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Santosh Mohanty
Bringing Awareness, Automation,
and Scale to IPR Creation

The IPR strategy of a large organization needs to maintain a fine balance. It should

enhance the environment for serendipitous discovery and at the same time, create
intellectual property that aligns with the organization’s business goals. The bigger
and more diverse a company is the greater the challenge. Ensuring process rigor
is also important in creating high quality IP that generates value and reduces risk.
Generating IPR is effort-intensive. Therefore, scaling operations with a small team
requires ingenuity.
TCS’ steadily growing IP portfolio outlines the company’s business strategy,
innovation and areas of expertise. TCS’ approach of ‘Safe to Create, Safe to Protect,
and Safe to Use’ sensitizes all associates to IPR—ours and others. While employing
a rigorous process to create sustainable and high quality assets, TCS’ IP& E Group
has come up with several innovations of its own.

There is a steep increase in the property (IP) is a substantial part

value of intangible assets to any of intangible assets. However, the
business. According to a 2017 value of IP from a trade perspective
report from the World Intellectual lies not in its individual worth, but in
Property Organization (WIPO), a strategically designed, optimally
“Overall income from intangibles aggregated, and well-managed IP
in the 19 manufacturing industries portfolio. Hence, management of an
increased by 75% from 2000 to 2014 IP portfolio is crucial to business.
in real terms”.1 The implied market
value of intangible assets of S&P Understanding the nature of a
500 companies is at an average of portfolio that is necessary, aligning
84% according to a 2015 survey it to business strategy, sensitizing
(up from 68% in 1995).2 Intellectual each individual in the organization,

1 WIPO, World Intellectual Property Report 2017: Intangible Capital in Global Value Chains,
2017. Available at
2 Ocean Tomo, Annual Study of Intangible Asset Market Value from Ocean Tomo, LLC, March 5,
2015. Available at

The IP-Safe Organization

Fact File

TCS Research: IPR

Outcomes: IP-Safe Organization
Principal Investigators: Santosh Mohanty
Academic Partners: TSDSI, CII
Techniques Used: Machine Learning, Network Analysis
Industries Benefited: All Industries
Patents: 4 filed, 1 granted
Papers: 9

and scaling a resource-intensive Creating a Portfolio

IP support system are areas that
deserve attention if an enterprise TCS views an IP portfolio of an The technology IP
hopes to succeed. This is specially enterprise as a set of multiobjective space is crowded
clusters of its standalone patents or
so since knowledge and technology
a set of patents. It believes that these
with diverse players.
form the backbone of every
industry. A payment product can need to be appropriately interlinked Understanding
come from a bank or a fintech firm; and optimized with respect to novelty and staking
a health monitor can come from technology, temporal sustainability,
a medical equipment company or and its areas of business. It believes claim involves effort
a digital watchmaker. This makes that both top-down and bottom- that an inventor
up approaches are required to get
the technology IP space crowded cannot manage
with diverse players. Understanding a sustainable IP portfolio for the
novelty and staking claim involves enterprise. The IP&E Group has set the without support.
effort that an inventor cannot following goals toward achieving the
manage without support. stated objective:

TCS filed its first trademark in the   • Encourage and actively

year 1985 and its first patent in support innovation activities
1994. But the company realized that and subsequent IP protection
IP cannot be left to individual effort, of such innovations in the
but had to be an organic movement business units.
within the enterprise. This led to
  • Encourage TCS’ business units to
the creation of our group, the TCS
build IP assets that are aligned
IP & Engineering (IP&E) Group. We
to the organization’s priority
actualize TCS’ vision of an IP-safe
and the unit’s asset roadmap,
culture that ensures the company
and support them through
catalyzes innovation, accrues a
associated engineering services.
sustainable IP for itself, and respects
partner IPs. This has not reduced   • Protect the IP rights emerging
the company’s commitment to out of the IP assets.
open source to which it contributes
significantly each year. In fact,   • Leverage existing IP of TCS in
we help inventors and users building IP assets.
understand the IP implications even
  • Institutionalize an IP-Safe
within open source.
culture in TCS.

Reimagining Research 2018

Aligning IP creation incorporates competition and
For creating the to business strategy interplay between diversification
and correlation of IP assets towards
sustainable and Optimizing an enterprise’s IP positioning the enterprise for
portfolio is a complex task. IP,
optimized IP scenarios encompassing various
strategic to the company must be strategies, such as promoting,
portfolio, we employ created. But clearly, serendipitous flooding, fencing, strengthening,
a decision support discovery must be encouraged. The surrounding, and patent
enterprise must gain in business
methodology of value; it must be protected against
networking strategies. We have
been granted a patent in this area.
screening patents risks such as litigation, and changes
and compatible key in the business environment.
Sensitizing the individual
Optimization must take into
players, matching and safeguarding
account the emergence of new
against risks
criteria based on an technologies as well as the dynamic
valuation of standalone patents.
Identify-Analyze- An organization-wide commitment
to promote, protect, and profit from
Position model For creating the sustainable and
IP must enthuse employees to be
optimized IP portfolio, we employ
sequence. a decision support methodology of
inventors and create IP. Campaigns
proliferating messages—such as
screening patents and compatible
‘Know Your IP’, ‘Respect Others’ IP’,
key players, matching criteria based
‘Be an Inventor, Create IP’, ‘Ensure
on an Identify-Analyze-Position
Right Access and Right Usage’, and
model sequence. The Identify-
‘Stay Clean’—have sensitized TCS
Analyze-Position model sequence
associates to become IP aware and
ensures the patent portfolio
appreciate IP creation, protection,
meets the multidimensional
usage, and risks.
objectives, which include
maximizing the total value of the We have worked hard at
portfolio and minimizing the risk generating ideas, maturing an idea
to the portfolio simultaneously. collaboratively, and identifying IP that
The Identify-Analyze-Position model can be protected and leveraged in the
market. This has resulted in TCS filing
an average of over 450 patents every
year for the past 6 years.

