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Mathematics and the Common Core:

Helping Illinois Educators Prepare for New Standards

Date & Time:

Wednesday, February 16, 2011, 8.30a-3.30p. Breakfast served from 7.45a-8.30a

UIC Forum, 725 W. Roosevelt Road, Chicago, IL 60607

Ample parking is located two blocks west of the UIC Forum in Lot 5 at 1135 S. Morgan St.
Discounted parking stickers will be available on the day of the conference for $7.00 (cash only).

Please register at
Priority registration is available for participants from SCMI, WCMI and designated CPS
programs/offices until 12/31/10. Please check with your district lead or UIC Coach (SCMI &
WCMI) or Rickey Murff (CPS) for priority registration codes. General registration begins 1/1/11.

$60/person for groups of 2-6 until 1/31/11; $75/person for individuals or group registrations after

"Mathematics and the Common Core: Helping Illinois Educators Prepare for New Standards,"
will help local school districts, school leaders, and mathematics teachers better understand the
Common Core State Standards and encourage them to approach the new standards in
productive and meaningful ways.

Conference Goals:
● Provide participants with reliable information about the standards, their underlying ideas,
and how were they were developed;
● Inform participants about emerging plans for new assessments that will be developed in
response to the CCSS; and
● Highlight the impact that the standards are likely to have on existing or new mathematics
curricula and instructional materials.

The conference features speakers who have been involved in various ways with the
development of the CCSS for mathematics and who will be involved with the development of
mathematics assessments for Illinois and other states. Additionally, we have recruited leading
K-12 mathematics curriculum developers to provide models of how to approach CCSS
alignment in a way that maintains the coherence and strengths of mathematics curricula.

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The conference is being organized by UIC’s Learning Sciences Research Institute on behalf of
the West Cook Mathematics Initiative (WCMI), the South Cook Mathematics Initiative (SCMI),
and the Chicago Public Schools Office of Teaching and Learning Mathematics. West 40 ISC
and South Cook ISC are co-sponsoring organizations. The Searle Funds at The Chicago
Community Trust and the Chicago Public Schools Office of Teaching and Learning Mathematics
are providing partial support.

7:45-8:30a Breakfast (optional)
8:30-8:45a Welcome/Introduction
8:45-9:45a Keynote 1: Understanding the CCSS for Mathematics
9:45-10:00a Break
10:00-10:50a Keynote 2: The CCSS for Mathematics: What Now?
11:00-12:15p Breakout 1
12:15-1:00p Lunch (boxed lunches)
1:00-1:45p Keynote 3: New Assessments: Plans of the PARCC Consortium
2:00-2:45p Breakout 2
3:00-3:30p Panel discussion/Q & A with presenters

Keynote Addresses
Understanding the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics
Speaker: Phil Daro
Abstract: Phil Daro co-directed the development of the CCSS for Mathematics. He will discuss
the principles that guided their conception and highlight the big ideas of the Standards.

The CCSS for Mathematics: What Now?

Speaker: Diane Briars
Abstract: Diane Briars is president of the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics. She
will discuss productive strategies that districts might consider as they plan for the CCSS

New Assessments: Plans of the PARCC Consortium

Speakers: Doug Sovde and Kaye Forgione
Abstract: Twenty-six states, including Illinois, have joined together to create the Partnership for
the Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers Consortium (PARCC). PARCC’s goal is
to create an assessment system and supporting tools based upon the CCSS. These new
assessments will be implemented in the 2014-15 school year. Doug Sovde and Kaye Forgione,
senior mathematics associates at Achieve, Inc., are coordinating the development of PARCC
mathematics assessments. They will provide an overview of the initial plans for these
assessments and discuss implications for districts during the transition to the new Illinois

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Breakout Sessions
High School Mathematics in Middle School: Approaches for Accelerating Students
Speaker: Doug Sovde
Abstract: There are some students who are able to move through mathematics quickly, allowing
them to take high school mathematics beginning in eighth grade or earlier so that they can take
college-level mathematics in high school. Doug Sovde, senior mathematics associate at
Achieve, Inc., helped develop alternative course sequences outlined in the CCSS for
accelerating these students. He will discuss these compacted courses and suggest important
ideas for districts and schools to consider regarding acceleration strategies.

College and Career Readiness and the CCSS

Speaker: Kaye Forgione
Abstract: A set of college and career readiness standards, developed in Summer 2009, created
the framework for the CCSS for Mathematics. Kaye Forgione, senior mathematics associate at
Achieve, Inc., served on the working group that developed the college and career readiness
standards in mathematics. She will discuss how the college and career readiness standards
were developed and how they are embedded within the CCSS.

Tools and Strategies for Considering Alignment to the CCSS

Speaker: Diane Briars
Abstract: Diane Briars, president of the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics
(NCSM), will introduce a new tool being developed by NCSM to help districts move their
mathematics programs towards alignment with CCSS expectations. Special emphasis will be
placed on alignment with the CCSS Standards for Mathematical Practices.

High School Pathways in the CCSS

Speaker: Brad Findell
Abstract: Brad Findell, Mathematics Initiatives Administrator for the Ohio Department of
Education, worked on the development of the CCSS high school pathways. The pathways
provide a guide for designing high school mathematics courses based upon the CCSS. He will
provide an overview of the high school pathways and suggest ways that school districts might
approach CCSS implementation with their high schools.

The CCSS and Elementary Mathematics Curricula

Speakers: Andy Isaacs and Tim Stoelinga
Abstract: Andy Isaacs, Director of the Center for Elementary Mathematics and Science
Education at the University of Chicago, and Tim Stoelinga, co-Director of the Teaching
Integrated Mathematics and Science (TIMS) Project at UIC, are leading developers of widely-
used elementary mathematics curricula (Everyday Mathematics and Math Trailblazers). They
will discuss how elementary curriculum developers are approaching the CCSS—to align content
while maintaining coherent and high-quality mathematics curricula. Their respective approaches
provide models for districts to think about K-5 curriculum alignment with the CCSS.

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The CCSS and Middle Grades Mathematics Curricula
Speakers: Mary Jo Tavormina and Margie Pligge
Abstract: Mary Jo Tavormina, director of WCMI and SCMI, and Margie Pligge, senior coach with
SCMI, will describe how leading developers of middle grades mathematics curricula are
approaching the CCSS—to align content while maintaining coherent and high-quality
mathematics curricula. These approaches provide models for districts to think about middle
grades curriculum alignment with the CCSS.

The CCSS and High School Mathematics Curricula

Speaker: Al Cuoco
Abstract: Al Cuoco, Senior Scholar and Director of the Center for Mathematics Education at the
Education Development Center (EDC), is a nationally recognized developer of high school
mathematics curricula. He will discuss how his team at EDC is approaching the CCSS—to align
content of the CME Project Algebra 1 course to the CCSS while maintaining a coherent and
high-quality mathematics curriculum. This approach provides a model for districts to think about
high school curriculum alignment with the CCSS.

Navigating through the CCSS: A Primer

Speakers: Joanne Baker, Nancy Mueller, and Sendhil Revuluri
Abstract: Joanne Baker, Nancy Mueller, and Sendhil Revuluri are senior coaches with WCMI
and SCMI. They will provide an interactive introduction to the components and organization of
the CCSS. Both the K-8 and High School Standards will be covered.

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