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 Renal
 Skin
 Respiratory
 Effect of antenatal glucocorticoids
 Physical examination
 Intake and output
 Serum electrolyte concentrations
 - Effect of pH on potassium
 Hyponatremia
 - Early newborn period
 - Later newborn period
 Hypernatremia
 Hypokalemia
 Hyperkalemia

Jochen Profit, MD, MPH
Section Editors
Steven A Abrams, MD
Kathleen J Motil, MD, PhD
Deputy Editor
Melanie S Kim, MD


Last literature review version 19.3: Fri Sep 30 00:00:00 GMT 2011 | This topic last
updated: Fri Apr 01 00:00:00 GMT 2011 (More)

INTRODUCTION — Water and electrolyte homeostasis in newborn infants is

influenced by physiologic adaptations following birth and developmental effects on the
distribution of total body water and water loss. Fluid and electrolyte therapy must
account for these factors in determining maintenance requirements and correction of
any abnormalities.

DISTRIBUTION OF BODY WATER — Total body water is composed of extracellular

fluid (ECF), which includes intravascular and interstitial fluid, and intracellular fluid.
The distribution between these compartments changes with increasing gestational age
[1]. Compared to an infant born at 27 weeks, a newborn term infant has a total body
water that comprises a smaller fraction of body weight (75 versus 80 percent) and an
ECF volume that is a smaller fraction of total body water (45 versus 70 percent) [2].
Infants normally lose weight during the first week after birth. This weight loss is greater
in preterm than term infants (approximately 10 to 15 versus 5 percent) and is associated
with a diuresis. The postnatal diuresis is approximately 1 to 3 mL/kg per hour in term
infants and is greater in preterm infants. Physiologic weight loss results primarily from
an isotonic reduction in extracellular water, although the mechanism for this process is
uncertain [1].

SOURCES OF WATER LOSS — Water loss can occur through the kidneys, skin, and
lungs. The absolute and relative amounts of water loss through these routes change with
development. Excessive loss of other fluids, such as stool, gastric drainage, or
thoracostomy output, can lead to water and electrolyte disturbances.

Renal — A urine volume of approximately 45 mL/kg per day, or 2 mL/kg per hour,
allows excretion of a normal solute load, typically in a dilute urine. Changes in urinary
water and electrolytes occur with changes in blood flow and maturation of renal
function. The proportion of cardiac output directed to the kidneys increases during
gestation and after birth. This proportion is 2 percent during the first week after birth at
term, 8.8 percent at five weeks of age, and 9.6 percent at one year [3]. In contrast,
approximately 16 percent of cardiac output in adults goes to the kidneys [4].

Compared to term infants, aspects of renal function are reduced in preterm infants and
can result in water and electrolyte imbalance. These factors include:

 Glomerular filtration
 Tubular reabsorption of sodium and bicarbonate and secretion of potassium and
 Capacity to concentrate or dilute urine

Factors that contribute to immaturity have been suggested by studies in animals. As an

example, transport proteins play an important role in tubular function. These include:

 The Na-H exchanger and Na-glucose cotransporter on the luminal membrane,

which permit filtered sodium and glucose to be reabsorbed and hydrogen to be
secreted (resulting in bicarbonate reabsorption) [5]
 The Na-K-ATPase pump on the peritubular membrane, which returns
reabsorbed sodium to the systemic circulation [6]
 The ADH-sensitive aquaporin 2 water channel, which allows a concentrated
urine to be formed [7]

These transport proteins are at relatively low levels at birth and gradually increase to
adult levels [8]. The reduced levels of these proteins limit the ability of immature
infants to vary sodium excretion and to retain water. Depending upon intake, the
impairment in sodium handling can lead to hyponatremia, hypernatremia, or volume
depletion or expansion, whereas the impairment in water reabsorption increases the risk
of excessive water loss and hypernatremia.

Skin — Evaporation through the skin can result in large insensible water losses in
newborns. These may be excessive in extremely low birth weight (ELBW) infants with
very thin skin. As the skin matures with increasing gestational and postnatal age,
evaporative loss is reduced, becoming less significant after 28 weeks gestation and one
week after birth. As an example, insensible water loss in an infant born at 24 weeks
gestation may be approximately 200 mL/kg per day compared to 20 mL/kg per day for a
term infant. Water loss also may be excessive in conditions in which skin integrity is
compromised (eg, epidermolysis bullosa, abdominal wall defect).

