

oceanum turgidum undarum fremebundarum. CuARSGACH, -AICHE, adj. (Cuaiisg), Wrapping, en-
Cuan, -uain, -uantan, s. ;«. 1. A harbour: por- veloping : volvens, circumvolvens, circumphcans.
tus. MSS. 2. A lake : lacus. S. D. 13. as.
CuANAL, -AIL, -EAN, s. m. Company, a band of A CuARSGADH, -AIDH, s. w. ct pres. part. V. Cuairsg.
a choir : societas, cantorum manus, cho-
singers, Rolling, act of rolling : volvens, actus volvendi.
rus. " 'N uair ghoir an cuanal." Macinty. 26. Voc. 158.
When the choir sung. Quando chorus cecinerunt. CuARSGAG, -AIG, -AN, s. f. (Cuairsg), A curl, cir-
• Cuanar, -aire, adj. Soft : mollis. O'R. clet : cirrus, cinnus. C. S.
CuANARD, -AiRD, -AN, s. f. (Cuan, et Àrd), A CuARSGACH, -AICHE, adj. (Cuairsg), 1. Curled
stormy sea mare tempestuosum. MSS.
: crispatus. A. M'D. 2. Crooked, bent : cur\atus,
CuAN-CHOiRE, -AiN-CHOiRE, «. ?«. (Cuau, et CoÌTe), flexus. MSS. 3. Round, circular : rotundus, cir-
A gulf vorago, vortex. A. M^D. Gloss.
: cularis. MSS.
CuANDA, adj. R. M'D. 86. Vide Cuanta. CuART, -AiRT, -AN, s. m. Llh. Vide Cuairt.
CuANNA, ) adj. Handsome, neat, fine, ele- CuARTACHADH, -AIDH, s. M. ct prcs. part. V. Cuart-

CuANNAR, -AIRE, J gant : nitidus, speciosus, bellus, aich. Salm. xvii. 9. Vide Cuairteachadh.
elegans. CuARTAG, -AIG, -AN, S.f. (Cuairt), 1. whirlpool: A
" B' aobhach a' ghreagh uallach 'n uair ghluais- gurges. Voc. 6. 2. Any small circle : circulus
eadh iad gu faruniach ;
parous quivis. C S.
" Na h-eildean air an fhuaran, 's bu dvuannar CuARTAGACH, -AICHE, odj. Full of whirlpools : ver-
na laoigh bhallach ann." ticosus. C S.
Macinty. 179. CuARTAicH, -IDH, CH-, V. Q. Salt», cxviii. Vide
Sportive was the lively herd when they noisily Cuairtich.
moved ; the liinds around the (mountain) spring- CuARTALAN, -AiN, -AN, «. »). tuming round, act A
well, and comely among them were the spotted of tuming round about ambitus, circuitus. C. :

fawns. Ludibundum erat agmen (cervarum) quan- S.

do moverent cum strepitu cervae circa scaturigi- ; CuARTAN, -AIN, -AN, s. m. (Cuairt), maze, laby- A
nem, et speciosi erant hinnuli maculati iliic. rinth : labjTÌnthus. O'R. et MSS.
• Cuartupl\adli, -aidli, s. m. Llh. Vide Cuairt- grant. " FAilr ruUiraidJi." Eta. xxix. 18. A
oachuiili. sweet uvour : odor (^atUH.
Clas, -ais, -an, s. »1. 1. A cnvc: spelunca. MSS. Ci'iiiiHAiiiiitAciiu, X. /! t/i'/. (Cùbliraidh), Fragranct-:
Id. q. Cos. tf. Anv liollow or cavity: c-oncavum. fragruutia. liàn. St-hul. vii. H.
LUi. App. It yyiW. V.'Aw. Ci;biirainn, -k, -ean, s.f. A coverlet : ftrainilum,
• C'lias, //rrf. /jujw. f. C'linidh. " No ad Cuas." instratum. Voc. 87.
MSS. \Miii-li wub told : quod diccbatur. CÙBIIRA10II, -E, ofjr. O'R. Vide Cùbhntidli.
• Cuasacli, -aicho,<uij. (Cuas, .v.) Concave, full of CuBiiRAiNNlcii, -ibii, til-, r. a. (Cubhrainn), Cover.
holes concavus, furaniinosus. UJi.
: (a table) : iiiiiterne, (niensani). J'nirin.
• Cuusa^, -aij;, -an, ». f. (Cuas, f.) 1. bee's A CuuAiG, -K, -KAN, A Small t\h\\ called in Scotch
nest, honcy-conib in hollow trees : lavi in con- cuddy, the young of the coul-ti«h: gadus carbona-
cavis arboruni truncis. Llh. A/tp. 2. An ap- rius. Linn. C. S. Scot. Cooth, Cutli, and Cuddie.
ple : poniuin. O'Ji. Siippl. 3. An epg : ovum. Jtini.

Oli. Suppl. CÙBAINN, -E, -EAN, *.

f. A larger bushel or tub;
CUB, -ÙIB, s. m. A bcndinp of the body: coq)oris ingcntius dolium, cadus. C. S. J/eòr. n3 cad.
flcxura. MSS. Vide Cùbadh. Scot. Coodie, Cudie. Jam.
CUB, -ÙIB, s.
f. A sledge, pannier : corbis traheae
CuDAiNN, -E, -EAN, s. »». 3Iarf. V. Xiiio Cudaig.
impositus, corbis traharius. MSS. • Cudal, a/lj. Bad, wicked nialus, pravus. Llh.

CUB, -AiDH, CII-, Crouch, stoop, contract, (for

f. n. • Cudam, s. m. or f. 1. Dandritt': prorigo. MSS.
fear : conquinisce, contrahe te, (pro tiniorc). C. S. 2. A scar on the head : cicatrix in capite.
Lat. Cube. MSS. 3. A fault in the hair : vitium capil-
CUBA, -AN, s. m. A bed: lectuni. C. S. lorum. O'R. 4. An eruption eruptio. " Cud-

CuBA-ciiùiL, -AN-CÙII., s.f. (Cuba, et Cùil), A bed- am an t-sleibhe." A mountain eruption : mon-
chamber: cubiculum. O'li. Heòr. r\3.'!^ hubbah, tis eruptio. Llh. App.
thalamus, cubile. O'R. • Cudamach, -aiche, adj. Frail, corruptible : fra-
CÙBAC1I, -AiciiE, adj. (Cub, Bent, hollowed: r.) 1. gilis, corruptioni obnoxius. MSS.
curvatus, concavus. C. S. 2. Belonging to sledge • Cudarman, -ain, s. m. Tlie \-ulgar vulgus. Lilt. :

panniers ad corbes traharios pertincns. C. S.

: Cu-DONN pi. CoiN-DiroNNA, s. m. (CÙ, et Donn),

CÙBADI1, -AiDH, «. «I. ct pres. part. r. Cub. A ben- An otter : mustela lutra. Linn. Provin.
ding, shrinking (for fear) flexio, corporis (pro ti- : CuDROM, '^^-uiM, s. m. 1. Weight, heaviness:

more) contractio. C. S. CuDTHROM, )

pondus, gravitas. " An sin ghabh
CÙBAG, -AiG, -AN, S.f. dim. of Cùb, s. pannier: A an duinc cluas-fhàinne òir, 's an robh leth seceil a
cista. C. S. chudthrom." Gen. xxiv. 22. llien the man took
CÙBAID, Ì -E, -EAX, S.f. pulpit : fostrum. Voc. A a golden ear-ring of half a shekel weight. Turn
CÙBAiDir, J 108. et N. H. accepit vir monile aureuni cujus pondus erat dimidii
CÙBAIR, -E, -EAN, «. »1. A coopcr : vector, doliarius. secli. 2. Importance gravitas rei. C. S. " Cud- :

Voc. 50. throm uaireadaire." The poise of a clock. Tru-

CÙBAIRE, -EAN, s. m. (Cùb, i'.) shabby, sneaking A tinae horologii. Voc. 105.
fellow : sordidulus. C. S. CuDTHHOMACH, -AICIIE, odj. (Cudthrom). 1. Hea-
CuBAiRE, -EAN, s. m. black cock: tetrao tetrax. A vy, ponderous weighty : giavis, ponderosus. Voc.
Linn. Provin. 137. " Is trom clach, agus is cudthromach an
CÙBAIREACHD, S.f. iiid. (Cùbair). Tlie cooper's trade: gaineamh." GnatJi. xxvii. 3. A stone is heavy,
ars doliaria. C. S. and sand is weighty gravis est lapis et ponderosa :

• Cubhnachail, -e, -ean. LIA. Vide Cuba-chijil. est arena. 2. (Jig.) Important, momentous : gra-
CuBHAG, -AiG, -AN, s. f. cuckoo : cuculus cano- A vis, magni momenti. C. S.
rus. TV. 13. • Cugann, -ainn, «. m. Rich standing milk lac :

CcBHAiDH, becoming decens,

-E, adj. Decent, fit, : pingue reconditum. MSS.
congruens. A nihnài, bithibh umhal d' ar fearaibh
" ' Cugull, -uill, *. m. S. D. Vide Cochull.
fein, mar is cubhaidh, anns an Tigheam." Gal. iii. CuiBHE, adj. R. M'D. 86. Vide Cubhaidh.
18. Wives, be obedient unto your (own) hus- • Cuibhe, -ean, s. m. Vide Cuith.
bands, as it is fit, in the Lord. Uxores, subjectae CuiBHEACHD, (Cubhaldh), Decency: con-
5./. i7k/.
estote viris propriis sicut convenit, in venientia, decor.
C. S.
Cubhaidh, s.f. Honour honor. Llh. App.
• : CuiBHEAs, -Eis, s. m. Enough, a sufficiency : satis,
CuBHAixc, adj. Vide Cumhang. quantum sufficit. LUi. et C. S.
CuBHAixG, -EAN, S.f. (Cubhaing), A strait (of the CuiBHEASACH, -AICHE, adj. (Cuibhcas). 1. Suffi-
sea) fretum. MSS.
: cient sufficiens. C. S. Tolerable, middling
: me- :

• Cubhais, s.f. 1. An oath: jusjurandum. O'R. diocris, tolerabilis. C. S.

2. Conscience : conscientia. O'R. CuiBHiLL, -iDH, conlr. Cl'ibh'lidh, CH-, I', a. (Cuibh-
Cubhail, s. m.
• religious habit A
vestis religiosa : le), \Mieel : gyra. C. S.
(An cucullus?) Llh. App. Wei. Cwfl. CUIBHIOLL, CUIBHLE; pi. CuiBHLICHEAN, S.
f. A
CuBHAXN, -AiNNE, odj. Provin. Vide Cumhang. wheel : rota, gyrgyllus. Voc, 91.
CÙBHRAIDH, -E, odJ. Fragrant : suave olens, fra- CuiBULE ; dot. CUBHLIDII, -EACHEAN, vel •ICHEAN,
Qq 2
*./. 1. R. M'D. 108. Vide Rotli. 2. A circle, the king, and of the feast his portion. Detur ve«-
or circular motion : circulus, motus circularis. S. tis haec inopi iniquit rex, et ex convivio sua portio.

D. 71. 2. Victuals, food : cibus, victus, alimentum.

CuiBiiLEADii, iDii, s. 1)1. et pres. part. v. Cuibhill. " Anoir no niar do iieach fb 'n ghrein,
Wicfiing, coiling rotatus, conversio, circuraactio.
: " Cha d' cura' leis riabh a chuid."
C.S. S. D. 136.
CuiBHLiCH, -iDH, CH-, V. a. (Cuibhle), 'Wheel, turn From or west to any one under the sun he
round, as by a wheel, roll round : circumage, si- never refused his food. Ab oriente, vel ab occi-
cut rota, circumvolve, torque. C. S. dente, cuiquam sub sole, non recusavit unquam
CuiBHNE ; pi. -EAN, -icHEAN, s. f. Tlie shin-bone, victum suum. " Cuid-oidhche." C. S. night's A
shin-bone of a deer : tibia, tibiae os, os tibia cervi. entertainment, or lodging : hospitium noctis unius.
" Chàirich sinn 's an tulaicli an laoch, Tliis has been mentioned on good authority under
" te gath is ctiibhne 'n a chaol tigh." the form " Cudich," as a service reserved in dif-
S. D. 29. erent charters in the County of Argyll, particularly
We laid in the hillock the hero, with a spear, and one by the Scrymgeours of Glassary, and another
shin-bone (of the deer) in his narrow house. De- by the Earl of Argyll to Campbell of Dunstatt-
posuimus in tumulo heroa, cum hasta et tibia nage :such entertainment the vassal was often
(cervi) in angusta domo ipsius. Vide S. D. 29. bound to afford his lord and it is found in the

marg. Irish historians as an exaction that was long con-

CuiBHREACu, -ICH, -ICHEAN, s. til. bond, chain, A tinued to be made in their country. " Cuid an-
trammel : vinculum, catena, compes. " Sgaoil tràth." Macf. V. A meal : quantum cibi uno con-
thu mo chuibhreach." Salin. cxvi. 16. Thou hast victu sumitur. 3. Property, effects : res faniiliaris,
loosed my bonds. Solvisti vincula mea. Often possessio, bona, facultates. 'n cuid
Is mairg do
used in a collective sense. cuid dhaoin' eile. Prov. It is ill to him whose
CUIBHREACHADH, -AIDH, S. in. et pTBS. part. V. goods are other men's goods. Malum est illi cu-
Cuibhrich. Binding, fettering, act of binding vin- : jus bona sunt bona hoiuinum aliorum.
ciens, ligatio, vinciendi actus. " Na bithibh a fis Cmo, pron. indef. Some, a certain number quidam :

air bhur cuibhreachadh le cuing na daorsa." Gal. nonnulli.

V. 1. Be not entangled again with the yoke of " Tha cuid de na bardaibh
bondage. Ne iterum implicamini cum jugo servi- •'
Aig am measa tha cheàrda na 'n t-sealbh.
vltutis. " Cuid nach amais air f iriun
Cuibhrich, idh, ch-, (Cuibhreach), Bind, fet-
v. a. " 'S cuid eile dhiu dh' innseas i searbh." B. D.
ter, chain vinci, stringe catenis. C. S.
: Tliere are some of the poets, who possess less of
CviBHRiciiTE, pret. part, i: Cuibhrich. 1. Chained the art than of success, some who hit not (upon)
fettered, bound. Mac/. V. 2. Entangled impli- : the truth, and some who bitterly tell it. Sunt qui-
catus. Sibl. Gloss. dam ex poetis apud quos pejor est ars quam fortu-
CuiBHRiG, -E, -EAN, s. in. A cover, coverlet : teg- na, nonulli qui non incidunt in veritatem, et no-
men, velamen, opertorium. MSS. nulli alii qui dicunt cam acerbè. lion cuid agusA
CuiBHRiG, -IDH, CH-, V. «. (Cuibhrig, *.) Cover : te- cuid." Gen. viii. 3. By degrees sensim, grada- :

ge. Bibl. Gloss. tim, indesinenter. Wei. Ced. Lat. Quod, Quid.
CuiBHRiGEADH, -IDH, -EAN, «. m. et pres. part. V. Hebr. Tin chuz, obtinere.
Cuibhrig. A
cover, covering, act of covering teg- : CuiDEACHADH, -AIDH, s. in. et prcs. part. V. Cuidicli.
men, tegens, actus tegendi. Voc. 98. 1. Help, aid, assistance, act of assisting auxilium, :

ClJiBHRiNN, -EAN, s.f. Voc. 116. Vide Cuibhrionn. opis, actus levaiidi. " Chuir mise cuideachadh air
CUIBHRINNEACHADH, -AIDH, -EAN, S.Dl. 1. A Well, aon a ta cumhachdach." Salm. Ixxxix. 19. I have
cover : Binding, act of binding
puteal. Voc. 5. 2. : laid help upon one that is mighty. Disposui auxi-
vinciens, actus vinciendi. Voc. 161. lium personae qui est robustus.
CuBHRioNN, -INN, -EAN, -AN, Apart, portion pars, : CuiDEAciiAiL, -E, adj. (Cuidicli), Assisting : auxili-
jjortio. " Ach a mhàin na dh' ith na h-òganaich, C.S.
agus cuibhrionn nan daoine, a chaidh niaille i-ium." CuiDEACHD, adv. (Cuideachd, «.) 1. Also: etiam.
Gen. xiv. 24. Save only what the young men Llh. 2. Together
simul, una, pariter.
: " Agus
have eaten, and the portion of the men that went cha robh am
fearann comasach air an iomthair gu
with me. Tantum quod pueri comederunt, et còmhnuidh a ghabhail cuideachd." Gen. xiii. 6.
partem virorum qui profecti sunt mecum. And the land was not able to bear them that they
. Cuibhte, adj. MSS. Vide Cubhaidh. might dwell together. Et non poterat terra ferre
• Cuice, adv. Llh. Vide Chuige. eos, ut habitarent simul.
CUID, -COPACH ; dat, CUID ; J)l. CODAICHEAN, S.f. Cuideachd, ) -w, s.f.ind. 1. A troop, company
1 . A share, part : portio, pars. CuiDEACHDA, J turma, cohors, comitatus, conven-
" fhugar an fhalluinn so do "n flieumach, tus. " Agus bha a' chuideachd ro-mhòr." Gen. 1.
" Ars an Righ, 's do 'n flieisd a chuid." 9. And it was a very great company. Et erat
S. D. 269. comitatiis numerosus valde. 2. Company, society,

Let this garment be given to the needy (man) said intercourse : societas, sodalitas, sodalitium.
Air ionia-){liuuith gabhan do tlmra*, CuiDREAMArH, -EiciiB, adj. H. D. 188. Vide Cud-

" A niliic o Duil)luie ^u cuiJetu/ul imu tnuiiar. tliromach.

S.J). lU. C'LiD-iioiNNK, S.f. (Cuid, ft Itoiiin), A [)ortioii ;

On the wliirlwinil tuko thou thy depurturf, 8uii of purliu. " Thug niiitc* dhiiit aon chuid-ruintu; tliur
Duino to tJie compuiiy of tlic wurlikc. Turbino, do bliriiitlireun." (ìrii. xlviii. 'i'i. I have gÌTiii
cupeii-iie tu itur tuum, fill Uuiiii ad soiii'tatfiii stn-- thee one portion above thy brethren. Dedi tibi

nuoruiii. 3. Friends, relations : aniici, coiisaiigui- partem unam Aupra Iratren tuos. N'ide Cuid.
nci. " till chuùlttwlida loin." (iill. 1)5. To liis • Cuile, -can, s.f 1. A pit: fovea. UM.UIimu.
own liii'nds. Ad consaiiguineos ipsius. '• Fearas- 2. A den specus. liM. dims.

cliuidcaclid." C. <S'. Diversion t'acetiiv, oblecta- : CuiFEiN, -E, -EAs, ». III. Wadding, used in loading
nientuni. a gun linteoluni, vel cliartula in stloppum im-

CUIDEACIIDAICH, •IDII, CII-, f. U. (CuidCBchd, «.) niissa, ad pulverein sulphureum et glandein plum-

Accompany : coniitore. C. S. beum ill iina tuba comprinienduni. Mannty. 34.

CuiDEACHDAiL, -E, Off/. (Cuidcachd, s.) Social : so- Cùu;, adj. ((iu Eag), Five quinque. " .\gu» bha Set

cialis. C. S. beò ceud agus ciiif/ bliadhna." 6V«.v. (i. And Seth
CuiDEAO, -Etc, -AN, *. /. (Cuid), 1. A small por- lived an hundred and tìve years. Ft vixil Sethus
tion : potiuncula. Lf/i. 2. A spider : araiicu. Ll/i. centum et quinque annos. Ufbr. iV7 I'hxuj, cirtu-
CuiDEAM, -Ei.M, s. HI. Proviii. WAii Cudtlirom. lus. The Arabic notation denotes it by an o, or
CuiDEA.MAcii, AiciiE, - odj. (Cuideaoi), Prwiii. cypher. Vide Grunt. Oriy. Gael. p. 89.
Vide Cudtliromach. CÙiuEADii, adj. Fifth, the tilth quintus. " Agus :

CuiDE HI, (Cuid, et Ri), With, along with:

prep. togadh iad an c'uiyeadh cuid do thorudh tire na
cum, una cum. C. S. " Cuidc ribh." (i. e. Cuide h-Eiphit." Geii. xli. S-t. And let them take up
ri sibh). With you, along with you una cum vo- : the fifth part of tlie produce of the land of Egyj)t.
bis. " Cuide finn." C. S. (i. c. Cuide ri sinn). Et recipiant quintam partem proventus terra; X.-
With along with us una cum nobis. " Cuide
us, : gypt'-
fis." C. S. (i. e. Cuide fi esa). With him, along CùiG-DEUG, adj. (Cuig, et Deich), Fifteen: quinde-
with him una cum eo. " Cuide ri cheile." C. S.
: cini. Voc. 122.
With each other : alius cuui alio, alii cum aliis. C'uiGE,/>rfp. Vide Chuige.
•' Cuide riu." C. S. (i. e. Cuide ri iad). With • Cuigead, adv. Tlierefore : itaque. O'R.
them, along with them cum iUis, una cum illis. : CUIGEAL, -EIL, et -ALACH, -AN, et -AICHEAN, S.f. A
Cuide fiut." C. S. (i. e. Cuide ii thu). With A distafl", or hand rock : colus minor, qua mulieres
thee, along with thee : tecum, una cum te. " Cuide fuso et digitis fila nent. " Cuiridh a làinhan air an i

rium." S. C
(i. e. Cuide ri mi). With me, along dealgan, agus gabhaidh glacan a hunih greim do 'n
with me mecum, una cum me.
: Wei. Cyd, prep. chuigeiW Gnàth. xxxi. 19. She layeth her liaiid
et conj. coitus. to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaft"
Cuidhbheach, -eiche,
adj. Decent decens, con- : Iniiiiittit manus suas ad verticulum et nianus ejus
sentaneus commodus. MSS. Wàe Cubhaidh. tcneiit colum, (fusuni. Bez.) Germ. Kunkel. /•>.
•Cuidheachd, s.f. Decency decor. Lih. : Quenuile. Ital. Conocchia. Wei. Cogail. Am:
CuiDHEALL, -ILL, -DULiciiEAK, S.f. A wheel rota, : Queiguel. Scot. Whigil, the flax on a distaff".
gyrgillus. Macf. V. CuiGEAL NAM BAN SITU, *. f. (Cuigcal, Bean, et
Cuidheall, -aidh, eh-, v. n. \M)eel : circuniage, Sithich), Great cat's tale, reed-mace typha latifo- :

rota. OR. lia. C.S.

CuiDHEALLAiKEACHD, S.f. hid. (Cuidhcaìl), Wheel- CuiGEALACii, -Aicii, S.f. (Cuigeal), 1. Wool pre-
ing, rolling, spinning : gyratio, circumactio, netio. pared for the distaff: lana in formam quandam
as. redacta ut in colum ponatur. MSS. et C. S. 2.
Cl'idiieall-shnio.mha, -saxioMiiAicH, s.f (Cuidh- A task in spinning : opus nendi pnescriptum Sh.
eall, ct Sniomh), A spinning wheel rota nendo : CuiGEALACii, -AiciiE, adj. (Cuigcal), Having dis-
iila accoramodata. S. C taffs, or rocks habens colos. C. S.

Cuidhteachadh, - AIDH, s. »1. Ct prfs. part. r. CÙIGEAMH, adj. Gen. i. 23. Vide Ciiigeadh.
Cuidhtich. Compensation, recompense, recompens- Cùir.EAR, ) ad;. (Cuig, et Fear), I'ive quinque. :

ing, repaying compeusatio, rependendi actus.

: CÙIGNEAR, ) " Ma 's e "s gu 'm bi cirigear a dh"
Eabhr. x. 3. 7?rf. 1767. uireasbhuidh air an letli-cheud ionracan." Ge«. xviii.
Cuidhtich, -idh, ch-, r. a. Recompense, restore, 28. Peradventure there shall lack five of the fifty
requite recompensa, retribue. BiIjI. G/oss.
: righteous. Fortassis quinquaginUt illos justos viros
CuiDicH, -IDH, CH-, V. a. Help, cissist: auxiliare, Applied only to persons.
deficient quinque. De
subleva, opem fer. " Cuidic/i learn." Salm. \ii.\. hominibus tantuni loquitur.
Help me : subleva mihi. • Cuigli, s.f. A bed chamber: cubictilum. CR.
CuiDicHE, -EAN, s. tit. (Cuidicli, i\) 1. A helper CÙIL, -E, -EAN, et -TEAN, S.J'. (CÙ1), 1. A comer,
adjutor, opifer. C. S. 2. yen. of Cuideachadh, for nook, or any private place angulus, locus abditus :

Cuideachaidh. Vide Fear-cuidiche. quivus. Macf'. V. et C. S. 2. A couch torus. :

Ci'iDBEACH, -EiciiE, adj. Forcible, powerful : po- MSS. 3. A closet : conclave. MSS. 4. ye/i. of
tens, violentus. S. D. 150. CÙ1, q. vide. Hebr. ^n chul, residere.
CUILBHEART, -BIIEIRT, -EAN, S. f. (CÙ1, Ct Bcart), Salm. cv. 31. He spake, and there came diver»
A wile, trick, deceit dolus, teclina. " Cuiribli
: sorts of Dixit et venit multa species musca-

uniaibh nil' arniachd Dhe, chum 's gu "in bi sibli rum. 2. A

fly, fishing bait esca piscatoria musca; :

coniasach air seasanili an aghaidh ciiilbheirtean an formam referens. C. S. Wd. Cylion, culex.
diabhoil." Epii. vi. 11. Put on the whole armour CUILEAG-SIINIOMHAIN, -AX-SNIOMHAIX, «. f. (Cuil-
of God, that ye rnay be able to stand against the eag, et Sniomh), A glow worm cicindela. Voc. 70. :

wiles of" the devil. Induite universam armaturani CtJiLEAGACii, -EicHF, a^". (Cuilcag), FuU of flies :
Dei, ut possitis store adversus artes diaboli. muscis plenus. C. S.
CuiLBUEARTACii, -AiciiE, adj. (Cuilbheart), Deceit- CuiLEAN, -Ei.v, -AK, s. m. 1. A whcIp : catulus.
ful, fi-audulent, wily : dolosus, fallax. " An agh- " Is cuilean leòmhain ludah." Gen. xlix. 9. Ju-
aidh do shluaigh gu cuilhheartach dhealbh iad olc." dah is a lion's whelp leonis catulus est Jehuda-

Salm. Ixxxiii. 3. Against thy people craftily they 2. Ahound, any full grown dog : canis venaticus.
have plotted mischief. Contra populuni tuum cal- " Ceud cuilean lùghcr dian."
lide excogitaverunt malum. S. D. 299.
CuiLBHEiR,-E,-EAX, .«. 7». Asmallgun, fowling piece, An hundred hounds sinewy and strong. Centum
or musket : scloppus, tormentum aucupatorum, canes venatici nervosi strenuique. 3. A darling,
scloppetum. term of familiar endearment : delicia", vox compel-
" 'S cuUbheir eàrr-bhuidh 'n làimh gach sealgair." lationis amoris familiariter dicta. Gill. 141. 4. A
GUI. 113. staple in a wooden lock intern! pessuli: serae lig-
And a brazen-heeled gun in each huntsman's hand. neae. Lih. B. Bret. Colen, petit.
Et scloppetum aureo caudice in manu cujusque CuiLEix, -EAN, m. C. S. Vide Cuilean.

venatoris, i. e. scloppetum cum ligni cavati extre- CuiLEANN, -EiNN, s. m. LIh. Vide Cuilionn.
mitate in qua fistula inseritur aere tecta. Fr. Ca- CuiLEOG, -iG, -AN, S.f. Vide Cuileag.
libre. Aiigl. Culvereen. CuiLFHiNN, -E, adj. (CÙ1, et Fionn), Handsome,
CuiLBHEiREACH, -EicnE, adj. (Cuilbheir), Armed lovely venustus, bellus, amabilis, gratiosus. OR.

with guns scloppis vel tormentis armatus. C. S.

: CuiLFHiONN, -INN, s. m. O' R. Vide CuiUonn.
CuiLC, -E, -EAN, s.f. A reed: arundo. " Fuidh na CuiLG, gen. et pi. of Calg, q. vide.
crannaibh dubharach luidhidh e, am folach na CuiLGEiN, -E, -EAN, s. m. dtmtn. of Calg. little A
cuilce agus na làthaich." lòb. xl. 21. He heth un- bristle : aculeus, setula. C. S.
der the covert of the shady trees, in the covert of CuiLGEiNEACH, -EICHE, adj. (Cuilgein), Full of bris-
the reeds and fens. Sub arboribus umbrosis cu- tles, prickly : setosus, aculeatus. C. S.

bat, in oculto arundinura et coeni. Pers. i^o kilk,

• Cuiliasca, x. pi. Hazel rods : coryli virgae, vel
vimina. MSS.
a reed. Gilchr.
CriLiDH, -EAN, s.f. 1. A cellar: cella, promptuari-
CUILC-CHRANN, -UINN, Ct -OINN, S. m. (Cullc, et um, peiius. Llh. Id. q. Cuile. 2. A hollow ca- :

Crann), A cane : canna, calamus, arundo. Voc. vum. S.D. 280.

