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Way back in the 16th centuries The Spanish arrive, but fail to convert the indigenous

Maya to Christianity. In the 1600s - The area of present-day Belize became part of
Spain's possessions in Central America and the Caribbean; British buccaneers and
woodcutters began to settle around the Belize river.

In the year 1608-1623 Tipu the capital of Belize and center of Maya political power was
reduced by the Spanish. The Spanish reduce Tipu once again to stamp out Maya
politics.The Catholic Franciscans are given the right in Merida, to attempt a peaceful
persuasive enslavement and conquest of Belize under Father Orbita and Father
Fuensalida. Father Diego Delgado gets himself and eighty Tipu-Maya men killed by the
Itza-Maya in the central Peten.

From the year 1627 to 1630 Famine and plagues of locusts devastated the country from
Belize to Merida. Tens of thousands of Maya starve to death as four seasonal crops in a
row are destroyed and from the year.

From then in the year 1630 to 1642 The towns of Belize were abandoned as people fled
to the bush to eat roots. Political Mayan leaders order the remaining people to continue
to abandon the Spanish controlled towns when the famine is over. Major war ensues
between the Maya and Spanish who wish to re-enslave the inhabitants of Belize. The
population of Belize nears extinction, Mayan political leaders out of the western capital
of Belize at Tipu start a new independence movement.

Moving forward In the year 1678-1680 the Catholic Franciscans returned in vengeance
with a large military force invading northern and western Belize as far as Tipu and from
there in 1695 to the year 1698 The Spanish apply a two pincer attack against the central
Peten Itza-maya, the left pincer passing through Belize and Tipu and the population of
Tipu is reduced again by military force and modern weapons. Martin de Ursula and his
military expedition conquer the Itza-Maya island stronghold at Lake Flores on March

In the year 1707 to 1708 The Spanish forced the Tipu Maya to help in the fight against
the Itza-Maya. Then turn on the Belizeans and sell them into slavery. Civil War in Belize
between the Tipu town area Yucatec Maya influenced by the Spanish and the
Mozul-Maya of central southern Belize who continue to fight the Spanish.

In 1779 to 1798 the Spanish attacked British settlers for the fourth time since 1717,
treaty of Versailles signed with terms similar to the Treaty of Paris. Convention of
London signed allowing Baymen to cut wood but not establish plantations, fortifications,
or government in Belize territory, first British superintendent to Belize and also the
British defeated Spanish in the Battle of St. George's Caye.
Now coming in the 18th century beginning from the year 1809 to 1824 The Maya of
Belize attacked British logwood camps. Spain protests the erection of fortification in
Belize plus the British superintendent assumes authority to grant land titles. The Central
American region declares its independence from Spain and there are an estimated
2,300 slaves in Belize, including Africans, creoles, and descendants of Indians.

From there in the year 1824 to 1840 the Coloured subjects of free condition were
granted civil rights, the Central American federation disintegrated Guatemala claims to
have inherited sovereign rights over Belize from Spain and the Laws of England
declared to be in force in Belize the Executive Council formed to assist the

In 1859 to 1862 Guatemala recognized British sovereignty but claimed it signed a treaty
because Britain agreed to build a road to Caribbean coast and it was Officially declared
a colony and recognized as part of British Commonwealth with the name British
Honduras and in 1893 Mexico renounced claim to Belizean territory.

Coming to the 19th centuries way in 1919 to 1931 Belizean soldiers returning from
World War I protest discrimination in Ex-Servicemen's Riot and Belize city was hit and
destroyed by a hurricane.

In 1945 to 1950 Belice was defined as the 23rd department in Guatemala's new
constitution and the People's Committee formed to protest the devaluation of British
Honduras dollar and Minimum age for women voters lowered from 30 to 21.

- The People’s United Party was founded in 1950 to protect and defend the rights
and lives of the people of the British Honduras who lived under colonial rule, it​ is
one of the major political parties in Belize. ​It is currently the governing party of
Belize after success in the 2020 Belizean general election, winning a majority of
26 seats out of 31 in the Belizean House of Representatives.
- George Cadle Price who served twice as the head of government of Belize from
1961–1984 and 1989–1993. He served as First Minister and Premier under
British rule until independence in 1981 and was the nation's first prime minister
after independence that year. He is considered to have been one of the principal
architects of Belizean independence. Today he is referred to by many as the
Father of the Nation. Price effectively dominated Belizean politics from the early
1960s until his 1996 retirement from party leadership, serving as the nation's
head of government under various titles for most of that period.
In 1960 to 1964 Belize obtained associate-member status in the United Nations
Economic Commission for Latin America and Hurricane Hattie hit Belize City that killed
more than 260 people and Control of local government passed to Belize, Britain
retained control over defense, foreign affairs, internal security, terms and conditions of
public service. Governor general appoints George Price as prime minister.

In the year 1970 to 1973 Belmopan replaced Belize City as the capital and officially​ the
name of the territory was changed from British Honduras to Belize in June 1973.
Guatemala broke negotiations with Britain and Britain sent a fleet and several thousand
troops to Belize and The United Democratic party was founded on 27 September, 1973.
It ​ is one of the major political parties in Belize and​ is currently the main opposition
party, having lost the 2020 Belizean general election, after previously holding the
government across three prior terms.

In 1977 to 1980 Latin American countries began to shift from siding with Guatemala to
solidarity with Belize and also refugees from El Salvador and Guatemala began flowing
into Belize and also Guatemala refused to vote.

In 1981 Belize got its independence ​with George Price as Prime Minister. Firstly in ​April
the Negotiations with Guatemala provoked riots and a state of emergency in Belize,
Guatemala refused to accept it and on 21st​ September, 1981​ Belize became a fully
independent member of Commonwealth of Nations. The Queen of England remains
ceremonial head of state. Belize joins the United Nations and Non-Aligned Nations.

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