Radiant warmers increase evaporative water loss by approximately 50 percent [9]. Use
of humidification and plastic wrap may minimize this loss [10]. Heat-emitting
phototherapy devices also increase transepidermal water loss [11,12]. However, devices
using the high-intensity gallium nitride light-emitting diode phototherapy system have
no effect on transepidermal water loss [13].

Respiratory — With the typical ambient humidity in the nursery, approximately one-

half of insensible losses in term infants is caused by water loss through the respiratory
system [14,15]. Respiratory water loss increases with decreasing gestational age,
although transepidermal loss increases even more [15]. Thus, in preterm infants, skin
water loss is greater than respiratory loss. Respiratory loss also increases with
increasing respiratory rate.

Effect of antenatal glucocorticoids — Antenatal administration of glucocorticoids to

promote lung maturation in preterm infants also results in maturation of the skin and
kidneys. (See "Antenatal use of corticosteroids in women at risk for preterm delivery".)
In one report, water and sodium homeostasis during the first week after birth were
compared in ELBW infants exposed and not exposed to antenatal glucocorticoids [16].
Exposed infants had lower insensible water loss, less hypernatremia, and an earlier
diuresis and natriuresis than unexposed infants. These changes were thought to result
from enhanced epithelial cell maturation that improved the barrier function of the skin.
In experimental studies, glucocorticoid exposure resulted in maturation of ion channels
in the proximal renal tubular epithelium [17,18].

In another report, exposure to antenatal glucocorticoids prevented the nonoliguric

hyperkalemia that frequently occurs in ELBW infants [19]. The mechanism is uncertain
but may be related to enhanced stabilization of cell membranes and upregulation of Na-
K-ATPase activity, leading to a decrease in the movement of potassium from
intracellular to extracellular compartments.

MONITORING — Careful monitoring is essential to maintaining the correct balance of

fluid and electrolytes in newborns. It consists of performing serial physical
examinations, measuring body weight, monitoring intake and output, and performing
laboratory studies.

Physical examination — Physical examination should include signs of cardiovascular

stability (heart rate, blood pressure, capillary refill), state of hydration (skin turgor,
mucus membrane status, fullness of the anterior fontanelle), and the presence or absence
of edema. Body weight should be measured at least daily.

Volume overload is suggested by excessive weight gain, edema, and increased blood
pressure. Inadequate fluid administration may be accompanied by weight loss,
tachycardia, poor capillary refill, and, in severe cases, hypotension. Volume deficits can
occur when third spacing takes place, such as with sepsis or ileus. In this case, body
weight may be increased rather than decreased.
Intake and output — For the first few days after birth, fluid intake and output of urine
and stool should be followed closely, especially in preterm infants or those with acute
illness. Urine specific gravity may also be a helpful indicator of fluid status.

On the average, approximately 50 percent of administered fluid is excreted as urine and

the remainder is lost through the skin and respiratory tract. With increased fluid
administration, the urine becomes more dilute and accounts for the excretion of more
than one-half of water intake [20]. In contrast, fluid restriction usually results in urine
output that is concentrated and less than one-half of intake.

Serum electrolyte concentrations — For most newborns receiving parenteral fluids,

serum electrolyte concentrations should be measured daily or every other day. The
specific monitoring schedule depends upon gestational and postnatal age, as well as the
infant's clinical condition. Because the newborn ELBW infant has very high insensible
water losses, serum sodium concentration may need to be measured more frequently
during the first few days to avoid inadequate or excessive administration of free water
[21]. In these infants and severely ill patients, we monitor electrolytes every 8 to 12
hours for the first two to three days and then as needed.

Effect of pH on potassium — Potassium is primarily an intracellular cation. The

distribution of potassium between intracellular and extracellular compartments depends
in part upon the pH of each compartment. As a result, the serum concentration of
potassium does not necessarily reflect the amount of total body potassium. On average,
the serum potassium concentration will rise by 0.6 mEq/L (range 0.2 to 1.7 mEq/L) for
every 0.1 unit reduction in extracellular pH [22].