62. Cuilionn, -inn, s.m. Holly: ilex aquifoHum. Linn.
CUILC-MHILIS, -EAN-MILIS, S.f. (Cuilc, et Milis), A Voc. 6.
reed calamus. B. B. Dan. Shol. iv. 14.
CuiLiONNACH, -AiCHE, o<^'. (Cuilionn), Full of holly:
CuiLCEACH, -EicHE, adj. (Cuilc^, Rcedv, abounding ilice aquifolio abundans. C. S.
in reeds arundineus, arundinum plenus.
: " Lòn CuiLioNN-TRÀGHAD, -AID, s, m. (Cuilionn, et Tràigh),
cuilceach." Tern. v. 234. reedy fen pratum pa- A :
Sea-holly: eryngium. Voc,
ludosum arundineum. • Cuiliosal, adj. (Cùil, et ìosal), Vile, little worth :
CuiLCEARNACH, -icH, s. f. (Cuilc), placB whcre A vilis, nullius pretii. Llh.
reeds grow : arundinetum. Voc. 63. • «. m. A quarry
Cuillear, lapidum fodina. Uh. :

CuiLE, -EAN, «.
f. (Ciiil), particular part of the A CuiLM, -EAN, s. f. A fcast convivium. S. D.
-E, :

interior of a cottage, the apartment in which house- 89. Id. q. Cuirm.

hold stores are kept ea regio casae monticularum,
Cl'il-mhionnachadh, -aidh, s. m. et pres. part. v.
ubi cibaria conduntur. Cuil-mhionnaich. Abjuration ejuratio. C. S. :

" Cha "n 'eil dad 's a' chuir agam, CÙIL-MHIONNAICH, -IDH, CH-, V. a. (CÙl, Ct MÌOn-
" Nach fhaic mi air a bhòrd aig' Abjure abjura. O'R. MSS.
naich), : et
" Mar bi 'n t-im 's an càis aige, CÙIL-MHIONNAICHTE, />re/. ^crrt. V. Cùil-mhionnaich.
" Bi'dli chuid a 's feàrr de 'n fheoil aig'." Abjured : abjuratus. C. S.
There is nothing in my store-room that I see him Seòmar), A bed-chamber thalamus. Llh. :

not have on his table ; if he have not the butter • Cuilt, -e, -can, .«.
f. A bed-cover : culcitra.
and cheese, he has the best part of the beef, Llh.
(flesh). Est nihil in cella penuaria mea quod non CÙILTEACH, -EICHE, adj. (Cuil), Retired, set apart
conspicio super mensam ejus ; si non sit ei buty- repositus, semotus. C. S.
rum et caseus, pars optima camis erit illi. CÙILTEACH, -ICH, -icHEAN, *. /. 1. A bcd-room
CuiLEAG, -EiG, -AX, s. f. 1. fly culex, musca. A :
cubiculum. Llh. App. 2. A bed : cubile. Llh.
" Eabhair e agus thainig iomadh gnè chuiìeag." A
bake-house Uh. App.
App. 3. : pistrinum.
CÙILTEACII, -iCH, I. m. (Cùil, ct Aitcach), A Cul- .'\ recorder, u chronicler : rerum ge*tarum vel un-
dec Culdeu8. A'»/i. Guel. Aiilii/.
: nuliuni kcriptor. LIA.
CÙILTKAO, -EIG, -AN, S. /. (CÙÌI), COnCCullUl'Ilt, A • Cuiniide, s.
f. An appointed time: tcmpuii i>ta-
small corner occultutio, uuj,'c-llu8.
A'. C tutuni. IM. Ajtji.
CùlLTEin, -H, -EAN, (Cùil, et Fcur), Oiic wlio skulks • Cuimil, -idh, eh-, r. a. Touch, rub: tange, fri-
qui latitat in unt;ulÌ8. C. S, ca. Bibl. Glo$s.
CÙILTE1UEACIID, «.yi iW. (Cùiltdr), Skulking: ac- Cl'imin, ». m. 1. Cummin iecd cumini bemen. :

tus liititandi, SCSI' ucciilcndi. C S. Mat. xxiii. 23. 2. A little cotter or cluMt : ci«tu-
CuiM. </«•"• of Com, ». m. q. vide. la, capsula, loculus. /J/i.
• Cuini-dheulbliadli, -uidh, ». m. (Com, et DcaJbh), • Cuimin, m. A suburb
s. : suburbium. Bibl.
Feigning: ligendi actus. Vuc. 157. Gloss.
C'uiME, (for Cia uiiiie), adv. For what? cur? C.S. CuiMiR, (Cum, v.) 1. Short, brief, concise
-E, adj. :

Hind, i^yx^ hettn, why. GUchr. brevis, modicus, concisus. LUi. et C. S. 2. Well

CuiMHs'K, *. y. ind. 1. Memory, remembrance :

proportioned, neat, exact bene confurmatus, ni- :

tidus, concinnus.
memoria, rccordatio.
" Nach cuimhne leat fèin na làith' ud ? " Carbad cuimir luath Chuchullin."
S. D. 245. Fi?iff. i. 347.
Dost thou not thyself remember those days ? An The well proportioned swift chariot of Cuchulin.
non memoria tibi ipsi istaruni dicrum ? '2. A me- Currus elegans velox Cuculhnis. 3. Handsome,
morial, record reruni narratiuncula, monimentum.
elegant : elegans, splendidus. C S. C'/uiid. "VQi
" Agus bithidh an la so dhuibh chum cuimhne." getnir, absolutum, perfectum.
Ecs. xii. 14. And this day shall be unto you tor CuiMiHEACHD, «. f. tiul. (Cuimir), Neatness, hand-
a memorial. Et hie dies erit vobis in monimen- someness, symmetry of form elegantia, concinni- :

tum. " Glèidli air c/(K(»i^Hf." C. .S". Remember: tas, consensus partium. C. S.
recordare. " Air c/iuim/ine." adv. In remember- • Cuimleadh, -idh, ». m. 1. An intermeddling:
ance in memoria.
" Cuimhne blàir." C. S. A implicatio, inteq)ositio. Llh. 2. A perfor-
memorial of battle : prselii nionumentum. Vide mance, fulfilling : peractio, perfectio. O'B.
Lord Hailcs. Aiiiuil. Vol. II. 280. D. Bret. Coun, CuiMRiG, -E, -EAN, s. f. C. S. Id. q. Coimrig.
Couf, Coum. CuiMRiG, -IDH, CH-, V. a. (Cuimrig, *.) Id. q. Coim-
CuiMiiSEACn, -EiCHE, a<^'. (Cuimlme), Mindful: me- rig, V.
mor. " Bha an Tighearn cuimhneach oirmi." Salm. CuiMRiCEADn, -IDH, s. m. et prcs. part. v. Cuimrig.
cxv. 12. Tlie Lord has been mindful of us. Je- Id. q. Coimrigeadh.
hova fuit menior nostrum. CuiMRiGTE, pret. part. r. Cuimrig. Id. q. Coim-
CuiMHNEACHADu, -Aiun, s. tti. Ct pres. part. V. rigte.
Cuimhnich. Remembering, act of remembering Cui.MSE, -EAN, s.f. 1. A mark or aim to shoot at :

recordatio, recordandi actus. C. S. nieta, scopus. C. S. 2. Sufficiency, moderation :

CuiMHNEACHAiL, -E, adj. (Cuimhneach), Keeping quantum sufficit, moderatio. C. S. et O'H. 3. A

in mind, mindful memor. " Co è an duine gu
measure mensura. Gill. 1 78. 4. Any instrument

*m biodh tusa cuimhneachail air?" Salm. viii. 4. by which a thing is measured. Instrumentum quo
What is man that tliou shouldst be mindful of quicquid metitur. S. C
him ? Quid est mortalis quod tu sis memor eji's ? CuiMSEACH, -EicHE. adj. (Cuinisc). 1. Aiming well
CuiMHKEACHAS", -Ais, -AS, s. m. (Cuimhnich), 1. A bene collineans. " Cho cuimseach làmh ri Con-
memorial memoriale, monumentum.
: " Agus 's lach." Prov. Of as unerring a hand as Conlach.
e so mo
chuimhneachan do gach uile gliinealach." Bene collineans aeque ac manus Conlachi. 2. Mo-
Ecs. iii.And this is my memorial unto all
15. derate moderatus. C. .S'.
: 3. Suitable aptus, :

generations. Et hoc est memoriale meum in om- congruens, conveniens. Gil/. 177. 4. Indifferent,
nem aetatem. 2. A relic : reliquiae. C. S. mean, httle pan'us. Sh.
: inditt'erens, vilis,
CuiMHKiCH, -iDH, CH-, V. a. et u. (Cuiniline), Re- CuiMSEACHADH, -AiDH, s. m. et pTvs. part. V. Cuim-
member, bear in mind, recal to memory memen- : sich. Hitting, adapting, act of hitting, measur-
to, recordare, in momoriam revoca. ing, aiming actus colbneandi, adaptandi, meti-

" Cuimhnicheadh gach aon a thapadli, endi. C.S.

" Is mòr ghaisge laoch ua Feinne." CuiMsicH, -IDH, CH-, (Cuimsc). 1. Aim V. a.
col- :

-S". D. 19. hnea. C. S. adapt 2. Fit,

apta, adapta. C. S. :

Let each one remember his (former) deeds and the 3. Bound limita, termina. C. S.

mighty prowess of the Fingallan heroes. In me- CuiMsiCHE, -E, -EAN, *. »1. (Cuimsich), An aimer :

moriam quisque revocet facta (priora) sui ct pra;- qui dirigit ad scopum. C. S.
dara facinora heroum Fingaliensium. " Gu 'n CuiMsicHTE, adj. et pret. part. v. Cuimsich. Well
cuimhnis." Salm. viii. 4. Ed. 1753. i. e. " Gu 'n aimed, adapted, proportioned bene coUineatus, :

cuimhnicheadh tu." adaptatus, proportionatus. C. S. Vide Cuimsich.

CuiMHMCHE, -EAN, s. m. (Cuimhne), A recorder : Cui.MTE, adj. et pret. part. v. Cum. Well shaped,
rerum gestarum scriptor. Llh. suited, adapted : bene fonnatus, congruus, idone-
CuiMHKicH-FHEAR, -IB, s. 7». (Cuimhnich, et Fear), us, aptus. C. S.
C'uiK, adv. (i. e. Cia ùine), When? quando ? • Cuinghid, s. f. A request, petition : petitio, ro-
" Cum
thu Chrimòra ? a chi mi ris gatio. Llh.
S.J). 13. CuiNGicH, -IDH, CH-, V. a. (Cuing), Yoke, subjugate
Wlien shall I again behold thee Crimora ? Quan- sub jugum mitte. C. S.
do videbo te iterum Crimora? • Cuingir, s.f. A couple: par, gemelli. " Cuingir
CÙINEADH, -iDH, s. »1. Vide Cùinneadh. asail." ZM. A
couple of asses. Par asiuorum.
CÙIN, -IDH, CH-, t". a. Vide Cùinn.
• Guineas, -eis, s. m. Llh.
• Cuingreach, s. f A
cart, or waggon : carrus,
Vide Ciùineas. rheda. Llh.
CuiNEAG, -EiG, -AN, s.f. Vide Cuinneag. CÙINN, gen. of Conn, q. vide.
CÙING, -E, -EAN, s.f. 1. A yoke vinculum. " A- : CÙINN, -iDii, CII-, V. a. 1. Coin pccuniam cudc, :

gus an uair a bbios an uachdranaclid agad, an sin imprimc. C. S.

vel 2. Forge: fabrica. C. S.
brisidh tu a chuing o d' mhuineal." Gen. xxvii. 40. Hebr. ]!)p khn, formare. Scot. Cuinyie. Jam.
And when thou shalt have the dominion thou shalt • Cuinne,
s.f. 1. A corner : angulus. MSS. 2.
break liis yoke from off thy neck. Et cum princi- Meeting obviam. " Ar bhur gcuinne, i. e.

patus fuerit tibi, turn executero jugum ejus e collo fomhaibh." B. B. Gen. xxxiv. 10.
tuo. 2. A bond, obligation : vinculum, obligatio. CÙINNEACH, -EiciiE, adj. (Cùinn, i'.) Abounding in
C. S 3. Restraint, hinderance, stoppage restric- : coin pecunia plenus. R. M'D.

tio, impeditio, impedimentum. C. S. 4. Captivi- CÙINNEADII, -IDH, «. m. et pres. part. V. Cùinn. 1.

ty : captivitas. C.S. 5. A strait, difficulty diffi- : A coin numisma. C. S. 2. A coining : monets,

cultas. C. S. Wei. Gwynwydd. Dav. percussio. Voc. 119.

CuiNG-ANALACH, -AKii, (Cuing, ct Anail), *.
f. Cuinneag, -EIG, -AN, «./ I. A small pail : situla,
Shortness of breath asthma. Voc. 26. : urceus. C. S. 2. A milk pail : mulctrale, mulctra.
CUING-CHEANGAIL, -GLAIDH, CH-, (Cuing, et Cean- C. S. 3. A churn : cirnea. MSS. 4. Name of a
gail), V. a. Yoke together conjunge, conjuga. : hill in Sutherland : montis nomen. Wei. CjTinog.
" Na cuiiig-cheaiiglar gu neo chothromach sibh Cuinneag - THUAiTHEAL, s.f. - an -tuaitheal,
niaille fi mi-chreidmhich." 2 Cor. vi. 14. Be ye (Cuinneag, et Tuaitheal), A whirlpool : vortex.
not unequally yoked together with unbelievers. Ne Hebrid.
impari jugo copulamini cum infidelibus. CuiNNEAN, Ì -EiN, -EAN, s. m. A nostril nares :

Cl'ing-cheangal, -ail, -glaichean, s. m. 1. A CuiNNEiN, j " Leigibh dhibh 'ur dùil ri duine, aig
bond for fastening a yoke to the neck of an ani- am bheil 'anail 'na chuinneanaibh." Isai. ii. 22.
mal subjugium. MSS. et C. S. 2. Servitude,
: Cease ye your expectation from man, whose breath
bondage servitus. Lih. : is in his nostrils. Dimmittite vobis expectationem
CuiNGE, s. ^ Ì7ìd. (Cumhang). 1. NaiTowness an- : vestram ah homine, cui halitus est in naribus ip-
gustia. C. S. 2. A narrow passage, a strait tran- : sius.
situs vel trajectus angustus, angiportum, fretum. Cuinneanach, -eiche, adj. (Cuinnean), Haring
" Bha t-anam fein mar steud-shruth bras. wide nostrils platulas habens : nares. C. S.
" Fo chobhar ceann-gheal an cuinge garbhlaich." CuiNNLEiN, -E, -EAN, s. m. 1. A Stalk of com or
S. D. 55. grass : culmus, 2. A nostril : naris. C. S.
Thine own soul was as the rapid headlong torrent, Cuinnleineach, -eiche, adj. (Cuinnlein), Abound-
white-foaming in the narrow pass of the rough sto- ing in corn stalks : culmis plenus. C. S.
ny vallej'. Erat anima tui ipsius, sicut torrens im- Cuixnse, -eax, s. f A quince malum lunatum, :

petuosus sub spumae albo capite in angustia saxe- coloneum, seu cj'doneum. Foe. 65.
tosae vallis. 3. Distress, difficulty : res ardua;, CuiNNSEAR, -IR, -AR, s. ni. A dagger, sword pugio, :

difficultas, angustiae. Llh. 4. Comp. of Cumhang. ensis. " Clach an ait' an uibh, i core an ionad
q. vide. cuiniiseir." Prov. A stone in place of an egg, and
* Cuinge, s.f. A solicitation, an entreaty ; solici- a knife in place of a sword. Lapis in loco ovi, et
tatio, preces. OR. cultellus in loco ensis. Rers. j^^\X^ khunjur, a
• Cuingeach, -ich, s. f. A pair, couple : par, ge-
melli. Llh. App. dagger ;
j-k-«i*ÀC shemsheer, a sword.
CuiNGEAD, (Cuinge, adj.) Narrowness,
-id, s.
f. CuiNNSEARACH, -EICHE, oàj. (Cuinnsear), Armed
straitness, degree of narrowness angustiae, angus- :
with a dagger pugione arraatus. C. S.

tia; gradus. C. S. CÙINTE, 1. Coined

pret. part. r. Cùinn. : pecunia
CuiNGEALACH, -AicH, S.f. 1. yoke: jugum, C. A impressa. C. S. 2. Forged fabricatus. : " Breug
S. " Cuingealach dhamh." C. S. yoke of A chiiinnte." C. S. A false tale : narratio fabricata.
oxen juges. 2. (Cuinge, adj.)
: straitnes or nar- A Cuip, -E, -EACHAK, S.f. A whip : vcrbsr, flagellum.
rowness angustia. " A' chuingealach chleibh."'
: Voc. 95.
N. H. An asthma asthma, {lit.) nan-owness : A Cop,
CtJiP, gen. of q. vide.
of the chest angustia. : Cuip, -idh, ch-, r. a. (Cuip, s.) ^^^lip, thresh, flog :

CuiNGEis, -E, s. Pentecost, Whitsunday fPente- : verbera, flarella. C. S.

coste. Gael. Trans. Eng. Lit. et C. S. CuiPEADH, -EiDH, s. m. et pres. part. v. Cuip. A
CuiNG-FHUAiL, -E, S.f. (Cuingc, s. et Fual), stran- A flogging, act of flogging, whipping : verberatio,
guary : dysuria. Voc. 27. vapulatio, actus, vapuiandi. C. S.
CuiP-oiiEAL,.iLB, «kjr. (Cop, et Geal), Foamy, spu- tina. " Cuir fo sgaoil." C S. Release, let go :

nioiiU8. C. S. dimitte, sine ut abeat. " Cuir fililt." C. fi. Sa-

CuiR, -iDii, CM; V. a. 1. Put pone. " Agiis r/iMiV : lute sahita.
: " Cuir fuidh mhionnaibh." C. S.
f an «in an duine a dhealbli c." Gen. ii. H. And Hind, or adjure by oath jurejurando obstringe. :

he put tliiTi' tlio man he lind formed. Et colloea- " I'uir gu buil." ('. S. Occupy, employ to good
vit il>i liominein i|iu'ni (inxerat. 'i. Send niille. : puqiose in bonuni, optinnun verte.
: " Cuir imp-
" Co leis a chiiireas mi fins, agus a tlieid air ar idh." ('. S. Constrain coge, urge, conttringe. :

son ? agiis tluibliairt mi, (eucli, tha mis' an so, cuir " Cuir leam, leat, teis, Kilhe, teo." S. Sui>|>ort C
iios teanisa." Isai. vi. 8. (With) whom shall I send me, thee, him, her, them adjuva mihi, tibi, illi, :

(word), and who go lor us? then said I here

will illis. " Cuir ort." C. S. Put on indue. " Cuir- :

am I, send (word with) me. (I'er) queni missurus eani oirt a li-uchd Dhe. " C. S. 1 adjure thee by

sum (voceni) ? et qui;- iturus est pro nobis ? et dixi God udjuro tc per Deum. " Cuir t òrdag fo m'

egu ; en hie ego sum, milte verhum meeum. S. chrios." C. ,V. Submit, yield dede te. " Cuir :

Sow : sere, conscrc. " Agus sea bliadhna cuiridh rtis." C. .V. Hun a race : cursum age, curriculo
tu t' fliearann." Ectt. xxiii. 10. And six ye'ars contende. " Cuir sàradh." C. S. .Arrest, (inlaw):
thou shalt sow thy land. Item sex annis eonseres prehende aliqueni, vel in jus trahe. " Cuir smug-
terram tuani. 4. Aet upon, produce an effect, in- aid." C. S. .Spit, spit upon : conspue, inspue.
fluence age in quamvis rem, impelle, effice, ef-
" Cuir suas." C. .S'. Set up, establish, constitute
fectum da. constituc. " Cuir suarach." C. S. Des])ise : con-
'' Shaoil mi gu maireadh mo dhuilleach, temnc. " Cuir troid." Sat/ii.\x\. 147. Fight, op-
" "S nach cuireadh an aois air mo gheugan." pose pugna, oppugna. " Cuir ris." C. .5'.
: 1. Add

^. D. 278. to :adde. 2. Exaggerate exaggera. 3. Apply, :

1 tliought my
would remain, and that age
I'oliagc apply to applica. 4. Hasten
: propera. " Cuir :

would produce no ettcct on my brandies. Censui romhad." C. S. Propose propone tibi ipsi aliquid. :

ego frondes nieas permansuras, et senectutcm non " Cuir ùnihladh." C. S. Fine : amerce, mulctam
acturam in ramos meos. •' C/iiiir am niuir orni." impendc. " Cuir air ghnothach." C. S. Send a
C. S. Tlie sea has sickened me, i. c. I have been message, or errand mitte qui negotium faciat. :

sea-sick. Nausea marina laboravi. The various " Cuir a' dh" iarruidh." C. .S". Send for accerse. :

uses of this verb will be more successfully illustrat- " Cuir ann." C. S. Further, promote : promo-
ed by setting down some of the phrases which in- ve. " Chuir e ann dhomh." C. S. He promoted
fluence its signitications. " Cuir an neo-bhrigh." my good profecit nn'hi. " Cuir air leth."
: S. C
C. S. Make of none effect in nihilium verte. : Separate, dedicate, appropriate sepone, dedica, :

" Cuir an aghaidh." C. S. Oppose oppone, op- : appropria. " Chuir e sneachd." S. It has C
pugna- " Cuir an do." C. S. Print imprime, : snowed ninxit. : Wcl. Gjrru, mittere Gyrru, ;

. excude. " Cuir an ceill." <S'. Declare de- C : impellere, Gjttu, agere. Dai: Germ. Kuren, ex-
dara. " Cuir air cùl." C. ^. Abrogate abole, : perire, probare, tentare. Wacht.
abroga. " Cuir cùl ri." C. S. Forsake desere, : Cl'IR, \. pi. of Car, q. vide. 2. pres. part. v. Cuir, im-
derelinque. " Cuir an suim." C. S. 1. Execute, properly for Cur, s. q. vide.
perform exequere, confice. : 2. Esteem, respect, • Cuirb, -e, adj. Cursed : maledictus. MSS.
attend to aestima, cole, observa, verte in animo.
: Vide Coir[}.
'• Cuir air
chois." C. S. Institute institue. " Ceir : • Cuirbsire, -ean, m. A brewer : brasiator. MSS.
athchuinge suas," vol " Cuir suas athchuinge." C. CuiRC, -E, gen. et dat. of Core, q. vide.
ò'. Pray, supplicate : precare, supplex roga. " Cuir • Cuirc, s. m. A head, crest, comb, top-knot
as." C. S. Extinguish, destroy : extingue, dele. caput, apex, pecten, vitta. O'R.
" Cuir air." C. S. Prevail prae^ale. " Cuir air : CuiRciNN, -E, -EAN', s. m. (Cuir, et Ceann), A par-
adJiart." C. S. Forward promove, urge. " Cuir : ticular kind of head-dress for women : capitis oma-
air falblu" C. S. Put, or send away : diniitte, tus nmlieris forma; cujusdam. /?. 3I-D. et MSS.
sepone. " Cuir as mo letli, as do leth, as a leth, • Cuirdile, s.f. Sorcery veneficium. : MSS.
as a leth, as an leth. C. S. Accuse, impeach me, ' CÙIRD, gen. et pi. of Cord, s. q. vide.
thee, him, her, or them accusa, argue me, te, : CuiRD, -E, -EAN, s.f. Vide Ceàird.
ilium, illani, vel illos. " Cuir air ath-latha, vel ath- CÙIR-DI1R1S, -E, EAN, s. f. (Cìibhraidli, et Dris),
la." C. S. Delay, procrastinate : differ, procrasti- Sweet brier rosa rubiginosa. Linn. O'R.
: Vide
na. " Cuir an amliarus." C. S. Doubt, suspect Dris.
. dubita, in dubium voca. " Cuir crioch." C. S. • Cuire, A caldron cacabus. Uh. Vide
s. m. \. :

Finish lini, opus corona.

: " Cuir dòchas." C. S. Coire. throng multitudo. Llh.
2. A :

Hope, trust confide. " Cuir doilgheas." C. S.

: Cuireadh, -idh, -ean, s. m. (Cuir, v. 2.) An invi-
Grieve, cause to grieve, mourn, or lament fac do- : tation : invitatio.
lere, vel lugere. " Cuir bogha air lagh." C. S. " Is duine dona gum fheum,
Bend a bow arcum flecte. " Cuir druidheachd."
: " A chuireadli cuireadh oirm fein is caitlieadli."
C. S. Bewitch : fascina. " Cuir dragh." C. S. Prov.
Trouble, encumber, molest inquieta, infesta, vexa. : He is a pitiful fellow who would invite me (to a
'• Cuir dail." C. S. Delay, defer difier, procras- : feast,) and cause me to pay the reckoning. Homo
VoL. I. R r
vilis et inutilis ille qui invitaret me ad dapeni, et CÙIRTEAR, -iR, -AN, ». m. (CCiirt, et Fear), A cour-
collociuet in nie impensa. " Thug e diau chiiir- tier : aulicus. Voc. 42.
eatl/i dhoibli." Gen. xix. 3. He pressed tliem CÙIETEAS, -Eis, «. /. (Ciiirt), Courtesy: urbanitas,
greatly. Institisset apud eos valde. ChaU. civilitas. Voc, 33. Span. Cortes. £asq. Corte-
NnO cunui. sia.

CuiKEALL, -EiLL, s. tii. A kind of pack-saddle; e- CÙIRTEIL, -E, adj. (Cùirt), Courtly, polite, courteous,
phippia forma; cujusdam. 3ISS. complaisant : hunianus, urbanus, comis, officiosus,
CuiREALLACH, -AicHE, 1. Formed like a pack-sad- C. S. Ir. S.^x\^;^zeM\)\x^.
dle : in forman ephippiorura redactus. 2. A- CÙIRTEIN, -E, EAN, S.f. et m. (Cuairt), The curtain
bounding in pack-saddles : epliipiis abundans. of a bed: aulaeum lecti tapes. " A' sineadh a mach
MSS. nan neànih mar chùirtein." Saint, civ. 2. Stretch-
CuiREiD, -E, -EAN, s.Jl (Car, s.) A turn, wile : con- ing out the heavens like a curtain. Extendens
versio, techna. O'R. ccelos tanquam aulasum. Vide Menage in voc.
CuiREiDEACH, -EiCHE, adj.Tricky, (Cuireid), 1. CùiRTEiSEACH, -EICHE, odj. (Cùirteas), Ceremoni-
cunning, wily, full of tricks dolosus, astutus, ver- : ous comitatem plus nimio affectans. Voc. 132.

sutus, verticosus. C. S. 2. Full of turns or twists CÙIRTFHEAR, -IR, s. m. (Cùirt, ct Fear). Vide Cùir-
tortuosus, hue illuc volutus. C. S. tear.
CuiREiN, -EAN, s. til. (Car, s.) little turn: esigua A CÙIRTIN, -EAN, Sm. Salm. cv. 39. Vide Ciiirtein.
conversio, motiuncula. C. S. CÙIS, -E, EAN, s. f. 1. A matter, affair, thing res. :

CuiREiNEACH, -EICHE, adj. (Cuircin), Full of little " Am beag a' chxds gu n' d' thug thu m' fhear
tiu-ns qui motiunculis gaudet. C. S.
: uam ?" Gen. xxx. 15. Is it a small matter that
CuiRiDH, -E, -EAN, s. m. Vide Curaidh. thou hast taken my husband (from me) ? An pa-
CuiRiNNEiN, -E, -EAN, s. 111. The wliitc watcr-Iily : rum videtur te recepisse virum meum (a me) ? 2.
njTnphaea alba. O'R. A cause, reason, subject, matter : causa.
CuiRM, -E, -EAN, s.f. 1. A
feast or banquet, enter- " B' e ciiis a h-aisling arms an oidhch e."

tainment epulium.:
" Agus ghuil i 'n a làthair S. D. 144,
rè nan seachd làithean a bha chuirm aca." Breith. He was the cause of her dream in the night. Ille
xiv. 17. And she wept before him the seven days erat Tog do chiiis."
causa somnii ejus nocte. "
while they had the feast. Et flebat apud eum sep- C. S. Appeal appella causam tuam. " Dion

tem (illis) diebus quibus erat convivium ilhs. mo ckùìs." Defend my cause. Defende, vel die
CÙIRN, gen. of Cam, et Cor, q. vide. causam meam. 3. An end, event, catastrophe,
CÙIRNEAN, -EiN, -AN, s. vi. 1. dim. of Cam. A fate : finis, exitus, eventus.
small heap, as of stones acervus exiguus sicut la-
: " Bu
donah anart is uaigh." 3Iaciniy. 97.
pidum. C. S. 2. particle A
particulum. C. S. : The winding sheet and the grave would be my
3. A
spangle, a dew-drop guttula, guttula roris.
: fate. Esset eventus mihi involucrum ferale et se-
MSS. 4. (Car), ringlet, a little curl cincinnu- : pulcbrum. " Fa chilis." prep. impr. Because,
lus. C. S. Scot. Cum, et Kurn. Jam. Germ. by reason of. Quia, quapropter. " Cuis-bhùrta,
Kern. vel bhùrda." 1. A
laughing-stock, a cause of
CÙIRNEIKEACH, -EICHE, (Cùimean). 1. Cover-
adj. mockery ludibrium. C. S. : 2. buffoon : san- A
ed with dew-drops conspersus guttuHs roris. 2.
: nio, scurra. Voc. 38. " Cuis-chleith." private A
Abounding in small heaps acervis exiguis abun- : affair negotium privatum, celendum. Llh. " Cùis-

dans. C. S. 3. Full of ringlets : cincinnulis ple- dhìtidh." Mat. xxviii. 37. An accusation : accu-
nus. 3Iacf. V. Scot. Curny. satio, criminatio. " Cùis-dhùsgaidh." MSS. et
CuiRP, gen. et pi. of Corp, q. vide. C. aS^. a provocation provocatio. : " Cùis-eagail."
* Cuirpeachd, s.
f. Wickedness scelus. O'R. : Isai. viii. 13. 1. A cause of fear
causa timoris. :

Vide Coirbteachd. 2. A feaiful or terrible object C. S. : res terribilis.

