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Fiction Evaluation Form

(Picture Books, Folklore, Modern Fantasy, Contemporary Realistic Fiction, Historical Fiction, Multicultural Books)

Your Name Daphne Rodriguez Book Title: Sadiq wants to Stitch

Author: Mamta Nainey Illustrator: Niloufer Wadia

Genre: Multicultural Book Publisher/Year: Karadi Tales Company / 2018


STYLE and Language: Explain the language used – word choices, sentence length, dialogue, rhythm, rhyme.
Explain unexpected insights or interesting information the reader learns from the story. Give examples form the book for each
Word choice: The word choice is descriptive and uses foreign language such as namaz, Ammi, and noon-cha which the reader can
use context to figure it out so children might not understand.
Sentence length: The sentence length is short-medium.
Dialogue: The dialogue starts off with a narrator and throughout the book; Then it is between Sadiq and his mother
Rhythm: N/A
Rhyme: N/A
Insights/interesting information:
CHARACTER – Who is the main character? Explain the character’s personality traits. How can the reader relate to the
character, become involved in the story? Who are the supporting characters? Give examples of each from the book.
Main character: Sadiq
Personality traits: Hardworking, Caring, Clever, Creative
How reader can relate to main character: The reader can relate to the main character because Sadiq is curious and loves to help
when he can
Supporting characters: His mother, Abdul Chacha
1. PLOT: (Explains the major events in the story.) Summarize the plot
The plot of the story is about Sadiq who is growing up with his mom. He took over the chores that his dad used to do
before. However, Sadiq wants to learn how to stitch but his mother disagrees because it’s for women/girls. So at night
he stitches while his mother is asleep.
2. SETTING – Explain the place and time of the book.
THEME- What is the story’s theme or lesson?
Setting: The setting of the story is in Kashmir, India
Theme: The theme(s) of the story are gender roles, family, responsibility
ILLUSTRATION –Analyze the illustrations in the book (see Chapter 4 for details on the categories below.) Choose a 2-page
spread in the book to answer the following:
What Style (realism, surrealism, expressionism, impressionism, naïve, cartoon art)?
Illustration and Text: explain how illustration and text combined to tell the story.
Then, explain what illustrations show that text does not explain?
The illustrations help readers understand what the story is telling.
Page design --Describe:
The Borders: N/A
Use of white/dark space: The text is on both sides along with the illustrations
Text placement: The text is placed in the top center of the page
Font size: Medium
Placement of illustrations: The illustrations take up whole page
3. CHILD DEVELOPMENT THEORIES – CHOOSE 2 of theories below and evaluate the book according to the developmental
theories. (How the book fits the developmental stage and age?)
Name the stage: Concrete Operational and the age: 7-11
Explain ONE cognitive development trait from the stage: Sociocentric: Children's thinking becomes less focused on
Give examples from the book show how the book fits that trait and cognitive stage: When Sadiq’s mom is sick, he
helps her by helping her stitch the rest of the rug for Abdul Chacha
Name the stage: Initiative v Guilt and the age: 3-6

Explain ONE social development trait for this stage: Initiative, a sense of ambition and responsibility, occurs when
parents allow a child to explore within limits and then support the child’s choice.
Give examples from the book that support that social development trait and of this stage: When Sadiq’s mom is
asleep he’ll stitch his own rug every night. Despite his mom telling him no, this actually helps her since she is unable to
finish Abdul’s second rug since she became sick.

Identify the Age __________________________________
Explain ONE emotional development trait for this age:

Give examples from the book to illustrate that emotional development trait and this age:

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