However, this effect is minimal or absent in patients with organic acidoses, such as
lactic acidosis or ketoacidosis [22,23]. Hyperkalemia can occur with these disorders but
it is not caused by the acidosis. It may, for example, be caused by excess tissue
breakdown and reduced urinary excretion in lactic acidosis resulting from severe
hypotension. (See "Potassium balance in acid-base disorders".)

FLUID REQUIREMENTS — Calculation of fluid and electrolyte requirements must

account for maintenance requirements and ongoing losses, as well as replacement of
deficits. Maintenance fluid requirements are those needed for neutral water balance after
accounting for obligatory losses (eg, urine and stool) and insensible losses (eg, skin and
lungs) (table 1). Requirements will be influenced by factors that include the gestational
and postnatal age, ambient temperature and humidity, renal function, and ventilator
dependence (which affects respiratory losses). During the first few days, physiologic
weight loss should be anticipated.

Excessive loss of other fluids, such as ileostomy or gastric drainage, thoracostomy

output, polyuria caused by osmotic diuresis, or repeated removal of cerebrospinal fluid
must also be measured and replaced. Deficits associated with cardiovascular changes
require prompt correction with a bolus infusion of normal saline (10 to 20 mL/kg); in
severe cases, this may need to be repeated. Once hemodynamic stability has been
restored, the remaining deficit may be corrected over one to two days, depending upon
ELECTROLYTE REQUIREMENTS — Maintenance requirements for sodium,
potassium, and chloride are approximately 1 to 2 mEq/kg per day. For infants receiving
intravenous fluids, these electrolytes generally are not given during the first 24 hours
after birth because of the relatively volume-expanded state, and increased water losses
during the first days of life [1]. Urine flow should be adequate before potassium is

In addition to maintenance requirements, electrolyte deficits should be replaced.

Depending upon the volume of fluid output, electrolyte losses from gastric or ileostomy
drainage can be large. As examples, gastric output is approximately 130 to 140 mEq/L
Na, 10 to 15 mEq/L K, and 140 mEq/L Cl, and small bowel output is approximately 100
to 140 mEq/L Na, 10 to 30 mEq/L K, 50 to 60 mEq/L Cl, and 40 to 75 mEq/L HCO3.


disorders include abnormalities of the serum concentration of sodium or potassium.
These disorders can occur with normal, decreased, or increased ECF volume.

Hyponatremia — The etiology and approach to hyponatremia vary with the postnatal


Early newborn period — In the early newborn period, hyponatremia, defined as a serum
sodium concentration of 128 mEq/L or less, most often reflects excess total body water
with normal total body sodium. This may result from increased maternal free water
intake or the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH).
SIADH may accompany pneumonia or meningitis, pneumothorax, or severe
intraventricular hemorrhage [24].

Hyponatremia due to these causes is treated by fluid restriction, which usually results in
a slow return to normal levels. However, if neurologic signs such as seizures or lethargy
develop or if the serum sodium concentration is extremely low (<120 mEq/L), urgent
correction is needed. Hypertonic saline (3 percent, 6 mL/kg ), infused over one hour,
should be given to increase the serum sodium concentration to 120 to 125 mEq/L and
eliminate seizures [25]. This approach typically increases the serum sodium
concentration by approximately 5 mEq/L. Further correction of hyponatremia should be
accomplished slowly, over one to two days.

Correction of hyponatremia should be based on calculations of the sodium deficit,

which is equal to the product of the volume of distribution of the serum sodium
concentration times the sodium deficit per liter (ie, 140 minus the serum sodium
concentration). The volume of distribution of the serum sodium concentration is the
total body water because of rapid osmotic equilibration between the ECF and
intracellular fluid. As noted above, the total body water is 75 percent in normal term
infants and increases with immaturity. However, most clinicians use a volume of
distribution of 60 percent to minimize the likelihood of overly rapid correction.

Later newborn period — In contrast, the later onset of hyponatremia is typically caused
by negative sodium balance. It is seen most often in preterm infants, who have
excessive renal losses [26]. Causes include low sodium intake (since the ability to
conserve sodium is impaired), diuretic therapy, and mineralocorticoid deficiency caused
by congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Patients with the latter disorder, most often caused by
21-hydroxylase deficiency, can present with hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, metabolic
acidosis, and shock. (See "Genetics and clinical presentation of classic congenital
adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency".) Management includes repletion
of the sodium deficit.