CuxRPiDH, -E, adj. Wicked, impious, corrupt cor- : " Cùis-fhochaid," vel " Cùis-fhanaid," vel " Cùis-
ruptus, impius, pravus. C. S. Vide Coirbte. mhagaidh." C. S. Derision, mocker}', cause of
CÙIRT, -E, -EAN, s. f. A court, privilege, honour derision irrisio, derisio, causa irrisionis.
" Cùis-
curia, privilegium, honor. lagha." C. S. A
law-suit or plea : lis, juris pos-
" An De." Sahn. cxvi. 18.
cidrtibh àluinn arois tulatum. " Cùis-mhaslaidh." C. S. A reproach,
In the glorious courts of the house of God. In cause, or matter of reproach : opprobrium, stigma,
gloriosa curia domus Dei. opprobrii causa. " Cùis-miosguinn." Gill. 176. A
CviRTE, 1. Put, placed:
adj. et pret. part. V, Cuir. reprehensible or blameable affair : res reprehen-
positus, coUocatus. C. S.
Sent : missus. C. S. 2. sione digna. " Cùis-uamhais." C. S. A cause or
3. Planted : satus, consitus. C. S. 4. Fatigued, matter of terror causa terroris, res terribilis.
: Wei.
exliausted, overpowered : fatigatus, exhaustus, de- Achos, causa. Dav. Span. Cosa. Basq. Gawza.
lassatus. C. S. Lat. Csusa. Fr. Chose. Ital. Cosa.
CÙIRTEALACHD, s. f. vid. (Cùirteil), CourtUness, CuisDEOG, -GIG, -AN, S.f. The little finger : digitus
courteousness : urbanitas, morum ci\'ilitas. Voc. anicularis, vel minimus. O'R.
33. CuisEAG, -EiG, AN, s. f. (dim. of Cas, s.) A stalk,
* Cuirteamhufl, adj. Voc. 123. Vide Cùirteil. plant-stem : culmus, stipula.
cur 315 CUL
Chi e leac ghla» is cuiteaff 'p a còmhdach ;
S. A nTpafh of «now : nivi« nimulus. /J/i. 2.
IVoraiihiilh e cò d' an uuigh i." A deep, moint place humidus
: locus. /Jfi. Aji]i.
N. n. 86. 3. A cattle-fold : caulu. HeOnd.
He shall see a grey Hug. covered by tlie herh CuiTiiEACii, -Eiciii;, <iHj. (Cuith), Abounding in
(«talk,» he shall ask, whose is the grave ? Videbit snow wreaths iiÌvÌk euniulis Irequen». V. S.

ille lapideni cunum et culmiini eiim tegenteiii, per- CciTiiEAcii, -icii, s. m. O'H. et MSS. Vide Cuth-
contabitur cujus est seputclinim illud ? JMr. Z'p ach.
kasA, stipula. CuiTHEADii, -EiDii, ». tn. (Cuith), A hedging, or in-
CuisEACACii, -AiCHE, adj. (Cuiseag), Full of stalks : closing : in septum includendi actus.. Voc. 160.
culinis plenus. C. S. CUITIIEAMII, -l.MII, -EAN, *. »1. /'(»</. iii. 1*29. Vide
• Cuisenn, -ein. s. m. (Cùis), A crime : crimen. Cuith.
Lf/i. CÙ1TICII, -IDH, CII-, V. a. Recompense, render, re-
• Cuision, s.f. A
cushion pulvinus. Voc. 86. Vide : ward, requite retribue, repende, pra.-iniu aflice.

Cluasag. " Heir ni' ionracais is gloinc lAinih,

CÙISIRE, -EAN, «. «I. (Cùis, et Fear), A casuist ca- :
" Do chnitich Dia maith rium."
suuni conscientia; tractator. Voc. 17. Ross. Salm. xviii. 20.
CUISLE, -EAX, -EANNAN, S.f. 1. A vein, blood VC8- According to my righteousness of purest hand,
sel vena, sanguinis ductor.
: (iod hath recompensed good to me. Secundum
" Leumadh an fliuil cho bras, ot>quitatem meam, cujus purlssima nianus retribuit
" An ctiislib/i nan gaisgcach mora Deu» bonuni niihi. 2. Quit, let go diraitte, sine :

" Ri beuni-sleibhe o 'n aonoch, ut abeat. fJli. Uchr. tap hut. Pike.
" "S gach aon ag eigheach cònihraig." CÙL, -ÙIL, s. m. 1. Thi; back tergum, dorsum, :

.S'. D. 233. marg. (corporis).

Their blood leaped as impetuously in the veins of " Thionndas ri Taura ar ciil
the mighty warriors, as the water-spout from the " 'S ar cinn lùbta air lorgaibh brònach."
hill, while each shouted for battle. Saltaret san- .S". D. 299.

guis a?que vehemens per venas (corporum) bellato- We turned upon Taura our backs, and our heads
rum magnorum ac torrens ab clivo, et quisque bent on (our) mournful steps. \'ertimus in Tau-
conclamans certamen. " Cuisle-mhòr." C. ^. An ram tergum, et capita despicientia in pressus tris-
arterj' arteria. : 2. pipe tibia, tuba. C. S. A3. : tes nostri. " Air mo chi'il." C. S. Ùehind me :

A stream of water flumen aqua;. C. S. : post me. " An comhair an ctii/." Gen. ix. 23.
CuiSLE-AiBHEACH, -F.iCH, «./ Liverwort : hcpatica, Backwards ad tergum eorum. 2. Tlie back part

lichen. PI. of any thing rei cujusdam pars aversa.

: " Cùl
CuisLEACH, -EiCHE, arf?'. Full of veins : venosus. C. na beinne." C. S. The back of the hill pars a- :

S. versa raontis. " Ciil a' chinn." C. S. The back

CuiSLEAG, -EiG, -AN, S.f. A lancct : lanceola. Llh. part of the head occiput. " Gu cfiu/." adv.

et Voc. 50. Perfectly, thoroughly pcrfecte. Cath. Lod. iii. :

Cl'iseleannan,/)/. of Cuisle. " Cuisleannan sniomh- 83. " Air cm/," re/ " air chid'' adv. 1. Behind :

ain," The winding veins of trees venae tortuosse : a tergo. 2. Besides preterea. C. S. 3. The hair

arborum. Maciiity. crines. poet.

CUISLE-CHIÙIL, -EANNAN-CÙIL, *.y; (Cuislc, Ct CcÒl), " Fleasgach òg a' chidl bhuidhe."
1. A musical vein, a vein of music: vena mu-
i. e. Gill. 55.
sica. C. S. 2. A wind instrument : instrumentum Youth of the yellow hair : juvenis flavonim capil-
musicum ore inflatum. 3ISS. lorum. 4. A
defence munimentum, propugna- :

• Cuislin. 1. pole : postica. A O'R. 2. A flute: culum. C. 5'. 5. A

guard, custody custodia. Llh. :

hautboy : fistula, tibia. O'B. " Cùl-èideadh." C. S. Clothing for the back, or
• Cuisne, «.
f. Ice, frost : glacies, gelu. Lih. et breech vestis tergi vel clunis.
: Fr. Culotte
Bibl. Gloss. Cul, la derriere. Lot. Cuius. Hiiic Aiigl. et
•Cuisnich, -idh, ch-, v. a. et n. (Cuisne), Freeze, Fr. Culprit, i. e. CuJo prensus ; one caught by
congeal gela, congela. Ll/i.
Hcbr. 7in chid, rcsiderc. Hind. ^^Sj
the back.
Cvtrs, adj. et pret. part. V. Ciiitich. 1. Quit, freed
" Tlia mi cùite 's e." C. S. kooh, the hip. Gilchr.
relictus, manumissus.
I have done with him : a me relictus est, vel, ma- CuLACH, -AiCHE, adj. (Culaidh, -each), 1. Fat,
numissus sum ab eo. 2. Recompensed : retribu- fleshy, plump : pinguis, carnosus, obesus. C. S.
tus. MSS. 2. Well dressed : bene vestitus. C. S.

CÙITEACH, -EicHE, odj. (Cùitc), That recompenseth :

CuLADH, -AIDH, -EAN, *. TH. good Condition of bo- A
qui retribuit. C. S. dy, fatness, plumpness bonus corporis habitus, :

CÙITEACHADH, -AiDH, s. m. Ct prcs. part. V. Cùitich. camositas, obesitas. MSS.

A requital, rocompense remuneratio, : retributio, CÙLAG, -Aic, -AN, s.f. (CÙ1), 1. Turf, a turf placcd
actus retribuendi. C. S. at the back part of a fire place cespes. vel tomes :

CCITH, -E, -EAK, et -EACHAN, S. /. 1. trCHCh, A ad partem aversam foci conditus. . S. 2. One that f
pit : fossa, fovea. LIA. " Cuith shneachda." C. sits beliind another on horseback : alter qui alteri-

R r 2
us ad tergum equitat. MSS. 3. back-tooth, or A rity : securitas. C. S. 2. The second son of a fa-
grinder dens molaris. C. S.
: mily : filius altero junior familis. C. S.
CÙLAC, -AiG, -AN, s.f. A
bit of flesh, a coUop : of- CÙLANTAS, -Ais, «./. (CÙ1), Baslifulness : verecun-
fiila, buccea. Stew. Gloss. ChaUl. p7in chùluk, dia. OB.
pars, portio. CuLAOBH, -AiBH, s. «I. (Ciil, et Taobh), Back parts,
CULAicH, -iDH, CH-, Forsake, renounce:
V. a. (CÙ1), the back tergum, partes posteriores.
" Agus
relinque, derelinque, abnega. Provin. sheall a bhean 'n a dcigh o 'c/iiilaobh.' Gen. xix.
CuLAiDH, -E, -EAN, S.f. 1. garment, vesture, ap- A 26. And his wife looked back from behind him.
parel, suit of clothes : vestis, aniictus, vestimentum, Et intueretur uxor ejus ulterius post eum, i. e. a
habitus. tergo ejus. " Air cùlaobh." prejj. impr. Behind :

" Tlia na h-òighean gu h-àrd air an tulaich, pone. " Air mo chùlaobh." C. S. Behind me :
'S an culaidh' mar bhogha nan speur." pone me, post me.
S.D. 116. • Cular, -air, -ean, s. m. A flag, banner insigne, :

The maidens are high on the hill, their garments vexillum. A. 3I'D. Vox A/igl. Colours.
as the bow of the clouds. Virgines sunt altè in CuLARAN, -AiN, -AN, s. ììì. A cucumbcr cucumis :

coUe, et vestes earum sicut iris. 2. Accoutrements, sativus. Linn. LUi. et Voc. 67.
armour : apparatus, armatura, ai-ma. " Culaidh CuL-BHEUM, -ÈI.M, -AN, *. m. (CÙ1, et Bcum), 1. A
Ardain." S.D.\22. Tlie armour of Ardan Ar- : back stroke : ictus a tergo. C. S. 2. (Jig.) A ca-
dani arma. 3. Protection, support : tutamen, pra;- lumny, act of slandering calumnia, actus calum- :

sidium, auxilium. niam inferendi alicui.

" Mo chulaidli gu n d' aom." " 'N ti cid-bheum bheir d' a choimhearsnach."
Gill. 54. Salni. ci. 5.
My support, it has (departed), declined. Abiit tu- He who calumniates his neighbour. Lingua laedens
tamen meum. 4. Any convenient or useful thing clam proximum suum.
res utilis queevis. 5. An instrument
MSS. in- : CÙL-CHÀIN, -iDii, CH-, r. a. (CÙ1, et Cain, v.) Back-
strumentum. 3ISS. " Culaidh aifrinn." Foe. 166. bite, or slandercalumniare, obtrecta, de absente

A surplice, sacerdotal vestments vestes sacerdo- : perperam loquere. Llh. App. et C. S.

tis. " Culaidh-bhrosnuchaidh." Voc. 167. An CuL-CHÀiNEADii, -IDH, s. ??i. et prcs. part. V. CÙ1-
incentive, provocation imtanientum. :
" Culaidh- chàin. Backbiting, detraction, slander, act of slan-
chiCiil." 3ISS. A
musical instrument instru- : dering : obtrectatio, calumnia aliense famae viola-
mentura musicum. " Culaidh-fhanaid." C. S. A tio. " Esan nach dean cìd-chàineadh Je 'theang-
mocking stock : ludibrium. " Culaidh ghrabhal- aidh." Salm. xv. 3. He who back-biteth not with
aidh." MSS. A
graving tool caelum. " Cul- : his tongue. Qui not obtrectat lingua sua.
aidh-teighis." 3ISS. An antidote, a medicine CuL-CHAiNNT, -E, S.f. (CÙ1, et Cainut), C. S. Id.
antidotus, medicamentum. " Culaidh-mhaitheis." q. Cul-chàineadh.
MSS. Business, emplojnnent res, officium. : CuL-CHAiNNTEACH, -EicHE, adj. (Ciìl-chainnt), Tra-
" Culaidli-mheallaidh." MSS. dupe, a credu- A ducing : calumnia; deditus. C. S.
lous person insulsus, stolidus, homo credulus.
: CuL-CHAiNNTEiR, -EAN, s. m. (Cùl-chainnt, et
" Culaidh-nihagaidli." C. S. Id. q. Culaidh-fhan- Fear), A backbiter calumniator. Llh. App. et

aid," " Culaidh-shiùil." Sh. Sails, canvas vela, : c.s.

cannabis. " Culaidh thruais." C. S. An object CuL-CHEUMNACHADH, -AiDH, s. m. et pres. part. V.
of pity, a pitiful object persona misericorda
: dig- Cùl-cheumnaich. Tergiversation, retrogression :

nus, homo miser. tergiversatio, retrogrediendi actus.

Culaidh, -e, -ean, s.
f. A boat : scapha, linter, CÙL-CHEUMNAICH, -IDH, CH-, V. 71. (CÙ1, et Ceum),
cymba. Go backwards, retrograde retrogredere, ito re- :

" Mile fàilt ort fhir na culaidh, tro. C.S.

• Thu fein gu meal i." CÙL-CHOIMHEAD, -ID, s. m. (CÙ1, et Coimhead), A,
Turn. 369. rear-guard : praesidium novissimi agminis. Llh.
A thousand salutations to thee, boatman, may you Gr. '
OmaSoifiuyMy.ia., custodia militum a tergo.
enjoy it. Millies salus tibi, vir cymbae, ilia fruaris. CÙLDAICH, s. m. Vide Cùiltich.
CÙLAIG, -E, -EAN, S.f. (CÙ1), A hiuderance, burden, CuL-FRADHARCACH, -AICHE, adj. (CÙ1, ct Fradhafc-
impediment to one's prosperity or comfort in life, ach). Circumspect : cautus. C. S.
Scot. Drawback. Jam. Suppl. : impedimentum, CuL-GHAiRM, -E, s. til. (CÙ1, Ct Gairm), A recalling :

onus, res impedientes vita felicitatem. " 'S mòr revocatio. C. S.

a' chùlaig a th' air."
C. S. He is much encum- CuL-iTHE, s.f. (CÙ1, et Ith), Backbiting : calumnia.
bered,is much depressed by untoward circumstan- Voc. 36.
ces. Multum districtus negotiis adversis est. ' Culla, s. m. A hood, cowl : cucullus. Llh.
CÙLANACH, -AiCHE, adj. (Cìil), 1. Behind the back, CuLLACH, -Aicii, s. w. 1. A boar aper, verres. C.

belonging to the back, or back ground : a tergo. S. 2. An impotent man : imbecillus homo (in re-
C. S. 2. s. m. A back wave fluctus posticus, vel : bus venereis). Llh. 3. A eunuch. A. M'-D. Gloss.
unda retrogressa. C. S. 4. A yearling calf: vitulus, homus. MSS. et
CÙLANACH, -AiCH, *. m. (CÙ1), 1. A backing, secu- Provin.
CuLLACHAs, -Ais, *. «I. (CuUacli, 8.) Impotence Faciam Hold, contain contine, cape.
pBRchii. 3. :

iniputentia. C. S. " t'lm chum Miitheach ach a Ian." Pruv. A vessel

CÙL-MII10NNA1CII, -iDii, CII-. f. o. (CÙ1, ft Mionii- holds nut but iln full. N'on capiet vas nisi ple-
aich), Abjure, deny abnega, remiiiciu. C. S.
= num. 4. I'Vunie, shupt', funii fuige, forma, in :

CÙL-.MIIITA1KE, -EAN, s. uu A iiiutiiieer seditionis : forniuni ri-dige. " An ubuir un ni a chumadh riii
fax, seditiobus bomo. Uh. et O'Jt. an ti a ehum e ?" Horn. ix. 2U. Shull the thing
CÙL-MiiurAiHEAciii), s.
f. tiul. (C'iìl-mbutairc), 1. funned say to him that Conned it ? Num dicet ftg-
Mutiny : si-ditio. MSS. '2. Backbiting : calum- mentuni fictori ^ 5. Compose com|Hjne. " Chum :

i un dun so." (jIUl. SOU. She coinixiM-d this lay.

nia. UA. et O'R. Arab. iJ-».lljjX=i hhuhntt-k,
Coniposuit ilia hoc carmen. Ihhr. Qip hum, (in
to confer in private. Gili-hr.
Cluild. Din chum, parccre.
hiphil) constituil. D.
CuL-KADllAnCACII, -AICUE, (tdj. O' D. Vide Cul- lirrt. Chom, Choum, Chemel.
fliradliarcacb. Cum a', ( s.f. vX pres. jmrt. r. Cum, 4. 1.

CÌJL-SCRÌ0B1I, -AiDii, CH-, V. a. (CÙ1, ct Sgrìobb), CuMADii, -AIDII, I A

shape, figure, form, pattern :
Superscribe, address a letter : iusaibe, superscri- forma, ligura. Marf. V. 2. Shaping, act of shap-
be, as. ing, forming, fashioning : fingendi, ad formain re-
CÙL-SLEAMiiNACH, -AiCHE, o^. (CÙ1, et Sleamh- digendi actus. C. S. 3. Contriving, deviling, act
nach). Backsliding : aversans, aversus, desciscens, of contriving consilium, concipiendi, excogitandi

relabens. ' Am
faca tu ciod a rinn Israel cliiil- actus. Ross. Salm. xli. 7. 4. A degree gradus. :

sleamhiiach 9" lerem. iii. 6. Hast thou seen that MSS. 5. Llh. Id. q. Camadh. 6. Trunk of the
wliich backsliding Israel hath done ? Vidistine quid body truncus corporis. Sill. Gloss. Hvbr. TV2lSp

fecit aversa Israel ? kumah, statura.

CÙL-SLEAM1INACU.\D1I, -AIDII, S. »1. Ct prfS. part. V. • Cuma, adj. Llh. Vide Coma.
Cùl-sleanihnaicli. Backsliding, act of backsliding, CcMACUD, s.f. i/td. C. S. Id. q. Cumadh, 1.
falling back, desciscens, actus de-
apostatizing : • Cumachda, «. m. O'R. Vide Cumhachd.
sciscendi, relabendi, detìcieudi. " Ni do chitl- CuMACiiDAii,, -E, a<^'. (Cumach), Well shaped: bene
xUanJi/tachad/i fein do chronuchadh." lerem. ii. 19. fonrtatus. C. S.
Thine own backsliding shall reprove thee. Aver- CuMADAiL, ad/. (Cumadh), Shapely: bene for-
sio tua corripiet te. matus, eleganti forma prseditus. C. S.
CUL-SLEAMHNAICll, -IDH, CH-, f. tU (CÙ1, Ct SlCEmh- CuMADAiR, -E, -EAN, s. m. (Cumadh, et Fear), A'
naich). Backslide,
fall back, apostatize : relabe, former, maker formator, effector. C. S.

C. S.
descisce, defice. CuMADAiREACHD, *. /. iud. (Cumadair), Framing,
Clx-sleamhnaiche, -BAN, «. »1. (Cul-sleamhnaich), forming, act of forming, or framing figuratio, h- :

A backslider qui relabitur. C. S.

: gurandi actus. C. S.
Cll-spob, -uiB, -EAK, s. »». (CÙ1, Ct Spur), spur: A CuMADALACHD, s. f. iml. (Cumadail), Shapliness ;

calcar. Voc. 77. elegantia form». Macinty. 36.

CÙL-TAIC, -E, *. m. (CÙ1, et Taic), A support, a Cumadh, -aidh, *. m. et pres. part. v. Cum, 4. Vide
backing: fulcrum, sustentaculum. Cuma'.
" Qir finn tu dlioibh cid-taic." CuMAiDHEACHD, iìid. Proviii. Vide Cumachd.
Ross. Salm. v. 11. CuMAiL, -E, s.f. et pres. jHtrt. V. Cum, 1. 2. et 3. 1.
For thou hast supported them. Quia fecisti illis Holding, withholding, act of withholding, restrain-
sustentaculum. continens, continendi, cohibendi,
ing, refraining^:
CuL-THAOBH, -AoiBii, s. PI. (CÙ1, Ct Taobh), Vidc compesccndi actus. " Cha b' urrainn loseph cum-
Cùlaobh. ail air fein." Gen. xlv. 1. Joseph could not re-
CuL-THARKUixG, -E, s. f. {CÙ1, et Tarruing), A frain Ijimself. losephus non potuit continere se.
drawing back : retractatio, tergiversatio. C. S. 2. Act of observing, holding, performing actus :

CuLURAN, -Aix, -AN, *. »«. 1. Id. q. Cularan. 2. observandi, conficiendi. C. S. 3. Holding, con-
Birthwort, swine bread : aristolochia. MSS. taining continendi actus. C. S.
: 4. Entertain-
Cum, -uim, s. m. Llh. App. Vide Com.

ment hospitium. MSS. 5.
: holding, or pos- A
Cum, conj. Vide Chum, et C'uime. session (of cattle or land) pastus armentornni, :

Cu.M, -AiDH, C1I-, V. a. 1. Keep, hold: tene, retine. ager conductitius, asservatio. MSS.
" Agus c/ium niise mar an ceudna thu o pheacach- • Cumaisg, -ìAhi, ch-, v. Mix misce. O'B. :

adh a' m' aghaidh." Gen.xx.G. And I also withheld • Cumaisgte,pret.part. Mixt, compounded : mix-
thee from sinning against me. Tum etiani cohi- tus. L/h,
bui ego te, ne peccares in me. " Cum air t'ais." • Curaal, -ail, s.m. Tlie price of three cows : triuui
S. D.121. Hold back, withhold thyself: cohibe vaccarum pretium. L/h. App. in roc.
" Cum air falbh." C. S. Hold off: abstine
te. CuMALAS, -AIS, s. m. (Cumail), A support, stay : sus-
te. " Cum agad." C. .S. 1. Hold, refrain thyself tentaculum, fulcrum. 3ISS.
contine, cohibe te. 2. iiaut. term. Avast, avast CuMAN, -AIS, -AN, s. »1. (Cum, V. 3.) A milking
heaving, pulling, &c. desine, ilimitte. 2. Keep, ob-
: pail, a circular wooden vessel or dish mulctrale, :

serve, celebrate observa, celebra.

: " Cumaidh mi poculum ligneum cylindricum. Maif. ì'. et C. S.
a' chàisg." ilftrf. xxvi. 18. I will keep the passover. " Cuman-bleogliain," vel " Cumim-iìuaile." C. S.-
A milking pail : mulctrale. " Cuman-fuail." C. S. strength, ability: potentia, auctoritas, vis, facultas.
" Dh' easbuidh cumfiachd a bheir buaidh orr'."
A jorden : motula. Lat. Cumera, a meal tub.
• Cumaii, -ain, *. m. A shrine : adytum. O'R. GUI. 280.
Suppl. Without power that will overcome them. Sine vi-
CuMANDA, *. m. OR. Vide Cumant. ribus qua: superabunt ea. 2. A virtue, or medi-

CuMANT, \adj. Common, general communis, ge- : cinal quality virtus, vis mcdica.
" Oir chaidh
CuMAN'TA, j neralis, omnibus usitatus. C. S. " An cum/uzchd a mach as." t/iic. vi. 1 9. For there went
cumanta." C. S. The commonalty plebs. Fr. : virtue out of him. Quia vis ex eo prodibat. Chald.
(^** '^
coach, vis, potentia, facultas.
Commun. Spaii. Coniun. Pers. ku-
CuMHACHDACH, -AICHE, adj. (Cumhachd), Power-
mecnu. Gilch. Hind. Kumeene. ful,mighty potens, pollens. " Thòisich esan air

CuMANTACHD, | s. m. ct /. Comnionness : com- a bhi cumhachdach san talamh." Gen. x. 8. He

CuMANTAS, -Ais, J munitas. C. S. began to be mighty in the earth. Ccepit iste esse
* Cumar, -air, -ean, *. »(. 1. confluence, a place A potens in terra.
where two streams meet confluens, locus ubi : CuMHACHDAiR, -E, -EAN, «. «I. (Cumhachd), et Fear),
duo flumina in unum cceunt. 2. The bed of a A commissioner : delegatus. Voc.
river : alveus amnis. MSS. 3. A valley : val- CuMHADH, -AIDH, s. m. Vide Cumha.
lis. OR. CuMHAiNGiCH, -IDH, CH-, V. «, (Cumhang). Vide
CÙ-MARA, CoiN-MHARA, s. vi, (CÙ, ct Muir), A Sea Cumhangaich.
hound : canis marinus. OB. et O'R. 2. A man's CÙMHAINN, -IDH, CH-, V. o. Vide Caomhain.
name : viri nomen. O'R. Cumhang, -ainge, et Cuinge, adj. Narrow, strait
* Cumaraice, (Cumar, 3.) A people living in angustus, arctus. C. S. Wei. Cysyng. Fr. Coin.
a country full of vallies and hills homines in : Lat. Cuneus. Id. q. Cumhann, adj.
vallibus et montibus degentes. Vide O'jB. in CuMHANN, CuiNGE, odj. Narrow : angustus.
voc. " An gleann cumhann nan ceud garbh ghniomh."
• Cumas, -ais, *. m. Uli. Vide Comas. Tem. viii. 110.
• Cumasg, -aisg, -an, s. m. 1. A mixture : mistu- In the narrow glen of hundred hardy deeds. In
tura. Gloss. 2. Contention, strife, a
Ribl. valli angusta centum ingentium facinorum.
fight jurgium, certamen. 3ISS.
: rixa, Cumhann, -ainn, s. m. (Cumhann, adj.) strait, A
CuMASGACH, -AicHE, odj. (Cumasg), Tumultuous ; defile : angustiae. C. S.
turbans. A. 3I'D. * Cumhdacli, -aich, s. m. Sihl. Gloss. Llh. Vide
* Cumasgadli, -aidh, s. m. et pres. part. v. Cumasg. Còmhdach.
A mixing : actio commiscendi. O'R. » Cìimhlaich, -idh, ch-, v. a. (Cumha, 1.), Fulfil,
CuMHA, -ACHAN, )^ s. ill. Mouming, lamentation, perform perfice, exple. 3ISS.

sorrow : lamentum, questus, * Cumhlaichte, pret. part. v. Cumhlaich. Fulfilled,
ploratus, moeror. performed perfectus, expletus. MSS.

" Do chumha bu trie ann am òran." CÙMHNADH, -AIDH, s. m. Hebrid. Vide Còmhnadh,
S. D. 17. et Caomhnadh. B. Bret. Cunduvat.
Thy lamentation was often in my song. Tuus CÙMHNANT, -AiNT, et -A, -AN, s. m. (Cumha, et
ploratus erat saepe in cantico meo. Aont). 1. A
covenant foedus. 18. marff.:

CuMHA, -ACHAN, s. f. 1. Condition, stipulation: A Id. q. Coimhcheangal. 2. A marriage contract

conditio, lex, pactum. " Air a' chumha so ni mi sponsalia. iV. II. Scot. Connand, Conand, Cunn-
coimh-cheangail ribh." 1 Sam. xi. 2. On tliis and.
condition I will make a covenant with you. Hac » Cùmhnantach, -aiche, ) adj. (Ciimhnant), Foede-
lege paugam vobiscum. 2. A reward praemium. : * Cùmhantail, -e, j ral : ad foedus pertinens.
" Bidh cumh' o 'n Righ, is buidh'cheas tire, Sh.
" Is cliù gach linn gu bràth dhuibh." CÙMHNANTAICH, -IDH, CH-, V. a. (Cùmhnant), Bar-
Gill. 1 16. gain, covenant : paciscere, foedus compone, pange.
You shall have a reward from the king, a country's as.
gratitude, and renown ever-enduring. Erunt prae- * Cùmhra, adj. MSS. Vide Cùbhraidh.
mium ab rege, gratite patriae, et gloria in aetatem CÙMHHADH, -AIDH, -EAN, s. m. Id. q. Cùmhnant.
omnem semper vobis. 3. A bribe repetundae, : » Cumhtha, s. m. A proffer : propositura. Bibl.
corruptela. " Sibhse ta 'claoidh an fhirein, a ta Gloss.
gabhail cumha." Amos. v. 12. You that afflict the * Cumhul, -uil, s.f. A handmaid : serva. B. B.
just, that take a bribe. Vos affligentes justum, Gen. XXV. 12.
accipientes corruptelam. 4. Bribery : corruptio » Cumoradh, -aidh, s. m. Emulation : emulatio.
judicis, ambitus. MSS. MSS.
• Cumhac. Llh. Vide Cumhang. * Cumpluchd, -an, «. m. A crew, a gang : grex,
CuMHACH, AICHE, odj. (Cumha), Sorrowful, mourn- turba. MSS.
ful, sad: tristis. MSS. CuMRAicii, ) -IDH, CH- V. a. Cumber, encumber :
CuMHACHAG, -AiG, -AN, s. f. Vide Comhachag. CuMRAiG, J impedi, praepedi, implica. C. S. Vide
CuMHACHD, -AN, s. Til. 1. Power, authority, might, Cuimrig, et Coimrig.
• Cunugadh, -aidh, s. m. A ringing : tinnultu. SL CuNNRADH, -AIDH, «. wi. 1. Vide Cùnrfidh. 2. A
ct 07/. ilicap burfjaiii : pactum vile, i. e. parvi pritii.
Clml'so, -AN, ». »1. (Coimettsg),
-ih(i, A mixture, • Cunnsun, ». m. A noble person nubiliti. JtS'S. :

nii»cura. JUò'H. CuMMT, -AiuH, CU-, V. a. Count, number numera. :

• Cun, t.m. 1. A
body: corpus. O'Jt. 2. Time, C. S. Pr. Compter. Span. Coiitar, nuinerare
uu hour : tempus, hora. O'Ji. C'uiiitii, iiuniiraliu. Butq. Contalu, Coiitua. HituL

CuNBUAiuii, i. V. CuMAiDii. SoJin. cxlv. H. £d. Kuliiiu. CiU-hr.

