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To discuss the storage of information on COMPACT DISK. Mentioning the advantages and

A compact disc is a portable storage medium that can be used to record, store and play back
audio, video and other data in digital form. A standard compact disc measures 4.7 inches, or 120
millimeters (mm), across, is 1.2 mm thick, weighs between 15 grams and 20 grams, and has a
capacity of 80 minutes of audio, or 650 megabytes (MB) to 700 MB of data. It has Advantages
and disadvantages which as follows

1. Large storage capacity

Up to 650 MB of data fit on a single 5-inch disc. (Smaller than the original 5.25-inch floppy
disk, a CD holds almost 2000 times as much information).

2. Special capabilities
CD-ROMs are audio-capable, allowing special compression of audio, image, and video data.
They can be used to play standard audio CDs and have the capacity to store and record video

3. Sturdiness
More durable than the standard 5.25-inch or 3.5-inch disks, CDs are not magnetic media and thus
are not subject to the same dangers posed by proximity to electrical sources or magnets.

4. Portability

The CD is a portable medium. It's easy to carry from one place to another. As we know that a
CD is in small size, thus help peoples to share it with another people to use it in a simple way, on
how it's easy to carry it.

5. Data cannot be changed

A CD is read-only, which prevents accidental erasure of programs or files. Most of Compact
Disk have fixed program which cannot be easily edited. This help to overcome accidental
Erasure of programs or files.

1. Easy to scratch

Most CDs when contains some wastes it can lead to the scratch of CD when it's in the use, thus
can make peoples to loose the flexibility of watching the video or listening audios that have been
stored in that Compact Disk.

2. Have small capacity

It's known that CDs contains small capacity on storing some information and data in it. It’s
mostly used to receive small audios and videos that will fit the storage capacity in it. Due to its
small capacity, it lead to few people to use it in their data and information storing.

3. It consume money

In order to get a CD you’re required to make some payment on buying it, but also when you need
to put some information and data always it will require you to purchase it. It's very different with
other storage devices as it consume some money when you’re storing some data and information.
Normal cost of CD starts from 3000/= Tshs.

4. It's durable

Living capacity of CD is very small, as they get wastes and thus to stop working which will
require you to buy another CD. Most careful is needed to make sure that CD can be in a safe
way. On this circumstances we look that CD its life cycle is very small as compared to other
storage devices.

5. It is easy to get lost

Most CD drives can lost some information that have been stored on it through sharing with
different people who will contribute to the loss of that informations. A CD can be destroyed and
thus all data’s or informations will get lost.

To discuss the storage of information in HARD DISK DRIVE. Mentioning the advantages and

Hard disk stores information in the form of magnetic fields. Data is stored digitally in the form of
tiny magnetized regions on the platter where each region represents a bit. To write a data on the
hard disk, a magnetic field is placed on the tiny field in one of these two polarities: N-S – If
North Pole arrives before the South Pole and S-N – if the South Pole arrives before the north
pole while the field is accessed. An orientation in the one direction (like N-S) can represent the
‘1’ while the opposite orientation (S-N) represents “0”. This polarity is sensed by integrated
controllers built within the hard disk.

Advantages of HDD

1. Cost

A traditional hard drive tends to be less in price than a Solid state drive of the same capacity.
On overall a system that contains the hard disk drive as the storage device will not be costly.
The reason behind this is because the production cost for a HDD is significantly lower.
Moreover this is also the cheapest option if you are looking for an external hard drive.

2. Storage capacity

In terms of storage capacity there are various larger options available for a user in HDD. And
also the base capacity of a HDD is usually higher than a SSD. Despite of various storage
capacity options, the standard capacity that most users prefer has found to be 500GB.
Furthermore nowadays external hard drives with 6TB of storage space is relatively easy to
find in the market.

3. Availability

Both the internal and external hard drives are relatively abundant in the market. For the users
who are looking to upgrade their PC or build a new system can easily find a hard disk drive.
Meanwhile purchasing a Solid state drive can be a harder task because of their market
demands. However due to the technology used behind the SSD is more efficient, the
production of SDD has got risen. Which means that in the near future SSDs too can be found
abundant in the market.