We have a robust internal

monitoring system that aims at
building a trustworthy and agile
ecosystem for TCS’ IP—from
ideation to offering—with the
motto ‘Safe to Create, Safe to
Protect, Safe to Use,’ and to respect
the IP and confidential information
©Randy Glasbergen/

of TCS, its customers, partners, and

third parties through transparency
and compliance. Realizing this
objective enables TCS to protect its
IP and reinforce the right use of TCS,
its customers, and third party IP in
its global operations.

The IP-Safe Organization

Automating IP requirements for patenting. The
management with tools inventor has to state whether
the idea is an algorithm, a
A truly creative person is more technical advancement over
involved in the spontaneity of similar methods, an abstract idea
their work and may not want to (such as a business method), or
put in the spadework required for has seen prior disclosure. If the
intellectual property rights (IPR) answer is yes to any of these, the TCS IP&E Group
creation and documentation. idea may require a revisit or be
Getting the idea into a form suitable
steps in with a
rejected. The exercise stimulates
for patenting and generalizing inventors to generate further cross functional
is extremely difficult and usually ideas that have better chance expertise of people
requires a good patent attorney. In for patenting. A questionnaire
addition, checking for ‘prior art’ and for now, it will soon become
across engineering,
obtaining a ‘freedom to operate’ an interactive and intelligent science, law, and
opinion are very difficult. Timeframe
involved in the patent filing process
chatbot. management
is also a challenge.   • Prior art search: Prior art
search matches an invention’s
TCS IP&E Group steps in with a salient concepts and features
cross-functional expertise of people with various kinds of recorded
across engineering, science, law, IPR: global patents, including
and management. Yet to scale TCS’ own, and the claims of
services to an organization of over each; articles, books, and
400,000 employees, the group relies other publications available
on digital systems: the TCS’ IPR electronically in the public
Management System (IPRMS) and domain; and unpublished but
IP Asset Registry (TIPAR) to manage accessible work. Whether an
the influx of patents, copyrights, idea is novel or self-evident is
and trademark-filing requests. thus determined, and a formal
search report helps the inventor
IP Processes and Workflow
to examine and comment on
TCS’ IPRMS manages IP-related data the findings. Currently, the IP&E
and automates IP-related processes Group members conduct this
and workflow. It covers patents, specialized task by accessing
copyrights, and trademarks. IPRMS specialized databases, internet,
provides information, knowledge, and other sources. We are
administration and insights related automating this process,
to IP and IP rights. including feature extraction,
identification of concepts and
It’s ‘ease of use’ facilitates an IP synonyms of an invention from
adoption culture in the organization. technical documentation, and
PRMS is conceived, designed, built, formation of search strings that
and managed by the IP&E group. can be applied to target data
Determining ‘State-
of-the-Art’   • Patentability involving
collaborative invention
We use a three-stage process to mining (CIM): Invention
identify and develop unique ideas mining is performed through
for IP protection and many of the a CIM tool incorporated into
process steps are automated. the IPRMS. The objective is
  • Patent eligibility: A to achieve greater maturity
patentability questionnaire in inventions, in patentability
guides the inventor through the (novelty, non-obviousness,