1753. Vide Cum, i'. • Cunntabliairt, -ean, #. in. BM. Gtos*. et Lilt.
Cl'nbiiail, Salm. li. 12. Ed. 1753. Vide Cumail. Vide Cunnart.
CuNBHAILTEACIl, -AICHE, (u/J. Vidc Cullblialucll. CuNKTADH, -Ainu, -EAM, «. m. et jnt». part. r.
CuN'BHAiLTEACHD, «./. iiul. Vide CunbliaJaclid. Cunnt. Counting, act of counting iiumeraus, :

CuNBiiALACH, -AICHE, uilj. Coostaut, stcudy : stabi- actus numerandi. 6'. S. Id. (|. Cunntait.
lis. C.S. CuN.VTAiu, -E, -EAK, s. lit. (Cunnt, et I'ear), An ac-
CiTNBiiALACHD, Constancy, Steadiness fir-
\ «. »1. : countant arithmeticus. Voc. et C. >S'.

-Ais, j mitas. CuNNTART, -AIRT, -KAN, $. til. Vide CunnsTt.
CuNBHAS, i. e. A chunbhas." Salm. liv. 4. Eei.
" CuNNTAs, -AIS, -AN, «. »1. |Cunnt, V.) 1. Covmt-
1753. i.e. " A chumas." Vide Cum, r. ing, act of counting, or numbering: actio nume-
CuNGAiDH, -E, -EAN, s./. 1. A tool, instrument, randi. C. S. 2. Arithmetic, art of numbering :

instrumcntum. C. S. 2. Materials, ingredients : arithmetica. C. S. 3.An account ratio. Llh. :

partes rei coniposit«. Maciiity. 110. " Cung- " Leabhar cunntais." An account book liber ac- :

aidli-leigliis." Voe, 27. A medicine : medicamen- cepti et impensi. 4. settling of accounts, act A
tuni. of adjusting accounts between debtor and credi-
CusoAisicH, -iDH, CU-, V. a. Help, co-operate, as- tor : rationes exa;quandi, componendi actus. C. S.
sist : adjuva, auxilium fer. Hind. Gunit, arithmetic. Gilchr.
" Cha chungaisidi thu 'iarmad." CuNNTASACH, -AICHE, otlj. (Cunntas), Keen, sharp,
Gill. 177. narrow : acer, sordidus, sordide minutus. O'R.
Thou wilt not assist his race. Non feres auxilum Cdnnuil, -e, -EAK, S.J'. An objection, check : ob-
proli (ejus). jectio, inhibitio. Uh.
• Cungaiita, s. f. Help, assistance : auxilium. CuNNuiLEACH, -EiCHE, adj. (Cunntuil), Objection-
" Lucbd Helpers, assistants
cimffaiita." Llh, : able : quod potest reprehendi, cui potest objici.
adjutores. " Bean chimganta." i. e. " Bean- Marf. V.
ghlùine." B. B. Gen, xxxv. 17. midwife A CuNRADH, -AIDH, -FAv, X. m. Gen. vi. 1ft. itiary.

obstetrix. Vide Cùmhnant.

Cungantach, -aiche, adj. (Cunganta), Helpful Cup A, -ACHAN, cup m. A
poculum. Voc. 86.
s. :

adjuvans, opifer. Uh. Id. q. Cupan. Hebr. epp kitp ; S3 capk, circum-
Cdnglach, -aich, *. m. (Cumhang), A narrow de- do. B. Bret. Cop. Fr. Coupe. Germ. Kopf.
file angustiae. CuPACH, -AICHE, adj. (Cupa), Cup-like, or full of

^^—— mar sbruth bha m' anam, cups poculo similis, vel poculis plenus. C. S.

" No mar
chuairt-ghaoth 'n cunglach Atha." • Cupaid, s. m. Cupid Cupido, deus axaoxis.A.AI'D.

S. D. 331. CuPAN, -AiN, -AX, s. m. A cup poculum. " Agus :

As a stream was my soul, or as a whirlwind in the cuir mo ckupans, an cupan airgid, am beul saic an
narrow defile of Atha. Sicut torrens fuit mea ani- f hir a 's òige." Gen. xliv. 2. And put my cup,
ma, vel sicut turbo in angustiis Atha;. the silver cup, in the sack's mouth of the youngest.
• Cunnairc, Chunnairc, pret, Faic. Vide Chumia, Et ponito scyphum meum, scyphum argenteum,
et Chunnaic. in OS manticae minimi. " Cupan nan speur.
Cunxarach, -aich, s.m. 1. A bargain: pactum. A. M'D.62. Tlie celestial concave coeli caver- :

Provin. 2. Membrum virile. Proviru 3. bad A na. Wei. Cuppan, cyathus. Span, et Busq. Co-
bargain : pactum vile. Provin. pa. Span. Copon. Isl. Cupa.
CuNNART, -AiRT, -AN, s. m. 1. Danger : pericu- • Cuphar, *. m. Cypress : cypressus. Voc. 65.
lum. " Oir tha sinn an cunnart bhi air ar n-agairt CuPLA, «. m. Uh. Vide Cupull. Wei. Ciopl. Fr.
air son ceannairc air an la 'n diugh." Gniomh. xvii. Couple. Germ. Koppel. Span. Copla. Bas(j.
40. For we are in danger to be culled in question Coplea. Angl. Couplet.
for this day's uproar. Quia sumus in periculo ne CuPLACHADH, -AIDH, s. /«. et prcs.part. V. Cuplaich.
postulemur seditionis in die hodierna. 2. Doubt Coupling : copulatio. C. S.
dubium. Gill. 125. Arab. »jta< hhtitru, danger.
Cdplaich, -iDH, CH-, t'. a. (Cupull), Couple con- :

Gilchr. junge duo in unum, copula. <S'. C

CuNNARTACH, -AICHE, CuPLiLL, «. />/. (Cupull), Shrouds: rudentes navis,
adj. (Cunnart), Dangerous:
periculosus. Voc. 137. per quos ascenditur et descenditur. A. 3I'D.
CuNNARTAicH, Cupull, -uill, et -plaichean, s. m. 1. A couple,
-icH, CH-, I'. a. Endanger: periclita,
periculo objice. C. S. a pair bini, par, juguni. C. S.
: 2. The arched

CUNN.MHALAS, standing timber that supports the roof of a house

-AIS, s. m. Voc. 34. Vide Cunbhal-
trabes hgneae arcuatse quibus domus tectum inniti-
tur. C. S. Couple. Angl. Copula.
Scot. 3. A CuRAiDEACH, -EICHE, <?«{?. (Car), 1. Frisky: Itetus,
dog cliQÌn : canuni copula. C. S. hilaris. MSS. 2. Cunning versutus. Stew. Gloss.

CUPULLACH, -AiCHE, udj. (Cupull), Abounding in CuHAiDEAcHD, s.f.ind. (Curaidcach), 1. Craftiness:

couples, roof timbers, or dog chains binis cujus- : astutia. Sh. 2. Nimblencss agilitas, velocitas.

dani generis abundans, trabibus acuatis tecti do- .S7<. 3. Playfulness : ludibundantia. C. S.
mus, vel copulis canum. C. S, Curaidh, -e, -nean, s. w. (Cur, power), cham- A
Ci'B, s. m. ct prcs. part. v. Cuir. A placing, setting, pion : heros, pugil.
sending, sowing actus locandi, mittendi, serendi,
: " Bha claidheamh liomhai" a' dealradh,
inserendi. " Cuir sneachda." C. S. A fall of " Togt' an àird an lainih a' churuidh."
snow imber nivis. " Cur agus cliathadh." C. S.
: S. D. 208.
Sowing, and harrowing satio, et occatio. Vide : A polished sword shone, raised on high in the he-
Cuir, v. Hebr. "TIO ctir, fodere. ro's arm.Erat gladius expolitus refulgens, erec-
Cur, -uir, s. m. 1. Power; potestas. MSS. 2. tus alte in nianu herois.
Weariness, defeat : defatigatio, fuga, clades. Ll/i. • Curaigheachd, s.f. ind. Voc. 95. Vide Curachd.
" Agus thainig Esau o n nihachair agus e air a • Curaighir, «. m. A mug poculum, figlinum. :

chur." Gen. xxv. 29. And Esau came from the 3ISS.
field, and he was faint. Et Hesau venit ex agro CÙRAING, ì -E, -EAN, s.y; 1. A coverlet : stragula,
et erat fessus, lit. et ille super defatigationem ip- CÙRAIXX, J instratum. Provin. 2. A support,
sius. prop sustentaculum. MSS.

* Cur, adj. .Difficult : difficilis. Llh. CÙRAINXEACHADH, -AIDH, S. W. Ct prCS. part. V.

CuRAcn, -AicH, -EAN, s. f. 1. A boat, properly, a Curainnich. Covering (a table): actus insternendi
wicker boat, a boat built with twigs, and covered (mensam). Provin.
with skin cjTnba, navicula viminea, et pellibus
: CÙRAIXNICH, -iDH, CH-, V. a. (Cùraitm, 1.) Cover
munita. (a table) insterne (mensam). Provin.

" Curach de bharrach nan crann, CÙRAINNICHTE, pret. part. v. Curainnich. Covered:
" Dheilbh m' athair, is b' fhann a chòmhradh." instratus. Provin.
^. D. 67. » Curaisd, -e, s.
f. Courage : audentia, fortitude,
A bark of the branches of trees my father framed, virtus. Vox Angl. Span. Corage. Larram.
and feeble was his speech. Cymbam ex viminibis • Curaisdeach, -eiche, adj. (Curaisd), Courageous:

arborum finxit pater meus, et languidus fuit sermo audax, audens, fortis. Provin. Vox Atigl.
ipsius. " Solet illis in locis vas quoddam in simi- CORAM, -AIM, -AX, «. ?B. 1. Care, anxiety: cura.
litudinem rraterjp px virgis rnnpingi, tantac mag- " A' tilgeadh bhur n-uile chitraim airsan, oir a ta
nitudinis, ut sedentes juxta se tres homines capere ciiram aige dhibh." 1 Pead. v. 7. Casting all your
sufficiat. Cui corium bovinum superducentes non care upon him, for he careth for jou. Conjicien-
solum nabilem, sed et aquis impenetrabilem, red- tes omnem solicitudinem vestram in eum, nam est
dunt." Pinhert. Vita. Sanct.p. 16. Where reference cura illi de vobis. 2. A
charge, trust, command,
is also made to Plin. Hist. Nat. lib. iv. c. 16.; office, or employment : onus, raunus, officium.
shewing that the like expedient was had recourse " Agus chuir ceannard an fhreiceadain iad air
to among almost all barbarous nations. cùram loseiph." Gen. xl. 4. And the captain of
" Sic Venetus stagnante Pado, fusoque Britannus the guard charged Joseph with them. Et com-
" Navigat Oceano sic, cum tenet omnia Nilus, : misit praefectus satellitum loseph cum eis. 3. A
" Conseritur bibula Memphitis c3Tnba papjTo.' prize, pre}' spoUa, prseda. Llh.
: Scot. Cure. Sibb.
Luc. lib. iv. V. 130. Gloss. Wei. Cur. Germ. Kur, studium. Wacht.
Vide etiam Casar B. C. lib. i. cap, ò^. Germ CÙRAMACH, -AiCHE, adj. (Cùram), Careful, solici-
Kur, pellis. Wacltt. Wei. Cwrrogl, et Corwgl tous : anxius, solicitus, consideratus, providus.
Scot. Currach, Con-ak. Jam. Lat. barb. Carabus, " Is ann na ngcoimheid ciiramach
Angl. Coracle. Vide Carbh. " MOT thuarasdal ata."
- Curach, -aich, s.f. 1. bog palus. Llh. 2. A : Kirk. Salm. xix. II.
bod}' corpus. Llh. 3. A champions he
: And in the careful keeping of them there is great
ros. 3ÌSS. Vide Curaidh. reward. Et in eorum solicita obser\antia est mag-
CuRACHAN, -Aix, -AN, s. m. dim. of Curach. co A num praemium.
racle, skiif navicula viminea, lembulus, navigio
: CÙRAMACHD, s.f. ind. (Cùramach), Carefulness : se-
lura, scapha. Llh. dulitas. C.S.
CuRACH-KA-cuBHAiGE, s, m. (Curach, et Cubhag); CuRANTA, adj. (Curaidh), Heroic, valorous, stout,
Small leafed bell-flower : campanula. O'R. brave, courageous : strenuus, fortis, audax, ani-
CuRACHD, s.f. ind. (Cuir, v. 3.) Sowing, act of sow mosus.
ing : seminatio. Lebh. xxvii. 16. marg. " Buinidh do 'n òig fhear bhi citrant' au còmh-
CÙRADH, -AiDH, s. m. (Cur, adj.) An obstacle, se stribh." Gill. 96.

vere distress : impedimentura, mora, res afflictissi' It belongs to the youth to be valiant in battle
mae. Llh. Pertinet ad juvenem esse audacem in proelio.
• Curagh, -aigh, s. m. A burial-place : sepulturae CuRANTACHD, S.f. ind. (Curanta), Bravery, courage
locus. MSS. fortitudo, audacia. C. S.
•Curata, ae^. Uh. ct BilA. Glost. Vide Curanta. CÙHSACHD, «./ im/. (Cùrsach), Traversing: obliqua
CuRCAci, -Aic, -AN, »•. /. A saml-pipcr, bird: uvis AJarf V.
profi'ctio, transvcctio.
qu<I^dunl ex gi'iUTO triii>;a. Linn. CÙKsAin, -EAN, *. w). (CùrMt), A cour«er : equus
' C'urr, s. m. A back dorsum, lixbl. Gloss.
: velox. O'R. Lai. Cursor. Scot. Cooser.
CÙHH, -A, -AiiiAN, »•./. 1. AcomiT: aiigulus. OR. CuusAiRE, -EAN, s.m. (CÙTsa), A courier cursor, :

2. An end: finis. OR. 3. .\ pit: fovea. O' R. nuncius. OB.

4. A site, or situation : situs, positio. O'R. 5. A CvHswKZACHD, Coursing: cur-
s.f. ind. (Cùrsalr),
fountain : scaturigo. O'R. C. S.
CuBKA, s.f. A heron: ardea. OR. et MSS. Vide CùnsAN, -AIN, s. m. (Cùrsa), A courser: equus ve-
Còrr. lox. Macinty. 36. 2. race cursus. C. S. A :

• Curra, i. in. Sowing, a little farm satio, agcUus : CÙUSANACH, -AICH, «. m. (Cùrsa), courser: equu» A
conductitius. Sh. Vide Cur, et Cuir. velox. C.S.
CuRnACAG, -AiG, -CAN, s. f. 1. bubblc on the A • Cursuir, -e, -can, s. m. MSS. Vide Cùrsair.
surface of liquids bulla in liquoris superficie. C. S.
: • Curuinn, s.f. An objection, obatacle : objectio,
2. Acock oj' hay : cumulus ficui. Voc. 94. 3. A obstaculum. MSS.
lapwing epops. i^oc. 75.
: Cus, s. m. ind. Enough satis. Llh. 2. A subsidy, tri-

• Currach, -aich, -an, *. »». bog, fen where A bute subsidium, tributum. Llh.
: 3. A superflui-
shrubs grow palus ubi frutices crescunt. UA.
: ty, too much superfluitus, nimium. C. S.
: 4. Used
et mbl. Gloss. adjectively and collectively, Many multi, plurimi, :

CuRRACiiD, -AiciiD, -AN, s. m. 1. cap : pilcus. A plures, scil. homines.

Voc. 19. 2. (Improperly for Curachd), Sowing : " Tha beachd agad fein,
satio. C. S. Scot. Courche. Jam. " Gur mcasail aig cus thu."
CuRRACHD-NA-ctBHAiGE, s.m. Harc-bell, or round- R.D.
leafed bell-flower : hyacinthus nonscriptus. Lightf. Thou thinkest thyself that many esteem thee. Est
ct Voc. 59. opinio tibi ipsi, multos habere te in existimatione.
CcRRADH, -AiDii, s. »j. (Cùrr, 1.) A crowding to-
B.Bret. Cals. Arab. Cjj '~.\ kusntt, abundance.
gether, collecting into one place : conficiendi ac-
tus, coeundi in locum unum. Fing. iii. 371. Gilchr. Vide Rud.
CuRRAG, -AIG, -AN, s.f. C. S. Id. q. Currachd, 1. • Cusadh, -aidh, *. m. Bending, inclining : flexio,
CoRRAiCEACH, -EicHE, odj. (Currag), Wearing a inclinatio. Llh.
cap, abounding in caps : pileo indutus, pileis abun- • Cusal, «. m. Courage : audentia, audacia, animus.
dans. C. S. Llh.
CuRRAiDH, -E, Exhausted, wearied: fatigatus. Pro- CusBAiR, -E, -EAN, *. til. Bill. Gloss. Vide Cuspair.
vitu CusMUNN, -uiNN, s. wj. Voc. 44. Vide CuKpunn.
CuRRAiGHiK, -E, -EAN, *. »1. A cann, tankard : po- Cusi-, -A, -AiciifcAK, *. m. kibe, ulcerated chil- A
culum, cantharus. Uh. blain on the heel : pernio, pernio ulcerata in calce.
CuRRAiL, -E, adj. Manifest, plain : manifestus, pla- Voc. 26.
nus. Llh. CuspACH, -AICHE, adj. Having kibes pemiones hi- :

CuRRAL, -AIL, 1 -AN, s.m. 1. carrot, root: dau- A bens. C.S.

CuRRAN, -AiN, j cus. C. S. " Curran buidhe." Cuspair, -e, -ean, *. m. (Cùis, et Aire). 1. An ob-
C. S. A
carrot, garden root daucus carotus. : ject ;
" Cuspair
res qua;vis objecta vel oblata.
" Curran dearg." C. S. radish : raphanus sati- A gaoil." C. S. A
beloved object or person : res
vus. 2. Machines, or panniers hung on horses for vel persona amore dignus, vel amatus. 2. mark A
carrj'ing bulky loads, as hay, com, &c. : instru- to aim at : scopus, meta.
menta qua?dam equis appensa, ad foenum, vel tale " Cha chuspaire' faoin th' air an rèidh."
quid portandum. C. S. Tern. vi. 57.
CuRRTHA, adj. Wearied, fatigued fessus, defessus. : They are not mean marks that are on the field.
B. B. Gen. xxvii. 46. Non scopi vani sunt in piano.
CuRRUCADH, -AiDH, 5. »1. Cooing of pigcoHS gemi- : CusPAiREACHD, *. /. i)ìd. (Cuspair), 1. Archer)-,
tus columbarum. C. S. aiming, as at a mark ars sagittaria, actus colli

CuRRucAG, -AIG, -AN, *. /. A lap-wing : tringa va- neandi. C. S. 2. An objection, or argument ob ;

nellus. Lightf. jectio, argumentum. Llh.

CuRRusAN, -AiN, -AN, «, m. A milk-pail : mulctrale CuspAiRiciiE, -EAN, s. m. (Cuspair), An opponent
MSS. adversarius. C. S.
• Curs, -a, -an, «. m. A horse : equus. Macdoug. • Cuspairich, -idh, ch-, v. a. Object, aim at a mark

CÙRSA, s. m. 1. A course, manner, row, rank, order: objice, dirige ad scopum vel metam. OB.
cursus, nios, series, genus. C. S. Llh. et Dibl. Gloss, CuspUNN, -UINN, s. m. (Cus, 2. et Bonn), A custom
2. A
race : curriculum. C. S. Wei. Cwts. B. Bret. tribute, impost : vectigal, tributum, portorium. C. S.
Cours. Fr. Cours, Course. Span. Curso. Larram, Arab. iSXfMty^ hoospuiid, et . \<>m« c ku^und, a
CÙRSACH, -AicHE, adj. (CCirsa), Winding, folding,
meandering : sinuosus, implicans, flexuosus, tortuo-
SU8. C.S. Cut, -AIDH, CH-, V. a. Gut : eviscera. C. S.
Vol. I. Ss
Cot, -a, -acham, s. m. 1. A bob-tail : cauda curta. CuTHA, Ì -AicH, «. m. Rage, madness: furor, in-
C. S. 2. A piece : frustum. C. S. Wei. Cwtt. CuTiiACH, j sania. " Cù cuthaich." C. fi. A mad
C/iaM. pip kutmi. dog. Canis rabie furens. " Air a' chuthach."'
CuTAcH, -AiciiE, Bob-tailed: cauda decurtatus.
«(/?'. Eccl. vii. 7. Mad : insanus.
LiA. et C. S. Scot. Cutty, Cuttie. Wei. Cwtta. CuTiiAo, -AIG, -AN, s.
f. Id. q. Cubhag. " Cuthag-
Hind. G'hutee, abatement. Pers. *jj.^ hitah, bhogaidh." MSS. water-wag-tailA motacilla :

abbreviated. Hind. G'hutana, to abridge. Gilchr. alba vel flava.

CuTADii, -AiDii, s. m. et pres. part. v. Cut. Disem- CuTHAiciiTE, adj. (Cuthach), Raging, mad, furious
bowelling, gutting actio eviscerandi. C. S. ira fervens, insanus, furiosus. C. S.

• Cutaidh, s. m. Wake robin : arum maculatum. • Cuthar, s. m. Froth : spuma. MSS. Vide
O'JR. Suppl. Cobhar.
CuTAG, -AiG, -AN, s. f. 1. short hafted spoon A CuTHARLAN, -AiN, -AN, s. »1. An carth-nut, or pig-
breve cochleare. C. S. 2. A young woman : puella. nut bunium bulbocastanum. Llh.

Vox Ivdicr. Scot. Cutty, Kittie. Jam. Swed. CuTH-BHARRAN, | -AIN, s. 9». A sort of cap, a Mon-
Katig. CuTH-DARUN, j tcro. Or Monmouth cap pileus :

' Cuth, s. m. The head : caput. Llh. campestris, vel venatorius. O'R.

DTHE fourth letter of the Gaelic alphabet, Irish, » Da, adv. If, whence si, unde. Llh.
Da, adj. Good bonus. Llh.

9 X), ft, named Duir, or Doii-, i. e. " Darach," " : Wei. Dal), alias
the oak-tree : qiiercus. Dagh. Vide Deadh.
'D, cotifr. for Ciod, proti. interrog. " 'D è ?" C. S. DÀ, adj. Two duo. " Aig beul da fhianuis, no

i. e. Ciod è ? WTiat, what is it ? Quid, quid est 7 thri fhianuisean, cuirear gu bàs esan a tha toill-
D', C07itr. for Do, poss. pro7i. q. vide. teanach air bàs." Deut. xvii. 6. At the mouth of
" Do d" statuisibh gu leir." two witnesses, or three witnesses, he shall be put
Boss. Salm. cxix. 16. to death, that is worthy of death. Ex sermone
To Ad tua decreta om-
thy statutes altogether. {lit, ad os) duorum testium vel trium testium, mor-

nino. It is often in common use changed into T', te aificitor ille qui est dignus morte. Vide Dhà,
as, " T' athair," thy father : tuus pater. For " D' et Dithis. Wei. et Arm. Dau, Don, Daou. Fr.
athair," i. e. " Do athair." Vide T'. Deux. Lat. Duo. Gr. Auw. Chald, TJ du. Pers.
D', cmitr. for Do, sign of the pret. of verbs. Vide ji do, a couple. " A dha-dheug." Twelve : duo-
decim. Wei. Deuddeg. Arm. Deuzeg. Gr. ^u-
" Feuch, so am fear nach d' earb a Dia."
Salm. lii. 7.
Behold, this (is) the man who did not trust in DÀ, prep, conjoined with pers. pron. e, i. e. " Do
God. Ecce, hie vir, qui non confisus est Deo. è." To him illi, vel ad ilium. Commonly writ-

Often, the sign of the preterite " Do" is ^n-it- ten without the accent (Da), as a distinction fi-om
ten at length before an initial vowel, and dh' in- the adjective, Da, two duo. But often requir-

terposed. " Am
fear nach do dh' earb." C. S. ing it in metre, and when it becomes the emphatic
He who trusted not. non confisus est.
Ille qui word of a sentence.
D', contr. for Do, et De, prep. q. vide. Vide etiam " 'S ann da gu freagradli am mòr shràtli,"
seq. " Srath uaine nan sleibhte' coillteach."
D'a, contr. 1. for Do, prep, et a, poss. proii. art. et rel. ^. D. 201.
To his, her, it, which, whom. " D'a thigh." C. S. To him would Stramora resound the green valley
i. e. " Do a thigh." To his house ad domum : ejus of woody hills. Ad ilium responderet convallis
{masc.) " D' a tigh." To her house ad domum : ejus magna, convallis viridis montium sylvosorum.
(_/èm.) De, prep, et a, poss. pron. art.
2. contr. for " Da," improperly written for " D" a," q. vide.
et rel. i. e. " De a." " Agus gu "n ith thu d' a DÀ-ADHARCAcn, ìidj. (Dà, adj. Adliarcach), Two-
iobairt." Ecs. xxxiv. 15. And that thou eat of horned : bicornis. C. S.
his sacrifice. Et quod comedas de sacrificio ejus. Dabhach, -AICH, -AiCHEAN, s.f. 1. A vat, large
tub: laliniin, dulium. ('. S. '2. A district of conn- Dadi m, -lim, *. 711. JJiU. Clou, ct Saltn. xhx. 17.
try : ri'(;ionÌ8 piirs (jua>(laiii. C. S 3. A lot, ciTluin tnrlr. Id. (j. Dud.
portiuii of land : ugri unibilis portio quu'duiii. 6'. >S'. DA-FiiAOuiiAiii, -AiciiB, adj. (Da, et raobli*ir),
Vide Duhluii'li. DÀ-FiiAouiiitAcii, / Two-edged: uiicep*, bipcnnin.
Dabiian, -ai\, -an, a. «I. A jiitclKT, bucket: la-
geiiu, situlu. Sii. DÀ-FiiiA(i.Atii, adj. (Da, u^'. ft Fiacaill), Having
DaBHAN-ALLUIDII, J -AIN, -ALLi;iDlI, Vcl -EALL- two teeth bidentali». :

Uabiian'-eallaicii, J Alcii, «. m. spider ara- A : DÀ-PIIUIIEAIJ, adj. (Da, aiij. et Fithead), Forty:
nea. Tor. 71. et C. S. quadragintu. C. .S.
Dauiiaii, -a III, -EAN, *. m. Vide Dabhan. DÀ-I iiiLLT, -E, adj.
(Da, <u/j. et Filltc), Two-fold :

Uabiiasi;, -Also, -AN, s.wi. ct/l A lUllow dccf cer- : duplex. JJibl. Glusts. et C. S.
Tus duiiia. MSS. DÀ-Flloc.llAll(, -E, s. m. (DÙ, adj. et Fofjhair), Iwo
Dabhdao, -aio, -an, s. f. A frapnicnt fragmen- : vowels, u dii)lithong: duo; vocales, djplithongu».
tuni. MSS. CluiU. p'^i'"! dayhdah, parvum.
DÀ-BIIEATIIACII, adj. (D:i, adj. ct Beatli), Amphi- Dag, -a, -achan, «. m. A pistol sclopus minor. :

bious : aniphibius. U'li. Macf. V.