4. Lifespan

Another advantage of using a HDD is its lifespan. A SSD has finite number of read/write
cycles which can be handled by the flash memories. Unlike a SSD there is no flash memories
involved in HDDs. The data present on a hard disk drive is directly written on the platter
disks which normally does not wear out. Hence generally a lifespan of a HDD will be

5. Non-Volatile

All the volatile memory devices present on your computer tends to loose its data once it is
running out of power. Therefore these types of memories can't be used to load operating
systems and launch applications. Perhaps the solution for the non-volatile memory is the hard
disk drive. A hard drive uses magnetic platters disks for storing informations. These disks
have the capability to retrieve the data even when there is no power.

Disadvantages of HDD

1. Speed

The speed of a hard drive depend upon its Revolutions Per Minute (RPM). This can be also
varied according to different hard drive variants. However a traditional hard drive will perform
slower compared to a flash memory basically due to its mechanical nature. And also the data
present in them is fragmented. These means that computers that have installed hard drives will
experience slower boot times and file transfers.

2. Form Factor
Another major disadvantage present in a hard disk drive is its large form factor. Because of the
presence of mechanical parts, a hard drive cannot be manufactured smaller than a certain limit.
This makes them not ideal for portable computing devices such as the laptop, tablets and the
smartphones. Moreover these types of devices always prefer SSD as their storage medium.
3. Power Consumption

For writing data, HDDs constantly relies upon the rotation of platter disks and the movement of
read/write head. These mechanical parts need a power input for them to function. This is one of
the primary reasons why manufacturers consider SSDs if they build a computer with limited
battery life.

3. Noise

As we all know that hard drives consists of mechanical parts. Due to the constant rotation of the
platter disks and the movement of read/write head there is a distracting noise produced by the
hard drive. This also contributes to vibrations. Furthermore this noise is more noticeable when
the hard drive is in heavy operations like storing large files. Meanwhile a SSD essentially
produces no noise at all.

4. Mechanical Failure

A hard disk drive is more vulnerable to mechanical failures since they contain moving parts. The
platter disks and the read/write head present in a HDD is located in close proximity to each other.
Therefore whenever there is a drops and shudders they can scrape each other causing damages.
This can result in overall device corruption. Hence when using a hard drive it should be handled
more carefully.
To discuss the storage of information in COMPUTER. Mentioning the advantages and

Computers use a variety of data storage devices that are classified in two ways: one is whether
they retain the data if there is no electricity and the other is how close they are to the processor
(CPU). Both types of storage are needed in all computers. In a personal computer, memory does
not retain data when the electricity is off, but while it is on, it enables quick access to open files.
A storage drive, however, allows you to permanently store data, so it's available each time you
turn on the computer.


1. Computer data storage is More Efficient Storing documents in a computer lets you
maintain records while taking up less physical storage space. If you store the data on-site at one
of your company locations, the computer storage will take up less room than the number of filing
cabinets that would be needed to store the same amount of data on paper. It’s more efficient than
paper but still requires upkeep and maintenance.

2. Computer Storage Protects Data. If you’re storing data in paper form, a single disaster
can destroy years’ worth of records. Because paper is fragile, a fire or water leak can quickly
ruin documents. And in many cases, there’s no way to recover the lost data. Computer data
storage lets you back up and protect important information automatically. While digital files can
be lost or destroyed, the risks are much less than with paper files. And since digital files take up
so little space they can be backed up in multiple locations so if one version of the file is lost you
can easily recover a backup version of the file.

3. Computer Data Storage Is more Secure. Security is a big concern for businesses storing
data in the computer and /or electronically. Some companies prefer to maintain their digital files
on in-house servers so they can personally oversee security. If your company works with highly
sensitive data this may be the best option for maintaining direct control over security.
4. Computer Data storage Allows Better Visibility. Storing information in a computer lets
you track data more easily. You can search for specific records with built-in search tools, as well
as sort data so it’s easier to find. With just a few clicks, the information you need is at your
fingertips. This increased visibility allows for simple reporting and streamlined audits.

5. Computer data storage Becomes More Accessible. Computer as a data storage device
is much more accessible than paper files. Any person with the correct permissions can access
files without any hassle. Because it is simple, efficient, and secure way.

1. Potential of loss of privacy
With computers storing so much of your personal information, it is at risk of getting into the
hands of others. Once a malicious person has your personal information, they could access your
online accounts or use identity theft to open other accounts, such as a new credit card under your

2. It has limited capacity

3. Security risks: computer security risk can be created by malware, that is, bad software that can
attack your computer system, destroy your files, steal your data, or allow an attacker to gain
access to your system without your knowledge. Computers are programmed to follow
instructions, and sometimes people program computers to act in a way that harms a user.

