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Rose Warren Elementary School


Paola Palafox

Dec 5, 2020
Section 2

Position paper

I believe that teaching while using technology is very important for the youth because without

technology students will not have enough information on how to use technology. Without technology

not only are the lessons boring but students would not be as engaged in the class. Students need to be

persuaded and should have fun while learning so they can pay attention if they are just looking at a

piece of paper, they are basically teaching themselves and students will then dread attending school.

We should try to expand their learning experience and not bore them because that is most likely what

would happen. Technology will only continue to advance, and students will only get behind if we do not

incorporate it in school somehow. That is why I believe that schools should continue to use technology

and not take it away because these future generations deserve to learn and be engaged in class. I came

across a website that said “When technology is integrated into lessons, students are expected to be

more interested in the subjects they are studying” webanywhere (2016, February). Top 6 benefits of

using technology in the classroom. Retrieved from

6-benefitstechnology-classroom/ . I agree with what the website says because it is true students should

feel they want to participate in class and using technology would do so. Technology will only expand in

our lives, so it is important to incorporate it in school and in our lessons. Our students will only be

gaining from it.

Section 3


Nevada has been implementing technology a lot in schools for some time now and intend to

keep doing so. While reading the first document “Nevada Computer and Technology Standards” I gained

knowledge on how rapidly technology was being used in schools. The document states that in the 21st

century technology will only continue to expand. I believe this a good thing to incorporate in the

classroom because it can provide students with good knowledge of learning how to use technology at an

early age. It will also keep them engaged in a lesson instead of starring at a piece of paper and basically

teaching themselves. As I proceeded to read, I then watched the ISTE standards videos and learned how

kids also enjoy learning with technology because they feel like they are engaged in the class. Overall,

both documents have the similar information and mentions how technology will continue to grow in

schools and be more involved in lessons. I agree with expanding technology un schools because the

earlier children use technology the sooner the better. Students who use technology at a younger age

will be capable of understanding new technology in the future. Technology is not going anywhere and

we should all continue to adapt and ensure that future generations understand it at a younger age.

The standard I used was 2.C.8.1 digital resources to communicate with peers and others from a

variety of cultures and places. During the lesson students will use the computer in the computer lab to

research an assigned culture to later share to the class about their findings.
Section 4

Title of lesson: World Culture

Grade Level: 3rd

Technology Content Standard Addressed: 2.C.8.1 Use digital resources to communicate with peers and
others from a variety of cultures and places.

Content Standard Addressed: G6.3.3: Identify ways people express culture.


 Students will be able to identify different ways people express culture.

 Students will be able to define 'culture' and the following terms in their connection to culture:
tradition, customs, language, the arts, and fashion.
 Students will compare and contrast between different cultures and traditions.


 Nearpod
o Google Slides
o Open-ended questions
o Quiz Activity
 Tablets or the Computer Lab
o Follow along NearPod lesson
o Group research of assigned culture

Group size: 3


 I will start the Nearpod presentation and read off the lessons objectives.
o Students will be able to identify different ways people express culture.
o Students will be able to define 'culture' and the following terms in their connection to
culture: tradition, customs, language, the arts, and fashion.
o Students will compare and contrast between different cultures and traditions.
 I will then play the video “Hiho: Culture and Tradition”.
 After watching the entire video, I will share with the class my culture and give a few details
about it. I will then have everyone share in their groups about the culture or traditions.
 After sharing in groups, I will ask for anyone who would like to share their cultures or what they
learned of a fellow peer’s culture.
 Go over slide What is Culture?
o Culture is a pattern of behavior shared by a society, or group of people.
o Many different things make up a society’s culture.
o These things include food, language, clothing, tools, music, arts, customs, beliefs, and
o Every human society has its own culture. Each culture is unique.
o A group’s environment often decides the type of culture that develops.

 Go over slide Traditions

o Traditions describe a group's beliefs, stories, customs and behaviors that are passed
down from one generation to another.
o A few examples:
o Here in the U.S, some families eat turkey on thanksgiving, have egg scavenger hunts on
Easter, see fireworks on the fourth of July every year.
o In Mexico, many families tell children the story of La Llorona (The Weeping Woman)
when they misbehave, or stories of Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead).
 I will then play the video Culture and Customs until 1:49.
 Go over slide Language
o Language is a system of “spoken, manual, or written symbols” through which human
beings express themselves.
o Language helps us communicate, play, and imagine.
o Language allows us to interact with the world and defines who we are.
o Culture influences our values, traditions, and methods of interaction while language
smooths those interactions.
o Language allows you to interact and culture tells you how to do so correctly.
 Go over slide The Arts
o The arts and music can tell many stories about people and places.
o Art and music are different depending on where the artist or musician is from and their
o What are some pieces of art or musical pieces you know that have a distinct culture?
 Go over Fashion
o The clothes we wear tell stories of our culture and our heritage.
o Tradition is also passed down in the creation and construction of our clothes.
o The way things are made, the materials, and the process, are all embedded into our
communities and cultures.
 Open-ended questions. Each question has a time limit of 2 minutes.
o 1. What are a few examples of customs?
o 2. Why are the arts important in all cultures?
o 3. Why are fashions different in other cultures?
o 4. Is language connected more with the country it is spoken in or with the people who
speak it?
 Quiz
 Explore website:
 Project time
o Time to assign groups.
o I will put you into groups of 3 and assign you a culture.
o Research about the culture
o Include different traditions, languages spoken, and about the arts and fashion.
o Wikipedia is NOT a reliable resource.
o Only use resources from the links listed on our school’s library website! Yes, you can
also use books!!
o Once you have completed your research, put everyone nicely on a poster board. We will
be sharing our findings to our classmates tomorrow.

Assessment: Quiz towards the end of the Nearpod Presentation

 1. True or false: Every human society shares the same culture. Answer: FALSE
 2. A tradition is_________.
o Answer: Something from the past
o Something from the future
o Something from the present
 3. Which of these is true?
o Answer: Families from around the world wear different clothes.
o Families from around the world have the same beliefs.
o Families from around the world speak the same language.
 4. True or false: Language allows you to interact and culture tells you how to do so correctly.
Answer: TRUE
 5. What is an element of culture?
o Answer: Language
o Population
o Government
 6. Which of these is NOT part of a person's culture?
o Answer: Height
o Food
o Holidays
 7. True or false: A group’s environment never decides the type of culture that develops. Answer:
Section 5

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