Da-biiliadiinacii, -Aim, s.m. (Da, adj. et Bliadh- Dagach, -AICHE, adj. (Dag), Armed with one or
na), A two year old animal animal biiiium. :
more pistols : uno vel pluribus scloppis armatu».
Dabiioc», -OKU, s.f. A farm that keeps sixty cows :
Macf. V.
agcr sexaginta bovcs pascens. C. S. Davata. Law DaG-DIOLLAIDE, ) -ACHAN, -DIOLLAID, Vcl -DIALTA,
hat. In tlie Hebrides, a Davoch of land is a farm Dag-dialta, I *. m. (Dag, et Diollaid), A hol-
adequate to the pasture of three hundred and ster :scloppus minor equitis. Voc. 92.
twenty cows. Scot. Dawache of land. Sibb. Gloss. • Dagh, -aidh, dh-, v. a. Dye colora. \'ide Dath, :
DÀ-CIIEAXNAC1I, adj. (Da, adj. et Ceann), Having • Daghadh, -aidh, «. m. Vide Dathadli.
two lieads biceps. C. S. :
• Daghdag, -aig, -an. Vide Dabhdag.
Daciiaidii, -ean, s.f. (Do a thigh). 1. A home,
Daibheak, -EiiiE, ) adj. (Do, neg. et Saibh-
residence, domieil, habitation domus, domicilium, :
Daibiiheach, -EiciiE, | rcach), Needy: egenus.
(labitatio. C S. 2. adc. Home, homeward : do- Macf. V.
mum, ad domum suum. " Thoir na daoine so Daibhueas, -ais, s. m. (Do, 7>eg. et Saibhreas), Po-
daciuiidh." Gen. xliii. 16. Bring these men home: verty : paupertas. Mncf. V
due homines hos intro, i. e. domum. " Gus an DÀ1CHEALACHD, S.f. ind. (Dàicheil), Handsome-
ness, gracefulness : decor, elegantia. C. S.
d' thàinig a thighearna dhachaidh." Gen. xxxix. 16.
Until his lord come home. Donee veniret domi- DÀICHEIL, -E, adj. 1. Handsome, graceful, genteel
nus illius domum. Sometimes wTÌtten, " D' ach- speciosus, elegans. Macinty. 104. 2. Majestic
aidli." Vide Acaidh. Germ. Dach, doraus, tec- stately, dignified : angustus magnificus, omatus.

tum tcctorium. " Le cliiabhan òir 's le cheum dàicheil."

DÀ-CHORPACII, adj. Having two bodies : bicorpor. S. D. 155.
C.S. With his golden locks, and stately step. Cum
D.À-CH0SACI1, adj. (Da, adj. et Cas, ejus capillis aureis et cum incessu augusto.
«.), Two-footed 3.
bipes. Voc. 140. Haughty, proud elatus, superbus. C. S. 4. Strong,

DÀ-CHRUTHACII, (Da, adj. et Cruth), Double-

adj. keen strenuus, ardens. D. Buchan.

formed biformis. C. S.
Daidein, *. m. Papa, (child's prattle). Wei. Dad.
Dad, s. m. ind. Nothing, a tittle nihil, punctum. :
Hebr. Tjn dod.
'• Cha d'fhuair mi dad."
C. S. I have got nothing Daidhbiiir, -e, adj. (Do, neg. et Saibhir), Needy,
adcptus sum nihil. Used always after a negative, poor : egenus, pauper. Llh.
or interrogative clause : after an interrogative Daidiibhreas, -eis, s. m. (Daidhbhir), Poverty:
clause, it denotes any tiling : dicitur tantura modo paupertas. C. S.
negandi vel quaerendi ; quaerendi quidem, quic- • Daidhm, -e, adj. Poor, spoiled : pauper, despo-
quam, quid, quidque denotat. " bheil dad Am liatus. Provin.
agad?" C. S. Have you any thing? Daif, s.f. Drink: potus. IM. Vide Dibhe.
An est

quicquam tibi ? Wei. DiddwjTi. • Daigh, s.f 1. Fire: ignis. Llh. 2. Pain: do-
Dadan, -aix, dimin. of Dad, q. vide. lor. Llh. 3. Hope: spes. Llh. 4. Confi-
• Dadhas, m. The buck of fallow-deer:
-ais, s. dence : fiducia. Llh. 5.Plunder praeda. OR. :

cervus O'H. « Dadhais." Voc. 78.

dama. 6. Slaughter : ca;des. O'B. 7. Matter, cause :

A fallow-deer, or doe: cervus, vel cerva da- res, causa. O'B.

ma. • Daigh, -idh, dh-, r. a. Give : da, trade. MSS.
DÀ-DHUILLEACH, adj. (Da, adj. et Duilleach), Bifo-
• Daighbhiorasg, s. m. Fuel : cremium, fomes.
hated, bivalved : bifoliatus, bivalvis. C. S. Llh. el OB.
Dadmusn, -linn, s. m. (Dad). A mote : corpuscu- • Daigheadh, -idh, *. m. et pres. part. v. Daigh.

lum, atomus. MSS. et C. S. Giving, delivering actio dandi, tradendi. Llh.


Dadmunnacii, -aiche, adj. (Dadmunn), Atomical Daighear, -ir, -an, s.m. (Daoi-fliear) rogue: A
atomis constitutus. O'/?. furcifer. Macf. V.
S s 2
DAI 324. DAI
Daighneacii, -icn, -ichean, s. m. Macf. V. Vide tle field campus praclii. MSS.
: 2. An engage-
Daingneacli. ment, a pitched battle duorum exercituum con- :

Daigiineachadh, -aidh, *. 7«. Vide Daingneach- gressus, pugna, certamen. Llh.

adli. Daileaciiaoii, -aidii, s. in. et pres. part. f. Dailich.
• Daighnigh, -idli, dh-, v. a. 3ISS. Vide Daing- Distribution actus distribuendi. Provin.

uich. • Daileag, -eig, -an, «. /. A date tree phoenix, :

Dail, -e, -ean, s.f. certain kind of wooden col- A dactylifera. Voc. 67.
lar,or ring, put round a beast's neck, to which the Dailgiieach, -AN, s. w. (Dail, *.) The withy
halter for binding, or holding it is attached col- : attached to a cow's collar halter : vimen laqueo
lare ligneum, vel annulus ligneus formoc cujusdam vaccineo affixum. Provin.
in coUum pecoris positum, cui laqueus per quem Dailich, -idh, dh-, v. n. Distribute distribue. :

constringitur pecus alligatur. 2. stall-halter A Prociii. Scot. Dail, a part, or portion. Jam. Genn.
for a cow: laqueus per quem bos in stahnln retine- Teil, pars. Teil, distribuere. Wacht.
tur. MSS. Wei. Dal, a hold, a stop, a catch. Ow. Daille, s. f. ind. (Dail, adj.) C. S. Vide Doille.
DÀIL; gen. DÀlach ;
pi. DÀLAICHEAN, s.f. 1 Wei. Delli.
Delaj', procrastination : mora. " Ceud thoradh • Dailthe, pret. part. v. Dail. Dealt, parted, divid-
t' fhearrain, agus gun dail bheir thut' fliion-lios, ed distributus, partitus, divisus. Llh.

seachad. Ecs. xxii. 29. The first-fruits of thy • 'Dax\Ù\e, prep. (Dail, s.) After: post. Llh.App.
land, and of thy vineyard, without delay, thou Dailthean, />/. of Dail, q. vide.
shall offer. Primitias agri tui et vineti tui sine Daimh, />/. of Damh. Oxen: boves. Gen.-xW.lQ.
mora dabis. " Dith dail." Want of delay sine : DÀIMII, -E, -EAX, s. m. vel/. 1. Relationship, con-
mora. Wei. Di dawl. B. Bret. Dale. Hhid. nection, affinity consanguinitas, affinitas.

Dheel. Gilchr. 2. Nearness, reach, contact: vi- " Co ris do dhàimh ars' Gorm-àluinn ?"
cinitas, facultas attingendi, proximitas. S.D.Sl.
" Anchaidh iad an dail a cheile."
sin With whom is thy relationship, said Gormallon ?

S. D. 188. Cujus est affinitas tibi inquit Gormallon ? " Luchd

Then they approached each other. Tune oppro- dàimh." Relations consanguinei. " Agus a luchd

quinquaverunt, alter alteri, (lit.) iverunt ad proxi- daimhe uile." Gniomh. vii. 14. And all his kin-
mitatera alter alterius. 3. meeting, ronvpntion A : dred. Et omnis cognatio sua. 2. Attachment, or
occursus, conventus. MSS. ct C. «S. " An dail," afl'ection toward kindred or friends studium erga :

prep. impr. To meet obviam. " An dail," adv. : consanguineos vel amicos.
Near to prope. " Na d' tig a' m' dhàil." C. S.
" Ma dli' iocas olc do 'n fhear do bhi
Come not near me. Ne venias prope me. 4. An " An sith-chainnt dhomh 's an dàimh."
attempt ausum, conatus. " Theid mi 'na dhàil."
: Ross. Salm. vii. 4.
C. S. I will attempt it conabor. 5. A decree, : If I have rewarded ill to the man who was in peace
or ordinance decretum. O'B. 6. Friendship, re-
: and friendship with me. Si retribuerim malum illi qui
lation, attachment: amicitia, desiderium. 3/.S5'. 7. erat in pace erga me et amicitia. 3. Relative situ-
A fortress, fastness: propugnaculum. 3ISS. 8. ation, connection arising from relative circumstan-
The space between the rafters of a house duo- : ces : affinitas, vicinia, connectio ex rebus mutuis.

rum in casà lignorum intervallum. Ir. MSS. 9. " A bhuineas do gach neach an lorg an inbhe, 's
A share, portion portio, pars. O'R. 10. An ac-
: an dàimlte fà leith d' a cheile." Ross. Gael. Cat.
count, history narratio, historia. O'R.
: 11. Rela- Which belongeth to every one according to their
tions, friends consanguine!, amici. O'R.
: 12. De- station and relative connexion with each other.
sire, willingness studium, voluntas. O'R.
: 13. Quae ad quemque pertinet secundum officium suum,
Sparingness parsimonia. O'R.
: 14. Giving, be- et connectionem ex rebus mutuis alterius ad alte-
stowing actus tradendi, largiendi. O'R.
: 15. A rum. 4. A guest, or stranger hospes, peregri-

separate tribe tribus segregate. O'R.

: 16. Trust nus, advena.
fiducia. " Ruigidli dail dorus." MSS. Trust " 'S e 'boillsgeadli mar or nan dàimh." Croma. 16.
will reach the door (at last). Fiducia veniet ad fores. And (it) shining as the gold of strangers. Et eo
Dail, -e, -thean, s. f. 1. field, a plain ager, A : coruscante ut aurum advenarum.
planicies. Macf. V. Commonly a field bounded • Daimh, s. m. 1. A
church: aedes sacra. O'R.
by a river, or hills : vulgo dicitur de agro vel pla- 2. Ahouse domus. O'R. 3. People : popu-

ad amnem vel radices montis sito. Found in

nitie lus, gens. O'R. 4. Assent, free will assentio, :

many names of places. Wei. Dal, what spreads consensus, sponte. O'R. 5. poet, a learnedA
out. Ow.
Dol, a dale, or mead, through which a man poeta, vir doctus. O'R.

river runs. Ow. Isl. Dalr. Angl. Dell, and Dale. DÀIMHEACH, -ICH, s. m. (Dàimh, 1.) A friend, com-
Germ. Thai, vallis. Vide Wacht in voc. panion, associate, relation : comes, socius, consan-
- Dail, -idh, dh-, v. a. Give, deliver: da, trade. guineus.
Lih. et OB. " Dail air e." Bill. Gloss. " An gairm bròn ar dàimhìch o'n eug ?"
Reach it to him. Porrige id ad eum. Vide S. D. 337.
Dailich. Angl. Deal. Will grief recal our friends from death ? An re-
Dail-chatha, -an, s.f. (Dail, et Cath), 1. bat- A vocaret dolor nostros amicos ab morte ?
Potent in re- Daireadii, -idii, «. m, et prti. part. v. Dair,
DÀIMIIEAC1I, -EiciiE, (uij. (Duimh, 1.) q.

lations, having nmny Iriend» : consunguini-oruni vide.

opibus valeus, niuiios liubcns auiico». MSS. ct Daiiiiheacii, -icii, -eav, f./. A loud rattling noise,
c. s. u great din, nuÌM; of «hut : i>tn.-])itu«, strepitus alte
DAiMiiEALACiio, *. /. ind. (Duiniheil),
Friendship, et acute i>oimns. V. S.

kindness uiniiitia, comita». C. S.

• Dùirte, ».f. vt pret.part. r. Dair, q. vide.
Uaimiikii., -k. ">if-
(liàinih, 1.) 1. Friendly, iiind, Dais, -e, -eas, A rick of hay, or corn
: cumu-
kindly, benevolent uiniciis, benignus, blaiulus, be-
: lus fa-ni, hordei. H'cL Dù», congerieii. Uav. Scot.

nevulus. C. S. 'i. Affectionate towards one's re- Dass.

lations studiosus, benevolus in aiuicos ipsius.
C Dais, -E, -eaciian, <. m. A fool, blockhead: Mul-
S. 3. Related, connected : consanguinitute juiic- tus, inepulus. C. S. Id. q. Dois.

tus. Miuf. F. Daiseacii, -EUiiE, w^'. (Dais), Full of hay, or com

Daimii-kiieòil, -eòla, s.f. (Damh, et Fcòil), Beef, ricks cumulis fa-ni vel hordei plenus. C. .S.

or Hesh biibula, caro bovina. Llh. et OR.

Daiseaciian, pi. of Dais, q. vide.
DÀ1N, </<•«. of Dan, tj. vide. Daite, wf/. et pret. jMirt. V. Dath. Coloured: colo-
Dai.siìean, -ein, ì -is«e, et Daingne, wlj. 1. ratus. Vide Daitlite.
Daingeann, > Strong, firm fortis, tirnius, va- : Daiteacii, -EICIIE, a(/j. (Dath), Fair-coloured cla- :

Daisgionn, 3 lidus. Voc. 133. "2. Fortified: rus, iulgidus. C. S.

inunitus. • Daitean, -ein, -an, s. m. 1. A foster-father: al-
" Co bheir do 'n cliathair dhaitigein mi ?" ter, nutricius. Sh. et OR. 2. A foster-child :

Salm. Ix. 9. alumnus. Ll/i. App.

\\l>o shall bring me to the fortified city ? Quis Daitiiead, -eid, -ean, s. m. A diet: dia;ta. C. S.
me ad urbeni niunitam ? • D'aithle, prep. After post. Ll/t. i. e. Do-aithle.
ducet :

Daingea.nn, )^ -EiNN, -NGNEAX, S.f. (Daiiigean, adj.) Daitiite, //re^part.i;. Dath. Dyed: tinctus, colo-

Dainniosn, j A garrison, fort, prison arx, niuni- : ratus. S.D. 121.

mentum, career. Voc. 116. • Dal, *./. A share, division, lot portio, di-
1. :

• Daingeann, s. wi. An assurance, contract certi- : visio, pars. MSS. 2. An assembly, a tribe :

tuilo, pactum, foedus. O'R. coDtus, tribus. Llh. App. 3. A plain, field,

Daingse, nilj. comp. Daingean, q. vide. dale planitics, ager. LUt. App.
Vide Dail.
Daingneach, -icii, -ichean, s. f. 1. A strong DÀLA, gen. of Dail, q. vide.
hold, castle, fortification castcUum, munimentum.
• Dàla, s.
f. 1. share, portionA pars, portio. :

" 'N am bailtibh agus 'n an daighiieacliaibh." Gen. LUi. 2. News res nova;. Llh. Isl. et Swed.

XXV. 16. In their towns and in their castles. In Tal. Dan. Tale, locutio. Angl. Tale. 3.

villis corum, et in castellis eorum. 2. Strength An oath : jusjurandum. Llh.

robur, vires. BiU. Gloss. • Dala, adv. quoad, ut, scilicet. UA.
As to, as for :

Daincìneachadu, -AiDH, *. »1. ct pres. part. v. DÀLACHD, Delaying, act of delay-

s.f. ind. (Dail),
Daingnich. Confirmation, strengthening, act of ing mora, actus niorandi. C. S.

confirming, fortifying actus confirmandi, munien-

• Dalaigh, -idh, dh-, v. a. Assign, appoint : sta-

di. Voc. 168. tue, constitue, deccrne. Llh.

Daisgneachas, -ais, *. m. (Daingeann), An assur- Dalan'-de, -ain-de, *. m A butterfly : papilio. Uh.
ance, contract : confirmatio, pactum. MSS. et et OR.
as. Dalba, adj. MSS. Vide Dalma.
Daingneachd, -as, s. f. (Daingeann),
ind. I. • Dalbh, s. m. A lie, contrivance : mendacium,
Strength, firmness : robur, firmitas. C. S. 2. Id. dolus, techna, consilium, macliinatio. Lih.
q. Daingncach. • Dalbhdha, *. m. Sorcery : ars venefica. Uh.
Daingsich, -idh, DH-, f. G. 1. Strengthen, forti- Dall, DH-, t'. a. (ball, adj.). Blind, make
fy : robora, muni.C. S. 2. Fasten, fix stringe, : blind :
" Oir d<dludh an tiodhlaic sùìlean
fige. C. S. 3. Confirm, establish : stabili, sanci. nan daoine glic." Dettt. xvi. 19. For a gift doth
" Daingnich t' fliocal do t' òglach." Salm. cxix. blind the eyes of the wise. Quod munus excaecat
38. Confirm thy word to thy servant. Sanci ser- oculos sapientium. Wd. et Arm. Dallu. B. Bret.
monem tuum servo tuo. Dalla.
Daixgkichte, pret.part, v. Daingnich. Confirmed, Dall, -oille, adj. Blind cxcus. " Chunnaic e :

fortified, established : fimiatus, confirmatus. C. S. duine a bha diUl o rugadli e." Eoin. ix. 1. He
• Dair, -e, -ean, s.f. 1. An oak quercus. Lilt. : saw a man who was blind firom his birth. Vidit
2. GiU. 10. Id. q. Doire. Wei. Dar. ille homminem qui fuerat csxus ab nativitate. 2.

DÀ1R, -E, vel DÀUA, s.f. Pairing of cattle: concu- Dim, obscure, opaque obscurus, caliginosus, opa-

bitus pecorum. Stew. 257. cus.

DÀ1R, -iDH, DII-, v.a. Rut: congredere cum vacca " Phil! anam an aosda mar ghrian shamhraidli,
vel cervà. Dicitur do tauris et damis. C. S. " Tra bhios neula dall fad uaipe."
Dairbeag, -eig, -an, s.f. A
tad-pole: rana. C. S. S. D. 98.
Daikbii, -e, atlj. GiU. 235. Vide Doirbh. The soul of the aged returned as the summer sun,
Dai RE, -ean, et -eachak, s. m. Vide Doire. when obscure clouds are distant from it. Ilevertit
animus senis sicut sol ajstatis quaiido nehuloe ob- Dall-inntinneach, -eiche, a<^'. (Dall, et Inntinn),
scura> sunt procul ab co. ÌFe!. ct An». Dull. Dull-witted, stupid, heavy : hebes, stultus, cras-
Dalladii, -AiDH, s. Hi. ct prcs. jjcirt. V. Dall. 1. sus. C. S'.
Blindness csecitas. C. S.
: 2. Blinding, act of • Dallog, -oig, -an, s.f. Vide Dallag.
blinding ca-cans, cxcandi actus.
: Dall-sgiomii, -a, «. m. (Dall, et Sgiomh), Alloy in
' Tha fuar-fhallas a' dalladh a Icirsinn." metal : mistura metalli, vel metallorum.
S. D. 93. 'De 'n òir bhuidhc gun dcdl-sgiomh."
A cold sweat blinds his eyes. Est frigidus sudor Gill. 312.
caBcans sui visum. Of yellow gold without alloy. Ex auro fulvo sine
Dalladh-eun, -aidh-eun, s. m. (Dalladh, et Eun), mistura.
Purblindness : status luscosorum. Voc. 28. et Dallta, -achan, m. Giil. 69. Vide Dalta. «.

as. Dalma, Impudent, audacious, forward,

culj, 1.
Dallag, -aig, -an, s.f. (Dall). 1. A leech : hi- presumptuous impudens, audax, arrogans. :

rudo.3ISS. 2. A mole : talpa. 3ISS. 3. A dor- " Bu dalma dhi chliù a cheiltinn."
mouse glis. : MSS. 4. A buffet, blow on the eye : S.D. 115.
ictus, ictus in oculum datus. C «S'. 5. A species Presumptuous it was that (she) it should conceal
of fish, called blind-tish, or king-fish, or dog-fish : his fame. Arrogans erat illam occultare famam
squalus spinosus. S. C
" Dallag-an-fhraoich." illius. 2. Obstinate pertinax. Macf. V. Ch. :

O'H. A
field shrew : sorex araneus. " Dallag
flieòir." Voc. 79. A
dor mouse, mole : glis, talpa. Dalmachd, s.f. ind. (Dalma). 1. Impudence, for-
'• Dallag-mhùrlaich."
Hehrìd. large dog-fish, A wardness audacia, audentia, impudentia. C. S.

king-fish, or blind-fish : squalus spinosus. 2. Obstinacy pertinacitas. C. <S'.:

Dall-aigeantacii, -aiciie, adj. (Dall, et Aigneadh), Dalta, -an, et -achan, s. m. 1. A foster-child :

Dull-witted, foohsh, heavy : hebes, crassus, obtu- alumnus. Voc. 12. et C. S. 2. A step-son; pri-
sus, stultus. LUi. vignus. C. S. 3. A disciple, scholar alumnus, :

Dallan, -ain, *. m. (Dall). 1. great bulk: in- A discipulus. C. S. " Dalta-bainionn, vel -boirionn."
gens cumulus. C. S. 2. fan to winnow corn A C S'. A
step-daughter, or foster-daughter : pri-
with : vannus. O'B. vigna, vel alunma.MSS'. " Dalta-de," vel " Dalta-
Dallanach, -aich, s.f. (Dall), A kind of fan, or baistidh." Voc. 13. et -S'. god-son, or daugh- C A
winnowing instrument : vannus major quaedani, ter : filius lustricus, vel filia lustrica.

cribro similis, sed non perforata. Macf. V. Vide Daltachan, pi. of Dalta, q. vide.
Guite. Daltan, -ain, 5. «(. 1. dim. of Dalta, et Id. q.
Dallanach, -aich, s. m. etf. (Dall), Inebriation, Dalta. 3ISS. pass, et C. S. 2. striphng : ado- A
a state of complete inebriation ; ebrietas, ebrieta- lescens. OR.
tis summse status. C. S. DAM, -AIM, s. m. 1. A conduit : canalis. Sh. 2. A
Dallan-cloiche, -ain-cloiche, s.m. large stone, A reservoir aquae repositorium. Sh.
: 3. mole, or A
a monumental stone lapis ingens, monumentum : bank to confine water moles qua aqua includitur. :

lapideum. Prwin. C. S'. 4. The water so contained aqua mole :

Dallan-dà, -ain-dÀ. 1. Id. q. Damhan alluidh. inclusa. 3ISS. " Dam muilinn. Toe. 96. mill- A
2. A play called blind man's buff: myinda. C. S'. dam : stagnum molare. 5. Mire, filth. Scot. Gut-
Dallaran, -ain, s. >«. (Dall, et Fear), A blind
ters : ccenuni, lutum. iV". II. Pers. *Ls dam, a
fellow : homo. C. S'.
trap. Gilchr.
Dallaranaciid, s.f. ind. (Dallarnach). 1. Blind- » Damaiste, -can, ,?. >«. Damage damnum. Llh. Fr. :

ness : caecitas. C. S. 2. A
groping in darkness Dam. Scot. Dammj'ss, Dammeis. Sibb. Gloss.
viam digitis actio proetendendi in obscuro. C. S.
Damaint, -e, ì adj. Damned, condemned damna- :

Dall-bhrat, -ait, -an, s. m. (Dall, et Brat), A Damanta, J

tus, condemnatus. Llh. et Turn.
bhnding bandage velamen oculis obductum.
" Ach thuirluing dalla-bhrat na h-oidhche."
* Dàmh, s. m. A learned man : vir doctus. O'P.
S. D. 16. Damh, -aimh, s. tn. 1. An ox: bos, masc. "Is
But the blinding veil of night descended. At ir- aithne do 'n damh a shealbhadair." Isai. i. 3. The
ruit ca?candi vela noctis.
ox knoweth his owner. Agnoscit bos possesso-
Dall-ciieo, s. m. ind. (Dall, et Ceo). 1. A tliick A the male red deer
rem suum. 2. hart, stag,
mist densa caligo. C. S. 2. Gross darkness
cervus, cervus elaphus. Linn. " Damh-feidh."C. <S'.
crassEB tenebrae. " Còmhdaichidh dorchadas an " 'S giu- trie a dli' araich i 'n Ian dainh donn."
talamh, agus dall-cheo na cinnich." Isai. Ix. 2. 3Iacinty. 24.
Darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness And often has grown, brown-co- it reared tlie full
the people. Tenebrae operient terram et crassae loured stag et saepenumero nutrivit ea cervum

tenebras nationes. ingentem fuscum. 3. A beam of a harrow, in

Dall-chreidimh, s. m. ind. (Dall, et Creidimh), which the teeth are fixed : clathri trabs in quam
Implicit faith : fides implicita. C. S. dentes inseruntur.
Dall-oidhche, s.f. (Dall, et Oidhche), A dark night D'amh, Dh'a.mii, prep, conjoined with pers. pron.
nox obscura. S. D. 13. C. S. Vide Domh.
DAN 3'27 DAN
• Danili, g. m. An eariliquake : tcrroc mollis. There was song after gong (til. a song and a song),
MSS. as was wont. Erat carmen et cunnen illic bicut
Damiiacii, -AiciiE, (uf/. (Damli), Aboundinf; in eral mos. i. Fame, renown celebritas. :

oxen, or staffs liobus vel ccrvis abundans. ( S.

: '. " Acli a ni« cha chluinnear mo dhmi."
2. s. III. ^id^^^ Dul)hach. S. n. 83.
Dammaii., -e, <"(/ (lioinh), Ox-like, stupid: bellui- But now my fame Khali not be heard. .Sfd num
nus, stiii)idus. ('. S. non audietur mea celebriluit. 3. Fate, destiny fa- :

DÀMIIAIK, -K, ai/J. (I)ànihnir, 4.) Earnest, keen; se- tuni, sort).
dulus, vchemcns, ardens. OA". i-t (.\ S. " 'S ma bhltheaa e' n dan dhoibh,
DÀMiiAiK, -K, (Danili, ct Dàir, r.), s. f. 1. Hutting " Ciu 'm fas iad " K. Muchrii. •.iW).
(of deer) coitus cervoruni. H. M'J). ct Macinti/.
: And if it be decreed for thi-m ihut they become
pass. M. Uutting-tinie eongressus ti-ni-
: cervini poor. Et si fuerit fato illis fieri egentes. 4. Work
pus. r". S. 3. Jig. Confusion, hurry : perturbu- opus. O'B. 5. A treasure: thesaurus. O'B.
tio, tuinultus. DAN, -A,adj. 1. Bold, daring: audens, fortis.
" Sheas na seòid 'am fO na dàmhair." " Sheas gu dàit an scan laoch." ,S'. I). 327.

S. D. 234.. Boldly stood the aged liero. Stetit fortiter senex

Tlie heroes stood in the inter\'al of confusion. Stc- lieros. 2. Hold, contidciit, (in a bad sense), impu-
terunt heroes intervallo tumultus. 4-. (teniporis) dent impudens, insolens, inverecundus.

(Jig. Earnestness, keenness : vehenientia, ardor. " O dliaoine saoghalt' dan."

" Dli'ilialbli sinn le dian dàmhair." Ross. Salm. xvii. 14.
Gill. 314. From worldly impudent men. Ab viris avaris (mun-
We set out with great earnestness. IVofccti su- danis) impudentibus.
nius cum magna vehenientia. D.\NACH, -AICIIE, adj. (Dan, s. 1.), Poetical, musi-
DÀMIIAIREACH, -EicHE, udj. (Dàmhaif, v.), Keen, cal pocticus musicus.

earnest, endeavouring : ardens, diligens, nitens. " Aithris dlminnc, Oiseain dhànaich."
Miuf. V. Gill. 39.
• Damliamhail, s. tn. A student : hteris dcditus. Relate to us (thou) poetical Ossian. Refer nobis,
MSS. Ossiane poetice.
Damiiam, -alluidh, -ain, -an, -alluidh, s. in. DÀNACHD, *./. ind. (Dàn.i. 1.) 1. Poetry, art of poe-
(Danih, et Alluidh), A spider : aranea. •' Oir is e try carmina, vel ars poetica. Voc. 32.
: 2. (Da-
lion an damhain alluidh 'earbsa." Job. viii. 14. For na, adj.). Boldness : audacia. " A iiis an uair
the spider's web is his trust. Nam est donius ara- a chunnaic iad dànachd Pheadair agus Eòin."'
neae tiducia ejus. Gniomh. iv. 13. Now when they saw the boldness
Damh-lann, -ainn, «. m. (Damh, 1. et lann), An of Peter and .lohn. Quuni conspcxerunt illi liber-
ox stall bovile. Llh.
: tatem (in dicendo), Petri et Johannis. 3. Securi-
• Damhliag, -aig, -an, s. w). A cathedral : cathe- ty securitas.
: " Agus gabhaidli iad còmhnuidh
drale. MSS. le dànacìid."Esec. xxviii. 26. They shall dwell
• Damhna, s. m. A
cause, or reason, matter, ma- with confidence : et habitabunt illi cum securi-
terials of information : causa seu ratio, mate- tate.
" Righ damhna." Llh. et
ries fingendi. R. O DÀNADAS, -Ais, s. m. (Dana, adj.), Assurance, bold-
King elect rex designatus.
: ness, presumption arrogantia, audacia, (niniia)

• Damh-oide, -aimh-oide, s. m. (Damh, et Oide), confidentia. " Mar an ceudna o pheacaibh dàna-
A school-master : ludimagister. Hh. dais cum air ais t' òglacli." Salm. xix. 13. Also
• Damh-oideachd, s.f. iiui. (Damh Oide), School from of presumption keep back thy sen-ant.
instruction : doctrina in schola tradita. Tum ab peccatis arrogantiae cohibe serN-um tuum.
D'amiisa, prep, conjoined with pcrs. pron. empk. • Danaigh, -idh, dh-, r. a. (Dana), Dare, defy
Vide Dòmhsa. aude, contra aliquem gloriare, ad pugnam pro-
Damhsa, s. m. Llh. Vide Dannsa. voca. Llh.
Damhsair, -e, -ean, s. m. Llh. Vide Dannsair. • Danair, s. m. A stranger, foreigner : hospes pe-
• Damhtha, s. m. (Damh), A student literarum : regrinus. Llh. 2. A Dane Danus. Ll/i. App. :

studiosus. O'R. Daxarra, I adj. Stubborn, obstinate, contuma-

• Damtha, adj. Scholastic scholasticus. O'R. : Dannarra, j cious obstinatus, contumax, perti-

Damnadh, -aidh, s. m. Cursing, damning, con- nax, pervicax. C. S. 2. Froward, presumptuous:

demnation : execratio, damnatio, devotio, dirae. per\'ersus, arrogans insolens. C. S. 3. Steady,
" Daninadh siorruidh." Voc. 168. Eternal dam- stedfast firmus. MSS.
: 4. Bold, resolute, un-
nation: damnatio sempiterna. Wei. Damnaft". daunted audax, firmus in sententia, impavidus.