Reimagining Research 2018

and industrial utility) and IPRMS. This objectively valuates an
business sustainability. This IP asset from various standpoints—
process considers the outputs fair market value (from the financial
of patent eligibility and prior investor’s viewpoint), acquisition
art search, and proceeds. Then value (for the strategic buyer), fair
it ensures appropriate levels value (for the auditor), market value
of novelty, non-obviousness, (for the competitor), liquidation
and utility through value (for the banker), and current
collaborative discussions value (for the owner). The valuation
between inventors, IP&E principles defined in the IVSS patent
Group members, and subject help define valuation parameters
matter experts (SMEs). in alignment with enterprise IP
Patentability scoring measures commercial strategy, develop, or
the merits of each feature of adopt an appropriate method for
the invention. The process quantitative valuation, and define
also involves maturation and establish an appropriate
of the invention’s business approach for qualitative valuation
sustainability characteristics. and a valuation process appropriate
The features are progressively to the enterprise.
rearticulated and readjusted
through repeated rounds Mapping patents to
of examination and scoring. technology domains
One outcome of this exercise and products
is an invention score that
indicates the resultant final TCS has deliberately kept its
maturity of an invention and, business unit categories distinct
in turn, patentability. Another from its domain classification of
outcome is clear identification its patent portfolio. The Business
and maturation of the Aligned Clusters (BACs) emerge
invention’s claims through a from the latter, presently number
hierarchical ‘claim tree’ that 42, and include domains such
eventually helps drafting the as Nanomaterials, eSecurity, Big
patent’s claims. Data Analytics, and Internet of
Things (IoT). All TCS patents are
Valuating an invention mapped to the BACs. Because the
or patent business units (BUs) need to be
aligned with market trends and
The Invention Valuation and Scoring
customer needs, this results in
System (IVSS) is a unique tool in the
changes in BU organization more
frequently than in the technology
and functional domains. However,
House of IP 4.0
for all practical purposes, there
Strategize (VRC) IP 4.0: Life Cycle
is little actual need for the BACs
Value, Risk, Cost to undergo significant changes.
Operationalize (PPS) Even if there is, it would be due
Process, Procedure, System to the rise of newer, evolving

technologies—the frequency

Institutionalize (A4)
IP 4.0: Sustenance


Awareness, Adoption, Amplify, Accelerate

of change is low over time. The
Industrialize (EDIT) BACs can thus be considered as
Experience (Consumer)
Digital (Service)
a permanent classification that
Intelligent (Production) maps all IP created across TCS’
Trust (Supply Chain)
Monitor Control Comply Change
The mapping of patents to the
IP 4.0: Governance
BACs helps align them to products

The IP-Safe Organization

and solutions taken to market. The the IP that the assets comprise
IP&E Group encourages product which, in turn, enhances their value.
development groups to browse
TCS’ granted patents through an The group has filed several patents
IPRMS interface that provides their on various aspects of IP management
including: “System to Manage Patents
summaries and abstracts, allows
in an Enterprise”; “Collaborative The IP&E Group
users to identify from among them
the patents of interest, and extract System and Method to Mine encourages product
Inventions”; “Invention Valuation
those details. Users can thus explore development
the creation of products or solutions and Scoring System”; “Managing
Sustainable Intellectual Property groups to browse
that align with their product
roadmap or incorporate granted Portfolio of an Enterprise” (granted); TCS’ granted
“Systems and Methods for Generating
patents into an existing roadmap.
Strategic Competitive Intelligence
patents through
TCS periodically runs campaigns
that offer incentives for associates Data Relevant for an Entity”. an IPRMS interface
to utilize granted patents in their that provides their
customer offerings. The response to The way forward summaries and
such campaigns has been positive,
with high-quality offerings being As TCS and its customers move to abstracts, allows
an Industry 4.0 world, ecosystem
created. Quite frequently, the
play will become more important.
users to identify from
creation of patents—rather than
their germination from isolated Our customers will explore new among them the
ideas—are prompted by the technologies that may overturn patents of interest,
premises of older technologies.
creation of products and solutions
We plan for “IP 4.0” where more and extract those
that have components that are
patentable. In fact, the IP&E Group automation and machine learning details.
encourages product development will enable a smoother IP lifecycle
groups to identify novel elements management from IP creation,
within such offerings and file them through IP protection and IP
as patents or copyrights to protect assetization to IP commercialization.

Santosh Mohanty
Mohanty is VP and Head of components engineering group
in TCS. Mohanty’s chief responsibilities lie in strategizing
and building intellectual property that lead to solution,
service and process models to enhance organizational
performance. His research interests include digital
adoption strategies, IP portfolio management, enterprise
architecture, service-oriented architecture, Internet of
Things, analytical modelling, business analytics, and data
management. He is associated with many professional
institutions. He is a member of the industry strategy
team at the World Economic Forum. He has served as a
member of the Confederation of Indian Industry’s National
Committee on Intellectual Property. Mohanty holds a PhD
in mathematical sciences and an MS in computational
mathematics from Northern Illinois University.

Reimagining Research 2018

Shekhar Guha
Shekhar Guha is Head of Intellectual Property Core Services
for Tata Consultancy Services (TCS). He is responsible
for promoting the IP Lifecycle phases of IP Creation, IP
Protection, IP Assetization, and IP Commercialization across
the organization through well-defined stages of Strategizing,
Operationalizing, Institutionalizing and Industrializing of the
above lifecycle phases. Mr. Guha has been a prolific speaker
at many prestigious global IP forums and conventions and
has authored multiple publications on various aspects of
IP Management. He has been instrumental in exercising IP
thought leadership across the organization and in the global
ecosystem. Prior to this role Mr. Guha was P&L owner for
large accounts, customers and geographies that included
delivery and sales ownership. Mr. Guha also has vast expertise
in data management and business intelligence. He has a
Bachelor’s degree in Instrumentation and Electronics as
well as in Mathematics from Jadavpur University, Kolkata.

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The IP-Safe Organization

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