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Experiment No

Date : / / 2018
Title of The Experiment :
Determination of Flash point of given oil

Aim :
To determine the flash point of given lubricating oil by using Abel's Flash point apparatus.

Learning Objectives :
1. To understand the significance of flash point
2. To distinguish between flash point and fire point

Abels Flash point Apparatus , Lubricating oil

Definition of Flash Point :


Diagram of Abel's Flash point apparttus:

DBIT/ FE / Applied Chemistry -I/ Flash point expt. 1

• Write the definition of fire point:

• Give the significance of

a) Flash point:

b)Fire point:

• Find the name of instrument which is used to measure flash point of oil above 100 o C -
150o C

DBIT/ FE / Applied Chemistry -I/ Flash point expt. 2

Description of apparatus :-

It consists of following essential parts.

Oil cup consists of a flanged cylindrical brass cup, placed on another copper cup and separated from
it by means of air gap. The oil cup is covered by means of tightly fitting cover. Attached to cover is
a knob which rotates a stirrer attached to it. There is a point for inserting a thermometer inside the
cup. The cover has a rectangular opening which is covered by means of shutter device which can be
moved so as to open and close the opening in the cup cover. Attached to the shutter device is
arrangement for providing a small flame. The arrangement consists of small oil reservoir containing
some oil. The shutter mechanism operates in such a way that when opening is made the flame
automatically dips inside the cup. The copper cup is placed in the water bath and the whole
assembly is completely covered. The oil cup is 5 cm in diameter and 5 cm in depth. It carries a L –
shaped pointer attached to it to indicate the required level of oil in cup.

Working (Write in detail)

Result :- The flash point of given lubricant is ________C

DBIT/ FE / Applied Chemistry -I/ Flash point expt. 3

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