Dav. Voc. 141.

Damuinte, adj. O'R. Vide Damaint. Danakrachd, \ s. f. ind. (Daiiarra), Contumacy,
DAN, -A1N-, pi. DANA, et DÀINTEAN, S.7ÌI. A pocm, Danxahacud, boldness : contumacia, proter\'itas,
song : poema, carmen. morositas, pervicacia. i'oc. et C. S.
" Bha dan is dan ann mar bu nos." Dànndha, adj. (Dan, 3.),

Fatal fatalis.
: O'R.
S. D. 224. DXy-Fiiiu, s. pi. Danes: Dari. MSS.
Danns, -aidh, (Danns, s. 2.) Dance : salta.
DII-, V. a. Daoimean, -ein, -an, s. m. A diamond : adamas.
" Cuiridh iad a mach an clann bheag mar threud Voc. 56.
agus dannsaidh an gineal." lob. xxi. 11. They Daoin, -e, s.f. Thursday : dies Jovis. O'R. Alb.

send forth their little ones as a flock ; and their " Diardaoin."
children dance. Emittunt parvulos suos ut gregem, Daoine, pi. of Duine, q. vide.
et saltant nati eorum. Fr. Danser. Germ. Tanz. Daoineach, -EicHE, adj. (Daoine), Populous: ho-
Wei. Dawnsio. minibus plenus, vel frequens. Llh.
Dannsa, -ANNAN, s. m. A
dance : saltus. Vide. Daoineachd, s.f. ind. Population census. C. S. :

seq. Span. Danza. Basq. Dantza. Daoineas, -eis, s.m. (Daoine), Manliness: virile
Dannsadh, -aidh, s. in. rt pref. part. v. Danns. ingenium. O'R.
Dancing, a dance, act of dancing saltitans, sal- : Daoire, adj. armp. of Daor, q. vide.
tans, saltus, chorea,[saltandi actio. " Moladh iad • Daoirfhine, s.f. (Daoir, et Fine), subjected A
'ainm anns an dannsadh." Salm. cxiix. 3. Let people gens alienae ditionis facta. O'R.

them praise his name in the dance. Laudent no- Daoirse, s.f. ind. (Daoir), 1. Dearth, scarcity,
men (ejus) in chorea. distress : anona;, caritas. C. S. 2. Id. q. Daorsa.
Dannsair, -e, -ean, s. m. (Dans, et Fear), A dan- Daoirsinn, s.f. Llh. Vide Daorsainn.
cer : qui saltat. C. S. Daol, -aoil, s.f. 1. A
beetle: scaraba:us sterco-
Dannsair-dubh an uisge. Tlie water spider : a- rarius.
quatica aranea, tippula. Voc. 71. " Ciod e spionnadh an laoich ?
f. iud. (Dan, «. ].), Poetry: " Ged sgaoil e mar dhuilleach an cath
poesis, carmina. 3ISS. Vide Dànachd. " An diugh ge treun air an raon,
Daobhaidh, -e, ad/. Wicked, perverse, turbulent " Bheir an daol am màireach buaidh air ?
pravus, ferox, turbulentus. Hebrid. 75. <S'. D.
Daoch, Strong dislike, sensation caus-
s.f. hid. 1. WTiat the strength of the hero ? though he scat-
ed by the appearance of an object highly disa- ter the hosts (battle) as the leaves to-day though ;

greeable, antipathy, disgust fastidium vehemens, : brave on the field, to-morrow the beetle shall con-
animi aversio ab re quavis ingratissima sese offe- quer him. Quid herois vires ? licet dispergeret
rente, offensio, nausea. pugnam (i. e. hostes) sicut frondes hodie quam- ;

" Co nach gabhadh daoch, vis fortis in campo, eras scarabseus superabit eum.
" Roimh an aogasg a bh' air a' bhalach ?" 2. A bug : cimex. MSS. Hebr. bl dal, tenuis,
B.D. pauper.
Who would not be disgusted at the countenance Daolag, -AIG, -AN, s.f. beetle : scarabaeus-
1. A
of the fellow ? Quis non conciperet nauseam in D. Btwhan. 2. A avarus, deparcus, tenax.
miser :

vultum qui erat homini vili ? 2. Horror, fright, " Gun bhi fo-chaiteach. no 'n a' m' dhtiolaigT
terror: horror, terror. Turn. 355. Gill. 79.
Daochail, -e, ad/. (Daoch), Disgusting, exciting Without my being exceedingly lavish, or a miser.
strong dislike, or aversion : fastidium afFerens. Me non esse nimium prodigum, vel avarum. 3.
as. A slovenly woman, a slut : mulier incompta, sor-
Daochalachd, «. /. ind. (Daochail), Disgustful- dida. as.
ness : nauseam vel fastidium creandi qualitas. Daolagach, -aiche, adj. Abounding in beetles
as. scarabais scatens. Macf, V.
' Daoch, \ s-y* -^ periwinkle, a sea- Daolag-bhreac, -an-breac, s. f. lady-bird : A
• Daochag, -aig, -an, j snail: turbo littoreus. Zm«. scarabaeus maculatus. Voc. 70.
Llh. Vide Faochag. Daolair, -e, -ean, s. m. 1. lazy man : homo A
• Daochan, -ain, s. m. Anger ira. O'R. : ignavus. O'R. 2. A
niggard, sneaking nxetch
• Daochanach, -aiche, adj. Angry iratus. O'R. : homo sordidè parens, et abjectus. Hebr. da- y^
Wicked: pravus. lal, attenuatus est ; nVl daleh, tenuitas.
DaoJdh.-e,}"^- Daolaireachd, Penury, niggardliness
s. /. ind. :
" Ach marbhaidh olc an duine daoidh."
penuria. C. S.
Ross. Salm. xxxiv. 21. Daonachd, *. m.
Stew. 31. Vide Daonnachd.
But evil shall slay the wicked man. At malum • D'aonalt, Daonalt, adv. continually: semper.
occidet hominem pravum. 2. Foolish : insipiens.
MSS. Vide Daonnan.
Cfill. 71. 3. Wealdy, feeble: infirmus, impotens.
Daonda, adj. Vide Daonna.
MSS. • Daondan, adv. Provin. Vide Daonnan.
Daoi, \ s. m. A wicked man : homo Daonna, ì adj. (Daoine), Humane hu- :

Daoidh, -e, -ean,

Daonnach, -aiche, j manus. Voc. 96.
" Gàirdean an droch dhuin' is an daoi."
Daonnachd, s.f. ind. (Daonna). 1. Humanity:
Ross. Salm. x. 15. Charity, benevolence: cari-
humanitas. Llh. 2.
The arm of the evil man, and of the wicked man. tas, benevolentia.
Brachium mali hominis et hominis pravi. " Seallaidh Athair na caomhachd
» D'aoibh, prep. Llh. App. Vide D'uibh. " Air fear na daonnachd gun ghruaim."
Daoil, s.f. Llh. Vide Deala. 2. p/. of Daoi, q. v. Stew. 32.
The Father of tcndi-rm-ss will look upon the man Scoiii, or 1^ of « penny, cterling : duo denarii. Vot.
of hospitality wilhoiU a frown. Intuibilur I'uiir 119.
bcnignilatis (l)cus), in viruni civilitati» absque lor- • Dà-phongach, -aicli, -aichean, *./ A diphthong :

vitatf. diplithungiih. Jr. (ìriitn

Daonsa( uoAcii, -AiciiE, oiij. (Daonnach), Civil, H- • Du-phoiigiiili, diphtliongi ha-
(h//. l)iplillii,ii(^ul :

bcral civilis, muiiilicus. IJh.

: bens naturani. /r. Gram.
DAONNAiiirKACii, -HiciiK, oilj. Alnis-giving, chari- • Dar, prep. IJy, through, wIiokc, whereiif: " Dmr
tablo : bfnignus. MSS. unani I'harao. U. li. Gen. xlii. 16. By the
Uaonnan, lutf. (Aon, ct Dan, 3.) Always, conti- life of I'hurauh. IVr vituinl'huraonÌH.
nually : scnipiT. C. S. Da 'wAprvp. Do, conjoined with jHtxs. jrron. Ar.
Daok, -aoikk, (Do, ct Saor, adj.) Dear, costly
adj. : D' AH,j 1. Unto our: ad nostra. " Huinidh e
carus, niagno constans vi'l cniptus, prctiosus. C. S. dar cluinn." C. S. It belongs to our children.
2. Captive, enslaved, conilennied captivus, servi- : I'ertinet ad nostros liberos. 2. preju De, con-
tuti subjoctus, damnatus. O' U. et Sm. Pur. xxiii. joined with jHjss. pron. Ar, Of, or uiX our ex :

8. 3. Deep, deeply involved profundus, alte im- : nostris, vel ab nostris. " Cuid ur càirdibh." d
plieatus. Gdl. 197. 4, Guilty sons. OR. : C. S. Some of our friends. Quidam ex amici*
Daor, -AiDii, D11-, r. »1. (Daor, adj.) Condemn: nostris.
damna. " Co dhaoras iad ? C. S. Who shall Dara, 1 a^". Second : secundus. " Agus ghlaodh
condemn them ? Quis condemnabit illos ? 2. Dahadh,/ aingeal an Tighearna ri h-AbraJiam an
Raise, or enhance the price, make
dearer auge : daradli uair o neanili." Gen. xxii. 15. And the
pretium, caruni fac quodvis. " Dliaor iad am angel of the Lord called unto Abraham the second
fearann." C. S. They have raised the price, or time from heaven. Et inclamavit angelus Jehovse
rent of the land. Auxerunt pretium vel stipendi- Abrahamum secundo tempore ex ca-lo. 2. Either,
um agri. either of two uter, alter-uter.
: " Tha e aig an
Daokaciiadii, -aidii, s. m. et pres. part. v. Daor- dura fear de "n dithis." C. S. Either of the two
aich. Id. q. Daoradh. has it. Est illud alteri-utri duorum. " An dara
Daokadii, -AiDii, s. m. et pres. part. v. Daor. 1. cuid," adv. Either : vel.
Act of raising, or enhancing the price or value : Darab, prep. (i. e. Do an robh), WTiose
• : cujus,
augendi pretium vel valorem actus. C. S. 2. Con- quorum. Cars. Lit. j)ass.
demning, act of condemning danmandi actus. : Dahach, -aich, s. m. An oak quercus. :

as. " Mar chrion-dhuilleach an daraich."

Daoraich, -idh, DH-, V. n. Make dearer : auge pre- S. D. 7.
tium. C. S. Id. q. Daor, v. 2. As the withered foliage of the oak. Sicut arefac-
Daoranacii, -AiCH, *. »1. (Daor, adj.) slave ser- A : ta; frondes quercus. 2. Oak, the timber so called
vos. Macf. V. lignum querneum. " Cnò dharaich." An acorn:
Daoh-bhodach, -AICH, s. m. 1. A slave : servus. glans querna. " Coille dharaich." C. S. An oak
O'B. et MSS. 2. A churl rusticus,. Macf. V. : wood, or forest sylva quercuum. C. S.
: 4. {Jig.)
Daor-eigean'tas, -ais, s.f. (Daor, et Eiginn), Ab- A boat cyniba, navicula. Gill. 136. Sclav. Dreisc,

solute necessity : necessitudo absoluta. MSS. et Drebo, a tree. iVel. Der^v. Arm, Derw. Germ.
C.S. Der. Wac/ii. B. Bret. Derw, Dero, Dar. Gr. Ajus.
Daormunn, -uiNN, -EAN, *. tit. 1. A dwarf : na-
nus. C. S. 2. A
miser, niggard, curmudgeon Chald. "in dir. Pers. ^.b diare/i. Vail.

avarus, tenax, sordidus. Gill. 189. DÀRADH, -aidh, s. m. et pres. part. r. Dàir.
Daor-òglach, -aich, a-, m. (Daor, et Òglach), A Daradh, adj. Gen. xxii. 15. Vide Dara.
slave : mancipium. Llli. Darag, -aig, -an, s.f. An oak: quercus. S. D.
Daorsa, iiid. Slavery, bondage, capti- 22. Vide Darach.
\ s.f.
Daorsakn, -AiNN, j vity servitus, servitium, cap- :
Darao-thalmhainn, s.f. (Darag, et Talamh), Ger-
tivitas. " Agus am maoin uile, agus an clann mander, the name of a plant teucriura chamodrys. :

bheag uile, agus am mnài thug iad leo an daorsa." Li7m. Voc. 60.

Gen. xxxiv. 29. And all their wealth, and all Dararaich, -e, s.f. Aloud noise, din, rattling,

their little ones, and

took they cap- their wives, stunning sounds, as firing of musketry ingens, :

tive. Et universas opes eorum, et omnes parvu- strepitus, sonitus aurem obtundentes, veluti sclo-

los eorum, uxoresque eorum abduxerunt in capti- pettorum explosio. Gill 1 15. Lat. Barritus.
vitatem. • Daras, -ais, s. m. (Do Aros), home, dwelling: A
Daorsadh, -aidh, s. Bill. Gloss, et Macf. V. domus, domicilium. Vide Dorus.
Id. q. Daorsa. « Darb, -a, «. m. A
worm, reptile vermis, repti- :

Daorsainn, O'R. -e, «./. Id. q. Daorsa. lis. OR.

• Daosgar-sluaigh, *. m. A mob, turbulent crowd :
• Datbh, s. m. A coach, chariot : vehiculum, cur-
pltbs fremitu fervens. O'R. et O'B. ruf. OR.
• Daothain, -thainn, s. Sufficiency quantum Darcain, Darcan, s.f. An acorn, or mast: glans

f. :

sufficit. Macf V. querna. Uh. Vide Arcan.

DÀ-PHEIGHINN, *. m. A certain coin, two pennies Darcan, -ain, ». »i. The hollow of the hand : vola.
Vol. L Tt
Provin. 2. A teal (bird): querquedula. Voc. DÈ, for Clod e. " Dè b aillleibh ?" What do you

76. wish ? quid vis, vel vultis ? C. S.

• Dardal, s. m. 1. Bad weather: coeli intenipe- De, prep. Of de, ex. " Agus rinn iad dhoibh fèin

rius, sa;va tempcstas. Ll/i. 2. The weather : dealbh leaghta d' an airgiod." Hos. xiii. 2. And
tempestas. Lit. et OB. they have made for themselves a molten image of
DÀHNA, \ nrf/. Goi. i. 8. Vide Dara. Wei. et their silver. Et fecerunt sibi ipsis simulacrum fusi-
DÀRNADH, j Arm. Darn, pars. Dav. le ex argento suo. Contracted d' before an initial
DÀROIL, -E, adj. (Dàir, «.), Libidinous, lustful : libi- vowel, and often changed into d/t. " jVrmailt nihòr
dinosus. C. S, de dhaoinibh agus a dh' eachaibh." Gram. 137.
» Dartluich, adj. Impossible : impossibilis. O'R. A great army of men and horses. Exercitus mag-
Vide Fairslich. nus ex hominibus, et ex equis. i. e. hominum et
DÀSACHD, s.f. ind. Fierceness, roughness, madness : equorum. " Dh' aon rijn." Gram. 137. With one
feritas, ferocia, insania. Bibl. Gloss. consent, or purpose uno consensu, vel consilio.

DÀSACHDACK, -AiciiE, odj. Ficrce, ferocious : ferus, Wei. De, s. a separation or parting. Ow. ; De. v.
fiiriosus, ferox. to part, to Ow. Fr. De. Lat. De.
DÀSAIDH, -E, adj. Furious : furiosus. MSS. Germ. De. Vide Wacht. Proleg. Sect. vi.
DÀ-SAN, jyrep. conjoined with j)ers. pron. emph. i. e. De, gen. of Dia. God, q. vide.
Do, esan. To him : illi. masc. De, adv. as, " An de." Yesterday heri. :

DÀSANNACH, -AiCHE, odj. Stew. Gloss. Vide Das- " Mar bha 'n de an laoch tha dorcha."
achdach. -S'. D. 330.

• Dà-shiolach, adj. Dissyllabic: dissyllabus. Ir. As was yesterday the hero who is (dark) dead.
Gram. Sicut fuit heri heros qui est obscurus, i. e. mortuus.
- Da-shioladh, -aidh, A dissyllable : dissyllaba. Gen. of Dia, a day, q. vide. Wei. Doe. B. Bret.
Ir. Gram. Dec'h.
DÀsuNNAcn, -AÌcnE, adj. Cunning, wily, presump- » Deabh, -aidh-, dh, v. a. et n. 1 . Hasten : festi-
tuous : vafer, versutus, audax. C. S. na. Llh. 2. Fight, encounter : pugna, con-
DÀTH, -AIDH, DH-, V. fl. Singe : ustula. C. S. gredere. Llh.
Dath, -a, -an, et Daithean, s. m. Colour: color. DÈABH, -AIDH, DH-, V. o. Bt «. Drain, dry up : ex-
" Air dhath, an òir bha a fait." sicca, vel exsiccare.
S. D. 294. " Gus an na struthain a ruith,
Of the colour of gold was her hair. Ex colore " 'S an deabh màthair-uisge nan sleibhtean."
auri fuerunt capilli ejus. -S". £>. 77.

Dath, -aidh, dh-, v. a. (Dath, «.), Colour, dye: Until the streams cease to flow, and the foun-
tinge, colora. C. S. tain of the hills be dried up. Donee rivuli ces-
Dathach, -aiche, Oidj. (Dath, «.), Coloured, of ma- saverint fluendo, et exsiccatus fuerit fons mon-
ny colours : coloratus, variis coloribus. 3ISS. et tium.
as. DÈABHADH, -AIDH, s. m. et pres. part. v. Deabh.
Dathadh, -aidh, s. m. et pres.parf.v. Dath. Dy- Drying, draining, state of becoming dry or parch-
ing, act of dying or colouring; a tincture : coloran- ed : exsiccandi actio, status exsiccationis.
C. S. " 'S a' cheart uair a bha thu guineach,
di actus, tinctura.
" Thun ar fuil a' dlièahhadh."
Dathadh, -aidh, s. m. et pres. part. v.'T)à.th, Sing-
Gill. 183.
ing : ustulatio. C. S. Hebr. n^T daghach, ex-
At the very time when thou wast keen to drain our
tinguisher. blood. Ipso tempore quo fuisti acer ad nostrum
Dathadair, -e, -ean, s. m. (Dathadh, et Fear), A sanguinem cxsiccandum.
dyer : Llh. et C. S.
infector, tinctor. Dèabhadh, -aidh, -ean, *. m. et pres. part. v.
Dathadaireachd, s.y. /«rf. (Dathadair), The dyer's Deabh. 1. Haste, speed festinatio, celeritas.:

trade : infectorum ars. C. S. Llh. 2. A skirmish, encounter, contest pug- :

* Dathag, -aig, -an, s.f. A worm in the human na, certamen, congressus. Llh.
body : vermis in humano corpore. Sh. et OR. DÈABHTA, pret. part. v. Deabh. Dried up : exsic-
* Dathag-mhortach, -aiche, adj. (Dathag, et Mor- catus. C. S.
tadh), Destructive of worms : anthelminticus. * Deabhthach, -aiche, adj. Contentious, litigious :

07?. contentiosus, rixosus, litigiosus. Llh.

Dathail, (Dath, «.)
-E, arf/. 1. Coloured: colora- • Deacaid, -e, -ean, s.f. A jacket : succinctorium,
tus. MSS. 2. Pleasant, decent, comely, agree- vestis. Voc. 18.
able : gratus, decens, venustus. MSS. Deacair, -e, et -CRA, adj. 1. Strange, rare, won-
Dathais, -e, -ean, s.f. fallow deer A
cervus da- : derful : ignotus, mirus, rarus. " Agus is ni deacair
ma. iMSS. a ta an righ ag iarruidh." I)a7i. ii. 11. And it is
Dath-chlodiiach, -AICHE, orf/'. Parti-coloured : ver- a rare thing that the king requireth. Et est res
sicolor. Llh. mira quam petit rex. 2. Hard, difficult : arduus,
DÀTHTA, adj. et pres. part. v. Dath. Singed: ustu- difficilis, durus. 3Iacf. V. 3. 3. Mournful, sad
latus. MSS. et C. S. tristis, lugubris, acerbus, molestus.
" 'S deacair a Chola brì do sgcòil." DcAciiiiviciirt, pret. jxtrt. v. Dcachduidi. Dituicd:
S. D. 105. dictutus. C.S.
MoumJul Colli ii the jiuqwrt of thy Uile. Tristis, Deaiiimiiaicii, -11)11, DII-, »•. a. Tylhe : decuma.
Cola, est Kiiitiiitiu iiurrulioiiis tuac. 4. Sorry, as.
tristis, dolfiis, lugens. C. S.
• Deaclimhor, (Deathach, ct Mùr), Smo-
-oirc, lulj.
griuving, sorrowful :

L'lit'ortunati' inri-iix- ky. IV. 13G. Vide Deathach.

5. :

" Hu treuii im laoch, 's bu chaoin a dhreach, • Deuchoiia, iiiterj. Lo behold there \ see ! ! !

Oih "s ikxtcair a thug c gràdh."
Kcte (i. c. Aig do chobaibh) J/.S'.V.
! !

S. D. UG. Deacha, adj. cotnp. ol' Deacair, q. vide.

Brave «as tlie youth, and mild liis look, ah ! un- • Deacrachd, n.f. itui. (Deacair), Difliculty, liard-

fortunutc, that he loved (bestowed his love). I'or- ship : IJh.

ditticultas, ungustiic.

tis tuit juvcnis, et iiiltis aspectus suus, va; ! quod • Deadh, -a, s. in. An end, purpose, object even- :

dcdit aiuoreiii. C. .Surly, gloomy : torvus. tus, coiibiUum, proposituni. U. Vide Dòigh. V
" Cia as a thàinig thu (las Garna Retained adverbially, " Air dheadli." adv.
(Jtherwioe, or: aliter, vel. " Eile dlieadh."
" Gu dortha deacair"),
S. D. 146. adv. Proviii. (i. e. Deodli eile), Otherwii>e :

\Mience earnest thou said Garuo darkly and gloomi- aliter.

ly. Uude venisti iiujuit Giu-no, obscure et torvc. Deadh, ailj. Good, excellent : cximius.
" Sgiath chòlain mo dheadh Oscair."
Hehr. ip' xjahar, rarus fuit ; "Ijp^ yahar, rarus ; Ipy
S. I). 45.
ghakar, sterilis. Tlie shield my
excellent Oscar's companion.
Deacaiueachd, «./. ind. (Deacair), 1. Difficulty: Scutum coniitis niei exiniii Oscari. Always pla-
difficultas. Sorrow
C. S. tristitia. C. S.
2. 3. : ced before the noun. Wei. Da.
Rareness raritas. C. S. Vide Deacair.
: Deadh-ainm, -ean, -eannan, «. m. (Deadh, et
Deach, pret. neg. et intcrrog. v. Uach. " Cha deaeh Ainni), A good name
bona fama. Gael. Cat. :

mi 'n sin." C. S. 1 did not go thither. Non ivi Deadhan, -ain, s. »1. (Deadh, et Aon), 1. A dean:
illuc. " Nach deach e 'n sin ?" C. S. Did he not decanus. Foe. 108. ' Deadhan baile mhòir."
go thither ? Noune ivit illuc ? Id. q. Deach- Voc. 45. A
dean of guild. Decanus oppidi mag-
aidh. ni. 2. Any noted person : vir quivis pra:clarus.
• Deach, s. m. A movement : motus. O'R. C.S.
• Deach, adj. OB. Vide Deagh. Deadh-bheachd, -a, -an, s. m. (Deadh, et Beachd),
Deachadh, pret. subj. neg. et itUerr. v. Rach. Pro- 1. Due
consideration, or attention sedula obser- :

vin. vatio. C. S. 2. Civility : urbanitas. C. S. 3. A

Deachaidii, pret. iteg. et interrog. v. Rach. " An favourable opinion sententia bona, existimatio:

deaehaidli tu ?" C. S. Hast thou gone? Ivistine? mediocris, vel eximia. C. S.

*' Cha deachaidh mL" C. S. I have not gone. Deadh-bheart, -EAiiiT, -AN, s.f. (Dcadh, et Beart),
Non ivi. A
virtue, good deed virtus, benefactum. C. S. :

• Deachainn, -e, -ean, s. m. Gill. lo-l. Vide Deadii-bheus, -an, *. m. (Deadli, et Beus), Good
Diachainn. behaviour, good morals probati mores. I oc. 33. :

• Deachair, -e, adj. Bright, glittering: fiilgidus, Deadh-bheusacii, -aiche, adj. (Deadli-bheus), Vir-
radiatus, nitens. Llh. probus, honestus. Ò7;. et C. S.
tuous :

Deachamh, -aimu, -ean, s. m. (Deich), A tithe, Deadh-bhlas, -ais, -an, x. m. (Deadh, et Bias), A
tithes decuma;. " Agus thug e dim deachamh de
: good flavour sapor jucundus. C. S.

gacli ni." Gen. xiv. 20. And he gave him tithes Deadh-bhlasta, -aiste, adj. (Deadh-bhlas), Well
of all. Et dedit illi deciraam ex rebus omnibus. flavoured sapidus. S.
: C
Wei. Degwm. Arm. Deaugh. Pers. i^.A^ duliyek. Deadh-bholadh, -aidh, -ean, *. m. (Deadh, et
tithe. Gilchr,
Boladh), A
sweet smell : odor suavis. C. S.
Deadii-bholtuacii, -aiche, adj. (Deadh, et Bolt-
Deaciid, -aidh, DH-, V. 71. Dictate, indite : dicta. racli), Aromatic aromaticus. Voc. 179. :


Deachdadh, -aidh, -ean, s. m. et pres. part. v. smell : fragrantia. Voc. 30.
Deachd. Inditing, act of dictating, inditing : dic- Deadh-bholtruichte, (Deadh, et Boltrach), adj.
tandi actio. " Tha mo chridhe a' deaclidadh deadh Sweet, fragrant, perfumed odoratus, suave odo- :

Salt», xlv. 1.

Est animus mens dictans rem bonam. 2.

jVIy heart is inditing a good ratus. C. À
Deadh-bhuil, -e, s.f. 1. Good management, eco-
A dictate, thing dictated dicta res, dictatum. C. :
nomy bona : administratio, curatio. C. S. 2. A
S. 3. A
law lex. OB. :
good end, or disposal : bonus exitus. C. S.
Deachdair, -e, -ean, s. m. (Deachd, et Fear), A DEADH-BHtiLEACH, -EICIIE, adj. (Deadli-bhuil), E-
dictator : qui dictat, dictator. C. S.
conomicalbene administrans vel curans. C. S.

Deachdaiueachd, s.
f. iiid. (Deachdair), Act or Deadh-bhuileachadh, -AIDH, s. nu et pres. part. v.
business of dictating actus vel ars dictandi. C, S.
Deadh-bhuilicli. Economy, frugality actio bene :

Deacuduich, -iDH, DH-, V. a. Id. q. Deachd, v. curandi, frugalitas. Voc. 34.

T t 2
Deadh-biiuilicii, -idh, DH-, V. a. (Deadh, et Buil- Deadh-thoileach, -eiche, adj. (Deadh-thoil), Fa-
ich), Bestow, or manage well : bene cura, vel ad- vourable, friendly : benevolus, amicus. C S.
niinistra. C S. D'eagal, fonj. (i. e. Air eagal. An cagal), For fear,
Deadh-chainnteach, -eiche, adj. (Deadli, et lest prx tiniore, ne. Salm. cxviii. 9.

Cainnt), Eloquent: eloquens. Voc. 131. Deagh, adj. Excellent exiniius. Id. q. Deadh. :

DEAuii-niRiDHEACH, -EICHE, odj. (Deadh, et Deaghaidii, -e, -ean, s.f. 1. Desire, longing:
Cridlic), Kindly disposed, kind, benevolent be- : desiderium, studium. Proviii. 2. " An deaghaidh,"
nevolus, bcnignus. MSS. et C. S. prep. After: post. Vide Deigh.
Deadii-chruthach, -aiche, adj. (Deadh, et Crufh), Deagh-choingheallacii, -eiche, adj. (Deagh, et
Shapely, handsome venustus, decorus, elegant! : Coingheallach), Humane : benignus. Salm. cxii. 3.
forma praditus. C S. vtetr.