Hyponatremia occasionally is factitious. This condition usually is caused by

hyperglycemia, which is associated with a decline in serum sodium of 1.6 mEq/L for
each 100 mg/dL (5.5 mmol/L) increase in glucose concentration. Treatment consists of
gradual correction of the hyperglycemia.

Hypernatremia — Hypernatremia is defined as a serum sodium concentration of 150

mEq/L or more. The disorder is seen most often in ELBW infants. It usually results
from high rates of insensible water loss and urine output and is associated with reduced
ECF volume. Therapy consists of administration of free water at a rate that repairs the
deficit and accounts for maintenance requirements.

The ability to excrete a sodium load is reduced in newborns, especially those born
preterm. As a result, excessive sodium administration can result in hypernatremia. One
setting in which this can occur is in infants treated with sodium bicarbonate during

In full term infants, hypernatremia usually results from fluid loss because of inadequate
breastfeeding postpartum. This was illustrated in a retrospective study of 3718 infants
(<29 days of age) admitted to a tertiary care center between 1997 and 2001 [27]. Two
percent of the infants were admitted with a diagnosis of breastfeeding-associated
hypernatremic hypovolemia due to inadequate milk intake was 1.9 percent. Three-
quarters of these 70 infants had >10 percent weight loss. (See "Initiation of
breastfeeding", section on 'Excessive weight loss'.)

In developed countries, most full term newborn infants with prompt access to medical
care are at low risk for long-term complications. As an example, in a study that
compared full term newborn infants who were rehospitalized within 15 days of age with
dehydration (defined as weight loss ≥12 percent of birth weight) and hypernatremia to
matched controls, there were no difference in neurodevelopmental outcome [28]. In this
cohort, there were no episodes of shock, gangrene, or respiratory failure. Infants with
hypernatremia were more likely to have been exclusively breastfed. These reassuring
results are contrasted by a retrospective study from rural Turkey of 116 breastfed infants
admitted with severe hypernatremic dehydration [29]. In this cohort, the average weight
loss from birth was 21.5 percent, and the mean serum sodium upon admission was 166
mEq/L. Six infants died during the hospitalization. Of the 90 infants who were
discharged and had known outcomes, three subsequently died at home and 16 had
severe impairment and microcephaly at 12 or more months of age. (See "Initiation of
breastfeeding", section on 'Weight loss'.)

An unusual cause of hypernatremia in newborns is diabetes insipidus, which is

sometimes associated with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy or central nervous system
malformations. Affected patients typically manifest polyuria and polydipsia.

Treatment of hypernatremia associated with deficient ECF volume consists of

increasing free water administration. Rapid correction of the hypernatremia (generally
defined as more than 0.5 mEq/L per h) should be avoided since this may result in
cerebral edema and seizures [30]. If hypernatremia is caused by excessive sodium
intake, sodium administration should be reduced and, if necessary, water intake

Hypokalemia — Hypokalemia, defined as a serum potassium concentration <3.0

mEq/L, usually results from excessive losses of potassium. Contributing factors include
chronic diuretic use, renal tubular defects, or significant output from a nasogastric tube
or ileostomy.

Hypokalemia usually is asymptomatic. However, it can cause weakness and paralysis,

ileus, urinary retention, and conduction defects detected on the electrocardiogram (eg,
ST segment depression, low voltage T waves, and U waves).

In most cases, treatment consists of increasing the daily potassium intake by 1 to 2

mEq/kg. In severe or symptomatic hypokalemia, KCl (0.5 to 1 mEq/kg) is infused
intravenously over one hour with continuous ECG monitoring to detect arrhythmias.

Hyperkalemia — Hyperkalemia is defined as a serum potassium concentration >6

mEq/L. This abnormality may result from multiple causes, including decreased
potassium clearance (eg, renal failure, certain forms of congenital adrenal hyperplasia),
increased potassium release caused by bleeding or tissue destruction (eg,
intraventricular hemorrhage, cephalohematoma, hemolysis, bowel infarction), and
inadvertent excessive administration of potassium (eg, supplementation for
hypokalemia associated with diuretic therapy).

