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Week 18 Bellringers

Monday: ​What is a gerund? What is an infinitive?

A gerund is a verb that is derived, but functions as a noun.

And a infinitive is like the basic form of a verb, but seen
as a noun.

Tuesday: ​Give an example of a gerund, and an infinitive.

“Running is fun.” In this sentence, “running” is the gerund. It acts just like a noun. And a example
of a infinitive is like ¨to walk, to read, and to see¨.

Wednesday:​ What is a participle? What is a participle phrase?

a word formed from a verb and used as an adjective or noun. A participle phrase is a group of words
consisting of a partciple.

Thursday: ​Give an example of a participle phrase.

A example of a phrase is removing his coat, Jack rushed to the river.

Friday:​ Highlight the participle phrase:

The horse trotting up to the fence hopes that you have an apple or

Highlight the gerunds in the following sentences:

I never gave reading enough of a chance.
Patrick likes photographing nature.
Filing papers can give you a paper cut.
Writing is an exchange of ideas.

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