Deadh-fhoclach, -aiche, arfj. (Deadh, et Focal), Deagh-fhonn, -uinn, s. m. (Deagh, et Fonn), 1.

Eloquent : C. S.
disertus, facundus, eloquens. Good pleasure, good will : benignitas,bona volun-
Deadh-fhulakg, -aing, *./. (Deadh, et Fulang), tas. Bihl. Gloss. 2. A good disposition, good
Patience under suffering, perseverance : patientia principle bonus animus, rectus animus. C. S.

sub dolore, perseverantia. C. S. Deagh-ghean, -A, «. »j. Salm. -axx. 5. Ed. 1807.
Deadh-fhulangach, -aiche, ad/. (Deadh, et Ful- Vide Deadh-ghean.
ang), 1. Hardy, patient in suffering laboris vel : • Deaghnad, -aid, «. m. Frost gelu. O'H. " Deagh- :

doloris patiens. C. S. 2. Persevering : perseve- neoil." R.MD.

rans. C. S. Deagii-thuigse, s.f. (Deagh, et Tuisge), Know-
Deadii-ghean, et Gean), Favour,
-a, s. m. (Deadh, ledge, wisdom: scientia, sapientia. Voc. 186.
grace : fhuair Noah deadh-
favor, gratia. " Ach Deagii-thuigseach, -eiche, adj. (Deagh, et Tuigs-
ghean ann an siiilibh an Tighearna. Ge7i. vi. 8. sc). 1. Prudent, wise : prudens, sciens. C.S. 2.
But Noah obtained favour in the sight (eyes) of Of quick apprehension : qui facile, vel cite perci-
the Lord. Sed Noachus invenit gratiam in oculis pit. C.S.
Jehovje. Deal, s. f. A leech : hirudo. " Deal tholl." Voc.
Deadh-ghlòir, -e, s.f. (Deadh, et Glòir), Affabili- 71.
ty : urbanitas. C. S. Deal, -a, adj. 1. Zealous, keen, earnest: studio-
Deadh-ghlòi reach, -eiche, adj. (Deadh-ghlòir), sus, vehemens, ardens. MSS. 2. Friendly : ami-
Affable : blandus. C. S. cus. 3ISS.
Deadh-ghràdhaich, -idh, DH-, V. a. (Deadh, et Deala, s. wj. hid. Kindred, friendship : propinquitas,
Gràdhaich), Love ardently, or sincerely vehe- : amicitia, necessitudo. O'R. et A. M'D. Pers.
menter, vel sincere ama. C. S. 3^.i dd, a heart. Gr. ©eXh/v, delectari.
Deadh-ghuthach, -AICHE, adj. (Deadh, et Guth),
Sweet-voiced : suavi voce praeditus. C. S.
• Deala, s.m. 1. A refusing, denying: recusatfo,
Deadh-io.mciiar, -air, s. tn. Good comportment
negatio, repulsa. I^lh. 2. A cow'sudder vac- :

cse mamma. O'R.

morum decor. C. S. Deala, -achan, Voc. 71.
s.f. Id. q. Deal, s.
Deadh-labhartach Ì s. m. 1. An orator
Dealachadh, -aidh. s. «J.Ì et pres. part. v. Deal-
Deadh-lbhrach, -aich, \ orator. C. S. 2. adj.
Dealachd, s.f. ind. j aich. 1. Parting, se-
Eloquent : C. S.
parating, act of separating, or parting : separans,
Deadh-labhraiche, -ean, s. m. (Deadh, et Labli-
separandi vel dividend! actus.
air), An orator orator. C. .S'. :
" Cùis mo chràidh gur eiginn dealach."
Deadh-mhaiseach, -eiche, adj. (Deadh, et Mais-
S.D. 110.
each), Handsome, comely: elegans, venustus, de-
Cause of my grief, that (we) must part. Causa
corus. C. S.
Deadh-mhaiseachadh, -aidh, s. m. et pres. part.
mei doloris, quod separandum est nobis. 2. A
division : divisio. " Agus cuiridh mi dealachadh
V. Deadh-mhaisich. Ornamenting : actus ornandi.
eadar mo shluaghsa agus do shluaghsa." Ecs. viii.
23. And I will put a division between my people
Deadh-mhaisich, -idh, dh-, v. a. (Deadh, et Mais-
Et ponam indicium redemptionis
and thy people.
each), Adorn orna. S. : C inter populum meum et populum tuum. 3. A
Deadh-mhaisiciite, pret. part. v. Deadh-mhaisich.
space: spatium. Ge«. xxxii. 16. 4. divorce :
Ornamented ornatus. C. S. :
" Litir dhealachaidh." ler.
divortium, repudium.
Deadh-mhisneachail, (Deadh, et Mis- -e, adj.
neachail), Courageous, confident, hopeful animo- :
iii. 8. A
bill of divorce. Libellum repudii. 5.
Scliism schisma. C. S.

sus, fidens, spem fovens. C. S.

Dealaicii, -idh, dh-, v. a. Separate, divide se- :

Deadh-mhùinte, adj. Well-bred: bene moratus, " Dealaich, guidheam ort riumsa."
para, divide.
probe institutus. C. S.
Gen. xiii. 9. Separate (thysel) I pray thee from
Deadh-òrduichte, adj. (Deadh, et òrduich), Me-
me. Separa (te) quaeso a me. " Ni dhealuighionn,"
thodised ordinem digestus. C. S.
: in
" Cha dealaich." Salm. Iv. 11.
i. e. 2. Divorce:
Deadh-thoil, -e, *. /. (Deadh, et Toil). 1. Sin-
repudia. C. S. Wei. Deol. Oic. Heh. -fr ya-
cere desire voluntas sincera. C. S.
: 2. Benevo-
lence : benevolentia. C, S. laJi, profectus est. Gotk. Disdailida. Ulphil,
Deaiaiciite, prft. pttrl. «•. Dcalaiili. Sopurated, " An gasan aoidheil dealbluich ud."
rt-pudiiitus. .»/,«/. I'. Steir. 208.
I)artiil, divorced : sq)araliis.
Deaiaiuu, -e, mij. 1. Keen, zealous: vilieiiiens, That aH'able handsome youth. Juveni» ille iR-nig-

ardeiis, studiosu*. C. S. Ì. Aflcctioimte, dour : nus, venustus. Evident, inantfeiit evidens, |>er-
2. :

uiniuiK, curus.
spicuUK, niunifestug. (Ud. iii. X.marg. 3. Ingeni-

" Nu càirdean bu dailaiJh a stigh." ous, inventive ingeniosus, ud inveniendum ko^x.


am. 200. Sh. 4. Specious speciusus. Sh. :

'Flic dearest friends in the liousc. Aniici earissimi Deai.uiiacii Auii, -Aiuii, «. «1. et pnn. part. v.
Dealbhaieh. I'urniiiig, act uf forming, framing
qui crant in donio. Prrs. 3-«-s 'W, tlie lieart.
formandi, fingendi actus. MSS.
Dealan, -AiN, -AK, s. III.Liglitning : fuinien.
Dealhiiak'h, -luii, UA-, r. V. (Dealbh.) C. S. Id.
" Dears dJiealan fo 'n tuiteadh ùrd cliroinn."
q. Dealbh, r.
S. D. 52.
Dealbh ADAN, -AIN, -AN, «.m. (Dealbli), llie mould,
Red lightning, beneath which U)fty fees woidd
or frame in which any thing is cast forma, vel ma- :

Kubruni fulnien sub cjiio caderent alia- ar-


bores. 2. A O' li.

coal 3.: carbo, pruna. A trix in qua res fingitur. O' B. et S. C
Dealdhauaih, -k, -ean, s. m. (Dealbhadh, et Fear),
door's wooden bar obex ligneus. Llh. 4. : A A framer, inventor, statuary : fictor, inventor, pic-
wooden peg, fastening a cow-halter round the
tor, statuarius.
neck paxillus ligneus quo laqueus stringitur circa
Na dvalhluidaxTC ghleus iad suas,
bovis colluin. N. H. 5. Brightness in the noc- ' (ÌU cuimir chuaidh riu fein."
turnal heavens : fulgor coelorum noctu. M!SS. Gr.
Kirh. Salm. cxxxv. IH.
AaXof, fulgorem.
The framers that have reared them up are like unto
Dealan-de, s. m. The phaenomenon exhibited by a Fictores qui erexerunt eas, fiunt si-
burning stick when shaken to and fro. or whirled
miles sibi ipsis.
round species quam virga ignita pra;bct, hue il-
Dealbhadaiheaciid, s.f. ind. (Dealbhadair), 1.
luc, vel in g)To acta. MSS.
Art of forming, inventing, painting, statuary: ars
Dealan-de, s.
f. A butterfly : papilio. Id. q.
graphica, ars pingendi, vel statuai-ia. C. S. 2. De-
Dearbadan-de. Voc. 70.
Lift, et
lineation : delineatio. O'li.
Dealan-doruis, -AIN, -AN-DORUIS, «. III. (Dealan,
Dealbhadh, -aidh, m. et pres. part. v. Dealbh. *.
et Dorus), A latch, door bolt : pessulus ostii. Voc.
Formation, contrivance, act of shaping, planning :

formatio, figuratio, molitio, actus delineandi, for-
Dealanacii, -aich, s.m. Lightning: fulmcn. Salm.
xcvii. 4. Id. q. Dealan, I.
mis exprimendi. C S.
• Dealbhan-de, -ain, -an-d6, s. m. Vide Dearb-
Dealas, -ais, x.m. Zeal, vehemence : ardor, vehe-
mcntia. C. S.
Dealbhas, -AIS, s. m. Misery, poverty: miseria.
Deai.asach, -aiche, adj. (Dealas), S^ealous, vehe-
paupertas. O'B.
ment, fervid arduus, fervidus, rapidus.
: S. C Dealbh-chluith, -E, -ean, (Dealbh, et Cluich I, A
Deai.bii, -a, -an, et -annan, *. m. 1. An image,
stage-play Indus scenicus. C. S.
picture, figure imago, pictura, figura.
" Agus
Dealbh-chluitheadaik, -e, -ean, s. m. (Dealbh-
ghoid Rachel na deatbhan bu le a li-athair." Gen.
xxxi. 19. And Rachel had stolen the images that
cliluith, et Fear), A
stage-player : histrio. O'R.
DEALBH-tiÒBHAiR, -E, -EAN,»'. 7/1. (Dealbh, et Liobh-
were her father's. Et furata est Rachel imagines
qua; erant patris sui. 2. A statue : statua. C. S.
air), A
painter : pictor. I oc. 52.
Deal-each, -eich, -an-each, s.f. (Deal, et Each),
3. Appearance, form, shape species, figu- figure,
ra, forma. " Agus bha 'n talamh gun dealbh."

A horse leech : hirudo sanguisuga. Gnath. xxx. 15.

Gen. i. 2. And the earth was without form. Et

Dealg, -EiLG, -AN, .«./«. thom, pricklc spina, A :

aculeus. " An cuir thu cromag 'na shròin, agus

terra erat absque forma. 4. contemptible per- A le dedg an toll thu a ghial ?" lob. xli. 2. Cansa
son homo nihili, nanus. C. S.

thou put a hook in his nose, or bore his jaw through

DEALBir, -AiDit, DII-, V. a. (Dealbh, s.) 1. Form,
with a thorn ? An pones uncum in nasum ejus, aut
figure, shape, mould finge, forma. " IVIu 'n do
2. A pin, bod-

spina perforabis maxillam ejus?

dlieaWh thu an talamh agus an cruinne." Salm.
kin acicula, subula. Marf. V. et C. S.
" Dealg-
xc. 2. Ere thou hadst formed the earth and the
world. Antequam formasses terraui orbcmque ter-
fuilte." C. S. hair-pin A
acicula qua crines con- :

rarum. 3. Contrive, plot, devise comminiscere, :

stringuntur. " Dealg-gualainn." MSS. pin, A
or brooch by w hich the belted plaid is fastened on
excogita, consilium cape. ''
Glacar iad 's na h-inn-
the left Subula, vel hbula quadam, qua
leachaibh a dhealhh iad." Salm. x. 2. Let them
accingitur supra la-vum sagum versicolor
be taken in the devices they have imagined. De-
Gaelorum. V'ide Breacan-an-fheilidh. " Deaig-
prehendantur in cogitationibus quas comminisce-
bantur. " Dhealbhadar." Salm. x. 2. mctr. i. e. cuibhle. C. S. The axis, or wire on which a w heel

revolves. Axis rota; e metallo neto. " Dealg-clu-

dliealbh iad. Wei. Delivo.
Dealbh Acii, -aiche, adj. 1. Shapely, handsome, aise." Voc. 20. An ear-picker auriscalpiuni.

symmetrical decorns, venustus, proportione par-

" Dealg-fiacaill.." C. S. A
tooth-picker deiiti- :

tium justa fonnatus. calpium. " Obair dhealg. " Wire work : opus a.
ciculis factum. Voc. 18. Hebr. ph^ daiak, perse- Dealtradh, -aidh, m. et pres. part. v. Dealt- 5.

raich. Besprinkling, spangling, gilding, bedrop-

cutus est.
ping, varnishing actus inaurandi, irrorandi rore

Dealgach, -AicHE, a(^'. (Dealg), 1. Abounding in

vel encausto pcrfundendi. C. S. 2. for Dealtraich-
pins, or tliorns : spinis vel aciculis plenus. C. S.
eadh. ^'idc scq.
2. Prickly, stinging : aculeatus, spinosus, stimulus.
Dealtraich, -idh, DH-, r. o. (Dealt), Gild, bedrop,
OB. et LIL varnish : inaura, maculis aureis varia, guttis roris,
Dealgadh, -aidh, *. m. Act of stimulating, urging:
vel encausti cujusvis perfunde. C. S.
stiraulandi actus. Voc. 146.
• Dealuich, -idh, dh-, r. a. Llh. Vide Dealaich.
Dealgan, -ain, -an, s. m. 1. IHmin. of Dealg,
Dealuigheach, -eiche, adj. (Dealaich), Separa-
q. vide. 2. A
spindle : fusus. " Cuiridhi a làmhan
ble : separabilis. O'R.
airan dealgcm." Gnath. xxxi. 19. She layetli her
Dealunn, -uinn, s. m. Loud barking: latratus alte
hand upon the spindle. Immittet ilia nianus suas
sonans. C. S.
ad verticulum.
Dealvichte, pres. part. Llh. Vide Dealaichte.
Dealganach, -aicue, adj. Full of little prickles :
DeaiMhan, -Aix /(/. Deamhxas, s. m. 1. A de-
aculeatus. C. S.
mon, devil, evil spirit daemon, diabolus, daemoni- :
Deallas, «. m. Zeal, quickness, hurry : studium,
um. " Dh'iobair iad do dheamhnaibh, cha 'n ann
festinatio, celeritas. Vide Dealas. O'R. Vide
do Dhia." Deut. xxxii. 17. They sacrificed unto
devils, not to God. Sacrificaverunt daemonibus,

Deallasach, -aich, adj. (Deallas), Hasty, quick,
non Deo. 2. A person bent on mischief: homo
zealous festinans, celer, studiosus. O'R.
malo intensus. C. S. " Deaììihan-ruagaire," An
Dbalrach, -aiche, adj. Bright, radiant, shining, exorcist exorcista. Fr. Demon.

refulgent radians, fulgidus, eplendens.

Deamhanaidh, -e, adj. (Deamhan), 3Iac/. V. Id.
" Le choi-lion de chlaidhmhean dealrach." Deamhnaidh.
S. D. 299. • Deamharruin, -e, -ean, s. m. A mystery : arca-
With as many shining swords : cum tot gladiis ful- num. Llh.
gidis. Deamhas, ) -Ais, s. m. A pair of shears (for shear-
Dealradh, -aidh, s. m. et pres. part. v. Dealraich. Deamhais, / ing of sheep) : forfex ad oves tonden-
1. Brightness, splendor, act of shining splendor, :
das. Macf. T1
fulgor, nitor, actus splendendi. " Agus truaillidh Deamhnaidh, -e, 1. Devilish
adj. (Deamhan), :

iad do dhealradh." Esec. xxviii. 7. And they shall diabolicus. C. Malicious, designingly wick-
«S". 2.
defile thy brightness. Et corrumpent splendorem ed : malevolus, de industria malignus. C. S.
tuum. 2. For " Dealraicheadli." Deamhsadh, -aidh, s. ;«. (Deamhas). 1. A fleec-
" 'S gu 'n dealradh i ris mar a" ghealach." ing, a plying of shears in fleecing : tonsura, forfice
&Z).30. actio operandi. C. S. 2. A working with all one's
Aud that she may shine again as the moon. Et might : summa cum diligentia actus operandi.
ut splendeat iterum sicut luna. C. S.
Dealradhach, -aiche, adj. O'B. Id. q. Dealrach. DEAN ; fut. NÌ ;
pn-et. Rinn ; pres. part. ;
Dealraich, -idh, dh-, v. a. et n. Shine, radiate, pret. pass. Rinxeadh, t: a. Do, make, act, work,
brighten, emit rays luce, nitesce, radios funde.
perform : opera, perfice.
fac, eflice, age, " Bean
" Gus an dealraich a' mhadainn ghlas." (sa) so, as bithidh tu beò." Luc. x. 28. Do this,
S. D. 325. and thou shall live. Fac hoc, et vives. " Agus
Until the grey morning dawns. Usque quo luxe- rinn iad mar sin." Gen. xlii. 20. And they did so.
rit aurora cana. Et fecerunt illi ita. " Agus rinn an Tigheam an
Dealt, -a, s.f. Dew: ros. " Uime sin gu 'n tug- ni so air an la màireach." Ecs. ix. 6. And the
adh Dia dhuit do dhealt nèimhe." Gen. xxvii. 28. Lord did that thing on the morrow. Itaque fecit
- Therefore God give thee of the dew of heaven. Jehova rem illam postero die. " Deantar." C. S.
Itaque det Deus tibi ex rore cceli. " Braon-dhealt." for "Deanar," " Dean deifir," vel " Dean cabhag."'
Poet. Hasten, make haste festÌDa. Bent, xxxii. 35. :

" 'S a ceum air braon-dhealt na maidne." " Dean ùrnuigh." Gen. xx. 17. Pray precare. :

167. S.n. " Dean athchuinge." C. S. Supplicate, beseech :

And her step on the morning dew. Et incessus supplex, roga. ' Dean fuireach." C. S. Stay,
ipsius super rorem auroras. £. Bret. Delt, humid. wait expecta, mane.
" Dean maille." C. S. De-
Dealtach, -aiche, ì lay mora,
: procrastina. " Dean suas." S. C
Dealtmhor, -dire, > ck^'. (Dealt), Dewy: roscidus. Compensate retribue, compensa. " Dean òran."

Dealtrach, -aiche, 3 C S. Compose a song compone carmen. " Dean :

" Do shiiilean mar na dearcan, do bhiadli." iV. H. Take thy food, eat sume ci- :

" No mar dhruchd air maduinn dhealtmhoir." bum tuum. " Cha d" rinn mi mo bhiadh." C. S.
Gill. 122. I have not eaten, (lit.) I have not made m}' food.
Thine eyes as the berries, or as the dew in dewy Non sumi cibum meum, (/(/.) non feci cibum me-
morning. Oculi tui velut baccae, vel velut ros in um. " Dean fuasgladh." C. S. Relieve, deliver :

aurora roscida. libera, subleva. " Dean reite." C. S. Pacify

concilia, vel fac concordare. " Dean bron." ('. 5. '* Gun bltàrd te cheòl, 'g an deanumh auibhinn."
Mourn : luge. " Dean uoibhneas, vel (;ùirileutli- .V. D. iUi.
as." C. S. l{ejoice: laeture. •' Dean uiilireach- Without n bard with hii> song making them joyful.
as." C. S. lU-pi'iit : afiv pa-iiitentiaiu. •• Dean Sine burdo cum ejus mubice facien« cos latui.
sgeul." poet. Declare : ileelara. " Dean lireuj,'." " (ha ghabh e detiiuimh." ('. S. It cuunut be

C. S. Lie, a lalseliood nientire.

tell " Dean 11- : done. Fieri ne(|uit. 2. Form, figure. Prwin.
rinn." C. S. Speak the truth die verum. '• Uiiiit : Viile Dean.
e 'n fhirinn." S. C
He has told the truth. Dixit DLanasach, -AiciiE, (ulj. (Dean). Dibl. Glou. Id.
ille verum. " Dean bun." jmh-I. Trust, confide : q. Deanadach.
confide. " Dean ionilaid." C. S. Exchaiifje : • Deunbha, -un, »./. An effect eflectum. MSS. :

pemiuta. " Dean f'àisneachd." C. S. I'lophe- • Deangan, -ain, -an, s. f. OR. \'ide Seaiigan.
sy, foretell : vaticina, pranlicc. " Dean uaill," Deasu, -aidii, U11-, t'. a. Gill. 303. \'ide Diong.
C. S. Boast, be ])roud of gloriare, jacta. : Deans, -a, -aidiiean, s.f.
Force, impetus, liukte,
" Dean caithrcnni." C. S. Triumph triumplui. : velocity, hurry impetus, festinatio.
: vis.
" Dean sii-jradh." S. Sport lude, jocare. C :
Is i kàrca nio ghaoil ata ajm,
" Dean subhachas." C. S. Be glad gaudc. : " A' Icum thar sàile 'n a deann."
" Dean Despise, contemn : conteni-
tàir." C. S. S. D. 02.
ne, sperne. " Dean dinieas." S. Id. " Dean C It is the bark of my love, leaping over the sea with
fianuis." C. S. Bear testimony, witness : testare, speed. Est navis mci amoris, saltans trans mare
testificare. " Dean magadh." C. S. Mock in : im]ietu. " Dearg dlieann." C. S. Violent speed
ludibrium verte. " Dean f'anaid." Id. " Dean velocitas ingens.
mulad." C. S. Be sorry, or sorrowful : esto tris- • Deann, -a, s.f. 1. A mist: nebula. MSS. 2.
tis. " Dean còmhnadh." C. S. Aid, assist : o- A gibe : dicterium. O'R. Suppl.
pcm vel auxilium fer. ''
Dean furtaclul." /(/. • Deann, s.m. A colour color. Ll/i. :

" Dean fadal." C. S. Delay, procrastinate : dif- Deankach, -aich, s.f. Dust, mill dust : niolitura.
fer, procrastina. " Dean faire." C S. Watch : Voc. 7.
vigila. " Dean fòirneart, fc/ainneart." .S". Op- C Deas'nachadh, -aidii, s. til. Dusty : pulverulen-
press opprime.
: " Dean iochd." C. .S'. Pity, tus. Voc. 20.
compassionate miserere. " Dean iteag." C. S.
: Deanxao, -aig, s.f. A pinch, a small grain, a hand-
Fly vola.
: " Dean iùl." C. S. Guide, direct ful : paucx particulac pulveris, ut stemutamenti,
due, dirige, viam monstra. " Dean niasgul." C. S. C. S.
Flatter : Dean mire." C. S.
assentare, adulare. ' Deannaibh, dat.plur. of Deann, q. vide. " Tha e
Play, sport lude, jocare.
: " Dean moch-eiridh." 'na dheannaihh." C. S. He runs with all liis
C. S. Rise early -surge multo mane. :" Dean might. Currit quam volociter possit.
sbairn." C. S. Strive, exert nitere, tenta. " Dean : De.\ssal, -AIL, -AN, «. wi. couflict, contcst : cer- A
sòradh." C. S. Hesitate haesita. " Dean tar- : tamen, confhctus. C. S. 2. Stir, hurry motus, :

cuis." Contemn, despise contemne, sper-

C. S. : festinatio. Macf. V. 3. A flash : fulgor. C. S.
ne. " Dean Beurla." C. S. Speak English lo- : Deannalach, -aiciie, adj. (Deannal, 2.), Impetu-
quere semione Anglicana. " Rinn e Beurla rium." ous : vehemens, rapidus. Macf V.
Provin. He spoke to me in the English tougue. Deasnan, -ain, -an, s. m. C. S. Id. q. Deannag.
allocutus est me lingua Anglicana. " Dean," is Deasn-huith, -e, s.f. (Deann, et Ruith), Great
often put before another imperative, rendering the hurr}', or velocity, impetuosity : velocitas, vel fes-
command more emphatic, or impressive thus, : tinatio ingens, impetuositas. K. Macken. 44.
" Falbh." Go, depart ito tu, digredere. " Dean : Deanntag, -aig, -an, s.f. A nettle: urtica dioi-
falbh." Get you gone! away! abi. " Sgur." Cease: ca. 61. Wd. Dànad.
I oc.
cessa. " Dean sgur." Cease, leave off cessa, de- : Deanntagach, -aiche,' adj. Abounding in nettles
sine, (instanter). Germ. Thun. Angl. Do, pret. urticis plenus. C. S.
part. Done. Dèant', for Deanamh. Doing. " Lucbd deaut'
DÈANACHDACH, -AiCHE, odj. 1. Vehement, keen, an uilc." Salm. xxvi. 9. The doers of evil. Fa-
grievous vehemens, ardens, gravis. C. S.
: 2. cientes malum.
Fierce, rough, bold, mad : ferns, rudis, audax, in- UkAUTA, pret. part. v. Dean. Done, made, perform-
sanus. Sibl. Gloss. ed : factus, perfectus, actus. Macf. V.
DÈANADACH, -AICHE, adj. (Dean), Laborious, indus- DÈASTACH, -AicuE, od/. (Dcau), Practical: practi-
trious, active : laboriosus, operosus, industrius, vi- cus. C.S.
vidus. Voc. 130. DÈANTACII, -AICH, s. »j. (Dean), An agent, one
DÈANADAS, -Ais, s. 711. (Deanadach), Deed, action, who acts, or performs : factor, qui facit. C. S. 2.
exertion, merit, industry : opus, actio, labor, cura, An industrious man : vir diligens, industria niten*.
meritum, industria. C «S. C.S.
• Deanadh, -aidli, s. m. Improperly for Deanamh, DÈANTANAS, -AIS, S.f. C. S. Vide Dèanadas.
q. vide. DÈANTAK, imperat. pass. 3. pers. sing. v. Dean,
DÈANAMH, -AiMH, «. m. ct pres. part. v. Dean. 1. q. vide.
Doing, acting, performing : actio, faciendi, agendi • Deante, pret. part. Vide Deanta.
actus. • Dear, s.f. Uh. Vide Deur.
Dearadh, -aidpi, s. m. Vide Dearcadh. Dearbhas, -ais, -an, 8. m. (Dearbh, v.), Proof:
DÈARAIL, Beggarly, poor, wretched: inops,
-E, af(/. testimonium. C. S.
egeniis, miser, pauper. C. S. Dearbhasach, -aiciie, adj. (Dearbhas), Capable
Dearalachd, s. f. i?ui. (Dèarail), Want, defeat: of proof: probabilis. Llh.
dcfectus, clades, pauperics. indigentia. C. S. Dearbh-bhann, -ainn, -an, s.f. (Dearbh, et Bann),
• Dearaointeach, ad/. Despairing desperans. Ll/i. : An axiom axioma. JJh. :

Dearbadan, -ain, -an,) s. in. butterflj': papi- A Dearbh-bheachd, -an, s. m. (Dearbh, et Beachd),
Dearbadan-de, j lio. Toe. 70. Certainty, assurance : explorata cognitio, certa rei
Dearbh, -aidh, DH-, V. (i. (Dearbh, ar/J.) 1. Prove : notitia. Voe. 108.
proba. " Ach dearbhadh gach neach obair fein." Dearbh - BIIRÀTHAIR, - ar, - àithrean, s. m.
Gal. vi. 4. But let every one prove his own work. (Dearbh, adj. et Brathair), A brother, a brother-
At probato unusquisque opus suuni. 2. Confirm : german frater, frater germanus. Fing. \\. 181.

confimia. C. S. 3. Try tenta. " Agus an deigh : Dearbh-bhriathar, -air, -athrax,*. ;«. (Dearbh,
nan nithe sin dhearbh Dia Abraham." Gen. xxi. 1. adj. et Briathair), An axiom axioma. Macf. V. :

And after these things God did tempt Abraham. Dearbh-chinnte, s.f. ind. \ (Darbh, adj. et Cinn-
Et istis rebus transactis tentavit Deus Abraha- Dearbii-chinnteas, -eis,
i teas), Certainty, as-
nium. surance certa exploratio, non dubia. " Thug an

Dearbh, -a, adj. 1. Sure, certain: certus, verus. duine dearbh-chinnte dhuinn." Gen. xliii. 3. The
" Is dearbh team gu 'm bi sin maireann." man did solemnly protest unto us. {lit.) gave us
S. D. 18. full assurance. Dedit vir plenum testimonium no-
I am certain (lit. it is certain to me) that that will bis.
be enduring. Certum mihi istud futurum durabile. Dearbh-chinnteach, -eiche. adj. (Dearbh-chinn-
2. Particular, peculiar, identical : peculiaris, iden- te), Sure, certain : certus, minimè dubius. C. S.
ticus, idem. " An dearbh ni so." C. S. This Dearbhta, adj. et pret. part. v. Dearbh. Proved,
very thing ; this thing itself. Haec res ipsa. " An confirmed, tried : probatus, confirraatus. Llh.
dearbh dhuine." C. S. The very man. Homo Dearbhthachd, -an, s.f. (Dearbh, r.) Llh. Id.q.
identicus. " Gu dearbh," adv. Truly, certainly, Dearbhachd.
in reality : certo, profectò, plane. Dearbh-theachdaire, -an, et daichean, s. m.
Dearbh ACH, -aighe, adj. (Dearbh), Sure of: cer- (Dearbh, adj. et Teachdair), A sure messenger :
tus. OR. nnncius. " Dearbh-theachdaire a' bhais." Fing. iii.
DEARRHArHADii, \ -AIDH, s. m. et pi-es. part. v. 297. The sure messenger of death. Verus nun-
Dearbhachd, s.f. J Dearbhaich. Affirmation, con- cius mortis.
firmation : affirmatio, confirmatio, confirmandi ac- Dearc, -a, -an, s.f. 1. A berry, general term bacca. :

tus. C.S. " Gidheadh fagar ann fuigheal dhearcan, mar ann
Dearbhadaich, -idh, DH-, V. a. (Dearbh), De- an crathadh a' chroinn ola." Isai. xvii. 6. Yet
monstrate demonstra. C. S.
: there shall be left in it a remainder of grapes as in
Dearhadas, -ais, s. m. Capability of proof : pro- the shaking of the olive tree. Tantum relinquetur
bandi qualitas. C. S. in eo (racematio), reliquias baccarum, sicut in
Dkarbhadh, -aidh, -ean, s. m. et pres. part. v. stringendo olei. 2. An eye oculus. Llh. 3. A :

Dearbh. 1. Proving, act of proving, trying, con- lizard lacerta. O'R.

