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Name: ____________________________

College English I
Final Work

Based on the essay read “Black men in public spaces” answer the following questions:

1. What does Staples mean in paragraph 2 by “the ability to alter public space?”

2. What does he learn from his encounter with a white woman as recalled in paragraphs
1 and 2?

3. What other anecdotes does Staples use to illustrate the problem of “black men and
public space?”

4. What is the essay’s thesis?

5. What “truths” does the author describe in paragraph 5, and how does this paragraph
help him advance his thesis?

6. In paragraph 10, the author claims that “Black men trade tales like this all the time.”
To what kinds of tales is he referring? How does including that sentence help him
accomplish his purpose?

7. Why has he forced himself “to smother the rage [he] felt at so often being taken for a
criminal? (paragraph 11)

8. Who are Beethoven and Vivaldi? Why does Staples whistle their music?

9. Do you think we make false assumptions that people are up to no good if they are on
the street late at night, even if they have a good reason for doing so? Before you know
his reason for being out late at night, why do you think he was out late?

10. If you had been in Staples’ situation, how would you have handled it?

11. Would Staples have been successful in his profession if he had remained in Chester,
Pennsylvania, his hometown? Why or why not?

12. What does Staples’ subdued tone tell you about his character?

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