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 Research
 Idea
 Fund Transfer
 How will it work
 Conclusion
 When any natural
disaster happens this
states in a great loss of
properties things of
peoples and even life.
 Some times they don’t
get proper help or gets
late help.
 Even officials aren't too
 The idea behind it is that
the common peoples
who lost their leaving
like house and food or
else like appliances and
vehicles they will get the
fund for their losses.
Fund Transfer.Org
 The site where peoples
affected from floods or
any natural disasters can
enroll easily and we will
help them get their funds
for their losses from
government and several
other means.
How will it work?
 We will open a small portal or site where anyone
can easily enroll themselves and whenever the
disasters happen they will get the funds directly
to their accounts.
Peoples and their Opinion
* 1 person - If we are getting directly then we will be
very happy .
* 2person –This is best idea .
* 3 person – Do it fast.

Also the rural officials had their

*1 – We will help you on local basis .
*2- We have such thing but of no proper in use.
 This will help common peoples getting the funds
easily without having much problems.

Help taken from some sites which are directly under

Thank you

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