: 4. cave, or grave ca- A :

firming : probandi, tentandi, comprobandi actio. vea, vel sepulchrum. ZJA. et O'JB. 5. grotto A :

" A' dearbaadh gur e so an Criosd." Gniomh. ix. specus. O'B.

22. Proving that this is Christ. Proban? hunc Dearcag, -aig, -an, s.f. dim. of Dearc. A little
e«se Christum. 2. Experience experientia. Do : berry bacca parva.

bhrigh gu bheil fios againn gu 'n oibrich trioblaid " jNIu 'n cois bha fas nan dearg dhearcag."
(bighidin, agus foighidin dearbhadh." Rom. v. 34. S. D. 66.
Because we know that tribulation worketh patience, Around their roots that reared the red berries.
and patience experience. Quia scimus quod afHictio Circa radices suas (qua) tulerunt rubras baccas.
efficiet tolerantiam, et tolerantia experientiam. 3. Dearcagach, -aiche, adj. (Dearcag), Full of Httle
Evidence, proof testimonia, documentuni.
: " Is e berries baccis parvis plenus. C. S.

creidimh dearbhadh nan nithe nach faicear. Eabhr. Dearc-aitinn, -an-aitinn, s. f. (Dearc, s.\. et
xi. I. Faith is the evidence of things not seen. Aiteann), juniper berry A
bacca juniperi com- :

Fides est testimonia rerum quae non cernuntur. munis. C. S.

Dearbhag, -aig, -an, s.f. (Dearbh, v.), touch- A Dearc-bhallach, -aich, s. _/! 1. speckled ser- A
stone : lapis lydius. Voc. 35. pent : serpens maculatus, colubra maculata. Sh.
Dearbhaich, -idh, dh-, v. a. (Deabh, v.). Allege, 2. A hzard : lacerta. MSS.
protest, affirm, swear : affirma, testare, jura. C. Dearc-dharaich, -an-daraich, s.
f. (Dearc, «. 1.
S. et Darach), An
acorn glans quema. C. S. :

Dearbhann, -ainn, -ean, s.f. (Dearbh, adj.). An Dearc-eighinn, -an-eighinx, s. f. (Dearc, s. 1. et

axiom axioma. : C S. Eigheann), An ivy -berry : hederae helicis bacca.
» Dearbh-art, -airt, -ean, s. m. (Dearbh, et Art), Voc. 67.
A touch-stone : lapis lydius. Llh, Dearc-fhiona, -an-fioia, s. f. (Dearc, et Fion-
each), A heatli black-berry, (i""^- crow-bcrry) tio. Maef. V. 4. Act of making an impression :

enipctrum ni^uin. Liyhtf. actus impressionem faciendi. -S. 5. An impres- C

DEAKC-rilKANliACH, -AN-KRAKOACH, «./. (DcarC, ». sion :impressio. C. S.
1. et IVnn^jach), A currant : ribcs rubruni vel ui- Deahgad, -AID, -AN, «. m. vel/. A flea: pulex.
gruRi. Voc. 63. 67.
Deakc-fhraoich, -AN-FRAOicii, s.
f. (Deorc, «. 1. Deariìan, -ain, -as, ». m. 1. red stain, a red A
et Fraocli), A blue-berry, bill-berry : vacciniuni dye, crimson, puq>le, rouge : rubra macula, color
vitis idwa\ Voc. 63. ruber, cocceiis, vel purpereus, vel rubiculus. C. S.
Dearc-iudhaih, -an-iubhair, »./. (Dearc, s. 1. et et jV.S'.S". 2. The essence, or reality res ipsa. :

lubhar), A yew-berry : bacca baccatte taxi. C. S. " Deargan a' chulhaich. C. S. very madness.
" A
DeARC-LUACIIAIR, ) •AN-LUACHRACII, «./. Ipsa vel vera insania.
Dearc-luaciirach, -aich, j A lizard, or e*k • Deargan, Uh. Vide Deargann.
-ain, -an, «./.
lacerta, lacerta aquatilis. I or. 80. • Deargan, m. A fish called a bream a-
-ain, s. :

Dearcnaicii, -iDii, D11-, f. 11. Mark with emphasis, O'R.

bramis, piscis.
confirm by observation : oculi acic confirma, voce Deargan ACI1, -aicii, s. m. (Dearg, «w^'.) A redcoat,
fortiorc effer. C. S. a soldier: miles, qui tunicam rubram habct.
Dearcnachadh, -aidii, s. m. et pres. part. v. Dearc- " 'S iomadh ait anns 'na dhearbh iad le fear-
naich. Act of marking with emphasis, or confirm- ghleus an dòrn,
ing by observation voce ibrtiore eft'erendi actus,
: " Bhi marbhtach le 'n armachd, air dearganaich
vel actus oculi acie confirniandi. C. S. Dheòrs." MaciiUy. 101.
Dearc-ola, -an-ola, s.f. (Dearc, s. 1. et Ola), An In many a place proved they by the manly achieve-
olive : olea; bacca. Voc. 68. ment of their arm (fist), that they were destruc-
Deabc-roide, -an-roide, «./. (Dearc, s. 1. et Roid), tive with their armour to the red-coat soldiers of
A bil-berr)' : vaccinium vitis idiEX. Light/. George. Sunt multa loca in quibus demonstrave-
Dearg, Deirge, adj. 1. Red : ruber. " Agus runt virili facto manus ipsorum ipsos esse exitiosos
chunnaic na Mòabich thall fa 'n comhair na h-uisg- cum armis ipsorum in milites-rubras-tunicas-ge-
eacha dearg mar fliuil." 2 Righ. iii. 22. And the rentes Georgii.
Moabites saw over against them the waters red as Dearoak-allt, -ain- -an-allt, *. m. (Dearg, adj.
blood. Et videruni Moabites ex adverse aquas et Allt), A ketrel, or kestrel : falco trinnunculus.
rubentes ut sanguineni. 2. Real, very, (in a re- Liiui. O'R. et Voc. 73.
proachiul sense) : (cum sensu re-
ipsissimus, verus, Deargan-fraoich, -ain- -an-fraoich, s. m.
prehensionis). " A
mheàrlaich." C. S.
dliearg (Dearg, adj. et Fraoch). 1. A gold-finch : fringilla
Thou very thief. Tu
vere furcifer. 3. Intense, carduelis. Liglttf. 2. A bull-finch loxia : pjTrhula
vehement, violent, downright mad intensus, vehe- : Voc. 75.
mens, vLolentus, furiosus. O'R. " Air an dearg Deargakv, -ainm, -an, *. /. flea : pulex. Voc. A
chuthach." C. S. Stark mad : rabide-insanus. 70. " Deargann-tràghaid." C. S. shore, or A
Dearg, -aidh, dh-, v. 7». 1. Redden, make red sea flea pulex maritimus.

rubefac. Dearg-chriadh, -a, s. f. (Dearg, adj. et Criadh),

" Deargamaid falluinn a fir, Ruddle rubrica. C. S.

" 'Am fuil tuirc 's an fhireach àrd." Dearg-las, -aidh, DH-, V. 71. (Dearg, adj. et Las),
S.D. 31. Burn into flames, give out red flames : arde flam-
Let us redden her husband's garment with a boar's mis rubris, flammas emitte flagrando.
blood in the lofty hill. Rubefàciamus vestem sui Dearg-lasach, -aiche, adj. (Dearg, a<^'. et Las),
mariti cum sanguine apri in excelso colli. 2. Bleed, Vide Dearg-lasrach.
cause to bleed, pierce sanguineni fac fluere, tere-
: Dearg-lasadh, -aidh, s. m. et pres. part. r. Dearg-
bra. C. S. 3. Blush erubesce. C. S. 4. Plough:
: las. Red flaming : emissio flamniie rubra. C. S.
ara. Mac/. V. 5. Make an impression : impres- Dearg-lasrach, -aiche, adj. (Dearg, et Lasrach),
sionem fac. " Cha do dhearg mi air." I have Red flaming rubro flagrans.: S. C
made no impression on him, or it. Feci nullam • Dearg-liagh, -an, s. m. (Dearg, f. et Leigh), A
impressionem in ilium vel illud. 6. Make, prepare, surgeon chirurgus. Voc. 50.

effect, reach : fac, para, effice, prehende. Sh. • Dearlaice,

*. An offer, proffer, bribe : res ob-
Dearg, -eihg, s. m. (Dearg, adj.) 1. A red deer lata, corruptela.
Bihl. Gloss.
cervus " Aonach nan deargl' F'mg. i. 507. The Deàrlan, -aine, adj. (Dearbh, et Làn), Brimful
hill of red deer. Cacumen rubrorum cervorura. plenus (usque ad labia). Macinty. 185.
2. Land recently ploughed : ager recente aratus. Dearmad, -aid, -an, s. m. 1. Forgetfulness, ne-
C. S. Loosely applied in poetry to any object of glect : obli\'io, omissio. Voc. 36. 2. An omission :

a red colour. Poetice dicitur de quovis rubro vel omissio. C. S.

rubente. Dearmad, -aidh, dh-, v. n. S. D. 85. Vide
Deargadh, -aidh, s. m. et pres. part. v. Dearg. 1. Dearmaid.
Reddening, act of making red rubefaciendi actus. : Dearmadach, -aiche, Ì t»^'. (Dearmad), Forget-
C. S. 2. Act of blushing erubescendi status. : Dearmadail, -E, ] fill, neglectful, careless:
C. S, 3. Ploughing, act of ploughing araodi ac- ; obliviscens, obliviosus. " Gun e bhi 'na fhear<
VOL. I. Uu
oisdeaclid dearmadach." Seum. i. 25. Without his Dears, •aidh, dh-, v, a. et n. O'R. et O'B. Vide
being a forgetful hearer. Eum non esse audito- Deàrrs, v.

rem obliviosum. Deàrsach, -aiche, adj. (Dears, v.) Bright, radiant,

Deakmadachd, *./. Hid. (Dearrnadadi), Forgetful- beaming : coruscans, fulgens, radians. C. S.
ness: oblivio. Macf. V. Deàrsadh, -aidh, -ean, s. m. et pres. part. v.
Dearmadaich, -idh, DH-, V. a. C, S, Vide Dcarm- Dearrs. 1. Brightness, radiance : nitor, fulgor,
aid. splendor. C. S. 2. Shining, beaming : fulgendi,
Dearmaid, -idh, DH-, V. a. et n. Fail, neglect, for- coruscandi actio.
get : neglige, obliviscere. " 'Deàrsadh air a dhubh chàm fein."
" Cha dJiearmaidear thu 'n òran Chaothain." Tern. iii. 214.
S. B. 85. Shining upon his own black rock. Coruscans su-
Thou shalt not be forgotten in the song of Cutho- per atro saxeto suo. 3. sun-beam : radius so- A
na. Non memoria excideris carmine Cuthonae. lis.

Dearmail, -e, -ean, s.f. Anxiety anxietas. Voc, : " Bha deàrsadh na grein' air an cruaidli."
168. Fing. iv. 46.
' Dearmal, -ail, -ean, s. m. Vide Dearmad. Tlie sun-beams were upon their steel, i. e. the sun
DeariMALAch, -aiche, adj. (Dearmail), 1. Anxi- shone upone their steel. Erat coruscatio solis in
ous : solicitus. C. S. 2, Forgetful, erroneous : eorum chalybem.
obliviscens, erroneus. C. S. Deàrsaich, -idh, dh-, v. n. 1. Shine : fulge. C. S.
Deàrn, -aidh, DH-, V. a. Do, act fac, age. Diiff. : Id. q. Dears, v. 2. Awake : pergiscere. JJfi.
Buclian. Vide Dean. Deàrsaigheachd, s.f. ind. (Dears), Vigilance : vi-
DÈARNA, -AiDH, -AIDHEAN, s. f. The palm of the gilantia. Llh.
hand : manus vola. Voc. 15. Deàrsanta, -ainte, adj. Vide Dearsach.
Deàrnadair, -e, -ean, s. m. (Deama, et Fear), A Deàrsgaich, -idh, dh-, v. a. et n. Vide Dears, v.
palmist, chiromancer : chiromantes. GB. et C. S. Deàrsgnaidh, -e, adj. Excellent, perfect : excel-
Deàrnadaireachd, s.f. hid. (Deàmadair), Palm- lens, perfectus. Bibl. Gloss. 2. Wise, prudent
istry : chiromantia. Llh. sapiens, prudens. O'R.
Deàrnadh, s. m. et pres. part. v. Deàm. Vide « Deart, adj. Shining: fulgens. S.D. 183.

Deanamh. Deas, -eis, s.f. The south: meridies, auster.

Deàrnaran, -ain, -an, s. m. A small oaten or bar- " Is osnaiche' atmhor eiti' a. deas."
ley cake: exiguum avenaceae aut hordeacae farinae S. D. 78.
colljrrium. Bibl. Gloss. And swelling stormy bowlings from the south.
Dearras, m. Obstinacy, frettishness perti-
-ais, s. : Et turgidi procellosi gemitus ab meridie.
nacia, contumacia. Turn. 295. Vide Diarras. Deas, Deise, adj. 1. South australis. " Gaoth :

Dearrasach, -aiche, adj. Obstinate, stubborn : deas." C. S. South wind ventus australis. " An :

pertinax. C S. àirde deas." C. S. The south : auster. " An

Dearrasan, -ain, s. m. The noise of any thing taobh deas." TV. H. A
general term for the south-
crackling, burning, or roasting, purling, gurgling : ern parts, or low country of Scotland. Apud
strepitus cujusvis rei crepitantis, aut igne tostae, vel Gaelos septemtrionales, regiones australes Scotise
ardentis, sonitus rivi fluentis. 2. Rustling, flapping sic appellantur. " Deas," vel " Gu deas," adv.
of a banner : strepitus vexilli. A. M'-B. Gloss. South, southward ad austrum. " A deas," adv.

Dearrasanaich, -e, s.f. Vide Dearrasan. from the south ab austro. 2. Right (of the bo-

Deàrrs, -aidh, et -idh, dh-, v. a. et n. dy) dexter.

" An làmh dheas." C. S. The
Deàrrsaich, J Shine : fulge. right hand manus dextra. 3. Ready, dextrous,

" Caoir dliealan a' dearrsadh o "n cruaidh." skilful, expert : gnarus, peritus, solers.
Fing. i. 84. " Bha a tann an còrnhnuidh deas."
Sparks of lightning shining from their steel. Scin- S. D. 289.
tillis fulgoris emicantibus a durà-chalybe eorum. His sword was always ready. Ensis ejus fuit sem-
Deàrrsg, -aidh, dh-, v. a. Pohsh, file, burnish per paratus. 4. Proper, fit : proprius, decens.
poll, lima, expoh, laeviga. Sh. Gill. 306. 5. Easy, easily accomplished : facilis,
Deàrrsgnachadh, -aidh, *. m. Polishing, act of facilis factu.
polishing, burnishing politura, actio expoliendi,
" Bu deas dhomh fhoghluim uaidhe."
laevigatio. C. S. GiU. 28.
Dearrsgnaich, -idh, dh-. Vide Deàrrsg. It was easy forme to learn it from him. Fuit facile
« Dearrsgnaidli, -e, adj. Wise, prudent : sapiens. mihi discere ab illo. 6. Pretty, neat, handsome
MSS. nitidus, bellus, venustus, elegans. Gi//. 241. Wei.
Dearrsgnùidh, Burnished, po-
-e, adj. (Deàrrsg), Deaw, Dehaw. Dav. Span. Diestro. Larram.
lished : politus, laevigatus. " Grian dheàrrsgnuidh." Gr. Ae^/oc. Pers. jo iIXm*ì dust kar, dextrous.
Glittering in the sun. Solis radiis coruscans.
Dearrsgnuidheachd, s.y. ?«rf. (Deàrrsgnuidh), Po-
lish, elegance, neatness, excellence politura, ele- :
Deasach, -aich, s. m. (Deas, adj. I.), A south-
gantia, nitor, excellentia. O'R. country man homo australis. C. S.
Dbasachadii, •aidii, «. m. ct prts. port. v. Dea«- DEA.s-LADiinArH, -AiciiE, adj. (Dcft«, t't Labhair),
aich. IVeporation, act of prt'parinp, dressing,
1. Kl()(|ucnt : eloquciii», lingua promptus. O'R. et

mending apparatio, paraiuli, ornandi, relicienili.

: C. S.
" Agus rinn easan diilir g'a Miriau/iatlA." G'tii. I)KAs-LÀ.NtH, -ÀI.MII, s.f. (Dcau, tt Làmli), A right
xviii. 7. And lie Imsled to dress it. Kt feslina- hand menus dcxtra. Sohn. xvi. 8.

vit ille ad apparandum euni. Vide Dcasaich. Dkas-i.amiiach, -aiche, adj. (Deajt-làmh), Right-
Deasaicii, -idh, dm-, I'. ((. l*rei)are para, appnra. : handed, neut-huiuled, dextrous dexter, : »oleni,
" Dkeataich Cathuii a' diuilm." A'. 1). KiO. gnariis, peritus. C. S.
Catliul prepared the feast. .Apparavit Cathul cpu- Deas-i.amhachd, »./. ind. Neatness of hand : ma-
liuiu (illud). " Lkamich aran." C. A'. Prc])are, nuum peritia. O'JV.
or bake bread : pinse, liic panes. 3. Dress, adorn : Deasmaikeas, -eis, s. nt. Curiosity : curiositas.
indue, orna. " Deasaich tliu fein. C. S, Dress C.S.
thyself: indue, vcl orna te ipsuro. 4. Gird on DEASoiREAcn, -eiche, ad/. Spicy : aromaticus.
accinge. OB.
" Deasaich do chlaidheamh air do leis." Deaspoiueachd, s.
f. ind. O'R. Id. q. Deasbair-
Salt», xlv. S. cachd.
Gird thy sword on thy thigli. Accinge gladiuni Deaspud, -uid, -ean, s.f. Macinh/. Vide Deas-
tuuin super femur. 5. Mend, correct : refice, cor- bad.
rige. C
S. Deat, -a, pi. Deathaid, ». m. vel/. An unshorn
Deasaichte, pret. jtart. Prepared,v. Deasaicii. year-old sheep, or wcdder ovis, vel ver\'ex anno :

dressed : paratus, iiidutus, ornatus. C. S. priorc editus, et intonsus sic appellatus prima
De.\sai., -aii.k, atlj. Vide Deiseal. a'state anno secundo a-tatis sua.
Deasalan, -ain, s. tn. Vide Deisealan. " 'S coslach fi giomach do chom,
Deasbair, -e, -eak, s. m. A disputant: disputator, " 'S ri deata bealltuinn do thaobh."
dialecticus. MSS. B.D.
Deasbaireacho, *./. itid. (Deasbair), Dispute, act Like to a lobster is thy chest, and to an unfleece<l
of disputing, or arguing : disputatio, disceptatio. jcar-old sheep th)' side. Est similis astaco thorax
as. tuus, et ovi anni prioris intonso latus tuum.
Deasbcd, -uid, -an, s. m. A dispute : disputatio. Deatach, -aich, -aichean, s.f. Smoke, vapour:
Voc. 145. Wei. Diaspad. Dav. fumus, vapor, exhalatio. " Chaidh deatach na
De.\s-chainst, -e, -ean, s.f. (Deas, adj. et Calnnt), tire suas mar diieatach àmhainn." Geti. xix. 28.
Eloquence eloquentia. Macf. V.
: The smoke of the country went up as the smoke
Deas-chainnteach, -eiche, ad/. (Deas-chainnt), of a furnace. Ascenderet fumus terra sicut for-
Eloquent eloquens. C. S.
: nacis calcaria.
Deas-cheumach, -aiche, ad/. (Deas, et Ceum), Deatachail, \ -E, adj. (Deatach), Smoky: fumeus.
Stately in gait : incessu magnificus vcl elatus. A. Deatachair, J Vac. 36.
M'£>. Deatachan, -ain, -an, 5. m. A chimney, a vent
De.\s-fhoclach, -aiche, adj. (Deas, ad/, et Focal), caminus, focus. Voc. et C. S.
Ready-witted, eloquent facetus, in eloquio promp-: Deatach-thalmhuinn, -aich-thal.mhinn, *.
tus, disertus. Macinty. 195. Fumitory fumaria. Voc. 60.

• Deasgachd, s.f. iiui. Lees, dregs faces. Llh. : Deatam, -aim, s. m. Anxiety, eagerness, solicitude :

DÈ.\SGADH, -AID1I, -EAN', s. m. The last lees, dregs, anxietas, acerbitas, solicitudo. C. S.
yeast : ultima pars, fax, cerevisiae spuma. LUt. et Deatamach, -aiche, adj. (Deatam), Anxious, ea-
'Bill. Gloss. ger, solicitous anxius, acerbus, solicitus. C. S.

DÈASGAIN, -E, -EAN, S.f. Rdmet, barm : coagulum, • Deatacha, adj. (Deatach), Smoky fumeus. Ll/i. :

cerevisiae C S. Deathach, -AiCH, s.f. Smoke: fumus. Tern. 636.
DÈASGANN, -AiNNE, S.f. Lces, drcgs, yeast, rennet:
faex, cerevisiae flos, coagulum. Voc. 23. et Salm.
Id. q. Deatach. ffcb. ^^ daghach, extinguitur.

Ixxv. 8. Deathachail, -e, ad/. (Deathach). C. S. Id. q.

Deasghair, (Deas, ad/, et Gair), On the
-e, adj. Deatachail.
right hand : ad manum dextram. Gill. 165. Dee, pi. of DiA. : dei. " Gu 'm bi sibh mar
Deas-ghnàth, -àith, -AN, s. t». (Dcas, ad/, et d/iee." Gen. iii. shall be as gods. Quod
5. That ye
Gnàth), A
ceremony ceremonia. Voc. 168.
: sit is sicut Dei. Diathan." Bibl. Gloss.

Deas-ghnàthach, -aiche, adj. (Deas-glmath), Ce- • Deidde, *./. (Deidli), Care, diligence, circum-
remonial : ceremonialis. C. S. spection cura, diligentia, circumspectio. ZJh.

Deas-ghnàthachd, s.m. hid. (Deas-ghnàthach), Ce- • Deibheadh, -eidh, s. m. debate, skirmish, A

remony : ceremonia, formalitas. C. S. battle, haste, speed, expedition disputatio, :

Deasgraich, -e, -ean, s. m. Vide Dreamsgal. velitatio, prcelium, festinatio. Ll/u

Deas-labhairt, \ s. m. Deas, et Labhair), • Deibhidhe, s. m. A
kind of verse canninis ge- :

Deas-labhradh, -aidh, j Elocution, eloquence, nus quoddam. O'R.

address : elocutio, eloquentia, adeundi facilitas, co- DÈ1BHLEACH, gcti. of Dèilc, s. q. vide.
mitas. OB. et C. S. Deibhlin, -NE, «.y; Poverty: pauperta& MSS.
Uu 2
DÈIBHLEID. -E, -EAN, s. /. (Dìblidh), A feeble, Deidheii,, -e, adj. (Deidh), Desirous, fond of, adw
awkward, unhandy person homo debilis, inhabi- : dieted to : cupidus, amans, deditus. " Na bhh-
h's, imperitus. C. S. Scot. Diblet, Daiblet. Sibb. eamaid deidlieil air gloir dhiomhain." Gal. v. 26.
Gloss. Let us not be desirous of vain glory. Ne simus
DÈIBHLEIDHEACHD, s. /. iW. (Dèibhleid), Inability, cupidi gloriae inanis.
awkwardness, wretchedness : impotentia, debilitas, Deidh INN, i. "
e. Mu
dheidhinn," prep. Of, con-
ineptia. C. S. cerning : de. C. S.
Deic, -e, adj. Convenient, fitting commodus, con- : Deifir, -e, s.f. Haste, speed, expedition: festina-
gruus. " Cha deic a luaths." Macinty. 137. Not tio, properantia.
fitting is its speed. Non commoda celeritas ejus. " Mar theine nan
speur 'na dheifir." S. D. 106.
• Deic, -e, adj. Hairy crinosus. MSS. : As the of the skies (lightning), in its violent
Deich, adj. pi. Ten : decern. Voc. 122. " Deich speed. Sicut ignis ccelorum in velocitate ingente
thar fliichead." {lit.) Ten over twenty thirty tri- ; : ipsius. Wei. Defrys. Dav. Deifir. Germ. Eifern,
ginta. Wei. et Arm. Deg, et Deck. Fr. Dix. iracundia inflammari. Wacht.
Sp. Deiz. Larraxa. Gr. Aexa. Deifireach, -eiche, adj. Hasty, in haste: festi-
Deich-bhrigh, -bhrighte, s. f. Tlie decalogue : nans, properans.
decalogus. Llh. " Is freagair mi gu deifireach." Salm. cii. 2.
Deich-fillte, ì adj. (Deich, et Fillte), Decuple, ten- And answer me speedily. Et responde mihi cito.
Deicheach, fold :
OR. ~ De-
Fr. ~ Deifirich, -idh, DH-, V. a. et n. Vide Deifrich.
cuple. Deifhich, -idh, DH-, V. o. et n. (Deifir), Hasten, hurry
Deicheamh, adj. Tenth : decimus. Voc. 123. Wei. forward festina, propera.
: " Na deifrich ann ad
et Ann. Degfed. spiorad gu fearg a ghabhail." Eccl. vii. 9. Be not
Deichmich, -idh, DH-, V. a. (Deich), Decimate hasty in thy spirit to be angry, (fit. to take anger).
decima. O'R. Ne festines in spiritu tuo ad iram concipiendam.
Deich-mhios, -a, s. m. December. Llh. Wei. Dyfrysio.
Deichnar, \ adj. (Deich, et Fear), Ten persons, a Deifreach, -EICHE, adj. (Deifir), Hasty, hastening,
Deichnear, j decade decem homines, decas. : quick : festinus, festinans, citus. O'R.
" Deichnear gu talla Dhu'arma, Deifreachadh, -aidh, m. et pres. part. v. Deif- «.

" Theid air falbh o bheinn ar seilge." rich. Hastening, act of hastening : properans, pro-
S. D. 292. perandi actio. C. S.
Ten men to the hall of Duarma, shall set out from Deigh, -e, -ean, et eannan, *. /. Ice : glacies.
our hill of hunting. Decem homines (decies-ho- i^oc. 5.

minum) ad aulam Duarmae profisciscentur ab T> El GH, prep. After : post. " Deigh a' mheadhon la."
monte nostras venationis. Used only of persons. The post meridiem.
afternoon Oftener, " An

De hominibus tantum dicitur. deigh." Used substantively with possessive pro-

Deich-roinn, -e, -ean, s. m. (Deich, et Roinn), nouns. " Agus n 'r sliochd 'n 'ur deigh." Gen.
A decimal, tenth part decima pars. C. S. et Sh.
: ix. 9. And with your seed after you. Et cum se-
Deich-shlisneach, -ich, -ichean, s.f. (Deich, et mine vestro post vos. " An deigh so, an deigh sin."
Slios), A decagon decagon. Macf. V.
: adv. Afterwards : posthac, postea. Voc. 102.
Deich-thaobhach, -aiche, adj. (Deich, et Taobh), Deigheach, -eiche, adj. (Deigh), ley, abounding
Ten-sided decem habens latera. Voc.
: et C. S. in ice : glaciosus, glacie abundans. C. S.
Deicir, -e, adj. Vide Deacair. Deigh, -e, -ean, s.J'. Vide Deidh.
Deid,/m<. i>. Theirig. Will go. Gen. lisiy.W. marg. Deigh -làimh, adv. (Deigh, et Làmh),
After hand,
Vide Teid, et Theid. too late : sero. C. S. " An deigh làmh."
• Deid, s.f. 1. Obedience, submission obedien- : * Deigheanach, -eiche, ad/. (Deigh, prep.) Last,
tia, submissio. Llh. Care, diligence : cura, 2. hindermost ultimus, postremus. Llh. " Deigh-

diligentia. O'R. Gr. Anèu, timeo.

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