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Book Extension Activity (25 points)

Your Name: Joselin Guillen

Book Title: The empty pot

Book Author: Demi

Publisher: Macmillan

Date: 1990

1. Pre-K/CCSD K-2nd Grade Core Standard (5 points)

8.K.2 Used precise language to describe feelings, experiences, observations and ideas Express ideas for activities, initiate and participate in discussion with teachers or peers
6.k.4 with assistance, draw and/ or write response to text
6.k.7 with assistances, draw and/ or write personal message

2. Objectives (What will children expect to learn?) (5 points)

In this activity the students are expected to learn how to identify when, where and with whom they are expect to
be honest with and the consequences that happen when they haven’t been honest. Students will discuss first a
scenario of them when they were honest to someone and then the opposite. After that discussion they will draw
and example of each.

3. Materials and Equipment needed: (5 points)

White paper
Crayons or color pencils

4. Teaching (What will you do?) (5 points)

In this activity the teacher is going to observe they drawings, the students are expected to express their feelings
by drawing both of their examples.

5. Closure: (2 points)
At the end of the activity, the students will present their drawings and explain the stories behind them,
them they will have the option to post it in the board or to take it home

6. List 3 additional books in this genre to extend the learning: (3 points)

The Drum: a folktale from India
Cuckoo: A Mexican Folktale
Babushka: An old Russian Folktale

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