4. High cost: computers are expensive. Even the most affordable computers are still very
expensive for the average person in South Africa. Since computers empower people, the high
cost of computers puts pressure on people who are not able to afford them, and places them at a

5.Distractions/disruptions: if you have ever spent hours browsing the internet or watching videos
on YouTube, then you know how distracting computers can be! Because of their high
entertainment value, it is easy for computers to distract people and stop them from being
6. Environmental impact: computers use a lot of electricity and in most cases the generation of
electricity is harmful to the environment because of the carbon emissions. This has a huge impact
on our planet.
To discuss the storage of information in INTERNET. Mentioning the advantages and

Internet is not a single entity but it is a network of different computer systems. The data present
over the Internet is not localized in one location and the capability of inter-networking allows the
user to access a large amount of data. Inter-networking helps to connect different computer
systems across the world to make the information available on them for the users. Giant
company as Facebook, Twitter and Google have their own storage capabilities that are dedicated
in serving the user generated requests while other smaller entities rely on hosting services for
their data requirements.

Advantages of internet
1. It is easier for clients to work with you using a online law practice.
You can do all of the things you normally do in person but it's more convenient for everyone.
And every client is able to see what you have and what you have been doing. And also it is easy
for them to send a report and get feedback easily online.

2. It's more transparent to use an online law practice.

You can easily share documents and work on them collaboratively with client while
automatically tracking revisions. Its an instant organizer and cuts down on miscommunication. It
enables the user and the client to have an open work during the working process

3. There is less paperwork.

You can integrate E-signing into your online law practice, which it's a huge cost saver, time
saver, and paper saver. Avoid printing documents or paying to have them delivered to multiple
parties for signatures and then having to store the doc and make multiple it made it
easier to access every client without physical been there and grant solutions to their problems

4. Easy sharing: you can share data with your friends’ faster, easy and secure manner, which
makes you can your close ones happy!! Isn’t it good?
5. Data recovery: online data storage sites provide quick recovery of your files and folders. This
makes them more safe and secure.

6. Automatic backup: you can even schedule automatic backup of your personal computer in
order to avoid manual backup of files

Disadvantages of internet

1. Privacy exposure.
Because of hackers community now it's very easy to decipher someone's chat or emails
messages. As we know data is transmitted in the form of packets, hackers sniff that packets and
easy reconstruct. And hence the working process between the client and the user can be exposed

2. Viruses/malware.
Often our system get infected from viruses and ultimately damage our important data which is
difficult to recover. These virus are transported via internet, CDs and USBs. Our computer can
became totally out of order and the information can get lost easily.

3. Not easily accessible for everyone.

Not all people in both urban and rural area can easily access the internet. The internet is known
all the world but not all people can use them hence it is difficult for every person to
access it.

4. Improper handing can cause trouble:

You must need your user-id and password safe to protect your data as if someone knows or even
guess your credentials, it may result in loss of data. Use complex passwords and try to avoid
storage them in your personal storage devices such as pen drive and HDD.

5. Choose trustworthy source to avoid any hazard:

There are many online storage sites out there but you have to choose the one, on which you can
trust. You can always refer the list of free online data storage sites, which I shared above
6. Internet connection sucks!!
To access your files everywhere the only thing you need is internet connection. If you don’t get
internet connection somewhere then you will end up with no access of data even though it is
safely stored online.

To discuss the storage of information in FILLING SYSTEM. Mentioning advantages and


The FILING SYSTEM is the part of the Operating System that deals with how files are held on
backing storage. It controls the processes involved in saving, loading or deleting files.


1. Allows you to create sub directories to keeps group of related files. This makes it much
easier to find files.

2. Sub groups of files contain fewer files, so its easy to see all the files in a single directory.

3. Files can share the same name provided they are in different folders.

4. Protection against wear and tear

5. People like reading original documents

6. Staff are familiar with equipments

7. Files are clearly labeled

8. Document can be scanned easily

9. Same file can be accessed by others

1 Documents are frequently misfiled because of the letters.
2. Another disadvantage is that if something is filed under a vendor first name versus last name,
documents are difficult to locate. Name changes in companies may not be recorded properly
which also causes confusion with this filing system.
3. It requires IT expert training
4. Inappropriate for small firms
5. If not saved faults and break downs compliance with data protection Act.
6. Metal filling cabinet are expensive.

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