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With refrence to the above letter, the labor issue was purely on contractors’ shoulder because he did

not manage the situation properly. The contractor has hired 11 labors from which 4 labors were hired
to compensate the damages of misshape occurred at grid station on dated due to contractor’s site staff
negligence. These 11 labors had been working on Grid station since last one month in which few were
under 18. Now the contractor wanted to sack these already hired child labors but they were not willing
to be sacked and created hindrance in the work.

Now the issue has been resolved and contractor agreed to hire 7 labors from the local. But, It is worth
mentioning here that the contractor as well as DHC’s site staff showed irresponsible behavior in this
matter. If the contractor has hired child labors for work then DHC representative at Grid Station must
have taken notice. This shows the carelessness of DHC representative towards his responsibilities.

As for as the issue of a land owner, who lives beneath the Grid station and demands for crop damage, is
concerned, The project Manager should have contacted DHC Social team before writing to employer
about the aforementioned issue . A letter is already written to Project Manager by WAPDA KKH section
regarding the said issue issue which is self-explanatory (copy attached).

Therefore, you are requested to

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