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Answer 1:



In this digital age, Educational institutions need to leverage digital marketing strategies to
build an online presence. By building an online presence, you can develop your brand that
students and professors would want to be a part of. With this approach, we can attract
students locally as well as globally. Digital marketing Can help establish authority and stand
out from the competition. However, creating an effective digital marketing strategy is a
complicated task. We need to consider or set some goals as mentioned in this case:
51% of all web traffic and 40% of revenue. That is why search marketing teams
continually aim to generate more search traffic.
We have to improve the traffic for our business from organic search by following some
material steps, which I can explain as follows:
 Identify and fix Non-performing content,
 Find new keyword Opportunities,
 Optimize the website for Higher CTR,
 Blog to increase ranking keywords fast,
 Improve site architecture to get sitelinks,
 Dominate featured snippets.
Smart structure and content are key to increasing organic traffic with featured snippets. we’ll
also push competitors results down the ranking brand exposure.

B. IMPROVE RANKING FOR MAIN KEYWORDS: We should know about Search

Engine Optimization which is most reliable tactic to increase the ranking of our
educational institute’s ranking on the search engines and thus make sure prospects
will find us.
We should just follow some key points to make sure website reflects the uniqueness of our
 We should do some extensive keywords research
 Optimize each of our Institutional Program pages for the most relevant targeted
 We should make each page unique of our institutional website
 Create concise, keyword rich URLs and use dashes instead of underscores so that
Google understands these are separate words and thus does not hinder our prospect’s
search by keywords.
 Write keyword rich title tags on each page
 Use heading tags correctly

C. INCREASE SIGN-UPS: Now that the admission season will kick off in few days,
all the colleges will be standing in the queue to make the classrooms full. In order to
increase student admissions, the colleges come up with different tricks. Marketing has
become an inevitable part of all educational institutions. Therefore, to boost
admissions with Digital marketing is the trend now for the colleges.
We can follow some material steps to increase sign-ups for an educational institute:
 Increase visibility of Search engine, making our website properly optimized help in
keeping parents engaged and lowers down your website’s bounce rate, which carries a
lot of importance.
 Facebook Ads, as Facebook ads are useful in targeting the niche audience. The target
audience can be within 5 km of radius or city specific. It can also be the age group,
gender-specific or even a specific country for that matter.
 Inbound marketing, this form largely focuses on creating quality content that attracts
people towards the brand. These people are already the leads, searching the market
and competitors to find the best option.

D. BUILD GLOBAL AWARENESS: Globalisation is no longer an obscure term

reserved for academics: it is a very real and ever-growing phenomenon affecting most
people and businesses all over the world. In the digital arena, this means that a
company's website also needs to be a part of the global mix. If you'd like to focus on
trading and exporting your products and services worldwide, you need to have a solid
international digital marketing strategy in place.
The aim of this post is to highlight a wide range of considerations that need to be
addressed in order to tailor your strategy to a global target market. The areas that will
be focused on are website design, international SEO, international PPC and
international social media marketing.



A) INCREASE INDEXATION: Tricks to ensure that our website of any software

company gets crawled and indexed properly – and help our webpages rank higher
in search as follows:
 Track Crawl Status with Google Search Console: Common Crawl Errors
& Solutions: The most common crawl errors I see are:
i. DNS errors
ii. Server errors
iii. Robots.txt errors
iv. 404 errors
 Create mobile friendly website: There are many technical tweaks that can
instantly make your website more mobile friendly including:
i. Implementing responsive web design.
ii. Inserting the viewpoint meta tag in content.
iii. Minifying on-page resources (CSS and JS).
iv. Tagging pages with the AMP cache.
v. Optimizing and compressing images for faster load times.
v. Reducing the size of on-page UI elements.
 Update content Regularly
 Submit a Sitemap to Each Search Engine.

B) IMPROVE TRAFFIC AND RANKING: We have to improve the traffic for our
business from organic search by following some material steps, which I can
explain as follows:
 Identify and fix Non-performing content,
 Find new keyword Opportunities,
 Optimize the website for Higher CTR,
 Blog to increase ranking keywords fast,
 Improve site architecture to get sitelinks,
 Dominate featured snippets.
Smart structure and content are key to increasing organic traffic with featured snippets. we’ll
also push competitors results down the ranking brand exposure.
C) INCREASE ENQUIRIES FOR BUSINESS: You must be aware that the
lifeblood of any business is sales. These sales come from leads, and more leads
come from enquires. These enquiries can come from your website.
 Make it simple for people to contact you: If you want people to get in touch
with you, you need to make it easy for people. For that, you can include your
phone number or an email link in the header of your website.
 Add Testimonials About Your Services,
 Include Call to Action Button On Your Website
 Develop a Live Chat Service for Your Website
 Start With a Basic CTA on Your Homepage.

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