Hyperkalemia occurs frequently in ELBW infants [31-33]. The mechanism may be an

exaggerated shift from intracellular to extracellular potassium after birth [31]. As noted
above, antenatal glucocorticoids may be protective [19].

Depending upon severity and the rate of onset, hyperkalemia can be asymptomatic or so
severe as to constitute a medical emergency. Signs include arrhythmias and
cardiovascular instability. ECG findings associated with hyperkalemia consist of peaked
T waves, flattened P waves, increased PR interval, and widening of the QRS.
Bradycardia, supraventricular or ventricular tachycardia, and ventricular fibrillation may

When the diagnosis is made, administration of any fluid that contains potassium should
be discontinued immediately. Treatment is aimed at three factors:

 Reversal of the effect of hyperkalemia on the cell membrane by infusion of 10

percent calcium gluconate (100 mg/kg per dose IV).
 Promotion of potassium movement from the ECF into the cells by one of the
three following interventions:

 Administration of intravenous glucose and insulin (0.05 units/kg human regular

insulin with 2 ml/kg 10 percent dextrose in water), followed by a continuous
infusion of insulin (0.1 units/kg per hour with 2 to 4 ml/kg per hour 10 percent
dextrose in water).
 Administration of intravenous sodium bicarbonate (in a dose of 1 to 2
milliequivalent per kilogram over 30 to 60 minutes).
 Administration of beta agonists, such as albuterol, via nebulization.

 Increasing urinary excretion with intravenous administration of furosemide (1

mg/kg per dose) in infants with adequate renal function.

Peritoneal dialysis can be considered in infants with oliguria or anuria.

SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS — Water and electrolyte homeostasis in

newborn infants is influenced by physiologic adaptations following birth and
developmental effects on the distribution of total body water and water loss. Fluid and
electrolyte therapy must account for these factors in determining maintenance
requirements and correction of any abnormalities.

 Newborn infants normally lose water during the first week of birth. Water loss
occurs through the kidneys, skin, and lungs. Preterm infants are more vulnerable
to fluid and electrolyte problems because of immaturity of renal function (which
affects glomerular filtration rate, tubular resorption and concentrating ability),
increased evaporative losses due to a thin dermis that may be exacerbated by the
use of radiant heaters, and increased respiratory loss compared with term infants.
(See 'Sources of water loss' above.)
 Monitoring to maintain the correct balance of fluid and electrolytes in the
neonate consists of the following:

 Sequential physical examinations to assess fluid status that include evaluation of

cardiovascular stability, daily weights, and the presence of edema. Volume
overload is suggested by excessive weight gain, edema, and increased blood
pressure. Inadequate fluid administration may be accompanied by weight loss,
tachycardia, poor capillary refill, and, in severe cases, hypotension. (See
'Physical examination' above.)
 Monitoring fluid intake and output of urine and stool. (See 'Intake and
output' above.)
 For infants receiving parenteral fluids, measurement of serum electrolytes. The
frequency of monitoring is dependent on the infant’s clinical condition and
gestational age. (See 'Serum electrolyte concentrations' above.)

 Maintenance fluid requirements are those needed for neutral water balance after
accounting for obligatory losses (eg, urine and stool) and insensible losses (eg,
skin and lungs) (table 1) and are influenced by postnatal age and birth weight,
environmental factors, renal function, and ventilator dependence. (See 'Fluid
requirements' above.)
 Maintenance requirements for sodium, potassium, and chloride are
approximately 1 to 2 mEq/kg per day. For infants receiving intravenous fluids,
these electrolytes generally are not given during the first 24 hours after birth
because of the relatively volume-expanded state, and increased water losses
during the first days of life. Additional electrolyte beyond maintenance
requirements should be replaced. (See 'Electrolyte requirements' above.)
 In the newborn, particularly premature infants, electrolyte disorders are common
and include:
 Hyponatremia (See 'Hyponatremia' above.)
 Hypernatremia (See 'Hypernatremia' above.)
 Hypokalemia (See 'Hypokalemia' above.)
 Hyperkalemia (See 'Hyperkalemia' above.)


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